The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 22, 1857, Image 2

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■9A<-fLA-4^y^W:y-,:»yv K»:Wu>i«*<at«S < »: ; tßr , ?i'‘- -■-
, ■ c'*
ft-. -.,_.- >ft f.,o*- iTO?«Gaa ooraia*,^,Vi.-wtW
>V’ ■ ftft<Viift-^l»ii*ttoiii)iHVft,t>'' ! '’ft-'';. ii - '■''■•
*■ •;-■ ; juia COOITT, ;•’ ■ V';•
■ roil Dl!Ul COHMitIONtS, ; '
' TV''. ;
North Frpntstre«t,for abottle oi
rtpertor wheat whiskey.;:- . : 'f
, b!i firrt p»ge-—'‘The Jews
«Jtd the SwUs (Treaty,’! “A Peculiar Peoplej”
and‘<Book9 onoui , 'fable.” •
OppflSitJon tipejrs ars (pdiilging themselves in
’Of- these > attaiSk* iaWsnrldleu
;' loksly offensive.lfthiswere acaldpiijjn the
.t«»ult' '<if : aftikiji' rjjjtf doubtful, »4'; Si -Which
ih'e cause ,oi ibi» ie'eiiPgj.
Vnrtwhenwo : rflfle(;t|batfib>ise <>fpcsndidate
' oeeupying ’tKiBWon,' c«b!
*s° ••«*«» •*£ it; .and
' must add to the’, value 'of: • the victory
• which un<iuestionablygff*its hint,"we Confess
ohr snjrprise 'that "sensible 1 men etta^ytfe
tin? misjaltp,-'Softi*upje£int£ *Sts*b|lpr»tjs;
Jh^i^of j g ffls tiflE^3^.»V;.ttj^,eti6^|h. to
- sayC that I nthe eommaaity in whifih he-lives
he it inMlsKWy strong.,: There oW-lUie Whlgs,
Kepublicans/and ABieridaiisj’ito'td befpimd -
Whogladly announce
ing him y and we think (inch f tßii 'tiiis
.. einuations. '_ There is somotjiitig.tiiputpjtcJCßß
which reraiodsua of thebestdaysof our good
old State,- He is a Pennsylvanian, and this is
a good deal more than can bo said for hia load
lngopp on en t.JudgeW nvcT,t who secmpt o
attract the sources of hisencouragementfrotti
his .Now Englftnclp'rejudicea anil lils, New York
co-operations'. . General pAcks*. jbaabebn in
the Legislature of the Stato, and has worked
fhrrthe.State,like aTrpJan.' WiLxdt never
has occupied a; seat 1 in" our; State .(Congress..
All that he did in the House of Keprescnta-
tires, at Weahington, was to distinguish him-
setf, first by attacking overybodyWhodid not
off into afoolish sectional ism, which,; had it
snccceded, wc^d have brdlcki:ui> Union.
Now, io any one dlsposedfco "go into personal
assanlte upon Nr. Wilhqt, Causes “as' plenty
as.blackberriea” could be found.’ weidis
daih this warfare, and wC are right gladtoseo
thatthp triends of General Fackur through
out fliffState pup lndigpantly,. repudiated it.’
Indeed, there Is a noble. generosity in their
treatment of fer. Wiikof, for ,- by acting in
this way by him, they smooth the r@ui ■!fpr Us |
defeat and let him down eaaily and kindly.
. In the meanwhile the ballots are being printed'
f6'r G<jyemor, and, erccpt'tofnißl tbe foi-nispf
the election, and .to allow GrOV-PoLtocKto
conclude his term in the peace and quiet which;
it, we wonldpropose that
Gener’al PiiaKß be; declared ■ Governor-of,
Feiui*ylya|fii:\for_ three.;'year*'
of the proceeding usually ahtccedent:'to;;ttiSi
. Se«»Wn &
aspracticablefbKtni,t the co)itj&®fct||p|
ip : ||«'fligt;tju4o>^n) : dbira.,C^»^^
Religi on, and P eace, and Good If Iff'lB
Men, borne upon
exiremiiyofthe 'laiid.'.to.ythe pthwv.b
•hall saythafceyery Southern railroad should
atop .at the Mason and 'Digotf tine? Who
shsllcut short the progress Af .*: Northern
or WMtern railroad ita eert&iirbDiindxry 1
Tktn . era vg froniiert in g 'fiti ,j cgiintiy,,
txctpt Ikon whiekretlraio Ht frtm kggres
no*geiirifU vf fiim'bdrigngm orglrr-band
«t*B, wr'.Uie|ie latteKthe.Sfiirtt of Reform'
will leap full-armed for the condict. WJieß
tjfajjjgk’ rtamed; the '’ 4 llghtjiihg, ! and When
wait and Fbltok harnessed the other ele
ment to tthe groat purpose of Trade, neither
supposed that they were belling Into existence'
two mighty champions of; Civilisation ;;ahd
Freedom—twd defenders ofthisgloriOus family
pf.State*. Jt is these Jpbatfplpns
Hot yield to any of the teachings of pi vision
Mid : Disunion They are cotmnissiO/iod :«to
keep the world : at pdaceW-tpj Wind. jHeiidly
Statestogeiher withjiooks of steel—to. weld
in a common' communion all the members of
thlsConfedcracy—to bring brothers who are
separated by distance into beayenly commnnl
on—and to crush out the first dsWhings.ofdis
■union. ’The. real philosophers ’ Whd' talk bf
separating this republic/ui cbuntry’’Bhould, r6J
member that they csunotplot-in holes, and
corners itgafnstsnch a systein. Thcy cantipt
hide.away in distant regions, unknown aadr®-
detected. , God has furnished to the people the
Railroad -to open, the way' to friendshiphe
tween mon,and the. ljghtnihgs
-all whpWilfnliy eportwithHis tnerclfhiproTi
deneeas display edlntho careeroftheAineri
can people. ■
>; No statesman Vfia Is. governed, typeraonai
feeling, <rtf diverted from his course by the
clamor ,of the, liour. can, wield a jHirmanent
, inflneiico,. Having flraf established the.'basis
ofhj« action, he most proceed' as *ystemati
e»Uy in : hl» opefaiion3 ( and upod’ principles ; ; 'a*
' cie»rly]dcfined,as the cngineer, whose plans
arotheresultof unerring Calculations, fonnd
ed "peon the'sifijpl.eid and aurertj matbernaii
calaxioms. " "" ’ . "/V””
If he folioWstheatraightpath of consistent
dnty, he will maintain a vast ihflueimeorerhl*
; , couhtrymen. Mittojffiiniahei more thanone
Instance of the successofbad man, whopttr l
. suodtbeir interests with- unfaltering add sys
tetbitic eiiergy jimd iye‘ne'«|ndtl)e,fomindia
that If .evil eanpreyail by.adhorfogto one line
of action, a rirtuoua cause, alded by the hoped
- 6y tKe;pjayert; of Vise ]
ijd, tbegOod, is much tnoro to prevail!,
;;r l j6jir*ra(» W&tMtywhen ’eofiifflisMobed to
' gotoKansas,aein(dl cases ofihosajjieinipor
' tut character; wasneoesaarily reganiedljyihe
’ dona try as: clothed with certain, discretionary
powers i.";’ WieyV; had \jte be lsrgo to rebderhjs
. action effective., No minister iMnVnegotifcle
by the very letter of his instructions. His
Vitertiteii adtidn is often the' only ’via jf to guc
' . So]K£M beep, from the first, and rUI
ieus... o- ffl'ilb.
;it "bo totbo last. .&»»* great favor conferred
ISpon the country when Robert J ; r ' Vamcmi
* »greed to go : to Kansas, aud we (lonotkiiow
the'mali, }fj without .ample aiiferefioßyiift fee
had notthrownup his commis
sion if once. These facts are worth conglder
ing. '
; . IS Eiijl»Ml \ .
Speaking,it the t«cent‘r»ca;ft)r the,Good
■woodGup,tW-Lmfafc&tist&jiiti "ilteOup
went, to a horse aune
. Md Wrtbplatts; and U.was pleMjiat tQ Bije'A»U
-nallt «ho has become : irie»Vy
. welgbt. Xa upon him, - < Tommy ’ is a'peat
oar gallant allies,,who l»?e won
&i»' 'tonr times In elghteon years., -She
rider of. Prior**,' certainly gotciwof the
' collision by; giving his" horses sO wlde a berth.
' ■ (Jtis uMibaXhewenitixly yards out of hlimy
■ . ad bM tarn.) But few stable-boys ofamOnth’a
. ’ itaodlnt cenld hare; shown less r!dlt% »cienee
■ than itjiz
' Broeck win iierbajis trust to the'iroiigi; of a
> l^,h^wa«^
#W»Stb£ ; xH®. K. s MeriiMa^W9Ssr"w
-- |tess»i^&3
r noaonbt, the ln
no forth ’ at Goodtoodj thohgh no horse ever
, mtmh’*
S; ;,The history of fee Bible,dftTull
fe fee philosopher fed <Qjit&tiih. J|ie f ;ipt
edifiop of fee whole Bitjlo .fes It#
Dutch, at Cologne, in S&tjspt l feSES#*’
Copenhagen, in
1578.' Publishers have been prosecuted
.fed imprisoned for publishing this Great
Book, upon various grounds, some for counter
feiting it, and others forclrculating it. X n
:Soh}e casesfeoßible hM .been’ publicly burnt.
Laws have uefeflSsUed agaifet reading it. Its
pa|psb'feSv»^bSfe®di^ , 'fe^fefl^^feYiriii®
been denounced by fee French, and subjected
to «Q kinds of misrepresentation fed altera
tion. . It is : '» fact feat to fee groat Ciunns
w*ONK, fn fee yeah 801, a copy of the Bible
was ptfefefed by ah Englishman, written oh
vettum, end containing four hundred and forty
nine leaves, ami it is .also.stated that in 804
Charckmaosk ordered it to be road publicly,
and directed fee , priests to make themselves
acquainted with its contents. And yet
CHAeiseAahv, the wisest man of the age in
which ho lived, could not write, ami was forty
five years of age before he began bis studies!
There are a number of, versions of fee Bible,
though npt all agreelaginour own accepted
r Tbe.present.translation of fee Bible, now in
common use, was agreed upon, oiler a vast
amount, of research and labor, in the seven
teenth, century, (1611,) in fee'reign of James
I. The translation was. begun in 1604, and
itntsiiod in IGII.. The history, of fee labors
of fee learned men engaged hr this vast un
dertaking would almost flUp volume.
Ip 1786 CHBisferiiKji Sauk, a German, es
tabliahed a printing-office at Germantown,
how In thiS .clfej ’ parried ferward
energetically bybftuself and son.. Be bad a
type-foundry, which cast -German typos for
himself and others. This led to. feu establish
ment of paper-mills, binderies, English and
German typo foundries. Jfe burned tiptoe edi
tions oftoeGermonßiblfe in 1748, liC2, and
1778, j and this, we. think, waathe Brat Bible
-feinted Ofl feis continent. The following anec
dote, in reference to his last impression of fee
Blblejis cUrioUs/but wcdti not vouch for Its en
tire truth.' The property of Sacr was much in
juredbythe revolutionary wtr, particularly by
the fettle of Germantoh'n/ in 1777..,, To pre
vent fee residue of it from being destroyed by
fee British, he .went, to: Philadelphia. i-His
estate was confiscated before the close of fee
warp'and feis books—bound fed -unbound—
were sold; feumg them- were the principil
part of the last edition of fee Bible, in sheets.'
Much more might be writtbn On this subject,
but wOjSbail reserve our. other thoughts for
another occasion, ' >
s -There .was a report, a. very short time ago,
(wjtichwe noticed and discredited at fee timo,)
featßrltish offleors were now in feis country,
tent hither to enlist recruits for the English,
ferny, weakened ,as it .is hy the vast draft Upon
it,to. strengthen fee forcein', India at fee pro
fed tpressing crisis. We did notanticipatc feat,
If such,enlistment were fetompted,it would be
successful.—for the magnificent dole of twenty
four cdntsadayto.becomc"food forpowdor,”
offered' to able-bodied, young, - and' proper
bocri, would certainly bo no tempting bait in
this country; wliorc every such person, if idle
ness had uothopelejssty entered into bis bones,
bonld least, a, dollar a day. by hpnest
labor, without being subjected to the, debasing
discipline of. fec.British army, and feu multi
tudinous chances of having a spear through
pis- heart or a butict in bis head from the
bands of sonic revolted Sepoy.
j Simply,' theni the attempt to augment tho
British forces' from, the United State's would be
y failure.' Suitable men would not sell feern
?feiyes for twenty-four cents a day, in a bad cli
mate and a ficrce war, when they can earn four
fnpju featamouut easilyand safely,without quit
rtafe thie country. In a word, it would not pay.
Milfce safed time th'dre appears no legal Objcc-
Sjpife British ipcruiting officers tasking the ex- ]
Meritnfet.' The troops would be raised for the'
WjiftnCo of England, and not against any Power
whpm this.fiepuhllc ia on amicable terms.
|p ; qfriiA,l7i^s.says:
* '“To thUwa diiwnt. Oar .BepabUo, hi at pews
Wife hU‘nyred .Majesty, Emperor ot Delhi and
'lord of India,' who now sits upon the throne of his
.saceatora, ana fee' cabinet could not, therefore,
jpemit any tfeomita for England to bovoisod within
»liribotaonl. , ’ <t* •. !■: . 1
|. But onr Hepubllo has not recognised his sa~-
Icred Majesty, Emperor of Delhi and Lord of
' India—does not know of such a potentate, save
r throiigh the newspapers—andcantidt throw its
protection oyor 'a monarch with whom it not
only has no alliance, bat'of whose very name, in
alj ■probability, it is as yet in utter ignorance,,
The. strongest argument against. England’s
obtaining recruits in this country was that
presented at an indignation meeting of the
Anglo-German Legion, held at New Tork
on"- Wednesday evening. ■ WUlo the late
iwi»r"with' Russia was In . progress, a riuin
her !of..'GeroiiU)'s iind 'other, foreigners, re
siding in Kew York, Philadelphia, and other
wore enljste4: ,by’authority of Great
i Britain, and embodied in what was called
Phe German Britiah Legion. The pay was to
be liberal—43o bounty, and $3O a month, with
clothing and rations'hce. They were'con
veyed to Boston, where they received iiitinia
tionthi»ttlies3owan tohedroppeddownto $l2;
thence to Halifax (British ground,) where it
Was fUrther brought aa iow is $8; lastly, to
Meiville lsland, whpre they found that they
j must pay for their clothes out of this miserable
dote, and that idle $3O bounty was tobere
duced Slso—sometimes to $l5, and often as
low' as $6. At' last 1 they were conveyed to
England, and subjected to the sovercst'disci
plinpl. ''Complaining of ill-treatment, a' man
was brought before a courl-martialfor mutiny.
A.corporal .collected signatures to a memorial
statinglheir. caso. and received fifty lashes on
his bare back from the terrible cat-o’-nine
tails? '"A sergeant,- who complained openly,
was transported for four year*.' A captain,
accused of embezzling the finds of his. com
pany. WM acqni(t«d, and the hum who'com
plained, first had.theirheada shaved, and then
were .sent, to hard , labor at the tread-mlll.
Abnost every man in the regiment complained
of the tyranny of their colonel;' but he was
acquitted. At last the regiment mutinied,
Afi was-thd result of bad treatment and cruel
breach of faith. ' ’
Pigainst, ail further enlistments in' this
country, for jEnglaud,such membersof the Ex-
Logieo aa retnrnod haro fomed an Assoplg
tlon; and passed , the resolutions which follow s
- e Whereas, We. German. adoptpd cUliona of the
United States, entered, SB members of (he Gorman
heghu>,)ato tI)o Brltleh service, by reasptfof the
premise by the British Government' of an honora
ble position and pay ; and beoanse We had reason
to hope, thnmgh the subjugation of Russia, to see
liberty prosper in Europe; and ,
~,Wlitreas, England, by the most scandalous
irosiinent and noa* to] 81 me lit of its contract with
usthas'ln dvory way deceived Us; and
■‘ WXtmt, It is against the honor and dignity of
every German to egoist in the subjugation of any
people, struggling for liberty—
Hetohtd, That we rcauestour German brethren
in the United States who served with ns in the
Legion during ihe war, to brand as far as possible
the conduct of England toward us, by nimntatinga
tree account of too wrongs and insolts which we
have suffered.
And Secondly, To extend to all Germans in the
United fitotes. (.warning notto trust in any Induce
ments whtoh inky bo held out to enter into the sor
viee ef Great Britain.
. And Thirdly, To warn all Germans against en
ljsting aa: mercenaries in the armies of England,
tor service in India', for the purpose of suppressing
the pooplo straggling for liberty. ■ 1 "
'"After this, we do ribf anticipate that there
wilt be any extraordinary alacrity, on the part
of , the Germans, of any persons, native or
foreign, to subject themselves to , maltreatment
aa soldiers of England, .Better, .far better, for
them to let that country seek defenders in her
own bosom and among her own subjects. Em
llstmept at. twenty-four cants a day, with tho
ÜBpal perils of yar, Is the' very poorest thing
that,any ma ll can do, in this country. Better
hrpak stonps than do it.
Our article W yesterday’s Passs, in refer
ence" to' General Bakmn, was marred by an
uid'ortunate.error, which we hasten to correct.
The writer .'mistook General ,jo*w* HantAH
for bis .brother, Dr. Haaias, .who died .some
ten ywmi ago. We ore happy to say that
General, BtifiiAH is residing at Codhranville,
connty, invery flno beaUh, quietly
purrainshi»studles. ", •' ,
fjlS# find yoUher oonOhnes to fill the numertros
plkitojif jhbltj aniosemeetJ in tbiji oity. Th.
Auimtol Mafic 'hss'.theimosf’.fsihiopaMe At;
' tomiaaee.' .- Th» rival Ethiopian troupes (Sanford's
iM Uhritty’ri 'have; thjr follMt;: There will' be a
favorite fete at the. WalU’ut'street this afternoon.
At the Areh Street Theatre,’ltr/ Davehport will
Bits 1 th« jiart of (Hiller, in' the his
torical, drama of <■ Richard the Third.” This
oeght to be, and WiU be, a trvat.
A IJafffle of tßMjondifi'JY mci )>rlng*'n» an t>di
toria|’^fB Itr - "%jt the '
its part peo<
pl°.or,tlio,UnU^State3ja l l'ff^U!^ f Hio^:* o^ . B ur& *
pcahaml AsiatiVnati'ons, Upon
the present difficulties of England in Jhdia, if not
with a strong desire that she may be Then,
after a vain-glorious parade of what ft balled jus
tice and humanity, it is confidently declared that
sooner or later the world mußt bow in approval of
tho oivilisiug influences of British rule! That
■Englaud -with -herv disciplined»forces will ulti~'=
mutely .subdue the .revolted Seppys, and btfpfi
her East. India J.poiaaSalons again into'nW®® 1
subjection, we cannot doubt, but she cannot i* rly
expect sympathy from us In tho otitrageou® *ys*
tem of .wholesale plunder which she has inau
gurated and pursued everywhere, bpt especially in
the East Indies. Neither, can vc forget that in
the first , flash of victory,over be* Russian foe,
she, with France, arrogantly talked of attending
to cur affairs, when tho “northern bear was hum
bled' in his pride and prostrato.npon the earth.
Yet the end was not'a* waa anticipated. Eng
land lost rather than gained by top war ven
ture. She lost her?"«<<>« In IheEoat, which has
with Oriental nation's been of great power, and
what she/lost France acquired. The United
States had read to them long lectures on fillibus
teriam, >Ut England only imitated the ancient and
well known device of rogues who cry thief! to turn
attention away from themselves; for immediately
afterward it was learned that the fertile and popu
lous kingdom of Onde, on the merest pretext, had
been attached to her colonial domain. • Great
Britain has always, so far as history informs us,
absorbed where she could the possessions of weaker
nations, and though this policy is hot justified now
in terms as plain as it has been in days gone by,
nevertheless it is not altogether condemned and re
jected when it affects her own Interests,', as the
many instances fresh in the minds of all 'hill go to
show - She has pursued the rule laid down by one
of her disciples of Grotius, who, In a journal pub-
fished in London, in 1055, dofebdß the fillibustering
expedition of Pena and Venables against the Weat
Indies, of the same year,' Ho lays down the law
lira* :' •
“Conquest is free to oil people; no law of na
tions can prohibit the power of the sword; ’tis only
Odd that sets ItsTrounds and limits, and where his
pleasure is it should make a final conquest, there is
its free inheritance to the conqnerer and his suc
cessors. By that power did the Normans invade
and oanquer England; by the same power bad the
kingdom of Franco been subject to the crown of
England, and by the same power again-recovered;
by this Borne power are the Turks and infidels pos
sessors’oftho best ports of the earth; and by the
shme power Julius Caesar became conqueror of the
whole world P 5
Acquired by the sword, India be retained
by the sword; and if America has sympathy for
either one’side or the other it surelymust bo with
those who are fighting for their national rights
against thoir deepoilors.
; The negotiations in the New Granada difficulty,
which a week ago It was believed would terminate
to tho mutual satisfaction of all partios, have been
interrupted and still further complicated by the
recent laws ofGranada, fixing a special Intcndente
with more stringent regulations against American
trudo and travel over the Isthmus of Panama. Not
a word has been heard by the State Department
from its special agent, Wm. Caroy Jones. Esq.,
and until it docs obtain some advices from him it
is not cortaiu whether Capt. Canty or his rival,
with a long unpronounceable Spanish name, will
be received or acknowledged by this Government.
In tho meantime the Venezuelan question will be
disposed of, and upon the terms of Mr. Karnes’s
demand. X. Y.
WAsimcaioN, Ang. 21,
, I am now satisfied that a serious effort will be
mode against Governor’s Walkor’a confirmation My
tbo U. S. Senate—a muob moro serious effort than
I have been willing to bblievo. The Senators are
already being canvassed, and it is said that the
extreme Abolitionists will join bands with tbe ex
treme Southern men in pressing his rejection.
Should this fusion be accomplished, be will go by
tho board. The apprehension of Booh an event
speaks volumes to both seotions of the Union. It
points out with groat force the dangers of violent
courses on the slave question. Let those engaged
in it take warning in season. There is a quiet mid
dle class of Union men in this country that never
‘speaks save in the majority. This class is not
easily got to the polls. But when it moveS it is
Irresistible- Tho cause which always arouses and
arms it for aotlon is Tub Uiriox, It has nover
been defeated, ovin in tbe South; for in every
former contest extreme men have talked as muob
for the Union as they, havo •afterwards noted
against it. > The politicians who think different
ly wiU.soon he undeoelvedr. Tbe spectacle of
Southern Senators voting in concert with tbe natu-
ral foes of their own institutions, to strike down an
able, eloquent, and courageous national man, like
uobbbt J. Walkbh, will do the work at onoe;
knd I predict that every man taking a pact in this
hot of self-immolation will be driven out of public
life tbe moment bis constituents r etar reach him.
The issue will be to give Governor Walks* such
a hold upon tho people’s confidence as may not soon
be weakened. Mind tbe propheoy!
President Buohanan’s letter to Professor BUli
man is a striking, though brief reply. Professor
Silliman and a Bet of run-mad fanatics, at New
Haven, Conn., have been fishing in the dirty pool
of politics for years, bringing discredit upon them
selves and the country; and instead of attending
to science and religion,'are now engaged in attacks
lupon Gor, Walker, in concert with, the fire-eaters
,of the South. Mr. Buchanan rebukes this spirit
promptly and indignantly. And, mark my word,
he will be i true to his declaration. What end has
he to tiro for but to serve his country? What
to him in the sunset of life, are office and power 1
The violence of politicians cannot harm or intimi
date him, and cannot delay his notion. Ho is
committed to tho majority principle, and he will
stand byit to the end.
| The appointment of W. Carey Jones to arrange
tho Central American business was not a judicious
one, as rosnlts have proved, though made with the
best intention. He seems to have “ gone under”
somewhere, Inasmuch as he is not beard from at the
-State Department
I hope and trust,that Philadelphia may get tbo
Bteam propeller ip erect, to he given out by the Se
cretary of the Navy. , She has the shipwrights to
do the work, and she has such,claims upon tlje Ad
ministration as will not, I think, be overlooked if
properly presented- She will ask no favor—none
on account of political, or geographical position—
though these should not operate against her } but
she ought to get it for every reason. Are you at
tending to this with your usual care?
Governor Walker.
"We place once more upon record Governor
brief but explicit reply to his .oppo
nents. It is impossible to conceive an objec
tion to a policy so liberal and just as His:
Governor Walker, of Kansas, in bis offioial des
patches, recently received, says in one. point he
uas boon grosslyinisreprosonted—namely, as desir
ing ibnt every man should vote who happened* to
be in the Territory on the day of election* for the
ratification of the Constitution. This, he remarks,
would be dosirabio if there were “ uonolusive ?> evi
dence that all snoh persons were, actual, bona fide
EetUers, but the only sufficient and usual proof of
Kch a foot would be some previous residence. On
this polut, which was ono of detail, he had never
propped to make to the Convention;
although, when asked nls opinion by members of
that body, he bad indicated a previous residence
of throe or six months; and that tho same qualifi
cations should be adopted, in tho Constitution, in
regard not only to that, hut to all futuro elections;
and, In his judgment, one or the othor of those
terms of resldonoo will bo'adopted by tho Conven
tions, from whom he anticipates a cordial corpo
ration. 1
!* ij. j» wmowhat extraordinary,” ho adds, “ that
while this aouUHatiou of lotting every man vote
Vrbo may happen to bo lu the Territory on tho day
of tho election, has boon preferred in tho South
as indicating tho dcsiro on my part to let in Abo
lition vagrants and .interlopers to control the re
sult, the Republicans of Kansas have drawn an
entirely different conclusion, viz: that I designed
in this manner to bring many thousand Mukqu
rians into the Territory to decide the contest.”
Ex'Execntive Officers*
(Prom the Washington Star.] 1
It may be interesting to your readers to know
wboof those that have occupied cxeoutivo offices in
our Government are now among as. For this pur
pose I subjoin a list below. Of the ex-Presidents
there are four still living, vi*: Martin Van Buron,
John Tyler, Millard Fillmore, and Franklin Pierce.
Of the Vice-President#, also four: Van Buron,
Tyler, Balias, and Fillmore,' And four Secretaries
of State,: Van Baron, Louis McLano, Buchanan,
and Everett’ Eleven Secretaries of the Treasury:
Rush, Ingham, McLano (L.,) Duane, Taney,
Ewing, Bibb, R. J. Walker, Meredith, Corwin,
and Guthrie*. Seyen Secretaries of War; Cass,
Bell, J< M. Porter Wilkins, G. W. Crawford, Conrad,
and Jefferson Davis.' Also, sovon Secretaries of
thelfavy: Paulding, Badger, John Y. Mason, Ban
croft, W. B. Preston, Graham, and Kennedy. Eight
Postmasters General: John McLean, Kendal).
Francis Granger, Wiokliffe, Cave Johnson,
mer, N- K- Hall, and Campbell., Eleven Attor
neys General: Riob&rd Rush, Taney, B. F. But
ler, Gilptn, Grittendea. Nelson, J. Y. MaSon, Clif
ford, Touooy, Revoray Johnson, and Cushing,
And all the Secretaries of the Interior, vis: Ewing,
McKennon, Stuart, and McClelland are yet liv
f hero are also seron gentlemen who have served
as Speakers of the National House of Representa
tives now living, vis: John Bell, R. M. T. Hunter,
JohnW. Davis, RobertO. Winthrop, Howell Cobb,
Linn Boyd, and N. P. Banks.
Lvcomeku CouHTr. —The Demooratic Convention
of Lycoming eonnty met on the 16th Inst., George
White, Esq., presiding, and mode the following
nominations: Assembly—Ool. Thomas'W. Lloyd;
Treasurer—James T. Dawson; Register and Re
corder—Michael Seohler;' Oommiutoner—Michael
gypher; Auditor—Lewis 8. Smith. Daniel S. RU
sel, and Dr. Pfoutz were appointed Representative
Cqvxty No«rvAtio##.—TbeDem<M ratio
Oounty Convention met at Lbok Haven on the 16th
last, and nominated a strong ticket headed by
Col, b. K. Jackto&n tor AssemMy., Thoe.M’Ghee,
Hstr.,' Was nominated for Sheriff. .
• JuautA cotmTT.—The Democrat# have nomi- ;
nated Levi Reynolds, for l Prothonotary; ; Jacob
Frank,.for Trewmrerjßwnett Rapp, for .Commis
sioner; John Anderson, for Auditor; and appointed
conferees with Union and Snyder counties to form
an Assembly ticket.
Great Excitement in HqUidayiiWUrß.
IIoLttetESBDBO. Aug, 21.—Our usually quiet borough
bss been the scene of the greatest excitement to-day,
oiling to the execution of Dfttid Stringer the
roarderer [of Ndrcroaa. : The town b&s been crowded
with strangers, the cars from Altoona bringing up a
large ntamber of Philadelphians Sad citizens x ef Pitted
burgh, curious to see the condemned in his last, moments
and hear hi* dying words- It Was generally , supposed
that the execution would be public, and great disap
pointment won manifested when it was learned that the
sheriff bad ordered otherwise. Several military compa
nies were on tho groudd,’ and aided in preserving order.
Rumors were circulated yesterday to the effect fbkf
McKitri had prepared a confession, acknowledging his
guilt, and this morning the vast Multitude of strangers
collected In the town andaround tho prison were thrown
into a painful state of excitement by the announcement
that he bad committed suicide. ' • -
It seems, that After passing the night qnletfrtosleep,
McKim attempted to commit suicide early this morning
by opening a vein in his arm with a small plece'of glass.
When discovered he was bleeding freely. The wound
was promptly bound up and the flow, of blood stopped,
he expressing little concern during the operation. After
this he breakfasted heartily, appeared in excellent spi
rits, and cheerfully prepared for the execution! It was
a dreadful sight to witness the coolness and carelessness
displayed by,the prisoner in these his lost momenta;
and it was alt .the moro solemn and impressive when
those who surrounded him reflected that even at the,
threshold of eternity this mao was acting a port which
had cost him hours of intense mental agony IsHts pre
paration and rehearsal. ~,
The condemned was led out of tbe prlsqutp'the fal
lows at a quarter' after one o’clock. From the. scaffold
he delivered a speech of over ap' hour, defying his, guilt,,
and declaring with bis last breath that he died an iuno-%
cent man. SheriffFout officiated.' MeKlin was a large,.
athletic man, and died easy, struggling vegr little after
his fall., After tbe body was cut down it,was hawdkd
over to his friends, who had made the neceuary
lions for its interment.
The crime for which McKim suffered'
murder of Samuel T; Norcross, in January last, nekt
Altoona. McKim travelled'in company witk N°Wqsa,,
who was* on his way'from lowa to visit huAittenris
Massachusetts. He was in had health, wtf ifciUOTid
gained his confidence and friendship by a conrfo of fit--
tention and kindness to him., Knowing he hlut*a Übge
sum of money on his persod he decoyed him frortt'tbe
cars at Altoona, murdered and robbed him. -McKim
was arrested and tried and' convicted of the
April last in this place. .
New York Politician*.-China-Ottr East India
Washwoton, August 21,1857.—The Treasury Depart
ment and the White House have this morning 'had
transferred to them all the turmoil and excitement of
New York politicians. Schell, Sanders,
era! Ward, Molntiro, Maolay, Bussell, Odell, and a hbat
of others, agitate themselves in regard to their custom
house appointments. Mr. Sickles is quieter, and it
looks as though he had the inside track. The busy fetam 1
of ponrorsatlon at the hotels, and - the sociable and
friendly manner in which it is agreed to disagree is edi
fying, and serves to relieve the tedium of summer lift in.
Washington. . .
’Recent advices from our East India sqo&dreopCiygifk
the Navy Department with an account of the. English
attack upon the Chinese fort at Flaaham Creek, on the
Ist of Juno last. Admiral Sstmoub had under bis com
mand 2,600 seamen end marines disposed in steamers,
The enemy surrendered after
a loss of nearly two hundred junks. The English lost
in men nine killed, and twenty-eight wouodwT
Chinese loss to be large.
Commander Footb, IT. S, N. f took with him to Bang
kok, in the Portsmouth, Mr. Bradley, our Consul, to
Ningpo, who was on his way to Siam with a copy of the
treaty between that kingdom and the United States.
The Levant was at Shanghae on May 20, and would
leave for Foo Chow on tho 16th of June: X. Y.
Brigham Young preparing to resist Gen, Harney fete.
Wabuincito.v, Aagurt 21.—The Interior Department
has received Intelligence from reliable gentlemen, and
fugitive Mormons, that Brigham Young'ls preparing to
resist General Harney—that he has relapsod into the ‘
grossest infidelity and f'theism, and continues to hold up
the Government of th'< United States to the’’Supreme
contempt of the Mormons. ,
Among the dispatches just received by the Govern
ment is the correspondence which took place between
one of our naval officer! and tbe Governor of Singapore,
relative toils orderlng oar flag in be hauled down-by*
British officer from tbe Dutch barque “Henrietta‘A&k
rla,” which had been abandoned by her officers and most
of her crew, and taken possessionof by the master uf an
American ship. , Gov. Blundell earnestly disclaims any
want of respect to the American flag, or the rights of
American citizens, in tho steps he felt it to be hia dffty
to take.
But the matter does not here terminate. Tho barque
was delivered to the Government authorities of the
Netherlands, in India, on the ground that the vessel,
being Dutch, the Chinese Coolies found on board, l£in
nocent of mutiny, had claims on the owners, and if
guilty were punishable by a Dutch criminal court.. •
The sale. of the Delaware" and Kansas Indian trust
lamip yielded over $587,000. . S L {
The States learns fVom the best authority
that about two years since' an iauericanriherefeMt*.
named Robinet, residing at/Perhosa; Km- hisi
.seized by Aha Ohlhene Afcdtiv!* *Ums’±9Pwa*-
subsequently repeated, although he h*d*tb& permission
. of tbe Chinese officials to keep the American flag flying
over his establishment. ' 1 '
This being reported to Commodore Armstrong he dis
patched Captain Simms with directions that be should
remain there and keep the American colors flying until
further orders. *
This occurrence is not thought by the Navy Depart
ment to he a matter of consequence, nor can it be con
strued as an adoption by this Government of systems ol
reprisals, or departure from the neutrality we have en
deavored to maintain (□ the Chinese seas.
Nsw nzvxx, August 21.—Mrs. Harriot Thomas, aged
fifty-six years, a respectable farmer's wife or the neigh,
baring town of Bethany, was killed ‘ this morning in
Dwight place. Bhe was atauding between tbe wheels of
her carriage, when tho horse started aad.sbb was drawn
by her dress some rods., Bhe was lifted up by her hus
band, but soon expired from her injuries. . t
Military Movements at the West.
St. Louis, Aug. 21— A letter to tho
Fort Kearney, dated the 7ib lost., says tbo fifth and
tenth- regiments of Infantry and Fhelpa’ Battery bad
arrived there. Captain Van Vlolt had gone In advance on
important business. The troopswere much dissatisfied,
and tbe fifth and tenth regiments had lost nearly five
hundred mea by desertion.
The Minnesota Constitutional Convention—The Ru
mored Collision between the Siotlz and Chip •
peveas, 1 1
St. Paul’s, August 18, via Dubuqujs, August 21.
The Democratic branch of the Constitutional Conven
tion to-day passed the resolution providing for the ap
pointment of a committee to confer with the Bepubli-'
can branch, with a view of submitting but one Consti
tution to the people.
It is not probable that the members wilt meet In one;
Convention; but the great obstacle to an immediate*
settlement of the difficulties has thus been removed.
Tho rumored collision between the Sioux and Chip
pewa Indians is without foundation.
Cricket Match between United State# and Call*
Torgxto, August 21 —Tho return cricket match be
tween dubs of Canada and the United fltates, which was
commenced on Wednesday last at this place, bos re
sulted in favor of the former, they having seven wickets
to go down.
Fall of a Building at Cincinnati—Heavy Loss.
OixoimuTi, August 21.—Lost evening a four story
brick building, occupied by Charles Bodrnau, tobacco
nist, fell with a trememious crash, under the pressure
of 1600 barrels of whiskey, which had been stored in
ihe second story by a dealer named Fletcher. The
wall roll against a building owned by Mr. j. A. Skiff,
and the entire side was forced in. Two other buildings
were also damaged by the foiling walls. A loss of
020,000 was occasioned.
Suspension ot Boston Firms.
Bosfoy, August 21—Messrs. Edward 0. Dates & Co.
have suspended, with liabilities amounting to Jtyoul
$5,000,000. Tbe Eiupeasipn was owing to sugar specu
lations. , -
. It is reported that Messrs. Blanchard, Bhepnan tc Co,
’ have also suspended, in consequence of tbe failure of
Bates A Co., with liabilities of $600,000, sud assets of
An Editor Arrested for Robbing the U. S. Mails.
Chicago, August 21.—J. 0. Brawan, editor of the
Democrat of this city, was arrested thin morning for
robbiug the post office drawers of letters containing
money, which were found in his possession? He waived
on examination, and was held in $9,000 bail.
The Chesapeake and Ohio Canal*
Alexaxdhu, (Va.,) August 21.—The canal is in fine
order. Coal is arriving in largoquantitles. Vessels are
scarce and wanted, and freights are advancing;
Naval Intelligence.
New York, August 21.—The Government despatch
steamer Water Witch arrived here to-day.
PatBRBON, (N. J.) August 21.—A Ore broke out this
evening in Townsend’s stables, which is spreading ra
pidly, and will probably consume a Urge amount of
Bhrnlng of Two Steamers at Jersey City—Pro-
New York, Aug. 21.—The steamers Moses'Taylor and
Splendid, both lying at tho Cunsrd dock, Jersey oil/,
were destroyed by fire this morning. t
The Moses Taylor was a new boat, belonging to tbe
Delaware and Lackawanna Railroad Company. It was
insured for $13,000. The Splendid belonged to G. M.
Bcott, and Insured f0r.10,000. , .
Mr. Scott’s son. was' aboard the lattcr boat, and it is
feared perished in the dames.
The Cun&rd steamship Arabia was at one time in im
minent danger.
New Orleans, Aug. 21.—The steamer Cohawbi ha*
arrived, bringing Havana dates to the 18th !nat. -The
papers furnish no news of importance. '
Augusta, Geo., August2l .—A bole of cotton of the
new crop, from Florida, was received at SiVonnah on
During the last twenty days 270,090 bushels, of wheat
have been received here. *
New York, August 21.—Flour Is heavy; sales of 4,600
bbls; stato and Ohio' are each 6c lower, and Southern
declined 260; tbe quotations being $9.35A5ff.60 for State,
and s6.soasT for Southern. Wheat heavy; 15,000
bos. sold at $1.70©W.80 for white, and $1.62*11.67 for
From Washington-
Melancholy Casualty.
Erom Minnesota.
ada Clubs
Eire ot Paterson, N. J,
bable Loss of Life.
Later from Havana.
Tbe New Cotton Crop*
red. Corn depressed; 15,000btts. sold-at 85c. Prime
Pork is 40c better) at $32. Mess uoabanged. Beef quiet.
Lardflrih, Whiskey lc better, a* 28c. ,
There ie a panic in the Stock market. Sterling Ex
change U firm. _
BALtinons, Augnstai.—Floor—sales of Howard street
at $T} City Mills at Wheat unchanged. Corn
2 cte. hotter, at 86088 for white and yellow. Whiskey
quoted »t27X**2BJ<.
Mobile, Aug. 21.—Tbe sales of cotton for tho week
have beou 780 bales. Tbe receipts have been only 200
bales. Middlings are quoted at 15X®16tf ets.
. New Oslsaxs, August 21.—Cotton—The market Is
slightly easier; sqles to-day 250 bales at 16aal6jk for
middling. The sales of the week have been 680 bales,
And the receipts 440 bales. The stock Import market Is
16,900 bales; The. receipts here, so far, less than last
year amount to 26,000, and at all Southern ports to 69,-
OQO bales.
Wheat Is dull and unsettled.
Mess Pork firm at $25,00.
Lard in bbls quiet at 16 cents.
Freights—On Gottorn to Havre IJffj to Liverpool
The Dawn.—AW through the long, long
night, while the calm, sweet moon floated, like a
silver boat, from one verge of the dark, bluo sky to
the other, and the sentinel stars hovered brightly
In the oeruloan wake, the tearful mother had
watched her suffering babe—her oyes but turned in
grief from its pale face to gaze out the window,
seeking a hope among the hosts of heaven. They
had told her that her first-born—the first life-drop
from her loving heart, must be laid in the mould,
and that she must nerve her spirit with the blessed
hope that she should see it yet again, radiant and
beautiful above the stars on whioh she gazed. She
had filled her soul with deliclouß fancies of the
future, when her boy shouldmultiply in years, and
marked out for him a oareer of honor and renown.
Now these dreams had flitted as visions of the
night, and she sat there in grief awaiting the
moment when the angel of the dark and silent
ring should stoop to snatoh from hor grasp that
.title life. Still she watohed, murmuring an oc
casional prayer, until the silver moon sank
away from view, and the stars one by one took
their flight. The babe’s breath came qnioker, but
,lt again appeared stilled, and a sweet smile lit up
Its countenance. One who loved both mother and
Child came near, glanced at that smile which he.
knew .was the parting look of a little angel in its
bight, and gontly pointed tho tearful mother to
the star of hope now radiant in the East—herald of
die approaching day. A few moments more, and
•be b&be was as silent as a sweet creation of wax;
but in the Bast the mother saw the opening of the
golden gates through which the little spirit passed
to realmß of eternal bliss. To both the day had
: Religious Intelligence.—ThQ warm weather
has hod the effect of oauslng a regular exodus
among the ministers of our oity. although a large
number of churches have been kept open for Sab
bath worship, and Bermona delivered therein during
tbe morning and afternoon. Extensive repairs are
now being made to several religious edifices, and
when the cool weather seta in, church-goers who
havo been ruetioatieg will find that their absence
has been taken advantage of to improve materially,
internally and externally, the appearance and ao
commodations-oi their houses of worship.
WohavebeoainformodthatSt. Andrews’ Church,
in Eighth street, above Spruce, will not be opened
on tbe last Sunday in this month, as previously
. Several of the larger and important Baptist
Churches are now closed. Among these are the
Fourth, the Eleventh, and the Tenth Churches.
The pastors, In many eases, are enjoying summer
existence at different rural retreats. In a week or
two they will all rotum to the city.
Theßev. 'William Cathcart, pastor of tho Seoond
Baptist Church, haring returned to the oity, will
preach to-morrow morning, at ton o’olook, and
after the sermon administer the ordinance of im
mersion to sovoral interesting candidates.
Tho Rov. J. If. Cutbbert, pastor of the First
Church, Broad and Aroh streets,-baptized
four persons the second Sabbath in this month, and
a large number were received by loiter. This
church, we are gratified to learn, is very prosperous
under the zealous labors of its pastor in its new
locality. *
The Rev. E. W. Hotter, pastor of Sty Matthew’s
Lutheran Church, New street, below Fourth, will
preach to-morrow morning at half-past ten o’clock.
Police Hews.—-A female was taken before
, Aldermun Clark, yesterday morning, on tho charge
<of keeping a disorderly house. The evidence ex
hibited a sad state of depravity. The accused
! was held to ball to answer the oharge, in the sum
. of $l,OOO, at the next term of the Court of Quarter
A oolored woman, numed Anna Brown, was con
rioted In tho oriminal oourt at Lancaster oounty,
on Thursday, for kidnapping a little 1 oolored girl,
; named Mary Adelaide Jane Bailey, whom she in
tended to sell Into slavery, and was very justly
1 sentenced (t to seven years’ Imprisonment. This
[Uttle girl was stolen away about two months since,,
in our City, on the road from school to the
ftesidenoe of tor widowed mother, in Smith’s court,
nothing from Little Pine street.
A'young man, named Matthew Conway, was be
tore Alderman Eoea yesterday afternoon, at the
Central Police Station, on theehorgoof attempting
to pass a five-dollar counterfeit note, purporting to
be the issue of the Lee Bank, Massachusetts. He
'was committed to answer at court.
On Thursday night the residence of Mr. J. C.
| Kempton, situate at Germantown, was burglarious
ly entered by foroing open a back entrance, and
robbed of a largo quantity of silver plate,
ingof silver ladles, coffee pots, cream jugs, butter
knives, waiters, tea and table spoons, napkin rings,
knives and forks, and other equally valuable arti
cles. The burglar# effected their escape. This
house was entered some years since by three masked
men, who bound several of the inmates of the
boose with bed cords, and then deliberately set
themselves about to plundor the premises of all
valuable articles they oould lay their hands upon.
The thieves at that time were soon after arrested,
and a portion of the stolen goods recovered. The
parties were convicted, and, after sen-ingout apart
of thetonn of their imprisonment, wpro pardoned.
The number of police arrestsmade during Thurs
day and yesterday morning, as reported by the
lieutenants at the Mayor's office, number 62, of
which number 24 were married, 38 single, 31
Amerloans, 31 foreigners, 38 drunk. Tho arrests
In the several districts are as follows: First Dis
trict fi, Second 9, Third 5, Fourth 3> Fifth 3, Sixth
2, Seventh 4, Eighth none,' Ninth 6, Tenth 5,
Eleventh 4, Twelfth 5, Thirteenth 5, Fourteenth
no rotum, Fifteenth 3, Sixteenth 2, Central Station
1, making a total of 62 arrests.
Henry Ilummiohaus was arrested on Thursday af
ternoon, in Fourth street, above Green, on the
oharga of having stolen a watch, valued at $l5,
the property-of Herman John. Hummiobaus sold
it for anothor wfttob worth $2, and $2 in money.
Ho was taken before 41<tofJJton Williams, and was
held to answer.
Jcddents —At a very early hour yeatof4*y
morning, a fluid lamp exploded in a house in Mer
vine Btreet above msaor. Twentieth Ward, occu
pied by afamily namedJwkson. Mary F. Jackson,
aged about fifteen yoars, wo# shockingly burned
about the face, breast, and arms, by the blaming
fluid, and so dreadfully injured that her life is de
spaired of. Thefurpiture and olothing in the room
were set on fire aud somlderably damaged. The
occurrence was the oauso of an alarm of fire.
Patrick McDonough was. run over by a train of
oar# on the Reading road, at Pennsylvania Avenue
and Eighteenth street, shortly before niile o’oloek
On Thursday evening. The injured man was con
veyed to his residouoe in Eighteenth stroet abovo
Hamilton, when medical attendance was called in.
; morning, os Mr. Elijah Hoffman was
driving hi* horse '‘{fay Saladiu” through By
herry, in tho Twenty-third Ward, tho animal be
oatnw /lightened at a yoke of oxen, and l un against
Afenoe, ppsettlng tho sulkoy, breaking it to
ntd throwing Mr, Hoffman out. The bits partiug
at this moment, the horse ran off furiously with
shafts dangling by his si 4w*. A few hundred
yards oonoluded the run; for, in attempting to
jump a/onoe, ho broke his log near tho shoulder.
Tho horse vr&s worth ffbout $2,000.
(Yesterday morning, about nine o’clock, a horso
with a cart attached backed overboard into the
Schuylkill at Fisohor’s browery, in the Fifteenth
ward. The animal was drowned before <?.ny at
tempts to resouo him be made.
On Thursday afternoon, ashfr. JobnMltcboll, his
wife, and two chlldron, wore enjoying ?. r»de in a
light carriage lathe vicinity of F ussy unk road aud
Foderal street, tho horse# became alarmed at a dog
which flow out suddenly aud barked at them, and
they dashod down tho street at a frightful speed.
Near Sixth street Mr. Mitchell was thrown out
and had hi# loft arm broken. Tho horses ware
stopped by several colored men. The injured gen
tleman was promptly attended to by Dr. Kam
David Honks, aged about fiftyr/ive years,
was admitted to the Pennsylvania Hospital yectpr
d&y, baring had hts left hand seriously injured by
having it naught in a wood-cutting machine at
Twentieth and Market streets.
Flowerstn the Cfry^pjiiladolphiamay justly
be proud of the number of her eytppsive and beau*
tiftii flower-gardens owned and cultlyoie/jl by her
public-spirited oitisens. One of the brightest spot#
about the great centre of city turmoil was the
garden of the old Peupsyjyania Hank, situated in
the rear of the building of that institution, which
fronts on Second street, above Wal##t. Though
bounded on two sides by two narrow streets,
Its unattractive locality gave H the, charm of
contrast. Opening to view from Dock street,
the passer-by could, see whon glancing from dingy
bricks, flowers of all hues, varying in kind with
the chango of season, fair blossoms on many a
bush had the deep green of tho tree-leaf and tho
gra«g blade. But a obange suddenly oame over all
this scene, and its glory vanished, affording
another evldonoo that the age is one when the
venerable, the saintly, and tho boautifut must
whirl away, affrighted by the sharp visage of lean,
lank utility.
We love to see the flower-gardonsof our city;
for amid the world of ert, though girt with smoke,
and ever CMftofs i* the oiotion of Us dull ma
chinory, they nerve to cheer the soul of the votary
of the beautiful. Here, at lucid intervals, his
eyes may rest upon nature's sweet children-—the
modest, blushing rose; the pale lily, trembling
with thl dowy kisses of tho stars, and that uni*
vernal blessing, the grass, which, with silent
eloquence, tells him or joyous romps upon
the green—of childhood’s glee, of boyhood’s
hopes, and manhood’s love, and whose luxuriant
rondure will sweetly commemorate his last resting
place when he sleeps peacefully in tho mould.
And when tho leaves of the rose have mingled with
tho earth, and the lily withers under the keen
breath of winter, Nature’s bowers to him are not
deserted. Tho ioy finger is placed on the grass f
and the emerald green, that onco glistened with
the dew, is white with the hoar frost; bui amid
the general blight and fading of the beauties of
the summer days, there stands the evergreen of
the arbor vitas, and creeps the deathless ivy, and
here and there are thick clusters of crysanthemmn,
white, and red, and golden yellow.
Victims of Society. —Every now and then, in
the course of life, in ft great city, one cornea across
self-styled "victims of society.” Always grumb
ling—always unsatisfied—always complaining—
they throw the burden of their miseries upon the
world at largo, instead of fathering the,whole of it
themselves. Some poor misanthrope, whose course
has been but a repetition of the Prodigal Son, over
look, ng his own short comings, walks the streots
with lowering brow and wan visage. Nobody is so
silly as to pity him—nobody so ignorant as to
bestow charity Because, forsooth, his youih
was spent ip idleness, and his manhood in
folly, he Is, in mature age, to be supported
by the alms of the world, which he unjustly
charges with his ruin. The world to ft bad
one, but should uot be inode responsible for what
it cannot he properly called to account. We have
too many of these eccentric , ghostly-looking claim
ants for sympathy, with their affecting storios of
what they "might have been,” had not the ad
! verse shooka of humanity cast them from their
course. Pshawit is in combatting these very
shocks that the main burden of life consists, and
from which the highest honor and prosperity ac
crue. Which tree has the firmer root—the one
1 that , exposed on some mountain pinnaoloa, is
swayed and boat by rude storms, or the one
that, roared in a garden, would fall at the
first blast of adversity ? It is opposition that
strengthens the mind and the man, and
shows the existence of principles which in qui
etness would never have been seen. Shame, then,
on those \feak vessels that have sucoumbed to the
storm and yielded to idleness and vice! For their
errors the world is not responsible but themselves,
and to them be assigned all the dishonor accruing
to the mis-named "victims of society.”
William Penn’s Residence in 1701. —The
Slate Roof House, as it was called in old times,
southeast corner of Norris’ Alley and Second street,
opposite the Pennsylvania Bank, tke residence of
William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, has
lately undergone some alterations. The two lower
rooms have been converted into one, and is now
occupied by a confectioner, Mr. William Walker,
who has resided there for many years. We learn
from Watson’s Annals that William Penn wrote on
the 3d of September, 1701, when on board the ves
sel called the Messenger, to James Lagar, saying:
" Thou may continue in the house I lived in till i
the year is up.” James Lagar, in reply, in 1702, 1
says: “I am forood to keep this house still, there
being no accommodations to he had elsewhere for
public business.” In fact, ho retained it as a Gov-:
ernment house till 1704, when he and his coadju
tors moved to Clark’s Hall, Chestnut street, after
wards Pemberton’s great house
The late Elliott Cresson, by his will, devised
$lO,OOO, to the Historical Society, os part of a fund
for the purchase of this property. Mr. Cresson’s
intention was to have had this house set apart for
public purposes.
John Ponn, " the American,” the only one of the
raoe born in this country, was born in this house,
soon after the second arrival of his father in 1709.
Lord Cornbury, Governor of New Fork, was
banqueted in great style in this house, in 1702, by
James Le-gcr, from Burlington, where he had gone
to proolaim Queen Anne. James Lagar’s letter,
speaking of the event, says he was dined “ equal
to anything he had seen in America.” At night
he was invited to Edward Shippen’s great honse in
South Second street, where bo was lodged and
dined with all his company, making a retinue of
nearly thirty porsons.
This house was occupied at one period, it is said,
by Governor Hamilton; and, for many years pre
ceding the war of independence, it was deemed a
superior boarding house. While such, it was hon
ored with the company, and finally with the per
sonal honors, of General Forbes, suceoasor to
General Craddock, who died in this house ip l?o9.
The pomp of his funeral surpassed all the simple :
inhabitants had before seen in their olty. * His
horse was led in the procession richly oaparisoned,
the whole conducted in all "the pomp of war,”
with funeral dirges and military array. He had
two years before captured Fort Duquesne—Fort
Fjtt. The first John Adams, and Other members
! of Congress, boarded at tiiis bouse.
The eocentrio General Lee was burled from this
house, and put in Christ graveyard, close
along side of Church alley. “He wished not to
lie within a mile of Presbyterian ground, as too
bad company,”
About the year 1701 the late Joseph Parkor
Norris, president of the Bank of Peqnsylyania,
conveyed this house to Mrs. Dickson, tire wif?
of Governor Dioklnson, of Delaware. After her
death, the proptorty rested in Mrs. Sally Morris
Dickinson, and it is now the property of Mrs. Al
bsnus Logan.
We may say of this house, " Trade b?s changed
the scene;” for the recess is since fitted out to the
front with store windows, and the idea of the bas
tions, though they are still there, is lost.
The north corner of tha house has been ocoupied
by a Mr. Tpmpest, jeweller, for between forty and
, fifty years, •
This negleoted reiic of obliquity should become
the proporty of our city, and be pregerypd as it is.
Play Times.—' Tho hoys are at their sportlye
games upon tbo lots and on the sidewalks, and
their voices ring out dear and cheerily upon the
warm air of those August days. It is curious to
noto how, all at onoe, in town and country, boys
take to the eamo sports, proseverieg them as regu
larly, by a sojrt of tradition, as uncivilized commu
nities keep &Uve the perries of their ancestors’
habits and actions. Just as tbo ipasop comes, boy
hood turns to hoops, marbles, tops, balls, kites, &pd
other diversions, each in Its turn, with andoviat
iug regularity. Through generation after genera
tion the same sports go round. Grand-parents see
their male jur'oniles trundling hoops or beating
balls, and tbp girls singing ditties or oourtosying
in their plays, the sfi.nje a$ jn the days whloh were
long ago. Hither and thither, th k e rollicking
youngsters rush, the light of fun in theif eyes, and
tho flush of health upon their cheeks: the hoop
and beater to-day may be thrown aside; to-mor
row bats and balls shall cause the morry-makors
to dart away and leap from their marbles to the
over-glorious kite-time, with tho paper toy soaring
up t# clear blue sky like & fairy messenger
from earth.
Sad Shooting C<we.—Yesterday afternoon a
boy, ten years of age, named Daniel 0. Burroyrs,
was shot at BolandsviUe (23d ward) by his cousin.
It scppis the two were playing with guns, not
knowing that tjjpy were loaded, whon one exploded
and killed Burrows almost instantly.
Drowning Case.—A boy qanieij .Qeflrge Vf.
Watson, aged eight years, was accidentally drown
ed at jiombard street whas yesterday. Coroner
Del&vau hplij aq inquest in the case.
[From the Newark Advertiser of L»»t Ryeniflg-J
The investigation into tho death of Margarot
Dale was resumed on Thursday at the City Hotel,
Elizabeth street, by ooroner Baun and the jury.
The most important and interesting testimony
before the jury was that of Mrs. Conover, who, as
might bo supposed, was more familiar with Marga-
symptom? than bor husband. She stated that
Margarot, with her u*ua) want of judgment, had
boon sitting bsre-headej in the fun, and had been
made sick by It. This tenders probable the sup
position that Margarot had diod of congestion
Drought on by tho exposure. *
Mr. Henry R, Bradway, poultry and fruit dealer
at IVashngton Market,apd residing at 15 Jay street,,
New York, was the first witness called. Ho testified
that on Sunday, the 9ih, he .was at the Ooean House
with his wife and Mr. Baum and his lady. About
8 or 9 u’clook they rowed along tho boach, aud
during tho morning saw a party of four or fire
exhuming a body. This was about 1U o’clock.
They had at that ti/oo fyosseij tj>e river to tho
Highland sido. aud seeing somo men bearing a
coffin on the bunch, thoy rocrossed the river and
went to tho party, supposing *>“o body had. boon
drowned. Thoy jWe inquiries of Dr. Conover’s
party, hut were not satisfied with the answers re
ceived, and on returning' to the Ooean House re
ported the matter.
Tho coroner has not yet closed his investigation.
Serloys FJrei Iff New Orleans.
Tho How Orleans True Del fa of the 14th gives
tho following account of two sorious'tlreii in that
oity : Tho first was'about one o’clock A.M.,utthb
omnibus stables of Messrs. Hart, Thomas, A Co.,
on M&gatiso street,between Harmony and Pleasant,
during which fifty jnulea ware burnt to death, and
a great deal of other property belonging to the
omnibus company was destroyed, T£e origin of
the fire la supposed to have been the explosion of a
oamphene lamp. Sinco the above was written, wo
learn that there wore sovonty mules burnt at the fire
on fourteen omnibuses, a largo
lot of hay, feed, Ac. Messrs. Hart, Thomas, A Co.
were insured for §Uj)J)O, but their loss will, not
withstanding, amount to about $20,000. The fire
broke outin a small room'fn front of tho building,
and was probably the result of some carelessness.
At- about the same hour the stable of James Fin
non, on White street, between Thalia and Erato,
was dissevered to be on fire. The stable was con
sumed, besides several frame buildings adjoining
the lumberyard of TJw*» t % B buil ? er j in
whloh about $lO,OOO worth of l»mfeeir and other
building materials was also destroyed. We under
stand Mr. Murray bad $2,500 insurance on his lum
ber, aftd' that his loss was between $7,000 and
currently reported that three men who were
sleeping In tbo loft pf the omnibus Btables wero
burnt to death, as they wore known to bavo been
there last night and are missing this morning.
Advice should always bo given in the smoothest
and most polished medium—as you will see nurses
administering medicine to children in a silver
[From thjrkw >,
W«b.RTo »lr t*4y'fco tiaed tiiatliLs t Spric. some of
oijr, lea4stig und infliwatial JSftfohants ordered the
manufaotore of a fWTiee offfiate for presentation
to the Eon. Wo. -h. M»roy» late Secretary of
State, and the order 1»M jnrt been odfcmleted by
Messrs. Tiffany A C 6., of Jlwudwaj, at wnose store
it will remain a few days on exhibition ; The order
was givon long ago. bat the work from Ha elaborate
nature, consumed much time, and befote it could
be completed Mr. Marcy dlod. The service will
accordingly be presented to the family of the de
ceased, and will no doubt be held in high tottiaa- j
tion by them, conning as Joes-from the{ leading I
merchants oi the Metropolitan City oT the Union.
The entire service, exeeptliigtowknlwetH* of
solid silver, and consists of six doxen each of
spoons and forks of all pises, (the.knives being of
fine steel, silver-plated, with carved Ivory han
dles); two soup tureens and salvers; one fish-dish
and cover; six dishes, with covers for entrtes (the
covers of these Wing so constructed that they can
in a moment be converted into dishes) J six vege
table-dishes with covers, four having stands and
heaters; two gravy, boats; two pitchers; four
fiairsof salt-cellars; one centre-piece, designed for
ruit; coffee-pot; tea-pot; kettle for hot water,
with heater; cream-pot; sugar-bowl; slop-bowl,
and oval salver thirty inobes in length. On the
salver appears the following inscription:
Presented with a Service of Plate,
ar HBSCHiars or tbk
William L. MAROY, Lsvb Sscbctabt or Btitb,
In token of their high appreciation of bis
WUe and able administration
_ of the
Foreign Affairs of the Country,
"Urlog bis term of office.
A..D. 1857.
The centre piece is one of the most beantifal and
elaborate pieces of workmanship of the kind we
have ever beheld, and needs to be seen in order to
be fully comprehended. The main piece is nearly
four feet in height, including the pedestal, which
is oval in form. From the centre of the pedestal
rises a conical column, near the top of which branch
out four arms supporting as many cut gluar dishes—
s t the top of the colnmnls a larger dish-- these dishes
being designed for fruit and flowers Beneath two of
the smaller dishes are two figures thlrteenor fourteen
inobes in bright, representing Commerce and
Peace. The left hand of the figure of Commerce
rests on a globe standing on a pedestal, at the foot
of whleh appears the rudder dr a ship.
Peace hoida in one hand a pen, and in {he other
a crown of lanrel; at her aide is a pedestal, at the
foot of which stands a trumpet, while on top is a
scroll. At the feet of these figures, on one ad* la
an eagle with spread wings, and on the otherthe coat
of Anna of the State of New York in relief. The
entire piece rests upon a large plateau around
which is an inscription similar to that on the salver
above mentioned. Every one of the pieces is
marked with a large old English M. Messrs. John
A. Stevens, chairman, John G. King, and Boyal
Phelps composed the committee appointed by the
merchants to superintend the work. The service
cost $lO,OOO.
The trial of Adams, the fast young barkeeper of
the Howard Hotel, is postponed until September.
Adams is out on ball of $lO,OOO In the civil suit,
and $2,000 in the criminal. Mr. John Boyd, of
Vesey street, and Mr. John Harrison Brewer, of
Sullivan street, are the bondsmen
The steamship Fulton, Captain Morton, sails to
morrow for Southampton and Havre. She takes
out about ninty passengers.
The British screw steamer Hew' fork, Capt
Craig, sails to-morrow for Glasgow, taking.out
about seventy passengers.
The Belgian screw steamer Leopold I. also sails
to-morrow for Southampton and Antwop, with a
fair complement of passengers.
The U. 8. steamer Water Witch, Capt. Lovell,
arrived at this port this forenoon, in thirty-six
hours from Norfolk.
(Correspondence of The Press.]
New York, August 21, 5.20 P. M.
Money was in Increased demand to-day at full rates of
interest. The offerings were much larger than yester
day, and scarcely anything bnt first class paper was ne
gotiable at prices ranging from ten to twelve V cent.
The greater portion of the business was done by the note :
brokers, or direct, as the banks are doing little or nothing.
Exchange is pretty firm, though bnt little is doing
on account of toe pinch in the money market.
Bills on London at 60 days 109#8109X for first
class bankers signatures: Paris and Antwerp
6,17){a5.13j£: Amsterdam dltfatltf: Frankfort
on-the-Maln Hamburgh 36X036X, Bremen
78# 079; Prussian Thdleri 72# «72#. It is supposed
that the Fulton will take out more specie than was
thought yesterday and the day before. The amount
will exceed $400,000v and may reach 600,000. The re
ceipts at the Custom-house for duties to-day were
{196,000. The failure of Edward Bates A Co., of Bos
ton, was reported this morning. Liabilities Mid to be
The Btock market at both boards was very heavy and
irregular. Holden are crowding a large amount of
Blocks into the market anxious to realise, and to
judge by the contracts which the bean are making,
a further decline may be looked for, although the quota
tions would reasonably warrant the belief, that the
bottom has been reached. The sales of Bonds and
Shares were not large, and prices varied very slightly
from yesterday’s prices. The sales of Stock were very
Urge. New York Central declined I#,' Erie opened
at the First Board at 20.!f, and closed at the Second
Board at 27k i declined 2#; Michigan Cen
tral 2tf: Michigan Southern closed at the First
Board at 27£, and jell further at toe' Second
to 28#. The preferred stock of this company fell
to 53 at the First Board, and to 50k at the Second.
Chicago and Rock Island advanced 2k V* rent, and
Cleveland and Toleda, which advanced 3j£ Ifr cent, in
the morning, declined if & cent, at the Second Board.
Cleveland and Pittsburgh have fallen 3# p' cent., it
belug rumored that the last published report of too
company dpcs not fairly represent the state of their
stock, *pd that p)o*c pa $700,000 stock has been sold
without the knowledge pf the Qiftytpre. fftia is what
the bean say.
Abubs steady at $7.87# *57.93# for Pots and $7.31 #
for Pearls. <
' BsiAPSTurrs.—Flour is heavy. High grades lower.
.The sales are 4,600 bbls., at the following prices:
‘Common to good State...,. $6,800 $6.46
-Faeeyto extra do S6ASo $6.75
Extra lowa, Mary laud, Ohio, Mfchffite, ftejflAOw $8.20
Tennessee..,,.<■ ,$7 J6O $9.00
Extra 6*. Lpuia r.; $r -200*10.35
CanadianlTtwrfr taxer wi toljipFs46lHg gonpjiei, and
In active demand at $6 40ad 4a for super, ands 6 80*8 SO
for extra grades. Southed Flour is lower at a decline
of 10 cents. Bye Flour Is in demand at $405 GO. Corn
Meal is in moderate demand and 160 bbls were sold at
$4 40®4 fO for Brandywine. ■
Comm.-— I There is very little doing. The news from
Bio has encouraged holders to be firmer.
Cojtqs. —The market continues firm at fall prices as
follows ;
Upland. Florida. Mobile. N.O.&Te*.
....13 13 13 13
Fair 16# 16# nom. nom.
Middling 15# 15# 15# 15#
Middling Fair...l6# 16# 17 17
OailX—Wheat Is irregular. 17.000 bushels were sold
at ItjSetl.SQfpr cljoiceTt#ite;'aod $1.55 for best red
and Southern, there is a good 4*ftl of Wb9*t i& tbe
market which is damaged, sad only saleable at low
Hides continue dull, with a downward tendency.
IROS—Very little doing. Small sales of Scotch pig
were effected at $29.50a550.
Leather—Dull for Hemlock, and Oak at a small de
cline in prices. The stock is increasing.
Naval Stores.— Spirit* of Turpentine is in demand
at former prices. §a|es 900 bhls. Crude Turpentine is
dull. Common po?iu ij yety gcarpe, aqd lft demand.
Tar and Pitch steady' at former rate}.
Pits are ip request at &JeBlc for Linseed, 70©75c
for Crude Sperm. Olive oil is in limited demand, prices
nominal, and Oil is in fqlp request at s}.l2#o
Psovrsioss.—The markot Is firm for Fork. 6QO hbl*
were sold at $25.600525.75 for mess, held at $26, but I
have beard of no sales at the latter price; $21.50321.75
for prime; and $22 50e22.75 for prime mess. Beef is
held firmly, with sales of 450 bbls. at $17.750518 for re
packed Western, and $18.500519 for extra do. There
is no change in beef hams, prime mess beef, or bacon.
Out lire scarce and firm. Lard is firm at 25®I0#<*.
Butter aud Cheese unchanged.
SriaiTS aud Wires —The market is firm and active.
The news by the Arabia represents that the crop this
year will fall .below that ot last year, and con
sequently holders are firm. Forty half pipes of
Cognac Brandy were sold at $4.50&56, and 33 do.
Rochelle, at $3.20«53.60. Gin iu demand at 85c.0$i.
Rum firm at former prices. The market for Wines was
active at previous quotations. There was a large atten
dance at the sale, this morning, of liquors la bond,
but the sales were very small, and bids exceedingly dull,
whiskey lower, 350 £&}?■ Bold at 28c. for Ohio and
Sugar.—The market was heavy and depressed, par
ticularly for refined.
Freights dull and unchanged.
DRV GOODS SALE.—Messrs. Haggarty Sc Co. sold a
targe stock of Carpets to-day, at slightly improved
prices. The sale was well attended. The sales were
The 4-4 figured Damask Venetians brought 23#; the %
plain Venetians 13#© 14c.' The superfine Ingrains, all
wool and worsted, of the manufacture of the Washing
ton Mills, 55e65e.
Tho ex* l * caper Engravings of another make brought
55c, and some few lots of the same kind of goofy—-only
different styles and at S3as3c.
The extra fine Ingrains, of John Graham’s manufac
ture, all wool and worsted, good styles, brought 53 to 57,
and some extra fine Ingrains, woof filling, 32<r39c.
Indians State S's 32: California State*?’* *78,70: Vir
ginia o’s 90#; Missouri State 6’s 78: New York Central
R ft 7’s 98; Erie' R R Bonds 1875,' 79; Qariem R R Ist
mtge, 75; Harlem R B 2d rntge, 68#: Illinois Central R
R Bonds, 99; La Cross A Mil Land Grant Ms, 38: Mich
SoBinklng Fund Bonds 60; Bank of America 109; Na
tional Bank 111: North River Bank 100; Ex
change Baok 110#; Canton Company 18#; Peunayl
ranfyCoal Company73#[CumberlandCoal pompaoy 25;
DeUwareand Hudson Canal Company, Hi: New York
Oentral Railroad,b'6o, 77k; Erie Railroad, b 60 S£)#:
Reading Railroad, 88 ¥i ’Michigan Central Railroad, 78;
Michigan Southern ana North Indiana Ranrqqd, 28#;
Michigan Southern and North Indiana preferred Stock,
b 00, SO#; Harlem Railroad, 9; Panama Railroad, b 6Q,
91#; Illinois Central Railroad, 113#: Cleveland aud
Pittsburgh Railroad, 31; Cleveland, Columbus and Cin
cinnati Railroad, 94#; Galena and Chicago Railroad,
b6O, 89; Cleveland and Toledo Railroad, b60,46#; Chi
cago and Rock Island Railroad, b 60, 93; AlJjlwaakie
and Mississippi Railroad, b 60,60; La Crosse and Mill
waukie Railroad, 25.
BKCORD Board.— N< Y. Central Railroad. 77; La
Crosse and Mill. R. ft., 22; Reading ft. R., 68; Chicago
and Rock Island R. R.. 92#; Erie R. R., 29#; Michigan
Central R R ,77; Michigan Southern and Northern In
diana prfd. Stock, 51; Michigan Southern aud Northern
Indiana R. K., 27: Cleveland and Pittsburgh R. R ,
29#; Galena and Chicago R. R., 87#; Uilwaukie and
Mississippi R. R., 48; Cleveland and Toledo R. R , 43.
Detractive Fir® at Jersey- City.
[From tbeN. Y. Commercial Advertiser pf Lwt eveqing,]
This morning, between three and four o’clock,
fire way discovered issuing from the cabiq of the
steamer Splendid, lying at tae Cunard dock, Jer?
soy city An alarm was imuioflfatyly giyeq and
the firemen hastened to the scene, but befqpe thsy
got to work the steamer was enveloped in flames.
The Are, it appears, broke out in the engine-room,
and the woQa-work being saturated with oil caused
the flames to spread with great rapidity. There
was no possibility of savjng the steamer, and she
burned to the wafer’s edge.' The firemen then
went to work upon the wharf, which w« algo burn
ing rapidly, ana in the course of half an bony they
succeeded In extinguishing the flames at that
Tho wind blowing quite fresh from the South
ward, carried the flames and sparks in tho direct
tion of the Royal Mail steamship Arabia, and at
one time she was in imminent danger. Her forced
pumps were immediately put in order apd manned,
aud every propagation was [node to wprk them, in
cose tho rigging took fire, but fortunately tfc©
shifted to the West, and the dark masses of
smOke and flying oinders were borne down the
The fire then communicated to the steamer
Moses Taylor, which was lying bear by, and al
though the firemen worked' noply, that steampr
was also burned to the water’s edge beforp the
flames were extinguished. The Moses Taylor
a new boat; she had only mado three trips, and
laid at the dook daring the night, as the oaptain
intended to leave for Eiiiabethtown, N.J., this
morping. The crew were all on board, and bad
barely time to save their clothes.
The Mesan, Taylor were msuped,** are Informed,
for $13,000, and was owned by the Delaware and
Lackawanna Railroad Company, and used *s a
freighting boat.
Tbe Splcndid was insured in the St. Nicholas
Fire Insurance office for $lO,OOO, and is owned by
G. J. Scott k Sons.
Mr. Scott’s youngest son was aboard, Md it is
feared he perished in the flames, as nothing had
been heard of him at the time our reporter visited
the tcene.
THEMOffoV fcAßKtfr.
Pqfuwitwu, August 31,1®T.
There Isno nJAtotUl change .to rpptot Sato* •to®*
market to-day, excepting that Reading Ralkoad fell to
34 to* market geoereßy being very doll- Th*foD
lag off in the tonnage of coal brought down by toe
Beading Railroad Company still eontmae*. The whole
tonnage from the Sehn/ikfll region this week is 75,775
tons, against 74,168 tons la the corresponding week last
year. The Reading Railroad brought dowu3d£&l tons,
against 45,346 tons in the corresponding week last year;
j and the Navigation Company 39,134 torn, against 28,833
I tons last year. The aggregate tonnage by both Ham to
date compares with last year aa follow* 1
„ 1858. * 1867.
Jredtof Railroad.. IJ7B 689 1,345,975 dee 133,814
Schuylkill Nar.... 610,824 723A84 toe 93JHD
* ***** 2,029,413 1.969,359 dec 60,554
The whole Anthracite coal trade for the week and
season has been as follows: *
Week. Season. Week. Season.
Lehigh Cana1.,..34,826 0* 506,320 OS 43,785
Lehigh Tal.B.S. 10,006 09 285,199 14 4,00* 70.8*3
Schuylkill OaaalJ&,l2& 05 l3 28,883 640,824
Reading B. 8....36,651 101,245,976 07 46A4Sl l 3T$’Si$
190,006 235021 & M4 37 121,967 2,t6o^U
The telegraph reporto toe failure of Messrs. Edward C.
Bates, ft Co., of Boston, With liabilities to a very large
amount. The failure Is attributed to speculations to
sugar. The great error of the American people lies to
’overdoimg matters. It is our besetting sin. We never
know when to stop, and fondly imagine we cannot poad
bty have too much of what we deem to be a good thing.
We take our fieeft horses to Europe end publish to all
the world thst we are abbot to run a race. We array
tiie jockeji to American national colors, and pa
triotically (?) try to Identify our country with our in
tended triumphs, which taros eat to be a failure, and we
find we hare overdone it.
Our love of display and pride leads to extravagant
habile of expense in the domestic sad social eirdt,
which continue to increase until the Flora McFUmeyi
find all prudent and sensible young men afraid of tha
expense* involved to the possession of their charms, and
that they have overdone it.
We build a railroad and imagine it will aererwear oat
or cost any thing,to keep to repair, and we can divide
all It earns anmog toe stockholders. It is good for the
country, too, so we prefect railroad after railroad, till
toe land Is covered with a net work of thron. with
borrowed money, and patriotically rax to competito r
with each other at sack cheap rates they eta scarcely
earn enough to pay the Interest on their debts. They
hare done well for toe Conakry, undoubtedly, hot
stockholders begin to think ruefully that they have
rather overdone It. On many of them, when the pro* * -
jeetcre come to see toe rusted rails, aa»d toe grass grown
over toe ballasting, they wtU be sure tt it.
One man boys Western land and makes a great for
tune. He is forthwith pofcUshed in »U fee papers, and
everybody falls to buying real estate on speculation,
until million* of acres are tons held, which cannot be
mold for near their coat, and tha two or three thoasaad
failures reported a penally la the country, even In other
wise good times, reveal* to these who are wHliog to ate
it, that the speculator* hare been overdoing it.
The supply of a necessary article, ay finger, foil#
short, and spec ala tion Is at onee rife among time who
deal in it, and they proceed to monopolise the whole
supply, and dictate their own pnees. The formers
Maple Sugar, toe poorer classes economise, the more
comfortable dispense with preserves, aak waste as little
Sugar as possible, and the dsmami la found to have fal
len off about the same time that a futureabuwtoaoebt- .
comes apparent, the bubble bunts, and the price*' riuh
downwards, to the discomfiture of those with large
stocks on hand, who ha re been overdoing it.
In tlinfes past, rwenlriim* la swwmg «f
hare been chiefly caused by as inflatm* currency, which
drove out specie, until there was not enough left for its re
demption. Bnt now that oar paper currency is sot in
flated, when the statistical returns everywhere show
that Is not Increased proportionally with the increase of
capital, the principal danger that we hare to fear Is that
toe ardor of oar American character will lead ns toto
over-speculation and overtrading, and injure what ax
present are the brightest prospects of safe and prosper
ous business.
The annexed table shows the total exports of teas
from China to the tJnlted States, from Jsonvy fat to
June 30th. The it will he teen, is near fifteen
million pound*, and daring the name period the «»p
-ments to Great Britain fell off ojer 29,000,000 p^r ll
At laet advices there vis no vessel loading for ffei*
eoontry, and it is thought the decrease for some time to 1
come will be even greater than ♦>»** shown by the fcU
lowing comparison;
Total export! from Chins to the doth/one will be:
Total decrease 13.939 JQQ
Deficit in Teas exported to Great Britain dar
ing same period ..29,300,000
The President and of the, Alexandria, Lon*
don, and gampahif l * Bailed hare dosed a contract for
1,000 tons of iron rails, T pattern, at the Brassed
l*r Iron Works, Troy, New York; also, for 1,000 tan*
same pattern and weight, to be shipped bom Kreport,
Wales, and to be received here in October and Norms-,
ber next. They expeet early in the spring, cays the
Alexandria Gazette, to hare the road down as flu*
as the village of Thornton, so os to complete the jfaa to
Clark’s Gap; f<plJ toilet, In the beginning atlB3B. Mr.
John oontraete for> 20,000 eraa-tiea for
this road, has commenced the delivery of the nan from
his estate In Maryland.
List year they were,
Total export Blades.
Last year...........
The Chicago, lows, and Xebrsska 3U£road, which U
completed for twenty miles, publishes the foUovrior
statement of income, to f«ly 1, u 4 &om JTb 3j Xto Aw*
,gtutl,lBsT: . '* *
: ferry 44
... m.a.
Pa»eng%n for month ol July $1,228 9ft ' -*
freight “ “ IJW.ea '
ferry « “ 468.8 ft ■ ■ -•
Tottl 3,85U2
It Is Intended that by the commencement of fhft.moaih
of September, the road wIU be competed to Tub*
Bon, a distance of forty miles from Clinton, at which'
time tbs business 0 f the road must be largely increased.
It will be seen by the abore figure* that the business for
the month of July is qearlj as much as for all the time
The Directors of the Michigan Southern Railroad C«a- •
pany hare made a formal resignation, to take effect upon
the election of their successors, on the 25th of Septan*
her. Air. J. H. Ransom wiU, until the new organisation
Is effected, act as President. A committee, consisting of
Amass J. Parker, of Albany, Hon. John C. Wright,
of Bchenectady, Cpl. James I#ee, Theodore Dehoa,Raq.,,
and Grees 0 Rrotmxn, of New York, and John Magee,
Esq., of Bienhen county, has been appointed to examine
into the affairs of the company, and report to the stock
holders at their meeting in September.
The Boll’s Head Bank has declared a semi-annual
dividend of 4 per cent., payable op and after Ist of Sep
tember proximo.
The steamship City of Baltimore, for Liverpool, took
ont $60,000 in spede.
The following is the holiness at the office of the As
sistant Treasurer, New York, on the 20th inst^
Receipts. $149,551
Pavmeqts.,,, 111,92*23
Balance .1A£85,9H 1$
The preliminary ramy for the Marquette and Bay da
Noquet Railroad was commenced on Joly 31. and is, we
understand, progressing rapidly, haring already pro
ceeded some seven miles. The line was commenced at
the dock and warehouse of the Iron Mountain Railroad
Company, and passes along the shore of the lake through
the village, and thence in the direction of the Chocolate
river. Austin Burtjßpq. i* tfce'engfcMn pf the road, h£tp>
quette is on the sooth shore of Lake Superior, some
thing over a hundred miles west of Sault St. Marie ship
canal, sad it the seat of the iron trade of that region.
Bay de Noqneti* an arm of Lake Michigan.
The contractors on the KUvankle and Beloit Rail
road have commenced operations at Hkhorn.
The Hanoi tod (Mo.) Mssmgev says: “On Monday,
the 3d of August, the can on the Hannibal and Sk,-Jo
seph railroad were run to the first station bejfnfisdfe
newell, to the ShelbyrUle and Paris road crossing.. This
station is forty-seven miles from this city, seven unle*
south of BbelbyTUto.”
Ths Director* pf the Pacino road of Missouri hare
made a final location of the road u far aft Pleasant Hill#
in Cass county. route which it will go from Plea
sant Hill to Kansas City still depend upon the action of
the citizens pf th*t place.
The LoqiSTm* a*d KashviUe Railroad is completed
from KashviUe to New Haven, a distance of forty-five
miles, and trains are running daily between these*
PP l ?)*
At a meeting of the directors of the Tennessee and
Mlulsrippl taßrqed, on the loth Of July, at Bolivar,
General R. % Neely *fts elected President.
The officers of the Southern Illinois rsllroad are
takipg measures to secure subscriptions to their stock
along the line of the road, between M<w»d City (lust
above Cairo) and Grayrille. White county is expected
to subscribe $50,000. The subject of Continuing the
rosd from GrayviUe to ErearviUe la also broached.
n , 1847.
Rtporttd by B. J&antejt , Stock Bo.
2000 Reading R d’s 44 87 2000 Cal’wy IQ as- et 6s 40
100 Cityd’i 89% 10fi Reading R s 5 MX
100 do 89U 1 Norristown Rtd iO£
300 do 89M lOOSehylKavifitoS
500 N PeonsßO's 593{ SPeonaß 4g?
500 do 6990Girard Bank Ilk
1000 City 6’s New 95k 4 Girard Bank 11 jg
700 ’do New MV 1 do u 2
50Q Leh»gh 2d| l£ 30 Harrisburg B MW
100 Reading R cash 34# 3 do M#
100 d® 34# 19->'Bank Ky »s»nli:J
50 Loaf ItUndß hi 10 \
50 Reading R Ji2
60 do ' siirn 34 ¥
100 4q ‘3&
100 dp 34jJ
SOOOCata*iaaaß?’a 63U
1000 ChM Val B •'« I>S SS
60L<meIllaadKb6 11
60 do ts 11
60 do 65 11
100 dp 6510*
515 « Penpa 5e MX 13 City Bank *6ojk
100SchyiN»*7 ptt 22 150 Long Island K 10 K
MOitr®* nk *
IQQ Raodlcg R *st& 39 V
100 do *sirn 33*
*&0 do in let* s 5 35*$
lQQßtytipg B W 34
ldO dq «wn 83,V
100 do s 5 Int 33X
200 do «5 iat 33X
Bid. Jished.
ÜBft'fcttS U6X
PUImU fa
do BB
Bid. Asked
Scfcyl Nor Pref S 3 022*
Wnuji’t&SlmßlS old
do Ut off T*
liimort. TSX«T6w
4o do2dm«Ji«&sx
toef I*l*o* 20\*ll
Viek»borg 7¥® fv
Gim4B»»k lift 9112
UUl|b?dDc ivm ltf
Union Caul ox9lo
KewCmk tol
o«t«wiiM RR U «Ul(
do New
Peanifa, lot off 84X«94X
Beading BdJy off fa «fak
do Boada >Tft 7®
’M, lot. off*! ®S7*
Penua EB faUftt**
MorriaCaal Coa 50 e 53
Sehjl Nav fa >52 64 k *66
do Stock 16 #l4 1
Mtlp* of floor tad 3M £s*
Tk« folltnrice i« ii»
tie vmfc aadls| 4W l ** 90j
BirreJi of SopOTda*
da Tin*.......
do Ces&mwed.,,.,
PoadieoM Com HmL ...
. 7MI
BT£PB£K MHjISR, Intpoctor,
... 6,669.33