The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 22, 1857, Image 1

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, % S»MOfc» W. FORNEY.
? p ' r .<fa>S&Xyft k .
* + *<?* ‘ V',
*IW CWRsfWi/ftoWh ■ P»T*W» Id. «i«, t*rtie(«. •
JWJ«lte.gitfwnN« out of/Vue City. tiSn Wia'aM
• n»'lSijs|»ifot»’Boi.iiii3 WrEiaM M6i(t»b • ?«»»»'
PotbW *tygW?Mo«wu)i'la*»iai» In edyinfee for the
si- -Tl,- , .r.js. : f i-ic
'•3l4**.l. WEEEIy FRMI, , j
M*il*S to.8ul»crll»ra,o«li e/> the 01ty,:»t
. - AJ»#MBAaMcß,irxid,rftace.. . . •*_
■ . fh»r,lW)H*W!P**«B will be. Mnt tq.SobMrlU™. be
Mpr* *^; s ‘:::::::::::rw
S®Sp. i •
mibwrJber); e»fh •-.‘-A ..... 180
Soy Club ofoTwsmty-one or,qrer. ire wiHeend W
extr* ropy to the ot the Clu£» r
{ETUfoetouters are. requested to art •* Agents for
THDjfojSW.Tl’Aeag-.. .A? ,j. I As
. V aj.l/K-Tbo»»lHciH)Vll SU»mshlbi WASHING-
TheieWpA-ABte'beHl-eith' greet (Site. Mtto best
materlelsinecery; department..tusler theilmpecttoee?
anofficer.lilUm WnitedStatee Navr., ..lUer, are «w i
, MWtoas bitrfben,;the;;dJ m Tnalo M V the, WASHING-,
-■ TOM being-tUOfeet :Hagth"BB feist beam; hiSTst feet
iefth.of field,'Mat of .the-HKRMANN.2a), 40,eM.31
feet,,; : £h f'T'iiTixt-: \ y:< >!' sf- s viL/o.'' t
■ ic,; *U io complete orier, end Is KrilihW ’wltKcoiv
; boe»»ni .»i*He-:of *toirii«-XOOO.toD»-i)r coel.'reiiTlng*
freight .raoiah.rii'boiitseo .Oiiißnieeaumceet. 1 There
eiifpiiriate ioW Wlthill ihe terhltnre/iieVAl,
- »taadbtreo4;:nuUiU>g. gear, anchOMfeliaiiiitiMealilM,
- - bedding, t»We ? ..)»erfi», gl»iew*«,
<■ u McßhioU’-Eictiaiirre,
. In phe Wtf; Of ,New Torki oh the first dag-rtf -October 1
-tl»aa sold to the,Egb«J»fe bidder
- -Tfithqurtettrtjj. ; ' '; t ' >/;. l.'Uu-,
JoHdrther 'rfppl? attije ottae of the Oaekn j
SUanttfaTigafion Qo:;nwuwynhlitAH
j ToftgL^'r-v-f > H-e y,- h "; -• viihtiiw* fa J
'• /CihttW
: C*«s Osdunaeder tWI/ASGOW; 1 ,W 2 tOhj.-JceirDihr
. Sfceateifueuaad NewrMertiSteatnr'
SttA KetrYorV,ifuttirdaf,.Jains io,f2htKihi < > ■«
. o-.'-t'.' • 3U:vn i* 1 ' 1 ' Vi * >.-< ;•: • - ••
17v? ; ; , ; >.?' ■</:?•. r
.Wlalmifj Aitg. 8. V'“'*' - ‘
*i? ahu#iw,B«ptv6.‘ • «■*
±r„£ii .<! ~>fdUMß OPiPiSUOfI, \.«\i > r ' * -■
|?«t plaM/jftS J,'third clws, found : cooked pro
▼isjonijs3o. An experienced eurgeouattacbeiitoeach'
ateimar; for freight 6t pusago apply to 30HN Mp3?-'
BROADWAYTKeWtotk tfty MUeOrgold
. only wcolrad for v'• .1!? . .-aulO-lm
‘i -■■*’ Kew York and ±tam Steamship, Cpmpfthr The
r, . ‘UnHed"State'g Mail AttAGO, >2,500 tons,
? ’ ©arid lineik end FUWON, -2,6 W tons,'
. Japjjta A._)VottOß, ComDumdery willleave Nper'York.
: HaireanlSouthampton. lor, the years 1857 and !68,i0a
i the foUowiijg 4»jr?:„ ’ ' ’‘ ‘
;J v V
-7 Folkoh, 22
I; ■
t Arm??, it,.? - Nor- H
(i Julton,'. do.- -- DecM2
£ J - tj .*r> : tv v-t ,y-'<
’ taATB *' J 'l
& Aim®, TMesday/Aug.W
-r. FulfoV , ,Sept,22
£ Arago,,.,, do. Oct. 20
v Fdlfon.' do. " Nor. 17
v .Arift, '’'do.’-• Dee.l r
£ / -JVw.*| 1858;/-
FaUop,,/.do. ~ Jan.l2 ? Fulton,. ,do. ,Jan. 13
, Atago,, do. ...Feb. 10,
, , liffltonj- ' do.' ,‘M»rcS 9' Folfimi do. Mar. 10
- Ai^d/‘ d <&>. 1 ’ Atago,- do.' April 7
r Fulton, do. Sla/4 - Fulton, ,■ do. - {;.Majv6
?d0...... Juno 1 ..j Arago,,» ~June2,'
v uiie29 , Fulton, do. Jude Bo
- - 4 -ft t y ir.*rr - -Mid* Of MUM* : -
v, To* td'Southampton or ;H*m-rFlrsi
• CsS®atfYse<torid OiMni $75. *" * - -
r'~ or Southampton to New .York—First
O^MS%&K^^«OfadCab&.’6oofr4ndB^. ; , :
, amsmojlh •wdMjsas 1 ' "
-«*> IOHANGB CO:‘. « V JJ -■ 0 ’ ~ v ' w«
, :§r
'TrtawHWJMromHro. 1 , :,
ThAfrtU kfiotra' first dauildo »hw! gieunihijM
form a Wealdr Lbiefor the.goatb and gaathweat, one
tTAi. fyESar SATJML»d.Y ; at 10 o’clm*,'
; ■ ‘ FOKBAVArtNAB'. oa.
■uh p«Mjj»»inu"*j~Oonm»niier, : ■
utt ok BATOBSXY;' AuRTUt 22nd. »t jo o'olodl. A. M.
JOB OHAaMBTOK/Sf'a"' r > ’ " '
» :MKB,Sr*AMBaEP OTATB 0» aB)JI9IAV' : ■ /t
1 ttriestoo^tS 1 Savannah the?o ships Mfenaei “
r with-e»*iner& Jnr.PloridA.ftud.HayAni,'and irith'ran- 1 '
roa&ifr&c...for all place* In the£outh.aiid Southwest,' if
.. CaWnPaflsage in either chip.,..,..... ..$2O
‘ilEßtiA^.w4o.. lM /. do. ......J.'ui* 8
'?SB& NofreTghtrwcif^don^tnniayrooming.- . —»■
1 m-;No bills of lading signed After the ship has sailed;
, i for fifeightorrpassftge apply to
\'V »«• * - • ■ I..lW»)CJx. l .nJ»nclh.Wkhms.
c . Agent* at Charleston. X.ft. k,
Apilrt*tflaranimh,C.A..Greiner.:i I*' T
m -f(fll f PLOIIU)A, ; from Charleston,’ steamerCAßOLl
" NA'.hrery Tuesdays . ._t wf; < v „r, ...
,y;PGB.HAVANA, }from .Charleston, steamer ISABEL,
. < 4th and lstp of 6T«ry;month. , .. r ' aal .
i *
C OliveriMridge. ; ,' 1
BALTIC, Capt:jo‘soph‘Cnm.toclc, ' '
■TEe' ADBIATIO, CWpt. Jinla. WM,:-'' '- : ' ' ' "
,Tlw»»»Wp»b»ve .sptauty for
Opr«lWO“‘,»er»to;eTBryoarehwks»oUke» wthjilr,
toutnieUip, u alao In. their englne% to fin.ur. .trength
nn.imosl, n»4 their te»itahwl»Hon» for paiiendere >re‘
’ un-ajuiU-tfor olog.Cs.Vand Comfort. ■ ■ /■
JPrieo,nfips«egBfrpl»Re)r 'rork toiLlTerpoOl. in firat
: - bulkhead*.'
- A!<TjROPOgEOj>ATEfiOF ! A&IUNG.;;«.r/ r*
. Satnrdoy, July 4,186 T Wedneedey -1857
g»tara.y I !dtilyl8 1 ' :> .188;: W«4he»)»y;iXnlf 5tJ • 1857
Setorday, Ang. 1, 1857 Wedneede#, A»*^.,: 5 i851;
%■ {fafs^as.
SatonUy.ftrof.'KK"' 1&V -WWh'eSday Sspt:3oS iw
• Bsturiayi Oct. . 1867. Wednesday Oct/14 /1867
SaturdaysOftfc -2h .1867. Wednesday Oct.-SS: '1857
Saturday. IT©Y;/r,U 1857 ’W«dnesday,.Nov;-llv/1867
Batotday;'Nov. 21, Wednesday.Nor, 0«;? 1867
, B^bwd^riiDec^h,-5 t t 1857, Wednesday,,Dee,*i.«i IMT,
■ CO;iIjT.rMOI; f.i< JfoL ■»!
■ n p>c- a *
.. ■The thW ; not W iee6hfit*fcla'for
; edonesetoneeor:
/ Xjrf.'AND.DßUGGiaTjnorthieart aJrnteTIFTHMd
- CHESTNUT Strgets^PhiUdelphia, ..sotoHaoukctarer
> Wmwa-U by 'the iredical- Fai
./ GDOioLtfeeUmtodlgtote#/
/' This Essence is a preparation of vunusoal excelleae*.
ar&Mai tmi ptrti«!lkr}]r lD U. < ilolu»u> l tt>'il .i> ictiv.
MKSII M «-ple«»twi4 efllfleat remedy...,,
GER, should be particular to ksk^6r ,; .“ Brown’* Es--
tUnger^twhichiia wamatedito>be
Store/ Tiortt-eiV-bOrher’ or FIFTH audOtiESTNUT
- Streets, Philadelphia; and by sH the respeofeble Drug
, giirta and'Apothecaries to .aul-am.
Afrt>Et v . , biwysi l ore
fJtj ‘ '^ (r t 'nr
MEHOIAL 0011/EBB, S. 'E. fiorner of SEVENTH
.nt.CHESTNUTStr'oot.i Seeondnnd Third StdrlMi
- BOOK KEEPINO, PENtIANSHIP. erery etyler . -,.i
JJBOTUBis. to. ' I i ,;k- tOB .on''.' ic ■■■-,
. JSoeh Student hMindiridu.l inttructinn from co’npfi.
tont and ottontire Tewherij under -the Immediate
eaperrlelonof-thePrincipal.- .. / .
’One of tho Dost Pdhmen in the Country hie cherge of
North PIPTH Street, East «We,»hoVe Oommerco atreet'j
Philadelphia. .iiIUCH a::V?A - anl-tf .
16 trt^^wf*;
•Ur that they hat* made arrhogepeats for one of their
Buyers leaving
.' J ¥ttim tfiktiy years*; etpiriericr/'the ’permanent rosi
d«ae« J in f’a?ii r ofrbro/dKih«'-fina'/and an abundant'
erittal. flteyfor THE PUR«>
GuASX Olf COJtMIBSIOK the* European
xfittffcOTli Tor jrfrftinjMit direct) '£^J?»K '•--
ftthey arc to rewyoordartfrom aimplaa'
iM&ait* «d well
' tho'lijdi
■:,' almi^iMliiiii tesaci’Vl*rtarfmSfc)hej-»**>-
’■^l^pllBrl}.*!!«£??*•;;. vw : •****•
lOC thet baneS t or.atrangere and. others rho mar da-,
sire to visit any of,our jjublio inititutlon... wo publish
» Academy Of MukUs, ' (Operatic,) comet of Broad an 4
iLoeulrfcstreet*;' *'*• > -
‘ ’ Arph Btr©etTheatnj,Arch,abore 6th street.
i PsiWttson’a Garden, OhOstnut, above Tenth.-
• ) National Theatr&uul Circus, Walnut, above Eighth,
: Sandfoid’s Opera House,(Ethiopian,) Eleventh, bolow
Market.,. ;*,r» .'( , j
I Walnut Street' Theatre, northeast corner Ninth and
T&lnut. . ’*’ ,* <■ _ - ( -
ThomeuTs Varieties, Fifth u&titiestnut.
j Thomas’s Opera,lJpqae, Aren, belqw Seventh,
j 'Arts'iNit eoiBSCEs.
Academy ,of Natural Sciences, corner of Broad and
.George streets.':", ,7.‘
; ; Academy of FlndAtW. Chestnut, above Tenth.
* • Artists* Fund HalljfOhestnut, above Tenth,
r , Franklin Institute, No; 9 South Seventh street.
1 Almshouse, west aide of Schuylkill, opposite South
Street} . ..
: j Almshouse (Friends s ),,Walnut street, above Third.,
; i Association roV the Employment of Poor Women, No.
* 1 Asylum tot LoatChUdreu, N0.'56 North Seventh
streets .in ■■-« »r ■ \. .
r Bace, near Twentieth street/.
i Hospital, Np v ,B .Cherry street,
i -Sm W, street* near Coates,
- Diip«n»ity,yfifth, l below,Ohedtffat street.;
IQuirdluu of tie Poor,offlca.No. 58, North .Serenth ■
',,: „ ,
' | Sficiety Hail, No, 8 South Seventh street.
VLi **s? ™ r Brlendleaa, Buttonwood street,
bfclow,Broad, , ‘ '
0 roe ' i : aßoci " ly - Chmy ’
■ Muonic Hill, Chestnut, above seventh street. ’
y Myuy.. Asylum; raider of Bade and Ireuty-arst
1 1 llrtiiom DhMOKuty, Noil'gprinjOardeu etveet:'
Orphsnj. Asylum, (colored,) Thirteenth street, near
•1 04dj«}iowV Haines street.
v .vor > - ;da.. S.B.c6rner Broad and Spring Gar
j’ 1 -' ' -,vt. ‘ den streets, i
• Vo. i do. Tenth and South streets.
! ! • KDo: K ' ido. Thirdand Brown streets; .... “
.. «Ho-’ -. I/ do., Rldge.Boad,belotrWaUace.’
. ’Pennsylvania Hospital,Pine street,between Eighth
' | Penxuylvaplalnstitute for the Instruction of the Blind,
3>merßace and Twentieth street.. 1 * r ‘
Pennsylvania .gffoletyfotf 5 . Alleviating the Miseries of
üblio Prisons, Sixth and Adelphi streets.
' ! Pennsylvania Training Bchool for Idiotic and Feeble*
Minded Children, School House Lane, Germantown,
office N0,16<2 Walnut steet. v• ‘ . * ,
• 'Philadelphia Orphans’ Asylum, northeast cor. Eigh
teenth ana Cherry ' , '
f Preston Retreat, Hamilton, hear Twentieth street.
‘ (ProviWe Prime, below Sixth street; ' '
* Southern Dispensary, N0,'98 Shippen street.
- r Union Benevolent Association, N. WV'corner of
Seventh andSansdm atrtefcsv; ..
tpenth’*toM^^**^ W> Eighteenth. andNine
-Bt. Hospital,, Girard avenue, between Fif.
JMitoenth. '
Episcopal 'Hotpltal, Front street, between Hunting*
dou and Lehigh avenues. • >
, Philadelphia Hospital for Diseases of the Chest, S. W.
«naec of .Chestnut,and West PWladel-
! « i' w-- PP*aio apanwQp.
: Custom llobse, Chestnut shrebt; above Fourth.
! «?. llD^?^5 * OQ, road, bolowßeed, ■
’ 5 JO^O O. Warehouse, Dock and Spruce streets.
{ Oity.Opntroller’a Oißoe, Girard Bank, second story.
I Commissioner of Property, office, Girard Bank,
' ) Cffy Treasurer’s Odloe, Girard Bank, second story.
City Commissioner’ll Office, State House,
City .Solicitor’s Offiee, Fifth, below Walnut.
y aM*CheBkiuf mttit - te ' ,B SouthweBt corner
v i Fwnnount Falrmount on the -Schuyl
ikill.e. .-u,J ,;<o. A "
\ GfcsajlTmtSretto Wr’s Offiee, fifth Above Chestnut.
. j Houso-nf Industry,Catharine, above Seventh. ■
. Houss.of Indushy, Beventh, aboT© Awh street.
f House of Refogej earner Popl&r -
: npSl o /,® 6l "**; (oilowl,) WUUMu end Eroeu.
• I SLAWS'* I “'“V bfSlxth end Btoadm;
I s°“?sofOureretlon; Bush HIU..
Hospital, Grej>» Perry road, below South
'AreeS!'’‘ o ®“’, B ' oornß | r . Ilfth and Chestnut
Arwoy Bafeu4ty,"ftui.- 9.
Fulfoa, 6
Arago. .do.;, March fl
Ftilwn, K 44. • April* 3
Arago, do. ' May 1 1
Fulton, . do: -- JJaj 29
’ ' L'KATB SOtfnLAMrrOX. 7 '
iFaltonji'jdo-! „, Bert. 23
in*!i„. do. ~ Oct, 21,
IFultoh, . do. ; Nor. 18
lArago,' ' do, ' "'jjefif
11'.'. • 'lB5B. },'■
betWe,n T ™ tjr -
I Navy Yard, on the Delaware, corner Front and Prime
streets.* ,•- i .. , ’
iNorthera; Liberties Gas-Works, Maiden, below Front
Office,’No. 23T Dock street, oppoeito the Ex-
Frankford road, belcw 8 hacks-.
flprfng Garden, Callowhill. near Eighth’
E)asluuige,- corner Third,' Walnut and
Tphilsdelphla GasWorka,
Noi B.fii Seventh street/ ■< '1 . ... .
lnstitute for-Deaf and-Dumb, Broad and
Pinestreeta.: *:*«•, <
gun’s TresAy Monument, Beach, above Bbackamaxon
tile High School; 8, E.' corner Broad aad Green
to. - ~
i. Public Normal School/Sergeant, above Ninth,
i o® c ®i No. 8 Btate House, east wing. • '> * -
j StateHpUse;;Cita*tfaut «tre«rt;between Fifth’and Sixth
■Streets.:'" •; p <> * «. /T
* r Stote House, near Sixth street. • ' 3
• 12^,?;0»We» ,C«arai«3on o r > s Hall, Spring Garden':
States Mint, corner of Chertnut and Juniper
streets,. w T . - • .<
, United Ferry Rosd, near Fede
ral street; •.. i ~‘‘i , .
\ Navtf Asylum, oh IheSehnylkiU, cearBoath street.
con,or Df
iwe“f^ni t O^W < i?^" ,1:i ' rt * r, ‘ ° BW * ot
1 00LLEQX8.
College of Pharmacy, 2ane street, above Seventh.
Eclectic Medjcal Cotjege, Haines street, west of Sixth.
Glraril College,,JUdge road and College Avenue, ,
Medical College, Filbert street, above
j Jefferson Medical College, Tenth street, below George.
| Medical Institute, Locust, above Eleventh street.
; Polytechnic College', dorner Market and West Penn
Sduare;-. : v"
, JPepnsylvahia MedlcaP College, Ninth street, below
Philadelphia Medical College. Fifth, street, below
ffalnuf! • ; 1 . . . ’
Female Medical College, 229 Arch street.
J Uniyersity nf Pennsylvania, Ninth'street, between
'Market and Cbestnht: ‘ \
\ University of Free Medicine and. Popular Knowledge '
No; «B Aw® street;’ ■ ‘; . ’ • . - *’
United States Oihshit and'District Courts, No. 24
fifth street, below Chestnut: • 1
j Bupreme Court of PennsylvanU',’ Fifth and Chestnut
streets; ‘ :r '- ‘ -
Court of Common Pleas, Independence Hall.
> District Courts. Nos, .1 and 2, corner of Sixth'and
Chestnut streets/ 11 "■ ■*
, Chart of Quartet 1 Sessions, corner of Sixth and Chest’,
inf streets.
". ' • it*MOiODB iMWTtrriOSs.
; American' Baptist Publication Sodety/No. 118 Arch
American and Foreign'Christian Union. No. 144 Chest
nut street; 1 •■ • •-w
• American Sunday School Union* No, 310 Chestnut
Street, f ■: J - * ‘ - * 1 «, ,■ •
i American'fr&et Sbclety.'neW No; 929 Chestnut.
< ’ Menonl«t,,Qrown attest, below OallowhUl street.
, ***,«»«,
KP*M»yfariiaiß4fa4‘bf PBl)timiiton. Ho; 205 Oheitoot
itreet/' : - *- ■ ■■
VmWortiA PtfiillMtlon Home, No. 1384 Cheitnut
. street.- • * * 1 » /
No. 162 Chestnut
Philadelphia, Bible, Tract, and Periodical Office (T.
ff;stoflhton’8 } ) No. 585 Arch street.’ first house' below
• Sixth street, north aide.
o .‘"'r°J *• Eleventh and Market.
.7 A. M., SUU Train for Pittsburgh and the West.
M-MJ-M'iJut Was for Pittsburgh and tbe Wo«t.
2,1)0 p, M,, for Harrisburg andj Colombia, .
4.90 P. M.»Accommodation Traiafor Lancaster.
'U EM., JapwaMail tor Eittilmrgh and the West.
■ Bepot, Broad and Vine.
,TM A.M., Bipres«,Tr«Jn,for,Pott<yllle. Willtamiport,
„r KlValra and. Niagara »aU<i
8.80 P. M., pa al?OT« (Night,Express Train.)
‘•ti'-ti'i-' r ii ■■
-I A. M -x from Kenßington, via Jersey City.
0 Aj M., from Camden, Accommodation Train.
7,A; lly fromCaradeh; viaJerseyOlty. Hail,
A- H.ffrom .Walnut atreptwh&rf, via Jersey city.
,2 P.AL via Camden and Amboy, Express,
3P.M.,TiaC&mdep, Accommodation Train.
& P Hr? via Camden and jersey Olty, Mali.
0 P. M.j'via Camden and Amboy?' Accommodation,
Connecting tines.
6 A. street wharf, lor Belvideie,Easton,
, .Water Gap, Scranton. Ao.
ISAH.j.forPrpehqld.. ,
iT A.
id./forMftttntHally, Bristol.TrentoD, Ac# ,
BP. M.,for,Pulrayra, Burlington, Bordentown, Ao.,
•4.Pi M,,forßelyidere, Easton, Ac;, from Walnut street
S ,?•;?,wfean* . * ? . - u
ST. M-jfQr Mount Holly, Burlington, Ac, . ,
! Baltimore R. R. —Dopot, Broad and Prime,
,8 A. Mi) for.Baltimore,-Wilmington, New Castle, Mid*
. dletown/lk>Tflr,-and' Seaford., -
P* M..forpaltimore, Wilmington, and New pottle.
4.1& P. m,j for Wlimlngtcn,, New Castle. Middletown,
- i.Bpvfir,andSeaford,',,
¥s4lt height./
for Baltimore and Wilmington.
’«%?}»iS* *t ?■' and Willow,
:6.15 A. M., Tor Bethlehem, Easton. Bauch Chunk, Ac.
8.45 A. M., for Doylestpwn, Accommodation.,
2-ld P« M.,,for jßtthlehemV&stonTlfauch Chunk, Ao.
4JP, M„ for Doylestown,* Accommodation.'
6,85 P, M., for Gwynedd, Accommodation
~ «k C ? n & n J ind t a —Vine street wharf.
(7.30 A. M.yfor Atlantic ,olAy. ,
lO.dfi A. M., forHaddonfiold.
: 4' p. M-, for Atlantic Olty.
4:45 P.M., for Haddonfleld. '
' *<■ - ■ Wr Westchester.
“ By Columbia B. B. and Westchester Branch.
•From Market street, south side, Above Eighteenth.
Leave Philadelphia? A ( M., and4P.M.
« , Westchejtoro.3O A.M.,and3 P. M.
.. *' . .f. Os, Sosdavb, ,
Leave Philadelphia 7 A'. M. , -
]Railrpfti,qpen'to Pennelton, Grubbs
o. Bridge.' • 1 ' |
i , From northeast Eighteenth and Market streets.' i
! Leave Philadelphia 6. and 6 A: M.,2,4, ando P. M, 1
■ u t;. : Pennelton; Prubbi Bridge,’ 7,8, and 11 A.M, and
\^ T -’u, .vAandAP/M.-;- * ■;
On Saturdays last train from Pennelton at 7. A. M.
• r t • Oh Sohdats
Le&v* Philadelphia 8 A. M. and 2 P.M.
, *f< (C A.M. and.o p. M.
■ Getmanlown' f 'fioTfistDpn R. ii.—Depot, 9th and
’ '' ' Green.
M,iaudB,4Asio.4s, and U.I&P.M.,
for Norrirtown.
‘ y oAgM< Downingtown. i
-«»A. AT, and 2,4, 6,8, and 9 .
. MjforObestuut Hm. - ,
. b, t, OTJSJSS4. I " MII *• 8 - 10 > *> *>
6,7, 8, 9. »lld n .no p. -Ifnr Gcrinanlown.
Okisttf bllsjelphla « A:' M.and
■ BobnlastoWllT Ji'A •M. «id 1P: M.
: V.Si'(«/',bimjftftH'MjM.
> 2.30 1’. M., BtWgtqn, Ifor. BoMentowa, from
i ■ ■ , Bristol, from W.iaut fltrv.t wharf.
"9.® AWC, BMAwittij'BtMMii) anti Keraebes. ror o.fS
Iday, first pier below Spruce street. ; 1 .
i tISO ind.fiP', b.,- John A. 'Warner
! '{/; b: and Tbonias A. Morgan, for Bristol,- Bur?
i - lington, *c. . . , 1 * :
: ili.Bq AvM.trfjtoperal .AlcP<?pald,, tty Cap® May, every
' Jv^.TuesM Thursday, $&; Saturday, from
ifc;. ;
VOL. I—NO. 19.
i!< 1.. i,i -• ».•••• -<
in |ll)llflbc4it)i«.
The Cheapest and Best Weekly Newspaper in
the Country.'.
Great Inducements to Clabs*
Onthol&thof August the first number of The Webk
ly Press will be issued from the City of Philadelphia.
It will be published pvery Saturday.
Tan Weekly will be conducted upon National
principles, and will uphold the rights of the States. It
will resist fanaticism In every shape; and will be devo
ted to conservative doctrines, as the true foundation of
public prosperity and, social order. Such a weekly jour
nal has long been desired in the United States, and It is
to gratify this want ibat Toe WrbkLy Press will bo
published. ’
Toe Weekly Press will be printed on excellent
white paper, dear, new type, and in quarto form, for
It will contain the news of the day; Correspondence
from the Old World and the New; Domestic Intelli
gence {'Reports of the various Markets; Literary Re
views; Miscellaneous Selections; the progress of Agri
culture in all its various departments, Ac. i U
JET Terms invariably tn advance. 1
Tits Weekly Press will be sent to subscribers,
by mall, per annum, at....,....*......, $2 00
Three copies for. 6 06
Five copies tor.' 8 00
Tencopiesfor.;.. 12 00
Twenty copies, sent to one address .....20 00
Twenty copies, or oyer, to address of each subscri
| ber,«ach, per annum.. 1 20
‘ For, a dub of twenty-one, or over, we will send an
extra copy to the getter-up of the Club.
, Post Masters are requested to act as agents for The
Weekly,Press. JOHN W. FORNEY, '
. ‘ ’* Editor and Proprietor.
Publication Office of The Weekly Press, No. 417
Chestnut street, Philadelphia.'
£I) c tes s.
Tho Milwaukie Daily American, edited by
Mr. A. W ellinotom .Hart, a member of the
Jewish persuasion, makes a strong complaint
of the’manner in which, by the late treaty with
Switzerland, the'religious faith of American
Jewish citizens is placed under a ban. It says:
“ Much' exoitement ‘ throughout tho
Union amongst’ the Jewish cititens in consequence
of the first article of this treaty clashing with
their religious liberty. , The history of. this treaty
is, that about 1850 the Hon. Dudley Manu, then
our Minister to Switzerland, drew up the draft of
a treaty which tho Jews discovered proscribed
them from Imindnitles enjoyed by their Chris
tian brethren. The. late AI. .M. Noah,iOf New
York, addressed Mr. Webster, the . Secretary of
State, on the subject, and on his
tations, booked by thoso' of tho Swiss Jowish
merchants' residing in Amoriea, he authorised the
rejection of the treaty, and the mattet dropped.
During the Administration of. General Pierce tho
subject of a treaty was again agitated, and Mr.
Fay, bur Minister, drafted it treaty, the vefy first
article of which contained tho olause, which is not
only Obnoxious to the Domocr&oy and the country,
but is mischievous, inasmuch as this precedent
established by the Swiss Confefioration may be
followed by similar sots on the part of Prussia,
Russia, or’Spain, where Jews enjoy but limited
privileges; and where tho opportunity would avail
to follow out Swiss proscription as endorsed by
the United States." ;
The first sentence of the treaty runs tlms:
« The citizens of the United States of America
and the citizens of Switzerland shall bo admit
ted and treated upon a footing of reciprocal
equality in the two countries, where such ad
mission and treatment shall not conflict with
<Jie Consfttafion or fcgtilprbumons, as well fed
eral as-State and. cantonal, of the contracting
parlies,” The offensive operation is in this
wise—the Canton of St. Gall actually has a
statute prohibiting & Jew from sleeping within
its limits; Therefore, if a Jew happens to bo
in that locality towards dusk, he must cross
over into Austria to get a bed I
Mr. De Luze, Swiss consul at Mew York-,
bfliug.applie4 to oft the subject, could, only
say that there ..was- not in the- treaty «a
single word against the; American.’citizens of
; the Israelitish'persnasion-;” but; he'adds, each
’Oaiitbir isatevereigu State, u as well as the
■several States of Sie, American Union, and
.have each the right to, make such Jaws as they
think proper to make; and I believo that in
-most of them the Israelites have not the same
rights as the Christians. But of that the
Americans have no more, right ,to complain
than the Swiss aliens residing in the United
States, where, in many States, they have not
the right to hold real estate, and are excluded
of some other privileges.”
Mr. DeLuze argues feebly. No Swiss is
deprived of the rights of citizenship in Amer
ica, or of the protection of the law, on account
of his religion.
The Rev. M. Mayer, a Jewish pastor at
Charleston, lias also declared against the
operation of this treaty, and instances a law
in Basle, wbfch enacts that “ No Jew , without
exception , is permitted to settle , to carry on
commerce , trade, or any handicraft in the
Catiton of Basleland.” He then proceeds to
give an instance of the working oi this law,
notwithstanding the treaty. .He says;
“A Mr. Godman, of New York, intending to
establish a business in La Chauxdeford, petitioned
the Cantonal administration for permission, basing
hU claims upon his ohameter as a citizen of tho
United States, which he established according to
Art. V. of tho treaty. His petition wasspeedily and
peremptorily refused, on the ground that he was a
Jew. Air. G. 1 appealed to our representative at
Berne for protection; whioh ho claimed by virtue of
the treaty, and received the cold and humiliating
answer. ‘ that said treaty does not inolude tho
Jewish citizens of the United States.' ”
Tho treaty in question was signed by Presi
dent Pikbok, on November 9, 1850. But, as
already noticed, Mr. Webster's attention was
drawn to it long before. Mr. Hart adds:
“It is said that Mr. Webster unswereil a dele
gation, that bo was of opinion that the obnoxious
clause in tho,Swiss treaty was in violation of that
paragraph in the Constitution whioh declares that
•Congress shall malto no law respecting an estab
lishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exor
cise thereof a treaty being in one sensoalaw,
and imposing disabilities on a mun on account of
his belief, amounting, in reality, to ‘an estab
lishment of religion.
Therefore, as it would seem that American
citizens are proscribed in Switzerland on ao
connt of their religion, whiio Swiss citizens in
America are not interfered with in the least, it
is pretty evident that this treaty should be
properly considered. With us all American
citizens—Catholic or Protestant—have equal
rights, and a treaty which practically abrogates
any of them on account of religion must be
looked after, to be mended. Wo do not com
plain without a sufficient cause.
The native population of Java are Mahoroe
dans. But in a small district known as the
Teng’ger mountains, there is found the rem
nant of a people who have never been con
verted to the faith of Mam., They remain the
Sole depositories of the rights and doctrines of
an ancient religion, which at one time, and
perhaps for a thousand years, prevailed
throughout tho island. These people occupy
about forty villages, scattered along a range
of hills in the neighborhood of what is called
the Sandy Sea. The site of their villages, ns
well as the construction of their houses, are
peculiar, and differ entirely from what is elsu
where observed in Java.
"While Java belonged to the English, and
that great and good mad, Sir Stamford
Raffies, was Governor of It, he visited these
people. This is what he says of tbcm:
“On being questioned regarding the adal
against adultery, theft, and other crimes, their
reply was unanimous and ready, that such
crimes were unknown to them, and that conse
quently no punishment was fixed, either by
law; or custom'; that if a man did wrong, tho
head of.tho village'chid him for it, the re
proach of which was always sufficient punish
ment fof'a man of Teng’ger. This account
of their moral character is fully confirmed by
tho Regents of the districts, under whoso au
thority they are placed, and also, by the resi
dents. They, in fact, seem to be almost
without crime, and are universally peaceable,
orderly, honest, industrious, and happy. Tboy
are. strangers to the vice of gambling and the
use of opium. - ‘ ;
“,The aggregate population is about twelve
hundred souls i and they occupy, without ex
ception, tho most beautifully rich and roman
tic spots on Java; a region in which the
thermometer is frequently as low as forty, two.
The summits and slopes of the hills are cover
ed with Alpine furs, and plants common to a
European climate flourish ip luxuriance.”
How does this compare with the state of
things under our’system of Christian civiliza
tion f it is certainly a beautiful picture to
dwell upon—something of 4 contrast to what
Is daily seen amongst ourselves, especially
when our newspapers teem with the garbage
of thQ magistrate’s office and tho records of 6iir
criminal courts. H&d’nt we better sond a mis-_
sionary to these people, not to teach byr sys
tem, 6ttf to study their’s ?
Thoro is very book-reading -anywhere,
during the arid days of aiunmer. it is too
oppressive, or, ehodldV gentlb bfebzo' fan the air
into moderate coolness, the flueness of tho day
carries us out of doors—to walk, 'or ride, Or sail—
and there is neither time, nor opportunity, nor de
sire for reading, on the roturn in the evening. • A
perusal of tho morning paper, it is true, gitesa
relish to the morning repast. A -dip'into some
light work of wit or fancy may be in season 'about
the time for lunch, (a horrid practice, for it always
spoils dinner,) and, at any odd quarter of an.honr,
a mngarine is not unwelcome. We ihefm.U> T olo&r
our-table of sonio of Us oocupante—books, those ;
silent monitors who teach while thoyamuso. Itwfts
our hard task to read them,—in tho heat.
What first? Six numbers of the' Qyelbpadia of.
Wit and Humor , edited by William E. Burton,
Comedian, in course of publication by Applotons, of
Now Yoritß Suohawork as this, including the host
i> f what is witty and'humordusdn the literature of'
America, England, Ireland, and Scotland, has long
boon desirod. Its execution could soarijely have
boon placed in more oompotent > hands,*Tor Mr.
burton, as an actor, is one of the most entertaining
persons on the stage, and is also well qualified,by
his attainments as a man of lotters, to moke the
most suitable selections from th#'vast mass of ma
terials before him.- We notice, with satisfaction/
that he does not limit theseseleetions to books and’
magazines. As a man of the>world, and, therefore
a reader of newspapers, he remembered that many :
brilliant-ephemera, suited : to‘ bis purpose,, wore'
Scattered throughout! our daily, and - weekly
journals, and he -has impounded tho best'
bf these. They-Add- largely to th© merit; the
iuterest,'.and, above all, to the furiof the work.-
As far a® we have read it, there is not one dull or
doubtful piece in the collection. It is published
in parts, each with one fine portrait on steel, and •
A liberal quantity of brigiual wood engravings il
iustrative of the text.. The likeness of Mr. Bur
ton, in the opening number, is wonderfully faith.-
Iful. .The whole Work, completed, Will form a
large and handsome Bvo. addition to the. library
(and, as a regular spleen-dispeller, it merits a place
everybody’s table.: 'As yet, the subjeeto are
American; by-and-by, specimens from across the
water will be largely added.
The Appletons, who publish it, are getting up a
1 New Cyclopadia, the first volume of which is to
appear in January. The wholo work, in ’fifteen
Volumes, royal ootaro, will be completed in two
•yoars from tho appearance of the first-* great ad- *
Vantage, the. slow issue of suqk works being vexa
tious to tho purchaser, from tho dolay. Messrs.
'Appleton remedy this by putting a numerous and
'efficient literary staff upon tho work. Some of the
first writers in the country are engaged upon H,
and every line of tho whole Cyclopaedia, extensive,
1 though it be, will be original—in foot, expressly
;written for it. Tho work will embrace the whole,
.circle of art, soienoe, history, geography, lotters,
‘biography, A 0.,; Jts editors are .Mr. Chqrlea A.
> Dana, of tho Now York Tribune, and Mr. George
'Riploy, the literary oritio of the same journal, and
! confessedly one of the best newspaper ;
1 America. So little Tribunish will the work t)e,
' however, that oven tho peculiar orthography ,oV
! the Tribune fo abandoned, and most of the articles
relating to' Southern affairs are prepared by
Southern writers. Messrs.'Appleton know their
own Interest, as publishers, too well to .allow such
1 a work as this, in which an Immense sum will ,be
-1 invested, to be made other than fair, full, and im
; partial, so as to be a standard tor reference, upon
I all snbjeots, for all persons. We know that this is
; tho design; to doviato from it,would bo ruinous,
Hore, in orimsqn and gold, is a handsome, re*
-> print of a book which has sold in tens of thousands
across tho Atlantic. . This Is Miss Lambort’s
Hand’book of Needlework, (published by J. L.
Gihon, of this city,) and profusely illustrated with,
wood-cats We confess to a miserable ignorance
[of the mysteries of embroidery, braiding, orochet,
knitting, netting, and such harmless modes of,
1 passing the tiraej.and thorefore ruoh minute direc
tions as “oast on ton stitches,” then “ threo turas
; in gold color,” and so on, are gibberish tons;, but;
;w& can pronounce that the informatiun
>on tho materials of decorative needlework is very:
s full, and the historical portion w«ti aoi|#eycA^ihi^
: reader- •' 'V, .*'/ .i: . ;V
, Hore, issued by opr neighbor, T. B. Potoraoij, is,
Madame deDudevunt’s well-known romance, Con
suelo. It is given without abridgement .As a
story it is too sensuous for our taste, but. wh°**
ever baa beqn to Venice will recognise tho marvel-,
lous accuracy and spirit with which that pictu
resque Sea-Cybelo is described.
A haudsomo volume, written by James S. Ritehie,
and published by Charles Desilver of this
“ Wisconsin and its Resources." It is, illus
trated with views of places, and also has maps of
Wisconsin and the region of Lake Superior Sooks
of thiß description, drawn up from personal obser
vation and experience, are of great value, even
when roughly executed. This volume, howover,
is well written, and the author appears scrupu
lous in avoiding any overstating of his caso. 'He
has mado several tours through Wisconsin, aud
is well qualified, from personal knowledge, to show
what are the resources of that State, and what ape
tho prospects therefrom, for the settler, n© cer
tainly shows Wisconsin to possess vast and readily
available resources. One of tho most pleasant por
tions of the ( book is a graphic account of a trip up
tho Mississippi, and a canoe voyage on the St.
Croix and Brule rivers to Lake Superior, justly
spoken of as the inland Mediterranean of America.
Before many years elapse, theborders of that L&ko
will be studded with cities, towns, and villages. A
vast population is rapidly verging towards that
region. Mr. Ritchie has done good servioe iu
adding to the stock of information about Miohigan
and Lake Superior.
ThoMagazmes arc coming in. We have Put
nam's, for September, profusely enriched with ori
ginal engravings. The literary portion, however,
is not all original, for there is a poem called “The
Priest and the Mulberry Tree” which has the
merit of antiquity; a very flimsy sketch, “The
Husband’s Friend,” by Mark Lemon; and a plea
sant, chatty, discriminating paper on “ Lord Ches
terfield,” by Jamos Hannay. These are English,
and surely an American magazine ought to bo
wholly of home production. The original papers
are good. The best written—for it contains the
substance of a largo and costly work—is a resume
of Dr. Barth’s Travels in Africa, with over forty
engravings. Another good artiolo, “ A Magazine
a Hundred Yoars Ago/’ pleasantly reviews the
Gentleman's Magazine for*l76B. There U a cri
tique on tho comparative merits of Rachel and
Ristori, very interesting, and with somewhat less
exaggeration than New York oritics usually run
into. The Editorial Notes are excellent. There
are few book-notices so reliable as those in Putnam.
The other articles require no speoial notice—save
that a tale called “ Love in the Country,” Ailing
nearly fifteen pages, is particularly spun out and
Arthur’s Lady's Homs Magazine for September
h«fl one of the best line engravings we have seed
for somo timo. It is oallod “Hospitality- in. the
Olden Time.” Among the more
we would point out a sketch of Bayard Taylor, con
tinuation of a novel by Virginia F. Townsfrud ; and
part of a story called The Young Governess, by Mr.
Arthur. There is the usual nows of fashions, at
libme and abroad.
The eldest of all tho American Magazines, ad
dressed almost exclusively to tho gentlur'sex 1 , is
Uodey’B Lady's Book. It devotes muoh 1 space to
fashions, ornamental needle-work, and domestic re
ceipts and management. Thobestp&porinthenew
number is “Match-Making,” by Alioe B. Neal.
There is some amusement in “The Tallow Family
in America”—scone Newport. A Memoir on the
Manufacture of Silk, byO. T. Hinokloy, is good,
The steel-plate, named “Heoland Toe,” tells'its
own story, and la well executed.
Another of these lady’s books is C. J. Peterson’s
Ladies' National Magazine. Like the rest, it
has engravings on wood and steel, and is a melange
of literature and fashions. In the prosont number,
perhaps tho most striking sketoh is “The Fire in
the Woods,” by Charles J. Peterson—brief and
Cooporish. A well-written novel, “Love’s Labor
Won,” by Mrs. Southworth, is an attractive feature
Of The Young Men's Magazine, published at
Now Vbrk, we have tho fourth number. It is
ambitious enough; the oponing paper } boing an
mstbetioal view of man’s position on the untverso.
A practical paper, onllod “The Counselor,” 1b the
best in tho work. We dismiss it with hearty
wishes for its success—And improvement.
From Virginia wo have the August number of
tho Southern Literary Messenger , muoh read by
tho F. F’s there. In this melange wo find con
siderable varioty. Some chapters of a novel, a
poem by St. George Tucker, Historical Memoranda,
and a good Editor’s Table, are worthy of com
mendation, Somo pretty “Baby Khyrtios” are
Spoiled,by the introduction of suon a quatrain as—
Wlia.t, diean time, says baby dumpling?
“ Guoglcgllrruggiegooglegloo!”
Tftfa she answers to the query
‘i Love me, heartsease? say you do!”.
The second lino here is truly original, but we might
apply to U’the criticism of a ohnrmingohild-friend
or our a |?Uo, on being asked why she lookedgravely
at the unties of a down , in the oircus, responded,
“ Papa, he is too foolish to laugh at.” .-
r The monthly..number of Household Word #
(republlsT&pd' oy Miller & Curtis of New York) i$
here. 1 Dospite a oertaln schoolmaster tone—a com
piling tnfonnatlon so as to adapt it to the meanest
oapaoßv—and an utilitarian manner altogether,
Honsenold Words is an admirable periodical, ana
a safe one. We mean it inay be treated, fearlessly,
into (he hands of young people, so correot is its
, Jffao prSinal. mapuscript.of “Pcvcrll of the
Peak,” autograph of Sir falter Scott,
was MeiMoju by auction in London, and was
knocked ijSfpwn,' alter eopio competition, for
£6O, than it produced,when Sir
Walter’s,, manuscripts wore sold by auction jn
AUgOSt, 1831,
: Whon .tho.-NtJintsfgA Review was first pro
jected Sydney Smith suggested as its, motto,
Tenui Add Sa- meditamur arena, of which he
gives thisiudicrous translation—‘We cultivate
literature' , upon a little oatmoal”—a joke not
Unworthy, nf Punch., . -
J The ,ffev> W. J. Coneyboare, the well-known
ecclesiijstical essayist in the Edinburgh Review,
and, author, of:«Pervorsion,” a' novel, lately
died at 'Weybridge, near London; aged fortv
<WO, I
| Mr. IjfOllcli • Ritchie, the well-known ditthor
and mapaging 'editor of Chamber* 1 * Journal,
has* piMuhed’ a little volume, “Tho New
SliiHidjj!”. name appears aiono on tho
title*paps* hiit this is a deception, , for his
daughter, Miss Grace Norman, Bitchie, fills at
least tifred-Kmrths of the volume with a pretty
tale,’“ Tito Little Heroine,” written in aWoet,
graceful'shd moritl stylo, for children.
1 ‘ AifredvSy’. CoJb,', ah English barrister and
ratlmr henyy. 'miigazinist, has commenced an.
lljuatrateq Serial, called “ Lorlmer Llttlegood,
esqSire,,' a young' Gentleman who wished to
tee socjfetyjf and saw it accordingly.” ,
j oonq]udingyolnroe of “Me.
inPtp .*«# C.orrespoudonce o(‘ Charles James
FotL,’ by,-Lord John Bussell, has appeared.
Jt, Is «Mj>.e(ivy as its predecessors. Lord
as n man of letters, have been
| .“Duiglandr Varieties in American Life,” is
the Name iaf nnovel.on American Society an
nounced in London. )
' Or Mrs.-Stowe’s “Bred,” as many as 160,000
codes are said to have been sold in 'England.
jVVgive.tlio on dil, without, believing it.
Bal paper (The New'Era, edited
’ McCfhefl) has the following racy,
orial' ihgenuity is highly commen
nrrent example of It, in New York,
arkable to be paased by; In that
a city of many murders and un
eets there is a daily penny paper,
tculatlon, nailed The Sun. Latter
ly,.itli as, devoted a couple of columns on its
pac*. page,' to a 'To ho continued’ story.
Jus* now -it is advertising a taio (as
oriffinil) which is really good • enough to
ivaitant the Sun’s own assertion, that it ‘is
doing more good to the citizens and re
sidents of New York and the surrounding
enabling them in the perusal of
.the story to ‘have a good laugh daily) than ah
thrdactov’9 staff which has been swallowed
for inonths. 1 ' All this is true enough. Tho
IstojJ'ls 'Andrew Rooney, or, the HaefplMan’s
Blnldcfs,’ and narrates the mistake*'Springing
froAdhe, ignoranco and stupidity of its hero,
an Untaught Irishman. It ia addod' that this
[talrts written ‘By Sam U. Ellover,’ a name
quins new in the literary world. That , portly
l voliime,’‘The men of the Time,’ which chroni
,clcS the leading antecedents of eminent men,
jCarUlf;Bsly omits any mention ,of Mr. Sam U.
iEllqver. No, such namo occurs in that useful
.(‘pn readlng a few sentences of ‘ Andrewßoo
nejy however, a suspicion was engendered
thafv(e had somewhere seen it before. Sure
enough, tee had.. Mr. Sam U. Ellover resolves
hinwnlf,into,Samuel Lover, the well-known
ilrhjhauthor, and ‘ Androw Rooney’ is nothing
but-Jmswell-known' Handy Andy,’which ap
peared in Bentley’s Miscellany exactly twenty
'yea{* ago.- This changing Samuel Lover into
ISaat-Ot Ellover (neither omitting nortranspo-
single letter of tho real name,) should
jbenoted for worthy companionship with the
molobratod wooden nutmegs and pinewood
■llama)'which are said sometimes to figure as
lartlUlos'Of American produce'!”
Mentioning the recent death of Dr. Ranehan,
president.of frie Catholic college ofMaynooth,
Inlfelfc..J, the Now York Freeman’s Journal
Isaya'i “As an adept in sacred literature and
anoint classic loro, Dr. Kenehan had few or
no inferior; but ho was equally accomplished
in tfio'lighter branches of modern literature,
lie VVas remarkable for rich information in
‘eecpsiastioar history, especially, as relates to
ilrehjnd; ', Ho yvaa passionately and patriotically
' ideated to tho preservation of tho eceleslologl-
gntiquitics Of this country. Hie
;, IwimttKS ..president and warm supporter ef the
i end ig? left behind, him a largo
r pfJifSS. on theso, sub
jects. , iDrj Benehan was not less convorsaut
‘with polite literature.. Tliorojiro lew subjects
, iWlthiu tile range of modern acquirement with
, j'which he was not more or less familiar. 110
.‘spoke tho luodorn continental languages with
' caao and fluency,”
The Dublin Freeman’s Journal says: “ Tho
great design to which all ins thoughts were di
rected was the ecclesiastical history of Ireland;
and.the ,n\ost enduring memorial of his fame
■is the collection of records for this purpose,
entitled tho O’Bcnehan MSS., comprising
nearly 100 volumes, folio and 4to. Among
these will ho found interesting private letters;
'biographical notices of distinguished Irishmen,
lay and clerical; decrees of provincial and
dioceeian synods; official communicationswith
tho Holy See, many of them discovered in
foreign libraries and religions houses which
the lamented anthor visited, and for which it
would be vain to soek elsewhere; in short, am
ple and vaiuablo materials for illustrating Irish
church history, partlcularly : since the Refor
mation, where most needed- Other precious
docuraents are now deposited in their proper
place in tho public library of Maynooth Col-
Harpers of New York announce Dr. Barth’s
Travels in Africa, Livingstone’s South Africa,
(both of these witli maps and illustrations);
the third volume of Alison’s new series of tho
History of Europe, from 1816” to 1852; Tho
Northwest Coast, or three years at Shoal
Water Bay, with a general description of
Washington Territory, by James G. Swan;
tho third volume of Dr. Giesoler’s Ecclesiasti
cal History, a now and revised edition; Guy
Livingstone, or, “ Thorough,” a novel; Life
Studies, or, How To Live, by Rev. J. Bnil
lio ; The Apocalypse of Haschisoh, by an
Epicurean; Tho third volume of Helps’s
Spanish Conquest in America, and the His
tory of King Philip, by Rev. Jacob Abbott.
Two Negroes Sentenced to be llanAi and Four
to Transportation beyond the Limits of the
United States*
[From the Richmond (Va.) Dispatch of the 20th.)
About 6 o’clook,.yesterday afternoon, the trial
of the six negro men, Ben, Tom, George, Moore,
Edmund, ana Robert, slaves of Mr. William Bonl
waro, ohargod with assaulting, with intent to kill
their overseer, Mr. John H Dodd, on tho 27tn of
July last, was brought to a close before the county
court of Henrico, after occupying six days, and
ail tho prisoners were found- guilty! Marmnduke
Johnson,Esq., Judge W. W.Orump.nndllon. J. S.
Caskio, were assigned as the counsel of tho prisoners,
and these gentlemen never labored harder in defence
ofolients. The examination of the witnesses oc
cupied four days, and on Tuesday last tho argument
was opened by John B. Young, Esq., for tho Com
monwealth. Ho was followed in an able and eloquent
address by Mr. Johnson, and the day was dosed by
Judgo Crump, in one of his most powerful andL
telling appeals, in which he handled the evidence,'
and applied the law to, it, with a master hand.
Yesterday morning, Hon. John 3. Caskib closed for
the prisoners, in an eloquent address of three
houfir duration, reviewing the cose, and using his
best exertions in behalf of the prisoners. John B.
Young, Esq., then closed for the Commonwealth,
: answering briefly the points raised by the counsel
on tho otner side, ana expounding the l&w as ap
plicable to the case.
About six o’clock tho ouse was summoned to tho
court fordcoislon, (Messrs. Hanes, Baker, Brackett,
Dickens, and Sheppard being on tho bench,) who,
aftor rotiring and consulting, returned and render
ed a verdict that thev found tho prisoner guilty.
Ben and Tom were tnen sentenced to bo hung on
the 25th of September next, and George, Robert,
Moore, and Edmund, bcoauso of their Youth, woro
sontenued to transportation beyond tho limits of
the United States.
When Ben and Tom were ordered to stnnd up
and rocelve their sentenco, they both said thut
they had not Intondod to kill Mr. Dodd, otul had
not tried to do so. They received the sontoneo
with stoical iudifferonco, neither of them exhibit
ing the slightest omotion at learning that they
were to be hung.
The court then fixod tho value of the condemned
slaves as follows : Ben, $1,250; Tom, $850; George,
$1,200; Mooro, $1,200; Edmund, $1,200, and
Robert, $1,200.
Appolntmeuts by the President.
John Havorty, superintendent of Indian nflalrs
for tho central euperintendenoy, In place of Alfr6d
Cummings, recently appointed Governor of Utah.
Tench TUghman, collector of the customs for
tho dlstriot of Oxford, Maryland, vice R. B. Willis,
John Q. Downey, collector of customs for the
district of Ban Pedro, California, vice C. E. Carr,
resigned. _
Quarter Sessions.—Judge Conrad.— ln the
case of Hubert Connell reported yesterday; the
jury brought in a verdict, of not guilty.” L. C.
Cassidy, Esq., 'for defendant.
Christopher Nuum, a Gorman, was convioted on
tho most positive testimony, of tho larcony of $7l
from a poor German woman. His honor, Judgo
Conrad, asked him where the mpney .was, and in
formed him if the tiioney'was 'returned he would
Mitigate his sentonoo considerably.
The defendant said ho knew nothing about it.
Sentenced to two years in the Eastern Penitenti
James Welsh was convicted of an assault and
battery on Thomas Welsh. Sentenced to pay
Ann Ward waa indicted for, receiving bras 3 cast
ings, knowing them to bo stolen. Jury out. RTm,
B.pttYlj Esq., for defendant,
Heat—Thli Press —An Imposition^Society —.
scarce. Why ?—Enjoyment—Hops
Messrs. Kislty and Fiiksr.
'■ "Cape Island; Aug. 19/1857.
Induced by the reports that J the woathor was
unusually 000 l and pleasant for.summer, we paid a
visit some .few days Ajjo to the city;’but soon re
pented of our rash advenluro, when we found‘it
ninety-five degrees in the'Ahade. We returned
again on Friday to enjoy the ‘cool sea-breeze and
seventy-fivo in tho sun. Friday last, was the
warmest day of the season, according to Mr. Har
wood, who states the beat at eighty.four and a half
degrees In his register. Think of that' elghiy-four
and a half, whilst you are sweltering aniongfhe
nineties. We have the authority of Mr Canning
in stating that', exclusive of tho Ledger, Th b Press
has the largest sale on Cape Island. Considering
the olasB of people who visit here, 'fwE PnßSg has
oause to bo proud of its success. In fact, the de
mand for it hoa been so great, that, .in order to
moot it, or rather, to make the supply meet the ex
pectations of the person who peddles it, he has
adopted the following Beale of prices (calculated
more for his own benefit than that of Mr. Canning
or The Press,) in this ratio; Ledger two cents,,
Trb Press sip cepts. This is an imposition, and
should be corrected at once. «
( There was a hop at Congress Hail on Saturday,
<jne at Columbia on Monday, and another at Con
gress Hall on Tuesday.. They were all well
attended,and infinitely better conducted, attending
more to enjoyment than any we havo visited this
season. ;
The Norfolk brought down between three and
four hundred people on Sunday, There are still a
great mapy visiters here, who seem to enjoy them
selves more quietly than when the hotels were full,
and the general effort was to outdo in display.
Comfort and content now reigns iu. the various
houses, and In. the evening reunions tho parties are
all on sociable and friendly terms; and while the
danco Is npt so crowded, it Is still as spirited and
lively as ever, and the beautiful ladies who still
honor us with their company all the more engaging
and eharming. - < Sivabt.
Stbotuer’s Hotel, Berkley Springs, Va.
August 15, 1857.
Berkley Springs is an attractive spot. Its health
renewing waters are indeed incomparable—a very
paradise for bathing—so buoyant is the water—and
so spacious are tho baths—not mere bowls to dip
in, after the fashion used by the three men of
Gotham who wero lost at sea, but rooms filled with
the cool luxury. The happy being who laves in
this delicious water loaves the pure element at
peace with his own conscience and all mankind—
and tho glow of gratitude extends from body to
soul. I know the usual process is for body to re
flect soul, but soul reflects body, too! Alas, how
During tho past week tho heat has been
very oppressive. Tho situation of this house
is unfortunate; it is placed low in the valley,
under the mountain; tho leafy screen is grateful
to tho eye, and tempts an ascent; but the pleasure
of being ovorshadowed by so benutifal a hill is not
unalloyed. Tho valley is damp and hot and the
lovely grove adjacent the hotel, although so in
viting in appearance, is damp as a cellar. As I
write, a weloomo rain is heginniug to fall, and
many persons dispersed through the ground during
the afternoon hasten to seek sheltor. A glance at
these different groups is suggestive of material
enough to fill a chapter, called ** varieties of Ame
rican life”—so well do they depict the character
of summer places of resort. “ Young America”
forms a oonspiouous feature. There are more
than seventy children in this hotel, which
says muoh for the reputation of tho place for
salubrity.' Many fair and beautiful ’ women make
this hotel an Elyslan to ail susceptible hearts.
Every evening, arrayed in tasteful toilettes, they
form a fascinating coup d’auil in the bail room.
The usual number of titled dignitaries are here :
a plain Mi*, -tould be gentlemanly and refreshing;
for one is' ovrrwhelmed with tho sonorous repeti
tions of General, Colonel, Judge, and Hon. The
only hope of recoveryfor woak and nervous persons
isto take courage foranear inspection of these lu
minarios, whose intellectual lights shed a softer
radiance when calmly surveyed. The vicinage of
Bath must be quiet enough, exoept in the few weeks
denominated, “tbe season,” judging from a small :
.straw of mi event, which happened to us Ina drive,
wo took a day or so ago. We met.aconntry woman on
horseback, who, when she saw us immediately dis
mounted, and retreated to a fence corner. Hero,
in groat trepidation, she called out to us in implo
ring tones, “Hurry on—l’m ofeard you’ll skeer my
critter.” Dear innocent critter* that in these
days of steam wonders remaining so unsophisti
cated as to “skoor” at a carriage! Ah, “give me a
cot in the valley I love” in this sL-me corner of
these States.
| For Tho Press.)
The leading literary heresy of tho prosont age of
doubt is that whioh disbelieves either the actual ex
istence of Shakspeare, or, at the best, gives him
credit for nothing more than fathering the dramatic
compositions of Lord Bacon. [By the way, it is cu
rious that no such person as “Lord Bacon” ever ex
isted, for Francis Bacon was nor made a baron by his
own name, but was created a peer, os Baron of
Verulam, in 3619, when raised to the Chancellor
ship, and was made Viscount St. Alban’s in the
following year.) A paradoxical lecturer traversed
England, a few years ago, on a talking mission, to
provo that Shakspeare was a myth; and a more
plausible attempt has recently been made, by a Mr
Smith, to affiliate Shakspeare’s plays on Bacon. In
tho London newspapers is now advertised, as “Com
panion volume to every edition of Shakspoare,” a
small book, called “William Shakspeare not an
Impostor”—being a very matter-of-fact production*
with the avowed purpose of vindicating “tho di
vine Williams” (as he Is called by M. Ponsard, of
the Frenoh Academy) from recent attacks on his
works and character. Rather a needless piece of
literary work, one would think, inasmuch 53 the
world continues to believe in Shakspeare—remind
ing us/too, of the Greek rhetorician who produced
a labored eulogy on Reroutes, but was stopped, ere
he commenced reciting it,by thecurtremark, “An
eulogy on Hercules ! who ever thought of attack
ing him?”
Tho latest literary novelty, however, is the ques
tion, “Who wrote Milton’s Paradiso Lost ? ” A
literary Englishman has just given publicity to
sorao original ideas upon this head. Not as a jest,
like Archbishop Whateley’s hioehnrc sgainst the
vory existence of Napoleon Bonaparte. No; but
in serious solemnity, as a grave discovery, for
whioh ho merits (in his [ovrn opinion) the thanks of
After stating that the discovery of America by
Columbus was soon followed by the discoveries of Do
Gama and Cabot—that the discovery of one lost
work of antiquity at the revival of letters was soon
followed by the rescue of many others from the dust
and neglect of ages—that Young’s and Champol
lion’s interpretation of Egyptian hieroglyphics
opened the way for the true reading, by Losser and
Rawlinson, of tho Assyrian and Medoan inscrip
tions—the nnte-Miltonlte declares that the great
discovery, by Mr. Smith, that Bacon wrote the
plays of Shakspeare, disclosed to his mind that
“ Paradise L° B t” was written, not by Milton, but
by Milton’s master—Oliver Cuomwkm..
There is proof, he alleges, that Cromwell wrote
pootiy— thohgh his biographers huve suppressed
tho fact. “The Proteotor,” says Whitelock,
‘•would make verses with us,” (Whitelook himself,
Lord Broghill, Pieropont, Tkurloe, and Sir Charles
Sedley,) “and every ono must try his «y.”
Where, it is asked, are these verses? What
subjeot so appropriate to an assemblage of Puritan
Notables as Paradise Lost?
Cromwell died in 1658, and Paradiso Lost was
not published until 1607. [The publisher’s copy,
right contraot, giving five pounds for the manu
script, was lo n g in possession ot Rogers, tho poet,
and was purchased for the British Museum, at the
sale of his effocts iu 1856.) Tho theory is, that
Cromwell, having written Paradise Lost, placed it
in the hands of Milton, his secretary, for revision;
that it remained in his possession when tho Pro
tector died; and that Milton finally published it,
ninoteen years after, as his own. What alterations
ho mado aro not known now, but there is a tradi
tion that he originally spoko of treating the sub
ject in a dramatic form, and (says tho Cromwellian)
wo may suspect that this intention, “ and the great
variations in tho earlier editions of the ootual
poem, point to the samo conclusion, that Milton
was (hoeditor, not the author of Paradise Lost”
u, suspicion lightly grounded, many will think,
inasmuch ns making material changes'in a great
epio poom would seem to indicate the author
rathor than the editor.
The opening ol tjie Third Book, referring to Mil
ton’s loss of sight,
,• (’‘butthou
Ito*UJt’st not these eyes, that roll In vain
To find tkypierciog ray, and find no dawn;
So quick a drop serene hath quenched their orbs,
Or dltq suffusion veiled,”) 1
u Was clearly only a blind” says the Cromwellian;
Why did Milton publish his patron’s poem under
his own name ? The answer is, that “ the age, Whioh
had treated the bodily of she Protector with
, ignominy would have treated the literary remains,
il known os snob, with still greater Contempt.”
Milton would'feel the nftcesrity for the
true airthotahip with peculiar keenness,'because he
moat have vividly remembered how he had himself
treated the alleged work of a vanished,sovereign*
He who had shattered “ Ikon B&silike,” he Vfbo had
torn off, to use his own phrase, the mask of a Kiqg
(persona - regis.) would shrink from oxposlne the
Protector’s fame to the vengeance of royalist wits.
: As it was, U has been declared that the character
of Satan was drawn from Cromwell! 'The Cava,
liora wopld have been happy to find that Cromwell
“ was himself the great sublime he drew.,” - 1 .
. Many passages in Paradise Lost may he taken,
wo are told, as suggested by, ox applicable to events
in the life or'to feelings in the mind of Cromwell.
His champion particularly points to Belial’sspeech,
in Book ll* as expressing the arguments by which'
many of the “compounding Cavaliers ” had per*
tfuaded each other tosubmit to'Cromwell. For ex
ample: .
./‘To suffer, as to do. .
Our strength is equal, nor the law unjust
Thdi lo ordains: this was At first resolved.
If we wUe, against so great a foe ..
Contending, and so doubtful what might fall,
j I laugh, r wmoh those who at the spearare bold
And venturous, if ths&foil them, shrink and fear
What yet they know must follow, to endure »
i Exile, or ignominy, or bonds, or pain,
i The sentence of tlteir conqueror: -'this is now 1
Our doom, .which, if wa can sustain and bear,'
Our supremo foe, in .time, may much remit .
His anger, and perhaps, thhs far removed,
. as not offending, satisfied ■
, With what is punished,..* .
, /The strongest point against Milton’s authorship
Of Pafadise Lost seems to be that it is essentially
different from his early productions, and greatly
superior irudesiga and-execution to : Paradi»-Hc.'
grtned amt( Sampson This might be'
Construed irito tf differenoa of authorship, and has
been muoh commented on. •'* t—.
| On the whole, however, it may r bo pretty safely
assumed that the hays, will not be .taken from the
J>row of Milton to grace that of Cromwell, no more
than Bacon will be allowed to wear tho laurelled
crown won by Shakspewe. There is a fashion of
doubting almost ondoubtable authorship. “Garth,”
says the wit, “ Did not write his own Dispensary;”
and thus it has been alleged that Harley, Earl of
Oxford,.wrote Robinson. Crusoe,” .when confined
on a charge of high treason in the Tower 'of Lon*
don—-that Pat O’Kelly, of Cork, and not R. H.
Wilde, of Hew Orleans, wrote “My Life is like the
Summer Rose V—that Charles Wolfe did not write
bis lines " On the Burial of Sir John Moore”—and
that the Waverly Hovels were composed, not by
Walter Scott, but by his brother Thomas. ‘
Cromwell, who took three kingdoms (and a
head} from Charles Stuart, will scarcely take from
John Milton, one hundred and ninety years after
date, the credit of* having written Paradise Lost.
R. 8. M;
[For The Prese.J
Ho one can read Hugh Miller’s “Testimonyof
tho Hocks” without perceiving that God himself
has recorded upon hta works the record of their
creation, and that that reoord corresponds with the
Mosaic record, when properly understood:—“Of the
period during which light was created; of the pe
riod during whloh a firmament was made to sepa
rate the waters from the waters, or of the period
during which the two great lights of the earth,
With the other heavenly bodies,'became visible
from the earth’s surface, we need expect to find no
record in ‘The Rocks.’ ” The geologist expects to
find the record of only three of the sixdaysof crea
tion written in hieroglyphics on the rocks.. “AU
geologists agree that the vast geological scale natu
rally divides into three great parts: the Paleao
foie, or oldest fossiliferous division; the secondary,
or middle fossiliferous division, and the tertiary or
}ateat fossiliferoos division. In the first we find
corals, crustaceans, molluscs, fishes, and in its
later formations a few reptiles. That which;
chiefly distinguishes this from all other periods-)
{was its gorgeous flora. It was emphatically this
period of plants, or, as the Holy Record, has it, “iff
herbs yielding seed after their.kind.” Ic*oo
other age did the world, ever witness such e flora,;
The youth of the earth , was peculiarly a green,
and umbrageous youth; a youth of dark
and tangled forests, of huge pines 'and'state
ly urancarians, of the reed-like catamite, the
{tall tree-fern, tho sculptured Bigtilanh,-and the’
hirsute lepidodeudron. Of this extraordinary
nge ,of plants we have our cheorftil re*
membranes and witnesses in the flames that’ War
In our chimneys when wo pile up the whiter fire*
Lin the brilliant gas that lightens up ouroities in the
blowing furnaces that smelt bursae tall, and give
moving power to our ponderous.' tho
long dusky trains that, with shriek and snort,
hpoed, dart-like, athwart our landscapes, and in the
{great cloud-enveloped vessels that darken our
{waves and rush in foam over ocean bnd sea. The
.geologio evidence is so complete as to be patent to
all that the first great period of organized being
; .was, as described in the Mosaio record, peculiarly
a period of herbs and trees “yielding seed after
their kind.”
The secondary, division or period possessed its
herbs and plants, but they were greatly less
luxuriant and conspicuous in character than their
'predecessors, and no longer formed the prominent
trait or feature of tbo creation to which they be*
longed.' But the grand existences of the age—the
existences in which it excelled every other crea
tion, earlier or-later—were its huge creeping
things, its enormous monsters of the deep; and,
as shown by the impressions of their footprints
stamped upon the rocks, Its gigantic birds. It 3
wonderful whales, not, however, as now, of the
'mamalian, but of the rephon class, ichthyosaurs,
plerios&urs, and cetiosaurs, must have tempested the
; deep. Its creeping lizards and crocodiles, some of
which more than rivalled the existing elephant in
height, and greatly more than rivalled him in bulk,
must have crowded the plains or haunted by myriads
the rivors of the period. In meet aceonlanco with
the fact, we find that the second Mosaic period was
the period in whioh Ood created the fowl, that
flieth above the earth, with moving or creeping
creatures, bpth in the waters and on the land.
The tertiary period had also its prominent class
of existences. Its beasts of the field were by far
the most wonderfully developed, both in size and
numbers, that ever appeared upon earth. Its
mammoths and its mastodons, its rhinoceri and
hippopotami, its enormous dinotherium and coloa
sal nogatberium, greatly more than equnlledin bulk
the largest animals of the present time, and vastly
exceeded them in number. The remoinsof oneof its
elephants are still so abundant amid the frozen
wastes of Siberia, that ivory quarries have been
wrought among their bones for more than a hun
dred years- Grand, indeed, was the fauner of the
British islands in those early days. Tigers as
large again as the biggest Asiatic species larked
in the anoient thickets ; elephants of nearly twice
the bulk of the largest that now exist in Africa or
Ceylon roamed in herds; at least two species of
rhinoceros forced their way through the primeval
forests; and the lakes and rivers were tenanted
by hippopotami as bulky, and with as great tusks,
as those of Africa. Themassivecave-bear and largo
cave-hyena belonged to the some formidable group,
with at least two species of great oxen, a horse
of smaller size, and an elk that stood ten feet
four inches in height. Truly this tertiary age—
this third andlast of the great geologio periods—
was peculiarly the age of great 14 beasts of
the earth after their kind, and of cattle after
their kind.” “ And after groat cattle and
beasts of the earth had in due order succeeded in
animate plants, sea monsters, and moving crea
tures that had life, the moral agent now enters upon
the scene. Previous to his appearance on earth,
each succeeding elevation in the long upward
march had been a result of cruation. The creative
fiat went forth, and responsible immortal man came
into existence. God's seventh day’s work is the
work of Redemption.
How strange a procession! Never yet on Egyp
tian obelisk or Assyrian frieze, where long lines of
figures soem stalking aero s3 tbo granite, each
charged with symbol and mystery, have our
Laynrds or Rawlinsons seen aught so extraordi
nary as that long proucssion of which, start
ing ov\t of the blank depths of the 4 by-gone eternity,
is still defiling across the stage, and of which wo
ourselves form some of tho passing figures. Who
shall declare the profound meanings with which
these geologio hieroglyphics are charged, or Indi
cate the ultimate goal at which the long procession
is to arrive V*
The,establishment of a Sober House' or Hospital,
for the euro of habitual drunkards, has frequently
been urged by some of tho newspapers. Tho fol
lowing extracts, from the work on the Mind, of the
late Dr. Benjamin Rush, one of the medical Pro
fossors in tho University of Pennsylvania, will bo
read with gratification by the public, and the ad
mirer* of that eminent physician, pilanthropist,
aud patriot. Hr. Rush was one of the’signers of the
Declaration of American Independence :
“The use of strong drink is at first the effeefcof
free agency. Fromnabit it takes place from ne
cessity. That this is the case, I infer from persons
who are inordinately devoted to the use of ardent
spirits being iiToclaknable, by all the considera
tions which domestic obligations, friendship, repu
tation, property, and sometimes oven by thosfi
whioh religion and the love of life can suggest to
them. An instance of insensibility to the last, in
an habitual drunkard, occurred some years age in
Philadelphia. When strongly,urged by one oThis
ffienda to leave off drinking, he said, ‘Were* keg
of runi In one corner of a room, and were a cannon
constantly discharging bails between me and it, I
eould not refrain from passing before that cannon
in order to get at tbo rum.’”
The remedies for this disease (drunkenness) have
hitherto been religious and moral, aud they, have
Comsponds&te for “Tax Effort* will r’mt.bttr f *-
miad ttiVfoUiwhm'ml*** v.\tr A f|
»©«ra2punci/Dy V
of the writer. In onltr'td; insure eorreesnecs
the typography, but one tide of -*-sheet should h
Written ujKar.' *1 . w - . y ' ‘ ' "
We shall he greatly obliged to gentlemen in Peossyi
****** other oar*
rent news of the day in their particular localities, the
resources of the bwtotending country, the increase of
population, and toy Information that wfllbo interesting
1 to the general reader.
sometimes cured it- They would.probably have
been more successful had they been combined with
such as are cf a physical nature. For an account
of several of them, reader V referred to the
first volume of the author’s Medical Inquiries and
Observations. To that account of
dies! shall add one more—aed thetis,the estab
lishment of a hospital in every city and town in
tho United the exclusive reception of
hard drinkers/ They are as much objects of public
humahityind obarity as mad people. They are,
Indeed, more bttrtful to -society than meet / of the
deranged patients of a common hospital would ho 1 .
if they were set at liberty. - Who can calculate the
extensive influence of a drunken husband or'wife
upon the ptopertyjmd&oralsGff their families,aad „
of the waste of the former, and, corruption of .the
latter, upon the order.anti.happiness of society?
Let it not be said that ermfinfog persous in a
hospital would be au-infringement upon personal
liberty, incompatible with the freedom of all Go
vernments. Wedonotusethiaargumentwhen w®'
confine »thief in a failr and yet, taking the aggre -h
gate of evil of . the greater number of drunkards .
than thieves into consideration, and the greater -
evils which the influence of their immoral exam
ple and conduct introduces into society than steal*_
in'g, it must bo obvious, that the safety and .pros-/
perityof a community will be more promoted by/
confining them, than a common thief.' To ’
injustice o*r oppression, noperaon shofild be sent to'
the contemplated Hospital, or Sober House, with- -
out being cxacriwcff &nd committed 6y« court,
consisting of a physician and two or three magis-
appointed for that purpose'. J
If the patitat possess .property* U should be.put,
into the bands of trustees to take care of it. With
in this hotsse'the patient should be debarred the
use of ardent spirits and drink only, for a while,
tuO* *~h«Htftte3focjhcM-as U physician^should di-,
reel, Tobacco, one of
peranee In drinking, should likewise be- gradually ■
abstracted, from’ them. Their food ahouiddseslm- :
pie, but for a while moderately cordial. They
should be employed, if possible, in their former
respective occupations, for their own or for the
public benefit, and all the religious, moral, and
physical remedies to which I have referred should
be employed at the same time for the complete and
radical cure of their disease.
“It was from the effeet of strong 4 *drink in
weakening or destroying the memory that -an old
Spanish law Tefnsed to admit any person to he a
witness in court that had been convicted of drunk
enness.”, -
The Rochester dmtrican says it will be
remembered that we noticed last Saturday the.
death of a child, the little daughter of a .flagman
at a railroad station some wilts below Clyde/h?'
being rumorer by a train of ears. Tha accident,'
it seems, was the indirect cause of another death.
An Irishman, residingin a shanty a short distance
this side of Olyde had a tittle girl staying with some
friends at the place where the accident occurred.
This man heard of the occurrence, and was ■ seixed '
with the apprehension that it was hU child that
was killed- ’ He immediately started off down the
trapk for the scene of thc .accident, and-ran the
whole distance, (about eight miles.) The day was
very hot, and the man drank a great deal of water
on the way {and also: after arriving. aftbo place
.where the cluld was staying., He found, tbetittie.
ona all safe,' m*d immediately returned home, on
foot, as he went,* but the exertion and the excessive :
use of cold water while in a heated- state, proved
too much for him. He was taken sick ami died..
the same night.
The Union Democrat says that a boy/ (his ’
name we are unable to learn,) living with James’ ’
Fisher In Monroe county, intentionally shot himself
a few days since. In the morning of it,
occurred, Mr. Fisher was about leaving home, but'
before bis departure, he had occasion to chastise ‘
this youth, which he did. with severity. The boy,.
very muoh enraged and mortified at the treatment
just received, "as soon as Mr. Fiaherwas gone/went ‘
Jo the house, . todk down a gun, and with, cahn-'
&esg and deliberation, placed the mosaic-of the
gun 'fo his' forehead, and contrived to pull the
trigger,' : which resulted in nothing but a flash -
There ,bcujg no one about the house hut ladies,,
they were afraid to venture near him. Immediately
after the flash of his gun, he commenced his prim-'
preparation for the second trial. With
fhesahte calmhe® and at first hef
gun to his forehead, pulled the trigger,
and shot his brains out. What an in*.
stance'cfttbgQYeroabie temper?
! • The death of the son of Mrs. Stowe, who"
was reeeatty dreWned in the Conhecticut.river, in
Hew.Hoffipthire, his a painful-sequel toil. A£
fellow student at Dartmouth .writes as .follows
Young StoWe in company .with threo of his clais-’
mat®, allYreehmen, swam across the
and landed on tbo Yonuont side. - Straying into.*.*
i&eld/iome distance off, they' commecced picking,
.‘strawberries. The owner of the field seeing them
Jon his grounds, gave chase to them and drove'
{them into the water. Though exhausted by their,
long run, they attempted to re-swim the river, but
'all failed and sank. The owner of the strawberry
'field refused for some time to allow his boat to b«
sent to their rescue, until a young man of tfrU city
. cut another boat from its moorings and succeeded
in reaching three of the party before they sank. ‘
But Stowe, who was the hindmost, failed before
.the boat reached him, and though his body was
recovered within fifteen minutes after, life war
This country is almost completely chained
in by lightning. It is estimated that there are
about twenty-five thousand miles of posts,, upon,
which there are strong about thirty-three thousand
miles of telegraph wire. The nonfinal capital in
vested, in the existing lines is estimated, at
$4,000,000, but the actual cost of construction did
not probably exceed $3,000,000, the balance having
been about equally divided between the contract
ors who built the lines and the Morse patentees.
.The estimated number of messages passing over all
tho lines is 4,000,300 jpar annum, or aboat 13,000
each business day.
The editor of the Oswego Palladium saya
we unce remember, In our experience, seeing a
email boy making sport of the pitiful appearance
of a poor half-starved wretch, whose tattered gar
ments were fluttering wildly in the unsympathuing.
breeze. Young roan, said a philanthropic observer
of the Incident, beware how you jibe the sorrows of
the unfortunate—the Lord only knows what you
may yet come to. We marked die words. That
young man grew up—he'fell from the rank of
wealth—his naughty spirit was gradually crushed,
and he is now the editor of a country newspaper.
On Sunday last Captain Richard Phi Dips
died at Vicksburg, Miss., of bilious dysentery. He
was many years ago foreman in the office of the
Philadelphia Saturday Courier; subsequently es
tablished a paper, the American Manufacturer ,
at Pittsburgh; and afterwards conducted the St.
Louis Daily Union, but in latter years was known
as a popular steamboat commander between St.
Lonis and New Orleans. He lost' by calamity
daring bis life one or two fortunes, but died worth
a handsome estate, including one-fifth of tho town
of Penn, 111.
Dr. Fletcher, of Finsbury Chapel, London,
has lately related his experience regarding Eliza
Feaing, who was hung in front of Newgate, for
poisoning her mistress. Dr. Fletcher was convin
ced of her innocence, but the lady had evidently
been poisoned, and the cook seemed the only per
son who eould have done it, and who had any pro
vocation for, doing it. Since then, upon his dying
bed, the baker confessed having done the .deed, out
of spite.
The second annual Fair of the St. Louis
Agricultural and Mechanical Association is to com
mence on Monday, September 2Stb, and continue
fix days. Over sixteen thousand dollars are of
fered for premiums, among which is twenty dollars
foi'’the best lager beer, competition being invited
from all parts of the Union. Here is a chance for
our Philadelphia brewers.
According to the Portsmouth Statesman,
the jail at Norfolk must be a pleasant place for a
summer residence. It is kept eloan and nice, the
larder is well filled with everything that a man
needs to eat, and the jailer is not inattentive to’ his
guests. By his urbane manners, and kind at
tention to his guests, he has won golden opinions—
they all speak in glowing terms of him.
A fellow calling himself William Webster, —
said to belong to Cohasseh and to have a wife
and three children in Maine—has been arrested at
Great Falls. N. H., for stealing a team and marry
ing Mary J. Field after one day’s acquaintance.
He pretended to her that he owned a good deal of
real estate.
The Memphis EagU states thas every mile
of the Memphis and Ohio Railroad, from Browns
ville to Paris, sixty-four miles, is now under con
tract. provided $36,000 shall be raised in Gibson
and Carroll counties, beyond the Mobile and Ohio
It appears from the list of patents granted
daring the past week, that there is one for*'im
provement in hoops for ladies’skirts." As some
hoops do not set well, it most be a pleasant piece
of intelligence that there is to be an “ improve
Anna Brown, who was arrested in this city
n short time since, on the charge of kidnapping,
and taken to Lancaster county for. trial, has been
convicted and sentenced to seven years' imprison
ment in the eastern penitentiary
The old question of “who was Junius?” has
been revived by the Dublin University Magazine.
which presents a very able and lengthy pnper to
show that Lord Chatham was the editor of those
Joseph Loefner, who recently murdered his
wife and N. T. Horton, a merchant of Cincinnati,
has been committed for trial upon the charge ot'
arson, and of murder in the first degree, in ttro in
It is reported that Donald McKay, the emi
nent shipbuilder of East Boston, has commenced a
salt against his brother, Captain L- McKay, for
slander—fixing the damages at $20,005.
nenry Smith, charged with malicious mis
chief, entered as bis plea guilty but drunk, and
sentenced to three months’ imprisonment in Lan
caster county.
lion. John Long died in Randolph county,
N. C.. on l Tuesday of last week, from a fall re
ceived while climbing a fence. He was formerly
a member of Congress from North Carolina.
it is estimated that" there were some twelve
or fifteen thousand persons at the Red Lion, Del.,
Camp Meeting; on Sunday lost.
The' last pine India mail-packets which
sailed from Enriand took out specie to the enor
mous amount of $34,000,000. . v
The. late Moses B. Ives* of Providence, left
$50,600 for purposes,