The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 21, 1857, Image 2

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    - fipßUJijgirn'l ■*•
. ! * : ’ * ~# *
~ ; FRIDAY, AUGOST 21, IBe7.
; : rV ismiAM i>; pioEEE;
«w>/^v^,*xfV.»’«*Tjui[ooii v '- ■“
or ukiu eorart.'*
o» skis cotmrr.
j®A»r dos to-day.
The' Mast SUccessfunVeeStly, Journal in. America.
t ,,i. CONTENTS.
; <Prl*in^l.) ; , i .. 1 ’
of one of the mart interesting'
; narratives of domestic and home life of the day.
thu'christian, (Origins!,)
Poetry, bylirvip Pir-L Shown.
THE IBISH RACE, (Original.) '
; (Original.)/ '• '
•> *■■ -. TMB.TffiiON OP A STHMOIW MAN. , ,
- Includingall the FOREIGNaHo DOMESTIC) NEWS
OP TH* , BAY, \ the’ MpNETr MARKET,. and the
. '■L«teit CATrLE,GnAIti, ei,4CORN MARKETS. - •
; “ AUK, WE AN ’'
7 1; 1 <‘THB NEWSPAPER:” ;
- «CAN»D Bg HELPED.” ‘ v ;
' “THE GOODWOQJ) Ot/P, n ' / \
: 7‘ Being A dUcuMtoo; oftheVarloaa poiltie*l,soclaj, and
6whic{&l qimticw* of the day . .-
The whole constituting almost R Tolume in itself.
THE WEEKLY PRESS is furnished to subscribers at
_:,w per year., in advance, for the . single copy, and to
of twCntjywiien sent to one *ddre»Bjs2o,' in ad
- - r vmnee; Single copies for sale at of Tax
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: “* £ in accdnSacco witk our 'published fates,and some of
oor friends hare overlooked it. ~Our henry lists compel
, ' usfo.adhaw lo fils rule. ' ,j ;
■Editorial on -first ~j»gc « Breakers
A-hesd.” f ‘
- THE iuvm 4VEITION. ;
It is.not oftenfound that-a ’question which
is of sufficient importance td ekcite general
■ inquiry is exquisitely balanced by leaving! the
'■* right ail on one side, and Tie wfong.aU on the
: other. It so.happens, generally, timV the [two
are decidedly-'blended,’And that' passionj and
prejudice, and jaundiced eyes, make partisans
• ‘ :i»feacti. . ■' ■->',{
. The question of slavery, we are quite clear,'
is one which has enlisted ihrlejs dispassionate,
- philosophical inquiry, in this country, than it
t ought to have done., For this reason it is
' raert difficult to discuss it . without subjecting
...the writer to a charge of partisanship but the
•. .truth may, nevertheless, bo, fullyln^ostlgated.
When the time arrivea that this cannot safely
be done. it is Sot difficult. to xao that reason
. wili have boen dethroned, and that the instifu
y, tioas of thaStates wiildepohdupDa the wiideat
: . passions of the,mob. V : ' '
•Wo submit that the slavery question is now
being treated' In the. Northern. States as -an
excrescence which has been Listened upon us,
: siqce the organization of- the. Federal GovernV
stent;. A material fact, on the
'; other hand, to be bornd inf mmd. is, the exist
..' moo of that institution in the tbirteen origiaal
mombers of the Confederacy at the time of the
’" adoptlonofthe ConStltution. "We repeat, this
’ is necessary, because,- it. colors- the Tesponsi
i, biUty of that relation, and makes'the.fixst of
iti existence a- part of our poiitical ayatem.
Vj'dßejprdfng '/slavery ; a$ an interpobitiOß, we
- woaid have a right to usail it, and> to deolate
_ aigeiuat its continiiKnce or exteosibn. Coining
" into the Union with 5t element of eiir
’ SUte systemß, aod giviog. it a representation
. , in the Nationai Legislature, thus making it a
- baslsof ail poiltitnl actlon, it shoul<t be ro
- ..yplfdod. and treated as a. local Interest,;tp be;
; Wre, appertaining to; the -sovereign states exists, aijd the people of those States’
’ Sir having equal rights withthe people of the
- - free States, in relation -to the' organizationand
- Admission of now fnembers of our national
;;;'ftadly.\Thla, after all, is the principle of the
~ Kauaas-Nebraska act, and its enforcement, in
Otfr judgment, !* tiffa alike to honesty and the
' ‘ irigal interpretation of our obligations as mem
b«i of the Upion.
vThere Is bnt one other course to pursue, and
' ■ that i>, to lesiye'the whole,question,to Con
\-'gtiu, where it has remained during nearly our
' entire natioual existence,' and where its man-
has bpon a, perpetualabhrcq of dls
cOrd and of strife' botweea the alaveholding
and the non-slaveholding States. - If it were
further to “continao tide exciting bone
‘‘Of contention intheNationa! .Legislature, we
. know of nothing, which would so certainly lead
toincreased bitterness, if not to impossible
union. But tlio Supreme Court, acting upon
the subject, has doqldod that • the people,
’ when they may'Ostahllsh their own Constitu
tion, preparatory to admission' into the' family
/of Sktes/tiave the right- to isupreme control
over all such, subjects'. The Kansas act was
based upon'the principle of that decision.-
. We are. confident that if the" people of the
United States. North and South, wouid care
. fiilly examine this matter, they would, With
• almost absolute unimimityidecide.that there Is
no, other, just and'practical mods of (joveru
’‘" ' niaht ih the premfses'. ’ if,in the first instance
': Itappeara to have worked against the South,
■ ' lt shonld be considered whether, by any other
j proooss, a different .result was, possible? Wo
,ore as much opposed, to any mere forcible
, ’ cwwttpnpf slayery-in- opposition to;the will
(•; offtWlpcfll epfemiitiityi m .wo are to forcible
. interference with the institution, where It
i'j:lexists,by Unpeople of tho-free States, .
- yiewed in an economical f light—and how-la
;,i|;‘;j|o**itile to regard jt, ifi pay other ?—fftj
woeild be fallacious to attempt to force slavery
r .where it is not needed as it would bo to direct,
; ,‘tijr enactment, tho employment .of individuals
'dn the various pursuits of life. Neither the.
, one nor the other is possible for any period of
-tbae/ ; V'. • ''
■/ ; But again’; Tbe doctrine of submitting
' such inajieraito tbe local communities,- though
. U has -operated, and .will ever operate in the
North against slavery, is precisely the doctcino
1 which, on Bomo futuro .oceas'on, the,South '
; , r srßl,invoke'forits,own&aefit.' ,’jfe ? ;h»veyef
trnveDed bat a little way. jn-the direction of
Territorial acquisitions. It is - manifest that'
. herfwiter, as heretofore, our course iu .that re-.
apetitwrill tie' to the Sputtiand West, Mexico is’
- cnnsbiing into decay with rich soils and genial
climates. Commerce in the Pacific is just
1 belnjbpefled. The whole face of thlp Hepub
•; BeUiiableany yeaytptieqompletejy changed.
The channels of trade can hardly be said to bo
v , at all permanent. Production in those great
staples of which tbe South has and oipst ever,
> retain monopoly, in its Infenoyi..,' Slaye
/1 < without lajprejudtca
' 'f wtlbilT tif lie i slim! fn those fields
1 l-ii'jljfpi’ft;can -he> xpoitprofitably fired; "The
■{; iaJSheUw,of .industry everywhere, ip ever;
- -pro®*
l* eafiedrenty.iTinfe
imp had been fitful and experiments!.
. JtJi wIU soonei or later be reduced to tbe kwa
. trforderjq.n ttie principie of acquiring the
grentestatpcntitof compenaation.
In this view of
we have purposely, reteihcdf fi'om'ftlii'owiug;
upon it the slightest ‘ ijade'tof mock pliilau-;;
jhropy—our intestine quarrels about it 3 occu
pancy of thiaor sink
into utter contempt. And yet we do quarrel ;
and wo quarrel in the face of the groat histori
cal fact that slavery has never been established
where it could not bo profitably employed,
against the operation of
the samo law. It is not a matter which,can be
'put oM'iiire » candle oriightedupUke a torch.
It is a great material interest, and of course'
its enlargement and employment is to be gov
erned not by caprice but laws.
Let us suppose a ease in illustration. Grant
that Missouri abolishes slavery. The practi
cal operation of such a process would be this:
Her proprietors Would, as a general thing,
transfer their negroes to the South. The abo
lition of slavory, then, in Missouri, would simply
bo an enactment that the relation shontd not
exist there. Meanwhile the present force in
the State would be transferred to a point
where their labor wduld he more, profitable.
Sooner or later—granting that Missouri was
not adapted to slave labor—such a result
would be inevitable. In, truth, slavery will
not 6e abolished in Missouri tilt it ceases to ho
profitable in comparison with other fields for
its employment; and when that time arrives, if
ever, it will be the fact that proprietors can do
better elsewhere that will ha expressed in the
act of emancipation.' W® have, in other
words, no faith In the power of a naked phi
lanthopy to accomplish any such general work
In opposition to private interests. West In
dia emancipation is no exception, because pro
prietors were‘paid for their negroes, and the
gnfat motive which led to the act was a jeal
ous rivalry of the system of the United States,
which it was iboiight would be thrown into dis
repute by the abolition of alave'ry there, Such
are tho vlcisaitudes 6f Government, and not of
law. ’
The news from' Europe on the arrival of
every mail is of a highly exciting character.
The philosophic observer cannot fell to see
that great changes are in process all over the
.world, and that Europe "is’A field of especial
interest ,tt the present time, ' The proposition
is self-evident; that in the five leading States
of the Continent; including England, nearly
all positive power is lodged. They constitute
the governing agencies of the other side of
the water. It would Be just as sensible to
consult the foot or the great toe of aman,|in
order to ascertain what the intellect and the
will propose to do; as to counsel with the
smaller Slates of the Continent in order to
foretell the future political movements of
Europe. Such, at all events, has been tlio
post. But great changes, inaugurated by tile
Elder Napoleon, and rapidly recurring under
various phases, with widely different objects
aiid purposes, stimulated by different motives,
but all tending to one common end—the en
franchisement of Europe and the identity of
States—indicate the approach of a. new order
of- things. -
We are not amongst those who believe in
(be 'doctrines that the overthrow of a despot is
the inauguration of freedom—that the removal
of a tyrant is the education and preparation of
the people over whoiif he ruled tor the recep
tion of the dignities and responsibilities of free
government. Intelligence is tlio only , basis
of a just and impartial administration of the
affaire of State. When power is lodged with
(hose who, are deficient in that qualification,
whatever may be their motives, ‘nothing but
disaster is to be anticipated. Henco, we infer
that Europe has hut just entered upon the
threshold of ■ the tomplo of freedom; and we
believe that if the torches of revolution wore
lighted all over the continent, it would be the
signal of anarchy and of‘a doeper oppression
than wo have yet witnessed. It would bo jußt
as sensible: to enact-that’seamen should no
longer navigate our ships, and that landsmen
should do that technical service, as to oxpcct
of the uneducated masses of Europe a wiso
aiid judicious' exercise of the powors of self
government., But-the process of. education
and prSparation is,going on. Men are being
enlightened by. that most potent of. al\ re
generating powers—observation and experi
ence. We stand before the-world as AO ex
ample; and as communication with Europe is
opened; as commerce and exchange perform
(heir offices; as immigration and correspond
ence increase; as we are orderly and success
fill, that example continues to present its
triumphs to every class and condition of man
kind; .and it,is exciting- this dpy more influ
ence'upon the destinies of Europe than the
fire groat powers combined., .
, We have never been of those who hare re
garded the re-establishment Of the Empire in
France and the recognition of the Napoleonic
Dynasty—and of course the utter repeal of the
atatuies of the Congress of "Vienna, in 1816—
as menacing .toil to the people of Europe.
Providence never, in our judgment, directed
A more beneficent work. Franco, with dom
inant power—the centre of European civiliza
tion—the home of the boat political philoso
phers'on the other side of the water, men of
indomitable will and honest purpose—was
wholly unprepared, nevertheless, to exercise
, the faculties of a free State. Her people saw
their enfranchisement only through the spec
tacles of Ledbu Rollin and his associates in
.power;, and the latter, governed on the princi
ple of popular rights, with the full conscious
, ness that their own schemes _ mus( absolutely
prevail or that the end would be anarchy.
The return of Napoleon arid his triumph on
the nominal basis of popular election rights—
the establishment of an Empire in fact on the
tenure of, the ballot-box—whatever may have
.been the means employed to effect that end,
was an endorsement of the principle upon
which this Republic was founded. Thus was
transplanted into the very heart ,of Europe,
find after a struggle which, with varying suc
cess; was *■ cotemporaneons with our entire
national existence; the great doctrines of our
Declaration of Nor can it bo
regarded as involving tbe least. sacrifice for
the time being; for France was utterly dis exercise self-governing powers.
The effect of the re-establishment of tbo
Empire and the ftill recognition of the Dynas-
tic titles of Napoleon, upon the States of
Europe, is visible to all the world. The
concentration of power in Franco and in all
tire-German States, the check which has been
imposed upon Russia, the subdued attitude of
Austria, the defensive condition of England,
and tho conviction which exists everywhere
that she can no longer be aggressive, arc
amongst the most visible of the return of the
Napoleons. The equilibrium of Europe—tlic
fair distribution of power- -is the safety of the
people of the Continent.
! Now, where authority has been added most—
in France and Germany—thcro tho people will
first require its exercise when they shall re
turn to their own estate. If may tie said that
wo do injustice to England in this assertion—
that England approaches nearest to our sys
tem, and should bo appealed to as the break
water against the surges of despotism from the
.Continent. It ought to bo so, but it is not so,
and we cbooso to deal with facts. Tbe Dee
system of England is a necessity growing out
of, the steady encroachment of her people up
on the power' of her aristocracy j the latter
always retaining control of tho State and
hedging in theirexcluaive privileges. Hence,
we infer that the , governing principle of the
-British essentially restrictive and ex
- elusive, and that tho cause of popnlar liberty
can expect nothing from England short of a
complete revolution. The wisest and most
practical men in the world govern England j
( but they govern for their own benefit—to per
petuate their own power. They will concede
at home tbe .semblance of an enlarged frau.
chlse i tint thtiy are men of wealth and sagaci
ty, and they own, in their thirty thousand fami
lies, alt the teal estate of tbe kingdom, on
which the millions must rely for subsistence.
This is a reserve power which is capable ot
controlling the people—of turning a free elec
tion into an agency to sustain tbe landholder—
the aristocracy . England in fifty years will be
far In ttie , back-ground of free government,
while France and Germany will be in advance.
’ , TFe do not count upon the fall of England.
has intelligence,
morality, religion, and a history of law the
sUpertOr pf all mankind., She is an ingenious,
i oirderly. liKinstrlohsi iyitematlc nation. She
is entetyrfaingoud money-making. The loss
tif/tifik toWcb a peopie Is a loss, only of a ftac
tion of fierdlvidends. India does not touch
hefvitat WBergies. ' Colonial profits have been
growing smaller and smaller for many years.
The. Improvements of the last generation have
reduced tbe circumference of the globe, and
, - THE FRIDAY, At/OUST ai, 1857.
hayb thus: mingled nations together, removed
i'CßtrictioD a , arid;diffused the profits of trade.
English way be lowered and impaired;
hut it is . Impossible, not to see, in the current
of great public ©vents, tbat, the dominion of
any one nation over a distant and numerous
people cannot long be maiiitiined. The pow
er of England in the East has boon a gigantlo
commercial speculation—it lias onriclied tho
operators, employed a vast navy and army, but
has given to the governors only an adventitious
political importance. The London Cabinet
as well as that of Paris and Madrid, have been
struggling with the colonies on this side of the
water during the whole of this century. They
have abolished slavery, sold and beon driven
out, tile guiding motive, of general action
being found in an attempt to impair tho po
sition of the United States. Tho result has
been the destruction of their colonies without
damaging our interests.
Out-of all those changes tho people havo
been steadily advancing. The cause of popu
lar government, free Bpeech, inquiry, and
judgment, has been promoted; and we count
amongst the certain events of the future, in
peace and in war, the triumph of our great
American, example over the Governments of
Europe. The restoration of tho slave trade by
France, the re-conquest and subjugation of
India by England, are testimonies against
those States, and a vindication of tbo policy
of our own.
The habit of using a good name to cover an
evil deed is as old as civilization itself. It has
been a practice with the advocates of Ditf
union to use the names of Washington, Jef
febson, and Madison, to shield and sanction
their designs—and this has been done North
and South. Even Mr. De Bow, President of
the late Southern Convention at Knoxville,
Tenq., could not refrain falliug into this prac
tice. We copy from his speech the follow
ing passage:
Though, then, I am unwilling to make any more
of the kind of saorifioes which are asked for, to
save the Union, and havo boen forced by high and
imperious necessity, to become reconciled to the
idoaof lotting its enemies, if they will, consum
mate their mad purposes, and force upon us the
virtuous'and patriotio purpose of dissolution, 1 yet
yield to no one in my estimate of what tho Union
was ekpehte at becoming!'cud °f what blessings it
might nave conferred'upon mankind, if adminis
tered according to the intentions of our fathom
who formod it/andloftitasonrinhoritaade —-tho
Washingtons und 'Jefiersons, Hamiltons and Jays,
and Rutledges and Madisons.
Now, then, Mr. De Bow supplies uslusidea
of Southern independence:
Let the South but assume her stand among tho
nations, and theso palacos and Hoots and navies
shall, with the rapidity that marked thoburnishing
of tho Arabian's lamp, bo found to have transferred
thoinselves a thousand miles away, and have taken
their seats among tho mountains of Virginia, Ten
nessee, and Carolina, or in tho harbors of tho
Chesapeake, of Charleston, Brunswick, Savannah,
Mobile; and Now Orleans. Great interior towns
will spring up as by enohantmont, and great sea
coast cities and the urterics of communication bo
tween them reticniato the whole faco of tho country.
Tho mammoth European steamship line would at
once plough tho waters of tho Chesapeake, ns other
lines would bring into frequont communication our
ports with each other and with Europe, Our trade
would bo made free, and all the world invited to par
ticipate in it. “ Whoro tho carcass is there will be
the eagles." With $200,00P,000 to $260,000,000 of
exportable produots, and an oqunl demand for tho
productions of other countries, adequato ravenucs
for all the wants of the most imposing Government
would bo had from dntics, almost nominal in com
§ arisen with what at presont exist, and an abun
ant basis would bo supplied for tho wisest treaties,
and the most liberal illplomaey. All the world, by
their necessities and interests, would bo bound to
koep the peace, and nations are alone ruled by their
interests. Tho North would find us a profitable neigh
bor at her door, ready to trade upon just and fair
torms, or if these bo denied, roady and willing, and
ablo to carry that trade to another quarter. To make
war upon ns would be still more tocripple theelian
nolsofhorlnduBtry, to addtohor Impoverishment,
and undertake that for which the genius, the in
stincts, and the eduoatlon of her people have unfit
tedher.OnrbordcrpToporty woutd beproteetedas
muob,und as saoredly aa is now the common property
ori llio Canadian lino. Her dreamers and theorists
would imagine themselves ho more responsible for
our institutions than they are for those of Cuba or
Brasil, and the whole power of the Northern Gov
ernment would bo exorcised in sending back our
slaves, under rendition treaties, the moment that
thoy touched her shores, whloh would bo preferable
to paying for thorn, u 3 England did, undor tho
E revisions of tho treaty of Ghont. The daugor of
order wars could be no greater than in Europe,
whose Status have often hut imaginary boundaries,
and wohid ho much less from tho peculiar charac
teristics of American iifo. Wo havo no border
wnrs with Canada. Reciprocal treaties would be
the interest of the Northern arid Soathorn Govern
ments. offensive and defensive, against the rest of
the world, for the reasons that: the United States
woutd have 'gono Into Convention with the South
Amerioan States fot the maintenance of the in-
tegrity of the Continent against the balance' of
power systems of Europe.
England, ever ready to forget her theories and
her sentimentality, in the dictates of lordly inter
ests and of empire, would unite herself In lasting
diplomacy with a country whloh already supplios
five-sixths of her industrial materia], and would
become larger and still larger consumer of her
wares. Franco has few ships, and eonldnot, if she
would, conduct a war throe tbonsand miles distant;
and with Russia and England ather doors, she will
have little lime for such adventure. The Missis
sippi aud other great rivers would be made free to
ell requiring their navigation upon the principle
that the great rivers of Europe are now free. Popu
lation wiTl erowd in upon us from all sources. We
shall have the men of intelligence, of enterprise and
capital, the artisanß of Europe and the North, in
the new and bonndlesa field that will bo presented.
If wars most come, despite of all the causes which
seem to rendor them improbable, and the most
strenuous efforts of tho patriot, the South is pro
tected against invasion oy the causos which de
stroyed, in a single Campaign, a score of general
officers, and with them nearly tho whole of the
army of French who undertook to operate in ISO 3
in tho West Indies. Upon her soil she will prove
to he as invincible as the. Macedonian pha
lanxes. ller system of labor will enable her to
spare more men, in proportion, from tho indus
trial pursuits, to take too field, than any other
Power, and . her semi-military system of soci
ety has at all times raised her martial ohnracter
to the highest nossihlo tank. Neither in the war
of tho revolution, nor la 1812, though her slaves
were as numerous in proportion os now, did sho
experience the least embarrassment from thorn,
although at timos the enemy’s ships were in sight
of her shore, urging them to insurrection. The
Continental Congress ordered a legion of two thou
sand slaves to be raised, and a battalion of this
population servod hand, in hand with the whites at
tho battle of Now Orleans. Against the North tho
South would at least be a match, at any and-at all
dimes, and against one or all of the European Pow
ers, l/u common interests of America would dic
tate her stcurity.
We express our gratitude that these views
of Hr. De Bow did not meet the sanctiou of the
intelligent men over whom he presided. Their
very last act was a tribute to the Union—to
peace and to brotherhood—and wo printed
it yesterday with sincere commendation.
There is a degreo of complacency in Mr.
De Bow’s vision that reminds us of those
spiritual theorists who tell us of their
communications, with departed friends,
and who, in their infatuation, remove them
setves from contact with tho outer world.
Ho seems to take it for granted that bis dream
will be fulfilled at once—that he will bring all
tbe South with him—that ho will cut loose
from the North and West amid tho blessings
ot tbe people ol' his own section—and that,
when this Southern Confederacy is started, all
will be as amicable and as quiet as it is now—
that the Mississippi, Us source held by a for
eign power, and along almost its whole course
to tho Ohio flanked by free States, would be
as tranquil as it is at presout, when it is not
guarded ou one side by Southern forts, and
bristling on the other with Western bayonets.
Mr. De Bow’s a little too much like
Claude Memotte’b anticipation of his « Pal
ace by the Lake of Como,” und, for his own
sake, we are glad that there is no imme
diate danger of its realisation. We porcoive,
however, that he invokes tlie testimony of
James Madison in bis bchulf. Now let us
contrast Mr. De Bow’s easy way to break up
the Union with Mr. Madison’s idea of how to
pruene iti
l submit to you, my fellow,citizens, those con
siderations, in full'coiiildonco thst the good sense,
which has sooften markod yourdicisions, will allow
thorn their dno woightund effect; and that you will
never suffer difficulties, however fonnidublo in up
peurunce, or howover fashionable the error on
which they may be fodnded, to drivo you into the
gloomy and perilous seenos into which the advo
cates for disunion would conduct you. Hearken
not lo the unnatural voice, which tells you that
the people of America, knit together, as they aro,
by so many cords of affection, can no longer live
together as members of tbe samo family; can no
longer oon'tlnuo tho mutual guardians of their
mutual happiness; can no longer ho feilow-eitirens
of one groat, respeotahie, and flourishing empire.
Hearken not to the voice, which potulantly tolls
yon that tho form of Government recommended
for your adoption is a novelty in the political
world; that it has never yet had a place in the
theories of the wildest projectors; that it rashly
attempts what it is impossible to accomplish. No,
my oountrymon; shut your ears against this un
hallowed language. Shut your hearts against the
Selsonwhloh it convoys; theklndrod blood which
owe in tbe veins of American oitirons, the mingled
blood, which they have shed in defence of ttielr
sacred rights, consecrate their union, and oxcite
horror at tbe idea of their becoming aliens, rivals,
enemies. And if novelties are'do he shunned,
believe me, the most alarming of all novelties,
the most, wild of all projects, the molt rash of
all attempts j is, that of ! rending us m pieces, in
order to preserve our liberties and promote our
happiness- hut why is the experiment of an ex
tended Repnblia to be rejected, merely because ft
may comprise what it new ? Is i t not the gio ry of the
peopieofAmerioa, that, whilst they have paid a de
cent regard to ths opinions of former times and other
nations, they have not suffered a blind. veneration
tar antiquity, for custom, or fop names, to overrule
the suggestions of their own'good sense, the know
ledge of their' own situation, ana the lessons of
their own experience? To this manly spirit pos
terity will be indebted for the'possession, and the
world for the example, of tbe numerous innova
tions displayed on the American theatre in favor
of private righta andpnbllo happiness. Had no
important step been taken by the leaders of the
Revolution; fw'i*SbVii precedent *>«M ntWjUr
coveted; hsul no Government boon oatablinßc rt, of
which an bxfebt model did not present itsqlf, the peo
ple of the wtanhnt, hav 2
misguided councils; must at hwthWo won labor*
inK under the weight of sojne of those forms which
have oruahed the lioerliej of thereat fLTwv.U.
Happily for America, happilyi we traJt» for the whole
human race, they pursued a now ond.more »ohlo
course. They accomplished a Revolution whiohhos
no parallel in the annals of human society,
roared fabrioo of Government w|ioh rh&vo no
model on tho faoo of the globe. Theyformodtho
design of a great Confederacy, whiob Hisiyonrabent
on their successors to improve and perpetuate. If
their works betray I “? c 1 r I fe l tioD f>/® n l der^ t
the fewness of them. If the* erred most in the
structure of tho Union, this was the work most
difficult to be executed; this is the work which
has been new-modelled by the act of your Conven
tion. and it is that act on which you are now to
deliberate and deolde.
There is nothing half bo eloquent and effec
tive as the admission of a political opponent
after having been fairly conquered In honorable
warfare. Tho crimination and recrimination
of mere harm The fol
lowing evidences of this truth will not be utt
Southern Politics and Partir*.— I The Rich
mond Whig., acting on tho principle laid down by
the Irishman, that if he was dead he wouHawn it,
frankly acknowledges that tho Ameth&n party
South is defunot. It says:
«We trust that the wise men of the American
party, will put their heads together, and they will
undoubtedly reach the inevitable coneltnton that
Americanism, as a respectable and formidable
organisation, is dead—dead forever, Jjqpjeui the
prospect, of the hope, or tho power of resurrection.
With only five or ten members of Congress in both
branches, what of cheer does the future promise for
it? We commend the melancholy subject'to the
calm and prayerful consideration of every Ameri
can in the Union ”
The Whig's advice to the men with whom it has
heretofore aoted is as follows:
“Wo advise what we have heretofore advised,
an abandonment of the lifeless romalnirtff the
American party, and the substitution in thpir Stead'
of a new and living party, with last and cbtepre-t
tensive principles. Unless there Is manifested the
sagacity, the wisdom, and the common sense to
adopt the course we have indicated, the expedition
to the Democracy, which constitutes anovemeltn
ing majority of the people of the Union, cap never
be unitedlyand successfully rallied. This, it seems
to us, is a self-evident truth, and needs neither
argument nor illustration to enforce it.”
A Candid Admission. —The Columbifc-*J9o7/l//
Carolinian refuses to join in the assault upon Gov.
Walker for bis Kansas policy. It oandldiy admits
that the attempt to make Kansas a sieve State Is a
failure, and for the reason that Providence has In
terposed an objection. The South -fighting for
Kansas was like fighting against the winds of hea
ven and the power of the oTements. Climate seems
to settlo the question bettor than the politicians.
Gebritt Smith’s Land Gifts.— Gerritt JJraith,
In a recently published letter, says that hlsejcpec
tatlons in regard to fats gifts of land to colored
men have not been fully realized. He says :
“Of tho three thousand oolored men to whom
I gave land, probably less than fifty have taken
and continue to hold possession of their grants.
What is worse, half tho three thousand, as I judge,
have either sold their land, or been so oaroless as
to allow it to be sold for taxes. ”
Political.— The Paris (Ky.) Ctttzen £ American)
seems to agreo with the Richmond Whig that the
American party has boon effectually the
South by tho recent olectlon. Its&ys:
“The Amerioan party is again defeated in Ken
tucky. Our opponents say .it is now effectually
dead. It may be so. It may bo that, for all im
portantpurposes of a political party, it is power
less. Wo candidly confess that we see no imme
diate prospect of its suQQogs. We don’t know that
it has auy prospect of suooosb, immediate or re
The downward tendency of Republicanism has
become so notorious, is so palpably observable in
all tho political indications now ocourridg, that
not even the New Vork Tribune, with all ns par
tisanship, oan conceal the fact from its readers.
The following extracts will show how it accom
plishes this task:
11 Thousands did vote for Fremont last Novem
ber who wore not Republicans, and had never be
fore 1856 pretended to be. Some of these really
believed tuat the outrages in Kansas would revolu
tionise the country: some ‘went in for the
chances,’ especially after the maguificent triumph
in Maine, fancying that the prospects for missions,
oolloctorchips, territorial governorships, and other
nico lid-bits, wore beat in the comparatively un
officorcd Republican party than in either of its
rivals. Many of these are with urin heart—so far
as they have aity heart—to-day; but four years is
long to wait, and they are cutting in for what is
going now, intending to securo our eternal grati
tude, and the fattest berths in o&ae tho prospect
shall justify thorn in coming back to us in 1859 or
“ Of oourse, some of those who voted for Fremont
will fall away from the Republican standard, as we
have already intimated. Tho force of habit and
tho appeals of old compatriots will prevail with
quite a number; though experience shows that it
is harder to break away from old party associa
tions than to resist their allurements afterwards.
Yet, doubtless, some who looked for victory last
fall and did not find it. or for offioo and failed to
soouro it, will now slough off from their Republi
can friends.”
The steamer Arabia strived at jfr dcskytn
Jersey City, yosterday, at five P. thir
ty minutes past five the mail was at the New
York Post Office, and the Philadelphia portion
of it dispatched for this city by the six P. M.
train. This is as it should be, and the efficient
Postmaster of New York, Isaac V. Foynin,
Esq., has demonstrated more conclusively
than wo could do by any argument, ‘that wo
should and can always have tho foreign mails
by tho first train after their arrival in New
York. In the present instance, but one hour
elapsed between tho arrival of the steamer at
Jersey City and the dispatch of the'mail from
New York.
Wo understand that the Postmaster General,
at the request of our Postmaster, Mr. Wescott,
issued directions some weeks since to the New
York office to have all the foreign malls for
Philadelphia , forwarded by the first train after
their arrival, without any reference to the train
being a mail train.
We cannot see the necessity of sending that
portion of the foreign mail which comes South
over to the New York office boforo it is for
warded. In many cases this causes a vexatious
as well as a wholly unnecessary delay.
General Harlan, of Philadelphia.
This gentleman must be fresh in the memory
of many of our citizens. When a very young
man he sailed for Calcutta, and entered the
company's service as an assistant mirgoon.
He rose to the rank of surgeon, staff-surgeon,
hospital surgeon, and subsequently entered the
military service of Dost Mahomed in Cabul,
as aid-de-camp, and rose to the rank of general
in the army. Alter twenty-five years' service
in India he returned to his native city of Phila
delphia, about the year 18*2, with his
much impaired. . He resided with his brother,
Dr. Harlan, the distinguished naturalist, and
mingled much in society in this city. Ho pub
lished a small brochure On India, in whish he
predicted the speedy downfall of British power
in India; and pointed out some of tho robber
ies, the tyrannies and oppressions of the
British rulers. We desire to call the attention
; of.the Philadelphia public to these published
notes of one of our own citizens, and to express
our regret that Gen. Harlan died before the
publication of his “Residence In India,” 4hich
he had announced as almost ready for the Jiress.
The Will of the Majority. , .
Wo repeat the idea contained in Tuesday’s
Press, that it may not be forgotten, in a Short
er paragraphs „j 1
“ l'ho principle that the majority shall rule
is, to übo Mr. Buchanan's expressive tan,
guago, *as old as free government itself.' it
is this principle which enables the Sotith, tided
by the conservatives of Ike fret States, lo pro
tect the Constitution in its purity , and to ar
rest the threatening onset of an infuriated fa
naticism. It is this which insures to tho South
all its just rights,* which gives to the law Us
strength and its sanctity ; and which surrounds
the minority with an impenetrable armor.*'
A Rush for the Navy,— Since the fat of,
January, eight hundred and thirty men have
been shipped at the United States naval, ren
dezvous, Philadelphia. This is one of tile re
sults of tho late act of Congress in raising the
pay in the navy. *
Naval Orders.—Parsed Assistant Surgeon
Edward Shippen has been ordered to the
United States naval rendezvous in this city.
The advertisements of several academies and
institutions for the education of youth will he found
in this morning’s Press.
That of the pßorE.iTA.yr Episcopal Oittfitoir,
vrhioh resumes operations on the 7th of Septem
ber, is .under the patronage of the Right Rev.
Bishop Potter, and is one of (ho first of its kiml
in the United States.
Rev. B. K. Suyser’s boarding-school for boys is
also one of high reputation. ”
W.G. Aqsew’b institute for young ladies, No.
711 Vino street, west of Seventeenth, Will shortly
be in full session, and h of high credit.
Mrs. Geobob W. Barton’s boarding and day
school for young ladies, No. 1922 Chestnut street,
below Twentieth, will open on tho second Monday
in September, and deserves to be extensively pa
Judge Taney.— The Washington Umon.uyß,
thajiaolwithstanding all that has been said, “ the
majority of the Supreme Court are not stave
holders? 1 Four Of the Justices reside in free
States, where no one owns slaves., The Chief Jus
tice Is not a slaveholder, nor hoi he bßon for the
last thirty years. He never bought or sold a slave.
Of those that tho British spared his father, When
they polluted the soil of Maryland, some came to
him by inheritance. After educating those who
were young enough to be taught, ana,qualifying
them to take care of themselves, ke voluntarily
gave them all their freedom . Two, who were so
old as to be unable to, earn their living, ke sheer
fully supported during their lives. He has not
since owned a slave.
[special despatch to ths press.]
The Island ot Formosa—Copt. Simms’s Mis
sion—The New Commissioner of Patents
Rumored Removal from Office—The New
York and Boston Collectors—Appointments by
the President.
Wabuinutok, August 20.—The mission of Capt. J. D.
Bunts, of the U. 8. Marino Corps, to the Island of For.
moBA, lying off tbs coast of China, is to a'great extent
misunderstood, and that it may appear in its true
character, I will state the facts as I have learned them
from the highest authority. Commodore AbmstroNO,
commanding the Fast iLdia Squadron, received a letter
from Mr. Bobinet, an enterprising American merchant,
who, for more than a year, has been carrying on the
mercantile aud shipping business at Ape’s Hill,
Island of Formosa, With the Information that the
American ship “ Highflyer,” wrecked upon that Island,
had been plundered, and its officers and crew murdered
by the natives. Some time after, another American
vessel, the “ Progressive,” was seised by the Chinese
authorities, and the officers and crew Imprisoned. They
were only released on the payment of a heavy ransom.
All these proceedings were contrary to the express an.
deratapdlog with the authorities of the island, that Mr.
Robinkt should carry on his business unmolested, and
under which he had been acting, with the American
Bag flying from his house for at least twelve months.
Commodore Armstrong despatched Captain Simms, to
inquire into and ascertain the correctness of Mr. Rosi-
Rat’s report. The Commodore Instructed him In a
cautious, prudent, and friendly manner, to learn from
the authorities all that could be ascertained on the sab*
ject, reporting to him, by every opportunity, such in
formation as he should obtain. His head-quarters were
directed to be at Mr. Robinit’s, Ape’s Hill, where the
American flag had been flying, as stated by Mr. Robi
net, by permission of the authorities, for more than a
year. He was to abstain from hostilities as far as pos
sible, but, In case of necessity, he was to call upon the
American ship “Science.”
Alt those facts were communicated to Dr. Pabker, our
Commissioner to China, with the further statement that
OAptain Simms would he kept at Formosa until the Gov
ernment could be heard from, and ‘that this step might
he necessary to legitimate a prior American foothold, in
esse our Government should look to future reprisals and
occupancy. Hr. Parksr approved what had been done.
The last communication to the Government was dated
April 10th, 1867, at which time nothing had been heard
from Captain Simms.
Hither Col. Uuohbs, of Maryland, or Hon. Cbarliu R.
Ikqebsoll, of Connecticut, will to-morrow be\p.
pointed Commissioner of Patents. The latter has been
pressed very strongly by Secretary Todcey.
It Is rumored that Wm. F. Phillips, of Virginia, has
been removed from the Sixth Auditorshlp, and that
either Dr. Tate, of Virginia, or Mr. Reed Martin, of
Mississippi, will take his place.
Collectors Sohrll, of New York, and Austin, of Bos
ton, Are here looking niter their appointments of subor
dinate officers, some of which do not stand much chance
of confirmation at the Treasury Department.
llksbt v. "Wendell has been appointed naval agont at
Portsmouth,N. H., tier Nshkhiah Mosss, to take effect
Ist of September next. t
First Lieutenant Alokrnon 8. Tatlok has been ap
pointed to a captaincy iu the marine corps, vice Captain
H. B. Tyler, promoted; Second Lieutenant Andrew J.
Hats to ail rat lleutenantcy, vice Tatlob, promoted; and
MtronC. RraoH, of Connecticut, to a second lieuten*
antey, to fill a vacancy occasioned -by the promotion of
The President has appointed John 0. Downet collec
tor, Sau Pedro, California, viceC. E. Care, resigned;
Tench Tilohman, collector, Oxford, Maryland, vice B,
U. Willis, deceased; and John Havebtt, superintend
ent of the central Indian agency at St. Louis.
The receipts of the United States Treasury for the
week ending Saturday the 16th Inst are $1,642,184.02;
drafts -paid, $1,423,779.63; drafts issued, $1,556,323.01 ;
amount subject to draft, $20,007,369.61.
The Navy Department has advices that tho Cumber-
land, flag ship of the African squadron, was, on the
20th of July, at Madeira, about to proceed to the coast
of Africa. All well.
One of the stipulations of the general pre-emption
law is, that the applicant, to bring himself under Its
provisions, shall “be a citiiea of the United States, or
shall hhve filed his dtelaratlon of intention to become a
Under the decision of the Supreme Court of the Uni
ted Stales iu the Hand Scott case, at the December
terra, 1856, “ a free negro of the African race, whose an
cestors were brought to this country and sold as slaves,
Is not a citizen within the meaning of the Constitution
of the United States.”
I understand that cases of applicants falling under
that class of persoun have been very properly ruled out
and rejected by the General Land office. This action of
the proper authorities will fully answer the question so
generally propounded of late by the press of the coun
try : “Can nogroes pre-empt public lands?” and will
preclude the evil of Territories peopled principally by
the negro raco applying, at some future time, for ad
pittance iftto the Union as sovereign States. X. Y.
Official Despatches from Governor Walker-
Treaty with Persia—Appointments.
Wubixqton, August^).— Governor Walker, of Kan
sas, in his official despatches, recently received, says in
one point he has been grossly misrepresented, namely—
as desiring that every man should vote who happened
to bo in the Territory on the day of election, for the
ratification of the Constitution, This, he remarks,
would be desirable, if there were “conclusive ” evi
dence that all such persons were actual “bona fide”
settlers, but the only sufficient and usual proof of such a
faqt would be spme previous residence. On this Mint,
'which was one of detail, he had never proposed to make
suggestion* to tho Convention, although when asked
his opinion by members of that body, he had indicated a
previousresidenceofthreeorsixmonths; and that the
same qualifications should be adopted in the Constitu
tion, in regard not only to that, bat to all future elec
tions; and in his judgment, one or the other of these
terms of residence will be adopted by the Conventions,
from whom he Anticipates a cordial co-operation.
41 It is somewhat extraordinary,” he adds, <*th«t
while this accusation of letting every man vote who may
happen to be in the Territory on the day of election
has been preferred In the South, as Indicating the
desire on my part to let in abolition vagrants and inter
lopers to control the result, the Republicans of Kansan
have drawn an entirely different conclusion, vis; that I
design in this manner to bring many thousand Mis
sourians into the Territory to decide the contest.”
The President has, by proclamation, declared a treaty
of friendship and commerce between the United States
and Persia, of binding force. Iu addition to an ambas
sador or diplomatic agent near each Government, it pro
vides for Persian consuls at Washington, New York,
and New Orleans, and for United States consuls at Te
heran, Bender, Busblr, and Tauris. This treaty will
continue in force for ten years.
John Havertyhas been appointed superintendent of
Indian affairs for the Western Agency, vice Governor
Cummings. On the assembling of Congress, Hon. Fred.
P. B tan ton, Secretary of State in Kansas, will succeed
Joseph Holt, of Kentucky, was to-day tendered*, but
he declined, an appointment as Commissioner of Patents.
The Pre-emption Claim of a Colored Man for
Government Land Refused.
Washington, Aug. 20.—The General Land Office to
day decided against the pre-emption claim of a colored
roan to three hundred and sixty acres of land in Wiscon
sin, taking the ground of the Supreme Court in theDred
Scott case, that “ A free negro, of African race, whose
ancestors were brought to this country and sold as
slaves, is not a citizen within the meaning of the Con
stitution of the United Statcu.”
This decision of the Land Office applies to the other
similar cases pending.
Renewal of Hostilities between the Sioux and
Chippewa Indians.
DdboQoi:, August 20.—Hostilities have again broken
ont between the Sioux and Chippewa Indiana, com
menced by the latter, a band of Chippewas having at
tacked a party of Sioux, near Lsctroxlers. They took
thirty scalps and then retreated down the Red river.
An Ex-Bank Cashier arrested for an alleged
CitiOAOo, A’ngustaO.—S.BronßOD, Jr,, formerly Cashier
of the Merchants’ apd Mechanics 1 Bank of thJa city, «a*
arrested at St. Paul’s on Sunday, at the instance of Mr.
Woodworth, the President, on the charge of the larceny
of $50,000 of the funds of the Bank.
Colored Baptist Convention.
Boston, Aug. 20,—A convention of colored Baptists
is now in session in this city. Sermons have been
preached by the Bev. Moses Clayton, of Baltimore, and
Edmund Kelley, of Philadelphia. It will adjourn
to-day. A levee at Faneuil Hall will be held this
The American and Newfoundland Telegraph
Companies—Courtesy to the Press*
New York, August 20.—Peter Cooper, Esq., President
of the American and NewfoundlandTatagraph Companies,
has tendered tho tree use of their wires to the press of
this country, on the arrival of the submarine cable at
Newfoundland, for the transmission of any communica
tion! thereto. .
Death of a Newspaper Proprietor.
Cincinnati, Aug. 20.—John H. Strauss, one of the
proprietors of the Daily Commercial , died suddenly
Death ot a New Orleans Auctioneer.
New Osakans/ August 20.—Major Beard, the celpbra.
ted auctioneer of this city, is dead.
New Yobk, August 20.—Flour depressed ; 4,600 bbls.
sold at $0.40ff156.60 for State, an advance of 6c. Wheat
continues with a declining tendency, and is nominally
quoted. .Corn dull; 20,000 bushels sold. Provision
market generally steady. Whiskey dull. Stocks are
active aud firmer. Sterling Exchange is firmer at 9 % o
V cent, premium.
Baltimore, August 20.—Flour is active and steady.
Wheat—The receipts have been light. Corn—Sales of
White at 84<ft85c.; Yellow 83«86c. Whiskey 27#«29c.
’ Charleston, Aug. 20.—The sales of cottou for the
week hare amounted to 1,200 bales at full prices.
Nbw Orleans, August 20.—Cotton— Sales 0f250 bales,
with » firmer market; Middling quoted at 15c.
Flour is very dull. Mess Pork buoyant at $25; Lard
firm at 10c. Sterling exchango 10 IP cent, premium.
Academy op Music.—Public interest continues
to be kept on tho qui t live by tbo excellent vocal
talent which inaugurated the deservedly popular
‘Promenade Concerts.” The favorite Gorman
prim&donua, Madame Johannscu; the principal
German tenor, M. Piokaneßer; the highly popular
American vocalist. Miss Richiogs; the tonor of the
English Opera Troupe, (Seguin'#,) Mr. Frazer / the
able director, Mr. Bergman, and the excellent
Germania Orchestra, all now contribute their joint
endeavors to furnish evenings of unequalled de
light, too soon to terminate.
As many as right thousand persons must have
attended the various places of public amusement
last night. The Academy was full. The Arch
was foil. Sanford’s (black) Opera was orammed,
Christie A Wood had as many as the National
could comfortably accommodate. The Juvenile
company at Walnut street had a large audience,
Including a number of young people. (Little Ju
lia Christine has her benefit this evening.) At
Thomeufs, where there is a very respectable comio
company, there were as many as the houso could
bold. Parkinson’B was well attended, as usual.
« Attempted Suicide of an Insane Woman*—
An insano woman, about thirty years of age; just
arrived from Germany, attempted to commit sui
cide about six o’clook yesterday morning, by throw
ing herself from tho third-story window of tho
bouse at whioh she was staying, at the south east
corner of Sixth and Callowhill streets. She fortu
nately escaped death, but upon her body were in*
Bioted wounds ot a very sevore oharaoter. She
was removed to the Pennsylvania Hospital, where
she remained only for a short time.
Remit of a Fight. —A man named McDer
mott was taken to the Hospital on Wednesday eve
ning, having keen badly cut in the face during a
fight which occurred in the vicinity of Penn and
South streets. It is possible that he may lose the
sight of one Of his eyes. A man named Tomlin
was arrested on the charge of indicting the wound.
He was held to bail.
Accidents. —William T. Hays, aged 21 years
had his right arm fractured and his body con
siderably bruised by falling off a cart in Buck
l&no, First Ward, yesterday morning.
John Wilson, aged eighteen years, had his right
arm nearly severed from his body by having it
oaught in a revolving last-cutter at an establish
ment in Bread stroet, yesterday. His arm was
subsequently amputated.
Samuel Holmes was out in the forehead by a
tumbler, yesterday, thrown by a woman, at the
corner of Seventh and South streets.
Patrick Dugan, aged thirty-five years, had both
his collar bones badly fractured and his head in
jured by falling from a oarriage at Front and
Market streets, yesterday. All of the above per
sona were admitted to the Pennsylvania Hospital.
Anniversary Supper * —The members of At-
lantic Lodge, No. 262 I. 0. 0. F., partook of their
tenth anniversary supper on Wednesday evening,
at the Salutation Saloon, Third street, above Chest
nut. The tables literally groaned with the sub
stantial* and delicacies of the season, and were sur
rounded by about os respectable a body of gentle
men as ever sat down to enjoy the good things of
life. Full justice was rendered to the edibles, after
which a number of excellent speeohes were made
in response to complimentary sentiments. Several
songs were sung In the very best style,'and mirth
provoking anecdote* were given in A manner which
elicited the heartiest shouts of laughter. This
lodgo, wo are gratified to learn, is in a highly pros
perous condition. During tho period of its exist
ence it has contributed its full share to the amelio
ration of the sorrows of the sick and suffering, and
has freely bestowed its' funds to alleviate the die
tresses of the widows, and educate the orphans of
its deceased members. Long may it wave!
Drowning Case .—Coroner Delavau held an
Inquest yesterday on the body of a lad named
William Henry Coates, aged about 6 yean, who
was Accidentally drowned at Lombard street
wharf. A verdict waa rendered in accordance with
the fsgts.
Union City Legislative Convention.—An ad
journed meeting of this body was held yesterday
afternoon, at the County Court House, J. Barclay
Harding In the ehair. A letter waa received from
Hon. Win. A. Crabb, withdrawing his name from
nomination for Senator, which was accepted. The
names of Joseph M. Cowell aud Jamot W. Paul
were also withdrawn.
The Convention then proceeded to balloting for
a Senator.
Mr. Georgo R. Bishop moved that Mr. S. S.
Bishop being the only candidate for the Senator*
ship, bo dool&red the unanimous nominee of the
Convention, whloh, on the vote being taken, was
agreed to.
The balloting then took place for Assembly.
The nariips of John Clayton and Henry K. Strong
were withdrawn from nomination.
The balloting resulted as follows
Jacob Book
George T. Thorn
J. M. Church .
L. R. BroomaH .
Lambert Thomas
John Doubelbower
F. Af. Adams
Mosers. Dock, Thorn, Thomas, and Boubelbower
having reoeived a majority of the votes polled,
were deolared the nominees of the Convention.
On motion the nominations were made unanimous.
The Convention adjourned.
paying of the Corner Stone of the Olivet
Baptist Church.—The comer stone of the meeting
house of the Olivet Baptist Church, at the south
east corner of Sixth and Federal streets, was laid
yesterday afternoon, between threo and four
o'clock. A very largo number of ladies and gen
tlemen were present, and the utmost interest was
manifested throughout the whole of the appropri
ate services and exercises of the occasion.
At half past three o’clock, the Bev. N. B. Bald*
win, pastor of the Olivet Baptist Church, stated
that the object of the assemblage was to lay the
corner stone of a new church edifice, to be dedi
cated to the worship of Almighty God, and wfcich
would exercise an influence for goed, the extent of
which eternity alone would reveal.
The Choir of the Olivet Church, a very able and
efficient one, then sang the anthem, arranged from
Moiart, commencing with the words:
“ With full-voiced choir resounding,
Sing ye Jehovah's praise.”
An earnest and impressive prayer waa then de
livered by the Rev. William Cathcart, pastor of
the Second Baptist Church, of this city, in which
be invoked the Divlno assistance upon all engaged
in tho present undertaking, and those whom the
new religious edifice was designed to benefit.
. After the singing of another anthem by the
Choir, beginning with the lines,
<( The Lord bath chosen Zion,
He hath desired It,”
Tho Rev. William T. Brantley, D. D., pastor of
tbo Tabernacle Baptist Church of this city, was
Introduced to the audience. He said that all are
commanded by the lesson of Holy Writ to glvo
good reason for tbo hope, or the faith, which is in
them, and so there should be sufficient reason
for their daily praotice. Persons who are passing
this gathering and ignorant of the nature of the'
object which it has in view, are naturally enough
led to inquire, < What does all this mean ? what is
all this about ? what do these people want ?”
We, Baptists, said Mr. Brantley, profess to no
thing in a secret or underhand manner. All our
actions are open and free to public inspection
and oritioism. We do nothing secretly. We have
no grips or passwords, and there is nothing of
privacy in our church meetings; for if there was,
there is not tho slightest doubt that it would be
speedily and fully dimlged. There it nothing to
oonoeal relative to the objects of the present meeting.
Our expressed purpose is to lay the corner-stone of
a new house of worship, to be dedicated to the ser
vioe of tbo Omnipotent Givor of all Good—to build
him a mansion—to evinoe our unbounded confi
dence in God, and our unfailing belief in the truths
and saving efficacy of the Ohristian religion.
The reverend speaker Instituted a comparison
between different countries, where the Bible is
known, and where it is not, and showed the nume
rous oncf potential influences for good of houses of
worship, in all communities, large or small.
Wherever ohurohes abound, there you will find
happiness, peace, and prosperity. The spires point,
liko thoughts and affections of the people, heaven
ward. Where there are no churches, there is no
joy, no contentment, but evil oontinually. There
must either be ehurobes or jails in our cities, for
man needs some kind of restraints. Some ono has
said that a human breast is the worft of animals,
If ho be left to the oontrol of his own evil passions,
and the experience of tho world only seems to
verify the assertion.
Is it not better to haye churches than jails, and
have happy poople Instead of convicted felons; to
have a true religious and practical sentiment in
fused Into the minds of the people through the in
strumentality of the former, than to have lawless
and corrupt men, who are only to bo temporarily
restrained through tho medium of the latter? Mr.
Brantley continued in this strain for some time,
and said that, viewing tho subject only in a tempo
ral point of view, churches should be regarded os
the great and effectual barriers against tho pro
gross of disorder and crime, and the grand sup
port ef the morals of sooioty.
He could say, even to the infidel, that his suppor
should be given to new oburohes upon this ground
alone; for, if he loved his country and cherished
its institutions—if ho desired to see the blessings
of liberty, bought by blood iu the revolutionary
struggle, preserved for his own enjoyment, and
transmitted unimpaired to posterity, he should at
onoe give iu his adhesion to that correct principle
which seeks to extend the aroa of religious accom
modations. Suppose, for an instance, that all the
churches throughout the United States were to be
immediately raxed to the ground, there would be
no end to the soenos of mad violence that would
daily occur. *
Mr. Brantley’s remarks were continued af much
length, and he concluded by requesting all present
to join in tbe good work of contributing to the
oreotion of the meeting house of the Olivet Baptist
Church. The poorest person present might pay for
one brick, and those of large means should give in
A large collection was then taken in behalf of
the new oburoh enterprise, after which the corner
stone was laid by the Rev. Mr. Baldwin. The fol
lowing Is a list of the articles deposited in the box
placed In the stone;
History and Organiiatlon of the Olivet Baptist
List of its members, and tho name of its Pastor.
List of Deacons and Trustees.
Names of the Architect and Building Committee
of the Church.
Nameaofthe members of the Choir attached to
the Olivet Churob.
Articles of Faith and Covenant.
American coins of the present year.
Copies of the Holy Bible, Psalmist, Christian
Ohrtnicle, New York Examiner, New York Chro
nicle, Philadelphia PRESS, Ledger, Pennsylvania
Inquirer, Pennsylvanian, pally News, and Even,
tag Journal.
Organisation of tbe Philadelphia Bible Union.
Copy of a sermon on Henry Clay and Daniel
Organiiatlon of tbe Sunday School, list of officers
and teachers.
Washing Model. t .
Sabbath School Manual.
The Choir then sang a beautiful hymn, after
which a few remarks were made by Dr. Bleoher.
After prayer and benedjotton, the assemblage
}i,**one’ tgsrei Unfortunate 3 * Suicide at Mar
ket Street fyfarf night, about half past
ntuo j'a yottug and well-dressed German
woman, apparently not more than twenty years of
age, obtainod- permission at the West Jersey Fer
ry, at tho foot of Market street, to go over tho river
to Camden freo of charge, by representing that she
was poor and had no money to pay her way. She
desired to relatives, and bogged to go over.
Her request was promptly complied with, and no fox
| thor notice was taken of her until she again made a
: application when the boatwas about to leave
; the other aide of the river. She then stated to tho
p£*son at the entrance gate to the'ferry, with tears
In her eyes, that she lived at Sixth and Cherry
streets, and had not seen hor friends for a very
long time. Her application was again granted,
and she came on the boat without having made the
usual payment. Her strange conduct now attracted
the attention of several gentlemen on board. Just
as the boat had reached the ferry on this side,
about ten o’olook, she was observed to walk to the
rear portion, and jump into the river, and before
any assistance could reach her she had found a
watery grave. Immediate arrangements were
made to recover her body, but up to a late hour
last night all. attempts to effcot this had proved
Fatal Mcident Last Ni,ht at Vine Street
Wharf,— a few minutes after nine o’clock last
mght, as a man named Horn was storing some mer
chandise in « warehouse at Vine street wharf, De
lawaro, a bag of gait fell upon his neck, and killed
him almost instantly. Coroner Delavau held an
inquest in the ease, and a verdict of accidental
deathfwas rendered.
Absconded. —Yesterday morning a lad about
eighteen years of age absconded from his em
ployer at Fifth and Franklin streets, with $3O in
gold and a check ibr $4O on the Consolidation
Franklin Institute Meeting .—The regular
monthly meeting was held last night At the usual
{ftace. The attendance, as customary at the mid
summer meetings, was, not full. In the absence
of the President, Pr. Band was called to tl * chair.
After the reading of the minutes a letter was read
_ from the Royal Polytechnic Society at Falmouth,
England, thanking the Institute for documents re
ceived by them.
Also one from the Mechanics’ Association of
Kentucky, inviting the corresponding secrotary of,
the Institute to attend an exhibition by that society
at Louisville on the 18th inst.
The committee on exhibition reported adversely
to the feasibility of holding an exhibition this year,
as they could not find any place suitable for the
display. The report waa accepted.
The flnancesof the Institute are as follows:
Balance as per report of June
Receipts during July
Balance on hand - $448 13
Owing to the absence of the Treasurer, the Anan
as for the present month were not stated.
The following persons were proposed for member-
Robert H. Sayre, civil engineer, Bethlehem, Pa.;
Charles Brigham, printer; M. H. Taylor, carpen
ter; Qeo. Hass, Chas. Page, modeler, Bennell Ste
vens, chemist.
A specimen of Williams' Patent Not, shown by
Mr. Jones, consisting of a nnt haring a recess eut
in the Interior, into whieh a tongue, let into the
screwed end of the axle, and hinged at one end,
rises by the nut, is screwed into its plaeo by the
action of a spriag, and prevents the nnt ftom un
screwing. When it is desired to remove the wheel,
a small pin is inserted in a hole drilled through
the body of the nut, into the recess and upon the
tongue, pushing it out of the recess, and permitting
the nut to be unscrewed. This is a very simple ana
ingenious little invention, and appears to leave
nothing to desire is point of utility amd neatness.
Dr. Rand called the attention of the members to
a recent important improvement in the chemio&l
arts, made by Mr. Alfred Monnier, of Camden, Hew
Jersey, a gentleman already well known to the
members By his improvements in the manufacture
of sodium and aluminium. Mr. Monnieris patent
is dated 11th August, 1857, and is for an “ Improve
raent in the manufacture of sulphuric acid from the
motalllo aulphenets.” It is more especially appli
cable to the native sulphenetsof iron, copper, xfnc,
nickel verbalt,andoonsistsin burning off all of the
sulphur, leaving the metal in the state of peroxide.
The process is substantially as follows : the pow
dered sulphuret is mixed with a sufficient quan
tity—eay twenty-five per cent.—of dry sulphate of
soda; the mixture is made Into blocks or balls.
These are exposed to a low red heat; if in a fur
nace, the combustion, when once begun, will con
tinue unaided. AU the sulphur is disengaged as
sulphurous acid, which is converted into sulphurio
acid In the usual way; a small quantity of sul
phurio acid is also given off, especially if there he
some of the sulphate of the oxide of the metal
mixed with its sulphuret The residue consists of
sulphate of soda, and the oxide or oxides of the
metals of which the sulphnrets had been burned;
these are separated by washing. The solution of
sulphate of soda is evaporated to drynem, and thus
the same amount of thatsalt may be used over and
over again. The oxides are treated in various
ways according to their nature.
Thus the mixture of the oxide of copper and
peroxide of iron is heated by weak sulphuric acid,
which dissolves the former, leaving tne latter un
touched. When the peroxide of iron and the ox
ide of niokel are mixed they are allowed to remain
moist for a few days, when the latter becomes
hydrated and salable, whQo the former is not
changed. The pproxlde of Iron, If in large quan
tity, may be reduced.
Dr. Rand exhibited specimens of the materials
employed, and of the results of the process.
Tne advantages of the process over the ordinary
roastinriare readily seen. By using the sulphur
m abundantly diffused over the surface ofthe earth,
in combination with metals, and which was for
merly in great part lost, the price of sulphuric aoid
may be reduced. The aoid may he cheaply made
at distant localities, wnerethe cost of the transport
taUon of sulphur, or of the add itself, would be
considerable. The acid employed in the metallur
gical processes required by the ore; which fre
quently does not need to be concentrated, oan be
made on the spot at very low rates. The metals
are obtained by a single operation in the managea
ble form of oxide.
15 votes.
15 “
2 “
11 “
9 “
3 **
The theory of the process is obscure, and per*
haps complex. It may depend upon the oxidation
of the sulphur by oue equivalent of oxygen from
the sulphuric acid of the sulphate of soda, which is
thusreauoed to sulphate of soda; this sulphate re*
gaining Its oxygen from tho atmosphere, and be*
oomlnx again sulphate, as It is found in the rest*
due. Mr. Monnier is 'engaged in & series of ex*
pertinents on the nature of the reaction, which,
when completed, will probably elucidate Its theory.
Mr. Philip Boileau Jones, a chemist, and a
stronger in this* city, requested permission, as a
stranger, to say a few words. He stated that in
England the procoss named by Hr. Band has been
practised for some time, with the exception of the
addition of sulphate of soda. The pyrites being
burned raw, in kilns constructed peculiarly, hav
ing a small draft, and the ore in the kiln never
being allowed to get above a dull red heat, and the
sulphur being only slowly elucidated, the oxida
tion of the sulphur and ore are very nearly per*
feet, never leaving more than five per cent, of
sulphur in the ore, and by this simple process,
the whole depending on the regulation of the
draft, and the poorest ores of copper being ren
dered oapable of being worked at a profit; the ores
that I have had to work upon not containing more
than two or four per cent, of copper, and from
thirty to fifty per cent, of sulphur, and the result
of this roasting a residue containing from
throe to seven per cent, of copper, and not more
than three to five per cent, of sulphur, and as
nearly as possible the remainder of the sulphur is
in the said chamber, as sulphurous acid with its
proportionate quantity of nitrous undergoing the
extraordinary change, which is as yet unsolved by
the chemist.
Mr. Washington Jones exhibited a fine speoimen
of Lepldodendron, from’the coal mine of Mr. Wm.
L. Lanoe, near Plymouth, Hujerne county, Pa.
The specimen is a great curiosity, and was viewed
with great interest.
The meeting thon adjourned.
Quarter Sessions.— Judge Conrad.—Outra
geous attempt at Arson.—* Charles G. Davis was
put on trial for an attempt to set firp to his storo,
situate at old York Hoad and Oak Lane, on the Ist
day of May last, with intent to defraud the Spring
Garden Insurance Company. The defendant had
an insurance on his stock of dry goods, Ac , of
$3,000, and the value of his goods, at the time, was
alleged to be but $1,200. The defendant’s store
had open fired some months before, but was put
out bkfore much damage was done. The neighbors,
1 suspecting the owner of the attempt, organized a
regular watch, which continued on duty (or nearly
six weeks, and were rowarded for their services by
discovering the offenderin the very act.
It appears that on the night of the last attempt,
the discovery was made byMr. Lister, ono of the
officers of the court, and who lives within a few
doors of the defendant, that a systematic arrange
ment had been mado to fire the place by placing
shavings, saturated with oamphenc, on the floor.
A hole was then bored through the fmzne wall,
and a fuse oarried through into the yard. A Doc
tor Evans, one of the watch, proved the seeing*
person come there, take a bundle of ghayingsinhis
arms, and pqt them near the fuse The Doctor
called out to him, apd he fled. The Doctor fired
his pistol, which was the signal agreed upon be?
tween the parties on the watch, and they wept
straight to hts house half a square from the store,
and found him in the act of getting ipto bed. He
was made come dowp to the plafo, charged with
the offence, and he arid, “whatinducemefit fcave I
to do this?” to'which Mr Lister said, “ Are you
not insured? that’syourinducement.”
John Hall, who slopt in the house, proved that
when he wont home that night he found the night
key in the door, and a strong smell of camphene in
the store, all of which attracted his attention, and
he gave notioe to the watch. Hall further testified
that there were others sleeping in the bouse, and
among them the cousin of tno defendant.
He also swore that there were several pounds of
gunpourder in the store, and a key of it upstairs,
bo that If this guilty scheme had succeeded, seve
ral human lives would have been lost
The prisoner oalled no testimony, and was ably
defended by David Webster, Esq. The jury, after
a few minutes’ deliberation, found tho defendant
“guilty.” Sentepcp tjeferreq.
Owen Bab® was convicted Of selling liquor on
Sunday. Sentence deferred.
Hubert Connell, a policeman, was charged with
an assault and battery on Robert fifoflvane. On
The Wreck ol the I> N. Harris— Attempts to
Recover the Bodies.
{From the New Haven Journal of ye-stenJ&j morning.]
The steam-tug George W. Geer, Captain R. W.
Saunders, awived here yesterday from New Lon
don. having visited the spot where the late disaster
on the Bound took place. Captain Smith, of the
Harris, and tho engineer, were on board the tug,
and they cruised about for hours, but were unable
to find the slightest trace of the place where the
propeller went down.
Captain Smith has given up all hope of raisins
the vessel, but is anxious to secure the bodies of hS
children. He says that the water was oovered
with floating articles on the morning of the disaster,
but that the wind probably drove them ashore on
Long Island. Quantities of the cargo have been
found near Horton’s Point, and along the shore
towards Greenport.
Judge W. Z. Stuart has resigned his seat on
the Supreme Benoh of Indiana.
V £ >4
ii i
[From the New York Papers of (he 20th.]
Yesterdav Mr. Biankman, theooansel associated
with Mr.'Ashmead, of your city, in the defence of
Michele Canoemi, ohwrged with the murder of
Policeman Bugene Anderson, repaired to’the office
of Mr. C. J- Warren, the property derk, ahffo. 86 •
Franklin street, with several parties, all Italians,
for tho purpose of examining the articles found in
the apartments occupied by Caneemi. If .the evi
dence of these countrymen, of tbcaocusedistobe
relied upon, and there seezus to be no reason why
it should be discredited, the majority of the articles
were not the proceeds of burglary committal, at
least in this country. All the jewelry, and man;
pieces of clothing, were shown to have been in his
possession in Palermo, where he was a person of some
standing in society, and where, in 1848, after the re*
YOlntionary outbreak, he was appointed Captain of
he -Municipal Guard. His commission to that
appointment is among the documents found la his
chamber, and is regularly signed by the Palerxnan
authorities. The Tetters from his brother, found
with the’ jewelry, have been translated by Mr.
Cristadora, the Broadway ptrruqvier. They are
marked by strong .fraternal affection, and in no
way indicate any improper conduct on the part of
the accused. Canoeunf occupies a cell on the lower
corridor of the Tombs, adjoining that at present
tenanted by Smith, sentenced to death for the
mnrder of the cook of the brig General Pierce. By
strict orders from the District Attorney, nobody
whatever, except his counsel, is permitted to con
verse with him. He keeps up his spirits, eat#
heartily, and does not appear to be in the least
apprehensive as to his ultimate fate.
Considerable stir has been occasioned in tbe vil
lage of Port Chester and vicinity, in consequence
or the Rev. Mr. Porteus of the Methodist Epucopal
Church, Stanwieh, Conn., baring eloped with a
Hiss Pine, daughter of James Pine, of Ring street,
Westchester county, a young lady of about nine
teen years of age, and or prepossessing appearance.
They got married in New York without the girl’s
fhtherbeing consul ted Is the matter.
No vessels arriving at Quarantine hereafter will
be sent to the lower Quarantine anchorage, except
from the following ports; Havana, Port auPrince,
May ungues,Black River, St. Thomas,
and vronaives. Accounts from the ports named
show a favorable falling of in the nnmoer of yellow
fever cases There were ten vemels detained yes
terday at upper Quarantine, making the present
number detained there twenty-six restels, while at
the lower anchorage there are now but three vessels.
An exciting meeting of the NeiriYcrk Volunteer
Association took place last evening at the Mercer
House, relative to the gold snuff-box oostrorroy,
which promises to be * serious bone of eontentioa
between the parties who support the claims of the
two principal candidates for the gift. The Burnett
men bolted and would not rote on die question of
the adoption of the resolutions endorsing the Com
mon Counoil committee’s selection of Colonel
Dyokman, on the alleged ground that this was not
a bona fide meeting of the Volunteers, bat merely
of the Volunteer Association. Colonel Dyokman
waspresent and acted asohalman.
Paric ®S*to 'he headquarters of
I>> alker’s returned deserters yesteraaj. They
i drew a crowd, and many knots of a doien or so
I were formed with a filibuster In the centre recitin g
j his adventures. Although there were no appeals
. made for charity, & considerable sum waa ©euected
' daring the day in the Park and elsewhere for their
relief Six or eight were forwarded to Buffalo by
I Mr. Kellook, of die Almshouse Department, and
1 others accepted the offer of a free passage, to Al
bany by tho Hudson River boats. In a day or
two all will probably be token care of.
At noon, yesterday, the passengers on board the
South Brooklyn ferry-boat Transit were spectators
to a most exciting scene—no less than an attempted
suicide by drowning by a young glri, and her rescue
by two seamen. It seems that the girl is well
known by night to tho employees of the ferry com
pany. She baa been seen to croas os the ferry re
peatedly, and her eccentric habits were such as to
raise a suspicion that she was of unsound mind.
The quarantine commissioners are getting
specifications, and estimates of the cost of erecting
a sight for a permanent quarantine on the Orchard
Shoals, which lie a short distance off the const of
Staten Island, some five miles nearer to the city
than Seguine's Point. If the cost should sot
be too startling, it is thought that the Orchard
Shoals and Seguine’s Point together -sill it ns
oat with a permanent quarantine, ample for all
the purposes demanded for the public health.
The “Orchard ‘Skoals” are sot ted down oa
the maps of the coast survey, but being
situated near the main ship channel, it 2
thought the situation will sot be so objectionable
to the commercial interests as Seguine’s Point.
The original sna appropriated by the lata Lesula*
tore for the removal of quarantine was fltt.OoOaU
told. Of this, $50,000 were subsequently destined
to the construction of a temporary accommodation.
Out of the remaining it ia understood the
commissioners have been obliged to draw largely
their currant and daily expanses. Unless the
Legislature come to their relief with an additional
appropriation, the island to be constructed upon
“ Orchard Sheals ” will not, we suspeet, be a lane
Near Aurora on the Cayuga Lake, the other
day, three sons of K. H. dale (formerly of this
city) were sailing in a yacht, with a very light
breeze, when the boom jibed and the
youngest son, Nathaniel 5., into the wafer.' Hese
kiah M., who was an expert swimmer, leaped in
Immediately to save his brother, when both were
drowned, despite the efforts of the third brother to
reach them with the boat. Nathaniel was the
youngest, and the fool of the family. Hetekiah
was noted for his generosity and courage, and was
beloved by all who knew him. Their bodies were
recovered, and both buried In one grave. Thefr
ages were thirteen and twenty-two.
The Br. earew steamer City of Baltimore, Cant.
Leitcb,sailed at noon to-day for Liverpool. She
took 5$ cabin and 187 steerage
Mrs. Sarah Matthias, react of the Ber. 3. B.
i hfatthlas, died yesterday at residesce of her
sos, the Her. J. J. Matthias*) chaplain at 4s fils*
men's Retreat, on Staten Island, at the advanced
age of 88 year*. The deceased wee one of the few
who formed the first Methodist Church inJohn
street, in this city. She was present at the inau
guration of Washington; saw the British troops
evacuate this city; and when very young was sent
by her mother with food to some who were in pri
son in the old sugar house. Her father was with
Washington at Valley Forge and at other poets.
Mr. Bamuel Osgood sold by anotlon the ship L.
D. Carver, 415 tons register, for 113,000. Mr. H.
D. Brookman was the purchaser-
The Mraterleux Burial it ttnwatny, X. J,
[From the Newark Advertiser of last evening.}
Investigation into the oireomstanees of the death
of Margaret Dale, and her banal on the shore at
Shrewsbury river, by her brother-in-law, Wm. H.
Conover, of this city, was formally commenced
yesterday at the Evergreen Cemetery, KUiabeth.
The Newark authorities obtained the services of
Lowis Braun, coroner for the county of Union,
who empanelled a jury.
The coroner and jury proceeded to the Ever
freen Cemetery, and opened tho inquest at the
oust of the keeper about 3 P. M. The body had
been disinterred, and a superficial of
it made by the physicians—a critical analysis
being almost impossible on account of its decom
posed state.
The testimony of the physicians concerning the
appearance of the body and its internal organs
was not given yesterday to the jury, but they gave
their opinions in conversation. The coffin was
opened in the presence of the coroner and jury,
and the body found to have been interred in the
usual clothing, and the blanket which vaa wrapped
around It in the sand. Decomposition had fir ad
vanced, and the right and odor were exceedingly
The examination of the phyrioians disclosed no
traces of prison nor violence. The stomach and
intestines presented & natural appearance. The
lungs were very much gone, and appeared highly
diseased. The fuller details of the examination
will he patented to the jury to-day.
Only the evidence of Dr. Conover and his son
was heard hefbre the jury yesterday—the investi
gation being adjourned until to-day in order to
procure the attendance of Meters. Baum and Rad
way, of New York, who saw the disinterment.
Captain Douglas, who assisted in it, Mrs. Conover,
ana Mrs, Maaknet> who was on the excursion, but
who had returned, however* before the death.
The owe, as it now standi, exhibits no evidence
of any violence on the part of Dr. Conover towards
the deceased, but a great want cf propriety—
arising either from agitation under the peculiar
rironastances of being away from home in a «n»ril
boat, or from a disregard of the deceased, on ac
count of her imbecile character. The relationship
between deceased and the family was never ac
knowledged, and a ruling Idea of Dr. C. in all hit
proceedings seems to hare been to dispose of her as
quiokly aa possible, so that the relationship should
never be discovered. In this he most be adjudged
guilty of impropriety, if not of inhumanity. Far
ther remarks on the matter are, however, improper
until the investigation is concluded.
The publio Is warned not to be lieve the numerous
rumors that are in circulation and are published—
especially those in Up New York papers. Scarcely
an account ha* yet been giren which (does not con
tain many misstatements—most of them, too, of an
aggravating' and exciting character. We correct*
ed a number yesterday. The statement that the
burial w*s made without a permit is incorrect, as
ail the legal forms were gone through with hy the
undertaker, previous to the interment, although
they were not absolutely essential In the case. Tna
coffin procured for deceased was suoh as is usually
obtained for families in moderate circumstances for
their friends—being of white*wood, handsomely
varnished and lined, having sOver-plated screws,
An anonymous letter, directed to “The Coroner
of tho city of Newark,” was reoelved this morning
by Coroner Baldwin from Port Monmouth, stating
that on Sunday a man brought upon a schooner at
that point a box which he desired to sender freight
jVew Tori. The canlaiu becoming suspicious
(but all was not right refused to receive it. The
man then took it to Onion, and endeavored to hire
a man to buiy a dead body for him, übk-h w.a
also refused, whereupon be hired a man to pilot
his boat, containing the body, to Elizabethport.
The investigation has not yet closed.
Tbe Governor's Election in Missouri.
[From the St. Louis Republican of the 15th.]
According to the returns which we publish this
morning, the two eandidates for Governor ar*
getting.into VW olose quarters. From some
5,000 majority, to w}u?h Mij. Rollins attained at
one time, he is so reduced in numbers that two will
cover the whole, and returns to be received before
this article is dosed may put him behind bis com
petitor in the race.
The election of Coionel Stewart to the office of Go
vemor of this Gtme, may we presume, he regarded
as a died fact So it eras received yesterday, and
, M the returns mdioate, unless there ehouldbe un
eipected changes in the counties yet to hear from
officially, or pot beard from at all. Should he he
eleoted, this may he said in his favor, that notwith
standing ho has been the best blackguarded— the
most infamously abused—man in this State tbe
people have manifested their willingness to try him
and to soe what manner of man he is His name has
been connected with nil public affairs for the last ten
or fifteen years, and it must have seemed strange to
them tfiaione occupying aoob a position should vet
he the subject of sooh unlimited abuse and ridicule
They have not, it would seem by their votes be
lieved these calumnies, and all that Calonel StUart.
or any Wend of his, can ask, is tu give him a fa»
trial. This the people have determined to aooord
*2 5. “d. "f 1 s® lot *> administer the affaire
*“ U,ttM •***&&*-
Colonel Stewart’* tealonty will sot bthm.
bly two or three hundred; but it is enougti ?or adi
preotical pMposes, especially when it is cins\de«d
that he had to enoounter a eomMmfi omSitim
* 2218401,1