The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 20, 1857, Image 2

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    -‘ _£■' >■£,-,■ .->7 .<.4;-' ‘• '' ' •''•*
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■ roia OOVEBNOR,
Ty'"* ■-■".WitUAK F. pA6keb,
. - Of X.TQOMIHQ ddrarr. -
iron judge* of the supreme court,
0» llßka COOkTT.
ot mil. ootnirr.
ovohzstzz comitr
Editorial onflrst page—<‘NextNews from
Eritiih India.”, , ( ' ;V: ‘
1 Every m&Ubringa us in long lists ofsub,'
,-soribers fVom. the different sections of the Union
to the WxgKir, Press. . Throughout onr own
T§tate_lWe '.is' scarcely a' town which has not
; : ,aen4 its club of twenty, and s ome have reached
ashigb as two hundred; whilst from New York
Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, lowa, Indiana’
";|niinoisi klasouri,Kentucky,Tennessee, Worth
Oarolina,lionisiana, and other States, Svo ore
j* _ dailyreceiving large clubs., We utterly
1 impossible, oWing;to the' immense pressure of
: businessj to answer these letters in detail,.but
; .hope to dh so in a few days. In the mean time
/,we call upon our subscribers to give us prompt
'notice of any delay orneglect in the reception
of their papers. v -
V % By the 'mail-rsteimef, ArMa, . which loft
Liverpool on the Bth .instant, we. have three
days’later news- There wasnoftirther intol
' ligehce from Ihdiaj’ but tho beliefhad grown
more cosflmied- inLondon that the British
• 'troops had driven the' insurgept Sepoys out of
. Delhi. Tho Queen of Oude, who is now in Lon
don, had addressed the House of Lords, aiSrm-
: tug tjie loyalty of her son, the ex T Kipg, and en
, treating his early trial that his innocence might
Improved. Petitions were being' signed in
London; praying an . augmentation of the mili
-1 tary reinforcements for India. ■ It' is clearly
felt that the continuanceof England, as a first-
rate power, depends on her being able to re-
sumo'and retain her footing in the East. Tho
State| pf'public,feeiing among the, London
moneyed men ia indicated by the fall of Con-;
sols to 90J., Napoleon and Eugenio, accom
paniedby Count Walewski, were visiting Vic
• toria and Albert, in the Isle of'Wight. As
' Lords Clarendon and Palmerston were guests
at the same time, the affair looked like a politi
cal re-union. ■
, The death of the Rev. Dr. Biommeid, ex
. Bishop of. London, is announced. 1 He was
hbrn id 1786, made Bishop of Chester in 1824,
translated to\the fSee of London In 1828, and
resigned 'in ’1866, dn a pension of $BO,OOO ii
year, His nominal income for, the last twehty
' six years had been $68,600. per annum; ifor a
1 considerable time’it was six times as much,
from. the increase of London, on ground be-'
longing to tho bishopric, and leased at heavy
Lrents.- . . . '
. The genoral foreign nows may be briefly
summed up. The Porte, having adhered to its
action op the Moldavian elections, the Ambaa
eadors of France,Russia, Prussia,-and Sardi
nia bad ceased to hold diplomatic relations
with Turkey. Naples" had, got into a quarrel
with England, and declined giving satisfaction,
• Telegraphic communication between England
and Denmark’was to be made.'- Spain was
.largely augmenting her armyto carry war into
Mexico. The Prussians' had ; won a victory
■ over the Circassians; Tire, laying of the iub
; Atlantic, cable' was immediately to be com
! . Madame Famottki, the opera singer ’en
gaged for tiio Academies of Music at-New
f York and Philadelphia; had arrived in the A’i-
;^ : We commoriisphooliofthefrehStatos' are
, lnappreclable advantage. ;Theyare ;the
. -groat. Wonder tb the stranger, especially if he
;, .o6inea from the over-swollen cities of ancient
-'.Europe* i /We are ourselves justly, proud of
5 ;-AwL /But with ;these uhrWaljed facilities pre
'- Seated to opr children, iifis bare Candor to ad-.
mit that the; Southern States, where 'the same
, advanced condition of popular 'education does
not exist, greatly excel its,-iff the number and
li ’ tfj|> calibre of their present public men, young
- and old;- However mortifying the concession,
it is the troth,’’and cannot bo successfui
, 'ly'denied.;. .There Is .not a State , in' the
'• South in which. the. observerr will not be.
'surprised to pee this statement made
“jfffod.' The youth 1 of the South'are naturally
•politiclans'-we bad .almost said' statesmen
They seem instinctively; to understand the
; theory and the practice of,.the ’Government,
Ttwir readiness pntbe hustings, their, skill in
' /debate, their cliifalry, (often, it is true, car-
L \tiiw.'to.;ikß(yioue/pxtremcs), mid, their eager,
;; pess to learn, mark them out as a rare race of is no uncommon tiling, in any active
- canvass, political or commercial—for these
~ forward intellects nrp not. allpartisans, or men
•of one. party, but’inquirers j into the concerns
of traded population, commerce, agriculture,
'Sto.—it is no uncommon thing, in such a can
vass, to find every county sending out some new
contribution to the ganeral stock, some able
, 'and ’ well-matured; champion of'a particular
.V, idea or ludividuiii;, Wo present nb jncli re
.. ,' COid- in the jflree ;States. 1 It is true, we shall
' 'JM. sWSwered yonug men. are ‘more
practical and less .political than their brothers
- ' Over the atason and Dixon line; that they are
' ' better mechanics', ! better engineers, better
Sailors, better, .railroad managers, better mor
'chants* ice'. This ls,' doubtless, a good part of
'. It, correct. But, from our abUndance of oppor
i.; tunity and of material, we should be great in
, all things—and especially should be in ad
■ vance in edticatioh/as well in our schools as in
r;'tbe greater battle.ol life.' { ,
-- . 'There is a very fair reason, however, why
-Southern men are excelling,' as they have ex
’ : celled iis; in the particular referred to, Thoy
. are compelled to know their rights that they
- ; may maintain them.'. They are taught to un
'! deratand tile fundabientaj law,.because it con
cerns their relations as citizens, pud especially
.. as citizens of States' continually criticised and
condemned by unsleeping enemies, Thoy are
' trained to the arena of public debate. They
are, flrom Childhood, induced to lrnow fully
tbMrown public privileges." Biit, whatever the
1 fiiaie, they deserve great credit for .auperlority
. in. those.elemonta .which go to make up ana
: tion’a renown, and enter into ; the honorable
. history of civilized man.
r■: ’jfhemenof onr Augnstoii age have nearly
' all pasted awaj'. Clav, Webstzx, Calhoun,
iavs "gone.; Of their cotempo
' rnrlea, Mr.BucnANAN and. General Cas« are
the only remaining distinguished representa
* / tires. It kaadoubtiess often occurred to our
: ' readers to Inquire for. the growihg men of the
. i present—those who shall, in coming, times,
• tiU the vacancies which time Ss constantly
miking.; , ‘At first the response'.iyill not be en-
jve.must not, forgot that every
..> crisU,producet, it It doesnot create, its special
hero. , The men ofonr generation are too apt
: to bellerethstthefr posterityhave degenerated;
too eager to«ley»te ail their own great ones
.: I®** .gods; and lt la a habit common to old
•(•to depreciate his Juniors, bolting over
tta vast expanse of durhelOved Union', we can
••• hundreds of men lit to grapple with the
future and its responsibilities. Tdname them
wotdd be invidious. They are not &U politl
, clans, nor ofßce-seehers, and many have not
. yet begua to aspire to representative, positions.
Betthey will be ready .when.wanted.-. While
' thU is so, however, a very important duty do-,
volyes upon the teachers of-the rising gener’a
; tipp- Our youth should be 'educated for their
the paths of distinction are opened
to, them .onfall- aides-ufadiating to every
", point' of the ' compaas,; ,atid. offering - a
to every ysrlety of inclination. - Onr
public schools invito them to enter. A thon
'SjjjjlljgjtSciS,' acientifle,;
fl»® from
::; w)ticlx to choose. ;sliet “Toting America”
'■‘.j ■■jpb.tfi’it b#qite j|' jaCtotf great lights
ire jhdlng’»i
r; : did not- feed- their
ft; ■'P f
, fiopes'oif'eminence,,
as are now freely offered to; their countrymen
f wtitthttiieweirfanis.
' WON. ,*v ..
This body met at Knoxville, Tennessee, on
tho 10th instant, and continued in. session fot
fourdays, adjourning on ttie 18ttunstaiit. About
eight hundred delbgates 'wero itt attendance.
Every Southern State, oxcopt Texas, was re
presented. A variety of propositions were
introduced, and many questions discussed,
during its session. A resolution was adopted,
after a protracted debate; recommending that
the' eighth article of' the treaty with Great
Britain, rattSed in 1842, providing for keeping
a squadron on the coast of Africa for the
suppression of the slave trade, should be an
nulled under the provision of the first clause
of the eleventh article of the said treaty. In
advocating this, resolution, the design of
favoring- a revival of the slave trade was
disavowed by its author, who urged its adop
tion, mainly on the ground that the efforts of
the parties to that treaty had totally failed to
secure the object professed. A resolution re
commending the Legislatures of the slave
holding States to pass acts exempting one or
more slaves in the hands of each slaveholder
from liability for debts contracted after the
passage of said acts, was adopted. Also, re
solutions favoring the establishment of lines of
steamships from southern ports to Europe —
the supply of increased ihcilities in the South
for the acquisition of learning, particularly of
the higher branches —tho extension of more
aid and protection to the Territory of Arizona
,by the General Government—as well as re
ports on tho.following subjects:
On the securing an exclusive right to tho
Tehuantepec route.* On the repeal of laws
granting bounties to those engaged in the
northeastern.fisheries. On the letter of Major
pliere, of. Florida, contrasting the advantages
of slave labor over the apprenticeship system
advocated, by England, which was ordered to
be embodied in the proceedings of the Con
vention, and published therewith. On the
establishment of agricultural,, commercial,
manufacturing* and educational associations.
Oh tho more extended cultivation of the
grape. On the publication of tho proceedings
of the Convention. On recommending to the
General Government to procure the repeal or
reduction by foreign countries of the duties
on raw and manufactured tobacco. On pro
curing exclusive control,of the Isthmus in
Central America.
■ Besolutlons favoring a resort to a system of
direct taxation by the General Government,
in lieu of the present tariff duties, were dis
cussed at length, but were not adopted. Reso
lutions endorsing Gen. 'Waikse’s movements
in Nicaragua were introduced, but defeated by
a large majority. Tho noxt Southern Com
mercial Convention is to be held at Montgom
ery, Alabama, on tho second Monday in May,
, The general tone of tho proceedings of this
Convention appears decidedly more conserva
tive and national than that of the generality
of its predecessors. While it was composed
of delegates exclusively from the Southern
States, a desire was frequently manifested to
consider the questions submitted for its action
rather in a national than in a sectional spirit.
No better proof of this cou'd be givon than
the closing.proceedings of the Convention,
which are thus reported :
.Mr. Blunt, of,Mobile, offered the following
preamble and resolutions, which were adopted:
The. integrity of the Union of the United
States is the first wish of every true patriot;
its preservation under the Constitution de
mands the best energies of its citizens.
The Boutbem slaveholding States, in their
loyalty and devotion to its continuance, do not
assume to themselves more credit than is due
to the conservative spirit and patriotic feelings
which exist among that portion of their North
ern fellow-citizens with whom they would co
operate to arouse a spirit of resistance to the
anarchical, tendency of large masses of the
Northern population, and bring back the go
vernment of the Union to the purity and sim
plicity with which it was administered in the
better and happier days of the Republic.
To properly direct wholesome public senti
ment of the North—to separate the political
elementsof disturbance and revolution from tho
great popular opinion of the freo States—to.
bring into active and healthy exercise the whole
some patriotic impulse still existing among
them, and to make a concert of, action with
them and the conservative influences governing
the. popular* feeling of the South, bo it, thbro
fbre,‘ . . • ,
Remised, That in the, opinion of this Con
tention,agricultural*, manufacturing, com
mercial and mechanical classes of the whole
Union are deeply interested in Ijs preservation
under the guarantees of the Constitution.
. Rewind, That d convention of delegates,
representing the agricultural, manufacturing,
mechanical, and commercial classes of all the
States of the . Union,' bo held in Louisville,
Kentucky, on the third Monday of July, 1858,
to take into consideration the state of public
affairs, to devise ways and means for the per
potulty 'of our institutions, the enforcement of
all the constitutional guarantees by the General
Government to the several Statos, the unquali
fied recognition of the rights of the. States,
and the prompt execution of all laws constitu
tionally enacted under the supremo authority
of the Union, would, in the' opinion of this
Convention, go very far to advance the public
welfare and curb the wild ■ spirit of anarchy
and fanaticism which* now disturb the peace
and happiness of our common country.
The place for holding tho convention was
changed from Louisville to Memphis, Tennes
see, Kentucky being only represented by one
in this convention.
We are alike pleased with the tone of the
resolutions above quoted, and with the
proposition they suggest, which is woll
worthy of the consideration of the whole body
'of the American people. We cordially favor
the idea of a grand National Industrial Con
vention. There can be no question of tho
* substantial idontity of tho interests of the groat
body of the American people, when they aro
properly considered, without reference to soc
tional divisions. To a great v extent the bonds
of, commerce unite together tho whole civil
ized earth in a community of interest, and cer
tainly they have, to a wonderful degree, mutu
ally promoted the welfare of all the people of
all the States of ,thls Union upon the grand
theatre of free trade, afforded by the happy
arrangement of a country so large in extent
and so variod in its productions, being under
the control of one General Government.
The foreign trade of this nation is but a
trifle compared with its internal commerce.
Facilities for the rapid communication of in
telligence and the speedy transportation of
goods' are rapidly boing multiplied. The
-North and tho South unquestionably have
their mutual industrial affairs so closely en
twined that any real benefit to one section
would, directly or indirectly, benefit both.
The intimate connection between our agri
cultural, mechanical, commercial, and manu
facturing interests is Indisputable. Let zeal
ous and overheated sectlonalists say what they
will, who can fail to - discern that any serious
blow to one section would be folt by all 1
Let all, then,: meet in conncii. Let the
North, South, East, and West bo repre
' dented. Our word for it, if this matter is
properly understood, old Pennsylvania will
delight in such an assemblage, National to her
heart’s core in all her sentiments, she views
with no feelings of jealous envy the prosperity
of any of her sister States—she will checrftilly
do what she can do, justly and properly, to
advance the ‘interests of any and of all of
them—and, deeply impressed with the value of
the Union to herself and to all its component
parts, her loyal heart will rejoice in any efforts
she can make to cement it and to bind its liga
ments together with Indissoluble ties.
. ** , ■■ - - .fr—
Academy op Music.—The return of Madaine
Johaimsen has greatly pleased the numerous fre
quenters of the popular Promenado Concerts. She
has a charming voice. Miss Pickings also sings
with sweetness and shill. Mr. Frazer’s ballads
continne to gratify tho public. Mr. Picknnesser
.has boon very successful. The additions just made
-to the beautiful collection of statuary) just im
ported from Italy, are greatly and deservedly ad
mired. The Concerts will very speedily close.
Arch Street Theatre .—The now play, “Chari
ty’i love,” (in which Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Daven
port perform the original characters,) baa so much
gratified orowdod houses here, that it seems des
tined for a run. It will be repeated this evening,
la judiciously oast) and well played. “ St. Marc,”
“Levo’s Sacrifice*” and the “Ladvof Lyons” aro
underlined. * That unfortunate Paulino! we wish
that somebody ‘would marry hor right off the
Btogo. Never was a Lyonaise lady so repeatedly
brought before tbe foot-lights.
Walnut Street Theatre.— Thejuvonile players
are meeting with derided success, Only think of
them playing the nautlcaUtama of “Ben Bolt,”
with songs and danoing. Jolla Christine takes a
benefit to-morrow evening, and there will be a ju
venile /Cohere on Saturday afternoon.
Sanford’s Opera House.—This temple of the
Ethiopian muse is orowded every evening. The
amusing faree of “The Frightened Family” he
played, with other entertaining performances, this
evening.... ,
Christy ahd Wood’s MiHSTRBfcS.— I The Na
tional Theatre is filled every night with an amused
audience. The perform&noes have variety as well
as merit. Theorohestra is capital.
rz? PbT
, A Now York’paper of yesterday publishes a
letter, dated (‘United States Flag-ship San
Jacinto, Hong Kpng, Saturday, Juuo 9,1867,”
giving the following* derails ,of tho Intended
seizure of Formosa (a fertile island between
Chusan and Hong Kong) by a United States
naval force:
“I stated, in my letter of May 25, that there was
a projeot on foot tor the seizure of the rioh island of
Formosa. By a letter received yesterday by W
official, to whloh as yet very little publicity has
been given, I learn the following additional faats.-
Th*ey are perfeotly reliable.
“Borao three months sinoo Oapt. J. p. Simms, of
the United states Marine to the
San Jacinto—'was mysteriously missing, gone no
body but our executive knew where. It was un
derstood after a few weeks that he hod been de
tailed for duty—where, and for what kind, was
known only to the eleot. It lß now ascertained
that Am instructions were to proceed to Formosa,
and in the city of Fungshan hoist the American
flasfand taie formal possession of the island .
It is to ho held as an indemnity for the losssb sus
tained by Amerionn oitizens during the present
war. Ours boiug the prior claim wul, of course,
be respooted by the contending parties, be they
English, French, or Spanish, all of which Powers
may have a finger In the pie.”
Tho journal in which it appears declines en
dorsing its contents, but says:
“ While It comes from a source likely to be well
informed, we hesitate about giving full credence to
it.' It seems improbable that suofi a step should be
resorted to without n previous demand for indem
nity, followed by a refusal to give it. The seizure
of a portion of Chinese territory oan he regarded
by the Chinese in no other light than as an aotof
war; and it is hardly conceivable that our Govern
ment should havo resolved upon war without a
preliminary effort to obtain satisfaction by other
If tho island of Formosa had been taken by
tile United States, intelligence to that effect
would have been transmitted to England from
Hong Kong. As yet, therefore, the matter,
if anything, Is but an intention up to the latest
date. It Is not stated, either, that Captain
Sihhs, of the Marines, took any of his corps
with him—rather a necessary stop, it must be
ownod, considering that Formosa, in the eapl-,
tal of which he was to' “ hoist tho American
flag and take formal possession of the island,”*
contains “ over two millions of Chinese in
habitants, besides an unknown number of
Only that our Now York friends are never
sold, we would ask whethor Mr. Richard
Adah Locke hod been lately seen about the
newspaper offices in Gotham? But the cele
brated Moon-Hoax, with its circumstantial
dotails, was more probable than this espturo of
Formosa by a military marine.
As having a bearing upon tho Kansas ques
tion, and as Indicative of tho creed of tho
State-rights party, we ask the attention of our
readers to the following noble sentiments,
which were published in the far-tamed address
of tho Southern members of Congress of 1849.
The address was called forth by the questions
touching the admission of California, and it
was penned by Mr. Gamiouk hlmsolf, and
signed by such men as Hunter, Mason, But
ler, Bodert *W. Johnson, Jefferson Davis,
Jacob Thompson, Barnwell RnETT, Atchi
son, and *Wm. R. Kino. Read it:
“Wo hold that the Federal Government has no
right to extend or restriot slavery any more than to
establish or abolish it; nor has it any right what
ever to distinguish between the domestic institu
tions of one Stnto or section and another As the
Federal representative of eooh and all the States,
it is bound to deal out, within the sphere of its
powers, equal and exact justice to all. We ask
not—ns the North alleges we do—for tho extension
of slavery. .That would make discrimination in
our favor os unjost and unconstitutional us the
discrimination they ask against us In their favor.”
The Paducah (Kentucky) Herald says:
“ Th is is the standard by which we shall judge
the Administration of. Mr. Buchanan. This is
the test which State-rights Democrats will
apply to it. If at the end of one year the
glorious old Patriot is found lacking to this
standard, we shall not be slow to denounce
where we now defend.”
The GovEßKon of Missouai.—The vote in Mis
souri Has been so close, that nothing but the offioial
returns can settle the question of “Who iB Gover
nor?” Tho St. Louis Republican (old line Whig)
of last Monday has tho following despatch, dated
Jefferson city, August 15:
“ Tho moils are a'i iu for the evening. Offioial
returns from eighty counties—Rollins is sixteen
votes aheud in the eighty offioial and twenty-three
reported counties.* \ou will see that Stewart gains
by the offioial returns. Demoorats here are more
sanguine than ever. The counties to be heard
from are Butter, Dunklin, Oregon, Ripley, Shannon,
and Howell—the latter a new oounty formed out of
The Missouri Democrat of the same day gives
Rollins foiir hundrsd and thirty-eight majority.
Nebraska —’lhe election la this Territory was
hotly contested, mainly with reference to the loca
tion of the seat of government. Four cundidatos—
Chapman, (National Democrat,) Thayer, (Inde
pendent,) Rankin, (Demoorat,) and Ferguson,(Dem
ocrat,) started for the race, a half dozen or more
having boon choked off prior to that time; and all
of them camo up to the judge’s stand pretty well
together. B. B. Chapmen, it is understood, was
the successful candidate, boating Judgo Ferguson
about fifty votes.
Railroad from Gretson to Ebensburg,
The projected branch railroad from Crcsson
to Ebcnsburg bids fair to end In something
more tlianmeretalk. The parties most deeply
interested have taken np the matter in good
earnest. Tho Ebensburg Democrat says:
“Several of the most influential and wealthy
citizens of that place intend visiting Phila
delphia shortly, for the purpose of calling on
tho president of the company, and ascertain
ing what arrangements can be made: The
project is by no means a visionary one. If
the matter is once taken in hand in earnest,
from fifty to seventy thousand dollars in stock
will bo taken in this place and vicinity. Tho
road, if constructed, will pay as well, if not
better than tho Indiana branch, and will not
be so expensive to construct.”
(Correspondence of The Frees.]
Washinoton, August 19.
Tho English difficulties In India will soon be re
echoed from the English colony in Australia.
Thorc has boon more than ono symptom from this
quarter oiroady. Tho Anglo-Baxon element and
the Yankoo-phobla will do the work neatly and
thoroughly, when they begin it. The work of nn
nexation to the United States will be accomplished,
ns in tho ease of Texas, by the people, Thoro is a
good time coming.
There is a Btory in Washington, founded upon a
reportod letter from a Republican leader in New
York, that there Is to bo a secret effort made to
dofeat General Packer for Govornor next October
I mention it with no confidence in its truth, but it
may servo to keep you on tho alort.
A gentleman, direct from Kentucky, says that
Hon. J. B. Clay will visit New York and Philadel
phia very Bhortly.
Most of tho reports in the papers about appoint
ments are manufactured. Bely on this.
You may expect some interesting scenes before
Mount Vernon passes out of the hands of the pre
sent proprietor. It is said that his price edveneos
as the ladies’ funds increase.
A gentleman from Tennessee thinks that Gov.
Andrew Johnson will certainly bo elected United
States Senator from that State.
It now appears that hlr. Stephens thinks Gov.
Walker ought to be recalled from Kansas. And
yot I do not doubt that Mr. Stephens will steadily
support Mr Buchanan’s Administration, He Is
too sagacious and discreet a statesman to allow
himself to get wrong on such a question.
Edward Stanley’s somerset into the Republican
ranks, in California, is a strange event. He was
tbe most ultra, and, for a long while, the most
embittered Southern' partisan in Congress. He
vras always ready to take advantage of his oppo
nents, and got into more personal conflicts (you re
member his and *>dv. Wise’s) than any other man
In the House. He was nothing if not personnl.
And now he is acting with the Abolitionists!
Various causes aro assigned for this conversion.
Mr. Stanley lost his wife very suddenly some time
ago, and since then has seriously talked of joining
tbe church. In this mood of mind he became an
easy prey to a conscientious appeal.
[Correspondence of The Press.]
President Buchanan vs. Prof. SilUmon and
Others--Kansas Affairs, etc.
Washington, Aug. 19,1857
The President, a short time ago, received a letter from
Professor Silliraan and others, including several Doctors
of Divinity, of New Haveu, objecting to the employment
by him of the United States military forces to execute
the so-called laws of Kansas, and assuring him they will
cease not to pray that he may have the proper course of
duty pointed out to him, Or something to that effect.
To this letter the President has just replied, briefly
hut pointedly, denying their promises, questioning their
knowledge of those lairs, and, after acknowledging their
validity, he calmly assures them that, by tbe help of
God, he will enforce them, in accordance with his oath
of office.
The principal officers ordered to the steamer Merriraac,
which is to take the place of the flagship of the Pacific
squadron, are Commander Wainwrlghtj Lleuts. Cresson,
Arnold, Harp, and Breese; Surgeon of the fleet, Dr.
Edwards; Passed Assistant Surgeon gchriver, Assistant
Burgeon Bloodgood, Parser Belknap, and Chief Engineer
Long. Passed Midshipman Ramsey has been ordered to
join the ship as paymaster.
At the special Cabinet meeting to-day, appointments
to several of the auditor*hips and comptroilerships, and
Commissioner of Patents, were considered. Certain
gentlemen have been designated for these posts, hut
their names havo not yet transpired.
The President has appointed Charles Bindley, of
California, receiver of public money at Marysville, in
that State, vice Rust, resigned.
THE PRESS rs J»HDLADEU , Siii, .THURSDAY ■ AjpfiCST 20, 1857.
Diplomatic Relations Suspended with France.
Russia) Pruizla, and Sardinia.
Tbs Telegraph Cable Landed atYalentla Bay.
The Italian Convicted.
Cotton Steady—Corn Declined.
New Yobk, August 10.—The Cuuard Bthemßhlp Arft
bia arrived this afternoon from Liverpool, with dates to
the Sth instant, being three days later than received by
the Columbia.
Tho landing of the telegraph cable at Valentis Bay
was accomplished successfully on the Sth font., and the
squadron started for Newfoundland.
The Italian conspirators have been found guilty of
the alleged design against tho lUe of Napoleon. One
has boon sentenced to transportation, and the others to
imprisonment for fifteen years.
Nothing later from India has been received. i
Tho Right Rev. Dr. Blomfield, Bishop of London, is
dead, . ' -
It Is rumored that the negotiations in relation to the
Spanish and Mexican question have beta suspended.
Spain continues her military preparations.
The miaundsftjWing -between FranM and Turkey
continues, but the report that Turkey has declared the
Moldavian elections void Is considered doubtful.
The proceedings of Parliament have Men unimport
Lords Palmerston and Clarendon, with Counts Wa
lewski and Persignan, are at Osborne, tendance on
Quoen Victoria.
The steamship Arago, from New York,-arrived out on
the Gth lost. ■
Among the passengers in the Arabia is Madame Frez
zollni, the celebrated soprano* engaged bj Mr. Ulhn&un
for the New York and Philadelphia/Xcademlpa o f
Music. „ , j
Tho steamer Eheraonese has been Withdrawn 'from
the St. Johns and Portland line, hatlngiftfeh' chartered
to carry troops to India. The steamer Orlfffea wilij taka
her place soon. 1 ■ , ,
In the House of Lords, Lord Campbell presented a
petition from the Queen and Princess oy)udo, residing
in England, expressing regret at the molt In India,
and that suspicion should attach’ to the
ex-King, Also, stating that the petitioners had re
ceived assurances from the King of hts entire inuocencc
from all complicity in the outbreak, aud praying, that
the charges against him might be annoanced, so (that
lie might establish his innocence. Objections were
raised and the petition was
The bill authorizing the embodiment of the, militiia
was read a second time.
A petition praying that Parliament increase the in
tended reinforcement to iodia is Receiving numerous
signatures in Liverpool.
It Is understood that Ledru Rollin is about to prose
cute the London Times for the article-charging him
with a complicity in tho recent conspiracy against the
life of tho Emperor Napoleon.
The Government is actively engaged in military .pre
parations for tho expedition against Mexico. Tho effec
tive strength of the army will soon number 120,000
men. It is rumored that the Royal Guard) dismembered
under the regency of Espartoro, will soon be re-estab
A trouble is brewing between England and Naples, In
consequence of the unauthorized search of an English
steamer by Neapclltan officials. It Is Said that England
has remonstrated against this act, but without eliriting
a reply.
The wheat harvest in Italy bos been secured, and it
averages a crop end a half. There is also ft considerable
incroane in the vine crop.
The French ambassador at Constantinople struck his
flag on tho 6th Inst., but would not leave his post for
some days. !
A Are at Galatea has destroyed 200 houses.
Lord Stratford ds Redoliffe has got leave to return home’
from Constantinople.
An English company has obtained A concession to lay
a telegraphic cable between England and Schleswig,
A despatch says that Bchamyl’s troops' (n Circassia
hare been beaten by the Russian troops at Isalateria.
Four hundred were killed. )
Russia has applied to,the Porto for a modification of
the treaty of Paris, sops to enable her to employ a large
number of tcssols of war for operations on the coast of
Circassia. {
The Latest—By Telegraph from Loudon'.
London. August B.—The Titnn' city article says that
tho belief in the fall of Delhi has become almost uni
The London Post publishes a despatch from Constanti
nople,under dote of the Gth Inst, which sa/ethat the Porte
has refused to award his decision with regard to the late
elections in Moldavia, and iu consequence the Ministers
of France, Russia, Prussia, and Sardinia, have broken
off diplomatic relations.
Liverpool Cotton Market, . |
The Circulars report the Cotton -market as closing
quiet and steady. The sales .wtfrft-alofrat' the former
r prices. ** ’ * * ,
Tho sales of the week were 33,000 bales, 2,500 bales
of which were to speculators, and 8,600 bales to ex
porters. ‘ 1
The following are the quotations reported: Fair Or
leans, 8#; FAir Mobile, S#; Fair Uplands, 8# ; Mid
dling Orleans, 8 Ji ; Middling Mobile, ; Middling Up
lands, Bj!f.
Messrs. Raring A Co.’s Circular re ports Breadstuff* as
quiet. New Wheat had doclinod 2d. Sugar was heavy
and Coffee dull.
Tho following quotations ore reported: Flo>ur—
Western Canal, 305.®80». 6d.; Southere, BOs,cBlo. ;
Ohio, S 2». Wheat—Red, Bs. ld.oSs. Od; While, cs.
3d.«95. Bd. Coes—Mixed, 37«.; Yellow, 07s,j White,
45ft.©4Qs. 1
Tho estimated sales on Saturday, the d*y of sailing,
were 6,000 bales. The stock of cotton, American, In
port was 806,000 bales.
Liverpool Breadstuffa Market-
Breadstuff* generally dosed dull. Mixed corn had
suffored a slight decline.
Messrs. Richardson, Spence & Co., and other circu
lars, report flour steady; also wheat steady at the de
cline reported on Tuesday.
The Broker*!' Circular of tho Liverpool Breadstuff*
market refiorts Flour dull, at a decline of Is; Wheat is
dull at a decline of 2do3d, and Corn dixit at & decline
of Is. I
Liverpool Provision and Pboducb Maikbt9.—The
circulars report Beef firm; Bacon dull; Rqkfirro; Lard
dull at 70s. :
Sugar was heavy and la. lower. Coffee qiiet.
London Money Market*
The money market is unchanged since the previous
report; Consols quoting at 90#®90# for money,’and
90#091 for account.
Tho bullion in tho Bank of England had declined
£370,000 during the week. 1
State of the Trade* j
The Manchester advices were favorable} although the
average business was without quotable ch|nge.
India goods in tho Liverpool market were stagnant.
American securities continue unchanged.
Tallow was firm. Rice dull and 3d. lower., Tea firm.
Turpentine Spirits dull.. Rosin firm; aalel of the week
6,000 bhls., cloning at a alight advance in all qualities.
Nrw York, August 19.—A letter from Valentis Bay
say* that the expectation Is that the Telegraph squadron
will arrive at Newfoundland, with the cabW, In about
twenty days. Their arrival at Newfoundland canuot,
therefore, he expected before Wednesday or Thursday
of next week.
Fire at Lexington, Missouri;
St. Louis, August 19.— The hemp factory of Messrs.
McGrew and Brothers, at Lexington, Missouri, was de
stroyed by fire yesterday. The loss amounts to $30,000,
but is insured.
Baltimorb, August 19.—Private letters frqm New Or
leans, dated the 13th Inst., Boy that it hotf rained for
thirty-eight days consecutively, and was fltill raiding.
The city was, however, healthy. j
Rubbery and Shooting Affair at Ana Arbor,
Dbtboit, August 19.—Mr. 8. M. Holden,* lumber
man, formerly of Saginaw, wafi Bhot at, and then robbed
of* $5OO, at Ann "Arbor, last night, while od hi* way
from the Railroad Depot to hi* residence. Hi* wound*
are considered mortal
Trial of the Italians accused of anattempt to Assassi
nate the Emperor, *
Paris, Friday evening, Aug. 7.—The trial of tho
Italians accused of an attempt to assassinate tin Empe
ror, terminated at 6P. M. The jury returned a verdict
of guilty, with extenuating circumstances in favor of
Bartoloiti and Grilli. The Procureur-Qeneral demanded
the application of Article 89 of tho Penal Code to the
three accused, modified by Article 460 as regards the two
latter. The Court, after deliberating in the Council
chamber, sentenced Tibeldi, to transportation, and llar
tototti and Grllll to 16 years’ Imprisonment.
The trial of the conspirators began on Thursday, and
excited very little interest. There are eloven witnesses
—blx for tl)o crown, and flvo for the accused. No now
facta were elicited, and the court adjourned till Friday,
when the proceedings are expected to be more important.
The Emperor and Empresawill be present at tbe open
ing of the new bulldiuga in the Louvre, on the lith in
Tho Minister of War has decided that Kabylin, re
cently conquered, shall form a now military sub-divi
Marseilles, August 6.—The notes of the. four Pow
ers, directed against Prince Vogorldes, were ideatical,
though presented separately.
Two hundred houses have been destroyed by fire at
Oalata. Tho establishment of the Strurs Francoises
was saved.
The tribes of the Mutualle had pillaged the Christians
in the town of Sour. M. do Lessepa, Freuch Consul at Bey
rout, had gone to tbe spot to demand a public repression
of the outrago.
Prince Vogorldes had proceeded to replace tho Metro
politan of Moldavia, because he had refused to preside
over tho Divan.
The Paris Pays, of tho evening of the 6th. announces
that the new Turkish Cabinet had consented to declare
the Moldavian elections null and void, and that it pro
posed to fix tho 16th of August for the new elections.
On tho other hand, the Times of the following morning
contained a telegraphic despatch which states that the
French Ambassador at Constantinople hauled down his
flag on the 6th.
Yesterday afternoon the following despatches reached
London from Paris:
PARts, August 17.—Despatches from Constantinople
of 6th August have been received at Vienna. It is
stated tbatM. Thouvenel hod again threatened a rup
tore of diplomatic relations, in consequence or the ro
■fusal of the Sultan to recall the Kalmacan of Moldavia.
The Saltan bod declared tbAt he would communicate
dlceotly with the Emperor of the Fronch by an auto
graph letter. -‘I 1
Constantinople, August 6.—The Porte having re
fused to accede to M. Thouvenol’s demand for the an
nulment, immediate, absolute, and without examina
tion, of the Moldavian elections, ho has broken off di-
CONSOLS 90|a90§,
London Markets.
The Telegraph Cable,
Rain at New Orleans.
plomfttlerelatlons with the Turkish Government, and
to*day at half-past twelve the flag of the French Em
bassy was hauled down.’ It is not yet known whether
the Ministers of Russia, Prussia, and Sardinia, who
have,threatened to follow the examplo of their col
league. will do so.
A letter from Bt. Petersburg, In the Constitutionnel,
states that Russia has made an application to the Porto
with * View to such a modification of the treaty of
Paris as would enable her to employ a larger number of
vessels of war for carrying on her present operations oa
the coast of Circassia.
The Times, in its stock exchange news, gives an ex
tract of a letter from Point de Galle, dated July 2d, in
which the writer mentions the receipt of the following
new* froni hia brother, an officer in' the 37th regiment:
“ Delhi is taken, we have killed upwards of 7,000
Sepoy a. The loss on our side is very considerable.”
The Daily News gives the following extract of a
letter from an Indian field-officer:
“Aoba, June 17,—Our troops aro in possession of the
town of Delhi, but.the insurgents still holdout in the
citadel or palace.”
Advices from the Cape state that tho men of the
Gorman Legion were nettling down cheerfully on the
lands allotted to them, and that they seemed likely to
become a most valuable acquisition to the colour.
The meeting of the royal family with tho Emperor
and Empress of the French was of the most cordial cha
racter. Nothing is known as to the future movements
of the -visitors. A private visit to the dock-yard and
the Janie* Baloe 1* probably all that will be done, an the
imperial party will leave on Monday.
The most stringent regulations to prevent th© ap
proach of any atrangers by sea or land continue to be
The discount market waa comparatively free from
pressure, and in some exceptional coses foreign bills
have been negotiated at a fraction below the bank rate.
The British and Irish Magnetic Telegraph Company
are progressing very rapidly with the erection of an
overground lineof telegraph along the highway between
XUlarnev and Yalentia, for the purpose of connecting
the existing telegraphlo system with the Atlantic cable
at the latter place, bymeanaofwhich, under an arrange
ment entered Into between the Magnetic and Electric
Companies, the whole of the lines In the three king
doms—lo,ooo miles in extent—will be available for the
rapid transmission of intelligence between Europe and
the American continent.
The line is already completed beyond Killorgin, where
tho Magnetic Company have established, a temporary
station. The entire through communication to Yalentia
is expected to, bo completed by the jniddlo of noxt week,
when intelligence us to the progress made in the paying
out of the cable will be daily received and sent forward
by Mr, Seward, the Secretary of the Company, who will
repmin therewith the staff of the manipulators until
the completion of the undertaking.
1 Killahney, Thursday, Aug. ft.—The Lord Lieutenant
and a large'party left this for Dublin at 6.60 this morn
ing. And will reach Dublin about 3 o’clock. Last
night the shore end of the cable was banded to his Ex
'cellency on the main land near Yalentia, and laid satis
factorily, and the ships immediately sailed to Newfound
land; all ob well as could be desired.
Pahis, Tuesday Evening. Aug. 4.—The latest advices
from Constantinople mentioned as accredited a report
that Turkey was going to cede a port in Oandia to the
English Government.
There is no other foundation for the report than tho
fact that English officers ato now surveying in that part
to complete a chart that has long been in preparation.
It Is perfectly confirmed that the Valmagini loan to
the Turkißh Government has been broken off, and there
is again talk of an English offer.
The last letters from Naples represent the whole
country In an uneAsy stato.
Tho Government is reported to be exhibiting timidity,
and making so many needless arrests as to be itself
creating danger.
The Cholera at St. Petersburg.
Berlin, Tuesday Evening, Aug. 4 —lt is believed
that in their late interview PrJnco Gortschakoff and
Baron Von Mantcuflel came to the following resolution
on the question of the Danublan Principalities:
Not to press the nullification of the elections, ns the
Conference of Paris must re-ossemhle to settle the de
finitive re-organization of tho Principalities;
But to awaitthe decision of the Divans os elected, aud
then to take that and tho report of the European com
missioners into consideration, with an allowance for Hie
mode of the elections.
There Is, however, no doubt but that Russia and Prus
sia will support th© later steps of the French Ambassa
Advices received to-day represent that the cholera
has decreased In intensity at St. Petersburg very con
Paris, Thursday Evening, August 6.—The conviction
hi official circles to-day is, that the course pursued by
France on the question of the Principalities is that
agreeable to the feeling of the immense majority of the
European populations.
The opinion expressed yesterday that Austria was in
clined to make concessions on the question is strength
ened to-day.
is believed that England will do the same, after
soma show of resistance, as Sir Henry Bnlwer is under
stood to havo been opposed to tho proceedings of the
Cairaacan Vogorides.
The Emperor’s visit to Osborne will afford an oppor
tunity of arriving at the most perfect understanding on
the p.oint.
An amnesty for political offences, it is reported, will
be issued (TO the occasion of the Emperor’s fete on tho
16th, embraiftag at least 600 names.
Commercial Futilities between Russia and Prussia,
Berlin, Thursday evening, Aug. O.—A telegraphic
despatch from St. Petersburg states that a Russian
force from Astrabad, in tho south of the Caspian Sea,
had landed on the Persian coast of that sea and destroyed
the Tillage of a tribe of Turkoman pirates.
The pirates had carried off a Russian courier, who
was restored to liberty by the expedition, os well a*
several other Russian and Persian prisoners.
Another despatch announces a victory gained over tho
main army of Bchamyl at Isalatavia.
Tho Circassians are stated to have lost 400 killed,
while the Russians had only 8 killed aud 47 wounded.
Prince Gortschakoff’* late visit to this city, it is un
derstood, has been the means of relaxing certain frontier
regulation, that were a groat inconvenience to the com
mevee between Ruasla and Prussia,.
Bkblix, Wednesday, Ang. 6.—lntelligence has
reached us or the safe arrival of th© Emperor of Rus
sia and Priuce Gortschakoff at Bt. Petersburg on Satur
day last.
Baron de Rechthoven is considered likely to be nomi
nated Prussian ambassador to Constantinople.
The baptism of the heir to the throne of the Grand
Duchy of Baden is fixed for Sunday next.
Tho following appeared yesterday, under the above
head, and invested with An official guise, in a Journal
generally made use of for such announcement# by Lord
Palmerston’s Government.
“The change of ministry has not yet led to any
solution of the diplomatic disputes existing at Con
stantinople. The new Cabinet has offered to sum
mou to Constantinople the Caimacans of Walla
chia and Moldavia, to hear from their own’ lips
their accounts of the recent voting in tho Prin
cipalities, This proposal waa declined on Tuesday
last by M. Thouvenol, who haughtily termed
it 1 un refus derisoire’ of his demand. Unless the whole
of the recent proceedings aro annulled, he threatens,
with the Russian Ambassador, to leave Constantinople ;
and he is countenanced in this, we regret to say, by tho
representatives of Prussia and Bardinla. The Ambassa
dor of England and the Austrian Internuncio take total
ly opposite views, and deplore this rough treatment of
tho Porte, which Is calculated in its effects to injure the
best interests, and to compromise the stability of the
Ottoman Empire: whilst, in its overbearing and rude
hostility, it out-MenschUcoffs Menechikoff.
The Jlfyiferuw* Death and Burial. —ln < l Th?
Press” yesterday we gave an account of the mys
tery attending tho death of Margaret Dale, near tho
Ocean Houso, at Shrewsbury, N. J., and hor burial
by W. H. Copover, dentist, of Newark. The New
ark Advertiser of last evening states that Coroner
Baldwin, Chief of Police Whitnoy, and Justloe
Young proceeded to theEvorgreon Cemetery, where
the deceasod had beon buried, and thonoe to Eliza
beth oity, to obtain a Union county Coroner, do
signing to havo an examination of tho body, which
had in tho mean time been disinterred. Mr. Cono
ver was present, and also his son,' a youth of about
sixteen years of age. The deceased was n sistor o
Mrs. Conover, and bad boon kept in the family
through charity, her only services being some as
sistance about the children. There does not appear
to be any evidence against Mr. Conover which
could bo construed iuto anything oriminal on his
part. Tho Coroner continued his investigation
yesterday afternoon.
Coroner's Cases. —Yesterday morning the
Coroner held an inquest on the body of a woman
named Hannah Dunn, found drowned at the point
of a wharf below Dock street. The jury rendered
a verdict of “found drowned.”
An inquest was held on the body of a man named
Cannon, found drowned at South street wharf, on
the Sobuylkill, and a verdiot of “found drowned”
was rendored
, The Coroner’s jury in the case of Win. If. Woo*
ley, rendered a verdict of “accidentaldrowning.”
An inquest was held on the body of a man named
Thomas Sculley, aged twenty-eight years, who
was accidentally drowned in the Schuylkill yester
day morning while attempting to get on hoard a,
boat. He was a blacksmith, and leaves a wife and
Ao Inquest was held on the body of Charles Al
len, aged 34 years, who died suddenly at a house In
Lombard streot, below Tonth, yesterday morning.
He resided at No. 1910 Plymouth streot. A ver
dict of “death from unknown causes” was ren
Accidents.—& carpenter, named Richard
Price, was seriously injured last night about six
o'clook, by falling from the roof of a houso in
Hutohinson's Court. He was convoyed to his resi
dence in Locust Btreot, nhovo Currant alley.
OaTuosday afternoon, a little boy, about eleven
or twelve years of age, named Joseph Purcell,
while playing In tho slaughter house and yard of
Mr. Thomas Wticooks, Federal street, above
Seventh, in comp&uy with asou of Mr W.’s, about
the same ago, was attacked by a vicious ox, and so
soveroly injured that hla recovery was, last eve
ning, deemed hopolcss. Tho family were all absent
at tho time.
A boy named Franois Masterson, three years
old, had his left foot badly orushed yesterday
morning on the North Pennsylvania Railroad,
above Jefferson street. The accident was caused
by a stone falling upon the child.
Archibald Jenkins, aged 41 years, had his right
hand badly injured yostorday by having it caught
in some machinery, nt the Flour Exchange Mill,
Dock Btrcet.
Patrick Lawler, aged 28, fell off tho roof of a new
threo-story building yesterday morning, and in
jured himself in tho most shocking manner.
Slabbing Case .—Yesterday afternoon, before
Alderman Eneu, Sami. Jones and Edward Prichett
were charged, on the oath of Andrew J. Downs, with
inflicting a wound with a knife upon his person,
on the Ridge Road, yesterday afternoon. The ao*
eusod wore held in $1,500 ball to answer.
Parade of the Temperance Cadets. —A pro
ject Is afoot for one of the most imposing displays
of tho Temperance Cadets that have ever been wit
nessed in Philadelphia. The projeot was started
by the good Samaritan Sootion of this city, who
have invited tho Cadets of Germantown, Frank
ford, Manayunk, Norristown* West Chester, Ao.,
to join them in procession on Monday, the 19th of
Ootobor. It is oxpeoted that the various Sections
in all the principal cities and towns in this and the
adjoining States will be prosent. The Junior
Sons of Temperanco bare not had a general pa
rade of their order for aeroral years. i
Dishonest Servant,—Mary Green, alias Hart
ley, a domeatio in the family of Mrs. Nott, No.
409 Catharine street, was charged, before Alder
man Eneu, last ovoning, with the larceny, pf n
number of dresses and jewelry, to the value of
$lOO. She was hold to answer.
Philadelphia College of Medicine. —We
learn that William H. Gobrecht, M. D., has been
appointed to the chair of anatomy in this institu
tion. Dr. G. was formerly connected with the
medical department of Pennsylvania College, and
is well known as an excellent anatomist and expe
rienced lecturer. ,
•American County Legislative Convention . —
An adjourned meeting of this body was held yes
terday afternoon, at four o’clock, nt the county
court house, for the purpose of electing a county
legislative tioket—George W. Reed, president
pro tem., C. T. Jones, absent. A committee of
five persona was then appointed for the purpose of
apportioning the districts.
The committee reported the First, Second, Third, ,
and Fourth wards were entitled to three represent
atives; Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, and Four
teenth wards to three representatives; Sixteenth
Seventeenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth wards
to three representatives; Fifteenth, Twentieth
and Twenty-fourth wards to two representatives;
Twenty-first, Twenty-second, and Twenty-third
wards to two representatives. The report was ac
Mr. Martin Vanßuren Summers then said: Mr.
President, I move that the Convention now take a
recess of ten minutes, for the purpose of allowing
the various delegations to select candidates to re
turn to the Convention for their approval.
Mr. Pratt. Mr. President, I move we proceed to
ballot for throe candidates for the First, Second,
Third and Fourth Wards; which
Previously, howovor, a letter was read from
Albort F. Hopple, withdrawing his name from
nomination; also, one of similar import from
Samuel C. Money.
This gentleman’s name, it was afterwards dis
covered, was not in nomination.
A letter was received from Dr. George P. Oliver,
whioh road as follows:
“It is my intention at the coming election to
vote (as I always do) the entire straight-out
American ticket.
“(Signed) Georoe B. Oliver, M. D.,
“ No. 544 Germantown Road.
The Convention then proceeded to ballot for a
candidate for the First District, comprising the
First, Second, Third, and Fourth Wards, whioh re
sulted as follows:
John D. Bayne, . 33 ID. F. Mansfied, . 27
John H. Scott, .23 |
The balloting then proceeded, and resulted in
the following nominations.
Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, and Fourteenth
Abraham English, . 27 ID. H. Stiles,
David W. Sellers . 29
Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth, and Nine*
teenth wards:
George Reed, 34 I A. W. Green, 23
J. E. Eldridge, 25 |
Fifteenth, Twentieth, and Twenty-fourth wards:
James J. Allison, 31 George F. Gordon, 25
Twenty-first, Twenty-second, and Twenty-third
Charles F. Abbott, 27 George R. Fox, 37
On motion, the nominations were made unani
mous. The Convention then adjourned.
Guardians of tke Poor . —An adjourned
stated meeting of the Board of Guardians of the
Poor was held yesterday afternoon, at the Blockley
Alms-house, Mr. James D. Brown, President, in
the Chjtir.
Several applications for cancelling indentures
were heard and properly disposed of.
Sealed proposals for supplying the Almshouse
with beef and mutton, until July,lBsB, were opened
and read, as follows: Martin Boroaff, beef at $9
per 100 lbs.; Edward W&rtman and G. A. Shead,
beef at 9 oonts per lb.; John Hinkle, mutton at $O.
45 per 100 lbs.; Philip Gafn6y, beef at $7.18 per
100 lbs.; H. A G. Weckerly, mutton, $6.43 per 100
lbs.; A. E. Call and 'l7. L. Horn, beef, $7.19 per
100 lbs.; L. Shuster Boreaff, mutton, $7.20.
Dr. Moseley moved that the contract for beef be
awarded to Philip Gafney. Agreed to.
Mr. Lofferty moved that the contraofcfor mutton
be awarded to John Hinckle. Agreed to.
The Treasurer reported having made the follow*
ing payments to the City Treasurer, Aug. 6, 1857:
Cash from E. Brewer :
Bonded Cases, - - $256.66
Support Cases, •
Cash from 0. M. Schlater
Clinic Tiokets, •
Cash from Charles Murphy:
House Reoelpts, - - - $192.29
A communication was received from Michael
Carlin, proposing to pay $3O per hundred for good
empty flour barrels, from the prosent time until
the first of January next. This gave rise to a brief
debate, which was participated in by Messrs.
Brown, Garvin, and Lafferty.
A motion was made to aocept the proposal of
Mr. Carlin. - r
Mr. Henszey moved, as an amendment, that the
secretary bo authorized to advertise for proposals.
The yeas and nays were nn this, and zq.
suited as follows': Yeas 12, nays 4. 1 So the motion
was agreed to. i ,
The Steward reported having received during
the past two books 174.72. '
The Board of Visitors reported a number of de
sertion cases, which were referred to the solicitor.
The Committee on Children's Asylum reported
having indentured ten children. On motion, the
bindings were confirmed. '
Mr. Cook offored the following :
Resolved , That the olerk 01 the House be di
rected to have all the bills for the purchase of
goodß, originating in the different committees, ap
proved by tho proper committees before submitting
them to the Committee on Accounts. Adopted.
The Secretary then made a statement of the
amounts standing to the credit of the various items
of appropriation, and a number of transfers made.
Mr. Garvin moved the matter be postponed until
the next meeting of the board, and that the secre
tory bo directed to furnish the amount for groceries
standing upon tbooredit of each dlstriot. Agreed
Mr. Garvin moved that tho special committee on
the subject bo instructed to urge Councils to con
sider the matter. Agreed to.
The subjoot of the flour barrels was again token
up, and tho following resolution was offored by Mr.
Resolved , That the Steward be required to fur
nish the Board with a statement of the number oj
flour barrels sold and tho price rcooived. Also, the
amount of wrought iron, brass, tallow, Ao.. from
tho first of January to the first of July, 1857.
Mr. Brown said that he had requested the.
Steward* in writing, to furnish him with a state
ment, as ho had a right to do, and his communi
cation had been treated with silent contempt.
Ho wanted a statement, as the Board had a
right to know, and they should know, as he was
going to perform his duties, whether the Steward
did or not.
The Steward was then called in, end said that
tho barrels hod been all rated together during the
yoar. Frequently the barrel man had come and
paid him, wnen ho put down the cash without the
price. As he had no record he could not make out
a statement, and be did not know why one was in
sisted upon.
An exciting debate tlion took plsee, vhjoh was
participated in by Messrs. Garvin, Lafforty, Heps.-
sey, and others. The yeas and nays were called on
tho resolution, and resulted as follows:
Yeas—Messrs. Dunlap, Ilenszey, Hulrn, Taylor,
and Drown, President—s.
Nays—Wossrs. Armstrong, Cook, Garvin, Gam
ble, Hackott, Hartman, Lafferty, Beeves, and
Did not vote—Messrs. Hrisfcley, Mosely, and
So the resolution wns lost.
Bills amounting to $8,027 were read and warrants
ordered to be drawn for their payment.
The Steward’s requisition was read and granted.
[From the New York Papers.]
The testimonial gotten up by the merchants of
New York, and which it was intended to hare pre
sented to the late William L. Marcy, has just been
complotr*. It consists of a magnificent dinner
and tea sot of silver, and includes every artiolc
that goes to furnish a table. Even the dish covers
arc of silver, and tho salver is one of the largest
and costliest ever made in this country. The whole
set will cost S7,QOQ. This testimonial was gotten
up under the uuspioes of Royal Phelps. James G.
lung, and John Stevens, on bohalf of the New
York merchants. Tt will be presented to tho family
of Mr. Morey.
Richard Sullivan, alias MlobocJ JfolJy, an Irish
exile, died at tho lungs county hospital, yesi©r<4y.
from the effect of injuries recoired Sunday lost,
while skylarking. Deceased was thirty-fire yearn
of age.
Tho steam frigate Mississippi, bound for China,
left the navy yard yesterday morning, and an
chored off tho Batterv. After taking in her powder
she will proceed on her voyage.
Steps nave already been taken to recover the
submerged bpdies from the sunken propeller in the
Sound. Copt Sflilth left Now London yesterday
with a small steam-tug, apd yi)l indicate the posi
tion of tho wreck by a floating buoy, yfce owners
have engaged a skilful submarine cputrqctpf t# get
up tho wreck.
A rogatta came off at Harlem, yesterday, for
purses of $3OO and $4OO. The Marianna tapk the
first prize, and the Bobfish carried off the second.
The weather was very propitious, and everything
passed off pleasantly.
The inquest in the case of Boyd* the man mur
dered by burglars iu Eighteenth street, was re
sumed yesterday* and again adjourned. It will
probably be concluded to-day, without any evi
dence being elicited that wM) ne sufficient to indi
cate the guilty party.
Tho returned filhbusters still continue to loiter
in tbo Park, endeavoring to obtain a sufficiency pf
means to returu to their homes. The charities
bestowed on them have been inadequate to moot
the necessities of fhejr oases, and they are still ob
liged to call on our benevolent citizens for aid.
Some systematic measures’ elujjjld be adopted to
send these poor follows to thoir homos, and the
burden should fall upon tho3o who iuducedthtra to
go to Nicaragua.
Isadora Adler, who was arrested on Monday, by
Offioer Center, for forging tho jiaine of Siegman A
Brother to a oneok for $5OO, also acknowledges to
have obtained* on false pretences. $l5O worth of
olgars at No. 221 Front, and to have sold them to
a Chinaman, corner of West and Yesey streets, for
$3O. Hie officer recovered a gold watch chain and
finger rings which Adler had purchased with the
prooeeds of the forged oheck. ... ,
Mrs. Cunningham havingoomplained of the want
of ventilation in her cell in the Tombs, the former
door of her cell has been removed and a grated
door put in its plaoo. It is said that Mr. B«len,
one of tho heirs of Dr. Burdell, will immediately
take possession of tho house No. 31 Bond street.
The girls Augusta, Helen, and Gcorgiana Cunning,
ham, will repair to their aunt’s residence in Lex
ington avenuo. ,
George Shaffner left his homo, ,132 Yt ©3t Thuty
fifth street, last Monday morning, to go to his work
in Steinbeck's piano manufactory, Marion street,
since whioh time his relatives have not seen or
beard from him.
CujyucdHHl! Steamer, Judkins, left
for Jdverpool, with passengers and $l,-
, 743, 500 in specie. Among the passengers is George
Peabody, Ksq., of London.
The British Screw Steamer Arago, Capt. Benson,
left to-day For Southampton and Bremen, with 62
passengers in the cabin and 72 in the steerage.
The brig King Brothers, Captain Milliken, from
Madina, June 25th, landed at Castle Gardens this
morning about sixty Portuguese, who have been
©ojnpeued to leave their native island by religious
‘About two Tears ago there was considerable ex
citement on the island, growing out of the opposi
tion of a portion of the peasantry to the rule of the
Catholio priesthood. A religions persecution fol
lowed, and 'in a short rime some peasant families,
numbering one or two hundred persons, arrived at
this port in a:destitute condition ,c Some philan
thropic gentlemen became interested in their be
half; and finally established them as a colony in
Illinois. Accessions have been made to the colony
from time to time, both by/wayof this port and
New Orleans, and they are said to be thriving.
The company which arrived to-day are. to be
forwarded to Illinois immediately. On their long
voyage they became remarkably attached to the
eaptain ana his wife, who bad shown them great
kindness and attention, and the employees of Cas
tle Garden were astonished, this morning, when the
steamboat went after them, to see them part from
the ship with great reluctance. This was some-'
thing they had never witnessed before. A ma
jority of them are women and children, the latter
wearing woollen caps, of a conical shape and a high
peak, and all with a dark mahogany oomplexion.
The men are short in stature, bat active looking,
and the women are not remarkable for beauty.
The counterfeit bill passers of the city seem to
have been organized, last evening, for the purpose
of circulating a new issue of counterfeit fivee on
I* *». o*? an * of Massachusetts. Capt Tnrnbnll,
of the Bth precinct, was informed or their move
ments,and with Officer Mount, went in search of
the snundlers. These policemen soon arrested Ra
chel Millar, and 1 ranklin Knapp, who were found
in possession of six of the counterfeits, beside a lot
ofsmall change. Sixotherswere subsequently ar
rested in different parts of the city on the same
oharge. The dealers in Canal street and Broad
way are the.heaviest sufferers by the counter
The Irvingionians turned out in great force last
evening to welcome Moses H. Gnnnell and his
beautiful yacht Haze from the scene of ids triumphs
in the New Bedford regatta. As she gracefully
approached the shore, a salute of tweniy-one guns
were given under orders of B. J. Brown, Bsq. The
compliments were handsomely returned from the
yacht, with the addition of fire-works.
By the arrival of the Danish brig Pestanradeur,
Capt. Tausen, we have advioes from Humacoa, P.
R., to the4thinst.
On the 2d a fire broke out In the warehouse of
Mossrs. Pous Brothers, which, with the six adjoin
ing houses, was destroyed.
Frederick Cueva, tue young Cuban who Is con.
fined in the Hudson county jail on the oharge of
killing Oscar do Grandval, in Hoboken, on the night
of the Btb of July, was visited on Monday bynis
father and mother, who have just arrived from Cuba.
The scene was a very affecting one. The parents
of the accused seem to be worn out with anxiety
and suffering on his account, and were so muen
overcome by their feelings daring the interview as
to .manifest great agitation. The young man also
showed much feeling, but did not evidently appre
ciate the solemnity of his position. The father of
young Cueva is apparently forty yean of age, and
is a man of wealth and position in Cuba.
Preparations jor Waritrith Spam—Address of
Cm. Alvarez to the “ Enlightened, People of
Europe and America"—Santa Anna repudi
ates the Carthagtna Manifesto —Instructions
to Mr. Forsyth—American Consul struck his
Flag, fyc. .
[From the Now Orleans Picayune of the 12th.]
The mails of the steamship Texas, Capt. Forbes,
reached us this mormng by the steamship Atlantic.
Dates are to the 7th inst., from Vera Crus; to the
3d from the capital—two weeks later.
The principal news of interest, as ever, concerns
the difficulty with Spain, of which none of the
papers at the capital anticipate a speedy or an
amicable adjustment. The last Madrid mall,
arrived on the 31st ult., with important despatches
for the Government, was particularly unsatisfac
tory. “ Spain continued,” says the Extraordinary
u to exact all of heroriginal demands, andSenorLa
fragua, equally stern, refuses to yield a point of
the grounds first taken—not to allow the Spanish
convention; and not to give any indemnity to the
families of those assassinated at San Vicente.”
The same paper, doubtless to a degree! In the
confidence of the Government, says: !‘Altogether,
we cannot see that anything towards an amicable
termination of the present trouble has been arriv
ed at by our latest dates, apd the ehanees are all
on the side of the breach being made wider by the
receipt of the late Instrnotjops from tft? Govern
ment of Mexico by Senor Latergua-”
The instructions here mentioned are those to
which wo have before alluded as containing an
ultimatum, upon which the last negotiations were
based. No despatches had been received from
Gen. La&agna since their arrival at Madrid.
In the mean time, tUppapera abound is notices
of preparation for war. The defep§p3 of yera Crai,
in particular, progress with the most romarkftbif
activity. “Temporary works.” says a letter to
the Trait Union, “have been thown up out
side the fortifications of the city; the artillery of
San Juan de Ulna has been put in its place, and
many pieces of great p&ljbre added; munitions of
war are everywhere to be seen, ans the enthusi
asm of the neople is at its height,” As to thy
movement or troops, the Vera Croz Progreso , sth ;
instant, says:. “The Hidalgo battalion of National
Guards has been incorporated in the Zuloaga bri
ade; that of Tlalpan in the brigade of Echeaga
ay. The troop? are ready to march at any mo
ment whithersoever their services are demanded.
On the 22d ult. the foqrth regiment qf cavalry
loft San Looif,Pbtosi for thq capital.”
The Spanish war steamer Been, of the Havana
squadron, arrived at Vera rims on the sBtb, on
watt miistoa ie not stated. Sho was anchored at
1068.00 —1324.60
The papers abound in a thousand rumors and
statements, of what importance we know not, on
this subject. We give one of the latest from the
Monitor ; f( ft is said on authority of letters from
Havana, that the Dapteto General has orders to
put the Spanish squadron in motion towards the
end of September, the places of destination being
Vera Crus and Acapulco. It U rumored that Santa
Anna will acoompany the expedition.”
The Monitor more authoritatively adds : “The
Supreme Government has entered into a contract
for the manufacture', within the shortest time
possible, of a Urge quantity of arms, of the very
best quality and character In all the States the
National Guards are putting thepiselyes in a state
of admirablo efficiency. There is much enthusiasm
among all classes. We insist that the President
ought to make a solemn levy, and thereby give
public evidence of the spirit of the Republic. The
opportunity is excellent for the consolidation of
liberty in Mexico.”
In connection with this subject, Gen. Alvares
has issued along and eloquent address “ to the en
lightened people of guropp and America,” in
whiob, a pamphlet of sixty pages, bat published ip
all the papers, he reviews the whole question of
the difficulty with Spain. The connection of the
General’s name with the massacre of Son Vicente,
by which he is made to appear as the cause of the
whole difficulty, is the reason assigned for this pub
lication. Ha olaims it as his privilege to be heard
in his defence.
The address is distinguished by the author’s
usual vigor and force of stylp, and, though, calm in
its statements, is not without its evidences of feel:
ing and passion,
Tho Mexican papers publish an indignant com.-
munication, dated Taroaco, Jane $l, over the six?
nature of “Santa Anna,” indignantly denying tfle
authorship of the so-called manifesto of the 7th of
April, the subject of so muoh comment. He also
denounces the real author and his motives, repudi
ates the opinions therein expressed, and expresses
his eanvfction that it was really written in Havana,
with what object he does not say. Perhaps, says a
paper, some Spanish agent thpje uspd the n&me of
tho old General in the attempt to scare btapcqiptp
a speedy settlement of her difficulties with Spain.
We will only add here, that Santa Anna’s author
ship of this last letter (the denial) isdonbted.
They dp not seem to know what to believe about
tbo ola ehjoft^jn.
Intelligence of instjUAtfoP* to Mr. Forsyth, for
the negotiation of • new treaty with Mexico, had
reached .the capital and excited the liveliest
interest. The Extraordinary, good authority,
says: “We learn by a letter from Washington
that the first injunction of Mr. Forsyth’s Govern
ment is for him to settle forever the difficulties con
cerning the Tehuantepeo transit grants. * * *
After tfce opposition of the Tohuontepeo matter,
negotiations wity be commenoed for a treaty be
tween the United Ststw and thjs Government, In
which it is to be hoped the Mexican Government
will not negleot to arrange matters so that jhpip*y
have the sale of a small amount of drafts on the
United States treasury.”
Tho forty-sixth birth*day of the President, the
31st ult., was celebrated with great enthusiasm at
tbo capital. Among others, tne diplomatic corps
oalled upon him daring the day.
The Pinto war at the South stQl continues, with
out §ny prospect of | speedy close. The depreda
tions of the Indian! of the most barbarous
The Vera Ore* stage, which arriyed at
the 25th ult., w&9 twice robbed on the road.
A serious difficulty has arisen between Mr.
Smith, U. S vice consul at Mazatlan, and the au
thorities of that port, growing out of the sale by
the latter of a vessel “ bearing the American flag,
on an unsubstantial claim, ana with the sanction
pf a person claiming to be owner, whoso name does
not appeaypp Jhe papers as such.”
The vice consul nis protest, and for this
act was thrown into-iafl, ip default of paying a
fine for contempt, alleged fey the court to have
been committed. He waa afterwar us released fth
the order of Gen. Yanes, but struck his flag and
refusod to have any further transactions with the
authorities in an official capacity until a due apo
logy be made. In the mean tune a statement of
the caso is on Us way to Washington. The Extra
ordinary adds that our Government will be forced
to demand an apology.
Lower California is again in a state of revolt,
and plundering Is the order of the day Otherwise
the jjepuhiip 1* politically at peace. The crops,
however, are turning out badly, and every one
Ipoka forward to bigfe prices. '
— :
[From the Toronto Globe, Frftajrj
The Toronto Bank Robberyr
Up to a late hour yesterday, bail bad not been
found for the party ohiefly implicated in the recent
robbery of the Government bank ageuoyj and Cum
mings still remained a prisonor in the jail. In con
sequence of bis refusal to answer the questions put
to him on Wednesday, when before the Police
fcour£, a further information was yesterday laid
against Camming?, #nd A warrant issued against
him on the further Cflilge of robbery. We pre
sume the charge will come before MriQprnett to :
Tho Cummings case is but one of a class. It is
aggravated, perhaps, by the attempt to hide em
bezzlement under the pretenco of robbery from
without, apd maythus, by evidencing a clear in
tention to appropriate and not repay, be taken out
of the common category, But, at the cutset, the
probablo intention was to speculate with the money
of the bank, and returu it when necessary to avoid
detection. The large sums used in this way and
returned, amounting in one case to £lO,OOO or
£16,000, ivouia favor this presumption. But from
the nature of the business, and the confidence of
the bank in the integrity pf its clerk, detection was
not imminent. Emboldened hysuooess. he extended
his operations, and being of an obliging disposition,
began to accommodate his friends far and near,
without taking any paips tq secure bis positior, or
guard against surprise. Itsoopcame; he ww about
to bo deleted; an oyil counsellor was at his side,
Rud suggested “a haul.” Then followed the clumsy
trick of the open safe, the window out from the in
side. tho pared of bills dropped outride, Ao., Ac-
Suspicion, surveillance, oonfeislon, arrest, came in
quiok succession, to be followed by oonunittal to pri
son, until a higher courtshali be able to pronounce
upon the crime.
■ -,%x*
,r- ./’ from *
[Correspondence of the Press.} ? it
<.] *f B .* t Nxw Tbuc : , August 19.
• Money was much tighter to-day than
The demand was very aetiae at the foliowing
rates: Iw cent, for money pn eall; »i to 10 Mr
prime, endorsed paper; 10 to lffforbestpaper with
me name, and 12 to 15 for good rhodium
In many instances excellent paper at short date*,
drawn by parlies opt of town, wat sold at aa ad
vance on the above rates. The banks did little or
nothings The screw has been pn| on with increased
energy, and the next bank statement wulshow to
what a large extent this has been done. B>e Per
sia took oat $1,742,507- 50 m specie, and etoe on
$400,000 are already bespoken for export toy the
Fulton on Saturday.. The custom receipts to* »•
day at this port amounted to $97,900. . 7 , a
The panic in the Stock Market ha* somewhat
subsided, although by no means passed away.
Michigan Southern and Northern IndSanW Kail
road recovered two per cent, at the first board, ami
rose three-quarters ■ more at the second board.
This is partly attributable' to Mr. Litehfield’s cir
cular, announcing his resignation as president of
the road, and portly, perhaps, to a dread on the
part of the bears, that they were pushing things
too far' The preferred stock of the company,
however, fell. six per cent, on yesterday’s prices,
dosing at 53. ' The directors have issued a eall for
a general meeting of the stockholders in Septem
ber, at Adrian; Michigan, to resign their trust to
the stockholders, and thus enable them to effect
what changes they may think proper in the man
agement of the company’s afiairs.' Cleveland and
Toledo advanced Xi percent. This eempany hare
announced their intention to pass the dividend
payable In October, and apply the profits of
the road to redeem a portion of the fioatin g debt.
AlmosVal! ether stocks and bends declined. New
York Central, 4; Brie, 1; Reading, 4; Brie bonds,
of 1875, 4; Penn: Coal Co., 3; Panama, r, Michi
gan Central, 14; Chicago and Rock Bland, 2}; and
Milwaufcle andMis&appiyli; Missouri 6s also fell
4; and Illinois Central rights, 8 per cent. The
market U still disturbed, and much depressed, and
while sanguine men think- that the worst Hover,
others, hot generally-pessimists, express a eontrary
opinion. - Counterfeit bills of the Lee bank, Moss.,
were discovered in great numbers to-day, weU cal
culated to deceive the unwary.
P, S. —s o?doci, P. M. —the Arabia reports
Consols for money 90|a90i, and for account9oja9l.
The'Bui lion of the Bank of England has declined
£370,000. American Securities unchanged. Bread
stuffs quiet. NewWheatdeclined2a. _
MARKETS.—Asbxa—Are in less active * > ***~ , J at
$7.8714 for Pearls, and 97.31# for-Pota. The stock
does not exeeed 28$bbls. Pots, and 621 Pearls.. -
Ft*ADSTVTW.—the market was dull, with large ar
rivals of naw flour, . Common Stats told at $8.35«56.65;
Extra, do.,ats6.6ses6.Sft Ohio, (extra,) at $7.20, ana
St Lours, and Extra Genejufe, ats7.2sefLO.
flocrduU, at reduced prices, ($6.45b53.5& far superfine,
and sBJ3® for extra.) Rye flour, in*ctiy*, at
$4055.50. Coro meal firm, at ft 20for Jertev, and $4.50
for Brandywine. The sales for the day were about 5000
Cctros—Was inactive, at the foUowing^riee*: Ordi
dioary Uplands, 13c.; Middling, 15jf*l5jge.;
Fair, 16#alTe.; lair, Ifitfc. * . 0
Gkaix—Wheat sras sola at a decline of SaOc. The
sales were 26,000 bushels at $1.50*81.60 for red, and $1 76
ejl.Bo for white Southern. Coro inactive at Ss«B6e.
Oats unsteady at 57861 c. Barley quiet, and Bye dull at
Hinas—Very dull.
Isos— -Scoteh pig is in moderate demand at s29£o»
$30.50; common oars are in request at $53w553.76.
Lkathkk—Bull, prices in favor of buyers.
feUfAJ, SrOaxs— Spirits of Turpentine is easy at 48s
*B%. Crude is quiet, but firmly held at $3.8?&«544P
280 lbs. Common Rosin is in demand, at $143 £«sl96
& 310 fts. Tar and Pitch unchanged; if anything, a
little more In demand. .
Oils—Quiet; we quote Linseed ax 83c: Crude Whale at
72©7&; CXude Sperm at SI J36. Lard Oil dull at previous
rates, (Hire Oil in alight demand at $1,30*1.35 Sgr
Pbovisioss.—The tendency of themorket is upward,
at $25.50 for mess Pork aod s£t for prime. ~ Beer is in
fair demand at $l6 50a 111 .75 for re-packed Westers,
and slBesl9 for extra. Prime mesa is dull it s3o* $3O SO.
Opt meats scarce. Racon firm at 14X*15£. Butter
and Cheese in request at fall previous Brices. Lard a
trifle better. •
Soosas-—Quiet. It is anticipated that holders must
submit to a large decline, and that the large supply
every day Ucreasing util effectually preclude a return
to the high rates which have existed up to the arrival of
the last steamer from Havana.
Bpibits —Bull, with small sales; buyers writing for
the arrival of the Arabia. Prices unchanged.
WiX*3.—The market la inactive: prices nominal.
Wbisxkt.—ln moderate request, with sales of 400
bbls. at 29#c. for Ohio and Prison.
Fbsiohts continue exceedingly doll.
FisstSoitD,—lndiana Statefi’s, 82: MxssourisUte
•’*. 7814; Ohio 5’5;i«5, 91%} Erie BTlonds, 1875, 79;
Hfldson River R- Ist #tgq., ft; Harlem R. lstMtge., 75-
Harlem R 2d Mtg» 68V; Terre Haute a& AltonSdMtxe
L*ke Erie A, W tot I£tge Bonds, 45: Galena A
Chicago Ist Mige, lUinob Central Pahzuanr Etehta,
117 f Illinois Central July Bights, 116; Chathmn Rank,
74; Park Bank, 103 K; Canton Company, lgjf: do.’ 18K;
Pennsylvania Coal Company, 74; do 7Sj(; do 73: do 73,
do 73)4; 60 74; paelfie Mad Rteamshlp Ooursany, 76:
New York Central Railroad, 78) t; do 78: Erie Eaiirotd.
»%Y 'do36Jiv4O»Xi4<iSo)4; do»3(:
doaO; doghdo SO*; <to 80y; do to; do 30 E:
do 29X; Beading Railroad; TO; do do fiSK; do
69X; BJichao A N -lisdiana R, 23; do 28; do27E; do
26E; do do2BX; dbSB; d 029; dott; d 027; Mkh
So A N Ia pf St, 48 V(; do 49; do 60r do 4sMi Panama
Railroad, 9IX\ tltinoCi’Central Railroad,' US;
Railroad 9; Michigan Central RaGroOd, 80; do 89V:
Cleveland A Pittsburg Railroad, 35; do’SK: do M: do
do 33k; d 9 W CUjdoX « Cto Railroad, 95;
Gatena ft Chicago BaHreaa,* wk; do STKldoßlf; do
do 8S; Cleveland ft Toledo Railroad, 4ft do finl: do
44E; do 4ft do 4ft do-45k; *> 43; do doldk;
Chicago ft R Island Railroad, 88E; do 88i; do 88; do
87k: do 87#: do 88; MHwadrie ft Mias RaQTOad, 49
do 4814: La Crosse and MU Railroad. 31: do SOW; do 31:
doBo|do3olf.‘ •* ' •' ■ 1
Sscogc IbiA^D.—Lake Erie W Ist gtge Bonds, 45;
Mien So Sinking Fuad Beads/ eft Pennsylvania Coal
Company. 7ft Delaware' and Hudson Company,
115; New York CentrallUilroad,7BW; Illinois Central
113 X; Michigan Central Railroad, 80k: Mkh So ft N
I Railroad, 2ft Mich So ft H la pf Moek, sft panama
Railroad, 91J4; Cleveland ft Pittsburg BailnMd,.33Jf;
Erie Railroad, Olevelsud ft Toledo Railromi, 4a;
MUlwankie ft Miss Railroad, ha Crosse ft MMi
O B 4 (iiilnc, Bt,< JIMIn* lUU-
sheep, and 1,584 swtoe/ which, shows' aa tofteare cf
1,628 beeves, 125 veals, and 321 swine, and a decrease of
44 cows/and 2.084 sheep and lambs.
Beef cattle feU off toil one ee&t and a half per pounds
The best in the yard of good grade native atpek could be
had forlltfc. There were nopremimncattleoCsred. no
decline in price was owing to. the extensive arrivals,
three thousand head having come in on Tuesday night
and Wednesday morping: "
7he quality of the beef Tto and hwtom was not
brisk at the depreciation. Other stock was selling at
last week's prices, with no great demand, excepting
hogs, which suffered a decline' of jife.'to !{&. Mr.
Bryant, probably, had the beat lot of beet cattie in the
yards. Sir. Black sold a lot oT Easton hogs! wtight 300
lbs., at 8 cents, which eras the top of tha-maritotJ
This gentleman for years a Democrat, waa
elected to Congress on the anti-Nebraska plat
form, and has ever since acted with theßepub
licao party. He has jort been making, a tour
of Kansas, and in a late number of iris own
paper, the Steubenville, Ohio, Union, he says *
“Every street, corner, and ‘doggery,’ of which,
even in this old ( Massachusetts’ fown» there ware
m}t a f«w» had its crowd of disputants. Here I
found James H. Lane, who. invited me over to his
wigwam, where we took a smoke, and talked over
matters. He justifies his course and that of the
ultra free-SUte men of whieh he is the leading
spirit, upon circumstances upon whieh be alleges
the people in the free States know little or nothing,
I also met Governor Robinson, General Romroy,
Mr. Jenkins, Dr. Cutter, S, N- Weed, and other
notabijities qf the freer State party. ' The' prin
cipal topic waa the Topeka Legislature, then about
to assemble. No one seemed toknow precisely what
they were going to do; no plan seemed agreed upon,
and the more prudent acknowledged that thewhole
proceeding * farce, which they maforiy knew
howtogctoufcof with any kind of credit They
were determined not to vote for members fo the
Constitutional Convention, but avowed that they
would vote for members of the Territorial Legisla
ture next October, when they expected to carry
every election district iu the Territory. I en
deavored to understand them on the hypothesis of
consistency, but could not. They would not vote
at the Constitutional election, because that would
recognise the bogus Legislature; but uiey would
vote in October for Delegate to Congress', and for
Legislative offioere under the same 4 bogus’ law.
“They also avowed their intention of voting
down the Constitution, whether good or bhd; saying
that’they had a majority, ap4 wqujd make a 6cm
riltptipß m their oyrn time, apd such a ouftas they
wanted. To a suggestion that it would fee of
interest to the prosperity of the Territory to have
political matters settled immediately and finally,
the reply was that such a settlement might tend to
build up the ‘d—d Democratic’ party which they
desired to see crushed to atoms.
“I withdrew more than ever convinced that the
free-Stato leaders do not desire to see peace or fra
ternal feeling prevail among the people- Their
flhject is to keep Kansas ‘bleeding 1 for tne purpose
of furnishing Black Republican electioneering
oapital in the States. Looking over the whole field,
and after mixing with the people of the Territory
for near a month, such a conclusion forces itself
upon me irresistibly.”
From the Missouri Democrat of the 17th.]
Ac cident on the Terre' BeuV*,AJton,a*d St.
JUcata RaQ)«a4;:
Qq Saturday evening, about eight o’clock, as the
westward-bound passenger train on the Terre
Radio, Altqq, qhd St. Louis reached
a point about one mile from Bunker Bui, Rlipois,
the locomotive broke through a bridge which waa
constructed over a small creek or ravine. The bag
gage and express care were, at the same time, pre
cipitated beyond the engine, and down a steep em
bankment into the ravine.
The car next the emigrant car, containing a
number of ladies and gentlemen, fell in after the
engine and was turned up on its forward end. At
the time of the accident a hard thunder-storm was
prevailing, wfcieb acjded to the tprro.r of the occa
sion. Another thing whjch tp'the dis?
may of the passengers was' tne oommunipation of
fire to a portion of the train by the explosion of
the engine. The flames, notwithstanding the rein,
were spreading rapidly, but by the exertions of the
passengers were subdued.
Edward Warden, fireman, was instantly killed.
Mr Wilcox, engineer, was badly hurt and burned.
The baggage master of the train, whose name we
were unable fco‘obtain, and B. Deming. a brake
man, were hurt, but not seriously.
As if the heavens had conspired to add terror
and dfiathto the scene, a Uttip girl, the daughter
of* Mr. Tefopler, w§s stjuoJ by Ughtnihgjugt after
the byplorionof M l ® Ppgmp t<x>f place, and wasin
itantly killed.
Captain A. C. Givens, U. S. A., arrived at
New Orleans from Texas, on the 11th, ere route to
join the command of Gen. Harney in Utah.
Mrs. Amelia Bloomer, the well-known origi
nator of the Bloomer oostume : has taken up her
abode at Council Bluffs. lowa.
Quabteb Sessions.— Judge Conrad.—Hugh
Haugbey, sr., and HughHaughey, ir., were charged
with an assault and battery, with intent to kill
Charles Clark. The prosecutor is an Englishman,
and, according to the testimony,he camehome one
night, itruak « Ugh** *nd foond the elder defend
ant lying on a settee, when be jumped up, struck
thp prosgmtor over the head with a hilly, cut him
severely,'aidcalledhi*ipo tpaasfithimißbeating
him.' AU the testimony showed this to fee a most
qutrageooscaae. The jury found a verdio tof guilty
qn both counts against Hugh Haughey,'sr. Thp
son vas nqt pqt on trial. Sentence deferred-
Win- B. Mann, esq,, forth* Commonwealth; J. P, C
Neill, esq., for the defendant.
{Sentences. —James Rdwerd Rogue, convicted of
larceny and receiving stolen goods, waa sentenced
to two yean in the Raitern penitentiary
Chari** Summers, colored, WM sentenced to one
year in the county prison for malicious mischief
Margaret Hussey and Jane Birnley were sen
tenced to six months’ imprisonment for the larceny