yeliespiner;;: UhJla to 15 the -market-showed evident 7jfiengaslnit stringency.. Ei- take 1,580,000,and the bankers ilhg .il!(ti*lt i loan» l .Mfadiig 'WsifcsfMW • tott&ritov; the} a <W«W.,;;’! : %.bwk etnfet iu,yews<sey,.wiU show.that ' b6gttn„aad;rthe ■ Imm «x -4;dlSßos4dtq eitereiae'ibelr Mi jbt. .RMdinjf , . erejytbiiig fall at. ; -i ; s^iboMoatorday.VMkihigunSoutbern opened at . t#o,firit beariat 3S}j anddoaod at tbe second board :: at 25.vThej»eferredst<>ot; of theconmanyulso fell ..1 , .declined 8 peroentfrcmVone minnto.lo another. ,'■ H'y.-'Clsnland, and-Toledo also felltd jSfo the belief , ./• ''tSysSoks, Uon toeihorMei'allftHiib: is nopros- ■ ;,pi»trfBßWnamohthntil the eoiapnales'pnbush • . <>-'enaKletiepnb . ,Ib. te thSihselseß what they are doing. / -VV py : bqt-i ‘P. .; S./SiUijW'ilteoeept theelfhteen hundred aifd'eaveo-• ' management ~i'iaJlw»d»v'boUt as tethecotapotermyahdlntegrlty • - y-'ef Ota niany Msea, tbei» l 9 B 0 doubt, -..WSfdwdat.jai'alKlesenediibßt'jthere’kre'idkuy ' . Vi,(mew, fa Mi«WMi«»;jniiaitebtioii wirrimting ~tho. pnblio . Mi»icits.WABaKB—Tlio market eras firm at 17.87}f0r Pots, and $7.31} for Pearls. . , BMiDSTtnrrs—Western Pi our eras is moderate > demand.jnediiim grades of, extra having fallen ' ' He.*'-State jrif firndy heW and'fa, mod demand. , irefe bblsVal '/lASSigieOrfor . ;sC.Boas6.9f)’;fhr - extra •i* ■: flp&elMSv'lbr msm .Mlchig»n'>d'"lb; .saineiriiAt wior> y594, : .bWa,.-erere'«44.*tdo.6oafd.*o.for'»iiperfine - ~ jrrades,,'*f>d ftbnt,sB.BsalB,6o fbr'extrsi Southern neat:i:U.i«mte ,aeU'ra at Ml pricks. 1 The at-, rivals-'offlCleut; are large, ;»nd •pHoea' are soiae -. what unsteady . ' 14,580 ,'bushito. wore'sold at <l.BO aJt.Wfar ’Bed' BontbeWvdl.Bl)asl.B2i for good to /. , Ptineidoi and *l.3Bfor Chicago and Spring. Oats' . adit,;p«iee«'.hpininal. , Com is not so firm, and in moderate. demand.. 19,000. bushels were sold at 851ea88cformUndWestern. . Cotton—The market is firm, and little business done at l(t a-lfildfer ’ N.O. Middlings, add' 15} a ' ' ’ -'V XsMrsnnrVDim yitha downward tendency, r N4VAt'BTon*s- r Spirits of Turpentine dull; the ■ stock does not exceed ISOO bbis.; SOO bhlsr were . , sold to-dny at ddc. Crude Turpentine iainaotive attUper Ter and Pitch unohanged. No. •okaiqieln Common Hosin. . j , .-. :‘ OttS-'TW ; .|natkot continues quiet for. all sorts. Rspyi«h*s-*Tho msrket for. Pork is more no-' tiTe at.*Ssa»ls hr meffl, and <2150 for prime, at y, whlok. rates, 1,208 ’ bbls. were sold, Beef Is nn " tom »t 14}i150. y* n e ~ Seeaas—lluil. The sales srs chiefly for refining, * at SalSe.j tba refiaod eorts tending downward— " and in moderate demand; •;i>. HiitSnwiiii.l • >V v ’ cfWtntsi-Thero la uhthtwneW to note. 1 -' ; , FnsrmHTS oontinae dull aa beforeat foriaor V , ■»}«.'-•- '■ . ' ; -rSur dooßa Sinus.—The dry goods ‘hhcttoh irstsai .to-day were all largely attended—the varl otts saoaoneors offerlng lawe and sttraotivo coto y : btuet suited to' the sereral branches of the trade, . ■ m**kfeciallf adapted to’the fall business. - . - y jfassrs. Footer A Co. had » rosy largo catalogue ' rnfeltak*,' >untuias, and Oidfulars, of new mtd super , -:tler*Wesi.edapted;to,the faU.trsde; : The sale at traetad to their rooas a large aidienoe of buyers in tbOM-artieles.-i jHfe’fial the first aaloof the season. goeds.aoliimT Well indeed fbr so early in tbeL 'lea»oC| We think aowiog .a perceptible advanoe on y saßmyiouai'sulS thisiseoson. Many lots in the ■ oaftfomwi wste .eiegant goods, of the latest Paris nOt a tittle to their eale. fTbe yjlsiuri. .Wilmerdingshnd Mouibhad aoataiegne of««bett to-day, saited tolljs' waate of Southern *»dlfe»t«rnbiiyers, bnt it dld not attraot jthat' , inattention itdeferyed, utd the goods, as a general ... fihlpg, soldyery,log,,some at *,;iacrifiee:i. The at , wasnot large, tad: the biddings dull. . Bnyere piment haying but, little competition'^Had l tbepdrantage-i lhe catalogue, as has been' usual . with theaS goods; this' sesson, was ; about tbree . fimrthjwithdmsrn'. The goodawerO all, generally, ■«f very oommOn qusUty, for which'there haa been .. noorsue thns,;fsr. this«aiion., ;The.4-4 superfine I»*mhs,.'all.wpol and.worsted,inoludinr extra heavy goods, hrought from'43 to 53}, and the other . ; SJ^Mo^^^^raidW^'rnund^i * b ware brou^trhooatect,'these'goods would'bring. Satterpriou,',;V i : , ‘ Jteiws.Hiitterty.,* .'Co;.«>S»red. t»day.» cata- of Pgr w»ds, which wai ,largely 501 d... - The . eataljguo wMipn/assorted. one. and-'oonseqaehtly ,;«iofdshe (TMiWigforeoßiiaßrisSi-rTlrelttend '■®?^S*,w fcdemnh goods :mert- Tair, while olhera sold loir. ' The salo.waa not an important onerand prosents he featurwworthpartieuisaiimg.;., . MW ,yO«K BWCK ' aiIB3,'AugVM. 1 'BUoomf.fib'iiii;" - - ' : ', • npOOKyState6’g .. 100:' .'itt'kai'S'lpfSft .'6O; wrftjfttaiae’j 90J} 100 do: boo ■ MbCeibOealCo 15« 1500 a iChtcß . ",88* 08 PaCcal Oo 75 r ,SO.-d0,,. , sls 88V SDB: H Canal Co lift 100 Harlem ItailroMi gg . lOOSria Ballroad S 3 31* UOOJtlchSo* NIR. SO .100 '.do. 1 03 81* 1001 r, do , >. »* 250 do ' . s3St'’ .200 do .129 TOO .do , S 3 30* 076 do . 28* 8001tr.eenB>4;'«7S 100 do " ~, 28 WtaCross tfiuß Sl* 100'. '.'do. .. •rn -VdsC; -'sUf-nfi. 25, 'do'• - - ' 28. " 800 Beading It ~ ,70* 700 'do „ , '.25.'. 8» ! -hd» .rfr.b3o'7o* OOOCler'dr Tolß ' ’—44- 100 -do «10 70 100 ,da , 53* 000 WdO.; r- ; aMOOJS ' , b6O 44 ' ' SOO Vdo - " a2O 70' 600 do .; 13 42* ' 100 do sO 70 600 :do . .. 42* 100 ido bBO 70* 100 i ' do ' ' T ‘ a 3 42? 500 .do ; S 3 70* 25 (fide &RI It 00 800 H-doVV v 70* '6O- -‘do ' MO 89* 100 , do jr3o 89* 100, do , boo 60* - - 100 do; SOO'6o* 'V . ■ ASD THIIfGS lJr JIEW TOaK. [TrowiUwßevYorkF*p«rl.] "y. . o*. Sfonday, officer Gilbert Hays, ortho Indn .pmdtitßblie#f laadojo Atßera/iar Wolin|&er,..cbargedwith7iW> n g'the eadorarment ofhla ;employera, Biegmao,' Bis*;-A Jy-i».» eheek on the, Hanover Bant, drawnbr H. ‘ mo»rf()r«« »rao»tthebanlE.A<ller ; ouboiug quMticnedbv tfaofficer who-arrested-him, eon-- ftsaed lila gout and;wufthen taken before Jtuftoe Connolly* -who committed him id default of $2,000 beiMortriel. He la bu tl 6 yean 6t age,'a native ■ ~IK RegiynentVi aa!ofif ofrthhri»en r gnna from , the ibot oTTan BrunC:street, Bed 1 Hook JPoirifc, on SnndevirfWreooß, *a the ateat&ehlp^altio^psaaed thaiMaee.i.Thesalntetfaaflted inhond'y ofthe Unlted.StafeeMfiilater to the Httde, left for hrs htfwtbhin the iteaaer, -the BaltiflMknowledied; the-B*lnte~ Showering her enligo and fring twb gone ss&e ana after the ’ y i< ■ : ,0a Sunday evening a small tail beat, after rtf tailing from an exburaon on the north Biver, was , uraatat the pier f<*it of Thirty-seventh street, and Mrt. Maiy Ahur ‘Donnelly, a lady* seventeen years of hg«/ wio had beenmarried bnt 11 Vo Weeks, was • drowned. .The boiyofltre. Donnelly urea re-, Apotfg the many Improvements now. in progress 11 abort the city 4s the splendid marblO-front atmc- ! • tore,known ,W ood'aßuUdlnga,” N0a.681 and US Broadway, os the aite of the old Lyceum bnlld iWof for atiestreir. Theer tetter oh the strew U nearly s>i!*ied, andtho lbl*ribr:la, rhbldly approaching, oorapletioh. The atrbatnro la 5u feat in width ana, V of *hnsay|bl*j iptßavie Grecian, order of^af: < chHe«t«re,nnd la point of/elegance and anbatan- wttlvlewlthany ojherbhjldtng on Broad;' - t&Monday, about teWo’clbckV aUriy tbree hnn- Ik re» bOunUiue-tenths ofthem were on the Cara ' • andttWyoDttjeirwsy,to tMfWHtX‘--f!'V • ",<■ It wai andentood in thts city, yesterday,,on the * : . anttorlty of a teligraphle doabateh from #ash-,i . Ingt«ni (bat Mt. Wmi'H; Book tosbeen’app&hted?. . . postmaster.. of / BrooklVli, - In’ ptaeeof *D«n|el Voorhies, the present, Incumbent. .The appoint-, men t is to take effect Oh ike SOtraf'Beptomber.""'' An ‘•irregnUrdoctor,” Veil known along-Broad-. way, trti detoot«d » tow days alnoe.wbiln at aiNew 1 d"»r ;W*torlneplaoe/Jnsuch relations to a lady tnti ketjutmatd; ihllanud With jealousy, eobaented. ■ that his friendlthould banish-Summarily the of fander. ' Tba frionda took the doctor front cbe had- ' ke wkhpW-at nlgbt to the' fcbabh. dati>d hint wttk' tar ani then siirinkled htm tivbr with ' ffllow-boardera found, him .In ibopllglt,. ehdj.mofo obnaidetafely ..than gently,, caatajo jiia relief. with .aoftfoap/and Mrubting . bruthes. All the- partiea'.have ain'eo returned ■!<> tewn. • '' • '•• • '• ••..•: •••••. . ■ . Ludwig Bisldingj Of WilUaro iatreot, New York, while on.aidalt. to'Brooklyn; on Buiday. with bia' - family, was prostrated by ths hwt .near Pwk-stjp; Ferryj'and died, Hout..,On,the ramo, fay, a carman , named -Bernard, MulUn. died = in-, irotklyiliroii tkea«ne oanaoo., r; •u .u t - , . Bbo GQa)ptroll*r h'as. completedMbo puKbaaa qf tbo Ararnat properly in the Central Bark. XOe j pri«eiWmr*2?4,(KW.. Mr. Bfout tt IkjXß?sssion-»f b the chOok,: aud the Corporation Coußsel. fiaa tbol i daedforexibiihation.i'.-: '/b ! V’cl'a:,:- pi "Vi ) 'Tho alave.oMq in Wostoheator County wos ended yesterday, JruWe Hobartacnl deliverinr. thS child over to ner grandfather, John Ball, aliar. Diin mnek, the Enelayeu Erititb Snbjeot.” . Mr. Wm- H. Peek faaa been appointed poatmis j | . dredandatty pbasengemandalaraoamountqf •tp V"V .'Wjiui .-i-f Ihe|lr;ciore#,|W«ttf ♦Mlnttaorrow for Sonthampton'iSfo rtaieti'; Bhe : , wUltakeouia feiroonlpleiaenf ofpaSeniers, 'yj 1 ’ ’W.^SepnatrytHW - V "' '‘r l -?4 ■‘ -■ , . ! Howl, coyn« of 'Btoom 'gml : fwntjl flteoto, , Th*, Atlon4aiio6 .wis< very lw*<>> at wo WWW p*i»n* belng.p r esent>- anfi tha, P5W»yiW i»mQ,ntou«;;n»tari>;'' »«•• ton*. eylrtmtod Mnd .nilrtlal * lts > -and •werafclanp bonfire* were Turning during tho evening Dr. J. J. MoOowen wen celled to the ohtur,,und a number of vice dmitmeniuid secrete* H. Herringtonj Dsvid Parmeter, P. y. Smith, Col, HtobCMiOf Cattaraugus ooonty,Dr.-J; J.McGowen, usd others, after which they adjourned. 'fWbih;tl»» S«»'Torjc Esprets of Uet evening.], MQBE FIIEBUSTERS ARRIVED. STEJlirm TENNESSEE Aeturned. Fifty of’Walker’s Deserters t , «aJß««r4—Namessi the Man., f:;W& SR M B.B T /..’Tbsfiunbu'a eteamer Tenneasee, Captain Tinkle paugh/which loft this port bo suddenly and mys teriously on the 31st nit; returned this forenoon. ' It seems that she lTOtit to San Jaan del Norte, from whence the eafttA on her return on the 10th .Utah, bringing rflth her two hundred and seventy nvo pauepgera, of whom all but fifteen were do- Bertere ftomYTalker’e army. What other object the voyage inn 7. have had in view does hot appear. ' ‘ Two.days after leaving San Juan, David Jobes, a nf enian on board, was struck by the air-pump cross head, which broke hi| hack, from the effects of which he died the same day. nttathe 14th inst., the Tetittbaseo hrnohod at Key West,and was detuned, six hours taking in coal. V >li« hfe mafe from Ban Juan to this portiu seven apti a half flays. The ?e&XM«see left in the harbor of San Juan ft- B. M.’awarsteamerTarUr. „ ’ A 1 : Pab»*sQßßB (so? Dksketirs.)—J. Wolf, M Qlenton, Col v Casey, John Gage, J; Radley J. Menslng, M. Yald* lertß, Barrage, JohnYonng. • List on’s® DsssaTsas.—A. Anderson, J. Brown, 0. E.; Brown. T. Clinker, Jcmes G&llag&n, James Dixon, P. Trolley, W.PreUttey, J. Ariel, K. Brower, S.Crow backer, 0. Cardwell, J. H, Cox, 4. Elliott, T. Juley, J. Petis,M..Bailey, P. Bolton, J. Cushman, 0, R. Corey, B. Downs; W. Edmonson, G. 0. Gttpatriclc, T. Quiuley, P, Evan, W.T. Roundtree, Jacob Stiles, 4. L. Smith, T.-R. Wright, D. Watts, H. WUson, "B. Ware, D. P. Deyer, 8, A^Smith, John DodvC, T. Kearney, A. Ander son. D.'Burner, I*. Robinson, C. Sewell, 0. M. Louis, A. Pannaz&n, E. L. Williams, D. Walter, !. Zimmer man, M. Curtis, J. l»&ng, P,A. Dodd. J. Hartman* H. Bell, John Art, J. SI. Bolton, 0. RaUley: John Sweeney, A; Sttedaker, I*. Uokera, .George Barren, H. B. Williams, Av Pollard. Mr, Beecher, 8.0. Robinson, P. Hehring, j; D.OJark,John Long, Geone Blair, X. W, Bores, W.BeasogjJ. Cochran} JeaeaOoriaV George Cross,>. :o»riton,W. Carpenter, P. Clark. W. Carson,M. Dolan, W. Dallas, James Ellington; M. Biaharty, W. Flagg, John Tlinn, J.-Goat, H7price,T.G, Bulge?*, P. Beams} M< Raehon,S. Barden, H. Rloe ,J. Rodgers, S.Spies, W, Spies* John -Sheridan," R;. Sleney. AV-Sullivan, M, iSgaiw W. ! Troblood/Wd Vaurthw,-J.-Wetherspoofi, 1 JonnWilson, George Williams,!. Webber, 8, Watts, J. White, George Won, M .Page ,' Strobeß, J. Robertson * J.Daniels, A.Wojth,B.Lynch, John Brady, J. Vickers, PiHopkina,P. Bank, 0. Mayfield. Robert Young, J. Aitineii,’ B.Brediey, P.Bran agon,W. Beuley, B.Braosan, p f Belcher, 0. Barr, J.' CUnker, B. Oresttand, J. Con njngham, J. Carroll, M. Canrin, A. Cline, 8. Dobbins, r-PTltodd, 7, DUon, 0. Earl, John Farbn, B. Frankman, W. George, P. Gallaher, B. Phelps. Robert Moore, H. Kere, P. W. Btewart, Mr. Reynolds. 0. Roach, A. Rsencher,. Mr. Baamell, R. 0. Slanghter, J. Shanks, M. L. Sanford, B. Terril, A. Wardeft, W. J. Wbight, J'.O.WkiteaM,R. .B;Baker, E. Harrey, J. Wright, J. Domnsey, Geo. Grove, Geo. Rice, W, T. Simon, 0. Vic tor, Jan; Warren. 8. Walker, B. Willson, B. Dee, B. Gostwick. Geo. Prentii, B. tatner, 0. Lucas, R. H. Smyth,.W. Wall, W. Walker, D. M. Woosley/j. Mc- Cutchson, Jno. Cooper. J, Ofrelar, W.Short, C. Winter, W, Bowen, J. Yank, George Caswell.' From Key West. . - ' KetWest, August 14. The Nicaragua route is again to be opened. Messrs. -Morgan’ A Co. have received, from the allied powers of tho Isthmus, the right of transit, and they will .plaoe.their.boat-on the line imme diately. In our.marine list there is but one item that you are unacquainted with'; The courts have settled the salvage claim upon the sohooner Arlington and cargo, by awarding the wreokers $4,700.' The total exfwnses are $5,300. The A. sailed on the 13th for The cargo of the barque Paolfio, saved dry, has been appraised nt $22,000. This portion will be forwarded to Mobile. -Barque H. I*. Rutgers, Delano, 1 sailed for New York on the 10th. \ • Schooner J;;CrandaU,' Chase K sailed for Pensa ooia pa thorn: ; THE MONEY MARKET. t B*ii.A»*Lrau, August 18,1867. At the Stock Board to-day there vu noro business transacted; ahd prices * exhibited a healthier feeling on the part of dealers than for several days past. Camden’ and Amboy Railroad stock is recovering from its depression, 105 being asked for it to-day, and 103 bid. Pennsylvania Railroad was in demand at 46j£. Reading Railroad rose from 34t0 35. ; We gave .a Bammary of the New. York weekly bank statement in the letter of our New York correspondent of yesterday. It will be seen therefrom that the figures compare with the previous week as follows: - loans . .'.|lk'<sY?lZs2 ' *m“Su ,472 Bee. *335,780 Specie....... 11,737,307 11,860,045 800. 870,722 Clrcfliatioß.. -8,981,700 8,780 012 Bee. 201,728 '®2»atV-*,,'® 4 1«0,417 92,800,828 Bee. 2,080,089 ' Tie relative movement stand* tbtu t ' ’ ■' r&W -,60,814,928 70,807,736 ; Depositsundrawn , ’ Together SI 32,244,523 1124,015,730 IwrwtedtnSoans.;.,..,. $121,841,472 $111,400,755 Beserrtd'tn Specie ’ 11 399,949 12 806.673 l , Together $132,662,117 $124,218,428 jLoem on Capital. 189#'cent. 207 K V cent. Tfeere is oertiinly« for alarm to he found in of t&? £6ndcn ; n4c>aej-'ißarket, and,'the' probability that we shall be largely drawn Upon to supply the drain of specie. the commotion in Indio, there is reason for congratulation in the prudence evinced by the tarn in the line of discounts of the New York Banks’ ; Tire highpjiceof Cotton Abroad It % satisfactory istdU cation that there VIU he no diminution In the demand for that staple) and the accounts from the South tend to show: that the production keeps even pace with the re* qutreraehts of the market.. The exportation o(i. qtf lllon of dollars Weekly for three-quarters of ay ear, without d* rasgement of our mpsey market; speaksstrongl/fn proo f of the financial and commercial rejohroes of the country** and the certain Indications of a large demand' at high price* for our largest staple abroad will inevitably add to the feeling of > monetaiy-* secority which prevails al; over the country, despite the croak in gs of the prophets, and the criesor a coming crush. . Air the coin shipped thus far lias hud no effect what*' ever in disturbing the durreccy, or advancing the rate of Interest} and as the time is rapidly approaching when our exports will havb their effect upon the market, we can see.ho reason to anticipate any other condition than ft. continuance of our unprecedented national pros* perity.; - ; - •• The latest report of the London Hone/ Market, broughtby the Colombia, is as follows: “Lospox. Tuesday Evening, Aug. 4th—The fourth of the month has passed over so fir very well. The •aouni of meretntilo bilU'falling doe proved to bo taiger than vu expected, but they appear to hate been veil met. , Bather loss' than £lO,OOO only was taken from, the Sank yesterday, and as the yesterday'a receipts of the pteplous metals reached nearly or above j£720,(K)0, there.!* now about £900,000 in gold and silver in the market, which will arrest the drain upon the Bank, and consequently the-prospect of the directors raising the rate on Thursday next fa very much lessened, even if the necessity of such a measure be not removed. Tfao banking interest,loolc for a rise, but the Impression on the Stock' Exchange U that there will be no change. The directors cannot be desirous of resorting to renewed stringency, so long as the drain Upon them Is checked. - ‘.‘TiiQ market for the English funded securities open od 1 this thorning with some'flatness, and became heavy at a further decline ofjf per cent, on prices. Consols from 90went to WJfyana afterwards remained quiet at 90 if to 90#. For September there is a oentage of abont •jfto % per .cent./ thus showing that thore is still a bull account, ppfa* • After official hours Consols closed at 90# buyers. The trench Three-per-cents were done in Pariato-day ato7f.Soc.-: . 1 ,; The suspension was announced on the 4th, of Forster, Butty, Hti!,& Co., Scotch and Manchester warehouse men.'. Their liabilities are supposed to be rather con siderable, (probably, oyer £50,000, and the impression 'seems to preraU that the liquidation will be very un favorable. ... - Confidence seems to be restored in the Havana money market.' Aletter,‘dated'Aug.3i7, says: . ■ “ Basinets has resumed its ordinary channels, as if no fearful calamity had been upon us. Saturday, tno day of trial, when everybody is expected to pay their weekly purchases.upon the wharf, and adjust til classes of cash htianeea, passed well—all obligations of consequence having been promptly met. Exchangee have come out from thew&rering condition found inlhe past week with established, rates for Saturday evening, and improving tendency—for New York end Northern titles, sto 8 dis count—the difference justiflsdhy peculiar circumstances, deriving from the late condition—but paper good/ if the world toms over. Sties refused by holders for huge parcels—parts made atfi. London 6 premium, and will.bebetter this week. ... . u The bommereial communities North interested in our commerce-, may rely upon our perfectly sound cbm merclal Condition—now— and improving prospects. The protective subscription, equal' to cub in band last eyeftingjwa*>lo,o63,lool and subscribersstill coming.” The earnings of the Lehigh Valley Railroad' ha month of July, 186 f iwete.-,., .V 5 ... J...... 1.463,882 51 EantingSof JuJ/j 1866, wire 26,597 45 lucre*** equaltb 102 percent .;..f27,235 06 ■ The following 1* the amount of coal transported over the Lebigh.Valley Baiiroad, for the week ending August loth*. • • ' Mafia, I-- • Wok'. Previously. Total. - , - i V v.:. Ton*.Cwh. Tom.Owt. Tons.Owt. JprlM»Mounta)o.,.43,6a W, ft,622 09 77,874 08 lfsatgtlgAr Loaf.../. 2,810, 01 60,882.12 63,201 13 5’J ro ?Mif rtd * h ’‘ W ,24,187 08 24 743 12 C<nmd1Ki(1g».,.. ..1,119 07. 40,883 11 41,052 18 - .. r 8,807 19 6,307 IS Coleraine & Stafford. 66 .11 32,120 03 32 185 34 Dolbln AtDehaven.. ,284 03 4,882 16 6146 18 Haaieton..,; 1,710 02 5&662 02 28 271 04 J.B. MeCroeryACo.l4o 02. 3,375 06. 3,615 08 / : -10.005 00 273,104 06 288,190 14 The following was the amount of coal gent over the Lehigh canal for the week ending Ang. 16th'; , " From . ' ' Fbritttek. Total. Manch Chunk. ' Tons. Owt. Ton*. Owt. Summit Mine5...............10,879 08 169,652 03 found N<i. 2........ *356 05 is Room Ban J1fnef1.,........... 3,60010 35,673 03 KwstLchlihMiiiee.;......... 862 10 . 15,220 10 •' l . ‘ lB 213,723 5 Pe«end XhutC0nJ .... J. ........... 163 08 1,788 06 Eiat Mauoh Chunk. Spring Mountain Mines, i..,., 999 15 20,162 08 Sugar LOUT do . 959 06 21,894 18 Coleraine - : do 2,667 15 ‘29 667 08 Stafford ■] do. , 51011 N.Y.aadtehfghOOftlCo ... 1.403 09 16,899 00 <?*?“*£ V Coal Co /122 IT . 6 852 12 SptiUg Mountain Coali ,583 06 . 9*451 03 gorthSpriniMountain Coal.. 766 14 k 6.26012 BeirarMsaaotrCOftl.;.so2 02 67414 wPeno Karen Sittlefcm Coal C 0.... 3,620 13 03,651 15 Crtoberry *Mines„ .7......... 3,303 03 33 666 12 094 16 16 063 04 ....... 1)090 01 20106 04 Uti Pleasant Coll.-..--...... 818 01 2,012 00 Roekrort, ■:?-'* JN&VoufctafaOodl 00.-..-: 1,814 06 43,99909 , tJ WhitsH4T*D: - , ,7 VIUcMkUTO Coal C 0...... - 700 06 WfiratiUfGctl C 0........... 630 07 6,287 02 Hartford!Codl C 0............ 682 15: u’(H3 00 ; fToUl.*,;h..* 34,316 04 606,810 08 ‘ It; ‘ l ZumbeK '' Feet.. 1 1,616,668 , J jPtT.iaitfeport.... 24,020,914 £ | "/Total*; .-1..'... 725,643,542 - 71ft Exchangqper the Persia, 209# is the rate at wbi»h oojineMuehieUrdoae, < T , iW2&*y) n 8 w bnrinesa at the office of' the As .sjstAnt Treasurer, New York, August 17: te * 9238,743 69 fj 266,478 54 jJfol6flo4 J2,255,Q73 $2 in’ ' ' ? The Directors of the New York and Nrle Baliroad in. vit« subscriptions for a new loan of $9,000,000. redeem* able is October, 1880. The object of the loan is to fund the,present floating debt of the company and to complete improvements now in progress, Th* f new bonds will be issued on the following conditions: 60 per cent, in any of the unsecured bonds of the company, redeemable in 1892,1871 and 1875. 20 per cent. In cash at the time of subscribing. 40 per cent, in monthly instalments of 10 per cent., or in cash at the optlonofthe subscribers. Tha. present financial condition of the company stands as follows: ' Capital stock. Funded debt., Floating debt. . T0ta1..,.,,., ...$37,893,136 The Michigan Southern Bailroad Company have de termined to issue short bonds to the amount of $1,600,* 000. redeemable in 1687, pledgtog its unincumbered as setts, and its earnings for their re-payment—the bonds to bear interest at 8 per cent, per annum. After July Ist, 1869, the Company agree to form a sinking fuad of $15,000 per month from the earnings of the road, ana pledges also the securities which it has at various times acquired at a cost of $1,600,000, though nominally of the tilue of two millions. The securities, will be sold as occasion may offer for the interest of the road The price at which the new bonds wIU be offered has not been fixed by the Boinr. EXCHANGE SALES, Aug. 1867. PHILADELPHIA STOCK 18, li Ir,. Stock Broker, No. 80# t Street. Reported by i?. Mantcy, Jt Walnut FIRST : $lOOO Penas 6s 84# $4OO do 84# $lOOO do long loans s&wn 84# $5OO Union Oal to 69# $lO,OOO AUeg co 6a AT 60# $2OO City to exempt 90# BOARD. 100 Reading R sSwn 34# 800 do sflwn&int 34# 100 do 35 8 Petma R 40# SO do 46# 2 do 48# 10 do 46# 1 do 46# 2 do 46# 6 do fls 46# 17 do 46# 27 do 46# 1 do 46# 1 Girard Bank 11# 1 do H# 15 Bank of Ponna US $lOOO do new 95# $lOOO do new 96# $l5OO do new 95# $5OO Schuy N Ca ’B2 64# $4OO Lehigh 6a’7o 90 $lOO do 90 $1768 do 90 $3OO do 90 100 R’dgßs6wnAi34# 100 do do 34# BETWEEN $4OO City 6s new 95# \ SECOND $2500 City 6s new 65# $5OO N Penna R 6* 59# $4OO Penna 5s 84# $2OOO Penn R 6b 2dm 85# $lOOO do 2dm 85# GLOBING prio; Sid. Asked. UB6’s’6B 116#©— Phlladafo 89 089# ■ do HR 89# 086# do New 95#®95# Penna ss, lot off 84# 084# Readingßdiroff3s ©3s# do Bonds *7O 78 __ >44. lot; off 86 Penni RR 46#®46# Mortis Qaal Con 50 ©sl# Sobyl Not 6a *B2 64 065 do Stock 18 ®l4 2 Morris Cnl prefd 83# 50 New Creek Co # 50 do # 100 Readg R sswa&lut 35 JES—INACTIVE. Bid. Asked. Bcliyl Nar Pref 23 023# Wmsp’t&Elmß 19®20 do int off 7’e , Ist mort. 76#®75# do dQ2dca6s#o6s# Long Island 11#® 11# Vicksburg -7#«B Girard Bank Lehigh Zinc I#© 1# Union Canal 9#©lo New Creek #© 1 Catawissaßß 11 ©ll# PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. Philidjlphta, Aug. 18—Evening. The market for Breadstuff* is doll and drooping, and holders of Flour are free sellers at $7®57.25 for fresh ground superfine, and $6.50 for old stock; but there is nothing doing for shipment, the demand being only to supply the retailers and bakers at these figures, and from $7.50 np to $9.25 bbl. foroxtraand fancy brands. There is some inquiry for Com Meal at $4 3* bbl. for good country, hut there is little or none offering. Of Rye Flour a sale of 200 bbls. is reported at $4.60 4? bbl. Wheats are plenty j the millers are only wanting prime dry lots, which are scarce; abont 4,000 bushels have been taken at 102c.©105c. for red, and 105c.©170c. for white, of fine to good and prime quality. Corn is dull, and only about 1,000 bushels sold at 88c. for good yellow in the cins. Oats are about the same os last quoted, and 4©5900 bushels Southern brought4o©43c. Some inferior lots were disposed of at 35©37c. Rye is in moderate re quest, and about 5,000 bushels Pennsylvania sold at 95c. bushel. Bark—The demand has fallen off, but the price of Quercitron is steadfast at $5O for first quality. Cotton maintains fully former quotations, with a fair amount of busineaa doing to supply the neighboring spinners. For Provisions the inquiry is good, hut the scarcity of the hog product and high rates now demanded check the demand for Bacon and Cot Meats, and the market has been at a stand-still to-day. Holders of Groceries are not disposed to accept the offers of buyers, and the transactions in Ooffeo and Bu gar are very small. Whiskey Is held with a little more firmness, and the quotations are 27c. for Drudge, 28c. for hhda., and 29©30c. for bbls. ST. LOUIS MARKETS. BT. Louts, Ago. 15.— Tobacco.— The offerings to-day were of poorer quality than usual, prioes remaining at previous quotations for better. Sales at State Ware, house, 8 hhda: lof medium cigar, $ll 05; Ido ship, ping, 9 19; soft do, 8 05. At the Planter’s,s hhdslugs, 0 75,7 00, 7 45,7 60, 8 45; 1 medium shipping, 9 06; 1 do, 10 95; 1 heavy do, 12 16; 1 do, 12 90; 1 do, 13 50 lbs... HEMP.—The market continues fairly active at steady rates. Sales of 11 bales at $118: 15 do $122: 79 do $125, ss3 o private; 72 do $130; 28 do 132; and 18 do strings $65 qp* ton. . Leap.— Sale of 200 pigs Galena 62#c; 100do9#c; 116 do Missouri, delivered below, 6#c. Fiona—Sales confined to city dealers chiefly. 100 nks $2.76; 70 bbls scratched 5.60; 100 do extra 0.76; 50 do 7.00 4? bbl. Wheat—Too little dry coming in for millers’ supplies, and priccs v a shade better to-day. Sales of 100 sks poor 75c©1.00:1&9 ska poor white 1.07; 132 spring and fall 1.08: 70 101 l 1.10; 179 club 1.12#j 68 r«T 1.14; 760 do, In loft, 1.15; 85 do 1.18: 200 do 1.20; 00 do white 1.25, all without sack*. Co**—Sales of 108 sks mixed and yellow 70c; 1700 mixed from store 70c; 450 yellow In lot* 72c; 200 white 78c; in new gunnies, Oats—Sales of 200 sks 88c; 880 do 34c: 1280 do 85c in lots; 980 do 88c; 200 do 67#; 475 old from store 58©, sacks included. PASSENGERS ARRIVED, Per steamer Keystone State, from Savannah—C A Greiner, lady and child; M H Williams, W H Olcott, B R Hines, £ Mubhut, Dr. Willis and son, J P Cann and lady, T M Turner, W 0 Price, Miss Eliza Palmer, Cla rence Connerat, Judge Chaa Henry and lady, H £ Guess, la4y and child, M Rahn, R H Hutching* and 6 Servants, Mrs Heister and child, J Gass lady and infant, £ Witt felder, R Nye, Miss Kate Harper, J 0 Thompson, A Lang brick, Miss £ Obese, HraHntten and friend, 7 S Hutton, ' Wm King. Jr and lady, Mrs Oamak, Miss Camak, R H Goodman, lady, child and servant, W O Kennedy, Qapt Geo Dockerty, Peter Vanderveer, and S steerage. Importations. [Reported for The Press.] MOBILE*—Brig Edwin fl Fitter, Turpi*—o4 bales cot* ton Martin & McAllister; 60 do do Pettit, Martin ic Oo; 186 empty casks Poultney & Massey; 169 do to order, SAVANNAH—steamship Keystone Btate, Marshman —122 bales cotton Carson & Newbotd; 200 do AlUbono Sc Jenks; 161 do R Patterson A Co: 20 casks rice Cochran A Bussell; 918 sacks Wheat Bead & Comleyj 1692 sacks wheat order; 17 bales waste Jessup h Moore; 60 bales domestics R Cralghton G Co: 61 do Hay tc MeDevKt; 10 do Brown, Hill A Co: 102 pkgs mdse B E Palmer, J P Morris A Co, Brown, Hill £ Co, J B Ltpolacoti A 00, J 8 Dickinson, Wood, Bacon & Co, Stein ‘Vos. Johnson Sc Co, Adams* Express, Budd & Comley, anti others. XHorine Jfoteihgente, PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, August 10,1657. .5 17-SUN SETS. SUN BIBE3 HIGH WATER. ARRIVED. Steamship Delaware, Shaw, 24 hours from New York, via Cape Hay, with mdse and 200 paseengora to James AUderaico. Reports having passed below Bombay Hook barque Frekerick Lcnnlg, from Mobile, and brig Mania* nlllo, from an Eastern port. Below New Castle, passed a deeply laden barque at anchor, and barque Chester, from Boston, in company with two light herm brigs. Off New Castle, passed ship Philadelphia, for Liverpool, in tow of steam tug America. UBM steamship Keystone State, Marshman,s6hours froraSavannah, with mdse and passengers to A Heron. Jr. Sunday Cape Lookout, passed schr Lilly, of New York, bound 8. Same day, 830 P H, off Hatte ras, passed steamships Nashville and State of Georgia, bound 8. Monday morning, at 2 30,45 miles north of Hatteras, passed steamship Alabama, bound 8. Brig May Queen, Jackson, 14 days from New Orleans, with cotton, Ac. to Pettit Martin fc 00. Brig Edwin H Fitter, Turpie, 15 days from Mobile, with cotton, Ac. to Pettit, Martin A Co. Brig H H McGllvery, Herriman, 4 days from N York, in ballast to captain. Brig O B Allen, Allen, 8 days from Harrington, Me. with mdse to E A Bonder A Co. Brig Sabao, Brown, from Now York. Scar Orlanna, Doughty, 8 days from New York, with mdse,to M Philips. • Schr Elisabeth B, Bacon, 4 days from Fall River, with mdse to captain. Schr Marla Jano, Crosby, 8 days from Eastport, with mdse to E A Bouder A 00. Schr Silver Magnet, Perry, 5 days from Boston, inbal* last to Noblo, Hammott A Caldwell. Schr Abby Whitman, Clifford, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to David Cooper. Schr Frances Elwell, Smith, 8 days from New York, with mdse to Tatham A Bros. Bchr Pavilion, Grover, 4 days from Sag Harbor, with mdse to captain. Schr Halcyon, Gordon, 15 days from Calais, with lum ber to Twelie, GtalciU A Galvin. Sehr Mars Hill, Burgess, 14 days from Bangor, with lumber to Twells, Uaakill A Galvin. ’ Bohr Eleanor, Hosman, 8 days from Hallows!!, Me. with stone to captain. Schr Caspian, Megathlln, 6 days from Boston, with mdoo to Crowell A Collins. Schr Pearl, Crowell. 7 days from Boston, with mdse to Growl) It Oolifni. ■ Sehr Jas S Hewitt, Ross, from Boston. Sehr J W Pharo, Cavalier, from Boston. Schr A Townsend, Townsend, from Boston. •Schr Adele Felicia,Cartwright, from Providence. Schr Juliet, Baxter, from Norwich. Schr,Minerva, Brooks, from Greenport. Sehr Emeline, Leper, from Providence. Schr P Gllkey, Pendleton, from Newport, Schr Ohanißion L Keen, 1 day from Smyrna, Del. with wheat to Bewlcy, Wilson A Co. Schr Increase, Taylor. 3 days from BtUl Pond, Md. with oats, to Bewley, Wilson A 00. Steamer Lady Wilmer, Wilson, 12 hours from Havre de Grace, Md. with wheat to Bewley, Wilson A Co. CLEARED. Steamship City of New York, Howes, Boston, Henry iVinßof. Steamship City of Richmond, Mitchell, Richmond, J ffebßter, Jr. Steamship Boston, Sellew, New York, Jas AUderdice. Barque Japonic*, Sheldon, Bio Janeiro, Weleford A Yillson. / * Barque 0 W Poultney, Marshman, New Orleans, D*B Itetson A 00. Barque Venus, Arkley, Miramichi, S Morris WalS A Co. Brig Billow, Brown, Salem, O Miller A Co. Brig Sußao Emily, Wall. Portland, Repplier A Bro, - Brig Sabao, Brown, Boston, Hecksher A Co. Brig Ocean Traveller, Sargent, Portland,-do. Brig Elisa, Horn, Wilmington, NO. H Bohlen A Co. Brig Lydia Francis, Hall, Bath, Rogers, Sinnickeon A Co, Schr Florence. Mayo, New York, captain. . „ , Silver Magnet, Perry, Boston, Noble, Hammett A Caldwell. • ’ Bchr Helen, Buston, Norfolk, do Schr Sarah L Slovene, Studley, Boston, Sharp, Lei senrlog A Co. * ■ ’ ’ ri s*l“ Penny, New York, captain. A Oq 1 B » Pa® oo ! Quincy Point, L Audenreld Schr P GUkey, Pendleton, Boston, do Schr Joliet, Baxter, Weymouth, do Schr Minerva, Brooks, Somerset, do Schr Emeline, Loper, Providence, do Schr John Harris, Robbins, Haverhill, do' Schr J S Hewett, Boss, Bostoo, Wallace A Co, Schr J W Pharo, Cavalier, Morris A Murray Scbr Adole Felicia, Cartwright, Pawtucket, B Milnes A Co. ■ Schr Mary Elisabeth, Pickup, New York, Bancroft, tewil A Co. ' ’ Schr W L Jones, Davis, Baltimore, 8 J Christian. Bchr Mary Ellen, Cottlngham, Norfolk, J R White. Btr Rd Willing, Olaypoole, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. BAILED. The packet ship Philadelphia, Oapt Poole, for Liver pool, left Queen streit wharf at 8 o’clock yesterday in tow of steaming America. She takes oat 90 second cabin and steerage passengers, and the following cargo: 29,34? bus corn, 1904 bus wheat, 640 bbls flour, 100 tea beef, 720 bbls beer, 107 hhds bark, 25 hhda ore, and 2 boxes books. . [AIT TILBQBAFH.I ! Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange, i CAPE ISLAND, AUg. 18.~ejP. M. . A'bm-que.and several brigs and schooners are now going In. Winds. Yours, Ac. THOfl. B, HUGHES, , . ' •fBTTktBOMW.] /Correspondence of The Pres?.) " Niw Tonic, Augoiit 18, from Hama; brig Sink & Brothers, from Madeira. Co TO , P ,udo Ka .f^|w.^lpW.H*^ f ‘ il . One barque, three brim, and % fleet of schooner* passed to sea yesterday afternoon and evening. Three schooners only remain in the roadstead. About Bn? nil of Bchrfl passed in yesterday, all apparently in ballast trim Wind 821—’Mather flne. wm. &c WM. M. HICKMAN. .$11,000,000 . 24,891,000 . 2,002135 . . MEMORANDA. ' Steamship Kennebec, Hand, hence at Near* York yea* Tennessee, Ttnklepaugh, from San Jean del Norte, arrived at New York yesterday. >- flhlp Jacob Bell, Behm, for New York, Tie Manilla, was at Hong Kong j tine 9. Ship Sky Lark, Follanabee, for Shanghae, was at Hong Kong June 9. ‘ <-• Ship Mary Whitbridge, Cheeseborongh, for San Fran cisco, was at Hong Kong June 9. ' '< Ship Laughing water, Gardner, from Boston, July 10, for London, was spoken Jnly 24,15 t 44, long 60. Ship Sea Queen, tffason, for San Francisco, cleared at New York yesterday. ’ ' Shin Lebanon, from New York, arrived at fl Orleanl lQthfnst. . ' .f t . Ship F A Palmer, Richardson, for Sidney, NSVf, 9b* tered outward at London Sd hist. - Ship Chss A FsrweU, Orocker, for Port Philip,',eo*\ tered outward at London 3d Inst. ' .. \i Ship Revore, Bocko, for Newport, sailed from Brutqtf -32.15t Inst. ‘ i Ship Mandarin, Perritt, from New York for Shanghai passed the Straits of Sanaa May 21st. Bb£ Breadnanght, Samuels, from New York, at Llrer- Barque Osin&hU, Gordon, from Qenoa, at Palermo 24th nit. Barque Juniata, Sisson, from Mansanilla for Hamburg, passed Deal latirurt. ' , ' Barque Sea Breexo, Mayo, from Shields for Alicantp, was on North Foreland 30th ult. Barque La Oiquena, Berry, for Philadelphia, was at Matanzasfith Inst. ’ Barque Brothers, Ohoorer, hence for Olenfhego*. which put luto New York ?th lust, for repairs, cleared at that port on Monday for destination, ’ Brig Poconoket, Teague, henbe at Salem 16th Inst. * • -o ■* A B -«t Ul!Ui/u ». Brig Wm Nichols, gtrout, hence at Boston ITth itut. Brig Abruscabab, Carlisle, from Georgetown, SQp haring repaired, cleared at Boston 17th Inst, for 8i John, NB. ;-J Schrs II Blackman, Sherman.Rnd Nebraska,GaskiU,' sailed from Salom 16th Just, for Philadelphia. Schr Lucinda Jane, Wall, hence at Salem 16th Inst.• Schrs Cyrus Chamberlain, Elliott: Mary T Plater, Blirnrd. and Charm. Blitxard, from Now York, at Wil* ■ mtaston.Dul.lTUiloßt. > } ‘ 'Bents T Benedict, Goldsmith, and Wm John, ~r4»-j hence at NeCr Haven 16th Inst. f, I Schr Isabel, for Philadelphia, sailed from New Haven ' 16th Inst, 1 Schrs Hannah Willetts. Oranmer, and B 0 Scribner, Carlisle, hence at Salem 14th Inst. : , Schrs B Watson, Pequoncock, & L Tar and Eleanor, i for Philadelphia, sailed from Salem 14th Inst.* Schr James Ward, Baker, cleared at New York yester day for Philadelphia , 1 Schr H B Gibabn, Crocker, hence at £pst Greenwich. 14th inst. .. ‘ Schr Ontario. Yangilder, Railed from East Greenwich 14 tb Inst, for Philadelphia. ' Schr Sophia Ann, Smith, at Fall River 13th lost, from Bristol, Pa, | Schrs T Paige, Robinson, and Snsan Orlean, Bragg, for Philadelphia, Balled from Fall River 18tb lost. [ • Schr Palestine, Gambern, Bailed from Fall River 14th inst. for Philadelphia. Sohr Saco, Facemere, hence at Richmond 17th mit. .. Schr L B Somers, Myers, hence at Savannah 15th tost. Schr Sarah, Benson, for Philadelphia, cleared at New Bedford 17th Inst. Schr N Berry, Pendleton, hence at Beverly 14th tort.. Schrs Eldrod. , and Spencer D. Mams, hence at Nantucket 16fh Inst. • • Schrs J L Hess, Loper; Henry Cole, Haxelton; Saunders, Williams; Eraeline Rickey, Tice, and Union, Baker, sailed from Providence 15th Inst, for Phllada. * «. Schr War Steed, Smith-hence at Providence 16th tost, Schr Hannah Matilda, White, sailed from Providence 15th inst. for Philadelphia. Schrs E L Bay, Hackney, and Charlotte, Smith, sailed from Pawtucket 10th tost, for Philadelphia. Schrs James Bliss, Hatch, and H Lewis, Cole, sap* posed for Philadelphia, sailed from Warren 16th Inst. Schr Charles Carroll, Pratt, hence at Hartford 16th Inst. Schr IsU, Chase, hence at Portland 15tU inst, Scht Geo Amos, Morithew, for Havana, cleared at Sa vannah lfith'lnst. Schr Mary J Hoyt, Starr, from Boston, at Baltimore yesterday. ■- Bchrs M Wrightiogton, Wrlghtlngton. and IB AF t f Pharo, hence at Fall Rlvor 16th inst. Sehrs Speed, Somers, and A j Morton, Henderson, hence at Boston 17th inst. < Schr'A Downing, Klee, hence at N Bedford 18th tost. Schr Only Son, Perry, from Delaware Olty, at New Bedford 16th tost. Schr Neptune, Clark, for Philadelphia, aalled from N Bedford 16th inst. Steamer Block Diamond. Allen, cleared at New Fork on Monday fos Philadelphia. Barge Star, Drake, cleared at New York yesterdayioP Philadelphia. MARINE MISCELLANY. Launched—At Richmond, Me. Bth inst. by Mr. T J Southard, a fine schr by the name of Hespearing. The s.eamahlp Granada was yesterday taken on the large balance dock for repairs. She will he stripped, re* caulked and nowly coppered. Whale ship 1 George, 270 tons, with all her whaling' gear and appurtenances, was sold at auction at New Bed ford 17th inst, as she was discharged from her last voy age, to Gideon Allen A Son forsBfioo. One-sixteenth of ship Roman woo also sold at auction, as she was dU*. Charged from her last voyage, to Qeo V Barker, the, rate of $6260. SPOKEN. t No date, lat 227 43, long 1140, ship Chepultepee, frost i Bombay for Liverpool. July 6. off Cape Frio, barque Fame. Kennedy.froto Norfolk for Rio Janeiro. Aug 9, lat 32 46, long 67 42, brig MaryE Thompson, from Boston for Mat&nzas. New York, Aug. 17.—-Arrived, ship Aztan, Hcagam from Calcutta March 29th, Sandshead April Ist, and St. Helena July Bth, with linseed, hides, Ac. Hud a suc cession of calms In the Bay or Behgal, also very high SE trade winds to the Indian Ocean: had very heavy weather off the Cape of Good Hope, which she passed- June 21st. Arrived at St Holeaa July 4th, and while there was run Into by £r ship Cairngorm, carrying away onejibboom, cathead, broke main roil, store bulwarks, and done other damage. 46.40 E, off Madagascar, saw an American whale ship showing a red dag. with white letters S B onlt. The A crossed the Equator in the Atlantic July 23d, (uidbal liad light W to WNW winds since passing Bermuda. Bark Roebuck, Chose, from Rio Janeiro, July lsth, with coffee. The U 8 ship Falmouth, for New York, and brk Cortlta for New Orleans. Soiled July 11th, vessels left before reported. August 12th, Ist32 long 09 fig spoke schr Aunllla. Howe, hence for Pensacola. Brk Clara Haxall, of Richmond, Nelson, from Rio Janeiro, July 4, with coffee. * Cleared, ehipa Kate Prince, Jones, St Johns; City of Brooklyn, Mitchell, New Orleans; barque F W Fanning, Harding. Cardenas; brigs Martha, Donaldson, St Johns, NP; M Hamilton, Baker, Mobile; schrs ft N Hawkins, Maadreil, Charleston; John Boston, Lingo, Savannah. Sailed, steamship Empire City, McGowan, Havana and New Orleans. Aug. 18—Arrived, U S M Steamship Augusts, Wood* ull, 68 hours from Bavannah, with mdso ana passengers, Sunday, 8 a. m. off Frying Pan shoal, passed schooner Passport; 2 P M Ist 8i.14, lon 76.37, passed schooner W H Smith! ' U B M steamship Marlon Foster, from Charleston, with merchandise and passengers. On Sunday, 515 P M, Cape Hatteras light boaring W 8 W, exchanged sig nals with steamship Florida State of Georgia, from Phi ladelphia for Charleston, and steamship Nashville hence for Charleston. On Monday, 12 30 A M, exchanged sig nals with steamship Florida hence for Savannah, at 12 80 P Jf, exchanged signals with schooner Ponce from Rio Grando, bound north. Ship RD Sheppard, of New Orleans, Gale, from Leg horn, June 2, passed Gibraltar Juno 18, with marble, rags, Ao, ana 40 passengers. * Ship wm Tapscott, Bell, Liverpool, July Ist, with mdse and 760 passengers. July lltb, lat 47 30, lon Id 10, spoko the Cygnet of London bound east; 14tb, lat 61 30. lon 23 20. spolce Jaß Ridden of Annan bound east; 17th, lat 62 40 lon 2610, passed an American Bteamer with two masts headings B, had no steam up, apparent ly a man of war. Bark Tremont, of Boston, Baker, Bordeaux, Juno 20th, with brandy, Ac. July 17th, lat 41, lon 27 50, spoke schooner Pride of the Sea, hence for [understood] Marseilles; Aug 10th, lat 42 40, lon 63 60, spoko back Wolf from Boston for Pictou. The Tremont baa had light wosterly winds and calms the entire passage, Barkentine Col John Mcßae, Park, Wilmington, N 0, 4 days, with naval stores. Old, ship City of Mobilo, Marshall, Mobile: brigs Peru, McLelian, St Johns; Martha, (Br) Donaldson, St Johns; schrs North Star, Derrickson, Savannah: Wake, O’Brien, Wilmington; E C Feller, Arnold, Charleston. BOSTON, Aug 17—Art- ship Jos Holmes, (of Kings ton,) Josalyn. New Orleans; Brigs F P Ladd, (Br) Por* ter, St Kitts 29th ult: Volant, (Br) Lorway, Sydney, OB: Victoria Ursula, (Br) Lenoir, Pictou: Mecosta, (of Gouldsboro’) Haynes, Pictou; Irene, (Br) Boudrot, Pic tou; James Crosby, (or Bangor) Clifford, Piotou. Brig China, (of Rockport) Boomer, Port an Prince 27tb ult. Bpoke about 29th, off St. Marc, brig lanthe, of Eastport, from a Southern port, out 52 days for a port In 81 Do-' mingo, with yellow pine lumber. Telegraphed—Br brig Active, supposed from Nova' Scotia. Signal for two uarks and three brigs. Old barks Monmouth, Henry Merritt, St Johns, NF, to load for the Mediterranean; Undine, Merryman, New Orleans; Etiwan, HalL Charleston; brigs Richmond, Hopkins. Rosario via Buenos Ayres; Stephen Young, Perry, Pictou; 8 D Hart, Hart, Charleston; Fleetwood. Burr, Richmond. Sailed—Wind NNW to SBB with rain, brig Souther, and probably went to sea. Bark Monmouth was towe d to sea on Saturday afternoon. , SALEM, August 16—Arr barque Ann. A Mary, Bab bidge, Congo River, Africa, June 28. with palm oli, Jto ry, gum, Ao, to Root Brookhouse. Left brig Charlotte, Lockhart, from N York, April 14, arr 20tb, nno. Sailed* in company with brig Rodney Carr. Swain, (from Eton- \ ington via St Helena.) bound North. At Loando June 20, barque John unc. Sailed June 16, barques Eastern Btar, Voorhees, for St Thomas, Africa: Searaew, Marks. Benguela. > BALTIMORE, August 17.—Arr. steamship Jackson, Baker. New York; brigs W H Brune, Knight, Marseilles via Gibraltar; experienced light westerly winds most of the po&sogo ; Ina, Laneey, Eastport. Steamer Belvi dere, Keene, Richmond, reports haTingp&ssedoffCedar Point, on Sunday, about 12 M, bark Georgo A Henry, Trower. hence for West Coast S America—wished to be reported., 18th—Arr, schrs Georgia, Sweet. Newbury port; Peter Mowell, Small, Boston. Cld, schrs R H Huntley, Hammond, Piermont, NY; Segulne, Bell, New York. Sid, barks Creole, Ooflln, Bahia and a market: May Queen, Johnson, West Indies; brigs Seguin, Nel son, Charleston; Johanna Jacobs, (Dutch,) Mink, Em. den, Hoi. Cld at Newcastle previous to 50th ult, Hope, Merrill, and Glance, Gillespie, N York. ’ Sid from Belfast 31st* Tahiti, Tilley, Newport, E. Sid from Hamburg 3oth ult, Victoria Reed. Preble, England. Ar at Antwerp 30th, Concordia, Smith, N York. Bid 31st, John H Ryersoa, Latham, N York. Ar at Calcutta June 9, Chas Hill, Hale, Liverpool Peb 8; 12th, Frauk Johnson, Lnthrop, Bombay; 17th, Daniel Webster, Sampson, Liverpool March 1; Merrimac, Brag, do, (Plymouth, Feb 23.) ' * ** Old June 13, Ella E Badger, Tarlton, Boston; Arab Crosby, —; 18th, Robt Treat, Treat, Boston. Sid from Savor, Jane '<, Tsar, Fales, Boston: Ocean Steed, Cunningham, Dieppe andllavro; Bth, South Shore, Lathrop, Boston: 20th, Peter Marcy. Thompson, do; J Montgomery, Hamilton, do; Arammgo, Carson, New York; Element. Odell, Bushire; 11th, Gem of the Ocean, Thurston, Hamburg. Ar at Akyab May 28, Cromwell, Adams, Calcutta. Sid May 21, Windward, Smith, Queenstown; 23d Glen burn, Tebenham, Falmouth; 80tb, Albonl, Barnabr. do: June l.t, Midnight, U.tcb, Qttßenstown. 814 from b»t»vl«, Juno 7, EUta Thornton, Maxwell, London. . Ar. at Samarang, May 21, Lowell, Knowles, Sourbavs, (and sld 24th for Boston.) ' At Hong Kong Juue 9, ships Contest, Steele, for Siam; Galatea, Barber, for Bombay; Challenge, Ken ney; Good Hope, Miller; John Wade, Welsh; Kremlin. Johnson; Maylay, Wilcoub; Golden City, Lee, ondßar reds Brouthers. Peelo, unc; schrs Frolic and Carbon do. AtLoando, Africa, June 29, barque John Gilpin, Mamins, unc. Sld from do June 25, barques Eastern Star, Yorhees, for St Thomas, Africa; Semew, Marks, for Benguela. At Congo River, Africa, Juue 28, brig Carlotle, Lock hart, from New York; arr 20th, uno. Sld from do June 28th, brig Rodney Carr, Swatu, bound North. At Surinam, JiTly 28, barque Tropic Bird, Herrick, from Gloucester via Cayenne, just arr; Clara O Bell, Saunders, for Gloucester,unc; brign Frederic,Brown, from Cayenne; Able Jones, Tucker, for Gloucester, unc: Cronataat, Centre, unc. Sld 26th, Benj Cushing. Somes. Gloucester.; • Old at Quebec, 24th lust., Harvest Home, Cowan, Ar* drossan, Windermere, Rosa. Pwlheli, Seneca Moore, Conway, Regent, Danoen, Newcastle: Policy, Stamp, Llannelfy, Westmoreland. Griffiths, Queenstown: C. Bharples, Frederick der Groeae, Turk, Cardiff; Ragen, Panadrson, Loudon; Maiy Leonard, Durkee, Oaralff, Henrietta, Leyschinsky, Sunderland. 8. D. Ryerson, Crosky Greenock; St.Laurent,Poirier,Bathnnt. Ar it Matantas, 7th lust., schr J. T, Davenport, Ham lin, Charleston; sld 7th, brigs B. Young, Colson, Port land: Joseph Albion, Gott, Wilmington, NO. Bid from Cardenas, 7th Inst., brig Joseph Fish, Phil lips, New York. , ’ « Ar v t v*? B W» hwi: brig Ocean Ware, Martin, DOME9TIO PORTS. FOREIGN PORTS. LUt of Arrivals at the Principal Hotels, OIBABD HOUSE-Cheitout street, below Ninth. Dr Wood, Washington B T Hassell, New York A Iverson, do 1 . W Mining, do Mrs Moore, do MJ Bayard, .do H Goldthwart, Mobile R W Kearfelt. Baltimore . D Woolfolk A la, MU* JWBall, do W O Richards, Columbus, J Loughridge. Marlon, Ala w Hlw S Stevensjpa H Hugben, Pa D Perkins, Phil* Sidney Strong A la, Pitts- M Stewart, do burgh, Penaa George Frazer, Columbus, ETallcott, St Paul Mias - - M M Goodwin, do E McAlister, Pa FtjYlUia. Savannah R K Hlnea, Ga F,T Willis, do Mrs Oamak, Athens. Qa M B Williams, do Miss Oamak, do W King A la, do R Wall, do W H Olcott, Ga . AW Pool, Ark H T EUett, Miss T B Weber, lowa - M Van Horn, Hudson City J Hopkinson A son, 8 C SMLayton, do DM Ashley,Ky T B Wallace, Mo J Goodwin, Aurora J R White, Norfolk W R Royster. Ala AP, Gaines, Ark LR Moore, do Mias M M Gaines, Ark Mrs O E White, Balt J WWare, Ca AW Bowman, NY .J 8 Kennard A lady, St Louis E V Hsie A lady, N C Rev J McNeill. N Y PSBacot,SO A S Dungan, San Francisco F Roberts, N Q J W Mctyillongh. Balt H H Roberts, do- Miss Waters, Charleston Miss Wilson, On R K Hatchings, Clinton, Ga B F Young, Natchez L A Hart, WUmington, NO Wm H Norris A !y, NY A DebattU, N Y Sami Clapp, Brooklyn A A Depreau, Brooklyn 8 Wilkes, Md . J Waddell. Md H Weed A ly, Newb’g, NY John F Ennis, Washington J M Benedict A ly, do £ Smith, Lee, Mate F W Bennett A lv, Bolt J Wiicos, Meridan, Ot WE Butler, Elytra, NY Wm Menzes A ly, NY Caleb Seagrave, ProV, RI John R Putnam, Boston W S Hulyer, St Louis F Geodell, NY M J Allen, NY J D Burch, Miss H J Kerncr, NY' W Strong, Beading J R Marsh, Aaron Springs J KO&rson, Rochester, N T O Atwater, Ohio B W Bowerman, NY JH Long, Miss Wm Williams. Penna A G Stotlemrith, Alabama H Brown. New York RJHill, do A M Reed A ly, Florida E Picknoll A ly, Tennessee Mrs Cabell A dad, Miss MrsAnnPicknell do O L Thomas, do E H Chapman, H S Allen, Whitehall N Y John Waft, J W Yanderberst, Brooklyn R Garrett, Albany Jas Rankin, Newark J Thornburgh, St Louis J A Peck, Connecticut Robt L S Hall, New York JB Greemnan, Brooklyn C Judsbn, do •D Bpencer, Brooklyn FR Justus, New Orleans A Blake. do Theo Danxiger, do Thos J Turner, Illinois W B Feesenan, Boston TB Hamlin A sons, Nash* Evan Thomas, Jr, BaltU villo Tenn more J W Berkeley, Kentucky Geo RMmer, New York G Knap, Pittsburgh. „ - STATES UNION, Market street, above Sixth. Sami D finish, Oarlisle Wm B Coulter, Latrobo, Pa Jas M Groom, Harrisburg H G Monroe, Pittsburgh Ghae R McGee, Baltimore J E Fox, Chester co, Pa Joseph Sewel, Ohio Chas G Gets,Chicago, 111 Sunl Boggs, Chicago, 111 H G Warne, Pittsburgh Otto L Reese,West Chester Thos Keating, Harrisburg Robt-Jones, Baltimore Mrs Brott. Columbia Wm Moore,Wrightaville. Pa Wm Brook, Tamaqua, Pa . R L Smith, Tamaqua, Pa MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch; DN Ropes, NY. J W Bailey, Mo. 5 .•. , P T Glass, Tentt. John Watkias v T«’on. 0 Bardwell, Now York Ira Canfield, Newtek, NJ Isaac Smith, Meriden, Ot. J Roxbuty, AW2X V*. N Loewenthal, New York Sam’l Hecht.BAltlmore 8 Pifferling, Baltimore H E Peyton,Me.’ Jolrn Robbins, Phllada John G Spencer, Plant, O W B Aber, Pittsburgh • Jom 1 l 8 FeeUer, St Louis A M Bhiolds, BlalrsvlUe L Morganstern, Pittsburgh Paul Groff, do E W Davidson. Phllada. -Jas A Nimmo, Florida E Nebhut, Ga. Samlßomberger, Lancaster Frock Graeey, Memphis. W Trego, Bucks oo Thoa F Brown, New-York G P Campbell, Ohio Hiram Wolf, Mtuch Chunk W 8 Brown, Council Bluffs R M Palmer, Pittsburgh * .WWKrily, Port Royal • T E Malbry, Lafayette, Ky BRMollvneauz, Oxford,O LG.Swartz,Lancaster Wm Daniel. Maryland JohnHLentz,Tennessee J P Curl, CireleviUe,o Wm Cully. Pittsburgh BHSwansey, Shippensburg Jas Waddell, Maryland E O Wadhams, Plymouth James it Gillie do GW Farris, Tennessee A Beatto, St Joseph, Mo B W Andrews, Tennessee W J Ely, Clarksville, Tenn G 8 Whitmore, Arkansas L W Love, Gallatine. Tenn Wilson Agor, Colombia eo O Faltog, Mississippi A Beaumont and to, Pitts Mrs McCullough, Pitts UNION HOTEL—Arch street, above Third. J A Alrich.Lonisville, Ky Isaac S Handy, Cape May 3 J Corer, Danville Calvin S Day, Wiuterv’e, O Geo Frees, Beading, Pa DS McCoy, do’ Jabez Sparks, PottavlUe A Lambert, New Hope, Pa Miss Mary Sparks, do J H Elmer, Bridgetou, N J Mite E Spares, do All Miller, Cape May Andrew F Vaughan, Cal James L Kcrt, Wrightaville E T Boaz, Indianapolis, Ind T E Vickers, Ohio W K McCance, Pittsburgh J M Mrttlino, Centre co, Pa IJ Boyd, Ohio T P Officer, Alabama 8 G Newcomer, Jackson,Mis Thos C Newcomer, N O K Peck, Conn C Bartlett A lady, Flam* Caleb wheeler, Reading tagion, N 3 Wm 8 Fisher, do Rlch’d Sharpe, Luzerne co F6Boaz, do SO Parmenter,Bocklsl* W M Lee, do and, 111 AMERICAN HOUSE—Chestnut st., below Sixth. W W MorroW, Little Rock, TW Russel, Hartford, Ct Arkansas, QJ Hinds, Philipsburg, Pa J W Murphy, Phlla W Smith & U Petersburg J H M Zook, Harrisburg, Virginia, Goo W Cummings, Phlla R 8 Mcllvaine, Lancaster. C SiUyiaan, Potuvlllc, J Gates & la,GinclnaUi, T J Boyce, Saratoga, Jas M Ridley, N V DC AlUnson, Westfield,Mass Jaa Terry & wife, Conn JW Sexton, PhUa, Miss S Treat, do T J Prow. Ala N T Baldwin &la do 3 J Norfolk, Md Eli Terry, do 9 C Charleston, Atlantic Cy MissSKnoles, Dayton, 0 E R Robinson, Ky L 3 Livingston, Tenn, B Robinson, do S Sanford, do Henry putsch, New York HarTey Russell, New York Geo Richards, Pottstown Chaa Kelli, BoonvUle, Mo Satouel M Brlcker,Lancaster Ambrose M Roll, Lancaster R B Arery,Philadelphia Via 0 Hampton. New York A Inslee, New York WW Rygott, do J L Waggoner, Kentucky J B Wallace, Kentucky 3 N Cktlett,Hopkinsville Ky Geo U Barr, New York Tboi Boltimore, Virginia W Judah, Louisville J S Heacpck, Gloversville J W Robinson. Boston DW C Smith, Cincinnati WH Freeman, Norfolk Va Jobs 6 Stewart, Chicago. ' ’ CITl' HOTEL-Third (treet, tbtnt Klee. Saral Johnston, BoylestownJM Mayfield, Doyleatown Edgar Shoff, Center Co. Edw Milton, Bloomsburg Sen CTefft,-Newark, NJ A Mount, Newark. N J ftlfeUy, Rordentowa • W H FUtaraft, Bridestarff it Bumoulco, Pittsburg M Hubert, Morristown tl B Chatan), Lockharea 8 Thompson, Clearvllle It Huhn, Doyleatown, 8 Storenson, Clearvillo Mrs. Hcibt 'White, Philo H Stone, Parkereburgh It Davis, N J G Dunlop, N J Blair Moore, Holldaysburg Spcrinl Notices. Merchant*, Clerks, Book-Keeper!, or those Intending to become such, should read at once those new pocket handbooks entitled “How to Write,** <( Uow to Talk,** “llow to Behave,” and especially “How to i do Buiness.** A new “Pocket Guido to Success in Prac* tical Life, Choice of Pursuit, with Legal and Commer cial Forms.** Price 30cents; muslin, 60 cents. One dollar will pay for the four works in paper, or f 1.60 In one.large handsomely-bound volume. They will be sent to subscribers by first mail, postage prepaid, by Fowler and Wolta, No. 231 Arch street, Philadelphia. Aug. 19»lt* Bower’s Infant Cordial.—This Invaluable Cordial is prepared from a variety of the most choice and effi&lent aromatics known in medicine, and is the most perfect and reliable carminative extant for infants and young children. By its powerful influence a speedy cure is effected in all cases of Choiie, windy pains and spasms. Believes tffed mitigates much of children’s suffering daring denti tion or teething, and by its soothing properties tran* qulllaes pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, Ao. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been need In thousands of cases with the most abundant sucsess. No family should be withont it. Prepared only by Hknrt A. Bowsn, At his Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. cornor of Blxth and Green sts., Philadelphia. Tp whom all orders must be addressed. And for sale byDrugglsts generally. au 23-ly Seamen’s Saving Fund—Office 203 Walnut street, one door west of second street. Receives de posits In sums of One Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allows Interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum. Moneys paid on Demand. Office open dally, from 0 until 6 o’clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 In the evening. President Franklin Fell; Treasurer, Charles M. Morris; Secre tary, James 8. Pringle. Walton’a Gents’ Furnishing Store, 101 North Btxth Street, below Race. Particular atteutiou given to the manufacture of flue SHIRTS, which will'be sold at very moderate rates, for cash. aulS-lw* Saving Fond—Five For Cent* Interest—Na tional Safety Trust Company, in Walxut Btreet, south west corner of Tsibd Street, Philadelphia. Assets overOa* Million ahd a Half op Dollars, invested & R9al Estate, MoarOAOEB,Gßonyo Remts, and other Arstd&s* securities, as required by the charter. This Institution confines Its business entirely to the recei ving of money on deposit. Any sum, large or small, Is received, and the money is always paid back, with out notice, to any amount. . Tbq office Is open every day from 9 o’clock in the morning until 7 o’clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings until 9 o’clock. IP" A Meeting of the Malt and Liquor DEALERS ASSOCIATION will be held on every THURSDAY AFTERNOON, at 2 o’clock, at DILIGENT HALL, Tenth anri Filbert streots. By order of ' atjl2-wMhtr ASSOCIATION. iUurringcs. On the 16th inst., by Rev. John W. Hickman, Mr. WILLIAM LOVETT to Miss MARGARET LINNIS. both of Camden. N. J. On Tuesday, llth inßtant, by the Rev. Joseph Ken nard, Mr. WILLIAM HOLT to Miss SARAH M. NOBLE. On the 6th of July, by the Rev. Wm. Ramsey, Mr. SAMUELS. SHAFFER to bliss ADALINE ARNETT, both of this city. ©ciitljs. On the 28th instant, DANIEL BWEENY, aged 70 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from * hia lata resi dence, 8. W. corner of Sixth and Catherine streets, on Thursday afternoon, at 3o’clock, without further no tice. Propced to Cathedral Cemetery. it# fITEPTUNE INSURANCE COMPANY.— il OFFICE 414 WALNUT St., Franklin .Buildings. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. CAPITAL $lOO,OOO, WITH PRIVILEGE to INCREASE TO 600,000. This Company fa now faff/ organ ted, and prepared to make all kinds of Insurance against loss or damage by Fire and Marine Perils, at current rates. OFFICERS. H. C. LAUGHLIN. President. RICHARD BIIIELDS, Vice President. GEO. SCOTT, Secretary. DIRECTORS. 11. C. L&ughlin, P. Sherwood, Wm. Osborne, Richard Shields, T. W. Shewell, CJEA-BATHING AT CAPE MAY, CAPE r 3 ISLAND.—'The Centro House will bo kept open for the accommodation of viiitera until November next, at a reduced price. J. E. MEORAY, Proprietor. augl9*eod2w TCLAGSI FLAGS!—PACKER FLAGS, X also PUla Flags from two and a half Indus to five feet, wholesale, and retail, at the flag Depot. No. 60 South Second street. aug* TyOTIOE.—LETTERS TESTAMENT IRY 11 upon the Katate of HANNAH OAIJIOON, (do cmed,) hnifw been granted to the undonlgned; all persons indebted to said Estate will please make part ment, and those haring claims will present the same to 4<t CHARLES B. REES, Executor, auW.wet* No. 3386 Coated street. WANTED— GOAL, GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, to., for House and Sign Painting, and Gluing, at No. «U OALLOWHILL street. AIM, ahoy wanted under instructions. &u!9«eod'3t* WHEATLEY’® ARCH BT. THEATKE. F ¥ -Solo Lessee W. WHEATLEY. Soil* oi Smcm.—Orohesti* atslls, 60 cants: Dress Circle (no extra clnrge for Scoured Bests). SO cants; Family Circle and Amphitheatre, 26 cents; Seats In Prl ▼ate Boxes. 76 Cents; Whole Private Box, $3: Gallery, ISceatt; Qallorr for Colored Persona.2s cents: Prl’ ▼ate Box la Golfer? for Colored Persons, 8$ cents. Box Office open from 10 A. M. untU 3P. M. J. M. B. wBXTTQ&t .Treasurer. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, August 19th, will he presented for the second time, the new play entitled CHARITY'S LOVE, OR THE TRIALS OF A HEART. Captain Algernon Mr. E. L. Davenport Charity Mrs. E. L. Davenport To conclude with MY PRECIOUS BETSY. Mr. J. S. Clarke Mr.BpttftU ..... Doors will open at 7 o’clock. terforn;ance» commence at T)s ptecleelj WALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Fro y V jirletor. Mr. WM. 3. NAULE: Acting and Stage Manager, Mr. WAYNE OLWINE. Prices—Dresa Circle and Pargnette, 60 cents: Upper Circle, 26 cents; Private Box and Orchestra Seats, 76 cents. Box Office open from 9 o’clock A. M. to 4P, M. Boors openat 7 o’clock; performance will commence at 8. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Angnst 19th, NAGLE’S JUVENUE COMEDIANS. The performance will commence with _ ~ „ TOM NODDY’S BEOBET. Captain Ormond Little Frederick Wren Marj N0ddy........ Little Martha Wren c , SINCtIN(J AND DANCING. The whole to conclude with the operetta of THKWELSHOIRL TVATIONAL THEATRE. WALNUT J.l STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH— Action Manager, WAYNE OIWINB. Prices-Seata In PrWato Box ji cents; Orchestra Chairs, 60 cents; Dress Circle and Par quet, 37# cents; Family Circle, 26 cents. Box office open from 10 io 8 o’clock, whan seat* can to secured open at 7; to commence at 8 o’clock. WEDNESDAY EVENING, August 19th. CHRISTY f WOOD'S MI,\ T STRBLS t In a variety of their unequalled Ethiopian delineations. The performance trill consist of Songß, Dances and Wit ticisms. Tocouclude with BLAGS BLUNDERS, on FORTY WINKS. Julias Crow, a Blacking Man George Christy Jocelyn Highflyer B. Bowers Miss Cynthia Racoon Master Eugene Academy of music, broad and- LOCUST Streets.—Mr. E. a. MARSHALL, Sole Lessee.—Last week but one of the PROMENADE CON CERTS. THIS EVENING, August 10th, novel and attractive features. MADAME JOHANNSEN, MISS G. RICH* INGS, Mr. PIGKANESER, MB. FRAZER. (URL BERGMAN, and the GERMANIA ORCHESTRA. New 'and splendid STATUARY, just lv.ded from ship Eu phrasia by Signor VITO VITI A BON, perfect like nesses of the following eminent American statesmen: Washington, Olay, Jackson, Webster, Calhoun and Fillmore. Admittance 2ft cents. au 19 C<ANFORD’S OPERA house— -I*3 ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut. Doors open at 7% o'clock—to commence at 8, > Admittance 25 cents. VARIETY WEEK. MONDAY and TUESDAY, August ifth and 18th. will be performed, “ The Virginia Mummy." WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, “ The Frightened Family.” FRIDAY and SATURDAY. ’< Villikins and Dinah." Previous to the piece; Ethiopian Minstrelsy by San ford’s Opera Trocpe, and Dancing by the Sanford chil dren. aul7-lw PARKINSON'S ILLUMINATED GAR DENS, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TENTH. PROMENADE CONCERTS with the Scottish Nightin gale, a Fine Orchestra, Fire Works, Ao., EVERY EVENING. au 18-tf Admittance, one shilling. tiOAf) OR $6OO BOOK BINDERY FOR SALE—Seven yean established, doing a fair Job business, which can be increased, both blank and printed jobs. Location. 685 Arch street, below Sixth. Blank books at cost, jobs bound to order. auglO-ftw The best and cheapest ambro- TYPES in the World, at the new rooms, 1520 West MARKET Street, over Chance's Dry Goods Store. EVANS, Photographer and Practical Teacher. MRS. BARTON'S BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1029 CHESTNUT St., below Twentieth, will re-open on the SECOND MONDAY in September. aol9-6w# Bailey & co., chestnut street. Manufacturers of BRITISH STERLING SILVER WARE, Under their inspection, on the premises exclusively. Citicens and Strangers are invited to visit our manu factory. ■WATCHES. Constantly on hand a splendid stock of Superior Gold Watches, of all the celebrated makers. DIAMONDS. Necklaces, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear-Rings, Finger- Binge, and all other articles in the Diamond lino. Drawings of NEW DESIGN 3 will be nude free oi charge for those wishing work made to order. RICH GOLD JEWELRY. A beautiful assortment of all the new style! of Fine Jewelry, suck as Mosaic, Stone and Shell Cameo, PearJ, Coral, Carbuncle, Marquislte, Lava, Ac., Ac. SHEFFIELD CASTORS, BASKETS, WAITERS, Ac. Also, Bronze and Marble CLOCKS, of newest styles, and of superior quality. aul-d twAwly COAST PILOT—IN PRESS AND WILL SOON BE PUBLISHED, the followiug standard Books, viz: Blunt's Coast Pilot. 18th edition; Bow ditch’s Navigator,27thedition: Snipmaiter'aAssistant. 9th edition. We invite attention to our now Spring Centre Com passes, which answer for either light or hoavy weather, and are especially adapted for steamers, and vessels where the motion is considerable. They requiro fewer repairs than any eompa&s now in uso. Marine Opera Glasses of superiorquality, Spy Glasses, Aneroid and Mercurial Barometers, • Thermometers, American, French and English Sextants, Octants, Quad rants, Azimuth Compasses, Binaries, Log Glasses, and all kinds of Nautical Instruments and Books, constantly on band- Alio, Charts of all parts of the world from the latest and best authorities Agents for Rogers’ Americas Code of Signals, Deni’s Chronometers and Compasses, and for Abbott’s Horo meter, end an instrument for working ont problems in Nautical Astronomy by simple inspection and with per fect accuracy. They have received the approval of ex. perieuced shipmasters, and hare been adopted by the U. S. Nary. E. A G. W. BLUNT. aulUm* No. 179 Water Street. LUMBER! LUMBER!!—The subscriber, who has for several rears occupied the premises at Sloan's PUaing Mill, Kensington, has removed to COATES STREET WUAU9, adjoining tho Phcenix Planing Mill, on Delaware avenue, where he intends keeping a large assortment of Carolina and other floor ing hoards, steps, risers, shelving, ceiling, fencing and scaffold hoards, thoroughly seasoned and well worked. For sale at the lowest Cash prices. Purchasers are in vited to call and examine for themselves, and every ef fort will be made to give satisfaction. Orders received and supplied at the shortest notice for all kinds and sixes of Southern yellow Fine, Timber and Boantling. aul-tf 8 8. KICHIK. MACGREGOR HOT-AIR FURNACES, Sold by CHADWICK & BRO., SECOND Street first door above Race. auglB-3mos. NOTlCE.—Consignees for W Norwegian Barque ANNA. Kildahl, mwter, from La Rochelle, will please send their permit* on board, or to tho Counting House of the subscribers; u all goods not permitted within five days, will be sent to PnblTe Btores. HENRY BOHLEN&OO.. 221 and 223 Sooth 4th street. /CAUTION—ALL PERSONS ARE CAU TIONED against trusting any of the CREW of the Norwegian Barque “ANNA,” Kildahl master, from La Rochelle, as bo debts of their contracting 'will bo paid by Captain or Consignees. HENRY BOIILEN, nu!B-3t 221 and 223 South Fourth st. H/TRS. M - A. BURKE, IfX* 802 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH, Informs SOUTHERN and WESTERN MERCHANTS she has opened FALL AND WINTER PATTERN HATS in toner color*, Aad a full Hue of MOURNING HATS. auglB-2w \m7anted-aboy who “can read T Y manuscript well. Apply at the PRESS OFFICE. CARTER’S ALLEY, above SECOND, after 12 o’clock. aul7 WANTED TO RENT.—A THREE Story BRIOK HOUSE, suitable for a small family. The best references given. Address “ Rent/’ Press Office. au!2-2wf CONGRESS RANGE.—SOLD BYCHAD- Yj WICK A 8R0.,N0.202N. SECOND Street. auglB-3mos. ALL" OF ST. JAMES THE LESS* PHILADELPHIA. A FAMILY BOARDING SOHOOL FOR BOYS. Rgv. B. R. BMTBBR, Rkotob. The Annual Session will begin on TUESDAY, Sep. tember 1. Circulars maybe obtained at the Bookstore of H. HOOKER, 8. W. corner EIGHTH and OHESTNUT, or of the Rector, Post Office, Falls bf Schuylkill, Phila delphia. i _ aul7-6ra WELCOME RANGE. —BoId by CHAD- Y Y WICK A BRO. .202 N. SECOND St. aulB-3m. Leading criminal cases, vol. ii. A SELECTION OF LEADING OASES IN CRIMINAL LAW. With notes by E. H. BENNETT and F. F. HEARD. Yol. 11., Bvo ; $5. lust published, by LITTLE, BROWN A CO., au!7-3tcd* 112 Washington street, Boston. Hotel and summer banges.- Sold by CHADWICK A BRO., 202 N. SECOND S 1 auglB-3moa. George h. Armstrong, attor ney AT LAW AND CONVEYANCER, 1,344 Lombard street, below Broad. aul7*lni* Welcome range.—soldbychad WICK A BRO, 202 N. SECOND St. au3S-3ra. CHAS. HALLOWELL & CO., • NO. 417 MARKET STREET, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPOSTERS OF HATS, CAPS, AND LADIES’ FANCY FURS. Merchants will find it to their interest to examine our Stock before purchasing elsewhere. aul4-lm# SPIRITS TURPENTINE—2OO bbls Spirits Turpentine, to arrive, for sale by MARTIN A MACALI3TER, aul HO North Water Street. COrrON —200 bales good Middling to Mid diing Fair Cotton, in store and for sale by MARTIN A MAOALISTER, aul 119 North Water Street THOMASIE. BAXTER.—HARDWARE, CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No. 910 MARKET ST., above Ninth, south aide, Philadelphia. au l-6m JOHN N. REEVES, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, PASSYUNK ROAD, opposite County Prison. Orders for Jobbing promptly attended to. aul-lm CEMETERY OFFICE, NO vJT 118 WALNUT St., beIowPIFTH ' au lltf George Minster. W. 0. Stotesburr, R. M. Carliie, O. 0. Butler, Geo. Scott. [au!9»y TUVANS* GREAT GIFT BOOK SALE, JEi No. 336 CHESTNUT Street. N. 8.-No conneo tion with any other house lu the City. aul-Sra CHARLES MAGARGE & CO.,— Wholesale Dealers In PAPER, RAGS, Ac.. No. 80 South SIXTH Street. Philadelphia. anl-lm CULLENDER & PASCAL, k 3 hatters, xnl-tim No. 8 a. SIXTH etreet, PhiUdelpM., /COTTON —IOO bales Gulf Cotton, in store u>i for ule I>J PS— 17 bales Carolina Moss, lor sate ny MARTIN & MACAUSTER, »ul 119 North Water Street. BALE ROPE.—Buyers are invited to call , and examine our Manila Bale Bopo, yrhleb we can can icll as tow as American, and warrant It superior In strength end durability. WEAVER, TITLES ft 00., an 11 No. 33N. Water »t. »mU22N,ffbarrel, C^mnaements, MARTIN ft MACALIBTER, 119 North Water Street. Canbiimtfs for ®Ece. ASSEMBLY THOMAS S. STROWHOCEB, Twentieth Ward, Eleventh District Buhject to Democratic Rales. aalP-lt* Recorder of deeds—albert d. BOILEAU, Sixteenth Ward. Subject to Demo cratic Rules. r . auglB-dtsepB* FOR PBOTHONOTARY OF THE dis trict COURT. WM. M. REILLY, of First Ward. Subject to Democratic Rales. aa!7-dteeB* £um assembly—jshn h. brady, * Eighth War i—Seventh Legislative District, Sub- Ject to Democratic rules. aalS-tsepS* PBOTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT COURT—WM. LOUGHLIN, Becond Ward, Sub ject to Democratic roles. aals-Bep7* l?OR AS SEMBLY—EDWIN SMITH, J. NINTH DISTRICT, TWELFTH WARD. Subject to Democratic Rales. &al4# FOR ASSEMBLY—Second District. PER RAN J. COOK, Second Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. anl2-tC# ClerK of quarter sessions^. JOSEPH CROCKETT, Sixteenth Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. au 12-4 w» For assembly—Joseph j. keefe. —Second Legislative District, Second Ward. Subject to the decision of the Democratic Convention. anft-dtSS PBOTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT COURT, JOHN P. M’FADDEN, of f’.. Ward. Subject to the rules of the Democratic Party, anl-tf Fob recorder of deeds—thos. J. HEMPHILL, Tenth ward. Vine street, chore Eighth. Subject to Democratic rules. anlO-lm* JOHN M. ARUNDEL, of the Twenty second Ward, will be a candidate for Assembly, from the Sixteenth District. Subject to the nomination of the Democratic Convimtion. aus-eod2w* FOR ASSEMBLY—THIRD DISTRICT FRANKLIN McILVAIN. Subject to Democratic rules. auB-dtapg OH CORONER—DR. FEODORE MIER SON, Fifth Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. auS-luv* FOR PBOTHONOTARY OF THE DIS TRICT COURT, LEWIS T. MEABB, of Twelfi Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. auB-lm# PBOTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT COURT, GEORGE F. MEEBER, Twenty-second Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. and-tSeS TjlOR RECORDER OF DEEDS—R. R. .A YOUNG, Seventh Ward. Subject to Democratic Bpl** au4-lm* For clerk of quarter sessions, SAMUEL O. THOMPSON, 6th Ward. Subject to the Rules of the Democratic Party. au4 wA* tag* For coroner—n. o. beid, m. d. Subject to Democratic Rules. au4lm* OR ASSEMBLY—FIRST DISTRICT— JOSEPH H. DONNELLY, First Ward.* Subject to decision o ithe Democratic Convention, aul-ftww FOR ASSEMBLY—THIRD DISTRICT.— DAVID R. McLEAN, Fourth Ward. Subject to Democratic Rales. aul-tseB* FOR ASSEMBLY— JOSEPH HUNEKER, Eighth District, Eleventh Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. atl.lm* For recorder of deeds— CHARLES M. MILLER, Fourteenth Ward, Subject to Democratic Rules, on aul t seB For recorder of deeds—george W. WUNDSR, Thirteenth Ward. Subject to De mocratic Rules. aul-sw* For recorder of deeds—n. f. WOOD, Thirteenth ward. Sabjeot to Democrat!, rules. au3-t»* riLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS.- - \J GEORGS SIMPSON, THIRTEENTH WARD.— Subject to Democratic Rules. a<sepS iHiscelianeons, CJTATE AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION. 3 —AGRICULTURISTS, STOCK BREEDERS, GARD NERS, POMOLOGIST3, INVENTORS, MANUFAC TURERS. ARTISANS 1 f All classes are Invited to be come exhibitors. THE PENNSYLVANIA BTATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY will hold its SEVENTH ANNUAL EXUI. BITION at Powelton, West Philadelphia, on SEPTEM BER 29th and 80th, and OCTOBER Ist and 2d ensu ing, for the display of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Bwlne and Poultry, Agricultural Machines and Implements, Dairy, Field and Garden Products, Seeds, Fruits, Flowers and Vegetables, the Mechanic. Arts. Domestic, Household and other Manufactures, Stoves, Wares and Inventions. A PLOWING MATCH !! In order to promote skill and efficiency in the im portant work of the Farm, a Plowing Match will come oil on the fourth day of the Exhibition, to which men and youths are invited to compete for the premiums. To sellers and borers of farm stock this Exhibition will afford a most favorable market. The different Railroad Companies will carry all stock and articles to and from the Exhibition frtt of charge as heretofore, and will issue Excursion Tickets for the Fair week at the usual liberal rates. Lists of Premiums and all other information will be famished os application to ROBERT C. WALKER, Se cretary. at the Rooms of “ the'Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture, ” Chesnut Street, below Seventh, south aide, up stairs. The books for the entry of articles and animals wrtl b open on and after the Ist of September. DAVID TAGGERT, President Pcnna. State Agricultural Society. eul3-d t eep 28, KNIGHT'S COOKING EXTRACTS FOR flavoring Pies, Pudding, Cakes, Jellies, Custards, Ice Creams, Blanc Mange, Sauces, Syrups, Soups, Gra vies, Ac., Ac. Comprising Knight’s Extract of Lemon. Knight’s Extract of Vanilla. Knight's Extract of Rojo*. 'Kuightbi Extract of Or ante. Knight’s Extract of Peach. Knight’s Extraetof Almond. Knight’s Extract of Strawberry. Kuight’s Extract of Pineapple. Kuight’s Extract of Raspberry. Knight’s Extract of Celery. Kuight’s Extractor Nectarine. * Knight’s Extraetof Cinnamon. Knight’s Extractnf Nutmeg. Knight's Extract of Ginger. Knight’s Extract of Cloves. Knight’s Extractor Allspice. Knight’s Extractor Mac^. Knight’s Extract of Apricot. These Extracts are made with great care, and are war ranted to retain all the flavor and strength of the article represented, in & purified and concentrated form, conve nient for all culinary purposes. Retaining their flavor for any length of time and in any climate, and can be used at all seasons of the year when the fresh fruit can not bo obtained. They are pat up in a neat and convenient manner for use, vlx: 2 and 18 ounce bottles, and are respectfully recommeuded to the attention of House and Hotel Keepers, Bakers, Caterer.*, and the public in general Price 26 cent* pet bottle, or 6 bottles assorted for one dollar. For sale by C. D. KNIGHT, No. 7 South SIXTH Street. Grocers and Dealers supplied on liberal terms. aulS-lm SAFES. A large assortment of EYANS A WATSON’S PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED SALAMANDER SAFES, VAULT DOORS, For Banka and Btores. BANK LOCKB, Equal to any now In nse. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, Ac., On as good terms as any other establishment in the United States, by EVANS A WATSON, No. 26 South FOURTH street, Philadelphia. PLEASE GIVE US A CALL. aul3-tf FOR SALE, OR TO LET ON GROUND RENT, the Lot on North aide of High Street, 132 feet east of Twentieth Stre>A 26 feet 4 inches front and 170 feet deep, to Jones Street. Apply to aulO-mwf shr# EDWARD WALK, No. 702 Walnut St. Removal. —the y'oung ladies INSTITUTE, formerly located at No. 48, now 54 NorthSEVENTH Street, is removed to No. 1711 TINE Street, west of Seventeenth, north aide, where the sub scriber will be happy to see his former patrons and pupils, at the commencement of the Full Session For circulars, Ac., please apply to W. G. 35. AGNEW, aulo-2w No. 1711 Vine street. RItSSIA AND AMERICAN TARRED CORDAGE a superior article, manufacture and for sale by WEANER, FITLER A CO., au 8-tf No. 19 N. Water st., A UN-Wharves. YXTINOHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE- Y Y MEN'S FURNIBHING STORE, and PATENT BHOULDRR BEAU SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 706 CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, is particularly Invited to this improved ent of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article made. At whole- Bale and retail, and made to order. aus-Iyif I\TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Po ll licy No. 4202, issued by the American Fire Insur ance Company, fn the name of Nicholas E. Thouron, dated September 12,1863, for $4,000 on brick building situated on the west side of Sixth street, between Prune and Spruce streets, has been lost or mislaid. Applica tion baa been made for a new one in lieu thereof. A suitable reward will be paid for its return to No. 28 North Seventh street. au& w4t* . Harness, saddles and trunks, LACEY A PHILLIPS. Nos. 14 and 16 South SEVENTH Btreet, above CHESTNUT, have manufac tured, expressly for the FALL TRADE, a larger stock of superior Harness, Saddles and Tranks, than any other house in their line, and having reduced the modo of manufacturing to such a perfect system, they are be yond all competition for quality, style and priee. P. 9.—Country Harness makers can be supplied cheaper than they can manufacture. aal-ira JAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, Nos. 16 and 18 South NINTH BTREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT. A large and well selected stock of CLOTHS and CASSIMERES always on hand. All Clothing made at this Establishment will be of the best quality, and in the most fashionable style. Particular attention given to UNIFORM CLOTH ING. au6-tf SHARPE’S MEN’S AND BOYS’ CLOTHING, 148 North FOURTH Street, between Arch and Race. au6-ly (^JARDINES. —100 cases of 60 half boxes lO each, iu store and for sale by HENRY COHLEN A CO., an 6 Nos 221 and 223 S. Fourth street - TO EM OVAL—ADAMS’ BLANK BOOK Xl> and JOB BINDERY, from THIRD street, to No. 635 ARCH atreot, below SIXTH. Blank Books all alto on hand, or made to order. Magazines, l Music, Ac., neatly bound VERY CHEAP. &u6-6w —RAILROAD SPIKES AND CHAIRS constantly on bairn. Orders received for Light Railroad Iron—2B lbs., 33 lbs., 40 lbs. per yard. „ HANDY A MORRIS. au4-lm S. B. comer Front and Walnut. TVOTICE—TIIE BUSINESS OF TWELLS 11 A 00., and J. W. GASEILL & CO., will hereafter he conducted under the style of TWELLS, GASKILL A GALVIN, at No. 6 and 6 8. Wharves, »“d No. 328 N. Wharves. au4-lm WP. WARBURTON, FASHIONABLE • HATTER, No. 430 CHESTNUT Street, Mow fifth, Philadelphia. airt-lm rp ENEWLAND & CO., • LOOKING 01-ASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Importers and Dealers la Oil Paintings, Water-Color Drawings, Engravings. Ac. A large assortment always on hand. Packing ana removing Glasses, and hanging attended to. Ml AROH Street, above Sixth, south side. Philadelphia. . anl-im rp 'TAU&SON, JOB PRINTER, MERCHANT •J BTRRRT. CHECKS, NOTES, DRAFTS, BILL HBAD9. CIRCULARS, And JOB PRINTING generally, at shortest notice and flair prices. nul-lm JOSEPH BLACK, Banner, Sign, Decora tive aud General ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, N. E. censer FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, entrance on Fourth street. AIso—PORTRAITS, the site of life, painted from psgwrwtypet, sol-dim fiotels anb fiMlanratUs. P LINTON PLACE HOTEL, BROAD ’ WAY, corner of EIGHTH, street, Ntw.York. THIS ELEGANT MODERN ESTABLISHMENT is now open for the reception of guests, in the European style. ’ - SINGLE ROOMS from 60 cents to $1 par day. SUITS of ROOMS for families, from $1 50 to $lO per day. The MEALS served at all hoar* by the GAJU), at moderate rates. 0. J. MACtBtUy /m loaf end favorably known to the atre** of Jooea' and the Waited gtotat Hotel. PblladelphlV') U iwoeutxl in the management. and his etpeclaJ chaff* of the Catering Department. Jsrary attention hat been paid to make the orgaotaatiofi mt> feet, tad oar frltndi, petroru, and the tnreUing pnblie in general, may rest uswn4 that no eSort ehallfce wanting to make the CUKTOH worthy the fiwot which we hereby reapectfoliy eolleit. SCOTT HOUSE—Comet of Irwin Street and Daqoesne Way, PitUhorgh. B. 3). MARIEER, Proprietor. aulWm Louis b. coffin, THIRD WARD HOTEL, (DIRIOCRAf 10 HEAD QUARTERS,) t • Southeast corner PIPTH and QUEEN Streets. a&l-Im Philadelphia. W ILLIAM N. KING,—SOUTHERN • EXCHANGE HOTEL, Sooth-east corner of FIFTH and CARPENTER Bts., Philadelphia, aal-Im street HOUSE—SAMUEI V/ MILLER, (Old No. 121) New No. 331 CfIESNUt STREET, below Fourth, Philadelphia. au 1-lus WTILLIAM HANNINGS’ City L»ger Beer ' » Wood, Ho. as CABTKB’S AIiLET, FUbdll phi*. ■ , ant-la tPints onb jDiqtiors. Alexander t.holmes,wine and . HQDOK STORK. Ho. 228, Booties Comer of QROHQR and SOUTH Street.. WILLIAM F. PITFIELD,—IMPOSTER of BRAHDIKS, WINBB, Ac., to., Ho. S2B CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. ‘ anl4m Cl. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN PINE WINES, LIQUORS. CIGARS. £e.~. 28 South PIPTH Btreet, Philadelphia. ... s . Lil-ly Brandies.— Pinet, Castmoa a co.,Ma rett& Co., and other brands of Cogsaea of tarioos ▼lntagps, in half pipes and quarter casks: PeUtTOisiß Roch ell* Brandies, nrie and dark, In half pipes, quarter casks and one-eighth casks, all 1a Custom House stares, Imported and for sale hy HENRY BOHLES St CO-, an 9 New. 221 and 223 Boath Fourth street. TVTHMAB & BUTZ, PORTER, ALB 1/ AND LAGER BEER BREWERY, So. (new No. 83$) North THIRD Street, Philadelphia .-Shlgyfag orders promptly attended t*.~ _ ,aaX-tT (Eobacto anh <gjgore. HAVANA handsomo susprt* meat, raek u Kearo, Partagas, Cabanas, Boltaaa, Gloria, Joplter, Ooloso, ConyareUatas, Torray Lopos, Union a«mwi*»»» t Orejon, Flora Cabana. 4e. t 40., Ae., In V, jf, l-> and 1-10 oozes, of all sixes and quali tie*, in now and constantly neaMn*. and for wit lav. by OHABLEB THS, (n«v) 138 WALNUT Stmt, below Soeoad, second story "CMGARO, CABANAS AND PABTAGAS X' BSOABS.—A choice invoice of these celebrated broads ob board brig “ New Era,” daily tTpeciedfran HsTsna, snd for solo low, by CHARLES TXT*, (Mew) 138 Wftlsat street, below Second, sal Becood Bfcwy. Bales bn Cerium. Wouist k Soot?, Auctioneers. -401 CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE fttXl THE CUSTOM HOUSE, between Tomrtk cad fifth Streets. CARD—We in rite the particular attention, of pur chasers to the general assortment of choice Embroiac ies, Brocha long thanls, Stella bordered snare do. ALSO—Ladies French Cortots, Hooped Skirts. Ac. Alao.astoek’of milliner? goods, consistingof Colllingi, Edging*, Lace*, Blood*, Nets, Silk Illation Cranes, Bands, Tells, Capa, Collar*, Corffnrt*, chemisette*, Stomacher*, Crape Trimming*, Mohair Case, Braids, Basques, Habit*, Bmbroirdered Shirts, Shirt-lront*, Ac. DOLL HEADS. ALSO—Two cuu Poll Heids, suitable fbr JliiUaers use, the whole embracing about &00 lota, are new arranged for examination, with catalogues, sad will bo permptorily sold this day. commencing at 10 ©’dock precisely. Also one superior Sewing Machine. SALS AT 834 CHESTNUT STREET. This evening at 834 Chestnut street, commencing at 7K o’cloek, will bo sold Glider's Diamonds, Minerals, Shelving, Counters, Gold Pens, Ae. NOTICE.—Our sales of Embroideries. Millinery Goods, Ac., for the Pall sad Winter, will commence daring the early part of the present month, and will be continued regularly throughout the aeaaoa, duo notice of which will he given. Jw Jou Bstus, Auctioneer, NO. 825 ARCH STREET, between THIRD AND POCRTH STREETS. SALES EVERY EVENING at S o’clock, Of Boots, Shoes, Brogans, Gaiters, Hardware, Cutlery, Wstates. Jewelry, Hosiery, Whips, Trunks, Fancy Goods, Notions, Ac.. Ae. N. B. Terns of Night Salts, four months credit fcr approved City acceptances, for tarns of $lOO. and over with interest added from date of aale. CAED.-Oat-door Sales solicited of Household Furni ture at dwellings, Stocks of Hardwire, Underwriters’ Sales of Hardware. Cutlery, Ae. Consignments soli cited to be sold at the Auction Rooms. Charges moder* ate. Appl/.u above. Advance* made on Consignments of Goods. la - NR. CORNER OR BARRON AND e SOUTH STREETS, shove Second. EVENING SALES. BALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING,' - At TX o’clock, ai the Auction Store, «f Hardware, OtW lory. Housekeeping Article*, Clothing, Watches. Jewel ry, Fancy Articles, As. CJAMDEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, V 3 and MONEY LOAN OFFICE. No. 112 Sooth THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Fear st_, only eight doers below the Exchange. Hours of basinets from 7 o’clock, A. H., until 10 o’clock in the evening. n Out-door sales, ana sales at the Auction House,At tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL $300,000. Established for the last Thirty Years. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Dis moods, Silver Piste, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Mcr ehandize, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigar*, Muakal Instruments, Guns, Hones, Carriages, and Goods of every description. Alt goods ess remain any length of time agreed upon. All advances, from one hundred dollars upwards will be charged 2 per eent. per month; $5OO and over, the lowest market rate. This Btore House having a depth of 120 fret, has large Are and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, pri vate watchmen for the premises j also, a heavy insu rance effected for the benefit of all persona having goods advanced upon. N. B.—On account of having an unlimited capital, this office Is prepared to make advance* on more satis factory and accommodating terms any other In this city. Money advanced to the poor, in small amounts, with ou*. any charge. AT PRIVATE BALE. Gold Patent Lctct aad other Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will be told at reduced prices. aul-ly ©as -fitfrires. A RCHER, WARNER, MISKEY & CO., A Manufacturers of Q ASALIERS, BRACKETS, PEN DANTS, FITTINGS, and all kinds Of QAS aad LAMP WOBK, GIRANDOLES, Ac., No. 329 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. ARCHER, WARNER A CO, No. 3T6 BROADWAY, New York. Building* fitted with Gas Pipes, aad all kinds of altering and repairing of Gas Work. a^L-lm* attomeßS at £aa>, TYINLEL DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY ■Lr AT LAW, Southeut Corner o! EIGHTH ud LO CUST Street., Fblledelplilx. *al-ly Myeb strouse, attorney at LAW, CENTRE street, Pottsville, Pa. an4-ly JOHN BINNS, UNITED STATES COM. MISSIONED AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS. AND THE PROBATE OF ACCOUNTS for seven! States and Territories. He is, by law, authorised to administer Oaths and Affirmations to be received in all the Courts in Pennsylvania. JOHN BINNS may be found la his office. No. 116 South SIXTH Btreet, opposite the County Court House, from 8 A. M.tofiP. M. eal-lm HAZELTON AND SPRING MOUN TAIN, Lehigh, Hickory aad Locust Mountain SchuylkUl Coal for sale it KNOWLES’ Depot, NINTH aad WILLOW Btreet». auH-lm COAL! COAL! COAL!—TAGGART’* SPRING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH J'*J-cxmer'3 gesshwood, tamaqua ooal GEORGS W. SNYDER'S PINE FOREST SCHUYL KILL COAL. RANDALL & MEREDITH H»t* for tala, end are eoo*tantlj receiving frtna the above celebrated CoUieriee, COAL OF ALL SIZKS. There Is no Coal mined anywhere, equal la quality to theae. and atrial will convince aznr one of their neat' superiority. Our Coal U very carefully screened at our yard*, and we will warrant it perfoctly free from slate, dust and all impjiritiea. Our PRIORS are as LOW as the Orders left at oar Office. No. 151 SOUTH FRONT street, above Walnut. Orders left St our Tud, OALIOWHLLL street, below BROAD street. Order* left at our Wharf. WATER street, above OAL LOtVUILL—or sent to cither place per Despatch Post, will receive prffinpt attention. Purchasers for Family use will do well to call and ex* amice our Coal before purchasing elsowhere. au4-tf SCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL— receiving »t my yart. the best quality of SIIIIUYLKILL AND LK HIGH CO At. Mr custoniers, and all others who may favor me with their orders, may rely on getting Coal that will he satisfactory to them. uJ* No inferior Coal kept at this establishment to offer at LOW PRICES. ALEXANDER CONVERT, N, E. corner of Broad and Cherry Sts, EHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL.— DALY, PORTER & CO . COAL DEALERS, No 821 PRIME Street, above Eighth, keop constantly on hand, at the very lowest a full supply of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal. an 1.6 m Lumber and coal.—Montgomery A NEALL haring connectod the Coal with the lumber business, inform their Mends that they bars 0f the beBt qualities 'of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, and are now ready to re cel Twelfth and Prime streets. Orders may »• le f‘ Mr. 3. KILPATRICK, No. 13 S. FIFTJI tV r ?m.’,2 r "* lh Mr- WM.D.NEALL. comer PINE and WATER Streets. aulWm fIOACH, ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP Vy Factory of E.W USBHEBS, N 0.109 (ate 43) South EIGHTH, below Chestnut street, has become a saving of 50 per cent, to our SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MERCHANTS, &nd also the convenience of having their old Carriage Lamps new silver-topped and bottomed, and sent by express to all parts. aul2»ly JAMES KELLY, (Successor to William Curtis) Regalia, Books, Jewels, Emblems, Masouie and Encampment Charts, 4c. Odd Fellows* Hall, NORTH SIXTH BTRSJBT, below Race, Philadelphia. Orders from any part of the coon fry, addressed to James Kelly, promptly attended to N aul-lm WM. D. ROGERS’S CARRIAGE RE POSITORY, 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT Street above Tenth, will be opened cn or about the 25th lust., for the sale of every description of which the attention of the pubUo is ragpeffhiß colled. aalb-lH rpHOMAS PAHKER, WHOLESALE PEK- X FUItER, .removed to new number, 117 North Sixth street. Iban-Ot* abram slack—engraving, die •aS. Sicking and Embossed Printing, Envelops au Press Manufactory. 37 Btrawberrv Street, betwee Second and Third, and Market and 'Chestnut Street Philadelphia, pa. aulS-lj WIN ANT A 00.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers