The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 19, 1857, Image 2

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" I’ , ~ .
, Wn,MA«|r,»iWKEB,
‘ tom icniWoscocftT,'
’^WUMt-asrSMo/' s ';'
.; t'Myf&i *>u> eatnmr.
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nicuu mmninom,
* smcsxAND,
•«*,o*»»«inioawir', .
' 'O3T' Editorials 'on flr»t; pace s “ Tfcimaa
Dlck »a4Eti*ene Sue”—'‘Tlie tTaK?4 Stages
; ■:, uiniQrMnxououßA, -
fC; our'. gantry,
'' that th» ablest ofour SUUWBen cannot long
, «l»le*d:ilia;p«ople. /H»d thla boon the
pfonr esp<irienee,wealiould long
tk're bießn' degnided (nm .thp roll of jajK
,*jof and ibiibW
S>rmaa«9.Wo have all witoeskdoces
s, orreiidof (hem, in, ourhistory,when
EraatGoiiaha of foctionhaye fallen before
hutfeleDavids' of' principle ; when the
rhetoric,has been
. ; "iicW.>; ! b<rti|^,^j;r. : the/ utterances
attest trufel, tilling from tbo
unpretending and the obscure.
‘ straggle'/hai/beik
. vidbg iid doulitful—and, tnthe intervals. bpw
vv many mightyiuteresta'and cqßstdekfefoZ&veZ
• !'-‘;ta«ii' ew)rffieed-^butj : ' happily foil oiir present
ttoßdltjoß, wiit comeafter,
'■- ’-‘juj feerighthaaglways pswSWiledatlast. •'' j- 1
i -V ip %hnic public opin!on anii
’ -reepect for fee lawibaTCbeensubitltntedfor
, *tairiiag ani)lft», therc nmst always be tbose
; ; upon ■ theories at once .dangef
cdd .tdnldfd. l;The leaders of these ! tn<>v&.
; ?’Sawnfe atesureto have followers—•someofihwa
’-; actitlg as their abject. slaves, and others in r
by purely selfish Wdttves. ;
: These enemies of’ oiir political system
are not conSned toa single locality. - They
V««<t».' : '; : :thongii’,; seeialng ’to ' differ widely
, tltcy harmonize in essentials; 1
tfßnfe/'bellevd our: system of. government
afailttre-rtheoncbenwiseit doesnot at
once abolish shivery, and the other because it
perpetuate (i. The hour that shall
Witam a rolldaeptionalpartyinthe North iu
favor of the flrstof these theories, will: also’
behold an opposite./combination inthe South]
. and when both shall have been consummated,
the catiitrophe will have boau precipitated
which tbe fans tic on the one hand, and the fire-:
aAforoa the other, are so zealously laboring to
» Thatfeere is anyimmedlate or remote dan
gerof such a result we do not believe.' iNever,
In cur opinion, has there' been so dißcouragiug
■ a' prospect for those who hope and toll for it
as at this moment. The Dhiob ovtbese
. BtAtEB hasYxver bees so steoko. Always,
■UearedMo the hearts ofthe people—altvayd that'
; elrtnelil, 'which/ neat to the Deity only, in-’
/spired fee hopes of . onr countrymen, and filled
- therewith gratitude and pride—it is, at this’
>y,:» source of moire joy, and/,comfort, and
peace, to . them,' and to mankind, than any
or ; ali the Inventions' of atafesmen and bf
Cabinets. And it is this Union which is
the great fortress ; of-American strength.
It; hi this which wiHoverthrow false teachers
aadwicked theories. It is this which, stand
in* between frantic extremes, will hold them :
out in/Its. gigantic arms, as spectacles fori
the scorn aad contempt ,of the world.
W.e have been led into these, remarks by
observing some of the ./late manifestations,'
North and.- South,, induced by’ the proy-i
pectof a permanent adjustment, of ..the 1
Kansas. troubles on the enduring basis of
-the. majority principle. There; is the sake’
/strange agrdenientv between the' representa
tive* of .the' reactive extremes 'which we >
hare already, ; {d.;;/Biffe^ ( dn doc: !
Ztrinca ; .'foey’)bin: haqds'in denunciation
/or tUe Administmtion, tha agent of the majo
rity, and the embodiment of the Union. At
WaTwith Cach Other, they make common cause
against governor Wawua. The one Urn es
peelol friend of emancipation, the /other the
dohgfcty champlon cif slavery,they rush: into
/each other’s, arms, and.svrear to die together
rotifer . than 1 have peace reatofed/toKanw,
Tlfe/fjharleston : Afcrotrydeclare«tbat ; the
Unlonls at abend, so far as the South is con/
' ct»»ed,whUethe New. York Trtimoe seems to
rpgardibe Union as a mere , machine to aid
a»lal»tthein*titntionbf slavery.
But another eh&mpionofthe extreme# has
: appOaredupon 1 the arena. Hon. Ijaw*ekok
'antom of Cohgfesi pli-ct ftpni
Sphth Carolina, now rusticating at Sw
„. Springs, Virginia, basjustwritten a letter
wbfeh breathes nothing but brlmstoneand bit- 1
twucas agatost : Mr- IfUCHA* **, Governor
Wiuuntj the Cabinet, the Democratic party,
.*»ri: ; tbe ; Bnlon. : Mr, Knrrr professes, some
.iaost exciting polities,.added .to a most ex- j
citable temperament. He is, however, a mani
ofmarked ability,' artd ha* a good sharo.of
titat tbetorSc wblch is eatouUted to rouse and
. retain a crowd. ; ' But be is' not as just, nor yet
as great a man fis Mr. CAinouH. He is not as
magnanimous as that: illustrious statesman,
who.even' against Mb own cause,would not'
close his eyes to the troth,. or do' injury to
those, he opposed. - The toner of Mr. Knrrr is !
a curiosity, of its kind/'i£ a few specimens of
itwittshojf:: He’says: t
‘iWtijwere companies organised and money
levied at theMbrtb/ but to make Kansas afree State?
Why Were eSorta'made attho Sooth to cotoaiie i
straggle, every movement on either side, were made
tosalre-Ksniss a f/eoor&staveStat®. The Federal'
(loVcrnment, *s the ‘agent, of. .both partSear-waa'
' pjedgedtoabeoluiohiipartlallty.betireea (he con
. Uodlnt parties.. : The oottthwau an erary phase of
th* iswe,'and slavery atep of the dght, and now,
wjhsn theseeptre of .control is In her very grasp, It
, U raddenlyand radely torn away from her. 1 'How'
J suddenly goo* down ? Perjured Qotertori have
. htokon»iUitobU«tb*r«*u»e,ettdyetahe bravely
ririMrio snd wins the vietory acaltut all oddi.
-froßßiitsd patron***fnrfnaater fta debauchery,
: Mi diet the. nerveecf the SMtharewnataekened
.*•<*«* energy enqueued. Tear after, yearihe
JUrltaryiaXakaa wltirwvolt, It ateiaed : with
{tod aad wrapped fa &*mf',*«d tbeeeaaeoftho
' gpjrthproip*n*ndberb*n»erl».Vriimfahaat. The
-y, leitmrioloefagatruggleta made. and thev Jewry la
alraetuesnponhercattw.lfhythlr w> rad-
Urn of .the Federal Government? There
fared Governora lit Kao us before Walker
; tnawesJueoU irithfraudand tyranny; hot their
... triuwewere flraitlew, beoeou the Admlnlitration
' ’ • wn*kne*n nottoaymnatbise witboroonmve at'
■• ■ -tkfUfti nad wroeg. Harr happen* It. fast Wall
twt'sdisboitMtintrigaes, too, have not been boot-]
leu •ho t.; , It it notbeeauae the Administration it sympathise with and.abet the (rand
eaU wrpm*? .f« tt «»l bae*tu» he Is believed to be
efeihadwith thesaiwtiwß oftheFederal Govern-
V ! aSapt, tbat he bM ttoeeeded fa hisfonl ead tablU
‘5; i*acbin»tfen«7<;lf the pause of the, Soath ti loal
, • H feet thitragh the b*u betrayal of a
. pariated mltdon. of federal aypplntment. If the
■ SSadof tSadonth be loettoKiuuaa, It I* lost be
ea«*e a federal oflScial.wlth tli* tarnished tinsel of
. V ogfee around blm, has travelled through (he Tent--
. r teiy as a .vagrant oratory strolling player,:nUd po-
Utfeaf moastabasli, oormpting: and debaheblnß,
tHthfag .asd bhUylng, wherever free-eoU abJeeu
- *e»l* baaoooinpliihed by these ha» appUanoes. 1 '
Thia faa very fanciful piece’ of writing.; It
U dhia .Urd®' sit'. «ts artist riiaTwords. It is. as,
» hiWin itsaatitlicsls and sdjeptives
t«iy, or! for a Fourth of duty oration,
singtiiat annivemry not 'alreidy by
.1. , The flrat great omission In Mr. Ktifa’j sul
- phprona letter Is, that he fails to state tfeit.up
• - fo the arrival of (hf.dr«lU in. Kansas Ter
, ritory. no fall, fair vote of foe ppopie hid ever
h|«»;«A^^.’: : for
tagiriatttre»ionewitliontiaw fandtheotheric
eorlingfo law; bat in no c&sd had all the pep
pkpartleipafod.Tbls, however.was in itself
suit Immaterial, igasthpeh as np doiagatoa had
ha«B cboaeh to fdrm a gtata Cdnstitntlon. It
»efo,wifefi&.;Ute Miasonrtoa or. the Masta
atroetWaa, aO outatde Jnduenoa wu atcloded
, if
TO aecoonmoU or tns wot or rat nassai
\ It Ms r H&trP' iw-'f 4 : " =
Ki 1 : V ; - ' - ;
J ,
;:J, ,w i !, v
§l^4’* s ' 5
pertahe /so little of the candid .character of a
chlvalric soh of thb South, and arc uttered so
much lit passion, that Gov.'Wazxe* needs no
defence against them. The ;gravo general
charge «ga!Kst that iV»«tlon«ry ili>, fefe. *“> . In
terfered beyond the line of his duty-“feat ho
threw himself Into the movement, ami encour
aged the people by his counsel to rate upon
the Constitutioh/when that inWriiment is regu
larly to be submitted to them. For this, in our
opinion, Hr. Wanna deserves thanks, not cen
sure. We do notuudersUnd that he invoiced
alito yote—those qualified, and those notqual
ifiedr-thoujgh,k'sk intimated. Not .to
have declared that til who were entitled to vote
should/he protected in the exercise of that
rigbvfedtdd hive been a gross wrong. He has
doneho mote. He could do no less, and claim
tu be just and impartial.
~y But has there not been Intervention before
In tbe affairs of Kansas ? Did not intervention
take place In Kansas against the South,if you
please, under the memorable and faifefol Ad
ministration of General Pieece? Whether
general Pierce approved this intervention or
not,(we know he' did not,) it is.certaifithat
his opponents in the South declared that he
did approve It. It is notorious,that upon this
accusation the whole American party in the
South assailed president Pissoe as treacherous
to the South] and that not afew ofthe former
friends of his Administration did the same.
But Mr. Keitt was silent under this inter
’ vention. He ’was not only silent, b« fc he
now defends General Fierce against tbo
charge of conniving at it! We confess
that bis lato but ficiy fory for the tights of the
South, contrasts sadly with the tame deport
ment of Mr. Kkiw when there was interven-
tion against tho South.uhder a former Admin
istration. Mr. Btouaban sends to-Kansas a
Southern man in feeling, If not in birth- He
instructs him, to protect tlie people of Kansas
in the exercise of the right of snfiVage.
These instructions, so fair and just; are almost
a copy of the* provisions of the Kansas acta
themselves; and because Mr. Waukee carrios
them out he is traduced, aud Mr. Bccbahak
and his Cabinet colled by as many hard
names as can be collected from an overfidwing
vocabulary. ' All this locks like a fixed: dc
tenaination to find fault. Mr. Keitt is con
sistent in one king at least i Hotdpkcareto
' pronounce his distrust of Mr. Bochakah in
adyknco of bis nomination/ and he is trying to
harmonize thntdeclarationinhis present loiter,
even if, while doing so, he should confess that
he can forgive in his frlond, General Pianos,
what he is resolved to punish in Mr. Buchakahj Would be equally fair, to say that Pyesi
dentPiEECEiutcrvenedin tho affairs of Kansas,
through bis officials, against tho South, bb it is
to say that Mr. Bcchanan had done so through
Gov; WAikeh—the one assertion being as un
founded as the other.
ris of Kansas may make it a free State.
That such would be the course of events,
Southern statesmen, as able as Mr. Keitt,
long, ago predicted. He himself, in his fine
speech' on the Kansas bill on the 30th of
March, 1864, in the House of Representatives,
contended, not so much that Kansas would bo
a slave State, as that the Missouri Line should
be repealed j and it is welt known that in acts,
if not in words, he signified his distrust
of that bill, for the reason, given by others,
that it might result in adding two more free
States to the Ulnion.
'We know feat Mr. Kekct belongs to that
school who believe that the people of a Terri
tory cannot legislate on the subject of slavery,
and feat the rights of the slaveholder’survive
territorial majorities. But the Democratic party
in 1866 stood upon no-such platform. The
WIM ,op the hajobitv was the war-cry in that
great struggle—fee will ofthe people in Terri
tories and States—and upon this resistless prin
ciple tho.battle was wmi. Mr. Keitt himself,
in'his speech of tbo 80th of March, 1864, shows
bow much his own objection is worth, by giving,
a practical refutation of it in his argument Upon
the sovereignty ofa State. Wecopy an e.xtract
from tbat-speech as follows:
“What is a State under our system of Govern
ment? It da a Territory inhabited by a people
living under a Government formed by themselves,
which Government possesses,in a republican form,
ait fee legislative, judicial) and executive powers
necessary to the protection of tho lives, liberties,
characters, and properties of its oltlteae, or which
it can exercise for their benefit, and have not
delegated to the General Government for the com-,
nun defence and-generel welfare .of the Union,
composed of a number of States whose tizhtsiand,
MUilcsl powers, are perfectly equal. Now, etr,
what right is more important than the right to de
termine who shall inhabit the State, and what their
relations shall be ? Who, sir, is to be benefited or
injured by this as much as the citicens of tbo State
Thiaispractical sound sense, and proves
clearly, that if to-day there is. s majority in
favor of a free State in the Territory of Kan
sas, make its voice heard
when Kansas is a sovereign State to-morrow—
and also that Hr. Keht is hound hy his own
words to submit to the decision of that ma
The Democratic National Convention which
nominated Ur. Boons nan applied the will of
the majority to Territories in so many words.
Ur. Ketrr appeals to Southern co-operation
in his frenzied assault upon the Administration,
the'Deraocratic party, and Governor Waj.kes.
We .do not doubt that he will be assisted in some
quarters. But be conducts his crosado against
a principle in which the South is itself deep,
ly, profoundly interested. He Invokes against
this principle no great wrong done to bis
sections He raises his standard upon no basis
except a narrow expediency. The princi
ple that the majority shall rule is, to nse Ur.
Buohanan’s expressive language, “as old as
flee government itself.” It is this principle,
which enables the South, aided by the con
servatives of the free States, to protect the
Constitution in its purity, and to arrest tho
threatening onset of an initarlated fanati
cism. It is this which insures to the South
'all its. just rights j which gives to tho law ita
strength and ita sanctity i and which surrounds
‘the minority with an impenetrable armor. Mr.
Kejtt’s closing appeal wonld bo painful if it
were not extravagant:
“ That which chiefly recommended the Nebraska
hill to the South was its committal of tho Demo
cratic party to a dearer vindication of her rights.
This has heen defeated by the Intrigues of those in
power. Mr. BuohenapwasnoralnatedbytbeNortb
and elected by the South; and any act of perfidy
on his part is and will be doubly damned. De
mocracy at the North Is hopelessly prostrated, un
less it can be retired by some free-eoil application.
I?*ny issue between slavery and abolitionism the
North will accept tho latter; and as that is tho
main issue before the people, the North cannot be
retied upon. The only chance that remained—vis:
that of allowing each seotlon to legitimately de
velop lie institutions through fair rivalry—has
been destroyed by the fraudulent intervention of
tho Federal Government. The contest is rapidly
minions, and theresojntlonsof sovereign,States, de-
fraud and wrong, be pronounoed un
gracinns by-in executive of her own creation,
yet ; she .audit. aohleve her safety, though her,
am should fall heavily npoa aCablnet of mutes
end. a paralytic-Administration. In IBM the
Whig party - of. the South, which had elected
wen. Taylor, trampled .him from power whin, his
treachery was made: manifest; and will the De
mocratic party of the South he less true to our
rights and honor, or loss haughty and indignant
against fraud and wrong? The Democratic party
owes its asoenderioy to the South, and every, not of
tresebery should he met by consuming onraes.
No leader is'anointed against thevengeauee of an
outraged people, and no official is so high that
.popular Justice cannot reaob him. . The South
must maintain her rights, though she turn a deaf
oar to the appealing shrieks of shivering Cabinets,
of hysterieal'PiesTdents, and dissolving parties.
.Her safety is in her union, and Georgia and Mis
sissippi have gloriously led the way. Let South
wheel Into line with them, and march
tfith steady step along the tame bright traok of eon
eUtutioaal integrity. Let her bo no laggard in
that dontest in which the rights and honor of the 1
South an to be vindicated. There should be no
dissension in the Southern camp, and I trust there
will be none when the hour arrives in which loy
alty to party,will be treason to the'Boutb.”
Surely Mr. Kerrr does not mean to say
that he only advocated the Kansas-Nobraska
Bill to make a new slave State. His friends
and himself took the bill as It stood, and ac
cepted the interpretation (which was indeed
their own) put upon it by the Cincinnati Con
vention. The issue of the struggle in Kansas,
whatever it may be, must, therefore, be con
clusive; and such, we are proud to say, Is the
ground taken by most of the leading men and
journals in the Southern States. They repu
diate any other course with manly scorn.
But whit a melancholy spectacle would the
realization of Mr. Kxirr’s fancy sketch pre
sent of Southern independence I He invokes
South Carolina, Georgia, and Mississippi to
leave the Union. Such i» w reading of bis
remedy. How profoundly he misunderstands
those' great States when, for such a cause, he
expects them to toko such a step l Howcom-
JilCtety he loseß sight of that Union senti
ment which has never yet been sounded in vain,
and even' in South Carolina at this day calls to
ita itaiidard thousands of devotees 1 Admit, for
tie aske '.of the argument, that Mr. Waiker
did. overlook .or overstrain his instructions—
does Mr. KKttr suppose that -upon such a
ph>» the State of OfiteWMi, McDumx, and
Hates would rush from bur appropriate
orbit, aud that others woujd follow that mad
and monstrous example ? i ■
“ Tbe earth batb.buhWes as the water hath,
>, Arid iKtsbof tlxorc..” ~,
v FinsDy; Tbe 'Administration of Mr. Bo
okman receives fee choicest epithets of Mr.
Kv-itt. Tbyrfj is a plainness in bis diction on
; tbiS' point which cannot be misunderstood.
But Btrong words and lino writing are not al
ways the way to the convictions of men. Mr.
Bcohakak was a friend of’the Union, and of
the rights of the South, long before his excited
censor saw the light of day. Ho began W* ca
reer as a State-rights man more tiwn thirty
yearsago. It is true, he never indulged * n fe e
spangles of political literature, or .made a
parade, of his sincerity,, or strung together
vapid professions in gaudy sentences. Like
his own great State, be was in the habit of
doing the right thing in fee right Way—caring
more for the matter than the, manner—more
for the gopd of his whole country than for a
faction or a section. In this school he
shared the confidence of all the true men in
the South; pot indeed by administering to
their peculiarities, but by defending rights
because they were rights, and by opposing
wrongs because they were wrongs. We do
not think Such an experience, and such a
record, ■ can be impugned successfully by
romantic politicians and sulphurous, fire
eaters, however eloquent or inflammatory.
, Mr. Bochakah aad his Administration occu
py the right ground on this groat question.
Tho truly conservative men of the whole
country are with the President, and thoy feel
that in his high and conscientious resolve to
maintain tho principle that «tbe majority of
tho people should rule,” he is entitled to tbe
steady and unflinching support of eveiy party
that claims to ho proud of our glorious Union,
and determined to preservo it in its integrity
as the greatest blessing ever vouchsafed to
The newspaper, which a few years ago was
a luxury, is now, at least in America, a neces
sity. The vast amount of labor and talent
bestowed upon the ieading journals ofthe day,
the close attention paid to their numerous de
partments, when combined with the extraordi
nary facilities enjoyed for the rapid communi
cation of intelligence, now about being ren
dered world-wide by submarine telegraphic
communication across the Atlantic, effect an
end which realizes one of tho grandest concep
tions of the human mind.
Among tbe most mysterious and unfathoma
ble attributes of tbe Deity are those which
endow Him with the power of beholding all
things, and of being everywhere at the same
time. It required centuries of human ad
vancement before any invention could bo
mode to rondor these qualities even in tbe
slightest degree imltablo by man. Boundless
space spread out before him in wearying per
plexity, separating tho human family and tho
localities of the earth, by barriers surmount
able only through protracted and wearying
toll. But now, reader, behold what, through
tbe agency of the newspaper, assisted by the
magnetic telegraph, has been accomplished !
The world is summoned up in judgment before
you. Your morning’s paper furnishes you
with a concise history of tho transactions,
near and remote, of the previous day.
An infinite number of sharp eyes have
watched every interesting phase of life,
and you are daily presented with tho re
sult of their observations. Wo have long
boen accustomed to the perusal of telegraphic
despatches from every portion of our widely
extended Confederacy; but the advancing
march of science is about to bring tbe whole
civilized earth equally within our Intellectual
Tho newspaper is the daguerreotype of tho
world. Tbo fleeting shadows of its grave and
gay, tragic and comic, wonderful and common
place,- scenes and doings are adroitly seized,
permanently fixed, and a brilliant panorama of
human life presented ever}’morning.
The great purposes served by newspapers
are familiar to ail, aud need not be recited
here. It is impossible to estimate their influ
ence upon the human mind and upon human
destiny. There is scarcely an article iu the
whole range of fee consumption of civilized
men whose relinquishment , would not be more
cheetfolly acceded to. It at once educates,
informs, protects, defends, improves and ele
•Yates the people j snd it perforniii a most lm
portant purpose in all their transactions, and
in all things affecting them, whether commer
cial, industrial,political,literary, or social.
The great event of the day—we might say
of the age itself—is the establishment of in
stantaneous communication between the two
hemispheres by the sub-Atlantlo electric tele
graph. Bonmnce must yield to reality la this
matter. No Eastern story-teller ever imagined
a miracle greater than this. Yet, if all things
go well, (and there seems no cause to dread a
disappointment,) in less than a fortnight the
public will probably read in The Press every
morning the intelligence of the preceding day
and evening, not only, as at present, from va
rious neighboring cities, bnt also from London
and Liverpool, Manchester and Sheffield, Glas
gow and Edinburgh, Dublin and Galway, Cork
and Belfast, Paris and Vienna, Berlin and
Brussels. A greater revolution than this it is
impossible to imagine.
Owing to the high charge for transmitting
messages, tho intelligence may be expected in
the most concise form—a communication of
mere facts. The markets, state of the funds,
&c., in various parts of Europe, may be ex
pected. As to the rapidity with which tho
signals can be it is sufficient to say
that on Monday, August 8, the three hundred
and sixty-fifth anniversary of tho sailing of
Columbus, would commence the laying down
a telegraphic cable, two thousand five hundred
miles long, through which a meßsago was
transmitted, on a severe test trial, in three
quarters of a second.
The charge for sending twenty, words from
Newfoundland to Ireland would bo £2105., and
from New York to London, £i. This is a
pretty ' high price, hut such annihilation of time
and space cannot be low priced.
New Railroad horn Philadelphia to New York.
The Newark Mercury says that tho New Jersey
Railroad Company intend asking for an extension
of their branch road from Millstone to Lambcrt
vlUe, with a design of oonneoting it at Philadelphia
with the Southernand'Westeru routes.
This paragraph appeared in The Press of
Monday. We have sinco understood that this
statement is not founded on fact, and correct
Xtikeness ef President Buchanan.
■ The only really good likeness of President
Buchanan that we have seen is that we have
had on exhibition in our. office for some days
past. It is beautifully engraved by J. C. Buttre,
of Now York, and is sold, by subscription only,
at Mr. Walter Dinmore’s Photographic Gal
lery, 780 Chestnut street, where, we- bollovo,
the agent attendstorcceiv.e subscribers’ names.
In form, expression, and outline, it is one of
the very best engraved portraits we have ever
seen. Its likeness to tho original is wonderful.
ty The “Democratic Standard” is tho title
of a new paper just-established at Pottsville,
Schuylkill County, by Hens v L. Acker, Esq.
It la neatly printed and well conducted, and we
hope it may have a successful career. There
is room and need for an honest Democratic
journal at Pottsville.
Appointments by the President.
Sumner B. Chase, register of the land office at
Osage, lowa, vice James D. Jenkins, resigned.
Robert Brown, register at Port desMoines, Jowa,
vice Thomas A. Warner, resigned.
Pood Comino.— Half a million bushels of corn
ate now on thelt way easton the Brie canal. Can
the speculator forestall this? We shall not be
sorry to too more failures among the speculators,
for it b high time that speculation turned its at
tention to some other business than that of a depri
vation of Sood.—Syracuse Courier, Vtlk
•dcADEXr oe Music.—Mr. Marshall is certainly
an indefatigable manager, and untiring in hts en
deavors to please the public. Bo has entered into
an engagement with Madame Johsnnsen end Mrs.
Piekoneser to appear at the Promenade Concerts
during the test of their prosperous career, and these
popular artlrtea will thla evening favor all who are
melodiously Inollned with some of their favorite
operetta genu. Miss Riohtngs, one of the most
cheming of songsters, and Mrs Fraser, long a de
serving favorite, will also contribute their welcome
endeavors, and Carl Bergman will try to make it
appear that hts Germania Orchestra is excellence
Itself. In addition to all this great talent, a valua
ble collection of Statuary, just Imported from Leg
hern, will be, for the first time, exposed to public
view. We expect next to hear of the arrival of
the British Museum, an Egyptian Pyramid, and the
Colossus of Rhodes! The Academy management
stop at nothing when the taste’of the'public is
concerned. ”
~Y‘ >-
tsr«out> MtsfitcH ,o « ns ruga.”!
Washington, Aog. 38.—c»pt«la Hudson, -of the
atamiMp stliO«> Mfiorts to tin Nwj Dspartmettf
from tkft Gore of Oork, under date of August 15t,15&7,
, that he had left Liverpool on the fifth ult., and anchor*
ed At Cork At three o’clock of the Wednesday morning
following. Her Majesty’* steamer Agamemnon arrived
on Thursday morning, And Immediately commenced
coaling. The Niagara bad taken co«l In at Lhraipool,
but took In fifty-five ton* at Cork) to supply the quan
tity consumed on tbe, voyage over. On, the papage,
experiments were made % asterUm how slowly the'
steamer could go under,«team,'«fid 1$ wu learned, with
much satisfaction, that her speed he reduced, to
one and a half knots an hour. ■ J *
The telegraphic cables of, both ships were connected
on Thursday, and the electric currenf or messages were
passed through the entire length of 3.600 mile* in jfca//
aneenj. It has been decided that the laying out of
the cable should commence at Valenti* Bay, and that
the Niagara should lay out the first portion of it. She
had consequently taken on board fromAhe Agamemnon
ten miles of the large or Inshore cable!weighing about
seven tons to the mile. The engineer! would complete 1
their preparations by the 2d inst., and pe ready on the
3d instant to secure the shore end at Yilentia Bay. and
then commence laying the cable. The, coincidence is
singular that the expedition starts on the 8d of Attffeft,
the very day three hundred and sixty-fire years before
on which Columbus set out on his voyage of dlfcoreryof
America. '. : l '
On the request of Count Psbsignv, the ffrehch Minis
ter at the Court of St. James, backed by a letter of our
minister at the same Qourt, Hon. QsobobH. Esina,
Captain Hudson had invited Mr. Dblaiubcbs, Hydro*
xraphiQ Engineer of the Imperial French Nary, to****
company him in the Niagara and witness the submerg
ing of the Atlantic cable.
The “{Henrietta Maria” difficulty, which occurredJn
the China sea, la in a fair way of amicable adjustment,
with, tho right, of the salvors fully protected, It
will he remembered that she was a Pntcb barque navi
gated principally by coolies, who murdered the office?*
and the Europeans of the crewsnd then abandoned her,
A Boston ship, the u OceSr do Lion,” picked
boa and brought her into Singapore, where tho British
authorities seized her and hauled down the American
colors. \ t
Returns of subdivisions! surreys in Kansas have iKten
received by the Commissioner of the General I4tad
Office; They consist mostly of townships twenty-one,
South ranges from seven to twelve inclusive, embracing
140,000 acres situated in the Pawnee District, The
country la poor and uniov ting. - 1 ~ L
The Secretary of the Treasury has mad A «**JpyA|l_
log t&ght House appointments: (^T"
GBOaaa Llvikb at Sheboygan, Michigan,' $3BO per
annum; Bailey Willis, Assistant at Old Point Coin,
fort, Virginia, $260 per annum j Return J. Huntie*
Assistant at Post Point, California, $O5O per aun'ihn'j
Ira If. Chapman, at Point Bonita, California, $660 pop
annum; Egbert Poinsett, at Dawe’s'Eoiof; St. John'*
river, Florida, $6OO per auirtm; '
Cape Cod, Massachusetts, $5OO per annum; Jab. SkIll:
Ist Assistant at Gape Cod, Massachusetts, $3OO per
num; Thomas H. Kxnnxy, 2d Assistant at Caps Cody
Massachusetts, $3OO per annum. ;
J. T, Taylor , a dork In the Pension Office, has been
appointed by the Secretary of the Interior to a second
class clerkship in the Interior Department, to fill a va*-
cancy caused by the death of Joseph L. Peabody.
OHABLKB E. Mix, Rsq., chief clerk of the Indian Bu
reau, has been appointed Acting Commissioner of HP'
di&n Affairs during th© temporary absence of General
Dshtss, who has gone to Nebraska on business connect
ed with his office.
Hon, Jamnb B, Hunt, of Pontiac, Michigan, died here
on Sunday, the 17th inst. He was a member of Con
gress from Michigan from 1843 to 1641, two terms, and
at the time of his decease was a first class clerk in tho
Land Office. X. Y.
[arsciiL mom oun ookbespohuxt.J
Washington, August 18.—'There is a bitter oofcv.'
test in Arkansas for U, S. Senator, though Mr, Sebas
tian's time docs not expire till March 4, 3359.
The excitement about Kansas cannot become practical
in the next Congress, unless the threat of Mr. Toousa
is carried into effect, of making war upon Governor
Walkbr'h nomiuation. The admission of Kansas Into
the Union will hardly be opposed if th ere Is a fair Con
vention ami a fair vote on the Constitution.
There is a strong Union feeling in the Knoxville
(Temi.) Convention. The politicians there
have loaraed a good lesson from the experience of the
Nashville Convention, which laid so many aspirants In
their tombs for expressing secession sentiments. f
It is distinctly asserted, upon late authorities, that
the Southern men in Kansas are about to m&ko a vigor
, ous effort to make Kansas a Slave State.
There is also a rumor here that an active movement hi
on foot to establish ah extreme Southern paper at Wtah- 1
Sngton at the meeting of Congress. ■ ’
Hon. J. B. Blotd, Secretary of War, expects to leave
Washington for New York this evening.
1 The Southern Americans are trying hard to make
capital out of the Kansas cmbroglio.
Mall Arrangement Between the United Btntes
Washington, August 18—A Postal f Convention h*s
boon concluded between the United States and Haa*.
burg. The molls are to be exchanged by meaqs of the
United States and Hamburg mall steamers, running di
rect between New York and Hamburg.
The postage between the Untied States and Ham
burgh under this arrangement it ten cents the single
letter .of half an ounce or under, prepayment optional
and two cents on newspapers, prepayment always >*•«'
quired. .. .
The Tates to ail countries and places beyond. Ham- •
'burgh, whether upon letters or printed matter, are
r Identically the same In all respects a* the rates charged
4 via Bremen, under the United States and BmaenYostai
Convention. v
Bqstoe, August 18^-A suit, in which $25,000 Is
claimed as damages far a breach of promise of montage,
has been aomineneed by Moses Jagler, of New "York,
against Dr. George Hayward and -wife, of Boston. Mr.
, Jaglor met the lady la Europe, who was then the'
wealthy widow of the late Amos Blooey. He alleges that
she promised to marry him, but subsequently married
Mr. Hayward. The defendant* we abroad. Ruins W.
Choate and Veleg W. Ch&udlcr are retained for the de
From Rio Janeiro—Excitement In the Coffee
Nkw York, August 18.—Advices from Rio Janeiro to
the 20th of duly, which have been furnished by an ar
rival at this port, confirm the great Tise in coffee. The
market was excited, and 300,000 bags wore taken in *
few days for the European market, and 37,000 for the
United States.
Flour was improving, and quoted &ts2loss3.
Mlctugu** Southern (Railroad Stock*
New York, August 18.—-President Litchfield, of the
Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Railroad, has
resigned. It is rumored that the notes of the Company
have been protested. The quotation of the stock had
declined at the close of tho market to 25.
Br. Louis, Aug. 17.—The official returns In eighty
counties, and the reported vote In twenty-three other
counties, reduce Rollins's majority,for Governor, to such
Un extout, that the official returns from all will be re
quired to determine the actual result of the contest in
the BUte.
St. Long, Aug. 17.— I The returns froia Nebraska show
that the lion. Bird B. Gh&pman has been re-elected as
delegate to Congress from the Territory.
Nobrolk, August 18.—The iurniture store of Thomas
Bcott, at this place, was destroyed by fire at 3 o’clock
this morning. Loss J6,ooo—uo Insurance.
Nsw Orleans, August 17.—The city continues re
markably healthy for the season. The deathj lose week
were oul/ 74.
Mrw Yoa*, August 18.—The steam frigate Mississippi,
bound for the East India squadron, left the Navy Yard
to-day, and anchored off the Battery.
St. Louis, Aug. 13.—The Kansas correspondent of
the Democrat says that nearly two hundred indictments
harp been found against persona in the neighborhood of
Six men had been arrested in Franklin by dragoons,
aDd taken to the camp.
Rrnnor says that Governor Walker Is Indignant at
Judge Cato’s decision that the payment of taxes was a
requisite qualification for voters.
Kx-Gov. Robinson had been notified to appear at Lo**
comptwi on the,lBth Just., for trial on the charge of
usurpation of olfice.
Nrw Yoax, August 18.—At Madeira, on July 21st,
sloop-of-war St. Louis, from the coast of Africa, bound
to Canary and Cape Verde Islands, and sloop-of-war
Cumberland, from Boston.
From Cope Town—Heavy Gale* on the Const-
Vessels Wrecked.
Boston, Aug. IB.—An arrival at this port furnishes
advices from Cape Town to the Utter part of June.
There were tremendous gales on the coast. Ton
large and & number of small vessels had been wrecked.
New Orleans, August 18.—Cotton.—The market
doses unchanged. The sales of the three days are 1,3)0
and receipts 30 halos. The sales to-day were 000 bales.
The stock In port is 20,000 bales. Flour has a declining
tendency, and quoted at |fl. Bed Wheat at 31.29.
Mixed Corn at 83c. Oats dull at 4Qo. Freights dull.
Sterling Exchange 9# per cent, premium.
New Orleans, Aug. 17.—The oAles of Cotton to-day
were only 300 bales, including three bales of the uew
crop, which were sold at 18 cents. Flour has declined
23cent3. Red Wheat $1 27. Lard, in barrels, 10 cents.,
Other articles remain unchanged in price.
Baltimore, Aug. 18.—Flour la very dull. Wheat, in
dry lots, firm; white at $1 fiOal 70; red at $1 60a'
$1 65. Lota out of order are dull and heavy. Corn dull,
at T8&83 for white, and 80a 1 84 for yellow. Whiskey dull
ft nd nominally quoted at 28029 cents.
CtmtfiaanAMUNA.—The New York papers un
derstand that the Surrogate bus read through the
voluminous testimony in the Cunningham-BuHeli
case, and is now engaged in writing bis opjnkm-
Unless the illness with which he was attacked yes
terday, probably in consequence of excessive labo r
during the hot weather, assume a serious aspect,
we shall probably know whether to call the woman.
of No. SI Bond street Mrs. Cunningham or Mrs.
Burdell before the end of the week.
The father of the babe who played so active a
part, in the Cunningham faroe Is a well-known
character. His name Is James L. Anderson. He
is an Englishman by birth, and very well connected
in hU native conntrv, He was at one time in the
British army. In this country he has been a phre
nologist, biologist, Ac. He is a man of fine intel
lect, hut low in his habits and verydissipated. Ho
was at one time a Methodist preacher, and was
driven from Louisville, Ky., for attempting to run
away slaves.— 'Savannah Georgian.
In one respect Mrs. last perform
ance was not a failure. She sot out to be confined t
and baa succeeded admirably. She Is net, how
ever, in a sinking condition, as tho oonrts refuse to
1 allow her .to be balled oat.-'nProv&wce post
snow Washington.
and Hamburg.
Brench of Promise.
Missouri Election.
The Nebraska Election,
Fire at Norfolk.
Health of New Orleans.
The Steam Frigate Mississippi.
From Kansas.
Naval Intelligence*
Who are to Govern?—The HazlehoMlwis or
tho Wilcaotlaps ?
EXCI TING 808 res:
The American “ Strolgbt-OaV’ Convention, to
nominate a Judge of the Common Plena, Row officers,
Ao., met, pursuant to adjournment, in the County
Court-room, at three o’clock yesterday afternoon.
The attendance of the delegates was full, whilst
the stairs leading to the room, and the S. E. corner
of Sixth and Chestnut, were crowded with politi
cians of the .various stripes of opposition to the
Democratic party, all anxiously discussing tho
chances of effecting such a combination as would
make them formidable in the coming contest. Tho
hopeless glance which one or another of them
would occasionally cast at the Row offices amacked
strongly of " sour grapes.” They were a lean and
hungry-looking set, and we could hardly recognise
In some of them the solf-contented gentlemen who
once had a hand in the good things of the Munici
pal Government.
The Convention was called to order by the Pre
sident, John H, Bringhurst, Esq., and the minutes
of the last meeting were read and approved.
Mr- Smith, of tho Eighth Ward, presented the
credentials of Samuel Hamilton, elected to fill the
vacancy occasioned by tho siokuess of John C. Mar
tin, the regularly elected delegate.
Mr. M. V. B. Summers presented the protest of the
President of the Eighth Ward. American Association
against the admission of Mr. Hamilton, on the
grounds that ho was not legally elected.
It appearing that the President, whose name is
Briggs. •*** & candidate along with Hamilton, and
only protested because he himself was not elected,
the protest was laid on the table, and Mr. Hamil
ton was admitted to hla seat.
Mr. Geo. W. Reed desired to offer a series of re
The President said they could not be received,
the first business m order being the appointment
or an Executive Committee.
. On motion of Mr. Summers, the appointment of
an Executive Committee was indefinitely post
poned. x
Mr. Reed then presented his resolutions, which
he thought spoke for themselves. He introduced
them for the sake of harmony in the Convention,
and trusted they would be unanimously adopted.
He thought they appealed to the common sense of
every delegate present. The resolutions are as
(btiows :
Vniereass At tho approaching election In Oc
tober the citizens of Philadelphia will bo called
a Judge of the Courfof Common
Whereas, It was not the intention of the people,'
nor is it right in principle, to introduce party poli
ties into tho canvass: therefore, be it
Resotvcdy That in nominating a candidate for
this position, we, as a party, require only that bo
should bo competent and honest.
That tho Hon. Robert T. Conrad, appointed by
the first American Govornor of Pennsylvania to
fill a vaoanojr upon tho Bench, has, by his rare
ability and acknowledged impartiality, proved
himself worthy of tho position Be now occupies.
-That we believo him to be too much an Ameri
can to be biased by any political party.
That we nominate the Hon. It. T. Conrad for
Judge of the Court of Common Ploas, and invite
to his support all who desire to preserve the present
Integrity of that Court.
J Mr. Somers moved, as a substitute for the reso
lutions, that tho Convention proceed to the nomi
nation Of a Recorder of Deeds.
Mr. Reed. lam opposed to any each substitute.
Mr. Somers. No doubt of it.
Mr. Rood thought that they owed a duty to tbe
public to nominate a candidate forjudge of tho
Court of Common Pleas at onoe. It was tho most
important office, and concerned tbom as a party,
the other only oonoornod them personally. The
benefits of tho Reeorderabip were reaped by the
men into whose hands their dimes fell, but the be*
nofitsof havinga just Judgo wercenjoyed by all the
people, and he was not willing, as a member of the
Convention, to havo such claims set aside in order
to introduce matters about which there might be a
greater diversity of opinion.
Mr- Somers said that he made the motion to go
into a nomination for Recorder in order to defeat
the resolutions .of Mr. Reod and the man named in
them, who was brought forward by a few men who
supported him individually, and had perhaps indi
; vidua} reasons for »o doing. He wished it distinct
ly understood that this was an American Convention;
and if there was a man present who was not an
American, and a Hasolhurst American, ho had no
right upon the floor of the Convention. If they
wanted to take up Americans for offloe thoy had no
right to go to other parties If the claims of tho
American party were to he overlooked by the re
presentatives of that party in Convention, and
men were to be selected as their standard-bearers
'who wero not with them, then he thought they
might as well go to the Demooratio party at once,
and take any member' of that party who was a
candidate before his party for this office, and nomi
nate him, and then there would be no contest, and
Philadelphia would make him its Judge by a unani
mous majority. Their principles were as good now
as when they nominated Millard Fillmore, and he ;
would be the last one to soo those principles abro
gated for any such purpose as was here intended.
Mr. Pringle (one of the Vico Presidents) thought
that both of his friends were hasty. He was not op
posed to the resolutions of Mr. Reed or the substi
tute of Mr. Somers, but be thought they should ad
here to the rules, which be was proceeding to read,
Mr. Heed withdrew hie resolutions.
. Mr. Pringle then moved that the Convention
proceed to the nomination of a Judge of the Court
of. Common Pleas; which wus agreed to.
i ’' 1 Mr. Somers. I move that no person be allowed
to oast a vote in this Convention for any one of the
candidate* presented before it unless he first de
gates that fio is in favor of Isaac Hazlchurst, John
Ifrttifdoraian, Jacob Brown, and Jasper E. Brady,
*the nominees on the American State ticket. (Great
: This motion caused the greatest excitement.
• Members jumped to their feet, gesticulated vio
lently, and tome twelve or fifteen addressed the
Chair at once.
■ One delegate declared, shaking his fist at the
Chair, that he was a member or the Convention,
>and would do as he G-d d—d pleased.
Mr. Smith believed that the members of the
Convention represented their several Constituen
cies, and were alone responsible to them for what
\ A gentleman inquired ironically as to the num
ber of wards now carried by the American party.
He was under the impression that they only carried
,tbe 10th, 18th, 14th, 18th, and if they were not
oaroful ho was afraid thoy would lose them.
A large number of delegates declared themselves
to be Americans, but were rather opposed to
making any such declaration as that desired.
A delegate was of tho opinion that these gen*
dleipen were not Americans, inasmuch as they be
came bo excited when they wete asked to prove
themselves such.
Mr. Somers said that he was sorry to create so
much disorder. He and hU colleagues from the
Twenty-fourth Ward had been sont to the Con
vention as Harelhurst men, to act os suoh and with
such. It waa for this reason he introduced the re
Cries of “ You can’t do H,” Ac., and muoh con
1 The President. Wo are all hero as Americans.
Mr. Somers. Wo are all here as Americans. The
Convention that nominated Wilmot were Ameri
cans too, according to their own construction.
Mr. Pringle, who said so?
Mr Somers. They said so in their own words.
Mr. Pringle. Then thoy lied!
Mr. Somers desired tho question to ho put on hie
The President declared that it could not bo
Mr. Somers colled the Convention to take notice
that “it was a gag,” moaning thereby that the
President would not entertain any such motion.
Mr. Pringle desired to make a statement, and
hoped Mr. Somers would listen to it. He was op
posed to speaking out of place, and had therefore
declined replying to some reflections made at the
former meeting of the Convention on one of the
oundidates. His remarks would be Bhort.
A Delegate. As short as you please.
Mr. Pringle. Mr. Somers stated upon this floor,
without contradiction, at our lost meeting, that
Judge Conrad had left the Amerioan party last fall,
and had gone to Now York and presided over a
Convention which nominated Colonel Fremont.
Mr. Somers. Isold no such thing. latatod thatat
the Convention over which Judge Conrad prosidod,
there was a resolution offered endorsing Mr. Fill
more, and Mr. Conrad refused to rocolve it. Cries
of “Let tia have the book.” and great excitement.
Mr. Pringle. Now what are tho facta in refer
ence, to that North Amorican Convention, as
it was called, over which Mr. Conrad presided?
That Convention was called by tho friends of
Mr. Fillmoro, and Mr. Hall, the law-part
ner of Mr. Fillmore, and his personal friend,
was a delegate in it. It was understood that Judge
MoLean was to be nominated, and in that event
Mr.' Fillmore’s name was to have been withdrawn.
.Judge Conrad was very unwisely induced to go
,ibto the Convention, and was made President of it.
His first vole Was' for that honorable .Amerioan,
Robert J. Stooktos, of N. J-, a better American
than whom there la not upon this floor, and I olaim
to be as good as the best; and his suooeedlng votes
were for Judge MoLean, until by a trick Fremont
was nominated, when he put on his hat, left
tho chair of the Convention, and oame home in dis-
gust. In November ho voted the Fillmore-Ameri
can ticket, and fearing—exoollentsoul that he Is,—
that he might be accused of voting for Fremont
against his own wishes, he was induced to vote an
open tioket in the presence of hla friends nt Ger
mantown. I pronounce it hero, thnt there is not a
hotter or a better-hearted friend of Is&ao Hazlo
hurst than ftobort T. Conrad, and that Mr. Haalo
hursfc is a friend of Mr. Conrad, and would put him
in this position if he could. Now let any man con
tradict theso facts, and I will meet him.
One of the delegates inquired whether Mr. Con
rad had accepted the nomination tendered him by
the Union Convention.
Mr. Pringle. lam authorised to say here, and
I gay itj besides, upon my own responsibility,which
Is sufficient for any gentleman present, that Judge
Conrad never aaked tho nomination from the Union
Convention, and was ’ nominated by tLat Conven
tion without his consent. [Great applause.]
The discussion was then terminated.
A letter was read from William F. Small, stating
his willingness to receive the nomination for J udge
lif It waß conferred upon him. He gave in his ad
hesion to the resolutions and nominations of the
“ Straight-out ” Lancaster ’ Convention, and pro
mised to support the tioket of the Convention.
The motion to proceed to a ballot for Associate
Judge of the Court of Common Pleas was agreed to,
and a ballot taken, with the following result:
Robert T. Conrad, . 36 J John M. Collins, . 4
William F. Small, . 30 D. S. Soby, . . 2
David Paul Brown,. 23 j
There being no choice, the Convention proceeded
to a second ballot, with the following result:
Robert T. Conrad, . 34 I David Paul Brown,. 33
William F. Small, . 20 |
There being no choice, a third ballot was taken,
as follows;
David Paul Brown, . 50} William F. Small, . 5
Robert T. Conrad, . 33 f
David Paul Brown having received a majority
of all the votes cast, was duly declared nominated
as the American candidate for Associate Judge of
the Court of Common Pleas. The announcement
efthe result of the third ballot was received with
many demonstrations of approbation by tho friends
<tf Mr. Brown, and with evident dissatisfaction by
fie friends of Mr. Conrad.
fi. delegate rose in hisplace and in a violent man
ner mado a motion to “groan down the nomina
tion.” This was not entertained, and & motion
gubsequently mado to make the nomination unan
imous, was agreed to, there being an almost equal
number of dissenting votes.
A motion was made to go Into a ballot for Recorder
of Defies: agreed to. Letters were received from
Charles W. Carroll, Chari
o. Warner, asking the t<
the Convention. The firs
rlea D. Colladay and John
favorable consideration of
'St ballot resulted as fob
Charles W. Carroll, . U D. T>. Willctown,, , *
aD. ColUday, . $2 Semool Lloyd, .10
Samuel Brume, . . a John g. Warner, , 0
It. Seoii, - 4 Solomon Wagner, . 8
There being no choice, another ballot was taken,
US follows: *
Chwles W. C»mll, 40 I Samuel Lloyd. . W
U- CoUadoy, . .22 I Solomon Warner, ■ 6
follows* “ B,n B oo choice, s third ballot was bad, aa
S h "'J; .44 IS. Lloyd, . . 12
o. D. Colladay, . 231 Solomon Wagner, . 8
®* n ’ having received a majority of sll the
the T- as deolared the nominee of
the Oonventvou for Recorder of Deeds,
mens IDO “ on waa then, on motion, made nnani-
and lost kS w “i S to adjourn for" ten minutes,
airfiSu 1 ? theo proceeded to tbe nomiaa
courtf Dto!ct
b-v 1 Israel R. Springer,. 4
RichardM. Berry,. a Joseph B. wade, * . 4
Jacob H. Hill ; .34 William Summers, .13
Henry L. Tunison,. 10 wuumie™, »a*
There being no choice, the Convention proceeded
as toUows, to a
J.H.nill, . . 44 W.B.R. Selby, . 7
V'i“ , ,5 er „ r y» • • 7 William Summers,. io
4 Henry L. Tunison,. 7
Mr. Hill haring received a majority of all the
votes cast, was declared the nominee of the Con*
vention for Prothonotary of the District Court.
ihe nomination was then made tho unanimous
choice cf the Convention.
On motion, the committee proceeded to tbe nomi
nation of a candidate for Clerk of the Quarter
yessions; previous to which letters were read from
Mr. John S. and Wilson P. Carman, the
former referring to his past life as the guarantee
for his future conduct, and the latter pledging
himself as a forty-four American, to carry out the
principles of the party, by superintending the
issuing of naturalization papers to foreigners, re
moving Bornard Bharkoy and Theodore T. Derrin
ger, ami voting the straight American tieket, un
ndultaruted by Black Republicanism.
Iho Convention thon proceeded to a ballot:
Keysor, .54 Sam ael Lloyd, . 2
Wilson P. Carman .21 John R. Scott, . 3
Richard M. Perry,. l
John 8. Keyser having received the majority of
the votes oast, was declared the nominee of the
Convention. The nomination was. on motion,
madq unanimous.
The Convention then proceeded to nominate a
candidate for Coroner, > ,
11 John FrtnkUa . 5
* 7 John F. Trenehard . 2
. 21 JohnM. Floyd 4
* 14 Wm. O. Russell 3
8 No choice.
second ballot.
If. Pugh . . SJ. S. Haas . I
Burr . 26 J>. B. Bertler . . 2
M. Ployd . . 1 J. Franklin . ’ . 3
.T.Bnroiuc. . 38 No choice.
F. Trenchard . 2
J. H. Pugh
Ale*, Larer
Richard Burr
N. T. Baroux
D. B. Beitlor
v TttlßD i
rf. T. Baroux . . 60 1
R* Burr . .20
J. 8 Haas . j I
N. T. Baroux having r
the votoa east, was de
Coroner, and the nominal
D. B. Beitier . . 1
Alex. Larer . . 1
eceived a majority of all
dared the nominee for
tion, on motion, was made
The Conrention then proceeded to & ballot for a
candidate for Senator:
William A. Crabbo, 42 |J. L. Husband, . 2
Samuel O. Hamilton, 24 | Samuel Lloyd, • 81
Mr. Crabbo having received a majority of all the
votes oast, waa declared nominated, ana the nomi
wag mado unanimous.
Tne following Committoe of Superintendence was
then appointed:
Fi retWard, John Franklin; Second, William 11.
Third, M. Sondgran; Fourth, John Riddle;
Fifth, Chas. A. Poulson; Sixth, Charles Welding;
Seventh, Wm, J. MaoMullin; Eighth, Joseph H.
Flanigan; Ninth, Samuel Sparhawks; Tenth, Geo.
Bolden; Eleventh, Wm. R. Miller; Twelfth, John
Meeker; Thirteenth, M. C. Affilck; Fourteenth, C.
7«\?°l fifteenth, Samuel Daniels; Sixteenth,
Alfred R. Lents; Seventeenth, Edwardßihl; Eigh
teentb. A. F. Hoppel; Nineteenth, J. F. Trencbard,
Twentieth, Israel R. Deacon; Twenty-first, John
j s°?' Twenty-second, D.P. Morrell; Twenty
ivjf. * " e^r Castor, Twenty-fourth, Benjamin R.
The thanks of the Convention were, on motion,
tendered to the presiding officers, and the Conven
tion then adjourned, to meet at the call of the offi
JUtempt at Wholesale Murder—Another
Gunpowder Plot Revealed--Excitement at the
Exchange. —Yesterday afternoon, about two
o’clock, the vicinity of the Philadelphia Exchange
was thrown into the greatest state of excitement
by the report of an attempt, on the part of an
elderly individual named William Evans, to de
stroy the lives of several persons in the counting
room of Mr. Alexander E. Outerbridge, at No. 20
In the Exchange Bnllding.
It appears that Mr. Evans, who la apparently
about 00 years of age, is the inventor of a patented
machine far the manufacture of oigsrs, and that
, bvM formerly a partner in the firm of Qttter
■ bridge k Co., who were also engaged 1b • the same
business. Laboring under the idea that there
was a studied attempt to defraud him of his pro*
: perty, and all, his share of the profits of the
.concern, ho took freqnent occasion to remonstrate
with his partners against the course he thought
*thoy were pursuing in relation to himself. Find
.ing that all he did was altogether unheeded, or
‘else anecringly andscoffingly received, he cherished
feelings of revenge, and threatened to have full
‘satisfaction for all his grievances.
■ Accordingly, yesterday afternoon, between one
land two o > dook, he purchased, at some place un
•known, a half-gallon jug of gun powder, with the
express determination of blowing up the establish
ment, and destroying the lives of those whom ho
imagined had sedulously endeavored to injure him.
At two o’olock, with his jug tied around his neck,
ho went into room No. 20 of the Exchange, on the
second floor, and before the objeot of his visit was
comprehended he placed a lighted sugar in the
.month of the jug. Providentially, the powder did
net ignite, there being too great a quantity of
ashes on the cigar. There were several gentlemen
dn the room at this time, and their consternation
was great when they saw the evidence of the fell
[purpose uppermost in the mind of Mr. Evans.
They took prompt advantage of this failure, and
immediately Beixed tho jug, which was filled to its
utmost capacity with powder, and took it forcibly
from him. Some harsh words ensued, and in the
meantime ono of the gentlemen wont in search of
a police officer to take Evans into custody- He
soon returned with Officer Conway, to whom was
explained tho nature of tho crime which an attempt
had just boon made to perpetrate by Mr. Evans.
Ho at onoo arrested that individual, and took him
to tho Central Police Station at Fifth and Chostnut
Last evening, at 8 o’clock, a hearing in this ease
took place before Alderman Eneu. The office was
very much thronged, and considerable interest was
manifested in tho evidence.
Mr. Outerbridge was examined at length, and
testified to the foots as wo have stated them The
other gentlemen present at the time of the occur
rence wero also sworn, and fully corroborated the
statement mode by the first witness.
In reply to a question from Alderman Enue to
the defendant, whether he had anything to euy
relative to this matter, ho stepped forward and
said that ho coaid explain its origin so that all
could understand it. The prisoner is apparently
very respectably connected, and is possessed of
easy and intelligent conversational powers, and
told his story without tho least perplexity, in a
straight-forward and quiet manner. JIo had been
oheated, he said, by Mr. Outerbridge and others,
out of considerable Bums of money, and had been
imposod upon and insulted, in numerous ways, on
frequent occasions, lie bad applied for redress,
but all his remarks wore either ridiculed, or else
contemptuously treated. Ho had au interest in
the machine for the manufacture of cigars, which
Mr. Outerbridge and his allies had sought to rob
him off. His business had been completely ruined
by these persons. Discovering that fair means
failed to effect tho desired remedy, he took it upon
Himself to resort to foul means. Ho had procured
the powder to destroy his own life, and most of his
malignant enemies. This Is about the substanco
of the very lengthy statement which he made.
The Alderman heard him patiently, and then
committed him to answer the charge of attempted
ipnrder at tho present term of court. It was
slated to us last evening that Evans is thought to
bo somewhat deranged.
Sad Case of Suicide.—Full Particulars. —
The community was startled yesterday morning by
the announcement that tbe seven-o’clock train of
oars from Germantown had run down and instantly
killed ayoung girl, who appeared to have purposely
sought death through this most violent means.
Tho spot where the occurrence transpired was
about two hundred feet above the plank-road
bridgowhich orosses the track on tho Germantown
branch, some two hundred yards below the Tioga
station. The unfortunate girl was observed by the
engineer walking upon tho track just in advance of
the engine- The whistle was sounded loudly, but
the girl kept on her way until the engine was
almost upon her, when, covering her eyes with her
baud she throw herself across the rail. A moment
later and tho entire train passed over her body,
severing it in twain, and tearing off also the back
part of her head
It appears that tho poor victim of self-destruc
tion had been loitering in the vicinity for some
hours. The svtoch-tender who has charge of the
point where the Germantown and Norristown roads
branch off, represents that at six o’clock the same
morning he had seen the girl emerging from Rising
Sun lane, a small street in the vicinity of the
Plank Road bridge. This she crossed, and soon
passed out of view; but soon re-appeared again at
about half-past seven o’clock, when he saw her
coming down the Norristown track. Her appear
ance at this time was a person in whose
mind the most terrible thoughts were revolving.
She would advance hurriedly for a few paces, then
pause, and then stand with eyes transfixed to the
As soon os possible after the oar-wheels had per
formed their inevitable work, the train was stopped
and tho remains of the suicide were gathered to
gether and loft under guard by the road-side, in
hope that they might bo Identified. Subsequently
a coffin was sent up, and about three o’clook the
remains arrived in this city. They were taken to
• private *p»rbpen;, opoß the Moond floor of the
B|l?ro»S Dfpot, *Stos an inquest WM held- It
noiUd bo suporfluoui to print the twttaony, u the
evUtBM of Atek irib**? yrxs v 9 tijO pRT'
poeo totting forth fop butt* shore stated.
The only ponon who hu any know ledge of
her preriottt totbe occurrence was Jas. Hatchings,
n person residing on the plank road, who Is em
ployed In & workshop Adjoining Use plank road toll
gate, Hii testimony *t the inquest showed that
just before the train came in view, the deceased
asked him how long it would be before the train
passed. He answered, “ Oat a few minutes; if I
you wish to, ride, however, yon must walk on to
the Tioga station, as the'cars do not stop until
they get there.” Her reply was Ufrttdlble, and
about four minutes after he left her the cars struck
her down.
The name of the deceased is Miss Grace Anna
Miller. She resided with her parents, at the cor
ner of Washlngton lane and the Germantown pike.
She has been insane for some time, and escaped
the surveillance of her parents in a moment when
least expected. Her grief-stricken family hare
removed the body for burial.
Pennsylvania Horticultural Society —The
regular monthly meeting was held last sight at
Concert Hall. Despite the lowering state of the
weather, the attendance was good, most of our
leading professional and amateur florist* and po
mologists being present. The display of fruit was
limited, being confined to nectarines, pears, plums,
and the Cauwlsaa raspberry. The latter is a
**“l bears during the entire season,
it is or the ted variety, ormedium else, and of
fine flavor, it m contributed by Mr. H. A.
Dreer, seedsman and florist, W Chestnut street
The show of nectarines and plums was excellent,
several varieties of each being of enormous site.
A variety of blackberry called the Lawton was
also shown. This is a wonderfully prolific plant,
bearing fruit the she of a pigeon egg, the hush
actually breaking unless propped up, in conse
quence of the load of fruit. It is contributed by
R. Buist.
The display ofeat flowers in bouquets and baskets
was the best we,have yet seen at the Society's ex
hibition. 1
Among the growing plants is the Imperatrin
Elizabeth Verbena, also the offering of Mr. H. A.
Dreer. This plant contains six hundred blossoms,
the whole being in a single pot. The flower is pe
culiar; being star shaped, purple in color, delicate
ly striped with white. A special premium was
awarded to this plant.
A fair show of culinary vegetables graced one
end of the hall, the homely cabbage mingling with
the purple egg-plant; while squashes, cucumbers,
and tomatoes lay in loving contrast to yellow car
rots, buDCehs of celery, and heads of brocoli. The
principal contributor in this line was Mr. A. L.
Felton, Ridge avenue, west of Washington avenue,
who, aa a grower of strawberries, is well known to
our oitisens. In the collection were tomatoes
weighing upwards of a pound each, and egg plants
measuring ten inches In diameter.
Owing to the lateness of the hour of exhibition,
we &tc unable to do due justice to a description of
its beauties—the absence of labels upon the contri
butions preventing spectators from obtaining a
knowledge of their names and of the exhibitors.
The Murderer of Smith. —George Freeth, the
murderer of his nephew, ffm. Lee Smith, is now
confined in Moyamensiog prison. He appears to be
perfectly unconcerned-as to the consequences of hia
terrible act.
Narrow Escape from Drowning. —An even-
ing or two since a young man named Porter, fell
into the Schuylkill, at Race, street Wharf, and
would have been drowned, had it not been for the
prompt exertions of Sergeant Thomas, of the Sixth
Police Diatriet, who, after considerable difficulty,
succeeded in rescuing him, and took him to a place
of shelter, where medical attendance was procured.
Those who witnessed the occurrence state that the
escape of Porter from drowning was almost mirac
Republican Movement. —Last evening the
Republicans in (he different Wards met at their
respective head-quarters for the parposo of elect
ing delegates to the Convention to nominate candi
dates for the October municipal election. The
attendance at all these meetings argued any thing
but enthusiasm in the cause. The Tenth Ward
Republicans appear to he the only ones who have
any organisation, and that is very far from being
Straight-Out Republican Legislative Con
vention.—The delegates to the Legislative ConYfen
tiou met immediately upon the adjournment of the
County Convention, but transacted no business. A
motion to adjourn until foar o’clock this afternoon
was carried
Launch. —Wo learn from a private letter
from Cape May C. H.,\that the self-righting and
self-bailing boat of Mr. Richard C. Holmes vrfli
be launched at that place to-morrow morning at
eleven o’clock.
The Wert Chester County Murder#
[From the Chester County KepaMkas sad Democrat,
August mh.)
Oa Saturday morning Chat. D. Phillips, against
whom the grand jury had found a ” true bill’’ for
the murder of Jonathan Cleaver Bartholomew, woe
.brought before the court and arraigned by the
district attorney, Mr. Butler, in the presence of his’
counsel. Mr. Hickman, and, upon the reading of
. the indictment, Mr. Phillips distinctly plead lVbf
Guilty to the several counts In the bill found
against him by the grand inquest.
After the arraignmenthadtaken place,Mr. Hick*
, man arose and said that he was about to make an
application for the continuance of the ease until the
next term of court. The application was founded
upon very lengthy affidavits signed by the defend
ant, in whioh he contended the public had become
so much inflamed against him as to preclude the
idea of his having a fair trial at ibis time. Tho
course of the publie press was brought forward in
the affidavit as one of the eauses operating very
sensibly on the publio mind. It contained extracts
from the Village Record and Jeffersonian , which
were alleged to be very prejudicial to his ease. It
farther alleged that Judge Haines had stated in
his decision In the habeas corpus ease, that there
was no evidence of a quarrel between Phillips and
Bartholomew; that this had appeared in some of
the newspapers and had also prejudiced the ease of
But the most important part of the affidavit was
the absence of an important witness, a man named
John Lucy.
Mr. Lewis, the associate counsel of Phillips,
when ho rose to urge the continuance of the ease, I
first filed an additional affidavit made by himself, 1
in which he stated that some time since he went
over to Tredyffrin where Luey was residing, saw
him there, examined him, anu found his testimony
to be very important to the defence. Lucy prom
ised fully to remain so os to be present at tho
court, and Mr. Lewis testified that ne said to him
that if he was unable to get work until court, he
should not be a losor by staying. He also stated
that after his examination he learned that ho went
to work for a brother of the deceased Ms. Bartho
lomew, and that shortly after this he left the
neighborhood. The allegation was also mode that
he had been spirited away by those who were
prejudiced against Phillips. The District Attor
ney replied to this by stating that Lucy had been
closeted with Phillips in his cell for two hoars at a
time, and that he had him coder his control, 3cc.
The court refused to make an order to deliver the
pistol to the counsel of Phillips for experiment, ,
and held the question of a continuance over until
The court bet at- ten o’clock on Monday mom- 1
ing, when additional affidavits were filed in regard
to the absent witness, Luey, and also in regard to
the absence of another material witness named
Franklin Mitchell. Counter affidavits were also
filed by the Distriot Attorney, and after bearing
them Judge U&ints read along written opinion, in
which ho fully reviewed the whole question, de
ciding that the grounds were sufficient for a con
tinuance, and a continuanoe was therefore granted.
The ease will, therefore, be tried at the next court.
The Trial oi Sloe lor Murder at Sh&wneet*an.
To a frieml Iwho left Sbewneetown yesterday,
we are indebted for the following interesting par
ticulars of the trial of Sloo, now m progress at that
place. The case has been before the court nearly
four weeks, two of which were consumed in «m
-paxmelling a jury. A host of witnesses have been
examined, and the lawyers have been engaged in
tiie argument since Monday. Col. Crockett, of
Henderson, with five others, are defending Sloo.
The prosecution is conducted by Hat. Wolfe. Esq.,
of Louisville, and three associates. As we stated
some time since, tile defence rely upon 'the plea of
insanity. The superintendent of the Insane Asylum
of Illinois, and two other distinguished physicians,
have examined Sloo, and their opinion that his in*
tellect is impaired forms the chief ground upon
which the defence rests. The trial has created the
Btoatintenae excitement throughout Southern HU
nois. Hall, the deceased, was widely known and
had many friends. Sloo has a largefamilyconnex
icn in Snawneetown and a host of friends; the
people of the vicinity are nearly equally divided
in opinion of Slew’s insanity. The case will go to
the jury tomorrow evening. It Is thought that
the jury will be unable to agree upon a verdict.—
Evansville (iW.) Journal t lßlh.
Northampton Couxtt Democratic Nohi-va
tioks. —We find in the Easton Express of yester
day morning the proceedings of the Democratic
Convention of Northampton county,'held on Mon
day, at Easton. Every township in the county was
represented. Judge Sorter called the convention
to order, and on hw motion John Davis was chosen
chairman. Col. Johnson introduced an able series
of resolutions, endorsing the National Administra
tion and our State candidates; approving the
course of tho Hon Kichard Brodbead and Hon. Asa
Packer in Congress; condemning the sale of the
public works, and opposing further increase of the
nankin* capital of the State. Hon. Bicbard Brod
head made an ablo and eloquent speech. The
elections for delegates will be held on the 12th of
September, and the nominating convention on the
Tuesday following.
Tns Collision on the Sotjsn— .The Name ot
inn Lady seen Floating wrraACttiLD tsHsR
Arms.— The New York Tmrs learns that the
name of the lady seen floating in the water imme
diately aftet tho sinking of the propeller J. W-
Harris, on Saturday morning, with an infant in
her arms, and who so nobly refused to relinquish her
hold of her child to save her own life, was Mrs-
Mary Ann Wilkins, of New London, Conn., whither
she was returning from a visit to her widowed
mother in South Brooklyn, near Greenwood. Her
husband, who had also been In Brooklyn on a visit
with her, returned home a few days previous, leav
ing her to return alone on Friday. Previous to
leaving on Friday, it was suggested to her that she
should return home by way of the railroad * bat she
declined, preferring, as she said, to go by the pro
peller, thatshe mignt have a good night’s rest, and
arrive in New London about 7 o’clock on Saturday
Mrs. Wilkins was about 23 years of age, and had
been married only two years. The infant in her
arms was her only child, eight months old, and a
’Water lime mixed with akimmed milk is
said to make an excellent drab-colored paint. It
will adhere well to wood, stone, brick, or mortar,
where oil paint has not been used, and is very hard
and durable.
Visit ef Judge Jteww,
ttnj«i»*l)«i«Kl| Ui *euaiar«*s«ttre s«4
•; r ',:
Bos. 8. A. Hoagies,' of miaote, arrtrod is
sily ycsterd ayjrfionwcm,Hytilß tnfiaAOßg**»>
mk* stopped at the Capital Hou*» Bewesawott
pauiedbyhiijiraDgwi aeKamiStoedwife,™ J-
B. CatU, Jr., Esq., «T Wttbbtttaa City.
After dusk, a*d w» the 4»lanii&ei Senator
waa receiving the attentions of friends end ad
mirers, the ffemoessiie boys got together alot of
inflaaraahto atatorial, and created a .boa
fire in frost of the Capital Bona*. Stagnated
cheers and calls far f< lKJagia*. n<t pouglss,” by
the crowd of several hundreds called together
there, brought the Utile (Bast to the buses/,
where bis appearance wa*. meted by mnebap*
plaose asd hearty cheers, w&ch ha gracefully as-«
koowledged, and said •
“CtttfTLSMsx: These attentions'ftnsa. yds, and
thefiiendiy feeling which this demonstration indi-
hare awakened iame eeaßaOnti of prafoand
pleaaoiß and gratitude. I was pasting through
V(*\ £*?**,' ? ft m 7 way to the Fortowest, when
what I had heard of the beauty of the capital cf
detained me for a day among jrm. And
I hare gazed on this lordyspot, these lakes spread
oat around you, these hills and groves, anA thought
that a tithe had not yet been told! I hsd beard
of the wonderful Foot Lake Country before a white
man tired here; nod I hare since heard ranch
more of what Nature has so isTitoiy done and art
so beautified hen, bat aU the pic tore thattay
thoughts coaid paint is more than sarpamd/ (Ap
plause.) My present journey to to the Upper &&»
sissippi, to Tint here and there the finest seener/In
the world~for actwithstaadtog a& that Is written
and said of Italy and its skies and abcies, there ia
bo scene upon which I have looked that can com
pare with this—and the femal'Ehin* cannot boast
ef such beauties an meet the eye on every hand
along the Mississippi.
“And how deep nuatswell the emotion, uwegase
on all thlstair inheritance to if witffsa
cred care, , and to perpetuate ii forever. (Loud
applause.) Upon this question we are not divided.
However our feelings may be exerted at election,
and party spirit and did diviriofia may separate
us, we are all American citUeus. Whether bora
distant seta, or la the North or Booth, or
the Middle, or the far East, we hare one tie—that
of country, and liberty, and law—stronger
au others. And whan the**, our invitation*, oar
Union,, oar Qonatitauou, an assailed, whatever
may be our political differences. we rally in a com
mon cause, as one man, to defend to-g (Load
apnlause.) . _
Again X thank you tor this mark ef year kind
ness. And I ajiall carry with me when Hesre
you sot only the impressions of this scenery, as
lovely .as any on which the sun sheds its light,*bu
still snore grateful recollections of the kindlV faf.
ing, the public spirit, and patriotic sentiments of
those whoer home fir-n&M sbfair raa**;aim of
the generous attentidhs of which yin have made
mo the object.”
Judge Houglas then retired after bowing grace
fully, and was followed by reiterated shouts and
cheers. He then bade adieu to his friends who had
metin the parlor, and retired for toe night His
pecaliar appearance— toe trank and head of a
gisntoa the legs of a dwarf—his eountenane ex
pressing in every line commanding arid intel
lectual power—his deep, clear, strong rotoe, and
tones of hearty welcome, jovial hitoxlty.oT grace
fui respect—will not soon be forgotten by thou who
saw him. He left in the afternoon train for the
Ir»m the Plains.
Nineteen. Men Attached hy a Hand of One JJjot
dred and Ftfeylndians—Five Hundred and
Tvcnty-four Head of Catth and Teasuty
Head of Mules and ;Hqtus Run by tXt
(From the St. Joseph’* Journil of August Utiu}
A couple of gentlemen, Hr. "Wm. L Sumners
end C. P. Bnist, arrived in this «Hy on Saturday
last, direct from Fort Kearney, end report that a
company of nineteen men, hating in tneir charge
eight hundred and twenty-fooi tad of beef eattU,
belonging to Russell A Waddle, *nd destined for
tbs Utah expedition, bad been attacked by a bind
of one hundred and fifty Cheyennes and Caman
ches, on the Ist inat.
The Indians came upon the drovers and fired
qu te unexpectedly, killing one mas and despe
rately wounding another. At the tism of the at
tack scarcely any of the _ drovers had their rots
loaded. After recovering .from the. shock, they
proceeded to load their guns as quickly as pendM*
and to return the fin. They think they certainly
caused three, it not fire, of the Indiana to brt» the
Bnl this little repaid them for their <wa j*w
The cattle belonging to the drove took a ttafepeda
at the first charge of the Indiana, ttw! befocs
skirmish was 'over, they succeeded in nosing at
twenty oat of twenty-two of the com posy’s snlea
and horses.
This happened about treaty-seres miles above
Fort Kearney; and having two muiaa or
horses left, the greater part of the company had to
foot it back to the Fort, which they did oy aciresi
toos roate, in order to avoid the Indiana; *V»«
making the actual distance much Anther. The
wounded man suffered excruciating pain during the
entire route. The shot he received woke histoigh.
Ke and another man were on the tame animalYwe
wounded man riding behind, with his leg <*»»gtjpg
by the side of the beast upon which he was motmV
ed. He also suffered greatly from the wanted
wafer, caused by lossofblood, and riding through
the hot sun.
On arriving at the Fort, the limb of the wounded
man- was examined by Hr. Sommers, who thought
that it would hare to be amputated. Hr. Summers
is the surgeon of the Fort, and the brother of bur
Immediately on recoiling the intelligenee, CcA
Sumner, with a small detachment of man, left Fort
Kearney in pursuit of the Indians. ;
The man killed by the Indiana was WUHta
Sandbnm, of Leavenworth City, and in the employ
of Bussell A Waddle, to wham the 8H head cf cat
tle belonged. . _ ».
On the arrival of the company at Fort Ktxraey,
Xteuk Marshall, who was is command, despatched
( an express to Oen. Haraej
■'The came ea as fxrax&simiir—at up*
nosiie. the Territory-fti oompany wiot
SUunner and Baist, and proceeded no to
Fort LesTenworth. -
It is to be hoped that the force of Col. Sumner,
with his well-known bravery and tact as an Indian
fighter, will be sufficient to recover the stolen pro
perty, and sSso to measure out. even-handed juste
to the red men, and teach them a lemon that-chcy
will not soon forget. - - —.
Strange and Myitenons Affairs ea tfas Jaety
A mysterious affair took place on Sunday morn
ing, about 12 o'clock, about half a mile below the
Ocean House, Shrewsbury, 2f. J. As two gentie*
men, Messrs, fi&un and Bradway, were strolling
along the shore, they noticed a small sail boat
throw out her anchor, and land four passengers,
one of whom carried a shovel. As there wnssome
thing singular about their movements, they were
closely watched. They proceeded to » spot about
fifty rods from the shore, where the one who carried
a shovel commenced to dig. Tws of the party re
turning to the boat took thence a mahogany coffin,
handsomely mounted, and boro it to the spot where
the others were digging. Of course, the curiosity
of those on the watch was not diminished by these
operations. Out of the hole which was dug the
four men raised a human body, wrapped in
blankets, and placed it in the coffin. At this point
Mr. Bans came forward, and addressed the man
who seemed to take the lead in the burin ess, *pd
whom the others called “ Doctor.”
This “ Doctor ” stated that the body was Out of
a young American girl, who had been a domestic
in his family; that she had been for some time
sick, and that a few days before he had taken her
out for a sail, hut that she died on board the boat,
and having his family with him he would cot taka
the remains back, but gave them a temporary rest
ing place in the sand until be could make the neces
sary preparation for her decent interment. Mr.
Baun desired him to stop at the Ocean House and
report what had transpired, which he readily
promised to do. The promise, however, was not
sept. Superintendent Tallmadge, who was stop
ping at the Ocean House, being informed of the
facts, repaired to the spot and found that the grave,
which was sot more than a foot deep, emitted a
most offensive smell, showing that the dm? was far
gone in Two of the parties in the
boat are recognised, and possibly some arrests will
be made. At present there seems to be evident
eason for suspeoting foul play of some kind.
Akother Accor**— The Yicrxu Supposed to be
a Pejotstlyaxua.
Mr. Tallmadge immediately despatched Officers
Drovoort and 'Van Tassel to New Jersey to endeavor
to ferret out the mystery, which they have partially
succeeded in doing. It appears the “Doctor” Is a
man of wealth and respectability, residing in New
ark, New Jersey. His name is at proeent withheld.
On the 4th init., he left Newark with his family,
consisting of nine persons, and a Mrs. McNeti sad
two children, on a pleasure excursion in a
sail-boat or yacht, intending to cruise shout from
place to place for about amentb. A woman named
Margaret Dale, born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
was a member of his family, as a sort of companion
for his wife. He kept s fog of his voyage, from
whlee it appears that on the 4th Inst, they sailed
to Sandy Hook; on the 6th, went to Bed Bank; on
the 7th, beached the boat on the Highlands; on
the Bth, went ashore at the Ocean House; ©a the
9th, went to Parson’s dock; on the 10th, catered
Parson’s creek; on the 22th. beached the boat
again above- the Ocean House. At this time a
storm came up, and all had left the boat but Mar-
Siret and his children. His wife went to the Ocean
ouse with her young child, and when she re
turned Margaret was taken sick, and died at 2
i o’clock on the morning of the 13tb.
Here comes the most angular part cf ihcHory.
Although they were only half a mile from th*.
Ocean House, where they could readily have ob
tained assistance, they did not know what to do
with the body, as they did not want it with them
in the boat on their return; and at last they dug a
hole in the sand, wrapt the woman in a blanket
with all her clothes on, and covered her about a
foot deep. Thoy then returned to Newark, where
the doctor applied to Coroner Milton Baldwin for a
permit to bury a woman, whom, it is alleged, he
represented as being on board his boat, or at the
railroad depot He obtained the following docu
ment ;
** This certifies that Margaret Dele, born in Pennsyl
vania, aged &g yean, —— month*, died at Shrewsbury,
N. J., on the 13th day of August, 1557. Cause or
death—congestion of the lungs.
Jlitros Bilowix. Coroner.
“ Newark, August 17, 1857. 1 ’
The “Doctor” then proceeded in his boat to
the spot where the body was burled, and conveyed
it to Newark, after having been discovered in re
moving her ss related above. The matter ii now
in the hands of the Newark authorities, and will
probably be thoroughly investigated. It is not
supposed that there has been any fool play.
Great Rite La Cotton.
The barque Roebuck, from Rio de Janeiro,arrived
at New York yesterday forenoon, bringing dates
to July 12th, eight days later than receirod by way
of England.
The political newt is unimportant.
The Roebuck brought no circulars, bat we leers
from private advices a great advance had taken
place in coffee, and also that flour was improving. |
The following extract, from a letter by t large
commercial house in this city, will explain mar*
particularly the state of the market:
The news by to* packet from Europe, which ar
rived the day before yesterday, has created quit*
an excitement, and about w,OOO bags have been
sold since her arrival, at an advance of about 100
rs. per arr., all for Europe.
rfie stock is now reduced to 00,000 bag*; and a
good cargo for the United States, we think, would
not be got under 5,30Qa5,360 rs.
. The uotur market is improving; some 2,000 bags
“Crenshaw k Ravcneath” sold at $23—500,4 mos.~
3,000 bbls. New Orleans at $2l, 4 mo*s 500 bbtol
Baveneaih, $21—500. The stock in. first hands U
now reduced to 32,000 bbls., and holders are fins
Exchange on London, 27Ja27j.