The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 18, 1857, Image 3
. 1 .ifwwu'^Wiwe^^k'^” alljuate Ota - -'ihels elec ’ tlou, at 10 o’clock.' TW following is the resolution : " & jug *».y«Sidi?i«on*«f theojiy of PhlladalphU -. at 14 o’olook atKoaeJing their «lwj. orgatiije:' tod prooeod as in Rules ?£'&>"•■ Senators, maybe neoesaaryby death.te "Agt«od tor; V Vf;°: -Wfihi? into/ptotoU™ iSiiiot 'eoneot, those who hare the matter in chargu had better explain them: The fellowingmloi govern thesoelectiona, sub ject, to the above amendment: ■ 1 ' .‘‘Bot® 15tb.The Democratic oitiiens wiSing ID eaefi siection division,!!!' thesevisral J wards, of , tha Oily of Philadelphia, shall meet at' ,'plades provided for holdlng.eleotloaii, on the. Uet Monday In August, annually, at 7i o’clock in the evening, had .elect one person to serve as ,"Judge; tod-two , persons to serve, as Inspectors, In the same manner ■ as provided by Rule Ist. v' O - , ' •’Ring 16th. Tho Democratic citiiena residing in each division afbiMaidaiall meet at the places where tho elections provided fordn the preceding ; mle were held.ib'tM first Monday in September - annually, at fidlciddk in .the evening, nnd elect one Delegate torepresent said' division in- County, one in Senatorial and Legislative, and bi-annually , onc'in'Cohgiwwonftl’Convention,-‘as hereinafter , provided. ; ™tt tioketa voted'thhu be■' headed on tho-t outside', irrespectively 1 County Delegate,’, ; 1 Legialatis;e, Delagate, ‘Congressional Dele-; , The County Delegate* whose elw-1; . tiott'JajuOYided for in Rule: 16th, shall meet in County: Convention, at ten o’olook in the forenoon! ott the-Tuesday hett succeeding their election, at ' tha Spring Garden Hall; 14th Ward/and organise' ~ U provided for in Rule4th. and sh»U , proceed . in eoooidahce with the Rule dth, to ; mttenffibiinationj} forallthboounty ofcceWy to be «t the.-ensuing general'election.' The - Contention, shall not have power to* adjourn pend* ing a nomination, nor for a longer penod than* to the following dayr ’ ■ “ Bros 18th. 1 , IfaeLegtalative delegates elected, ' as directed by Rule 16th, in the several election dftUtonSntneCity of VMladclphla, aa it existed ; prior to the passage of the Consolidation Act shall' meetattic Cottn ty opttrt'fibuse,/4t .’74'o’clock jh ' theavening oh'theTuesday next f succeeding their election,' and organise as provided for by Rtde 4th;. ahd shall proceed in accordance with the pro radons of Rule 6th, to make nominations for mem bers erf. the, House of Representatives, end one or more Senators, whenever, the samemay be rendered, necessary by death, resignation,'or otherwise. The .Convention shall not have power to adjourn pend ing a nomination, nor for a longer period than to the following day.- . “ Rule 19th. The Legislative Delegates elected as dlrwtedhy Rule 16th, In the several election division ain tha Countyof Philadelphia,As it existed prior to the-Consolidation Aot, shall meet at Northern Liberties Hallyllth Ward, at 10 o’olook, A. M.;outhe Tnesday next succeeding their elec tion, wd oiganiseaa is provided for in Rule 4th, and shall proceed in accordance with the provi sions Qfß»ld6tiij to make nominations for members of Representatives, and one or more Senators, .whenever’ the same may be rendered necessary by death/roslgnation, or otherwiso. The Convention shall not have power to adjourn pending' ' a nomination,'nor for: a longer period than to the followingdayv >u ?/ '• " ' , ' < It {ff igalij that the body of the son of Napoleon l.j hojt lying' at Schonbriuywill be shortlybronkhtte Paris and deposited at the Inva lid«fc *>•/ v‘ : LETTS FROM NEW YORK. [CorrHpondßDMOt'The PrfM.) ... ;NmTo»K,i«giutlJ. TSere'to atutaing to be rctnarkodin rel ation to, tho very larr«*ad i!ignificant meeting on Friday ni(bt »l : Ibe whole tone of the proceedings the ehataotoit of the speakers, and the tetoe of the mtobtiidsifi (Whieh lMtmaybe regard' *d M the platfembf the partrat the faU’eleouon,) aU theee indtoate deueately but distinctly, the dif ferenoefcotween protesting R£uiuBt(ippremvt) legii latton/Mid fastens declamation 'agamsf the’decrees of the higb»t ppnxiof the State. ■ Tammany Ball mora alowlV ahd’obnsldtiratoly in all great que»- tiane,and at thi*juncture la true tohorfaaie. She fa, ihdteantat: the dolngaof last winter at Albany, ihs fedetermined to effect s repeal of the obnoxi on» lain; hatAebowe iaßabrnfoion to tho decrees of thtt.Court of -Appeali, an&holds,iiat. the judges' answerable fordtelarihg a law in the ereation of whioh they had no hand. ’, There are those who oall thth>wlreal)einoeimtawiu>parsneadiSerenteourse Tbe distreasiDg calamity that ooourred on the Sound ercites mnch commont. Some of the cireum atuiees of the collision, and some of ite results, are jwrtijalarlji'iameiitabio’.'frheniisfdrtune of 1 the master of thepropellerlsperhapsgreater than be feU any other o( the snfferers ( .Three of his chil dren were There seems no especial, blame to beattiehidjto the pfficeta'pf either ye»d, and yet one eunOt be satisfied to allow such ah ooonrrones - to be forgotten/witbout. assigning its cause, Of at lehei imngicinghowit might navo been prevented. KthCre is 00. jtore seourity than ,'snoh notate of thin as, indie atos, wo are at the mercy ofohance, ind Md.;. -v_. ■ , ; : ! tpiM# wentsuc’hundroa and. thirty-six deaths, in Hew York dfiring tho past week, of which number . fourhundred.ani those ofchild ren/lhosfof'them resulting from the diseases Inoi. dsnt to the Tory young at this season of the year. The Stabst Mater of Rossini was performed last (Buniay) uightoftke Academy of Music, to a yery large audience, who, however,' wet®: notrewarded! *» Araoldi, who, tWeu sHhlateljr in Arm/tqm. *nd tt4f “4ie«iT«dly htoed ;■ a contralto and - baaao .Who are>i4hef araatchro.efcanßhtt.tof'tki-: ’■ and 1 ' an, accomplished vocalist. WHO;must havoMmilarcdexcfaciati ugly in such company as sUefoijad|beraelf in last night. . As the t*Dof;sidguig liaii tebedispensed withaftcr Arnoldi’edisgrace, she'rendered uie InJi^]TimatU3. add did If in,a very iffectlvemapner. This artist -• iithe chiefsoprano in', the celebrated ohoir of the Bigtaenth Street Churchin this city. Musical Rbrtedslphians, who have, ever been in Sew York, know the reputation of the choir of St. Francis de . /.Xavier.} :,w»; .--h . -/ Connery, ofEurdsli notoriety, is said to ho wnßnjfn 1 'playy founded oh. the..oircUmstanoes an. inojlable faine.: The • eeivrf re straicingtho corporation from • any further prto oeedihge in ths:, Conrt OfObninion Pfess. ih the Street ,Ooininlsaoner, ease; "also. restfatn(hg,:Mr. Devlid tad the ghefitf Froinany intdrferenoe with the oWise, and ftiitr say acts,: dr the elocution of /any proo4^ltt,ttei)U!tN.4'.Th*»e,.of'oourse, are ‘ mmp««y iiuni*6U«a* »Bre!y, ireturnj(bie on the ' Mthrib« tlOTjnti«fi»re.Mtlrely,with the action of one .< to make".* moti«&/Ut»/Cmirt. df odurse ohn dec ido ' MyjjppkjfojjUgi in-l mdjwhuneneedftrpui, ontheridreire, aa/ die news by,WdColnMia/ although not absolntely un farorkblea# to the.imarkot .in England,ahdT the ;tif KB|iMi3, to. eheckthediajn of 1 ■ spede-tothe /ISsty'had 'a dep'reSeid*' ibnueboo,. . which WM sensibly, felt/'to-day. 'TUxohan'ge’was' .firm, and.Jmt liWedtodiem done pt IQD j a 1091 for eterUhg,,an4-5-wJ,al>37ifor francs, at #0 days. BMf - r- lM*<S«4» , .'jfSSfs.ti'.d y,i X- :;.w 8,784,012' DdMta._;-, ; ;SKf.icr, : ., .-. ; 92,356,323 / Tto, stpek.meira (Opened at -a stilt further dec 11 no On B*tutd*j»a Xprioes. Heavy, calcs -were . efeetad/ahwill btmifhf tie proceedingsbf both ' hoards,npd with tikeMhptttm of Missouri o’s and - La Crosse andMiwmUjieJft. R;, which advanced i f»r »cht.,oVttyiKfttg eIM went down, Michigan Southenyand Norikcru fndisna K. 1’.., which re covered a little on Saturday, fell hack again towlayt ■ cicsits stthc aceemtiJtoard at 32Jya 27i frontTeft Skturday week. , - JTBWd^a»4|si^S^^OfU^(QK, SALES,' Ang. IT. 1004 VhginisS'S t-fiuk- -SCO MSo &NI pfst 66 liowMiSstateoierfraS m "do, f 65' UogX'tCeatt4Ni*%g M do' ‘ h 6066 acooNxoßStitm'W: sto, do max 4500ErieBBds ISfS/fotg IOQ -do c , ~"t>3 66 sodOLEtwatMtiaf" ■; loouhksir - os 80 Shoe A Lea Bk 112 k; 100 :.'- do .. , bao#2 100»OdaIOd.!’,r#»." SOy dd ;» ■■ 10 (iamb Coil CO ,'lTg 'IW do ' ‘ M 0 91 looff l ceoß ■ doo. . no ‘ tao oi’' *6O - do OPT Tex 1001*0 4MIE MO 82)4 100 -do , S TBJ4 ■.m-\ db . , , 31* 100 do bdo Te* -800 leading B - -MO 69k 160 . do 'MO 19j£ 1200. do . slo 09 100-X 'do: .!.:s».T6X: iIOO .'/do ‘ «3 09 200 : do '\‘lae.nx , , . hSO SOX »0 :vlSm ’ do «s'<»x . 350 'do .X X dptTOg- 100 . do MO 60)4 10MSrte8hWtfp#»~ i»PO,y,/ 4o .. MO «X Tto '. 'do'-' • - sSO MX «»<J 1 ; do.V-,-:. “•**. - 'MOiyddhib!.-W<*•*'fMO*L‘d»> *-• f ‘»»X ■' .eao/f.iM;..3o*' MO-. - do:-' ';. «9’, v -V MO SOJf iSOd - - - MOO9X . iso da >; - 3o«. ■ loo.PftßAm* b , -' J lOjirtW AT-Kd'-’ldßr* ' SOXUiCeaE ' /s»il*3 MSfIS HR 120 .100. do e»iug iSOOWIevA-KtirMO'ST . ; sSSB-.-t.vß.sax <2OO do -. -'«u»g 60 ; do 680 81)4 160 6a* Chios MOW 'v it c.Bl^do' ■ »x -MlM»»XXaMb'Mtf' jWOOIevAToIB < *T?j 166 S , do. ." -:ig (* 400 do ' 4Tg . loit fdo'-iW.-.«»»46-.': ftm ■■>&>'< r .-MW[ 100 dO: :* S4V 400 do s 5 47 a» do, . S 3 ffi" 100. do a, ' ,:-.'4T.‘ .. M.'. d 0,,;, ;. '..v,32x .soo 'cii0.........ba0dTh ,*0 ego'" '.' . 32X 106 .do , 48? 900 jr '■l>lo 38# .« ; -t 48J^ 960 r , -7 b€o 47 ■ ' OOOOJttOW-ft'Bmdiif W" , 46.4 Chic B , 90 . . totlL 4'T•Cd”^X 4 ;99)4 Si.db'' sex " " Wi«ev^,7oi'B : M 0 4T^ 4io7} 3?h„ i,!rUi l’ilg .|»: do" 7 S2x WT*,- 7' , S:r; ilOO;*> ? ft’.:m 83X' ”00 .-..'.db, ' , "110 46 , flw - do, 600 1 db' •• • ‘is gv pl 6 MS*Sljit|tk 63 «OChlc*Ejß JOS ,V dOt'AfeKWM®*' 'OOOOlßvSipttuS ~86 ~ 'CV'"-! ,'. -V t -• • - .' , .inspirit* of W“* atfiTtadSo, Crude TurpentineduiT*atper2SQ U*i.» goimi#on Rosinfirraatll^; :j Otts.-Tbemarket » a , ti ,' , *? >r -. 1,00 1 ,00 at 80c»8fo,omdewhale ** »■ “4 a«lil2i. Crude sperm was very inactive, and “'pnovisionsqualitiea.' The hbla tl *S!76as24.Bff for mess, and $21a21”0 for prime. find, Baoon in increased demand 16 &ils were sold at 14ioal5C. put doM. hard is} higher. Matter,andoheese unchanged. , • Booiut—Th« unfavorable news from Havana has had avatydepressing iuflaonce on the market; and this together with 1 the anxiety of some of the lafrWholde l * torealiie, has caused prices to de olinefolly fo-i and in some instances io. has been Submitted-to.' The decline is in refining grades. Thexetter kinds remain about the samo.The chief demand is from our refiners, the trade baying only sparingly. The market dosed in an. unsettled state; and prioes tend downwards. Since the 12th Inst. 1 the sales are: 3500 hhds. Cnba at 51 a 10|; 150 do, Porto Rico at 10 a 11; 79 Inland at 8£ a 9. In Meiado'holders have evinced more anxiety to sell at' a further decline, which has induced buyers to oome forward. About 4,000 hhds. have been sold at 51 a 6|. , WnrsKEr.—Sales. 300 bbls Ohio and Prison at 29*294. Freights.— As dull as at last advices MATTERS AND THINGSj IN NEW YORK. |Prom tho New xorkpapers.] i Elder Hyde, the Mormon, delivered a lecture >a the Academy, of Music yesterday, in winch he expatiated upon His experience in Utah, and sp jl*e of. Brigham Young’s resemblance to Henry Ward Beecher , The Herald seems to thiftk that the Elder is not good'looking as Mrs. John Wood, or as funny aa- ber hnaband, or os dramatic as Bouroioault, or as musical as his wife, or as popu lar . as Mlss Log&h; did not prove so good a card os either/ahd did not draw a very good house. It may be that the New York public does not wish to know 1 anything about Mormotusm, or that it al ready knows enough, or that it does not approve of Elder .Hyde’s opposifcian to the Saints. Either ; hypothesis would account for the slim audience, .though it will hardly reimburse Manager Stuart -for the rent and gas bUI. He .will therefore be ob liged to oh&rge to philanthropic profit and loss the oost of; bis first attempt at Sunday reform preach ing in the theatre.„ It seems a great pity that so htunape a' project should fail, because the arm chairs are so comfortable, and one doesn’t feel half ;so constrained, and cramped and uneasy as in the high.'backed, stiff, uncnaritable seats of the churches. ' . ; There, have been no arrivals at Quarantine of vessels from infected ports since Thursday. Tho TruxUlo and Indian Queen were permitted yester day to come up from the lower Quarantine anchor age to disoharge their cargoes. Permission has been given to Hie Groton to come up to-day. The brig Hilton arrived yesterday at Quarantine from Jaokmel, via New Haven - She went up to Now Haven with a view., to evade Quarantine —the re port ran—but upon second sober thought, concluded it best to come on to New York before unloading her cargo, and to save $l,OOO fine for non-conformi ty to the Quarantine regulations. A supposed case of yellow fever was taken yes terday from the brig Express, lying at the lower quarantine anohorage, and brought to the Marine Hospital at-upj>er quarantine. The party-died shortly after being brought to the hospital. It was afterwards that' the deceased foil from a spar to tho deck a day or two ago, and tho fever from which he died was superinduced by this fall. At the present time there is not a single case of yellow fever at tho Quarantine Hospital. . The law concerning the sale of liquor on Sunday wag more generally observed yesterday than on any previous Sunday since the law was ordered to be enforced, owing to the decisive *Bl6OB taken by the grand jury, with respect to those who violate it. In the first six wards all the larger places were closed, and in those which remained open nothing hut “ temperance drinks” was announced as on sale. Yet a few of the smaller places, especially those in the fourth ward, sold openly, and to all who applied ; others sold only to those known to be all right,” .while a still larger number in this and ml'the other wards carried on a back or side-door business.. In tho seventh ward the police report a general oloring, and an improved observance till, one dispoeed, can &b yet get drunk on Sun day, andean do so without leaving the city, if he knows the ropes. ' On Saturday quite a seen* occurred at tho Now York Hotel,gentleman residing in the neighbor* hood' being 'discovered by a wealthy down-town merchant on. terms of too great intimacy with his wife. The offending party mado his escape almost tn pttris naturolibus , and was taken, by those who saw him, to be a lunatic." Ho ran pretty fast, for tho injured husband had a revolver. All the parties belong to ** onr first sooiety.” The funeral of Walter S. Jarboe, the Seventh wdrd policeman who came to his death.under cir 'oumstances so' mysterious, a few days since, took place yesterday afternoon, from his late rosidonco, No. 204 Madison street. It was very largely at tended. The body was interred in Greenwood. The Roman Catholic church, near Glen Core, was, yesterday afternoon, dedicated to the service of God by appropriate religious exorcises. Bishop McLaughlin preached a disoonißo suitable to the occasion; ,' Tho purchase of four lota in the Cemetery at ;.Bergen Point has been direotod by tho Hudson County Board of Chosen Freeholders for oounty purposes. The. bodies which are found on the shore of New York and Newark buys, and of the Killiß will be interred in these lots when not iden tified and taken away by their friends, A book publisher who for about two years car ried on, business in Broadway, in conneouon with a western houße, recently made his'disappearance between sunset 1 and sunrise, leaving quite a num ber of his brethren of the square and compass in the larbh to a considerable amount. On the 11th instant an iron safe in the store of Messrs: Lamson, Goodnow, & Co., No. 79.Beokman street, was opened and robbed of $1,600, in bills on- the Sberbarne EeHs Tbe store ap peared to have , been broken' into, and the safe opened with a false, key. Officers Elder and Mo- Cordj of-the offlc'6 of the Deputy Superintendent of Police, were notified, and took measures to detect the thief. On Saturday afternoon they received information that a five-dpllar bill, of the descrip tion above given, had been passed at a store in Broadway; by Robert Lawrence, a clerk in the em ploy of Messrs. Lamson, Goodnow, A Co. .. Lawrence was promptly arrested, and at first de nied ail knowledge of the money, but finally con fessed that in an evil hour he had opened the safe with a key whiob had been forsome timo missing, and abstracted the money. He then conducted the officers to the top loft of the store, And there showed them the Whole of the money and $350 be -rides. He was then token'before' Justice Osborne, .'and eommitted to await examination. Lawronce is very respeotebly connected and Well educated. Ha seems to feel greatly.’distressed on account of toeeriftr which he has committed and freely con fesses it. 7 ; .. - ■ , ■ • THE MONEY MARKET. ~ . Philadelphia, August 17,1857. By the arrival, of the Colcmbla we have four days .later news from. Europe, tho financial aspect of which is .unfavorable, but which did not sensibly affect the opera tions of the'Stock Exchange to-day, prices showing no material variation fron^ Saturday. Consols are reported at 90* s & falling off of one per dent, since the sailing of the Canada. The report of the New York Sub-Treasurer for Sstur .day glves-r k • Balance in hand August 10,1856 $12,440,087 65 Payments Aug. 10 to Abg. 16 - 1,804,481 28 : $10,635,656 57 Add receipts Aug. 10 to Aug. 15 1,687,151 00 Balance Aug, IS $13,822,806 17 Decrease for the we&.. 1,17,279 68 *. The'exports of jpecle from Hew York for the week ending August 16th, and for the year 1867, were as fol lows : ... . Aug, B. Aymar, Buenos Ayres- Doubloons $2,870 00 Aug. 12—Schrf Brontes,-BioGrande del Bud— Specie...; Aug. 12—Steamer Cthawba, Havana— 1 i Spanish gold. Aug. 15—Steamer Baltic, Liverpool— 'l ,G01dc0i0....... ' Gold bars . Mexican dollars ' ■ $950,470 41 • , i (Additional reported late last week.) Aug. B—Steamer Ariel, Bremen— 'American g01d...'.-...; 82,000 00 Previously reported, . T0ta1in1557.......29,405,873 16 Comparative statement of the Imports of foreign mer chandise at New York for the week, and since Jan.l: . 1855. . 1850. 1857. DrfGoods..,., .$2,145,437 $2,534,102 $3,318,961 General merchandise; 2;019,348 1,490,131 2,117,451 Total for the week... 4,164,783 4,024.233 5,436,432 Previously reported.. 87,734,075 138,248,338 155,951,815 Since January 1 91,899,758 142,272,671 161,387,747 TJio imports and exports of the week and /ear com pare as follow*:' ‘ ilB6B. 1867, . ’ ' 'WeA.' -Year. Week. Year. 1mp0rt5;...54,024.233 142,272,251 5,486,482 161,387,747 .Exports.':.:. 1,282 994 48,886,841 1,211,111 45,136,237 'Bxcesfc of ~ , ‘1tnp0rt5..52,741,289 64,885,910 4,225,821 118,251,610 The value of foreign imports at Boston last week was $885,797,-against $1,006,337 In the corresponding week laaiyaar. Orleans bank statement, Angast Bth, is as follpws: ' , 5 ' doHrasinvß state vest son two weeks. ' ’ ' • August 1. August 8. Specie ............$8,9*0,421 $6,775,967 De 0.5164,454.5164,454 driulation . 8,872,709 8,783,710 Dee.. 138,990 DedosiW.;; 9,998,427 9,791 010 De0..205,917 Short loans/ 17,018,167 17,803 726 Inc.'. 236 669 Exchange... 8,088,901 2,976,827 Dec.. 113,064 ■Dud distant banks. 900,410 836,673' Dec.. 63,787 Eong and short loans, August 1 .$24,385,828 Dong and short loans, August 6 24,164,109 Aetna! decrease of for the week.... $201,719 ' From Cincinnati we. learn by Hewson & Holmes* cir cular prices of all investment securities are unchanged; an occMional Fttle on a emsll scale serves to indicate a steady market; for prices We refer to the annexed table of sales. In speculative securities there has been a jsalnuwe have no sales of moment to report. . .. Mono/omt»hadon Brst-elaa* paper on easy terms, ftat’othfr paper is worked ofwithgreatdlffieuity. Bx . dunge on New York is In lew demand, and rates are .rather'eaaier. Hankers’ cheeks, however, cannot be had , less than# premium, • *? ■ Npw-OrleSaui funds nar to J£c discount. Bankings Httfe Miami, and Columbus and _ Xenia Byroads, July, 1886 $93,852 28 BarniagS Little Miami, and Columbus and /Xenia Ballroada, July, 1867 .$81,661 03 . ! Decrease.... ~..$11,699 65 Gin., Ham .’and Dayton E. July. ’66.546,260 45 “ " - ' « <« ' >67. ,36,317 88 ..,,53,932 61 .£rieß. 8., July 1860, 62,081 38 ; “ 1857, 61,000 67 si,mil ft. ft'., July 1867...... 31400 80 <* - <* 1860 31009 00 *i»-SO' etrningjj a* most of, »*«• wmAtiyj for the month of > lhft yiaf t' ■- '• £o£i£3»^ : dßb W 2s ***®#- W •jb'Ro: . ..{..u... Sra,s« >■ -Iwore V"’ 63,«8 67,428 40,800 flew, VV !»p*«m>>K2l*>4W» 225,701 Vtp1'f....... 00,617 - ~ 63,080 W}w,»!i .922)072 La Crosse and Mi1wau1de.,..,,,, ~ $6,000 Little Miami 81,661 98,862 Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton.. 38,817 40,380 Mad River and Lake Erie........;. 61,006 52,081 Covington and Lexington 31.499 91,009 New York and 8rie....; 478,388 472,805 Baltimore and Ohio 444.400 428,802 Pittßb’gh, Ft. Wayne it Chicago, $119,678.06 $191,008.26 The St^Louis Exchange Reporter, of August 12th, says of money matters in that city j “ Since the Ist instant money has been in greater de mand, owing to tho heavy payments which mature from the Ist to the sth of every month. Private bankers’ rates are 1 to Ig per cent.,and some charge as high as IX to 2 per month. Exchange on the East is fn de mand atx premium. Somebankeraareshippingspecie. Sight exchange on New Orleans scarce, and in demand at par.' Buying rate on same point for sight X off; selling at par. No change in regard to time bills since last review, of any importance. Currency, such as Illi nois and Wisconsin, plenty and bankers fall. Some of the Illinois banks, it is reported,are closing up, with a viowof commencing operations la remote parts of Wis consin. Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana currency not so plenty.” ’ ’ J The St. Louts flepvMtcan aays, In relation to the movement for putting the notes of Wisconsin hanks on a new footing, which we noticed some doys since: “ The whole amount of stocks pledged for tho redemp tion of the issues of the Wisconsin banks is $3,401,000: and of this amount no teas than $1,700,000 are bonds of the State of Missouri. The whole number of banks do ing business under the general banking law is sixty eight, with an aggregate capital of $5,140.000. The total of notes issued to such banks for circulation was, on the 31st ult.. $2,920,360: and the securities pledged for their redemption were in the aggregate $3,461,000.” Tho break in the Delaware division of tho Pennsylva nia Canal reported last week, was remedied by a tempo rary dam across the canal, below the outlet lock, so that navigation on the upper end df the canal was resumed directly, and boats ran by way of the outlet and the De laware and Baritan Canal to New York and Philadel phia. The report of the Board of Directors of the Chesa peake and Ohio Canal shows tho increase of tolls in 1856 over 1855 to have been $44,785 62, the total receipts be ing $153,051 80. The expenses for the year, Including interest, were $231,716 73. The losses by the spring freshet are esti mated at $200,000, the expenditure from Ist January to Ist June, 1857, being set down at $162,322 12. The following are Le Hursy A Co.’s quotations for Land Warrants: „ Buying. Selling. 40 acres 108 40 acres 110 80 do 92 80 do 95 120 do 88 120 do 91 160 do 92 ieo do 95 Market doll and heavy. By a circular from the office of Bickuell’s Counterfett Detector, issued to-day, we are enabled to report the following new counterfeits and spurious notes : Northwestern Bank Virginia, Wellsburg. Va.—lo’s, letter A, dated January 10,1857. Perfect imitation. Mechanics’ and Traders’ Bank, Jersey City—3 : s spu rious ; vignette, female with shield,• on right end por trait, ou left end medallion hoad. PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES, Aug 17, 1857. Reported by R. Manley, Jr., Stock Broker, Ifo. 80K Walnut Street. $4OO City 8s 89# $lOOO City R 6s PRR 89* $lOOO do 89X 24 Penns R 40ft 10 do 46* 13 do 46* 10 do 46* 10 do 46* 5 do 46* « 21 do 46* 2 do 46* 1 do 46* 2 do 46* betwee: IZOOONPennaR 6s 59* $lOO City 6s 89 $lOOO Morris Can 6s b& 71 * $lOOO do b 5 71* $lOOO.O 8c A R 6s ’B3 71 $6OO City Gas 6a new 89* 10 Schuyi Nav pref 23 AFTER $lOOO Elm R7s lstmbs 75* GLOBING Pi Bid. A.»ked. US6>s,’6B 116*o- PhUada 6s 89 o>B9* do RR 69*a89* do New 95*095* Pennafo, int off 84* o 84* Reading R dir off 34* 034* do Bonds ’7O 78 >44, Int. off 86 Pennaßß 46*046* Morris Canl Con 60 e&2* Schyl Nav 6s ’62 64 065 do Stock 13 o!4 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. The market for Cotton is unchanged, but quiet to-day at previous quoted prices. In Breadstuffs there is very little doing, and the sales of Flour are confined to tho wants of tho home trade, at from $6.60 to $7.60 for some old stock and fresh ground superfine—the latter for bet ter brands, and $7.7508.75 and $9 bbl., &j to brand, including fancy lota at our highest figures. Shipping Flour is offered at $7.25 for fresh ground parcels mode from new Wheat, but the demand is exceedingly small. Rye Flour is rather tower, and a dale of 200 bbls. was made at $3.87* bbl. Corn meal is unchanged; sales at $4 bbl. for Penna. Meal. Wheats are plenty and dull to-day, the bulk of the offerings being of poor quality and damp, and very unsaleable. Sales 2,000 bus. only found buyers at 165 c. for prime red, and 160a170c. for white, with a very choice lot at 160 c. Corn is dull, with further sales of 2,500 bus. good yellow at 88c., in sforo and afloat. Oats.—No change in the markot, with sales of 304,000 bus. to note-at 42044 c. for new southern—the latter for prime. Bye is selling mode rately at 95c. Bark is in steady demand at $5O for first quality Quercitron. Groceries and Provisions exhibit no material change in the prices or demand of either, and a very small business, especially in the prime ar ticles. Whiskey is selling, as wanted, in lota, at 29030 c. ter bbls., aaA2Se< in hhds. [Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.] PUERTO OABELLO, July 31,1857. The following are our actual market prices for the principal articles of export, productions of this country: Cottee, washed, 15®10c.,as to quality, very scarce; do. unwashed, 13#®14c.,as to quality, but little in market; Cottou 10®18#c., in domand; Cocoa, superior, from the coast, $33 110 fta.; do. more Inferior, s2B® $3O do. do.; Hides 28#®27c. & lOOfts., in demand—this article has adranced, within four or fire days, from 25c. to the above rates. Indigo 7#®Bra. qp lb. for F. t dull; Deerskins $10.50 dozen; Goatskins $6.60 dozen ; Lignumvlt® $120516 ton, as per quality: Fustic $l9 ®s2l ton, do. do.; Muscovado Sugar 7#c. 4P lb., scarce. * Only oae American vessel remaining in this port, the schooner A. B. Terry, Capt. Wright, from New York, via Lsgu&yra, to leave for New York, I learn, in a day or two. There is nothing now of interest worthy of communi cating. The country continues in the enjeyment of per fect tranquillity. 1 remain, dear sir, yours, J. &. CT. P. S.—The barque Thomas Ballet, from Philadelphia, arrived at Laguayra, 29th July. B ROCHELLE —Barque Anna, Kaldahl—226 eks brandy enry Bohlen A Odj 62 do Alex Fillot; 45 do John Gar rison A Co: 40 do 1 case mdse John L Lafltte; 86 do Stoever A Walden; 163 do order. HAVANA—Brig Eastern State, Gamaze—lGo hhds sugar Grant A Son;* 2 cases 15 bxs segars John Wagner; 84,000 sogam Charles TVte; 20,000 doSchartZ A Dlx; IS,OOO do 80 bales rags 35 cases old irouH Penot A Go; 18 bbls paper cigars Dallett, Herman A Co; 85,006 cigars 8 Fuguet A Son; 33 pkgs paper cigars to order. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. Israel Morris, ) JosßFii O. Grubb, S Committer or tub Month. John Welsh, ) LETTER BAGS At the Merchants* Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Tosc&rora, Dunlevy Liverpool, Aug. 25 Ship William* Berry,. .Valparaiso, soon Ship Morning Light, Johnston*.,,. ..Panama, soon Barque £ K Sane, Hewitt* .Cardenas, soon Barque Japonic*. Shelden R*o de Janeiro, Ang. 18 Brig Black Squall, Bryant, .....Havana, soon Brig P. Fabars, Burns, St. Jago de Cuba, soon SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS. BTJSA2SS FROM FOR DAT Persia ....NewYork Liverpool... Aug 19 Argo New York Bremen Aug 19 Cof Baltimore. .New York Liverpool Aug 20 New York New York Glasgow Agn22 Fulton New York Southampton...... Aug. 22 Niagara,...........805t0n Liverpool..... Aug 20 Borussia New York Hamburg Septl Arabia.,, New York Liverpool Sopt 2 Jasoh New York Bremen Sept 2 North Star .New York Southampton BeptB Oof Washington. New York Liverpool.. Sept 8 Edinburg New York Glasgow.. .Sept 5 Adriatic Now York Liverpool Sept 12 Arago New York Ham... Sept 19 oor Baltimore.. Liverpool New York., July 20 Niagara. .Liverpool Boston Aug 1 602,000 00 164,100 41 75,000 00 $1,012,470 41 28,452,902 76 FROM rog DAT Jason Bremen Now York Augl Arabia... Liverpool New York Aug 8 Edinburgh Glasgow New York Aug. 8 North Star. .Southampton New York Aug 12 0 Washington. .Liverpool New York Aug. 12 Canada Liverpool Boston Aug 15 Atlantic Liverpool New York Aug 19 Africa..,. .Liverpool New York, ..Aug 23 Arago Havre New York .Aug 26 Kangaroo....... Liverpool New York Aug 28 Glasgow. Glasgow New York.... ,Bspt 6 MOVEMENTS OP HAVANA STKAMERB. PHiLADKLFfffA—From New York 2d, arriving at Ha vana Bth, and New Orleans 11th, From New Orleans 20th; Havana 23d, arriving at Now York2Btb. Quakbr Oitt—From New York 7th of each month, arriving at Havana 12th, and Mobile 14th. From Mo bile 22a, Havana 24th, arriving at New York 28th. Oahawba—From New York 12th, arriving at Havana 17th. and New Orleans 19th. From New Orleans 27th, Havana 29th, arriving at New York Bd. Empire Citr-From New York 17th. arriving at Ha vana 23d, and New Orleans 26th. From New Orleans 6tb, Havana 6th, arriving at New York 13th. Black Warrior—From New York 27th, arrive at Havana Ist and New Orleans 3d, From New Orleans 12th, Havana 14th. due at New York 18th. Isabbl— From Charleston 19th and 4th, due at Ha vana 23d and 7th. From Havana 10th and 25th, due at New York Iflth and Slat. The California mail steamers sail from New York on the sth and 20th of each month. FORT OF PHILADELPHIA, August 18,1857. SUN rises..:.. HIGH WATER. „ abiuved. Barque Joseph Maxwell, Davis, from Puerto Cahello, Aug 2,with coffee, hides, Ac. to Dallett Bros, Belled lu company with achr A B Terry, Wright, for New York. Left brig St Marys, Johnson, for Maracaibo, soon. Spoke, no date given, lat 33 38, long 73 36, brig Kate Heath, from New York for Cardenas, 19days qui—wished to be reported. Barque Anna, (Norw) Kaldabl, from Rochelle, via N York, 45 days, with liquors to Henry Bohlen k Co, Barque Saragossa, Daw, 4 day* from New York, in bal last to Bishop, Simons & Co. Barque Thomas Allibone, Thompson. 4 days from New York, in ballast to Pettit Martin & Co. Brig Eastern State, G&mage, from Havana, 3d Inst, with sugar, segars, Ac. to U Penot k Co. Brig Billow, Brown, 0 days from Salem, Mass, in bal . fast to captain. ■■ . Brig Lyra, Haskell.from Boston. ■Brig Koloa, Steel, from New York. Brig Gen Boyd, Gilpatrlck, 8 days from New York, with mdse to.captain. '. Brig Empire, Crowell. 5 days from Boston, with mdse id Crowell & Collins. • Bohr Mary Ellen, Cottinghmn, 5 day# from Deep Creek, Hr. Wth lumber to captain. ' ' Sahr Juniata, Hirrington, 18 days from Portland,with plMtevto-JtlrU* Balwr. Bohr Oscar Hawley. Beckett, 8 days from New York; with old rkilrofid iron to captain. , gchr John H .Wearer, Scott, 4 days from Indian River, with lumber to J K McCoUey. . Schr Vandalift, Cooper, 1 day from Smyrna, Pef. with Jm Barratt k Son. Scfer Mary, Bolter, 2 diys from Baltimore, with wheat to Jis B&rritt k Son . ' Behr Elisa, Swift, I day ffotti WiliulngtCn, Del. with thSe 'August .‘xs, 1857. FIRST BOARD. 2 Pesna R 46# 100 Reading R cash 34# 100 de sfiwn 34# 100 do »swn 34# 100 do 34# 10 do &swn 34# 10 do sswn 34# 10 do nswn 34# 6 do sswn 34# 10N Penns R 11# i 2 MJnehili It s 3 60 4 do s 3 60 10 Philada Bk 123 BOARDS. &Philada Bank 123 BOARD. 10 Schurl Nav pref 23 I Harrisburg R 54# 1 do 54# 8 N L Gas 25# 50 N Penna R 11# & City Bank 51 BOARD. 1 100 Reading R ■ 34# CIOEB—DULL. Bid. Asked Schyl Nav Pref 23 fit23# Wmsp’tAElmß 19&20 do int off ?*s lstmort.76#«76# do do2dm6s#®6s# Long Island ll#oll# Vicksburg 7#®B Girard Bank Lehigh Zinc I#® 1# Union Canal 9#®lo New Creek #© 1 Oatawlasa RR 11 oil# PHU.ADELrniA, Aug. 17—Evening. Importations. [Reported for The Press.] JRariite Intelligence. .5 16-BUN BETS. Sehr Sharon, tanrldw, 9 days from Portland, with mdaetoß ASoudor JtOo. . . Bohr Ellen, Hollett, 8 day. from K»w York, in ballart. Bohr, John Jlawmpt Sjker.A Oaya Swvldonoo, with mdse to 3 M Kennedy & <■. < .. -• 1 Schr.Wm 6 d*ya from N York, with n*tne t? SA B /joh ! Owan ! oAgeni 0 Ageni 1 day from Bel. with oats to Bewley, Wilson & Co. Bohr Kliza Townsend, TYilllnrps, from Boston. Bohr Levi Rowe, Thomas, from New York. Bchr J R Plater, Gandy, from Boston, Schr Isabella Thompson, Corson, from Boston. Bchr Z B Bleeker, Edwards, from Providence. Bchr Thos Jefferson, Schellinger, 6 hours from Dela ware City, having In tow 6. canal barges, laden with flour, grain,'coal, Iron, lumber, bark ana slate. Towed thereto 4 barges, bound to different points in the inte rior, with mdse. , „ Steamer Qen McDonald, Whildln, 8 hours from Cane May; with mdse and passengers to captain. Reportsthe brigs Geo Washington and America above Chester, up ward bound. . . Pot Back. —The brig J Nickerson. Oapt Nickerson, hence for Boston, loaded with coal, got run Into last S aturday afternoon while at anchor off Red Bank, by an unknown barque outward bound, in tow of steam-tug Dolphin. The J N lost her mainsail, mala boom, gaff, and all the rigging attached thereto, and long boat stove; hull escaped uninjured. She put back on Sunday for re pairs. CLEARED Steamship Kennebec, Hand, New York, J Allderdlco. Ship Philadelphia, Poolo, Liverpool, Tbos Richardson Barque Charlotte K T&y, Hughes, Tappabannock, Rutter, Newhall Sc Co. , . Barque Marian, Homewood, Richmond, *A. do Brig R B Clark, Rumney, Salem, John R White. Brig Aaron Baton, Percy, St John, NB. R A Bonder Sc Co. _ Brig Canton, Crowell, Boston, Hayes, Smith Sc Co. Brig Koloa, Steel. Boston, C A Hecksher Sc Co, Brig Lyra, Haskell, Portland, , do Brig Mary K Milikln, Nordon, Havana. D W Presootfc. Schr Electric Light, Dyer, Portland, J air as Baker. Schr Shylock, Merrill, Newburyport, 0 Miller & Co. Schr Ellen, BaUett, Boston, C Miller Sc Co. Schr Oxford, Clayton, Baltimore, S J Christian. Schr Martha, Baxter, Boston, Repplier Sc Bro. Schr E Townsend, Williams, E Cambridge, Vanduson Norton* Co. Schr Lev! Rowe, Thomas, New Haven, L Audenreid Sc Ce. Schr Jane Fish. Wiley, Weymouth, do R gehr Emelino, Sopers Providence, do Schr S B Bleecker, Edwards, Providence, Rogers, Sin nickson Jc Co. Schr J Thompson, Corson, Providence, Tyler, Stone & Co. Schr J R Plater, Gandy, Providence, B Milnea k Co. Str Henry L Gaw, Iler, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Barge Catoctin, McOue, do do [BT TKLBQIUPH.] Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. CAPE ISLAND, Aug. 17.-6 10P. M. Several vessels have gone up last evenlng.and to-day, but I could not learn their names. Weather very fine. Wind SSW.- THOS. B. HUGHES. Yours, Ac. [BT TRLSOIUVR.] (Correspondence of The Press.) New York, August 17. Arrived, ship CUfton, Williams, from Cork; barque Roebuck, from Rio de Janeiro, July 12. Below, ship Wm Tapscott, from Liverpool. Naval— The U 8 ship Falmouth, for New York, sailed from Rio de Janeiro July 11. Bosrotr, Aog 17. Arrived, barques Anna Kimball, from Gottenbarg; Vernon, from Cape Town; brig Manhattan) from Clen fuegos. Correspondence of The Press. Hatbb Db Gbaob, Aug. 17. Nine boats left here this morning, laden and Con signed as follows: J A Hopper, lumber to Norcross & Sheet*; Mary Em ma. do to K G Cattell k Co: Hope, Agricola, 8 U Hicks. 8 Anne Thompson, J D Cameron. Susquehanna, and Lydia Ann, anthracite coal to Bel city. MEMORANDA. Steamship Arabia, Stono, from New York 22dult, arrived at Liverpool 2d Inst. Steamship Oity of Washington, Petrie, from New York 23d ult,%rrived at Liverpool 6th inst. • Steamship jErapire City, McGowan, for Havana and New Orleans, cleared at New York yesterday. Steamship Delaware, Copes, cleared at New York yea terday for Philadelphia. Steamship Delaware, Copes, bence atN York 16th Inst. Ship Susan G. Owen, Norton, from Calcutta, arrived at Liverpool 2d inst. * Ship Ocean Belle, Kolbran, entered-to load for New York, at Liverpool 31st ult. Ship Cynosure, Harris, for Now York, sailed from Liverpool 80th ult. Ship Plymouth Rock, Hammond, for New York, cl’d at London 31st ult. Ship Rockaw&y, Lufkin, from New Orleans for Havre, passed Falmouth Ist inst. Ship Crusader, Moore, from Sunderland for New York, passed through Fontland Freth 31st ult. Bhip Emma, Fridenchsen, from Baltimore, nrrlved at Breroerhaven 28th ult. Ship North Wind, Gore, from Hong Kong, arrived at Bhanghae May 18th. Ship Oxenbridge, Matthews, from Boston arrived at Colombo 18th ult. Ship Auckland, Nelson, for Fee Chow Foo sailed from Woosung May 17. ghlp Neatorlan, Goodwin, from Calcutta, March2oth, for New York, sailed from St nelcna July 9. Bbip Ladoga, Leach, from Calcutta, April Bd, for Bos ton, sailed from St Helena July 8. Ship Aszan, Heagon, from Calcutta, arrivedat N York yesterday. Ship Dolphin, Hoyt, from Penang, arrived atßostou yesterday. Ship A P Kimball, Bletharo, for Oallao, at Queenstown 31st ult. Ship Jacob 8011, Behn, sailed from Woosung May 21st for Hong Kong. Bbib Progressive Age, Halroers, for Sau Francisco, sailed from Hong Kong May 25. Ship What Cheer, Durkee, from Calcutta for San Francisco, was in Hobson’s Ray May 27 Bark W A Banks, Bartlett from Calcutta, arrived at Boston 16th inst. Bark Belle, Ryder, hence, arrived at Boston 16tb inst. Bark Mary Ohlpman, Larkin, fromßarbadoen, at East port 11th inst. Bark Suliote, Sweetier, for Philadelphia, cleared at New York yesterday. Barquo Z D Fairfield, from Bnenoß Ayres, June 20, arrived at New York yesterday. Barque Nimrod, Whiting, for Siam, sailed from Hong! Kong, May 26th. Barquo Reindeer, Townsend, from Singapore for New York, passed the Btralt* of Sunday. May 19. Barque Island Oity, Stevens, from Galveston, at Liver* pool 4th Inst. Barque P'' R Haxeltine, Mahoney, from Ckgoriadtr-Ak, 'Barque Ohss fiXei, Almeda, hence for'PortUSWth&i was spoken 11th inst. Ist 50 46, lonB 70 20. Barque Cordelia, Lindsay, hence, was discharging at Bridgetown, Darbadoes, Ist lost. Brig Sami Churchman, Lcaty, remained at Buenos Ayres, June 80. discharging. BrigsTrindelin,Havener; Abbott Lawrence, Fnller; Martha Kendall, Norton; Advance. Norton; Sarah Elizabeth, Norton; Oronoco, Tabbat, hence arrived at Boston 10th Inst. Brig Sam french. Parrott, hence, arrived at Eutport Utfafiut. BrarOatharene, Rogers, and Ava, hence, arrived at Bath 14th lost. Brig Gen Boyd, Gllpatrlck, cleared at New York 16th inst. for Philadelphia. Scfcr Gun Bock, Wilson, from Lubee for Philadelphia, at New York 15th lost. 13th lnat. off Martha’s Vine* yard, drifted afoul of an unknown schooner, carrying away the jlbbooai. The other vessel received no damage* Scbr Mary Anna, Bowen, hence at Boston 10th Inst. Bchr Ike Marvel, Eldridge, from NewfHaven for Phila delphia. at New York yesterday. Propellor Planet, Meredith, cleared at New York yesterday, for Philadelphia. MARINE MISCELLANY. Bhip Harriet Wade, from Europe for Quebec, has been wrecked at Trinity Bay, on her way up the river. The captain and crew, together with the materials of the ship, arrived at Quebec 13th Inst. NOTICE TO MARINERS. The Norfolk Argus of the 14th inst. says:—A Beacon Light will be exhibited In our harbor every night after the 14th Inst, from ’the top of the house at the end of the Naval Hospital wharf. The light is fixed white, of the elsth order of Fresnel, and will illuminate the Whole horizon. FOREIGN PORTS. Old at Havana 6th Inst, ship Ossippl, Greer, Portland; barque Martha Ann, Taylor, do. Bid 28th ult. brig Brownsville, Laurent, Buatan Isl and; 3d Inst. Br (not Am) barque Senator, Trieste. In port, barques J 0 Cobb. Peterson, for N York in a few days; John Benson, Smith, for do 16th: Albertina, Barton, for New York soon; bng Mary Elizabeth, Me* Connell, for N Orleans, do; and others. At Matantas 6th Inst, ship Joshua Mauran, Llscpmb, wtg; barques P 0 Alexander, Colcord; La Ciguena, Ber ry, and Andes, Holbrook, (not Holmes) dis; brig Little Mills, Putnam, do. Old 6th, brigs Joseph Albion, Gott, Wilmington, NO; B Young, Oolson, Portland. Sid 27th, brig Montrose. Edmunds, Xibara, to load for the Baltic. % DOMESTIC PORTS. New York, Aug 17—Arr steamship Columbia, Berry, fm Liverpool August sth, Ipm, with mdse and passen gers: Aug 10th, lit 3310, exchanged signals with ship Christiana, bound east. Could only make out the three first letters of her name, which were R 0T; steamship Roanoke;Skinner, from Portsmouth, with passengers: 16th, 51 80 am, offMatompkin Island, exchanged sig nals with steamship Jamestown, hence 'or Norfolk: ship Liverpool, Keraey, from Isle of Wight July Ist, with mdse and passengers: 14th Inst lat 40 26, lon 70 10, saw ship Amazon, hence for London; barque Gertrude, of Bath. Goodburn, fm Remedlos Aug 7th, with sugar, Ac; sailed In company with barque Manhattan, of and for Boston; left bark Tivola, forN York: loading; brig Caro line, Gibbs, for Boston, do; schr Savala, wtg cargo : bark J W lteed, (of Damarlscotta, Me,) Reed, fra Turks Island sth Inst, with salt; left brig Abner, Taylor, for Bangor next day; brig Anita Owen, Bay, 9 days from Nuevitas. with sugar. Ol’d, ship Maid of Orleans. Dennis, New Orleans; barque OlenfUegos. Grant, Oienfuegos, Charleston, Pon test So Co.; brig West, Studley, Gaveston: eohr. 0. Col gate, Seaman. Baltimore, schr. B. N. HaWkins, Man drill. Charleston; schr. T. Lake, Fredericksburg, J. D. Slaghtj schr. Mary Queen, Talbot, Bermuda, McCall So Frith. List of Arrivals at the Principal Hotels. GIRARD HOUSE—Chestnut strea t, below Ninth. W O France So la, Balt W A West King, D 0 JasC Smith, do WmßKlbbev, NY Kdw Williams; do Robtßruested, Texas John E Hurst, do J M Major, Kansas Thoa U Carson, Ala Miss Carson, Ala WFEastin,Huntsville,Ala S Mason, Miss Jas M Royer, Mo B Inlay, NY Ison, Mo Mllesuwen,Memphis,Tenn T J Hosea Sc la, Teno Mary Owen, do ThosWlnaus, do Martha Owen, do Wm Roan, Fla John Floyd, Pittsb’g JaaFlaxon, Vft JO Wilson, do. R TFoster. Petersburg,Va Miss Foster, Peter burg C Cannington, Richmond John CahlU, Cincinnati Miss Cannington, ( do t Ripley, New York A McCollora, La O Brittpn lc ly, Ohe* co SII Lain born k Iy. Wash- Dull Hunter, Hoadiny „>"■s*°",,. Joa Cushing, Balt Mrs Gobrlght, Washtugtoa W K Cunhlng, do Mlm L Gobrlght, do WII Perry 8 O B S Memmluger, 8 0 O G Memmlnger, 8 O O W Memmlnmr,jr, SO O A Perdlcur, M York 1 E Joyce Smtthera, WII- RobtNlchol,N York ton, Del u E A Merritt, N Orleans lIN Gamble, Balt JasC llewltt, do ( Geo Read. Wilmington Miss Read, Wilmington ChaflW Duane, Conn James Bounick, Mllwaukle J £ Wa & Mera^ is Mrs S Fowlkes, New York J W McKinney, New York Miss M Fowlkes, do Miss HcKiuhev do John F Page, do T J Garrett So ly, Paris. Ky Geo. McNeill, N 0 Jos Selyman, New York B W Woodlief So daug, N O W A Bonson, Nashville,Ten T R Moore, Petersburg, Va James D Hane, Richmond John W Ellis, N C D Baker, jr, do John Balfour, Missouri John U Greutry do llFalfour, do R M MoJlmsey, New York Isaac Ooulo, Baltimore J a i M \?{L h ! # Hngh Hamilton, Mauchea- A M Holbrook, N Orleans tor, England J Lear, La Ueery Kystop, N Y L V Beech, Nashville, Ton- S RShrader So ly. Mo . . ne . 3s . eo l . ■ Miss M Thompson, do Adolph Johns, Hamburg JWOltndenln onddMgh- S S ;, ur i,” r > Loo '«' , Hl«,Ky ter, 8t Louie 8 • S Z Martin, do , Lataro Comfort and son o A » N X, Geo T De Oosta St wf. Phil d ° , FBolivar, Columbi Mrs M G Schwsenbach Boat Master Bolivar, do A O Muixback So la, Mem- J Guillaume, New York phis, Tenn T A Smith, do GD Burnley, Kentucky Henry Day. do E J Co*,, Richmond Henry Smfth. do A G Seaman, Washington D A Bennett, do - MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. • Edw.Rfdel], Boston . HThornton, Maas E i , ttrtmr * h D L Stockton, Alabama WRock,B»mmoro R Y Magi,,,iS. , BB Johnson, Turn B M Soymbur, New York A.B Coffin, BuonrllUj AIo. J A Starltt, 8»na» JBterltt,Penu» Mw A Owen,, St LouU B Bottoms, Maryland . O W Andmrgor, N York Rte®" 1 , '.’ipj&ssaa L Dimmitt Sc la, Danv Ky O - .1 /•' F MBUt, llenderfcm Ky ' Edw Guaidzy, AugustaGa J B fillet,,, . . Thoa T teraa &, la, Phila LBOpdyke, Springfield, Ml AMERICAN HOUSE—Chestnut Bt., below Sixth. 8 O Hackney, Lawronoe,NO 8 P Drnmler, Btchm’d, Va LAMannoni.Va Jno Stewart. 8t Joseph, Mo A B Miller, va D Black* Elkton, Ky Geo B Mattingly, Wasit’n J W-Adair, Cincinnati, O J S Gardiner, Cadiz, Ky W J Bhler, St Clair Jno Bchroyer, Philadelphia OE Du Bols, Doylcstown 9 J E°#erty, do J N Major, Kansas, Ky Jno W Johnson do W M Bell, Smyrna, Del Leonard Pariano, Baltimore A L Pinch, Sing Sing, N Y Danl E Potts, Lancaster, Ta G Lamb & lady, V Canada Christian Kennedy, do HWBrenceman,Lancast’r 3 Gibba, Virginia J A Bryon, New York Sami Wilton, Providence Edw P. Lancaster, West W H Merriss, New. York Chester H Young, * W J Maxwell, Virginia Miss M B Young, do J R Davenport, Albany WW Meeker, do AH Davenport, do 5 ? Sanford, do A Van Ling, Lowlsburg F J W Barkmab, do O If Greeuleaf, Springfield, Rlch’d Boufanti, do Mass STATEB UNION, Market street, above Sixth. JSReeae, WestChester,Pa JTF Wright, Pittsburgh MJ King, New York CG Gardner, do C Inboff, Carlisle MrsH Yard, Winco, Wis ■J 8 Agnew A lady, Penua Miss JG Yard, do J W Hunter, Columbia, Pa Enoch Watson, Boston Samuel II Lockard, Colum- R O Whitney, Philada bis, Pa Geo Myers. Columbia, Pa T J Osier, Harrisburg G H Banlwell, do J J Osier, do E B nerr, do CITY UOTRL—Third street, above Race. D Roberts, Montgomery co R MftOullough, Clearfield Mr* R Uowns, Delaware J Smith, Pittsburgh Sam* Downs, do Mrs A Smith, do {* M Wims, Lewisburg H Morrison, do Mrs Shields, do G Franklin, Harrisburg Henry Dlllman, Baltiinoro Henrietta Judith, Bucks co James Rooks, do Maria Ruth, Philadelphia GWDagon, Pittsburgh Arin Marshall, do Ruth Harland, Marlsburg Wm Harrison, Baltimore Henry Greer, Norristown J K Booker, Goose Creek John Orappoo, Monayunk UNION HOTEL—Arch street, above Third. Summit Hill A V Bonnell, Huntingdon 8 Wlllcox, Conn county, N J E D Smith, Pa Wm Hetherington, Potts- J Thols, Ohio yiUe, Pa S Boardman, Hartford Ct J Pancoast A la, N J N wolf, do O M Curtis A la, Dayton, R Groom, Pa Ohio B Murtaugh A la, Catosan- S Carey, Pa _ * >ennft M Corkey, Catasauque 5 Cadwallader, Doylst’n Miss E Murtaugh, do D Eppley, Harr, Pa J MuTt&ugh, do lIA Keller, do D Williams, Ohio J .? ne8 ’ ohl ° D H Shrove, N J II C Fon Derumith, Colum- J L McWinch, Catawissa, bia, Penna Pennsylvania J D Skiles, Lancaster The Coroner.—Messrs. Editors: Ab there are now quite a number of aspirants for this Important post, I would suggest to citizens the propriety of placing In nomination none but an experienced physician. The reasons for eo doing are many and obvious. The Coroner should be able himself to examine the corpse, and skil ful to detect the cause of death. This would not only render more certainty in getting at just conclnsions, but it would save the expense of Airing a doctor to attend to his duty. Other and cogent reasons will readily pre sent themselves to the thinking man, why the post of Coroner should be filled only by a competent medical mau; and in this connection I mune for that position our energetic and talonted townsman, Dr. F. Mieraon, of the Fifth ward, who, it wiU be remembered by our citizens, volunteered his services, and did gocgl service in the cause of humanity, when the yellow fever was desolating our sister cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth, Vh. To enlarged medical knowledge the doctor adds an indomitable will and onergy that would render him a trnly valuable officer. We hope our Democratic citizens will show their appreciation of real merit by adopting him as their candidate, and electing him by a triumphant majority atthe ensuing election. [lt*] PniLoe., Sperial Notices. K7* Post Office, August 17th, 1850.—At r meeting of the Carriers, Clerks, and others employed lq the Philadelphia Post Office, convened for the pur pose of making a suitablo expression of their feelings, op the occasion of the demise of SAMUEL COOK, (late a carrier.) On motion, Mr. O.G. WE3TCOTT was called to the Chair, and Mr. GEORGE FISHER was appointed Se’cro- On motion of Major Hiram B. Yeager, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted: Whereas, It hu pleased an all-wise Providence to summon from our midst our lato fellow-laborer, SAM’L. COOK, and we doom it proper, not only from his long and faithful connection with the Philadelphia Post Office, but also from a due appreciation of his personal worth and high character, to testify our feelings of re eret in loaiug one who was endeared to us by so many Res. both of duties and friendship. Therefore, Resolved, That we sincerely sympathize with Mb bereaved family in the affliction which has fallen upon them, and we unite in this expression of our regard from having known how well their deceased relative discharged every public and moral duty. Resolved, That in the death of Ur. Samuel Cook, the Government haz lost a true and tried servant, who, fora period of forty years, discharged with fidelity every duty imposed upon him; while we have been deprived of oue on whoso judgment, knowledge, and advice wo have sever relied In vain. Resolved, That a copy of the resolutions be presented to the family of tho lamented deceased. On motion of Mr. John P. Colcord. it was Resolved, That the carriers, clerks, and employees not on duty, attend tho funeral in a body. G. G. WESTCOTT, Chairman. Geo. Fishes, Secretary. Bower’* Infant Cordial.*—This Invaluable Cordial is prepared from a variety of the most choice and efficient aromatics known In medicine, and is the most perfect and reliable carminative extant for infanta and young children. By its powerfulinfiuence a speedy euro is effected in ' all case* of Cholic, windy pains and spasms. Relieves ,aud mitigates much of children’s suffering during denti tjop or teething, and by its soothing properties Iran qulUses pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, Ac. The Illfaht Cordial has become a standard remedy, r ahd has been used In thousands of oases with tho most abundant success, No family should bo without it. FreparedLonly by Hznbt A. k Bower, At his Drug and Chomikal Store, *i IF.'E. caplwr of Kithand Green sts.^Pbiladelphia. To whommttonl etaznUß»fcg addressed. 'AntPJbrssl* bp Druggists generally. au 13-ly Seamen's Saving Fund —Office 203 Walnut street, one door weet of second street. Receives de posits in sums of One Dollar .and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allows interest at the rate of five per cent, por annum. Moneys paid on Demand. Office open daily, from 9 until & o’clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 In the evening. President Franklin Fell; Treasurer, Charles M. Morris; Secre tary, James S. Priogle. Waltoa's Gems’ Furnishing Store, 151 North Sixth Street, below Race. Particular Attention given to the manufacture of fine SHIRTS, which will be sold at very moderate rates, for cash. aol2-lw# Saving Fond—Five Per Cent* Interest—Na tional Safety Trust Company, in Walxdt Street, south west oornar of Third Street, Philadelphia. Assets over Ohe Mattox ahd a Half op Dollars, Invested in Rial Estatb, Mortgages,Gbooxd Rests, and other first class securities, as required by the charter. This institution confines its business entirely to the recei ving of money on deposit. Any sum, large or small, 1a received, and the money is always paid back, with out notice, to any amount. The office is open every day from 9 o’clock In the morning until 7 o’clock in the evenlug, and on Monday and Thursday eronings until 9 o'clock. CD* A Meeting of the Malt and Liquor DEALERS ASSOCIATION will be held on every THURSDAY AFTERNOON, at 2 o’clock, at DILIGENT lIALL, Tenth oqfl Filbert streets. By order of aul2-wAtbtf ASSOCIATION. JHarriages. On the 15th Inst., by the Bov. Samuel Durborrow, Mr. ABRAHAM GOUB WOODLAND to Miss ELIZA BETH QUIG. On Thursday, 13th inst., by Rev. Newton Heston, Mr. JOHN 0. KELLY, of West Creek, N. J., to Miss KATE ELLA WILEY, of this city. IDcatijs, On the 14th lust., Mrs. CATHARINE BOCKIUS, wife of John M. Bockius, In tho 74th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from her late resi dence, lower end Germantown, ou this (Tuesday) af ternoon, at 2 o’clock. Ou the 15th instant, JOSEPH B. RAPP, aged 68 years. On the 13th iust., Miss MARGARET BEARD, aged 23 years. SHELLEY'S POEMS, BLUE AND GOLD. Just published, the POETICAL WORKS OF PER OY BYSSHE SHELLEY, edited by Mrs. Shelley, with A Memoir by James Russel Lowells, and a Portrait. Pocket Edition, complete in 2 V 019., bound in bluo and gold, $1.50. Also recently issued in the same style, THE POETI CAL WORKB OF TIIOMAB CAMPBELL. One vol. 75 cts The most complete edition of Campbell ever published. It contains sixty-seven poems not in the best English editions. THE POETICAL WORKS OF THOMAB HOOD. Two VOls., jl 50. This is tho fullest collection ever mode of Food’s Poems. It contains several poems that are in no other collected edition. LITTLE, BROWN, t CO. 112 Washington et,, Boston. aulB-2t.eod Howard fire and marine in surance COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, No. 94 WALNUT STREET. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $600,000. (FULL AMOUNT Invested u follows: First Bonds and Mortgages on Property in the City of Philadelphia $135,000 Stocks worth par 222,100 Cash on hand 61,190 Amount secured by Stock notes 190,000 Amount of Stock due on call 1,710 $600,000 This Company effects Insurances on Buildings, Mer chandise, Fumituro, Lumber, Stc.\ on Vcsbpls, Cargo, and Freight, to all ports, and by Railroad, Lakes, and Rivers, at the lowest rates, and upon the most liberal terms, guarantyfugPrompt Payment ou the adjustment of losses. made upon the usual terms. ITOR3._ lnsurance DIREC' P. M. Potts, "Wia. P. Leech, 0. B. Spangler, B. T. Kensil, Abr’m. Rex, H. 11. Houston, Wm. 11. Woods, Jos. R. Withers, George Rowell, Abr’m. P. Eyre, J.EdgarThomson, W. Ralguel, 0. 0. Bower, Charles F. Norton, John W. Sexton, John H. Lewars. Herman Uaupt, James E. Stiles,f Nathan R. Potts, 11. N. Uurrougha, PEROiVAL M. POTTS, President, 0. K. SPANGLER, Vice Prea’t., W. 11. WOODS, Seo. AuglB-ly R. T. KENSIL, Treasurer. Lumber and coal.—Montgomery Sc NEALL baying connected the Coal with the Lumber business, inform their friends that they hare made contracts for a supply of the best qualities of Lehigh end BcbuylkUl Coal, and are now ready to re ceive orders, Twelfth and Prime streets. Orders may be left with Hr. 8. KILPATRICK, No. 13 8. FIFTH street, or with Mr. WM. D. NEALL, comer PINE and WATER streets. an!B-3tn CONSIGNEES’ NOTlCE—Consignees for Norwegian Barque ANN£, KUdabl, master, from La Jlochel!e>wlH pleaseeeadtheir permita on board, orto tbe Counting Bouse of the as all goods not neralttod within five days, will be sent to Public Stores. UENRY BOHLKN & CO., 221 and 223 South 4th street. r*IkUTION~*ALL PERSONS ARE CAU \Ji HONED araiait trastlof atur of the OREJV «f the NortrttUn Btrqutf “ANNA," Kfidabl muter, from La Rochelle. as hq delta of their contracting will be paid 1/Captain or Ctmelgaees. HENRY BOHLEND, &ul&4t' ; ' 221 and 223 Booth Fcmrth st. TA/tBS. M. A. BURKE, lvJ| 802 OHXarNUT STREET, / ji , f~> ‘ ABOVE R/GHTH, Infohne SOUTHERN bed WESTERN MERCHANTS »he j!uj?Ailß WINTER PATTERN HATS la Owcy color#, And a full line of UOURNJNQ HATS. »n{lB-Srr amusimenls, TXTHEATLEY’ 8 ARChTt. THEATRE. f f —Sole Lessee w WHEATImy 38 cents tGallery for Colored Persons, 25 centa;pX vate Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 38 cents Box Office open from 10 A. M. until a p m J. M. B. WIIITTON Treasurer THlSXTuesdav) EVENING, August 18th. win be pre sented for the first time a beautiful new play, bv J P •ffilkinß, entitled w * y » ° 7 *' *' CHARITY’S LOVE, OR THE TRIALS OF A HEART Captain Algernon Mr.E. L. Davenport Charity... Mrs. E. L. Davenport To conclude with the Operatic Comedietta entitled NO! OR THE GLORIOUS MINORITY. Poors will oj>en at 7 o’clock. Performances commence at 7% precisely. WALNUT STREET THEATRE Pro priotor, Mr. WM. J.NAGLB; Acting and Stage Manager, Mr. WAYNE OLWINK. Prlcen-Bresa Circle and Pawuette, 60 cent*; Upper Circle, 26 cents: Plicate Do* and Orcheitra Seats, 76 cent*. Bo* Offlce open from 9 o’clock A . M. to 4 P. M. Doora open at 7 o’clock: performance Kill commence at 8. TUESDAY lBth, JUVENILE COMEDIANS. The performance will commence Kith the WELSH GIRL Jennie Jonea Little Martha Wren Bubble, the Beadle Little Frederick Wren After which, VARIED MELANGE. Tho whole to conclude with the farce of A DAY AFTER THE FAIR. SANFORD™ OPERA HOUSED ELEVENTH Street, above Ohcstnut. Doors open at 7)4 o’clock—to commence at 8. Admittance 25 cents. VARIETY WEEK. MONDAY and TUEBDAY, August 17th and IBth, will bo performed, “ The Virginia Mummy.” WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, “ The Frightened Family.” FRIDAY and SATURDAY. ‘ Villikins and Dinah.” Previous to the piece; Ethiopian Minstrelsy by San ford’s Opera Troupe, and Dancingby the Sanford chil dren. au!7-lw rfIHOMEUF* VARIETIES.—N. W. cor- X nerFIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets.—This CHEAP PLACE OF AMUSEMENT, “the COOLEST AND MOST RESPECTABLY ATTENDED IN THE OITY,” is OPEN EVERY EVENING, With a MUSICAL AND TERPSIOHOREAN MELANGE, Concluding each evening’s entertainment with an amusing AFTERPIECE. Commencing at if to 8 o’clock. Admission 10 cents. , JOHN O. WARREN, Conductor of Amusements. J. B. THOMEUF, Manager and Proprietor. au!3-3t* GEORGE CHRISTY'S ADVENT.— VX SPECIAL CARD. Tho Public is most respectfully notified that the cele brated and unequalled combination, the GEORGE CHRISTY k WOOD'S MINSTRELS, whose entertainments for many years have been re garded aa the FASHIONABLE AMUSEMENT of New York, wilt make their first professional depart ure from that city since their original organization, and appear at the ' NATIONAL THEATRE, Walnut street, above Eighth, on MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 17, and continue during the week in a series of their une qualled ETHIOPIAN DELINEATIONS; Introducing that finished, original and eminent artist, MR. GEORGE CHRISTY. In bis most noted and distinguished roles in COMEDY, FAROE, BURLESQUE AND PANTOMIME. THE BOX BOOK Will open on Saturday morning, August 15th, at 11 o'clock, at the Music Store of MESSRS. LEE k WALKER, No. 722 (lato 168) Chestnut street, below Eighth. Srsoixx, Cahu.—This engagement is necessarily limi ted, as the opening of the now Marble Theatre in Broad way, New York, now being erected, expressly for this troupe, occurs In a brief period. This Intimation is re spectfully presented In order that the public may em brace the few nights above specified, to witness this great novelty, an opportunity to do which may never again be afforded in Philadelphia. WAYNE OLWINE, Actiug Manager. PARKINSON’S ILLUMINATED GAR DENS, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TENTU. PROMENADE CONCERTS with the Scottish Nightin gale, a Fine Orchestra, Fire Works. Ac., EVERY EVENING. SU 18-tf • Admittance, one shilling. AMERICAN ACADEMY OP MUSIC.— •aa. E. A MARSHALL has great pleasure in announc ing that, through the immediate agency of the justly popular imptessario MAX MARETZEK, now in Europe, he has effected an engagement with RONZANI’S Celebrated, Grand and Complete BALLET TROUPE, (From the Theatre Royal, Turin,) Which will be under tho personal'direction of SIGNOR DOMINICO RONZANI, Manager of the Theatre Royal, Turin, and actual Maitre de Ballet, from Her Majosty’s Opera Reuse, London. &u 10-tit TVTACGRBGOR HOT-AIR FURNACES. 1?X Bold by CHADWICK A BRO., SECOND Street, first door above Race. aug!B-3mos. WANTED— A BOY WHO CAN READ manuscript well. Apply at the PRESS OFFICE, CARTER’S ALLEY, above SECOND, after 12 o’clock. au!7 WANTED TO RENT.—A THREE Story BRIOK HOUSE, suitable for a small family. The best references given. Addresß “Rent,” Press Office. au!2-2w# CONGRESS RANGE.—SOLD BY CHAD WICK k BRO., N 0.292 N. SECOND Street. auglB-3njoi. Hall of st. jambs the less* PHILADELPHIA. A FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Rnv. B. R. Smvbbb, Rector. The Annual Session will begin on TUE3DAY, Sep tember 1. Circulars maybe obtained atthe B6okStore of n. HOOKER, 8. W. corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT, or of the Rector, Post Office, Falls of Schuylkill, Phila delphia. ___________ auiT-flm WELCOME RANGE.— Soid by CHAD WICK k BRO., 202 N. SECOND St. au!B-3m. Leading criminal cases, vol. ii. A SELECTION OF LEADING OASES IN CRIMINAL LAW. W[th notes by E. 11. BENNETT and F. F. HEARD. Vol. II.,8vo: $&. Just published, by LITTLE, BROWN A 00., aul7-3ted# 112 Washington street, Boston. Hotel and summer ranges.— Sold by CHADWICK & BRO., 202 N. SECOND St. auglB-3raos. George h. Armstrong, attor ney AT LAW AND CONVEYANCER, 1,344 Lombard street, below Broad. aul7-Im* WELCOME RANGE.—SOLDBYCHAI)- WICK A BRO, 202 N. SECOND Bt. aulB-3ro. V NIGHT’S COOKING EXTRACTS FOR XV. flavoring Pies, Padding, Cakes, Jellies. Custards, Ice Creams, Blanc Mange, Sauces, Syrups, Soups, Gra vies, Ac., Ac. Comprising Knight’s Extract of Lemon. Knight’s Extract of Vanilla. Knight’s Extract of Rose. Knight’s Extract of Orange. Knight’s Extract of Poach. Knight’s Extract of Almond. Knight’s Extract of Strawberry. Knight’s Extract of Pineapple. Knight’s Extract of Raspberry. Knight’s Extract of Celery. Knight’s Extract of Nectarine. Knight’s Extract of Cinnamon. Knight’s Extract of Nutmeg. Knight’s Extract of Ginger. Knight’s Extract of Cloves. Knight’s Extract of Allspice. Knight’s Extract of Mace. Knight’s Extract of Apricots These Extracts are made with great care, and are war ranted to retain all the flavor and streugth of the article represented, in a purified and concentrated form, conve nient for all culinary purposes. Retaining their flavor for any length of time and iu any. climate, and can be used at all seasons of the year when the freA fruit can not bo obtained. They are put up in a neat and convenient manner for use, viz : 2 and 10 ounce bottles, and are respectfully recommended to the atteutlon of House and Hotel Keepers, Bakers, Caterers, and the public in general , Price 25 cents per bottle, or 5 bottlos assorted for one dollar. For sale by C. D. KNIGHT, No. 7 South SIXTH Street. Grocers ami Dealers supplied on liberal terms. auls-lm Bailey & co., chestnut street. Manufacturers of BRITISH STERLING SILVER WARE, Under their inspection, on the premises exclusively. Citizens aud Strangers ore Invited to visit our manu factory. WATCHES Constantly on hand a splendid stock of Superior Gold Watches, of all thB celebrated makers. DIAMONDS. Necklaces, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear-Rings, Finger- Rings, and all other articles in the Diamond line. Drawings of NEW DESIGNS will be made free of charge for those wishing work mado to order. RICH GOLD JEWELRY. A beautiful assortment of all the new styles of Fine Jewelry, such as Mosaic, Stone and Shell Cameo, Pearl, Coral, Carbuncle, Marqulslte, Lava, Ac., Ac. SHEFFIELD CASTORS, BASKET?, WAITERS, Ac. Also, Bronze and Marble CLOCKS, of newest styles, and of superior quality. aul-dtwAwly COAST PILOT.—IN PRESS AND WILL 800 N BE PUBLISHED, the following standard Books, viz: Blunt’s Coast Pilot. 18th edition; Bow. ditch’s Navigator, 27th edition; Shipmaster’s Assistant, oth edition. We invite attention to our new Spring Centre Com passes, which answer for either light or heavy weather, and are especially adapted for steamers, and vessels where the motion is considerable. They require fewer repairs th&u any compass now in use. Marino Opera Glasses of superior quality. Bpy Glasses, Aneroid and Mercurial Barometers, Tnennometers, American. French and English Sextants, Octants, Quad rants, Azimuth Compasses, Binaries, Log Glauses, and all kinds of Nautical Instruments and Books, constantly onliand. Also, Charts of all parts of the world from the latest and best authorities. Agents for Rogers’ American Code of Signals, Deni’s Chronometers and Compasses, and for Ablott's Iloro meter, aud an Instrument for working oqt problems in Nautical Astronomy by simple inspection and with per feet accuracy. They nave received the approval of ex- Bcrienced shipmasters, and have been adopted by the 8. Navy. E. A G. W. BLUNT. aulS-lm* No. 179 Water Btreet. HALLOWELL & CO., NO. 417 MARKET STREET, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF HATS, CAPS, AND LADIES’ FANCY FURS. Merchants will find it to their interest to examine our Stock belore purchasing elsewhere. au!4-lm# Spirits turpentine— 2oo bbia spirits Turpentine, to arrive, for sale by MARTIN A MAOALIBTEB, aul HP North Water Btreet. f'tOTJON— 200 bales good Middlings Mid dling Fair Cotton. In store and for sale by. MARTIN A MACALIBTER, SOI 110 North Water Btreet Thomas e. baxter.-hardwaAe, t CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No. 910 MARKET fit*. tbote Ninth, south tide, Philadelphia. an I.Bm * JOHN N. REEVES, CARPENTER'AND BUILDER, PASSYUNK ROAD, opposite Oowatj Prison. . - < ‘ v Orders for Jobbing promptly attended to.'Aul-lm riLENWOOD OEMETMrVIOTICJS, if ( VKIIB WALNUT Bt.,belowPyrq f .»ulltf TUVANS’ GREAT GIFIffBOQK SALE, JCi No. 834 OHSSTNBT Strut. N. B—No obtmeo tlon tilth tuy «tVr homo to Hi. City. asl-3m CO.,- XJ WholeMlo Darien la PAPER, RAQS, *o„ No. 80 South sura Stmt, FMMtipM*. unl-Jni (JlanirilMUs for ®fficr. > R'~™ecotdeF^k~deeds^aESert~d. SOILEAU, sixteenth ir«rd. Buyect' to Demo cratic Bnlea. augllLdt agpS* O.R CORONEE—CoI,. " THOMAS NAULTY, of the Fifth "Wani. Subject to Domo cratlc rulca. ; ‘ . aul7-It Fob prothonotary op the dis trict court; wm.m. beilly, of First Ward. Subject to Demos ratio Rules. aul7-4t*eB* pIOR ASSEMBLY—JOHN H. BRADY, •L ' Eighth War I—Seventh Legislative District. Sub ject to Democratic rules. . aols-tsepB# PROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT COURT.—WM. LOUGHLIN, Second Ward.- Sub- Ject to Democratic rules. tul6-Bep7* FOR ASSEMBLY—EDWIN SMITH, NINTH DISTRICT, TWELFTH WARD. Subject to Democratic Rules. au!4* FOR ASSEMBLY—Second District, PER RAN J. COOK, Second Ward. Subject to Demoeratio Rules. aul2-tC* C" LEKK OP QUARTER SESSIONS^ JOSEPH CROCKETT, Sixteenth Ward. Subject to Demoeratio Rules. au!2-4w* FOR ASSEMBLY—JOSEPH J. KEEFE. —Second Legislative District, Second Ward. Subject to the decision of the Democratic Convention. *u6-dtSB v PROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT •*- COURT, JOHN P. M’FADDEN, of Third Ward. Subject to the rulea'of the Democratic Party, aul-tf FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS—THQS. J. HEMPHILL, Tenth ward, Vina street, above Eighth. Subjeet to Democratic rules. aulO-lin# JOHN M. ARUNDEL, of the Twenty second Ward, will be a candidate for Assembly, from the Sixteenth District. Subject to the nomination of the Democratic Convention. au6-eod2w* FOR ASSEMBLY—THIRD DISTRICT FRANKLIN McILVAIN, Subject to Democratic rules. auB-dtspB OR CORONER—DR. FEODOBE MBS SON, Fifth Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. auB-Im* FOR PROTHONOTARY OP THE DIS TRICT COURT, LEWIS T. MEABS, of Twelf.h WftTQ. Bubject to Democratic Rale*. auB-Imh TJROTHONOTARY OP THE DISTRICT X COURT, GEORGE F. MEESER, Tmntj-second Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. au4-tSeB IflOR RECORDER OF DEEDS—R. R. YOUNG, Seventh Word, Subject to Democratic K »'« au4-lm* pOR CLERK OP QUARTER SESSIONS, X’ SAMUEL 0. THOMPSON, 6th Ward. Subject to the Rules of the Demoeratio Party. au4 w&s tsB# fIOR CORONER—N. C. REID, M. D. Subject to Democratic Rales. au4 lm* FOR ASSEMBLY—FIRST DISTRICT.— JOSEPH H. DONNELLY, First Ward. Subject to deolalon o fthe Democratic Convention, aul-Cw# FOR ASSEMBLY—THIRD DISTRICT— DAVID R. McLEAN, Fourth Ward. Subject to Democratic Buies. aul-tseS* XIOR ASSEMBLY— i JOSEPH HUNEKER. Eighth District, Eleventh Ward. Subjeet to Democratic Rules. atl.lm* FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS— . CHARLES H. MILLER, Fourteenth Ward, Subject to Democratic Rules, on aul t seB For recorder of deeds—george W. WUNDBR, Thirteenth Ward. Subject to De mocratic Rules. aul-sw* IIIOR RECORDER of deeds—n. f. WOOD, Thirteenth ward. Subject to Democratic rules. auff-te# OF QUARTER SESSIONS.- • \J GEORGE SIMPSON, THIRTEENTH WARD.— Subject to Democratic Rules. aultsepB iHiscellaneotts. C<TATE AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION. KJ—AGRICULTURISTS, STOCK BBBEDERB, GARD NERS, POMOLOGIBTS, INVENTORS, MANUFAC TURERS. ARTISANS!» AU classes are invited to be come exhibitors. TnE PENNSYLVANIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY will hold its SEVENTH ANNUAL EXni- BITION at Powelton, West Philadelphia, on SEPTEM BER 29th and UOth, and OCTOBER Ist and 2d ensu ing, for the display or Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Swine and Poultry, Agricultural Machines and Implements, Dairy, Field and Garden Products, Seeds, Fruits, Flowers and Vegetables, the Mechanic Arts, Domestic, Household and other Manufactures, Stoves, Wares and Inventions. A PLOWING MATCH 11 In order to promote skill and efficiency in the Im portant work or the Farm, a Plowing Match will come off on the fourth-day of the Exhibition, to which men and youths are invited to compete for the premiums. To sellers and buyers of farm stock this Exhibition will afford a most favorable market. The different Railroad Companies will carry all stock and articles to and from the Exhibition free of charge as heretofore, and will issue Excursion rickets for the Fair Week at the usual liberal rates. Lists of Premiums and all other information will be furnished on application to ROBERT C. WALKER, Se cretary ? at the Rooms of u the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture,’’ChesnutStreet, below Seventh, south side, upstairs. The books for the entry of articles and animals will b open on and after the Ist of September. DAVID TAGGERT, President Penna. State Agricultural Society. au!3-d t Rep 28 COUNTRY COLLECTIONS made with, promptness and at tbe usual rates, by DAVIS Sc BIRNBY. No. 25 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. They invite attention to their unequalled facilities for t&e adjustment of controversies in all parts of the United States and Canadas, and collecting and securing t MERCANTILE CLAIMS, afforded by their thorough organization; having local agents in every lettled county In the Union, and fey pros perous associate offices in .Boston, . , ....Louisville, Dubuque, New York, St. Louts, Detroit, Baltimore, Cincinnati, St. Paul’s, Washington, Bittaburgh, MUwaukie, Charleston, Chicago, Memphis, Mobile, New Orleans, Savannah. Each local office controlling its own collections, and havlngdaily business connections with the most reliable aqd experienced attorneys in the country. They also have superior facilities for collecting drafts and maturing paper at points not accessible to Banks add Bankers, and Remittances are promptly made by tHelr correspondents for commissions that exceed but slightly the current rate of exchange. By the aid of intelligent correspondents, they are able to'hare Land Warrants located, claims adjusted, titles examined, In all parts of the West. aa4-tath&s-lm gJALAMANDER SAFES. A large assortment of EVANS WATSON’S PHILADELPhM manufactured SALAMANDER BAFES, YAUJ.T DOORS, For Banks and Stores. BANK LOOKS, Equal to any now In use. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, Ac., On as good terms as any other establishment In the United States, hr EVANS & WATSON, No. 26 South FOURTH street, Philadelphia. PLEASE GIVE US A CALL. aul3-tf For sale, or to let on ground RENT, the Lot on North side of High Street, 132 feet east of Twentieth Street, 2d feet 4 inches front and 170 feet deep, to Jones Street. Apply to anlO-mwfgw# EDWABD WALN, No. 702 Walnut St. THE YOUNG LADIES EMOVAL. XV INSTITUTE, formerly located at No. 48, now M North SEVENTU Street, Is removed to No. 1711 VINE Street, west of Seventeenth, north side, where the sub scriber will he happy to see his former patrons and pupils, at the commencement of the Fall Session. For circulars, Ac., please apply to it'. G. E. AGNEW, au!o«2w No. ,1711 Yine street. Russia and American tarred CORDAGE.—a superior article, manufacture and for Bale by WEANER, FITLER & 00., au 8-tf yo. 19 N. Water at., A 11 N- Wharves. WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE MEN’S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER BEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY. No. 700 CHESTNUT Street, abjve Seventh street, Philadelphia The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, is particularly invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article made. At whole sale and retail, and made to order. aus-lylf TVOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Po il licy No. 4202, issued by the American Fire Insur ance Company, in the name of Nicholas E. Thouron, dated September 12,1853, for $4,000 on brick building situated on the west side of Sixth street, between Prune and Spruce streets, has been lost or mislaid. Applica tion has been made for a new one In lieu thereof. A suitable reward will be paid for its return to No. 28 North Seventh street. atifi wit* Harness, saddles and trunks, LACEY & PHILLIPS, Nos. 14 and 18 South SEVENTH street, above CHESTNUT, have manufac tured, expressly for the FALL TRADE, a larger stock of superior Harness. Saddles and Trunks, than any other hocre in their line, and having* reduced the mode of manufacturing to such a perfect system, they are be yond all competition for quality, style and price. P. B.—Country Harness makers can he supplied cheaper than they can manufacture. aul-vlm JAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, Nos. 16 and 18 South NINTH STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT. A large and well selected stock of CLOTHS and OAS3IMERES always on hand. AU Clothing made at this Establishment wtU be of the best quality, and iu the mo«t fashionable style. Particular attention given to UNIFORM CLOTH ING. auB-tf SHARPE'S MEN'S AND BOYS 3 CLOTHING, 148 North FOURTH Street, between Arch and Race. , auB-ly SARDINES.— 100 cases of 60 half boxes each, in store and for sale by HENRY BOHLEN k CO , an 8 Nos. 2*21 and 223 S. Fourth street Removal— adams’ blank book and JOB BINDERY, from THIRD street, to No. 636 AROn street, below SIXTH. Blank Books all sine on hand, or made to order. Magazines, Muile. Ac., neatly bcuud VERY CHEAP. au6-6w Spikes.— railroad spikes and CHAIRS constantly on band. Orders received for Light Railroad Iron—2B lbs , 33 lbs., 40 lbs per yard. HANDY k MORRIS. ao4-lm 8. B. corner Front and Walnut. Notice— the business of twells A 00., and J. W. GABKILL A 00., will hereafter be conducted under the style of T WELLS, GAS RILL A GALVIN, at No. 6 and 8 S. Wharves, aad No. 328 N. Wharves. ani-lm WF. WARBURTON, FASHIONABLE . MATTER, No. 430 CHESTNUT Stmt, below Tilth, Philadelphia. » rp T/l WETLAND & CO., . . * Hi. MOBIW* WAgl TRAMS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Importer. And Bolder. In OH Painting., Water-Color Drawings, Engravings, in. A large aisortment ahrayj on hand. Packing and removing Olaascs, and hanging attended to dpi ARCH Street, above Sixth. Booth aide, Philadelphia, , , aajimrp JAOkSON,'JOB PRINTER. MERCHANT STREET.., OHIOK3, NOTES, DRAFTS, . . _ BILL HEADS. CIRCULARS, And IOR PRINTING generally, at ahorteat notice tad fiMr prices. eul-lm XdSEPH BLACK, Banner, Sign/ Decora y tree and General ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, N. X. cottier FOURTH and WALNUT Street!, entrance on Fourth street. AIso—PORTRAITS, the fixe of life, pointed from Daguerreotypee. aul-dlm CULLENDER & PASCAL, k? HATTBRS anl-fim No. 8 8. SIXTH street, Philadelphia. COTTON— 100 bales Gulf Cotton, in store »r>i< for sale by MARTIN k MAOALISTBR, *a3 ’ 119 North Water Street. -n^xr o33-117 bales Carolina Moss, for sale by 111 MARTIN k MACALISTKB, jtul 119 North Water Street. Hotels cmi Hretatmutls. CLINTON PLACE HOTEL;-BROAD WAY, corner of EIGHTH, street.NewYork* THIS eLeGANT MODERN ESTABLISHMENT ft now open for the reception of guests, in the European ROOMS from 60 cents to $1 per day.- SUITS of ROOMS for Families, from # 60 to $lO per day. The MEALS served at all hoars by the CARD, at moderate MAOLELLAN (“ long end lkvorably known to the patron* of Jonas' and the United States Hotel, Philadelphia.”) it associated in the management, and has especial charge of the Catering Department. Every attention has been paid to make the organisation per fect, and ohr friends, patrons, and the travelling paoue in general, mar rest assurred that no effort shall ho wanting to the CLINTON worthy the favor which we hereby respectfully solicit. ans-lm* SCOTT HOUSE —Corner of Irwin Street and Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh B. D. MARKER, Proprietor. aul3-3m LOUIS B. COFFIN,— THIRD WARD HOTEL, (DEMOCRATIC HEAD QUARTERS,) ' South-east corner FIFTH and QUEEN Streets, aul-lm Philadelphia. - WILLIAM N. KING,— SOUTHERN • EXCHANGE HOTEL, South-east comer of FIFTH and CARPENTER Sts., Philadelphia, aal-lm STREET HOUSE—SAMUEI V-> MILLER, (Old No. 12) New No. 331 OHESNUI STREET, below Fourth, Philadelphia. alt 1-lm W/'ILLIAM HANNINGS’ City Lager Beer " T Saloon, No. 31 OARTER’S ALLEY, Philadel phia- aul-lm ttlitus aitir jLiqnors. Alexander v. holmes, wine and' LIQUOR STORE, No. 226, Southeast Corner of GEORGE and SOUTH Streets- aul-ly VI7ILLIAM F. PITFIELD,-IMPORTER TV of BRANDIES, WINES, 4c., 4e, No. 323 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. anl-lm Cl. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER e IN FINE WINKS, LIQUORS, CIGARS, 4c„ 26 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. aul-ly BRANDIES. —Pinet, Castillon & Co., Ms rett & Co., and other brands of Cognacs of variou vintages, in half pipes and quarter casks : PeUeroiain Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, in half pipes, quarter casks and one-eighth casks, all In Custom House stores, imported and for sale hr HENRY BOHLEK A CO., an 6 Noa. 221 and 223 South Fourth street. DITHMAR & BUTZ, PORTER, ALE AND LAGER BEER* BREWERY, No. S» (new No. 938) North THIRD Street, Philadelphia.—Shipping orders promptly attended to. anl-tf Tobacco anfr Cigars. HAVANA CIGABS~*A handsome assort ment, BUCh SB Figaro, Partagas, . Sultana, Gloria, Jupiter, Coloaoj ConTerciantas, Torrey Lope*, ' Union Americana, Oregon, Flora Cuban*, Ac., Ac., Ac., in %, X, 1-5 and I*lo boxes, of all sizes and quali ties, in store and constantly receiving, and for sale low, by OHABLES TETE, (new) 13S WALNUT Street, below Second, second story pUGARO, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS X 1 BEGARS.—a choice invoice of these celebrated brands on board brigi‘New Era,” dally expected from Havana, and tor sale low, by CHARLES TETE, (New) 138 Walnut street, below Second, aul Second Story. Bates be 2Uctian. Wolbsbt A Scott, Auctioneers. >4Ol CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE 401 THE'CUSTOM HOUSE, between fourth and fifth Streets. CARD.—We invite the attention of purchaser* to tha positive sale of the stock of fancy goods to be sold at 834 Cheanut below Ninth street. THIS (Monday) EVEN INC, commencing at 9j£ o’clock. PEREMPTORY SALE OP THE STOCK OP PINE FANCY GOODS, MINERALS, GLAZIERS' DIA MONDS.-Ac., OF WJI. c. MeCRBA, EsV, AT 83* CHESTNUT STREET. MONDAY NEXT, 17th instant, commenting at 7# o'clock in the evening, we will sell without reserve, the Stationery and Fancy Goods, consisting of Pocket Books, Pocket Knives, Porte Monnaies, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Letter Paper, Envelopes, Ac., Ac. And in continuation, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, commencing at 7% o'clock, will be sold Mineral Sped* mens for Cabinets, Glaziera' Diamonds, Ac.', the whole forming a large and desirable stock of fancy Articles, which will be sold without reserve, and will'bo found worthy the particular attention of purchasers. SEWING MACHINE. At private sale, one superior Sewing Machine, Grom A Baker’s patent. NOTICE.—Our sales of Embroideries, Millinery Goods, Ac., for the fall and Winter, will commence during the early part of the present month, and wQ! be continued regularly throughout the season, due notiee of which will be given. iw Jo&f Bitus, Auctioneer. I\TO. 325 ARCH STREET, between THIRD 11 AND FOURTH STREETS. SALES EVERY EVENING at 3 o'clock. Of Boots, Shoes, Brogans, Gaiters, Hard-rareTCutlery, Watchcs. Jewelry, Hosiery, Whips, Trunks, fancy Goods. Notions, Ac., Ae. N. B. Terms of Night Sales, four months credit for approved City acceptances, for sums of 8100 and over with interest added from daw of sale. CARD.—Out-door Sales solicited of Household Furni ture at dwellings, Stocks of Hardware, Underwriters* Salsa of Hardware. Cutlery, Ac. OentigmcßUta soli cited sold at the Auction Rooms. Charges moder ate. Apply as above. Advances made on Consignments of Goods. ' aalixt NE. CORNER OP BARRON AND e SOUTH STREETS, above Baeoad. EVENING SALES. SALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING, At iVo’cloca, at the Auetlon Store, of Hardware, Cut ter/, Hbusekeeping Artteßa, Clothing, Watahe*, Jewel ry, fancy Articles, Ac. SAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 112 South THlRD'Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear st., only eight doors below the Exchange, Hours of business from 7 o’clock, A. M., until 10 o’clock in the evening. Out-door sales, ana sales at the Auction House, at tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL 9300,000. Established for the fan Titrfy Years. Adv&noes made from one dollar to thousands on Dia monds, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware. M«r chaadize, Clothing, furniture, Bedding, Cigars. Musical Instruments, Guns, Hones, Carriages, and Goods of every description. Au goods can remain any length of time agreed, upon. All advances, from one hundred dollas and upwards will be charged 2 per cent, per month; $6OO and over, the lowest market rate. This Store House having a depth of 120 feet, has large fire and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and pri vate watchmen for the premises j also, a heavy insu rance effected for the benefit of aU persons having goods advanced upon. N. B.—On aocount of having an unlimited capital, this office is prepared to make Advance* on more satis factory and accommodating terms *ay other in this city. Money advanced to the poor, in small amounts, with out any charge. AT PRIVATE SALS. Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will he sold at reduced prices. aal-ly ©ou Sixlutee. A RCHER, WARNER, MISKEY k CO., A Manufacturers of GASALIER9, BRACKETS, PEN DANTS, FITTINGS, and all kinds of GAS and LAMP WORK, GIRANDOLES, Ac., No. fKS CHESTNUT .Street, Philadelphia. ARCHER, WARNER k CO, No. 376 BROADWAY, New Tork. Buildings fitted with Gas Pipes, and all kinds of ’altering and repairing of Gas Work. aul-lm* Attonicus at £a®. Daniel dougherty, attorney AT LAW, Southeast Corner of EIGHTH and LO CUST Streets, Philadelphia. aul-ly Myer strouse, attorney at LAW, CENTRE street, Pottsvilie, Pa. au4-ly John binns, united states com missioner AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, AND THE PROBATE OF ACCOUNTS for sever.! States and Territories. He is. by law, authorised to administer Oaths aud Affirmations to be received in all the Courts iu Pennsylvania. JOHN BINNS may be found in his office, No. 116 South SIXTH Street, opposite the County Court House, from 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. aul-lm HAZELTON AND SPRING MOUN TAIN, Lehigh, Hickory and Locust Mountain Schuylkill Coal for sale at KNOWLES’ Depot. NINTH and WILLOW Streets. aul4-lm COAL! COAL! COAL!—TAGGART’ 3 CELEBRATED SPRING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH COAL. J. k R. CARTER’S GREENWOOD, TIMAQUA COAL GEORGE W. SNYDER S PINE FOREST SOHUTL KILL COAL. RANDALL & MEREDITH Have for sale, and an constantly receiving from the above celebrated Collieries, COAL OP ALL SIZES. There is no Coal mined anywhere, equal In quality to these, and a trial will convince any one of their great superiority. Our Coal is very carefully screened at our ysrds, and we will warrant it perfectly freo from slate, dost and all tajwrities. Our PRICES areas LOW as the Orders left at our Office, No. 181 SOUTH FRONT street, above Walnut. Orders left at our Yard, CALLQWHILL atm*, below BBOAD street. Orders left at our Wharf, WATER street, above CAU LOW HILL—or/eutto either place per D*«wkh Post, will receive pruhpt attention. Purchasers for Family use will do well to call aad ex amiueour Coal before purchasing elsewhere. au4-U JiJCHU X LKILL AND LEHIGH COAL.— SAaasLTssisfioTi s& tt ’jr«s£K and alt others who may favor n>* with their orders, may Hi/ op getting Coal that will be satisfactory to them. IL/” No Inferior Coal kept at this establishment to offer at LOW PRICES. ALEXANDER CONVERT, N. S. corner of Broad and Cherry Sts. Lehigh and Schuylkill goal.— DALY, PORTER k CO., COAL DEALERS, No. 821 PRIME Street, above Eighth, keep constantly ou hand, at the very lowest rates, a full supply of Lehiefc. and Schuylkill Coal. aul-6m Coach, engine and hotel lamp FactorrofJE.W USSHERS,No. 109 (late 43) South Chestnot street, has become a saving of 60 mi cent, to our SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MERCHANTS, and also the convenience of having their old Carriage Lamps new silver-topped iand bottomed, and sent by express to all parts. aul2-ly JAMES KELLY, (Successor to William Curtis) Regalia, Books, Jewels, Emblems, Masonie aad Encampment Charts, Ac. Odd Fellows’ Hall, NORTH SIXTH STREET, be!ew Race, Philadelphia. Orders from any part of the country, addressed to James Kelly, promptly attended to. aul-lm WM. D. ROGERS’S CARRIAGE RE. PO9ITORY, 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT Street above Tenth, will be opened on or about the 25th Inst , few the sale of every description of nsßß* which the attention of the public is respectful!, called. » aulMlt* —HoMaSPARKER, WHOLESALEPER FUMER, removed to new number, 117 Norik Slkth itrtot. Abram slack—engraving, dii Sinking and Embank Printing, Envelope an Sval Frau Manufactory, 37 Stravberry Street, beturae Second and Third, and Market and Cheitnut Street Philadelphia, Pa. »u!3-ly BAT.R ROPE.—Buyers arc invited to call and examine cor Manila Bale Hope, which ve can can sell at low as American, and warrant- ft superior fa strength aad durability- WEAVER, FTTLER k CO., au U No. 23 N. Water it. and 1«N. Whams, WIN ANT A CO.