The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 18, 1857, Image 2

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' yorudykiwior, ■■
,or tiooxiso coosri. ■
rim. jtjwra iv. the supe*;me. coukt,
_ .oriiats oowi..
> ‘ or iiiß oocm,
on the tot page: .“Tbe Phila
delphia Custom-House,”
1 :lAtest European news.
By the iaail steamet Columbia, v-’liich arrived
at WeW;7<?rfe yesterday, we have English pa
pers to s>e6thinst., wUl> four days laternews.
The Jaylhg down of the sub-Atlantic telegraph
was-to have been commenced about the- date
of the Columbia’s departure,' the squadron hav
ingleft Cove.'for Valeiitia harbor, where the.
flret terminus will be, on the 3d inst. ‘ Lord
P axmerston had asked permission from 1 Par
llatnent to embody the militia, with a view" to
the immediate and extensive increase of the,
British army, the war with China and the re
volt in India having made largo levies indis
pensable. .• It was even doubted whether the
contest with Persia was concluded, as the
Persians have not 'relinquished the occupation
of-Herat:. Atthe eleventh hour, Lord John
Bussell has asked for ,ahd obtained
a parliamentary Committee tb inquire whether
J errs may not sit in the House ofCommons, by
taking such an affirmation as Quakers take.
This is what he. should: have done ten years
ago—what he would then have j done had he
been in earnest.' Nafolsdslll. and his wife'
were to have proceeded; on August 6th, bn a
visit to Queen Victoria, at Osborne. The
death , of Eugene Sue, at thc agb of forty-nine,
is. reported. There was' a difficulty between
France and Turkey ; the French Ambassador
had suspended diplomatic, relations with the
Porte, bnt-'renewed .them -on a>change of
Ministry at Constantinople. General Naevaez
!b said to have recalled General Concha from
the Viceroyalty of Cuba, his successor being
Marquis Serrano, '& most particular favorite of
the Queen’s, and, therefore, sufficiently 'danger
ous to make'the Premier glad to Bend him into
honorable exile, with the very best office under
the Spanish Crown;
The overland mail, the telegraphic news of
Which has already reached us by the Canada,
had. been delivered in London, and there was
a belief, from statements in. private letters,
and what is called bazaar reports, (often in
advance of the Government despatches,) that
the British troops had taken Delhi. On the
other hand, it was said that the, plunder by
the . revolted Sopoys . amounted .to • nearly
$10,000,000; that the King of Oude had a
guard of 1,700 armed men, though bound by
treaty to have not a single man; and that the
Europeans .wc-e in .arrnß at Madras, an out
break being ' expected in that Presidency.
The East' India Government demand 6,000 to
7,600 British troops extra to protect, Madras
and Bombay. ,
The last Sunday papers contained the usual
comments upon party nominations.' Some of
their views are just and . opportune. The dis
cussion of such topics can scarcely bo too
stringent and searching. - Let the people have
light. • Let tho facts be known, so that no con
vention, of any party, will-dare to place before
the community any but Us best, most compe
tent, and most trust-worthy, men.. We have
entire respect for the decision of a nominating
convention. We believe every party man is
bound by-the fairly expressed decree of the
delegates, primarily chosen, of hts organiza
tion, ana we' regard rebellion against their de*
cisionaS entitled to repfdbat|on. But there are
precedent duties, obligations in advance of con
ventions, which'demand attention, and which,
If neglected, will produce a harvest of defeats.
We must recollect that while devotion to party
usages is an essential, in. all political organiza
tions, yet that even this fidelity will grow weak
before the nomination, of unworthy men, and
especially among those who belong to a fatty,
more because of its right principles than from
any hope of reward. ’ The disinterested De
mocrat ’ wanst his. party, respected—he re
veres it too profoundly to behold its dishonor
without pain., Be looks abroad, therefore,
for. the., best; men to put on his ticket.
He appeals to such men ’to consent to come
into the public 1 councils, tad to take public
offices ; and when he succeeds, he can go into
the canvass con apart, with all his energies en
listed Oritho side of his convictions. Lot us
consider, these things, and let ns not keep out .
of view.that.a' npw.element is at work in cur
r*sk»—au element of gratitude to the thousands
of. disenchanted mon: who have dnly 'lately
joined nsy and who, leaving their own party
for good reasons, must'hof he lost to ourrby
carelessness or corruption in our nominating
conventions. * V
Sttnding here i rittls ’gtedt old State of, ours,
and 'looking oVer the Union, we. are a- good
deil edified at the different shapes and shades
of opposition. polities in .distant : quarters.'
While the peculiar nfltions of the American
party are pretty! well given up in the
Weatj and Northwest, 1 we behold as‘earnest a
move against l the Pope and' the foreigners op'
the-siddfijf /th'e’'sbtithern 'A,Meiicahii,’as if the.
one 'iteld sway at and the others
controlled every Commonwealth from the Po
tomac to tbo'Rio Grande. Oddly, enough,
too, (lU> : SOnth is that section in which the
adopted citizens ore . most in the minority;
and yet the amount -of rhetoric and logic
expended against them is prodigious. It Is
tuny true,
not.mhch effect'is’produced by.their.aimless
antagonism; but lhiadoes not seem to dampen
the ardor if those engaged inlto Take another
glance,’ifyanother locality.'” What,ore the opr
posing politicians doing in lowa and Wiscon
sin? Strange to toy, they, are arguing tn favor
of the right of the negro to vote.and are being
wofully beaten at-that. In New, York, the
basis of untl-Democmtie politics is, not so
much'to make Kankas flee as to enslave New
York city in the chains of, hasty legislation.'
In Illinois, thelrcffort' is. to'comml t the Demo
.ctots to the doctrine of polygamy. In Mary,
land, they organize 'not so; much against the;
Catholics or the Irish as against the Germans.
In 'Virginia and North Carolina and Tennessee,
it is a concentration in favor of the distribution'
of the proceeds of the sales of the public lands.
In liduisiaha, it. Is'excessive dislike of the
Irish,,Sc. ’• \\
Vi e comment upon those appearances, not
in the spirit of a ,partisan, but with another
purpose, ,Our object, Bhow that mere
oppositioncannpt maintain any great party.for
any considerable length of time; and, further,'
‘ that all combinations of citihans not distinctly
and broadly based upon the Constitution and"
the’ Union—not drawing from these, tins’ very
sources of our. political power, all their con
victions and incentives to action—must periah
at-an early and unexpected moment.
The Lebxhoh Yw Railroao Tzrmixus
at - IIARRiSBOKn.— The Harrisburg Telegraph
says about oho hundred laborers are now at
work ottthe opposite side of'the lock, foot pf
Walnut street, making a new channel for the
Pennsylvania canal. This change is found ne
cessary to enable the Lebanon Valley Rail
road Company ,tb bring their.Voad into the
borough, its grada being too low to pass over
the present canal • without intorferlrij! with its
navigation.' The line of the hew channel will
run through the meadow land, east of thh pre
sent canal, to some point below the . borough.
Mr. Wu. Cbinth. has the contract for the
work. ’ ‘ • , ' ' '
Tax Late Sxhtoon ‘ Rusk.— Thenews of
Gw death of Gen, Rusk crested a profound
sensation fbroughopt Texas; and the/newspa
' .aphtors fio.mtoe'lote aocountsthothewas not
Kite# itotohtiy< bht lingered 'tor a short time,
.. thbhdhibubiltos in'anuncpnsclgits condition.
/, - Scoia-, jOamWT he • cultivation of
; towdiitotoeli^j^
hAs failcd totrowln toe sane fold* toes pitot
,4of six and eightftet.
; There may be. and there pften is, a deeper
pathos in the simpiest narratiyo ef fkCt jthan
in the most highiy.wro%ht,setaiii'which >ti
imaginative writer of rbnianco cun weavo into
a narrative—for there- are’- many ‘incidents
which are touching' in the very plainness of
their troth. As vain would it be to attempt
to paint the lily, or add fresh sweetness to the
violet, as to Improve upon the plain, stralght
. forward,unadorned statements which sometimes
; meet Us in tlie daily' journals, and win our sym
pathy; our regrets,- and' often our tears.
. Yesterday we copied from a New York pa
per a long and painfully interesting account of
a collision which took place on Saturday be
tween the steamboat Metropolis and tho propel
ler /. W. Harris. Tho latter vessel left New
York on Friday afternoon, with a large cargo,
and twenty-seven -human beings, sixteen of
whom were passengers, with a crew of eleven.
About two o’clock on Saturday morning, when
the propeller was sixty-five miles up the Sound,
between Falkland Island and Now Haven, she
was run into by the Metropolis, (there was
scarcely any light shown ! by the propeller,)
which'cut her in two. The J. W. Harris
sank almost immediately in sixteen fathoms
-water. The women and children on board
were in bed, and almost instantly perished.
The Metropolis picked up and saved twelve
persons, including the captain, the first and
second engineers, two deck hands, and seven
passengers. Among tho fifteen who perished,
eight were females. The report adds:
“ Immediately after the collision a woman
was seen struggling in the water, supporting
.her 1 infant child in her.arms. A rope was
thrown to her, which fell within her reach,
and which she might have seized and saved
herself by relinquishing her hold upon her
child. She looked up, saw the rope, saw those
who would have given almost their own hold
upon life to save hers, then pressed her child to
her breast and sank forever.’’
This last sentence, so simple but touching,
has a far deeper pathos than can be found in
the artificial mournfulness of Tennyson’s «In
Memoriam,” The devoted mother might have
saved her own life by letting her infant per
jsh. She looked up, pressed the child to her
bosom, and perished with it.
The narrative of Captain Smith, of the J.
W. Harris, contains many passages of natural
pathos, which; no doubt, have already touched
tho hearts of many of our readers. There is
pne which every mother, at least, will appre
ciate, and,’with all the tenderness of flue wo
manly nature, apply to the thought of wbat
Would liavo been her own grief under like try
ing circumstances. Among the drowned are
Captain Smith’s son, aged nine, and two
daughters, respectively aged seven and three
years. He thus records his loss:
j “I have lost three of my little ekildren, which
will 6s bad ittstos for me to carry home to their
mother, Who is in New London. I have already
sent a despatch of tho fact to her."
Bad news fhrhcr, indeed! Unhappy mother,
losing throe of her little children, those gentle
flowers, in one fell Bwoop. She will see their
fhir young faces never more, except when they
fevisit her Ll the visions of the night. Shewill
hear their lisping prattle never more, except
when it gently wakes an echo in the haunted
chambers of her memory. She will watch for
their light footsteps never more—life and mo
tion are ended for them, and they walk now
with the angels, not on the familiar paths of
that earth which seemed to rejoice In their
presence, but over the starry glory-bods of
Heaven. ' Now, and for some time to come, it
may be, that home which once was brightened
by the lost ones’ gaiety and clinging tender
ness, will have a cloud over it—the shadow of
dark mortality. There may ho what in many
homes, as in that of Rama, there has been,
since Tlmo commenced, “lamentation and
weeping, and great mournjng, Rachel weeping
for her children, and would not be comforted,
because thoy were not.” But it happily is
prdained that human grief,however deep, does
not preserve the intensity which crushes tho
heart at first. Time, the consoler, gradually
and gently softens the wild passion, and sub
dues the soul into submissive tenderness. And
then, musing on what has been, meditating on
tho recollection of the Dead, a calmer thought
begins to fill the soul, and Faith points to that
hereafter in which, enfranchised from the pains
qnd cares of human life, the loved and lost of
earth will meet again. There the sad mother
will rejoin those whom she lias so much la
mented—not lost, but gone before.'
j While the bereaved father was telling the
melancholy story of this catastrophe which
has deprived him of his children, and also of
his worldly means, (for his whole substance
was invested in a share in the doomed vessel,)
there occurred an episode which we shall here
repeat in full:,
“ At this moment an old grey-headed gentleman
came into the upper saloon of the Metropolis, where
Oaptain Smith was sitting at a table making his
statement to several reporters, and, walking up to
the Captain, reaohed out his hand, which was
grasped by that of Captain Smith, who said, 'How
do you do, Mr. Gordon V at the same time averting
his Case from that of Mr. Gordon (the name of tbo
old gentleman) to hide tbo tears which' began to
triable down his face. The old gentleman, in a
tremulous voice, and without answering the Cap
tain's interrogatory, said, ‘I came to ask abont my
daughter; where is she? Is Bhe alive or not?’
-She is gone,’ replied the captain, whioh announce
ment seemed to be too much for the poor men,
who, exclaiming, 'Oh,' my God! do you tell me so ?
is it possible ?’ sank down into a scat and wept like
a child-for several minutes, during which time there
was not a dry eve in tho saloon. The meeting, and
the sad intelligence imparted in so few wordß, was
most impressive indeed. Captain Smith seemed to
feel his position most koeniy, for in addition to
losing three beautiful promising children of his
own, aged respectively nine, seven, and five, be
had at one fell swoop been compelled to witness, as
it were, the death struggles of the wives, children,
or friends of some of fan) oldAt and most intimate
associates, without even theikorconsolationhaving
been afforded him of endeavoring to extend to them
a helping hand. For some moments afterward he
eontdnot speak a word, hut was obliged to rise from
ills seat and walk away from the table; subsequent
to which be had afew.words more with Mr.. Gordon
in relation to the sad affair, who then retired from
the cabin, weeping most bitterly. Captain Smith
then returned to the table at which the reporters
were sitting, and addressing them, said—'She was
a most beaatifal girl, only 18 years of age; and
only to think herfathor brought her down to my
boat.last evening and gave her Into my charge, to
take to her friends in New London, but now she
bus gone with my ehildren, I hope to a better
world.” -
We shall not weaken tlie force of this by any
comment. Its natural .pathos, as it seems to
us, is very greit indeed.
That our readers may compare the plain,
unadorned facts ol this melancholy catastrophe,
with what confessedly Is the finest and most
richly wrought poetical description of a
wreck, we.subjoin two stanzas from Byron,,
with which, no doubt, most of our readers arc
familiar, yet will probably not regret to see
again brought before them:
Then rose from sea to sky tho wild farewell—
Then shrieked the timid and stood still the brave—
Then some leaped overboard with dreadful yell,
As eager to anticipate their grave;
Ahd the sea yawned around her like a hell,
And down shesuoked with her the whlrllngwave,
Like one who grapples with his enemy)
And strives to strangle him before he ales.
and first one universal shriek (hero rushed,
Louder than the loud ooean, like a crash
Of eeheing thunder, and then all was hushed,
Save the wild wind and the remorseless dash
Of billow,; but at intervals there gushed,
Accompanied with a convulsive splash,
A'sotltary shriek, the bubbling cry
Of some strong swimmer in bis sgony.
Compare this poetry, beautiful as it is, with
Captain Smith’s plain, prose-story: “ I have
nothing to say at present as to how it hap
pened. Tho night was bright and starlight
over head, and neither tho water nor weather
was rough. The women and children were all
in the cabin asleep at the time, and were all
lost. Those of tho passengers that were in
bed it the time, who did make out to save
themselves, had barely a chance of doing so,
as the vessel went down so soon after she
Was Btmck, we had no chance to get into the
cabin, or to make any attempt to rescue the
personswho were therein; ” or with the true
tragedy of his declaration: “Ihavelostthreo
of my little children, which will be bad news
to carry hotne to their mother;” or with the
mournful interview with tho old grey-headed
Mr. Gordon, who came to ask after his daughter,
and sat down and « wept like, a child” when
he heard that he had lout her; -or the self-sac
rificing love of that doting mother, who might
have saved her lift by loosening her hold upon
her child, and, a martyr to holy affection, pre
ferred to perish with it. The most tender pa
thos belongs, we think, to the prose flu-t, and
not to the poetic fiction.
, AncrSMWST Tssatzr.—Mr. Davenport made
a.vdty snotovtol fintappearahea here last night,
os tj). Merre,jn “The Wife.’? He was most en
thustisticelly great*!, afcdmafle a speech at the end
Of, &e play, which was wslirweivtd. '
Cm»tr.-A*i>.WooD’B MissTßZtfl.—The rain,
whifh pourtd down In torrents between 6 and 8
o'elcilkTSSt night, did not prevent s large audience
attending ,at opening of the Ethiopian peif
formers Attho Nitidnai Theatre. Tho sogce&t wto
.unequivocal. • ,•
Within the borders of the 'United States are
4,000 ***colleges, and
; From a very .impfdßßlve oration By Col. J.
,jyy : W>.ra, delivered ‘at: Burllngton, N. J., on
the'4ti( of JuljrJast, we; are pehnltted to take
< ;-7
-?,<,The ble&Slugs. of a Biigii Civilization will
not disappear' ofi the shores of the Pacific, but
will glow and flourish till their kindling lustre
shall spread over tho Polynesian isles and gild
the shores of Asia with a purer splendor than
ever irradiated them before. The Pacific shall
becorao to modern civilization what the Medi
terranean was to tho ancient—and tho great
iron bands, which are yet to connect the waters
of two oceans, (and that too within the space
allotted to many within the sound of my voico,)
will become to the world what tho Roman high
way was of old—tho great artery of national
aggrandizement and power. Lands upon tho
lonely Pacific, tluo- have lain for two score
centuries undisturbed by miners and untilled
by husbandmen, seem to have been reserved
by Providence for tho meeting place of the
Anglo-Saxon, on his Western and Eastern
paths of Empire.
“Sydney and San Francisco now stretch out
their hands across the Pacific, while the sails
of traffic glide between them. The destiny of
the Orient must be influenced by these new
born nations, and who can say that tho beautiful
prophecy of Isaiah is not approaching its ftil
fllment in the East, brought about by the influ
ences of Western civilization culminating to
their perfection on this our Continent. For
already there is heard a tumultuous noise of
the kingdoms of the nations. The Sclavoninn,
Caucasian, and Mongolian have already met
in the Orient, upon a common theatre,
where creation began. The wires are al
ready forged, arid will soon he laid upon
the Atlantic plateau, that shall rivet America
to Europe and to Asia. The fire that glides
upon them must scorch away the differences
of race and nation; and the Orient which has
played such a distinguished part in the crea
tion, in the dispersion and redemption of the
human family, may, through Western influen
ces, witness another transfiguration, and a new
creation more beautifhl than the dream of
poetry, when man shall be refined of the dross
that now encumbers ids divine essence,' and
tho words of prophecy have a new meaning
when it says:
“ I will make a man more precious than fine
gold—even a-man more preciouß than the gold
Saturday’s Worth American, speaking of
Kansas, and of the late harmless opinion of
Judge Cato, of. that Territory, speaks to its
friends in Kansas as follows:
“In ooaaequence of the opinion given by Judge
Cato, and tho obvious intention of the party having
possession of tho clootion officers, it is now said
that tho freo State mon will refuse to vote. We
trust that this may not prove truo. The taxes in
dispute are searcely worth the soorlfioo meditated
to avoid their payment. It is high time that the
do-nothing policy was abandoned in Kansas, and
that the majority, acknowledged on all hands to bo
overwhelming in favor of a free State, shoald assert
its powor in the legitimate way of an electoral
triumph at tho polls.
There is good sense in this counsel. If there
is a majority in favor of a freo State, let it he
shown. Before the docision of a legal majori
ty of citizens, inhabitants of tho Territory, and
submitting to the laws of tho legally chosen
Legislature, all patriotic men will bow. It is
to secure this result that Governor Walker
has labored in discharging Ids great and re
sponsible trust, and to which tho Administra
tion of Mr. Buchanan has pledged itself before
the country.
The Delaware Ca nal Break.
The Trenton State Qatette learns the break
in the Delaware canal, below Now Hope, will
require a week or ton days to repair. A
temporary dam has been thrown across tho
canal below the outlet lock, which will enable
transporters to reach Philadelphia or New
York by tho Delaware and Raritan Canal; but
it is probable that the break will cause a
serious Interruption to the coal transportation.
A largo number of boats are already gathered
in the dam at Easton, and will, perhaps, lio up
there until the repairs are completed and the
entire navigation of the canal is resumed.
Soutiieen Commercial Convention. —Tho
convention met at Knoxville, Tennessee, on
Monday. Eight hundred delegates were prc.
sent. Mr. Deßow, of Louisiana, was chosen
president of the Convention. Vice presidents
were chosen from Tennessee, Georgia, Florida,
Mississippi, North and South Carolina, Alaba
ma, Virginia, Arkansas, and Maryland.
Jambs W. Wall. 1 vol. 12mo. S. C. Atkinson , Hur
.lington, N. J.
Mr. Wall modestly declares that the contents
of this volume are “ more outline sketches.”
But a sketch by a good artist is more valuable
than an elaborate painting from inferior hands.
There is in this boelt the materiel for a much
more ambitious publication. The author went
to Europe with antecedent general knowledge
(derived from study) of the places which he
had to visit, of the principal historical inci
dents connected with them, and of the person
ages who were lending actors in those events.
He passes In front of Christ’s Hospital in
London, and remembers tliat “Leigh Hunt,
Coleridge, and Lamb gambolled once in that
area.” He approaches Ilolborn Hill, and
thinks that Lord William Russell passed that
way on his way to execution in Lincoln’s Inn
Fields. He glances at the placid scenery of
Richmond, and thinks of Thompson, the poet.
So oh, whatever part of Europe he saw, his
well-stored mind had somo association con
nected with every place of note. Ho traversed,
thus prepared, through tho most noted
parts of Scotland, England, France, Switzer
land, Germany, and Prussia, and gives
rapid sketches of whatever ho saw. Though
he devotes only a single chapter to Paris, it is
more full of interesting and instructive
matter than distinct volumes whioh wo
have read. Mr. Wall soems to have
taken in all the leading points at a glance, and
to have recorded his impressions with gracetbl
ease. There is no attempt at “ flno writing,”
no sentence-spinning, no book-making. Ho
concentrates, without losing a certain natural
ness of expression which is constantly vivid.
The second part of these “ etchings” shows
Italy, as viewed by one who, “ a scholar and a
ripe one,” came prepared to look at the Niobe
of Nations with a scholar’s eyo and memory.
Naples, Pompeii and. Rome are thus viewed,
and, in the record of tliat view, tho glorious
Past is reproduced. Wo havo soldom found a
book of travel so entirely to our mind. Tho
author never protrudes himself, blit is always full
of information and quick, clear, and sometimes
eloquent in communicating it. We aro always
pleased when their educated young men, who
havo mado tho European tour, communicate
tho result of our observations to tho world;
for tho comments of a fresh, young, intelli
gent mind upon other countries, are always
worth reading—particularly whon, as in the
present instance, they add to our stores of in
formation. Mr. Wall, it is to be hoped, will
notallow his pen to remain idle. Active minds
like his are destined to honorable labor, and
their country Ims a right to expect good re
sults from their activity. Such minds reflect
credit on the country.
Goodwood Cup.
The Mowing Star (London paper) of August
4, says :
“The Goodwood Cup has now been carried off
four times by our alUes—Hllies in sport as well as
in war. The Amcrioan venturo was not diucou
raging, and it was attended by circumstances
which will doubtless indueo' Mr. Ten Broook| and
his countrymen to prolong their stay amongst
English sportsmen. Roth the American horses
that run for tho Goodwood Cup evidently lacked
an English preparation. Pryor, in particular, seem
ed fat; and, after tho impatlonco which ho display
ed before tbo start, people wero surprised to see
him figure so prominently In tho race. I havo no
hesitation In stating, however, that If the. Ameri
can horses had boon ridden by English jookeys,
they would have been much nearer the winner at
the finish. Indeed, at the distance, Prioress looked
quite formidable, and her success appeared to bo
within tho range of possibility, tier rider, how
ever, sat bolt upright upon hor and held her in a
manner which would have excited suspicion had
an English jookey adopted the same stylo of
riding. The Americans, in foot, seemed ignorant
of ‘nursing? and easing their horses, und of
making those finishes which impart something
artistic to the. profession of an English jockey.
Prioress, too, was nearly going tbo wrong ooutbo,
and hor rider did not discover tho mistako until
the lead was taken from him, and he saw the
horses bearing'away to his right. After tbeir per
formance at Goodwood, however, the pretensions
of the American horses will be no longer dispar
aged.” • ’
Commencement of Bowdoin College*
The anniversary exercises consequent.on the
celebration of the fifty-first commencement of Bow
doin College, Maine, w*re duly observed on Mon
day, the 3d Instant, and following days, closing on
qf August. • When tho State of Massachusetts
WjdriMiotton'tMr the colohy which no’fr forms
the State of Maine, the old commonwealth made a
munificent donation of land to the district for, col*
lege pttrpocea. Bowdoin College was Incorporated
in the year 1794, and its first class graduated fa
the year 180 ft.. it hag been presided over by men
hf great intellectual ability, a list of- whose names
and services we publish with our spool*! report of
the late exercises. The class which graduated
this season was the largest whioh was ever sent
from the halls of Bowdoin,,, No honorary degrees
Sore conferred.-Hon. Edward Everett repeated
i address on “Washington,” and the orations,
Presidential levee, dinner, ball and general festivi
ties wert of the ora*! pleasing eharaoter.
[Oor*espoifd*qc« GfTif»«,P*hßB.] ' ' v .
■ j f
- Washington, Aug-17,1657.
Since ii-has been established withcertainty that
the Detoocr&tio part; will command a working ma
jority in the next House of Representatives, there
has been an active canvass for nomination to tho
offices within its gift. The candidates for the
speakership are, so far as I can learn, Hon. Jaa. L
Orr, of South Oarolina; Hon. John S. Pholps, of
Missouri; Hon. Thos. L. Bocock, of Virginia; Hon.
G. W. Hopkins, of Virginia; and Hon. J Glancey
Sones, of Pennsylvania. For Door-keeper, (who
will havo extensive patronage), Mosars. MoKnew,
of the District of Columbia; Gorman, of Maryland;
Benj. Dorsey, ot Maryland; Daniells, of New York;
Devine, of Virginia; Hackney, of Virginia; Ber
rett, of Massachusetts; Johnson, of Indiana;
Campbell, of New York; and Allien, of Georgih;
and for Postmaster, Messrs. John M. Johnson, of
Virginia, (the former Postmaster), and MiohAel
Cluskey, of Georgia, (the editor of tho Polittca!
Encyclopedia), Clerkship.
For the Clerk of the House of Representatives,
which of late years has been dignified into a position
of great honor and trust, I have heard named as
candidates only Hon. Jas. Allen, of Illinois, mem
ber of the l&9t House and the one preceding it, and
Mr. Bankß, of Virginia. There may be others but
I have not heard of them. Tho nomination for
Cleareship, it is said, will depend upon the nomi
nation for the Spoakorship. If a Northern man is
taken up for one, a Southern man will be taken up
for the other. X- Y.
There will be two new States asking for admis
sion into tho Union at the next session of Congress—
Minnesota and Kansas. Both will, in tuy opin
ion, be free States. Tho letter of General Atehi
son to the Charleston Mercury was not necessary
to convince the oonntry that Kansas would
not be a slave State. You haro very pro
perly re-called the oandid prophecies of much
more moderate and far-seeing Southern men,
that this was certain. Those true conservatives of
of the South will not complain of this result. Des
tiny, and not demagoguery, has done the work.
Climate and tho course of emigration, and the in
terests of men, have done it. The Now Orleans
Delta and tho Charleston Mercury cannot de
duce, from a state of facts like this, an appeal, en
titled to tho appellation of an argument, against
the friends of the Constitution in the free States.
Thoy may use strong language, and attempt to
stimulate tho local passions, and, for a while, thoy
may succeed, but in the tranquil confidence which
now rules the publio mind suoh appeals will not pro
duce lasting fruits. Tho Democratic party of the
North fought [the Kansas issuo through with a
steady front. It is unnecessary to show who inau
gurated tho repeal of tho Missouri line, except to
say that those who did so aro now tho greatest
favorites with the extreme men of tho South. If
Kansas became a slavo State to-morrow, no matter
for how brief a period, thoso who would have to
bear the opprobrium pf fauatioism would bo tho
devoted Democracy of tho froo States, the earnost
friends of tho South Thoy wero prepared for
either result’, and now, when, as a justsequence of
a principle which thoy and tho whole South en
dorsed in 1856, Kansas may become a freo State,
what injustice for any portion of tho Southern
press and politicians to seok Satisfaction in de
nunciations of, and separation from, thoirNorthorn
advocates and friends! Solitaire.
[Correspondence of The Press.]
Pittsburgh, August 13,1857.
Dear Sir: I havo read your admirable jour
nal with pleasure and instruction. As a Demo
crat, I rejoice in its success, and as a oitizon do*
siring to see a correot literary taste formed by the
people, I trustitscirculation may beoomo immense.
If an occasional note from this oity would add to
the interest of your columns, I shall be happy to
supply you with the same.
The weather is intensely hot; business is, in a
manner, suspended; the swarthy artisan loans on
his anvil—tho olork sleeps at his desk—the lawyer
nods ovor his first briof, and our penniless aristoc
racy, having closed thoir front doors and shutters,
have retired from the parlor to tho kitchen, where
empty stomachs war furiously with empty heads.
Within a fow years our city has obtained a most
unenviable reputation. Bloody affrayp, seductions,
abortions, crim. con., and murders, aro of suoh
frequent occurrence as to cause'neither surprise nor
horror. Eight persons are oonfined in the county
prison charged with murder, all of whom havo ta
ken human lifo within twelve months.
The Democratic County Convention will be held
on the 26th of August. A good tioket, composed of
consistent and reliable Democrats, will doubtless
bo nominated, and tho chances for carrying the
county by a handsome majority will he greatly in
The liquor men have formed a formidable league
and raised a large sum of money; their influence,
if it be not decisive, will bo felt at the coming
election. While temperance men talk and bluster,
liquor dealcrareeolve and not; and while tho former
indulge in rhetoric 'without opening'their purses,
the latter concentrate their energies ‘and thoir
money, and thus obtain an easy victory.
Our courts of justice—so called IVorti ohdrtesy—
have adjourned pro bono publico, and that impos
ing nuisance known as ‘‘The Temple of Justice”
deserted by those by whom it is usually frequented.
Our rivers aro in fine navigable order, but boals
find few passengers and little freight. Yesterday
a number of coal boats left our port—a most unusu
al thing at this season, and tending to falsify tho
assertion of a distinguished statesman, that the
Ohio is dried up half the year.
Your paper Is eagerly looked for here, and is
read with pleasure and instruction. Trusting, my
dearFomoy,that your energy, enterprise and talent
may be appreciated, I remain, yours truly,
Pp.ter Piper.
Tho statement in the different, papers, that Mr. Bu
chanan does not intend to make any further diplomatic
appointments until the Senate te In session, is, 1 have
every reason for believing, without foundation, inas
much as he has already named a number of gentlemen,
In accordance with custom, without awaiting for the
assembling of Congress.
On Monday next the proposals for tho steam sloop of
war will be opened at the Navy Department. Your
townsmen, Dibelt & Linn, will be vigorously pressed
by your city And State delegation.
Mr. Kritt’s Sulphur Springs letter is read with avi
dity by tho enemies of the Administration, and although
there is a good deal of brimstone in it, I do not think
anybody will bo censured but himself.
Hon. D. K. Moßea, l&to Consul to Paris, is now at his
home in North Carolina. The various rumors aa to the
appointment of his successor are utterly baseless, but
there can bo no doubt that a weil-knowu and efficient
Democrat will be selected for the vacancy.
Columbia, B.C.,Aug. 17. —Governor Walker left here
this afternoon for NaHhvillo, Tennessee.
Alexander 11. Stephens has announced himself as a
candidate for Congress in tho eighth district of Georgia.
Ho decidedly, but courteously, condemns Governor
Walker's course in Kansas, and thinks that he should be
The Submarine Telegraph Cable.
Bt.JohsB,N. F., August IT.—Tho steamer Victoria
left here yesterday, to meet the submarlno cable fleet,
which will probably arrive on Thursday or Friday next.
No accident lias happened to mar the undertaking.
Shooting Affray at Dnbnque.
Dubuque, August 17.—Quite an excitement was cre
ated here this morning by &n attempt on the part of
Mr. Mulkecn, the prosecuting attorney, to shoot Mr.
Dorr, the editor of the Express and Herald , on account
of the latter refusing to make a retraction of certain
offensive remarks which appeared In an artlclo pub*
llshed on Saturday. Mr. Mulkecn fired twice, neither
shot taking effect.
Tho Ontonagon Miner, of August 2st, says:
“ The largest ohlp yet cut from tho Minnesota
mass was taken off a few days siuee. It meas
ured thirty-one inches in length. It was fairly
taken from a regular cut in the great mass. It is
tho largest yet mado in this district, and, as far as
wo know, In any other. The copper beats up
about one-third of Ha length in cutting—that is,
tho place from which tho chip is taken is about
hair as large again ns the chip, so that the copper
in tho mass must havo occupied a length of 471
Inches. There are numerous cuts in tho mass of
muoh greater length than this. Tho largest which
wo hnvo seen is seven feet throo inches.
“When it is considered that these outs always
ropresont only tho thickness of the mass, some
idea of tho mugnitude may bo imagined. At the
Franklin Mine, scotion 24, on the Pewabio vein,
they aro taking out some specimens of barrel cop
per and rich stamp stuff, though their operations
commenced but a few weeks sinco. At the Pewa
bio they have ovory assuranco that the yield for
the current year will not fall short of two hundred
tom?. At tho Quinoy, on the Pewabio vein, a party
of men havo taken a contract to atrip the vein
from No. 2 to No. 3 shaft, a distance of threo
hundred (foot on tho surface, at one hundred and
twenty dollars per ton—sixty per cent, copper. '
They took out ton tons in Bevcn weeks. Tho
Isle Koyul aro averaging from twenty-five to
twenty-eight tons per month. The expenditure
necessary to effect nn easy and safe ingress and
egress to and from Portage Lako is all that is now
needed to render this one of tho most populous and
productive—as it is now.tho most picturesque—por
tion of tho mineral range.
Copper from Lake Supemor.—Tlio 1 quantity
of copper from the several mines of Lake Superior,
wbioa'ftaflfed thoSaultSte. Marie from tne Ist
to the 24th of July, Inolusive, was as follows:
Tom, '
North American. *...1W
Portage.. v f®
Copper I»D* «jf
Adventure.».« 25
P*wWe....; 21#
Connecticut!..,. 17
Sunday was the 80tb anniversary of tlio
battle of Bennington—an occasion on whioh “Mol
ly Stark” was not made a widow.
N. F. 'Willis describes a she«t of, blotting
uaher from Washington Irvlna’a deek, a* “the door
mat on which the thought* of Irving’elart book had
wiped their sandals as they went in.”
Washington, August 16, 1857.
Washington, August 17,1857.
Southern Items,
The Copper Mines,
Arctic lew
Norwich 10
Quincy 11
Huron 8v
Ridge. i sj
Nebmlu... 9*
We RoyMi 14*
Mines not specified.. .996
.Total 1,776
Inctease of tho British Army.
Recall of Gen. Concba from Cuba.
Tho Collins mall steamship Columbia nrrived
at New York yesterday morning with Liverpool
dates to the sth inßt., four days later than those
furnished by the Canada.
The flteamor City of Washington, from New
York, arrived out on the sth inst.
The Submarine TolograpU Squadron left Queens
town on the 2d inst., for Valentia Bay, to com
mence the laving of the cable.
Lord Palmerston in the Lower House, and Lord
Panmuro in tbe Upper, announced that Govern
ment would oak for permission to embody the
militia any time between tlm and March next
Tho Premier did not enter into particulars—reserv
ing to hlmsolf the privilege of aolng so by-and*by;
but the Secretary-at-War stated that tho despatch
of troops to tho East rendered it necessary to raise
ton new battalions, in order to strengthen the
regiments at homo from eight hundred and forty
men to 1,000, aim the regiments in India from
1,000 to 1,200. When reminded by Lord Hard*
wioke that Ministers wero now about to do what
the Opposition had long since recommended, the
reply of Lord Panmure was, that at that time
such an arrangement would interfere with the
getting in of the harvest. The Objection,
however, is as applicable now ns then, and is
merely a silly excuse; for of course there was no
necessity in oither caso to commence the recruiting
until after the crops had been got in. The pro
posal, however, is a prudent one, but just at this
moment it conveys a false impression. People
will take for granted that Government have fears
whloh thoy do not avow; when, in point of fact,
they only want, in tho event of things going wrong,
to do what they liko without oaliing Parliament
together. ’lt would, however, have been better had
they, on tho news of tbe mutiny, prepared for the
worst, and expedited 40,000 men to India. Tho
next mall will probably allay all fears, and oxempt
the reoruitiDg sergoant from tho exorcise of those
moans whtoh make incipient heroes. —London
The Times, in a leader on the visit of the Empe
ror Napoleon, says: “Just now that the northern
and eastern sovereigns of Europe have been meet
ing at Berlin to discuss the maintenance of their
own interests, a visit from a great ally, who has so
muoh in common with ourselves, is especially op
portune. A meetingbotween tho two great western
sovereigns is doubly welcome. It will show the
European world that an allianco which has been
distinguished by such glorious success is as strong
as ever, and that Franco and England will still
presorve, by their union, tho stability of Europe.”
Her Majesty reviewed tho 34th and 42d regi
ments previous to thoir departure for India. Tho
royal party also visited oaoh troop ship.
■ It iB stated that all the members of tbe East In
dia Company's civil flervice, at present on leave of
absence, have, with tho exception of the sick, boon
ordered to return forthwith.
Lord John Russell rnado amotion for a committeo
to inquire if Jews oannol be admitted into Parlia
ment on taking tbe affirmation under tho existing
aots. Agreed to.
An Indian loan of five or ton million pounds is
again spoken of.
The Globe believes that no authentic statement
of the refusal of the Porsians to ovacuato Herat
has boen roooived from any trustworthy quarter.
The silk harvest in Franco is from one-third to
ono-fourth under a fair or ordinary crop. The new
wheat is of excellent quality nnd bulk, and reali
zes from 1 to 2 franos tbcfhectolitro advnnco upon
old. A good early vintage is oxpectod.
The London Discount Company held their first
annual meeting to-day, when, after Borne discus
sion, tho report was adopted.
Paris, Aug. 3. —Engono Sue died this morning
at 6 o’clock.
Southampton, Tuesday.—The steamer Colombo
lias arrived with India and China malis; left
Alexandria on tho 23d, Malta on the 26th, and
Gibraltar on the 30th ult. She has ono hundred
and forty-throo passengers, but no specie.
Tho Indus arrived at Gibraltar on tho 25th ult.,
and sailod for Alexandria tho same evening.
Southampton, Tuesday.—Tho steamer Potropolis
has arrived with dates from Rio to July 2. Bahia
7, Pernambuco 13, St. Vinoont 20, and Lisbon 30.
At Rio oofice steady, business dosing at an ad
vance of about 100 reils. Freights slightly im
proved. Flour limited in supply, and not muoh
disposition to purchase at higher pricos asked Ex
change on London 2s. 4d.
At Pernambuco prices of sugar continued high.
Produoo without change. Freights nominal. Ex
ohango 2s. 4d.
The steamer Tamar, from England, arrived at
St. Vincont on the 20th ult.
The Potropolis reports that Captain Osborne’s
squadron of gunboAtß for China had arrived safe
at Rio, and would leave for Java on 3d July.
Mr. Thomas Gollan, tho British vice-consul at
Pernambuco, was murdered on the Bth of July. A
Urge reward is offered for the assassin.
| Lisbon stock market dull; scarcely any variation
fcora previous quotations.
The Hague, Aug. 3.—Tho Netherlands Govern
ment has presented to tho States General a vrojet
de soi, having for its object tho abolition of slavory
in tho West indies. The basis of tho projet will be
an indemnity, which U calculated at 34.000,000
guilder*, to be paid to the proprietors of the slavos.
.The Gonoa Gazette contains a short abstract of
Maxxini’fl article, the publication of which causod
the seizure of the Italio del Popolo on the 29th
ult. Mauini, after describing the part taken by
himself and hla adherents in the late moroments,
denies there having been any intention of pillag
iug or blowing up public edifices. He adds that at
Gonoa tho movement was not directed against the
Piedmontese Government, but that it was intended
to turn tbe means of action which Genoa possesses
to account, and to draw Piedmont into a revolu
tionary war. Mazzini concludes by declaring
that he will not cease until he has attained bis
The King had ordered the construction of two
submarine telegraphic lines, the one to conueot
Sicily with Malta, and tho other to oonncct it with
Tunis. By the former line, whencompleted, a con
siderable saving of time will be effocted in tho re
ceipt of news from tho Levant and from India.
A despatch from Madrid says that tbe Marquis
Serrano nas superseded Generul Concha ns Governor
General of Cuba.
[from the Times.]
Wo have received the following telographie do*
spntch from our Vienna correspondent:
Vienna, Sunday, Aug. 2.—M. de Thouvonel, tbe
French utnbaßßador, bos received orders to break
off diplomatic relations with tho Porto if the Mol
davian elections nro not declarod null and void.
Constantinople, Aug. 2.— The French ambas
sador. failing to obtain tho setting aside of the
Moldavian elections, suspended relations with tbe
Porte on Thursday last, and prepared to leave Con
stantinople. To prevent tnat step tho Sultan
changed bis Ministers. Mustapha Pasha [of Crete)
is appointed Grand Vizier.Aali Pasha Minister of
Foreign Affairs, Redschid Pasha fox-Grand Vizier)
President of tho Tenzimut, Kidmil Pasha (of Jedda)
Paris, August 3.—The Emperor and Empress
will quit the chateau of St. Cloud to-morrow, on
their way to OsbornB, the residence of the Queen of
England. Their Majesties will set out on thoir re
turn on Monday next.
’ Dartmouth, Tuesday—Tho passongers and mail
have been landed here from Swlftsuro, Captain
Price, which has made a passage of ninety-six days
from Melbourne, and briugs 60,000 ounces of gold.
’ Tho Daily News Southampton correspondent
says: “ Tho passongers from India, by tho Colom
bo, firmly bcliovo that Delhi has fallen. They
state bazaar intelligence outstrips government
nows; and that, according to bazaar intelligence,
Delhi had fallen when tho Madras passengers left.
An omeuto was fully expected in that presidency.
Tho Europeans wero under arms; 1,700 nrmod men
wero found about the residence of the King of
Oade, although, according to treaty, ho was not
allowed ono armed attendant. Sir Colin Camp
boll’s possago through Egypt was an ovation. lie
Surposes dividing the army into five or six flying
iviflions, with a general at tho head of each.
The Globe says : “ Tho whole of the largo forco
placed under ordors for India boforo tho arrival of
the lost mail will bo embarked by the end of this
week It has sinoo been determined substantially
to inoreoso tho reinforcements; and, along with
some addition to tho artillery force, two regiments
of cavalry and four of infantry will be placed
under orders tor tho Eifct. Tho 7th Hussars will
bo ono of tho cavalry corps, and tho othor proba
bly tho 4th or 6th Dragoon Guards. Tho infantry
regiments nro the 66th, 06tb, 92d Highlanders, und
in all likelihood tho 44th regimont. They will bo
made up to 1200 mon oach. Owing to the large
artillery force boing sont out, AlajorGenura! Depu
ties will proceed in command of that branch of the
army; and probnbly, from tho great inorease to
the European troops, sorno of tno colonels of the
army will ho appomtod to the command of bri
gades, with tho temporary rank of Major General.”
Ono thousand additional foot artillerymen are
to proceed to India at onoo.
Tho East India Company has made a requisition
for 6,000 additional troops.
The following proclamation from Delhi has been
republished at Caloutta: “Bo it known to all tho
Hindoos and Mahometans, tho subject and servants
on the part of the officers of the English forces
Rtationcd at Delhi and Meerut, that all the Euro
peans are united on this point-first, to deprivo
the army of their religion, and thon turn by tho
force of strong measures to Christianize all the
subjects. In met it is tho absolute ordors of tho
Governor-General to servo out cartridges made up
with swine and beef fat; if there bo 10,000 who re
sist this, to blow them up; if 50,000, to disband
them. For this reason wo hnvo, merely for the
sake of tho faith, concerted with nil the subjects,
and have not loft ono infldol of this place alive,
and have constituted the Emperor of Delhi
upon this engagement, that whichever of the
troops will slaughter all thoir European offioerß
and pledge allegiance to him, shall always receive
double salary. JHfundreda of cannon and immenso
treasure have come to hand; it is therefore requi
site that all who find it difficult to become Chris
tians, and all subjects will unite cordially With the
army, take courage, and not leave the seed of these
devils in any placo. All theexpeudlturesthat may
be incurred by tbe subjects in furnishing supplies
to the army, they will take receipts for the same
from the officers of the army, and retain them by
themselves: they will receive doublo price from the
Emperor. Whosoever will at this time give way
to pusillanimity, and allow himself to be over
reached by these dcceivors, and depend upon
their word, will experience the fruits of their
submission like the Inhabitants or Luoknow.
It is therefore necessary that all Hindoos and
Mahometans should be of one mind in the struggle,
and make arrangementsfor their preservation, with
theadvioe of some croditablepersons. Wherever the
arrangement shall bo good, and with whomsoever
the sutyeota shaft be pleased) those individuals shall
bo placed in high office in those places. And to
circulate copies of this day’s proclamation in every
place, bo far as may be possible, be not understood
to*be Jess than the stroke of the sword. Thatthia
proclamation be stuck up at a conspicuous place, in
order that all Ilindoos and Mahometans may-Be
come apprized and bo prepared. If the inudela
now beoome mild, it is merely an expedient to
save their lives. Whoever will be deluded by thoir
frandß, he will repent. Our roign continues.
Thirty rupees to n mountod and ten rupees to a
foot soldier will bo the salary of tho new servants
of Delhi.”
Financial and Commercial,
London Money Mabkrt, August 6th.—Cousolb closed
for money and accounts at 90 / , f«*9oif.
Tho 7V;n«.t city article pays : “The extent to which
tbe estimate of the cost of the insurrection Is augmen
ted by all the details received by the last mail,|the plun
der of the treasuries having, according to one state
ment, reached nearly two million pounds, was among the
causes of the increased heaviness in consols yesterday,
and the news of tbe Turkish ministry, looking at tho in
fluences from which It has arisen, operated unfavorably.
Lato in the day it transpired that the India Company
have made a requisition upon the Government for 0,000
additional troops of all arras, infantry, cavalry, and ar
tillery, with a view of strengthening the forces in Ma
dras and Bombay, which have been weakened by draughts
for Bengal.”
The Liverpool Pott of the 6th rej-b : Yesterday being
the 4th of tbe month, the demand for money both in the
Discount Market and at theßank was exceedingly great.
In tho Btock Exchange the rate on Government Securi
ties remained at about b)4 per cent. Tho announce
ment of the demand for 0,000 more troops for ludia. and
for the intended arrangements with regard to tbe militia,
were the chief causes of the general depression Ju Con
sols; but the operations in connection with tbe ap
pronchiug settlement likewise exercised an unfavorable
The suspension was announced yesterday of Forster
Rutty, Ilall Sc Co., Scotch and Manchester warehouse
men. Their liabilities are supposed to be rather con
siderable, probably over £60,000, and an impression
seems to prevail that the liquidation will be very favo
Tho Admiralty has issued a circular directing the
commanders of her Majesty's shlpß to make periodical
returns of all merchant vessels they may meet at sea,
sigualizing their names by means of tho new commer
cial code of signals authorized by the Board of Trade,
At Paris on Tuesday the fundß closed at 07 francs for
money, and 67 3) for account.
Letters from London mention tho capture of a set of
coiners of English sovereigns and other foreign pieces at
Braga, about 69 miles from Oporto. The number of the
party was seven, and among them was a priest.
Another priest, who appears to have been tho leader,
has escaped.
Liverpool Cotton JifARKET, Aug. 4.— The circulars
report tho sales of Cotton for the week were 13,000
bales, including 10,000 for speculation and 14,000 for ex
The market closed quiet but steady, with firm prices,
at the former quotations.
The sales of Tuesday were estimated at 2.000 bales.
Liverpool Bse idstuffs Market.— The circulars re
port tho Breadstuffs market as very dull, withaslifigt
decline in all qualities.
Messrs. Richardson, Spence, Sc Co.’s circular quote
flour or continuing very dull, but with steady prices.
Also, wheat dull, and 3d. lower.
Corn dull, with a decline of fid.ols. for mixed and
Other circulars quote flour as dull, at a decline of 6d.;
wheat dull and ld.c2d. lower, and a decline of od. on
mixed corn.
Messrs. Richardson, Spence, Sc Co., report the follow
ing quotations: Floor —Western canal, 305.©30a. 6d.;
Philadelphia and Baltimore, 305.©315.: Ohio, 22i.
WiiEA-r—Red, Bs.aBs. 9d ; white, 95.095. 7d. Corn—
Mixed, 375. 6d.a 385.; white, 455.e40a.; yellow, 375. 6d.
©3Bs. The prospects of tho harvest continue favorable.
Liverpool Provision Market, —The market was
generally quiet. Lard quiet, with a Blight advance in all
qualitica. Sales at 70s.
Liverpool Provision Market.—Beef closed quiet
but Arm. Pork quiet. Bacondull, and the sales at auc
tion were a complete failuro.
London Markets, Aug. 4—The Circulars of the Lon
don markets report eugardull,and od.©lb. lower. Coffee
dull, with a decline of all qualities. Tea firm and un
changed in prices.
State of tub Trade— Tho advices from Manchester
are of a favorable character.
Foreign Markets,
James M’llenry Sc Co’s Circular per “ Columbia.”
Provisions— Some sales by auction of Bacon have been
attempted, but without much success—the Btock exceeds
20,000 boxes, more or less out of condition, but held for
high prices—for parcels iu good order buyers ©an be had
at extreme rateß. Fine Cheese is wanted—inferior is
not saleable. There is not much doingin Beef or Pork
-10,000 tierces Navy are to bo offered next week at the
Government stores, pending which dealors wont buy,
though it is well known that many thousand additional
troops are to be despatched to India. Bacon— Long
Middles, rib in 48s. to 495. per cwt. Boneless, 2s. more.
Short Middles, rib in, 51s. to 625. per cwt.; boneless,
2s. more; C. cut, rib in, 465. to 48s. per cwt. Cubbsb—
flue, 645. to 66s per cwt.; ordinary to fair, 30s. to 40s.
Ber cwt. Bebf— new, Prime Mesa, 1503. to 1655. per
erce. Pork— new, Prime Mess. 90s. to 955. per
barrel. Shoulders— Dew, none. Lard has advanced
to 70s. Tallow remains steady at 60s. Bread
stuffs—At this day’s market business was dull
—all article* lower. The harvest makes satisfactory
progress. Wheat— White—Canadian—9s. 2d. to 9s. 6d.
W *0 lbs: White Southern, 9s 3d. to 9a. fid. 4P 70 fcs;
Red Western, Bs. 2d. to Bs. 4d. do; Red, Southern. 9s.
to 9s. 3d. do. Flour— Western Canal, 30s. to 31s.
W 196 lbs; Philadelphia, 6cc., 31a. to 325. do;
Ohio, 325. to 335. do; St. Louis, 335. to 355.
do. Induk Corn— Yellow, 38s. to 38s. 6d. 4?
480 fts; Mixed, BT».6d. to 38a. do; White. 425. to
465. *
Tragic Jffair in the Sixth Ward—A Nephew
Shot and Instantly Killed by his Uncle — Excite*
mentyfye.— Yesterday afternoou, between four and
five o’clock, a terrible shooting affair, resulting in
death of a young man named
William Loo Smith, took place at a tavern, No.
323 Cherry street, kept by Mr. Joseph Ripley, be
tween Third and Fourth streets. The neighborhood
was thrown into tho greatest excitement, and con
flicting rumors of the origin of the affair were
eVerywhoro originated.
Tho fnctsof the ca3o, as we have ascertained them,
after careful inquiry and investigation, are as fol
lows: George Freeth, the alleged murderer, is an
Englishman by birth, and about forty-one years of
ago. Ho has been residing in this city for ten
years, a portion of which tirao he has been em
ployed in the jewelry establishment of Simons A
Bros.. Sansoin street between Sixth, and Seventh.
Ffeoth is a married man, being possessed of two
wives. About threo yoars ago he left this city for
England, loaving behind hint a wife and several
children. Arriving in England, he made a propo
sition to his nephew, a young man named William
Lee Smith, about thirty years of age, to accompany
him to Ibis country.
This proposition was agreed to, and accordingly
they embarked in a sailing vessel for America, and
on the passage over Freeth seduced a young Irish
girl, and aftorwards, on arriving in this country,
married her
Some throe months after this, this young girl
brought a charge of bigamy against Freeth, he in
the meantime boing thrown into prison for about
nine months to await the, production of the proper
proofs to establish the fact of the marriage. The
accusing parties failing in their object, the accused
was accordingly released from prison.
While Freeth was in prison, it is alleged that
Smith lived with Freeth’s wife, she in the proper
courso of time bearing him a child.
Both tho individuals were now engaged at the
establishment of tho Messrs. Simons A’ Brothers—
Freoth, after his releaso, obtaining his old situa
tion. lie continued at that place until within a
year, when ho was discharged from their employ
on suspicion of larceny. He thon, it is said, left
for Richmond, Va., at which place, until within a
few months past, he was engaged in the gun-smith
ing business.
On his return to the city, about three months ago,
ho had a difficulty with Smith, who had in the
mcantimo been discharged on account of drunken
ness from the employ of these gentlemen. On that
occasion Freeth had a warrant issued for Smith ;
but on tho day of trial ho (Freeth) being in New
York, Smith was discharged from custody.
Yesterday afternoon, between four and five
o’clock, as Freeth was riding in tho Fourth street
omnibus, in tho neighborhood of Fourth and Cherry
streets, ho observed Smith standing at the corner
in conversation with some othor individual.
Ho immediately left the omnibus, and walked
towards Smith; a few remarks here took place be
tween them, the import of which, in oonsequepco
of tho many floating rumors, we are unable pre
cisely to stato.
Freeth alleged that Smith struok him, upon
which ho drew a pistol and attempted to shoot him,
This ho was deterred from accomplishing in con
sequence of Smith knocking tho pistol from his
By this time Smith had been a short distance
from Frooth, he, however, joining in tho pursuit.
In Cherry street, bolow Fourth, there is located a
drinking saloon, kept by Mr. Parsley. Into this
place Smith ran, through tho bar-room of whioh,
andiuto tho baok room he was pursued by Freeth.
Hero three shots were fired by Freeth, two of which
took offcot in the left breast of Smith, thoreby
causing instantaneous death. Freoth was arrested,
and had a hearing before Aldorman Enou laßt
night, at nine o’clock.
A hcariug was hud about nine o'clock last night,
at tho Cflutral Police Station, before Aldorman
Enuo. But fow spectators were present, und little
interest was manifested; tho prisoner, whon pro
duced, appearing the least concerned of any. Ho
is about tho medium height and thin, and looks
liko a weak, nervous, inoffensive man, although
thero is an expression of groat cunning and deceit
in his faoo.
On an examination by tho Alderman ho stated
that he had resided in Richmond, Virginia, since
last Fall; that he was a goldsmith by trade, ami
forty-fivo years of age. When charged with tho
deliberate mid wilful murder of Smith, he pointed
nervously up to tho leftside of his face, which wa
slightly swollen, caused, as ho says, by a blow from
Smith, and said “ nere is where ho struck me.”
George Loethor was the only witness present, the
rest boing at tho soeno of the murder attending
tho Coroner's inquest, and in boing sworn, deposed
as follows: I reside ut No. 1130 Wood street; was at
Joseph Rieglo’s house, in Cherry below Fourth,
and saw two persons come running in. They
ran thfougb tho front room into the back
room. I think tho person who was shot stumbled
and foil, and, while ho was lying on the floor, tho
prisoner fired three shots at him. I do not know
how mauy of the shots took effect. They were fired
from a revolver in the hands of the prisoner, and
after he fired them, he told those around to send
for an officer, that he was willing to be arrested.
Q. Did the young man who was shot say any
thing ?
A. He said something, but I could not under
stand what .t was.
Q. Do you recognise the prisoner as the man who
fired the ahote?
■ A. Yes, sir.
- Q. When they came into tho tavorn, who came
In first?
A. The deceased camo in first, and this man
after him. They appeared to have been running.
The testimony hero olpsed, there being no other
witnesses present, and the prisoner WA3 committed
to answer the charge of murder at the next session
of the Conrt of Oyer and Terminer.
Coroner Dr" ~/au held an inquest in 4e case last
nightfitjhe S&tifcMard station-house, bat nothing
was elicited; to -what we have already
stated.; We note#, of the inquest, bat its
unimportance prevented publication. The
-excitement in the neighborhood of the station
house continued daring the greater portion of the
City Ordinances. —The strongest argument
used in favor of consolidating the different muni
cipal corporations of the county of Philadelphia
under one government, was the wanto£ uniformity
in their laws or ordinances, each having *» cod® pc*
culiar to itself, ami entirely different fcom -that.
which governed the inhabitants of adjoining dis
tricts, separated only by a street or an unseen add
unmarked line in the same street.
From a book before us, entitled u Rules for the
Government of the Police Force of the city ofPhila*.
•delpbiu, with Index to the digest of ordinances”
purporting to be issued by “ Richard V&ux, Mayor,’
in July, 1856, we find that this evil has at last been
abated, but inja very few instances. It seems that
we are still governed by the ordinances of the old
districts in most cases; that the Councils of the new
oity have done little or nothing towards adopting a
uniform government for us. Why is this 7 If the
various and conflicting laws of the old districts
were anjevil—and they no doubt were when those
districts were in existence—are they not now, that
the old district lines and distinctive governments
are done awAy with, a far greater evil ? The book
before us shows this in its strongest light. It is di
rections to the “Police of Philadelphia” direct
ing them what to do , and referring them to the or
dinances of those defunct corporations to find out
their duties.
How is this to he done ? Some of the present
“police districts” embrace parts of two or more
of the old corporations. Some of the “wards” of
the present city do the same. How are the police
offioers in such districts to know what laws to en
force? Or if they can learn from the “ old records”
of the respective districts what ordinances were in
force when the districts ceased to exist, how can
they enforce them differently upon people living
along-side of each other, so as to obtain their re
spect 7
A police officer sees a dozen hand-carts'or wheel
barrows trundled along the foot-way, breaking tbe
shins of men, tearing tbe dresses of women, and
driving all of them into the street or on cellar
doors to get out of their way, and cannot interpose
until they come up to a certain undefined line; then
he arrests them, takes them before a magistrate,
and be makes them pay two dollars for the offence ,
which was no offence at all above Vine street, or be
low South street.
Again: a policeman finds on the foot-way bricks,
stones, boards, Ac., and arrests the same for the
nuisance; if in old Southwark, he will makebim
pay ten dollars for the offence, but if in the old oity
or Moyamensing, both adjoining, only one dollar;
if in the old Northern Liberties, Spring Garden, or
Kensington, two dollars; and if in the old districts
of Richmond, Penn, or elsewhere throughout the
city, I presume nothing at all. But this is not all
tbe evil. It would puzzle a Philadelphia lawyer,
let alone a policeman, to find out what really is an
“obstruction” of the foot-way that amounts to a
penal offence. Under this head there are, in the
old oity, eight different kinds of offences; Northern
Liberties four; Kensington and Spring Garden each
three, and Southwark and Moyamensing each two;
the rest of the city none at all.
“Horns” may be blown all over the present
city, except the old city and Spring Garden; and
cannons may be fired with impunity in old Moya
mensing. Richmond, Penn, and elsewhere, except
the old city, or old incorporated districts. Jl boy
may fly his kite in the face of a policeman any
where ovor the city, provided he keeps outside of
tbe old city and Northern Liberties; but if be
crosses these now obliterated lines, it is the duty of
the police to take him up, and the magistrate to
make him pay one dollar for his ignorance of these
old laws and lines.
How could the poor dumb beasts find out their
“ rights and wrongs,” or the penalties they may
incur, any easier than their lords and masters? If
a dog chooses to go to market, or snuff the cool
breeze in a public square of the old oity, he isfinea-
Wofive dollars; if in old Southwark, two; if in
Moyamensing, Kensington, Spring Gordon, or
Northern Liberties, only one dollar; in other parts
of the city, he pay go to market, or wag his tall in
any public square, and no policeman dare to say
“ got out.” Horses, it would seem, may roam
“ loose” over all the city, provided they keep out
of the old Riobmond district; if found there, they
had better look out for the police, and have their
two dollars ready. Of the rights and wrongs othogs
and goats, against whom a war of extermination
has always been waged, the “Book” says nothing;
wo presume they are “outlawed.” .
But to como seriously to the matter in hand
“the city ordinance.” Is it not time the City Coun
cils should take the subject up, and bring order out
of confurion ? Make one set of laws, or ordinance,
for the government of the single city of Philadel
phia. Of this matter we sh&U have more to say
1 The Midnight Hour. —Alone in tho vast
solitude of the deserted metropolis, the long
avenues are stretching away into the dark gloom,
and the lost street-light in tbe reach of vision is as
a distant star. The shadows are thick by the high
walls, aud spread like a pall over-the pride of the
architect and the glory of wealth. Far up in tbe
vault above the orbs of night glitter silently, and
their brightness on earth is dim. Gone is the pa
geant of the day! How strangely and completely
gone! Around is the likeness of the silent cities of
the East, whose thronging life, whose pridfe and
power have vanished. Yet the night air seems
laden with the story of the sun-light hours, and to
breathe it out by nook and door-way in mysterious
Hark ! the sound of a retreating fpotstep startles
the silent atreot, as Fear is startled at the tread of
Danger. The echoes linger long, for they love the
loveliness; but at last growfainter, and reach the
straining ear no more. Silenco again! How very
still’tisnow ! Who comes here with such a soundless
step 7 So comes Death when be makes no sign. The
shadows cling to the formas they fain would hide it,
and cover up so much of the w&sting-away. You
should be woman; but, oh! tho,tale these midnight
wanderings tell. Labor rests, and visions fair gild
the sleop of innocence; but for these, fate is darker
than these hours. Turn which way thou wilt, the
wild glare of thine eye can rest upon no light of
Hope. Even the flashings above have their dark
some story. Sadly unfortunate how often have
you turned to view with tears the Eden of departed
joys? Not the world’s virtue, but its hardened
selfishness, is thy judge. Go thy ways thou must,,
though they lie in shadows—shadows onto the end.
May Mercy find thee ! May the future be brighter
and better than tbe Midnight Hour.
Union Convention. —An adjonrned meeting
of the Union Convention was held yesterday after
noon, at the District Court Room. At the hoar
designated for organization about ten persons
wore present, and there was considerable delay be
fore tho Convention was called to order.
Tbe Chairman announced that the first business
in order was to take & vote on the motion to pro
ceed to a second ballot for Senator, pending at the
adjournment of the Convention at its last meeting.
A delegate moved to dispense with the reading
of the minutes of the last session of the Convention.
The Chairman—“ That motion is oat of order?”
A voieo—“l move to adjourn until Monday
Chairman—“ That motion is out of order!”
Another delegate—“ I move that when this Con
vention adjourns it be to meet on Thursday after
rfbon next.”
Chairman—“ That motion is out of order.”
Another delegate—l more that the motion to
proceed to a second ballot be laid on the table.
Ch&innan—“That motion is out of order.”
Another delegate—“ I move that the motion to
proceed to a second ballot be indefinitely post-
Chairman—“ That motion is out of order.”
Anqther delegate—“l move that tho vote on the
motion to proceed to a ballot be postponed for the
Chairman—“ That motionis in order.” (Laughter
and applause.)
Mr. John 8. Painter desired to know the object
of the motiou to postpone the ballot. He was of the
opinion th.-tt there was something wrong. He
wanted no underhand work, bat desired & speedy
nomination. For bis part, he would vote for no one
for Senator who would not support David Wiimot
for Governor of Pennsylvania. (Slight applause.)
Mr. B. Moore said the only object in view was to
obtain time to secure a candidate who could com
bine all the elements of the opposition to the Demo
cratic party.
Mr. Bull, of the Ninth Ward, coincided with
tho remarks of the previous speaker. He believed
that tbe proper man had not yet been placed in
nomination. Unless there was a thorough combi
nation of the forces of the opposition, defeat would
bo inevitable.
Mr. Painter thought that the remarks of Mr.
Bull were intended to disparage the whole list of
nominees. He was of the opinion that James
Verree was a competent candidate.
Another delegate thought that Samuel G. Ha
milton was also competent, Ac. An uninteresting
discussion here ensued on the merits of the candi*.
dates, whioh was terminated by the decision of the
President, thnt the whole proceedings were out of
order. The motion to postpone for the present
was then withdrawn.
J. Barclay Harding nominate! nenry K. Strong
for Sepator; William M. Meredith, John;M. Keed,
and Thomas Holm were also placed in nomination.
A prolonged debate now followed upon the ques
tion to go into a ballot, which was participated in
bv Messrs. Harding, Linker, and Bull. The former
gentleman was quite humorous in bis remarks, and
aliolted frequent bursts of laughter. In reply to a
Statement of Mr. Linker, that there was “ some,
thing behind the bush,” he replied In some well
received remarks.
The motion to go Into a ballot was lost by » vot *
of 22 to 38.
A motion was then made that a recess of ten
minutes be taken for the purpose of allowing the
Delegates from the different ward 3 to select their
representative in the Committee of Superintendence.
Mr. S. Rea opposed the motion, and argued that
by the appointment of this committee, the very
f i H
object sought by the majority of this P 0 ? TeDk j? n r*
that o£ BMW* H downing „
thvrtrted by mv movement of thi«. “
«nci tlraent of the opposition h»a its
peryisory irg*pii»tioiV where wiß >» the odjot,
where the oonsolidetion of troth? The
of the ootioD. to his mind, would be wo«e tMB
folly—it the best inierestt of
the American" Republican party in the eonuu*
municipal ejection.
NotwSthsiandirg the eloquent and lengthy re
monstrance of Mr. Bea, the motion was adopted,
and a recess accordingly taken. ■
On re-assembling, the following gentlemen were
named on the Committee of Superintendence -
•First Ward—Wm. MoAllister; Second Ward-
Dr. B. Ward: Third Ward—o. J. Search; Fourth
Ward—Thomas J. Irvin; Fifth Ward—James W-
Panl; Sixth Ward-8. J. Bea; Seventh Ward-A.
M. Walkinshau; Eighth Ward—J. Barc-ay Sud
tag; Ninth Ward—James D. Freeborn; Tenth
Ward—Albert Hughes; Eleventh Ward-Ja«ib
Walker; Twelfth Ward-A. H. Dunlap
teenth Ward-r Jonathan Bollock; Fourteenth
Ward-fleorge H. Moore; Fifteenth Ward—
Charles E. Pancoast; Sixteenth Ward—John 8.
Painter; Seventeenth Ward—Matthias Myers;
Eighteenth Ward—William Linker, Sr.; Nine
teenth Ward—James Work; Twentieth Ward
-Henry W. Graeff; Twenty-first
S- Abbott; Twenty-second Ward—Frederick Ern
hardt; Twenty-third Ward—T- W. Dickson; Twen
ty-Fourth Ward—John J. Hoopes.
There were no delegates present from the Fifth,
Eighth, and Twenty-fourth Wards, and the name*
of James W. Paul and J. J. Hoopes were substi
tuted by a motion of the Convention.
A motion wssmade tc.go into ballot for Senator,
and was agreed to by a rote of 38 aye* to 23 naya-
The ballot was then taken, with the following
James Verree, 14; Henry K. Strong, 7; Samoa!
G. Hamilton, 33; T. Hilm, 3; Mm. M. Meredith, 1;
John M. Read, 2.
Mr. Hamilton having received a majority of all
the rotes cast, was declared duly nominated Sena
tor. and on motion, the nomination was made
The thanks of the Convention were, on motion,
retained to the officers, after which the Convention
Adjourned to meet at the call of the President.
“Union” City Legislative Convention.—lm
mediately upon the adjournment of the County
“Union” Convention, the delegates from the old
city proper met in the District Court Room for tho
purpose of nominating a candidate for Senator for
the unexpired term of Charles B. Penrose, de
J. Barclay Harding was called to the Chair, and
A. M. Walkinshaw appointed Secretary, tfr-
H&rding returned his thanks for the honor confer
red upon him, and said that he would endeavor to
discharge the duties of his position with fairness
and impartiality.
General nominations for Senator and Assembly
were made as follow*: 8. S. Bishop, John M.
Read, Wm. A. Crabbe.
For Assembly—George T. Thorn, Jos. M. Cowell,
Jacob Docki F. M. Adams, Joseph M. Church,
Lewis R. Broom all, Henry K. Strong, Wm. Bull,
James Freeborn, Lambert Thomas, F. S. Altaians,
John Doublebower, D. S. Soby, John Clayton,
John C. Simms, and James W. Paul.
Mr. Bull moved that the whole ticket nominated
by the Straight-oat Americans be placed in nomi
nation. The motion was subsequently withdrawn,
when Mr. 801 l was informed that that course
been adopted.
Tbe Convention then adjourned to meet on
Thursday afternoon next.
Union County Legislative Convention. —The
County Legislative Convention met in tile District
Court-room, No. 1, yesterday afternoon, for the pur
pose of electing a County Legislative ticket. * Mr.
John S. Painter in the chair; Frederick Emhardt
and George H. Moore Secretaries. The following
general nominations were then made:
First Ward—Oscar D. Jenkins, Henry L. Smith,
Samuel S. Money.
Second Ward—Charles V. Hill, Austin
Thomas H. Waram.
Fourth Ward—John R. Orr, James Bone, Joseph
R. Lyndall.
Eleventh Ward—Lewis M. Green.
Twelfth Ward—Nathan Spering, Isaiah P. Fit
ter, Charles W. Wagner, William Nichols, Wil
liam W. Taylor.
Thirteenth Ward—Dr. Benjamin Malone, Wm-
Neal, Jonathan Bullock, Thomas H. Hall. *
Fourteenth W ard—Leonard R - Fletcher, Robert
Bethell, David W. Sellers
Fifteenth Ward—Abraham Myers, Cyrus C.
Moore, George F. Gordon.
Sixteenth Ward—George Reed, W. M. Middle
ton, JohnT. Finleiter, Samuel 3. Tompkins. -
Seventeenth Ward—George P. Oliver, 3fc D.,
T. S. Chandler.
Eighteenth Ward—Charles A. Ailegord, Robert
Pierce, Albert F. Hopple.
Nineteenth Ward—Wm. M. Taylor; Andrew
Drummond, Jeremiah E. Eldridge, Andrew Wil
kinson, James Taggert, JohaS. Saatwiok, N. M.
K- Story, Montgomery Johnson:
Twentieth Ward—H. W. Graeff, John M. Riley,
George R. fitietUisoa.
Twenty-first Ward—Charles T. Abbott, John
Baker, W. H. Geyer, JoferC&Precton, Chides F.
Graeff; Charles T.
Twenty-second Emhazdi.
Twenty-third Ward—Samuel D. Sidebottom,
George Gib*m
Twenty-fourth Ward—Robert McFarland, Ben
jamin R. Miller, Martin Van Burea Summer*.
On motion, the Convention adjourned until Mon
day afternoon, at 3 o’eteck.
The Old Bowie.—Many and sweet truth e
recollections Which cluster, around the old \trm,
although we are told “it WRlbetocndowatomake
room for a fine improvement.” It stand* near the
well-beloved home of oar'youth, and is oaeqf the
fairest spots on which memory love* to dwell. Its
shadow has fallen upon us in oar dftlfy and
its time-soiled front has ever tnd*ao* spoken to ua
of the dim and distant The aged hare known the
time when its walls wore a hue of brighter tod, and
when its marble and carved adornments about with
an unsoiled whitenuee in. the noonday
man who has grown up within it has gone forth to
battle with the world, has toil of the
stranger, and returned to his home spirit-crushed.
The old house has echoed with the gladsome voices
of merry children, and resounded with the wail of
sorrow over the departed. The young bride ha*
entered it in her joy, and the widow has gone forth
in her woe-r and now ii mast bow to the decree of
the despoiler. “Thoeiwns the world away.”.
New Locomotive.—A. magnificent new- en
gine, named the Quaker City, was placed ywter
daj afternoon upon the Germantown Railroad.
She is built by Baldwin A Co., of this city, weighs
22 tons, and is of 44 horse power. A suite ef flags
was presented to her yesterday afternoon by the
people of Germantown, through Councilman Gam
ble. They wero received by Superintendent H.
R. Smith, both gentlemen making neat little
speeches on the occasion.
Melancholy Incident.—On Sunday morning,
promising boy of two years' and a half, a son of a
Mrs. Loobej, resident of Wert Filbert street* arose
at five and drank a four ounce mixture containing
a narcotic potion, a quantity of nitre and a
glass of liquor. Dr. Louis M. Coates' being called
to his aid at nine, succeeded in promoting respira
tion and circulation; bat the nareoUc impreeion
being too profound, paroxysm followed paroxysm
until aeren, when death boro the spirit to the
Maker who g&Ye it.
Guardians of the Poor.—Yesterday after
noon the Guardians of the Poor wero to hold their
semi-monthly meeting at their office, in Seventh
street, above Market. At throe o’olock the Frost
dent, Mr. Brown, took the chair, and Moron.
Cook, Dunlap, Evans, Beckett, Lloyd, Moeely,
Server, Smith, and Brown, President, an
swered to their nd^p.
There being so quorum present, the board, on
motion of Dr. Hossly, adjourned
The total number of paapere in the Alms-house
on Saturday last was 2,022
Fvne time last year - -' ’ - - • 1,788
Increase in 1357
Admitted daring the past two weeks
Births “
Deaths “
Bound out
Tribute of Respect.— At a meeting of the
compositors of the Pennsylvanian office, held on
Monday, the 17th tnst., in reference to the lament
ed death of Wo. H. Woolley, one of the employees
of the establishment, tbe following preamble and
resolutions were adopted:
Whereas. It has pleased an All-wise Providence,
by one of those mysterious dispensations by which
He works out his inscrutable ends, to snatch from
oor circle, forever, our esteemed associate and
fellow-craftsman. Mr. Wm. H. Woolley, who was
accidentally drowned in the Delaware on Tuesday
last. Therefore,
Resolved, That the untimely and unexpected
death of our late fellow-workman and companion,
Mr. Wm. H. Woolley, has created a void in nor
midst which we deeply feel and deplore.
Resolved, That his sterling qualities as a man,
and a citizen, not less than his honest zeal in pro
moting the interests of the craft, had won oar
highest regard and esteem, and causes ns the
more-profoundly to regret the casually whieh ter
minated his existence.
Resolved, That to his widow and children, who
by this fell stroke hare been made hnsbandless
and fatherless, we tender our unfeigned and heart
felt condolence in their sad bereavement; and
trust that the members of a profession of which
their natural head and protector was an ornament
will see that they are cared for iu this their hour
of need and deprivation.
Resolved, Tnat a copy of these proceedings bt
Bent to the widow of the deceased, and that A*
several papers of the city be requested to give
them an insertion.
We leant by the New Bedford Siandari
that protests wero on Friday entered, against ~,th#
of the judge* in regard to the second uA
third clams of yachts. These protests came taw
tbe owners of tho Usa
class, and the Island Fawn in the third
former complained of ooftfaMon and n
ing in regard to tho starting rigqal, and ttslettef
of coming in contact with tne wa drift. Yh*
committees accordingly derided that in reward t»
these classes, there w**“no race,” and *o wires '
were awarded except thoee of the-fir* eta. ~ - *
On Tlraaday the Norfolk (Fa.)
reached the69th y«rof Its RiaMd.
bat still sprightly.