The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 17, 1857, Image 3
»": "-’'. . I - &*>»ftKi l £g»'ftTi&M<«iKA«?.. aje^U.tLl^. «<Vir,«*. •*&■'> **rr '<<• •■>. 'ltt %gpd4<nuty ftUt«4r&W - afinoffiWemea t of: ‘‘foiatti&BiirtitViiSt of-the L©ndoiT2V«M,” | Mr. His fton, Mr. Jogs tfltoiras’bera. in 185$, cangot be Mb-: oiptil -^^^'-Wfien^Bw^TO^g^a,; in who »ttb©; : Ox attanlliiSjL'j^^ the late Mr. fait n^r]^to^ l iW r ,trtEgep'’ he' bad no eyuta'ia'be called' The Tims shortly before* Mfc'TFAiiTHtt’s death, and obtained & salary of 'a year, from; the’ Gov eromentfss treasurer to two of'tbo eohnty courts in, the cast of London. 1*1856, wHeathe Motntng Chronicle became the'orgftn of the' Gladstone-; Pußeyito party, the elder Dklahb beoame buri ness niaii’ager=of''that 'papor,'bu{r‘speißdily aban doned it. Mr. Dblasb was QflrUhdeaqent, if,hot. of Irish birth, ire believe;' having -anglicised his patronymic JD tinny into' JDelane. ; a bar-; rifltor*aUaw, though bo did not practise.. • After the passage of the Reform .bill, in .1883, Mr.' De* lane collected the decisions : of the Royisiiig Bar rlstors ;on the claims to rote, And published them in a book, which has long been an authority in the Registration courts., . ' . *’" -,. Mr* •^eergePeabody s ! farewell to Danvers. [From'the Boston'Traveller,' August 14.'] ‘ Yeßtprday.was indeed, a.gela-day with the,in-- habitants oL South Danvers, who held a social pic mo, for the-purpose of -having a parting interview with George Peabody, the great London American banker;'and -their, fomior. fellow?townsman, pro- 1 vious to' his embarkation for Eogland. A meeting of theJoitUens; of South’ Danvers was held on Satordiyeyening last, for the'purpose’of devising some wayiAwhich -they.could gottheTnhabitants generally together, to give a farewell to their .noble townsman-'-^ At2i o’olook ‘Mr. P. was rfoeived at the resi dence of McDaniels, by the reception committee, and escorted to : tho grove, being accompanied by two of his sisters .and a niooc, and also by Mr. Daniels and family. 1 - They arrived- at the 1 plc-nlc groundsat"S q’olock, where' a large assemblage of citisen* (pr6b%bljK«ipwmrds>f4,P,W) had gathered, r eagertoparticipate' in the testimonial toMr. Pda body. He was received wfth throe; chaws, and passed down tho line of tables to a marqueo, and after zesting a iiMLinonwuts, .went.around amongst the large ooncour*e ! of people, present,-shaking handswithali- that were within range, and bla ding them all good-bye. • ;* Mr. Peabody iras conducted, tor Mr .Darners house, and inth'6 ’evening attended a levee given by Mr. EbeiiSqttoti, at kb residence/, in honor of the difitingmshedgentleumn.; ,v ~’ Mr. Peshody returns tor Georgetown to-day; on Saturday he leaves, that plnco for New York, and on Wednesday nextembarks- in thostoamerPsr sia for England, */. •- I’!' Serious Firesin Baltimore* On Friday morning,we learn.from, the Baltimore Sun, a out about/half past- one o'clock' yesterday morning in’-a. two-story crick carpenter shopat the ; comer of/Wine and Frenoh alleys, 1 which was entirely-destroyed together with all the oontentfe. -When discovered the whole interior of the building, was in flames. The building was owned andoconpied by Mr. Thomas Lister, whose loss is about $1,600, upon which there was no insu rance. - The building alining on tho west was throe stories high, the two upperbf ; whioh were oc cupied as a carpentor Bhop,»yMr. Richard Mur ray, and the lower flodr by Mr. D. Preston Parr for the storage r of oratesof This build ing was also entirely-destroyed. .Mr. .Murray's loss is about $250, upon whion there was no insu rance, his policy having expired about twelve hours before the fire broke out.’ Mr. Parr's loss Is about $3OO, upon which there was no -insurance. The building-was worth |TOO, upon which there was no insurance. The fir©" nextcommunicated ; to ; a throe-story dwelling house adjoining ott the west, the whole interior of. which was destroyed except.the first floor andbasementt togathor with tbe contents. It was occupied by Miss Caroline Stanley, whose loss is about $7OO on the furniture, upon' which there is a policy for $450 in the Associated Firemen's Offico, beside* the’foiniture she lost avftluable gold watch and of olothing/jall valued at $250, upon which there vras no insurance'.' The building was damaged to theamountof $7OO. It is covered by insupinpe;- v ''r-y'- . : While the fire it was discovered that the zeiuf of tbeXightstreetMethodist Episco pal Ohuwh was on fire, but.that was extinguished before any material' -damage was sustained. The buildingwthe opposite side of the alley from that in ire'origlnated, and occupied .by Mr. J. G. Jqbahnes'Bfl'a manufacturing-jewelry estab lishment;,'was'considerably charred on the cornice, and one or two of tho windows.of the third story were destroyed'- ■. -U’ With the above damage done, it was thought tho trouble was all over. The. Mcohanical company was going down Baltimore streot, and, when oppo site No/205, discovered a bright light at tho rear.; They immediately foreed-lbe doqr, and, on going np stairs, found umfcthc whole of: tho large two-; story back building ;WM in : flames, and the fire was making rapid progress the second story of the main building. The first floor of this bntiding ia; occupied by Mr. B. T. Roberta as a merchant-tailoring establishment. The back room,' whorethV greatest damago vrria done/ was used as a work room,, Mr. B.’s loss is about $21)0, whioh la covered by Insurance. The front room of the second story is occupied by Messrs. R. Campbell A Sons as awatohßtore, and sustained no damage, .The back room and.ihe rear building, together with tho third -floor, H. Whitehurst as &dsguejfrwngallery; Theback building,'with'all the mst'ipments, Ao., for.takirig large pictures was entirely Sestroyed, together with;.the contents. The dvuage, to Mr. Whitehurst’s; property-is about $12,000, upon which there is an insurance to the amount of slo,Bofl, as follows:, $2,550 eaoh-in Lynchburg, Ya., ana Commonwealth* of Harris Fanners! and Mechanics’ office of Philadelphia on tho ptotuTis/'and $7OO on tho furniture in the At lantic of Providence, R. 1. This .building belongs to' Mr.' Campbell, and was damaged to the amount of $2,000, which is covered by Insurance, The firewas tho workofan incendiary.- - • [From the New York papers, j. , -, ■ iHAXTERS ANp THINGS 1$ NEW YORK. •- J ~* YoßK,'Aug. 10, 1857 . ’ Beverly Robinson, Esq., died Inst evening, at bis residence at New Brighton, ohStatcn Island. Mr. Robinson was lathe 79th year of his age. . He was a sound lawyer, a polished gentleman, and an up right man., v > • The Hamburg botow steamer Borussia, Captain Trautmann, arrived this morningfrom Hamburgh/ Xeft the Eloe at 4 o’clock, on the afternoon of. tho Ist of Augost. ; 'She brings 451 passengers.. ! The R. has had fresh westerly'.winds most the passage, with Very pleasant weather.On the 14th inst., at 2.30, apoxe ship Clifton, Irom Cork for New York, 37 days oat/ > ‘ r ■ . - The paintingof Jacob Hays, the celebrated thief catcher, having been redeemed by Aldi Bloat;, Was this noon returned, to'the City Hall, and replaced In hfr TaienfineVoißce. It is now the property of Aid- 'Blttpt, who paid $250 for it, but he intends leaving 3$ in the City Hall. ... MeaarSy l Bangs Brothers £ Co. have Issued the first catalogue of tho Sixty-sixth New York Trade Sale whichds to Be commenced at their sales rooms on the Bth of September, and continue daily until the whole"catalogue ia disposed of.' ' The' City.; Inspector, reports siE hundred and thirty-six deaths during the paatweek—an lnoreasO of eighty-five 1 as compared with the'morWUy of the week previous. The increase is mainly due to diseases of the stbrdSch and .bowels, and especially to the prevalence of ohdlera infantum,'ho lees than ono htmdred and thirty-four deaths havingoecurred fromjjthat disease alone. There, has also been a large“ inoreaso in marasmus among infants, the deaths numbering sixty-four. W. J. JlcMuUen was arrested, on., the 9th inat,, at 'Thebes, Alexandria county, 111., on the charge of murdering, in cold blood, Hiram McClain, a neighbor ol his. The deed ,wa* committed In May last, in Jefferson county, Mo. The prisoner-was sent to Missouri for trial. The Statu Bays that,people run great risks in oaring crabs season of the year. .LETTER FROM JEW YORK., (OorreapondenceofThe Press,] •• < Nsw York, Aug 16,6# o’clock, P.M. The money market was ■ exceedingly so tire to* day. The beat signatures vrentoff at 9a6iper cent., and good endorsed yaper was freely offered at from 10 to 12 per cent.’ ’ I menitemad in my last that it' ' ■was the general,impression : the marketwould he tight etalong/Ihav’ee very Reason to 1 " confirm i this opinion. In the first place the shipment of % specie by the Baltic, .($800,000,) at lenat $1,300,000 £ already engaged by the Peul^oa'Wednesday, and \ between $300,000 ahd $400,000 by the Bolton; Beit - y- Saturday, will.'absorb all .the gold arrived< from * OaliforaU by ihe Central -Aoierfeft; and withdraw : nearly, a million in • addition fromjtho, available espitaion hand; 1 ■ ‘ u " ' ‘ 1 ’ ‘ The country banks are beginning -to their balauees,’and'large. be required within the next six weeks for the removal-• of the > crops,. whlcb, though they will oome back, will | cause such a considerable displacement of money, t that the-banks ard compelled to put bn tho screws l both-with regard to loans on Call‘ and, discounts. '* Exchange.was,firm at 109jaf for,‘sterling, and O.lCjafi.lH, at thirty days. > The Stock 'i market Mill droops,_&nd,'il is generally believed, , § has not yet bottom.-: Michigan South* § era, which fell after the second board yesterday to 33}, rose thismornlng to 36 for cash,' and closed at *■ the second board at 541. There la no prospect of . their reaching a permanently higher figure, until after the publication of a tagular.attttomcnfc of, tho ' combsrty’saffaire/ r , • , Alt iibrti of rumor* are in f circulation,,as to the speculations in which officers of this company have beezi.engaged, but it is not. fair to credit'- all ' that la said, although there is no doubt the*e has ,/ been gross mismauagetaent somewhere. Ydu will see from tho bulletins of the 'two Boards that the : transitions Were lbrge, particularly in New York Central Erie. Cleveland and„Toledo, Beading and Michigan Soutnorn/all at reduced prices. Among the eollera, of- the latter stock was a large banking house in W ail street to which it had been bypothc* : t catod, and it is snid that another bank sofa at a lower rate thaft iVbad loaned on the stock; This f being a morb it is universally sup* suppress,names. ThorC is .no • new i'aitiuew'diiy, that of Griggs aud Lntbrop, ; which, was, announced after mailhour* yesterday, 1 is attributed, .to, their, having,carried Michigan Southern stock for parties in,Albany, bought at 88, ■ huyot fiO.' >ln-J tho best-wbeki two/, anct porhaps 5 " . j Asnjiß.—Steady,at previous quotations/ ■ > \ FlOW.—-THei‘ market was maOtivo,’ and some , what depressed-' .Superfine -State sold ;at; 50& ' 6 0O; Extoa State-at $5 BQaO 90p Superfine West ern at $5, 40A6.60) and common to -medium extra. , Western fit,s6/45A7j)5 ( . -Canadian, fioar Wag grin; ; Superfine ,wa#_>;to]d: at ! W6Oo:fiO,?afid'oxtfa;at. . $6 9hand J wWhrdß/^Byo'Flmir ! ln ; moderate do*' > mandate spas 00. . r . v ;,. s -b.GVvMJi i GaAiH;“-BnU fit 2fi3 cents for-now J. ojOOft 1 „4t sl.42,fbr>MUwaukie club; r sl'7u tor how red; $1 80aI 82' for new white BottthfiWtf ondSl 82itifomewwhito Ohio; ( Corn inaetiiteikWJwfi to*mixed WehteHi? -Oeto ink dowttwerdjli* * Eye unchanged., * 1 ■ “iSM-iSEisS-S - boxes for cg«h. , wot Cuuoiw* Ini mi At 15 01e.,6 moattij, ’o tnos.f-Bcotch higjilismiUddaottttee, wse sold -dbiiTH**:—Dnll, p?i*eS binding downward..' ■..-Maya* Snjßits.—Spirit*of Tiirpeptwwojsow in small t{uantitEes at 490. ' Nothing done in Crude Turpentine, the stock Is very small. Common Rosin-Is in demand tat *1,95a511?6 pot 310 lbs Fines Rosins gi> freely at SSaSd- Tar and Pitch unchanged. - ■ Oils).—lnactive, at foriher rates'. ■ , •Provisions,--Pork firin'; at 524-T& for mess, and <2l for .prime* Beef , steady, at,previous prices. Lard in demand nt 15Ja165. Cut meats inactive, Bleon d 0.,,, Better and cheese in good demand at Spirits.— The market was brisk. - CogiUo brandy sold at f4-’6oaso. Rochelle at 93-30e3.1'60, and ohampagae brandy at ,54*26 r ; The reports by the last steamer from ’Europe, that.the vintage will net be more, than „ an. average one, gave consider able firmness to the market. Gin waa in demand at 80a95c,and Jamaica-rum was steady at $l-45. Wises.— The market was brisk, without any material’Change In prices, Freights —-Continue vs . NBW TORE STOCK >ry doll, ratesunohanged 10HANGE SALES, Aug. BOA&D. ’ . * 1000 Beading R o 69# 200' do - *s6o 08# 800M&o&NInR- 33# 460 do 34 301 do 34# 240 do 36 100 do • s3O 35 160 do 35# 100 do b3Q 36 135 do ,b 3 35# 40 do slO 36# 300 do bBO 36 100 do b3O 36# OOMS&NIpfStk 65 a do co 160 • do - » 67 lOOlllCeoß 117 do „„ 100 do NJX 10 Cloy 5; * ltte a 200 do M 0 88 200 do 37* 45'Go* Ohioß 9o* 300 do b3O 69), 205 do '9O 60 ' do 90* 60 • do S5O 89 300 OleY 4c Tol B 49 2048 do ,0 48# 100 do 48 300 do >3O 47* 450 do El® 48 100 do 630 48* 100 do >lO 48* 500 do b6O 48 100 do S3O 48* 600 do 48* 75 Ohio (B HI B M 60 do ■ 60 •' do 660 93 150 do ‘ '92 50 New Jersey Zinc 6 2CO to Crowe ft Mil 31* 125 do 31 60 do • 630.31* ,6000 Ten State 6*8'90 85 3000 Virginia 6’s 91# 1000 MiB State 6’s 78# 9000 'do - 78 2000 Erie B 2d Mt Bda 90 4000 Had ft R3d lltg 59 6001 U Cen E Bds ■ 99 100QLaO&MMGtbd45 l 6000LX&W2dMtbd 28 13 Ek of America 100 , 20 Ocean Bank 98 . 88MetropolitanBk 107 20 Bark Rank 102# 10 Artisans Bank 91# 200 Canton Co. WO 19 , lOPenna.Ooal Co 80 60 do 79 - ; 200 do 830 78- , SO do 78# 100 do bsO 78# ,60 do 0 78# 10 do 79# W HU 8c Mias R 60 230 do: 49 iISONVCeoB opg 80# .60 do 1 - opg 80# 460 do ! p& 0 80# 10 .do opg 80# 200 do sBO 79# 60 do B3QT9 000 do 660 80# 300 do' «19 79# 300 do 860 78# 1424 Erie Railroad 31 v-860 do ' 810 31. '•200 -do - ' 860 30# 100 do 1 e 31# • 160 do » WO 31# .600 do - o 81# - 60 Reading Railroad 69# 60 do b6O 69# 1050 do o 69# 200 do b3O 09# 500 do slO 69 1 200 do 820 69 . 700 do 830 69' ■. e " • : \ 1 becosd 1000 Miesoar State G’s 72# 1000 111 Cenß Bonds 99 .100 Com Coal Co I*6o 17 -130 Pa Coal Co 70 360 Erie Railroad 31# 200 do . ,WO 31# 2 0 do *b3 31# 300 do 630 31# 60 do 130 31# 10 Mich Cen R 82# 168M8o&NIftB 36 360 do .34# OMS&NIpfStk 67 200 Glev &Fj tt* K 37* 860 Clov* ®olß 48* 300 do 660 49 100 do 61 43* 6 Ohio 4. RIR 93 220 ha Crosse 4c MU R 31 150 do 31* 200, do >3O SO 100 do 660 32 IOONYCenR >lB 80 100 do ' . 660 30* 60 do , opg 80* 60 51114 c Mlsaß >2O 48 THE MONEY MARKET. Philadelphia, August 15,1857. The transactions at the stock board to-day were not ex tensive; and prices show ho material change. Reading railroad foiled to recover from the decline o{ yesterday. , The money market continues to be well supplied, but tho demand has slightly increased, and paper pays a somewhat higher rate than at the dose oflast •'preek. We quote the‘market rates for favorite names at 8 to 10 4P cent., and for good business paper 10 to 12 cent. At the New York Stock Board, yesterday, Michigan Southern fell 12# cent., closing at 34#. The down ward movement was materially aided by the failure of the firm of Griggs <fc L&throp, who have’been dealing quite largely in this stock for a rise. The New York Express says, that after Board it rallied to 39#. The sooner a thorough investigation of the affairs of this company la ma&e, tho better. for the stockholders and all concerned; The total shipments of coal from the Maryland coal region for the week ending August Bth, were 19,142 tons, making the total for the year 864,856 11 tons. - The lijkens Valley coal shipments to I 'August Ist, amount to, 33,035 tons. TheShcft Mountain Company’s shipments to August Ist, were 26,316 tons. The amount of coal transported ovor the Delaware, Lackavanna, and Western Railroad iq August Ist, was 302,328 64 tons; to same period last year, 12,878 05 tons. At the New York imb-Treasury on Friday, the busi ness was as follows: A Receipts $224,088 82 Payments....; 120,406 97 > Balance ; ..12,419,492 09 California Drafts 16,000 00 The amount on Deposit* in the United States Treasury, According to the returns received up to Monday, 10th Instant, Was.. $22,637,052 8T The,amount subject to draft was.; 20,021,498 00 The receipts for the previous week, were. 1,746,582 57 Thepaymentawcre 1,267,632 71 Tho increase was. 472,699 84 A British Parliamentary report sets forth that the to tal production of pig-iron in all countries is 0,000,000 tons,via• Great Britain,3,ooo,ooo tons; Prauce 1 750,- 000 tons; Prussia, 300,000 tons j Austria, 250,000 tons; Belgium, $00.000; Russia, 200,000 tons; Sweden, 60,000 tons; various 1 States of Germany, 100,000 tons; other ‘ countries, 300,000 tons. The consumption of iron in the United States, porcaplta of our population, is greater even than in‘England; .consumption was 'estimate} at 1,324,773 tons} of which over 805,000 tons was of domestic production, and 600,000 tons imported from Great Britain. < Tbo Gfsut County Harald estimates that five-sixths of the entire lead product of the Northwest lead region is raised from the mines of Wisconsin, and within Grant, lows, and Lafayette counties. This leaves a very small proporihra as the product of lowa and Illinois, Bome of the facts pertaining to the mines, as stated by the arc rather peculiar. 'Wisconsin mines Average an annual product of over sl,ooo,ooo,which is mostly sold in St Louis for gold. The smelters and miners are par ticularly partial to gold,.and will not have anything to da-with paper money if they can avoid It. Everybody wonderedatthe suddenness with which the .old Spanish coins disappeared’from sight, when it was proposed in Congress that they should be taken at what they were worth., It seems that the brokers in New York have been baying them up there at ten to fifteen per ceut. discount, and selling thorn all through northern . New York, from Albany west, at par. The competition of a four merchants advertising that they would take these miserable, inconvenient, and depreciated coin at par in trade has kept the people from the blessing of their total banishment. An effort is' now makin gto get rid of them in Albany by an agreement among the business men not to-take them for moro, than their value after the I2th of September. ; Since the manufacture of German Silver orArgcntan became an object of commercial importance, agreatdeal of attention has been bestowed upon Nickel by miner alogists, chemjafcs’and nickel-workers, and its extrac tiomfrom its ores has been undertaken upon a considera ble scale. It is sparingly found,'and in comparatively few localities, and even In those it is usually associated with cobalt.. In consequence of its rarity it is generally classed among the precious metals! It is, when pure, almost as white 'as silver, and both ductile andpnalleable, - cither when hot or cold. It may be niada Into mariner’s "compasses, being susceptible of magnetism. It does not oxidise or rust by contact withjalr, and only melts, when pure, at an intense .heat. - < It makes other metals harder and brittle when alloyed with them.' The'nickel used for alloys is usually ob tained from what the Germanscsll Kuffcr Nickel or Cop per Nickel, which is aa arseniuret or compound of arao hlcwith nickel, which is hard and has a metallic lustre of a coppered color inclining to brown or gray, and dis playing all the hues of the rainbow. It contains 66 parts 6f arsenic and 44 of-nickel, when pure, hut usually con tains a little Iron, lead, sulphur, and antimony. - The .Chinese probably first made use of nickel; their white copper or pack-fong contains about 32 nickel, 40 copper, 26 zinc, and 8 iron; bat the proportions vary more or less.- The composition known as British plate is an alloy of nickel, the ores from which tho Birmingham people extract, It being imported principally frdin Nor way and Hungary. In Saxony they produce twenty thousand pounds of nickel a yesr, and in Prussia about nine thousand pounds. In Germany they make it into German silver, ondin this country, as everybody knows, our Mini is busily engaged making it into money. Nickel is obtained at Chatham, in Connecticut, where it is said to have beep discovered by Governor Winthrop in a variety of minerals in Missouri, in phrorae mines of Maryland and Pennsylvania, and in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania; and we Bee by the last weekly issue of the Reading Gazette, that a mine 4 of nickel ore has just been found in Berks county. Whence yeesft the fears expressed that the supply of nickel would bo 'inadequate' to the demand for the coinage of the hew 3*nt, we are tempted to congratulate our friend Gets upon this new and timely proof of the unfailing support -which a true Democratic Administration always re : delves at the hands of glorious Old Berks. Attention has frequently been called to tho superior > tenacity and strength of iron manufactured from Lake Superior ores. The British Admiralty proor of chain cable, atud-Huk, the round iron of which is seven* eighths of an inch in diameter, is fourteen tons; the American proof of the same, fifteen tons. Prom tbeso facta we may appreciate the testimony of D.U. Martin, the engineer-in-chief of the United Btate« Navy, in a ' letter to Secretary Bobbin, in which ho says that a piece of Lake Superior iron was beat down to one Half inch diameter, (round,) made into a chain link, rested in the chain-proving machine, and broke at lGd,!-*'! pounds, or 75# tons; Those who use iron where tho safety of human life depends upon its strength should investigate the merits of the Lake Superior iron. / . The Galro and Pulton Railroad receives, under an act of Congress, 2,125,000 acres of land in Arkansas and Missouri, The Little Sock and Memphis road receives 89,200 acres in Arkansas. |f ' Philadelphia stock EXCHANGE SALES, Aug. 1867. 16, u Reported by R. IManley, Ji • "Walnut Ir., Stock Broker, So. 80# t Street. FIRST li fiSOO N Ponna R6a 69# $3OO City 0s now 05# $2OOO Union Canal 6s 59# $lOOO do 59# $3OOO do 50# $6OOO do 69#. $lOO Pennsylvaniasa 84# $3OOO City R 6s PB eh 89# $lOOO Elmira R7s Ist M 75# 10 Reading R 34# . 100 do b 5 34# 100 do ‘ bswn 34# y : • aiter; $lOOO City 6s. -89# j sl6oScimylNPre b 5 23# | 100 Reading R -35# 100 do 34# 1 Norristorj R 60# 2 Penna R 46# 7 do 46# 10 Morriß Canal Prof 93# 10 do 93# 10 do 93# 7 do 03# 20 Louisvillo Bank 113 10 Phitada Bank 123# 8 Mechanics’ Bank 28# BOARD. 100 Reading R eo wn Sn# rOES-STEADY, CLOSING PBI< i-V > ' Rid, Asked. USfi’S. J 6B 116#®— Philadafis 89 «89# do -RR 89#a80 . ■do ;New. 95#®D5# Eeufiafis, int off 84#o8& Beadiogß. MXaM.. ' dp Bonds >7O 78 «79 rj-’M, tot. off 86: „Pqnna RR 46#®46# Morrifl Canl Con 51 ®s2# IBjShyl Navils 64#4»65 fcrifio -« StocKl2#«H .. \ t SINCE ROAR 514 200 felAHg. r.V.{V;;v.. ! Reading doses at 84#086 Bid. Asked* SchylNavPref 23 ®23# Wmsp’t&Elmß Ioa2o do int off 7’s t do do2dm6s#®6s# Long Island 11#®U# Yicksburg 7 <®B. Girard Bank ll#®ll# Lehigh Ztoc ’ l#tf 1# Union Canal 9#<tlo New Creek )!& 1 Oafewlesaßß 11 all# B-LATEST.. ss&int 35# JPHU,A»EtPHIA MARKETS, Breadstuff's continue dull ; there is little or no ship ping demand for Flour, and standard brands are offered •at $8.60 for old stock, and $T.25 for fresh ground Flour from new wheat, but buyers are shy at these figures. A sale of 300 bbls., oldstock, Pittsburgh extra family was made at $8 & bbl., and a small lot to the retailers and bakers, at from these rates up to $8,69ff59.26 y bbl,, according to brand, Cora Meal is wanted, with a sale of ISO bbls. Penna. ,at $4 ** bbl. Rye Flour is un changed, and quoted at $4.69 bbl., without sales. Wheat Is In moderate request ouly, and poor lota are un saleable, except at very low figures. Sales Include about 2,500 bus. at 160c»16fie. for red, and 165c®170c. for white, of inferior to good quality. Corn is but little wanted, and about 2,000 bus. yellow brought 880. afloat and in store. Oats sell as wanted at 42c. for new South ern, and about 3,600 bus. in all have been taken. Jlyo ifl steady at 75e, with moderate receipts; and sales at that price. Cotton remains inactive, but holders are very firm in their demands, and asking higher prices for the fine grades. Groceries—nothing doing in Sugar and Coffee worthy of remark,[and the market remains quiet. Provisions—nli the articles of tlio hog production are Bcarco and quoted at higher prices than were previously current, most of the Western markets being nearly bar ren of stock. Mess Pork is held at $25®30 bbl, Bacon- Hams Sides 16o,and shoulders 13c lb. Whiskey is unsettled and dull at 27c®28c for Drudge, 26c®390 for Ohio, and 29c®b0c for bbls. Saturday, Aug. 15. Tobacco.— There have been more purchasers for Ma ryland Tobacco this week, and all the parcels which reached the market sold promptly. Several ships are now taking in cargoes for Europe, and the demand ap iears to be confined to completing their cargoes. Tho ate rains have somewhat affected the Maryland Tobacco crop on light lands, but we learn that the prospect of an excellent crop Is very general. Prices this week aro unchanged, viz: Maryland Brown Leaf, as in quality, s9®slo; Inferior short seconds, $7.50®58.50: brown leafy §lOOll, and extra at sllol6. The receipts of Bay Tobacco are trifling. We quote as follows, viz: Tips or tails s9®sll: seconds sl2asl6; yellow spangled s3o®s32, and fine yellow s3s®sl6. We note sales of 180hhds. Ohio Tobacco at prices showing a slight concession in favor of buyers. There is but little of this description now to come forward. We continue former quotations, viz: inferior to good common Ohio s9® $10; mid dling brown to good reds slowsl2;good and fine reds §l2 ©l4; fine red cigar wrappers sls®slB; common to mid dling good spangled $12.60©518; good to flno spangled sl3®slB, and good and fine yellow slB®s2Q. Good to fine qualities of Mason county Tobacco have been in quired after, but there are none of these descriptions on the market. There is nothing doing in the other kinds of Kentucky Tobacco, and we quoto as lost week, viz : •Frosted lugs at §®§9} frosted le&f‘£9.soesU.6o; sound lugaslo®sU; common leaf tU.60a§12.50; me dlumlea,tsl2.soatl3.2s; fairsl3.6o©s24; good to fine $14.60®§18; selections otslB©s2o. The Inspections of the week aro 888 hhds. Maryland and 143 hhds. Ohio total 1,031 hhds. Wool.—There is a good Inquiry % wool, and the market for it is brisk at our former quotations, which are as follows, viz2l©24 cents for unwashed, 28®2D cts, for pulled, 52@35 cts. for tub washed, f.2©85 cts. for quarter blood ficece, 35©38 cts. for half blood, 39® 44 cts. for three-quarter blood, 45©48 cts. for full blood, and 50©51 cts. for extra Saxony. The sales this week embrace somo 10,000 lbs., most of which was fine Western wool. We note tbe import here this week of 446 bales Buenos Ayres wool. Coffee—The Coffee market to-day ruled quiet, but firm, and the only gales we had reported were 100 nags medium Bio at live., and 100 bags fair do at ll&o. For a correct statement of the market wo would bog to re fer to Messrs. White and Elder’s monthly circular, to be found below: Stock of Bio Coffee,* August 8 .49,100 bags. Received since..-. nono Sales for consumption amount to about 1,503 << Stock of Bio Coffee on hand to-day .47,600 “ Other descriptions 700 u Particulars of Sale. . 600 bags Bio. at 11 j¥&l2c. 900 “ lljrfollftc. 600 t( musty Bio llj^all^c. 400 “ Laguayra 13#c. 200 (( Porto 81c0..........13c. ' 2,700 “ Remarks.—The Coffee market continues steady and firm, with a fair demand from the trade, especially foT the lower grades, which have become very scarce, and at present there is nothing under lllfc. The last sales of Laguayra show an adranceof a quarter of a cent. We quote fair to prime Bio at 11# to 12c.', and choice 12c ; Laguayra 13]{c.; Java 16# to 17c. White k Elder, Baltimore, Aug. 15,1857. Coffee Brokoro. RlCHMOND—Steamship City of Richmond, Mltcholi —175 bxs tobacco 44 cs do Motz k Boehm; 35 cases 69 bxs do Bucknor k McCammons 89 bxs 8 cases do Mercer & Antelo; 47 bxs do Dobau k Tall; 6 pkgs sundries Jen kins k Hartshorne; 2 boles books J B Lippincott k co: 24 bales rags J T Bobs; 31 do V H Whitehouse; 12 do Server k Marker; 187 do waste H Lodge; 1916 empty carboys Powers A Weghtman; 63 do casks Poultueyft Massey; 6 bales mdse .1 R Cambell k Co; 1465 bbls flour Wellsford k Willson; 8 bdls rugs Cbas Wright; 16pkg& sundries Parker k Tolandj 3000 spokes Wilson « Childs; 351 pigs lead O J Adams It Co; 9 bales rags Jessup k Moore; 100 bags wheat Tustin&Shewell. do empty hhds Boyer k Barclay; 76 bags pea nuts N Ueliiugs; 141 dp do D % k D G Evans, 49 do do E A Soudcr k Co; 79 empty casks to order. At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Philadelphia, Poole, Liverpool. Aug. 15. Ship Tuscarora, Dunlery Liverpool, Aug. 25 Ship William, Berry, Valparaiso, soon Ship Morning Light, Johnston, Panama, soon Barque E K Kane, Hewitt; Cardenas, soon Barque Japonica, Bhelden R ; o de Janeiro, Aug. 18 Brig Black Squall, Bryant, Havana, soon Brig?. Fftharg, Burns, St. Jago do Cuba, soon SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS. STEAMER FROM FOR DAT Persia New York Liverpool Aug 19 Argo.... .New York Bremen ......Aug 19 Oof Baltimore.. New York Liverpool..... Aug 20 New York New York Glasgow. Agu22 Fulton New York Southampton,.,...Aug. 22' Niagara, Boston Liverp001..........Aug 20 Borussia New York Hamburg Sept 1 Arabia. Now York Liverp001........... Sept 2 Jasob New York Bremen Bept2 North 5tar...... New York Southampton,....... Sopt 8 Cof Washington. New York Liverpool. Sept 3 Edinburg New York Glasgow 3ept 5 Adriatic New York Liverpool Sept 12 Araco New York Havre Sept 19 C of Baltimore,.Liverpool New York. ....July 20 Niagara... Liverpool Boston Aug 1 FROM FOB DAT Borussia .Hamburg New York. Aug 1 Jason Bremen Now York Aug 1 Columbia Liverpool New York..: ..Aug. 6 Arabia Liverpool New York Aug 8 Edinburgh Glasgow New York Aug. 8 North Star. .Southampton New York Aug 12 O Washington. .Liverpool Now York Aug. 32 Canada Liverpool Boaton Aug 15 Atlantic.. Liverpool New York Aug 19 Africa.... Liverpool New York, Aug 23 Arago Havre New York Aug2B Kangaroo Liverpool New York ',...Aug20 Glasgow Glasgow New Yora Sept 5 MOVEMENTS OF HAVANA STEAMERS. Philadelphia—From Now York 2d, arriving at Ha vana Bth, and New Orleans 11th. From New Orleans 20th; Havana 23d, arriving at New York 28th. Quaker Citv—From New York 7th of each month, arriving at Havana 12th, and Mobile 14th. From Mo bile 22a, Havana 24th, arriving at New York 28th. Oahawba— From New York 12th, arriving at Havana 17th. and New Orleans 19th. From New Orleans 27th, Havana 29th, arriving at New York 3d. Empire Citv—From New York 17th, arriving at Ha vana23d, and New Orleans 26th. From New Orleans 6th, Havana Bth, arriving at New York 13th. Black Wabbjob— From New York 27th, arrive at Havana Ist and New Orleans 3d. From New Orleans 12tb, Havana 14th. due at New York 18th. Isabel—From Charleston 19th and 4th, due at Ha vana 23d and 7th. From Havana 10th and 25th, due at New York 16th and 31st. The California mail steamers sail from New York on the 6th aud 20th of each month. ittarine Intelligence. PdRT OF PHILADELPHIA, Augo.t IT, 185 t". ARRIVED. Bhip Lancaster, Dccan, 45 days from Liverpool, with mdse and 72 passengers to Penrose & Burton. Steamship Boston, Bellow, 24 hours from #ew York, via Cape May, with mdse aud passengers to J Alldor dice. Reports a barque and three brigs off Cape Henlo* pen yesterday morning, bound to; a barque, two brigs and fifteen schrs near New Castlo, beating up. Steamship Kennebec, Hand, 25 hours from Now York, via Cape May, with mdse and passengers to J Allderdice. Barque Conrad, Salisbury, from Rio Janeiro, July 5, with coffee to Tbos A Newhall & Go. Sailod In company with ship Haidoe, Manton, for New York. July 6, off Capo Frio, exchanged signals with barque Yome, of Richmond. July 17th,lat 10 06 S, long 3415 W, Aug 9, lat 32 46N, loug 67 42 W, exchanged longitudes with brig fit ary E Thompson. of Searsport. Schr Geo Henry, Sofliday, 6 days from Portsmouth, Va. with lumber to Norcross A Sheets. Bohr Ocean Bird, Quillen, 3 days from Laurel, with lumber to J W Bacon A Co. ' . Bchr Benj Shepherd, Marsh, 4 days from Laurel, Del. with corn to J w Bacon A Co. Schr John C Brooks, Grafian, 6 days from Boston,with mdse to captain. Schr N B Thompson, Barnes, 4 days from Boston, in ballast to N Sturtevant A Co. ’ Schr Win Collyer, Rowland, 4 days from Portland, with stone to J Notman. Schr.E J Pickup, Pickup, 4 days from Plcrraont, with 'old iron to Phoenix Iron Co. Bchr Amelia. BockhUl, from Fall River. ' Schr ¥ A Hawkins, Perclval, from Provlucetown. Schr Sarah N Smith, Smith, from Boston. Bohr Charger, Kelsey, from New York. Schr Wm H Rowo, Wiggins, 4 days from Cold Spring. Schr Chas A Greiner, weaver, from Maurlcetown. Bloop Baltlo, Holt, 2 days from T o dlaa River, with lumber to J W Bacon A Co. . Str Robert Morris, BcheUinger. 6 h.mrs from Dels* wore City, with 9 barges in tow, ladov'«rith Hour, grain, coal, iron, Ac. Towed thereto 7 barges, loaded with mdse bouo'd to different parte of the interior. CLEARED. Steamship State of Georgia, Garvin, Charleston, A Heron, Jr. Steamship Delaware, Copes, New York, J Allderdice. Barquo Warren Fisher, Gallagher, Bt Themas, Jau* retche A Carstairs. Barque Azelia, Davis, Richmond, T A Newliall A Co. Barquo David Lapsley, Teal, Mat&u&s. Geo R Ayres A Co. Brig Edinburg, Bartlett, Boston, captain. Brig Umpire, Moore, Boston, Noble, Hammott A Caldwell. Baker, New Bedford, Rogers, Slmjickaon Brig 3 Nickerson, Nickerson, Boston, 3 R White. Schr M Vassar, Jr, Crapo, Now Bedford, Tan Boson, Norton A Co. Schr 81) Bellows, Clark, Hartford, do Schr A 8 Russell, Hodges, q 0 Schr Mary Adaline, Travers, Petersburg. do Bchr Diamond, Norton, Washington, ' do ~ c H r E R Hawley, Travers, do do 0, S. A Nichols, Gaudy, Newburg, do f C ! ir w\ ec * ric Light, Lyer, Portland, do a\ ir n l * Dcrva ’ Baltimore, do 5. r Tjftagon, Sloan, Boston, do gehrTiroTty, Wells, Snlcra, do Schr Chargor, Kelsey, Salem, J, Audcnrcid & Co. . S't Ur n n V v M 'o',"»n. 0 ' , "»n. Boston, do S c S r Ti’ff-Boston, John R White. Schr Rhoda & Buelah, Hoffman, Wilmington, NO, P S Btetson A Co. * tt * 1 5 c i r Sr ero^ T « r °> ti! r r VTho.s Wobster, Jr. Schr Wm H Rowe, Wiggins, Providence, L Audonreid A Co. Schr Broadfleld, Fisk, Boston, Noble, namraett A Caldwell. Schr Lady Suffolk, Baker, Boston, L Audonreid A Co Schr Chas A Greiner, Weaver. Dorchester, Wallace A Rothermel. Schr Ann Pickerel, Dukes, Washlugton, DO, Thomas Webster, Jr. Schr Martin, narding,Providenco,J M Kennedy A Co Schr Amelia. Rockhul, Fall River, B Mllnes A Co. Bchr F A Hawkins, Perclval, Provincetown, Brown A White. Schr Sarah N Smith, Smith, Salem, Ohaa A Ilccksher A Co. . Schr N B T Thompson, Boston, N Sturtevant A Co. Bchr Wm Oollyer, Rowland, N Haven, Reppller A Co. Schr J&mesN Baker, Vanoaman,Boston,LAudonreid A Co. Schr New Jersey, Worth, Boston, J E Baom A Co. [BT TBLgORAPn.) (Correspondence of The Press,) . . . New York, August 16. Arrived, ship Marthk’s Vineyard, from Glasgow; brigs Fanny Bntler, from Arroyd, PR: Mary Pierce, from para; O H Kennedy, from Nuevltas;. Baltic, from B&ha* njas;' Elrinorei from Cardenas; sent Evergreen, from Tampico, via New ll&veo. Below, barquo Gertrude, from Remedies. Ist mort. 76#«76# THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, AUGUST 17v f * ..<.v'r».iT - . urgmißyiniriif mi "‘ ■ ' ' ' 1 - • Philadslpsia, Aug. 16—Evening. Baltimore Markets. WEEKLY COFFEE REPORT. .48,300 “ Importation© [Reported for The Press.] LETTER BAGS fir TSUOJUfB ] "' v ' ’ I kiMS®?* - . WRdJole, MI,J a H oSsshS3!: The hatque from N.tforkfand Wo barques ‘.Bp^mSS^hU? 111 "' RE silErtJfc'la Pitts’eh „ ota °wn, S o r U s ' , a. Whig !??§»*“£• a±b"Ma 1 r“i»S tt 0 Bh ' fours, Ac. IUUS. B liuuufto. , Mw H Aldrich} Grafts, 0 0 White, Memphis. Correspondence of ft. *^“ A *'il. ’ H*’^’ stead ?™bfer, Madl- Four brlßi,togcther E Trith ß i>at(iUM A c!Mad, from Rio final’Mew yirt D DOimm Ful 1 Janeiro, and Joseph Matwell. from Laguayra, went up g g jj ar ’j s \r flrT i an( « t o hn McOlf-rJ* 1 yesterday The barques Achillea, for London, and Gem,,; |«uffiS F?R HoSr i&u^ na ' for Boston, with two brigs and over 100 schooners went q yolnche Markaville I a E S Wtlsonk u^ t,a i OFB weather flno. mfIRMAN * '}»«Fahnestock, do Wm H Brown, W Yours, &c. WM. M. HICKMAN, i M isB Street, do OB Lindsey, Lilesville, NC ‘At 8 Austin, Richmond W G Meachuni, do Alias E A Robinson, do JJCoX, NO • Miss E Dumas, do Mr Jeffries, Kr Wm Barr, Pa H Bland, Bio CM Hurley, Parkcvillo. Mo' R Wooster, Keokuk, lowa F 3 Orusener, Stebenville, J Herzog, Lancaster , Gjiio 8 II Alulherin. Atlanta Ark JAI White Sc. lady, Ark. Win Vesey, Norfolk S Ream, New York Mr Netcr, Lancaster, Pa Mrs Aldrich, Grafton, Afass. Correspondence of The Press, Havas Dr Grace, Aag. 15, Ten boats left here this morning, laden and con* signed as follows: John Heisley, Sarah A. Mary, Maj j H Zimmerman and Elizabeth and Rebecca, lumber to Norcroas A Sheetz; Southward, Dauphin, Clementine, Col P HarJcy, Qol Murray & Ellen, with coal to Del City. , MEMORANDA. Bteamship Palmetto, Baker, hence at Boaton 14th inst. Steamship Boston, Sellew, hence at N Yorklbth Inst. Steamship Catawba, Howes, from Havana and Key West, was at quarantine, Charleston, 14th lust. Ship Stephen Baldwin, Smith, from Bangkok, arrived at Now York yefeterday.- Ship Gallego, Wolfe, for Philadelphia, was loading at Rio do Janeiro 6th tilt. BhipMohougo. McDoritt, hence at St John, NB. 12th Inst. Ship Levanter, Peterson, for England, with the cargo of a ship which put in In distress, was at Valparaiso Juno 30. ' Ship Morning Star, Foster, for Havre, was at Ohinclia Islands Bth ult. nearly loaded. Ship Noptune, Peabody, for Liverpool, cleared at New York 15th inst. Ship Amos Lawronce. Nickerson, for Liverpool, via St John, NB. cleared at Boston 16th inst. Ship Sparkling Bea, Ryder, cleared at Boston 15th inst. for Ban Francisco, Ship Constitution, Lundt, for Bremen, cleared at New York 15th inst. Ship Agnes. Jones, from New Orleans for Liverpool, was spoken 24th ult. lat 44 45, long 43 30. - Ship Ceylon, Bassett, for East Indies, cleared at Bos ton 14th Inst. Ship Rufus Choate, Rich, for St John. NB, to load for Bristol channel, cleared at Boston 14th inst. Ship Lalla ltookh, Preble, for Bordeaux, cleared at Richmond 14th Inst. Ship T J Rogers, Bornholm, cleared at Richmond 14th inst. for London. Barque Inland City, Stevens, from Galveston for Li verpool , waa spokon 22d ult. lat 44 38, long 39 60. Barque California, Kempton. from Old Harbor, Jfl. at Boston 14th inst. • Barque Oak, Ryder, for Philadelphia, sailed from Bos. ton 14th inst. Brrque Grand Turk, Dollivcr, hence at Salem 14th inst. Barquo Ellen Stevens. Stockbridge, hence at Portland 14th inst, Barque Cora, McKee, for Rio de Janeiro, sailed from Richmond 14th inst. Barque Virginia and Estellina, Wilkins, was loading at Richmond 14th inst. for Rio de Janeiro. Barque Benjamin Hallett, Little, cleared at Boston 15th Inst, for Philadelphia. Bnrquo ROW Dodge, Jarvis, hence at Salem 15th inst. Barquo Thomas Alubone, Tuompßoa, cleared at New York 15th inst. for Philadelphia. Jlrlg J M Sawyer, Sawyer, lienee at Boston 16th inat. Brig Eliza, Phillips, hence at Charleston 13th inst. Brig Fairy, Welsh, for Brazil, was loading at Rich mond 14th inst. Brig Milton, Potter, from Jacmcl, arrived atN York 3 sth inst. 'Brigs N Stowers, Stowers; Geo Harris, French, and Amanda, Coombs, cleared at Boston 16th inst. for Phi ladelphia. Brig Jenny Lind, Nutter, hence at Nowburyport 14th inst. Brig Scotland, for Philadelphia, sailed from Salem 14th inst. Brig Orison Adams, York, henceat Portland 14th inst, “ Schr Cyclone, Dali, for Philadelphia, sailed from New Bedford 14tli Inst. Schr Rebecca <3 Secor, Dennis, hence at Richmond l‘Ub inst. Schr D S Mershon, Spragg. for Philadelphia, went to sea irom Wilmington, NO. 13th inst. Schr Auglnette, Blackwell, from New Bedfonlfor Phi ladelphia, went to sea from Wilmington, NO. 13th lust. Sent James and Lucy, Perry, hence at New Bedford 14th Inst. Schr Catharine Martha, Towers, hence at Baltimore 15th inst. Schr L Phleger, Chance, cleared at Baltimore 16th inst. for Philadelphia. Schrs RII Perkins. Roberts; II Blackman, Sherman; Amelia 0 Reeves, Lake: Pequonnock, Burroughs; A M Aldridge, Williams, and Marietta Tilton, Tilton, hence at Salem 13th Inst. Schr 0 W Holmes, Webb, lienco at Newburyport 12th inst. Schr Julia Maria, Eaton, hence at Newburyport 13th lust. Schrs Empire, Chambers, and J 0 Patterson, nand, sailed from Newburyport 12th inst. for Philadelphia. Schrs Timothy Pharo, Crnnmer, and John Rogers, El liott, sailed from Fail River 12th inst. for Philadelphia. Schr A G Pease, Brooks, for Philadelphia, sailed from Hartford 13th inat. Schrs Geo It Conover, noman. and H M Wright, Fisher, sailod from Hartford 13th lost. forPhilada. Schrs D G Floyd, Potter; Suwasset, Unlse; Alexander Henderson, Godfrey: Sarah A Taylor, Young; Ann S Brown, Brown: Wave, Sprague. Mary Natt, Smith, and Emelina Chester, Brower, for Philadelphia, sailed from Providence 13th Schra Susan B Jayne, Jayne, and A II Brown, Endl cott. for Philadelphia or Baltimore, sailed from Provi dence 13th inst. Schrs Rio Grande, Bishop; Lady Lake, Parker, and Adelc Felicia, Cartwright, sailed from Pawtucket 13th inst. fgg Philadelphia. Schracnry Cole, Hazleton, from Waroham for Phila delphia, at Newport 13th inst. Schrs Koxbury, Brown, and Charm, Wheldon, hence at Boston 15th Jnst. Bcbrs Lonsdale, Crowell, and J Nickerson, Baker, for Philadelphia, cleared at Boston 16th inst. Schr J It Mather, Nickerson, cleared at Boston 15th inst, for Ellsabethport. . Schrs N R Ileagan, Griffin, and F Elmore, Bmlth, cleared at New York 14th inst. for Philadelphia. Schr Harriet and Surah, Tice, from Bristol, Pa. at Providence 14th lust. Schrs Boston, Brower; Hamlet, Hall; U & T Cranraer, Jfuntfey; 8 C Willetts, Thompson, and j Learning, Wil letts, hence at Provldenco 14th inst. Schrs Sarah E Jones, Jones; Daniel Godwin, Raynor; M H Mifflin, Melon!; Mary Jane, Wall; Francis 0 Smith, Smith,and D M Messerole, Steelman, sailed from Provi dence 14tb inat. for Philadelphia. Schrs Seaport, Scull, and R M Browning, Conover, hence at Pawtucket 14th inst. Schrs W 0 Eli&sanT GhSbUd, Loeaburg and Minnesota, for Philadelphia, sailed from Salem 14th inst. ' Schr Maria Pickup, Baker, hence at Portland 14th inst. Sclir Embark, Donoho, henceat Alexandria 14th inst. Schr Ring Dove, Donoho, for Philadelphia, sailed from Alexandria 15th inst. Schr TV L Bprings, Llpplncott, honeo at Savannah 13th inst. MARINE MISCELLANY. Barque Vermont, of Boston, from 8t John, ND. foi Hull, which was badlylujuredbystr/klng on Mud Island, near Cape Bable, was taken to Barrington, NS. and an chored. Steamer Relief, with Mr.Paino, agent for Boh ton underwriters, on board, arrived at Yarmouth, NS. 3d inst; Mr P proceeded next morning by land to Bar rington, and the steamer returned from Yarmouth to 81 John on the 6th. NOTICE TO MARINERS. The Bell Boat on Alden’s Rook has broken adrift from her moorings. She has beeu towed into the harbor, and will be replaced as soon as practicable. By order of the Lighthouse Board. GEO. H. PREBLE, Lighthouse Inspector, Ist District. Portland, Aug 12,1857. DOMESTIC PORTS. NEW YORK, Aug 15—Arrived, ships Charlotte Reed, Coombs, Leghorn, June 12; Arabia, Morrymati, Liver pool, 48 days; brig Monserrate,Huffington, Jacksonville. Cleared, steamships Alabama, Schenck, Savannah: Nash vilio, Murray Charleston; Jamestown, Parriah, Norfolk; ship Amelia, Wallace, Now Orleans; barques Lycurguft, Costa. Palermo; Cornelia, Barton, Havana; Amelia, Her bert. Port au Platt; RII Gamble, Powell, 8t Marks; Pe ter Demill, Iloey, Savannah; brigs Raketoer, (Swe) Horhdahl, Copenhagen; Abby & lilltaboth, Phinney, Cadiz: Favorite, Pearson. Havana. Below, ships Liver 'pool, Kearney, London; Clifton, Williams, Cork.* BOSTON, Aug 16—-Arrived, ship Gen Berry, Seavey, Glasgow, June 18; ship Ashland, Clark, Now Orleans. Cleared, ship R Jacobs, Henderson, Liverpool; barquo J W Paige, Roberts, Mansanllla; Br brig J M Sigogno, Bonnlfant, Port au Princo. MACHIASPORT, Aug. 9—Sailed, barque Dublin, Huntley, Cardenas; brig Cuba, White, Port au Prince. BALTIMORE, Aug 14—Sailed, barque George and Henry, Trower, West Coast of Bouth Amorica; brig Eliza, Dowling, St Johns, NF; acbrs Wm L Montague, Jr, Benson, Barbadoes; Rosamond, Reynolds, Pernam buco List of Arrivals at the Principal Hotels. GIRARD llOUSE—Chestnut street, below Ninth. J F Haley, Chicago. John A Muir, Va. B II Broornhead, Ga. L 0 Donuing, Oa. Geo WHoward, Jlaltlmoro. W J Walklus, NY.' L Mariain, Porto Rico. II RoHoubcrg, Texas. C Fantanz, do. Sam’l R Todd. SO. Wm Mills, Jr, 80. Wm Rowell, NY. Capt II Randall, NY. A D Smith, Cincinnati. G P Cozarth, Ga. T C Hoguo, Ga. Jos Hillman, Ala. Jos Schloss, Ala, Col Boudrunt, Va. Dr Thos L Boudruut, Ya. Alex Boudrunt, Va. Geo Boudrunt, Va. S Lay, New York. Chiu/ J Bunker, NY. Jos Manigault, SO J J Bailey and ly, Miss. Bliss Bailey, Miss. L J Brown and lady, Wash- E Bimraons, Covington. ington. Wm Borthwick, Belfast JII Robinson, New York T W Harris and lady, Miss Wm Sampson and lady, Miss Watson, Va Ponna * J H Upton, New York Thomas Terry, Lafayette Austin Ball. Baltimore Wm Richards, do W Sawyer, Tusk'egee, Ala Win P Barr, Carrolton, 111 Wm Alley, do G Wright, do W B Bhapard, Naakville Wm S Mauday, Gallatin 3 8 Wheel!*, do Term K W Bridge and lady, New 8 Turner, Now Orleans Orleans Miss M Turner, do n»u«r, V.. Mr Payne, do WJ) W Bernard, St Louie P II Loud. New York J J)Army, La fl 8 Draper. Brooklyn, NY It 0 Ilyrson, St Louis Jfttt Monticth, New York John Stamps and ladv. Jolm 0 Fall, Lexington, Miss * ' , L E fitrouers, Miss B I) Eastman, St Louis John B Robortson and la., II M North, Columbia New Orleans It It Chambers, Jackson- EMcQeheraud la„ Mem ▼ilie phis 0 T Lewis, Hopkinsvillo Miss L T McQehor do Miss M E Trippo, Eatou- Bit McCormick, Dayton, ton, Qa _ ,, JaaßMcGeher aud lady, J B Rankin, Jifntucky Miss F O Mutter, Lynchburg, G R Ohcseldluo and lady, Clnn, Ohio E 8 Greenwood, Collins- Wm Stuart, Memphis,Tenn b m* ,9 a DIC Rush, New York W K Aiken,. South Caro- F 8 Barnum, Ky «# n ?.. F 0 Coleman, do , r 8«. n ’ do JmIIuII, Louisrillo, Ky Jno Thompson, La Grange, 0 Carroll, Illinois Term It II Boaper, Ky Wm B Shields, Memphis, L O Dallam, do ,« Ten " 0 11 Dulley and lady, N 0 Win I) Thompson, Mom- 8 Langdar, lady Sc daueh phis, Tcun ter, Cincinnati, Ohio 0 A Bneluen, Alabama J G Young, lady ic daugh- Miss 0 J McCaun, do ter. Cincinnati. Ohio Mr. Cameron St ly, N. 0. C. Wichelman, Balt. Miss Cameron, do 11. G.Dungan, do Miss. A. Cameron, do J. E. Chism, do Miss Cain, do U. P, Gould, do C. F. Klein, California. J. F. Beatty, Geo’tn, D. 0. Daniel T. Gofflu, N. Y. J. W, White, Wood’lo. Ky. Monroe Bateman, do E. V. Bryan, St. Louis. M.Stono, do R.E. Robbins, N.Y. J. V. Chism, do E. M. Kirkpatrick, 8. 0. John F. Warlnc, Sc wife, 0. J. W. Hughes, Ciu. Ohio. Geo. Stover Fairfield, lowa. Gen. H. Walbridge, N. Y. R.W. Donnell, Md. L. 0. Edwards St wifo N. 0 B. 0. Powell, do MisslUcd, do Jt, 8. McDonald, do G.W. Pitkin, Louis’lo, Ky Jm. 8. Llghtner St ly. Lox- B. F. Harris, Rockport, Mo ington, Mo G. 11, Heap, Washington MiasMollcz, Lexington, Mo L. B. Morris, ludiaua George R. Foster, do Z. McCord, Augusta E. 11. Craig, Richmond, Va J, C. Atkinson, Henderson, George Maxwell, Cinn.,o Ky Wm. 8. Holloway, Hcnder James K. Rankin, Hender son, Ky son, Ky £ ol ;A?; Bc,n i U. S. A. C. A. Holdnlilp, Pittsburg b, 0. CMpmua, N.Y. H. B. Wharton, Huntingdon Biinon Straus, Islington, 0. P. Marsh* wf, Olnn, 0 Ky . 11. n. King, Mo J. Gridin, Plioenixvillo, Pa It. W. Blnckhurn, Frsnkf't George Waiters, do. J, A. GIUIbs, Louisville MERCHANTS’ HOTEL, Fourth street, above Market. J ® ®c, Rn > St Byron, Jdo 1» Glass, Hopkinsville, J W Olpporly, Troy, N Y, Kentucky, ’ Henry J Furber, Balto. J W Guthrie, Gallatin, Chois N Hackereon, Ark, Tennessee, Btophen Johnson, Wilkabo- S W Love, do, rough N C, E M Burt, Lafayette, lud, w Galbrath, do » 8 13 Bnswortb, 'VVellsboro, Wm E Stone, Phila, Penna, ’ John B Johnson, Newvlllo, D Robb, St Louis, 5 TeDn » LS Memfer, Camden. Mo, 2 Twin, E A K I ratal 1 Sc lr, ill. ’ J.patrln, do, J McCormick, , Lafayette, Mlsa F Cotrln, do, Indiana, 3 T Beaman, N 0. EWBu»h,do. J 0 Bogera/V«,_ WPBrodna*, Sharon, Iml, M.n KfOnad,/Ciulle, Ky. H‘P Vaughan, Dcs Arc, l Q . M i' l , e , r J do- Arkansas. ’ 0 J. Whitmore, Augiuia, H E Hills, Net’ka Oiir,' AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Fifth. W W Gongal, Phito, Wm G Hodges A ly, Va, JO nAy,Tenn, W D Wilson, N Y, W F Nesbet, Madlsonrille, M D Wilson, do, Chas L Green, Ky, . R O Harrington, NY, John H Harrison, do, Miss 8 Harrington, do, Chas W Harrison, do, W R Seaver, Fhila, JpoM Thompson, Oincin- K L Dayton A ly, Ohio, .>Ohio, WmVesey, Norfolk, Vn, Miss M E Thompson, do, A W Butter, Mauch Chunk E G Laring A fa, N Orleans Jos W Sullivan, S Carolina Wm J Summers, N Orleans C Brinton, West Chester, Orwin II Harrison, do Penna James McCarty, Reading A R Baker A ly, Pensacola, Tiios Walling A ly, N Y Florida A A Allen, Petersburg, Va John Bonsack, Virginia T Bonlfac, New York C CFeck, Cincinnati, Ohio Jas T Clark, Eikton, Ky II Strobridge, do Thompson. do O 8 Titus, New York MrsCaptFairchilds, Balt Tims Street, Baltimore Wm II Hayward, New York E J Horner. Delaware J Bryan, Glasgow J Fleming, Washington M Campbell, New York R Fleming, do E Bowers, do BT Redman, Cincinnati!, J Budworth, do Ohio G W Griffin, do N Kinsey. }r, do J Herman, do R llingola, Masslon, Ohio L Meyer, do W Ridgway, Now Jersey M Eugene, do J Walden, do E Gardner, do W T Blakemoor, Ky EUaalam, do J Smith, New York F Leopold, do J V&uphn. do O Howard, do Mrs Boneface, do Mrs Earle, do II Webster, do - - Thos Schaffer, Dayton, Ohio. UNION HOTEL—Arch street, above Third, Geonouiol, Milford, NJ, AW Fellows, Summit Kißj A OYfendt, 111, Ponna, L R Morriß, Houston, Tex, J. P. Caughae. Alleghany, MAM Martlnvillo k ly, Penna, * CldCago, 111, Miss Tftla, Chicago, 111, Janies Glben, Pittsburgh, W Robinson, Baltimore, Wid Robins, do Simon Scyfert, Reading, J S King, Clinton, N Y , E T Kluuge,Magftreth, Pa, MlssM A Ball, do J M Mclntosh, Chicago, 111 Jas RPhillips, Phila, John Mayor, do, John D S Kilos, Lancaster, Samuel Lidball, Ohio, Penba, Alex Montgomery, Pittbgh R T Ernhashart, LoX’tu, Oliver Tousey, Indianap’ls, R S Auderton, do L C Turner, Wilmington, Thos Kennedy, Jr, Pttsbg N C, R WPihdoll, California H K Stum, Peru, Ind, Geo Cooper, do N Levy, Lagro, Jno Buchanan, do I* McHenry Baltimore, A Duckes, Minn Terr F T Kemper A. la, West- J II Kauke, Ohio minster College W Ashton, do II F Felix A la, Penna F Ashton, jc,do HKane, do F Mofcbr, do G N Meredith, do J M Allen, do W Underwood, do W R Boyer, Indiana ECO Hagac & la. Phila Wm Grim, USA MB Gregory, Ohio J D Comstock A lady, N Y Mrs AG Dunn, NY MayerWetherill, Phila Theo W Whlto, Mis 3 MDEyre, do John Acosta, N Y Isaac Ilonig, Baltimoro Wm A Sale, do LMWinans, NY’ E Crowell, do STATES UNION, Market street, above Sixth. J Sineltzer, Penna A R Kuhn, New York JF Wright, do WMcVoy, Penua RJhoftipson, do C Smith, do H G Munroe, do G Kline, lUinolß S McCauley, do 8 Warren A son, Hudson, L S Rees, Fhilada Ohio John Crlnnell, Blair co, Pa Wm T Brown, Baltimore John Highby, Columbia, Pa Johu L Reese, P R R Philip McCartney, West- S Young, Baltimore inoreland, Fa. CITY HOTEL—Third street, above Race. TJrinK Cornwell, New York Oco Dorwienor, Baltimore Ilertflg,Brighton, Boston Chas Middletown, Oswego H Ilarfield, > Julian llorstand, Fond du 11 Meson, Clearfield,P a Lac, Sain’l Smith, Bel City B Mason, Clearfield Herbert Ilarrison, Mount James Rosa. Middletown Vernon Harrison Bright, Baltimore Henry Richmond. Marietta GeoHinkel, Montirom’y co II Blake, tfrencktown V Cornstalk, llarriaou co Michael Print*. Gco’towa G Maltt, Vicksburg G F Franklin, Ncrr Caatlo Heury GlUuiore, Pbiluda lIJN ©blander do Hobt JKcrr, B<iiuoro JohnO Lowiu&n, Parksb’g S A Dickson, do Special Notices. Sewer's Infant Cordial.-—This invaluable Cordial is prepared from a variety of the most choice and efficient aromatics known in medicine, and is the most perfect and reliablo carminative oxtant for infanta and young children. By Its powerful influence a Bpoody euro is effected in all cases of Cholic } windy pains and spasms. Relieve** and mitigates much of children's suffering during denti ttort or teething, and by its soothing properties tran quil! sea pains of the bowel*, looseness, vomiting, Ao. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been used iu thousands of cases with the most abundant success. No family should be without it. IIENRT A. BOWBR, only by At his Drug and Chemical Storo, N. E. corner of Sixth and Oroeu sts., Philadelphia. .To whom all orders must bo addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. au 13-ly Seamen's Saving Fund Office 203 Walnut street, one door west of second street. Receives de posits la sums of One Dollar and upwards, from all daises* of the community, and allows interest at the rate of IJve per cent, per annum. Moneys paid on Demand. Office open daily, from 0 until 5 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 0 in the evening. President Franklin' Fell; Treasurer, Charles M. Morris; Secre tary, James S. Pringle. Walton's Gents' Furnishing Store, 151 North SixtKStreefc, below Race. Particular attention given to the manufacture of fine SHIRTS, which will be sold at very moderate rates, for cash. aul2-lw# Saving Fund-Five Per Cent* Interest—Na tional Safety Trust Company, in Walnut Street, south west 'corner of Third Street, Philadelphia. Assets overOxn Million* and a Half op Dollars, invested in Real Estate, Moutoaobs,Ground Rents, aud other first class securities, as required by the charter. This institution coufiuca its business entirely to the recei ving of money on deposit. Auy sum, large or small, is received, and the money is always paid back, with out notice, to any amount. The office la open every day from 0 o'clock in the morning until 7 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday aud Thursday evenings until 0 o'clock. {£7~ A Meeting of the Malt and Liquor DEAfcKUS ASSOCIATION will bo held on every THURSDAY AFTERNOON, at 2 o’clock, at DILIGENT HALL, Tenth and Filbert streets. By order or au!2-w&thtf ASSOCIATION. illniriijgfs. On Thursday evening, August 13th, by the Rev. F. Schueßoman Pott, GEORGE EDUINGIIOUSEN to Miss MARGARET L. WKHN, all of New York. JDeaMjs. On tho 12th Inst., Mr. JACOB MARPLE, in the 44th year of his ago. The relatives aud friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the fuueral, from his late resi dence, Sarah street, below Queen, Kensington, on This (Monday) afternoon, at 8 o’clock, without further uo lice. To proceed to Odd Fellows' Cemetery. Suddenly, on the 13th instant, WILLIAM 11. WOOL LEY, in the 36th year of his age. On the 14th lost., Mrs. SARAH ANN DERirAM,aged 08 years. WEEKLY REPORT OF INTERMENTS, Office, August 16,1861 UnAfiphia from the 31si of August, 1857. Uealtu Interments in City of Phi July to the 1 bth IBcmorrhage Inllam’nof Brain. " “ Bronchi. Bowels.. “ Bladder. '* Lungs .. 4 * JVrito’m “ Uterus.. “ 3 & Bowels Inanition Manla-a-Potu Malfornmt'n, Spine Marasmus, Measles Old Age... Palsy Rheumatism Rupture Scrofula..,, Sore M0uth..,.,.. Still-Born Tabes Mesenterica Ulcor’n of Bowels. Unknown Whooping Cough.. W0und*,,.. ...... Coug’tlon of Lungs “ Drain Cholera Infantum Cholera Morbus... Cramps Cons'tiuu of Lungs Convulsions Drops/; .Abdominal. “ Brain “ phest Disease of Heart. “ Liver, Drowned Dysentery Debility.* Lffuslon on Brain. Fe\er, Bilious.... Fever, Puerperal.. Scarlet... “ Typhus., “ a Typhoid,. Gout of Heart.... OF T) THERE WERE— From 40 to 50.. “ 50 to 60, “ 60 to 70.. “ 70 to 80. «• 80 to 90.. “ 90 to 100 Under 1 year From Ito 2 “ 2to 5 “ 6to 10 “ 10 to 16. “ 15 to 20 “ 20_to 30. “ 30 to 40 Males, 148; Feins From tho Almvll tlio Country, 2. By order of tho Board of JOHN N. IlE] Total 2E Boys. 100; Girls, 93. People of Color, 14; froi Health, fPKKSON Uea’th Officer. r£IRANSPORTATION OF COAL TO Navv Department, > Bureau of Construction, Ac., August 13,1857. ( PROPOSALS, Bcalod aud endorsed “ Proposals for Freight to China,” will be received ut this bureau until 3 o’clock, the 10th September next, for tbo trails* portatiou or not exceeding 4,000 tons of imthrwito coal from tho port of Philadelphia, in such quantities as may bo and tho Department doom proper to ac cept, to bo delivered to tho United States na\nl store keepers at Hong-Kong and Shanghai an may bo directed. Tbo oiler will ututo tho prico per ton of ‘2,340 lbs. for that delivered, without primuge or any other extra chargo, aud also the rate at which demurrage will bo charged. No other than cargo for tho Government to bo received on board. If the draught of water of tho vessel olTorcd makes any lighterage necessary in loading, it will bo at the cost of tho vessel {but good despatch will bo given in load ing. For tho delivery of the coal v, ithin reach of tho ship’s tackeUt tho porta in China lay days will bo de manded, at the rate of one fair-weotherworking day for every 30 tons of coal. Tho vessel named must stand A No. 1, and pass tho nsaal inspection by such officers as may bo appointed by tho commandant of tho yard whoro tho Rhip may bo : aud if not offered for inspection within three days after a notice nos boon giveu, tho department will makosuch other arrangements as will best subservo the public in terest. Tho vessel must bo in Philadelphia and ready to load within ton days after sho has passed inspection, and the noticoof acceptance glvon. Wind and weather permitting, the vessel will sail within five days after being loaded and tho bills of lading signed} otherwise there will bo deducted from the freight money, for each and every day’s delay in sailing beyond the five days named, a sum equal to the amount de manded per day for demurrage. Payment vyill, be made within thirty days arter the presentation of receipt* in triplicate of tho delivery of tho coal, by any navy agent in tho United States that tho bidder may select, who will be designated in the charter party, aul7'mtb4w &TntJsements. T/ffHEATLEY ,s ARCH ST. THEATRE. ” —Sole Lessee- ■ W. WHEATLEY Scale op Prices.-Orchestra Stalin, 60 cents; Dress Circle (no extra charge for Secured Seats),6ocents; Family Circle and Amphitheatre. 26 cents; Seats in Pri rate Boxes. 76 cents; Whole Private Box. $3; Gallery, 13cents; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 cents; Pri rato Box In Gallery for Colored Persona, 33 cents. Box Office open from 10 A. M. until 3 P. M. • J.M.B.WHITTON.. Treasurer. THIS (Monday) EVENING, August 17th, Sheridan Knowles’ popular play of THE WIFE. St. Pierro Mr. E. L. Davenport Mariana....... Mrs. E. L. Davenport To conclude with the laughable comedietta called STATE BECHETS. Doors will open at 7 o’clock. Performances commence at 1% precisely. “Walnut street theatre.—pro " » prlotor, Mr. WM. J. NAGLE; Acting and Stage Manager, Mr. WAYNE OLWINE, Prices—Dress Circle and Parnuetto, 60 coAtS: Upper Circle, 26 cents; Private Box and Orchestra Scats, 76 couts. Box Office open from 9 o’clock A M. to 4 P.M. Doors open at 7 o’clock: performance wjll commence at 8. MONDAY IVVKNING, August 17th, NAGLE’S JUVENILE COMEDIANS. The performance wilt co ulm e nc e with the , . , WELSH qi RL Jennie Jones, tittle Martha Wren Bubble, the Readle Litt te Frederick Wren SINGING AND DANCING The wholo to conclude with the farce of A DAV AFTER THE PAIR. Academy of music, broad and LOCUST Street!—Mr. E. A. MARSHALL Solo Lewee -The PROMENADE CONCERT at thla e,t»“ lishment is nightly honored by Enthuiiosm, Ponnlnr tty and Fashion. * THIS EVENING, August 17th, new and attractive foatures. M’LLK. SOIIELLKK, SIGNOR VIKRI, tlielr first engagement in America; MISS 0. UICUINGS MR. FRAZEIt, OAKL BERGMAN, and the GERMA’ NIA ORCHESTRA. Admittance 26 cents. HANFORD’ B OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut. Doors open at 1% o’clock—to commence at 8. Admittance 26 cents. VARIETY WEEK. MONDAY and TUESDAY, August 17th and 18th. will be performed, “ The Virginia Mummy.” WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, “ Tho Frightened Family.” FRIDAY and SATURDAY. ‘ ViUikins and Dinah.” Previous to the piece; Ethiopian Minstrelsy by San ford’s Opera Troupe, and Dancing by tho Sanford chil dren. aul7-lw THOMEUF' 8 VARIETIES.—N. W. cor ner FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets.—This CHEAP PLACE OP AMUSEMENT, ‘‘the COOLEST AND MOST RESPECTABLY ATTENDED IN THE CITY,” is OPEN EVERY EVENING, With a MUSICAL AND TERPSICHOREAN MELANGE, Concluding each evening’s entertainment with an amusing AFTERPIKCF. Commencing at #to 8 o’clock. Admission 10 cents. JOIIN O, WARREN, Conductor of Amusements. 3. B. THOMEUF, Manager and Proprietor. au!3-3t# George christy j s advent.- SPEOIAL CARD. .’ The Public is most respectfully notified that the cele brated and unequalled combination, tho GEORGE CHRISTY & WOOD’S MINSTRELS, whose entortalnraeuts for many years have been re garded as the > FASHIONABLE AMUSEMENT of New York, will make their first professional depart ure from that city since their original organization, and appear At the NATIONAL THEATRE, Walnut street, above Eighth, on MONDAY EVENING, AUG UST 17, and continue during tho week In a series of their une quailed ETHIOPIAN DELINEATIONS; Introducing that finished, original and eminent artist. MR. GEORGE CHRISTY. In bis most noted and distinguished roles in COMEDY. FARCE, BURLESQUE AND PANTOMIME. THE BOX BOO‘K Will open on Saturday morning, August 15th, at 11 o’clock, at tlio Music Store of MESSRS. LEE k WALKER, No. 722 (late 188) Chestnut street, below Eighth. Special Card.—This engagement is necessarily limi ted, as the opening of the new Marble Theatre in Broad way, New York, now being erected, expressly for this troupe, occurs in a brief period. This intimation is re spectfully presented in order that the public may em brace the few nights above specified, to witness this great novelty, an opportunity to do which may never again be afforded in Philadelphia. WAYNE OLWINE, Acting Manager. PARKINSON'S ILLUMINATED GAR DENS. CHESTNUT, ABOVE TENTH. PROMENADE CONCERTS EVERY EVENING, au 12-6 t Admittance, one shilling. American academy of music.— E. A MARSHALL has great pleasure in announc ing that, through tlio immediate agency of the justly popniar impreasario MAX MARETZKK, now in Europe, he h&H effected an engagement with RONZANI’3 Celebrated, Graml and Complete BALLET TROUPE, (Kromtho Theatre Royal, Turin,) Which will be under the personal direction of SIGNOR DOMINICO RONZANI, Manager of tho Theatre Royal, Turin, and Aetna] Maitre de Ballot, from Uor Majesty’s Opera House, London, au l(M3t WANTED-A BOY WHO CAN READ manuscript well. Applyatthe PRESS OFFICE, CARTER'S ALLEY, above SECOND, after 12 o’clock. aul7 WANTED TO RENT.—A THREE Story BRICK HOUSE, suitable for a small family. Tho beat references giveu. Address “ Rent,’* Press Office. nul2-2w# Lost— an account book for PORTER. A reward will be given by returning it to theN. W. corner of Beventh nnaShippen streets. AuMt# , H~ALL OF ST. JAMES THE LESS* PHILADELPHIA. A FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Rev. B, R. Sxtseh, Rlctou. Tho Annual Session will begin on TUESDAY, Sep tember!. Circulate may I>o obtained at tho Bookstore of 11. HOOKKIt, S. W. corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT, or of the Rector, Post Ofllce, Palls of Schuylkill, Phila delphia. auu-Gtu Leading criminal cases, vol. ii. A SELECTION OK LEADING CASES IN CRIMINAL LAW With not*? by E. 11. BENNETT ami F. F. HEARD Vol. II.,8vo: $5. Just published, by LITTLE, BROWN & CO., 112 Washington street, Boston. au!7-3tcd# George ii. Armstrong, attor ney AT LA W AND CONVEYANCER, 1,544 Lombard street, below Broad. auU-lrn# KNIGHT’S COOKING EXTRACTS FOR ilavoring Pies, Pudding, Cakes, Jellies, Custards, lee Creams, Blanc Mongo, Sauces, Syrups, Soups, Gra vies, Ac., Ac. Comprising Knight’s Extract of Lemon. Knight’s Extract of Vomlla. Knight’s Extract of Rose. ‘ Knight’s Extract of Orange. Knight’s Extract of Peach. Knight’a Extractor Almond. Knight’s Extract of Strawberry. Knight’s Extractor Pineapple. Knight’s Extractof Raspberry. Knight’s Extract of Celery. Knight’s Extract of Nectarine. Knight’s Extract of Cinnamon. Knight’s Extract of Nutmeg. Knight’s Extract of Ginger. Knight’s Extract of Cloves. Knight’s Extractor Allspice. Knight’s Extractor Mace. Knight’s Extract of Apricot. These Extracts are made with great cave, and are war ranted to retain all the flavor and strength of the article represented, in a purified and concentrated form, conve nient for all culinary purposes. Retaining their tlavor for any length of time aud in any climate, and can be used at nil seasons of the year when tho fresh fruit can not be obtained. They are put up in a neat and convenient manner for use, vis: 2 and 10 ounce bottles, and are respectfully recommended to the attention or House and Hotel Keepers, Bakers, Caterers, and the public in general Price 25 cents per bottle, or 5 bottle* assorted for one dollar. For sale by 0. D. KNIGHT, No. 7 South SIXTH Btrei t. Grocers and Dealers supplied on libera! terms aulb-lm B»AILEY & CO., CHESTNUT STREET. 1 Manufacturers of BRITISH STERLING SILVER WARE, Under their inspection, on the premises exclusively. CUixenaandStraugersaro iuvited to vMt our mauu factory. WATCHES. Constantly on hand a splendid stock of Superior Gold "Watches, of all the celebrated makers. DIAMONDS. Necklaces, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear-lUng*, Finger lUngs, and all other articles in the Diamond line. Drawings of NEW DESIGNS will bo made free ol chargo for those wishing work made to order. RICH GOLD JEWELRY. A hetutiful assortment of all tho new styles of Fme Jewelry, such as Mosaic, Stone and Shell Cameo, Pearl, Coral, Carbuncle, Marquisite, Lava, Ac., Ac. SHEFFIELD CASTORS, BASKETS, WAITERS, Ac. Also, Bronte aud Marble CLOCKS, of newest styles, and of superior quality. aul-dtwAuly ("10AST PILOT.—IN PRESS AND WILL J SOON BE PUBLISHED, tho following standard Books, viz: Blunt'e Coast Pilot, 18th edition ; Bow ditch’* Navigator, 27th edition ,* Shipmaster’s Assistant, 9th edition. Wo iuvlto attention to our new Spring Centre Com passes, which auswer for either light or heavy weather, and are especially adapted for steamers, aud vessels where the motioifia cousiderablo. They require fewer repairs than any compass now in use. Marino Opera Glasses of superiorquality. Spy Glasses, Aneroid and Mercurial Barometers. Thermometers, Americau, French aud English Sextants, Octants, Quad nuits, Azimuth Compasses, Binaries, Log Glasses, mid all kinds of Nautical Instruments and Books, constantly on hand. Also, Charts of all parts of tho world from tho lat< and beat authorities. Agents for Rogers’ American Code of Signals, Deni’s Chronometers and Compasses, and for Abbott's Iloro meter, and an instrument for working ont problems in Nautical Astronomy by simple inspection and w ith per fect accuracy. They have received the approval of ex- Serieuced shipmasters, and have been adopted by the ’. H Navy. E. A G. W. BLUNT. au!B-lm* No. 179 Water Street. CIIAS. lIALLOWELL & CO., NO. 417 MARKET STREET, MANUFACTURERS ANJ) IMPORTERS OF HATH, CAPS, AND LADIES’ FANCY FURS. Merchant* will find it to their interest to examiue our Stock bolorc purchasing clsowbere au!4-lu>* SPIRITS TURPENTINE—2OO bbls Spirits Turpeutino, to arrive, for sale by MARTIN A MACALIBTER, aul 119 North Water Street. COTTON— 200 bales good Middling to Mid dling Fair Cotton, in store and for sale by MARTIN & MACALISTER, aol 119 North Water Street Notice to passengers—t ii e SHIP PIIII.ADELVHIA will sett for Liverpool on MONDAY AFTERNOON, August 17th, at throe o’oloak, from Queen street wharf. Passengers wilt please be on board. TIIOS. RICHARDSON k CO, aul4-3t Thomas e. Baxter—hardware, CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No. 910 MARKET ST„ ftboya Ninth, south side. Philadelphia. .a l-6m JOHN N. REEVES, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, PABBYUNK ROAD, opposite County Prison. Orders for Jobbing promptly attended to, »ul-lm CEMETERY OFFICE, NO XX 118 WALNUT St , boIowFIFTJI au lltf EVANS’ GREAT GIFT BOOK SALE, No. 335 CHESTNUT Street. N. B.—No conneo tion with any other house in the City. aul-Sm CfanM&otea for CDffice. For cor one r— cm. thomas NAOLTY, of the Fifth Ward. Subject to Demo cratic rule.. aol7*lt For prothonotart of the dis trict COURT, WM. M. REILLY, of First Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. ' »ul7-dtses» . For assembly—John h. brady, Eighth War I—Seventh Legislative District. Sub- Ject to Democratic rules. aulS-tsepS* PROTHONOTART op the district X COURT.—WM. LOUGHLIN, Second Ward. Sub ject to Democratic rules. auls-Sep7* For as'sembl smith, NINTH DISTRICT, TWELFTH WARD. Subject to Democratic Rules. au!4* FOR ASSEMBLY—Second District, PER RAW J. COOK, Second Ward. Subject to Democratic Ru^a - au 12-10* LERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS— JOSEPH CROCKETT, Sixteenth Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. au i2-4v,* pOR ASSEMBLY—JOSEPH J. KEEFE. X* —Second Legislative District, Second Ward. Subject to tho decision of the Democratic Convention. auo-dtSB ’ , ' PROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT COURT, JOHN P. M’FADDEN, of Third Ward. Subject to the rules of the Democratic Party, aul-tf FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS—THOS. J. HEMPHILL, Tenth ward, Vine street, above Eighth. Subject to Democratic rules. auHMm* JOHN M. ARUNDEL, of the Twenty second Ward, will bo a candidate for Assembly, from the Sixteenth District. Subject to the nomination of the Democratic Convention. aus-cod2w# FOR ASSEMBLY—THIRD DISTRICT— FRANKLIN McILVAIN, Subject to Democratic rules. ‘ auB-dtspB OR CORONER—DR. FEODORE JCIER SON, Fifth Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. auB-lm* FOR PROTHONOTARY OE THE DIS TRICT COURT, LEWIS T. MEABS, of Twelf.h Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. auB-lm# ■pROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT X GF.ORGE F. MEESER, Twenty-second Ward. Subject to Democratic Rai ea . au 4-tSeB FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS—R. R. YOUNG, Seventh Ward. Subject to Democratic BuiP3 au-t-lm* FOR CLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS, SAMUEL C. THOMPSON, 6th Ward. Subject to the Rules of the Demoorattc Party. au4 w&* For reid, u7 U. Subject Democratic Rules. au4lm* F _ 10R ASSEMBLY—FIRST DISTRICT.— JOSEPH H.-DONNELLY, First Ward. Subject to decision o fthe Democratic Convention. aul-sw* FOR ASSEMBLY—THIRD DISTRICT.— DAVID R. McLEAN, Fourth Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. aul»taeB# FOR ASSEMBLY— JOBEPH HUNEKER, Eighth District, Eleventh Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. atl.lm* FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS— CHARLES M. MILLER, Fourteenth Ward, Subject to Democratic Rules, on aul t seS For recorder of deeds—george W. WUNDER, Thirteenth Ward. Subject to De mocratic Rules. &ul-sw# For recorder of deeds—n. f. WOOD, Thirteenth ward. Subject to Democrat!, rules. au3-te* rUERK OF quarter SESSIONS.-. W GEORGE SIMPSON, THIRTEENTH WARD.— Subject to Democratic Rules. aultsepB iHiscellimcons. ttTATE AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION. ►3 —AGRICULTURISTS, STOCK BREEDERS, GARD NERS, POMOLOGISTS, INVENTORS, MANUFAC TURERS. ARTISANS !! AU classes are invited to be come exhibitors. TIIE PENNSYLVANIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY will hold its SEVENTH ANNUAL EXHI BITION dt Foweltoo, West Philadelphia, on SEPTEM BER 2Sth and 30th. and OCTOBER Ist and 2d ensu ing, for thodisplay of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Swine and Poultry, Agricultural Machines and Implements, Dairy, Field and Garden Products, Seeds, Fruits, Flowers ana Vegetables, the Mechanic Arts, Domestic, Household and other Manufactures, Stoves, Wares and Inventions. —, M-UYCH, PLOWING MATCH ! ! In order to promote ak4f and efficiency in the im portant work of the Farm. & Plowiug Match will come off on the fourth day of the Exhibition, to which men and youths aro invited to compete for the premiums. To sellers and buyors of farm stock this Exhibition will afford & most favorable market. The different Railroad Companies will carry all stock and articles to and from the Exhibition free of charge as heretoforo, and will issue Earrurafon Tickets for the Fair week at the usual liberal rates. Lists of Premiums and all other information will be furnished on application to ROBERT C. WALKER, Se cretary, at the Rooms of “ the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture,” Ghesnut Street, below Seventh, south bide, up stairs. The*hooks for the entry of articles and animals will b open on and after the Ist of September. DAVID TAGGERT, President Penna. State. Agricultural Society. aul3-d t ecp 28 gALAMANDEK SAFES. A large assortment oT KVASS & WATSON'S PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED SALAMANDER SAFES, VAULT DOORS, For Banks and Stores. BANK LOCKS, Equal to any now in use. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, 4c., On os good terms as any. other establishment in xhe . United States, by , ' Evans & Batson, No. 29 South FOURTH street, Philadelphia. PLEASE GIVE US A CALL. aul3-tf BLOCKLEY ALMSHOUSE .—sepa rate SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed «• Pro posals to supplyllleef and Mutton for the Philadelphia Almshouse, until September Ist, 1858. will be received by the Steward, at the Philadelphia Almshouse, until 12 o’clock, M.» on the 17th inst. Thb quantity of Beef re quired will be about 100.000 lbs., and from welt fed cat tle, to be furnished by the side or carcass, said carcass to weigh not less than 600 lbs : about the same quantity of Mutton will be requised, ana must be from well fat tened sheep. Sound and good marketable meat to bo delivered at such times and in such quantities as may from time to time be ordered, to be inspected and weighed upon de livery. The Guardians reserve the right to reject such meat as in the opinion of the Steward and Storekeeper, is not equal to thy quality required for the 'contract. Any failure on the part of the contractors to supply the quantity ordered, the same uill be purchased, and the difference, if any, in the cost, will bo charged to the contractors so failing, and deducted from the succeeding mouthly payments. Payments to be made monthly. CHARLES MURPHY, Steward. For sale, or to let on ground RENT, tho Lot on North side of Hi/h Street, 132 feet east of Twentieth Street, 20 feet 4 inches front and 170 feat deep, to Jonea Street. Apply to aulo*mwf2w# EDWARD WALN, No. 702 Walnut St. Removal. —the young ladies INSTITUTE, formerly located at No. 48, now 54 NorthSEVENTH Street, is removed to No. 1711 VINE Street, west of Seventeenth, north sido, whero the sub scriber will be happy to see his former patrons and pupils, at the commencement of the Full Session. For circulars, Ac., please apply to W. G. K. AGNEW, au!o-2w ’ No. 1711 Vine street. Russia and American .tarred CORDAGE.—a superior article, manufacture and for sale by WEANKR, FITLKR A CO., an S-tf No. 19 N. Water st., A 11 N- Wharves. WINCHESTER SCOTT, GENTLE MEN’S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 706 CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, is particularly invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article made. At whole sale and retail, and made to order. aus-lyif Notice is hereby given, that Po licy No. 4202, issued by the American Fire Insur ance Company, in the name of Nicholas E. Thouron, dated September 12, 1853, for $4,000 ou brick building situated ou the west side of Sixth otreet, between Prune aud Spruce streets, bos boon lost or mislaid. Applica tion has been mode for a new one in lieu thereof. A suitable reward will be paid for its return to No. 26 North Seventh street. aus w4t# Harness, saddles and trunks, LACEY A PHILLIPS, Nos. 14 and 16 South SEVENTH street, above CHESTNUT, have manufac tured, expressly for the FALL TRADE, a larger stock of superior Harness. Saddles ami Tranks, than any other house in their line, and having reduced the mode o( manufacturing to such a perfect system, they are be yond nil competition for quality, style and price. P. B.—Country Harness makers can be supplied cheaper than they can ntauufacture. aul-im JAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, Nos. 16 and 18 South NINTH STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT., A large aud well selected, stock of CLOTHS and OASSIMERE3 aUayaon hand. AU Clothing made at this Establishment will be of tbo best quality, and in the most fashionable style. Particular attention given to UNIFORM CLOTH ING. au6-tf SHARPE’S MEN’S AND BOYS’ CLOTHING, 148 North FOURTH Street, between Arch ami Race. au6-ly —lOO casus of 60 half boxes lO each, in store and for sale bv IIENRY BOHLEN Sc CO , au 6 Nos 221 mid 223 8 Fourth street EMO V A L—AD AMS’ BLANK BOOK and JOB BINDERY, from THIRD street, to No. 635 ARCH street, below SIXTH. Dlank Bouks all size on haud, or made to order. Mag&iiues, Music, Ac., neatly bound VERY CHEAP. au6-0w SPIKES.—RAILROAD SPIKES AND K 3 CHAIRS constantly on hand. Orders received for Light Railroad Iron—2B lbs., 3J Ibl., 40 )bs. per yard. HANDY Sc MORRIS, au4-lro 8. E corner Front and Walnut. NOTICE-THE BUSINESS OF TWELLS A CO., and J. W. OA&KILL & CO., will hereafter be conducted under the style of TWELLS, GASKILL ic GALVIN, at No. 6 and 6 S. Wharves, and No. 328 N. Wharves. au4-lm WF. WARBUKTON, FASHIONABLE • HATTER, No. 430 CHESTNUT Street, below Fifth, Philadelphia au4-lra rp Enewland & CO., • LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME ’ MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Importers and Dealers in Oil Paiutiugs, Water-Color Drawings, Engravings, Ac. A largo assortment always on hand. Packing and removing Glasses, and hanging attended to. 601 ARCII Street, above Sixth, south side, Philadelphia aut-lra rp JACKSON, JOB PRINTER, MERCHANT STREET. CHECKS, NOTES, DRAFTS, BILL HEADS. CIRCULARS, And JOB PRINTING generally, at shortest notice and fair prices. aol-lm JOSEPH BLACK, Banner, Sign, Decora tire and General ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, N. E. corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, entrance on Fourth street „„ „ AIso—PORTRAITS, the size of life, painted from Daguerreotypes; aul-dlm SULLENDER & PASCAL, HATTERS ouMm No. 8 3. SIXTH street, Dbiliwielphla. /■tOTTON—IOO bales Gulf Cotton, in store Xs and for Ba f e fc,. MARTIN & MACALI3TER, »tl 119 North mt«r Street. MOSS —17 bales Carolina Moss, lor sale by MABTIN & JIAOAI.ISTEB, aul _ .119 North Water Street. fIHARLES MAGAKGE & CO.,— Wholesale Dealers in PAPER, RAGS, Ac., No. 30 South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. aui-lm ~-z •'Kfc'CSWV-v fjotels anb Restaurants. CLINTON PLACE HOTEL, BROAD WAY, comer of EIGHTH, street. New York THI3 ELEGANT MODERN ESTABLISHMENT 5s - now ©pen for the reception of guests, in the European style. SINGLE BOOHS from 50 cents to $1 per day. 'SLITS .: of BOOMS for Families from $1 50 to $lO per’day. The MEALS served at all hoan by the CARD, at moderate rates C. J. MACLELLAN (*' long and favorably known to the patrons of Jones' and the United States Hotel, Philadelphia,’•’) la associated in the management, and has especial charge of the Catering Department. Every attention ha* beeu paid to make the organization per fect. and our friends,, patrons, and the travelling public in general, may rest assurred that no effort shall he, wanting to make the CLINTON worths the faror which we hereby respectfully aolicit. aus-lm* WINaNT A CO. SCOTT HOUSE—Corner of I T wm Street and Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh. B. D. MARKER, Proprietor. aol3-3ra LOUIS B. COFFIN,— THIRD WARD HOTEL. (DEMOCRATIC HEAD QUARTERS,) South-east corner FIFTH and QUEEN Streets, aol-lm Philadelphia. WILLIAM N. KING,—SOUTHERN • EXCHANGE HOTEL, South-east corner or FIFTH and CARPENTER Sts., Philadelphia, aul-lin |~IHESNUT STREET HOUSE— SAMUEt MILLER, (Old No. 121) New No-831 CHE3NUI STREET, below Fourth, Philadelphia. au 1-lm HANNINGS 3 City Lager Beer ▼ T Saloon, No. 82 CARTER’S ALLEY, Pblladel- tones anti liquors. ALEXANDER y. HOLMES, WINE AND LIQUOR STORE, No. 226, Southeast Comer of GEORGE and SOUTH Streets. sul-lv \I7TLLIAM F. PITFIELD,—IMPORTER »f of BRANDIES, WINES, Ac., Ac., No. 323 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. . aul-lm Cl. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN FINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, Ac., 26 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. aul-ly BRANDIES. —Pinet, CastiUon & Co., Ma rett A Co., and other brands of Cognacs of various vintages, in half pipes and quarter casks ; PeUeroisin Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, in half pipes, quarter casks and one-eighth cask*, all In Custom House stores, imported and for sale by HENRY BOHLEN A CO., au 6 Nos. 221 and 223 South Fourth street. DITHMar & BUTZ, PORTER, ALE AND LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. 520 (new No. 938) North THIRD Street,Philadelphia.—Shipping orders promptly attended to. aul-tf ®obacca anil (Cigars, HAVANA CIGARS —A handsome assort ment, such as .Figaro, Partagas, • Cabanas, Sultana, 1 Gloria, Jupiter, Coloso, Converciantes, Torrey Lopei, Union Americana, Oregon, Flora Cubana, lec.j &«., Ac., in 1-5 and I*lo boxes, of all sixes and quali ties, in store and constantly receiving, and for sale loir, by CHARLES 'PETE, (new) 138 WALNUT Street, below Second, second story TJIIGARO, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS A SEGARS.—A choice invoice of these celebrated brands on board brig ‘‘New Era,” daily expected from Havana, and for sale low, by CHARLES TETE, (New) 133 Walnut.street, below Second, aul Second Story, Bales bn faction. Wolbkbt A Scott, Auctioneers. /101 CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE *±tAJL THE CUSTOM HOUSE, between Fourth and Fifth Streets. CARD.—We invite the attention of purchasers to the positire sale of the stock of fancy goods to be sold at 834 Cbesnut below Ninth street, THIS (Monday) EVEN ING, commencing at 9)£ o'clock. PEREMPTORY SALE OF THE STOCK OF FINE FANCY GOODS, MINERALS. GLAZIERS’ DIA MONDS. Ac , OF WM. C. McCREA. ESQ., AT 834 CHESTNUT STREET. MONDAY NEXT, 17th* instant, commencing at 7# o’clock in the.evening, we will Hell without reserve, the Stationery end Fancy Goods, consisting of Pocket Books. Pocket Knives, Porte Jfonnaies, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Letter Paper, Envelopes, Ac., Ac. And in continuation, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, commencing at o’clock, will be sold Mineral Speci mens for Cabinets, Glaziers’ Diamonds, Ac , the whole forming a large and desirable 6tock of Fancy Articles, which will be sold without reserve, and will be found worthy the particular attention of purchasers. SEWING MACHINE. At private sale, one superior Sewing Machine”, Grorer A Raker’s patent. NOTICE.—Our sales of Embroideries, Milliners’ Goods, Ac., for the Fall and Winter, will commence during the early part of the preseut month, and will bo continued regularly throughout the season, due notice of which will be given. lw John Baylis, Auctioneer, I\TO. 325 ARCH STREET, between THIRD 11 AND FOURTH STREETS. SALKS EVERY EVENING at 8 o’clock, Of Boots, Shoes, Brogans, Gaiters, Hardware, Cotlerr, Watches, Jewelry, Hosiery, Whips, Trunks, Fancy Goods, Notions, Ac., Ac. N. B. Terms of Night Skies, four months credit for approved City acceptances, for sums of $lOO and over with Interest added from date of sale. CARD.—Out-door Sales solicited of Household Furni ture afr dwellings, Stocks of Hardware, Underwriters’- Sales of Hardware, Cutlery, Ac. Consignment* soli cited to be sold at the Auction Rooms. Charges moder ate. Apply as above. Advances made on Consignment* of Goode. aul 1m NE. CORNER OF BARRON AND • SOUTH STREETS, above Second. • * - EVENING B*LKS. - BALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING, At pVioek, at the Auction Store, of Hardware, Cut lery, Housekeeping Articles, Clothing, Watches, Jewel ry, Fancy Articles, Ac. SAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, ao4 MONEY LOAN OFYICE, No. U 2 Soutu THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear st., only eight doors below the Exchange. Hours of business from 7 o’clock, A. M., until 10 o’clock in the evening. Onf-door sales, and sales at the Auction House; at tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL $200,000. Established/or the last Thirty Years . Advance* made from one dollar to thousands on Dia monds, Silrer Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Her ebandiae, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Waaieal Instruments, Guns, Horses, Carriage, and Goods of every description. All goods can remain any length of time agreed upon. All advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards will be charged 2 per cent, per month; $5OO and over, the lowest market rate. This Store House haring a depth of 120 feet, has large firft and thief-proof vaults to etore all valuables, and pri vate watchmen for the premises; also, a heavy insu rance effected for the benefit of all persons having goods advanced upon. N. B —On account of having an unlimited capital, this office is prepared to make advances on mere satis factory and accommodating terms thy, any other in this city. Money advanced to the poor, in small amounts, with out any charge. AT PRIVATE SALE. Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, and. Clothing will he sola at reduced prices. aal-Xy ©as immures. A RCHER, WARNER, MISKEY & CO., X*. Manufacturers ofGASAHERS. BRACKETS. PEN DANTS, FITTINGS, and ail kinds of GAS and LAMP MORE, GIRANDOLES, Ac.. No. 329 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. ARCHER, WARNER A CO, No. 378 BROADWAY, New York. Buildings fitted with Gas Pipes, and all kinds of altering and repairing of Gas Work. nul-lm* SVttornens at £nu>. T"|ANIEE DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY JLP AT LAW, Southeast Corner of EIGHTH and LO CUST Streets, Philadelphia. aul-lv Myer strouse, attorney at LAW, CENTRE street, Pottaville. Pa. au4-ly JOHN BINNS, UNITED STATES COM MISSION'ER AND COMMISSIONER OP DEEDS AND. THE PROBATE OF ACCOUNTS for several States and Territories. He is, bj law, authorized to administer Oaths and Affirmations to be received in all tho Courts in Pennsylvania. JOHN BINNS may be found in his office, No. 116 South SIXTH Street, opposite the County Court House, from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. aul-lm Haeelton AND SPRING MOUN TAIN, Lehigh, Hickory and Locust Mountain Schuylkill Coal for sale at KNOWLES’ Depot. NINTU and WILLOW Streets. anld-im COAL! COAL! COAL!—TAGGART’ 3 coa CELEBRATED SPRING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH J. * It. CARTER’S GREENWOOD, TAMAQUA COAL GEORGE W. SNYDER'S PINE FOREST SCHCYL KILL COAL. RANDALL & MEREDITH Have for sate, and are constantly receiving from the above celebrated Collieries. COAL OP ALL SIZES. There is no Coal mined anywhere, equal in quality to these, and a trial will convince any one of their great superiority. Our Coal is very carefully screened at our yards, and we will warrant it perfectly free from slate du*t and ull impurities. Our PRICES areas LOW as th* VERY LOWEST. - Orders left at our Office, No. 151 SOUTH FRONT etreet, above Walnut. Onlers left at our Yard, CALLOWHILL street, below BROAD street. Onlers left at our Wharf. WATER street, above CAL LOWHILL—or sent to either place per Despatch Post, will recebe prompt attention. Purchasers for Family use will do well to call and es amiiie our Coal before purchasing elsewhere. au4-tf ©CHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL.— I am daily receiving, at my yard, the best quality of SCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL My customers, and all others who may favor me with their orders, may rely on getting Coal that will be satisfactory to them. ItT* No inferior Coal kept at thus establishment to offer at LOW PRICES. ALEXANDER CONVERT, N. E. comer of Broad and Cherry Sts. Lehigh and schuylkill coaIT— DALY, PORTER & CO.. COAL DEALERS, No S2l PRIME Street, above Eighth, keep constantly ou hand, at the very lowest rates, a full supply of Lehigh and SehuylkiU Coal. > . au l-6m rjOAOU, ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP ,V * ™ to[ 7 ofE - W USSIIERS, No. 43 South EIGHTH, below Chestnut street, has become a saving of 50 per AnVwJS. oUr SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MER CHANTS, and also the convenience of having their old carnage Lamps new silver-topped and bottomed, and sent by express to all parts. aul2-3v JAMES KELLY, (Successor to "William Curtis) Regalia, Books, Jo* els. Emblems, Masonic and Encampment Chart*, Ac Odd Fellows’ Bail NORTH SIXTH STREET, below Race, Philadelphia * Orders from any part of the country, to ■James Kelly, promptly attended to. * an 1-lm :Air^IX'KOGERS 7 S'CAImrGE~RE^ POSITORY, 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, will be opened on or about tho 25th inst forth© sale of every description of CARRIAGES, to which the attention of the public is re<j>A''tfuljy called. aulo-llt Thomas parker, wholesale per- FCMER, removed to new number, 117 North S'xth street. loau BEAM. SLACK—ENGRAVING, DIE Sinking and Embossed Printing. Envelope and Seal Press Manufactory, S 7 Strawberrv Street, between Second and Third, and Market and Chestnut Streets. Philadelphia, Pa. aul2*lv * BALE ROPE.—Buyers are invited to call and examine our Manila Bale Rope, which we can can sell a* low as American, and warrant it superior in strength and durability. WEAVER, FITLER & CO , a« U No. 23 N. Water at. «uU22N. Wharres,