The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 17, 1857, Image 1

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    - BOUikkroa Bu:k.,-~ —.jm* & th«
, ■■- ,■* ««, 7
. <• «*,, ■■**.%s■* s&*s i v*
' ’Vmwm&kti
'-,£«»<iS!@*'i^‘,‘.^ 3: 'P'- t ‘<‘'': / il.,.i'".'.;l‘i*«
- '. ■ - , <£ : (tooaeaddrM*)..,. UOO
” *-»sw rimy , ■■■;-• .«■ -„ -» .- ;St '
JJ SfJSiSttjSSJ **»*» Stehmahlpa WASHING
TON and^BMANN 3 heretofore employed In the United
fitatesMall JtexttCb between New? wk, Southamptop and.
women.' y-> - r *. /- • ??_
These r ships ,with greateare, of ihdbeat
. materials In eterr, department, under/ the Irapection of
' ah oßceffh theljiLited'Stetee Huff? ,Th>x are/abpnt
.2,4oo tons tmrthefl,'.the dSneaßioM of the WASHING'
*>»-«« 230 fort tenrth,B? firtt beam* fiat 3Kfeet ;
depth 0/ hold, and of the IZBBHANN 2&. 40,*tid 31.
foot, '.-'s **■ u
Each Tessol, a fitted: fith soro marin*.4ade-lwrar,#o*j
73>ehes,,and;lofoet strobe *hoiWl
Ac., all- ih'caiapteterorder, fcnd U futftifihW’lrith coil
'of-jtovingilOOtftons.of tart, leaving
freight'»om ter>bont. fibw
w* good passenger 9OO persons in
eachsbJp;>;-‘^ : '-£i, miff. '■■ r-j r-v*.'.
'jfoar/anclwrirchaliui awJ nabW.
ta ft»- OUy. ';»•« Torkv «»t' 4*V 3r^be7
o»rt, M4.>h«« «a 4 ihi P ,sbU.M-tt<e,hlgh«rt bldd.t
Htthont reoerte. -, . v >i ; t . ,
<. For farther ai the' Office of the Ocean
gteam NayirtiibnCo:,llBonih AOUS AMsireet, NBW
YOEK,-!« i.-, •y>»u6.JNr-'
laoo ti>n»'.Yriujiii
Omoin,Ooim»»a(;r : ; IfSW YOEKi2,IS> &t»7Eaun'
O.uo.flp.jßmiiiJst ! ; fiI,AB«QSr,',l I te IMJiiio*! So*.
oi»i ComiMnder.. .Tto <3lMgo*,ji4H?S»
skip Compsojr Eit.nt'wuur'nim'W« stu poi»prfui
• -YdtlcjSjHSgf,fens.Wj.Uupon.
.iHM(rps I ,'W«l!ie»l*y, 'Aug. I‘^nooa.
.Nes York, B*tunlar, Aug. 22,12 &Joa. ~ • .; :
- ';S4inburg,fl»tifoUy. Sept. 1,, 12 übda.
.'ff-efri;; •*’«»«« oil.Eiadir.- f. j “ .4 rr ■*■-
Bdingbarg,,Jtinel7 0 ; uv -*;M . <\-\
1 B. . . rt .. ,‘
' .NeeMforVj ffttlr -- *. • v ‘
- JEdinhnrgj AiMt' ’Ki’ ,'u:
. i.r '•■ .. •" - -
V*. /BMW ©F'V»AMWB. >f . . . ,
FiwtblM*,t7s}‘tiiiid/class,'found'*wlfli coOkod pro- ’
7i»lonfyo3o..r An.-fetpeWenMd 4uTgeon attached to each
sisS? or passage apply Jo JOHN. MOBY
MON, No. IT Fork city bUla orgold
oalyreceU^dforpwage. / ? t- anlO.lm -
ANDFRANCE, 1857. -
X Kow York' And HATreSteAmtilip ’ Comp»ny,—The
United Stria JiUB) StrimshlM A8AG0;: 3,600* tone,
pevltt Llnea, comnimder, not yin.TON, 2,500 tone,
Jtmea A. wottca, conunscdcr, rill leareNev YorV,
Hirnud Soathnnipton,- for therein 1657 and '6B, on
- WATS,*
1867. - "
•niton, S*tnnUp,' Ann; 22
ditto, do.. . Sept, 39
Jolton, do. ’ Oot. lJ
Aram;.*? do;Nor.) 14
Jolfcn, ,'do.; ;Pee..l*
Arazo, Saturday.- Fan.' 0
Fulton,. v; -do. > (!: Feb. .6
AnigOj. , .do. MarchB
FtOton, * do7‘ " April 8
Arigo, /do;/ ’Mf l
FiUtonj ; dt?. . /; ,,;May 29
1857. ».
Arago, ‘Wednesday, Aug. 20
Fulton, do. ’ Sept. 23
A|ago,' v do.„i - f Oct. SH
Fulton, - Ao. r Nor. 18 1
Atago/ do.* 1 ’ /Bee, 19
Fulton, do. ... - JanJS
Arago, do.* ' Feb. 10
Fulton, do. Mar. 10
Arago,. do. . ; April 7
Fulton,’ do. i May 5
Arago, do..' Fuse 2"
Fulton* - do/* Juo«3o
Artgo. TueAdAyr-Aag, 26
Fulton, du ''ieSWtt ’
Arago, <, do. : , Oct. 99 /
Fulton, 7 do. NoV. 1?
ArMO. 1 do." Prolific
V ; .’vlBsB.■ ••
Fulton«> do. .. J&n. 12,
.Anwoi ' do. _ Feb. 9 '
Fulton/*-' do. ’ March 9' ;
Anf©,:4 d?>4 April.o >
Fulton.'’ do. ; May*
Axagd*. J> do; ;June 1 J ‘-
Ho. /Jttne2®\.
, rtioaor FABOAQ*: *
From' X6w : T<n* .to Southampton or Harre—First
Osbifl:fl»/BerondC&Mn;f?s. " ; r
■ Frdm- autr&' or .to New Yotk-/2lr*t
Gobla.soo£e*a; Second Cabin, 500 franc*. « -J.
FwiraWhtror apply to , • .
MlmtlMßß XSviNGaTON, Agent, 7 Broadway.
'mmhx-mm,: v « «* - hww/
- *FXPMBB' cAN©: FX-I. «**. ** Faria.' ,0
, CHANGE 00. > aa> y
MOtM**-W&i *-\t . y.V-y-,S*-.;" ■
The well-known. first, class side .wheel Steamships
-, form*.Weekly Line for.theSouth'iand Southwest, line'
of sailiag BJ£Ry;Si.aSJaD4Y, at 10 oteTobfr,
*" e'YOBXAVASSiitjaAH ■.->' '■
. m* B*iAMBkie.KEY«*pNß MATE. ■- ,
OffARLKi Jp, ViMwik Commander,; .
Will retire freixht oo Aajraat aOth, and
•all at id 6%10^f-Avll.
v tlmbtb&sh/p lwSgia, J.
- . Will retetee,freight *m\ TmTßfifiAYf lBJh,
Catta'Fawsg*luWthtfr 5hip..';.....520 1
- Steerage '-do , d0.i.i. , .i,.. t ;',i..;,;..., T 8 r
No freightjrfeceiredon Saturday morning. f j , Ta
■ No bills of ladtngsigned after the ship baa sailed.-o
For freiAto? «£«**&*?-/'» J -* ‘ '■'
. r yA.iJßfflMN,**a ttWorthWtarjrM.,;
Agents at Charlefton, T. 8. kT, O, Dodd. .
Agent At Bafaiwali, Or ArGfeiaer., " : r r
FOB FLGBIOA, from Savannah, steamer* St, MARTS
and St JOHNS, etAfj Tuesday and Saturday.
FOB sLOTiit>A, from Charleston, steamer CABOLI
NA«a*tey *v; . •
FOB HAVANA; from .iteimer IBACEL;
onthc4th*ndlvth.of,every month. . , ant ,
The new. vork and Liverpool
Composing ihfe Line are;
The ATLANTIC) Oaptf. Oliver Bldridge.
Tbe BALTIO, Ospt. Joeepla Coinaiock. ... '
• TheADRIATIO. Capt. <fam« IVwt.
These ships have* been built,by contract, expressly for
Government service; every care hwibeeji taken is their
construction, as alap in ibeireuginegjto ensure strength
and speed, and their dcbdtntnodatieQß for passengers are
tmequAl&dlbreiegaaeeandcomfbrt.v?" . --fi
Trice'of passage from Hew York- to Liverpool, in drat
cabin;fit©; insewnddo., sls*,'£rbm Liverpool to New
York, SO and SO guineas. No berths Secured unless paid
for. The ships of this Hue have.impjvyed water-tight
bulk heads. ' ‘' ,
v . Saturday, June 20, . ,3857 Wednesday; Jape 24,; 1857
. Saturday) Jbly 4. 'f 1857 July 8, , 1867
Saturday; lttl/18; 1857 Wednesday, Inly 22. 185 f
Saturday,Aug. 1, 1857 Wednesday,AngJs, ; -.1857
Saturday, Aug. 35, 1857 Wednesday, Attg. 19. ,1867
Saturday, Bept;l£, * ;1867 Wednesday. Bern. '2..-185T
Saturday, Sept.; 26, 1857 Wednesday, SeptJ3o; 1857
Saturday,Oci..lo, . 1857 Wednesday, Oct. .14, 1857
Saturday, Oct.-24 ' >1857 Wednesday, Oct? 28/ 1857
Saturday, Nov. -.7, ~ 3867* Wednesday; Nov. H, 1857
Saturday, Not. 21, 1857 Wednesday, Nov. 06, 1857
Saturday,Dec;’ 5, 1857 Wednesday, Deo. 9, 1867
'v'Wednesday, Dee. 22,’' 1857
Per freight orpasaage, apply to '
EDWARD Si OOLLIKS, No. 58 Wall etreet, N.Y.
BBOWN,.gffIPLEY A CO.;Liverpool.
STEPHENKENNARD/fc 00,, 27 Austin Friars,
London., , * -
B. W, WAINWBIGHT & CO., Paris.
Theownertofthese ships wiil'aot be accountable for
gold, aUTeyvbalUon,.specie, ecfons atones or
metal*. unless hills or ladWint. $ ned therefor, and
' the value thereof‘expressed therein ' aul*tf
August)—Tho ship PHILADELPHIA, Ospt. Obaa.
P. Poole, vUI sailm above. f = =.
Second. Cabin 20 -
' and Steerage PissengeniVurnish^4 ( irith
provisions, according to the American passenger Act. r
anl { _ ; THOB. RICgARDSONfcCO. ,
; ; anir ffit) ';
JF AND DBUGGlSWfnorth«b4at corner PIFTH
CHESTNUT Strtets.-PhiUdeTphla. aolß Mumfectort*
which is recognisedihd prescribed by the llbdical Pa*
culty/asd :has become the Standard YAMILY iSEDI*
CINEof , 1? . • .
This-Essence is a preparation of unusual excellence.
Daring dhe Rarambr 'mohths. 'no family or ttateuer
should ; hy, without it. ..In relaxation of the bowels, in
nausea, and particularlyjn sea *lckaew,.it is an active
and safe, as wit as A pleasant /and'efficient remedyi '
CAUTION .—Persons desiring an article that can be
relied.upon, prepared solely from pure JAMAICA GIN
GER, should be particular to aalc for <l Broirn 1 * £*.
what it is repreaeriteds aadU prepared imly hy FiiBJJE*
BICK.. BBOWN, and for Bale at hU Dtug aad Chemical
BtorernOHh-ciwt comer of FIFTH ud. CHESTNUT
Streets; Philadelphia; . and bf all the respectable
gists and Apotbeoarlea iatbetJ. States.... 1 aul-$m. r
MGIOTI andGSKKN atr6ati.Plilli«lph(»,D;
X. STAORHODSE ; Proprietor. .'Always otrbawLthe
choicest articles,of imUGS,, PEBPU,
Silver Sod* WsW 1 ifcrantafri
keeps.the water his Syrppa ap4=Creams are
acknuwledgedbj nU as being the richest in the city.,,,,
aul-lsa / ‘ *
ffenmanglfo unit Book ftiepitiss.
MBBOIAL WU.EtI?, 8/K,-.Corner of SEYK«TH
and CHESTNUT Streets. Second and. Third Stories.,. - -
LECTURES, Ac. ~ , r v .. .
Each Studdht haa fadindual Instruction frbtn tbmpe*
tent and : attentive Teachew, unier .the ;imnjediate
aupervislon of the Principal. . ,
Octfdf the BOst PenaJea in the Country has'eharge of
the Writing * .‘hL'e- y.i.u .
Please ml and see Specimen*,and get aOatalogue.of
‘ ; 1 ; , rf ,au^»lm
®otnintasi)jn iUtrc^rtnlSr. 1 ; ;
Handy- 1 s- brenner-^commibsion
.andDealcrs in Poreign and Atne*
riean.HAB.DWARB, and CUTLERY, Nos. 23, 25 and 27
North PIPTH atrect, E&st side, above Commerce street)
Philadelphia'; f ’ 1 ’ - ! aol4f ‘
V/ CRiNT 'aM; Importer if HAVANA SEGAItS,
VJ. ftStVt inform ttolf' frlond. tini fto trAda Oaner
ally that they have made arrangensenta: for one. of their
' Proin'in.iiTjrß.nii.iaJitarlOncoiirtS., pafmitiaiit rail
dance in ParJa or tifo, ef. 4kci toi aodrim .[mndnnt
Mn!t»l,thiTceaofferantuuelfKilitiatforTJlß PUR
**,. #f tt* Raropoon
, nurkete forahlpoiiat4iract, /.:• / i ..
- Ihojr afo alas jnoMnd to rocolre oWen fnagampta
■ ter no*eT» »i>i»ett};«»'fi«D thali oxteaaWe.iod noil
ftflTtra.CO.; Importer.,;!'M
•,,, ex%ofratn, stiSh S®*it iof-cHBSIn
uha -"!■;/// J-£/c/ :■>
>,< ’'i-irtuttyi -i
: ; yiE ttEmY press. •
Tko ty'ee£ty-l > {eipspaper in
i .1* / J-*#* ~ .
1/Grent laditcemenu la Clubs*. *
ida tbo Mtfc'cfAagatf the firsthubiberof The TTsbjc-
Ar Passi will bp issued from the City of Philadelphia.
ItrriU Saturday. ''
/-fan WucPT-Passa will becondncied upon National
uphoid ihe rights of,the States.' It
’ted trines, M .the true fqundationof
’publio jpriMperity .«ad social oj-der.. fSdob a Weekly jour*
sal has lp»g>«n deßlred ! in.the United States,, and it is
‘to gratify this: want- that- Thnj Wkkkly Pbbss will be
-‘Tag ’WebkiA Pbess will be ; printed on ; excellent
whitepaper,dear, newtype* and' inquarto form, for
binding; vS ,
ItwlVlicontoin or the day ; Cpirespondencß
. frtjra Neir; Domestic intelli
gence/Reports of the {rartotu Mwkets; literary Re
riewii; Jflsceliaheous Selections j the progress of Agrl-
CuUdre, in anits.-mioWdepattanentß. Ac. ■ >
; • C7* Terms invariably in %4vant*. , _
■F*l Wjtf*LF.P«a‘s iHll bc gent to- rebserlhers,
per annum, at ••••a? 00
,!^e^tycopies,.when sent to one address..... -20 00
Twepty copies, or address of eachsubscri- .
each, per 1 20
'‘"Foraclub of twenty-one, or over, we will send an
extra oojpy to the getter-np of the Club.
Poet Masters are' requested to act &s agents for Tab
/if will ettobm it a groat favor if my political and per
aosai friends, and all -others who desire a'first class
"Weekly Newspaper, will exert themselves to give Tn*
Wsbk£t'Pbbsb a lar^e' circulation in their' respective
neighborhoods, .j 70H2f,W- •
Editor ftoA£*?Pri?tor, -
_ t . FuhUcaUon Ofifee• of Ebb iUfmtoLtx, Pbuss, NustiT
Chertnat street, Philadelphia. _ .i/W -
MONDAY. AtTGOST 17,1557.
Mr. Bochahax was sixty-six. years of age on
the |3d of April last. Every biography irritton of
him during the last campaign staled this fact, anil
nobody would doubt'it unlesa . from a inallgnant
predilposUion..,;,, ~ ~ . ,■
“ Bratus” wholly misapprohemls ns. We wrote
him; folly hlin for his handsome list of
subscribers, and only decline acting upon bis sug
gestion beonaee it is our detemiiniriioh,’ os far as
“Time,’' old friend, “ makes all things even.’’
Hho Waihington Monomcnt is uncompleted, and
indeod ncgloctod. ■ “ Edward” can get ft full hls
tory.of iis pwent condition, and the thuseji of its
oondition,,by addressing Mr. YdiiKß.'ATi.Eii, at
■Washington City- .c, .
FintcnKn Wkbsteb haa not been retnoved by
Mr. jßncaurAX -Me is still Sarreyor at : Bdston.
JXKKgvKHiPAutniso/Soorobiry of the Navy
iundot ,i?foßli|ont yly. Bjragir, is not dotii., Ho is
at Hyjlo Park. New.Yprk, and
tSgluy years of ago on the 22d of Augnst, 1869.
Uie fscaltie: arc n'nimpaired, and ho is one of the
finest writersi ortlje 'day ott all subjects, being a
fast friend of constitutional doctrines. . ,
~ “ PiiEHa" was not wrong about Mr. Don-
BIX : a age-' We said bo was pot yet fifty. -Ho was
borp in 1814, and WSB, not, therefore, forty-foor
years old when ho diod
- QpoBQE PEinopT, the London American banker,
wasborn at Dsnvera, Massachusetts, Fobraary 18,
1795. - r
“;Who is the editor of. Hqrpfr’i, Wciily?"
If It isiiet Mr. ljnßohonß Bsnaavick, whose style
we think we know, we have made a bad gnesa.
n-.-Bith J.-BjuinouMs Coat end 'PmionoßW S. Fev
areholdlhgdipldmstioposltionsuhderthe present
.bne. at Wtpa,: the other at
a4nhv%Sj*iisedapid,.;PbAX is a Pennsylvanian,
andiiv a New Yorker- d r-h
■ i J«H»'KD«AB*ra6ifrB'oil, President of our great
Cenlrol Railroad, wa> tho ipianager Of the maim
Gecrgio rdad, W?orc ho eame here. „ ......
•t Vt)el»waro,”.
All jre knowis this: .Oommhdbrt'SrocHS'oA was star
far he Alexander.'
Aa to the Gotnmodoxe’s preoenfpoeUioa, we beiiove
hlra as eyer ho
■;wi&. ,; r ,-f -U ■''JhV.' v“
lihiii; hnt of'oourse, when tie does, it n.ll be at tho
of Music.
Ip “A Pbiehd..”—lVo have said, and we repeat,
that, oar columns shall not be olesed to a fair dis
ooisjon of both sides of any local or buslnoss toplo,
provided writers condense their thoughts, end give
a pllin caligraphy, and do not use both sides of a
'sheet. ’ •
Oi x Washington friend is right. Wo aannot an*
swei njl our lettera as soon as recoivod. Ourcor
resj> tndenee is vast. But will ho sond us one of his.
arti< lee of “Navy Reform” aa a trial ?
B, ,tox Roboe.—No! Senator Behjaxin’s term
has hot expired. “
It appears 'that, after all, Luigi Labiache,
literally, the giant of song, who was reported
dead, is do more dead than the writer of these
lines. - He-was; at Kisaingen, in Germany,
when the last accounts left, in'company with
Madame Sisoeb, one of his daughters. Not
being a particularly old man—for he had , a
robust constitution and, had 'iiot reached the
age Of sixty-four—he may yot live some years,
particularly as report says that he already had
derived much benefit ft o ® the waters of Kiss-
Ingen. The minor of his death, hastily copied
from a faffs paper, causedgreat regret to all
who kuew I.Am.AOHK, fpr he was n genial,
good-hnraored, pleasant companion. Tho
Queen of England, to whom he had attempted
to teach singing, was .much attached to him,-
and: long after her accossion to tho throne,
would'chit-chat and 'gossip with him by tho
-honjr—the singer, being talkative and commu
nicative, and the Qneen being extremely inqui
sitive,- as ! ;all' her family have been. Fmn
PiNpiff' (J)r. lVoicor) lias 'immortalized the
rapidity with, which Geohqe • 111.,. his butt,
used to ask question after question, withont
waiting .for' a reply to any. One of tho
monarch’s: most profound inquiries, on a
pplit . which perpetually troubled his mind,
(white he had any mind atail,) was to solve a
philosophical'doubt, as to how, without any
- visiblyway of admission, the fruit got into an
apple-dampling? Labuaghe used to speak
Very patronizingly, and even affectionately, of
Quijen Yiotobia, . and constantly lamented
that he had'been unablo,- from three slight
causcs, to make her. anything of a vocalist:
be said that, drat, she had no voice; next, that
she) had no ear; and lastly, that she had no
application. '' ’ . . ,
1 ijABtACHE is not the only person who has ]
beep killed fay the newspapers. In 1610 Lon- |
doff waS Startled by a posHive 'statement that
Loiil Bbouohak had been thrown out of his
carrlage near Penrith’, (which Is quite' close to
Brojighatn -Hail, In Westmoreland,) and unfor
tunately killed. 1 The details were given—the
•pla^e 1 of 1 the fatal ! accident described—the
nanies of the party enumerated—and so on.
This .wss before Professor Moesb had made
mankind his debtor by inventing tho cleetric
telegraph, and there was no way, therefore, of
immediately ascertaining whether the report
, were trap, Had such intelligence arrived in i
thojpreSent time, the postmaster of Penrith
would have instantly been communicated with, |
and the fact ascertained. The London papers
I—all 1 —all except The Times— eagerly published tho
neffs, and every one of them,came out with
memoirs, characters, and anecdotes of tho
noble and eccentric cx-Chancellor. As this
WaS .towards the , clpso . of thp week, tho
Sunday papers followed in tho wake of tho
and ‘expatiated largely upon tho
character of ilic man —as. politician, orator,
Uwjrer/apd man ofletters—and, on tho whole,
treated him extremely well. Many of them
aaiVthat of him, believing him dead, which
I they -never would have written while he was
! living/ Opposing his politics, they were so
generous as to bnry their resentment and en
mity, in his (supposed) grave. Like Zakoa,
j in‘f The Revenge,” they felt, « IVo war not
I,with the dead.”
.. Amid this regret, which was general among
the:opponents as well as the friends of Lord
Bb6uobah, and while the public were most
anxiously ,looking for the promised “flirtber
particulars” of the accident, a faint suspicion
began to arise among the newspaper people
that they had been —soldi By and by, the suspi
cion increased, and it was observed that certain
•p«i|oaa connected with The Timet, while they
jj§d sigjaWcantiy as if they
rknejw, agteat jdeal, and shook their heads as
Jiwdeltrasly as Lord Bvkibiou does in that
wSj K' ’* i - ’ J ■ . - ' -
solemn tragl-eomio drams “The Critic.” At
lasty down came, the surprise—like'an ava
lanche ! A letter Horn Mr. Ahked Mont
gomery, one of the guests t,t Brougham Hall,
Where the alleged, accident was said to have
taken place, simply, declared that the whole
Statement was—a hoax! A carriage had been
overturned, hut . without personal Injury to
hard Broboham or: any of his companions.
It was never discovered who perpetrated this
hoax. AAbrief letter had been despatched to
London when the accident occurred, and some
body there up into “Shocking Occur
rence! Death of Lord Brougham.” It was long
suspected that The Times had adroitly managed
the whole scheme, in order to have the laugh
at its rivals. Brougham had the pleasure of
reading, in advance, what his contemporaries
Would:, say and think ofliim after he hadpassed
away, and the opinion' was very much in his
fiivor. There were some who suspefcted that
Lord Brodqham himself had concocted the
whole plot j hnt this suspicion was wholly un
warranted. More than seventeen years have
passed away sinco that pretended death, and
now, far advanced in,years, (he will he 79 next
month,) he is as constant,'energetic, and .vigi
lant as ever in his endeavor' to consummate
the great labor of his life—Law Reform.
Only a lew months ago the religious world
(in America) were startled with the intelli
gence that the Rev. Drl Pusuv, of Oxford,,
nomiiml founder, of the schism called “ Pusoy
ism,” had been- summoned fronp.thia mortal
exlstdnbe' toi Immortal life. - The New Tofk'
papers, which affect to l)o groat on biographies,.
immediately rushed to tho “ Men of the Time,”
that very nseftd,compilation, and gtasping at
the few particulars it gave of Dr. Pusey,
worked them up into something like biogra
phies, serving the articles up, according to
custom’, as if they were original. It turned
out, however, that Dr. Pusey was not defunct.
The clerks in the telegraphic office, working
with their usual rapidity, had pui the name of
Pbsey for that of Hussey-
Instead ofEnwAkD Bovverie Pusey, Regius
Professor'of Hebrew and Canon of Christ
Church, Oxford, it was Robert HussEr, Pro
fessor of Ecclesiastical Literature in tho Bame
University,.who had departed td that bourne
from which no traveller returns. And so, Dr.
Pusey, was not dead—though recent accounts
intimate that his hoalth had much declined, oi
late. Though his name originated the term
(Puseylsm) by which a certain schism in the
Anglican Church is known,he did comparative
ly little in that movement. Dr. Pusey is a
subtle thinker, but the great man of that schism
was Dr. Newman, formerly a Follow of Oriel
College, Md a clergyman of the Church
ef England. He had boldness, nerve, and great
firmness, and literally ruled the doubters for a
long time. At last his convictions became too
strong to permit him td continue in the Angli
can Church, 1 and ho “went over to Rome.”
For some time ptist Dr. Newman has been the
Principal of the Catholic University of Ireland,
and a leading writer in the Dublin Deview, the
especial organ of Cardinal Wiseman.
■ These are some of tho prinoipsi cases in
which eminent persons have been reported dead,
arid duly honored with newspaper obituary eu
logies while living. Thoy remind one of tho
reason given by MiSs Gray to tho lato lamented
Mr. John Robinson (of lyrical memory) for
having entertained the opinion that be was no
morej it expresses pretty clearly the rathor
loose data npon'which personal Information of
this kind is often composed. The words arc :
For somebody one day ooino and said,
• That somebody else hud somewhere read,
In some newspaper, that you were doad.
Ladiache, Brougham, and" Pusey are still
living—ihough the newspapers have killed them
off. They have,ascertained what the world
thinks of, them, and it must, therefore, bo a
matter pf very little Importance (except to
themselves and their kindred) what time they
will really “ shuffle off . this mortal coil.” .
A curious action at law was tried at tho re
cent Assizes, in Derby, (England,) in which no
less a personage than the once fashionable and
beautiful Countess of Harrington figured os
defendant. This lady is not to ho confounded
with the Dowager-Countoss, widow of tho lato
Earl of Habrinoton, and formerly well known,
in the annals of gallantry and the stage, os the
Miss Foote who was very basely treated by
that remarkable reprobate, Colonel Berkeley,
now Earl Fitzhardinoe, and (at the last ac
counts) supposed now to be on his death-bed.
The present Countess would not look across
the street, we dare say, for fear of encounter
ing her sister-in-law, who had naughtily been
an actress, and, notwithstanding her stage and
other antecedents, had been most oxomplary
as a wife. Tho ex-actress, on the othor hand,
might truly boast, that, even if she had boen a
sinner, she had not slandered her neighbor
passing off, all the timo, fora saint of the first
A clergyman named Hiobmobe was appoint
ed rector of Elvaston, in Derbyshire, by tlio
late Earl of Habbinoton. Between this noble
man and the present Earl, who were brothers,
there long had been a feud on account of the
marriage of the former with Miss Foote.' El
vastonOastle, where the Habbinoton family re
sido, is situated in Mr. Highmore’s parish. But
tho Countess/of Harrington —who, having
ceased to be eminently beautiAil, has bccomo
eminently religious—disliked him, because ho
had been on intimato terms with tho late Earl.
Mr. Jones, a curate of Elvaston, deposed as
follows s
“On Sunday, the 22d of February, I went
to the Castle to lunch. I saw the Countess of
Harrington in the drawing-room. After the
ordinary compliments of the day, Lady Harring
ton asked me who was likely to administer the
sacrament on Sunday, and went on to Bay, ‘We
never take the sacrament from that man High
more, because he is so wicked a man; whenever
X take it I go to Elvaston, or have it adminis
tered to mo at Guwsworth. I never take the
sacrament here because of that man Highmore;
ho keeps the sacrament money and Dover gives
anything to the poor, and took tho money
which the Duke ot Leinster gave fpr repairing
the church. He is such a low anddrunken ana
bad character that Lord Harrington cannot re
ceive him. He is always playing at cards and
gambling, and encouraging the people of the
village in all kinds of gambling, card playing,
and debauchery. He and his wife are constant
ly rolling drank on the door. Should consider
it sacrilege from so bad and wicked a man.’
“On. another occasion 'hot ladyship Said,
‘How Can you lay yourself under an obligation
with these Highmores. Tou were 'told before
you came here wlfat they were, and if you go
to them you will not be acceptable at the Cas
tle. He keeps a most disreputable house, and
you must take care of your character and your
friends. They are always playiug at cards from
morning to night. They are a set of wicked
people. I know tho truth of it, for Sir Fran
cis Stanhopo told me he saw all threo of them
drunk on tho floor.’ I believe tho Dowager
Countesß of Harrington was meant by the third
On cross-examination it came out that while
Mr. Hioiiuobe was absent, from ill-liealth,
(which rendered him actually unable to take
any stimulating drink,) he had a curate who
was accused of having been intoxicated. Mr.
Hiobmobe was also examined, under the
English law which permits parties to ho
witnesses In their own case, and swore that
Lady HaV. rington’s statements wore untrue,
and showed why they must be so. But the
great feature oi tho trial waa tho evidonco of
my Lady, the Countess. It cortalnly shows a
wonderful aptitude for gossip, tale-boaring,
slanderous insinuations, and libellous asser
tions—exactly such as, in the time of Hobace
Waipoie, when tittle-tattle was everything,
would have made the Countess a popular
character. Here is my Lady’s own account
of what she did say •.
“I remember Mr. Jones, tho curate of El
vaston, coming to officiate for the first time,
some time at the end of January or beginning
of February. I remember a conversation with
him about the sacrament, asking who was to
administer it. He told me ho did not know.
I told him I should not take it from Mr. High
more, as I thought Mr. Highmoro was not a
food man, and that I took the sacrament in
iondon and Gawsworth. I said that he had not
accounted for the sacrament money. Those
were my precise words. I never said he had
appropriated it to himself. I mentioned Hr.
Thacker, the church-warden, as my authority.
A few days after he told me be thought Mr.
Highmoro would administer tho' ! siiprament, .
and I told him I should nit take itunder these
circumstances. He then began to argue with
me. I listened a short time and then told him
my .opinion' remained unchanged. I never J
said Mr. Highmore pocketed the money, j
There was no account rehderod, and this was >
what I meant. 1 said the Duke of Leinster ,
had given 10/. and tho farmers 20/, to throw :
opep the.tower of the church, which bad been <
used as a coal hole. I said he had not done !
what tho Duke of, Leinster gave the money
for until many years had elapsed, that Lord ,
Harrington, not liking to see the tower used as
a coal holo, had given the balance, and it was
done. I said thoro had been n great deal of
card playing and gambling at the Castle during
the late lord’s time; and there was a great deal ‘
of card playing in the village; but I did not
say ‘ Mr.‘Highmoro is always gambling and
encouraging the people of the village in
gambling and debauchery.’ I never used the
word debauchery; blit I said there had been
a very bad example set in the village. . 1 par
ticularly alluded to Mr. Collins. I mentioned
his name, and told Mr. Jones that there had
been two drunken curates at 'Elvastoni the
other was Mr. who only officiated one
Sunday Yho was there .two or three weeks. I
never said, speaking of Mr. Highmore, “Ho
and his wife are* nhvays rolling' drunk on the
door.’. I .alluded to Mr. Collins; that was
proved by Mr. Barron and Mr. jYliitakor, the
rural dean, who saw him drunk on tho flpo’r.
I did not say to Mr. Jones <How can you iay
yourself under, an obligation to these High
mores V I said the house had been very dis
orderly. In that I alluded to those pupils
shooting at a man of the name of Burton, and
firing, his coal with the wadding, for which
they lufd to, pay the man.,' I told Mr. Jones
that he had been- preceded hyi two drunken
curates, and that ,he inust> take care of his
character and be very cautious;' I told him
that Sir Francis stanhope told me that he had
seen. Miss Foote [the Dotfriger’Countess]
drank ori the floor;bUtl never saidthatko had
seen them ail three drunk, on ’ the floor. The
late' lord .was one’ of. the: soberest!of men,
and of course could-Pot say that As was drunk.
In the rolling on tho floor 1 alluded to Mr.
.Collins. I may have said that Mr.' Highmore
'had been arider at jdstley’e, but that'is not,'in
the declaration. By his Lordship t, I said that
I should not take the, sacrament from Mr.
Highmore because he was a bad man. This
was because he had put in two bad drunken
curates, and bis; wishing to double the tithes,
which the Chaneblior Of the Diocese branded
with the words exorbitant and illegal.”
Tho Judge, Sir Ceeswell Ckeswell, very
properly informed, the jury, that if they be
hoved tho ovidonco of Mr. Joues they must re
turn a verdict lor tho plaintiff) if, on the other
hand, they thought Lady Harrington was cor
rect in her deposition—supposing that other
words used woro not actionable—they must
find for tho defendant. Tho jury, after twenty
minutes’ deliberation, intimated that' they did
not believe tho Countess, by returning a ver
dict against her of $8,750 as damages. But
this is not all that she (or hor husband) will
have to pay. The costs of tho suit, on both
sides, are payable by the losing party, and
probably amount in this case to somo $2,000
more. The whole amount will be close, on
This ought to be (but will not) n great lesson
to such of tho fair sex as arc a little too free
in speech. As usual, a woman is at the bottom
of the mischief. Tho dislike of the Countess
to her predecessor, who was friendly with Mr.
Hioiimoke, was the exciting cause. The. Earl
of Habhinqton, who will pay handsomely for
his.wife’s freedom of speech, used to have con
siderable musical' taste, (when he was Col.
Leicester Stanhope,) and ho might odvanta
• geously get up, for his Countess’s edification,
the flno old glee, “Fray, Goody, please to
moderate the freedom of your tonguo.” “
What law-abiding and huy-loving citizen will
not approve tho following resolutions of tho
Democracy of Ohio, in tholr State Convention,
a few days ago ? These admirable declarations
of principle were adopted unanimously:,
Resolved ' by the Democracy of< the . State of
Ohio, in Convention assembled, That It is ono ol'
the first and highest duties of thri peripio of »
Republlesw, (rovermu'erit
tho country, whatever they may Bejuntu modi
fied, repealed, or pronounced unconstitutional
by a court of competent jurisdiction j and that
all attempts to evade or resist this high obliga
tion of onr national compact is an act of re
bellion loading to revolution, and should be
frowned upon by every lover of the Union.
2. That at this, the first Convention of the
Democracy sinco the ProsidontialElection of
1856, the Democracy of Ohio present their con
gratulations to the Democracy of tho Union,
who stayed tiio tide of Bectionalfanaticismwhieh
was fast sweeping the vessel of State upon the
quicksands of dissolution.
3. That we havo ontire confidence in tho pa
triotism, talents, and integrity of the National
Administration, and cordially endorse tho doc
trine enunciated by President Buchanan in his
Inaugural Address, to dispose of the slavery
issue in Kansas by submitting tho same to a
vote of the actual residents of the Territory,
as eminently wise and Democratic.
4. That tho'grcat doctrino of popular sove
reignty, first proclaimed by Jefferson in tho
Declaration of Independence, reiterated by
Mr, Jefferson in his resolve of 1784, endorsed
by tho Kansas-Nebraaka Act, as re-affirmed in
the Cincinnati platform of party creed, will rid
the country of sectionalism.
A German from New York, named Damen
boufr. committed suicide at tho Gibson House, Cin
cinnati, on Wednesday, by taking strychnine. Ho
eaves a wife and child.
f The Democratic Congressional Convention
x> nominate a candidate to represent the fifth dis
trict of Maryland in tho tios.t Congress will assem
ble In Hagerstown to-morrow.
On Monday last, Daniel Burk, brakcßman on
coat train No. 20, was accidentally killed on tho
Mount Fogle extension of the Mine Hill Ruilroad,
Schuylkill county.
fFor The prow,] The recent census of Independence, Mo.,
Thomas Jefferson’* Ten Rules of Life* shows as follows: number of inhabitants is 2905.
1. Never rut off till to-morrow what you can do P°" B ’ 40l) - Vliluo of oit * I,roJ,«'3r
*°"o S w.„ , , , Michael Kelley was killed in Lewis county
2. Never trouble others for what you can do 0 n the 4th instant by Patrick Mugan. Tho latter
yourself. made his escape.
3. Never buy what you do not want because it The persons who wore engaged in the Tnr
is cheap. t nor riot, at Covington, Kentucky, goiuo months
5. That while we look to no authority but
reason for our political opinions, we deem it
proper to expross deep gratification at the
concurrence of the Supremo Court of the
United States on the doctrine with regard to
the constitutional power and political rights
of the States and Territories which have been
iong maintained by the Democratic party, and
formally avowed by it in tho three National
4, Never spend your money bofore you have it. Mince, aro now on trial.
5. Pride costa ua more than hunger, thirst, amlv*. The majority of Colonel Garrard, Democra
cold. I* o '’ondidato for State Treasurer in Kentucky, will
8. We never repent eating too much.
7. Nothing Is troublesome that wo do willingly*
8. How much pain bavo those evils cost us that
never happened.
9. Take things always by their smooth handle.
10. Whon angry, count ten before you speak ; if
vory angry, a hundred.
The following lines are taken from Sir Humph
rey Davy’s Salmonia:
“I envy no quality of the mind or intollect In
others—bo It genius, power, wit, fancy—but if I
could choose wnat would be most delightful, and I
believe most useful to me, I should prefer a firm
religious belief to every othor blessing; ford*
makes life a disoipline of goodness; breathes new
hopes, varnishes and throws over tho decay, the
destruction of existence, tho most gorgeous of all
lights; awakens life even in death, and from cor
ruption and decay oalls up to beauty and divinity;
makes an instrument of torture and shame the
ladder of ascent to Paradise; and far above all
combination of earthly hopes, calls up tho most
delightful visions of p*alms and amaranths, the
gardens of the blest, and security of everlasting
joys, where the sonsualist and skeptic view only
gloom, deoay, annihilation, and despair.
(From tho Now York Times of Saturday.]
Movements of Mrs. Cunningham and her Cbll
The colebrated house, No. 31 Bond street, iastii;
oocupied by tho Misses Cunningham. On Thurs
day night Ucorglana, by tears and petitions, pro
vailed upon Mr. Gray, tho Warden, and Mrs. Fos
ter, the Matron of the City Prison, to be allowed to
sleep with her mother. Last night Augusta slept
with her. The furniture will perhaps be partly re
moved to-day, but it is understood that the girl*
will be allowed to occupy the premises, if they
choose, to Monday. Helen, Qoorgiana. and Mrs.
Barnes, with her two daughters and son, were the
occupants of tho houso last night. Tho usual num
ber of pollcomon are still in attendance.
Mrs. Cunningham took an airing In tho corridor
of the Female Department of tho prison yesterday,
and appeared ns if she had raado up hor mind to
throw off tho sham. But Dr. Covell, who attended
her on Thursday by dirccliouof tho District Attor
ney, found so many evidences of simulation in her
conduct, that he refused yosterdny to have any
thing further to do with hor, and by his advice Dr-
Fisk was sent for.
The two little boys of Mrs. Cunningham have
been for some time at Mr. Wright’s school at
Goshen, in this State. They have been kept la
ignorance of the now disgrace that has fallen upon
their mother. Thoy are truly to be pitied. Even
-those who oondomn the daughters must have com
passion for their little brothers.
• The fictitious baby at Barhum’s did not provo
attractive yoßtorday. Tho weather was excessively
hot, and people also began to think, nsonolady
visitor remarked, that there was no differenoe be
tween, Mrs. Cunningham’s bogus baby and other
The Domopolis (Ala.) Gazette , of tho 30th
ult,says: ‘‘Wo have been informed that Mr.
Joseph Chambers, of Texas, oommittod Buioido on
Monday last, by cutting his throat with a penknife,
while on a visit to the rosidenoe of Mr. Edwin A.
Glover, of Springbill, the ucole of his wife. Tem
porary insanity is said to have been the cause,
Wq learn froip the Jmerican, published at
Detain Md., that qd Monday morning lost Mr.
pMrtet SValters was found dead in his stable, hav
ingeoDtonUted sufoide' by cutting his throat. He
badbefnin o depressed-state of mind for some
time, and is supposed to hare committed the act
un «oi‘.’tho influence of insanity. On the same day..
# Welsh and cWIfl (wife and, child of Thep*
doifft welsh, living near State Ridge,) were return
ing name daring the heavy rain, In attempting to
'Sf 088 f Btrcam which had . boon much swollen by
•the ra n*, the carriage upaot, and beforo rdief
could bo obtained Mrs. Welsh and the child woro
• &(etter from Aiken, South Carolina, states
that op the occasion of a local elcotlon in that town
a fowMa-ya since, two men, who weroseen intoxi*
onted daring the day, woro killed. One, Wm. R.
RaxulMl, it i& thought fell from an embankment,
somp twenty feet above, and knocked out his brains
on a; railroad croes-iio. His leg and arm were also
broken. The other man, John Taylor, was found
stretched at full length botweun the. rails of the
r°4d, with hUsjcull I'rnctarod, and quite dead. The
cotpeatoher is supposed to havo struok him while
drpiik and asleep on tho truck.
,yiie trial of tho counterfeiters recently ar
reatpl ih Indiana u progressing in Ripley county.
Somcrof the scoundrels arrested confessed their
fuilt. and told whore a list of the gang, three hun
ted m number, could be procured. The list was
fouM at tlio ploce indicated, and the officers of
Rip&y, Dearborn and adjoining counties arc now
in pirsnit of them. A great many porsons, it is
flftimhave been taken with a sudden leaving for
Kajffyfqnd other new countries.
Tie, Princeton (la.) Clarion tells a story of
a sonhe fight near Oakland, in thatcounty. Some
of Uh hands in a wheat field got into a row, and
tholr ugly weapons so effectually that two
i xmqioore wounded, if not more dangerously, cer
taWy more fearful to look at than nny wo have
ovvaneard of who survived. One man received a
■wtippi in tho thigh eighteen inches long by two
inawi deep, and another was VYOunded quite badly
! in tfie chest. * J
! sovdsil Freemasons in the Cabinet. The Frcnna
sofn Magazine tells us that Gen. Gass is a Past
G*aM Master of tho Grand Lodge of Michigan.
Preudent Buchanan is also a Past Master of a
IjGdte at Lancaster city, Pa. The Vice President,
Hon Mr. Breckinridge, Is a member of Webb En
comhmont of Knight Templars, at Lexington, Ky.,
,and'the Secretary of the Treasury, Hon. Howell
iCobb, is a member of the Order in Georgia.
) 1$ is stated that a farmer in Northern Illinois
[harvested forty acres of barley this season, which
fyierded sixty-two bushels to tho aero Ho cm
plowed reaping and threshing maohincß enough to
out fend thresh it in two days, put the crop on the
evening train of the second day, run it in Chicago,
wh9bo ithad boon marketed at $1.60 per bushel, and
tools back with him s4,9f>B, the cash for the pro*
duc4 of forty acres in one season.
; The Goodwood, Race. — Porter's Spirit of
th* ffVwM attributes tho ilofoat of the American
in the Goodwood contest, to tho incapacity
jof Gioir trainer, Palmer, who is celebrated for
! f brsjging his horses to the ground so fat that thoy
I cannot uo themselves justice. It predicts that thoy
witt>Btlll win the day, after running unsuccessfully
enough to get themselves in good condition.
Life in London attributes their dofeat
tho wretched riding of the joekoy GiL
h'4 tournament came off at the Orkney
tlbio, on tho 7th inst., which is described
wr^h)r the Dispatch to have been a very
jptwsant affair. Mr. L. Rinkor was the successful
height, and at the ball that followed, Miss New*
Abq, of Orange, was crowned Queen of Love and
feanty, Miss Garland; of Lynchburg, First Maid
tf Honor, and Mi&s Millet, of Shenandoah, Second
Paid of Honor.
negro burglar who attempted to rob tho
foato of Mr. W. 0. Anderson, in Mowphis, Tenn.,
jwtorday week, was shotdead while attempting to
df*wl through a window. Upon tho person of tho
pegro wore found two pistols, one large knife,
ftoufe. powder, matches, candles, ondapookot-book
jbhtaining $25 Which ho had previously stolen.
Rwcoroner held an investigation, which resulted
j& justifying Mr. A. in killing the thief.
, The foreign exports from Baltimore for the
yeefc''ending on Saturday reached a total of
)32},523. Xaoluded,in 'these exports woro 13,402
Barrels of flour, 1.860 barrels of corn meal, 2,456
feiispels Of corn, 1,535 hogsheads of tobacco, and 215
3l tiorous, and 16 barrels of molasses
1 On Monday George Simpson, aged twenty
ax years, freight conductor on the Reading Rail*
jyM, was run over by a train of cars at Auburn,
Schuylkill county, anukiiled. At the time of tho
moment ho was conducting tho express freight
mm moving South. Ho resided in this city, and
tadjbeca married but six months.
? ponies B. Clay’s barbecue was a success,
nvfe thousand persons were present, and speaking
taa feasting were kept up all day. Tho principal
makers wore Honorables John 0. Breckinridge,
Jambs B. Clay, G9Y. Willard, Chnrlcs Anderson,
&>l| Preston, of Louisville, and others
;. : *she Tallahassee F/oridian of tho Bth inst.
StifoS that "judging from all tho information it
«a»wUb»tbfereneo'to the crops in that State, tho
♦WtoftttßitebhrUi’wt-'ii eiifikfloaoy of -corn
w?l bo rnodo for homo consumption, with nearly
if not quite an average production of cotton. n
Dr. Guinn, living at Col. Creed Taylor’s,
B»gy township, Ark., was killed by u runaway no*
g-o'a few days since. Tho negro who was supposed
U have committed the deed was taken outof prison
ly4owe unknown pur.-ons and hung.
A youug mnn, named Richard JT. Thomas,
•tasdrowned in tho lake at Chicago on Wodncxduy
asfc. ,In tho pocket of his coat was found a news*
iapcr addressed to Miss Amelia A. Lawrcnco, Mt.
On last Faidny night, a boatman, by the
mme of M’Caulcy, aresidontof Paterson, N.J.,
.vhile intoxicated, foil into tho Norris canal, a mite
)r two above Ilaokcttstown, and was drowned.
one thousand Catholics in Bangor,
tfcj, have recontly taken tho total abstinenco
fledge in response to the urgent nppoal of Father
I Bftbst, pastor of tho church in that city.
A patent medicine doctor paraded through
. the’streets oi Rochester, N. Y., the other day, with
.»beautiful pair of elks harnessed to a light car
Tho editor of tho Dubuque (Iowa) Tribune
sayS that “a man who ain't afraid of women in
theta bard times, especially milliners and muntua
makers, is daring enough for a Nicaraguan filli
rat.go souievflioro between twelve and fifteen"thou
, sanu.
A firo at Wcllsville, Allegheny county, N.
Y., on the sth inst., destroyed the (Jordon Block.
I Loss $20,000.
! Charles Poul was arrested at St. Louis, a few
dayß since, on thochargo of stealing $3,000 worth
of speotacles.
' The Junior and Rainbow Firo Companies, of
Reading, Pa., are making preparations to join in
tho firemon’sparado in this city in Ootobor next.
YTo understand that Gen. JefT. Davis is now
at his plantation, “ Briarfield,” Miss., but intends
soon to “ stump” the northern part of the State.
The firemen of Lancaster, Pa., are making
preparations for a general pnrado in September.
There are now only about 200 guests at the
Ledford (Pa.) Springs.
The Territory of Arizona'
The Charleston Mercury republishes from tho
Star tho interesting lottcr from Colonel Bonne
ville’s command of the 4th of June last, descrip
tive of tho Gila river region of tho Gadsden pur
chase, and takes occasion to throw more light on
that almost unknown region in tho following re
marks :
“ Tho popular idea that this unknown territory,
acquired by purchase from Mexico, is a worthless
ana barron desert, proves as unfounded and übsurd
as many other popular ideas havo proved hereto
fore. Records and maps, long hiddon in tho
arohioveS of the Mexican Government, and In tho
Jesuit Colleges, show thntjmnro than a hundred
.years ago this territory was settled by alargo and
flourishing mining population; and that at tho
base Of tho uiountnins, and along tho strenms, tho
ranolioro grazed his thousands of horses and cat
tle, whilo tho farmer raised luxuriant orops of corn,
whoat, grapes, and fruit of every variety.
“Thiscivilisation porishod boforo tho devasta
ting oaroer of tho Indian tribos of tho country, as
tho Mexioancivilliationin Sonora is to-duy perish
ing boforo tho attacks of tho Apnoho Indians.
“Tho recent decision of tho Postmaster-General
in favor of the Overland Mail Routo to California,
via 131 Paso and Port Yuma, will havo an impor
tant influence upon tho sottlcmont and develop
ment of Arizona. It is tho only prootieablo routo
for a mail, and tho wagon and stage road is but
tho forerunner of tho groat Pacific railroad. It
therefore becomes a matter of great national in
terest that the country througu which it passes
should be protected from Indian attacks, ana that
legal rights should obtain as thoydo in ourEastorn
States. * * * *
“ Tho population of this territory is upwards of
six thousand, and rapidly increasing. The recent
roports of Colonel Bonneville, U. S. A., upon the
eountry north of the Gilla river, which It is pro
posed to include within the limits of Arizona, will
give an impetus to immigration. They furnish the
guarantee that the new State contains the great
element of national wealth—-agricultural resources.
Our readers must bear in mind that the whole
valley and its branches, draining an immense
country, are cotton lands of tho best description,
and that it is virgin soil.
“ Arizona will bo known as tho Silver Stato, and
tho prediotion of Humboldt, that tho relative
value of gold and silver would one day be restored,
will bo fulfilled from the almost fabulous wealth of
the < Gadsden purchase/ •>
[From the Kansas City Enterprise.]
Mr. Samuel Maohett, of the firm of Maohett,
Lindsey & Co.,ofthts city .and ofDripps & Machott,
Fort Laramie, arrived in Kansas City, on Thursday
evening, haring leftFnrt Laramie on tbd 22d ot
He Reports Major Bripps and all hands at the
trading post irf good health ! ' •
Col..pumaer'ate^punwd.had, arrived at Bent's
Fort, and would leqvo about the 12th for the head
waters-6f tho Rdptifclteah, inbureiilt of the
Chevennebaijds. ,
Tno weather was extremely dry and hot, hut
grass was good throughout the route. - .
Tho emigrant trains to Oftlifbthia had all passed
FortLommio and wore in good health. They had
lo3t, bowovor, a largo number of cattle on the
Mr.Mnohett met the Pawnees with their women
and children at Fort Kearney, on their way to the
summer’s hunt. This tribe loat nearly all their
horses by tho intense cold of Inst winter, but are
now well supplied. Early the present spring they
made a concerted desuout upon tho Choyennss vil
lages and almost literally stripped them of their
slock, one party of Pawnees, olouo bringing i n
over three hundred Cheyenne horses A Pawnee
was killed by a Cheyenne threo miles from Fort
Kcarhoy and his scalp stuok upon a pole.
Buffalo were oxocedlngly plenty on the plains
within fifteen miles of Kearney.
Magraw’s W agon Road train, with Tim Goodnle,
was at Fort Kearney, all well.
Col. Alexander’s regiment and Spencer’s bat
tery, of the Utah expedition, were motat the Little
Blue, 225 miles from Fort Leavenworth, another
regiment at Ro6k Creek, Capt. Van Yleit, Master
Master, at Cottonwood,. and lteno’s battery at Big
The Choyennes are soattered in war parties the
entire route from Laramie to Fort Kearney, but
their principal rendezvous is on the head-waters of
tho Republican. But little damage has been done
to train?, as they haro crossed this summer in largo
bodios, and tho Indians nro nfrald to attack them.
All small parties, however, that full in tbeir way
lire cut off.
A man, named Foster, wagon-master of ono of
Majors A Waddle’s trains, was attacked on Little
Bluo bv ft party of Cheyennes, but, after killing ,
ono of their number, escaped.
Tho war between tho Crows and Sioux had again
broken out, and the Sionx have all left tho Black
Hills for the plains. Tho latter are peaceably dis
used toward tho whites, and have forbidden the
1 Iheyonnea from coming into their country.
Mr. Maohett saw several surveying parties on h'.s
way in, but hoard nothing of the muruors reported
by us last week.
Ho apprehends little damage from Cheyenne
bands, and -says that they will molest none but
small and unprotected parties. He says that all
parties are Bnngnino that Col. Sumner will Suocoed
in giving them a good drubbing, as that is tho
only remedy that can be appliod to this restless and
hostile tribe. He has five Delaware and three
Pawnee guides, who are well acquainted with all
tho Cheyonno haunts. Tho trade of tho plains
proves to be equal to that of last season, and un
less tho buffalo ate driven off by the tralua and
troops, tho reoeipt of robos next spring will bo im
Thoro is no news from Utah.
Indian Fight in Texas*
[From the N. 0, Picayune of Aug. B.}
We are indebted to Lieut. Wood, United States
army, who arrivod here last ovening, en route for
Washington, for the following facts, whioh wore
recoivod by him from Lieut. Ilood, of tho second
artillery, just as he was loaving Texas.
Lieut. Hood, company G, second cavalry* reports
an engagement, on tho 20tU July, at the head of
Devil river, with forty-fivo Indians.
He had twonty-four mon on a scouting party;
was informed at Fort Mason, from whioh he wo3
detached, that a band of Lipans had obtained per
mission to bring in their families, and if they en
countered any of the soouting parties they were to
hoist a white flag. On the 20tn he discovered teu
Indians, who raised a white flag. He kopt seven
men with his pack mules and started towards
them, and, when he approached within about thirty
yards, they immediately lowered their flag, and
some thirty Indians sprang up and commenced fir
ing rifles and arrows.
UEThcse shots wore forthwith returned, and a olose
combat ensued. Lieut. Hood’s men were armed
with yagers and ono revolver each. The melee be
came so oloso that ono of tho men, after firing his
gun, hung it ovor tho pummel of hia saddle, and
an Indian took it off.
Ho killed nino Indians and wounded ten or
twelve. Lost two mon, one killed and one missing:
ono dangerously wounded; himself and three men
woro wounded; and ono horse was killed and three
Lieut. Hood had seventeen fighting men in tho
engagement. His guide oountej forty-five Indi
ans, and stated them to bo Lipans and Uumanohes.
If Lieut. Hood’s men had boon armed with two
revolvers each, it is thought he would have de
stroyed thowholo party.
Perilous Descent of Aeronauts.
[From the Albany Evening Journal.]
Sheldon House, Fine Orchard, Branford, Aug.
11.—Tho quiet of this retired watering-place was
greatly disturbed this afternoon by the cry of “ A
balloon !” On rushing to the piazza, we noticed
.that a largo find beautiful balloon was in sight, ap
parently Found towards" th& Xdiig'lsland House."
Suddenly it rapidly descended, aud, to our horror,
tho car and its three inmates woro plunged in the
sea, completely out of sight; tho car, which was a
largo wicker-basket, being completely submerged.
Wo ftt onoo started our favorito yncht, the Aofive,
for tho rescue. The littlo sloop almost flew through
the waves, rind soon was by the side of the car,
whioh was being dragged at ft furious rate through
the water. Tho unfortunate aeronauts, who seemed
in oxoelleut spirits in spite of their mishap, gave
tho boat a hearty cheer, and requested tho captain
to Ho near so as to afford assistance. Thoy hnd
thrown out their anchor, but were drifting before
thirwind towards Governor’s Island—one of the
Thimble Islands. The yacht hastened to tho shore,
and the party woro on hand to seize the ear as it
{•track tho rock. It required the force of a dozen
men to keep it from ascending, its passengers not
daring to leave tho eur until the gas escaped.
We find that tho aeronaut, Mr. King, ascended
from Now Haven at ii P. M., accompanied by two
passengera, Mr. G. F. Tuttle and Mr. P. A. Pin
korman, who went up on a wager. The car was
well provisioned, but, in tho excitement of thoirde
sjcnt, their supplies woro thrown overboard. Tho
car, when discovered, was filled with a ohaos of
barometers, opera-glossos, champagne bottles, and
bouquets. The barometer indicated a height of
two miles.
Attempt to Blow Up the House of Providence.
[From the Toronto Leader of the 12th.]
Our city readers need not to be informed that a
large Roman Catholic building, bearing the name
of tno House of Providence, and intended os an
asylum for the poor, Is being erected on Power
street. Tho main body of the building is already
covered In; tho cost of this portion of it, we be
lievo, will bo something like £12,000, Last night,
a few minutes before twelve, some diabolical
wretches mode a clumsy attempt to destroy this
fine structure by blowing it up with gunpowder.
In tho room in which is tho principal chimney, a of gunpowder, oapablo, it is supposed, of
holding some two gallons, was exploded ; but the
effect, far from being what the perpetrators of the
outrage intended, was only to make & few unim
portant oraoks in ono side of the lower part of the
chimney, and to knock off some of the plaster from
tho coiling—thirteen feet high—and walls.
Tbo effect of the explosion was doubtless lessened
by tho wans of confinement; neither windows nor
doors being put in. The fragments of tho jar
wore found in the room; and tho coiling near the
centre is blackened by tbo powder. On the east
sido of tho building lies a heap of manuro, on
whioh nro the footmarks of tbo miscreant who com
mitted the outrage. His dirty boot also scraped
tho wall underneath the window out of which he
jumped. When once out, ho would probably climb
the fence of tho burial ground to tho east. He
must have gone in at the south end of tho building,
as thoro was a watch stationed at thcothor. There
arc no marks of a train left; and the explosion
was probably effected by means of a slow match.
Tho roport of tho explosion was very loud; having
buen heard by somo persons to as great a distance
ih Yongo street. The Chief of Polico visited the
sj»ot tills morning.
Lord Brougham’s House in France.
From a lottor In the Charleston Courier, dated
in June, wo take tho following description of Lord
Brougham’s house at Cannos :
Having brought a letter obligingly offered us
by our travelling companion of Avignon aud of
Marseilles to a French gentleman, Monsieur F., nt
Cannes, wo found him very polite. Ho left his
desk «t tho office of the Customs and accompanied
us to tho Chateau or Maiton de Campagncof Lord
Brougham, which has a commanding view of tho
Mediterranean and of tho neighboring oliffs. The
versatile Lord Brougham purchased or built this
on ucoount of the ill-healtli of his daughter, now
dead, after whom it is named. It is nut ft fow
hundred yards from tho water’s edge, nml is sur
rounded by orange trees and flowers. Wo visited
hm library rooms, whero wo found a largo number
of instruments for pursuing the study of natural
philosophy, optics, tho laws of light, Ac , Ac., in
which, as in othor branches of physical and natural
Bcionco, like Voltaire, Rossenu. Black, Davy, and
others described in his 'Men of Letters and Scioneo
who flourished in tho reign of George 111., 1 ho at
tained great proficienoy.
“Soon through tho pieces of variously-colored
stained glass, which I picked up on the tabl-j, the
harbor und castle, where the Arab ohiefs arc now
confined, seemed nil dyed the oolor of rose, ar.d tho
whole landscape was tinged with othor correspond
ing hues, v Tho effeot was most singular and inter
“ inud tho curiosity to noto what books were in
tho library, and I saw, among othors, tho Bible,
tho works of tho loarned lorii, thoso of Lord Ba
con, Voltairo, Canning, Paloy, Washington Irving,
l)avy Crockott, (London edition,) tho Puntouke edi
tion of all the anoient classics, Ac.
“ On the wall was his crest, ‘Pro rege, grege et. 7
A verso on tho death of his daughterwas insoribed
over tho door facing tho staircase. Tho sleeping
chamber was very plain and without ornnmonls.
The floors of the saloon wero inlaid, and two or
throe costs wero in niches in tho wall. The houso
was nicely painted in whito, and contained somo
eight or ton rooms. Thoro was an orangery on the
1 other sido of the main road in front'of It, also be
longing to Lord Brougham, with ft passage leading
to the water’s edge. When I saw the chateau, I
appreciated the hits of tho London Puneh , eofre-
Juently indulged against the owner, whose eulogy
will not make hero, though I am awaro of his
profound legal and classical attainments.
“ Lord Brougham’s knowledge of the niceties of
the French language is surprising. He speaks it
thoroughly woli and has written a work on It, thus
adding this to his othor wonderful acquirements.
Another acquaintance mado thoro casually charac
terized him as a bete— for no better causo, I pre
sume, than the old, natural and inborn Gallic an
tipathy to th q phlegm Bntanigiie,' or beoause ho
may havo
“ ‘Gorgonized him from head to foot
With s stony British stare.* ”
Detailed Report of the New Bedford Regatta.
{F rom the Boston Journal of Friday touting.]
xr^ e^^- tt^fc 'yacht.race at
No# Bedfordyeaterday, wa» communicated toonr
reader* this morning telegraph. Despite some
unfavorable circumstance?, it proved an entire sue
will rank fimbng the greatost and finest
exhibitions of its ohutacter.
The day of. the race, dawned most inauspicionsly.
The waking senses of thousands were chilled by a
deluge of rain from clouds that gave but faint war
rant tor hope of a speedy cessation. u The regatta
will not take place,”,gravely reasoned the
and many had settled into this con
clusion ;-bUtdcmhmUteeof eonsultirtnAonvoked,
and the result of .their deliberations was promptly
placarded about the streets, assuring the public
that “The Regatta will come off ” Thereupon the
umbrella and gntta porohu shops were besieged for
such apparel and .protection as was demanded by
the weathor and the occasion, and then commenced
the rash to the wharves, where numerous steam
and sailing vessels awaited tho pleasure of those
desirous of going down the bay.
The wharves and vessels were crowded with
spectators. Flags floated from the masts, light
houses, and various prominent points of the city,
relieving/with their pright colors the gray, dull,
humid waste of atmosphere environing the* scene.
The “Hew- Point Road” presented a black tine of
horse* and carriages facing tho harbor, while at
the extremity of the point was gathered a knot of
bravo men on foot and under umbrellas.
. Tho yachts, which had remained snugly moored
itV j* harbor during.the two previous nights,
lifted their anchors at an early hour, and glided
smoothly and beautifully down to the starting
point, at Butler’s Flat. The qniet skill of this
evolution elicited much admiration.
half-past 10 o’clock, tho Judge’s boat. “Eagle’s
wing; carrying about six hundred passengers,
the steamer 11 Island Home,” of Nuntuoket, the
Fairhavon steam ferry boat, the brig -Galveston.”
in tow of steam-tug “ Spray/ 1 the schooners “Fly
iug Fish.” “Cyclone,” aud “Motto,” and sloops
“Bride/ “b. 11. Scranton/’ and numerous smaller
craft, each with a largo complement of Ilvina
freight, towards tho starting point oT
the yachts. On board tho *• Island Homo” a brass
band discoursed eloquently, and distributed its
best notes among the fleet with cheering eflect.
At eleven o’clock, half an hour later than the
time announced for starting, the skies locked more
ominous and threatening than ever, but the signal
gun for the third clas3 was fired. This gun was
cither unnoticed or misunderstood, and a farther
delay was occasioned. In the mean time a post-
Sonomont of the regatta was gravely debated and
ecidcd upon. The judges’ Boat then passed in
front of the squadron, as tile yachts lay in line im-
Saiieutly to&lngoa the waves and announced the
coision. This was received with ill favor, and
cries of “Backing down.” “ Go on,” Ac., Ac., came
from the crews of several yachts. A Budden bright
ening of the skies induced the committee to re
verse their decision, which was announced to Com
modore Edgar amid the applauding shouts of all in
the vicinity. The signal was repeated, and at llh
25m 30 sec., the yachts of the third class got under
way. These consisted of tho Richmond, Bonita,
and Aiftlia.
At llh 27m started the second class, consisting of
tho Scud, Rebecca, Minnie, Sea Drift, Yolanto,
Madgie, Petrel, Oriental, America; Undine, Stella
and Spray.
At llh. 39m. Ssee. started the first class, consist
ing of the Widgeon, Favorita, Hirze,.Reatioas, Syl
vie, and Juliet. *
At the outset there was a strong breeze from tho
southwest, which, however, when the boats were
on the homo stretch, tumod nearer west.
After each olass had got under full headway, and I
were engaged in an animated contest to lead round |
the first stake-boat, the spectacle was ono of an ex- j
citing and interesting character. The Minnie,
Madgie, Rebecca, Scud, Richmond, Oriental, Ame
rica, Volante, Suliotta, Azalea, Stella, Restless,
Favorita, and Widgeon, all contributed their best
efforts to make the scene what it was. On this
stretch no boat did bettor than the white Restless,
which, in speed, outdid anythingof its oiass. But
the main interest of this contest soon concentrated
in the Hnzo and Sylvie, of the first class, and it was
observed that the contest, so far as time was re
garded, would lie between these boats.
Aftor passing the first, stake boat, the gun c&mo
out, and ftddea tho brilliancy of bis beams to the
already inspiring scone. Hero came the best part
of tho race. Here the Haze and Sylva, and the
Minnie and Madgio attracted all eyes by the close
ness of the contest between them On tho home
stretch the breeze stacked almost to acalm, and all
excitement iu the contest abated. The yachts
were accompanied round tho course by steamers
and sailing vessels. Tha judge’s boat returned in
advance, and near the homo stake boat, to which,
tho judges and reporters had proceeded, awaited
tho arrival of tho competitors, and announcement
of tbo names of tho viotors.
The yachts are classified as follows: First class
carry 3300 square feet of canvas and upwards;
second class, 2300 feet and upwards, but less than
3300; third class, less than 2300 feet. Each
; yacht sails within her own class. The tonnage
is not regarded, the allowance of time being based
on the area of canvass, as follows: One second
square foot in the first oiass; one and one-quar
ter seconds per square foot in the socond class;
and one-half seconds per foot in the third class.
Ten per cent, being allowed a sloop against a
schooner in the same class. , Tho prises awarded
wore two to each class, of $lOO and $5O each.
The sailing distance by the chart was forty-four
hartst vpnttfii
tioned at the starting point, off the Airajihoaso,
another half amilo west of'Wopeckett Island, and
the third about midway : bctween the Sow and
; Figs light ship and the *‘old Cook.”
The quiokest time, irrespective of any allowanco
for nroa of canvas, was made by tho Minnie, which
accomplished tho run in 4 hours, 51 minutes and 3
The following tnblo shows, in a comprehensive
manner, tho result of tho race, including the start
ing time of each yacht, and tbo time of coming
home. As will bo noticed, according to the rules
of the How York Club, “ the race is not always to
the swift.”
First Class started atllh 39m. s.secs.
Tons. Time.
Schr Haze, Grinnell - - 87 4.40.58
Pchr Sylvio, Stubbing - - 115 4.40.10
Sckr Juliette, Palmer - - 86 4.51.25
Sohr Restless, Thatcher - 86 4.56.34
Schr Favorita, Kingsland • 135 4.56.03
Sehr Widgeon, Edgar - - 101 5.01.09
Second-Class started at llii. 27m.
Sloop Minnie, Thomas • - 70 4.18-0.1
SloopMadgio, Loper - • 89 4.19
Sloop Bcua, Thomas - - 60 4.52.30
Sloop Petrel, Collins - - 70 4.69.10
Sohr America, Kingslaml ■ 70 4.59.10
Sohr Sea Drift, Uoftrook - 04 5.05.20
Scbr Volant©, Hauunond - 54 5,21
Schr Oriental, Bell* * - 55 5.35.30
Schr Stella, Tappan 01 5.54.22
Third Class started at llh. 25ui. 20fcc3.
Sloop Richmond, Mallory - 27 * 5.01.58
Schr Bonita, Urown * - 38 5.27.25
Schr Azalia, Forbos - - 40 5.31.03
The prizes t to two to each class, of $lOO and $5O.
and were awarded as follows :
. Ist prize. Juliette
Minnie . . Ist prizo. Aladgio
Richmond . Ist prize. Bonita . * .2d prizo.
The only accident which occurred was a slight
ono to the yacht Mystery, by which her main rig
ging was oarried away. The number of yachts
entered was twenty five, of which eighteen per
formed the trip assigned. Last evening tho yachts
were boarded by numerous visithrs, who were hos
pitably entertained by the members of the club.
Later from Santa Fe
The Santa Fe Gazette, of tho 11th ult., fur
nishes tho following items ;
From Mr. A. J. Larkin, who returned a short
time since from the States, wo learn that the fol
lowing gentlemon, with their families, have within
a few days past, arrived at Fort Union,
Mr. Gcorgo Alexander and lady, Mr. Samuel
Humphroys and lady, of Kentucky; Mr. George
Collier and lady, of St. Louis; and l)r. T. L. Ben
croft, of New Madrid, Mo.
These gentlemen, we understand, with tho ex
ception of Mr. Alexander, who resides at Fort
Union, crossed the Plains on u trip of pleasure and
in pursuit of health. Dr. Connelly and Col. St.
Vrain, citizens of tho territory, with Mr. 1L F.
Britingbain and Mr. George Smith, also returned.
ThoTollowing trains got in during tho present
week: Messrs. Spiegolbcrg <fc Co., 26 wagons;
Messrs. Connelly and Arnburg, 10 wagons; Messrs.
Webb and Kingsbury, 2'i wagons; Messrs. Beck
and Johnson, 26 wagons.
Other trains arc close at hand and will be hero
in a few days.
Lieut. Chtz, with company Mi,*' third infantry,
arrived in town on tho lUh instant, from cuntoon
iuent llurgwiu, and left on tho morning of the Bth
tor fort Defiance.
Captain W. R. Shoemaker, military store-keeper,
ordnunce detriment, arrived on tho OthfromFort
Colonel Grayson left town on tho 9th inst for
Fort Union, on duty connected with tho commissa
riat department.
Col. John Walker, Indinn agent for the southern
Apaches, and other Indians included in' the Gads
den purchase, with Mr. M. B. Carson, his interpre
ter, left on the Bth inst. for the field of his duties,
near Tucson Col. Walker is an additional agent
for tho Territory of Now Mexico, appointed espe
cially for the region of country included in the
Gadsden purchaso.
During tho week Messrs, Thomas G. Smith, at
torney, and James Barry, clerk of tho second judi
cial district, arrived in the city from Taos.
Suspension of Xn% {gallon on the Genesee Canal
Tho Rochester, N. Y., Union says : “We have
intelligence from tho southern division of tho
Gcncsco Valley Canal, to the effect that naviga
tion is entirely suspended on the summit level, the
water being entirely exhausted, and loaded boats
arc lying on tho bottom. This level is fed from
small creoks and springs, which appear to have
failed, notwithstanding the season has been a rainy
one. At present, no boat cun go further tip than
Belfast, where there is a Mnall feeder, and it is
thought that tho supply will soon fail from this ■
source; if it does fail, then boats can only go to
Orainc}, whoro tho canal is fed from tho river.
This suspension cuts off Olean boats from the Erie
Canal, and will provont any boats from the Gene
see Valley Extension and coal region from coming
to Rochester this seoson(J) we trust this an
nouncement of the ‘ drying up’ of the 6ummit
level of the Genesee Valley Canal will not affect
the price of coal stocks, which are now in active
Tho Russian Senate have just issued the
ukase ordering a, general census of the Russian
empire, whicb.will bo tho tenth since the reign of
Peter the Great. 6
The financial condition of Turkey has again
caused tho Government of the Sultan to soek advice
from Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, who is said al
ready to have guarantied large Bums. The Sul
tan’f expenses have been proved to bo beyond
*2,QQO,QQQ per annum,
Correspond tntsfor “T3Ujtoss”jriDjjleiaf
mla4 the following volse? - --
Erery communication most be ooCora panned by the
n * l ne of the writer. In order to innre correctnea? of
th* typography, lmt f&e of » eheet /koald be
Written upon.
We shall be greatly obliged to gentlemen in Penasyl.
venia and other States for cotttrnratio&s giriag the car
rent news of the'day in their particular localities, the
resources of the larrottuding coon try. the increase of
population, and any Information that will be interesting
to the general reader.
Fraud* la a New Shape.
The public have heretofore imagined that
all fraudulent transactions were monopolized
by Government officials, lobby agents, railroad
speculators, and the chevaliers of the Stock
Exchange. But there has recently been dis- '
covered a scries of stupendous frauds in a di
rection altogether unlooked for. The locality
of the transactions, of all places in the world,
is “Down East,” and the operator a ship
builder of great eminence. Frauds in the
noble art of ship-building have never been
looked upon as possible; but, if one-balf the
reports be true, of the villanies in question*
there have been frauds practised on a most
stupendous scale and of a inoat reprehensible
nature. The information that has been fur
nished to us is of a very particular kind, and
it comes from a quarter that we cannot ques
tion. In a few days, it is said, the infamous
affair will be made public.
The ship-builder in question, It seems, has
been in the habit of over-measuring his ships,
whereby he defrauded the purchasers of them
of large sums of money. Bis method was a
very simple one. When the custom-house
surveyor or his deputy came on board to
measure a ship, the builder's foreman was al
ways on hand to hold one end of the measuring
tape, while the measurer field the other. The
latter suspecting no foul play, did'not watch
the foreman, who having received instructions
from the builder, made the vessel measure as
lie was directed. Surprising as it [may appear,
this system of fraud was carried on success
fully many years without detection. About
three years since the builder was ac
cused of defrauding liis best friend and
patron of $12,000, and an angry cor
respondence eusned, in which some of the
private hahits of the merchant were com
mented on, and to save his own character he
permitted die builder to escape. But recently
another merchant purchased a ship from the .
dishonest builder, and, finding that she could
not carry as much cotton as he had a right to
expect from her registry, had her remeasured,
when it was discovered that she had been over
measured nearly 200 tons, which, at $6O a ton,
amounted to $12,000. A few weeks since
one of the same builder's ships took out a
new register at our custom-house, when the
difference between the New York and the
original register was found to be 440 tons,
making a fraud in the cost of the vessel of
$26,400. A ship he built for a foreign house
was fonnd to have been over-measured 240
tons, and, on examination, it was discovered
that there had been great frauds in her fasten
ings, which amounted to the large sum of
$40,000, which was awarded by arbitrators.
It is said that in the ships he built for one
house there was an over-measurement of 1,800
It may appear strange that such enormous
frauds should have so long remained unde
tected ; but a ship owner cannot afford to un
dervalue his own property, for the reason that
she would be rated down a letter by insurance
companies, and he would be compelled to pay
a higher rate of insurance, while he would not
obtain so high a rate of freight. Last fall one
of the ships of this builder was repaired in this
port, when it was discovered, on taking out
some of the hanging knees between decks, that
only four or five bolts in them went through
the timbers, though the heads of sixteen bolts
were visible on the outside of each knee. The
owner being fearful that she would be rated
down by our officers, had her towed back to
the place where she was built, and the repairs
finished there.
These are bat a part of the frauds which
have been reported, but they are sufficient to
show the very grave nature of the offences
committed by the person accused. The over
measurement of vessels is a pecuniary fraud
only, the result of which would be of limited
extent; bnfc the imperfect construction of a
ship, and the saving of a few dollars by a de
ceptive method of fastenings, are offences of a
very different character; they involve the
safety of human lives, and are fraught with
the most terrible consequences. There is no
language too strong for the condemnation of
such villanies, cor any punishment too severe
for their perpetrators.
Sale of the Washington Relies.
[From the Baltimore Patriot of July SO.]
Much interest was elicited this morning at
the auction room 3 of S. H. Gorer lc Co., by
the sale of the cane and spy-glass that belonged
to General George Washington. Mr. Gover
gave a history of the relics, and verified their
authenticity by a certificate of Geo. W. P.
Cnstis, Washington’s adopted son, dated 24th
June last- The articles appear to have been
the pf .a rgUtion of .the Washington
fffidfly; ivfi&es -aiicesfoM hep
the'will of their first distinguished owner.
The certificate, cane, and glass were all put
up in one lot, as the owner desired that they
should not be separated if possible. The first
bid was fifty dollars; « fifty dollars,” repeated
the auctioneer but once, when « one hundred”
was cried. Then the bidding became quite
spirited between three or four parties. It soon
became understood that one, at least, of the
active bidders had a peculiar interesting au
thority for his figuring. IFhen ii was finally
knocked down to Col. John S. Gittiogs, that
gentleman was congratulated upon his success,
as it was understood that he was acting for the
ladies of the Mount Vernon Association of
Virginia and Maryland, who purchase the rel
ics to present them to the Hon. Edward
Everett as a mark of their gratitude and re
gard for his noble and successful exertions iu
behalf of their patriotic cause.
As a strong evidence of the popular wish iu
this respect, wc learn that one of the bidders
represented a number of gentlemen of our
city, mainly connected with the Maryland In
stitute, by whom he was authorized to make
the purchase for them for some object. TVe
also learn that Mr. Everett had written private
letters to a friend in Baltimore, asking him to
bid a goodly sum on his behalf, as he was
anxious to become the owner of this cane, if
its authenticity was clear.
Two hundred and five dollars was the sum
at which the bidding closed, which was much
less than was generally expected, as the com
petition was quite strong. The owner had re
fused offers of much larger sains in former
years, and was offered, only a few days since,
one hundred dollars for them for public exhi
bition in New York for three days.
A !Vew House for the President'
The propriety of building a new Presidential
Mansion is being discussed by some of our co
temporaries. The location of the present
mansion is unhealthy. The river and low
grounds in the vicinity are fruitful of chills and
fever. Few occupants of the White Bouse
have escaped sickness in the summer. Mr.
Buchanan has prudently retired to the country
for the season, coming into the city every day
for the transaction of business. It *l3 suggested
that the present building might be used as the
official residence of the President—the place
where foreign minister?, government officials,
and all having business with the Executive
should see him—whilst a private residence for
him should be erected in a healthy and retired
place, somewhere in the immediate neighbor
hood of Washington. We warmly approve of
the plan, and so, we think, will everybody who
understands the matter.
It is also proposed to erect residences for tho
several cabinet officers. This, too, should bo
done. No newly appointed member of the
cabinet ought to be compelled to run around
Washington on hunt of a house. As it is,
cabinet officers are constantly changing their
residences, and nobody knows where to find
them. If suitable houses were erected, even'
gentleman who accepted a cabinet office would
be sure of having a roof over his family’s hud
when he entered upon the discharge of his
duties. —Valley Spirit , August 12.
Yacht Voyage to Liverpool.
The Liverpool Post f in its issue of July 29,
says:—“The arrival at this port yesterday of
the yacht Charter Oak, from New York, fur
nishes a striking proof of what perseverance
can accomplish, and shows to us English the
sort of stuff our trans-Atlantic cousins are made
of. Tho Charter Oak is a little vessel, forty
three feet long, thirteen feet wide, five feet
three inches deep, and measures twenty-three
tons. She was built and rigged by her captain
and owner, Mr. Webb, in Connecticut, and by
him and one man brought safely across the
stormy Atlantic, in thirty-seven ’days. She
started with the captain and two men, but one
of them was unfortunately lost overboard the
first day. To most men this would have been
enough to frighten them off this perilous en
terprise, but our two undaunted navigators
(one of whom had never been at sea before)
were not to be frightened. Without a chro
nometer, (for no one would trust one in so
frail a conveyance,) without a chart of the
coast they were steering for, these two men
pursued their dangerous way, through several
storms, and reached Liverpool in the time
PnosEiTTisii uf I.vdja. —We believe we mar
o«quit the missionaries of having administered un
due excitement. To speak the truth, their ill
success has been so signal as to be a complete
answer to tho insinuations of Lord
But there is another kind of proselytism which Sa 3
become extremely dangerous— proselytism, direct
or indirect, by officers and their wives. The alter
ed and (we may add) the improved moral condition
of military society, through tho augmenta
tion in the number of married officer?, has been
balanced by many inconvenience occasioned by
the religious enthusiasm which tho Indies hare car
ried with them into the cantonments. A Scottish
Free Kirk woman married to a Bengal officer might
have been profitably insured against by the East
India Company at a quarter of a million sterling
•Saturday Rev,