rg?Nl»MlW«forittM »Wt3JwHs*w» **•*«•*#* ' v '* : ' J'#ili'4f 'r<i'hew thrtam whw., - ratielnat«fcTit/u*ißvenwhoa WB WQ.tiut bisdlliuil ■ ” "‘".“s* •*&. m int{i/letioiito"hl« kewt, ire h«, r»th,r an. --■ eiaiffia M’Elty'fo? klurrkwr »»y other feeltng.i We 'V' ’1 -Zslm»3ilftei too,‘that Btwk ! m«k : »r6 oitfal jl tkat A .TtkCTSSrf'ta k.eb Acheckupotttke - ; fiaet& ioiaeiel arid to 'nrott'ct ahdfortlfr - >;? ; v> L V7‘ ,who caroikMjytt* by*S • <* ;_ tiwtrX ; evil pwgao»«<*tions is -thalr pv« t'-T ?-t’^^.j^ji4y l i i|afi'4y‘ l frbt47^tt4' , .4iid detefcnliffttib^ 7 ttkk * bring „ ,b«! ■'kMktiest \ j6*wwfe Hewfro sf*=*■>wilfully circalicfts;*hat he knows tfrb*’U» charge*of of. the bms ’jjVflWf®* Wd ruin, for the mtanlend'-of depresjdhg theirfJue of the stocks he and his' ftfebdil' haVe to'fantfßh—he wbohy such mae«w«-’Bijfi»e^B ; ia depreraJhg credit,‘ih promoting .afeeling of'comm erci»Cins«?urity jand.Wkeeplng,the public mind in astate o£-feveriab*nxiety upon financial m&tertjis enemytothe people than any who may ihe’Seld against the country: : With respect toauchW he, tlw. uaiverMi feeling ahouidhe, th&t he is an lkhmseUte--that hUhaadis against every '' : 1 th&t e^ery.man’s hand should, be hgainst him. keeping' In .OhWhalf the ~/,: Who uniuapcciingly copy - - • , ‘iheSe ’direful interim of ruin. to .eomey without appre l :t lelOahnflM thit prwlpicea Whole, " r eohniry for thV last half year has inuhscCounti *>. often assigned,* j-'/Wshr*pe*tkUy. come,' and the onlyresult apparentto the’ y : ' He'in immediate new is&uebf croaking* and false, *’: ‘y ntw .iaidnlght.. ciy tV“betnwW of the’ Wv ? .over .the land ; i j l i-. : ?hayftbeen straightened, loans havnlbeeh unduly, high, \’ 7V-^ W ll( i titnld'~iiui i your eapitalists are over • f' tlielr, money whero 1 it , 6<wdiK>t heneflt struggling ,, - 7 ‘ . people, have been sufferere—the hopeful earnest ; W*MfE^ ; : bare Iftwt' freely bled by the usurersWtbMfl ’ .*X' 11 ** H»«» their . r v ?aSmenl»bjrtiic siJe .of Btocks have bi®h the Iw^aj: . 7 H*: • --JjsB«lV/aiAvrthe7< , r^pew‘of <the, : harTei<.‘--How 'iohg l ' ■ * - * rTJ . A v t of.the of, - . nteM for ihe coinage of aeir.eent, There is no . ' [ i .reasonable- doubt thatthe supplyibhilahed by oor oVn " ' J boiihtryWillsxiffic« tor coinage Withoni th^h^&esai^ ojfinipotttaiOTi!^'j-.,':: /, ‘i'J' • 1 ,i ■ c . r. , the.o&cri Michigan Southern. Baflrnad Com. ‘7pahy have’replied'to the letter Wf the Comini tt6e of the' New york Board; of Brokeijj to -relation . tp; the allega ; _ ti'ons of an over jMae br ; Btock.'. They show, that there . has, been no peer issue of stock in the sense of the charge -• made} that authorised to- Issue |12,000,000 of ‘stock, and have isstied imt -The iterate and ' otbffrp*!*!*making' tMa chirge have'** backed water”, 1 in a furious style, and.whittled and explained the chargo ' dowtt to no charge at all. • U • >* . The ism •of $30,000 advertised by .Jhe Sfaine State Treasurer his been .taken up at ah ft Tera * e of more th*n per premium.’' Bids were offered for an amount excpadingsloQ,ooQ, v . -v. •>,/•..: _• j The ‘ ebai tonnage from the Bctmyikill region this , < we®k> to 84,648 tons, against 82,060 ■ tons jin,the corres-. ' ■ - ponding week' last year. /‘Theßeading Gotapany brought down 43,208 ions, ag&insi 31}278 tons in the correspond* A ,’ing'week fast year, : aud th 9 Nii i rlg 1 41,144 ' tons, against«),322 tons, last’year?' The. aggregate,ton nage by both lines tp date,.compares with last year as i-.follower ' " r '.v~. - i - ■ 1850 ;. i 867 .• • ’. 3 1,333,244 1,209,323 ‘ dec. 123,921 . . SehxyrlSiUjraii., '- ,612,600 . ,084,260 i nc . 72J200, 1 1,945,244 1,823,683 deb. : &1.661 ,The Anthracite Coal Trade, .from the and Schuylkill regions, for the past week 4 anidt season, has c> ::.heen as follows: - • • v - * 1857. , ' 1858. week. Season. Week. Bean nn 4 : L*hi#hCimal...;...Bs,lW-4n,9W 28,468 ?2?m ' - Xekigh Tftl, B. E..i10,W9 ' 273,1 M ' 5 096 72 839 . - SehUyUdll Canal—4l,l44 684,261 30.322 812 001 - Beating. Railroad/. .43,204 1,209,324 51,723 1,3^,244 . ;t yl. ; -188,489 3,638,773 1 115,612 2a5j267 - 6X6 '' ■“ °. »&Uy bat &e break in-the Belaware DWl '; {jjterTaptlon in the trade of the; • 1 XehlghOanalso great ta to sensibly affect the receipts . 1 ; > .V. . j fe. The following curious cause is assigned tor the flnan -1 ;Uf rialpiulcih Cpbai; K l j\'t //;,? ?\y ; >;3f'. A. ri<lt banker was indebted ,to' a poor house paluter in the sum of $1)000 for work. Payment was postponed * and the debtor then sumsionM be j ri ibrsan alcalde .* / The alcalde wasat the head of a rival ?v> b*aky and his Citations (three summonses being issued) were not noticed by the defendant. The latter was eventually fined ssfor,contempt t andTBpUed by drawing onthe. 515,000, Thedraftwascnotpald, it ‘befog alleged that the defen-' dant had 3iot? onysuch sums, in the: coffers of the Cuja --v ;The fact'havlng been, reported ' abroad/ / “dpepplbigct alarmed? when n.gencraL nw on all the ‘4'' Tribune says that.a party in New york Received htjjk the Ms tf the: panife: In Cuba bytelegraph from New , x Orteaqii, and Wiy all the donW ‘s6mo 20,000, at $l7, that the price > Sli' ■ \ - * thb Ser. J air. JaHb>-of4>fiddletdvtt^ y acceptances pf the Chicago, St, Paul andFpnddu Lac BailroadCompany, ■ .r ; : ;,on'wiiickhe lihnf6rthn^tely:kriehdo'H^i s yl>^m < lig ! i^l .. .patient, have proceeded against him byattachmeat. " c The Boston and Maine railroad ; to%,ys&r.enting ,&»* 3,.1867,werr ; $800,914. The regular expenses, 7 including $17,000 for depreciation for veiling stock/ &&{sl6 t ooofo£ widening Charles River ;- rM * bridge, were. f )i'Sel surplus of latter sum'dedact..sl6,ooo forre - .; r Micealaof ralLenow* being re-lald/anA $248,242 which yhas been" paid in.two 3 W eent.saml-annual dividends, . )\ r and the»U a Surplus reraainiag ofsl 88,011; i • .', 7. ; ' sfhe privAte'banking house of Coates, ;byrcnfurth & ; (k,,»iCblc«L§o,bAS been closed.' Oneoftbepartoers V >; ; sp*eaUtiag lieaTilj, su'd ; the' bink failed in • 1 '.lit''’ /; - . r-i Th» following is.Thuwiay’a ‘btuilnwii it' the oflce of tie AttlftintfTreaeurolnNew York: 5299,677 S 2 ' Payments.,....;-.. .. --272,483 68 - 8iUnce...;...,; ....12,813,909,24 - The earning* oT the Chicago, £t. Paul end Fond dtt Lac JUHroid Company Tfere ' July, 1857...;... July, ,1856.;;.;,.. I 'lncrease;''.'...'.';.. ..,....',*27,OSS 1$ “ 7 ■,* :-Y .The earnings of the Michigan. Central JUilmd Com** paayfor July, 1857, were $213,686 S 8; jolyl858; $330,701 ' " ' 17, , r '■ ; ; , TheNiagaraFlre Insurance‘Company, his declared a* -I:.-Jflmi«anxra*l dividend’; of ;l0 per, .cent, the Indemnity' fiM Insurance Co;, 5 percent., and the-M&nh&tl*nLife ‘ r; ’ It&ashad 1 a 1 liberal, patyriake bom this ;, ■ ;Insurance Co,-jfluranee Co,, a semi-annual;of 8 per cent." ■ The; return from the Bank of England for the week ' ’ ending-the 26th' of - July gives the following results, when compared with the' preyiou* week: Pabiio dep05it5*..’...£4,219,672 Increase.... .£790,916 . Other dep05it5,.,,,.10,169,989 Decrease,..., 67,109 8«5t,8,506.789 Increase.,,.. 9,932 ‘ 1 ‘ ( Unthe otherirideof the account; \ ,i , Unchanged.. . Other securities,.,,* 19,051,565'• Dec,.;.£3,132,292 t c uneinjiloycd •*-1 5,924,635 -1uc........ 237,095 The amount:of noteg ; in circulation, is belnga'decreiaeof £4U,6o3,andthe stock ofimlUoa in ; both the £11,672,978; showing a decreaao - ' of when compared with the preceding return. PHrfitafcPHU STOCK 3 , 14, II Mtportei by R. ManUy, 3\ ■ *f. > - ; v* .Walnut. riiSf 'i 600CIty0’ll2dj» tax ■- MO' do 2i)t : 19V ■ 1100 r do.'2dy» .' .892 1000 All, Ott. O’aatonb. MX 400 Not’d RBO'a • «• : 1000 City RRO’a PER 89* 8000 do 2dyi PRR 89K MOWU’toaßßO’o 1000: .do do 87 - IMO do do : : .87 100Ate*dSngRB2dy«S6 • 100 , dd 2dy«Bs ’ ■l- "MO ft dd ’ : 2dya 35 25 do 6 d/s 36 100 > do - «swa 35 100 ' do 85’Mn.35 „SECOND * ’• 4 f£tf‘ looo;. .. 4n. ■; do ■ ma lOOO.'db. do., wx . ;1. 3000. Olt* EB 1000 O'i’A BB 6’a ’7O. Mxf ' • .3000 nHß7’sli!tniort76S ; . .WWWdo; /. -'doj:- 70x v 300 Cltj- Ou 4>» new l -- - gINOE BOAI • Boding olojca^. ■.OWSfafft PR] - , . Bid:Atkii. TJSO'a, '6B’ - IISX« PMlada 6. 89 eB9V ■-,'4*. 88.1 MBaSKX ' ' do Ne»- P«nm&«, Int off 84wit85 t JU»dta*k4roffs6X«jiix 0,, do utm’nniv , >U, Int.otfW , , Pmuja 88-. .46X®«X - MorrlaCanl Con f)2 as* ■ &krlH*rlK 'a?M. do Stotilß «14 pHiMMIPHU, MARKETS. • headbaabsetiveryqnietthis weeki’ Stocksandrtceipta < continue* light,bntthe.export demandforsionrlall mited,aQd only some 4,OOO<J?S } OQO hartals bite fodhdbuy ' ttij fot eipbrt, st .aoahdold , ; >. t . T . stock andlate'inspected jraperfiiie,-,s7,2s«s7>sQforf'reBh ground from lstter for better brands, and IMG forßrtfldywiae; barrels fresh ground-super, ddlveAbl& SOih,next ponrtb/ftt $MOj I the market closing -with more'seUcrs thsb buyers,' and r ' rather dull at the aitore figures.'> The homo' demand is ,('' J 7ittitfc pjodeiatd,- Within the range of'sd.so®s7.sofor '' - ' //roperflneV'and s7.6oas£.Goand $9,26 per bbl for extra .V._r Vjwey'iots, a*j 4 itf 4,tilUyf. &o& If eat is'scarce and wanted, and aboQt l jSOObuahelrf have been* sold at $4.00 - % != .for,, FennsylYdul* dnd:44,25 for Brandywine, mostly at r., j ; c former ***•» leaving .the neatiybfre at these figures. Bye Flour is rather. loirer/ with sales of 0U)« are coming w inmorefreely^butprime^lotsfinly jir®-' Vloui quotations. Sates bushels jat i -z fXMpfI.&AQr vuflfabd si,7sosf,7B*rorWhitei|tf in ■'. -.nMUty, the farther doping, A .'I found buyers, >;< ,-i ets.« buyerj, at ~ , in fair rsflukt/audad,.; - • i&lfjfal&ffiWjifo ‘afe#idijrti.-j: .Id Air. .M^^nditibh'ir.iQi-d-:N }*•*&?• *nd; veryrauch (d < \ 7 • »vv?<a iisuc-r • f p|6oycbhtinhe s steidSy <fi tbe'&iiyafac©i't4t pf l £o*4 harebeeh sold, in P>t *rlme Hess, ahd.sS4X«s2s forMe«.- VtWfbr ■ z^^'Vu - 1 f " ' Lr^‘ .#s! vtf V te* i i-u- \>uz: t| ns^*Ux< for uams, foV tfooufoaftAususl time; xu> Bide* offering: Lard has advanced, wittysales of bbli and,tcs at 16#cb1$Xo; and kegs at 16c, pash. Batter Isin jleiDMd, wid solid packSdsells freely at 166? ft. Cheese la steady la price, witb'mbderate 'receipts and sales. , GROCERIES .—There has been a better feeling in the Sugar market, and about 76 Ohhds, chiefly Cabas, have beeh taken at from 9#c®lo)£c, on the usual terras, prioes at the close being better than last week. Molasses Is dull and unsettled, and the sales only in a retail way,’pt about previous quoted rates. Holders ..of Coffe* are firm in their views, but the trade comes forward slowly, and the week’s sales only reach about 2 } fioo b«gt, at ll*c»n*c for Bio, 13c for Lsguayra, 16tfcal7c for Java, on time, mostly of the former de scriptfon. ’ ' . ; METALS—There has been a little more doing in Pig Iron, principally to supply the Western markets, and pfiees remain about stationary, with sales of about 1600 tons, principally Anthracite No.,- 3, deliverable on the Susquehanna, at*23.W©|24, indudingNo. lats 27, and No. 2at $26 on the spot—all six months. Scotch Pig is quiet', with small store s&lcb at $32 to $B3, as to brand. Manufactured Iron is rather more active, but without changeln quotations. Of Lead, an import of 600 pigs yirginia waa sbld bn arrival at $6 25, the 100 pounds in terest added., In Copper there is nothing doing, but farther sales of Yellow metal an making at 22c,, 0 mo*. BARK—The demand is steady for Quercitron, with ;but little arriving; and prices bare advanced very mate- sales of about 130 hhds haying boon made at $45«$6Q per ton for first-quality No. 1. Of Tanner’s Bark the receipts and sales have been limited at sl6a 817 for Spanish, and sl2®sl3 for Ohesnut Oak. -v BEESWAXis in request, but at a price below the views of holders,’who are asking'9Q®Sle. for good yellow. BREAD—Prices are nominally unohanged, with a small business :dolng;. both for export and home use. CANBLKB.—Wo hofo a little more inquiry for Ada mantine; and Wes of about 2,000 boxes, city made at 22c A2Bo,'as to lots. Nothing doing in other kinds. , ' } [ GOAL.—Orders com® in slowly, and tlie market Is very dull for the season, at about previous quotations. Bituminous Goal Is also dull, but sales of Allegheny are reported at 18eV bushel. COTTON .—Buyers have come forward slowly during the'past week; but holders are firmer In their demands, and sot offering their stocks except at a further advance. Sales in all reach about 1,800 bales, vrithin the range of lfitfittfO for Uplands, and 16X©17#c for Orleans and kfobjle, pash'and' ,time, the market closing fully bet -ter.at under thelateadvices from abroad.^ *ATEPUIff £~G6odWeefem are dullahd neglected :W^;-feashl^j -j ;; r ~ ; fs’Wrj' insctiW, anti nearly bare of old Mackerel, with a very, small store demand at $150526# 'for medium l’sj sl# for new- 2’bj sBesB# for Small'; aad's9os9J{ per bbl. for large B’b, as to brand; a sale of 200 of this ’.atter wasmade from the wharf at ft private bargain.- Pickled Herring ami Dry Ood are quiet at previous quotations, and no stock of the 1 tter here, , FRUIT.—Very little doing in foreign for wan tof stock, and the sales are .confined to some 500 to 600 boxen Oranges and Lemons at s2<as3 for the former, and slof2 for the latter,'as to condltlon. Green fruit is more plenty, and Apples are worth s2es3 per bbl. ’ GINSING.—LittIe or cone offering or selling, and 'prices merely nominal. - t'< GUANO.—The market Is more active, without any alteration as, yet to note! in prices.. Peruvian has ad vaneed in the Now York market $5 per ton. J HEMP temiins-quiet, and the prices for American return unchanged. Manilla has declined. , HIDE&—The market] has ‘ been very quiet during .the present week; the stook is very much reduced, but buyers and sellers are apart in.thelr views. ’•HOl'S—Moderate sales are reported at 10©13 cents 4P ft. for Eastern,and Western, as in quality. < LEATHEft—The market has been rather inactive at former rates, with moderate recelpts'and stocks.’ ; change'in prices, bat the market is rather dull at |l5 to $lB for white, and *loesl2 !for yel low pine boards. Of Laths two cargoes have been sold atsl2s' i *’M,' NAVAL STORES—Spirits of Turpentine is scarce and wanted at.an advance on previous rates, sales ranging at 48660 c. ip' gall., cash and time, but closing at the lat 'tor Not much doing in other articles except in bommbn Botin, which sells at $l7O 3? bbl. ls little or no, change in Sperm and Whale,-With about' the usual business doing. Lard Oil is firmer, : wHh sales of 300 bbl a. in lota, at U 50., on time. Linseed is also better and more active, with free sales to the manufacturers at 75a78c. 3? gall. Imports into the United Bt*tes for the week ending Aug. 10: New Bedford. My5tic........ Westport • Pfovmectbwn. ‘ Total*..-.:...1917 2888 1800 PLASTEBr—A cargo of soft has been disposed of at $325,%^t0n., BIOS is Armor, with sales of 100 casks at 6#cces#c, the latter for prime lots. ! SALT.—An import of Turks Island was sold last woek at»c^bush«>. BE|DS are quiet, with a small buslneM only to note in Cloverseedy at 87]250f7.60 & bushel, mostly at the lat-. tor’rfite, fro in Second hands. Of Timothy, ihe sales have also been limited, at |3.76aM q* bushel. Flax seed.—Demestio is scarce and Wanted, owing to the ad vanced rates now currentfor Calcutta Seed atihe East. Of bags have been sold at $2, and 80 bags danary bushel., *.\J . - . There is a small business doing in Brandy andGln at prices within the range of foraerquotations. N/E. &um sella t as. wanted at 62c. Whiskeyhas been srilixif to illniitel'.iWis't at SOoSlc. for bbli.Jtto Ist tvfor/.ltfo, PjrUm 29aS0c. for hMa.,'*a<l 28c,, unsettled,'and bblf.' only command 20c. ' r-.BUMAO.-Ws&les bf 3a400 bags Sicily are reported at sft«BB2.6o4P’ ton are reported .on time. ' TALLOW;—The market is firmer, with a small bus!- nessohly to note at ll£®l2o. . TJ6AS.,—The market for all kinds ia firmer add rather more active this week at folly firmer rates. .TOBACCO.—No change In prices and very little doing. ' WOOL.—Common and medium grades are freely taken at fully former rates, and therdjs rather more inquiry for fine‘wool within the last few days, Sales in all com prise about 200,000 lb 3. at fhmTiO to6sc as in quality, on the usual terms, Including ft and extra fine fleece at 60*&6c per lb, * * _ Tag TSaPB OP THE RsiDIRO RsitßOAU.—The fol. lowing is the amount of, coal transported on the Phila delphia and Beading Railroad, during the week ending Thursday, August 13,-1857: 1 Jrom Port Carbon -,do. TottaviUe , do. BchuylkUlHaTen...... do. AUburn...... do. Port Clinton .......186,880 33 ST,O27 10 To same time last year, fIo&VTLKiLi Nayioatiom Goal Trads.—The follow log are the reoeipts of coal for the week ending Thurs day, August 18, 1857: ' •• ' . Tens. Cwt. From Port Carbon im ; 9,088 00 do. PottarlHe 2,630 10 do. Behuylkill Haven 27,400 00 do. PortCUntdn 2,028 00 The following is the inspection of Floor and Meal for the week' ending August 13,1857: - Half Barrels ofSuperflno... 90 .Barrels of Superfine 7.064 • do - Fine 28 .do' Middlings.. 279 ' do . 8ye.*...,. 42 /do Cora Meal 439 -do - Condemned 65 ‘Puncheons Corn Meal., EXCHANGE Ang. 1887. , h. f j Stock Ercler, No. 80N tjltat: . COABD. > .100’ do • catit 86X 100 1 !do v bswh 35- :-75--. do; . 35 - 24 do iswh 35 J--SUU'? do -- gdyg 35 .Ktt-- do : 34V 100 do .; , Six r lOO do • 34 V 'f 10/do ,• •' Jdjrs 35 , 500 Lehigh ZinO ,1 v : 6 Korrfctowa BE 60 > % Penn’i BE' 4Mf 1 do ; 468 1 dot. , 40£ G do 48V W.KPwm’&Bltb&llX BOARD. _ LIVERPOOL—Ship .Lancaster, Decan—llB csks soda ash I & PC Yarnall; 71 do do and 84 tea bleaching pow ders O W Churchman A Co; 16 pkgs mdse and 20 tierces chalk J Lucas A -Oo; 8 casks magneslaA J Sulgcr: 42 casks china clay O B Doan, 80 do do N Lennig, 100 bbls bottled beer 8 Baldwin A Co: 34 do do T Daly Holmes; 19 Pkgs hardware-W G Lewi* A'Sop; Idodo a & A SMdloe; 2 pkgs hardware DOHIil; 4 do do 8 Hill; 22 2*** steel Naylor 1c Co: 601-bundles iron Steever k Whitaker, 668 bars arid 650bundlea iron M Mahoney & co; 8543 bars and 200 bundles do W F Potts; 276 bdls do Potts k Bbberts; 825 do N A O Taylor: 1 cask hardware F J Duncan k co;. 7 do Justice k Steimneta; <7 do Had den. Carle k Porter; Ido Sowers k Smith: 1739 bam SSOObdls Iron 162 Wlb hoop iron 94. sheets do Morris, JoneaAco; 4pkgs hdwShaffer,Roberto k co; 10do8 anrfls Nowlin * Marshal!; 66 bdls sheet iron 20 anvils Martin, Pedrick* co;. 210 bdls steel AMP Watson; 6 packages merchandise Bates A Coates; 00 do W Raphael; 28 pkgs mdse Wray A Gillian; 4do doBT Sheppard; .w>,&WMa: IB AictaßxdßODj'jß 7 Jlafcroft, Beaver & Cm 6Wood, BMoheeCo; 30 Qlbon k Co: 20/t JP Bteiaer k Co;» W. McKee & Cof 4 Oberteuffer & Frev tar. 8 .Beane k Leerß Dunlap k White; IS Lafour cade, Coy * Co:.,a fcrerett, Hicks dc Caldwell: 1 « A , bbackloford, McCauley & Co; 4 “ L BaUffWell; 8 SLaffnar, Zelgler k Co; 1 J °»i 12 : D„ 8 Brown k Co; 48 Lewis k Co; 12 Little 4c Stokee; 1 Babcock, Milnor * c °.; 8 2.0. Qrebbt Co.: 2J. Leeley.Jr.; 1 11. P. Btanbrldp: 19 Wray k OlUibui; 2 J. T. Way & Co.: 1 - * ni 22 Smith, Williams k Co,; 2 Witt Sr C^i;4 »mTn‘n £ E « cr i l Duiguel k 0o.; 28. k W. C. Biddle 4. Cotanany; 10 Go# k Petireou; 2 J. Lennlgj.6 Beeson- 4 Son; 43 Sharpless Brothers; S Isaac Barton fc Company; 3 Worrells, Coates 4c Company; » T.-4'F Brans: 2 Sheppaid ’k Vanhsr- ÜBjenj-i W. GlMshnls; l.Llpplßeott k Parry; 24 Geoßßeese, Son k Co; 2Slter, Price k Co; lew j P Ingraham: 16 1 H Orae; 6J B Bailey; 8 Qapt Julius: 2 J AB One; 22 D Graham A Co, 12 A Wray & Co: 47 Btu art A Bro; 69 Gao D Parrish; 6 L 3 Levy A Co; 408 harp Haines ' A Co: 16 Belli, Brothers A Co; 1s £ Hood* 1B Godfrey A Co; 2 Bedell, Pearce A Co; 2 Senat Bros A Co; 4 Day A Matlack; 3 Manvel A Schepela; ll Date, Ross A Withes; 199 crates earthenware G. Hammersiy. 109 do. 8. Afibury: 127 P. ; Wrlght A Sons: 20 8. b. Pierce A Bona { 8 chain cables 20 cases metal 570 bars R; R.-Ifon 1 hhd wine 602 bdls iron 137 cases and 62 bdls steel 26 cs mdse 60 tee soda ash 167 pkga eware order. NEWBERN, NO—Schr,Pauline—loo bbls spirits tur pent|ne 296 do common rosin 85 do white rosin 100 do pitch Cochran A Bussell. Unioa Gtnii 2drs 9¥ 100E«*dlQgBE85ir Q d - «swn s4tf ioa ,} ,ao ;,, «« .100 , f do 1 *5 84# 700 do ssw»a2# Gititdßiak . lltf n*o :; . dtt S 1 11* IDr-LAMBST/ : ' ' v »4*©34# IIC&^-DUTX:' ; JBid.A/ied Sebyl Nav Pref 23 19*30 - i - do Int off 7’B • : .Ist mart. Ado, do 2d m 66 #6stf g|»ai. JJX»UX S« k ; Lehigh Zine . 1K«;1# Union Canal , 9**lo New. Creek %9 1 Gatawtssa BB 11 012 SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS. ® T *4**** FROM' FOR DAT 8a1tic.'........iNew York Liverpool. .Aar, 15 Persia... New York Liverpool Aug 19 « r %.‘ tiV>• • *•«.New York Bremen.. Aar 19 oOf Baltimore. .New York Liverpool Aug 20 New.xork... t .. New York Glasgow Agu22 Fu1t0n........Hew York Southampton.,..*,Aug. 22 Niagara,..^........805t0n Liverpool,,., Aug 20 BorttMfc., v ...;NewYork Hamburg Septi Arabia;......*--NowYork Liverpool Sept 2 Jaaeh,... .......NewYork Bremen Sept 2 North Star New York Southampton Sept 8 Oof Waahmgton.New York Liverpool.:.:.;:..Bept3 id inburg.. New York QUagow,... i ;,.,.,.gept b Adriatic...:.... .NewYork JdvMpool Sept 12 Arago;..New York Havre...,.., g e pt 19 oof Baltimore; .Liverpool New York. jaw 90 Niagara......... Liverpool Boston. ~ Aug 1 ' •' JfROM ' ro* Borussta.,.Hamburg New York Aug l Jai0n.,........8remen New York Augl Columbia.;.”;,..Liverpool New York.... Aug. 6 Arabia,*;........Liverpool New York .AueB Edinburgh...,...Glasgow Ne\r York Aug? 8 North Star 1 . .Southampton New York* Aug 12 QWashington. .Liverpool New York . .Aug. 12 Owed*; Boston... Augi6 Atlantic...,.;.,Liverpool, New York; Angle AMca.Liverpool New York, j.. Aug 23 Ar*gt>.v....Havre New York .Aug 26 Xaogaroo,Liverpool , New York Aug 26 w»**ow.„ ; M ,», Glwgow New York# Whale. . 1402 67i . 176 2000 . 276 16 Tom. Cwt. 11,474 06 . 2,208 16 22,039 07 ..1 767 01 "..vm....... 0,714 00 Total for week... . ~.,.. ~, 43,203 17 Pwviotuljr tola/ear 1,166,120 OO T0ta1....... 1,833,244 01 Total for week,...*. Previously this year. T0ta1...... To srime time last year. Total ,8.015 STEPHEN MILLER; Inspector. Xmpo'rtations. [Reported for The Progs.] . * PHILADELPHIA* BQ ARItOI TRADE.. , ISBAiLhioiaifl, )•' „ Jossra O. Gauss, SComwtm* oftH* Month. John Wtt.ag, w ) ~ ** ' MOVEMENTS OP HAVANA STEAMERS. ' Philadelphia—Prom New York 2d, arriving at Ha vana Bth, and New Orleans 11th. Prom Now Orleans 20th: Havana. 23d, arriving aVNew York 28th. ' Qoakbb Citt—From New York 7th of each month, arriving at Havana 12th, and Mobile 14th.- From Mo bile 22d, Havana 24th,' arriving at New York 28th. Cahawba— Prom New York 12th, arriving at Havana 17th. and New Orleans 19th. From New Orleans 27th, Havana 29th, arriving at New York Bd. Empibb Citt— From New York 17th, arriving at Ha* ▼ana2Bd, and New Orleans 26th. From New Orleans 6th, Havana Bth, arriving at New York 13th. Black Warrior— From New York 27th, arrive at Havana Ist and New Orleans Bd. From New Orleans 12th, Hqvana 14th. due at New York 18th. Isabel—From Charleston 19th and 4th, due at Ha vana 23d and 7th. From Havana 10th and 25th, due at Now York 16th and 31st. The California mall steamers sail from New York on the sth and 20th of each month. LETTER BAGS At the Merchants » Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Philadelphia, Peole, Liverpool. Aug. 15. Ship Tuscarora, Liverpool, Aug. 26 Ship William, Berry,..., ....Valparaiso, soon Ship Morning Light, Johnston. -Pa™™* Barque Warren Fißher,Qall*Bher,...Bt Ahomas, Aug 23 Barque E K Kane, Hewitt;... ..........Cardenas, soon Barque shoiden B o de Janeiro, Aug. 18 Barque David Lapsley, Bishop Matanzas, soon. Brig Black Squall, Bryant, .........Havana, soon BrlgF Febars, Burns,...* St. Jago de Cuba, soon iUarine intelligence. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, August 16,1857, SUN RISES 6 12-SUN SETS 6 48 HIGH WATER 10 39 Steamship City of New York, hours from Boston, with mdse and passengers to H Winsor. Off Bombay Hook passed ship Lancaster, from Liverpool, In tow of tug America; off Delaware City, passed barquo Joseph Maxwell, from Laguayra, in tow of tug Matt White; below Chester, passed about sixteen schooners upward bound. Steamship City of Richmond, Mitchell, from Rich mond, via Norfolk, 28 hours, with mdse and passengers to Thos. Webster, Jr. ' w , Steamship Delaware, Shaw, 20 hours from New York, with mdse and passengers to job Allderdlee. Brig Lydia Frauces, Kell, 3 days from New York, in ballast to captain. Brig Yelona, Rose, from Boston, in ballast. Brig Onnus. Baker, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to Sh6ber, Banting tc Co. - ’ Rplg Empire, Crowell, 7 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell A Collins. • - „ Bcbr P&ulin, Fields, 6 days from Newbera* NO. .with - naval stores to Cochran & Russell. ’ - Qchr Julia Anna, Harding, 6 days from Host n, with mdse to David Cooper. Bchr Farmer, Deputy, 2 days from Milford, Del. with oats and corn to J HMcOoUey. Schr 0 A BtetsonyCobb, 6 days from Provlncetown, with mdse to Geo A wood. Sehr Almira Bacon, Williams, 4 days from Middletown, with atone to Thoa Mansfield. Schr Martha, Baxter, 6 days from Providence, with mdse to captain. SchY T P Abel,'Dickinson, 3 days fromNcvr York,with mdse to captain. Schr John M Ford, Pepper, 4 days from Bristol, with mdse to Taylor, Gillespie tc Co. Schr Isaao Smith, Smith, 4 days from Boston, with mdse to captain. Bchr Wm Tyson, WhUden, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell A Collins. Schr H Reinhart, Peterson, 6 days from Salem, In ballast to Bancroft, Lewis & Co. Bchr Col Lester, Delony. 3 days from New York, in ballast to Hayes, Smith tc Co. Schr Smith Tattle, Mayo, 6 days from Truro, with mdse to G A Wood. Schr F A Hall, Cain, 4 days from Boston, in ballast to Noble, Hammett & Caldwell. Schr E P Lewis, Stetson, 6 days from Boston, with seed to Groves tc Bro. Schr Mary Kneedler, Jones. 8 days from Rappahan nock, Va. with wheat to Bewly, Wilson A Co. Schr Goo W Hooper, Rowe, 3 days from Rappahan nock, Va. with wheat to Bewlev, Wilson A Co. Schr J Preblo, St rout, from Boston. Schr Ellen Bush, Cain, from Boston, ff Schr BPalmer, Nichols, from Salem. Scbr Flyaway, Davis, from Providence. Schr Wide World. Dickinson, from Providence. Bc9rWm Lopor, Robinson, fromMedford. Schr S Wheaton. Ayres, from Tuckahoe, NJ. Steamer Lady Wilmer, Wilson, 14 hoars from Wilmer’s Point, Md. with oats to Bewley, Wilson A Co. Str Robert Morris, Schelllnger, 4# hours- from Dela ware City, with 15 barges in tow, laden with flour, grain, coal, iron, Ao. Towed, thereto 9 barges, loaded with mdse, bound to different parts of the interior. Steamer Gen McDonald, WhUden, 6 hours from Cape May, with mdse and passengers to captain, CLEARED. Steamship Boston, Seliew. New York, Jas Allderdlee. Barque Irma, Nobre, 8t Kitts, Prs Tete, B&rque N G Hichborn, EUis, Boston. Andenreid A Co. Brig Irene, Wolfe, Boston, 0 MUler A Co. Brig Crimea, Hichborn, Boston, O A Hocksher A Co. Brig Anna Prinass, Douglass, Salem, RRCorson A Co. Brig Velona, Rose. Boston, Brown A White. ■Schr A K McKenzie, Drisco, Newburyport, di Sehr Hill Carter, Fisk, Boston. Hayes, Smith A Co. Schr Col Lester, Del&ny, Norwich do Schr J Preble, Strout, Boston, L Audenreld A Co. Bchr B Palmer, Nichols, Portsmouth, do Schr Wm Leper, Robinson, Bfedford, do Bchr Euphrates. Quinton, Georgetown, do Schr FF Randolph, Hazleton, do do Schr Broadfield, Fisk, Boston, do Schr W H Rowe, Wiggins, Providence, do Bdhr Lady Suffolk. Baker, Boston. do Schr D Townsend, (new) Towsead, Providence,.do Schr W Tyson, Wheldon, Boston. W Wallace. Schr Thos Potter, Glover, Providence, Cain, Hacker A Brother. 200 1800 Schr Ellen, Bush, Cain, Boston, C Qecksher A Co. Bchr Wave, Joline, Boston, Noble, Hammett A Cald well, Bchr Frank A Hall, Cain, Salem, - -r do Bchr Florida, Kelly, E Cambridge. N Bturterant A Co. Bcdr C A Stetson, Cobb, Rockport, do Bchr M Reinhart, Petereon, Marblehead, Bancroft, Lewis A Co. Schr Smith Tuttlo, Mayo, Truro, O Miller A Co. Schr Flyaway, Davis, Sag Harbor, do SchrS Wheaton, Ayres. Providence,John B White. Bchr Wide World, Dickinson, Fall River, B Milnes A Co. Str Rlchd Willing, Claypoole, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. _ - - . *T fKKKOKIMI. (Correspondence of The Press.) Nsw York, Aug 14. Arrived, ship Panama, from Bordeaux. Boston, Aug, 14. Arrived, ship General Berry, from Glasgow; barque California, from Jamaica: brigs Melatso and Chicopee, from Philadelphia; and steamer Fremont, also from Phi adelphia. [nr TZLSORAra.I . Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. CAPE ISLAND. Aug. 33.—7 45 P. H. There are several brigs and scon now going in. Wind SW—weather very warm, THOS. B. HUGHES. Aug 14,618 PM—Several brigs and schrs went in to* day. Wind^W—weather very warm. T. B. H. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange, LEWES, Del., Aug. 18-8 A. M. Barque Iron Gem. for St John, NBj Ella, for Boston; and a lieet of schrs went to sea yesterday. Tho brig Eastern State, from Havana, with some of her crew sick, passed in yesterday. Brigs Alesia, Castilian, and M B Cousins left harbor last night forces. Schrs Alida, Telegraph and A S Applegate are in harbor. Wind SW. Youra, Ac. WH. M. HICKMAN. Steamship Kennebec, Hand, hence at New York yes* terday. Steamship Europa, Leltch, from Boston for Liverpool, sailed from Halifax at 12 M 13th inst. Steamship Circassian, for Liverpool, sailed from St Johns, NF. yesterday at noon. •' Ship Stagnound, Peterson, from San Francisco, at Ho nolulu May 81, and sailed same day for Hcug Kong. Ship John Marshall, Pendleton, from New York, was at Honolulu June 25- .1,200,323 17 Ship Crusade, Mowatt, for New York, sailed from Sun derland 27th ult. - Ship Eclipse, (Swed) Nygord,for London, cleared at Boston 13th Inst. Ship Borne, Lincoln, for New York, was at Glasgow 28th ult. Ship Wanderer, WarreD, for Charleston, sailed from Newport 27th ult. Barque Saxon, for Buenos Ayres, sailed from Portland 11th Inst. 41,144 10 .643,116 03 Barque Gen Warren, Clifford, for New Orleans, sailed from Mfttanx&s 4th inst. Brrque Oak, Ryder. cleared at Boston on Thursday for Philadelphia. Barque N Boynton, hence, was below Boston 13th inst. Barque Pilot Pish. Hoyt, cleared at Bangor 12th inst. for Messina. 684,260 13 612,000 17 Barque Powhatan, Simmons, at Baltimore yesterday, from Savannah. Brigs Georgia, Carlisle, 'and Loch Lomond, French, hence at Boston 13th Inst. Brig Geo Washington, Williams, for Philadelphia, sailed from Waroham Bth inst. Brig Vermont. Smith, from Port au Prince for Boston, was spoken 7th inst. off B&rnegat. Brijj; Winyaw, Sw&sy, from Portland, at Quebec about Brig Johanne, (Hamb) Pongel, hence at London 29tU ult. Brig Chaa H Frost. Berry, from Asplnwoli for D&rlen, which put into Carthagena 4th ult. with sickness on board, remained about 25th, captain getting better. Brig Marcus, Nickerson, from Providence for Philadel phia. at Newport 12th inst. Scnrs Ella, Packard; VandaUa, Wallace, H F Payton, Nickerson; Grace Girdlor, Paine: 51 Marcy, Saunders; Jas Barratt, Davis: Treasurer, Fisher; W 81ms, Mason: Clara, Crowell; Klouise, Thatcher; L Chester, Somers; Bmb Ann, laeland; Paragon, Hatch; Henrietta. Win chenbach; Suean Bray, Naylor; W L Dayton, Babcock; Northern Light, Oonsens; L Dupont, Corsou: B L Berry, Haley, and J 8 Levering, Corson, hence at Boston'on Thursday. Schrs Revenue, Corson, and Morey Taylor, Chase, cleared at Boßtou on Thursday for Philadelphia. Schr New Haven, Griffin, hence at Dighton 10th inst. Schrs Thos Page, Robinson, and L Waterbary, Oran mer, hence at Fall River ilth Inst. Bcnrs Oelestia, Redfleld, and Peter B Anderson*, Hill, sailed from Hartford 12th Inst, for Philadelphia. Schr L H Endlcott, Vankirk, hence at Newport 12th Inst. Schrs Louisa, G A Tittle. Burrows O, Buena Vista, Telegraph, Eclipse, P A Sanders, Argus Eyo, E Corson, and R F Stockton, heats at Boston 13th inst. Schrs L H Scott, Bichd Thompson, Edw Bead, Caro* line Wilson, and Speed, hence at Boston 13th inst. Schr B Watson, Robinson, hence at Balem Bth inst, Bchrs Star, Taylor; D Godwin, Raynor; D M Mcsse role, Steelman, hence, and Emeline Rickey, Tice, from Bristol, Pa, at Providence 12th inst. Schrs Friend, Elwell; Eliza Pharo, Butter, and Fide lia, Shaw, sailed from Providence 12th inst. for Philad. Schrs Minnesota, Baker, Eleanor, Townsend, and R L Fay, Lake, hence at Salem 11 th inst. Schr D Smith, Douglass, sailed from Salem 11th Inst, for Philadelphia. Schr Sarah Bright, Ncble, for Philadelphia, sailed rom Salem 12th inst. f Schr J Guest, Greiner, hence at Richmond 13th inst. Schrs Larkin, Ohurbuca, bonce at Waroham 7th, and Wm Thomas Besae, on the Bth inst. Schrs Wissahickou, Lock: Charlotte, Smith; Empire, Price; Emma L Day, Hackney; G P Taylor, Hooper, hence, and ST Garretson, High, from Delaware City, at Pawtucket 12th ihst. NAVAL. fiThe U S steam frigate Roanoke anchored in President roads, below Poston, yesterday. NEW YORK, Aug 34—Arrived, ship Rattler. Aleny, Havre, July 3d; experienced light westerly winds ana calms the entire passage: barque M B Harrlman, Sim eons, Rochelle; brig Trade Wine, Reed, from Nuevitas. ■REV. JNO. CHAMBERS —ON THE Scriptural difference between a true and falfie Christian—TO-MORROW AFTERNOON, at 4 P. M. Ohurcb , corner Broad and George streets. Luke, chap. rj,, v, 82-86. * ’ it# Grand military excursion or TOB national bifle company, TO COLLINS' beach, ON MONDAY MOBNING F ex ?dtk e 2£ta I lost., on board of the commodioussteam boat W. WIttLLDIN. Boat leaves Poplar street wharf at 8 o’clock; Arch street wharf at 8V: Simpson Sc Nell’s wharf at A.M. Tickets 60 cents. Can be had on board of the boat on the moraine of the Excur sion, or of any of the members. - aulS-lt# WM. D. ROGERS’S CARRIAGE RE POSITORY, lofo and 1011 CHESTNUT Street, above Tenth, will he opened on or about the 25th Inst., for the sale of every description of' CARRIAGES, to wh4ch the attention of tho' public 1b renpeotfally dulled. &uls.]it Godey's ladys book FOR SEP. TIMBER PUBLISHED THIS DAY 1 The Tallow Family in America—Tho Lout Diamonds and Uncle George, or the Family Mystery, are conclu ded in this No.—three of the best stories ever published in 8R American Magazine. ‘Heel and Too’ is a superb lino engraving—a four figured colored FashionPlate—Music—Receipts and Em broidery Patterns in abundance. There is everything in the Sept, No. that can interest a lady. For sale by ali the Dealers, aulfr-tt* THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY. AUGUST 15, 1557. ARRIVED. MEMORANDA. DOMESTIC PORTS. . l,ltt 01, Arri™i> »t >h» Prlricfr** Haiti. • | | John n Grace, B*Stta°w A O Sfiman ■ MlHOrurt,' -ST . John McKeiie. OlaiiiT 110 J Eckert/lieofllng " , Oeo MmUo, Jhllcialphi. B Tyson, do H D Bocpn. St Louis i . , 6MLawman, do , ' . BEM F H Btanard. MObilo Mo Dr Geo A Bates, do L A Pratt, Cincinnati O { N Robley, Brooklyn Alex Pope, Georgia n |[RhmbJi Jp B A^V J I Muuds A la, S Carolina R Davis, NoW York W DThayer. Roston T RHeariett, do HHamilton,Manchester Eng S B Crerley, Kentucky J E Hyde, Cliff Mine F 8 Walter, Alabama Wm M Watts, Carlisle Mrs Harris, Louisville WM Roberts, do Rabt Floyd A la* do B Crutchfield, Louisville Miss Crutchfield, Louisv e Mss O’Neill, do Jesse Fogg, Boston Oscar F Moore, Danville J R Bristow, Va Y Yaiden, Va F 8 Hunter, Pa John R Floyd, Chicago A Low, Albany W R Patten, Huntsv’e, Pa J A McDowell, Pa Geo Thomas, Jr, Bid Mrs R Thomas, Md M P Grant, Boston Jas R Page, Frankfort Wm B Moore, Frankfort H R Brown, Lexington,Ky J BWallaco, Ky ND Bell, Keokuk, lowo TO Wood, Moreland, Ky H F Uontemuller and 3 W Henry Clay, Ya ladles, Balt DMiller, Charleston WmGGray.Va J Davis, Bloomington, 111 W P Grant A lady, Tenn J Richards, Chicago Dr L McFulier, 8 0 Miss Fuller SO F Von Schrader, 111 Miss Von Bchrader, 111 A McK Boyd A 1, N O Ede Launay, New Orleans E M Dillard, Montgomery Thos Huoton A lady, do L F Randall Al, Martins- Mra Patterson, 8t Louis burg, Ya Miss Patterson, do Mies Higgles. St Louis • Win O Molloy, do B Jono, Notches R G Ruulon, Balt R C Bolton A lady, N Y ) Miss Bolton, NY M “ “ H Olay Carter, Balt Sam’l Parkor, N Orleans H C Greeffenhager, N Y John Rarefihleld “ James Maury, N Orleans W A Davis, Louisvlll Geo H Wicks, Louisville JF Weller, “ ( E Ayres Richmond Va W O Fife A lady Wil’n O. D Weaver, Nashville H B Morris, Nashville W A Johnson A lady. N O Miss F Weavor, Naßhville M A Johnson Nashville K E Bellsnydnr “ R L Carnthers Lobn Ten J H Easter Balt W A Leay Memphis Mr State A lady N Y T II Berry NY J D Roblnipn Miss G W Morton Miss J M Martin La Win McCoy. Virginia H White A wf, Madison, Va Jos 0 Terrell, California Wm O Dayton, Jr, N J JRBarnelrl, do G II Megiunis, Tallahas- D Alien! do see, Fla * AM Richardson, do L G Houston, Deraapojis A A Solver. do A Y Sharp, do L Vest, Memphis, B Faure, New Orleans , W J Cantwell, St Louis F P Redmond, Arkansas ■ R llazlohurst, Georgia MERCHANTS’.HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. Jos Hoeing, Lexington, Ky O Prentiss, Ohio S Townseud, Columbia, 80 AW Walker, SC Chan Williams, Tennessee Wm McOulley, Pittsburgh F E Hall, New York A Peirce and wlfo, Va Marietta, O D Berio. Penn’a Miss Stewart, do A Dubois, do __ L W Blakeraan, Tenn J A Denison, Pittsburgh H B Bheilds, Indiana D H King, St Paul M TDavidson, Va M H Stratton, Salem, N J E P Oayee, 8t Louis John V Smith, Pa S Babcock, New Haven R L Adams A ly,‘Chicago O C Bancroft, Oolumbuß, O M Bolbert, Cincfunatl, O J E Bagftnd, Illinois Jfl Williams. do Peter Murpny, Pittsburgh G P Campbell, Ohio John F Perry, Pittsburg, H Perry, Pittsburg - Geo O McGrath, Ky, A Pitman, WarreuYa, A B Robertson, Nashville, J O Neal, Ohio Tenn, J Kemball, Moss Jos F Jennlson, Fa, B R Morrison, N Y M Hoyt, N Y, Jos Butter, M Chunk T Craig Jr,Lehigh Gap Pa, 8 O Erwin, CJn Ohio Alex T. M’Gill, Princeton, E H Weiser, York Pa N J Miss Ankrim, Pa Mr Colman, Tenn, Mr Fuller, Tenn John J Hargrove, Browns- SW Berson, Brownsville, ville, Tenn Tern Frank Gracy, Memphis Tenn W Blanchard, N Y John Stockton, Jr, Ky UNION HOTEL—Arch street, above Third. J B Beadlo, New York W A Dean A lady, Balt J Beck A lady, Easton Miss M Shafer, Maryland Mrs S Rouch, Geneva, N Y biles Rose Shafer, Md Waiter W Berry, Bait O L Woodruff, Maryland E 8 Wills', Chicago Mrs Dr Ludlam, Chicago, John P Scott, Pittsburg H A llOßt, Newton, N 0 , W Bowen, Council Bluff J D Randolph. Newville Mrs Weireman, Pa John B Kompt, Lynchburg D L O Brooks, Wis N C Bart, Baltimore II Mitchell, Savannah, Ca A R Ross, St Louis Jacob Hammer, Orwigsburg STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. , . Enoch Wallace A la, Salem Ephrra Wallace A la. Salem James Irvin. Lewestown Jqlm Finger, Columbia, Pa R Weller, Wrlghtsville, Pft S Bangeman,Petersburg,Ya A S Phillips, Petersburg, Va R N Laning, Pbila W SfeCrory, Pittsburg S R Smith, N Y S B Mcorory,Fayetteoity,Pa James A King, Pittsburg W PllaineB,LancasterCo,Pa W T Baker,LancasterCo.Pa John E Small, York, Pa J McVey, narrisbarg. Pa WMcO&usliu, Davenport, la C HChimniog, Huntly, 111 P Findley, Vienna, O IA Dorans, Danville, Pa A K Lissberger, I'hlia A J Smith, Bridgton, N J Sami A Cook, Clinton Co John L Reose, P RR AMERICAN HOTEL—^Chestnut street, above Fifth. V J Rogers, Phils. E E Conaven, N Y. J W Fletcher, Tenn. Wm Wolff A lady, Pottsv. Wmß Brown, NY. II M Wolff, do. Miss 8 Brown, do. D O Allinson, Westfield, AH Silver, Del. Mass. G W Grimes, do. Jas F Smith, Reading. Miss Harriet Green, Sales- F R Griffith, Williamsport. bury,Conn. John C Thompson, Newp’t. Lawrence S Smith, NY. WmS Thompson, do. M Campbell, do. G P Thornton, Ga. JP Jackson, York co, Fa. JE Wolff, Va. Mrs Loveland, Ya. John E Down, York, Pa. Wm H Brown A wife, NY. Robt Smith, do. BenJ Wield, Wiimington. O O Clark, Providence, R I Wm P Sundry, N Y. Jos L McKiesack, Tenn. W Edgar A lady, Haimi- Goo P McKenley, do. bal.Mo. JaaHThomas, Newark, NJ E N KnriCh, Baltimore, A M Buffington, Fall River. Alfred Belknap, Zanesville, O. CITY HOTEL—Third street, above Race. P F Anderson, Philadelphia Elferd Mantalban, Mil- John Errickson, • do ledgeville Henry Morrison, N Jersey Henry Harvard, Baltimore Jacob Henry, New Castle F P Randolph, do Henry Nugent, Phllada John Sinclair. do 1; J Simon, do nenry Sinclair, Cincinnati Frances Morter, Mllledgo- George Frank, lioston ville John S&mp, New York Henry Johnson, Phllada Enrlck Clare, Charleston Mr Bradford, Grt Barring- G Richards, New York ton Rupert Marsh, NewOrleaHs Henry Blanco, Baltimore Michael Hoishy, Williaip’t Special Holme. Professor Saunders’ West Philadelphia la* stitute. au!6-lt Bower’s Infant Cordial.•••ThU Invaluable Cordial is prepared from a variety of the most choice and efficient aromatics known in medicine, and is the most perfect and reliable carminative extant for infants and young children. By its powerful influence a speedy core is effected in uifcMee of Cholic, windy pains and spfuun*. Relieves and mitigates much of children’s suffering during denti tion or teething, and by its soothing properties tran* qulllses pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, &o. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been used in thousands of cases with the most abundant success. No family should be without it. Prepared only by Hbnrv A. Bowrb, At his Drag and Ohemlcal Store, N. E. corner of Sixth and Green sts., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must be addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. ' au 13-ly Seamen’s Saving Fuad—Office 203 Walnut street, one door west of second street. Receives de posits in sums of One Dollar and upwards, from all • classes of the community, and allows interest at the rate of five per cent) per annum. Moneys paid on Demand. Office opon daily, from 9 until 6 o’clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 6 in tho evening. President Franklin Fell; Treasurer, Charles M. Morris; Secre tary, James 8. Pringle. Walton’s Gents’ Furnishing Storey 1.11 North Sixth Street, below Race. Particular attention given to the manufacture of fine SHIRTS, which will be sold at very moderate rates, for cash. au!2-lw* Saving Fund—Five Per Cent. Interest—Na tional Safety Trust Company, In Walnut Street, south west corner of Thibd Street, Pmi.ADBt.PiUA. Assets over Ohe Million and a Halv ov Dollars, invested in Rbal Estatb, Mobtoaobs,Ground Rbntb, and other first class securities, as required by the charter. This institution confines its business entirely to the recei ving of money on deposit. Any sura, large or small, is received, and the money is always paid back, with out notice, to any amount. The office Is opon every day from 9 o’clock 1b the morning until 7 o'clock in tho evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings until 9 o’clock. f|7* A Meeting of the Malt and Liquor DEALERS ASSOCIATION will be held on every THURSDAY AFTERNOON, at 2 o’clock, at DILIGENT HALL, Tenth and Filbert streets. By order of au!2-w&thtf ASSOCIATION. EDcatljs, On the 12th inst., Mr. JACOB MABPLE, in the 41th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from his late resi dence, Sarah street, below Queen, Kensington, on Mon day afternoon, at 8 o’clock, without further notice. To proceed to Odd Fellows’ Oemetory. On the 12th inst., after a lingering illness, Mr. JOHN GILTON, in the 60th year of his age. _ The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from his late resi dence, Merlon square, Lower Merlon township, Mont gomery County, this (Saturday) rooming, at 10 o'clock, without further notice. On tho 18th inst., Mrs. ABSA STEWART, wife of Mr. John JfoGalvey, aged 80 years. The relatives .and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from tho residence of her husband, Coates street, above Twentieth, on this (Saturday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock, without further no tice—to proceed to Odd Fellows’ Cemetery. CIDER MILLS.—THE SUBSCRIBERS offer for sale, retail or to tho trade, KRAUSER’S celebrated CIDER MILLS, manufactured at their works, Bristol, Pa. They have been made of the best mate rial and workmanship throughout. The Metal Boxes are snporior to any ever bofore used, and the Screws l)i inch larger than heretofore) are from scrap iron forged by Strong Sc. Co. expressly for the purpose. Also tho HIOKOK or KEYSTONE CIDER MILL, manufactured by the Patentee. This latter Mill is too well known to need description. The subscribers are tho solo Agents of the proprietor in Philadelphia. 10“ The trado supplied on liberal terms. D. LANDRETH & SON, Nos. 21 Sc 23 South Sixth street, Philadelphia. Mount vernon hotel op Phila delphia.—This large and old established Ho tel, situate on the east side of BECOND above ARCH Street, will be rented to a goed tenant on moderate terms and immediate possession given. It is one of the largest class HoteU of Philadelphia: is 46 feet front, with double blocks of back buildings extending 225 feet in depth, has over 100 Rooms, and will accommodate 200 guosts. It was largely improved with an Iron front aim other alterations, and put in thorough repair by the present proprietor about throe years since. It has had a liberal patronage from this and other States, and has usually had from 50 to 76 perma nent boarders, most of whom will return when the houßO Is again openod. It has all the modern improvements of a first class .Hotel with a large Restaurant in tho basement about 200 foot long, with wine vaults, billiard room, barber shop, Ac. Apply to GEO. W. CARPENTFR, sul6-lt* 773 MARKET Street. CTACEY’S GRAIN DRILL WITH THE GRASS SEED ATTACHMENT has proved itself the best lujplementof the kind before the American Farmer. The subscribers offer them for sale under a warrantee of their affording entire satisfaction. , D. LANDRETH & SON, Nos, 21 Sc, 23 South Sixth street. Philadelphia. •EIOR LONDON—SATURDAY, August 29, A 1 1867.— The Clipper Barque ALAS, Captain Davis, wIH soil as above. Cabin Passage For freight or passage, apply to au!6 TIIOS. RICHARDSON A Co. HE .BEST AND CHEAPEST AMBRO TYPEB in the ’World, at tho new rooms, 1620 West MARKET Street, over Chance’s Dry Goods Store. EVANS, ftulS-lt* Photographer and Practical Teachor. A GENUINE WASHINGTON CENT OP Upl for sale. Price $3O, Address W. O.thia, »»<»• auls-lt* —■— - r— T , T &mtt&nientsl 'WHEATLEY’ 8 ARCH;ST. THEATRE. V T —Sol, I.fuee W. WHEATLEY, Soalb or Prices.—-Orchestra Stalls, 60 cents; Dress Circle (no extra charge for Secured Seats), 50 cents; Family Circle and Amphitheatre, 25 Gents: Seots in Pri vate Boxes, 76 cents; Whole Private Box, $8; Gallery, 13cents; Gallery for Colored Porsons, 28 cents; Pri vate Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 88 cents. Box Office open from 10 A. M. until 8 P. M. J.M. B.WHITTON Treasurer. THIS (Saturday) EVENING, August 16th, Mrs. Cow ley’s celebrated comedy of the BELLE’S STRATAGEM. Letltia Hardy Mrs. B. L. Davenport (late Miss Fanny Ylning—her first oppearanco here.) Mrs. R0ckett........................Mi5s Anus,Cruise. Lady Touchwood Miss 11. Baker Dericourt Mr. Wheatley! Sir Qeorge T0uchw00d.......... Mr. Dolman. Old Hardy Mr. Thayer. Flutter.,... Mr. J. 8. Clark. After which a variety of Music by the Orchestra, under tbo'direction of Mr. CHARLES DODWORTH. To conclude with the laughable comedietta called STATE SECRETS. Doors will open at 7 o’clock. Performances commence at 7)4 precisely. JOHN DREW’ 9 NATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT street, above ElGHTH.—Lessee and Maoager, John Drew. Prices—Dress Circle and Par quet, 87x cents; Orchestra Ohairs, 50 cents; Seats in Private Box, 75 cents; Family Circle, 25 cents. Doors oponat7. To commencoat 8 o’clock. Box Office open from 10 to 3 o’clock, where Beats can be secured with out extra charge. SATURDAY EVENING, August 15th, Farewell Benefit and last appearance of MONS. E. GODARD, the great AJronaut and Wizard, who will appear in a suc cession of Magical Wonders, embracing Tho Woolen Ball. ThaMagic Express Company, The Marvellous Dice, and various other brilliant Magical Feats. To conclude with the MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE OF A FULL GROWN MAN. WALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Pro prietor, Mr. WM. J. NAGLE: Acting aud Stage Manager, Mr. WAYNE OLWINE. Pricetu—Drc9s Circle and Parquette, 50 cents: Upper Clrclo, 25’ceuts; Private Box and Orchestra Scats, 75 cents. Box Offlco open from 9 o’clock A. M. to 4 P. M. Doors open at 7 o’clock; performance will commence at 8. SATURDAY EVENING, August 15th, NAGLE'S JUVENILE COMEDIANS. • The performance will commence with THE SWISvS SWAINS. Rosetta Little Martha | Swig Master Olirer SINGING AND DANCING. ■After which, the admired scene from the “School for Scandal, introducing a squabble from MARRIED LIFE, . Dy the Misses Lora and Isabella Boone. *' -The whole to coneldde with the farce of CHABCOAL SKETCHES. Academy op music, broad and LOCUST Streets.—Mr. E. A. MARSHALL, Sole Lessee.—Tho PROMENADE CONCERT at thin estab lishment is nightly honored by Enthusiasm, Popular ity and Fashion. ‘' THIS EVENING, August 15th, new and attractive features. M’LLE. SCHELLER, SIGNOR VIERI, their first engagement in America: MISS O. RIOUINGS, MR. FRAZER, OAKL BERGMAN, and the GERMA NIA ORCHESTRA. Admittance 25 cents. THOMEUP ,s VARIETIES.—N. -W. cor ner FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets.—This CHEAP PLACE OF AMUSEMENT, “the COOLEST AND MOST RESPECTABLY ATTENDED IN THE CITY,” is OPEN EVERY EVENING, With a MUSIOAL AND TERPBIOUOREAN MELANGE, Concluding each evening’s entertainment with an amusing AFTERPIECE. Commencing at Xto 8 o’clock. Admission 10 cents. * JOHN 0. WARREN, Conductor of Amusements. J. B. THOMEUF, Manager and Proprietor. an!3-3t* George advent.— SPECIAL CARD. The Public is most respectfully notified that the cele< bratod and unequalled combination, tbe GEORGE CHRISTY & WOOD’S MINSTRELS, whoso entertainments for many years have been re* garded as tho FASHIONABLE AMUSEMENT of New York, will make their first professional depart ure from that city since thoir original organization, and appo&r at the NATIONAL THEATRE, Walnut street, above Eighth, on MONDAY EVENING , AUGUST 17, and continue during the week In a scries of their une qualled ETHIOPIAN DELINEATIONS: Introducing that finished, original and eminent artist, MR. GEORGE CHRISTY, In his most noted and distinguished roles lu COMEDY, PARCE, BURLESQUE AND PANTOMIME. r THE BOX BOOK Will open on Saturday morning, August 15th, at 11 o'clock, at the Musio Store of MESSRS. LEE & WALKER, No. 722 (late 188) Chestnut street, below Eighth. Special Card.—This engagement is necessarily limi ted, as the opening of the new Marble Theatre in broad way, New York, now being erected, expressly for this troupe, occurs in a brief period. This intimation is re spectfully presented In order that the public may em brace the few nights above specified, to witness this great novelty, an opportunity to do which may never again be afforded In Philadelphia. WAYNE OLWINE, Acting Manager. PARKINSON’S ILLUMINATED GAR DENS, CHESTNUT, ABOVE TENTH. PROMENADE CONCERTS EVERY EVENING, au 12-Gt Admittance, ono shilling. American academy of music.— E. A MARSHALL has great pleasure in announc ing that, through the immediate agency of the justly pOpuiar impresßarlo MAX MARETZEK, now in Europe, he baa effected an engagement frith RONZANI’S • Celebrated, Grand and Complote BALLET TROUPE, (From the Theatre Royal, Turing ! Which will be under the personal direction of r -SIGNOR DOMINICO RONZANI, Manager of the Theatre Royal, Turin, and actual Mnitre Her Majesty’s Opera House, London., CjANFORD’ B OPERA HOUSE— K? ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut, j OPENING NIGHT!!! , MONDAY EVENING, August 10th, and for the SEASON!!! With the entire Original SANFORD’S OPERA TROUPE, composed of SIXTEEN ST AR PERFORMERS, including Miss JULIA POLINE and Master SANFORD, the Star DAROERb, who will appear, on the above night, in an X|flßK kkw pfiooßAMsiK. Including Bonos, Cnonceiia. Ac.. Ac.; also, the new burlesque on the Academy of Music. Duots open at 7o’clock—to commence at 8. ■ Admittance 25 cents. . ID** In preparation, a burlesque on La Traviata. au 10-6 t K' NIGHT'S COOKING EXTR ACTS FOR flavoring Plea, Pudding, Cakes, Jellies, Custards, lee Creams, Blanc Mango, Sauces, Syrups, Soups, Gra vies, dec., dec. l Comprising Knight’s Extract of Lemon. Knight’s Extract of Vanilla . Knight’s Extract of Rose. iKnight’fl Extract of Orange. , Knight’s Extract of Peach. Knight’s Extract of Almond. - Knight’s Extract of Strawberry. Knight’s Extract of Pineapple. Knight’s Extract of Raspberry. Knight’s Extract of Celery. Knight’s Extract of Nectorino. Kuight’s Extractor Cinnamon. Knight’s Extract of Nutmeg. Knight’s Extract of Ginger. Knight’s Extractor Cloves. Knight’s Extract of Allspice. Knight’s Extractor Mace. Knight’s Extract of Apricot. These Extracts are made with great care, and are war ranted to retain all the flavor and strength of the article represented, in a purified and concentrated form, convex niont for all culinary purposes. Retaining their fiAvor for any length of time and in any climate, and can be used at all seasons of tho year when the fresh fruit can not be obtained. They are put up In a neat and convenient manner for tuie, vis: 2 and 16 ounce bottles, and are respectfully recommended to the attention or House and Hotel Keepers, Bakers, Caterers, and tho public in general 4 Price 25 cents per bottle, or 5 bottles assorted for one dollar. For sale by 0. D. KNIGHT, No. 7 South SIXTH Street. Grocers and Dealers supplied on liberal terms. au!s-lin The ephrata mountain springs the opened tenth day of June, with additional im provements and more extensive accommodations. This healthy summer resort has the advantage of the purest atmosphere and water, the buildings being located one thousand feetabove water level. The prospect embraces an extent «f country nearly forty miles square, and points in ten counties are visible to the naked eye. Bates of every description, and extensive graveled, shady walks. The peculiar virtues of tho water here is the great softness and purity it possesses, (being quite as efficacious in restoring tone, health, and vigor to the whole system as that impregnated with mineral,} conse quently more palatable for drinking and better for bathing. The amusements are a suporior band of music, billiards and ten pins, pleasant drives over good roads. Accessible froc. Philadelphia via Railroad to Lancas ter or Reading,reaching the spring by either route within six hours. For further information apply to Myers, Kirkpatrick & Co., Third and Pine streets, Philadelphia; James 8. Earle,No, 212 Chestnut street, where circulars can bo obtained, or to the proprietor. JOS. KONIGMAOHER, ' au!s-lm9 Ephrata P. 0,, Lancaster county, Pa. rpfIOMAS PARKER, WHOLESALE PER JL EUMER, removed to new numbor, 117 North Sixth street. 15au-3t*Js Fortune.— amy one wishing to make Money, should examine a Patent Right in possession 0 f A. GREENE, 31 South Sixth street, up stairs, A partner wanted. Ground Rents or other pro perty taken In exchange for Rights. It* G" RAND EXCURSION TO CAPE MAY AND TnE FISHING BANKS.—At the sollcita tion of many highly respectable parties, the officers of the superior sidewheel steam-ship NORFOLK, Captain James R. Kelly, have chartered hor for an Excursion to Cape May and the Fishing Banks, on SATURDAY, Au fust 16th. Leaves first wharf above Market street at Wf o’clock P. M.: Megareee’s wharf at 7 o’clock, and Simpson & Neill’s wharf at 7# o’clock. Returning, will leave Capo May at 7 P. M., on Sunday, and land her passengers In the city by daybreak, on Monday. The Norfolk has superior sleeping accommodations for 800 p&Bsnegers. An ample supply of bait will be supplied, free of charge. “An excellent Braes and String Band will accompany Hie boat. Fare for the Excursion: To Cape May and back $150: To the Fishing Banks and back $2 00. For tickets, apply at No. 14 North Wharves, or on board, to (augl4-2t] JAB.R, KELLY, Captain. /COUNTRY COLLECTIONS made with V-/ promptness and at tho usual rates, by DAVIS A BIRNEY, No. 25 BoutU THIRD Street, Philadelphia. They invito attention to their unequalled facilities for the adjustment of controversies in all parts of the United States and Canadas, and collecting and securing MERCANTILE CLAIMS, afforded by their thorough organization; having local agents in every settled county in theUDlon.and by pros perous associate ofllcos in Boston, Louisville, Dubuque, New York, St. Louis, Detroit, Baltimore, Cincinnati, St. Paul’s, Washington, Bittsburgh, Milwaukie, Charleston, Chicago, Memphis, Mobllo, New Orleans, Savannah. Each local office controlling its own collections, and having dally business connections with the most reliable and experienced attorneys in the country. They also have superior facilities for collecting drafts and maturing paper at points not accessible to Banka and Bankers, and Remittances ore promptly made by their correspondents for commissions that exceed but slightly the current rate of exchange. , By the aid of intelligent correspondents, they are Rble to have Land Warrants located, claims adjusted, titles examined, In all parts of the West. au4-tnth&a-lm TAMES KELLY, (Successor to William A* Curtis) Regalia, Books, Jewels, Emblems, Masonic and Encampment Charts, Ac. Odd Fellows’ Hall. NORTH BIXTH STREET, below Race, Philadelphia. Orders from any part of tho country, addressed to James Kelly, promptly attended to. • a m.im CHAS. HALLOWELL & CO., NO. 417 MARKET STREET, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF ’hats, CAPS, AND LADIES' FANCY FURS. Merchants will find it to their interest to examine our Stuck beiore purchasing olsewhere, *uU*lm* CCanMbatee foe (Office, FOR ASSEMBLY—JOHN H. BRm/ .Eighth District. sub ject to Democratic rules. auls-tseps# PROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT COURTWM. LOUGULIN, Second Ward. Sub- Jeot to Democratic rules. aul6-Sep7* For assembly—edwin smith, NINTH DISTRICT, TWELFTH WARD. Subject to Democratic Rules. au!4# FOR ASSEMBLY—Second District, PER RAN J. COOK, Second Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. au 12-tC* CLERK. OF QUARTER SESSIONS— JOSEPH CROOKETT, Sixteenth Ward. Subject to Democratic Rutea. au 12-4 w« TJIOR ASSEMBLY—JOSEPH J. KEEFE. X 1 —Second Legislative District, Second Ward. Subject to the decision of the Democratic Convention. au6-dtßB PROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT A COURT, JOHN P. M’FADDEN, of Third Ward. Subject to the rules of the Democratic Party, aul-tf For recorder of deeds—thos. J. HEMPHILL, Tenth ward, Vine street,above Eighth. Subject to Democratic rules. aulO-lm# JOHN M. ARUNDEL, of the Twenty- Bacond Ward, will b? a candidate for Assembly, from the Sixteenth District. Bubjeet to the nomination of the Democratic Convention. aus-eod2w# OK ASSEMBLY—THIRD DISTRICT— FRANKLIN McILYAIN, Subject to Democratic rulea - f ■ suS-dtspS CORONER—DR. FEODORE MIER . BON, Fifth Ward. Subject to Deoacnttlo Bales auB-lm* FOR PROTHONOTARY OF THE DIS TRICT COUBT, LEWIS T. MEAR3, ot Twelf.t Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. auB-lm. TJROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT -* COURT, OEORQE T. MEKSER, Twenty,second Ward. Subject to Democratic Rulefl. au 4-tSeB FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS—R. R. YOUNG, Seventh Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules au4-lm* FOR CLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS, BAMUKL 0. THOMPSON, 6th Ward. Subject to the Rules of the Democratic Party, au4vr&BtaB* CORONER—N. C. REID, M. D J. 1 Subject to Democratic Bulea. au4 lm* FOR CORONER—CHARLES S. PEALL, Nineteenth Ward. aul-liv* FOR ASSEMBLY—FIRST DISTRICT I . JOSEPH H. DONNELLY, Jirat Ward. Subject to decision o fthe Democratic Convention. anldtw* For assembly—third district.— DAYID R. McLEAN, Fourth Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. aul-t*eB* For assembly— JOSEPH HUNEKER, Eighth District, Eleventh Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. atl.lm* For recordeiTof deeds— CHARLES M. MILLER, Fourteenth Ward, Subject to Democratic Bulea, on aul t b*B For recorder of deeds—george W. WUNDER, Thirteenth Ward. Bubjeet to De mocratic Rules. anl-sw* iIOR recorder of deeds—n. f. X 1 WOOD, Thirteenth ward. Subject to Democrat!, rules. au3-te# of quarter sessions.-. GEORGE SIMPSON, THIRTEENTH WARD.— Subject to Democratic Rules. aultsepß ittiocdlaneotis STATE AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION. —AGRICULTURISTS,STOCK BREEDERS, GARD NERS, POMOLOGISTS, INVENTORS, MANUFAO TUBERS. ARTISANS I f All classes are invited to be come exhibitors. THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY will bold its SEVENTH ANNUAL EXHI BITION at Powelton, West Philadelphia, on SEPTEM BER 29th and 80th, and OCTOBER Ist and 2d ensu ing, for the display of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Swjne and Poultry, Agricultural Machines and Implements, Dairy. Field and Garden Products, Beeds, Fruits, Flowers ana Vegetables, the Mechanic Arts, Domestic, Household and other Manufactures, Stoves, Wares and Inventions. A PLOWING MATCH ! ! ’ In order to promote skill and efficiency In the im portant work of the Farm, a Plowing Match will come off on the fourth day of the Exhibition, to which men and youths are invited to compete for the premiums. To sellers and buyers of farm stock this Exhibition will afford a most favorable market. The different Railroad Companies will carry all stock and articles to and from the Exhibition frtt of charge as heretofore, and will issue Kareuraion Tickets for the Fair; week at the usual liberal rates. Lists of Premiums and all other information will be furnished on application to ROBERT C. WALKER, Se cretary, at the Rooms of “the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture,“OhesnutStreet, below Seventh, south side, up stairs. books for the entry of articles and animals will be open on and after the Ist of September. DAVID TAGGERT. President Penna. State Agricultural Society, au!3*d t sop 28 gALAMANDER SAFES, A large assortment of EVANS A WATSON’S PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED SALAMANDER SAFES, VAULT DOORS, For Banks and Stores. BANK LOCKS, Equal to any now in use. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, Ac., On as good terms as any other establishment In the United States, by EVANS & WATBON, No. 26 South FOURTH street, Philadelphia. PLEASE GIVE US A CALL. aul3-tf BLODKLEY ALMSHOUSE.-tSEFA RATE SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed “Pro posals to eupplylßeef and Mutton for the Philadelphia Almshouse, until September Ist, 1858. will bo received by the Steward, at the Philadelphia Almshouse, until 12 o’clock, M., on the 17th Inst. The quantity <jf Beef re quired will be about 100.000 lbs., and from well fed cat tle, to be furnished by the side or carcass, said carcass to weigh not less than 600 lbs.; about the same quantity of Mutton will bo requised, ana must be from well fat tened sheep. Sound and good marketable meat to be delivered at such times ana in such quantities as mar from time to time be ordered, to be inspected and weighed upon de livery. The Guardians reserve the right to reject such meat as in the opinion of the Steward and Storekeeper, Unot equal to tho quality required for the contract. Any failure on the part of the contractors to supply the quantity ordered, the same will be purchased, and the difference, if any, in the cost, will be charged to the contractors so failing, and deducted from the succeeding monthly payments. Payments to be made monthly. CHARLES MURPHY, Steward. For sale, or to let on ground RENT, the Lot on North side of nigh Street, 132 feet east of Twentieth Street, 26 feet 4 inches front and 170 feet deep, to Jones Street. Apply to atilo-mwf2w* EDWARD WALN, Ho. 702WalnutSt. Removal. —the young ladies INSTITUTE, formerly located at No. 48, now 54 North SEVENTH Street, is removed to No. 1711 VINE Street, west of Seventeenth, north aide, where the sub scriber will bo happy to see his former patrons and pupils, at the commencement of the Full Session. For circulars, Ac,, please apply to W. G. R. AGNEW, aulo-2w No. 1711 Vine street. Russia and American tarred CORDAGE.—a superior article, manufacture aud for sale by WEANER, FITLER A CO., au 8-tf No. 19 N. Water at., A 11 N- Wharves. TTHNCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE v T MEN’S FURNISHING STORK, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 706 CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, is particularly invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the moat perfect fitting article made. At whole sale and retail, and made to order. aus-lyif Notice is hereby given, that po licy No. 4202, issued by the American Fire Inaur ance Company, in the name of Nicholas E. Thonron, dated September 12,1853, for $4,000 on brick building situated on the west side of Sixth atreet, between Prune and Spruce atreeta, has been lost or mislaid. Applica tion has been made for a new one in lieu thereof. A suitable reward will be paid for its return to No. 20 North Seventh atroet. aus w4t* Harness, saddles and trunks, LACEY A PHILLIPS, Nos. 14 and 16 South SEVENTH atreet, above CHESTNUT, have manufac tured, expressly for the FALL TRADE, a larger stock of superior Harness. Saddles and Trunks, than any other honse in their line, and having reduced the mode of manufacturing to such a perfect system, they are be yond all competition for Quality, style and price. P. B.—Country Harness makers can be supplied cheaper than they can manufacture. aul-im JAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, Nos. 16 ami 18 South NINTH STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT. A large and well selected Btock of OLOTHS and CASSIMKRES always on hand. All Clothing made at this Establishment will be ol tho boat,quality, and in the most fashionable atyle. Particular attention given to UNIFORM CLOTH ING. au6-tf SHARPE’S MEN’S AND BOYS’ CLOTHING, 148 North FOURTH Btreet, between Arch and Race. au6-ly ©ARDINES.—IOO cases of 60 half boxes each, In store and for sale by HENRY BOHLENACO., au 0 Nos. 221 and 223 S. Fourth street E M O V A L—ADAMS’ BLANK BOOK and JOB BINDERY, from THIRD street, to No. 635 ARCH street, below SIXTH. Blank Books all site on hand, or made to order. Magazines, Music, Ac., neatly bound VERY CHEAP. iu6-6w ©PIKES/—RAILROAD SPIKES AND CHAIRS constantly on hand. Orders received for Light Railroad Iron—2B lbs., 33 lbs., 40 lbs. per yard. HANDY A MORRIS, au4-lm 8. E. corner Front and Walnut. TVOTIOE—THE BUSINESS OF TWELLS iu CO., and J. W. GASKILL A CO., will hereafter be conducted under the style of TWELLS, GASKILL A GALVIN, at No. 5 and 6 S. Wharves, and No. 828 N. Wharves. au4-lm WF. WARBURTON, FASHIONABLE • HATTER, No. 430 OUESTNUT Street, below Fifth, Philadelphia aut-lra rp Enewland & CO., • LOOKING GLASS AND PICTOIUi FRAME MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Importers and Dealers in Oil Painting's, Water-Color Drawings, Engravings, Ac. A large assortment always on hand. Packing and removing Glasses, and hanging attended to. 604 ARCH Street, above Sixth, south side, Philadelphia. aul-lm rp JACKSON, JOB PRINTER, MERCHANT BTREET. CHECKS, NOTES, DRAFTS,' BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, And JOB PRINTING generally, at shortest notice and fair prices. aul-lm JOSEPH BLACK, Banner, Sign, Decora tive and General ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, N. E. corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, entrance on Fourth street. AIso—PORTRAITS, the' site of life, painted from Daguerreotypes, aul-dlm SOLLENDER & PASCAL, HATTERS aul-6m No, 8 8. SIXTH street, Philadelphia. /COTTON—IOO bales Gulf Cotton, in store V/ and for sale by , MARTIN & MAOAIISTEB, • nl 119 North Water Street. TWTOSS—I7 bales Carolina Moss, for sale by ITJ : MARTIN & MACALISTKR, Ml * 119 North Water Street. riHARLES MAGARGE & CO.,— V/ Wholesale Dealers in PAPER, BAGS, &0.. No. 80 South BIXTH Street, Philadelphia aul-lm EVANS’ GREAT GIFT BOOK SALE, No. 385 OHESTNUT Street. N.B.—Ko conned on with any other hove in tho City, *ui»Bm hotels <mb Utstanrants. jp iiIMTON'- PLACEEOTEt, BROAD \y WAY, 7 comer of EIGHTH, street. New York. , THIS-ELEGANT MODERN ESTABLISHMENT It now open for the reception of guests, la the European style. - - SINGLE ROOMS from 50 cents to $1 per day. SUITS of ROOMS for Families, from fl 60 to $lO per day. The MEALS served aVall hours by the CARD, at moderate rates. 0. J. MACL&LLAN long noil favorably known to the patrons of Jones’ and the United States note!. Philadelphia.;*) (g associated in the management, ana has especial charge of the Catering Department. Every attention haa been paid to make the organisation per* feet, and oar friends, patrons, and the travelling public in general, may rest assarted that no effort shall be wanting to make the CLINTON worthy the favor which we hereby respectfully solicit. aus-lm# SCOTT HOUSE—Corner of Irwin Street aud Duquesne Way, Pittiburzb. B. D. MARKER, Proprietor. aul3-3m LOUIS B. COFFIN, — THIRD HEAD South-east corner FIFTH and QUEEN Streets aul -lm Philadelphia. WILLIAM N. KING, —SOUTHERN • EXCHANGE HOTEL, South-east corner ot FIFTH and CARPENTER Sts., Philadelphia. aol-Im pHESNUT STREET HOUSE.—SAMUEL VJ MILLER, (Old No. 125) New No. 331 CHRSNUT STREET, below Fourth, Philadelphia. aul-lm \MTILLIAM HANNINGS* City Lager Beer T T Saloon, No. 32 CARTER’S ALLEY, Philadel phla. au 1-lra tones nni> iiiqticrrs, Alexander v. holmes, -wine and LIQUOR STORE, No. 226, Southeast Corner of GEORGE and SOUTH Streets. aul-ly William f. pitfield,—importer M of BRANDIES, WINES, Ac., Ac., No. 323 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. aul-lm Cl. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN FINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, Ae., 26 south FIFTH Street, Phllldelphlu. lul-ly TJRANDIES—Pinot, Castillon & Co., Ma ■MJf rett A Co., and other brands of Cognacs of various vintages, jn half pipes and quarter casks; Pellevoisin Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, in half plpea, quarter eaeks and one-eighth casks, all in Custom House stores, Imported and for sale by . „ henry BOHLEN a CO., . mQ Noa. 221 and 223 South Fourth stmt. DITHMAB & BUTZ. I'UKTER /kI.Y. AND LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. 620 (new No. 938) North THIRD Btreet, Philadelphia. Shipping orders promptly attended to. aoi-tf (Jobncto anil ttigars. HAYANA CIGARS— A handsome assort ment, such as Figaro, Partagas, Cabanas, Sultana, Gloria, Jupiter, Coluao, Oonrerciantes, Torrey Lopes, Union Americana, Orejon, Flora Cubans, Ac., Ac., Ac., in K, X, 1-5 and 1-10 oozes, of all sixes and quali ties, in store and constantly receiving, and for sale low, by CHARLES TBTK, (new) 138 WALNUT Street, aul-ly below Second, second story Figaro, cabanas and partagas SEGARfI.—A choice invoice of these celebrated brands on board brig “New Era,” dally expected from Havana, and for sale low, by CHARLES TETE, (New) 138 Walnut street, below Second, aul Second Story. Sales bg 3lnrliou. WoLBBBt A Scot?, Auctioneers. /jOI CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE THE CUSTOM HOUSE, between Fourth and Fifth Streets. PEREMPTORY SALE OP THE BTOCK OF-FINE. FANCY GOODS, MINERALS. GLAZIERS’ DIA MONDS, Ac., OF WM. 0. McCREA, Esq., AT 834 CHESTNUT BTREET. MONDAY NEXT, 17th instant, commencing at»7* o'clock in the evening, we will sell without reserve,* the Stationery and Fancy Goods, consisting of Pocket Books, Packet Knives, Porte Uonnaies, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Letter Paper, Envelopes, Ac., Ac. And in continuation, on WEDNESDAY EYKNIKG, commencing at 7# o’clock, will be sold Mineral Speci mens for Cabinets, Glaziers’ Diamonds, Ac., the wnole forming a large and desirable stock of Fancy Articles, which will be sold without reserve, and will be found worthy the particular attention of purchasers. BEWING MACHINE. At private sale, one superior Bewing Machine, Grover A Baker’s patent. NOTIOE.--oar sales of Embroideries. Millinery Goods, Ae., for the Fall and Winter, will commence during the early part of the present month, and will be continued regularly throughout the season, due notice of which will be given. lw Jobs Batlis, Auctioneer, NO. 325 ARCH STREET, between THIRD AND FOURTH STREETS. SALKS EVERY EVENING at 8 o’clock. Of Boots, Shoes, Brogans, Gaiters, Hardware, Cutlery, Watches/ Jewelry, Hosiery, Whips, Trunks, Fancy Goods, Notions, Ac., Ae. N. B. Terms of Night Sales, four months credit for approved City acceptances, for sums of $lOO and over with interest added from date of sale. CARD.--Out-door Sales solicited of Household Furni ture at dwellings, Stocks of Hard " > are, Underwriters’ Sales of Hardware. Cntiery, Ac. Consignments soli cited to be sold at tno Auction Rooms. Charges moder ate. Apply as above. Advances made on Consignments of Goods. &ol lm Br Qbo. W. Sxith, Auctioneer. NE. CORNER of BARRON AND • SOUTH STREETS, above Second. EVENING SALES. BALE 3 EVERY SATURDAY EVENING, At o’clock, at the Aucttoafitore, of Hardware, Cut lery. Housekeeping Articles, Clothing, Watches; Jewel -17, Fancy Articles, Ae. • CJAiIUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, £5 and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 11J South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear at., only eight doom below the Exchange. , Hours of business from 7 o’clock, A. M., until 10 o’clock in the evening. Out-door sales, and sales at the Auction House, at tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL $2002000. Established for the last Thirty Years. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Dia monds, Bilver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Mer chandlce, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Instruments, Guns, Horses, Carriages, and Goods of every description. All goods can remain any length of time agreed upon. ; All advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards will be charged 2 per cent, per monthj $5OO and over, the lowest market rate. This Store House haring a depth of 120 feet, haslarge fire and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables,'and pri vate watchmen for the premises; also, a heavy insu rance effected for the benefit of all personshaving goods advanced upon. N, B.—On account of haring an unlimited capital, this office is prepared to make advances on more satis factory and accommodating terms than any other in this city. * Money advanced to the poor, in small amounts, with out any charge. AT PRIVATE SALE. Gold Patent and other Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will be sold at reduced prices. aul-ly ©as Sifinns. ARCHER, WARNER, MISKEY & CO., -ti Manufacturers of GASALIERS, BRACKETS, PEN DANTS, FITTINGS, and all kinds of GAS and LAMP WORK, GIRANDOLES, Ac., No. 329 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. ARCHER, WARNER A CO, No. 376 BROADWAY, New York, buildings fitted with Gas Pipes, and All kinds of altering and repairing of Gas Work. anl-lni# SUtoriugs at £aro. Daniel doughertt, attorney AT LAW, Southeast Corner of EIGHTH and LO CUST Btreets, Philadelphia. aul-ly MYER STROUSE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CENTRE atreet, Pottaville, Pa. au4-ly JOHN BINNS, UNITED STATES COM. MISSIONED AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, AND THE PROBATE OF ACCOUNTS for several Btates and Territories. He la, by law, authorized to administer Oaths and Affirmations to be received in all the Coarts in Pennsylvania. JOHN BINNS may be found in his office, No. 116 South SIXTH Street, opposite the County Court House, from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. aul-lm Hazelton AND SPRING moun tain, Lehigh, Hickory and Locuat Mountain Schuylkill Coal for sale at KNOWLBB’ Depot, NINTH and WILLOW Street.. auU-Im POALI COAL! COAL .'—TAGGART' 9 V CELEBRATED SPRING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH COAL. J. * R. CARTER’SOREENWOOD, TAMAQCACOAL QEQRQE W. SNYDER'S PINE FOREST SCHUYL KILL COAL. RANDALL & MEREDITH Have for Ealo, and are constant]jr receiving from the above celebrated Collieries, COAL OF ALL SIZES. There is no Coal mined anywhere, equal in quality to these, and a trial will convince any one of their great superiority. Our Coal is very carefully screened at our yards, and we will warrant it perfectly free from slate, dust and all impurities. Our HUCES are as LOW as the VERY LOWEST. Ordewlcft atourOffiee, No. 15 SOUTH FRONT street, above Walnut. Ordera left at our Yard, CALLOWHILL street, below BROAD street. Orders left at our Wharf, WATER street, above CAL LOWHILL—or sent to either place per Despatch Post, will receive prompt attention. Purchasers for Family use will do well to call and ex amine our CoaUjefore purchasing elsewhere. au4-tf ccfiuYLKiu, and Lehigh coal rc«iTl “ft' my yard, tie best quality ol BCIIC>LKILL AND LKmcilf COAL. My customers, and &U others who may fa?or me with their orders, may wlyon gettiuc Coal that will he satisfactory to them. O" No inferior Coal kept at this establishment to offer at LOW PRICKS. ALEXANDER CONVERT, N. E. corner of Broad and Cherry Sts. I EHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL.— JLi DALY, PORTER it CO., COAL DEALERS, No. 821 PRIME Street, a bore Eighth, keep constantly on hand, at the very lowest rates, a full sutralv of Lehiuh aud Schuylkill Coal. an I.Bm Boston benzole portable gas r ° r Ll s ti “i Stores, Dwelling., Fac tories, Hotels, 40. This Gas Machine his been In constant and successful use for four years, and is therefore no longer an experiment. The simplicity of the Apparatus, its entire freedom from danger by explo oisne, the Uttle attention required, the ease with which it Is managed, by any person, ana the cheapness and superiority of the Light over all others, has gained for ft the favorable opinion of those acquainted with -its merits. The coat of the Light is about one cent per hour for each burner. Numerous certificates by those that have uaed the machine; and a Machine In opera, tion can be seen at the Gas Fit ting Store of S. R. BLAIR, No. 10 North Seventh Street. For further information apply as above, to 0. P, WEEKS, aul-atuth 1m Agent Boston Bemole Gas Works Co. ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP \J Factory of E. W USSHERS,No.43 South EIGHTH, below Chestnut street, hai become a saving of 6Q oer cent, to our SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MKR. CHANTS, and alio the convenience of having their old Carriage Larapi new silver-topped and bottomed, and sent by express to all parts. an!2*ly ABRAM SLACK—ENGRAVING, DIE a °d Embossed Printing, Envelope and Seal Press Manufactory. 37 Strawberrv Street, between Second and. Third, and Market and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. aul2-ly BALE ROPE.—Buyers are invited to call and examine oar Manila Bale Rope, which we caq can sell as low as American, and warrant it superior in strength and durability. WEAVER, FITLER A CO., null No. 23 N. Water st. and 122 N. Wharves. ryLENWOOD CEMETEBY OFFICE, NO vr iis wiitfut ss., Mnintii, h utc ■DAILEY & CO., CHESTNUT STREET, J 3 Manufacturers of - - Under their inspection; on the premises exekssirgly. Citizens and Strangers are invited tovizit 'ou manu factory. .. ,: , ' 's' / * Constantly on hand a splendid stock of Superior Gold Watches, of all the celebrated makers. DIAMONDS. Necklaces, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear-Rings/ Finger- Rings, and all other articles in the Diamond line. Drawings of NSW DESIGNS will ha mad* >ea ef charge for thoee wishing work made to order.. RICH GOLD JEWELRY. A beautiful assortment of all the sew styles ef Fine Jewelry, such as Mosaic, Stone and Shell Cameo, WINANT A CO. Pearl, Coral, Carbuncle, Marquizite, * Lava, Ae., Ac. SHEFFIELD CASTORS, BASKETS, WAITERS, Ac. Also, Bronze and Marble CLOCKS, of newest styles, and of superior quality. aul-d tw&wly COAST PILOT.—IN PRESS AND WILL SOON BE PUBLISHED, the following standard Books, vis: Blunt’s Coart Pilot, 18th edition; Bow ditch’s Navigator,27th edition; AM i *’ aT ! T ~, 9th edition. We invite attention* to our new Spring Centre Cora passes, which answer for either light or hoary weather, and are especially adapted for steamers, and reseels where the motion is considerable. They require fewer repairs than any compass now in use. Marine Opera Glasses of superior quality. Spy Glasses, Aneroid and Mercurial Barometers, Thermometers, American, French and English Sextants, Octants, Quad rants, Azimuth Compassee, Binades. Log Glasses, and all kinds of Nautical Instruments and Books, constantly on hand. Also, Charts of all parts of the world from the latest and best authorities. Agents for Rogers’ American Code of Signals, Deni’s Chronometers and Compasses, and for Abbott's Hero meter, and an instrument for working ont-problems in Nantieal Astronomy by simple inspection and with per fect accuracy. They have received the approval of ex perienced shipmasters, and have been adopted by the V. 8. Navy. £. A G. W. BLUNT. aulS-lm# No. 179 Water Street. TTENDERSON & CO.’S GIFT BOOK XI STORE, corner of FIFTH and ARCH streets. We wish all our old customers and friends to understand that in buying BOOKS AND STATIONERY of us to the amount of one dollar and upwards, they are not en gaging in any risk whatever; but, according to oar present plan of conducting business, they will be enti tled to receive a gift. Watches, Jewelryand other valuables will most positively be-distribated to buyers. aa!4-2t READ! READ!—A NEW POLITICAL WORK.—THE POLITICAL TEXT BOOK, OR ENCYCLOPEDIA, by M. W. Cluaky, of Washington City, D. C. This work, a royal octavo, containing 640 pages ef matter, conveniently indexed and handsomely bound, is now out. No political speaker or editor should be with out it. Alphabetically arranged in encyclopedia style, it is a book cf most convenient reference. It contains, among other things, the Constitution Articles of Con federation, the various Party Platforms, the American Ritual, the full opinions on the Died Scott Case, a his tory or the various Tariffs, a history of the Congres sional Legislation on the United States Bank, a com plete history, with all the votes sectionaUy classified, on the Missouri Compromise, a history of the «*mi«»;r>n of the several States, a detailed record of the legisla tion of Ccngcess relative to Kansas and Nebraska, the Kansas Convention Act, Governors Shanon and Walk er’s Inaugural Addresses; in fret, everything apper taining to the present excitement in g, " w, j including the Reports of Senators Douglass and Collamer on Kan sas affairs during the last Congress, and the Special Message of President Fierce on the sanm subject; a his tory of Party Conventions in the United States; a his tory of Allen Suffrage • the letters signed by Madison in defence of the American Party, and that of Governor Wise against it; the Alien and Sedition Laws, and their history: the Compromises of 1850, with the several votes thereon; the Naturalization Laws; - Extract* from Speeches of noted Abolitionists and RejmblJeaas, illustrative of the position of their parties, as also from the Speeches of Southern men. indicating South ern sentiment; a history of the subject of the Distri bution of the Public Lands, with Mr. Clay’s report thereon; an extract of Mr. Grundy’s report and Mr. Faulkner’s letter on the same subject; a history of the several railroad grants made by Congress; Mr. Toombs’ Lecture on Slavery; the Virginia and Kentucky resolu tions of 1798 and ’99; the Ordinances of 1784 and ’B7; Mr. Calhoun’s Fort Hill address; a history of Depo sits, Bargain and Intrigue; and many other things too numerous to mention. In fact, it is a single volume with the matter of every political subject compressed into it that is now a subject of discussion, or likely to be. Price three Can be had by addressing M. W. CLUSKY, Box 110 Post Office, Washington, D. C., or JAMES B SMITH A CO., 610 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. The trade, to whom liberal 1 miner meats will be of fered, will please address the Philadelphia agents. Persona acting aa agents will be paid liberally for all subscribers obtained. auls X BAZIN & CO.’S FRANGIPANNI, e AN ETERNAL PERFUME. THE ONLY GENUINE ARTICLE MANUFAC TURED. SRANGE?ANNI EXTRACTS, FRANGIPANNI PO MADE. FRANGIPANNI SACHETS. FRANGIPANNI SOAP. FRANGIPANNI TOILET WATER. FRANGIPANNI CREAM, FOR BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. X. BAZIN A CO. would respectfully caution the pub lic against the many spurious articles bearing the name of FRANGIPANNI, in imitation of their ORIGINAL and only GENUINE perfume, which Is made entirely and purely from the celebrated recipe of FBAXGIPAN- Its popularity has led several establishment* to claim for their counterfeits all these exquisite qualities which belong only to the GENUINE. For sale by all druggists and fancy dealers. X. BAZIN A CO., Manufacturers of the Prize Medal Perfcmertee. aols BENNETT’S EMBROCATION—The great Liniment, cum Rh»nmstt«m BENNETT’S EMBROCATION—The great Liniment, cures Neuralgia. BENNETT’S EMBROCATION—Tha great Liniment, cures Frosted * Bennetts embrocation—The great Liniment, cures Swellings. BENNETT’S EMBROCATION—The great Liniment, cures Chapped Hands.- . BENNETT’S EMBROCATION—The great Liniment, dues Tooth Ache. BENNETT'S EMBROCATION—The great liniment, earn Sore Throat. BENNETT'S EMBROCATION—The great Liniment, cures Galls and Bruises.' BENNETT'S EMBROCATION—The great Liniment, cures Burns and Scalds. - BENNETT’S EMBROCATION—The great Liniment, cores Lumbago. BENNETT’S EMBROCATION—The great Liniment, cures Croup. BENNETT’S EMBROCATION—The great Liniment, cores Cramps. BENNETT’S EMBROCATION—The great Liniment, cures Lumps and Tumors. BENNETT’S EMBROCATION—The jfre&t Liniment, is the best Liniment known for the Horse, and cures him of all outer affections that requires an application of Strang Liniment. Beware op imitations r. &g. A. WRIGHTS’ ORIGINAL FRANGIPANKI, OR EVERLASTING PERFUME. Ixaxgifassi Extxacts, | Fu&gipaxsi Pomaux, “ Haim Oil, I “ Soap, “ Tooth Powssk. j “ Sachxt. These new, elegant and rtekereke perfumeries are from the laboratory of Messrs. R. A G. a. Wright, SOLE ORIGINATORS AND MANUFACTURERS in this country. The Perfume Frangipanni is an oriental production, brought in its original state into this coun try, and prepared in its various forms by them. The admiration and demand for these articles is he yond precedent, and, in consequence, a varietr of imita tions are springing up; but these, whether of H 0 M E MANUFACTURE, oa SOLD AS IMPORTATIONS,” have only an evanescent fragrance. AND SHOULD BE AVOIDED BY PURCHASERS. For sale by all the Druggists in the United States, Canada, and South America. R. Sc G. A. WRIGHT, Sole Originators and Manufac turers in the United States. No. 85 (late 23) gouth FOURTH St., Philada. anil T\TOTICE. —A MEETING OF THE DE il MOCBATIO CITIZENS of the NINTH PRE CINCT of the FOURTH WARD will be held on WEDNESDAY NIGHT, August 19th, at half-oast seven o’clock, at the house or JOHN THOMPSON, N. WV comer of TWELFTH and BRINTON streets’ for the purpose of selecting a place to hold the Democratic Delegate Elections, in accordance with the twenty-fifth rule of the Party. John J. Ue&ny, James JlcKenna, Robert McVey, John F. Bradley, James Doran, Owen H. Quinn, auls-lt* CALEDONIA COLD SPRINGS, ADAMS \J COUNTY, PA.—These Springs are located at a very high elevation In Adams county, Pennsylvania.— They will be OPEN for the reception of Ti si tort on the 15th of JUNE, under the superintendence of WILLIAM H. IJAM3, or Baltimore, with an efficient corps of attendants. The distance from Baltimore, by a smooth turnpike, is about 65 miles. 'Visitors leaving Baltimore in the morning train via the Northern Central and Cum berland Talley Railroad, will arrive at the Springs the same evening for tea, oy omnibuses from Chambers burg. The distance from Chambersburg is 16 miles over a smooth turnpike road. aul& THE PROPRIETORS. SILVER "WARE.—WM. WILSON & SON, Manufacturers of Silver Ware, S. VF. corner cf FIFTH and CHERRY STREET 9. Established in 1313. Silver Ware of every description on hand or made to order to match any pattern desired. Importers of Fine English Plated Ware. &u 11 ■MERCHANTS' HOTEL,CAPE ISLAND, ■l** N. Jis now open for the reception cf visitors. This House is situated within a hundred raids of the Beach. The Proprietor promises that no care shall be spared to render those comfortable who will favor him with their patronage. Terms moderate. augli-lt* J. LYONB, Proprietor. Agipt with every book, worth from 50 Cents to 100 Dollars, at MAGEE’S GIFT BOOK STORE, No. 337 CHESTNUT Street, second door below Fourth, Philadelphia. aols-lt o fee; ONLY FOR BOOK-KEEPING, AND WJ $3 for Writing, at TWINING’S BOOM. No. 232 North EIGHTH STREET. aola-lt* COAL. —The subscriber informs his friends and the public that he has commenced the COAL business in BKOAD, above Tine street, where he has on hand the very best article of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, which he will dispose of on the moat reasonable terms. HOWELL DORMAN', Late of Bank Penn Township, (Successor to Henry ITbcr.) The french study is now open. —DELACROIX’S Coarse of French ; a thorough practice otJuplAn&toTj Grammar. Requires no other application than the hoars passed with the teacher, No 9QT (late SI) FILBERT street/ an3s-2t FAMILY AND EXTRA V> FLOUR, of either old or new Wheat, just received and for sale, fit] L. KNOWLES, 1218 Market st. SPIRITS TURPENTINE—2OO bbU Spirits Turpentine, to arrive, for sale by MARTIN & MACALISTER, aol 119 North Water Street. COTTON— 200 tfcteligood Middling to Mid dling Fair Cotton* a itox * and for tale bv MARTIN A MACALISTER, aul __^Ml»NorthWaterStreet IVOTICE TO PASSENGERS.—T H E 1 < SHIP PHILADELPHIA, will tall far Liverpool on MONDAY AFTERNOON. August l?th, at three o'clock, from Queen street wharf. Passenger* will please he on board. THOS. RICHARDSON A CO. au!4-3t Thomas e. Baxter.—hardware, CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No. 910 MARKET BT.. above Ninth, south side, Philadelphia. •an 1-Gm JOHN N. REEVES, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, PASSYUNK ROAD, opposite Count? Prison. Orders for Jobbing promptly attended to. aal-la ANTED TO RENT.—A THREE Story BRICK H9C3S, suitable for a small family. The boat referenced riven. Address ‘‘Bent/* fl,tt63oaw. au!3-2w* TfATCHES. James Donokoue, Michael Lone, Thomas MeAnulty, John Thompson, * Dr. Wilson. John Gamble, Jr.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers