The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 15, 1857, Image 2

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Thb second letter of our accomplished New
port correspondent will be found in this day’s
Press. ,
Figures are sometimes very eloquent. -Their
language cannot be mistaken. They tell us'in
, impressive,terms of poverty, or wealth, oi’abnn
i dance or destitution, of prosperity, or. adver
sity, of weal or woe. ; How much of happiness
V or misery lungs upon the balance-sheet of the
.merchant.; how Ugh does his heart beat with
exultation and joy as it, confirms his bright an
ticipations of wealth; and how low; does it
sink in despondency when it proclaims, a sad
story of threatened bankruptcy and financial
rulql We . are pot about io dwell upon mere
individual affairs, however, bnt upon a theme
of national interest—the aggregate wealth and
productive greatness of thb United States. .To
many of onr" readers the statistics we shall
present in this article will convey ,no dew in
formation ; hut as the desire to mentally re
view and calculate thc value ofonr individual
possessions is a favorite employment; the same
feeling may impart interest to an outline
sketch of the leading features of the financial
and industrial condition of the United Stales,
as presented by the valuable tables accompa
nying, the Report eh the Finances by,the Se-
cretary, of the Treasury.; for 1856-6. The
periods of estimate or -calculation are gene
rally for 1855 or the early part of 1850/ so
that all the aggregates we shall give lack, 1 by.
from one to twh., years of expansion, those,
Which, the. devclopments of the present time
would exhibit. ■ • - 1 ,
The population of the United States and
Territories is set. down at 26,964,312.- The
aggregate value of the real and personal
estate at $11,817,611,072.;,
The annual agricultural productions of 1855
are estimated to have consisted of 109,665,678
bushels 0 1 wheat; 160,865,058 bushels of oats;
717,812,546 bushels of corn; 5,766,769 bush
els of barley; 9,932,868 bushels of buckwheat;
15,942,420 tons of hay; 4,820,762 pounds of
hops; . $6,850,095 of market producc; $7,996,-
474 of orchard produce; 839,541,442 pounds
of maple and cane sugar ; 1,088,409,008 pounds
of cotton; 294,127,580 pounds of rice; $78,-
026,417 of dairy products; I one-fourfh value of
live stock, $161,688,684 ; 61,560,879 pounds
of wool; 277,816 gallons of wine. The total
valne of the' agricultural produce for 1850. was
$994,098,842.. For 1865itisnot estimated/ but
at the ratio of increase lVom 1840 to 1850, it
would be at 1ea5t,,51,200,000,000. The cash
valne of the farms, according to the census of
1850, was $8,271,676,426,; but 2 this sum is
doubtless far below their,present valued '
The total value of American manufactures
for 1860, according to the census of-that year,
was $1,055,595,899. No estimate of the total
value for 1855 .is givbn in the document refer
red to. • .The per centage oiincrease is no doubt
very large, as may bo seen from the compari
son of the products of the manufactures of
1850 and the estimates for 1855, of the follow
ing articles:
Products for Estimates for
. 1860. 1856.
Manufactures of Wool, 843.207,545 856,408,780
« • Colton, 61,800,184 70,904,712
“ Pig Iron. . 12,748,727. 16,010,910 -
, . Iron Caat’ga 25,108,156 ■ 34,012,021 c
. Wr’ght Iron 22,028,771 28,877,607
. , The total tonnage of 185 G ia set down thus;
* Begiatered sail t0image,2,401,687 jrsgiitered
89,715’ i' enrolled add)t<inßed
/sailtomiage, 1,796,888 ; enrolled andlicioiised
Heart tonnage, 588,362. ; Total, 4,871,652.
The total value of our/imports'ftrtTB6fc was
$314,639,942. The value, of our exports of
domestic produce was $310,586,330, and of
foreign merchandise, $16,378,578, making the
total value of all our exports , for 1856, $826,-
964,908." Tite total value of the importa of the
United States from; J 789 to June ,80,1850, was
$7,297,541,396; the total value of eXpoHs for
the same period, $6,497,089,652, The; value
Of breadstuff's and provisions, exported ih 1856
was $77,187,301 •, from 1821 to 1866, inclusive,
$798,022,267. The .value of the exports
of cotton for 1856 was $128,382,351; from 1821
" tolBso, inclusive, $1,958,680,093; The valued
the tobacco exported in 1856 was $12,221,843;
from 1821 to 1856 inclusive, $280,528,943.
The value of, the rice exported in 1856 was
$2,390,233; from 1821 to 1856,578;918 986.
The domestic exports of T 856 are classified
under Uie following heads
■ ‘ Prndactfi of
- The Be*
' Potest...;
, Bur Produce ,
Specie and Bullion..,
Total.. ....... ..£110,680,330
. The amount.of coin and bullion imported
from 1821 to 1856, inclutive, was $293,805,146;
The amount of exportations for the game
period was $436,348,198. The total excess of
1 exportation over importation was $143,048,052.
The total coinage of tile United States Mint
and branches for the year ending June 80,
1855 i waS $67,527,930.66. The total coinage
of gold and silver, from 1793 to September 30,
1866, was $549,341,914114.
The number of banks in tho Union on January
1,1866, waß 1,255, with 143 branched Their,
capital was $343,874,272; loans and discounts,
specie,- $59,814,063; circula
tion, $195,747,950; deposits, $212,705,602.-
The amount of capital ‘employed by private
bathing establishments without charters was
, estimated at $118,086,030.
The total receipts/ of tho General Govern,
ment for the year ending June; 80,1856, were
. $78,918441-46.. - Tho expenditures for the fls
/ cal year ending at that time were; $72,948,-
, 792.02,- of which $i2,776,390.88 was applied
to the payment of the public. debt. The total
amount of revenue collected, by the General
- Government from March 4,1789, to June 30,
1856, was as follows: -
. Prom Customs;' $1,327461,692 02
« public Lands, 164,068.855 16
,<*. Miscellaneous sources,
: Including loans and.
- treasury notes,./ - 395,619,684 49
Total, $1,886,186,614 26
The total expenditures of the General Go
vernment for the same period were $1,887,-
721,046 10.
One of the most remarkable features of onr tho vast number of railroads in
actual operation and in process of construction.
‘A largo mass of statistics in regard to the
Condition of railroad operations in 1866 ac
companies the'finaneial report. Tho follow
ing aggregates ore presented from the returns
received, -which, however, do not embrace
a|l'the railroads In the country at time, as
{Tom a number of thenino statistics could be
Miles ebmploted . - -19,936 i
MHesunflnißbed - - - 16,069
Amount of ciipjtal stock paid in. $438,286,946
Amount of bonds issued . . 803,187,978
Amount of floating debt . 40,128,958
Estimated cost when completed 1,090,881,114
Receipts ;- - - ... :91,182,898
Working expenses , - ' . -48,712,381
NetprOßts - - - .7- •,. 41,929,404
Number of passengers carried ' J ,
; .(Wayand through) ... 61410,613
Tons of freight carried (way --.
■ ' and through) -•-. ,121,990,998
The follon’lng statement is famished of the
Halted States, States, cities, counties, towns,
' bahkgj' &ci,‘?to<&9 fttid bonds, held at horae
- ' , ■ / % ToUl Held by Foreigners
■ Stpefa..i. ..*.3q,7M,1» <16,000,500
\-,mWm£ topi (tends). „743M,H9 M,MS,3»
i5,828,969.^•;; 6,m0,0m
, yUS.kmr.iix. isiocit). ;»;bm,MB “, 65t,«»
' 'te,*;do-(bonds), »t,t3o,teB ‘ J,«7,M7
. '.(Maas) .. gg,m
».•>:L; Tittl »1,4W,615,8»t* @B,Mj,93T
It is ijpptwsible tocbritemplate the yist'a£>
“ of,wealth and,prosperity shown ih : the
■ aaiotatt of our population; la the eitent of our
: commercial, and
internal Improvement enterprises; in the sue
i ■’■ j v.
I cesafUl operations of oar Government/Uncl th®
comparatively small amount of? out. debtiii
without entertainingadovbut feeling of., grati
tude that the germ of civilization planted on
our shores but a' few centuries since by pil
grims of the old world, who -were few in num
ber, but bold, daring, determined, and enter
prising in spirit, should have expanded into a
nation now justly occupying so proud a pinna
cle among the'Govoraiuehts'of the world.
TVe have not been required to wait to the
present day to find in our country, some very
odd exhibitions of iblly and impudence.
Eyeryprofossion has its quacks, eyery'throne
its pretenders, and every society its fanatics
and hirelings. /
In Kansas we maintain a bittcr' controversy
with a portion of its population. The parties
to that controversy are the people of the United
States, who Bpeak through the laws of the
country, and five or ton thousand inflamed in
dividuals, who seek to set aside those laws, and
to set up their own will in their stead. Now,
what are the alleged grievances against which
this handful of misguided men complain ? Of
what rights are they deprived, that they should
seek the fearftil remedy of revolution ?
Copgress, in’ 1864, organized the Territory
of Kansas, and expressly declared, in the act,
that tho people should bo perfectly free, when
their numbers would admit of such a step, to
establish for themselves 1 their own social in
stitutions. Meantime they were to remain
under a Territorial Government, which was
immediately put into operation, and still ex
ercises authority over the people. It has
been alleged that fraudulent means were re
sorted to, by a certain class of men, to obtain
control of the legislative department of that
"We are willing to admit, for tho sake of tho
argument, that this allegation is well-founded.
If the case could bo fully exhibited to the
country, however, it would appear that a game
was played by tho pro-slaveiy men on one side,
and the abolitionists'on the other. The for
mer won. The latter acting upon the idea,
common to all ultra men of the North, that a
society recognising slavery was entitled to no
obedience, and charging tho federal
ties with the responsibility of slavery in Kansas,
it was an easy descent to the position tlmt the
people’ of that Territory nyght justly exorcise
the rights of reqolution. Hence, a convention
was oalled at Topeka, a Constitution adopted,
and a full State Government organized, which
was to supersede the existing Territorial au
thorities. The first effect of this step was to
divide the allegiance of the people. The new
syslem received the sanction of seventeen hun
dred voters.
Meanwhile a presidential election camo off.
The democratic party adopted the legislation
of 1854, and distinctly declared that “We re
cOgnisc the right of the people of all the Ter
ritories, including Kansas and Nebraska, acting
through the legally and fairly expressed will of
a majority of the actual residents, and when
ever the number of their inhabitants justifies
it, to form a Constitution, with or without do
mestic slavery, and be admitted into the Union
upon terms of perfect equality with the, other
States.” The Supreme Court of the United
States, in a decision subsequently made, af
firmed the legal principle involved in this de
claration. Tho President, in his Inaugural Ad
dress, avowed it to be his purpose justly and
fairly to enforce the right of the majority to
establish their own institutions.
We have pour como down to tho appoint
ment of Gov. Walkeb. All precedent decla
rations are, in their nature, theoretical. We
come, then, to tho practical, under tho actual
administration of tho laws in Kansas. It is
unnecessary to say that Gov. Walker was in
structed by the President, in the language of
bis Inaugural, strictly to enforce tho right of
the people, peaceably, and without fraud or
violence, to vote upon the question of the
adoption of their Constitntion.
Wo have, then, the action of the Democratic
party and the Federal authorities, sanctioned
by the Supreme Court of the United States,
and are able to understand the nature and ex
tent of the grievances, if any, under which
the abolitionists in Kansas are. now suffering.
And what are tho facta ? ;
; , They have tho absolute right to vote and
to establish their, own Constitution.
They are required to pay but a very limited
amount of taxes.
They are protected la their persona and pri
vate property.
They are burdened, by nonqjust prosecu
tions —they are required to perform no services
to the. Slate—they are simply called upon to
submit to the laws which have been legally and
constitutionally made.
Then, what are the grievances which have
been invoked aa a justification for setting aside
the existing Government, the laws of Con
gress, and the Constitution of the United
States ?
The enforcement of tho Topeka Constitution
is the displacement of the existing Territorial
Government. The two systems are incompat
ible’, ouo or the other must give way. The
Territorial Government has the sanction of
order and of law; tho Topeka Government is
sanctioned, if at all, as a successful revolution.
The real question, then, turns upon the grievan
ces under which the people of Kansas suffer.
The remedy is an extreme one—it is forcible
suppression of one Government and tho organ
ization of another in its place. It is war upon
the United States—it is nullification of the laws.
Now, wo are far from insisting that the right
of revolution docs not accrue under the opera
tion of'tyranny and oppression. We would
not, without arguing .condemn the exercise of a
power which, on a former occasion, was In
voked to establish our Government. We are
not, even afraid of revolution—'we like it) it
evinces spirit, bravery, firmness, patriotism
but there is no folly equal to that which would
play with such a power. It should bo Invoked
for cause. It is deeply criminal when used
on any other occasion. The Kansas poople
are suffering under not one essential depriva-
Value. '
...1 12,521,843
vi. 0,125,429
tion. They are not taxed;, they are not ar
rested and imprisoned. They are deprived of
no political rights. They are asked to frame for
themselves hteir own domestic institutions; but
this they are required to do in a regular way,
just os we in Pennsylvania are required to act
in obedience to existing laws when we propose
to amend the old or establish for ourselves a
new Constitution.
In no other mode is it possible to maintain
government either in or out of Kansas'. Act
ing in obedience to laws, we are unquestion-
ably strong; sotting laws at defiance,, we arc
tho weakest nation on earth. There Is indeed,
no power at all except such as is delegated.
There Is no will, no discretion, nothing to fall
back upon; hence it follows that revolution
In this country, without cause, is u darker,
deeper guilt than in any other
Now, we impeach the Topeka revolutionists
of high crime s and misdemeanors. We charge
them with attempts at rebellion against a free
without being able to exhibit, in
ono essential partjcular, how they have been,
or are, deprived of private property, personal
liberty, or civil rights. We charge thorn with
that meanest of all political estates—as the
tools of fanatics and madmen—as the agents
of the enemies of the Union to executo trea
son against a Government which has not only
protected them in thoir persons and property,
but has guarantied to them the fullest and
broadest exercise of all political power in the
organization of their own . State system.
Fram Peru—The Attempted Revolution.
Tho New York Express has received full files of
papers from Lime :
It appears from the Cvmercio, that tho so-called
“regenerating forces,” to the number of 2,000
men, and with eight pieces of artillery, sailed out
of Arequlpn on the 27th of June, with the inten
tion of occupying Panosrpata, and Qen. San Ro
man,, the leader of the opposing troops, being at.
Yumina, the two armies came in slghtof each other
on themorniegof the 29th
The fighting commenced at eleven o'oloolc A. M.,
and continued till six in the afternoon, the Are
qulpa party having received a reinforcement of
mere than two thousand armed peasants. Three
eorps of the line only were engaged. There was
abmit forty killed and a hundred wounded, among
whom were several officers.
On the night of, the 29th the Arequlpan soldiers
descended from Paaearpata, and Ban Roman occu
pied that point upon the3otb, extending bis line to
Hhe baths of Jesus.. The same, afternoon Vtvanco
detached a party of bis cavalry to'provoke San Ro
man, who accepted the challeoge; mlt the skirmish
only lasted half an hoar for leek of daylight.
, On the 3d.of July the army of Sap Roman defiled
on the heights of Jesus, ana oonthraed on to Chi
quata, in somber about 3,000 men. The some nigbt
the regulating army returned to Aroquipa to oo
oupy their barracks. *
it- On the 30th tbey mode an attempt upon Qhlqna
t», to tho number of 1,500 men; when in the en
counter Ban Roman took tbe greater pert of their
cavalry, and they prepared to return to the attack
with, artillery on the 4th, but tbe orders Were coun
lowa city, according to a local census just
taken, has a papulation amounting to 7,300, or
adding in suburbs, 2,000,
Two centuries ago this vast and beautiftil
continent was but imperfectly known to the
Old World. The Spaniards had partially colo
nized tho central portion of,-it, and done their
utmost to 'extract from its wretched inhabi
tants the wealth with which it abounded.
Between themselves and tho Portuguese Us
southern portion had been partitioned, and the
two had become masters of it. But what
masters! Can the annals of rapacity and
cruelty produce- 1 greater atrocities than those
perpetrated by the first explorers and con
querors, apd continued by their successors,
from Pizabko to Feancia, and even down to
the most recent times ?
Did the Spaniards and Portuguese under
stand their mission on this continent? Wo
emphatically answer, No. And their reward
has been the degradation of the mother coun
tries, and tho ultimate rejection of their
authority by their bastard descendants—a
race of “ mestizos,” in whom but little trace
of tiio bravo and pure Castilian or Lusitanian
blood can now be found.
Two centuries ago a nobler and hardier race
began to pour into the northern portion of the
continent. Their first .efforts were limited to
isolated spots; disjointed colonies; settle
ments few and far between. Their progress
was at first slow and uncertain. The struggle
for life against hostile native tribes and against
the tardiness of a new soil to recogniso the
kindly care of civilized man, for a long time
deadened their energies and discouraged
their efforts. The Anglo-Saxon race, how
ever, is not one to be daunted by obsta
cles. These have the effect of drawing
forth its energies and developing them.
Such, in fact, was the result. Triumphant
over the deadly assault of tho Indian and tho
unexplored vastness of forest ond prairie, tho
early colonists silently and devoutly laid the
foundation of the great Empire of tho'West.
Tho“ Mayflower” bore to its untrodden shores
the Pilgrim Fathers—those soldiers of Christ
who forsook tho land of their birth to seek in
the virgin forests of the New World that
liberty to worship their Maker in their own
way which had been denied to them by a
besotted monarch and liis arbitrary advisers.
For themselves they asserted tho right of
private judgment in matters of religion —a
glorious right, which has been steadily and
consistently assorted by their descendants, and
adopted as a sacred principle by the American
pcoplo. They have demonstrated to the Old
World, that religion can exist independently
of the support of tho Stato; that it can exer
cise a vital influence freed from tho trammels
of a privileged priesthood and ecclesiastical
prestige; that it needs no factitious support
from royal or magisterial authority to warm
the heart and shed its benign influence over
the hearths of a great people. This is their first
and grandest triumph, which must in time re
act on the enervated peoples and despotisms of
the Old World, and, lifting flie veil of mental
darkness which envelopes them, spread light
and hoalth-givlng thought wherever the ex
ample shall be beheld.
A rival nation, eminent for brilliant wit and
invention, military genius and heroic daring,
for a time disputed with England the sovereign
ty of tho New Continent; hut tho more solid,
self-governing, and impassive qualities of the
latter prevailed, and the noble English lan
guage, \ ith its rich and varied literature, tho
great principles of the English Common Law,
the deep religious feoliug, self-reliance, and
courage of the English people, became, under
Providence, tho foundations of American great
ness. France had to make way for her victo
rious rival.
But, mixed up with the deeply-rooted senti
ment of freedom in tho English people, was
that inheritance from the dark barbarism of
the feudal ages, their aristocracy—an eloment
antagonistic both to tho crown and the pco
plo, achieving liberty for tho latter in its strug
gles with the former—achieving tyranny
for the former in its struggles against the lat
ter—itself created by royalty and recruited
from tho ranks ol tho people—but ever, when
its own privileges were not in question, dis
posed to side with arbitrary power.
While this element predominated in tho
mother country, a series 'of unprofitable and,
wo may add, unprincipled wars plunged her
deeply into dobt.' It became necessary to raiso
money— honestly, if possible —but anyhow mo
ney must be raised. Tho colonies were rap
idly rising in wealth and prosperity; why
should they not contribute towardß the neces
sities of their mother i above all, those vast
colonies of North America? True, the fun
damental principle of the English Constitution
was, that no man should be taxed without his
consent, expressed by himself through his repre
sentative in Parliament ; but it was thought
infra dig. to apply this rule to a set of men
engaged in clearing the forest, build
ing tho log hut, pioneering tho wny
over a vast continent from the shores
ol' tho Atlantic to the distant Pacific—
men whose hardy frames and daring spirits
braved alike tho treachery of tho savage
and the inclemency of tho climate. These
men, it was supposed, would submit to what
ever it pleased Parliament in its “ Omnipo
tence” to decree. Oh! blindness and fatuity
inconceivable! “Blind guides leading tho
blind!” But tho ways of Providence are just,
and its decrees immutable. Evil measures
are overruled for good!—for tho good not
only of tho nation, but of the world—that old
and decayed world which groaneth without
ceasing, and lifts its tearful eyes and fettered
hands to heaven for a deliverer 1
Seven years of arduous heroism and solf-sa
criflco, and history had added to her list of un
dying ones tho names of Washington, Jjsfpek
son, Hancock, and a host of others, not mere
ly as successful warriors, patriots and states
men, but as benefactors of their racet
Tho second great triumph was achieved. The
right of every man to have a voice in the mode
by which he will be governed was proclaimed and
established— tho great and glorious principle,
which, when it shall bo universally reduced to
practice by the nations of the earth, wili do
more towards the advancement of human hap
piness than any other. Let the example which
has been set here be followed.
Resulting from this has beon the demonstra
tion of the compatibility of a uniform system
of government with the best interests of man
kind. Is there any limit to tbe great system of
Democracy, of self-governing States, federally
united for tho common weal 7 Gould not tbe
whole world bo included? Who shall say it
will not a thousand years hence 1 It may be
said that difference of race and mental capacity
will be an effectual check to the expansion of
this groat principle. Bo it no. Tho limit, then,
has been set by tho Creator, aqd not by any
defect in the system. Wo cannot step one
inch beyond those bounds which have boen
marked out by Almighty Wisdom. If the
Negro, tho Malay, tho Indian, the Chinese, be
so constituted that they cannot rise to the lovel
of tho Anglo-Amorican, is it tho fault of tho lat
ter? No; but the problem is, What is thoir exact
position in tho social scale of nations 7 Here
is one of those great questions which Ameri
ca has yet to solve, and which she is now
solving. Slavery exists, rightly or wrongly;
but it exists, and must he accopted ns a fact.
Gan il be got rid of 7 Is it desirable that it
should 7 Apparently it is so ; hut who will
say that the hand of God is not at work in
eliminating for tho negro, out of the dark
destiny which now o’erslladows him, a bril
liant future in his native home, tho great con
tinent of Africa 7 AH tho whito racos have
gone through a sevyre ordeal before they
rose to eminence. Is the black race to bo an
exception 7 Wo ask, may it not be that this
suffering race is now undergoing the discipline
necessary to fit it for a higher destiny 7 and
may not America he the chosen instrument to
effect this grand design 7
Lot us turn to the third great feature of our
subject— Education. Whilo philanthropists
and would-be statesmen in Europe are wrang
ling amongst thomselvcs as to how much or
how little of this noblest of gifts shall bo
given (I am ashamed to use tho word, it sounds
so like charily) to tho people—the United
States of Amorlca, setting aside the arrogant
pretensions of this or that class of men to
have supreme control over so vital a thing,
have carried out a grand system, which offers a
free education to every one willing to accept
of it, adopting the broad principio that an
educated man is a better citizen ihananigno
rant one, and that in proportion as its citizens
are educated, a State may dispense with police
and prisons; idle men will be converted into
industrious ; and contributions for the relief
of the poor will bo diminished, while security
to life and property will be increased, and
whereas the State would have been a loser by
the idleness of the pauper, it is now a gainer
by the industry of tbe workman.
Tfffi MEss.-MiLAfttoHU, Saturday, august 15, 1857.
Resulting from all this is the boundless
scope for the exercise of human ingenuity and
enterprise opened up. . Freedom from shackles
of every kind Icaveß the field clear for their
utmost development. Tho theories of Owen,
of Fouhieb, ol St. Simon, of Spence, and
others, can hero he tested; but the great Euro
pean question, “ To what extent can tho work
ing classes be intrusted with political power ? ”
has hero been completely and satisfactorily
solved by a nation of workmen. By degrees—•
slow, perhaps, but not the less certain—is.the
111 bid of Europe awaking to tho recognition of
this great truth. Will the despots of that
continent be able to maintain their position
one century longer ?
America has demonstrated that a Church can
exist without the support of the State, and
that religion is a gainer thereby. She has de
monstrated that a voice in the government of
the country may be possessed by every man,
not only without danger but with increased
safety to the Commonwealth; that Govern
ment is more economically administered when
the people hold the purse; and tlmt public or
der may be maintained without standing ar
mies. She has demonstrated that education,
when offered freely to all, is eagerly embraced
and fully appreciated, and its fruits are appa
rent in the general intelligence of the people.
Assuredly, a system so succossftil must in time
be adopted in all countries claiming to be civil
ized, and it is equally certain that when such
shall be the case the days of priestcraft and
tyranny will be numbered with the past.
If these great results have been already
achieved, what may not tho future bring forth ?
Freedom of commerce—the unrestrained liberty
to buy in the cheapest and sell in the dearest
market—to interchange tho products of labor
with all nations. Sound ditd open diplomacy—
which will leave to every country the unmo
lested right to settle its own intornal affairs, and.
which, while submitting to no Wrong, will ask*
nothing but what is right; wlilch shall not
work in secret, nor permit personal considera
tions to affect the welfare of a people, but
which shall bo openly submitted to the natiolf
and endorsed by it before being acted upon.
These may be predicted; but tho more tho
mind dwells upon tho possible future tho more
it is dazzled by the brilliancy of tho vision.
May it become a reality!
C T* t ?. R,c , a^ f / alM^ l)l r loraa * tc Appointment*—
e?c * an Affaire—The Wagon Road Expedition,
Washington, August 14.- :
If it bo taee as stated, that Costa Rica Las disposed of
tlio Nicaragua Transit Route, and haa acquired part of the
Territory of the latter, our Government will unques
tionably object to that arrangement, it being known
that Ur. William Carey Jones was especially instructed
to represent the views of the Administration on that
subject, adverse to such & course of policy.
Until the meeting of Congress no diplomatic appoint
ments will be made, excepting such as may bo demand
ed by public exigencies; as it Is desired -that the suc
cessors to the present incumbents shall not go abroad
until their appointments shall be confirmed by tho Sen
General Denver, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, will
shortly repair to Nebraska, for the purpose of making
treaties with the Ponca and Pawnee Indiana.
A letter is now on the way to Mr. Frederick P. Stan
ton, Secretary of State for Kansas, tendering him an
appointment as superintendent of Indian affairs, in
place of Govoruor Gumming, but uot to take effect till
the meeting of Congress.
The troops and civil officers for TJtih arc not expected
to reach that territory till about the first of November.
Satisfactory accounts have been received of all 4he
wagon road expeditions, excepting that of Colonel
Noble, which has disappointed the expectations of the
Surgeon Robert J. Barry, U. 8. N,, a native of £«nn
aylvaula, died hero this afternoon.
The Payment of Taxes—lndictment of Lane,
Robinson and others—Organization to Protect
the Polls.
Bt. Louis, Aug. 16.— The Kansas correspondent of
tho Democrat says that Judge Cane haa published an
opiuion regarding the payment of taxes as an essential
preliminary to the rights of voting; and that the Sheriff
of Douglass county has given notice of his intention to
collect the taxes.
Rumors aay that Lane, Robinson, Phillips, Conffty,
Blood and others have been indicted by tho Grand Jury
of Lecompton.
In a speech at Osawakee, on the 6th inst., Gen. Lano
announced the organlaztlon of eleven thousand nen to
protect the polls at the October election; aodatated
that the number would be increased to twenty-fire
thoußand. . /
Fall In Michigan Southern, R. R. StMk.
New Yoax, Aug. 14—Michigan, Southern, ud Norths
on, Minns B. B. stock has fullen 12 per cent: since
yesterday. Messra. Qrcgg A Lsthrop, who are believed
to represent that Company, hero given notice that they
caunot meet their engagement^
The Southern Commercial Convention,
Ksoxtille, Tbsn., August 14.—Tho following Is a
report of the doings of tho Southern Commercial
Convention, now in session at this place :
The Business Committee reported against free trade
and direct taxation; against the South receivlnggoods
from States not upholding tho Fugitive Slave Law ; and
against the discrimination of the government in favor
Of foreign mall lines from Northern ports. j
The same committee reported in favor of the Exemp
tion of oue ulavo to each slaveholder from seizure for
debt; in favor of erecting Arizona into a Territory ; in
favor of recovering certain land lost by the recent
treaty with Mexico.
They further reported that the time had not yet come
for the Conveutlon to act upon the African Slave Trade*
A resolution was offered in tavor of Montgomery, Ala.,
os the next place of meeting.
A resolution was offered urging for the withdrawal of
the squadrou from the African Coast.
Resolutions have previously been referred to the Com
mittee, endorsing Dudley Mann’s scheme for a Southern
,ine of steamers.
Boston, August 14.—A tornado yesterday passed
through Heading and vicinity, destroying orchards,
dwellings, outbuildings, Ac., and doing great damage
to the crops. There wore no lives lost.
Steam Frigate Roanoke.
Boston, August 14.—Tho United States steam.frigate
Roanoke, anchored at President Roads *■
The Weather at Baltimore.
Baltimore, August 14—This has been the warmest
day of the season. The thermometer stood 04 to 95
degrees in tho shade at noon. It is still intensely hot,
the mercury indicating 80 degrees this evening.
The Weather at Augusta, On.
Augusta, tia., Aug. 14.—The weather to-day hasbeen
the hottest of tho season, In this vicinity, tho mercury
at noon indicating 106 degrees in the shade, and at 9
o’clock this eveuing, 00 degrees.
The Europa Outward Bound.
Halifax, August 14.—The Cunard steamer jiuropa,
from Boston for Liverpool, arrived hero last orenlng, and
sailed again at midnight.
Sailing of the Circassian*
St. Johns, August 14.—The steamer Circassian sailed
at noon to-day for Liverpool. 1
Academy ov Music.—Tho Promenade Concerts
arc bottor attended than ever, and in the present
hot evenings thcro is no cooler place in tho city.
The singing is attractive, and Cor our part we go to
tho Academy as often ns wo can, with the addition*
al object of seeing with whutportlnacity M|» Berg
man draws lnrgoly upon Strauss, and ignores tho
existence of Jullion. Yet, ns a composer of polkas
and waltzes, tho two ought not to bo nam«4 on the
same day—Jullion’g music Is so much bettof adap
ted forooncorts of this kind, for which, infeed, it
was originally composed. j
Arch Street Theatre.—This evening Mr.
Wheatley intends mooting his friends in pubiio.
They will sco him piny Doriconrt to Mrs, E. L.
Davonport’s Letitia Hardy , in Mrs. Cowley’s fine
comedy of “Tho Belle’s Stratagem.” But about
two hundred of his privato friends wero entertained
by him, last night, at a sumptuous banquet, on the
stage, William M. Kennedy, Esq., officiating as
chairman. Tho private boxes wore occupied by
delightful specimens of the gontlor sex, nud from
the sooond tier (now so nicely fitted up thatjt is one
of tho best parts of the house) wo had glimpses of
Mrs. Wheatley, Mr. and Mrs. E L. Davenport,
and a few others, who (we stato it In a parenthesis,)
woro not wholly unprovided with tho creature com
forts discussed upon tho stage. After the supper
had amplest justice rondcred to it, tho chairman's
boiilth was drank “with enthusiasm,” and tho
ohnirman, briefly, hut with much good taste, pro
posed tho health of Mr. M’hcatloy, Lestee and
Manager of tho theatre. Mr. W. responded, aud
gave tho Press of Philadelphia, which, by tho way,
was fully represented. The company called on Dr.
Shelton McKenzie, of “The Press,” wio boro
his testimony to tho private worth as well ns public
labors of tho drnmatio profession, and gave “The
Members of the Company,” with a particularly
complimentary but highly merited reference to
Mrs. E. L. Davenport, who hod obtained, and de
served, the plaudits of the old world and the now.
This brought out Mr. Davenport, who spoko from
the second tier, and gracefully and gratefully re
turned thanks for his wife. Col. James 8. Wallace
then spoko with marked ability? proposing tho
health of Mr. Fredorikcs, who (being an Irishman,
and, therefore , naturally and nationally modest)
shrank from appearing in public, and did n<|t shew.
Col. Robert M. Leo then eloquently proposed tho
health of Mr. Davenport, to which all honors wore
paid, and that gentleman, descending from trage
dy, (ho had previously been “jntiors,”) ;nado a
gonial and grateful speech in acknowledgment. A
variety of toasts wero then spoken to, and Mr. E.
W. O. Green (of tho Sunday Transcript) wound
up with some well-reoeived remarks upon all things
iu general, and some things in particular. It was
a very pleasant evening, and the affair was not
Destructive Tornado.
[Correspondence of The Press.]
Washington, August 14, 3867.
The Indian Bureau received this morning a de
tailed accountof tho Indian disturbances at Yellow
Modeolne from J. W. Cullen, Superintendent of
Indian affairs for the North Western Suporintend
ency, dated Lower Sioux Agenoy, July 26th. On
the 9th ult. a third counoil was held at the upper
Sioux agenoy with all the Indians the/e at that
time, ineluding all the upper Sioux except the See
see-tons from tho neighborhood of Big Stone lake,
who arrived a few days subsequently. The deliv
ery of Ink-pa-du-ta and his band, who had com
muted the Spirit take murders, was again demand
ed, and the Indians were informed that the super
intendent was instructed by their Great Father to
withhold their annuities until these murderers wero
brought to justice. A portion of the Lower Sioux,
after counselling amongst themselves, tho next day
informed the agent that they would go after Ink
pa-du-ta if United States soldiers were sent with
them, but not otherwise. The same demand was
inode of the Med&way Kantons and Wah-pa-conta
bands with a similar result. In the moan time the
matter had been submitted to Major Sherman, who
was in command at that time at tho Yellow Mode
cine. Ho declined sending any soldiers with the
Indians, because there was then but a small de
tachment of twenty-five men, ten infantry, besides
his battery, with him, whiob, of course, was not
.adapted to service of that kind, and because he
did not bolieve, from the feeling exhibited, that the
Indians wero sinoere. He feared treachery.
From the close relationship existing between
these Indians, and for the purpose of exciting a re
straining influence against depredations in the fu
ture, the superintendent declined sending soldiers
with these Indians in search the murderers, ad
monishing them, that if they refused to comply with
his demands, soldiers would be sent against them
from their Great Father, and that tho conseqdenoes
would be that innocoat persons might suffer well
as tho guilty, and that no payment of any kind
would be made to them. On tho 13th they deelined
going without the soldiers. On the 14th, on the*re
turn of the superintendent to Yellow Modccine,< ho
found all the Upper Sioux, known as annuity In
dians, collected and numbering nearly 5,000, with
something like 100 Yankton lodges, and 100
Yanotomiacs. After oounselting with them and
finding a bad state of feeling, he despatohed John
Burns as messenger to Dunleith,to communioate
with the Commissioner of Indian Affairs by tele
graph. At this time great alarm and exoitoraent
existed among the whitoß in tho neighborhood of
tho several agencies. All work was suspended on
tho farms, and thoso who had families sent them
On tho 13th Col. Aborcombie arrived from Fort
Randall with four companies of U. S. troops, num
bering two hundred men. One oompany of thirty
flvo men was sent to relievo Mttyor Sherman, who
was ordered with his oompany to meet his regiment
on Us way to Utah. On tho 35th a soldier was de
liberately stabbed by an Indian, a Seo-see-ton,
oloso by Major Sherman’s camp, without any pro
vocation whatever. The Indian escaped, and was,
of courso, harbored by the Sce-seo-tons in their
lodgos. This olroumstanoo produced a crisis.
Major Sherman sent to demand that tho Indian ho
immediately delivered up. Tho Indians received
the officer, who carried tho domand with two hun
dred guns pointed at him. Tho demand, however,
was mado, and tho Indians promised to bring
the Indian next morning. The next day about
2,500 warriors camo down from thoir lodges painted,
and evidently prepared for fight, and uskod for a
council. Major Shorman told them that the su
perintendent would not hold a council with them
while they had guns in thoir hands, and again
demanded the delivery of the Indian. In a few
minutes they answered thut they would give him
up. Major Sherman wont forward with his inter
preter to reoeive the Indian, when another Indian
took the guilty Indian,-placed him upon his horse,
and carried him back to their lodges. Tho remain
der followed. Tho superintendent subsequently
learned that it had boon the intention of the In
dians to attack the oarnp, oxpeoting all the officers
and himself to como forward to roceivo tho Indian.
Major Sherman ordered his battery roady for
action, and sent word if the Indian was not delivered
up the tribe would have to suffer the oonsequenoes.
Next morning the Indian was brought in and de
livered np. Ho was not hung as It wag determined
he should bo, but plaoed undor guard, hope boing
entertained of the soldier’s recovery.
Little Crow, who was at the Lower Sioux Agonoy,
and having heard of the proposod attack, offered
his services, and assisted to drive tho Yanktons
out of camp.
Next day tho Indians requested & council, to
which they came without guns. The superinten
dent informed them there was but one alternative
—either the delivery of Ink-pa-du-ta and his band,
or war with the United States—leaving them to
counsel with themselves. At this time tho Lower
Sioux, acting under tho advice of Little Crow, came
forward and said thoy were willing to go after
Ink-pa-du-ta and his band. The See-see-tons de
termined' to join the Lower Sioux. The superin
tendent required each band to furnish its quota
toward making up the party to be sent under com
mand [q£ Little Crow, and that the Immediate
relatives of Ink-pa-du-ta should furnish two men
mpre than the other bands. As the Indinhs bad
not received any of their annuities and were,unable
to furnish supplies for an expedition, provisions
were givon to them by the.superintendent. Before
the party started, the Upper Sioux wore gathered in
eouncil, and the See-see-tons sent home with
provisions sufficient to keep them from want.
While holding a “ talk ’* with the Yanlctons, the
Indian under guard escaped, and ran toward the
counoil tho guard firing at him. Immediately all
was confusion. No one being injured except the
Indian, who finally escaped altogether, quiet was
restored. On the 19th ult. the party started after
Ink-pa-du-ta, with interpreter Joseph Campbell
and six half-breeds. The party numbered in all
125, besides tho half-breeds. Eachlndian pledged
bimsolf not to return until Ink-pa-du-ta and his
band had beon exterminated.
The superintendent will remain at the agenoy
until their return and the arrival <of the special
agent of the Indian Bureau; and should Ink-pa*
du-ta bo brought in he will proceod with the pay
ment of the annuities. The Upper Sioux had col
lected for the payment with their women and chil
dren, and being in a destitute condition, provisions
woro given to them to keep them from starving,
and they were sent to their homes.
The superintendent.had just received reliablo in
formation that the Yanktons had driven ali the
settlors from tho neighborhood east of tho Big Sioux
River. Ho was apprehensive ef trouble with them,
as they were in a destitute condition, and had re
quested tho reeall of Captain Noble’s party, who
were engaged in making tho Northern Pacific
wagon road. On tho 19th ultimo a party of the
Yanktons expressed themselves favorable to xnnklng
a treaty. Tho superintendent told them that he
would report thoir wishes to the Department. Ho
boliovod that it would be necessary to adjust the
difficulties botween tho Yanktons and the Sec-seo
tons beforo entering into a treaty with them. Tho
Yanktons olaim that the See-seo-tons have, in tho
treaty of 1851, sold tho landß belonging to tho for
mer. He was also inclined to believe that beforo
all tho troubles with the annuity Sioux can bo per
manently sottled, it will bo nocossary to make now
troatica with them, holding them by stipulations of
a strong and binding character to tho observance
of peaceful relations with the United States and a
responsibility for all depredations. Thq superin
tendent would prococd to tho Chippowa agency, to
complete tho annual paymonts of tho Chippowas,
ns soon as ho could loavo the Lower Sioux agency.
[Correspondence of The Press.]
Washington, August f 4,1857.
Duriug Mr. Buchuuuu’s ton days’ sojourn at
Bedford Spa bo was not onoo approached for office
or patronage. This statement is tho highest tri
bute of praise to tho Pennsylvanians who visit this
watering place, and so delighted is the President
that he novor tires mentioning the fact in oompli
mont to his native State.
Tho rocoipts of the Treasury of tho United
States for tho woek ending tho Bth of August, 1857,
nro (so far as hoard from) $1,745,532 35; payments
$1,207,532 71 ; drafts issued $740,173 38; amount
subjeot to draft is $20,021,498 40.
Tho following interesting information has just
been rcooived by tho Navy Dopartmont:
Commercial Aorncy, IT. S. A. )
Sn» Juan Del Norte* July 17,1857.)
Capt. Frederick Ciiatard, U S. N., Command
fling United States ship Saratoga, harbor of San
| Juan Del Norte.
Sir : In compliance with your request, I have the
honor to communicate tho following, whioh is all
the information I possess relative to the nrcsent
political state of affairs in Nicaragua. Quiet is
onoe more restored. A boundary Tine hos been
agreed upon between the States of Costa Rica and
Nicaragua. The Forks San Carlos at tho head of
tho rivor San Juan, and “ El Castillo Viejo,” some
thirty miles below, are to bo given back to Nica
ragua. A straight line is to be run from the Cas
tillo to Salinas Buy on the Pacific, which line is to
separate the two Statos. Costa Rica is to have tho
north bank of the river San Juan, from Cn9tillo to
this harbor. Tho Government of Nicaragua, as
at present constructed, has two chiefs—General
Jer«7. is at the head of the Leoneses, and General
Marlines at the hond of tho Granidinos. Both
these lenders are on the most cordial terms of
amity with caeh other. . The Secretary of State is
Senor Don Qregoria Juarez, Senor Don Rosalia
Cortez is Minister of War, and Senor Don Macario
Alvarez, Minister of Hacienda.
I have tho honor to bo, very respectfully, Ac.,
B. Squire Cotrbll,
U. S. Commercial Agent.
Assistant Secretary of tho Treasury, Mr. Clay
ton, returned from Georgia last evening, with the
frmily of Secretary Cobb..
In a few days lion. John Wheeler will publish,
in book form, thdjilstory of Walker’s rule in Nica
ragua and his own experience os our minister to
that State.
Information has been received by the Depart
ment of tho Interior, and by private advices to the
General Superintendent of Paoifio wagon roac's,
from the expedition to construct the western divi
sion of the Fort Kearney, South Pass, and Honey
Lako Valley road, under John Kirk, superinten
dent. This party, consisting of about 77 men,
fully equipped, witty sixjnonths’ provisions and the
necessary implements, left PlacerviUe on the 27 th
of June, were at Bigler Lake on the 18th of July,
*nd expected to reach Carson Valloy on the 15th*
They crossed the Sierra Nevada without material
acoldont, though the road was very rough. In a
few days from last date they expect to reach
Honey Lako Valley, the point of beginning, and
then to push forward for City Rocks.
Eighty-nine thousand two hundred aores of
land have been certified to the State of Arkansas 4
hy the Commissioner of the General Land Office,
under the law of the 9th February, 1653, as
granted to aid the construction of the Little P.ock
and Memphis Railroad. A similar adjustment
made lost month certified to the same State
1,125,000 aores on account of the Cairo and Ful
ton Railroad. That road crosses Arkansas from
northeast to southwest, and is to run 301 miles in
Arkansas and 771 in Tennessee.
The Commissioner of tho General Land Office
yesterday transmitted to the Governor of Florida
a patent, numbered 10, for lands enuring to the
State under the grant of September 28th, 1850, in
the Tallahassee district, containing 208 841 and
9-100 acres. *
The General Land Office are in receipt, from the
Surveyor General of California, of surveys of the
following ranches which have been confirmed to the
Mexican grantees:
San Mateo, 6,438 acres, confirmed to the executrix
and executor of Wm. D. M. Howard, deceased.
Part of San Antonio, 9,410 acres, to Ignaci Pe
Sotoyomo, 48,830 acres, to the heirs of Henry
Part of San Antonio, 898 acres, to the heirs of
Prado Mesa.
Part of San Antonio, 3,541 acres, to Wm. A. Dana
and Henry F. Dana.
The General Land Office are also in receipt, from
tho Surveyor General of Oregon Territory, of eleven
township plats in the Willamette Valley, showing
the survey of donation claims. In one township
thoro arc sixty such olaims.
Mr. Thomas J. Henley, Superintendent of Indian
Affairs In California, from San Francisco under
date of July 10th, 1857, encloses to the Indian sta
reau a cO'py Of a letter to him from Mr. Madden,
Clerk at the Tojon Indian Reserve, and his insinua
tions the Tejon Indian agent. Mr. Madden re
ports an almost total failure of the crops. Mr.
Henley instructs M. Vineyard, Esq., Indian
agent at Tejon Reserve in rogard to collecting and
saving wild food. As he understands the acorn
crop will be abundant, a great effort should be made
to save a large quantity of that ortiole. Males
and teams should be furnished to pock and haul
them from tho mountains, and white men
should bo sent with the Indians to superintend
the collecting and transporting of them to the
quarters. Every facility should be afforded for the
sawing of this artiolo of food, as it seems to bo
almost tho only alternative from starvation, for it
uuißt bo borne in mind (says Mr. Henley) that there
is no appropriation whioh can be used to any extent
for the purchase of provisions upon reservations
already established; and even if this were not the
cose, it would be impossible to buy provisions for
tho Tojon, as there is no grain in that region of
the Stato for sale, and transportation is too expen
sive. There soems, then, no alternative but to
subsist the Indians upon the Hatural resources of
the country, which they have lived upon beforo the
assistance of the Governmcnthad been extended to
them. Tlicro is time now to provide for theemer
gonoy, and no offort should bo spared to do so effect
ually. X. Y.
Saturday Night. —“ Now comes still eve
ning on,” and the quiet around marks the time
from all other periods. The hours have a wondrous
and beautiful significance—for it is Saturday night.
The six days of toil have ended, and the woek 1b
drawing to its eternal close. Some time since, and
earlier than on othor work days, the hum of tho
many wheels ceased—thehammor is now noiseless—
tho engine puffs no more. Those who crowd the
bußy work-shops and manufactories have wended
their way homowards, and the tired stragglers
rest. The season of results has come, and there has
boon an in-gathering of the harvest. Here is a
stop in bußy life, in which man surveys the past as
a battlo won, and takes fresh counsel and consid
oration for the future A part is completed of
fragmentary life, and from what is known, strength
is gained for the conflicts which are to come.—
How strongly these Saturday nights mark the pro
gress of time ! They are the stays in man's post
oareor to whioh memory ever turns with fond
yearning. 4 ‘Menlive by weeks, and the revolving
| seventh day cyoles apportion timo to tho distribu
, Uon of human capacity.”
Fit herald of the coming Sabbath is the night
of Saturday, asd.wisely has it been made the har
binger of the day of sacred rest. When the mad
ness of human folly alms to destroy the one, it
should blot out the associations of the other; for
the heart is ever true to its instinots, and out of
the fullness and satisfaction of the occasion] oat of
the consciousness that all heedful desire# have
been gratified, spring tho emotions of thank
fulness whioh moke and seek the time for their
expression. Even human selfishness receives the
incentives to religious duties from the greater inten
sity of its gratification There are weekly re-unions
in many quiet homes; and while happy families
are seated around tho evening board, hearts
overflow with the joy of the hour and grateful
feelings ask a blessing on "Saturday night.”
The thermometer yesterday, at various placeß
in the oity, ranged from 91 to 95 degrees. At half*
past one o’clock in the afternoon the merenry stood
at 93 degrees in the State. Honse steeple. Soda
water and lager beer were in active demand, and
vanished at a remarkably rapid rale. 44 Keep
The Feast of the Assumption* —To-day the
Feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary will
be observed In all tbe Catbofio churches of our city
as a day of obligation.
The Firemen. —The Junior Fire Company of
Reading have resolved to visit Philadelphia and
participate in the Firemen's Parade, on the sth of
Ootober nest. They have engaged the City Brass
Band to accompany them.
The Lady Washington Engine Co. No. 40, of
New York, will also visit the city on the occasion
of the Firemen's Parade This compan v will num
ber over ono hundred men, who will be accompanied
by their handsome apparatus
Straight-Out American Convention . —An ad
journed meeting of the Straight-Out American
Convention was held yesterday afternoon, at 4
o’clock, in the room of the Court of Quarter Ses
sions, southeast corner of Sixth and Chestnut
streets. The President, John C. Martin, occupied
tbe chair, and Mr. George Hacker acted as Secre
tary. Communications were received from Alex
ander Henry, J. P. Loughead, andJ. It. Flanigen,
declining a nomination for the Legislature. A
recess of fifteen minutes was then taken, and on
reassembling the names of H. K. Strong and Wil
liam J. Macmulleu were taken from the list of
A motion to go into au eleotion for senator was
agreed to, and a ballot taken with the following
S. S. Bishop
Goorgo T. Thorn
William A. Crabbo
Tbo nomination, on motion, was made unnni
The Convention then proceeded to an eleotion for
four members of the Legislature from the old city
proper, with the following result:
Joseph M. Church
F. M. Adams -
Jacob Dock
L. R. Broomall
Gcorgo F. Thorn
C. Weldon
H. K. Strong 3
D. S. Soby 5
' Messrs- Joseph M. Church, F. M. Adams, Jacob
Dock, and L. R. Broomall, wore accordingly de
clared elected, aud tho nominations were made
unanimous. A voto of thanks was returned to the
offioors, after which the Convention adjourned sine
Walnut street Theatre.—The juvenile troupe
here have bccomo established favorites. They are
woll drilled, no doubt, but must have natural taste
for aoting, with quick intellect and strong imitative
power. Thoir costume is very good, and the cupi
tal manner in which the plays are mounted is
worthy of notice.
Sanford’s Ofera.— There is a fino collodion,
not of Californian, but blaok diamonds. The sing
ing is capital. Wo learn that Traviata (a com
ploxioncd version) will immediately be produoed
National Theatre.— M. Godard’s engagement
concludes this evening. With all his cleverness he
has not been os attractive as was expooted during
the present week.
Meeting of the Grand Encampment. —At the
session of the Grand Enoampment I. O. , of
tho Stnto of Now Jersey, held in Patterson, on
Thursday, tho following named gentlemen were
elected officers for the ensuing year:
Grand Patriarch. —JosephL. Lamb,Pemberton.
Gtand M. E. 11. P.—Andrew Vreeland,
Grand Senior Warden.— John H. Horn, Lam
Grand Junior Warden . —John L. Wooden,
Jersey City.
Grand Scribe.— Janies M. Cassady, Camden.
Grand Treasurer.— A. P. Provost, New Bruns
Grand Representative. —lsaac M. Tueker,
“The attendance is said to have been larger than
at any session for four years past; and tho indica
tions are that this branch of tho Order is reviving,
both in interest and numbers. The delegates were
entertained by the brethren of Industry Camp
No. 1, of Patorson, by a supper provided by mine
host of tho Passaic Hotol.
Final Hearing. —Jacob Gunscnhauser, ar
rested on the charge of stoaling a horse from Mr.
Wright on the 2d of August, 1850, was brought
beforo Justice Shivers yesterday afternoon for a
final hearing, .when the evidence being considered
insufficient he was discharged He was imme
diately re-arrested by Deputy U. S. Marshal Wyn
koop, of Philadelphia, on the charge of passing
counterfeit United States coin, and taken by him
to Philadelphia. We were Informed by one of the
officials that two other warrants are in the posses
sion of parties present for the arrest ot Mr. Gan
senhauser, on charges of passing counterfeit coin,
and a conspiracy to defraud.
Runaway Mcident, —Yesterday morning,
between eight and nine o’elock, a horse attached
to a Jenny Lind wagon, took. fright,, near the
corner of Third and Market streets, and starting
off at a furious rate down Market street, the
driver, whose name we could not learn, was thrown
out, but escaped with trifliog injury. The wagon
was broken.
[From New York Papers.)
Judge Hyatt, United States Consul at Amoy,
China, accompanied by his son, having received
leave of absence from the President for a few
months to recruit bis health, arrived in this city
on Wednesday, in the Central America, and is
stopping at the Lafarge. He left Hong Kong on
the 20tn of May in the clipper ship Winged Arrow,
and readied San Franciwo on the 10th of July.—
Judge Hyatt reports that at Amoy, which is the
nearest to Canton of the five ports open to trade,
the people, including the authorities, maintain the
“ 03t ®®icable feeling toward the American reai
-8? mi «?• an< * do not in the least participate in
the ill will ana hostile position in which the Ame
ricans at Canton have bWome involved. He thinks
it fortunate that the Administration at Washing
ton has thus promptly sent ont to China an Envoy
of ability and energy of character as Commissioner,
who may prevent farther diffionlties, if not restore
us to our position before the gross mismanagement
of our representatives at Canton. *
With regard to (he English difficulties, he thinks
they are not to be so easily settled. The capturing
of & few hundred war junks, or even the massacre
of several thousand Chinese, he thinks will tend
but little to conquer the sluggish though indomita
ble spirit of that nation.
Colonel Canty, the diplomatic representative of
the Costa Rican Government, arrived in this city
on Wednesday, and is stopping at the Clarendon.
He is a short, thick-set, sandy haired, energetic,
good-natured looking Englishman, and appears as
if he could persuade anybody or any. Government
of his good intentions. He will remain in the city
but a few d*ys, and then proceed to Washington.
He firmly believes that the Administration will dis
countenance any farther attempt of Walker to
re-enter Nicaragua, even should he collect the men
and meOn*, whlchhe deems a'batter of great
doubt, in the event of W alker's returning, he has
not the slightest doubt that with the extended
fortifications of tho San Juan river, and the agree
ment between Costa Rica and Nicaragua, that he
will meet with a most signal repulse.
Mr. Losey, the Austrian consul-general at this
port, has for some time past been urging upon
those most interested the necessity of estabusmn
a line of steamers between New York and Trieste!
He is at present in Vienna, where he bos submitted
his views to the Austrian Government, aud, it is
said, meets with much encouragement. Bis scheme
is warmly supported by M. de Brack.
Walter Cochrane, Esq., father of Hon. John
Cochrane, died yesterday at his residence, No. 133
East Twelfth streot, at the advanced age of 80
years. Mr. Cochrane was born in this Stato, and
resided in New York oity nearly all his life. He
was educated as a lawyer, but being possessed of
ample means, nover practised his profession.
An old man, Nicholas Horsey, a native of Ire
! bnd, died yesterday at his house, Oliver street,
(No. 21.) On the 21st of July he was run overby
a Second avenue oar, at the cornor of Eighth
street. Mr. Hussey was in his 04th year, xhe
deceased formerly belonged to the British Ordnance
Dopartmont, and for 15 years past has been con
nected with tho shipping firm of Williams A Gnion.
Mr. W. R. C. WeMter and Mr. J. C. Harris, the
fortunate possessors of the late grant of the Nica
ragua route by tho Costa Rican and Nicaraguan
Governments, arrived in this city on Wednesday
evening, and are actually engaged in preparations
for opening the route, which it ts hoped can be ac
complished by October. The requisite arrange
ments for the connection on tho Pacific side will
necessitate this, if not a longer delay, but for their
own interests as well as for the benefit of commer
cial men, they will bo as expeditious as possible.
Tho Democracy met in their strength last even
ing in Tammany Hall, and listened to speeches
from Hon. Daniel E. Sickles and Hon. John Coch
rane, on whut they termed the obnoreous laws
passed by tho late Legislature.
At» spoctal term of tho district oourt, Judge
Backus presidiug, Jos. B.f Sumner was convicted
of murder in tbo first dzgrce, and sontencod to be
bnog on the 17th.
a reliable source, I learn that tha Che
yenne Indians are about to bo’troublesome. They
would not receive (heir presents from the agent,
bnt said they intended to have them at any rate.
The agent remained, despite of Mr. Bent’s advice,
hoping to make a treaty; bnt he says there is no
hope of that, as they assert they make more by
stealing, and have now a large lot of moles and
oxen taken from trains. Bent leaves his fort with
all his stock, intending to abandon the post. Booth
and Allison are trading successfully with the Ca
'manches, Arrapahoes. and other tribes. The Paw
nees threaten them with vengeance, and intend to
practise hostilities also, to take revenge for one of
their number killed by the Camanohes lost winter,
near Allison A Booth’s trading post.
New York Market.
Beef Hams and Prime Mess Beef are nominally
the same. Bacon scarce and wanted at full prices.
Sales small parcels Western Smoked at 14tal4«c.
Cut Meats firm at’lljo for Shoulders, and 12ial2|c
for Hams. Lanlbetter; sales3oobbls.atlsfalslc.
Batter and Cheese remain as last noticed. |
Combe—The auotion pie oi B;o this, morning
was favored with’a Urge company, notwithstand
ing the exceedingly warm weather. Out of) 9,350
bags, 7,348 were sold at 103aI2fc, 4 mos,, |vera«
ging 1117-IOOc, which prices indicate a very firm
market. ■ ,
At private sale thero is little or nothing doing,
and prices are nominally the same as last quoted.
Receipts down the Hudson—7,l37 bbls. flour;
4500 bush wheat; 71,088 do. corn; 551 pkgs of
Floor, Ac.—The flour market is without mate
rial change in prioe, but the demand both for the
local and£astern trade is less active.
Sales 4,500 bbls. at $0 45a$A CO for common to
choice superfine State f -f 0 80a$Q 90 for extra state,
$6 40n$fi 60 forcommon to good superfine Western,
and $6 65a57 95 for common to medium extra
Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Ohio.
The market closing doll, and the tendency down
ward for medium grades.
The transactions in Canadian flour are to a mo
derate extent, and prices are unaltered. Sales 500
bbls. at $0 6Qas6 60 for saperfine, and $OO 90a$8 75
for extra, including small lots of very choice as
high as $9. Southern flour is doll and lower.
Sales 900 bbls. at $0 90056 80 for common to choice
superfine, and $7 55a59 20 for fancy and extra.
Rye flour is dull and prices tend downwards;
sales 100 bbls. ats4ass 60 for common to choice
superfine. Corn Meal steady; small sales at $4 20
for Jersey, $4 30a$4 56 for Brandywine, and 20 for
Grain—The Wheat market is a trifle better for
new, and quiet for old. The supply of the latter
is small and holders generally are not disposed to
force their lots upon the market. Sales of 11,000
bushels of new Southern at sl7oasl 73 for red,
and slB2asl 89 for white, the latter prioe for a
very handsome parcel.
Rye is lower, with trifling sales at 98a$l per bos.
There Is a fair demand for Corn, and the market is
a trifle better. Sales of 60,000 bushels mixed Wes
tern at 85ja£8ic., and several cargoes at 86i0.,
afloat. Oats aro 2a3c. lower, and dml. We quote
Jeosey (new crop) at 52a580.; old do. at 58a02c.;
, Stato at60062c.: Ohio 62c., and Illinois 62a63c.
! Whiskey—The market is easier, sales 250 bbls.
'at 29a29ic. Early in tho day trifling sales were
made at3oc.
Ashbs—Demand pretty good at $7.25a57.31j0.
for Pearls and $7.87} for Pots.
Cotton—The market Is a shade better with a
moderate business doing at 15f cents for Middling
Uplands; 15 cents for Mobile and 15 cents for Now
Sugar—The demand continues active and prices
since our last have declined fully jc. per lb. Sales
j 1,000 bbds. Cuba Muscovado at 8)al0c., and 2,000
; Molado supposed sja6o. usual terms. The latter
! has also declined; we quote the range from 5 to6ic..
Molassbs—ls dull and depressed. Wo could
hear of no transactions of magnitude to report.
Rice—A quiet market, with sales of 100 tiorces at
5Ja53 cents cash.
Lime —The demand is fair and tho market is un
changed; sales 2,000 bbls. Rockland at 75c. for
common, and Sl.lOoash, for lump.
Teas—Tho market is firm and a moderate de
mand prevails. *
Hay is in fair request, with sales of 500 bales
for shipment at 70aa0o. cash
Soap—Sales of 1,000 Castile at llallfc., 4 mos.,
an advance.
“ Provisions —Prime Pork has • materially ad
vanced, vjjjllo thero is’Ho important chango in
mess; sales 800 bbls. at $24.70a524.75 for mess,
and $20.50a52l for prime, closing firm at the lat
ter figures. Thore is no changelu the Beet mar
ket; sales 300 bbls. at $16.50a517.50 for repacked
Western mess, and SlBasl9 for oxtru do.
Alabama. —The Union states that letters wero
received in Washington ou Thursday, announcing
in positive terms tho re-election of Hon. Goorge S.
Houston in the sixth district.
Texas.— The Democratic candidates for State
officers and for Congress, all of whom are unques
tionably eleoted, aro as follows, viz.:
Governor—Hardin R. Runnels.
± Lieutenant-Governor—Francis R. Lubbock.
Land Offico Commissioner—Francis M. White.
Congress—Western District —GuyM. Bryan.
Do. Eastern District—John H. Reagan.
Nonm Carolina—The FmsT District.— At
longtb, we think, suspense is at an end, and it
seems to be definitely ascertained that Dr. Shaw is
eleoted. Yesterday, at noon, it was positively
stated at Weldon that Shaw’s nuyority was 13.
The Raleigh Standard gives it as 12 majority for
Shaw. It is a close shave, but it was expooted to
be so. The delegation from this State will stand
7 Democrats to 1 Opposition.— Wilmington {N.
C ) Herald of Wednesday evening.
An intelligent and reliable correspondent at
Wilmington? Jforih Carolina, writes to the Wash
ington union on Tuesday evening’: “ Dr. Shaw is
certainly elected. The sheriffs of the different
counties of his district will meet to-morrow. It
is believed that his official majority will be fifty
ttco.' 7
From the St. Louis Republican.
Late from Mexico*
Independence, August 7.—The semi-monthly
Santa Fe mail reached here this morning, bring*
ing u 9 but little news of interest. Baird and Otero,
candidates for Delegate to Congress, are busily at
work, each endeavoring to place themselves m a
favorable light before the people. The impression
seems to be that Otero will be returned. Mr. Lar
kin, of St. Louis, Alexander and wife, Humphreys
and wife, of Kentucky, Collier and wife, of St.
Louis, and T. S. Bancroft, of New Madrid, reached
tho country in safety and good health. Many of
the trains also had arrived with unprecedented
despatch. Everything favored their travel—plen
ty «»f grass and water.
Col. John Walker. Indian agent for the Southern
Apaches and others in Gadsden’s purchase, left for
this place of destination, accompanied by Carson
as bis interpreter.
At the a<\journed meeting of the merchants
and ship-owners of Bath, Me., on Saturday evening,
it was voted to discontinue tho payment of advance
wages to seamen after the first day of September.
An unknown woman, supposed to be crazy,
threw herself in front of a train of cars on the
Stonington railroad, near Greenwich; R. I.? on
Tuesday, and was instantly killed.
[From the o!s* oj Anjpat i f
Tije Wheat harvest ip TFestent Canada is not
farly begun. The wither ha favorable, and,
if it- continues so for the nest ten days, the
best part of the wheat crop will be safely
boused. Tbe introduction of the reaper b«
shortened the period of harvest by one-half at
least— a result of much importance in a coun
try peculiarly liable to what tbe ftrmer* call
« catching” weather. Unfortunately, recent
storms hare “ laid ” tbe grain in some parts
of tbe country so badly that the old-ftsh
ioned cradle will be called into requisition.
Even the sickle, the oldest of all harvesting
implements, will hare to be brought forth
from its dusty hiding place and taken to the
field. But labor is generally abundant, and,
aided, by machinery where it can be used,
our farmers will easily secure their crops, if
vouchsafed the usual amount of good weather.
We are glad to find, upon a carefill compari
son of statements, that except in a few town
ships west of London, and along the Niagara
frontier, the wheat crop of 1857 will be quite
equal to that of any former year. The ave
rage yield may possibly be less, and the sam
ple may not, in all cases, be equal to that of
last year, but the difference, so far as we cau
judge at present, will be slight. W e hear com
plaints of smut where it has not been seen for
several seasons, and late wheat wifi probably
be injured by rust, hut the bulk of the crop has
escaped the last evil. We have seen samples
of new whsat from the township of York,
which would command the top price in any
market. Oats and barley have been somewhat
injured by recent storms, especially by that of
Friday, which taking its rise in Lake Huron,
swept over a wide belt of country between Hu
ron and Ontario, levelling many fields in its
immediate track to the very ground. Both
oats and barley are generally well advanced,
and though rendered more difficult to harvest,
will be but slightly injured by the storm. While
the recent rains have caused some injury to the
cereals, they have imparted fife and vigor to
the root crops. Potatoes, turnips, &c., never
looked better, and promise an abundant sup
ply for man and beast. Late hay has been se
cured in fair condition, and upon foe whole,
,we think foe present will be entitled to rank
'among the « years of plenty.”
[Prom the Toronto Globe of August 5.]
The harvest is now in full operation in the
'county of Norfolk, where we learn that the
"crops are magnificent. Fall wheat will be
about an average, and, with few exceptions, a
capital sample. Never before were such
spring crops seen.* Barley, of which a good
deal has been sown, will yield from twenty.five
to thirty per cent, more than the average of
fqrmer seasons. Oats are very good, while the
roots bid fair to excel the most sanguine ex
pectations. Of hay there ia abundance, and
such after grass as never clothed the earth in
August; the young clover, too, is particularly
good, so that the prospects of cheap fodder
hereabouts are of the most cheering charac
A young lady out West, iu a communication
to the Sandusky Register upon the subject of
matrimony, says;
“it is amournfiil fact that this world is full
of young men who want to marry, bat dare
not. Deny this, as some will, it is neverthe
less true, as we can easily show. In this town,
for instance, there are some thirty or forty
young men, well-to-do in the way of business
and salaries, yet they refuse to take the step
which they alt want to take, but do not. Why ?
The large majority of them have salaries rang
ing from five hundred to seven hundred dollars
per year. Now the first question to be asked
by any sane man, is, can I properly support a
wife, if I take one ? ‘ Then he counts foe cost
of living as the woman of his preference would
wish, and lo! he finds to his amazement
his income is vastly too small to support even
a modest modem establishment; and, some
what maddened by the reflection, he plunges
into labor and courts business wiinan assidui
ty that takes away his health eventually, in
hopes of attaining an income that shall enable
him to marry, and have a home of his own.—
AndfAijis foe secret of the hard, unending toil
of foe young men ot to-day, who are &st ap
proaching thirty years of age—this Is the rea.
son of so many disappointed men and waiting
women, deny or hide it as yon may.
“ But, says some good woman, you do us in
justice ; for any woman that truly loves a man*
will adapt herself to his circumstances with foe
greatest pleasure. But what man of any sen
sitiveness, or high sense of honor, would take
a woman from easy circumstances,, and a
pleasant and well-fiirniahed home, to adorn his
four little rooms, and to do his house-work, as
the first principles of economy would demand
of him ? Few will do it; for, though foe wo
man signifies her willingness to take up with
<such experience, we are til such creatures of cir
cumstances, that there would be complainings
on her part, eventually, and sickness from
over-exertion, unhappiness from many cares—
all of which would render marriage anything
else than pleasant. 'And, so fob young, men
very wisely think—-preferring a‘‘few,-years 0 f
single 1 loneliness, in order to
enough to support a modest house of between
twelve and fifteen hundred* dollars a year
expense, rather than to place a modernly
educated woman into the house of six hun
dred a year, where she must dqher own house
“ Now, what is the remedy! Plainly that
women must fit themselves to be such wives as
the young men mast have. • ißlaa the young
men must fit themselves to be such husbands
as the women want, and spend the very choicest
years of their life in tho dismal drudgery of a
ceaseless toll, breaking down health, happi
ness, energy, only to give themselves up to
marriage when the best of their manhood is
gone. The women must choose for them
selves which it shall be, for the matter is solely
in their hands. Let mothers say to their
daughters, Put on that calico gown; go into
the kitchen and prepare dinner; take charge
of this household, and fit yourself to become
a wife and mother. Let the young women
cheerfully consent to such service; and in
stead of lavishing all thought, and time, and
money upon the adornment of the body, seek
to accustom the hands to proper industry, and
to school the mind to proper tastes. Then there
will be no longer complaint that young men
( can’t afford to marry,' and we shall have
beautiful, modest houses all around us, and
women will have loving husbands, and all life
once more have something of the truthfulness
and virtue which it had in the days of our
blessed fathers and mothers, when it was
woman’s ambition V> become the head of the
house, and the mother of noble children.”
There’s some good sense for you, girls.
How to Make Salad—Couens against Sydney
[From Comas’ Wine Press.]
“My dear, learned friend,” said the Doctor, “A
bowl of lettuce is the Venus of the dinner-table!
It rises upon the sight cool, moist, and beautifal,
like that very imprudent lady coming out of the
water, sir! And, to complete the image, sir,
neither should be dressed too much!”
When Dr. Bushwhacker had issued this obser
vation, he drew himself up in a very portly man
ner, as if he felt oalled upon to defend himself as
well as his image. Then, after a short pause, he
u Lactuca , or lettuce, is one of the most com
mon vegetables in the world; it has been known
from time immemorial; it was as common, sir,
on the tahles of the ancients as it is noiri and was
oaten In the same way, sir, dressed with oil and
“ Now, Bir, there was one thing the ancients did
with lettuce whioh we do not do. They boiled it,
sir, and served it up in asparagus; so, too. did they
with encumbers—a couple of indigestible dishes
they were no doubt. Lettuce, my dear friend,
should have a quick growth; in the first place, to
be good, it should have a rich mould, sir, that it
may spring up quickly, so as to be tender and
orisp. Then, sir, it should be new ptnel-ed, carried
from the garden & fow minutes before it is placed
upon the table. I would suggest a parasol, sir, to
keep the leaves cool until it reaches the shadow of
within doors. Then, sir, it must be washed—mind
you, ice water! Then place it upon the table—
what Corinthian ornament more perfect and sym
metrical ! Now, sir, comes the important part—
the dressing. ‘To dress a salad,’ says the learned
Petrus Petroaiua, ‘you must have a prodigal to fur
nish the oil, a counselor to dispense toe salt, a
miser to dole out the vinegar, and a madman to
stir it.* Commit that to memory, my learned
“It is down, Doctor.” {Tablets.)
“ Let me show you,” continued Dr. Bushwhack
er, “ how to dress a salad. Take a small spoonful
of salt, thus: thrice the quantity of mustard—
‘Durham’— thug; incorporate; pour a slender
stream of oil from the cruet, so; gently mix and
increase the action by degrees” (head of hair in
commotion, and face brilliant in color:) “dear me!
it is very warm—now, sir, oil in abundance, so; a
dash of vinegar, vory light, like the last touches of
the artist; and, sir, we have the dressing. Now,
take up the lettuce by the stalk! Break off th»
leaves—leaf by leaf—shake off the water, replace
in the salad liowl, pepper it slightly, pour on the
dressing, and there you have it, sir.”
“ Doctor, is that orthodox?”
“Sir,” replied Dr. Bushwhacker,.holding the
boxwood spoon in one hand and the boxwood fork
in the other, “ the eyes of thirtv oenturies are look
ing down upon me. I know that Frenchmen will
sprinkle the lettuce with oil until it is thoroughly
saturated; then, sir, a little pepper; then, sir, salt
or not, as it happens; then, sir, vinagre bv the
drop—all very well. Our people, air, in the State
of New Jersey will dress it with salt, vinegar and
pepper—perfectly barbarous, my learned friend.
Then comes the elaborate Englishman; and onr
Pennsylvania friend, Rev. Sydney Smith, sir, gives
us a recipe in verse, that shows how they do it there,
and at the same time exhibits the deplorable igno
rance of that very peculiar people. I quote from
memory, sir:
‘“Two large potatoes, passed through kitchen
Smoothness and softness to the salad give:
Of mordent mustard add a single spoon,
Distrust the oondiment that bites too soon,
But deem it not, lady of herbs, a fault
To add a double quantity of salt.
Four times the spoon with oil of Lucca crown,
And twice with vinegar procured from town.
True flavor needs it and your poet begs
The pounded yellow of two well-boiled eggs.
Let onion atoms lurk within the bowl,'
And, source suspected, animate the whole.
Then, lastly, in the flavored compound toss
One magic spoonful of anohary sauce.
O great and glorious! O herbaceous treat!
’Twould tempt the dying anchorite to eat;
Back to the world he’d turn his weary soul,
And plunge his fingers in the salad bowl!’ ’
“Now, s r, I have tried that, and a compound
more execrable is not to be thought of. No, sir !
Take some of my salad, and see if you do not
dream afterwards of the Greek mythology.”