*swmsb nwn» i BY JOHN W FOBHEY OM|Cfc #* ' 41* chWikoi *t&bet niijy rust* ■ *wit,rt‘6»»r< prt' Wiie;:ii»y»blo''^S«!fSpjg B9oo %ib*«iber)/eieh ’ ISO "' an; requMtedtoMtta agents tor Siiittjmtg., •: iilt; -I'l far> SAMMHte well known fitumaliine, WASHING - • JPJ i *^HSBMANff j heritotbro«Bßl ■’•'l® IKW W Titii greeicere, oir.tiielbiwt . .. M&kMlnwmr deperhnjint, under the totyMlOuof • S%S!? r ’JLffi? united ptrtm Vary.' TheVure’ebout ' ■• &S? ??* dimension* of the 'WaBHINO. .;»j !»*»cli:TMsel:i«_4tted with’two toutntfiiide-leretin-' . wmewrof.Mfuchee^lOlßief efrpko! boUere.’ orfer, fjile.furaUhed witWOOei i' toui'of joelj Witjug ' ■ • freight wtom'for about ; fIS(T tons' meeftiieiMiY. Were: MCohunOdntlons for to, " ■ "to, the -Clty'otUewYork, on the flintier of ',, »u 6», .»MAthoro «nd itken sototo stoe MghMt bidftet .waenre. f .., ... ... *•- .JI4 Jt *f,..«,} flA(r You* and, 1 ’ toie; Jois Dbu. :, New. York, Betaidi)-, Jnuif.iO.lSupo*. ■ A d 4* sir At* M 12k30 .; Mldburg.'getiadey Sept « IHuosu t::‘.v/e ->s> •**' j fHOJt;M,ABOOTr. - ’ r-< . w/WiagburgiinnelT, , ’. ~ I|&TI8 01 fatiitM / ';"' c iS?> *P) tottd cleja. f'Sd wtth'' eookM pro-, «t. i! AueMorieMed’euigeoiutwSed to eeoh 82£“£ T™Js«!S|ht or jaseawe applf to JOHN MoSY MON. Ho. 17 JntOADtV'AVT h'ew York cite bills or gold. .«Mr.w«»M<^wNi»*g-.,.,•-, »ulo-toi; ' FBANOE,IBS7. ~. , * New, Yoad Hone BMiii&lp Compter—Tb« . -, Mlil StesimhlM ABAOO.ftwo frn*. ~.. Wottoh,73mmteder, '•I' 1 »«*• New York' ; ;do,' ? Arego, , * ,do. , ;Mattjho • • &;•» '', " '•*Vj» v -'-ys, a =/-4-*»« "TJ ■} Folfonj ■ dt>« • •■•' - frfay.fcfr -*-i !>>; \uv■:> <-r >■■»' ,'iji.' , :; TTj _ ** W2* / , wS# . *«•,_ A»*o. 4ft. >!&.»> Kf'. fJ.,{|-s;.i.lB«,i’!"'Jv >r.Y . 18SS.. ) ri! \JBMft*,: :d*.;\ :j»n, IS, Fsltcw, do. ; Jan. is .j. jrjAMOv ,40.„ >Feb,» , Aiteo,,.. do.. . Bob. 10 ..mot’#! Eulfqn, 'do., Mte.lo -"km inffi do, -V. April 1 M; May*! , Button,.. d 0,,;, M»j», 6 : 'li'C.;;j o» nesioa: ,■ - ■ t V, ■ ..1 ■it'rtdS 5 Be* ■ York td Southampton or HoOii-^rinY ,-YJtatajßaTM J.OT .to New Ymk-illnt , ',■ / m&Ko:tna• SetSndCablh, WOfrioa" "-, liVllutßlOtf/'Ajoirt.l Broad wap. :•-1 WttUAJUBBUN, .HaVSv" ' . ... CBOBKE Y dtCQ-I c &ootb’tftii. ■\J-.:, ■• ' AMSWOAN BotoPBAS) • I •■.,■ T, -BXPBESS AND EX-J ; OBANOECO.' ,y ,apd / U jV ii !• iiroll.bdoTO 'flrttvtlass oldo wheel Steamahlsa JEXdTONHSTATEted STATE, OEGEONQIAj no* , , ~..%m> WtBklj. Mpe f«. the Booths and Sootbftorf, on« . ’ ..j yij! k>i , ’ Jft'bjitVCbMltttoo jid S»Y»m«btbtw Bblja ooniodt y%,' iriatiteunor* ror EloSilo and H»»aaa,:ond »10i rall f’■:, Saturday mor»!*nff“’'*J* '* J i pnthe4thapdmhofeTerjinopih. . 4 , , j aal ■ fIIHE NEW .YORK AND LIVERPOOL ' - X UNITED STATES MAU.£TXAJHEItfI,-TTbe Bhrp» : ! 'i? Thfi-,ATLANTIC CopL Oltor/Etdrldge. j •' ” ThSBALTIO.cipti Jojwph Comstock. ■ s • TheADEIATIO;C»t,tjJ»mKi.West: : •! ‘■"'l, These shiw'have been built by contract, expressly for GovernmentMrvics- every.care boa been/takea J n their , /son*trwctl6n,aB AUoin thrirenglnes/tb ensure strength - and speed; And their accommodations for ! p*awngen3 *re ;;:L'Rjj#atx*U6d lot elegance and comfort: ' , .tr.. Prlcaof pMS*ge.fromNew;York to Liverpool, Ih Anrt , je&bin, 9130; in second ito., 975; from Xtverpoolito.Ne* • '■ TTodt; 80 ttd 20 gulbwfi.;-No p*id X ‘7* , ' PSOM HEW .tOlK; ’ - . . PROM'LIVERPOOL. 1 ’ BeflirtUiy, one 20, ‘; -1867 Wedneiday,'Jmie2*,' 1867 'Bsturday,; Jnly 4 } . - 1867 Wndnesdzy, July B, -1857 1 ; i Jq|y 18, , 1857, July 22, 1857 , r,>tari»y;Aug/I,'.!W '*!&**,&*& * MW - ! ' '•B*turday> Auff.l6, { 1857 Aul. 18 . .3857 M B«firdßy ‘BopLl2, t 185 f 2 -.1857 :< &taW»y,B? P L2B, ; (1857 Sept.3o * 1857 „ -finturday-Oct. 10, r W 57 Oct. ,14|‘ 1867 SntunUyvOct.' 24 ' ‘ 1857. Wednesday, Oct. ®, - 1857 • BatuWUy f NoV. 7, - 1857: Wednesday, Not. 1857 . - - ;.1957 Wednesday, Nov. 25, 1857 Saturday, Bee. 6, 1857 Wednesday, Dec. fd\ 1857 -- j —Wednesday, Dee. 22,. 1857 : V* l i * iotCOMlglitor j .. EDWARD .56 Wall street. N-Yi BBOWN, SIHPLBY & Liverpool, i . •i 9TEPEBNjKENSABB Austiji Prlart/ It •/;- Tha -thcM Bh\pa will not be Moonatable for fold/iuver, tmlllofl, BDecle, jewftliy.p.' eclotw stones or, metals,'unlessibllisorladinflft*.ii' * ned therefor, and the vslue ihereof expressed therein - jaul-tf • ;I7tOR .LIVERPOOL—SATITRIjAY, 16th Cabin Pawage.. f .....;.».,.,;.„980 . fiewmdtjabln.t,...., -1...1.'... 25 (, , flteerage . 18 ; fiedohd Cabift and fiteorage PaseenkeW furnished with • provlshme, adeordlng to ihe American Parsender Act, '- ti >: THOBj niOKA&DBOK{& i qq. t iOrnsa Ftdt Cijemifale. ! ’ORED'ERICK BROWN,—CHEMIST X l ' AND .DRUGGIST, north-awt comer,FIFTH and ,OHEOTKUT..Streeto,, Philadelphia, sole Manufacturer - of. BBGWN ’8 ESSENOB OFJAMAICA GINGER, , .which i» recognised and prescribed by theMcdlcd !&• calfcr. and has becobd the BtahWrtf tAMILV }U&t>U fCffl or tbeUait&d Btet«B. 1 ■ ’- ' ThU Essence is* preparation ofuniunal .excellence. 1 Daring ihe-Sntnmer'months, no faniily or! travefler r shoal* he without it. In relaxation of the bowels, in c aaoMjMi particularly is sew elckneei, it is'an active ' t sod sale, a* well u a pleasant and eeriest remedy. . .CACTIPN.—PeraonB desiring an nrtKW’thatcan be • - reUed'npoß* prepAred.solely from puMj AM AtCA GIN. . ;: to Bs * sene* of Jamaica tunger,’ ’ which ii warranted to be * what It W represented, aha la prebared only, by FREDE RICK BBOwN/and for.tele at his Drag and. Chemical ' Btorei awth-eMt 'corner of FIFTH and-CHESTNUT . : ' .fitrsef*, Philadelphia;.and by all ..the respectable Drug-, -gists mad Apothecaries in the U. States. ~ aol>Bm Handel haydn; drug store, EIGHTH and GREEN streets, Philadelphia, D. X. ETACKHOUBE, ,Propri§tor. Always on hand the Choicest articles of DRUGS, MEDICINES,; PBUPU-' MERY,OIGABB,Ac; ■ ; ! Stackhodse’s Patent Silyer Spda - Water] Ponntein keeps the water at S 3 degy* hiaSyrupfl and" y reams are acknowledged by-all as being the richest in the city. < • anl-lm j . . .‘is'-.-'. pthttittriat)ip nhft BboH KtffynS' ‘ , v MKECrAt COILEOK, (s.i. Coma- o( leVeNTH and OUBSTNtJT .Street.,Jmml ul Third Stories. BOOK KEEPING, PENMANSHIP: trtlT etjle. , OOHMEBOfAt filffSAOT TOBrfg. ' 7 COMMERGIAt tUOOTOATIOSS.- ■ MOTTOES; Ac. ; j ■ ■ ~,,'• Each Student has individual instruction from corope . . tent and attentive; Teachers, under the immediate ■upetrisiottof the Principal: ,-,1-* ' ’ 5 . One of the BeshPeuiaen in ihe Country Has charge of the Siting Departmfeut. . , , ' ■ PHate call and See Specimens and ‘ get a Catalogue of * " >,3 ‘ ' <. / 1 j ®ommi6sionAhrd)«nlG. HANDY..& BRENNER—COMMISSION . MERCHANTS 'fcftd Dealers in Foreign and Arne ■i 83,46 »nd«f -North FIFTH Street, Baot'elde: .bore Commerce etreet, PhUodelphLfk. : /..vi-m, eol-tf ftHARLEB COMMISSION MER CHANT .end , Ipport«r ,c,f HA,v6NA SKOAIIS, m«w) my«fa6Mtrwfe 4aitJ«t».‘ • -, ■" ..,-vS^ r KJI ) v aw.^^ww^ye I feade>fOTg«ittentfi 'S Wof .their ; e - *nd',Oennan : 'pc'hUnent fttfi oVhtfwT 0 ot i ** M^iVabuudant .t. any ,of : -the ..Roropean, , nffipw/or shipment direct.,' ri ' , - -L.-vp-They prepaiwdMrisceit c orders from temples and. well . Bii^afiictorito. m Paris,’fo 'W- shipped direct, r.-fr- "timr uttdfr'bonao7datypaid/' coAXmport«w» . t bird T jtp,-BQQ Broadway. 15 tofefs.,4 yaf '•;> {,'«,;; v : i »-i. VOL. I— NO. 13. THE WEEKLY PRESS, The Cheapest and Best 'Weekly Newspaper in the Country* *■ ‘ - Gteat Ittdkcem«iU ‘til Globs. - ' On the ifiib Of : Aqyuit iha firitnuinfeerof The Wkbc- X.IV XXM.wUI fee from the QJty 0 f Philadelphia. XtwUl er«ry,B»tnnUy.*, * PkiBB Will bufionduetod upon National akd will uphold the rights of the States- It ■win reslit fanatltfiini In ereiy Bbape; and will fee devo £t(d conaerfatlye doctrin'eSj aa the true foundation of publfQpTOgperityand social order. Such 4 weekly jour nal htilopgbeen desired In the tfnited States, and It Is to xt«ifry, this-want #Ut Ths Wkjuclt Pssss will be published, -,V • Tgs WmiT Pwsa Will' be printed on. excellent •whlto paper, dear,-new type; and in quarto form, for , , ; ~ , • It will oontalri tfee news of the day ; Correspondence ;frcmthe;'Pfd’World'Mid. tllie ( Domestic Iritelll- f Vw6>jw Markets 5 Literary Re tbeprofwto of Agrl *<>•.. ID* Ttrm» <»eari(iify in aieanci. . Tag WaattT jPassswU!.!» Mct. to mbKribere, -.....*2 00 ,Three UtorandProprle£o^'' PnbllcstloaOSSe* of tui WnerPY Pates, .No.'eiY Chastest etxestyFhUldslphia. : • C|t Jims. SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1867. ; •' THE GOODWOOD CUP. 1 ihe.Uup at. Good Wood took place on a fine day, it seems, when the course' was Ingood condition. Therefore, the Aine rican horses did,not lose, as we fancied mjght /have been’ the; case, from the' course being lysajy'.j lVntee'says,! ’'■ ,?Ol great trial, of strength, with the American, French, aSd English horses imparted an addi tional attraction to the ‘ Cnp Day. l Pribriand Prioress cbne td England with a vast reputa. Uon, while Florinjmd Monafquo wero noturi known tp fame.. The Americans regarded' the success..of. one, of theip horses with no little confidence,napd, it most be . confessed, that, although Prior ahd' Prioress were defeated, they were apt disgraced. "The horse lathbred considerably l on 'being/ stripped, • but he ran fight np ln front to the'distahee, where Prior-, ■esi, too, lopked so formidable that a shout of “ Wbat against the Arpcricans V’ was raised by many voices. It was/reaerved for France, however, tO bear off the honors of the day— Monarque, whoranthirilifor the Cnp hist year, i*HSi *t on - the. preseflt ''occasion, alter one 2..)finishes ever witnessed. Tbp Epglish horeea nrndo no inglorious oxliibi tion, and ‘ performed’ snffloiently well to sus tain theirhighirepuation.” . ; The accident which .occurred (three horses fatiing and a fourih saved ,bnly by bis jockey’s (act) most have pnt all tlm running - “ out of joint.” Ou this point Wo must again quote tbe'T,m««. .Mtsays “Itia impossible now to -tell'what might have been the result of the ,yadoliad no’ accidbnt'lijiippned. The general eiplnionWos that’the. American, horses—which were ridden by native jockeys, in striped jack ‘etsandstarred caps—might have, figured still more prominently, had. they been intrusted to men .as expieri'enced and accompUshcd in their '.prpfessldn, .as/English: jockeys. ; ' Indeed, in torf phraseology; Priqteas looked ‘.all over The English! jdc*eys,ino»t pf.whbni have rjdden.bvorthc dlf- wereychlidrsn,* uf ihbfit aßdf. cm 'avoid them.' .There' is. the difference also 1 , and' ‘Sfcaitist thb'American h'orses, of having* been accustomed to run on a hard course, and ap pearing, for the first time, at Goodwood, on the actual turf. That English, jockeys would not have dealt fitirly with the American cattle, ilf they rode them, iB not a correct idea. .These meh'ride for a character as well as credit, and .daru not play iklso. IV e recollect that’it was under a British pilot that the yacht America beat.the ’swiftest craft of England. ‘ RECO!YCU.EMEIVT COURTS. In “The heart ot Midlothian” is a reguiar ras eal called Ratolipfe, who, after having been twice or thrive almost within the grasp : of the turns thief-catehOr and turnkey at the end, betraying, arresting, and imprisoning his former accomplices. Lord BnqnouAit is a sort of iegaIIiATOUFFE. He realized a large fortune at tho Nisi Prius bar, as counsel lor parties in suits, and now, in bia old age, a pensioned ex- Cbancellor,: he eadeavora ' to. sacrifice the lawyers, by serving the public. He, would throW'downthe ladder by which he mounted. He would reduce costs to a reasonable limit. He would curtail tjie charges (and incomes) of the attorneys, He would bring Law doWn to a small price—hay, lie would even abolish suits of law I ~ His hobby, at present—in which a great many peoplo in England back him—is to con stitute Courts (there aro such in Prussia, we beiievo,) to which all disputes shall be referred.- They would pre rvent' unnecessary litigation, he thinks. He says that much injury was suffered in society 'from litigation,'which might be prevented, and that actions commenced, it might be in anger or in error, were often continued through feelings of pride or resentment. He added, that , the; examiners of tho Court of , Chancery had stated that the great majority of casOa which came before them either, had been originally, or.in the course/of the suits had resolved themselves into, mere questions of costs, and had thus hocome the attorneys’ actions rather than those of the nominal plain tiffs and defendants. AJl'this is very well; but what arc lawyers to do if lawsuits ore thus nipped in the bud ?- All yery Well for the publio—but for the poor attorneys wliat a "prospect! Starvation will stare them in the thee, and they may qomplain, with Othello, that their occupation isj gone!— Lord Beouoeam evidently is amanwho endea vor sto forgot thatho once was very glad to hold a brief in any lease,' Courts of Reconcilement, in* deed (' By-the*by, if this goes on, we shall see the bar dwindle down to a, bagatelle. A new generation of lawyers, will , arise, who will scarcely believe that in one case, (which orlgi jially,. might' have been arranged in half an hour or so, had the parties met under suitable guidance,) the late Lord Tatmo, then the Sergeant Wilde, received a fee of £B,OOO with his brief. This was the Small and Attwood .case, in which the litigation spread over nearly three years, and in which over £50,000 went among lawyers and witnesses! PaooßEss op the Paoimo Railroad.—The Victoria (Texas) Advocate says: -Dr. Fretwcll, of Port Layaoa, who passed through town last Wed* nesd&y, informed us that the work of laying down the railroad is progressing finely—that all the oroeS'ilet for fifty miles are paid for and will soon be on the ground—that the grading of fifty miles has also , been contracted for, and nearly all paid for.' The iron' for five miles of tbo road has been procured, together With an engine and several caw, all of- which are shipped and will bo soon on the ground. The iron 1b a superior artiole; and the ties, which aro laid two foet annrt from centre to centre, are the hearts of white pine, six by eight inobte. Arrangements: have been made, as the .Dootor informs us, for two hundred bands, who will soon heat work. - TheSamo paper informs us that tta expedition in charge of Capt. John Pope, foT the purpose of boring Artesian wells along the lino of the' proposed Pacific Railroad route, passed through .Victoria on last Monday. It is well sup* plied with men and materials for the object—hav- Ing a steam engine, ongittoere, and mechanics. . Com; Perry,, tl. Navy,has gone to the Hot Springe in Virginia v -The German Turners, of Norfolk, bad a fine celebration near that town on Monday r . ,A party.of northern gentlemen aro about to establish a steam 1 flour and gristmill at Portsmouth/ Virginia, ’ " George Fonner.arid Thomas Bpyan have ; beenarrosted at Washington, Pa., on the ohargo efrpMsing counterfeit money., . v ; , The flremeu of Ohio are. to.'have a grand ■State parade At Dayton, on the 10th of September. r ; - Jii making Bome excavations nearThorntown, Jhd.', last week, Some' thirty-nine dollars in Spanish silver cojn w« found in,an old,lndian gravo. • - The painters have, commenced frescoing fthA celling of. the House of ’ Representatives at CORRESPONDENCE. : LETTER PROM NEWPORT. [Correspondence of The Press,] Augpst 11,1857. , ! TDJEJ WBTMOBB PBTB, Grayly pawned the morning of the great fete of Monday, and many an anxions look was oast at clouds much bigger than a man’s hand. The day was, lowering, and the moot point was, “ is it a fog .or rain?” the day wore on in the'uncertainty of gloom. Decidedly It wilt not rain now, and at one P. M. was the high-tide of scurrying hair dressers and distrooted ohambrieres. The battle of art was begun—Newport was at the toilette. At three, car riageafter oarringe appeared at the hotel doors; at half-past, the Bret flounoes dawned on the horizon; thicker and thiokerthey oame, till at four the rood to Mr. Wetmore’s was a mass of flying vehicles. Soon the.queue was made, and by half-past four carriages in hundreds were depositing the guests on the ooean side of Chateau sur Mer. This is tho back entrance—too small for such a pile; but there Is no time for taking notes or making reflections. Tho lady in front remarks curtly, that your foot is on her.flounce, instead of its native heather; the lady behind begs pardon sharply, and disentangles her guipure mantle from your protruding button. On and on sweeps tho crowd; a hasty bow to the host, a half curttcy to the hostess, and you are irresistibly impelled in the line of, tnaroh through the wide piam enclosed for- tfye occasion, and into a cOvfercd Vay leading to the vast tent where, the Germania; are already in. full blast, and enough areMsembled to fIU wUhou>t,crowding the beauti ful danOlng-toom. What a dazzling sight it la l Women in- eyery variety of dress flitting about, with bright eyes and gay faces. At first it seems a mere mass of color, like a gorgeous tulip-bed; by degrees yofl learn to break the whole into detail, and separate the soene into parts; The Ugh! was most favorable, for it wasolondy without shadows; the pretty looked beautiful—the plain passed for classic. Nature, in beneficent mood, bod given this crowning excellence where money and will stopped, short. The, arrangements, made with a lavish hand,, left nothing to desiro; it was evi dently a success. The first waits begins, and tho crowd .slowly gives ground to tho sappers and miners of the regiment of dancers. The privileged holdback. The first, dance is usually a fruit of benevolence; there is no entrain. Wo must wait awhile, and walk farther round into the tont. There is Mine. S l,of the corps diplomatique , tall and well dressed, with her party, Mrs. Sr —t and Miss T 1* That daTk-ey ed elega w te in violet , brocade and point lace is Mrs. K e, whoso un rivalled dejeuner some two years baok was, pro bably, father to the thought of this feto. , That beautiful woman in white silk, with bonnet trimmod with purple, is Mrs. L e. That sweet, young-looking creature, is Mrs. W. D—-n, whose rich dress alone stamps her as marriod. Mrs. J. K if, in greon and white brocade, and hor love ly sister, Miss G. 0 n, are among the 'fairest. Miss O.’a dress of green and white tarlotan, with her long, fair curls j recalled Undine. Mias K-—y, in two skirts of white silk, odged with plfck, looked oalm and serene in her quiet beauty. Miss P——e, of South Carolina, was charming in white and bluo. Miss C—-r-s, of New York, In currant colorod and white muslin, with a coquettish bonnet of the same colors, had invaded the married ladies’ provinco, and danced bonnet and all; so did Miss H—n, of Paris notoriety, who wore a lilao spotted thin mus lin, with ohip bonnet trimmod to correspond, but, decidedly, the innovation Was less appropriate than tho simplor head-goar of tho other®. Miss. H n wore her hair In blown-up curie, too trying to admit of A'correot judgement as to what her beanty, un adorned, might be; certainly with her amphithea tre of curU she looked repose, and did not take rank among home beautlos. Tho L&noors are played, and straightway set upon Sot are formed, and this decidedly fashionable* danoe warms up the party. Tho Lancers has the immense advantage of being a compromise." The ultra fash onablea meet the ultra proper on common ground between the Polka and ,Quadrilie—tbe oldest inhabitant greets with ’ a Smile and a sigh the figure wbieh recalls the min uet df the nursery, and the toll-taker was condemned in the'costs. Dr. Hawkins (physician) and his wife, of London, arc candidates for the Duumow Eiitcli of Bacon, which is to ha given in 1869. 7 he Cotton Supply Association liaye held meetings in Wigan and Preston, and Carried resolutions at both places in favor of develop ing the resources of India as a cottqn-ixport ing country. Tho meetings were attended by tlie leading Lancashire men who havo taken tho movement in hand, and by Dr. Buist, of Bombay. , Mr. J. B.‘ Gougli’a engagement with tho Na tional Temperance League and tho Scottish Temperance Longuo extends over three years, A Parliamentary paper, just issuedj shows that during tho last ton years tho addition to tho permanent public debt of the, natloa amounts to £48,291,765, the yearly charge of which for interest, &c., is £989,164. { The'marriageof tho daughter of King Leo pold to tho brother of Francis Joseph adds another rivet to that ill-omened and foul alli ance which binds the royal family of England with tho scoptred assassins of tho Continent. The Coburgs, tho Hapsburgs, and tho truelplis are now < firmly and completely welded. The young wife of the Austrian Arch-Duke is the cousin of the Queen and Frinco Albert, who aro thus brought into most intimate and peril ous relationship with tho Hapsburg Nero—the (logger of Hungarian matrons; the,robber, torturer, and murderer of Italian patriots. But no matter. The more the crowned heads aro united, tho eaaior it will be to bring {hem all to the dust when the time has arrived.—Rey nold’s Newspaper. \ IRELAND. Prince Napoleon Bonaparte has been ma king a tour in Ireland. ' 1 Laßt year duty was paid for homo consump tion on 6,781,068 gallons of proof Spirits in Ireland, against 6,228,856 gallons in 1g65, and 8,440,784 gallons in 1864. Tho number of de tections of offences against tho la\y for tho suppression of illicit distillation in 1860, w»s 2,849, 472 porsons having been prosecuted, 816 convicted, and 169 punished by incarcera tion. FRANCE. Tho Empress of tho French gave, a grand dinner to all tho ministers at St. Cloud on the 24th ult. This is the first entertainment of tho kind given by her Majesty in the Emperor’s absence. Tho preparations for tho Napoleon ieto of tho 15th August wore progressing. Tho shun Malakhoff town approached completion, and some infantry had been encamped in tho Champs do Mars to givo a little eqlat to tho progress of tho works, and to protect tho workmen. The attack and defence of this tower was to bo conducted with every regard to effect, and, as theatrical managers say. quite regardless of expense. Amongst the party who are to assault tho sham Malakhoff will be many who wore in tbo attack [upon tho real tower. On July 29th tho Emperor passed along tho Boulevards on his return from Chilohs-sur- Marne. A considerable crowd assembled at tho Strasburgh railroad station and received him with acclamations. A detachment of dra goons attonded as an escort, but thoy were sent away; and the Emperor, seated (n an open .carriage with two of hia household, unattended by a single trooper, and with merely ibreo or four outriders and grooms, entered Paris. The Boulevards were lined with people,'who took off their hats and cheered as ho passed. He proceeded at onco to St. Cloud. ; On tho occasion of tho French Emperor’s fetty on tho 16th, Rear-Admiral Rigault de Genouilly, who commands the French naval division in China, will bo promoted to the rank of Yico-Admirnl. Tbo Cathedral oi St. Denis is to he restored, The towers are to bo finished, tho floor of tho nave lowered, and tho monument is 'to assume altogether the aspect [it had in tKoj thirteenth century. A special vault will bo prepared for tho sovereigns of the Napoleon dynasty! Tho Emperor of tho French has decided that a gallery in the Museum shall be dedicated to paintings representing battles in the Crimea. Tho Monifcur announces that the rumor which has been circulated of the dospatch of French troop* to China, is entirely without foundation. The Paris correspondent of ono of the Bel gian journals states that a marriage is in con templation ot Vichy between Marshal Canro horfc and tho widow of a Count d’Eaterhazy, nee Rohan. Joseph Napoleon Ney, Prince dc la’ Mos kowa, eldest son of Marshal Ney, )ias died at St. Germain-en-Laye, near Paris. lie had long been suffering from a nervous fever. The Prince was tho godson of the Emperor Na poleon I, and of the Empress Josephine. The Prince de Canlno (Charles Lucien Bo naparte) is dead. Count do Nesselrode, since his arrival in Paris, has been bußily engaged in visiting the Various sights. Though eighty-seven years of age, the Count ih so active that he scarcely appears more than sixty. Genera] Ahmot-Meneki Pacha, ex-general in-'chief of the Egyptain army of the Crimea, has been for some days past residing at Bor deaux. He is accompanied by his stag whom he intends placing in a college in Paris. He received several wonnds in the Crimean cam paign, which have compelled him to visit some of the thermal springs of Franco. The Gene ral, who [does not speak French, is decorated with several foreign orders, and among others that of Commander of the. Legion of Honor. Tho harvest has nearly terminated in the south of France, and the result is said to be magnificent, The portrait of Baranger is to be placed in the Museum of Versailles, in the gallery con taining portraits of Moliere, Corneille, and Lafontaine. The Rue do Yendomo, in which he died, is to be called the Rue do Beran ger. Tho 16th volume of Thiers’s “ History of the Consulate and Empire” is now in the hands of thh printers, and will be published imme diately. The grand medal of the Frencli school of fine arts lias been bestowed on M. Yvon for his painting of the “ Capture of the Malakoff.” Twenty-three out of twenty-seven voices came to this determination, which has not received the unanimous approval of the public. AUSTRIA, Sir Hamilton Seymour, it is reported, has made a communication to tho Austrian Go vernment, to the effect, that although Lord Palmerston does not think it requisite to pro pose any moasuro to Parliament with respect to the. political refugees in London, he has re solved that they shall be subjected to a stric‘ surveillance, and they are to be warned not to abuse the hospitality of England, if they would escape the application of rigorous measures. Tho Emperor of Austria is to meet the Empe ror of Russia at Berlin in September, accord ing to report. The Austrian Government is said to havo signed a convention with variousltalian States, tho object of which is to resist in ftiture any revolutionary attacks. The Austrian police have now ascertained beyond a doubt, they say, that Mazzini spent some days at Milan not a month ago. He sub sequently passed through Como into Switzer land, disguised as a miller, and driving an ass. The Emperor of Austria would, it is said, commonce his journey to Hungary on the Btli instaht. PRUSSIA. A recent ordinance of the Minister of Jus tifco, which is equivalent, as regards the Jews, to an interdiction against their adopting the law as a profession, has produced a considera ble sensation. The law on the Spanish press, tho execution of ■which the Narvaez cabinet demanded as a matter of urgency, is in IUII force. The Ma drid journals have now the signature of the writer at tho bottom of each article. It was said that on her accouchement the Queen would create several grandees, so as to cnaiilo their sons to sit by hereditary right in the Senate. ITALY. Count Colorado, the Austrian Ambassador, has been commissioned to compliment the Pope on the political results of his tour in the provinces. Front this wo may conclude tho Cabinet of Vienna is well satisfied that his Holiness has not listened to any politico) ad dresses. The Pope returns to Romo in Sep tember. It is stated that the oidium has attacked all the vineyards of Tuscany, except a very few, . where the proprietors havo had tho wisdom to sulphur tho vines repeatedly. There is an extreme probability df,qqme thing like a rupture botween tho Encdaean Powers on tho question of tho PriacMßitm. It is thought that Louis Napoleon wfflEtigain .call tho Paris Conference together. Perhaps in this very Conference wo havo tho nucleus of a high court of arbitration, and the paper says i Letters from members oi tho commis sion havo been received to as late a date as thq close of June, announcing not only the recommencement by the new commissioners : -«f-tlu>-labo« at—iha.point .jefUdL by.Ud> ftuw, mer ones on the breaking out of the late war, 'but likewise! that tho utmost cordiality pre vails; indeed, it was confidently anticipated that every thing will he got through by the close of the present year. | Some fifty (v sixty Frenchmen, who,; after the peace, w'fifd encouraged to go from Ka miesch to £qbastopo), to set up shops there, havo. novr, It appears, been summarily ex pelled. i. RUSSIA. Two great questions just now pre-occupy the attention' of tho St. Petersburg public— namely, the abolition, or at least the reduc tion, of serfdom, and the reduction and reform in the army, if he reduction of the standing army is to be carried out, it is said, by the simple and Complete adoption of the Prussian system of a landwehr, or militia, in which every male individual may have to pass a period of ids life. At the same time it is in contemplation to put an end to tho system in troduced by tho Emperor Nicholas, of having a considerable part of the army constantly on a war footing. ■ As long as the Empire is at peae'e, the army is to be at peace, as in Prussia-*that’ia lo' say, leave of absence will be granted tb the Soldiers to a large extent, and the phy of the officers will ho reduced. The Grand Duke Constantine has submitted a proposition'to the Senate, making the promo tion of the public employees not any longer dependent on their clasp of bureaucratic no bility—an aryangcmonl, as is well known, pe culiar to Russja—but oxclusivoly on their capacity for the office they aro to fill. SWEDEN. The Mormons who aro somewhat numerous in tho district of Vestra Sallerup, near Mal moe, inSweden, have built in the village of the former name a house and chapel. On the 15th of June they assembled in the chapel for some grand ceremony of their own worship, and when they were so engaged a .band of peasants, armed with thick sticks, some of them with, guns also, marched to tho chapel and summoned them to disperse. Tho Mormons refttsed, on which tho peasants expelled them by force, and drove them from tho villago. Several of the combatants were wounded. TURKEY AND THE EAST. The affairs of tho Principalities occupied general attention at Constantinople. Letters frpfn Bucharest state that a schism has openly declared itself among the Commissioners, Eng land, Austria, and Turkey being tho minority. Tho Sultan has presented Mme. Thouvcnel, wife of the French Ambassador, with a mag nificent diamond necklace. A Constantinople paper, tlio Press d’Orient, of tho 16th, is rather a curious specimen of the results of the censorship. Tho greater part of the paper is blank, and lvhoro com plete articles have not been suppressed, sen tences, and even singlo words, have bedn erased. A new pilgrimage to the Holy Land is being organized at Paris and Marseilles, to be com posed of one hundred and twenty porsons, and to leave Marseilles on the 20th inst. A letter from Salonica states that the band of tt o noted brigand chief had carried off into the mountains Bessim Bey, the Cadi of Born feria. . They demand for his ransom 200,000 piastres and the releaso of two oi their band, who are in the prison of Salonica. WEST INDIES, A planter in Barbadoes calculates the excess of the value of the sugar crop of that island this year over that of last, owing to tho ad vance in tho price, at not less than £760,000. There were disturbances at Dominica, arising out of public dissatisfaction at tho legislation on the subject of the rum duty. The Governor hud been requested to dissolve tho Assembly, but declined. Biots ensued, and some blood was spilt. In Granada a colored man had been elected to the House of Assembly. At St. Vincent tho cane crop, already reaped, was extremely good. Tho great« slavo contract” made by tho Emperor Napoleon, for a supply of Africans for Martinique, was openly lauded in the local papers, and an imitation of his ex ample by England recommended as a first means of saving her West India colonies from ruin. Tho Echo of tho Hague says: <,We have now before us threo bills for the abolition of slavery in the West Indies, just presented by the Minister of tho Colonies to tho Second Chamber. From a rapid examination of them, we can affirm that they only nominally abolish slavery—a fact which will surpriso no one when it is known that they are based on tho ideas of the governmental commission which was no minated some time ago to adjourn the solution of the quostion. According to these profects, tho Government will disburse a sum. exceeding 12,000,000 florins to purchase tho slaves, who are afterwards to bo allowed to continuo to work for their masters as previously, or to labor under the direction of public functiona ries in phalansteres specially established for them; ■ but they are not to regain their real li berty until they shall have reimbursed the ex penses of their protended emancipation, and shall besides have obtained tho consent of tho authorities. The object seems to bo to estab lish In'the West Indies a species of black com munisth.” INDIA AND CHINA. •Lieutenant-General Sir Colin Campbell, G. C. 8., has been appointed an extraordinary Member of the Council of India. The East India Company have determined to have recourse to the Cape of Good Hope for a supply-of horses for service in India. All regiments now under orders for India are to take from their depots every man tit for ser vice. The specie taken out from England by the last nine India mail packets amounts to the enormous sum of £6,924,000, or upwards of 1 00 tons of gold and silver. The natives or India, it is said, cherish a Brahminical prediction that the British rule in India would last just 400. years; perhaps the prophecy lias had some effect in the present mutiny, since it is just 100 years since Lord Olive virtually subjected the Empire.. The Euphrates Telegraph is to bo com menced immediately. A large quantity of telegraph stores has been despatched for Bag dad, and Lieutenant Hawes, of the East India Company’s service, and Borne officers of tho European and Indian Junction Telegraph Com pany’s service, will start forthwith for that town to begin the construction of the pro posed line. The Revenue op India.— ln 1853-4 the In dian revenue was £26,610,000, being£2,o44,ooo less than the expenditure; in 1854-5 the reve nue was £27,312, being £1,707,000 short of the expenditure; in 1856-6 the revenue was £28,891,000, being £972,000 less than tho ex penditure ; and the estimate for 1850-7 is that tho income will be found to amount to £29,- 344,000, and tho expeitsoto£Bl,B2o,ooo, show ing an anticipated deficiency of £1,981,000. The principal source of income—the land re venue-had increased from £14,848,000 in 1853-4, to £16,682,000 in 1856-7. The cus toms had increased in the same period from £1,283,000 to £2,029,000, while the revenue from salt had somewhat decreased, and that lVpm opium remained at nearly th& same amount. Under the head of charges we find, from 1868 to 1857, that the direct claims upon the revonno, including charges of collection and cost of Balt and opium, had increased from £0,805,000 in 1863, to £7,380,000 in 1857; tho civil and political establishments, from £1,973,000 to £2,500,000; the judicial and police charges from £3,307,000 to £2,638,000; buildings, roads, Ac., from £659,000 to £1,216,000; military charges from £10,168,000 to £10,637,000; buildings for military purposes from £292,000 to £615,000; the Indian navy, from £472,000 to £603,000. The interest on debt, on tho other hand, has decreased from £2,504,000 in 1858, to £2,162,000 in 1857. The ships sent out to reinforce the French and English naval divisions in China were to assemble on tho Ist of August at Hong Kong, which is thqir point of rendezvous. After a lull of hostilities, but a continuation of watchfulness on tho part of tho British Ad miral, operations of a vigorous character were recommenced in the waters of Canton. On the 27th of May thirteen Chinese junks were captured by the British forces; on the follow ing day twenty-seven were captured; and on the Bth of June no less than one hundred and twenty-seven war-junks, mounting 900 guns, were taken and destroyed. The Chinese fought with more skill than they usually display against Europeans, and with a bravery, or ferocity, which they never before exhibited. The British Joss on the last occasion was three officers 'and eight men killed, and three officers and fifty-three men wounded. The loss on the side of the Chinese is not mentioned. By the result of these operations Canton lies wholly at the mercy of the British Admiral, who may thus continue to be the master of tho situation, and perchance bring Commissioner Ych to reason, without any necessity for the employ ment of British troops, who are more wanted aud better employed in India. The dispute remains as before, a purely local one, in which the Emperor of China is not involved, and from which ho may yet escape participation by dis avowing tho acts of his commissioner. FURTHER FROM HAVANA. (PXRXUPIRE CITY, AT NEW-YORK.) TIIE EXPLOSION OF THE BANK BUBBLE. Yesterday we gave a brief account of the panic which prevailed in money circles in Havana. The correspondent of the Daily 2Y vies, under date of August Bth, says; u The predictions of the American Press and of some of our most influential capitalists have been fully realized, and the grand bubble of Cuban stock who were considered to be in affluent circumstances a fow months ago. The worst feature in the thing is that nearly all the banks are involved jin tho general ruin. They havo spoculntud os heavily in the new and organized companion as all the rest, und havo made themselves responsible for tho pay-' meut of instalments in companies that hour on their faces the impress of oertuln failure. The;conse quence has been a constant drain on their specie for paper that cannot be quoted, aud which they would gladly disposo of at par. Some of them have paid ns high as 150 per centum premiums for the “ Credito MohtliarioP Tho fact of the weak state of the banks became generally known lost jlouduj morning, and there was a general rash made by the depositors for their funds. Imagine thpir sur prise on finding a notioe that, with the consent of tho Captain-General, payments had been suspended until further advice Some wore frantic wi>th rage and despair. I never saw in my whole life such a collection of sod visages. The Spanish Bank was assisted by tho Government with about $1,500,000 in specie, aud stood the run bravely. The crowd of pooplo holding the notes for which they loudly domandod gold, was so groat and upUy that the guard of soldiers stationed below hnd to drive them off. It is a remarkable fact that whilst the Span ish bouses were drawing out thoir deposits, oil the foreign houses, without a single exception; helped the bank in every possible way. On Monday the Captain-General* called several meetings of the merchants and riob planters to devise somo speedy moans of affording relief to the banks, and restoring confidence to the panic stricken llabaneros; the most prominent Was one uanimously adopted for the capitalists of Havana to guaranty the Spanish Bank in its operations of loaning money to tho other banks for six months, by mortgages on their property or oash. About $8,000,000 wore raised in loss than half an hour, some of the merchants giving their signatures for $500,000. The greatest enthusiasm prevailed in this mooting, and all our moneyed men were present. After addressing the audience on the necessity of adopting some important measure for the salvation of the Island, Gen. Concha retired from the room, so that his presence might not be an obstaole to the voluntary subscription that each one was expected to make. Tne result of tho meeting was extremely satisfactory, and had he called for S2OjOOO,OOG, it would havo boon forthcom ing. His Excellency was as much frightened at tho oriticftl situation of the island as any ono elso. —probably more so, as he is aooused of having con tributed largely to the rapid development of this new kind oi gambling in the island. The best banks in the city had to stop payments for throo days, and many doubt whether tho Habaneras will ever be caught trusting their funds again in the banks. The merchants have gotten up a petition to tho Captain-General, asking for the admission of American gold into our circulation at par for tho term of twelve months. “A groat many of the stock-brokers hare fled to parts unknown, fearful of being obliged to dis gorge. X havo heard of several partied who are known to havo sold the same stock ttoenty times to as many different parties. Business was transacted in such a loose manner that it is strunge that the u safe game ” was not more generally practised. “The excitement in the money market has been so great that politics are not eveu thought of, and, though tho Spanish and Mexican mail-boats have arrived, no nows has transpired. The Spanish squadron continues in our harbor, offering fresh victims to tho yellow fever,and from all ujipoarances it would seem that they would roinaiu until after tho equinoctial gales have passed. The new Ad miral does not seem to bo so warlike os his prede cessor, and several of tho ships look like they were laid up in ordinary.” Tnn Latest !—The Isabel has since arrived at Charleston with four days* later nows from Havana. She brings the intelligence that tho banks had re sumed payment on the 10th inst., and that oonfi deuco was restored. The Case of Rev* T. J. Simpson, The Pittsburgh Cumberland Presbyterian of this wook contains a lengthy communication from Rev. T. J. Simpson, relative to the serious charge preferred against him, and of which ho whs hc quittod by thejPresbytory. We copy the following extract: “For the Inst few weeks my name has been trumpeted through the country in connection with the charge of seduction. For a time tho eager multitude caught tho dying rumor without stop ting to inquire whence it came or on what it wns founded. Tho reaction has now com menced, howover, and tho Church and the world demund the author of such an infamous charge. Is he to bo found ? I challenge the world to produce a singio individual who will acknow ledge that he has over made such a charge, much less assume the responsibility of making it good. Has tho Prosby tery made tho charge } After inves tigating the evidence in tho cuso, tho Presbytery re fused oven to entertain tho chargo, it being simply ridiculous. Who, then, Is tho author? Puma cla mosa! An intangible, irresponsible nondescript, who, in this instance, has certainly overtaxed her energies to spread tho foul slander. Who, then, is to bo believed ? I huvo spent four weeks in one untiring effort to deteot tho author, uud no one can bo found. Tho Allegheny Presbytery, at iny request, has mot three different times in the lost month, and devoted, in nil, nearly two weeks in a fruitless effort to truce its origin, to find its au thor, or at least by accumulating all the evidence in the caso, to know if there was ground on which to predicate such a charge; and it has unanimous ly deolared there is not. I ask again, then, who is to bo boliovod > Tho Presbytery or rumor? Ru mor hus cireiilatodlhe charge; and the Allegheny Presbytery, composed of men provorhiul for their piety and integrity, have solemnly dcoUred, before God and the world, with the facts bofore them, that thore is no evidence to sustain it.” The slave who was shot in Cincinnati a few weeks ago, by the United States officers, who were trying to oapture him, has since died of his wounds. The officer whom he stabbed has recovered. The sheriff of Polk county, N. C., wns mur dered about ten days ago while attempting to levy an execution. There are flfty-six manufacturers of tobacco in Riohmond, Va., whole united capital amounts to four or five millions of dollars. TWO GENTS, general news . Thß pepple of Michigan seem to be greatly exercised concerning a recent decision of the Su preme Court of that State on the validity of tax ti tles. It would appear, from articles in several pa pers, that the county treasurers have been in toe habit of posting notices of sates of land for taxes in obscure places, where the owners were not likely to observe them, a few days previous to their sale The case in question was Niles v. Walker, and the decision was that the connty treasurer must give a reasonable notice of the place of sale; that six days is not sufficient notice; and that the notice of the place must be coextensive with the time of sale. It is said this decision will render null and void a ve ry large number of tax sales throughout Michigan. The Chicago Fire Department consists of five engineers, six hundred and seventy engine men, one hundred horsemen, and sixty-eight nook and ladder men. There are ten engines in good condition, three ordinary and two building. . There aro six hose carriages connected with engined in good condition, and seven ordinary. There are also six Bupply hose carriages in good condition, two hook ana ladder trucks in good condition, one ordinary and one re-building. There is in use in tho department six thousand five hundred feet of hose in good order, and three thousand five hun dred feet indifferent, making a total of ten thou sand feet. The St, Johns (Canada) News says: **A freight train of cars, arriving from Montreal on Monday evening last, was propelled violently against some stationary cars, at one end of which stood a nurse of Mr. Walmsley,' mail conductor, who had charge of an infant child belonging to that gentleman. The child was in a smafl hand-car riage, and the nurse was leaning against a post' set in the ground whioh the cars strucK "and dislodged. The girl was flung to some distance, and the child caught by its clothing and carried for several yards by the wheels of the car; but both escaped with scarcely any injury but the extreme fright and shock.” Strahan, one of the London bank swindlers, who is about to be transported to Botany Bay, is a man of great wealth, and was in the habit of giv ing the moat extravagant entertainments to this friends. He began life with $1,500,000 in cash, and estates worth at least $1,250,000; this large fortune being left him by Andrew Strahan. Kibjps Printer in the reign of George the Fourth. Several of the other aristocratic embeszlers who go:out with him, were also very rich. Thus, while these English swindlers are sent out as convict crimi nals, many of our wholesale rascals go off in steam ships, and live in elegant luxury abroad. An adjustment has just been made in the Department of the Interior of the branch rail road from Little Rock to Memphis, whereby 89,200 acres of land have been certified to the State o.f Arkansas, under the aot of Congress of the 9th of February, 1853. A previous adjustment last month, for the main trunk of the Cairo and Fulton road, under tho act above mentioned; .em braces a total'of 1,125,000 acres. The main tilink travorses the State from southwest to northeast diagonally, and is 301 miles long in Arkansas and 77 I miles in Tennessee. The Commissioner of Pensions has received information that W. 11. Wash, who was indicted a few days since for forgery, was arraigned on two ludiotmonts before the United States court at Rich mond, Virginia, on Wednesday last, to each of which he plead guilty. A nolle prosequi. was en ‘ ered to the remaining indictments, as it is under stood that the prisoner is an old man, and will doubtless be sentenced a sufficient period on the in dictments to whioh he plead guilty to satisfy the ends of justioe. James Buckelew, Esq., at Jamesburg, Mon roe Township, Middlesex county, N. J., owns 3,200 acres, 1,700 of which aro under cultivation aud in use, the rest being woodland. He has, toe present season, in grass, 350 acres; corn, 350; oats, 200; wheat, 10O; rye, 50; total, 1,000. Be sides this, there are 800 .acres in pasture. The rows of corn, in one direction, are nearly a mile in length! The value of tho crops this season will probibly approximate $20,000. Some anxiety was felt at San Francisco at the non-arrival of the American shin Torrent, which loft Hong Kong about the 20th or April, and had not reaohed San Francisco on the 20th of July. She had on board several hundred Chinese emi grants, besides a valuable cargo. By the Empire ity, we learn that the San Jacinto was the only American vessel of war lying at llong Kong, the Levant being at Shanghoe, and the Portsmouth on her way to Siam. Extensive and valuable discoveries of coal and iron have recently been made in Louisiana and Mississippi. In one locality, rich beds of lignite, of a very superior quality, and of alleged sufficiency of extent to supply the market with twenty trillion tons a year, have boen found. The coal beds dis covered in Mississippi are situated about eighteen miles above Vicksburg, and are of the game kind and quality as those of Louisiana, besides being intersected with rich beds of iron oro. Messrs. S. P. & G. H. Ely.-sell-kncm mU ‘lers of .Boohejter, N»w York, bSTfI nupuided, art. because of any loiUSs tn ftmur )egf{lhiaiet>usi»eas,. but because of large Investments In the Lake Su perior mineral regions. Among other investments was $250,000 in a railroad from. Marquettefo toe mines. Ttyey had sold this road for $&H),O00, but tho purchasers have failed to meet their engage ments. The high credit of the firm, and tho cause of their embarrassments, will make their creditors hopeful and lenient. ; The Wheeling Intelligencer employs the fol lowing choice language in speaking of the depar ture of a forger from that city, oonaemned to con finement in the penitentiary: “A. H. Everett, the alleged forger—poet and philosophor—will leave for Richmond some time during the present week, on a protracted visit. He is to oe accompanied by one or two gentlemen of this city, who hold offices of trust, as well as one or two private citisops.” A board of officers, to be composed of Lieut. Col B. L. Beall, Ist Dragoons; Major Henry Hill, Paymaster; Capt. Thomas Duncan, Mounted Ri fles; Capt. Hcth, 10th Infantry; Captain Thomas J. Brercton, Ordnance Department; and First Lieu tenant John Gibson, 4th Artillery, is ordered to assemble at West Point, New York, on tho 19th inst., to mako trial of brccch-loading rifles, with a view to ascertain which is tho best suited for mili tary service. j An accident happened, Monday evening, on the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad, about a mile above Wellsvillo. The mail train, 'coming down, came in contact with a carriage crossing the track. The engine struck immediately between tho team and the carriage—throwing the latter to one side, and the man and two horses to the other. The horses were killed, and the man, it is said, died of his injuries this morning. Tho train re ceived no injury or jar whatever. The Washington (Pa.) Examiner says that Robert H. Koontz, Esq., has boen employed by the county commissioners to assist District Attorney Wilson in the trial of William Jornfe, Jr.,'for the murder of Samuel Henderson White. T£e case will be taken up, we have been informed, At the approaching term of court. The prisoner, we be lieve, has not as yet employed any one to defend him. It is probable that the court will ;hare to assign him oounscl. The Providence Journal (R. I.) says that soon after the train on the Stonington Railroad left East Greenwich, yesterday, a woman and a boy were discovered by tho ride of the road.: As the train approached, the woman jumped on the track in front of the locomotive, and was immediately killed by being knocked down the embankment. Tho woman was about fifty years old, and is sup posed to hare escapodfrom the poor-housed Orders have beon issued for a body of four hundred recruits to maroh from Fort Leavenworth, Kansas Territory, about the fifth proximo, to rein force the regiment of mounted riflemen and the thirdregiment of infantry serving in New Mexico. Several offioors of these regiments, now on leave of absence, will avail themselves of this escort to re turn to their posts. The Bth, 9th, and 10th days of October have been fixed upon by tho Westmoreland County (Pa.) Agricultural Society, as the days for holding their fourth annual fair. The Cambria county (Pa.) fair will be held atEbensburg on the 7th, Bth, and 9th of Ootobcr. 1 On Tuesday afternoon, about five o’clock, a boy named Bonjamiu Browner, aged’ thirteen yeoft, son of George Browner, was caufcht In the fly-wheel at tho Norfolk Mills Carpet factory, at Roxbury, Mass., and almost instantly crushed to death. This is the fourth child Mr. Browner has lost within three months, three h&viug died from scarlet fover. The Bangor (Me.) Union gives an account of a packago received by Dr. Pond, iutbehalf of the Theological Seminary, from England, contain ing some dozen pieces of marble slabs, covored with inscriptions ana carved figures, taken from the ruins of ancient Nineveh. The Fourth Annual Ohio and Pennsylvania Horse Exhibition will bo held on the Fair Ground at Salem, on the 9th, 10th, and 11th of September next. R. 11. Patterson, of Pittsburgh, has been elected President. Every necessary preparation will bo made for a large show of horses. Jonathan Groves, of White Clay Creek Hun dred, Del., lost six valuable horses,’worth at least $l,OOO, on Monday last. They were lying under a tree in the field, when it was struck by lightning, and wero all instantly killed. Three of them were valued at $260 each. Alexander Chambers, a resident of Jefferson county, Indiana, died a few days since, in tho one hundred and second year of his ago. * Ex-President Fillmore and Judge Harris ar rived at Montreal on Wednesday. A large number of mvatts from the United States aro in that city attending the meeting of tho Scientific Convention. A lot of tobacco grown by Thos. J. Brown, of Yanoeyville, N. C., was sold in Lynchburg on Tuesday, at $323 per cut. Theodore Dietsch, late editor of the German Republican, and formerly of the VoUsblatt , at Cincinnati, died on Tuesday, of a pulmonary af fection. The city authorities of Keokuk, lowa, are searching tho hotal registers, and when they find a stranger has passed thirty days there they charge nim two dollars for street improvements. The Buffalo papers state that an excursion was got up for the benefit of Rankin, a principal in the late brutal prise fight. He was not only se verely whipped, but completely cleaned out, finan cially. A steamboat excursion was made from On tonagon, Lake Superior, to Marquette Bay, on the 4th of July, to sec the great ice-fields still remain ing in that bay. Garroting is becoming quite fashionable in Cincinnati. A little of New York justice in such cases would be benofioial to the denizens of the Queen City. John Ellis; police officer of Cincinnati, was dangerously stabbed In tho back, by his wife, on Wednesday last. Cause—jealousy. The Bath (Me.) Tribune learns that the pro ceeds of Mr. Everett’s oration at Brunswick reached about SMB. HOIKS 20 OOKSKIfOHbSHtS. OoaeipottdMta far b«v la mind the following rules; ... Every eonyoßiegtiou mast be aeeosg&nled by the nuns ot th e writer, la Order to insure o t toe'typognp&j, but one side of*a sheet should be written upon. v We shall greatly obliged to in Pennsyl vania and other States for contributions giving the cur rent news of the day in their particular localities,'the resources- ef the surrounding country, toe increase of population, and any information that will be interesting to the general reader. 1 MRS. CUNNINGHAM Of ANOTHER NEW CHARACTER Strange Statements—Dr. Uhl sad Dr Fisk. [Prom the New York Daily Times.] We are told concerning Dr. Uhl and his connec tion with Mrs. Cunningham—-and toe proof is pro mised as forthcoming *with the trial—that when the production of a Vegas heir was first propose! to him, he refused peremptorily to be a partner to any such crime. Jin. Cunningham said: •• Well, you can do as you please ; if yon won’t, others can be found who will assist me; and if you expose me, os you threaten, it will be of ho T\se, and 1 wilf fol low you up to the end of your days.” .Nothing of this sort appeared in Dr. Uhl's affidavit, it is true, though Justice Davison was -informed that there were.important statements'corroborative apd ex planatory of what was taken, that had been com municated to his counsel. The same authority says that Mra. Cunningham proposed to Dr. Uni that he should make affidavit to the effect that, in the examination of the person of Miss Helen, in order to authenticate her state ments before Coroner Connery, Dr. Woodward had token unwarrantable liberties with her. If Dr. Uhl would make such an affidavit. Mrs. Cunning ham promised to bring a suit against Dr. Wool ward, laying toe damages at $20,000, one-half of which 6he would give to Dr. Uhl. Dr. Uhl formerly lived in Bond street, near the world-renowned No. 31.' This nearness on the street probably first suggested to the smart widow his employment as her physical counsellor. Dr. Fisk, who has been attending‘Mrs. Cun ningham for gastritis ever since the sham accouch ment—a gastritis caused, it is now said, by repeated doses of tartar-emetic—knew nothing of Mrs. Cun ningham until he was summoned one day- last week, to attend her at toe suggestion of Mr. Staf ford, whose family physicianhe Is. He at once proposed personal examination to her, but she sturdily refused it, though the Doctor urged it as essential for a proper diagnosis and safe treatment. It is a curious fact, that while Dr. Uhl carried in his breast the secret of the bogus baby. Judge Dean, the bogus mother's counsel, was a lodger In the same bouse, and the two were in daily inter course with each other, showing that tht Doctor can keep a secret when he chooses. [Prom the New York Herald of yesterday.) The Baby at the Museum. Mrs. Elisabeth Anderson and the u Dakhng J3oby” of Mrs. Cunningham on Exhibition. Mrs. Elisabeth Anderson and her' baby, who ■ have figured so extensively for the past two weeks in connection with the Bond street farce, have been offered a star engagement at the Museum, and made their debut yesterday, in accordance with the following announcement: Babxum’B Awebicax Hvsxtnr.—*«The bogus Bnrdell baby” is now to be seen at the Museum— having just arrived from Bellevue Hospital, and, with its real mother, Mrs. Anderson, been placed at this establishment to gratify, for a few'days only, the public cariosity. This is the genuine borrowed baby whioh was the valuable instrument, through District-Attorney A. Oakey Hall,"Esq.' and Dr. Uhl, of exposing the stupendous Bond street fraud, and which was pronounced by Mrs. Cunningham to have the “ exact nose and chin” of the late Dr. Burdeil. The’ embroidered baby’s dress provided by Mrs. Cunningham is kino at toe Mnseum, together with a correct photographic likeness by Meade Brothers, of Mw. (humiaghom, alias Mrs. 'Burdeil. The whole may be seen on toe first floor of the Mnseum every day and even ing, at all the usual hours of exhibition. charge for admission to the Museum notwUhftand ingthis additional attraction. • - r The startling poster, however, failed to ereate any very extraordinary excitement; and. - duriag the day, the attendance at the Museum was not unusually large. A number of idle people visited the notorieties, as a matter of coarse, bat they created ho such furore as the management had been led to anticipate. Mrs. Anderson is a woman about 35 years of age, but looks older, and has evidently experienced much suffering and sorrow. She had au the ner vousness and agitation consequent upon a first ap pearance “in public on the stage,” but went through her trying role quite as successfully as most debutantes. She still looked weak and sickly from her recent confinement; and if she manages to live through the excitement, the questioning and exposure to whieh she is subjected, it will prove her to be a woman of remarkable constitu tion. It would be a trying ordeal, for a perfectly healthy woman, to ait from 10 A. M- to 10 P. H., and be inspected and questioned continually by eveqr ignorant and canons visiter; bat it seem 3 positively cruel to subject this poor woman to this treatment. She ha 3 no relatives to counsel her, and it seems like taking advantage of her poverty and inexperience. The baby was of coarse the centre of attraction. It was inspected and criticised, tonohed and fon dled, and not a few of the female visiters kissed r the “ little darling,” a liberty toe youngster al ways resented by bawling vigorously whenever it was dooe, tbcugh nSually its temper whs exceed of lto vftalityVw tost vm perfectly l regariflea cfiappairiHSNfcS* In all other respects Jnstitia Anderson (a name joggested by Warden Daly, of Bellevue Hospital,' and ac quiesced In by toe mother) is'Uke other female babies, and Us existence vibrates betweazf suetion and somnolence. - In addition to the mother and ehild > a portion of Mrs. Cunningham and the clothes she provided for the heir to the Burdeil estate were also .on exhibi tion. The photograph is not a good one,-and must be the original of the viUfinous likenesses'of Mrs. Cunningham that* fill the-shop windows/and are published in the flesh newspapers. -Thq clothes consists of a baby’s long frock, embroidered, and bib, and several mysterious flannel garments, tho use of which is known only to those who are pasted in toe secrets of babyhood. Mrs. Anderson was of course compelled to sub mit to a cross-examination from every person who paid twenty-five cents to inspect the family group. To one she would have to recount the history of toe child, to another her own history; a third would inquiry after her husband, and the fourth would be satisfied with nothing' less than' tho whole story, from beginning to end. During the morning one of the visiters, who wa evidently a “down easier,” after compelling the poor woman to tell the story over.fbr a hundredth time, said: ** Well, how much did you get forgiving up your child?” ‘‘l'did not any money,” replied the mother; I did it because Mr. Hall wanted it, and because 1 was told it would be the means o? dis covering a bad woman.” The visiter withdrew, slightly disgusted that h could not find one who had made anything by th trick. Another questioner, a joungman with long hair and weak eyes, timidly inquired if she might not be mistaken in the child—-might not some other woman’s baby be returned to her instead of her own; but he was immediately crashed by the in dignant mother informing him, that “of course a mother oan always tell her own child from another woman’s ” During the afternoon a number of women visited the Museum to see the baby. The young ladies, of course, were in extacies, and pronounced it a “little dear;” while the more mature females were dis posed to be patronizing, and thought it very good of ita kind, but that it was' not a very good kind. Mrs. Anderson and her child are wafted on by a nurse, who exhibits the child when the laother is compelled to retire to escape the questioning of the visiters. THE CROPS. Heavy Arrival of Wheat from Kentucky. [From the Cincinnati Gazette of August U.l From Mr. R. Strader, conductor of the Coving ton and Lexington Railroad, we learn that twenty five cars, containing each three hundred bushels of wheat, arrived at Covington depot, last evening, from the interior of Kentucky. Thirtceh full cars were on the side-tracks along the line of the rail road waiting for a locomotive to bring them down. From two farmers who came down with the wheat above-mentioned, we learn that the crops through middle Kentnoky are immense—the yield exceed ing that of any previous year. On Friday the shipment of wheat commenced, and fifteen oar-loads were brought down to this taarket. On Saturday seventeen car-loads more arrived, together with about two thousand bushels of oats and barley. On yesterday wheat was deliverable it any sta tion on the line of the railroad at $l.lO a Si 15 Tho railway company this year aro charging 14c. per bushel for its transportation from Lexington to Covington. Last year 13c. was demanded. ° On Friday and Saturday last seventy car-load 3 of cattle arrived in this city from the interior of Kentucky, via the Covington and Lexington Rail road. The Case of the McKeesport Murderers. The Pittsburgh Chronicle states that Colonel Row ley, deputy clerk of the Court of Quarter Seisions, has just completed a record of the case of the Com monwealth vs. Henry Fife. Monroe Stewart, and Charlotte Jones, recently convicted of murder in our criminal court, and now lying under sentence of death in the county jail. The record is very voluminous, covering some sixty closely written pages, and embracing the various' exceptions taken to the ruling of the Court, do., during the trial. The record was made out at the. desire of the de fendant’s counsel, who purpose, if a writ of error be allowed them, to take the case before the Su premo Court. The writ must bo procured within thirty days from the day the prisoners received their sentence, otherwise tho matter cannot ho taken before the Supreme Court at all, and the law. unless the Governor interferes, will have to take its course. Counsel for the defence, in view of thi3 fact, havo made application to Judge Lowrie. ask ing that a writ of error in the ease may issue. His honor has signified his willingness to examine the record with as little delay as possible, so that an early decision in the matterinaybe expected. Tho Supreme Court meets in Snnbury on the first Mon day of October, and, should Judge Lowrie grant a writ of error in the case, it will probably be argued there. It is possible, however, that it might be postponed till the meeting of the court here on tha second Monday of October, as more convenient to the counsel engaged in theense. When argued tbe proceedings will be regarded with intense interest, not only by the wretched convicts themselves, but by all classes of the community. The Latest News from Cayuga Bridge. Who has not heard of tho “Cayuga Bridge”—a structure built long before the Erie Canal, and over which the tide of trade and travel was wont to flow in an almost uninterrupted stream ? For many years this was the principal crossing place of travellers and emigrants from New England to tbe West; and in ita prosperous days the stock of the Cayuga Bridge was eagerly sought as an invest ment. But the canals first, and afterwards the railroads, furnirhed more convenient and speedy means, of transit than the emigrant wagons and coaches, which paid heavy tolls to “the Bridge and for a long time it has been evident that the fast-advancing progress'of decay had de stroy fed its limber*, it would not be re-built. Fare well to “the Long Br dge it has been a faithful servant, and millions have been carried safely over it.— Rochester Democrat.