ISSSBk^f wmm: XXtdk&i*'* t«s»7- ,‘HCto'si' s't .!■'.'•««>»* t hiM*»>, « So MO SB* db - . < W.-U-.05 4 plglgltff lilS^lSs lift-1 EfiSSi i '.j-]f. ; - 3 li/-K E '' 4 *-3,W' tK*ffl,tfc»foUa«ta£ttie» : i r ' - r ) j*rtiefcl*Hjr | - TMOk ©t JttTftral cowpanle* who have i * ;C4ii ' KirfilidCltbckl. Contldertble btulwMiWU i t||WilWOTiiftllUli(rifm'tlil'i Miy'ntime.,t •>: - *pSiai|*j witt regmrdtotitt of iM&sts>i&s&tsgx ~-(froei the y*ti«id*T7p ' ’ i ‘..-.Vinte * »nr' "salWi^K i . iart;- - ; f'-'v." ■> . : ! Jolm L t P.' McCiibeJ Clinton. KeV Yoric. to'lod ,t’> j, .Kjt* ejeh if it i*no*i aicbyl or* proper; quality a about p.M y*t pohnd.The -jlfcfo >it *t that rate, bofcevenlf it should : (forerhmeDt.'etftfd »Ull ttiefee “tt :-;;ts; " th»t •llriteid'Of'tee, ooluegeot tee new 'bests being dimin iteoditeeywUtteMtlybe coined.-With hddMonel r*. ' ,7 K . v / ‘"' > '" , '‘ * 1 ~ K ''\ -’-V ‘■'''’ '■ ' L ®“- til within o veryehort period, thefeeUW, dl»p»yed by •te*s}teriiUdf'ote*a»,;iiidtt (he beoring end cimver tedoh'er tee'people of tee boidM»»n*,Bnti»h eolonlee, .were enytblngbut hind end friesdlytowird the United . »rtMs : ?SW jatetiiwiei of Wmi cpm^Mlcetidaa , (hoe# iron bondedf nmtuel interest end neighborly in 'y^fe,teoirliintt4gte»tlj't<:»»rts,effee(tjig»ctui xtpur «*•• dnltinttt* oteet ofteMo minimi regifdg the connection country.wm ho nlreteetbllowing dgar««V take*ti ola acirctilar issued by %ykttfiLi* r ~iuiiiA..‘. te* proprietOM-Of tho Montreal tifoilrfi'tbteow : wb*tiir ; thetettdetteyof thotradeof fi>e Onoed&e. i The, importe from Greatßrltoln into the.Gehodab rteiteated-f;.w- • : .f. •Io IMS t 0..,;.,,..., ..»15,498,120 I "■P la IM4 t0.....',. i . 1.............. ■ ■ 23,003,328 *-W»MW..V.ti v.:...i.. -; InlMdto.. 18,213,082' jlt*4 Suitor 'the Mm* :‘j,v -I , I i ,-'Hi’UfS ii>d. ~-.;rii.-i-..-...,;...,»U,J52,1M; sblnMKiv.,-..i,.';.....•. 20,838,876, b,l»-ise4!. l . 22,»04,60S Shoeing on actual decrease ill tho receipts from Great Britain, yhlletheimportstfonW from the United Stages hsyobeenaesr’iydooblsi.ln'nroouht.' ~ r;,*hea*port|taiiM tepf 4 Mrado. | of dol* Urslnihe «xpoit*to,^wi^Br)tiixi, ; ittd wfneireaseof 4Mi|edkV‘ l - _.r : - ■v/Tie'-tr.' 7 8i' : m*U 'aie»iner. Oentril America etrired *> to gold, princi* by the John 'lf. igierphs'fromßia ffraneisco,.- ’fhe belence of the specie thlpniAatby. Stereos, *ty $548,103, goe* .. ’ • ■ AeSneocielßewlj We notiee thet the Bupremo Court towaorMemltCo 1 ., confimleg the of &e pro eeedinge bf the erodlteM. ThU, ire jwerume, will Eettle the hneinese, eo fee ee; the generat eredltors aro eoii*,’ oened,tee ehtneeiofteelroTer getting odlyiiend being 'OKoteihglf eetell,'';'. ;'? --’• -" y ■ •. ■r ■ The Frieei Cvrieef BOys of the gnld yield that the miners hole every tenon to be eetiefied mtb. their sue .oeH; hodexteoelreprepontloue wepow fce|hg made to yotetee ritee kottooie u eoon m teemter reMhee iti •‘ jftoia A««tr»Ue, we leerh thet the gold prodoctlon of U97;t> ireeter,tetu (or, tew wyot the peeeedtag yeef« eteiptlssd.'ehd lofge' feeelpte ere ieiyeeted to result fft>h?4*ly '.'.'ei'' 1 n >. j. *h9VeirT[oA Xac9niMakn:~J* The,nupeiuioa- pf the flm of N/H.' Wouie jfc Oo.«.Co«i»iMioD Itferchents >hr&Hir,«adfniji,wM soß>os»eedi6«diy,iothe fttrpripe She boom fees taken this eonrse in iosttce to nunr oorretpoadeati) whose cUims will not be made to,contribute to the bsymenrof sihlaasofoUigstlonssotregoliU'Zylncurred. Tpuhoobe has que»tioii6f eospenxlo&lA .oontlderattoo Cor sevml days, aa& reftued offers of assUtaace, which ’ womld. hare prervlhted the neceetity. cf taking, the step to widch We have referred. .jjUHw’vt t : The land aalea of ihe Illinois Cehtral JEUilroad for the laad[ man ,than.fourteep , mllltons of dol • Wi.V.:;7 ;V /, ‘-'7 '“ ‘ -; £* Crosse and Jflbraukee fUilrokd ■■].“ r .“,V • " ■- the;coat,and condition of tUo road b*s be*n pobUshed, and contains the following telanc* pbipt}*'"• - s l ;‘ '’■ > * r ’• ; vyutimn Oirhlaa , 806,870 0* i’-Vf -V $2.652,5« 78 ,i- >' ,vv. ,• Fjtftorn 1ti»i#i0n.....U,280,600 . , . ' . If, W.fc Wabm,;.;. u i ..JljOB t OOO. Do.on neetmntof l^utdOraat.. 760,000 W*terieim MHU»tinJiaal 9040093 Incomajrlor toJnl7 1,1857.. 202,71950- 442,030,00 ToWMttoirJtotA.V.':.;.!... *3,805,024 ;«8 . lilit'luM o«M la girts an Itttaof *l, ' The resources of the company areas' follows: :j,tVB6TB,OOO land grant bonds. ‘, . iVi . v ‘ .400,000 avaUs of new loan. • .. j 4 total resources. V The security of the Land Grant Bonds will, In the ioplnion tHf Engineer, be pertofcfyd hy January, 'in the laad WreiW by alxty-ooe miles of road, or 307,* pdOam^AMtimatodat Tim 835,000 named above, is stated to be'all that is wanted to complete the roidto'lAOrbsie.* / '- T 'i ( The lint week’fi earning* of.the.iichte&a Soutbiern KJttdU.Anjtißt'wer* *31,870, erfaboiMstiun last yew, Balttaoreand Cttdo Railroad Coinj«iy.Trw «a follow* s '' v ’ . . „ ,TfMhlngtott ToUt for r ,- . ? JWitfliciß. ' ®»BCb.; Iwtfe w«4«, for fusaneer...., 4 60,868 60 $28,637 71 $W,206 21 c fo* freight........ ,837,816.68, , 8,887 78. M6.IW 10 ' 1407,18*88: ISTIM* <9 *W4,iOO 87 iii mw. ;.;77....7. <...«?,»» w -i 37 ' "Thelttly receipt* ofthe Pittsburgh, Port'Wa/ne and 0UcH0iaUr0^,ir««^. # ,. < ,.„...v.....,|H&,673 05 .For 26 >18)069 79 The'total earning* for the year ending Joiy a-.. 733,339 88 07818 -w&i u 3. t£e' fundid debt and tteJafereitwitJi'e floaUngdebt And dividend, i-,; ‘-,v? '-i % : MilwaukiAand Mfsstalppl Rail road Cottpwrvfof the mohth of, 1857, Afoouot^d .oeo f oi7 .;Cptropondi»g month 1a5tyear,....,... 03,000 : ¥h« r«c*lpt» of fhe Ce#tr»3 RAllro&d Ooamsyfor Jfily and for the ye*r tot-aguit 1, test SwdpUfcrUiiiiio'iitti endljig Ju1j3J,,.,,.J393,06T 81. o’: hiWitt 4 w ■f i,zesi,ti>Mgii, os '**«•*•» t* *• -* 1 I** • , 1 ?3 * • • "»•<••»"**■■'*• *t.**•*••*•••.* 83 .Ipi^ktyw.,>.,p.,.; j3M 43 IriiWiWwMjßmiifb^Y HuT Tork'aok-lKMnrjr resort for jeitenlay, ™ Sjrlißl^W,*' 1 '’ ;«•>'■' •>•"<-• .!'•■•.!, - I » j a 5 »fa uafdirideoti of ten per cent ‘payable on de* 1 IWW?‘ fr©.;lttfnrance, Company a j ewnl-shiittai ate j>er;eent., pay&bfe ’da de* - V^,:'",' „•'/ ! j^^h*)K*artiiigt%«;;•'ftdßiiiffloiid Coal Com* * dividendor one dollar per JiWe. helfUftanila «4 Railroad, will, during *9 'season improy*> iU bridges tonus, the Waeotsin Rfrinfy to order fopttfant tie detention©* lumber rafts laring«fUetae t lLiot water,- as wUthetejiAUstspriug. vX sniiKiri>tion.nftld6,obo hasbeea made If .the cIU-, 'semt ef ' ililwanhU tawsxdatbe oomtnicUoa of two -bpate ;td -city and i :Y:' '; ’C -,7 ? 5 _ '..jV' ’ Z HfW fork-agent of the Xirerpool Underwrite re' gives ? notice that the English Underwriters JPor£ certificates ■HefoeejiettUog •ury’ejred in iK^ r Yotkv’v,This,iaflf !«)meimpdrtance .to shipowners; MMA* ottdra doing burinw* withEogllsb Un*. : of fprc%*» goods*t the port of hasten for mfdjlotnu Hides«d Skins;./ 42,4 U ? j£2uE^%^^r^ M9 '* 81255 Kgekeret W other »..» ■■• < Sugar and Molasses - 68,841 Pe0theh..,.,v,,..'•39,777 Plg.,te*d.- ;- Other articles., .v. 278,040 £ ‘lPOtal/»i» /*V»» »". ** J j r, " . - Q*f flOfl flfft W* TJloe oftlnimiwiifl s’ ’ r- Inctrilelu 186ff,...v. ft&i.wi : for thamonth '.ending 3>llj ; -Bl(*Mi* ITil,«7l,«ildUi»4nH«iil4onilira*o3r, rrlii’cli commenced inmffiiii ■>» tMd„v A ©loss JnloulatioQ trw. that;' tail* exhibits the comparative condition S’.Mo’m sie',&2S>’,tio 3 SAILING OF THE OCEAN, STKAMEBS. ytliUBR . fROK ?0H DAY Europe.* Boston'• Liverpool.*,. .•♦•••Aug. 12 8a1tic...... New .York Liverpool* •• • •.f«Aug, 15 Persia....••••••NewYork Liverpool. • ♦Aug 19 Argo. New York Bremen, »• • Aug 19 oof Baltimore.. New York Liverpool ...Aug 20 New York New York Glasrow Agu22 Fulton .........New York Southampton,.....Aug, 22 Niagara Boston Liverpool Aug 26 CortiMia...-.*,.New York. Hamburg..,,,Sept 1 Arabia. ...NewYork Liverp001...........5ept2 Jasob.New York Bremen..-. Sept 2 NorthßUr. If ewYork Southampton........Sept B OofYF&shlngton.New York Liverpool, Sept 3 Edinburg New York Glasgow ~.....gopt 6 Adriatic..,,.... .New York Liverpool. Sept 12 AtAgo;'.New York Havre.’. .-..Sept 19 oof Baltimore. .Liverpool New Y0rk...........Ju1j 20 Niagara, i.......Liverp00l 805t0n...;.. Aug 1' Borusnia Hamburg New York .Augl 1ae0n;........... {Bremen New York % • Aug 1 Columbia.,...,.Liverpool New York .Ang, 6 Arabia.......... Liverpool New Y0rk....«•...... Aug 8 Edinburgh.,..,,.Glasgow, New Ycrk,...,......Aug. 8 North Star. .Southampton New Y0rk.......... .Aug 12 0 Washington.. Liverpool New York.,Aug. Iff Canada.’..Liverpool Boston Aug J 6 Atlantic........ Liverpool New York., .. Aug 10 .4 .;.Liverpool New Y0rk...........Aug 28 ,Havre New York. Aug 26 AfagWroO.Liverpool New York ...AxlgSd atw*ow.. rt Glasgow New York, OEtto O'riSsOiaaty BulkateMld to be In dr riajiUt|oD of the old;plato { vignette, t an Vnkeili6l3lngup«oturteln. ' f *' v* ’ ’**/' , ' ’ S’/ohtWMillie Btnfc; New' Bedford, —vignette, steipuhip under soil—a femaleon the right end/poorly ddao> '' •> ' 6to on the Charter Oak Bank; Hartford, Connecticut, altered—vignette, two fymalesj 'rising sun, eagle, «,6n tho JfMnkltff B»n)c, Ohopaciet,R.l„altered —vignette, marine view— girl and grain on the right— Indian with bow 6n the left. *,■'.«« , *. - 20’b, ctithe'EXChange Bank,LocKport,N. ¥., vlnette, two females and eagle flying-* ■ ,' f •lOtoVOu tbd Bank of Kentucky. No description. Better refhse all 10’s. k 2»s, on. the Union Bank, New London, Cdpn.; man seated on rocks, wjth hammer, anril, dpe. •> >, t ■ t . • . 10’s, on the Metacomet Bank, Fall, Hirer,, Msssachu setts, raised from Vs—vignette, an Indian in, a canoe, spearing fish. t ‘ 1 - . 10% on the Chathacd Bank, New York city—vignette, a steamboat. ' \.6% on the Excbangeßank, Boston, Massachusetts—a vignette, three females, and eagle flying—female in each lower comer. ( , 100’s, on the Union, Bank,, Now’Orleans, La.,—vlg-, nette, Onpid astride of a Hon, lying in front of an iron ehest—railroad train and village in background—ln dian on right lower corner. ~ 5% on tho Fanners’ and Mechanics’ Bank, Rochester, N. H.,— vignette, an Indian family seated on a‘cliff of rocks. - * > v, 6's on the Burlington Bank, N. J.,—vignette, steam* ship, portraits on the right and left lower corners. -The Suffolk Bank, of Boston, has thrown out the Warwick (R,1.) Bank do sfiwn 86# 100 '. do sswn 35# 20 Norristown R , 00% 13 Lehigh Scrip 43# 1 10 Penna RR 46# • ,6 Consol Bank r., 28 ■ .2 , do ,8 „ 28 10 do 28 2 do 28 1 'Repotted by N. Jtfdjitey, Ji Walnut ' FIRST I 600 City R6s >B 89# 1000 Reading ,R 6s ’43 cash 86# ; 500 Elmira B7s cash , - ’ .. _ ,■ 2d jnort, ,65# > 10 Lehigh Nav 67# ■ 6>Mwri* Cnl pref 93)4 ■> 6 -..d0 98# do./., OS# . a , . do .93# 9 do 93# 7 BOARDS. /• , . w .y...,.*»«»**/> *. m# ’BbARD. ” .' f 1000 N Penna Ros tOtf 500 do 69# 7000 Penna Coup 6s 66 -• 7Peomaß . 46# '‘ '1 Reading R . * . 35# 1 BeayMead R U' 20 Union Canal ' 10 ’. SPhiladaßanV 123 tICBS—DULL, .BETWEEN 10Harri6bwg8....,...V. ' /;? sNooNfc' loooity 6* 'lOO . do ’► New 95# 500 ‘ do New 95# ,«.600„,, do , New 85# • do New 05#,. 1709,19 £eflna 6s / 85 4000 Reading R 6s *7O • bswn 78# A CLOHRN9 FBI pid;A.tked. U 8 B>s, >6B - 116#®—, Phlladafis- • 89 ®B9# do RE 89#®89# do New '9s#©9s# Fenha6s,intoffBs’ <®Bs# Reading & dv off 35#®36# do Bonds *7O 78 ®79 '< ■ do Hort.fis, • ’44, Int. off 86 eBB Penna RR 46#®48# Mo7ribOanlGon62 «54 ’ Schyl Nay 6s >B2 64 a 65 do > Stock 12#®14-. SINCE BOAR Bid. Atktd SchylNarPtef 23 ©23# Wnup’tikElmß 18020 do Int'dff V$ ■*.- 075% do - do 2diatt#©6s# Long Island 11#.®U# Vicksburg . :T « 8 Oirardßank 11# ©ll# Lehigh Zinc I%* 1% Union Canal 9% ©lo# New Creek • X©l OatawLua RR 11 ®l2^ ID-LATEST. ( ' 60 Reading R 85# 100 Reading R ' 85# | ' Reading closes 36#®36#. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. August 13.—Evening.—Tho Produce trade continues inactive, and In Breadstuff* there are no changes to note, and sales of about 2,000 bbls. Flour at $7 25 for standard and shipping-brands 5 inade .from hewWheat,ahd $8 «8 50 for extra and.fancy family brands, Including 160 bbls. middlings at $4 25*4 60 V'bbl.; the market is rather languid at the above figures. The retailers and bakers are buying moderately .within the above range of prices, for common to good brands and extra, and 89 25 for fancy Flour. Old stock ranges at from $6 50 to 88 60 4? bbl., according to brand. Bye Flour and Corn Meal are'quict,-thb former ,quoted at $4 50a4 62#, and the latter at $4 bbl, tor Penna.. Meal, which is scarce and in request at tbit figure. Wheats are morn plenty to-day, but buyers come forward slowly at yesterday’s prices, and only about 6,600 bus. haVe been taken for willing, mostly,at 150 c. to 1650. fer common to good red, and . 167®170e, for white, the .lattor for dry Southern. Corn Is rather more active to-day, with sates 0f3,500 bus. good yellow at sB#®B9c. afloat. Oats are selling more freely, and about 8,000 bos. new South* era brought 40®44c; the latter for prime lots. Rye sells on arrival at 95c. bu. Of Bark, some further small salesofQacrcitton«rereported«ts6o4P'ton tor first quality. Cotton is quiet at the advanced rates now current, and only about 200 bales have been disposed or at from 10#«17#e, 3? lb., on time. Provisions and Groceries—The transactions in both have been limited without much change reported, but the former articles are gonerslly held higher. Whiskey—The domand Is small and tho market is weak. Hbda. are quoted at 29c. and bbls. at 29®300., with sales at the' former figure. bichaNpsons brothers a co’B. circular. Livbbpooc., 7th Mo. 81st, 1857. Cottox— Notwithstanding the effect of the unfavor* able accounts from the But the Trade hare continued to operate largely; the sales hare been at the .extreme rates of our last, and in some instances a shade more money hks been realised. Some quantify fua been sold to “arrive.’? to-day 8,009 bales, the market eloe* suport/for the week 40,172 bales. Total sales 62,410 bales, of which speculators took 9.230, and exporters 4,480, leaving to the trade 8,700 bales. Quercitron Bark—ls held firmly at 16s for Philadelphia, and 13s tor Baltimore. 1 ■ ' Lard—Jlm Won more inquired tor, and about 350 tons have found buyers, at from 66s 9dooBs cwt, and also some for September and Oct. delivered at latter figure. Tallow—«tocks being considerably reduced, eontlnuoA to bring enhanced rates.' ▲ parcel of North American, part ( *ioarrive,'’h»«r«&UxedGOs. Houth American 59® 60s, and Taganrog and Odessa 1 60 s OdoQOsqp'ewt. Lon don market quiet, P. Y. O. on the spotsSs 6d®sBs 9d, and 67s fid tor last three months of the year.- Oloversaed —American red still Inquired for, and would bring 55a66e qp"cwt. Beef—Our stock being very small continues to bring extreme rates. Inferior P. M. is offered at 150 s, and nothing'good is obtainable under 169®1065, whllo some fine Indian Mess made 182 s fid® 186 s. - miles 700 tierces.- Posa.—-About 1700 bWs of ail deecriptions have been solddariagihe weekat!o2s 6dd>loB*6d for french, 97b CdttlOOs for Irish, and 92s 6d095a W bbl for American. Oar stock of the latter is still about 1000 bbls. Bacox continues to move off very slowly, the local de mand being very doll. A parcel of Short Middles are reported to hare been sold to go to London at 6050610, they being short of that 'description there. -with the exception of a small shower last evening the weather has been exceedingly fine since our report of Tuesday last. We still continue to receive highly favora ble report? of the grain crops from all parts of the king dom. The complaints of the potato disease frost Itelana are somewhat decreasing, and up to the present it exists to the greatest extent on the southeast coast. ’ - Our grain trade has been steady, without variation in the price of any article, floating cargoes of Taganrog Wheat and Indian Corn are still in demand, the former at 63s 6d .. 493 lbs; and the Utter at 36s qr. <3, F. &I. for Odes* and Gaiais shipped. An arrived cargo of Odessa sold at 80S 6d per qr. and Ibrald at37s 6d 0. F. & l, both reported in good order. ■'‘Deliveries of Wheat from our own fanners for the put week consist of 74,017 quarters, against 90,694 quarters same week last year. Average price 67s 7d quarter, against 77s 6d corresponding week last year. Our market this morning was tolerably well attended, but only a sby trade resulted, a* millers and dealers are compressing their requirements within the narrowest possible limit. Wheat may he written 1 do2d
With exception of potatoes, the harvest is making .successful progress. ' IWHBA*—White Canadian 9* 4do9s »>s; White Southern 94 6do9s9d do; Bed Western 8s 4d&Ss6d do; Red Southern 9s«9sSd do. Flour-Western Canal 80a a Sis 166 tti; Philadelphia, Ac,, 31*0329 do: Ohio 82s* 83s do; 8 1 Louis 83485 a do. - Indian Corn—Yellow 38* 88s 6d v 400 lbs; Mixed 38*a3Ss 6d do; White 42*4*46* do. Mmpattaiume. [Reported for The Press.] TARRAGONA—Brig Enchantress, Murphy—376 cks port wine Jauretche A Car stairs, ANTIGUA—Brig- Delhi, Kenny—l 94 puucheons mo lasses, 83 fahds sugar, 67 bbls sugar, 26 bdls skins, 12 pcs old iron; Thos. Wottson A Bona. YUCATAN—Schooner W. B. Uorsea, Colburn—266 hales tobacco 38 doz sponges 3 bags arrow root 28 tops lignumvito 107 turtles U B Simpson. • RIO Dfi JANEIRO—Ship Parthian, Hudgins—6334 bags*coffee 200bbls Tadlocoorder Welsford A Willson. ' PERNAMBUCO—Bark. Lauretta, Uphstn—4ooo bags sugar Thos A Newbold & Co, NEWBEBN, N Southerner—344 bbls pitch 113 do com rosin 62 do No 1 do 126 do spts turpentine. Cochran & Russell,... NEWBEBN, N o—Schr F A Godwin—l 32 bbls com rosiq 17 do No 1 do, 43 do spts turpentine, Cochran ic Russell. NEWBEBN, N. C,—Schr, Edwin—4B4 bbls rosin, 83 do' tar, 12 do pitch. 46 do turpentine—Cochran A Rus sell. ' Wttife «*d Jos»fß 0. Gabs*. y6r>>anrni; pt xb> Mom*. Job»-tiu«, -■ \j. :*• ’ LEXTER BAGV. - r , ' - A*'*« Metthanli' Ezchangtj PMladilfkifs,' : - ShlpMlladolphU, Poolo, ~..;Llverpo4i AW. M; !£i p SS?S aror, a Dunlevy LtveeEooi.Aßg. 26 Eh P William, Derry,. Velporalw, anon Ship Homing Light, Johnetou aooa Barque Warren Flehec, Gallagher,.. .St Thomu, Aug 18 Barque Irma, Nobre,...; St Kitta, 4«gl8 Barque E K Keme, Hewitt) , .Cerdenaa, awn Barque Japonlca, Shelden B'o da Janeiro, Aug, IS Barque Darld Lapaley, Blahop Matanaaa, noon. Brig Black Squall, Bryant,... “Barone, won Brig F. Fabara, Burna,. gt. Jago de Cuba, wen itlarine Jnte%«nciT PORT, OF PHILADELPHIA, Augnet’l4,lB37. SUN Blaus ~..,5 10—SUN SETS.,.. ..8,60 hioh water, .7 ..... .« i S ARRIVED. - ‘ Steamship Boston, Seller, 21 hoars from New York jla Cape May, with mdzo aq>l passengers, to J Allder* dice. Below the Brandywine Light BMP,. pawed .tat ship; Lancaster, from Liverpool, upward hounds off Reedy Island, passed two deeply laden barque* and one herm brig, names not ascertained. Reports a large, barque, painted block, at the Lazaretto, and about rife teen schrs, beating up. asm . m , , Barque Lauretta, from Pernambuco* with eugarvto Thos A NewbaU&Co. r i. > Barque Parthian, Hudgins, from Rio Janeiro, July 6th, with coffee, a Schr WmGoorgo, Jackson. 1 day from-Smyrna, Del, with wheat and oatflito Bewley, Wilson Sc Co. , Schr Expedition, Conner, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with cora to Bewley,' Wilson Sc Oo: Schr Victory, Chambers, 2 days from Lewes, Del, with wheat to Bewley. Wilson * Co. , ■ Bchf A Mdnsh/p, 4 Grace, 2 days from Camden, Del, with bark to J H McColley 1 . Bchr Ida Ponder, Johnson, 2 days from MUton, Del, .with bark to J H McCoßey. SchrWm L Jones, Dawes. 4 days from Richmond, with pig Iron to Chas B Campbell Sc Co. Schr E H Atwood, Atwood, 5 days from Boston, with radze to captain. Schr Matilda, O’Brien, 10 days from Lubec, Me, with plaster to Twells, Gaaklil Sc Galvin. Schr Z A Paine, Folsom, 10 days from E&stport, with radze to B A Soudtir Sc 00. Schr J S Spencer,'Howell, 6 days from Balem, in bal last, to Sc 00. Sloop Kellof,’Johnson, 3 days from Baltimore, with wheat to W B Potts Sc Co. Schr John F Grouch, Hawkins, from Providence. Schr Stag, Townsend, from New York. Schr Crusoe, Foster, from New York. Schr Snow Flake, .Weaver, from Providence. Schr A Cordery, Babcock, from Boston. Schr M Patterson, Yanneman, fronv Boston. Schr AJiptra T, Gandy, from Boston. . Schr Fenny Fern, Brins, from Newport. 6ehr. B G. Porter, Hndson. from Davenport. ,Sohr BH Estelle, Baker, from Marblehead. Schr J W Gandy, Hewitt, from Goahen, N J, Schr Mary II Banks, Banks, from Salem. ' CLEARED. Steamship Kennebec, Hand, Now York, J AUderdice. Barque Gen Hammond, Boston, Twells, Gaskill Sc Galvin,. , -■ Barque AchlUet, Spedden, T Richardson Sc Co. Brig Beronda, Hoyt, Nowburyport, G A Wood. Schr J J Spencer, Longstaff, Portsmouth; Tyler, Stone &00, Schr Crusoe, Foster, Boston, Rogers, Slnnlckson Sc 00. Bchr: Sohn P. Crouch, Hawkins, do. Schr Almfra T, Gandy, Providence, . do. Schr A Cordery, Babcock, Boston, 0 A Heckaher&Co. Schr R U Estelle, Baker, Marblehead, ■ do. Schr E L B Wales, Williams, Boston, Bancroft,' Xjuwl* , SehrM Patterson, Yanneman, Boston, John R White. Schr Snow Flake, Weaver, Bakers 1 Folly, L Rothermel. Schr Fanny Fern, Briggs, Newport; Morris Sc Murray. Schr War steed, Smith, Providence, B Mllnes A Co. Schr B G Porter, Hudson. Davenport, do. SehrManrHßanks,Banks, Salem, . do. Schr J W Gahdy, HeVrit. Providence, Bancroft, Lewis A Co. Schr Glass Blower, Payne, AnUquan, Yandusen, Nor. ris Sc Co. Schr Geo Washington: Williams, Salem, do. - SAILED. Barque Achillea, Spedden, for London, left Shippen sfreet wharf yesterday alternoon, in tow of a steamtug. The following items^omprisoher freight: 261 bbds. 63 tierces, and & bbls molasses, 3,268 bags oil cake, 30 fahds quercitron bark, 2 eases indigo, and2pkgs mdse. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. 4 . . LEWES, Del.,Aug. 12-8 A. M. A barque and a large fleet of schrs went np yesterday, and an Immense number went to sea. including three barques and five brigs. A brig and five schrs remain In' harbor. Wind light Horn NW—weather very fine. Yours, Sc o. WM. M. UIOKMAN. Correspondence of The Press. • Havas Da Übacv, Aug. 13. . .Eleven boats left here this morning, laden and con signed as follows: Jas Barratt, Jr, wheat, corn, oats and baric to Quaker City Mills:* Mary Ailed, lumber and bark to M Willson, Fairfield Mills, lumber to M Trump Sc Son: Col E M Thompson, Sir*tars, 0 B Nagle, Amelia, G W Teese, Lady Franklin; J Biuglaud, and i B Wingate, with coal to Del city. * • MEMORANDA. Steamship Canada. Long, from hlrenool, Ift Halifax; arrived at Boston yesterday morning. Steamship Empire City, McGowan, from New Orleans, 6th Inst, via Havana, Bth Inst, arrived at New York yesterday. Steamship Delaware. Copes, hence arrived at K«w York yesterday. Steamship City of New York, Howes, from Boston for Philadelphia, naased Highland Light 6 ? M 12th Inst. Steamship Granada, Griffin, from Aspinwal! 3d and Havana 6th lnirt, arrived at New York yesterday. Ship Martha, Vandyke, from Boston, arrived at New Orleans Qtb last. Ship Finland, Post, from Baltimore, arrived at New York yesterday. Ship Reporter, Howes, for Sau’ Francisco, at Callao Jnne 26th, and sailed 27th for Chlncha Islandß. from Ohtnoha Islands, arrived 1 e PP er » roro Chlncha Islands, at Cal -O^L? D ht hi* f ° rßorton ’ P awted Ship Hartley, Holmes, from Boston, aallod from Sagua la Grande 21st ult. for I«oudon. Shin Old Doknlnlon, Sampsos, for Falmontfa, B. sailed from Matanz&a 27 th ult. Ship Joseph'Peabody, Weston, from Hong Kong, at San Francisco 4th ult. - M E Trout, Dean, cleared at Boston 12th intt, for Wilmington. NO. Co load for West Indies. Barque Exact, Frlsby, from New York for Savannah, 34 days out, pat into the roads below. Charleston 10th Inst, For a supply ofprorislons and water. Barque Aaron J Harvey. Barnes, hence, was at Sierra Leone July T.dischg. Barquo Elder) Crosby, from Boston, arrived at Callao Jnly Ist. - -Barque Coarant, Gray, from Chlncha Islands,' at Cal lao tth nit. 1 Bray, from Sierra Leone, at Boston Brigs Minnie Miller, White, tad Emm*, Washburn, for Philadelphia, sailed from Boatoa 12th Inst, > 'Brig Loch Lomond, Block, hence for Boston, at Holmes’ Hole 32th inst. Brig Eastern Btate, Gam&ge, for this port, was at Ha* ran* 2d Inst. 0 * Brig Marcos, Nickerson, sailed ftom Providence 11th Inst,Tor this port, Bohn Geo a H3U, BramaU. aid Yankee Bor. RUley, hence at Hartford 11th Inst. ! - Bchr Juliet, Barratt, from Norwich for Philadelphia, it New London 10th Inst. Schr Damsel!, Benton,'hence at Norfolk oth Inst. SchrsCelastia, Bedfleld,and P B Anderson, Hill, hence it Hartford 12th inst. Bchr Marja Jane. Crosby, from Hillsboro, at Eastport 7th Inst, and sailed same day for this port. Schr, Ellen MatUda; Wells sailed from Eastport 10th for Philadelphia. Bchr L fifurtevant, hence at Braintree, Mass. oth Inst. Godfrey, Williams; p Hellner, Gandy; B A Taylor, Young; Sarah E Jones, Jones; Charlotte WiUiams, Golding; Mary Natt, Smith; George 0 Gibbs. Gibbs; Antares, Ireland; Wissahlokon, Leod, and G P Taylor, henoe t Providence lltn inst. Bchr B T Garrison, High, from Delaware City for Paw* tucket, at Providence llth inst.' - Scbrs John Faraum, Baker; 0 W Bentley, Nichols; John Magee, Magee; W W Bralmwd, Bowditch: Sarah Larlnla, Hanson, and John Lancaster, Btitos, sailed from Providence 11th inst for this port. » Schr Ontario, Yaogildcr, hence atXart Greenwich 11th Instant. ...... SchnSoaan Orloan, Bragg; J 0 Hun you, Endicott; •Timothy Pharo, Cranmer; John Sogers, Elliott, ana Palestine, Cambem, hence at Fall Blvef lith Inst, Bchr Elisabeth B, Booon, for this port, sailed from Fall River llth inst. 1 Schr M R Carlisle, Winsmore, hence at Folly Landing llth Inst. - BchrGun Bock, Wilson, sailed from Lubeo 9th lost for this port. / , ' Schr J Irelan, Steele, hence arrived at Boston, 12th Inst. \ . 1 Schr* NBerry, Pendleton, honce for Beverly; S Bur* rows, Simpson, and A 0 Jleovoa. Beeves, were at Holmes Hole, 12th lust. Schrs Christopher Looser, Snow, and-Canton, John* eon, benca at Portsmouth, llth Inst. Schr Saratoga, dark, sailed from New Bedford 12 Inst for Philadelphia. Schr John, McAdams, for Philadelphia, sailed from New Haven llth inst. Propeller Novelty, Bell, cleared at New York yester day for Philadelphia. SPOKEN. Ship JuliaHeyn, Bowden, from Ardrossan for Norfolk, July 18,1 st 67; ion 10. - - ‘ J*t 41 20, Jon 63 55, barque Alvarado, from Rockland for N Orleans, . DOMESTIC PORTS. BOSTON, August 33—Arrived—Ships Cyclone, from Manilla, Ophelia, from Carder; Barks Joseph Halo, from Leghorn, Leroy, Montpelies and E. Foster, from Philadelphia; brig* Pacific, from Surinam, Jolla, from St. John, N. F.. Wared ale, from Fortune island, R. 7theicherter. Thle Imtltatlon couSom If* hiulriew entirely to the wcoi. ring of raoney ou deposit. An, e** o . letßO or small r ie received," end the money la elweyu yeld bade, erlth* out notice, to. anyatnount. , The office la open every day from* o'eloei in the momln* until t o’clock Iq tho avenlng, and on Monday, and Thursday evenings until 8 o’clock. .’ DjT A Meeting of *h” Mult and Liqno DEALERS ASSOCIATION will he held on every THURSDAY AFTEBUOO X, at 1 o’clock, at DILIGENT IIALL, Tenth and Filbert streets. By order of iull'l-wAthtf ASSOCIATION. ittarriagfs. On the Bth instant,-by.'Rev. N. B. Baldwin, Mr. R, D. WABREN to Miss iIABGABBT ANN LEWIN, both of this city, , N - By the Bev, George Chandler, on the 29th of March, Mr. WM. A. BBED to Miss BACHBL W. WBIOHT. On the llth instant, by Rev. A. Awood, Mr. WIL LIAM S. ZANEto Mies SALLIE all of ■this city. - On the llth lost., at the residence of Mrs. Champion, 234 Beach street, Kensington, byJ.G.Wilsoni Y.D.M., Mr. JOHN BQDLL to Miss EMMA CHAMPION, both of this city. EDiatbc. On the 12th Inst., Mr. JACOB MARPLE, in the 44th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully to attend the funeral, from his late resi dence, Sarah street, below Queen, Kensington, on Mon day afternoon, at B o’clock, without farther notice. To proceed to Odd Fellows’ Cemetery. . On the 12th lest., After a lingering illness, Mr. JOJIN GILTON, in the OOtU year of his age. * The relatives, and friends of the family are respeet 'fully invited to attend the funeral, from his late resl dence, Meridn square, Lower Merion township, Mont gomery County, on Saturday morning, at 10 o’clock, further notice: On the lSth Inst., MARGARET J., wife of Job H. Smith', and daughter of Peter Hinkle, Sr. , The relatives and-friends .of the family are resnect ’.ffglly Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of hep husband. 1,637 Parrish street, above Fifteenth, on ,£hla (Friday) afternoon, atffo’clock. Vilest, of, ,Arrival* »t the Principal Hotels* '• GIRARD HOUSE—Chestnut street, below Ninth, ir. Riobmond E Bond, Ga G F NwbltiNY U M Northrop. Texan A Moulton,- Mlsaes Ulnard, do MoKauchau, Bait Mr Gorin Sc ly, St Louis J'fl’Rasker, /■ : do J N Brown, do JBlckerton, do G Henderson, NS J.WHawes,' Bit Hawes, W.A Winslow. Chicago, 111 J Powoll. Cin, 0 J Cook, do T S Lewis, Wash D W Goodman k 2 ch,Mobile E H Porter, Vicksburg Mrs J W Goodman, do Wm Bryson, Oumbco, Pa , child and servant, do J Cook, Ch&mb’g, Pa 0 Wilson, Pittsburg ID Hearne, Kentucky T Randall, Florida Mrs Glddlngs & child, MM Miss Randall, do M Andrews. Maine W H Mann, Baltimore D B Trumbte. Baltimore I B Pierson, New York N 0 Ives, U 8 A M 0. Hall, do Miss Q A Whitehead, Geo’a G W Andrews, Louisville S W Neely k lady, do WH B Mahood, Virginia W V Many, New York G Maxwell, Cincinnati 1 H P Oobleage, Arkansas J N*Lock, Kontucky W H Crutcher, do' tf Jung Sc la, Pemuylvanta T Williams, Pittsburg Mrs Norcrbzs, Chicago R E Rankle, Ohio - ’ R W Lansing, Missouri U H King, Missouri ‘ J N Tueroon, Augusta C G Uanoe, Georgia DrXDSprigglos, Ya A Mannings St ly, Mobile T Francis, do Mrs Butt. Norfolk . F D Dunganf Balt Misußutt, do G Clnn B Warder, Ohio E Mwro and lady, Bait R Mason, do Mittfffufts, do M H Thomas, NY 0 Wendell Sc wife, Wash’n Miss U Olapp. Washington Mlss'D Wendell, do " M Wendell, do J Wendell, Jr, Boston fJ ’ Jaa Granger, Zanesville, 0 Wm K Olare, NY .0 B Hazleton, Boston J Wilber, NY {= * Thos W Dale, Paris A T Gooanow. NY , T J Muroby, Maryland X L Rllett, Richmond' L B Michall do Ohas E Fl&dly, NY,‘< Geo Keen, do Jas F-I.tfwis, Cal Miss Michall, do Geo W West, fit MUa Murphy, do Jacob-Frustj J U Hutchinson Louisville •B Bennett, .doV- * John Floyd, Pittsburg Cha* JiL«rew, dV J D Simpson, NY John Tbomas 7 NOrleans J A WHiisms Sc la, Cin Mias Tfiomaii, Cincinnati Mrs Mears, do Louis J Washington W E Bearing, Ga 8 A Whitoey,M 5U MlssDearlng, do Mr Y Miss A M Dewing, do If H Clark Memphis, AII Hayden, Charleston ROH/niSbm Louis R D Laihrop, N Y Jaa La WS Donnan. Richmond W Call, TaUahaMee, Fla A B Semple, Louisville HA Armltsge, Manchestur W J Corbet, Glasgow DSfhffirSftßalt J E V Haughonat, N Y J B Ntmhn Jt'l&dy, Ya ‘ J U Austin, do SO Doneaa.New Orleans, Blmlay, do B R JCelfia, Beading JosFTalson, do Charles Morrell, Elmira ' Geo 0 Hall, do H Eidridgt, Binghamton Edw M Keith. Balt W. Qngorj, MU. MierJ Keith, do MRBOtfANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth etrcol, below Arth. J L Eoglblh. N Haven I 0 Memphis F B Ooataln, Bockfonl J R Allen, Augusta, Ga Jas Findlay,-Maryland J V L Fiudlay, Maryland Miss Turner, do T Humphreys, do Miss Hyde- Baltimore S K Turner, Baltimore A Byara, Little Rock J U Bhrorn, Carlisle I Curd. StJowph, Mo OR Foster, PhU’bg, Pa A BeatWr- do . J D Seaton, IlliooU J Berry &Ja:.Pittsburgh 1> T Porter, N Prov, Tenn B E Ilwt,Marietta, Ohio S U Smith, Johnstown . G R n D Button. Pittsburgh •Mrs D E Pfrkf, do Mrs Preston, do RRCampMijJhpllss MrsMexmlson, Danville J A Beuny.TylWty, Mo J A Culbertson, Cin, Ohio J H.ToiflkWTeen J D Fry, Yeira G Plummefo WOoster, Ohio G Thompson, Va J,do M Lins, St Louis .MHarti£jup*mbue, Ohio M Watkla Sc lady, Ohcs co J Myer. Montgomery, Ala. ASlmDn/BGttvUna B Ezekiel, lowa . D B HealvuMLoali - N M llkesbarre B l Trt/ k- -' Sami 0 Brawn, Easton TLWHraU; H*rriVburg Hon H S Mott Sc la, Pike H Van Lear, Maryland county, Pa J Esbelman, Ml Pleasant 11 8 Heckman, Easton S Sanders Jr. NY JIA Blake, Tenn AfEdwanJa, fit Louis Sa Houston, Kittanning.Pa EOWadliams, Plymouth Pa E 0 Austin, Tenn STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. H Hover .'New York R Bhumer, Pehnstrlrania G W Smith, New Jersey J J Braker, Ohio A Gudney, la A son, JBalt II Spaulding, New Jersey A Eberhartf California G w lliiickle, But Island D Barndollar, do 'Jas Ague*. NP R R John PatClffn, Penua Jar Studdard, do E McDonald. PottsvUlo SMulraine, Pensylvanla. A M Boyd, Penna Jas W Hunter. Penna J Johnston, Ruton, J Zollinger A ly, Ilarrisb Ohas JS to offer, Philada James Crouse k ly, Pa Daniel Crouse, Pa Wm AUon, Bucks co, Pa John If Honsipker, Pa Miss M Sutton, Columbia UNION HOTEL—Arch street, above Third. E Greesawald A ly, Easton James Pattersdn, Phllada. L F Bowtler, lowa J M Read, do N Beck, Centre co. OR Morgan, do S J Smith. Madison W U WeTmer, • do Irly Smith, do W H Belknap. do R 0 Whitney, Richmond A M Belknap, do Jos 0 Bates, Boston S Boolean, Easton D Comings, Baltimore Wesley Hammer, Pa. GooHLoeher* do John Eliott, do J F Ooxell, PARR Thoa Montague, Ohio. A Blade, Janesville J M Stine. Chicago. Jas Claynoolc! A ljyOhio JW 41 Lee, Beading Sami 0 White.’ NY Jos Shelly, Pottav Jacob Aogust, NO 0 Bartler A son, NJ S L Burnap, Allegheny, Pa D Johnson, NO AMERICAN HOTEL—Chastuat street, above Fifth. A H Y King,"New York B D Thomason A la, Ky Miss Woodbury, do C RDodworth, New York TII Sweeuer x la, do HD Chapman A la, Ohio Miss Leitsiuger, Penixa Miss Green, New York .OG Sharp, •do W Wetherell, Penna O T Helm, Missouri • Miss BliltUnore, do Capt L P Cook, Waterbury F Hopkins, Baltimore 8 (J McLeUabd. lowa ' A Dale, Illinois B Wallace,'’Ohio E D Latham, 8 Carolina J W Adair, Ohio J H Wlntenietn A la, Pa GsoBGeorgton,NO H Brouemao, Strasburg Miss Georgton. do O Kennedy, do S B Bleasmr, NY Daniel E Potts, do CITY HOTEL, Race street, above Third. A G BtalfleEd. PhUa. Joseph Morton, Baltimore, U Rafael, Kindorhook L Tate and da, Columbia M Tiberinej Phila & BJsbor, New York L Espon, Havana Rudolph Erie, Georgetown Allen Pitch, Charleston Edmund Griffith, Boston. John Fitch, Allentown Henry Allman, xanville Henry Gilbert, Bucks co 11 Noble, N J M Rankin, N York II Hickson, Marietta G Elmwood, Frenehtown Allan Bann, Newcastle F Richards, Bogartown E Jones, N Orleans , J Miller, Baton Rouge. J2.KANP EXCURSION TO CAPE MAY v)f AND THE FISHING BANKS.—At the solicita tion of many highly respectable parties, the officers of the superior siaewneel steam-ship NORFOLK, Captain James R. Kelly, have chartered her for an Excursion to Ctpe May and tjie Fishing Banks, on SATURDAY, Au fistl&th.) Leaves first wharf above Market street at If o’clock P. M.: Megargee’* wharf at 7 o’clock, and Simpson A Neill’s wharf at 7# o’clock. Returning,’ will UaveQapeMsrat7 P. M,, on Bumlay, and land her passengers In the city by daybreak, on Monday. Tho Norfolk baa superior sleeping accommodations for 300 pasraeger*, An ample supply of bait will be supplied, free of charge. ' ' An excellent Brass and String Band will accompany the boat. Fare fdr the Excursion: To Cape May and back 8156; To the Fishing Banks and back 82 00. For tickets, apply at No. 14 North Wharves, or on board, to (augl4*2Q JAB. R. KELLY, Captain. Notice.— a meeting op the DE MOCRATIC! CITIZENS of tho NINTH PRE OINOT Of the FOURTH WARD will bo held ob WEDNESDAY NIGHT, August 19th, at half.pwt seven o’clock, at the house of JOHN THOMPSON, N. W - corner of TWELFTH and BRINTON streets, foe the purposo of selecting a place to hold the Democratic Delegate Elections, in accordance with the twenty-fifth rule of the Party. John f. Meany, James McKenna, Robert McVey, John F. Bradley, James Doran, Offon 11. Quinn, auH-lt* CHAS. HALLOWELL & CO., NO. 417 MARKET STREET, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF lIATB, CAPS, AND LADIES’ FANCY FURS. Merchants will find it to their Interest to examine our Btock belore purchasing elsewhere. aul4-lm# Henderson & co.’s gift book STORE, corner of FIFTH and AROII streets. Wo wish all our old customers aud frieuds to understand that in buying ROOKS AND STATIONERY of us to the amount of one dollar and upwards, they are not en gaging Ifl any risk whatever,' but, according to our present plan of conducting business, they will be enti tled to receive a gift. Watches, Jewelry and other valu&bleß will most positively be distributed to buyers. au!4'2t 5 Bailey & co., chestnut street, Manufacturers of BRITISH STERLING SILVER WARE, Under their Inspection, on the promises exclusively. Citisepa and Strangers are invited to visit our manu factory. WATCHES, Constantly on hand a splendid stock of Superior Gold Watches, of all the celebrated makers, diamonds. Necklaces, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear-Rings, Finger- Rings, and all other articles in the Diamond line: Drawings of NEW DESIGNS will be made free of chargo lbr those wishing work mide to order. RICH GOLD JEWELRY. A beautiful assortment of all the new styles of Fine Jewelry, such aa Mosaic, Stone and Shell Cameo, v Bear!, Coral, Carbuncle, Marqulsite, - , Lava, Ac., Ac. SHEFFIELD CASTORS, BASKETS, WAITERS, It o. Also, Bronte and Marble CLOCKS,/of newest styles, and of superior quality, aul-d tw&wly WA NT E D l'o RENT.—A THREE Story IHUOK’* OUSK, suitable for a small family. • i» Ml. .j.'ij, a j .a given, Address “ Rent," - . n»l2-2w#jg i .~HABPER’B Numitr Thirtp three Ready tkis Vay. : COXTUvp. -THE KING OF DELHI. With a Portrait THE NEB'S FROM INDIA END OF MBS. OUNNINGHAM. DOOTOMDEAUNG IN DEATH, DEFEAT OF MR. THAOKEBAY AT^OXFORD. fSKiF Beaut,—Borrowed Bailee. DAT BABATOGA. (From our own Oorrexpond- THE MAN ABOUT TOWN. De«l»t--On Thlevro—A Freeh Sparroir-Grae. Paper—Piano, Planhalmo, fBAVM, NOTES IN BIBLE LANDS—No. X. (From iur oepo Oorreapondent.l 1 Illuitrati&ns: The Mouks of Mount Carmel—Haifa tnd Mount Oarmel. Americans in Jerusalem—A Change of Plan —Jala again—French Steamers—A Collision inthe Harbor— The Tanered—A Stormy Passage—Haifa and Mount Carmel. GENERAL WOLFE'S VESSEL. ' The William and Ann, in which Gen (olfe called to Quebec In 1769. LTTEBARY 1 AND 1 WSBE YODNQ - New Books and Literarr Oosain. DOMESTIC INTe£u(jpnce HI.Sh.L J b6 ,Dletmte with Veneioela—The Dla pnte with the Kngllah 1„ China—Failure of tho North or——f Ekpedltlon. —Election IntelUgence— — again—How she laid f t,.... ?!" - ,??. Distr et-Attorney IlaU laid his—She fetehea the Bahy In a Basket—T h( , Mra. Cun ningbain’a Bedroom —The Arrett—Fracas at Niagara fa. T l w. e jTf , . M 8 al «"‘-Oeueral Walker BlSb ing.—A Fearful Leap,—A Romantic Ducking.—More Literarv Thefts.—A Fish in a Man’s BkuU •*" England: Parliament.—Dofrat of Thukerav at Ox. ford -Baron HAthschild.-The Festivities.—What It costs to be a Member of Parlia meot.—Munchausen Camming oblige* an'American-L France: The Republican CanHidatM.-A log Swindler*.—Death and Burial of Oavaignao’s HoraeA Fainting Lady.—An Axed Mllsr -Turkey: The Sultan’s FUrtlng.ljmfio; Bpreidlni of the Revolt.—GAinn; The British Naval Force.—Heads or Opium.—Armed Viragoes.—Attempts to take the LiL lyWhat sort of Vessels are Wanted In China. REVOLT IN THK SULTAN’S HAREM. Illustrations: The Sultan’s Ladles out Shopping.— The Favorites inthe Harem,—A Boating Party on the Bosphorus.—The Sultana Valide taking the Air. WHAT WILL HE DO WITH IT? By Sir E. Bourn Ltttou. Book ll.—Chapters in., IV., and V. SALT-WATER BATHING. ’lllustrations: A Quiet Party of Ladies.—Boys Rpthiog.w-A Family Group.—Grand Bathing Scene at BJUJAND BAGGAGE. Illustrationt: Start for a Dav in the Oountiy.—Fu ture Stylo of Saratoga Trunk—The Family Packing for the Country.—New Trunk for Hoops—Young Husband, rousel by the Goug for Dinner, Is told that his clean Shirts are all at.the bottom or “ that Trunk.”—Remark able OonrenioMOfif the New Trunk: you may turn it on End and DineTWat.—A Bachelor and ole LnmM. MEN AND THINGS IN ITALY. [Froaburown’ Correspondent.] ImildenU of the Isle- Revolution—Horrible Funenl Rltea. THINGS WISE AND OTHERWISE. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. WEEKLY MARKET SUMMARY. COMICALITIES. Illustrations of the Burglars : Caught a Burglar— A great deal to lose—A Burglar—Portrait of a Citizen of New York, as he now osoally appears about Midnight. —“ No use in Trying.” Hjbpsb’s Wx*xi,y will appear every Sirpnzur- Mobnixq, and will be sold at Viva CbUts a copy. Each number comprises as much —attor as an or dinary duo decimo volume. It will be n. died to subscribers at the following rates, payment being invariably required in advance; One Copy for Twenty J$l 00 One Copy for One lfe»r , 2 60 One Copy for Two Years,.,-* 4 00 Five Copies for One Year..'.,; 9 00 Twelve Copies for One Year..,,,,.20 00 Twenty-fire Copies for One Year, . 40 00 J LET* To Postmasters and others getting np a Club of Twelve or Twenty-fire, a copy will be sent gratis. Sub senptiona may commence with any number. Specimen nnmbpra gratuitously supplied. Oljrgymeu'and Teachers supplied at the lowest Club Pbicba. • PUBLISHED BY HARPER A BROTHERS. aul<-lt Fbankh# Squibb, N. Y. Notice to passengers.—t h e SHIP PHILADELPHIA will sail for Liverpool on MONDAY AFTERNOON, August 17th, at three toldO, from Queen street wharf. Passengers wilt please be on board. THOS. RICHARDSON A CO. atxl4-3t \VHEATLEY>S ARCH ST. THEATRE. ? Y —Sole Lessee W. WHEATLEY. Stage Manager W. 8. FREDERICKS. This popular establishment, haring undergone a com plete renovation, will open for the regular fall and win ter season TO-MORROW (Saturday) EVENING, August 15th, 1857, with Mrs. Cowley’s celebrated comedy of the LetitJa Hardy Mrs. E. L. Davenport (lato Miss Fanny Yiniug—her first appearance here.) Mrs.|Rackett .Miss Anna Cruise. Lady .Touchwood Sflss H. Baker. Doricourt Mr. Wheatley. Sir George Touchwood Mr. Dolman. Old Hardy Mr. Thayer. Flutter. Mr.J.S. Clark. After which a variety of Music by the Orchestra, under the direction of Mr. CHARLES DODWORTH. To conclude with the laughable comedietta called STATE SECRETS. Box Book now open. Doors will open at 7 o'clock. Performances commence at 7 % precisely. tkULB or Pricks. —Orchestra gulls, 50 cents; Dress Circle (no extra charge for Scoured Scats), 50 cents; Family Circle and Amphitheatre. 35 cents; Seats In Pri vate Boxes, 76 cents; Whole Private Box. $3; Gallery, 13cents; Gallery for Colored Person*, 35 cents; Pri vate Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 38 eents. Box Office open from 10 A. M. until 3 P. M. J.M. B.WUITTON Treasurer. au 14-2 t mHOMEHF* VARIETIES.—N. TV. cor- X ner FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets.—This CHEAP PLACE OF AMUSEMENT, “the COOLEST AND MOST RESPECTABLY ATTENDED IN THE CITY," la , OPEN EVERY EVENING,. ' •* With a MUSICAL AND TKRPBIOHOREAN MELANGE, Concluding each evening’s entertainment with an Commencing at ito 8 o'clock. Admission 10 cents. JOHN 0. WARREN, Conductor of Amusements. J. B. THOMEUF, Manager and Proprietor. aul3-3t* George Christy's advent.— BPEOIAL CARD. The Public is most respectfully notified that the cele brated and unequalled combination, the GEORGE CHRISTY A WOOD*S MINSTRELS, whose entertainments for many years have been re garded as the FASHIONABLE AMUSEMENT of New York, will nuke their fir*t professional depart ure from that city since their original organization, and appear at the * NATIONAL THEATRE, Walnut street, above Eighth, on MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 17, and continue during the week In a aeries of their une qualled ETHIOPIAN DELINEATIONS; Introducing that finished, original and eminent artist UR. OEORQE CHRISTY, In hU most noted and distinguished roles In COMEDY, FAROE, BURLESQUE AND PANTOMIME THE BOX BOOK Will open on Safari*? morning, August 16th, at 11 o’clock, at the Music Store of MBSBRS.LRE A WALKER, No. 722 (late 188) Chestnut street, below Eighth. BfEOUL OARD.—Thlfl engagement la necessarily limi ted, a* the opening of the new Marble Theatre In Broad way, New York, now being erected, expressly for this troupe, occur* In a brief period. Thl* Intimation ia re spectfully presented in order that the public may em brace the few nights shore specified, to witness this great novelty, an opportunity to do which may never again be afforded in Philadelphia. WAYNE OLWINE, Acting Manager. ACADEMY OP MUSIC, BROAD AND ia. LOCUBT street*.—Mr. E. A. MARSHALL, Sole PROMENADE CONCERT at this estab lishment is nightly honored by Enthusiasm, Popular ity and Ftithton. THIS EVENING, August 13th, new and attractive features. M’LL*. 80HKLLBB, SIGNOR VISRI, their first engagement in America: MISS 0. IUOHINGS, MR. FRAZER, CARL BERGMAN, and the GERMA NIA ORCHESTRA. Admittance 26 cents. -PARKINSON’S ILLUMINATED GAR- A BENS, CHESTNUT, ABOVE TENTH. PROMENADE OONOERTS EVERY EVENING, au 12-Gi Admittance, one shilling. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC -L%. E.A MARSHALL has great pleasure in announc ing that, through the Immediate agency of the Justly popui&r Impteuarlo MAX MABETZEK, now in Europe, he has effected an engagement with RONZANI’S Celebrated, Grand and Complete BALLET TROUPE. (From the Theatre Royal, Turin,) Which trill be under the personal direction of SIGNOR DOMINICO RONZANI, Manager of the Theatre Royal/Turin, and actual Maltre de Ballet, from Her Majesty’s Opera Houb», London, au 1041 CSANFORD’b OPERA HOUSE— K 3 ELEVENTH Street, aboTe Chestnut. OPENING NIGHT’’! *• ■ MONDAY EVENING, August 10th. and for the SEASON ’! I With theontlre Original SANFORD’S OPERA TROUPE, composed of SIXTEEN STAR PERFORMERS, Including Miss JULIA POLINE and Master BANFORD, the Star Dixcaas, who will appear, os the above night, in an 8»T1»S NSW VJIOOBAKMB, including Sosos, CBOROSBB. Ac., Ac.; also, the new burlesque on the Academy or Music. Boors open at o’clock—to commenco at 8. Admittance 26 cent*. ID* lu preparation, a burlesque on La Travlata. au 10-Ot \ATALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Pro ve prietor. Mr. WM. J. NAGLE; Acting and Btago Manager, Mr. WAYNE OLWINE. Prices—Dress Circle and I’arquette, 60 cents; Upper Circle, 26 cents; Private Box and Orchestra Seats, 75 cents. Box Office open from 9 o’clock A. M. to 4 P. M. Boors openat 7 o’clock; performance will commence at 8. NO BILL RECEIVED. James Dcnohoue, Michael Lone, Thomas McAnulty, John Thompson, Dr. Wilson, John Gamble, Jr. JOHN DREW’S NATIONAIi*THEATRE, WALNUT street, abovo ElGHTH.—Lessee and Manager, John Drew. Prices—Dress Circle and Par quet, cents; Orchestra Chairs, 60 cents; Seats in Private Box. 76 cents; Family Circle, 26 cents. Doors open at 7. To commence at 9 o’clock. Box Office open from 10 to 3 o’clock, where Seats can be secured with out extra charge. NO BILL RECEIVED. mHOMAS E. BAXTER.—HARDWARE, X CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No. MO MARKET 6T., above Ninth, fiouth aide, Philadelphia. au 1-bra JOHN N. REEVES, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, PABSYUNK ROAD, opposite County Prison. Orders for Jobbing promptly attended to. aul-lm CEMETERY OFFICE, NO V* 118 WALNUT St., beIowFIFTH - au lltf SPIRITS TURPENTINE—2OO bbia Spirits ►3 Turpentine, to arrive, for sale by MARTIN A MACALISTER, aul 119 North Water Street. COTTON— 200 bales good Middling to Mid dling Fair Cotton, in store and for sale by MARTIN & MAOALISTRB, aul 119 North Water Street. ANTED—A WOMAN TO DOGEN ERAL Housework i must be a good washer and irouer. Also, a woman to take care of thlldreu. Those only who can com* well recommended may apply to MB. SOLOMONS, aul0«lt» . 60 Fourth street. The french study is now open. —DELACROIX’S Course of French ; a thorough practice of Explanatory Grammar. Requires no other application than the hours passed with she teacher, No. m (late 31) FILBERT street. *u7-2t r'ODOROS FAMILY AND EXTRA yj FLOUR, ot either old or new Wheat, ju«t received and for sale, jit) L. KNOWLES, 1218 Market et. BOARDING.— A lady and gentleman,,or two single gentlemen, can be accommodated with good BOARDING and the use or Bath. Apply at S7O ARCH Street, north side, *ul9*9t* StmitsEments. BELLE’S STRATAGEM. amusing AFTERPIECE t , c ., r ,-®oid>il>iil*o fbr ®fEtt. . )K~AB SEMBLY—EDWIN SMITH, NINTH M6TBIOT, JWJSLIIH WAfiD- Subject to, Deunxnatlc Ratw. uU*,. FOB ASSEMBLY—Second FER-, RAN 3. COOK, Second Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. . »u 12-tC* 0? QUARTER SESSIONS— JOSEPH OROCKETT, BiXtMnth W«rd. Subject to Democratic Raisa.. , au 12-tira POK ASSEMBLY—JOSEPH J. KEEFE. L _ —Swood Legl.l.tlve Dltlflet, Second Ward. Babject to the deelelon of the Democratic Contention. HUMISB QBOTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT A. COJJRT.JOHN P. M’FADDBH, of Third Ward. Subject to the rnlee of the Democratic Party, aol-tf "POE RECORDER OF DEEDS—THOS. vLu.i H . l f l, A Te ” th .T* ra i Vine etreet, above Eighth. Subject to Democratlerulea. aulMm* JOHN M. ARUNDEL, of tRo Twenty* second Word, will be a candidate for Assemble, from the Sixteenth District. Subject to the noralm&onof the Democratic Convention. aub-eod2w* FOB ASSEMBLY—THIRD DISTRICT^ PRANKLIN McILVAIN, Subject to Democratic rules. ■ anSdtspS EIOR. CORONER—DR. FEODOBE mlEk* X SON, Fifth Word. Subject to Democratic Bales. auS-lm# Fob pbothonotaby of the dis trict COURT, LEWIS T. HEARS, of Twelfh Ward. Snbject to Democratic Rnlee. anB*lm* TJROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT X COURT, GEORGE V. MEESBB, Twenty-second Ward. Subject to Democratic Bulea. &u 4-tSeS . For recorder op deeds—r. r. YOUNG, Seventh Word. Subject to Democratic Bates. ’•'t su4-lm* , I7IOR CLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS, X BAMUEL ; O. THOMPSON, Bth'Ward. Subject* the Bulea of the Democratic Party. uu4 wAs tsB* For coroner—n. a reid, m. d. __ Bubject to Democratic Rules. ■ ‘su4 lm* FOR CORONER—CHARLES S. PEALL, Nineteenth Ward. * anl-lw* FOR assembly-first district.— JOSEPH H. DONNBLLY Tint Ward. Snbject to aecision o ithe Democratic Convention. aal-4w# POR ASSEMBLY—THIRD DISTRICT.— A DAVID R.MeLEAN, Ponrth Ward, Subject to Democratic Bulea, tnl taoB* For * JOSEPH HtfNRKEJL. u. . SJgbthDistriet, Eleventh Word. pnbjett to Democratic lfolfa, atl.lm* For recorder'of itos- “ CHARLES H. HILLER, r Fourteenth, Ward, - Subject to Democratic Bulea£Ott-cC*--'AUI % **B * FOR RECORDEROEDEED3—GEORGE W. W UNDER, Thirteenth Word. Subject to De mocratic ' * - • aul-Sw* EOR RECORDER OF DEEDS—N. F* •WOOD, Thirteenth ward. Subject to Democrat!. rules. auS-te# OP QUARTER SESSIONS.- \J GEORGE SIMPSON, THIRTEENTH WARD.. Subject to Democratio Rales. aulteepS illiscellancone. CSTATE AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION. >3 —AGRICULTURISTS, STOCK BREEDERS, GARD NERS, POMOLOGISTS, INVENTORS, MANUTAG TUREBS t ARTISANSi All classes are invited to be come exhibitors, THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY will hold its SEVENTH ANNUAL EXHI BITION at Powelton, West Philadelphia, on SEPTEM BER 2tth and 80th, and OCTOBER Ist and 3d ensu ing, for the display of Oattle, Heroes, Sheep, Swine and Poultry, Ayr!cultural Machines and implements, Dairy, Yield and Garden Produets, Seeds, Bruits, Flowers and Vegetables, she Mechanic Arts, Domestic, Household and other Manufactures, Stoves, Wares and Inventions. A PLOWING MATCH »! In order to promote skill and efficiency In the Im portant work of the Para, a Plowing Match will come off on the fourth day of the Exhibition, to which mea and youths are invited to compete for the premiums. To sellers and borers of farm stock this Exhibition will afford a most favorable market. The different Railroad Companies will carry ail stock and articles to and from the Exhibition fiu of change as heretofore, and will issue Rxcwrjiox Ticitis for the Pair week it the usual liberal rates. Lists of Premiums and all other Information will be furnished oq application to ROBERT 0. WALKER, Se cretary, at the Rooms of *' the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture,” CfcesnatBtrcet, below Seventh, south side, up stairs. QThe books for the entry of articles and will be open on ami after ike Ist of September. DAVID TAGGER?, - President Peons. State Agricultural Society. aal3-d t sep 38 (gALAHANDER SAFES. A large assortment of EVANS A WATSON’S PHILADELPHIA MANU FA CTO RED SALAMANDER SATES, VAULT DOORS, For Banks and Stores. BANK LOCKS, Equal to any sow in use. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, k c . . On *a good to ran u out other «*Ubltah>arat ia the ' United State*, by EYAXS A WAT3OX, Xo. 20 South FOURTH street, Philadelphia. P LEASE GIVE V 8 A CALL. BL OCK LE Y ALMSHOUSE—SEPA RATE SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed “ Pro. posala to tapplylßeef tad Mutton for the Philadelphia 1 Almthow&f until September let. ISM. will be received by the Steward) it the Philadelphia Almshouse, until 12 o’clock, H., oa the 17th last. The quantity of Beef re quired will he about 10Q.OQD lbs., and from well fed eat. tie; to be furnished by the side or carcass, said cartau. to weigh not leas than 600 lbs.; about the same quantity of Mutton wiQ be requised, and must bs from well fat tened sheep. Sound and good marketable meat to be delivered at such times and in such quantities as mar from time to time bo ordered, to be Inspected tad weighed upon de livery. The Guardians reserve the right to reject such meat as in the opinion of the Steward and Storekeeper, is not equal to the quality required for the contract. Any failure on the part of the coutracton to supply the 3 uantity ordered, the same will be pore based, and the Ifferenee, If any, In the cost, will be charged to the contractors to failing, and deducted from the succeeding monthly payments. Payments to be made monthly. CHARLES MURPHY, Steward. For sale, or to let on ground RENT.tbe Lot on North Bide of High Street, 132 feet east of Twentieth Street, 36 feet 4 inches front and 170 feet deep, to Jones Street. Apply to> tdO-mwfgw* EDWARD WAIX, No. 703 Wal not St. EMOVAL. THE YOUifG LADIES INSTITUTE. formerly located at No. 46, now £4 NerthSEVBNTH Street, fa removed to No. 1711 TINE Btreet, west of Seventeenth, north side, where the sub* xeriber will be happy to see his former patrons and pupils, at the commencement of the Tail Session. For circulars, Ac., please apply to W. Q. S. AGNEW, aulO-2w No. 1711 Tine street. Russia and American tarred CORDAGE-—a superior article, manufacture and for sal* by WRANEB, PITLER 4 CO., anB*tf- No. 19N. Water st., A U N* Wharves. \MTINOHESTER k SCOTT, GENTLE f T MEN’S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SRAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY. No. 706 CHESTNUT Street, abort Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, ami Strangers, U particularly invited to this Improved ent of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article made. At whole, sale and retail, and nude to order. au&-ljif TVTOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Po- X 1 liey No. 4262, Issued by the American Fire 'lnsur ance Company, in the name of Nicholas B. Thouron, dated September 13,1863, for Si,OOd on brick building situs ted on the west side of Sixth street, between Prune and Spruce streets, has been lost or mislaid. Applica tion has been made for a new one in lieu thereof. A suitable reward will be paid for its return to No. S 6 North Seventh street. and w4t* Harness, saddles and trunks, LAOEY Sc PHILLIPB, Nos. 14 and 16 Bouth SEVENTH street, above CHESTNUT, have manufac tured, expressly for the FALL TRADE, a larger stock of superior Harness, Saddles and Trunks, than any other house in their line, and having reduced the mode of manufacturing to such a perfect system, they are be yond all competition for quality, style and price. P. B.—Country Harness makers can be supplied cheaper than they can manufacture. aol-lm JAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, Nos. 16 And IB South NINTH BTRSET, ABOVE OIISsTNOT. A large and. well. selected stock of CLOTHS and OAS9IUERBB ns hand. All Clothing mad* at this wilt be of the best quality, and in the most fashionable style. Particular attention given ) in UNIFORM CLOTH ING. ' 1- aafi-tt. Sharpens men's and boys' CLOTHING, 148 North FOURTH Street; between Arch tad Race. j sufi-ly &ARDINES-—lOO cases of 60 half boxes k 5 each, in store and for sale by , HENRY HOULES' £ CO-, au 6 Nos. 221 and 323 8. Fourth street •REMOVAL—ADAMS' BLANK BOOK MX and JOB BINDERY, from THIRD street, to No. 836 ARCH street, below SIXTH. Blank Books all suo on hand, or made to order. Magazines, Music, Ac , neatly bound VERY CHEAP. auMw Spikes.—railroad spikes and CUAIHS constantly on hand. Orders received for Light Railroad Iron—2B lbs., 83 lbs., 40 lbs. per yard. HANDY A MORRIS. S. B. corner Front and Walnut. IVfOTICE—THE BUSINESS OF TWELLS i 1 A CO., aud J. W. GASKILL & CO., will hereafter be conducted under th© stylo of TWXLLS, GASKILL & GALVIN, 'at No. 5 and G 8. Wharves, aad No. 323 24. Wharves. au4-lm . WF. WARBURTON, FASHIONABLE • HATTER, No. 430 CHESTNUT Street, below Fifth, Philadelphia. au4-lm rp Enewland & CO,, • LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTURERS, ’WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Importers and Dealers in Oil Painting*, Water-Color Drawings, Engravings. Ac. A large assortment always ou hand. Packing and removing Glasses, and hanging attended to. 604 ARCH Street, above Sixth, south side, Philadelphia. aui-jrarp JACKSON, JOB PRINTER, MERCHANT STREET. CHECKS, NOTES, DRAFTS, _ BILL UK ADS, OIROULARB, And JOB PRINTING generelly, at ehortest notice aud fair Price.. eul-lm TOSEPH BLACK, Banner, Sign, Decora ” tlve aud General ORNAMENTAL FAINTER, N. Ji. corner FOURTH and WALNUT Street., entrance on Fourth street. AI«o—PORTRAITS, the elle of life, painted from Daguerreotype.. aul.dlm SJDL,LENDER & PASCAL, ►3 HATTERS, lal-tm No. 8 S. SIXTH etreet, Fhtledelphla. riOTTON— IOO bales Gulf Cotton, in store \J and for sale by MARTIN & MAOALIBTER, anl HO North Water Street. MOSS —17 bales Carolina Moss, for sale by MARTIN A MACALISTER, aul 110 North Water Street. MAGARGJE & CO M \J Wholesale Dealers in PAPER, RAGS, &c„ No. 80 Sooth SIXTH Street. Philadelphia aal-ltn GREAT GIFT BOOK SALE, AH No. 835 CHESTNUT Btreet. N. B.—No connec tlon with, any other house in the City. aul*Sm JAMES KELLY, (Successor to William Curtis) Regalia, Books, Jewels, Emblems, Masonic and Encampment Charts. Ac;' Odd Fellows’ Halh NORTH SIXTH STREET, below Race, Philadelphia. 1 Orders from any part ot the country, addressed to James Kelly, promptly attended to. »u I-lm pLIKTOK PLACE HOTEL,fESOAJ*- \J WAY, Kixt9%Xevr. MARKER, Proprietor. aul3*3m LOUIS B. COFFIN,— THIRD WABD HOTEL, {DEMOCRATIC HEAD QUARTERS,} Booth-east corner fXPTH and QUEEN Streets, aal-lm ' Philadelphia.' WILLIAM N. KING,—SOUTHERN • EXCHANGE HOTEL. South-east comer of PIPTH and CABPEXTES Sts., Philadelphia, ml-lm p.HESNUT STREET HOUSE—SAMUEL Vj MILLER, (014 Mo. Ill) Meir'No. Sfl CHKSMOT STREET, below Fourth, Philadelphia. U au 1-lm YSfILLIAM HANNINGS’ City Lager Baer T T Saloon, Mo. 32 CARTER’S ALLEY, Philadel pWa. aul-lnr tones anb Ciquora. \ LEXANDEB V. HOLMES, WINE AND -tv. LIQUOR STORE, Mo. 220, Boulluaut Corner of OEORBE an 4 SOUTH jtreeta. • ao°*l T YVTILLIAM F. PITFIELD,—IMPORTER I ■ of BRABMES. WINES, *e., Ac, Ko. 323 . OHEBTMUT Street, Philadelphia. aul-lm. ’ Cl. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN FINE WINES, LIQUORS, -CIGARS, Se,, 20 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. Brandies. —pinet, castnion & co., m«- rett & Co., and other broade of Cognac* of varwaa rbitagu, in half pipe* and quarter Rochelle Broodies, pale and dark, Jo half nines, quarter casks and one-eighth eaaka, all in Custom House stores, imported and for sale hr HENRY BOHLEN A CO., ~ an t Nos. 23d and 228 Boath Poarth street. 'ThITHMAK & BUTZ, POBTBB, ALE MJ AND LAOSB BJREB BREWERY, No. S» {new No. Mli.North THIRD Street, .orders prony>tly*ttended to. aol-tf gtjbgcto anb Cigars. -Lx mant. nth aa - SSS., ■fsiSE' Gloria, JuJSife Goloao, . Coarfit&fct^v?! Totfey bojtOf Union AitwricaiiL Orajon, lies* Caka*a.£«.,.Ae^r, 40.> to K f X, 2-d and I*2o doxm, of all shea mai - tiet, ia ho re and constantly rewiring, and for s*leTa«, . *X OHABLSS NR, (wii 130 WALKOT Street, .. }ei N.B. Terns of Night Bale#, focr month* credit far approved City acceptances, far ana# of fICO and otct nth interest added from date of sale. . CARD.—Outdoor Sale# solicited of HosjeheM Fjonl* tore at dwelling#, Btoeka of Hardware, Underwriters’ Sale# of Hardware. Cutlery, Ac. Cosrignstesti soli, cited to be sold at the Auction Boom#. Chargee moder ate. Apply Mahore. Advance# made os Ctonrigameats of Goods. mi jot Bt Guo. W. Suits, Auctioneer. V E- CORNER OF BARRON AND lie SOUTHmSETS, shoreBeeond. . EVENING SALES. SALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING. -- At TKo’eldEti at the Auction Stork*,“of Hardware, Cut ls*7, Houtekeeptag Articles, Clothing, Watches, Jewel, ty, Fancy Article*, Ac. CJAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, AN and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 112 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear st., only eight doois below the Exchange, Hoars of business from 7 o'clock, A. M., until 10 o’clock in the evening. Out-doof sales, and sale# at the Auction House, at tended upon the most satisfactory terns. OAPItAL <200,000. Ettablnktdfor th€ lent Thirty Ttatt. Advances mads from one dollar to theumeda on Zfta mood#, BQrer Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware. Her chinrtiie. Clothing, JUrniture, Bedding, Cigars. Musical Instnuneats, Gone, Homes, Carriages, and Goods of every description. All goods can remain any length of time agreed npon. All advances, from one hundred dollars tad upwards will be charged 2 per eest. per month; fiOOud’ over, the lowest market rate. This Btore Bouse having a depth of 120 feet, has Urn fire and thief-proof vaults to store tU valuables, and pri rate watchmen for the premises; also, a heavy iaso raace affeetad for the benefit of all persona haring goods advanced upon. N. B —On account of having an unlimited capital, thU office is prepared to make advances on more satis factory and accommodating terms *h«n any other in thU city. Money advanced to the poor, in «w«ii amounts, with out any charge. IT PRIVATE SALE. Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will be sold at reduced prices. asl-ly ©ob ,fijtittKe. A RCHER, WARNER, MISKEY & CO., Mmufketunnof OASALtKBS, BRACKETS, PEN DANTS, FITTINGS, ud ill Rind, of GAS aad LAMP WORK, GIRANDOLES, Ac., No. 329 CHESTNUT Btr.«l, Pkllodelphlo. ARCHER, WARNER A CO. No. 378 BROADWAY, N.» York. Ruildisn Sited with Gu Pipe., ud oif Uidi of ottering ona repolrtße of Go. Work. oalLlxa. at JEani. TYANIEL DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY ■S-r AT LAW. Southeort Comer or EIGHTH end LO CUST Siroote, Fhilodeljihio. OQI-Ij j|gYER STROUSE, ATTORNEY AT 1»A LAW, CENTRE etreet, Fottarllle. Po. ou4-l, JOHN BINNS, UNITED STATES Com missioner AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, AND THE PROBATE OF ACCOUNTS for eereni SUtes end Temtoriei. H. to. hy tew, outhorieed to edmlntfiter Ootho oud ASrmotioni to to receind fn eH /. 1 the Courte In Penne/Iranio. frwuB A.M.toSP.MI oul-lm 'iCfloL TIAZELTON-' AND SPRING MOUN AM- TAIN, Lehigh, Hickory and Locust Mountain Schuylkill Coal for sale at KNOWLES’ Depot, NINTH and WILLOW Streets. . /'''OAL.—The subscriber informs liis friends and the public that be has commenced the COAX* business In BROAD, above Tine street, where he has on band the very best article of Lehigh and Schuylkill Cpal, which he will dispose of on the most reasonable terms. HOWELL DORMAN, Late of Bonk Penn Township, (Successor to Henry Cher.) COAL! COAL! COAL!—TAGGART’ 3 CELEBRATED SPRING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH COAL. J.AR. CARTER’S GREENWOOD, TAMAQUA COAL GEORGE W. SNYDER’S PINE FOREST SCHUYL KILL COAL. RANDALL & MEREDITH Hav© for salo, and are constantly receiving from the above celebrated Collieries, COAL OF ALL SIZES. There ia no Coal mined anywhere, equal is quality to lhese } and a trial will convince any one of their great superiority. Our Coal is very carefully screened at our yards, and we will warrant it perfectly free-from slate, dost and all impurities. Our PRICES arc as LOW as the VERY LOWEST. Orden left atour Office, No. 3 SOUTH FRONT street, above Walnut. Orders left at our Yanl, CALLOWHILL street, below BROAD street. v 521®™ left at ottr Wharf, WATER street, above CAL LOWHILL—cr sent to either place per Despatch Post, will receive prompt attention. Purchasers for Family use will do well to call and ex amine our Coal before purchasing elsewhere, atrt-tf CCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL.— I am dally receiving, at my yard, the Lest quality of SCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL. Ify customers, and all others who may favor me with their orders, may rely on getting Coal that will be gatiafactory to them. U7*' No inferior Coal kept at this establishment to offer at LOW PRICES. „ _ ALEXANDER CONVERT, N. E. corner of Broad and Cherry £tu. Lehigh and Schuylkill coal.— pi™.-’!?*?*? * °° l COAt MitERS, No. IRIMB Strett, Abo to Blgotb, keep co.’irtaqttr oa ““l" «I 7 lo—eat rates, a full supply ot Lehigh aad Schoylhill Coal. ’ aul-Om POACH, ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP Paetory of E. IV VSSUSBS, No.« Sooth EIGHTH, below Chestnut street, has become a saving of 50 per cent, to our SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MER CHANTS, and also the convenience of having their old Carriage Lamps new silver-topped and bottomed, and sent by express to all parts. aulS-ly ABRAM SLACK—ENGRAVING, DIE AJL- Sinking and Embossed Printing, Envelope and Seal Tress Manufactory, 37 Strawberry Street, between Second and Third, aid Market and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa aul2-ly BALE HOPE-—'Boyers are invited to call and examine oar Manila Bale Rope, which we caa can ulj u Jow m American, and warrant it superior in strength and durability. weaves, muss at co., No. 23 N. Water gt. and 122 N. Wktcves. OFFICE OF THE KENSINGTON GAS COMPANY, August U, 1857. The BoiiM of Directors of the Kensington flue Com puur have this day declared a dividend ol Oue Dollar on each share of Stock issued by the Company, which will he paid to the Stockholders, or their leyaj representa tives, cn and after Saturday, the 15th «i the office of the Treasurer. No. 32 Queen street. Keosuur- peter ramboT^ Treasurer. WIN ANT 4 CO?