■ -££•'s& Tlr.LT* Crut* r**.'W***, ptyibl. to thf OMrITT*. ' H&Hi toTfaferlluM onl ofihe Sit Hollins - .fi*»rwT*oo»ltolw*B:ra*Ei4«»M6m*;Ts»». ~ ; JliiloJ t* Snycrjbor smi tbf tilb City,' It TiriOMl>ot' - -:,;v*»siKir4«tfii, in idTiaw,' y@snt< ; aiioiun, ta *baa«s,) »t...T35,.,-,2 OQ W '@:*et 2 - ten. . ifft«> *“S;B7S;; ' --: )H»OXGa,FAKM :,£AiiDS Vo®; SACEsS Jtlrmlru: llndi, in' iracfaof 40 %otm ‘ Hid ilbmdßTott ani.it Um/ntoMSatanutti; ivW isi •’ , JhjHluMUysre gr«aM Wthß.Oanjmwat: to.'*l4 la the ainst ruction of thl* Bo.ii, and . lra imuiig tbe richwt mi roost fertila ib - tlii world, ‘ ■KoftteWasty.tiifongk -the middle ■ «MUMtMa,t«m> * varieljy'fcf cflmate’hnd prodaatloQifToa&d between. those ' Wr. & ,tfie fftiMl# an! BotfiQWDMctlpu timber predomlnhtefi, alternating opening*;. > ‘ -\T.bje mild and than afir pther part of thosoantiT-4he alr.is pare and bra -’ cSd.-while' llTiiig ‘jittbAnuj and springs exoeittnt ; water abotmd. :| ’. k:^Ti •’;--- ■- . -10 ?«* ai. ,v - > : ;%cheap. and .dabble fnel,, being furnished M many, -rpbUkta st-taicr# >oodcab W bad at the ; ariWrjMita.tw.cnw^H-'.iv a? , V-;t£«\U**£Aj./te*V' - . - tl *a».gr«i»,{firJilitjf which.«.» » Muk rfcliinocla,lKmi two/fo fire feet deep, and gently roll , . idg, tfe^r*B^lg^tf?toiiiifl'fnadj J bVwllitfieyer? fail' iftfrnilhed- foKtMvel r «rih transportationtoths BpfttA{»l markets North* 80Mth»J4*t>>W^,dmd:;t&e er can be cultivated, tender thajt nan be found* llpmiss thote morMemote At goyecaam xatea/aa theaddl; ; tlonaX a.perMtna; tax on-tbei litter, trbieh tam&roe borne by the pfodneer, In.the re- i -' :•• '•' = ' The. tittle ie perfect—and when the final piymehte are ■' dha»ani r Whi«3£ conWjr to them ab«olnt» tSilea In feb aim-; pie, prices f6 to 130; interest only 8 per ct. Tvantyper ct/iWUIjW dednctedfrohi thepricafor cash. ' Th.wc wh® phrChase on long credit, giro notes payable In.two/three, fow',- ; fiWand six yean afterdate, and are rehoired to iznjnofe ohe-tenth. annually- for five years. ' bo aato haye oce*half the land, nnder ctU tiraUon at the •ndoftwttnie; it ' .J" / . . ~ ' Competent Barreybrs wlll tfioie wh.i wish' te examine these £>auds, free of charge, and ald them in -nuftihg selecticns. »,. - t -- .%.-4 '-, v The^Lands remaining unsold are is rich and' raluable. i as thosS which hare been deposed of.' •• / v - -r 1-. - SBOTIGNAT. , ' , ; ; r Will be jent to any, one who enclose; fifty cents In postage stamps, aadtfiioks or pahiphlets containing na meton* inetahcM of . succMtfnl fuming, signed by re ' apeetable and well .known farmers Hying, in the neigh borhood of the’ BaUrbad Lands’, throughout the State — also the cost of fencing,’ price'of cattle. expense of har vesting, threshing,,etc., —or;any WiU be cheerfully given os application, either personally or by letter, in JssgUsh, french, or German, addressed t>z ' s. JOHN WILSON. ■] Xand Commissioner of the Illinois Central B< B, Co. VOfficeln HHnoli Cental Bailroad Depot, Chioaao, Xl ■* -. 4-- - i,i ‘S' ~ ■ 1 -anl - d/gf Cfotamandhr, The Glasgow todNew Ybrkßtto*£» tojp. Company intend toiling >.tktos ’ ttov and poworful V York tM*lugord&^s&mo*s:. ' -.ii' !>.i K«ir ? tOßKj» '•'-.V- New York/'Saturday. l3noon, i - gatnrday-j- Julyll, 12nboti'. ■ ' f “*. tA' 7:.OJMWWt.Wednesday, Aug. 6,12n00n.' A .- ;- . i otsMot, \ •“ ‘ ~ , Edingborff,/onelli . . /• Glasgow.'July B.' * , I ' NewYork,-JulyS2i ’ 1 ;■, ' aulO-lm JTtHENE W'. TOBK ‘' AND I LIVERPOOL . STATES MAIL fifJ&dMBHS.-The Ship* composing this Line are< ‘ t * • S&A AT&ANTIC,Oapt: Oliver EldrMge. • The'BAL’nOfOapt/Joaept ' , The ADBUllO,laiftM-WMfe ' • -T.-* ,:/• v-.r RThese ships have been built by contract,' expressly for Government seryidej e very cure hi* been taken in (heir - eoMtroctUmj to also fcv tbeirehgures r to ebiurtstretojjth apgepeed, and their accommodations for passengers are, o#MUAjled forelegance * -, _ " i J-Yrlceof-tfaseage from New Yorkto LiyeipooLin first e*btßL $180; in*econddo,,sTfc from Liverpool to New York, 8p,au420 gJIMM. No berths eecnreduJileM said foi*. The ships of this : llne'haTe'improyed ac&ter-tfght - hnncfcOadi.- vjfc. /■ , n * PKOPO3EL.DATEB OFSAILINQ, yao* REwiroßk., /• , raes wvaami... fiattriay,-June 20, - t JBW Wednesday, /turn $4, -1857 ■BB®s&fe iff B»tnM«r;Aug. l, - -JM7. WedneiHf; Auj. 8,- 1857 ; Eto4»J;Bepi.W, - iff! 254 n6s J‘7>?SPl- S ~1857 ■* SeWrfiJvSept.M; 1807 WedMßduy,gept. 30,1867 Saturday, Oct. 10, 1857 Wedncadly, Oot, U, 185? Satuiday, Oct. 24 1857 Wednesday, Oct. 28. 1857 Saturday, Nov,;: T> - • 186 T Wednesday, N6v.11, 1887 Saturday, Nov. ZL, 1857, Wednesday, Nov. Saturday, 'JJee.'l 5,", 1867 Wednesday/Lee. 8, ’ 3867 •-. >,. *$ t.'vr 1. A’i •«; Wednesday, D6c;fi2,»Mtf h. x. : : Br6SI<,,BIIiPI,*X JeCO. .Liverpool. ' '•' • .mmim HENNABD f 4 00.;; tf-Anitin Xriara, . «wS«i* 6f ttyt« flnplf-Minot be iixoiaUbU for ■ m flinmnijittfiti iMM OHifOTNOI. ? Me taUmfiei' .aKSMWwtow,,^Wel,»j4;atußto, s*&s&*&&-■ W««* "cia & «uj)pU« jwpi nil ~ Vi^>.rf)wi»S»-ii '“■ ■. ...- .. .. //.".'UN !g,H „', ,y/s %'• ■' ' "fi% r rV,- L ',’ , jS&i «£/ , &%■»«V ■ Sloping. --'-v- 1 > • ■ TWe WAfIHIN & heretofore MDpgtf frtke United sendee between New YoA,'Beath!itolstpiitad i ftWpB were* built ir|th great tore, of tKe beaV saterislsln sm? fieptttmeat,'todtr ; the inspection of to efltow?lo the CiUttoJßUteWiJiety? i-Thto are a boot &4W;t&B bto&toi of the wASHINQ WNitoiog'JBO fifet feei titan,'tad SI feet 4ejrth#'l#%»*FULTON, .2.600 -tons, James. A. Wotton, commander, will.leave ..Npw York, Savre'atid for the years 1867 aiid ’6B, 'on the'following days';’: .LBAT* KIW TOR*,. -. <- „< ‘-- '<- .*‘ :* ’ 1857. , ,« 1858, Fulton'gatnrday,Aug. 22 Arago,-Saturday, Jan. 8 -Aotfo,, aor Sept. 19 Fulton; • do. Feb. 6 .Fulton, ~do- , Oct. 17 Arago, do, March 6 -Arwo, do,. TJor. 14 Fulton, , do. April' 8 Fulton,- : do.’ Dec. 12 Are go, ' do. <31071 Fulton, , do.- Way 29 * LBiVK HAVEN. ' ' t«ITS SCFUTHAMPT'ON. -■-<•'.1867'. r '*■ '-'.'-1867.-. Arago, Tuesday, Aug. 25 , r Arago, Wednesday, Aug. 26 Fulton,' 'do. Sept. 22 ■. Fulton, ,do.' Sept, 23 Arego.— do: ■ 0et.26 Aragtfl ’ 'do. • Oct." 21 FoMon,, d 0... Nor: 17.1 Fulton,. ! do._ Not. 18 Awgo, • do. . Dec.ls , Arago, do. .pee. id ' 2858: ' ' 1858.'.“ : / Fulton, do. Jan. 12 Fulton, do.- ■■Jda'. 13 Ayagoj if do. -,Feb<9.,; Arago,.✓ do,; Feb. •10 Fulton, ,60. March 9 , Pulton, do. Mar.. 10 ‘Arago, 'do. 1 Ajiril 6' • Arago,' • -do.-' ‘ April ‘7 Faltohj ido..(. .’Mayd,- . Fulton,.;. do.Vvjuy 6‘ Arago, do. Junel Arago, - do. Juno 2 Fulton,, do. June,29 Fulton,., do. June3o *' " ' 'FStOR 'OV PASSAGE j’ ~ ' M -From .Near York-to Southampton or* • Ham—First pabin, $l3O-; Second. Cabin, $76.. , t • FromHAvre! or Southampton to New’ York—First Cabin, 800 fraca; Second OiWn, 600 franca.' . Fir Trtlgbt’of BUMge, apply to. ~; r*■ . . MOBTIiJEH lIVINGBTON, Ag*nt. 7 Broadway. ' WHMAMISELIN, Havre. OBOOKEY.4tCO.v-: *i?~ .7/ tt fiouth’ton. .. AMERICAN JSUkoPJBAN) . , ~ • ' EXPRESS ' AND . BX-S “ ' Paris. ' ■■• - - OHAWGB CO! '■> - ■ ) ' an# 'fi'AVANNAH AN D. CHARLESTON O.Ships. r ' ,; FREIGHTS REDUCED. ' ’ ! Tlit well known. Ant -class aids wheel Steamships KEYSTONE STATE end-ST ATE' OP GEORGIA, now IpS«I» Weekly line for the. South and'Southwest, one (if the ships sailing EVERY,.SATURDAY, atlO o’clock, POB BA.YUnaN,>OAI ! :•> •=.< ' - THE STEAMSHIP.,K£YBTOKK.STATE., : i ' Chiklis P. M.RSiiois. Commander, Y. Will recelrafreight oh THURSDAY, Aiigust 20th, and Mil on SATURDAY, August 22d, at id o’oiock, A. M.. . , r /Sor'OHArlesTon, a, 0.,- .. , I s -vi the steamship state Op oeorgia, Jons/. GarVIS, Commander, - ■■ Will receive freight on THUHSDAY.-Angust ttttr, end pall.for Charleston, 8, C., on SATURDAY, Angnst 16th;:at lO o’clookjA,M, > ’ i.-.t ”• . At both Charleston and SarAnnhh those ships connect Wlthetetmare /ot.YJprid»]»nd Harana,,and wlth falU {Oada, *c., for allplaces Jb the Sooth and Southwest. ' Cshin Pasaagein either chip.,<*2o. - Steerage dd ■ d0T...-. - 8 •/SoYreight recMret oh Saturday mirhlniY l := «■ •Jfo.hiUa.ef lading signed after- the ehip has sailed.. . •'Pop freight or passage apply to ' ’ •i'Mj'. f. A. HiKOS. Jr.: aiMorthWharrei. >I PQK FDOBIDA, from Sgtiniuh.gteataerß St.MiBYS suadgtjJQHVß, oV«ry TueW|Hy Md ' .?, > FOB FLOREDA, frofa Obfrleston. Btoamer CABOLI NA, every Tneadiy. . t / FOBi the Gw&bry- ‘ • .Great iaducemepta to Clubs, the 16th of'Augufitthe’fefstnutabcr of Ths Wbbe vf,Ptopa iHlt be i?tood fro?d ‘tbe J Clty of Philadelphia. Itwillbo pablUhedatery Sattuday. .1 . '-•tai l?»t»B:Wiil l b!lf9nductcd *pon National prlhoiiiuLes, tiie rights of tbe states, it wiUreslst fauilicisin ia oycri’ sb a pc; ahd irlll be devo* wpservatire the trne foundation of ptib}iC‘j«top«lty; and soolidordor. Soich' a weekly jour fid uls to gratify this that *Tbs We6Klt Press will be publish©** - < - }•-•■ - * - .- Ttae ( W*iiKtV Puss will Abe prlnted on excellent white paper, clear, new type, aad in quarto form, for .it contain the news .of- th© day; Correspondence from World tod .the. New; Domestic Intelli geace j Beportayof the. TarjQUSjs!»rkets; Literary Re views { Miscellaneous Selectiopai the progress of Agri* culture In all ItVyarious departments, Ac. - in advance. 'TWWiiILY PRB8& \HII betont to subscribers, ; peetouvuu, at $2 00 Tm«?oCopies for 6 00 fivecdpltis f0r........,... t S 00 -Ten cbpies f0r....i 12 00 Twenty copies, when.aont to one address. .20 00 Twenty or over, to address of each subscri ber, each, per annum.-.. 1 .* 1 20 I . Yor a club of twenty-one, -or over, we will send an eStra oopjr to the getter-op of the Club. * Post Master* are requested to act as agents for Tbs WmttPimttr "/ y r '" I wiUertcem itagraat/artolf my political andper- a Qrst class TB» f i [ WaskiiT Ptosa a large circulation in-their'Tespectivc' !neighborhoods.. „ . JOHN W. YORNEY, , l .'* ‘l f'*’ ' 1 Editor anll'proprietor. . Publication Ofßct of Tsa Wxbrlt PmiSS, No. 417 (Ohestput afreet, Philadelphia J ' ' THURSDAY, .AtiGUST 18. 1857, LEDRTT-AOIXIN, ; ' liKUßij-RottiN, who was Sinister of the In-; terior the French' Government of 1848, and ran next to Loins Napoleon Bonapaeie and General Oavaiqnao ,to .the. Presidential con test,-exiled himself to England after it was : certain that he had complicity in a conspiracy 1 to' overthrow the powers of Loins Napoleon . ‘Ho is ; a man of energy, force, .ability, and eloquence. .Ho is,an ultra-liberal in politics, ; and the. associate and friend of Kossuth and JfAszrNi, 1 In concert with' whom, indeed, he issued a .manifesto, on the fall of Sebastopol, teiling.tho, nations that the timo and opportu nity had arrived for European Democracy to constitute itself into a powerful unity, and in voking them to organise and dare.' M. Ledeu- Rollin, we need scarcely add, is not in the Steeps of the, royalties and aristocracies . of Europe'. ‘ More particularly, he is obnoxious .tO.J.onM.NjAPOLKON.,; , : There .recently was an unsuccessful attempt, by Mazzini himself, to get up a revolution in Italy. It haspleased the Emperors of Austria and France to declare that'LKDRU-IlouilN, and other exiles how in England, liad hand, act; and'part In this ’pldt. There was also, a few weeks' ago", ai conspiracy (which’looks very like an got ng )>y the police) to assassinate Lodu’ Napoleon, and Lnop j-RotUN and his friends are accused of being principal movers in. it. On the Strength of this accusation, based-only on a shspicion, Louis Napoleon called oil.the British' Government to surrender LEDnu-RoLtiN ahd.the .'other French exiles to his fender mercy, or; at the'least, to 'coippel them to leaye England '^d'And a home in the ; bnitpd^Sfate'st, ,"' - ' ; ; :-LEDan-ROLLIN has , puhlished n letter in the I London? journals, in which he .'most, strongly denied ill knowledge of any conspiracy against Lh.uir NAi The yield of saccharinematter in this case was 10*0 per cent. ’ > 1 Another andfriper sample, from the same parcel, j yielded from l;0GO grains of the stalk 040 grains of • pith #pd 140 grains of thick syrup, or H-Gpercent, ' Analyst* oftlußagassc.'—QnQ hundred grains, ' dried at 232 degrees Fahrenheit, and burned in a platimim.vessel, left 1.6 per.cent, of ,grey ashes. 1 Having thus determined the proportion of Inorganic mutter In the, bagasse, I burned a larger quantity , fof further experiment. It was found that the ash o isted of the following ingredients: t ‘•.- 4 .... , * - Percent. ’ 14.40 ; > Phosphoric 13.42 > ( Balplmrlc 28.70 > 'Chlorine 1 '3.70 * Potaab'.ii.. 8.10 1 • 9,60 . * .Lime....i.... 11.60 'MagfieaiA. *♦!.' 9.00 ' Trails of oxyd of iron, a little carbonio acid _ Md,lpv...a- V . 0.68 ! .i. r •< ... 100.00 . This analysis,pbows that, gypsum (sulphate of Jlme),willoperate favorably W a.fertuis'er on this ■ ptfentj ahd^jt is eVideo t that the bagasse ash would •serve as a good mahttrd for.the mop.''- IL Lowry has been. detached from ?the recelringablpNorth,Oarolina, and ordered to ( the United states steamer Miohigan, oh the North -1 ern.Ukes. atid Lleut. John E. Hart has beenor- to reoeive him bn board the receiving ship NorthCarolma, - ■ THE GOAL AND IRON TRADE OF PENN- SYLVAMA. C. J. CniLEs, Esq., states that Pennsylvania contains an area of 46,000 square miles, of which upwards of 16,000 square miles, or one third, is coal land, principally lying, nbovc or near high-water level.' , England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland com bined, according to the best authorities, con tain only 11,000 square miles of coal in anarea of 120,000 square miles of territory. This coal, in many cases, is from 900 to 1,800 feet below the surface of the ground, and is raised by machinery. In relation to the quantity of iron ore, nearly the satno relative proportion exists between Pennsylvania and Great Britain. It will thus be seen that in these articles of tlio. first necessity, and indispensable to a state of civilization, our State possesses three timos as much.as Great Britain. If to the anthracite coal trade of Pennsylvania, the bituminous coal in the State be added, which is belioved to exceed 1,300,000 tons per annum, the total quantity would be about 8,800,000 tons, worth at tide water $8 40 per ton; and WC have the !total of $20,000,000 as the value of our. coal ' trade for a single year. ’a Lawyer's Duty. ITlien Lord BbouohAh was counsel for the :defence, on the’ ttial of Queen Caeolise of, jEbgtand, |n 182(3, .“he empMtticalfyydeclared that it was the duty.'.of a counsel, to get his | client off, even though in effecting this ho ; should jeopardize the public peace, or even ‘cause a Hevolutionin tho,country., Thlsprin ciple was' muoii canvassed at the time.- > At the Oxfordshire (England) assizes, tho other day, ! a counsellor' publicly declared that if lie did not feel the justice' of his case, he Should feel it his duty.to retire tVom it. Mr. Justice Beahwell, a very able lawyer lately placed in the Bench, publicly responded— “Then you would do. wrong, I should .deem it your duty—and 1 hold it tone tho duty of every niemhor of the bar—to prove, if retjnwite, tluit blact it white ; not that X mean that any member of tho bar Should necessaHly do that which will be immediately found out 'from its fallacy —but that he.U bound, where, any comment is capablo of being made npon.the evidenoe, to mako suoh com-, montfearlessly, and without reference to hie own conviction, and thatwhere there is a difficulty iu the shade Of color,he isbound to give the best ar gument he can'to prove that his color is eorroct.” /What is the opinion here l Some things (but not many) will “puzzle a Philadelphia lawyer.” , Perhaps this Brougham-Bramwell Case of black and white is one of them. The Canal Board or this State The duties of Ihe Board of Canal Commissioners of the State are by no'beans' abrogated by the sale of the Main Line of the Public Works, as a number of people' suppose,, nor does the office become by any moans the duties of the Board are grostly dibinlshed, Exclusive, of the Main Line,„which is'iiow the property of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, the State ,owns two, hundred and eight miles' of Canal; extending along‘the Susque hanna river from the Juniata Junction to the New York State line,' and hevonty-sl* miles of Canal connected with tho foregoing at North umberland, and extending along the West Branch of the Susquehanna to.Farrandsvilic, making two hpn^red, and eighty-four. miles' of Canal'in tho-Susquehanna valley; The State also owns sixty biles,pf Canal b the. Delaware valley, extending r Rom the Lehigh Canal, at Easton; to tlde'-water at'BrisWl. Thb,Canal is, in ftct, an clohgation of tie Lehigh Canal lino to Bristol,'to which' point it 'should be of the same capacity, ds the Lehigh Canal, and might with'propriety bo under tho same own ership. Yisrrriro Firemen.— Tho ’‘Bocbestcr Asso ciation,’’composed of s largo body of the ac tive members of itho'lndependent Fire Com: panyof Baltimoro,wo learn'from the dmeri chn, are making arrangements for the purpose .pf-psyingufraternalthatrlyrotlivr fli-g -then of the city of Rochester, Now York. Mr. William.ll. Quincy has been elected Pres ident of the Association, which already num bers fifty men. • They expect to leave Balti more on the 3d of October for Philadelphia, and will participate in the great procession of firemen of that city which is to take place on the 6th. On the 7th they will leave for Rochester by the way of Elmira. Whilst in that city they will be the guests of tho Roches ter Engine Co. No. 6, which, it will bo recol lected, visited Baltimore about two years ago, and wero very hospitably entertained by the Independent boys. Tho powerful gallery en gine of the Independent will bo taken on; the members will all bo fully equipped,and accom panied by a full military bond. PniI,ADEI,PHIA AND BALTIMORE CENTRAL Railboad. —The editor of the Lancaster Ex press learns by a letter from Chester county that the work on this new road is progressing favorably. The road intersects the new "West Chester Railroad at Grubbs bridge, in Dela ware county, crosses the Brandywine at Chad’s Ford, passe? tho villages of Jtennett Square and Oxford, in Chester county, and will cross tho Susquehanna, near the mouth of the Octororo. The grading and bridging on the part of the line within this State is finished, and the ballasting and laying the track in pro gress at the eastern end, where upwards of two miles are fully completed in a superior manner, ready for the passage of cars j and the work is advancing at the rate of one hun dred yards per day. The Masonic Order in the States number three hundred thousand persons, and in cludes a large proportion of all the distinguished civil, military, and professional men. Thu price asked for Mount Vernon and the tomb of Washington is $200,000. It has been pro posed in Virginia that tho Free Masons make up tho sum necessary to purchase it, by the subscription of a dollar or less from each indi vidual, The Boston Traveller thinks that in view of what Mr. Everett has done, and will do, twenty-five cents from each member should answer every purpose. Death among our Statesmen.— Messrs. Maroy and Dobbin, two of President Pierce’s Cabinet, have died sinee his retirement, and Postmaster General Campbell has lost his wife. Out of the fifty-nine members of the Senate during the last Congress, no less than five have already passed ,away; Messrs. Clay ton, of Delaware; Bjlll, of Now Hampshire; Adams, of Mississippi; Butler, of South Caro lina; and Ruse, of Texas, who was elected Pres ident pro tempore of the Senate at the close of his term. Rarely do we find so largo an amount of mortality in so short a time in a po litical family. Northern Central Railroad Bridge The Northern Central Company are building a very fine, substantial bridge across the Susque hanna at Dauphin, Pa., which they expect to have completed by the.lapse of one year. The Harrisburg Herald says the bridge is pro gressing finely at present. The foundations of all the piers have been laid, and we beliove all of them elevated some distance above the wa ter; while some of them, especially those near the two shores, are nearly complete. Monument to Madison.— One of our ex changes states that a monument has been lately prepared for tho grave, of Madison—a plain granite obelisk, twenty foot in height, bearing no inscription except the date of his birth and death, and is the free-wGI offering of his old friends and neighbors In Orange, Va., and their children;, Chaste and plaih, it is a fit re presentation of the beautlfUl simplicity of cha racter of him whose memory it ia designed to commemorate. Tobacco in: Vihoinu.— Tho Richmond South reports a falling off in thq^upply'of,to bacco coming to the market at this time, which state of things Is likely'to continue for several months to come,' Tobacco is at a stand In price—rif any change taken place it will bo an advance. ' Chesapeake and Ohio Balti more Sun states that it w ii£ expected that the repairs lo the two breaks on the Georgetown level would be and navigation Tot aumed to-day. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1857. CORRESPONDENCE. FROM HARRISBURG. , . [Correspondence of The Press.] HAnnisßuno, August 11, 1857. Last evening, Air. Hazdhurst, tho l£now-Nothing candidate for Governor of this Stnto, opened the campaign by addressing.a large meeting of the oitizens of this place. The mooting was composed of intelligent gentlQincn } -holding all abodes of po litical opinions, and probably, not one in ten who < listened to Mr. H. has any idea of giving him thoii; suffrages next October. Many wore attracted by curiosity, to know what the leader of the forlorn hope of Americanism had to, say for his onus©, and, while they could not sympathize with his princi ples, they yet had respect for the man, > Mr. HflKelhurstspoko about half an hour. His stylo was calm and gracoful, with no attempts at rhetorical flourish or buncombe. In the course of his remarks ho said that he had no controversy witji tho distinguished gentloraep who occupied tho sarno position toward the Amoricun party. Ho : was enlisted for a great principle, not for this cam paign alone, nor for any other campaign, but for all time. Ho did not stop to consider tho chances of success; that a part of hia,business. If ho was doomed to 'dofeat, if he - must- fall -in this contest, he was satisfied to fall; and the only honor ho asked was to be olassed among the sinoorest, though humblest, advocates of tho groat principles of Amoricanism. . JDuriug Ids he gavnh.U ; hea}reti! k to < updr-S,- J ’stand,that he wo-j in favor of a protective tariff, and announced openly his opposition to the exten sion of slavery. These’ were tho only political points, aside from his peculiar creed, upon which ho touohed. IDs part of the campaign, ns wo learned from him, was a “ one-idea ” contest, and that ono idea, Americans to rule America , was to bo pro claimed in and.told in Gath, until tho .whole land understood Hand was converted. j The distinguished gentleman was listoned to with attention, and some portions of his remarks were received with applause. But thore was no enthusiasm—uo outbursts of popular sympathy—no demonstration to show that the great heart of the people had been touohed. Every 1 rian'present roemed to havo more sympathy for the gentleman ! than for the cause ho advocated. 1 Mr. Hazolhiirst will mako friends wherever ,ho goes, hut ho'will not make converts to Americanism. Jljaeloquence is not of the,proselyting Blyle, and, besides, his party is almost destitute of vitality. To-night (Tuesday) ho speaks in Carlisle, and then prooeods.on his tour to Bodford Springs. A>“Union Convention,” composed.of all the fac tions and isms opposed to Domocraoy, assembled here to-day, to nominate a candidate for Senator and a county tlckot Considerable disorder pie vailed at the opening of tho Convention, and the delog&tes concluded that they had better keep their troubles'from .the fiubjid eye'; so. they retired to a private room, locked the door, and succeeded, by some means, in Bottling their difficulties. Not contont with this aping of the dark-lantern party alone, thoy went so far as jo make their nomina tions by secrot ballot. After several unsuccessful attempts, Mr-. John B. Rutherford, a citizen of this county, was placed in nomination. Mr. Rutherford is well known -to be an' ardent Free- Boiler—a warm sympathiser with Beocher Stowo, Giddioga, and Company, and it will puzzle tho leadens to make the straight-out Know-Nothings swallow him. No other nominations have been mado whon I ploao this. Paxton. . , FROM WfLKESBARRE. [Correspondence of Tho Press.] ’ ’WilkesdarrE, Aug. 11, 1957. We havo nwaited ths turning of The Press with impatience; bat at last it has come, looking os nat ural ai life, for any paper looks natural to the solid Democracy that has yournamo floating at its mast head. W© get it by the newsboy, at tho Post-offlco. every.evening, and it is not a “drug” in market either. Wo feel proud of Tub Dress, for wo are satisfied now that tho Democracy of tho old Koy* stone are to have apapor on which thoy can depend when corporate harpies aro stealing away tho birth right of the people—whbn faction, fanaticism, and plunder aro joining hands in a corrupt crusado against tho Government and the Treasury. Further than this, wo also fool that we are to have a paper 1 of national obnracter and national position—one that shall not only nehievo reputation at homo, but that shall go beyond provincialisms, apd aid in di* reeling oubUg sentiment j njavatys*”*- Such we fondly hope will bo tjie mission of The Press, and such its infancy bids fair to be as time shall mature it into manhood. Give tho masses a paper that shall reach and ap peal to their judgments, and they will always respond to the right sentiment, and bo found truo in the hour of need. Andlbelievo there never was & more propitious timo than the present for such a paper to make its way into publio favor. The public mind Is sick with the morbid political literature of the post few years, mostly engendered, ns It has been, in tho hot brain of n senseless fanntioism. Let them now have reason, some, truth, and fairness, nnd it will oponito as ploasnntly as a dose of “Old Dr. Brandroth’s pills,” completely removing the impurities of tho political systoiu. Furdon mo a fow more words, Colonel, about the paper. Give tho farmers, tho mechanics, nnd tho workingmen gcnorally, a Weekly that they will look for as they look for tho coming of a near friend. Wo havo boon sadly in want of such a paper in Pennsylvania many years, and the cousoquonee, hasbeon, that thousands upon thousands of incen diary shoots of othor Stutos have circulated among tho masses of our pooplo, bccauso they furnished all tho nows and attended strictly to that branch of journalism particularly adapted to this class of pooplo. Thoao papers, finding their way into every neighborhood, havo earriod with them a poisonous political influonoo, and led many an honost voter from tho path of duty. Honooforth wo shall look to Tub Press os a corrective in those particulars. Politios are rather dull Loro as yet, and wo fear that the opposition aro not going to make a decent fight—l moan that wo fear*no fight at all. Thoy seem to bo “under tho hay;” thoy havo no courago, and really don’t know what to make a contest anout. They brightened up a fow days ago at tho prospeot that Kansas was about to blood again, but Governor Walker applied the “plaster” before the blood had a ohance to start or tho Republicans a ohar.ee to “shriokso thoy aro down again. The Comocraoyof Luzerne could m ;bo more thoroughly united. There is not a discordant note, and you may look for tho largost party majority, this fall, oyer polled in tho county. We intend to give Packer over Wilmot 2,500 majority, and wo will do it if tho “ woollies ” will make fight enough so that our men will bo at the pollß. Hosts of old Whigs— the coal and iron men—who went for Fromont last fall, will nover vote for David. Luzerne. FROM NEW YORK, [Correspondence of The Press.] New York, Augusts, 1857. ’Tis hard to concoct a letter without materials! the Israelites of old murmured when bidden to make bricks without straw, yet thoy went to work, and I too In the sultry summer weather, in tho dusty and doserted town, set mo to gather news for Tue Press. Shall I tell of the long empty streets, of the weary passora-by, of the closed mansions, of tho gloomy-looklng theatres and ohurohea ? Yon -probably have the same delectable sights in Phila delphia ; your gay world has flitted to the water ing places; your work-a-day people, your journal ists anil journeymen, your bankers and bakers, tied to tho treadmill, turn as wearily as they;do here. Fahrenheit on tho Delaware indicates tbo plainly as on tho Hndson ; so I must not descant upon the topic uppermo&Un every one’s thoughts and talk; ,1 must not say how hot and deadly dull aro these long August days. I must not mention Pandemoniac torrlfaction, nor dilate upon tho chcorloss aspect of New York when “everybody Isout of town.” And yet, news there Is not; silver and goldbavo I none; there aro no more murders, no more riots, no moro fictitious births, no more astounding revolutions mado by as tute District Attorneys and confidential physicians, intended by nature for police detectives. The theatres and opera houses aro closod ; tho ohurches, too, are infected by the influence; ministers and actors alike get weary of their work, and thore are even symptoms that the indefaligablo lawyers will soon givo o’er. The debates in tho court-hou ses, which threatened to be interminable, which re called tho palmiest days of the New York bar, Ap pear at last to approaoh a close. In fact, tho legal profession has, for a month or more, occupied even moro than its ordinary share of tho publio attention. Tho acknowledged im portance of tho interests involved in tbo recent dis putes, the groat ability of the disputants, tho skill with which the battle has been fought, the energy and toot with whioh the combatants have occupied every inch of the arena, tho force of the blows, and the namec and bearing of the opponents, have in duced the closest and’most interested observation. When men whose namosare known to a more than looal fame—when men,' who haVe occupied, and do occupy, distinguished official stations, ore en gaged in fieree encounter, the strife is dignified; and especially when such men eonduot tho strife with the dignity and courtesy due to themselves and their position, bat, at the same time, with the aorlraony and vigor that are always to bo expected from their talents and endowments, it ia not sur prising that the courts of law should have beta tho fertile theatre of pen and tongue for more than a month in Now York. Political matters are slumbering; plans nre being laid fir the approaching fall campaign, bat they ar not, as yet, gufficlcntly dovolopod to warrant mein (hem uinoty miles. Chaos reigns; when order is ovolved I will apprise you. A WORD FROM CUMBERLAND. [Corttspondence of The Press.} OoU ffouK \Y. Forney : It seems more than ap propriate at this time, when the Koystone is speak fng to you from every county words of congratula tion Rtid encouragement, that Old Mother Cumber- tell you how her Democratic heart was rejoiijgd.by your return once more to “ the chair ” which you have so long filled, in the past, with honor yourself. We are proud to bo able to ex tend t# you tho hand of fellowship, and say to you, roiA oiirheart of hearts, “Godspeed.” Inweloom ing yarf to «the chair,” we know we welcomo one tried %ld true—ono who often weighed in tho bal&nda, was novor found wanting. That The Prbjir>wUl speak tho Bentimentof the Democracy all QYt\ the Union, is but to sny you avo its editor. That ypu will struggle for the right—that you will stand Upon tho broad platform of tho Constitution, and b|ttle nobly for its principles—is but to suy you wsl bo ill tho futuro as you have boon in tho past, j' Th&Dumocraoy of this County aro not slumber ing; tyico more are the/glrding on their armor for thjtoonfliot. Soon will tho battlo ory of fifty ,six again be heard, and the victorious shouts of our gallap^Democracy again bo echood from mountain to mountain. Our people, although led away for, a ’Sho&ffiac from Vhe' good bld beaten track, by the rioVonJtof Amoricanism, can not, and will not bo gtilied|into Abolitionism and fanaticism; even be cloaked Under the sacred name of “Re publicanism/” Tho spirit of Ellis Bonham still lives With ns—fights with us—triumphs with us— dlo- How many bitter tears of repentance havo dropped kindly upon his green grave ! W<) Weaver with you. L. g. Cumberland, August Bth, 1857. Communications. [For tbfe Press.) IN PITTSBURGH. As *j&sd at the closo of my article of yesterday upon we history of glass manufacture, General James D’Hara and Major Isaao Craig woro tho of this class of enterprise in tho city of Pittsburgh, which for tho last sixty years may bo said touAve boon undergoing a regular but rapid devolownent, until now it occupies a prominenoo and extent in its line unequalled by any other localitjion this continent. Though, inaarauch as ifrajor Craig withdrew from t4a business in *1798, leaving it in tho sole charge/of .his paitnor, Gen. O’Hara, it is generally admitted that to tho cnorgy and perseverance of the Gat is Pittsburgh mainly indebted for the cstabtia ment of this important branch of her rannufti fures. The first glass-house of General O'Haraihad but eight pots, whose capacity was equal fir three boxes.to a blowing. Iu 1802 addi tional r alass-works were oroctod by the same gen tleraajv.wUh the view of carrying on the manu facture of flint glass, whioh hnd heretofore not boen alumfited; and, in order to consummate this designee sent an agent to England for the pur pose of procuring workmen, but tho person returned unsuccessful from his mission. As an ovidence that O’Hara really deserves tho name of pioncor in this connexion, we'have tho faot that, from the year he Operations—l79(l or ’7 up to 1899, about occupiod the field without a sin gle competitor. In thid however, tho white glass works of Messrs. Robinson & Ensell woro putin operation. For after tho commencement of glass mnnu&eturd in Pittsburgh, however, tho produc tion of thfit article was not adequate to the demand of her own merchants, who still coutinued to draw their suppiiqs, to a groat extent, from the East.— InnoartioH of oxtonsive manufacture in Pitts burgh, however, have the tables been so cffootually turned; for, while it is true that the great bulk of hor manufactures are distributed to the West and South, it «TweU known that her glass, or at loast a considerable proportion of it, is gradually, from year to yeqr, finding Ita way into Eastern markets; thus renderlog the reciprocal trado, especially be twoon Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, of greater im portance. j To Bhpir Ati a glance the rapid progression in this class of nhjaaoUyo industry in Pittsburgh through the 7&ri wo are fortunately favored Thurston, Ksq., who has takon much pains to OB tain reliable statistics upon this subject, and given them to the public. They may bo briefly summed up as follows ' -Tho whole amount of gla«8 manu factured in Pittsburgh in 1803 was $13,000; in 1809 it was $18,000; in 1810—during which year the making of flint-glass had boon successfully in troduced—it was $50,000; and throe years after ward, during .which time it would goemthatno one had been more bonofitted by our war with England than the glus< manufacturers of Pitts burgh, the glass produced, t. e. in 1813, amounted to $170,000. From this period until the year 1826 there seemed to bo but iittlo progress, but if any thing. rather showed a diminution. In 1831, how ever, the amount of the year’s production rose to $500,000, and in ,1837 to $728,000, or upwards of three-quarters of a million; and from which timo to the present tho amount has boon hourly quad rupled, so that in 1850 tho whole amount of tho glass producod in all* its varieties was $2,621,990) of which thoro wero manufactured 6340 tons flint glass; 561,600 packages window glass —5O foot oooh; 151,700 paokages vials, bottles, druggist’s ware, Aa, and 80,000 demijohns. As staled iu my lotter from Pittsburgh, of tho 28th ult., there arc no loss than thirty-four estab lishments, mainly looated on tho banks of the Mo nongahela, denominated under the general head of Pittsburgh Gloss Factories. These thirty-four fnotoriosare owned by twenty firms, the largest number belonging to any one firm being fivef and which aro owned and conduoted by Messrs. C. Johnson & Co. The number of cupolas contained in these factories aro tliirty-nino, with a number of pots, amounting in the aggregate to three hufidred amt seventy-three—their usual num ber boing from eight to ton to a cupola. The number of hands employed in these thirty four establishments, at the commencement of the present year, was 1,982, the aggregate of whose yearly wages amounts to $910,110, which, by calcu lation, will be found to be an average to each hand of $159.19 annually, or $8.83 weekly. This, it must be borno in mind, inoludos the hands in evory department of the works; and as thoro is a vory large proportion of them boys, ongaged as foeders, from twelve to fourteen years of age, whose wages aro of courso comparatively small, the wages of the competent workmon aro correspondingly large; and, in foot, the cases aro not unfrequent whore the most expert and dexterous of them make on an average from forty to fifty dollars a weok. It :s true that most of the manufactories are out of blast for some six wooks duting the heat of sura mor; still their ample oarnings, while they are at work, rendorfl this loss of time but little inconveni ence, audios I should think, in respect to their phyrical well-being, quito an advantage, if not an absolute ntcessyit. Of the few establishments now in blast, I visited and witnessed the operations of two—thoso of William Philips, Esq., in Pittsburgh, and Messrs. Ledlie A Ulam, in Birmingham, the latter of which, £am pleased to add, possesses the distin guished, as wo think, sensible notoriety,' Of being thoroughly Democratic in its politics, to a man. A Mr. McAfee in this establishment, an intelligent and very ingenious workman, has the reputation of standing at the head of his profes sion in;the glass-blowing art, both as to bulk and intricaoy in the articles made. Tho In tense ,heat of these establishments must be tested to be realizod, for I can assuro tho ro&dor, that after making a tour of observa tion and inquiry of an hour’s length, through one of these establishments, with tho thermometer at olghty-fivo degrees without, and a half a score of seething, blazing, bolcLing caldrons of boiling glass within, I oame away with a far more defiuite conception of tho ordoal to whioh “ Shadrack, Mo shack, and Abod-nego ” were subjeoted, in the fiery furnace of Nebuchadnezzar, than I had over before. It is, indoed, no small marvel that physical humanity—weak even at, best—onn cuduro this tromendous prooesa for any considerable length of time; yotit is even morosurprising that casos are not at all unfrequont, whoro “loan” men, after entoring tko glass-blowing arena, aotually hceomo corpulent. At this season every operative is rigged with a coarse pair of pantaloons and a thiok flannol shirt, thrown open in the breast; every man is providod with A ooarso linen towel, whioh is generally lying by his side, as wet as perspiration can make it, 1 and one boy in an establishment finds constant em ployment in passing a jar of ice water round among the hands. Nothing can bo more interesting to a mind ca pable of appreciating the wonders in mechanism of tho'nge in which wo live, than tho processes by whioh tho endless] variety of gloss articles are now produced in these works. A good idea of the seve ral ingredients used as components in tho produc tion of glass may bo derived from the statement of tho rospeotivo quantities consumed for the year 1850, in. tho. amount .manufactured, already named. They Are as follows: 5,730 tons of soda asb; 18,008 tong of sand; 637 tons of load; 320 tons of saltpetre; 238, 1 949 bushels of lime; 4,100 barrels of salt, and 442 tons of pearls. Those materials of course all enter into, and con stitute tho ingredients of glass itself, though they do by no means constitute the sum of material con sumed in its production, such as the wear and tear of bnilding materials, £o.; the item of coal and ooke alone amounting to about three millions of bushels. Vagabond. By Bumming up tho whole amount of all the ex penditures for the year—materials, labor and every thing—and substraoting it from the aggregate amount of the value of the glass produced, I find it to leavo the sum of $553,255 as the apparent profit divided from tho business for a single year; whioh sum, if divided by twenty—the number of firms engaged in tho business—'would show an aver ago profit to each of $27,602. The wealth of some of the glju*s producers of Pittsburgh is very great; and as a single illustration, I am informod that the taxes of ono manufacturer hero amounts to $B,OOO a year, and which large sum is but tho tax upon about one-fifth of his property, tho remaining four fifths being located in other States. And as another illustrative instance, I will enumerate the real estate of auothcr firm in the businoss, whioh is as follows: Ten acres of ground, three factories, fifty-four dwelling-houses, throe outting houses, two grinding mills, three coal houses, two flattening mills, three sand houses, lime houses, threo mixing bouses, three pot houses, threo packing houses, four store houses, two box houses and shop, ono mould house, and ono black smith shop. To attempt a description of the various processed of glass-blowing, moulding, coloring, grinding, pressing, cutting, Ac., would nsceaa&rily protract this article to too great a length, though I hope to tako it up at some future time. To some, what has already been said upon tho subjeot of may bo unnecessarily lengthy; yet if any ono thus dis posed wore but for ft moment to consider tho fact that there is scarcely an hour in his existeQoe, from the oradlo to tho tomb, that he does not share tho benefits of this cheap but truly invaluable article, his interest in its production would proba bly bo awakoned. How marvellous, how beneficent, bow universal are the benefits of this beautiful man-made crystal! Tho additional comfort it secures to our dwellings alono renders it above valuo. It admitsthesun and excludes tho wind, answering the double pur pose of transmitting light and preserving warmth; it renews the sight of the nged and assists tho ouriosity of the young. Not only »it a potontmin istor to our domestic wants, but tho domains of science and philosophy aro equally indebted to its aid. But for its insensibility to tile action of acids, a thousand discoveries in chemistry that now bless the world would still remain veiled in undiscovered obscurity. Positively, its uses are infinite! [For the Press.) THE DELEGATE ELECTIONS. There is no matter of a political oharacter that is so much nogleoted as the Democratic delegate elections, and yet there Is nothing of so much im portance to the mass of the Democratic party. Tho eity of Philadelphia is divided into about two hundred precincts in the twonty-iour wards. The eitizons are called together on the last Monday of August in e&oh year, to meet in their respective precincts to eloct judges and. inspectors of tho elections, to bo held on tho first Monday of Sep tember. These calls aro made generally in only ono or two papers, and frequently not more than one or two day's notice, without naming tho place where the mootings aro to be held. This results in some cases from neglect or inatten tion, in other cases from a desire to keep the place of meeting ns private os possible, and to let the matter he known only to th£ few designing persons who have .their own ends to answer. Instead of every publicity being given to these meetings, and the citizens aroused to their importance, those who hnve these matters in hand, and whose duty it is os Ward delegates, frequently neglect it or purposely omit it. As Tub Press, wo have no doubt, is desirous of enlisting more attention and some reform in this matter, and as the election in October is highly important, being thatof Governor, Supreme Judges, Canal Commissioner, and several of tho road offices, would it not be expedient for the Democratic Execu tive Committee to recommend ward meetings to be hold in each ward, previous to tho annual meeting to chooso judges and inspectors on tho 30th day of August The choice of Judges.and Inspectors frequently determines who are to be successful for delegates. Too much notice cannot be given, to tho groat man lished, designating ooch precinct house, und the street in which it is located; this is seldom dono by! any of tho ward dolegates. It is to bo hoped Tub Press will lend its aid to promote this reform in the delegato olcctions. Wo need not expect to have good tickets unless proper persons are selected as delegates to represent each precinct in the conven tions. The conventions this yeaT are all very important; in addition to tho Row offices, and the Legislative nominations, tho people of Philadelphia have another very important office to elect, that of Judge of tho Common Pleas, in place of Judge Kolloy, who resigned last year. There is no office of more importance to tho pcoplo of this city tl» tn this judgeship, and tho’person selected should be in every respoot well qualified for the station. Tho Convention of Delegates that nominato tho Recor der of Dcoda, Prothouotaty, Clerk of Quarter Ses sions and Coroner, also nominate a candidate for Judge of tho Common Pleas. It is to bo hoped that this important matter will be attended to in time* Fuanklix. [For The Press.] Names of Streets, Avenues, Pluces, fee*, Ac. Your article in yesterday’s Pukks on the names of Streets, Courts, Ac., is well-timed, and I trust will command tho attention of tho proper authori ties. But more is wanting than mere simplicity or singleness of name. The name of every street, lane, avenue, place, alley and court, should be placed conspicuously on one of tho corners of evory crossing, and let it be fixed by ordinance on each one—thot is, the North-West, South-West, North- East and South-East corners. This will give uni formity, and prevent the owners of particular or ner houses from complaining of partiality. Another absurdity ought to be corrected. It should be determined what constitutes a “ street,” what an “avenue,” what a “place,” what an “al loy,” whata “court,” and what a “lane;” and lot each have its appropriate designation, as well as name. What with the numbers of each of them now called by the same name and designation, our oity is all confusion worse confounded. * Alton Street Theatre. —Mr. Win. Wheatley has been occupied for some weeks in remodelling, reconstructing and refitting the Arch street Thea tre, of which he is lessee. Tho alterations which are deoided improvements, are extensivq.and com plete. The thorough ventilation of.a theatre is a very important point, which-has been efieoted hero. The enlargement of the parquet, with new cushioned seats; the re-arrangement of the first tier ; the extension of the second tier; the removal of the blank-wall at its back, ami tho institution of a light, latticed partition, through whioh fresh nir is admitted from without—these are the main improvements. In addition, tho house is tho roughly re-painted and re-papered, and an airy light appearance is given to the whole. The deco rations of tho wboje building are oxqouted in good taste, gold upon French white being tbe pervading idea. When the theatre is re-opened on Satur day, the public will see how much has been done, and how woll. Mr. Charles R Dodworth Is to officiate as lender of the orchestra. Mr. Frede ricks retains his office as acting nud stage manager, and Mr. Wbitton resumes his functions as treasurer. Mr. Whoatley, himsolf one of tho best light come dians on the stage, has strengthened bis company by the addition of several first-olnss performers, among whom aro Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Davenport; Mrs. Elmore, from tho Uaymarkot, in Loudon, her first appearance in this country; Miss Ellen Morant. from New Orleans; and several others. The lending favorite mombors of the stock company aro retained, among whom may be named Mr. John Dolman; Mr. J. S. Clarke, so well appreciated in low comedy; Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Thayor, so cxcollont on the old line of characters; Miss Cruiso, an agreeable sou brette; and (if ho can bo prevailed upon to appear ns often os tho puhlio would like to see him) Mr. Fredericks. By tho enlnrgcmontof tho auditorium, tho accommodation for a much increased number of spectators is provided, and the construction is so good that every ono in tho theatre can sec every part of tho stogo and distinctly hear every word thnt may be uttered. The Arch Street will now bo ono of the most complete, as well as most handsome theatres in the Union. The brewery of Mr. Philip Hartzog, in Lo rotto, Cambria county, Pa , was destroyed by firo on Tuesday night of last week. Tho loss is esti mated at $5OO. A German, named. Lewis Haroqrly, was found dead at a limekiln on the land'of pcnjnuiin Rabonold, near QuthsviUe,’ Lehigh county, Pa., a few days since. ~ , The night line on the Camden and Amboy Railroad ran into' a drovo of cows just before reaching Kingston, N. J., on Tuesday morning, and killed two of them. Tho Postmaster General has decided that the seller’s price-mark on tho fly leaf of a book, sont 'by mail, subjeots the whole to letter postage. Persons buying books to send to their frionds by mail had hotter notice this new decision. . There were 8844 births, 409 marriages, 'and 777 deaths in Hamilton county, Ohio, during tho past year. Ohaybeabd. —iAtiliffiffil <4l. AMUSEMENTS. TWO CENTS. general news. ar^e commodious barn, belonging *?.■“*£; George Smyser , in Manchester town &«o? rk £t un ty- wa3 con * um ed by fire on Satur i. ast !i , J* con tents, consisting of about two hundred tons of hay—about forty tons of which was of last year’s crop—bis entire stock of wheat and rye and a portion of his oats crop, a Quantity ot straw, two wagons, all his harness, ten or twelve barrels of whiskey, and a cumber of hogß that were confined in the stables immediately in front of the barn. There was an insurance of two thousand dollars on the barn, and two or three thousand on the stock, in the Fanners’ Mutual Insurance Company of Dover, Conewogo, Newberry and East and West Manchester townships. The whole loss is estimated at $lO,OOO. On Sunday morning last tho body of a woman was found on the farm of Mr. JohnHeffie raan, a short distance from the Poor-House, in Franklin county, Pa., suspended by the neck with & rope*iwhich was attached-to a small sapling. The body, when discovered, was in such an ad vanced stage of putrifaction as scarcely to be re cognised ; it was, however, ascertained by the clothing, to be the body of a Mrs Koehler, a Ger man woman, whose husband resides in Chambers burg. Wheu he heard the sad news he made an attempt to tako his own life. On the Ist instant, two counterfeiters, named Rulo and Vanstutter, who hailed from Calhoun county, were arrested in Griggsrille, Ohio, on a charge of passing counterfeit money in Pittsfleld. Mr. Davis found about $2OO of counterfeit bills on thc Chippewa Bank, of Wisconsin, in their pos session. Thoy also had other counterfeit irfoney— some on tho State Bank of Missouri. Belleville, 111., Ac. They wero taken to Pittsfleld, and* after an investigation, were committed in default of $lOOO bail eaoh. They are young men of about twenty or twenty-three years of age. The Memphis Navy Yard has been sold to a company of Northern capitalists. The price to bo paid is, we learn, $350,000, in five annual pay ments, the purchasers to give bonds in $140,000 to securo tho first two payments. The parties pur chasing contemplate establishing various kinds of manufacturing branches, and also a marine or dry dock for steamboat building or repairs. To carry out the latter, the purchasers enter into bonds of $lOO,OOO with the city.— Cin. Com. Private John McCann, of Company 1, First Infantry, having been tried by a court-martial at Camp Cooper, Texas, for the shooting of Sergeant Lively, and found guilty, was sentenced to be shot. The finding of the court has been confirmed, but the President of tbe United States ha 3 mitigated the sentenoe to forfeiture of all pay and allow ances, and to hard labor with ball and chain, and confinement under guard when not at labor, during tho period of his enlistment. Tho Lancaster Express states that on Tues day morning the horses attached to the carriage of Mr. John Hertzler, Jr., of Philadelphia, ran off in West King street, presenting for a few moments one of the most frightful accidents of its class that we have yet Been, although this season has been noted for runaways and smash-ups on our streets. Fortunately, no person was hurt, but one of the horses was so badly injured that it is sup posed he will have to be killed. Charles Axt, of Crawfordsville, Ga., writes to a Charleston newspaper that he has a supply of native Southern wine which he proposes to try with the best brands of foreign bock that can be produced. Messrs. 8. D. AL. B. Case, of Canton, are also reported to have been very successful in producing a very excellent wine from the native grapeof tbe South. The Ttpion (Cedar co.) Advertiser says, now, since tho hanging of Soper and Gleason, that country Is free from the gang of horso-thieres which infested it, and “no more mobs will assemble —all is quiet.” It states that “ There is no dispo sition to resort to violence, ” and that “ law holds an uninterrupted sway, supported by the great mass of the people.” A now feature will be introduced at the tournament which is to come off at Capon, Va., on the 2d of September, in tbe presentation by the knights of a handsome set of jewelry to the lady who shall bo crowned Queen of Love and Beauty. This will make the contest for the honor much more spirited among the gallant knights. By the report of the Grand Master of Odd Fellows, it appears that the Order in Tennessee is in a very prosperous condition, the number of lodges amounting to 3,396, and the sum paid out for the relief of widows, orphans, afflicted and destitute brethren, swelled up to the amount of over half a million. Tnu Alexandria Gazette states that the price of Peruvian guano has advancod from $37 to $6O per ton in that market. The cause assigned for this advanco is tho limited supply in the country and tho difficulty in getting it from theChineha Islands, in consequenoe of the revolutionary movements in Peru. A Beacon-Ligbt will be exhibited every night after tho 14th iust&nt from the top of the bouse at the end of the naval hospital - wharf, Norfolk And Portsmouth, Va. The light in fixed white, of the 6thonlerof Fresnell s ana will illuminatethewfrote 1 -*A; freely of iue cream A few days since, became sick noil delirious, exeept at brief intervals, until the following day, when she died. The United States frigate St. Lawrence and tho United States sloop-of-war Bainbridge were at Kio Janeiro on tho stn of July, and would sail in three days for the United States. Gen. James Gadsden, of Charleston, S. C., (and late Minister to Mexico,) heads the list of de legates appointed to the Southern Convention at Knoxville, from the city of Ponsacola, Fla. It is stated that Col. ICeitt, of South Caro lina, declares his determination to move the ex pulsion of G. B. Matteson from the House, noxt winter, if he resumes his scat without a re-election Four bills of indictment have been found against Wm. 11. Wash, at Richmond) Va., for for ging bounty-land warrants. Gustavus Brooke, tbe actor, it is said, has realized eight thousand pounds sterling in Austra lia. Mr. August© Belmont, late Resident Minis tor to tho Hague, returns to his home in Now York, it is stated, in October next. Josh Barns, the burglar and'jail-breaker, was tried boforo the Franklin county court on Tuesday lost—plead guilty aud was sentenced to the peni tentiary for five years. > Gen. Valentino Bust, editor of the Danville Intelligencer , is a candidate for Congress in that distriot. Ex-President Fillmore and the Hon. Francis Granger were at Saratoga on Saturday. Gen. Wm. Walker left Augusta, Ga., on the 7th inst., for Savannah. Further advices from Mexico confirm the election of Gen. Comonfort to the Presidency. Hon. Henry C. Murphy, the new minister to the Hague, will sail on the 15tb. There are three hundred visitors at the Montgomery White Sulphur Springs, Va. Third Assistant Engineer Granville Toucey Pierce has resigned his commission in the Navy. Prospects op the Vine Crop in Europe. —A late number of the Moniteur Viuicole says: “The effect which we anticipated from the im proved temperature has taken place, and we re ceive from all parts of the vine-growing countries, and even from abroad, tho most satisfactory ac counts of the appearance of the plauts. From Marseilles to Bordeaux, from the Var to the Rhino, and from the Nord to the Pyrenees Orien tates—every whoro—the vines are in the most ad mirable condition. Out of France they have the same appearance; in Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, the state of tbe vineyards every where promise an abundant yield, if nothing unforeseen should occur to mar such encouraging prospects. In the South the blossoming has commenced, and is going on most favorably. These cheering pros pects begin to act on the price of wine in the great centres of production; not that we have any posi tive deoline to announce, but the proprietors and holders are less firm iu their pretensions. As to alcohols, their depreciation is a certain fact.” Letter from Minnesota Territory. The Commissioner of Patents received, several days sinoe, an interesting letter from Mr. O. H. Kelley, of Norlhwood, Wright County, Minnesota Territory, dated July 10. Mr. Kelley writes that the prospects of the farmers on the Mississippi, above the Falls of St. Anthony, were certainly ra ther discouraging this season, owing to the havoc unde by tbe grasshoppers, ile hoped to be able to harvest about one-half of tho ground he had ftlanted, as everything left by tho grasshoppers ooked promising, and the weather was hut, and showors were frequent. , Several days previous to tho date of hi 3 letter, about 10 o’clock in the mor ning, the grasshoppers rose simultaneously for a distance ofover thirty miles on tho river banKs, and went into tho air. Which way they flew, or where they now were, lie know not, he only knew that they had started all at onee by tons of thou sands, and were gone, he hoped, uever to return. Serious Fire in New Jersey A destructive fire occurred at Millstone on Sun day morning, at half-past three o’clock, which de stroyed a large distillery, wiqh its contents, com prising about $lO,OOO worth of grain and high wines. Several of the men employed there had been on a spree, and it is supposed that they acci dentally sot the plaeo on fire. The loss is estima ted at §40,090 —no insurance. A tavern house di rcotly opposite was aIBO destroyed, with a loss of §2.000, insured for $1,200; and a dwelling next door was also burned. The distillery was capablo of distilling about throe thousand bushols of grain per week* It therefore caused grain in its neigh borhood to always bring tho full market price ob tained in the oity of Trenton. Allentown Railroad. Ther*‘ are to be eleven iron bridges built on tho route of the Allentown Railroad. The contract, we are pleased to sec by tho Allen town papers, has been awarded to John W. Murphy, Esq., of this city. He is a scientific bridge builder and a practical mechanic. He has just completed a beautiful and substantial bridge for the Beaver Meadow Railroad, which wo hear highly spoken of by those who have a knowledge of, such things. The Election in Tennessee.— The Nashville Union, of Saturday last, has the following in re lation to the Congressional delegation: “The De mocrats certainly eloot Smith, in tho 3d District; Savage, in tho 4th District; Jones, in tho sth Dis trict; Wright, in the 7th District; Atkins, in the ,9th District j. and Avery, in the 10th District. The Know Noth! figs eloot Ready, in the sth District, and Zollicof sr, in tho Bth District, eaoh by small majorities. The Ist and 2d Districts to bo beard NOTICE TO COBSEtPOHBEm Correspondents for “TaxPssra” win pleads tacbW mind the following rules: s Every communication mart be accompanied name of the writer. In order to insui a correctness of lh * typography, but om side cf sheet should be written upon. We shell be greatly obliged to gentlemen in Pennsjl vania and other States for contributions giving the cur rent news of the day in their particular localities, the resources of the surrounding Country, the Increase of population, and any Information that will be Interesting to tho general reader. the great fete champetre at mu .r, Newport. Ine great Fete Champetre given In honor of Mr. Peabody, the London Banker, by Mr. Wetmork, cam© off at Newport, R. 1., on Monday. The correspondent of the New York Daily Times says that it was altogether unpre cedented, in Newport at least, for its magnifi cence, and was a brilliant success. Invitations to some three thousand persons had been is sued, and the number presentwas not less than twenty-flTe hundred. If it had been given on any other day but Monday, there would have been two or three hundred more; for it was ex tremely inconvenient for many who had re ceived invitations to spend Sunday at Newport, which it was necessary to do, as there is no way of reaching this out-of-the-way place on Monday. The little steamboat Governor left New York on Sunday afternoon, and a few guests came in her 5 but as ic is not generally ; known that there is such a convenience as a Sunday boat from New York, many who would have been glad to avail themselves of the op portunity of coming in her were unable to do so. . The Chateau Sunnier, "j£r£Hiset 5 etrore’s villa, in the grounds of which t\»/eU took place, is one ot the largest and most magnifi cent houses in Newport. It stands on the ocean side of Bellerne-avenue, about half A mile from the Ocean House j Hie entrance to the grounds is through an arched gate-way of brown free-stone, and the Chateau, which Is built of a yellowish kind of granite, stands iu the centre of about forty acres of a finely cultivated lawn. Though the house has many spacious and splendidly decorated apartments, yet there are none capable of accomodating the immense throng of visitors whom the libe ral owner had invited in honor of his gnest, and he had erected a pavilion for the purpose of a dancing saloon in the rear of the bouse* This superb pavilion wasa hundred feet square; it was covered with canvas, and-the floor was admirably laid for dancing. In the rear of the dancing pavilion was another’nearly as large, in which the refreshment tables were spread, under tbe supervision of that accomplished Colored ChcfD owning, who seemed to regard the whole affair as his apotheosis. The tables, it is needless to say, were set out with all pos sible brilliances in the shape of glasses of all hues, crystal, porcelain, and silver, and a fabu lous wealth of flowers. Flags of all kinds were suspended from the roof, and wreaths Hid boquets of choice flowers were flung about in the wildest profusion. An army of servants under the command of Dowxing, the general issimo, each with a silver salver in bis hand, were scattered over the grounds to furnish ices, punches, fruits and other refreshments. The carpenter, who came from Boston to construct the temporary pavilions, used up 82,000 feet of lumber, and the tent-maker used up two thousand dollars worth of canvas. The weather was not sunny, but there was neither fog nor mist, and the general hilarity gave as much glow to the scene as a tropical sky could have shed upon it. The invitations bad been issued more than a fortnight, so that there was abundant time for preparations; and you may be sure that there was a display of millinery and crinoline that would have de lighted even Miss Flora McFlimsey, of Madi son square. All the ladies not only had some thing to wear, but wore it with & grace and sweetness which beggars description. The truth of the matter is, that I never could learn the name 3 of those exquisite little trifles which cost so much and bedazzles one’s senses at these festive gatherings, so I must leave to the learned pens of others the descrip tion of millinery. The hours of the fete were from 3 to 7 P. M., and in these four brief hours were all the flirtations, eatings, drink ings, dancings, and enjoyments to be com'- prised. The guests began to arrive imme diately after 3, and the Avenue was crowded with bonnets, and the gentlemen kept their hats in hand. It would not be becoming to give the names of tho guests, but there were three gentlemen there who were so much spoken of, that it may be not out of the way to mention their names. The guest in whose honor the fete was given, Mr. Pearodv, the munificent merchant, was, of course, the observed of all observers ; but the two young noblemen who lately arrived in this country, were not neglected, Lord Heßtkt, a younger son of the'Marquis of Bristol; and Viscount. Altßorr, eldest son of Eari Spencer., Aj theseyounglordaare unmarried, and apparently fellows, it jvaa quite natm ral that thev/ahn^d' Russian Minister, - were dancing was kept up with great glee until bear r ly eight o’clock, when the . gay and festive scene was deserted, and the dash of the wares at the base of the rocky cliff succeeded the music of the fete. The Germania Musical Society fhrnished the music ; they performed splendidly, under 'the direction of Mr. Scbultz. CAMDEN AFFAIRS. Charge of Burglary. —Justice Robertson and Officer Campbell, of the South Ward, arrested on Tuesday a man named Daniel Martin, on the charge of breaking into a store at Kaighn‘s Point, and committing a robbery on Saturday night last, or early on Sunday morning. He was held for a further hearing this afternoon. Damaged by the Rain.—The heavy rain on Monday afternoon washed away the culvert sear Good Intent, on tho Bockwoodtown and Good In tent turnpike. The stages on their road to Cam den were compelled to take another road- Appointment by the Goremor.—Mr. TTm. W. Steed, tho conductor on the West Jersey Railroad, has been appointed by Governor Newell Assistant Quartermaster-General of the Gloucester County Brigade, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. X. O. O. F. —Yesterday afternoon a new Lodge, composed entirely of Germans- was instituted in Camden. * The Grand Encampment, I. O. O. F., of X. J., assembled at Paterson yesterday. Excitement on Stevens* Street. —About half past twelve o’clock on T uesday night, that quiet portion of our city known as Stevens’ street, was the scene of unusual excitement, caused by the springing of a watchman’s rattle, attracting to the neighborhood agood)/ number of those who are con scientiously opjwsed to retiring tOjtheir homes until the“wee&ua’ hours ayont thetw&L” On investigat ing the cause for this bustle and alarm, we ascer tained that a lady residingonSteven3* street, below Third, had heard, or fancied she had at least, some desperado attempting to gain admission to the domi cil, and had sprung the rattle in order to summon police. An immediate search of the premise was instituted, but uo burglar was to be found—police ditto. POLITICAL MATTERS. The Election in Kentucky.—The returns from this State are complete in all essential particulars. The Congressional delegation will stand eight De mocrats to two Know Nothings, as follows: Din. Dht 1. Henry C. Burnett, D. 6. J. SI. Elliott. D 2. S. O. Peyton, D. 7. H. Marshall, K.N. 3. W.L.Underwood, KN. 8.J.8 Clay, D’ 4. A. G. Talbot, D. 9. J. C. Mason, D 5. J. H. Jewett. D. 30. J. W. Stevenson, D. Garrard, the Democratic candidate for State Treasurer, is elected by a majority ranging from 10,000 to 15,000. 8 V In the State Senate there will be a tie. -In the lower house the Democrats will have a majority cf about twenty-five. •• The St. Louis Republican of the lOtkhae elec tion returns from seventy-five counties—many of them official—all, it U 9uppo3ed, reliable. Thbv show Rollins to be leading Stewart 4050. In the counties to bear from (tbu'ty-two in number.) the vote for President, last November, stood: Buchanan 10,514; Fillmore 5568—Bnchnuan’s majority 4346 Take Rollins' present majority from that, and it would leave Stewart 596 ahead, provided the rest oi the State would come in as iu November. The Democrats will have a majorirr in both branches of tho Tennessee Legislature, thus secur ing tho election of two United States Scnatois. It is believed that tho majority for General Harris, the Democratic candidate for Governor, will ex ceed ten thousand. The delegation to tho next Congress will probably stand sevon Democrats to three Americans—a Democratic gain of two. In Texas and Alabama the Demoorats have carried everything, all their candidates being elected. North Carolina Election.— The contest for Congress in the Ist District has been very close be* tweon Shaw, Democrat, and Smith, American. One statement is that Shaw is elected by ono vote, but another and later one announces the election of Smith by eight. Mr. Paine, American, was the late member from this District. In the sth Dis trict, where the election of Grimer. American, has been conceded, there is sum to be some doubt about the result, as Williams, Democrat, has made largo gains. In the 6th District Scales, Democrat •is 1227 ahead of Puryear, Amorican, {late mem ber,) and only Ashe county to be heard from. . The Next House op RErßESuNTATJvxs.—Elec tions of members of the House of Representatives of the next Congress have now been held in all the States of the Union; with the exception of Mary land, Georgia, Mississippi and Louisiana' The Washington Union makes the result &b follows: Democrats 110, Republicans 91, Anericans 8, va cancies 2. Supposing no changes to occur in the remaining-four States where elections "are to be held, the next House of Representatives will stand as follows: Democrats 125, Republicans 91, Ameri cans 16, vacancies 2. Tho House consists of 234 members—ll 3 constituting a minority. The De mocratic majority, therefore, wiU. be Ifcr-subject, however, to any changes that may occur iu the States yet to vote. - * Arkansas held no State election this year. Her membora of. tho next Congress kero chosen last year. - . . The hog cholera is prevailing in several townships In York county pa,