The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 12, 1857, Image 4
J.yf Sigfti&v - <-'-11-' X- | I ■» MM.'* 'HIW 1.. L l' r jww*'. \ “: V |-1 And tht wflratmot bap wgw» r»h it.: ] .j-ttewi betf<* ii #siW!ir.eebiei, 4yh>I l 4yl»*i<W?Nf’ - , t Mfij) ; y'l-.V 'A' f S l * l f? ' :v ‘ { -• • • ■-> ! . . They, fain tonhUl, oh leli|OhW*f ‘ ' ,•/' .Outechoes -- ',■ 1 •-. "Aidgiotf ft; -' i Bww.-bugi#; " > - And *’”* ! W ® l* obe of ; the " h»« fc<>»n.m»do.'' We »py ' C 'rfcorf, Hull wed be thjrneme; ‘ ione. ' 'lifoheifeß fed eerth the wme. . >. ! . ojy* tt» thlt derwf iW'y Weed, . «j} '»h . flirlWipflM ftfr|Woi f-/-’i)o > -v, -■ ’ ; ; ,’ nihitj 1 1 -:- .::;- . Baf ’lim biftotuiU ; - . •‘.'.iForthihe »U kingdom, gioiy .power, W A, ~w- y rG^M.CpraeUAiX^tpll^.eHti^Romui-hUtori&ii, , wai £ (4&fanlft*;*lU - give tom notion-pf; fail* coodensatfdß of tbongkk,. #n4; W#; power. of rig© roue nsmtion in the 'feifMl.WOrdi.} fa ,-Vo’* c; V; ,neW9 sfte Vwltb drew tohergardens, or her vilk atTmculuni, v ortqltbe, neighborhood bfjl^inm.hpwould. , 'cpmmnhd seeking rehrement. 'jAiJjwtj feeliug her existence a heavy burden to-him • him being whether be shpuldget rid at, her by ■ poison,by thedagjer,orby • some-other vio lent meant. Ilie JBrat jeaflve, take her . off by jibßoh. if jiolson ahduld be given --tp.beriat tabby jt jquld ;not be i imputed to accident, for Bntanmcue had already ; pirriahed by that Mine meads;' taniper with " ' tlieattondanta of Agrippina Oppearedhatar ; -.douapforher experience ip crimehadmadehor * kigitaht mfSinittreachery; and thehad fortified * lieraeif agaihkt jibtibiMby thV habit Of'taking -i ouMdotes. . .ff top V . body could Huggesihow toemurdercpuld |>e - r concealed and Nero feared that; whoever was ' ’ pcjecteaio'taimhiit^ he might raSfseioptoy'tto *.. AfiicdtQSy fre^doiUQj- resources of w invention. *•» sl6'. Jr^~tbe v 66iB*Mtter of. thefleet at. Miaenum,had been engagedinthe ' education of Noro,and he and Agrippina hated • one another. ' i fie toid Nero that'a Vessel ihight, .il„ be so. constructed, that paitof It could 1 be de '■ ’ tabbed when ’the vessel waASJioat.'ahd^grip-’ . pitta thrown into the; waterbeforeshewaa .man of it: that nothing gave somahyohancea _ 6f .accident ,to tlie. aea ; and. ,if _Agrlppina should perish in Ihp tfrcckjjwbp icppid bo go; • nureuconuble aa,to Impute to..crime.what: Was the fault. pf the; winds and the. waves? that, j when Agrippina wusde ad, the emperor could .... build * tempisand crect altara to liermemory, and make othecdethonstratidnsiof filial affect tion. ' Thedayice 'waa 'approvfcd, and' it Wag favored by the time/for Agri[ipina was tn the habitofatieridintt'ffigfeßayal .pfthetiniriqaa. 1 v i mßms w»' ..mother, often.declaring,Kthats«iis;aught;to 'I to“?'^ws‘JJ.‘fee:abgwBJirto^> )l^'jlhrir,pmntg, • . Wid try w ptoiiy.fh W”;in miderthat femlght : "give, rlsa to report*' of hrecnhcillktipß, au<b them. pnVfk theßhbrti/fbr she. caraeiroiuAtttlsmfhe took' berby the hand, embWfjed her.flhd conducted -hebtoNauii.- Tiud : w»g' tb6 i which was; situated between . the promontory - Misenum and the lake of Bal®, aadvashed by fffrmaal^nd ." &etc,aa it' thin alad-Were dcidgttedrtoaoltoaOT tOhi»motber;for»lw bad been Uccustomed: to *'.«&in a trireme add have * boMitf ttfAir* to>- . - longihgtothe fleet, t Shewaa BMo mvlfodto* ' banquet,,UiM advantage might be taken of (be .*iahttocbnc«»ltbe v 'Crime, Ifiswellascer , tabled that Some one betrayed tbe treacherous' of It, and doubtfUlwheUter to give’credit'. to it :,or-|aot, was carried. to-BaUe in.a litter, -The Msadiahmenls of her-aon 'removedrher fears.- She was kindly xeceiyod,and, had a' place at table asslgned to herabove Kero.:; Some times adopting the ordinary - familiarity of youth, and then aasmw'nga raore serlons sir, 1 as lf hia purpose was .to mingle -bnaiuess and pleasure, Ifero prolonged the entertainment by 'varied''eohveratiou: '.fmai '.yib'enAgrippina . . rosetdgo' away, he accompahjed jherjto the sea shore, keeping his eyes steadily fixed Upon , , tor, and presaihgrier folds bosom, either to ;., aunp;Jto;,jimihiSe,»f' his ilmniatiptt/pr itmay , . bfi that, the .'hut .' sight., of a mother who. Was ; a tranquil aes, .as if to ftynish eyidende .bf the *; eritne-' Tb<Sbip.tod'not Arf&jacwtttfcr,’ with ‘l, to°of.tbo ifbo accompanied her, was '■ totb^tob.«€<i’:flmtS*?W/lbtd*torronia, :. .- y.Wbo wss lying attto fpStaf h.«r'riu*tre»»>' end joyfully peaking .of.the change .ia Nero’s ' IWheny on a signal being ■■ place, -which-was. loaded with lead”tutnbled /down, andCrepefeiuS wasimmediately crashed ■ ; ' to death." • Agnppl AcSronia wete pro tected by, the aides of; chkujtof. whichhap -petted to to>irong en6ugh to res Ist the weight: nor didtheyesael Jail inpieces, fpr west of •ijtn (and theywere Itogreaterpart) impeded / ; m movements ofttosrwhOwCre briyy tb it. , ; T6erower«;ad«sed W tbS yisSifstoSjd he .. . thfOWii pd one Side'and.ttius sunk. - But neither could the rowers promptly come Wan agree, “ cl l » measure at the bidment, •iw tfe rest by resisting it gUpwed Agrippina ■fi r « Mn . ce W* she was Agiip . fttfpioHi&i help' ffcf lbie ! emperor’s Ma_oars,nnd which D lb 6 *?r> 'Agrippina kept on her shoulder. 1 She awam wIL she feU lu. with some boats/by which she was conveyed into the. Xucnne Lake, . and ’thence' to .her pwn‘ ' vma.Jtorn'^ing. pjfef .in.bermlud the this plirposd' tWt- sim' beA lS^nvitc/by ; treacherotoletiersjtodtjfe'afpd Wfh’pSrtidular / distinction j ttat'it was near the sbore. withoii t . being driven by the Winds dr dashed against ... rocks, that t|ie ,J®iMW.Bi|rt ; W.p'. i vS(lel:tad " ‘fallen in, jtist as' any conrfruciidu on land - might have done; -Considering toe the death of Acorronia, and costißg; hpf «y« 4 on. tot -own . Wltoly'Bfetedtion ' againat treachdry was toaffect not toaee it,— ( she .sent - her froedman, Agcrlmi*/ to tell hor - aon'fhat; by the blessing orthe gods andi her .own goto (prtunejahe bad escahed a grieiroua • - »ccident>-fhe entreated him, however alarmed - v ' be ttight he at hia riiotber’s dshger,* to defer j...:' ‘be.wonbienf payingheyavisit, Jp.tbe wean pun,'assuming 'an appearsnee of,being per .. fcctly nifeMeMied^eSscdtor wonnd,andiuicd . . warm tor btoy. /She ordered , (he* ’ the newa of the , ■ #M«i lpived intelligeade -luryiluina lUghtWow t. »be; had .Jaatbeen 1 in - dinger enough to leive'no doubt mind ' ’Wh/had pljnned It. ;* i3 ,3^SSSissa'.3is^S - him OP wrsS*SC ber wound, death of her frlembr wtet pcetectlon find ■ Both 7 Mother having plottetftbe destruction of the Emperor, and then.through shame at' her •crime, being detected, having committed sui cide.,. . . ~,'l' 'V‘.. ' In the meantime, the'danger of Agrippina was noised abroad,' but ’only as an accident ; and the people, as they heard of it* hurried to the shore.- Some - got Upon the mole, others jnto the nearest boatssomei.wadod into the s«* .M faros they could -, and . some’ stretched out'their hands; the whole, coast- was, filled with the ories, the prayera, the shouts, of peoi pie asking various questions or giving’ uncer tain answers.:'i A'■’ great: multitude crowded thither with iights , and, when it was generally known that Agrippina was safe, they wore, pre paring to give her their congratulations, when they were dispersed by the threats of a body Of .armed, men; ■ ■ .. ir„< Anicetus:posted men about Agrippina’s villa, and,: bursting open the. door, he seized the •slaves, whom he met before he . reached the door of the chamber.' A few slaves were stand ing there- the reat had been frightened away ,by the soldiers breaking in. In the chamber there was;a'feeme : light and : a single female' slave; Agrippina was growing more and more uneasy that no messenger Came from her son; that even Agerinus did not return. The free of the shore' was now 'changed; there were’ solitude and sudden noises, and the indications of - some extreme calamity. Ai her slave was. going away; Agrippina cried out,“Do you too leave me I” and seeing Xnicetus; accompanied by Herculeus, a. eaptaifi of a trireme, , and OloriataSj a centurion in the floet, she said, “if .he hadepmo her, he must tell Hero that she was -recovered; if he had come to commit, a crime, she would not believe that her son was privy to, it; be would'not command the mur der of his mother:" The assasslns surroundcd the bed,-and the commander of the trireme waa tho first to strike,her on the head with a club. As the centurion was drawing Ms sword to kill her, she presented her womb, and said •‘Strike hereand she was despatched with many wounds. So far nil agree. As to Hero coming to See. the body of bis mother, and praising 1 the'beauty of her person, there are some authorities that hare so Stated, and there are some that deny it. She was burnt the same night, on a banqueting couch, and with the 'Meanest ceremonial $ nor, OO long qs Hero was in possession of power, was the earth piled'up, or coyered over,’ .By the ' bare "of;her domestics a' slight tumulus was afterwards. raised on the, place, near the road to Misenum and the villa of the Dictator Qsesar, which, stands on -the highest spot of ground, and ’ commands a prospect of the bay: below. .When the funeral pile was lighted, a freodman of Agrippina, named Mnester, stabbed' 1 himself; 'it is doubtftil whether through affection, to.his.mistress, or. through fear of being put to death. Many years before’Agrippina had believed that this would;be her Olid,; aud i she braved it. For, whenslie wiscommlting the Chatclteans about Nero, they 1 told hey that \Nero would be em peror, and would kjll his mother: she replied, “Let him bfe injf‘imhfdercr,’- only let him rc !« n ” :.. ’ ■: s ; DIfcKEPiS'S’LAST. .' ' /‘ilOhe’ Gonius is:iti being exhaustless. ' Sbakapcare did not write himself out—becausebe-coukl'not.'EcDtt,' the most yolUmiuons anthor of his time, had his ebbs and "flow*,; but; ever 'through his writings yTMs&‘the"e*b»usfless intellect. Even at tho last, when his May of life was «in the sere aAd’yetlow leaf," how pobly. did ho vindicate hiS.iitleto.greatness j by producing “The Ta lisman,” in which Richard Coeur do Lion (who tiftrpreviously’,figured* in “Ivanhoo”) .was ogaln hrought on. the /icone, and oven more, impressively than at first.' , ■ L “'So wUh Dickens. ' Written out, do you say ? Is tjapjoun,. written out .beoauso ho sinks,, a conqueror, into lho : West, to fe-appeiir, ;in nil his'fofmer glory.?' Is Paulding written out? 1 — pr Irving, or William Gilradre Simms, or'apy Other,'groat, writer? ’ No. A man of genius never- writes himself out. : ■ ; Here Is '“Little 'Dorrlt”—that beautiful Philadelphian edition which comhines'tho per fections of taste and low price. Here •it i»— with two score of illustrations,’and here; in the August.,number. of. the Magazlne,kriowh to fame as.“ The Knickerbocker,” is a genial re ference—byL, G: Clark, of- men :tbe moat .fenial.M of editors ;alsor~to_ the 'Atairicpn ‘publisher of Dickens, which Icopy. because it' well as,liveiy._ Thus doth f‘Old , Knick” sag 6fhiM:“We should, like to= See jßfcSfc B;' p'etoraonrof, 'PSiladbijiliia,’ ryro •hould liko to take "‘a squihP at the man whose energy and enterprise; within three days after, the completion ofMr: Dickens’ latest work, go solar aa toplace upon all the tables of our me triilolliAn boot-scltdrs, irt two Well.printed,weH preased, well-bound volumes,.', with all’ tho iltustratlonr compleio. sd large a work as . this now. before us.-, This celerity seoms 'ahnost magical. COuld it have hecn done in oi yorq,, with ‘lmllb’ to put on,the ink, Snd a Homage' press' to' ‘Strike off? ’. .Probably not. Seriously t. we have t had frequent occasion to admire, and to Wonder at, the expedition with which Mr. Peterson presents his publications to the public; and at the same’ time, the general good taste which he exhibits in his selections, for publication.' His success,.wo are glad to learn,, is fully commensurate with his judg ment, his‘energy,'and his business tact, v All I would add to this is, that Mr. Peterson does not remarkably, differ from ordinary mor taJs.except.thathe is not ah ordinary man, having by fer the most remarkable resemblance Wthe.great Napoleon,.Paul Delaroche,'out of the'question, who used to paint Napolconpic tures- and draw Napoleon from his owhfefiec tionin the looking-glass, But it is time to comebaCktoDickens. ' • It isgenerally admitted and lamented tliat “tittle f)orrit"isuaequal, and In some res pectsinferfor, to Bickens’eariier works; but yet, after atl,-what 'author of tbe time—»r of any time—could have dose what this man has done t He has written much, and has written well. He will not'be forty-six until February, andwhat alibraryhebasproeured.The public may bo glad to learn-that Arthur Clennam, wjbo. turns out not to be the son of that stony face d Mrs. Clennam, marriestittle Dorrit ip the end; getting out oi prison, and back into buslijesi,.in. which' he thrives i. that. Tattyco ram, repentant, returns. to Mr. ,Moagleß , and ,‘Mother!" that: honest- Doyce/in a foreign land, wins honors and fortune, as a mechanic, andtnstWtbf mechanics; that Fancks, kicking pnt of the traces at last, shows what a humbug old; Christopher- Crosby was, exposing that <> Patriarch’ 5 in presence of t his tenants in Bleeding' House' yard,add reducing hidi into j ;*yery'comihph‘ptais§ mortal, by Shearing off hia -benevolent-looking and ' dowing white"tresses, and cutting off tho broad rim of bis Quaker hat; ;fhatvpl»ndgis ''Higaud,'as', to be hoped; makes a bad end’.gf it ; that Flintwick does not disappoint expectation, but turns out, as was to be imSgihed/a thorough-paced villain; that lMt,'relates her dreams," Which, were realities: that poor JohnChivery, true-hearted geiitleman/. thotigfa, only turnkey in prison, quietly submits to 1 live Without Little" Dorrit; and frills foylady-re&dera), that the said "Little " Dorrit livea happily with her husband; though hefimorethin double ber age when' comeg jo; and becomes the mother of wbalj the Irishman, in" like case, called « a large small family. ",, the,wind-up of the story Is hurried),but the denouement comes out much clearer than is -usual WhhDjckcns. We are not told what be- ComoC of Misa Wade,' Baptist, and others j but the fill pfthV hoUae of Cleitnam" is very melo dramatic. ;.Tho book ,1s dedicated to Clarkson StantMd,' thetrtlst, andDlckensannounccs in his prethce, that It has had more readers than any other ofhisStories .—Montreal New Era, "f : : ' , sxmn Tajtio* is ms Puipit.—lt is Very interesting tp see Father Taylor inh|s polpit vrfth the sons of the Son around Him. ’Hedoes not attempt a regularly constructed discourse, or indulge in doctrinal points or theological abstractions. He knows'better 'than that:and understands better the measure of,hi? I ,hearers. But" he adopts-a CoHoquial style, lie talks with them in familiar language! A sailor fcim selfi he knows rthat’Bailors want,'and hovv to touch their feelings. We have said that Fa ther Taylor’s eloquence is rough, by;which wo mean unpolished. - But there are occasions in which he Hses'to sublimity. He identifies him seif with his people,Hbeir sorrows and suf ferings,' their joys apd pleasures. Hence, as Mrs. Gilman some years ago noticed, when a hole, asking prayers fora widow-’whose ;hus batid had, been drowned' the preceding Week had,been, read by hini,'he descended'from the pulpit, called the woman to the altar, and lay ing His hand upon.hcr head, commenced 4 fer ’Vynt prayerwith thewords, «Ohl Qod.wbare awJcfow! lopkjdown upon ua in,mercy; and bieSs usin durgreat affliction.” When infants are brought to the altar for' baptism, ho' takes ‘ rich Slossiugs on theldear 'lambs, and giving words »f comfort, ootjsOla-' ytowand UdmtmitipitO the parents. ' : -gathar Taylor attain the phlpit precisely as tWaghwche wouta in his ownhousc.' His thoUgmi have (Veoctmrse and be heverj pre them iMnfifflycdn'sidef^tlons occLton uriLui'Si aLIMo suiyect.- Od one y or tha bsuoflt Ofths,soldiers .who suffered In the JsTwSr r? u 'l late Rmtslaa war, their wives aud.ehildren, was y*9 -j, b,yd.;f eht.ihavi; finished one of the largest of that character «vor eollooted. —■ > i .henceforth Pj jnopAlbefC ohalrmsnef ihecommlraionere to di«-. Itwre iS IsldnUp for, me* a, own of righteous- tHbuta 1 the And;'lately- ttdtid, id an address to ness, which the Lord, the HehtennJ’Jtidvni QuephYlcteiiA, that the iotaUrooustwasXl,44o,9Bs wra Ws me at tfiat day, pr,aVwf44‘afMbM « dollars Of this amount flOS WS» m jiiffhnot, Mass . £1,728 .ha iiuddMJv nbnnada -and lookiß. S? 8 ?” -frmn Hew York,:ig(So from flew,Orleans, £9sp from e4 '' 6ahißranolmo, £l7 ftom Davenport, lows,-S«d Sj Ti&SiSt** oS* ,, iSraS!u*il , l t here J64SB fromPbliedelpbla;i Ofthe surplus, the oom w®W:?, L 'St SSHi iaatui fetaloners have appropriated£3B,OOU forth* arso o’fyih/wiojoye,W ajfpTarihg' '?S" f 4 4dil ° r 11,1 / ■: ;wftthffcMd J»suaChrist.” n Ik ...e. :« ].J JffiW,.OtS{siinoW. Srson,.indictc4for hn is* nihe, aStpglo,defaffr°a,nia*B of IllwStJcottrt TiStfweek,, ****oaehuhdredUnfPfifty, Birwrinstill n iiu j l ,. i -ir. t wonting, it UtA to The Pemocret* of Kentucky will have a SSSJ 1, l erighuwkl ahrot the Me majority of four on joint bmiot i R th« nest Pegls fPwPnlfttWi lawti w THE PRESS.—BHIIAOEtPHIAt WEDNESDAY, AUGUST AltfEltl^NflNES. Wi|U«6y4Wiii| in SIUMRrii The Baltimore American tints alludes to the subject of wlne-growlng in» Missouri, which is fhst getting to be a'matter of oonsiderahlo im portance in’tliat State. ; . ' WXwftie''company hasireen recently formed in Missouri- for the manufacture of wine from the grape vineyards of the region, and the pro duct of this manufacture appears in the market this year for the,(first'.time;' The enterprise promlses.completa success, as good profits are fcaUzed, and experienced connoisseurs do not hesitate to declare the’American wine superior to many of the choice foreign brands. Missouri seems peculiarly well adapted to grape' culture'; for while hlasting ond.mildew are said to have befelien the grape crop in Ohio, tho vineyards in Missouri are free from blight, and now promise a' rich'harvesf. The zealous cultiva tors expect to’displaoe all foreign brands, among discriminating judges of, the artiole. The St. Louis Republican describes at much length the works Of the' Missouri Wino Company, the process of manufacture, &c. Tho main build ing is' very wide and one hundred and fifty feet in depth, having three cellars beneath it, hewn out of solid rack,•the’lowcstof which is thirty three feet below the siirftce of tho earth, for the purpose of Securing a low temperature. The Catawba grape is’ almost the only one .cul tlvated for wiue, though good success has been had in making sparkling wine from the wild grape,whiphbrihgss9pef dozen. Thechoicer varieties of Catawba rate at $l2 to $lB per dozen. Tho Republican Says: «‘ Iff tho year 18S0. the company manufac tured GO,OOO bottles, or 18,000 gallons, of the three forms of Cgtawba. The present year the' amount will not exceed 80,000 bottles. The fhllure of tho' crops last fall advanced the price of the manufactured article twenty-five per" cent,, besides limiting the quantity, so that the Missouri Wine Company contracted their operations. , “‘ Wo understand (hat the business of wine growing is profitable. An acre of Vines' pro perly attended will yield 400 gallons of wine, which, at $1 per gallon, the üßual rate, will yield $4OO or $350 nett, as it costs not more than $5O per acre to' cultivate the grape and press out the wine. The first cost of procuring the vines and preparing the ground, we did not learn. But the. cost-subsequently is not above the figures stated—sso per acre.’ ’’ Wine-Making in America. We see it stated that an order has been sent from Washington to Southern Hungary for some cuttings of'the vine of the genuine To kay grape, with a view to introduce the culti vation of that famous grape as an experiment in this country, in the . hope that wo too may be able 'to' produce the Tokay wine. Wo pre dict that the trial will prove a failure. It will, unless this grape behaves very differently in our soil and,climate from other imported varie ties, which have uniformly failed, so far as we are inibrmed, in every case where outdoor or vineyard cultivation has been attempted. Wo hope, however, tho experiment will bo tried. In Europe, where there were no native grapes, imported kinds were introduced and nourished; here, we have several varieties of native grapSs, and the foreign sorts dwindle and die out after a few years,-as often as their cultivation is at tempted. An enormous' cask-passed up State street yesterday, on its way to the wine-cellar of Messrs. K. Page & Co., under ' the reservoir in Derne street. . Its capacity is 2,400 gallons, probably the largest cask in this country ex cept one or two in the cellars of Nicholas Longworth, in. Cincinnati. Messrs. Page & Co. have recently leased several arches under the reservoir, .and fitted them up for tho pur poso of making their wines from native fruit. . This makes the finest cellar in the country.— One of the arches, in which there are three Btorics, is 180 feet by 40.. The wine which this firm makes received a medal at the last Mechanics’ Fair, and is the purest wine that can bo possibly made. Dr. Hayes has an alyzed It, and found that itcontains but 12 or 14 per cent, of alcoholic spirits.— Boston Post. In Connecticut tho making of wino from na tive grapes is getting to be a considerable busi ness, and is found to be profitable—especially When'the wine iswell made.. The abhndant growth of native grapes in Tolland, Glaston bury, Stafford, and. other towns, is being tamed to some account, and we hope more attention will hs pajd to (he business. Wine from these grapes sells readily, at'prices varying from $1 25 to $2 60 per gallon,. according to age. One gentleman in Stafford, has for many yosrs filled his cellar with wine ,of his own making, and he sells alt he can make. , Gen. Case, of .Canton, also makes a good article. Specimens of wino from the white native grape of this vicinity wo hare found to jbe excellent. In Portland, opposite Middletown, there are sections vvliare tile'.'wild'fox grape grows in such.abundance, that people living in that vi. cjnity mlght avail tkomsolvea of it to make wine to advantage. At. our last State Fair! In ’Hartford,; there were one of two specimens' of improved portable wine presses, and quito a variety of different kinds of wine made in this State. Several persons in this city and neigh borhood are now in the habit of making their own .wine, and they fancy It to be equal to any imparted article—-certainly better than the stuff sold under thq name of wine, in most places,— Hartford Pimu. IjtPOHTANT ’ lirpaOVZkENT IN TBS ' GRAPE and Wine CuitueU in the TThmeo,States.— The Commissioner of Patents has set apart a Sortion of the fonds last appropriated by ongreaa for, agricultural purposes, for obtain ing cuttings Of all the native wild grape vines of the United Statos, to be placed in the hands of practical cultivators, with a view of testing their adaptation to tho soil and climate of the other sections of the Union, and determining their value for table use, and for making wine. Major H. C. Williams, of Fairfax county, Va., has been chosen to select the cuttings of the vines of Arkansas and Texas; slid tho neigh boring Territories, and obtain certain Informa tion connected with their growth and locality, whichoro to bo‘ employed in carrying out said experiment., Considering the extent of, terri. tory over which the' vino culture may be ad vantageously diffused in this -country, it is surprising that this Important measure has never been attempted; by our Government before. I I IRSTAND SECOND FIDDLES. WJio has not noticed the difference between the first and Second fiddler of an' orchestra 1 One is all life,' spirit,' energy. ’ Now waving the bow in the air, ho silently guides the har mony;—now rapidly tapping on the rest-board, he buYries its*movement) or, again, bringing tho violin to his shoulder, he takes the lead ing melody; and high, above tho crash of sound, the wild cOncord'of a hundred instru ments, , you, hoar shrieking along the shrill notes of the first fiddle. He is an enthusiast j he'stamps his foot, wags his head, beats timo ,with>mad;energy, enters;heart and soul into the -music— and all because ho is the leader, and plays the first fiddle. , Seated, by his.side, but.npon a lower chair with a lower music-rest before him, la a patient man, who saws meekly on the cat-gut. He never glances Wildly heavenward like the lead er,never allows his facile hand to run off in roulades of melody, never wags his head nor stamps his foot, but steadily'and honestly ho pours an undercurrent of harmony into the mus ic,which no one hears or cares for,no one credits to him, without which the orchestra would bo lame indeed. With iiis eye fixed on the notes, he draws the bow with diligence and not with enthusiasm, he sees before, him not tho inspi ration of a master, but with eSch quaver, he earns so much bread-and-butter for his family. Perhaps he sometimes ciphers up what fraction of a mill a singlo noth may bring him.’ And vet it is possible that this same man, now so tame and spir|tless, so yery like an au tomaton in his place, may have all the genius and fire of the leader—but alas, he plays se cond fiddle. ' All this bit of moralising passed through onr mind, and partly through onr lips, the’ other night, while listening to an orchestra en gaged in the performance of a Strauss quad rille. But human nature acts on principles which do not vary,with.each particular, occu pation, and no man can folly develop his pow. er—lf he 1 has any—whilo playing second fid dle.'’ Here or lessj Wo all live for applause, for notoriety, for reputation of talent,'skill, genius, wealth. The soul whose light is hid beneath a bushel ,Kta powers cramped by Infe rior position,; living in a constant conscious ness of second-rate iihportanccy is but half it self. It loses the'flre'of sympathy with look ers-on, feels that. it is irresponsible for the ■grand result | and settling to the axiom “act well your part," loses all hope of acting In the future a better and nobler part. But with this feeling of inferiority comes the consolation of a sense of justice j. all cannot’ be first fiddles, there Is no equality in this varying world H a workTof stupid sameness If It wore go—and so, tho first, fiddle la. left, to beat the air in all his greatness. But Heaven pities the second fiddlers. *. , |FrWth*hew YorfcTftfclet. V ' v 1 / ANECDOTES OF O’CONNELL. At Mr. Clancy’s, at Charievllle, Mr. O’Con nell talked away, lor the amusement of the party who had assembled to meet him. •< I was once,’? - said he, « counsel for .a cow stealer, who was clearly convicted; the sen. tenoe was transportation for fourteon years. At the pud of that time hp returned, and hap pening to meet me, he began to talk about the trial. I asked him how he always managed to steal tho fat cows, to which he gravely an swered; ‘Why, then, I’ll tell your honor the whole secret of that, sir. WAentoer your honor goer to steal a cow, always go on tho worst night you can, for if the weather Is very bad the chances are that nobody will be up to see your honor. The way you’ll always know the fat cattle in tho dark is by this,token—that the fat cows always stand out In the more exposed places; but the 4ean ones always go into the ditch for shelter.’ So, (continued O’Oonneli ) I got that lesson in cow-stealing, gratis, from my wo - thy client.” We spoke of the recent political meetings'-' and, a certain orator, I observed’ that when a speaker averred with much ear nestness, that his speech was unpremeditated I never , felt Inclined to believo him, Mr’ O’Connell laughed. “I remember,” said he', “a young barrister named B once came to. consult me on a; case in which he was re tained, and begged my permission to read for me the draft of a speech ho intended to de liver at the trial, which was to come off in about a fortnight. I assented; wherpupon he began to read, ‘Gentlemen of the Jury, I pledge you my honor as a gentleman that l did not know'until this moment 1 should have to address you in this case.’ ‘Oh I ,that’s enough,’ cried I; ‘ consult Bomebody else—that specimen is quite enough for me I”’ On our rpad to Charleville to Limerick, we passed through the barony of Connelloe which the Liberator told me had formerly be longed to bis ancestors. As we came in view of Chief Baron o‘Grady’s seat, Mr. O’Con nell conversed about the proprietor. In 1813, some person having remarked to O’Grady that Lord Castlereagh, by his ministerial manage ment, “had made a great character for him self,”—“has he ?” said O’Grady; “faith if he has, he’s just the hoy to Upend it like a gentle man I” After O’Grady had retired from the Bench, some person placed a large'' stuffed owl on the sofa beside him. The bird was of enormous’ size, and had been as a great curiosity from the tropics'. .O’Grady looked at‘ the owl for a moment, and then said, with a gesture of peevish impatience, “Take away that owl! take away that owl I If you don’t I shall fancy lam seated again on tho Exchequer Bench beside Baron Foster.” Those who have soen Baron Foster on the Bench can best appre ciate the felicitous resemblance traced by his venerable brother judge between his lordship and an old stuffed owl. ■ Among the Liberator's professional reminis cences was the following unique instance of a client’s gratitude. He had obtained an ac quittal; and the fellow, in tho ecstacy of his joy, exclaimed, “Ogh, Counsellor! I’ve no way here to show your honor my gratitude! but I wisht I saw you knocked down .in mv own parish, and maybe I wouldn’t bring a faction to the rescue I” A tattered looking stroller recognized O’Con nell at some place where we stoppod for a few minutes, and asked him for money, pleading a personal acquaintance in aid of hia claim. “ I don’t know you at all, my,” Said O’Connell,«l never saw you before.” “ That’s not what your honor’s son would say to me, I ', returned the applicant, “ for he got me a good placo in Glasnevin Cemetery, only I hadn’t the luck to keep, it.” « Then, indeed, you were strangely unlucky,” rejoined O’Connell, « for those who have places in cemeteries generally keep them-” tYo slept at Maryborough, in the Queen’s County. Ere we retired to bed, something led to the subject ol trial by jury. lasked him if it was not absurd to require unanimity in a jury ?—ifthoplan of tho old Scotch criminal juries—namely, that of deciding by the major ity—was not the more rational mode ? “ In theory it is,” he answered; « but there are great practical advantages in the plan that requires unanimity. To be snre there -is this disadvantage—that one obstinate fellow may knock up a verdict in spite of eleven clear-headed jurors— but that does not happen once in a hundred cases. And the' necessity for a unanimous verdict may be a vast protec. tion for a person unjustly charged with an of fence. “ I remember a case in which eleven jurors found a man guilty of murder, while the twelfth —a gawky fellow, who had, never before been on a jury—said he thought the deceased died by a fell from his horse. The dissident juror persisted; the case was accordingly held over till the next assizes, and in the meantime evi dence came out that most clearly confirmed tho surmise of the gawky juror. Here, then, if the majority,ot jurors hod been aide to re turn a verdict, an innocent man hod suffered death.” . • A . . , O’Connell hod strong convictions against the law of punishment by death. His own pro fessional experience fornished him with a mul titude of reasons for its abolition. He told mo an instanco whero'an innocent life was ail but lost; the prosecutrix (a woman whose house had been attacked) having erroneously sworh to the identity of a prisoner who was totally guiltless of the Offence. The Man Was found guilty and sentenced to death on her evidence. He bore a considerable personal resemblance to the real criminal. The latter having been arrested and confronted with tho prosecutrix, s lie feinted with horror at her mistake, which hod been so nearly fetal in. its consequences. By tho prompt interference of Judge, .Burton (thon at tho bar) and O’Conne.', tho govern ment were induced to discharge the unoffend ing individual, who had tho narrowest possible escape of a rope. But a far worse caso than this was recorded by O’Oonneil. I give the narrative in his own words, extracted from a speech he delivered at a meeting held in London;—“l myself,” said ho, “defended three brothers of the’namo of Cremin. They were indicted for murder. Tho evidence was most unsatisfactory. Tho judge had a loaning in favor of the crown pro secution, and ho almost compelled tho jury to convict them. I sat at my window as they passed by after sentence of death bad been pronounced; there was a large military guard taking them back to goal, positively forbidden to allow any communication with the three un fortunate youths. But their mother was there; and she, armed in the strength of her affec tion, broke through tho guard. I saw her clasp her eldest son, who was but twenty-two years of ago; I saw her hang on the second, who was not twenty; I saw her feint when she clung to the youngest hoy, who was but eigh teen—and I ask, what recompense ‘could ho rnado for such agony? They were executed, and they were innocent!” TV’, j; D. AFFAIRS IN UTAH. [From the Journal of Commerce.] Novel in all its elements, and extraordinary in Us whole career, Mormonlsm has sCemod to be a problem beyond thp sagacity of the great est and purest of our statesmen. Ingeniously surrounded by those who lead in its with metaphysical assertions of the. abstract right of self-government, every remedial sug gestion was abandoned in detail, until the pres ent Administration came into pother. The remedy which all men seem to agree upon is i that which the Federal Exeoutlvewlttaonbtless! put into operation. The poisoned fVuit has ri pened, and Is about to tall j and at this moment an evil of the most gigantic proportions prom ises to subdue before the resolute purpose oftho President, and the determined co-operation which will attend the execution of thatpuipo'so. The'same energy which rebuked the Know Nothingism excesses in Washington,—the saiho statesmanship which has been applied to Kansas)—will; wo predict, provo to be equally successful in Utah, If or wUI the principal of popular sovereignty be violated in-order to bring abont a consummation so devoutly to be wished. Troops will be sent there, nbt to wage war againßt the deluded hordes in that tar-off Territory, bntto sustain the laws, and encour age those who, sick and disgusted with: the horrid bestialities which there prevail, reduiro the strong,-sheltering arm of. the government, to protect them. And if it should happen that in carrying out this design, the bold; bad f mon who have reigned so long over their abject slaves should be summarily and effectually pun ished, we ore free to say that public opinion' will approve, and public gratitude' acknowl edge, the patriotic energy of the Administration in performing its whole duty. -We confess our surprise when we see tho governmept waiting for the man to complete this great and indis pensable work.' It is a field for tho noblest ambition. It is a field for tbe statesman and theCbristian. Some such man shonft be imme diately instrumental In giving success to tbe policy o t the Administration, and Would thus win a crown richer than that «the Bourbon lost.” Tho fact that many have shrunk from, and that some have failed in this. task, only adds to'the necessity for action, add will in crease tho, "glory that must rest around b(m who finally accomplishes it. We must pave cotifi- 1 deuce that such a man will be found. Each crisis produces its special hero. Every grave and' startlihg emergency brings lprth cham pions for tho rights History showathat as the ehleft who led in our councils antmp ■ ot(r sr-‘ mles have successively departed Hie scepo of human action, others have Como,' forward to fill their places whenever grave publio exigen ces demanded, their.appearance.; And so it raastb* wlth Utah. ' AlreWy purloreign on-* jcmics. egult in; tbe belief,andhope >; ,that this is the wound forwhtch there IS no babul thatta ■effect a settlement; of theMormpnfrouhies we’ bp Applied wlth anijcesi. .-But- the end will’show that all such anticipations are .vain; and that that' this great 1 mystery, this enormous, revolting): debating, dishonorable, irreligious and immoral fanaticism! which 1 has already ripened Into opep rebellion against the ©ovetiuneht of the nation;will leet* lessens,of Stfmlssldh; tfiidi hfffmncy, >u>A young man ihadhisunn trtjkeo- on tha Camden and Amboy Railroad at Magnolia, N. 3., on Monday. It was probably through hit own eartlissnrw. jo iFtmbs C4VING FUND—FIVE PEE CENT. IN ►3 TEB^ST—NATIONALSAFETY TRUST COM. P ANY.—WALNUT STREET. SOUTH-WEST CORNER OP THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. . iKOOftFOftiTjBD BY TEA SBATE.OY PIHRJTLVAKI A. Money is received in any sum, Urge or a mall, and in. tereet paid from the day of deposit to the day of with draws!. The office U open every day from 0 o’clock in the morning till 7 o’clock in the evening, , and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 9 o’clock, All sums, large or small, are paid back In gold on de mand. without notice, to any amount. HON. HENRY L. RENNER, President, BORER? BHLFRIDGE, Vice President. WM. J. Rbbd, Secretary. directors: Hon. Henry L. Benner, 0. Landreth Manns, Edward L. Garter, P. Oarrcil Brewster,., Robert Selfridge, Joseph B. Barry, Sami. K. Ashton, Henry L. Churchman, James B. Smith, Francis Lee. This Company-confines its business entirely to tha receiving of money on interest. The investments, amounting to over ONE MILLION AND A HALF OF DOLLARS, , are made in conformity with the provisions of the Charter, in REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES, GROUND RENTS, and such first class securities as will always in sure perfect security to the depositors, and which can* not fall to give permanency and stability to this Insti tution. aul-ly ' SIX PENNY SAVINGS FUND, Corner of FIFTH And WALNUT Streets. Open daily, from 9 to 3, and on Tuesday and Friday Evenings, until 8 o’clock. Large or Small sums received, and paid with* out notice, with FIVE PEB CENT. INTEREST, by check or otherwise. JOHN THOMSON, Pres’t. TICK raaSIDBNTB, THOS. T. TASKER, EDWIN M. LEWIS. BBOBSTART IXO THBABURRB, WM. T. ELBERT. TBOBTRBB,■ wm. 0. Ludwig, D. 0. Levy, Charles E. Lex, A. Miskey. Israel W. Morris, Jr., Wm. Neal, Thos. Neilfloc, Thomas S. Reed, M. D- James Bussell, Thos. P. Bparnawk, Oscar Thompson, Peter Williamson, Isaac S. Waterman, Charles T. Terkes. John B. Austin, John E. Addicts, Solomon Alter, M. W. Baldwin. William Clark, Ephraim Clark, Jr., Charles S. Carstairs, Robert Clark, A. J. Drexel. Charles Dntllb, . Wm. B. Boater, Benjamin Gerhard, John Jordan, Jr., Lewis Lewis, Jr., »al-3m NO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET FIVE PEB CENT. STATE SAVINGS f UND. NO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET. —FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. TilO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.—FIVE 11 PER CENT. STATE SAYINGS FUND. TVO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET FIVE 11. PER PENT, STATE SAVINGS FUND, ■piVE PER CENT. SAVING FUND, A N. B. corner of CHEBNUT And TENTH. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL 1500,000. Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania, 1855. Deposits received daily from 9 to 4, and paid on de mand, with interest. Deposits received from merchant* and others, payable by checks on sight. Interest allowed on the average balances. JOHN MILLER, President. JOS. W. SOUDEB. Vice President. J. L, HUTCHINSON, Secretary. an 14m anb Jton. SAMUEL T. MIRRIOK. J, TAUQHAH MBBBIOK, WILLIAM H. MBBBtOK. CJOUTHWARK FOUNDRY,' ►3 FIFTH AND WASHINGTON BTHEETS, FHILADILMU, MERRICK & SONS, ENOINEERB AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River, ana Marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac., Cast ings of all kinds, either Iron or Brass. Iron frame roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, Ac. ’ * ’ Retorts,and Gas Machinery of the latest and most improved'cons traction. Every description of Plantation machinery, inch as nagar, Story ana Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Bteam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines, Ac. , Sole Agents for N. Rillieux’s Patent Sugar Bolting Apparatus; Nasmyth’s Patent Bteam Hammer; J. P. Rosa’-Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and Bteam Pumps, Superintendent—B.H. BARTOL. au3-y JJIOHARD NORRIS & SON, LQCOMO- STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, BKYEKTKEHTH BY&SKT, HAMILTON, VAIBVISW AND SPRING GARDEN STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. Engaged exclusively in the manufacture of LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES. Manufacture to order Locomotives. of any arrange rs), weight or capacity, for the use of Wood or Coke, or Bituminous Coal in its crude state, or ANTHRACITE GOAL, WITHOUT EMITTING BKOKB, GAB OR TIRI. In design,.material and workmanship, the Loeomo tivf* produced at these Works are equal to, and not ex celled by any. The materials used In construction are *W® the spot, and insure the best quality and most reliable stock. The large extent of Shops, and Com pUtt Equipment of Machinery and Toots, enable them to execute the BEST OF WORK WITH GREAT DESPATCH, OP ANT ARBANGBMEST REQUIRED, CHILLED OAR WHEELS, HAMMERED AXLES; With Forgings of any sUe or form, IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, And MACHINE WORK generally. RICHARD NORRIS. HENRY LATIMER NORHIB. aul-ly PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOIL EB WORK?. HEANEY, NEAFIE & CO., , PRACTICAL ANDTHKORETIOAL SNQINBKB3, SIAOHINIBTS, BOILER.HAKKUS, RLACK ‘ BMITII3 AND -FOUNDERS. RllrJng for muw vers been in suceeurnl operation, And been exclusively engaged in building and repairing Marine high and low pressure, Iyon Boats, Water Tanks, Propellers, Ac., Ac., respectfully offer weir services to the pubUo, as being rally prepared 'to Contract for Engines of all sue*, Marine, River, and Stationary. Havingsetsof patterns of different sites, are prepared to execute orders -with quick despatch. Every description of Pattern-making made at ithe shortest notice. High and Low Pressure, Flue, Tubu lar and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Pennsylvania char cot) iron. Forgings of all sices' and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings of all description's; Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. , Drawings and specifications for all work done at tneir establishment free of charge, and work guaranteed. ’ The subscribers baye ample wharf dock’room for re pairs of boats, where they can lay in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, tails. Ac., Ac.,'for raising heavy or light weights. THOMAS REANEY, JACOB G. NEAFIE, JOHN P. LEVY, aul»y BEACH and PALMER Streets, Kensington. Handy & morris— MANUFACTURERS OF CUMBERLAND WROUGHT IRON TUBES FOR OAS, STEAM OB WATER. ALSO, GENERAL IRON COMMISSION MERCHTS. Warehouse 8. E. corner FRONT and WALNUT. aul-3ra illeiiiriiws, Nineteenth centuryi—the GREAT REMEDY OF TUB NINETEENTH CENTURY IS TUB IMPERIAL DEPUBATIVE. This is now the greet standard remedy for diseases of the Bloody Stomach and Liter. If yon have a Canctroug or Scrofulous affection, at Once use the Imperial Depurative, Tetter,^ Are you troubled with this obstinate and un pleasant disease ? Use the Imptrial Depurative. Try Dot one bottle. , Have yon White Swelling, Hip Disease, or Glandular Swellings ' The Imperial Depurative will effect a cure. Try It. For Pimples, Blotches and Eruptions of the Skin gene* rally, you have a prompt and certain remedy in the Im perial Depurative. One bottle will satisfy yon of Its efficacy. Use the Imperial Depurative } if yon would have a clear, healthful, and beautiful complexion. Use the Imperial Depurative for a diseased state of the Liver or Stomach. For females of a weak and debilitated habit and shat* tered nerves, the Imperial Depurative is just what is required to fe-invlgorate the frame and restore the ner vous system to a healthy state. We Jrnow the fall value of this great remedy, as wo are using it every day in an extensive practice, and see Its great curative powers manifested In numerous cases. We Know it has no equal In this country. The careful preparation, great purity and strength of the Imperial Depurative renders large doses or long continued use of it unnecessary. It acts directly upon the diseased part, and it is not necessary to wait months to discover the benefits to be gained. . If you wish to purify and enrtcA the Blood, and pre vent disease, as well as cure It at this season of the year, use one or two bottles of the Imperial Depurative, and we will guarantee Its beneficial effects. Prepared by Dr. LOUNBUERRY tc CO., and for sale at the Principal Office, No. 50 North Fifth street, three doors below Arch, where patients may consult Dr. L. dally, free of charge. The Imperial Depurative Is the great remedy of the nineteenth century. aul-tif HELMBOLD’ 8 GENUINE PREPARA- Extract Buchu, removes all the symptom, among which will be found Indisposition to exertion! Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing General Weakness, Horror of Disease, Weak Nerves Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Death, Night Sweats! Cold Fe jt, Wakefulness, Dimness of vision, Languor Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, often enor mous Appetite or Dyspeptlo Symptoms, Hot Hands, Flushings or the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Pallid Countenance, Eruptions on the Face, Pains in the Back Heaviness of the Eye Lids, frequently Black Spots Hying before the Eyes, with temporary Suffusion, Lou of Sight. If those symptons are allowed to go on, which this me dlolfie invariably removes, soon follow Fatuity and Edl leptio Fits. HELMBOLD’ 8 GENUINE PREPABA TION, Extract Buchu, for all Diseases of the Blad- SSfwjWf Dropsy, Nervous and Debilitated IP YOU ARE SUFFERING WITH ANY .*«««* Stressing ailments, use HELM- eCklcy ARAT 10N8 • Try them, and he convinced TPLMBOLD-s GENUINE PEEPABA RATION, Extract Buchu. , “ Give health and vigor to the frame, , M . And bloom to thp pallid cheek! ’ ’ ,a thclt th,t p*‘" ,ntBie - lIEMBOLD’ 8 GENUINE PREPABA i; «wi?2?i?5 tract See overwhelming eviden cei7? M* 1 ? *2 product to show that they do great W “ h 8 «*“ KJELMBOLD’ B GENUINE PREPARA XX TION, Bxtreet Buchu — Frit. 81 her Bottle, de urereit to uy itddren. Depot, 82South TENTH street, •phf» mb TBu Wl "*’ below CHESTNUT street, PhlUdol . Address letter., H. T. HBLMBOLD, 82 South TKNTII Mruethelow CHESTNUT; Philadelphia'.' ' ofOcun% *°? ? e ‘ lwB •"UTWhort.^Beim* iiooto nirt) aijoes. tAw. Ai.WAVWSWWWAWV Oi 442, -SOUTHEAST CORNER OF Market ua fifth streets. < Gentlemen’s Best S.tent le.ther Q.lUr Boots u a Oalf ... do. do II J;»kntLe.thßr Oxford Ties. ti m cal, dttsFShMs.’ p,Unt I-Mher und Can'usrroa _ “Ud Tooths’ Pstent Lesthsr and Oslf Skin Hsltsr Boots and Shoes, , 1 . ■ aul-tf j For'sale hy QBp, W, TATLOB. ■piALE-STOOK. OF BOOTS AND SHOESI XV -JOSEPH H; THOMPSON A 00., No. 814 MAR. pi street, and Nos.. 8 B,;FBANkIHht7PEAOE, tawrowln ftora a largo andwell-ssaorted ifoik ot BOOTS and SHOES, of City and-Eastern jS'® < !iu.v , £e<Ju r ,! “ test terms for oLb, or lnTit ° a 10 “ u “ 4 eAMdtso iljelrf stock. fIHABLES P. CALDWELLU-Wltoalo XV Una floorin* hoards. aSoat, for sal. by ’ . MARTIN k MAOAUSTEB U 9 North Water Street, m iB5?. Insurance Companies. Tie Quaker city insurance COMPANY, Office No. 408 (late 92) WALNUT St. Capital and Surplus, $250,000. This Company continues to make Insurance against loss or damage by Fire and the Perils of the Sea, Inland Navigation and Transportation, at current rates. OFFICERS. President—GEO. H. HART Vice President—E. P. ROSS. Secretary and Treasurer—H. R, COGGSHALL. Assistant Secretary—B. H. BUTLER DIRECTORS. George H. j f; E. W. Bailey, B. P. Ross, Charles G. Imlav, A. 0. Oattell, Wm. D. Lewis, Jr., Joseph Edwards, J-I*. Pomeroy, John G. Dale, Andrew B. Chambers, Hon. Henry M. Fuller, H.R Coggahall, Fosters. Perkins. Samuel Jones. M. D., John 11. Chambers, A. F. OheesVvoueh au 8-ly ‘ Great western insurance and TRUST 00., PHILADELPHIA. No. 331 (lata 107) WALNUT*™, charter perpetual. Aphorized capital, $600,000. FIRE INSURANCE—On merchandise generally, household furniture, on stores, dwellings, Ac. Limited or perpetual. MARINE INSURANCE—On cargoes, freights, and ▼easels, to all parts of the world. INLAND INSURANCE—On goods by rivers, canals, lakes, and land carriage, to all parts of the country. DIBBOTQRB. Charles 0. Lathrop, 1423 Walnut Street Alexander Wbilldan, 14 North Front Street. Henry D. Moore, F&rquhar Buildings, Walnut Bt. JohnC. Hunter, firm of Wright, Hunter A Co. E. Tracy, firm of Tracy A Baker. Thos.' L. Gillespie, firm of Gillespie A Zeller. Stillwell 8. Bishop, firm of Bishop, Simons A Co. William Darling, (late of Roadlng.) Isaac Haslehurst, Attorney and Counsellor. J. R. McCurdy, firm of Jones, White A McCurdy. John Rice, 90 South Fourth Street. Jas. B. Smith, firm of James B. Smith A Co. Theo. W. Baker, Goldsmiths’ Hall. E. Harper Jeffries, firm of Wm. H. Brown A Co. C. 0. LATHROP, President. WM. DARLING, Vice President. Joseph J. Hookel, Secretary and Treasurer. H. K. Richardson, Assistant Secretary. augs-3y Philadelphia fire and life in surance COMPANY, incorporated by tho State of Pennsylvania In 1848, are now established in their NEW OFFICE, No. 433 CHESTNUT Street, where they are prepared to make ALL KINDS OP INSURANCE, from LOSS BY FIRE, off property of every description, In Town ’or Country, including PUBLIC BUILDINGS, DWELLINGS STORES, WAREHOUSES, FACTORIES and MANUFACTORIES, WORKSHOPS, VESSELS, Ao. Also, MERCHANDIZE of all kinds; STOCKS OF GOODS, ‘ Stocks of COUNTRY STORES, Goeds on STORAGE or in BOND, STOCKS and TOOLS of AR TIFICERS and MECHANICS: FURNITURE, JEW ELRY, FIXTURES, Ac., Ao., Ao., Ac., at moderate rates of premium, and for any period of time. Thiß Company refer to their past career as an ample guarantee for the PROMPT SETTLEMENT of all their LOSSES. There are at this time no unsettled claims against them. ROBERT P. KING, Pres’t. M. W. BALDWIN, Vice Preß’t. Francis Blaoxbursb, Sec’y. aul-3m Life insurance and trust com pany.—The PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Southeast Corner of THIRD and DOOK Streets. Capital, $612,725 03. INSURES LIVES for short terms, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and endowments—pur chases llfo on interests in Beal Estate, and makes all contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. They act as Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees and Guardians. MONEY RBOEIVED ON DEPOSIT In any amount— Five Per Cent. Interest allowed from date of deposit, payable back on demand without notice. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, January Ist, 1867 Loanß of the State of Pennsylvania, Phila delphia City, Penn’a Railroad, Camden ana Amboy Railroad, and other Loans $179,835 38 Bondsj Mortgages and Real Estate 117,137 19 Stocks in Banks, Insurance, Gas and Bail rood Companies 81,729 98 Premium Notes and Loans on Collaterals 193,692 01 Cash In Bank, due from Agents, Inter est, Ac 88,780 47 Guarantee Capital, Subscription Notes 100,000 OO $711,225 03 DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL E. STOKES, Vice Pres’t. JOBS W. Ho&hob, Secretary. aul-ly AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY.—lncorporated by the Legis lature of Pennsylvania, Capital $500,000. Charter perpetual. Office In the Company’s Buildings, 8. E. Corner of WALNUT and FOURTH Streets, Philadel phia. ’ This Company insures lives during the natural life, or for short terms, at the usual mutual rates of other sound companies. Stock rates aboutTwxNrr per cent, lower than above. Premiums may be paid quarterly, half yearly or yearly. FIVE PER CENT. SAVINGS FUND. Money received on deposit daily, by this old-estab lished Institution,returnable in Gold, on demand, with five per cent, interest added. Office hours from 9 A. M. till 6 P. M., and on Mon days till 8 P. M. ALEXANDER WHILLDIN, John O. Sims, Bec’y. [anl-lOt] President, ARCTIC FIRE INSURANCE COMPA -CA. NY, NEW YORK.—Offlce.No 29 Wall street, ad joining the Mechanics’ Bank—Cash Capital, $250,000, with a surplus. This Company insure Buildings, Mer chandise, Furniture, Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other property, against Loss or Damage by Fire and the Risks of Inland Navigation. DIRECTORS. Henry Grinneil, Joshua L. Pope, Caleb B&rstow, Rufus R. Graves, Henry O. Brewer, Henry Davis, ; Edmund Penfold. O. H. Lilienth&l, Hanson K. Corning, Theo. Polhemus, jr. Ogden Haggerty, Elisha E. Morgan, Thomas Monagau, Abm. R. Van Nest, John H. Esrle, William A, Cary, Albert Ward, Thomas 8. Nelson, Charles Easton, James W. Phillips, Louis Lorut,' Charles A. Macy, Samuel G. (Hidden, Edward Slacken, Steph. Cambreleng, Wm, E. Shepard, Thomas Scott, Charles L. Frost, John Ward, Lothrop L. St urges, Henry K. Bogert, William R. Fosdick, Peter Edes, Emery Thayer, Benjamin H. Fiold, Geo. Westfeldt, _ A.R. Froth Ingham, Zalmon Taylor, Thos. F. Youngs, HettVy E. Blossom. Samuel L. Mitchell, ALBERT WARD, President. Richard A. Oaklet, Secretary, au 10-ly ]W\ANUFACTURERS’ INSURANCE ITX COMPANY.—Charter Perpetual. Granted by the State of PennaylTanla. Capital, $500,000. P{re, Marine, and Inland Transportation. DIRECTORS. AaronS. Llpplncott, Charles Wise, Wo. A. Rhodes, Alfred Weeks, Charles J. Field, James P, Smyth, Wm. B. Thomas, J. Rinaldo Sank, . Wm. Neal, John F. Simons, AARON 8. LIPPINCOTT, President. WM. A. RHODES, Tice President. ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary. J. W. MARTIEN, Surveyor. Thi? Company was organized with a cash capital, and the Directors hare deterra'ned to adapt the business to Its available resources—to observe prudence in conduct ing its affairs, with a prompt adjustment of losses. Office No, 10 Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia, anl-dly The mercantile mutual insu rance COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA.—Office No. 222 WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange. MA RINE BISKS on Vessels, cargoes, and Freights. IN LAND TRANSPORTATION RISKS, per Railroads, Canals, Boats, and other carriages. ALL THE PROFITS divided annually among the As sured, and ample security in cases of loss. DIRECTORS. Edward Harris Miles, Thomas T. Butcher, John M. Odenhehner, Algernon E. Ashburner, Mahlon Williamson, Alfred Fassitt, Samuel J. Sharpless, Thomas S. Foster, Isaac Joanes, Gustaras English, Henry Preaut, James H. Btroup, Edward G. James, Alfred Slade, William L. Springs, A. G. Cattail, Franklin 0. Jones, Charles B. Contain, Daniel Haddock, Jr., Samuel Robinson, William Taylor, John C. Keffer, James Murphy, John P. Steiner, Wm. F. Smith, Henry Grftwbo, A.J.Antelo, Wm. J Caner, Samuel L. Creutxborg. EDWARD HARRIB MILES, President. ALFRED FASSITT, Vice President. Johk 0. Kevtsb, Secretary. anl-ly f-iIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSUR IX ANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA—Office, No. 62 WALNUT street, west of THIRD. “FIRE RIBKB ONLY TAKEN.’! BIBBOTOBS. Jer. Walker, Ino. McClure, Tho. Craven, A. S. Oillett, Furman Sheppard. Saul. Jones, M. D., Joseph Klapp, M. D. Wm. M. Swain, John Anspaob, Jr., H. N. Burroughs, J. B. Hughes, F. D. Sherman, Wm. P. Hacker, J. P. Steiner, U. A. Shackelford, , Hon. JOEL JONES, Pcealdeut Hon. G. W. WOODWAJU), Tice President. Jno. S. McMollis, Secretary. Jakes B. Alyobd, Assistant Secretary. aul-Sm CHARTER OAK FIRE ANITsTAkINE \J INSURANCE COMPANY Of HARTFORD. CONN. Cash Capital $300,000. Losses in Philadelphia and •vicinity adjusted at the PMfadeiphm Office. By leave we refer to D. 8. Brown A 00., Phila. I Bon. Joel Jones, Phlla. Ghaffees, Stoat A uo., u Bon. Rufus Choate, Boston Hacker, Lea A Co.. “ (llon.T.S.WUiiama, Ilart’d We have facilities for placing any amount of lusu ranco in the most reliable Companies. PHILADELPHIA GENERAL. INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 413 (oW No. 146) CHESTNUT ST. THOMPSON A ROOD, Agents. COMMONWEALTH FIRE INSUKANCE COMPANY, OP THE STATE OP PENNSYLVA NIA.—Office, N. W. Corner PODBTH ond WALNUT Btreeto, Philadelphia.—Subscribed Oayilal, ,500,000. Paid-up Capital, (200.000. DAVID JAYNE, M. D., Prealdont. THOMAS S. STEWABT, Vico Proa’t. Samgßh s. Moon, Secretary. anl-lj Summer itesorts. MAC- X INAO, MICHIGAN, bv A. T. BIRCHARD. The ebove Establishment is now opon for the season as a “ Summer Hotel,” for the reception of guests. No ex* pense hu been spared to make this a first class Hotel. The house has been furnishod entirely new, with every article of fashionable furniture necessary for the com* forts and luxuries desired by families; .superior cooks, and attentive and respectful servants, engaged to answer the call of visitors. The sleeping apartments are fur* niahed with all the comfortable and desirable requisites for quiet and refreshing repose. The proprietor, how ever, relies more on action than promises, and will en deavor to be equal to the requirements of the times and the public. aulo-10t» The mountain house, capon SPRINGS, TIRGINIAjWIII be opened for the re 'Ception of visitors on MONDAY, 22d JUNE, and will remain open until the Ist OCTOBER. Through Tickets can be obtained at Baltimore, Wash* ington, Richmond and Alexandria. Passengers leaving Baltimore in the early morning train, via Alexandria and Manassas Gap Railroad to Strasuurg, reach the Springs from 5 to 0 o'clock same evening, and those from Baltimore and the West, via Harpers Ferry and Winchester, from 8 to 9 P. M. & ui-2w J. N. BUOK, Proprietor, Mountain house, Oxfos BphinoB, July 22d, 1857. A CARD —The subscriber having understood that reports are in circulation in Baltimore that he intends closing the Mountain House for the season, takes this method of contradicting them, and saying, while the company is not.quite bo large as jiaual, still It is fair, considering the lateness of the season, with daily ac cessions and a prospect of a much later season than usual. It will be KEPT OPEN TILL TUE FIRST OP OCTOBER, and longer, if necessary. aul*2w . JOHN N. BUCK. Caledonia cold springs, adams COUNTY. PA.—These Springs are located at a vory high elev&tion In Adams county, They will be OPEN fer tho reception of visitors oq the 16th of JUNE, under the superintendence of WILLIAM H; IJAMS,« Baltimore, with on'efficient, corps 6f attendants. The distance from Baltimore, by a smooth turnpike, Is about 65 miles. Visitors leaving Baltimore in the. orning train via the Northern Central and Cum*, berland Valley Railroad, will arrive at the Springs the same evening for tea. by omnibuses from' Chambers* burg. The distance from Chainbereburg U Id miles over a smooth turnpike road. aul-10t* , THE PROPRIETORS. £> W^MNGLE'STarCOTTTfAJJKEES, 9* No. 87 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly mode on &H accessible points in the United States and Canada. . Aawßougbt.and.SQld.-OQ Commission... Uncurrent Bank Notes, Checks, &0., bought, at the lowest rates. Deposits received and interest allowed, as per agree ment. ftul*Bok Resolution vkoposinq amend-! HUNTS TO THE OONBHTOTON Of TBB (V>M monwealth. . Resolved by the Benat* and House of Repreunta ttves of the Commonwealth of'Penmytoaniain Gea. eral Assembly met: That the following amendments are proposed to the Constitution of the Coiamonwalth. in accordance with the provisions qf the tenth - article thereof. first amendment. There shall be an additional article to said Constitu tion to be designated as article eleven, as followe ABTICLI XI. . OF PUBLIC DEBTS. Section 1. The State may contract debts, to supply casual deficit or failures In revenues,'or to meet expen ses not otherwise - provided fon but the aggregate amount of such debts direct ana contingent, whether contrasted by virtue of one or more acts of the genera) assembly, or at different periods of time,shall never ex ceed seven hundred and fifty thoosand dollars, and the mouey arising from the creation of such debts, shall be applied to the purpose for which it was obtained, or to repay the debts so contracted, and to no other purpose whatever. Section 2. In addition to the above limited power, the State may contract debts to repel invasion, suppress insurrection, defend tho State In war, or to redeem the present outstanding indebtedness of the State; but the money arising from the contracting of such debts, shall be applied to the purpose for which it was raised, or to repay such debts, and to no other purpose whatever SiCTios 3. Except the debts above specified, in sec tions, one and two of this article, no debt whatever shall he created by, or on behalf of the State. BEOTIOS 4. To provide for the payment of the present debt, and any additional debt contracted'as aforesaid the legislature shall, at ita first seasion, after the ado> tlon V>f this amendment, create a sinking fund, which shall be sufficient to pay the accruing interest on such debt, and annually to reduce the principal thereof by a sum not less than two hundred and fifty thousand dol lars; which sinking fund shall consist of the net annual income of the public works, from time to time owned by the State, or the proceeds of the sale of the same, or any part thereof, and of the income or proceeds of sale of stocks owned by the Btate, together with other funds or resources, that may be designated by law. The saii sinking fund may be increased, from time to time, by as signing to it any part of the taxes, or other revenues of the State, not required for the ordinary and current ex penses or government, and unless la case of war, inva sion or Insurrection, no part of. the said jinking fund shall be used or applied otherwise than in extinguish ment of the public debt, until the amount of such debt is reduced below the sum of five millions of dollars. Skbtsom 5. The credit of the Commonwealth sh<not in any manner, or event, be pledged, of loaned to, any individual, company, corporation, or association; nor shall the Commonwealth hereafter become a joint owner, or stockholder, In shy company, association, or cor poration. ‘ Section 6. The Commonwealth shall not assume the debt, or any part thereof, of any county, city, borough, or township; or of any co poration, or association; un less such debt shall have been contracted to enable tho State to repel invasion, suppress domestic insurrection, defend itself in time or war, or to assist the State in the discharge of any portion of its present indebtedness. Section 7. The Legislature shall not authorize any county, city, borough, township, of incorporated dis trict, by virtue of a vote of its citizens, or otherwise, to become a stockholder in any company, association or , corporation; or to obtain money for, or loan its credit to, any corporation, association, institution or party. SECOND AMENDMENT. There shall be an additional article to said Constitu tion, to be designated as article XII., as follows: ARTICLE XU. . OF NEW COUNTIES. No comity shall be divided by a line cutting off over one-tenth of its population, (either to form a new .county or otherwise,) without the express assent of such county, by a vote of the electors thereof; nor shall any new county be established, containing less than four hundred square miles. THIRD AMENDMENT. From section two of the first article of the Constitu tion strike out the words, “of the city of Philadelphia, and of each county respectively;™ from section five, same article, strike out the words, “of Philadelphia and oj the several counties;™ from section seven, same article, strike out the words. “neither the city of Phi ladelphia nor any,” and insert In lieu thereof the words, “and no/” and strike out “sectionfour, same article,™ and in lieu thereof insert the following. . “ Section 4. In the year one thousand eight hundred and slxty-four. and in every seventh year thereafter, re presentatives to the number of one hundred, shall be apportioned and distributed equally, throughout the State, by districts, in proportion to the number of taxa ble inhabitants in the several oorts thereof; except that any county containing at least three thousand‘five hundred taxables, may be allowed a separate represen tation ; but no more than three counties shall be joined, opfi ao county divided, in the formation of a district. Any city containing a sufficient number of taxables to entitle it to at least two representatives, shall have a separate representation assigned it. ana shall be divided into convenient districts of contiguous territory, of equal taxable population as near as may be, each or which districts shall elect one representative.” At the end of section seven, article, insert these words, “ the city of Philadelphia shall be divided into single senatorial districts, of contiguous territory as nearly equal in taxable population as possible, but no ward shall bedivided in tat/emotion thereof.” i The legislature, at its first session, after the adoption of this amendment, shall divide the city of Philadelphia into senatorial and representative districts, in the man ner above provided; such districts to remain unchanged until the apportionment in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. FOURTH AMENDMENT. There shall be an additional section to the first article of said Constitution, which shall be cambered and read as follows; Siotion 26. The legislature shall have the power to alter, revoke, or annul, any charter of incorporation hereafter conferred by, or under, any special, or general law. whenever In their opinion dr may be injurious to the citizens of the Commonwealth; in such manner, however, that no injustice shall be done to the corpora tors. ; In Senate, March 29,1857, Resolved, That this resolution pass. On the first amendment, yeas 24, nays 7: on the second amendment, yeas 23. nan 8: on the thira amendment, yeas 24, nays 4; on the fourth amendment, yeas 23, nays 4. : [Extract from the Journal.] GEO. W. HAMEBSLY, Clerk. In the House or Representatives, April 26,1857. Resolved , That this resolution pass. On the first amendment, yeas 78, nays 12; on the second amendment, yeas 57, nays 34: on the third amendment, yeas 72, nays 22; on the fourth amendment, yeas 83, nays 7. [Extract from the Journal.} JAGOB ZIEGLER, Clerk. Filed in Secretary’s office, May 2,1857. A. G. CURTIN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. - Beobstart’b Optics, M Harxisrvrq, Jane 22,1857. Pennsylvania ss t ' I do certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original “Resolution jrnptMriwrMrttffd menta to the Constitution of the Commonwealth,” with tho vote in each branch of the Legislature upon the final passage thereof, as appears from the originals on file in this office. In testimony whereof Z hare hereunto set my [ls.] hand and eaosed to be affixed the Beat of the Secretary’s Office, the day and year above written. A. G. CURTIN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. In Stain, March 27,1857. The resolution proposing amendments to the Consti tution of the Commonwealth being under consideration, On the question, Will the Senate agree to the first amendment? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro visions of the Constitution, and were aa follow, vis: Ysas —Moaars. Brewer, Browne, Coffoy, Ely, Evans,' Fetter, Flcnniken, Frazer, Ingram, Jordan, Ktlllnger, Knox, Lauboch, Lewis, Myer, Bcofield, Sellers, Shu-‘ man, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins, Wright ana Tag gart, Speaker-* 24. ’ • Nats—Messrs. Crabb. Oresswell, Finney, Gregg, Harris, Penrose and Souther—7. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the Senate agree to the second amendment? ' The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro* visions of the Constitution, and were as follow, vis: Ybas—Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Cresswell, Ely, Evans, Fotter, Finney, Flenniken, Ingram, Jordan, KnoX, Laabocb.Lewis, Myer,Sellers.Shuman, Souther, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins, Wright and Taggart, SpiaJetr —23. Nats— Messrs. Coffey. Orabb, Fraser, Gregg, Harris, Killinger, Penrose and Scofield—B. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Wilt the Senate agree to the third amendment ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro visions of the Constitution, and were as follows, vis: Ybas— Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Crabb, Cwsawell, Ely, Evans, Flennikeh, Frazer, Ingram, Jordan, KUlinger, Knox, Lanboch, Lewis, Myer, Scofield, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins, and Wright —24. Nats— Messrs. Coffey, Gregg, Harris and Penrose—4. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the Senate agree to the fourth amendment ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro visions of the Constitution, ami were as follow, viz: Ybas— Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Coffey. Cresswell, Ely, Evans, Flenniken, Fraser, Ingram, Killinger, Knox, Lauback,Lewis, Myer, Scofield, Sellers. BhttmanjSouther, Steele, Straub, Welsh. Wilkins and Wright—2B. Nats —Messrs. Crabb, Finney, Jordan and Penrose—4 So the question was determined in the affirmative. Ist tub Housb or Rsi'bxsbhtAvivbs; > April 29,1857. f The resolution proposing amendments to the Consti tution of the Commonwealth being under consideration, On the qnestion, Will the House agree to the first amendment ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi sions of the Constitution, and were as follow, vis; YBiS—Messrs. Anderson, Arthur,-Backhouse, Balt, Beck, Bishop, Bower, Brown,Calhoun,Campbell,Chose, Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey, Ent, Eyster, Fauzold, Foster, Gibbonev, GlMea, Hamel, Harper. Heins, HiesUnd, Hill, Hillegas, Hofftnan, (Berks.) Imbrie, Innes, Jacobs, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr, Knight, Lel ienring, Longaker, Lovett, Manear, Mangle, M'Calmont, M’Hvain, Moorhead, Momma, Musselman, -Nichols, Nicholson, Nunemacher, Pearson, Peters, Peiriken, Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelqhla,) Ramsey, (York,) Reamer,- Reed. Rnpp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Tolaq, Vail, Vauvoorhia, Vickers, voeghley .Waiter, Westbrook, Wharton, Wiltistoo, Wiiherow, Wright, Zimmerman and Getz, Speaker— 7B. Nays— Messrs. Backus, Benson, Dock, Hamilton,Han cock, Hine, Hoffman. (Lebanon,) Lebo, Struthers, Thorn, Warner and Wintrode—l2. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the House agree to the second amendment ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi sions of the Constitution, and were as follows, viz: Ybas —Messrs. Anderson, Backhouse, Ball, Beck, Bower, Calhoun. Campbell, Carty, Ent, Fausold, Foster, Giidea, Hamel, Harper, Heins, Hiestand, Hillegas, Hoff man, (Berks,) Housekeeper, Imbrie, Innes, Jenkins, Johns,Johnson, Kauffman, Knight, Leisenringer, Longa ker. Lovett, Manear. Mangle, M’ltvaln, Moorhead,Mus selman, Niohols, Nicholson, Nunemacher, Pearson, Pe ters, Petrikeu, Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia) Ramsey, (York.) Reamer, Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, Tolao, Vail, Voeghley, Walter, Westbrook, Wharton, Zimmerman and Gets, Sp<rojfc<r—67. Nats— Messrs. Arthur. Augustine, Backus, Benson Bishop, Brown, Chase, Clearer. Crawford, Eyster, Gih boney, Hamilton, Hancock, Hill, Hine, Hoffman, (Leb anon,) Jacobs, Kerr. Lebo, M’Calmont, Mamma, Reed, Smith. (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Strath ers, Thorn, Vaovoorhis, Vickers, Wagonseller, Warner, Wintrode, witherow and Wright—Si. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the House agree to the third amendment ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro visions of the Constitution, and were os follows, viz: Ybas,— Meers. Anderson, Backhouse, Ball, Beck, Betison, Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell. Chase, Cleaver. Crawford, Dickey, Ent, Eyster, Fausold, Fos ter, Gibboney, Hamel, Harperr, Heins, Biestaod, Hill, Hillegas, Hoffman, (Berks,) Hoffman, 'Lebanon,) Housekeeper, Imbrie, Tnes, Jacobs, Johns, Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr, Lebo, Longaker, Lovett, Manear, Maugle, M’Calmont, Moorhead, Mamma, Mutselman. Nichols, Nicholson, Nunemacher, Pearson, Peters, Pet rikeu, Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey, (York.) Reamer, Reed. Rupp. Bbaw, Sloan, Smith, (Cambria.) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Tolan. Vail, Vauvoorhis', Vickers, Voeghley. Wagonseller, Westbrook, Wiliiston.Wlth erow, Wright, Zimmerman and Getz, Speaker —72, Nats— Messrs. Arthur, Augustine, Backus, Bishop, Carty .Dock, Qlldea, Hamilton, Hancock, Hine, Jen kins, Knight, Lelsenring, M’Hrain, Ramsey, (Philadel phia,) Roberta, 1 Struthers, Thorn, Walter, Warner, Wharton and Wintrode—23 . So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the House agree to the fourth amendment ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro visions of the Constitution, and were os follow, viz: Vbaß—Messrs. Anderson,Arthur, Backhoose, Baekus,' Bill, Beck, Benson, Bishop, Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell, Carty, Chose, Cleaver, Crawford. Dicker, But. Eyster, FaoioW, Foster, Gibboney, Giidea, Hamel Hotter, Itolus, Blestond, Hill, Hilegos, Hoffman! (Berks,) Hoffman, (Lebanon,) Housekeeper’ Imbrie Innes, Jacobs, Jenkins, Jqhns.'Johnson, Kauffman’ Kerr, Lebo. Lelseuring Longaker, . Lovett .-Manear! Maugle, M’Calmont, M'llraine, Mumma; 'Mussulman! Nichols, Nicholson, Nunemacher, Peawon. Petcrt. Po trikeh, Pownall Purcell; Ramsey, (PhlUdeV&ts,) ham- Reamer,Reed,Roberta. Rupp,cnaw, Sloan, Smith,(Cambria.) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Tolas, Vanvodrhis, Vickers, Voeghley, .Wagonseller, Westbrook; Whftrton, WilUston, Witherow, Zirnmerinan, and Gets, Speaker—B3. Nits-Messrs. Dock, Hamilton, Hancock, Strother*,' Thorn, Wintrode and 1 Wright—7. * . • So the question was determined in the affirmative. ’ ' ' ‘ BaCR*TAST J s'O»IOT, * Hajuusbubo, June 22,w«. Pswwyleaata, /#, ad certify that the aboT* and foregoing is a true and correct eopypftbe l * Yeas?and “Nays” token on the resolution proposing (o ihe Constitution of the Commonwealths as the same appears .on the Jour nals of the two Houses of the General Assembly of this Commonwealthfor the session of 1857. J1.8.] "Witness my hand and the seal of said office, s twenty-second day of'June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven. A. G. CURTIN, aq3»m3m - Secretary of the Commonwealth. Sailroafca. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.—THE ;V, CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting the At “S?®'«*»with Western, North-western. and Sout h* 68 * b 7 » continuous Railway direet. This at Pittsburgh with daily line of on the Western Rivers, and at ond-Saadmky with Steamers to all ports on ft}i Disking the most DIRECT. CHEAPEST and RELIABLE ROUTE by which Freight can be forwarded to and from the GREAT WEST BATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AifD PITTS BURGH. First Class— Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Books, Dry Goods, (in boxes bales and trunks), Drugs, (in boxes and bales) Feathers, Furs, Ac.;... . 75c per 100 Jb Second Class —Domestic Sheeting, Shirting and Ticking; (in original - bales), Drags (in casks), Hardware, Leather,- (in rolls or boxes), Wool, and Sheep Palis, Eastward, See. Ac. ...60c. per 1091 b. Third Class —Anvils, Steel, Chains, (in casks), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Baited, (loose or in sacks), Tobacco, manufactured, (except Cigars or cut ’ *«•> Me., wrlOOft. Fourth Class—Coffee/ Fish, Bacon, Beef, and Pork, (in casks or boxes eastward), Lard and Nails, Soda Ash, German Olay, Tar, Pitch, Kotin, Ac .40c. per 100 ib. FLOOR—7Sc. per bbl., until further notice. Grain —3sc. per 100 lbe., until farther notice. In shipping Goods from any point East of Philadel phia, be particular to karx package < ‘«a P**jwyJra*ia Railroad.™ All Goods consigned to the Agents of this Road, at Philadelphia, or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. . Fbbiuht Agents.—Harris, WormleyA Co., Memphis, . 4 Jexm,; B. F. Sara A Co., St. Louis, Mo.; J. S. Mitchell & Son, Evansville, Ind.; Dumeanil, Bell A Murdock, and Carpenter A Jewett, Lonuville, Ky.; B. C. Mti drtua, Madison, Ind.: H. W. Brows A Co., and Irwin A Co., Cincinnati; N. W.” Graham A Co., Zanesville, Ohio; Leech A 64Eilbvstreet, Boston; L**eh A Co., No. 2 Astor House, New York, No. 1 William |t, imd No. 8 Battery Plaee, New York; E. J. Bgender, Philadelphia; Magraw A Koons, Baltimore; D. A. Stewart, Pittsburgh; 1 H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent. Philadelphia. H. J. LOMBAEBT, Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. ■j\TEW YORK LINES—THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND Pnn.tllKT.PTTr> AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY’S LINES. PROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK, AND WAY Leave as follows, vis: Fi&s. AtlA, M.. from Kensington Depot, via Jersey City, Mail 25 At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, New Jer sey Accommodation 2 25 At d A. M., viaCaniden and Amboy, Aecommoda tioa - - -~n - At 7 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning M»a ...........Z?. 3 oo At 10 A. M., by steamboat Trenton, via Tacony and Jersey City, Morning Exmess . 3 00 At 2P. M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ex press 3 00 At 5 P. M, via Camden and Jersey City, Evening Mail 00 At3P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, Ist Class 2 00 At 3 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, 2nd Class y 50 At 6 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, Ist Class. 2 00 At 6 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, 2nd Class \ 76 The 5 P.M. line runs daily, all others Sundays ex cepted. Express Lines stop at the principal stations only. Forßelvidere, Easton, Flemington, Ac.,at6A.H and 4 P. M., from Walnut streetwharf. For 'Water Gap, Stroudsburg; Scranton, Wlliesbarre, Montrose, Great Bend, Ac., as 6 A. M., via Delaware, Lackawanna at Western Railroad. For Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. For Mount Holly at 7A. H., and 2 H and SP. M. ■ WAY LINES For Bristol, Trenton, Ac., at 2lf and 4P. 11. WAY-LUTE* For Palmyra, Bancocas, Beverly. Burlington, Borden town Ac., atS P. M. ' WAY LINE For ifoaufc Holly. Bulisgtoa ial -Wtjr Stsbons & Steamboat BICHA RD STOCKTON far Burlington and Bristol at 8# A. M . and for Barden town and mteraie diate places at 2% P M Steamboat for Taeeny at 10 and 11 ¥ A. SI., and 4 P. M., and for Burlington and Bristol at 4 P. M. * All lines, except 1 A.- H., leave Walnut street I wharf. . - 1 \\J~ Fifty ponnda of baggage only allowed eschpas senger. Passengers are prohibited from, taking any- - thing aa baggage bat their wearing apparel. AU hag gage over fifty, pounds to be paid Ear extra. The Com pany limit their responsibility for baggage to one dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount be yond $lOO, except by special ‘contract^ WM. H. GATZHEK, Agent O. t A. 1 S. CO. B. B. MOBBF.Ui. Agent - PhUa..Tr,R. R. Co. pHANGE OF HOURS.—PHIL A DEL. \J PHIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE&AXL BOAD. On and after Thursday, July 2dj 1667, • PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA For Baltimore at 8 A.-M., I P. M., (Express.) and 11 P.M. ' For Wilmington at 8 A. M., 1, 4.15 and U P.*H, For New Castle at BA. M., I and 4.15 P. M. .For Middletown at 8 A. M. and 405 P. M. For Dover at BA. M. and 405 P. M. - For geafoid at 8 A. M. and 405 P. M TRAINS TOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 8.54. Express, 11 A. Ml ai£6.2S P.M. , Leave Wilmington at 650 tad 11.56 A. M l and 3AS and 9.56 P.M., Leave New Caatle at 6JSD and U. 05 A. ST , and 9.06 Leave Middletown at 10.00 A. U. end &0S D.M. . Leave Dover at 3.60 A. M. and «V- M. *>wew%iford at tDOUt ■M.-aad-i.OOP.M.* ■ t&aco&|u&balcbcgas , Leave Wilmington 9J6 A."M., aP?IL-«a<H22T SUNDAYS only UP. M. from' Philadelphia to Baltimore, do do. 6.55 -P. M. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. BALTIMORE AND HATRE DR QBAO£. ACCOHMO PATION TRAIN Leaves Havre de Grace A. M. Leave* Baltimore at 4.00 P. M. Freight Train, with Passeager Car attached, will no as follows Leave Philadelphia-for Perryville and intermediate places at 6JOQP.M. Leave Wilmington for do. * do. 8.00 P. If. Leave W ilmington for Philadelphia at 8 00 p* U. «d-lJ 8. M. FULTON, Present. SPRING ARRANGEMENT,—PENN SYLVANIA CENTRAL RATT.UOAIv —*m~ direct connection with the PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAIL- ROAD. For Cincinnati, St. Louis, lowa City* Louisville. New Orleans, St. Paula, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Kansas, Terre Haute, Chicago, Nebraska. In advance of all other routes out of PhUadelphi*. farming close connection with all the Great West ern Railroads, . „ , THROUGH TRAINS Leave Philadelphia, for Pittsburgh and western, cities, from the’ Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Station, south-east corner of ELEVENTH find*MARKET streets, (entrance on Eleventh street.) as follows: M Wa at T—, A. M. Paw Lin. at 12 55, P. JJ. Eipkm Man. at n 00, Nljit. Colombia B. B, Line leaves for Harriaburg at 2.50. P. M., Lancaster )Accommodation,) at 4.50. P. M. The Express Mail runs daily, the other trains. Sun days excepted. For farther particulars see hand-bills, at the different starting-points. Passengers from the West will find this the shortest and most expeditious route to Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York or Boston. . THOMAS MOORE, Agent. Passenger Line Pennsylvania Railroad Co. Philadelphia, February, 1857. anl*ly PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN A AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD—SUMMER AR RANGEMENTS. On and after May sth. 1857. FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 6, 7.8, 910-min.. 10,12 V, A. Mb, and X, 2, 5-10 min., 4, a, 6, V, 8,9, Jl#, P. M. , Leavej Germantown at 6, 7,7-35, 8,9-10 min., 10 V. UK, A. M., 1.2, 3-10 min.. 4.5. 6,7,8, JOX,P. M. The 7-35 o’clock, A. M., train from Germantown, will not stop at intermediate Stations. DB BQH&xrS. LeaTe Germantown at 8-20, 9-20 A. M., I-10,4k\ 6 15, and 7P. U. ' ’ * CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia at 6, 8, 9-10 mis., 1114 A. M„ 2 4,6,8,9, P. M. ’ * - ’ Leave Chestnut Hill at 7-15, 7-S, 10-10, 11-10.* min A. M., 1-40,3-40,5-40, 7*40,10-10min., P.M. 02* SOHO ATB. ___ Leave Philadelphia at 9-20 A. M.,2, 5)4 Leave Chestnut Hill at 8 A. M., 12-50, 4-lQ«<u>d 6-40,* P. M. . Ou and after May 4th, 3857. FOR MANAYUNK, CONSHOHOCKEJf: AND NOR RIBTOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 6,9, and 13, A.M., and 3,4 V. 6k, and 11#* P. M. ' ** Leave Norristown at 7,9, qadU, A.M., 3, and6K, OH SDXDATB. • Leave Philadelphia at 9 A. M-, and 3 P. H. Leave Norristown at 7 A. M., and 6, P. M. CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD.—FOR DOWNING TOWN. - Leave Philadelphia at 6 A. hi., P. M. Leave DowningtowsatJjv A. 1 P.M aol-fy HENRY K. SMITH, Oes’l Bnpt. Depot, NINTH and GREEN streets, Philadelphia. IVORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. FOR BETHLEHEM. EASTON, ALLENTOWN, MAUOH CHUNK, WILXESBABRB, DOYLESTOWN, TO BETHLEHEM WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. On and after Wednesday, July 6th, 1857, the trains on this Road will learn as follows, daily, (Sundays ex cepted: For Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown, M*-4 tf <Chunk, Wilkesborre, Ac., via Lehigh Vitil w r j idjWWf Morning Express, at 615 A. M. ’ For Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown, Maneb Chunk, via Lehigh Valley Railroad,-Evening Express, at 2 15 P.M. Passengers for Easton by 2 25 p. M. train take stages at Iron HiU station. For Doyiestown, (Accommodation) at 8 45 A.M. and 4 P.M. For Gwynedd, (Accommodation) at 6 35 P. M. RETURNING. Leave Bethlehem at 915 A.M. and 2 45 P. M. with Passengers, via Lehigh Tolley Railroad, from Easton, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Wilkesbszve. Aa.. arrlrinx in Philadelphia at 1210 M. and 546 P. Mi ' • Leave Doyiestown, ’ (Accommodation) at 545 A.M. and 410 P. M. Leave Gwynedd, (Accommodation) at 6 50 A. K. • ' ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia for Doyiestown, (Accommodation atB39 A. M. and545P.M. Leave Doyiestown for Philadelphia. (Accommodation at 6 A. M. and 3 15 F. M. Fore to Bethlehem . . $1 &0 Fare to Maueh Chunk . 2 60 Fare to Wilkesbarre . 4.50 Passenger Depot, FRONT and WILLOW--Streets. *nl-ly ELLIS -CLARK, Agent. AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. \J —CHANGE OF HOURS. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. On and after Monday, July 6th, and until farther notice, trains for Atlantic City will leave Vine street wharf daily, (Sundays excepted-) J First down pasacmt<> train will leare Vine street wharf at 7-30 A. M.* Second down passenger train will leave Vise street wharf at SP. U. ‘Freight trtins, with passenger car 'attached, &-S5 A. M. ' * Returning, will leave Atihntie City as follows: First passenger at 6-39 A. If. Second do, 4.50 P. M. 'Freight train. FOR HADDONFfELD Will leave vYlne street wharf at M. - •. - Will leave Btddoufleld at T-20 A. M., and 2 P M Freight must be deKvesed at Cooper’s Point by 2 o'oloek, P. M.,-te4n*ure fta going dowhinlhfcmornW t train. L, The Company will no| be KBpomibla for''aar mcOtt teeMved awLrooalpted forty fljeiAfreiS rpHOUAS £. BAX TEE £ X CBTLEEY JIHD YOOXB, 80. mg »bOT, Nistt, until -^g