ianca v. uiaampiqyeruntp wno u „ua paotad Alt heha£ba*n btabeiaUng sums from the ■ money drawer Over lines ho was oonneoled with the Mrtm yettterav .ralttt Weraiyery niMgreiOompared.wUh what bn* might,toi led to eijeet ondw the circumstances. that the rccsiphTwcr. Sm«r for 1 a bardoing loot agood -.wHMjaifyit hehidfoll oOnfdenoelathe integrity an4;dl4 not like to charge hlmwtth matter afidl^^ . ■vrAoiboidtngb’, the aorvioea of e shrew'd detective, in the person of ox-officer Philip Farley, at the Chiefs offlcej wero'i employed,- and the neeearary trringeatehta wore'made to watch the mbvetnents ..ofjtSe .wjpeoted pirty. Parley loitered around ' the bar-room an entire day. and counted'the' nunr ' berof drinka and clganwid attic bar-; The uo ouaed, not auneoUsg that he vaa closely watched, rendered hia daily account full thirty dollars short ofwhat It Bhould have beam The eyes of the pro : nrietor were opihed whetiho found Such a vest dif ference exiitcd hetwesn the amount-toceircdand | thalipaid ovor by tha. barkeeper.lf the accused 3 had boon embattling even half-as much money per I ' day, hia employer must have saffered-to the extent | of over fSO.dOO.'The experiment was quite sue | . oessful. there could be no mistake-; twenty dol- S lam a day.for.mon years, perheas. *• = - .:. K - 'The prisoner, it-appeared, dressed in the moat | extravagant manner,-had hit clothes mado by one $ of the.heat tailors in Broadway, sported a valuable (\ \ .watch and mdastve'-ohadn, had his shirt ruffled and % -- .studded With diamonds of the first Water, and alto | ! gether.usut .quit* a drab.,- He is good, looking | . withal, polite and gentlemanly in his manners/and | . Woald staai the mhat taveie oritiolam of.Elfth I gentleman .JiJtiajue in every per il ?,Ucdlar. 'He was committed to answer. -■■ - : | ' V.',there is some excitement In' the Seventh Ward, 8 caused by the mysterious. disappearanoeand con | tinned absence of Hr. Valter S.-Jarbor, who was £ . formerly a Municipal and snheequentiy a Motropo -3 Htan policeman Hewaa on duty on the night of M "August latj When ho wasindueedby aman-who 5 was. not him-to proceedsome'distanoe. J from tbo! corner of Henry and Market streets, to a y place, in Hamilton sdreet, to quiet a disturbance. 1 £ Qu arriving- thoro he. found all quiet, and naked thepaan why ho had deceived him. .He had no ? -C«»>er staked: .thaa,‘he waa knocked down ..end £ j severely.. • • >■. i „ ” ;He was afterwards token to the Station House by 'i ’ eohie zhcn‘ who said they found hint lying'Ori the | pavement intoiioated, dnd finally to hia residence, | No. 204 MftdUon street, where he remained untU l ~ 6 o’clock on the-following Sunday evening, when 8 "he left;'saying he was'gomg;to;reportfor:duty. I .. He ha*,hot,peen seensince. Itis &s& that he had l been threatened by rowdie? hr the Ward, by. whom > l r^{tisrthcai£ht.lw.’may. have.been killed.,,Another ! ' euspicionls thathe was’induced to drink wlth'his i* ' ; enemies, who *firgt. drugged and then shipped him I before' the mast onsom© ship then ready, to sail. £ ' ‘ the Staiion-HoUBe, affcer>he had 3 -keen beaten, it-was believed that those who had ji beaten„himfl*d alaogivea hiiri chloroform. iHe i has. left a .wife and nine ohildren to mourn his &b* f eenoe. \ i .*'* ' " ' Tho ozoitcment among tho remains of the Now t t , York Regime ntof Moxioan Volunteers, in relation h to the decision of the Committee, awarding General |i Jackson's gold snuff-box to Major Ilyckman, ia p rather births Increase. ' The Major hashis friends | <■:among them, an'dro hare.nearly all theother | officers. The latter are strong in their expressions I against the eleratiou of. Major Dyokman above all 1 others eathebraveat and most gallant soldier lit I ‘ the rerimehti -There is soaroely a mdniunong I' / themwho.oannot name a brother soldier tfhorwae | :; .a« brave ,#nd (ts galiaht u heand in doing so, f ' they name so manythst the question is not at all t relieved of.lte dificulties. From their expressions | of opinion It is: evident that no selection eould be' made that wouldsatisfy tho regiment. The disc e{Tec ted have determined to bring every possible . , influence to bear upon tbs Common Oounoil, to 'V prevent’ their' adoption ofthe deoision of the Committee. - it: The wotkof filling, in the Battery, which was . ;. begun sixyoara ago, is likely to occupy from two t'-'.to three yeare longer before it.lsicompleted-., Mr., ■-H. Conklinwaa ihe'firsfc who took the oontraot, and ; he was Joined three monthsafterwards by George 1 ;v Jiaw, tiitheoesßarybonds for the fnlfii i '' dnent 'of Uie 'coiitreht. ' The business progressed . .'-rapidly for afew months, but was suddenly brought ? ' ' to a halt by the diversion of .theoity dirt to Jersey .-i City, for glling np the flats between that plaee.and' ■i ’Hohoken.. oSome portion ortho outer trail had Bhrd*ountsf being laldtopon a soft bottom; ‘yi-ithe Waterijfi'itt some places,Hhreetfathomtf deep,. , Of material tofflll it BlevsititorMTn.aU Kavenow bdsm filled, and nmre.remalndttihe filled.' Troed wiU then be i 'jiptantodi walks laid out, and in tho oonrse of time' ' .•thMe wnihe twenty-sLc acres of fine promenade. . / •f'j»iFtr(*k ai«X)K *XOHANOB £(AldfflrAli*. 11. j:->fTiti;*o«n. ' '., 1 j .i 1 TsVTj36uS;ft«i»s«s' M r MpMSfcNlnd b3O 4tx '*'7^s,ooo'OkSliito*' ■' <sh: 840 •do - i e’W /V; . 6,oto,£wai>w;)(»'*oj< mo, ko .MO'dox . s,oooTenn^iOOv; B 5 :*» -do >3O 40 ; i 750 i do '■ . SIO 47 / ji-‘ iooo *rietHo'a2 ‘? 71-i 300 1 .do ’ 48* :.; * I WKIiSM,Gt j ;8() 100 , do. . : s5 48* .4000 1 R OeitfslßJs SOX, too . do' - e 5 48 I(,ooofllfc4|tdo2da»l{ '4O . do 048 ' : ; .foooolajtSaiiHL'Cos" 100- do ■■■ ■m.u .. I,OOOOsUcOWSiIMSI 100 t ' do v * ddijg; • V, lOßkHfMfl bjH* 208 do pmfi.74. .. .- 28 Bsiit pr XtH; -Uo ; 100 dO W0.74X ‘ ' ■’% r SfiStosetßit i --187- MO do MO 74* . :: i 0 4ot®ik r : ;mx so®, d 0..,. ■w to 100 do sBO 73 - v\:. loSSkfiSd V 108. jOOOalfcOM'.. SOX 1»X » do MO OCX IQO lajjraaßß too Wx . ;soo viMo .82 100 do MO 00^ ’ loTniCon KR ' ,~U»JT .*» do - SSOIMX'’ 00 Clove It Pitta SOX ijoo . do , SOO 80 . 400 do SOO» ■ «0 . . do, ; M 0 BQX iwClwwt'role 64* MX aw ■ sax, 'SOOf.' d(r-s 63 . 500..' do' 7 bio, 53k 300 £ “ do . MO MX t|ofl •k.'-.da.Jl'' r'MUMK 600 .- do. SOO 61X MO t .It Island , '.' 03X WMU'* MtS' ; MO 64 - \K' ‘ db> i ■ c 54 ■: lSObaOrpsai Mil 32X‘ llOOf/.-'do v bioBSX 100 ...do 83X ' do ■ • -38--- do -sBO 81 do 1 32; to'- 'siosa r '<Jnl»6o/- 88j , Wh \V- ' ‘ U 5 0: f'iM tea .*gs9i igujit 11— M.\ ’ireh doing iaFloar, jfcea,boweyer, an tofcreartng, JommoD to extra Btiie'66: 17.06. to \mx9i» y WiMdnain terete* aad f7i4Q» clo*lngduH< ln : and the .6p®»B.7dfor«fctra., •tf imd rather easier \t 17.a6MJ.i0 for; lafyj&irft fencj , at###6;76. : Coro J&SiT&MeiM for Brae teoKl'ry •'■••- yf'l . . .'-r -feet la -near/ forold; and de %a,’rccdi>irof /th* latter are 8,000 tmshelaat.fLttX for «1;73# fomented Booth -6., aod forCChjcago. i1743#l M'}£6& old'wfelte %1.56., Bye is lower and' WisWftOrjirithalalr tr»4e;-3*le*«f 66,000 swi dasiagdoll ait the hera>retloiri'a»d I 84*. 1 .do iis; |*jt «£&&«&(' iwMllaa}e»at gfftiZ: roi'lUUlNt’l'pUwa, li.gowujamltt. tsmmz; %»BiK at«d,-»t' *a6«*oio/ j : Jwfia have tain. Ci*>f,*ho«Wer«;»nd i-btaold lsßnnljßeld a fat s«w requeit; A 6 ■*»W.ibl*. In lofal' j . « '■« .. v Vioxe, j?wnch /Mct.jor ibojr," V reigilbi quiet, s»jt 01* at* ta»v £l|s» ' 'afetata *mi: SSs&i l ®filSiS^2giS@B’ »jSjn :the - Ulaadjin £n&. to supply the Urge demand which exUtafor- IV/iu this Country add la England,'’ The ! relatione between the -Venezuelan government and the‘ PhUadelpbiaGuano Company are amicable. The latter has paid to the for mer about |85,000 on account of the guano already taken, and in payment; of future exports. All the drafts drawn upon the company, to the credit of the Veueauelah government hare either been paid by .the former or withdrawn by the latter. A large amount of guano still exists upon the islands of the Caribbean Sea, belonging to s Teueiu*la, and the Philadelphia Quano Company is proceeding id export it under its contract as rapidly aa ' . The 'tdnnage over the Lehigh Canal for the week ending August 8 was aa follows : 'Rom- 7 For tonk., Total. Uaueh Chunk. Tons. Gwt. Tons. Cwt. Summit Mines. 13,234 06 ‘ 143,202 16 3BB 04 13 Boom Bun Mines. . .2,656 06 . as;BS2 18 Bui Lehigh Hines 1,804 00 . 14,858 0Q ■ 10,831 16 100,010 00 A. Lathrop end others, Pea ... and Dust Coil ; T 8 10 1,835 00 SastMaueh Chunk. '* Spring Mountain Miras;..;.-. 1,00119 19,152 13 /utlagirLoar do :. 1268 17' J0.03S 13 Ooiersine d0.'.....,. 2.W2 01 27,10918 Stafford do.ii 610 11 N. T. snd Lehigh Goal Co-... 1,167 94 'l® JJ GermanPeonTCoal Co...••«• < 242 07 6,729 16 South Mountela Si 02 f.W 18 North Spring Mountain Coal.. 47113 4,603 18 Bearer Meadow Coal;. 72 12. 72 12 - Peon Haves.’ Hutaton Cold Co V...... 3,719 18 60,031 02 Cnah.ni Mints.. .8,706 10. 30,208 09 DtamondMinM..-. 901 11 14,068 08 cooKumdro”::..97a u 10,31703 Mt. riwtant Cc.l 816 06 3,334 06 Qosi 00. 1,610 Do 42,086 03 wS^.hsm T 00i1C0......... ~ 700 03 BSB ■. dSSS Total. ..i ; •36,192 07 ' 471,09404 I.mJlfi Forthavrsefc 1,437,188 For lut report. ; 22,689,838 1 The following i» thtf amount of Coal transported over the Lehigh Valley Railroad, for the week ending Aug. Bth, 1867: \ Mi BBS. , (' Wssk. Pbkvioubly. Total. 7 j Tons. Owt. Tons. Cwt. Tom, Owt. Swing Mountain. 1 , , .2,677 18 71,644 11 74,622 06 Bartßagar Loaf.. 1 .. .8,018 14 67,863 18 * 60,382 12 N. Tort* Lehigh.. 610,11_ 28,517 17 24,137 08 OonneU 81dge...<1.1,495 12 ,36,837 10 40,833 11 German Peuna.;..... h 82.14 6,676 05 6,807 16 Coleraine*Stafford; 1 160 03 31.060 00 82,120 03 Dolbin * Doha yen;. 345 12 4,617 03 4,862 15 Hasleton.... t V; ... ..1,583 00 25.019 02 26,662 02 J. B. McCreary * l6 2:919 12 3,376 06 " . -’10.948, JB‘ 262,245 07 233,104 05 The receipts of the PeuMjlvanl* Railroad Company for the month of July show: Receipts for the month ending July 31 $393,087 91 Same month last year. , 322,672 99 Increase. Beceipte from Jan. 1,1867, to Aug. 1,1867 $2,910,871 08 Same period last year.. * 2,843,26016 ■ Increase. $62,6X0 03 This is an increase of near)/ twonty-one per cent. . ’ The earnings of the Milwankiq and Mississippi Road for v Joly are. reported at nearly $90,000. The Southern branch will be completed to Monroe about the Ist of .October.. ..• , - . • • The following is a comparative statement of the con* ditlon of the , banks.of the city of New York, August lptaad August Bth, 1857: -* '■> - Loans. , Specie. Clro’n. Dep’ts. Aug. 1 $190,697,060 13,918,013 8,666,422 94,446,067 Aug. 8.....f1ff1‘ ( 077,262 11,737,367 8,081,740 94,438,417 ; Showing an increase ol Loans $1,480,206 > “ * decrease of Specie 1,480,048 . “ ■. an increase of Circulation, 816,318 - a decrease of undrawn Deposits*... 1,909,142 The Bank statement is. net favorable in' any pbint of view this .weelr. It 'shows an' expansion in loans and circulation and loss in speele and undrawn deposits, -The New York JSxprest says: u Theoommitteeof the Stock Exchange have waited npon the President of .the Michigan Southern road, and bad an extendedinterr view, eliciting matters of importance. As the commit' ' tee did not represent stockholders, or have - any very solid foundation for their request to be set in possession of the Company's affairs, the President very properly re quested that their inquiries be in writing, so that a for mal answer can be made. It may be that the Stock Ex ! change Committee will not put itself to so much trouble, but recommend' the Board to'strUce the stock from the 1 list—thus doing the Company a very great favor.M ' Tfh* London/oftbe 29th, in its City article, j Lseys: v f • -• :. -i . The funds, .which: opened to-day. at a decline of an ! eighth from the closing prices of last evening, manifest :ed mach steadiness until. between, twelve and one j o'clock, when a succession of heavy sales caused great i excitement, end rumors of all kinds were current. Con- Solt,meanwhile, experiencing a fall of five-eighths i cent. Of oourse, the general supposition was that the speculators were acting upon Indian Intelligence; but for a short time a report was actively circulated that a new attempt had been made on the life of the Emperor' Napoleon. When the telegraphic quotations from the Paris Bourne had. Shown this to be totally unfounded, attention .was concentrated entirely on the possibility of the arrival of the overland mall having became privately, known, although up to the close of business nothing had reached the India, noose; ; - The statement was that a message had been received .via .Turin, to the effect that Delhi had not been taken; ; that the Cholera was committing great havoc among the ; insurgents' as well as. among the British troops out- 1 wde of tbe.towhj' that the latter were short of ammo- ; nitiooi 'aod; finally, that it had been found necessary tedijAnnthe native regiments remaining in Gal .cntU.t.<Cßveh assuming, however* all this to be true, alt to see why it should cause a panic in The grestest anxiety hitherto has been lest the ton- . tiny should spread to the Bombay ant) Madras armies, that respect there does not appear to have been ] anunfavorable word. It may,therefore ,be concluded that other causes tatut hare been in operation to pro* dace, the severe decline, and among these it haa been suggested that Hr. CHustlnlanl, who railed yesterday for £300,000, may hare had a lane speculate e account open ! itt favorof a rise, and that this has been suddenly dosed. ' The fact, also, of a considerable increase in the de at the Bank J.snost have contributed to the prevailing distrust, while the steady wlthdirawels of bullion which ngwdailytakeplace doubtless operated in the same di fMfen. - The first transactions In Oonsolswcre at 91K th for, money; .whe&oe tfeey -rfeeded, toOOjk to 51. Prom this there was little recovery,; and the laat-ofifeial “ S notations .were 90 Jf; to 01 for money, and 01 to #‘for teacomnt.' After regular hours there was’a renewed fau of sh,eighth.: , - - The quotation of gold at Paris is about 4 per mille prem.taad.the short exchanr? on London 1525.20 per £1 sterling.Oh comparing these rates with the English Hint price of £3 ITSi 10xd. per ounce for standard mid,, it appears that gold Is B*mhs per cent, dearer In Paris thau-in London. *. . , r Ad rices from Hamburg show that standard gold at Use EogUih Hlnt is about 2-10ths per cent, dearer in London 1 than, Ih Hambhrg.-... . The course <of exchange at Hew York on London for bills at 00 dan 7 sight is 109# per cent., which, when compared wftbjhe .Hint proportions between the two countries, shows that tho exchange is about at par; and, after melting allowance for charges of transport and dif ferenfrof interest, the present rate leaves scarcely any profit onifa* importation of gold from the United States. , In 'the foreign exchanges this afternoon; the rates were generally the same as last post., The final price of the Trench Three qp Cents on the Paris. Bourse this evening Was B6f/ 60c. for money and account, showing a decline of quite an eighth. Jl further pool of £45,000 in gold' bare was withdrawn from the Bank to-day to pay for silver purchases on the continent.ThAiofcu taken since Thursday last has been about £900,000, Mr. E. P, gatterthwaite’a circular gives the following report:' ’'V, : - * Loxdoy, Toly ,28th.—Transactions in American se curities in London during the past week have been on a ■limited scale/ We. note a moderate Inquiry for the shares and bonds of the Erie Bailroad. Illinois Central - hares have also been .done to some extent from 17 to I7#preinium. .Construction bonds, which aro reported as very scarce in-New -York, are offered here at 00, but paly |b email quantities. The following quotations are 4s to the do ar B(d. Asked United -States, 1668 103 105 Ylwinia.6per cent. Sterling../ S 3 65 Ditto, 6 per cent, dollar.' 61 83. Belvidere Delaware, 6 per cent. Ist .Mortgage, Convertible, 1877, guo j /wnteedby Camden and Amboy.... Illinois Centnd, 7 per cent, Construe-’ a. vtlon,, 1876. 89# Mtf, Ditto; 7 per cent., Freeland 1860, with option—7Q per cent, 5hare5..,,,,.102 105 Ditto/6 per cent,, Construction, pays/ .me in London/at 4s. 2d. per dol lar;... ...... eo ss Ditto, 100 dollar shares, 30 dollars paid 16 18 ydlUt and Northern. Indiana, 8 per - cent.. Ist, Mortgage, 1874, guaran • teed by Michigan Central and 1111- ' noisCentral,jointly...,., 83 85 'Michigan Central, 8 per oent,, Conver tible 1860........ .90 92 Ditto shares, 100 dollars...; 80 82ex.div, Ditto-Southern And Northern Indiana, -i -' 7per cent'. Sinking land, 1875.... 66 67 Ditto ditto shares, 100 d011ar5........ 42 47 New York and Erie, f>per.cent,, 3d . - =r Mortgage, 1888./...;., ..... 78 , 82 Ditto; Binkfng YundL 1675 75 80 ex coup Ditto. 7 per,cent. Convertible Bends, , 1862....... .TT/TT. 62 .60 Ditto- ditto . ditto . 1871. 62 .66ex coup Ditto shares, 100 d011ar*....,../.,.... 28 30 New York Central 7 per cent. Gonver - tihlels64" .... ..... ..... ■ . 89 01 Ditto;6 percent, MnUngYundVisls) 80 82 DittoßhareSjlOOdollars.............. 80 • 82 Ohio and Pennsylvania, 7 per cent. In -- e0m580nd8...... 68 70 Pennsylvania, 6 per cent. Ist Mortgage ' - Convertible 1880,. 86 , 87 Ditto. 2d Mortgage, Sterling, Corivertl - • Me 1876... 01 93 Ditto share*, 60jf0Haw........ 42 44 V* The tUlnre of. Mr. J. P. Ofastintaai, connected with . the Creek trade, and havingjbesidw the London house, •'Another in Constantinople,- woe announced in London on the 27th July, aad the cause of the failure being re ported to be speculative, losses. the suspension aided to Increase the excitement in the Stock- market on the The liabilities ore estimated ht £4OQ,OQO bowi 4hli 4 '2tort)leni Indiana Rock -island Rail Ai*l:Company closed Steamship Company M&Uiippl RaU Road "are dolrig '{Jvolini «JXw» W; i price, and Oaii &jr#, affaitut 69 l bwu too haul khowaad dollan. ~ <*o*ft*n tide ditto iedond ditto,at 59}{ { '3l': laTCrofise Band "declto& i r -X telegraphic despatch -from’fit. Petersburg states that the Bamiao government has induced the Interest poid by the Imperial banks from4tospercent. , , .A parfijraenfarypeper, giving an account of the pub* lie Income and ' expenditure of the United Kingdom for •the nded /ace Jut been published.* The ineomowasA?*,o67,B2l las.ftd 1 ., against in expenditure ef‘£n.769,7lfr]3e. 16d. "Excess of income over expen* ditnre,* Sll,m6a. 76./ \ "'At Boston,' tke;'p»j*t week has been in easier one than In nttdhctiA-metiers: the banks having (applied the want* of their customer*,' and'kept the ''outside demawd 1 * rsther limited. Street rates for first else* hemes range from 9 toVV per cent., inferiorgrades cbownendißgifrem dottble.interwt to 16 per oenl., ao- ffiif sUhdiog of porters. * { - 8400,- . WijaeliaUng $lOO,OOO for e drift on Boston, end paid .Outwfie.fljlS,; she balance held st the'close of business f >474,101 f ,/■... *■• tine prospects of securing anamoant of subscription to the e w ..cent, bonds, pf the Boston, Concord and Montreal B*Hro*d Coinpecy, sufficient to relieTi} the ,o»mli«t)y<ifaMtW*4elrf «« now yood. The eraonnt CwaW 1» (WMirt V thle Mmnbtmt $180,004 ie M6*wi<»4MhecreflltereWtJflgabouts6B,ooo. There-. %nlt of the mevemehtj.lf c,ieccttrul,wmilsi>:» i»pl4 ad- ofthe heads end _ The reel eetide of <he Bey Mete Ayflcnlturel Tool pompeny/et etoini 160,000, »U *Ol4 eteuttloacn ThurMey to Hi. Bo?d,tbe N«ir WltHW* of Jeeiap*Soni.cf Bntlrtd,for to Htlefy * mortgete, hy the Holyoke Book of *16,000. Jetenp t Bear ere uaflOretood to he.UrMly the craliton of the Biy Btet» Company. -■ ■ ■ ..The .Mobile ill*titer eeyei ;,we sincerely hellete, front e cerefui eseuilnet!oc of the reports,from all the OottaOrncvliutettloal, that thepftient groelnr crop will tottuiS 3oooooowd,loo,6oobtlM., . “ * r ThdjMeo(H*.)JDmir«<fiyithetfteprofiM of.iipo je«t»JpV g^yfor { !?«,>»» .{tr.MfiSBw s»tt»i r |t9wt/rpp f»« prwn dlvldewk to 33f .thoaleod tear hoe. dfiilOMtoioS'HWlMeKhtit*«a mede.one,ft J»n'o- BlgS|fegfe&&h ' cmuga and Skirting*, Trlet lO.taAjSxeiaiiir. Mnco'tl* Bret mil vu put In ltt co la IM4, the eeld coffipocy hu tbenufectorw toploto the terlottf >iK.t* on, the fees of the .Hfotw,'isW*£o'l»Cott<e*'uaaredend ttfo*ad shelf mll " W , i V ftrdi of cloth, most of them beery' tfeelwtW in th»t trade, no eopyfrea the r,--'jf - ! aul f r-v'Vv.l .24,026,974 Total.*.*’ ' 83 and int. Cleveland papers the following report and luggertlons td'theßoard of Underwriters upon this subject; •,, jft Dorr, Esq., Chairman Executive Commute» Lake Board cf Underwriters; Dear Sir: I sond you, as requested, the statement compiled by me, showing the tonnage and the grades of sail vessels which suffered by disasters on the western Lakes in the navigation season of 1858. It shows the enormous loss of $1,6*4,015 ensuing from 437 disasters, in a fleet of 1,083 sail vessels. A careful examination of the statement will completely vindicate the principle adopted by the Lake Underwriters at their Convention in 1855, vis: Increased rates of premium on the increased tonnageof hulls. , ~ The disasters may be briefly summed up In this form: Afloat under 100 tons 173 vessels, disasters 34, loss $43,926 « 1000200 tons. 331 “ “ HO, “ 267,100 “ 2000300 tons 2*4, “ “ 140, “ 402,435 « 8000400 tons, 250 “ “ 120, “ 807,256 « 4000600 tons, 28 “ “ 16, “ 112,000 <( 5000600 tons 6 “ “ 3, “ 6,600 ‘i 6000700 tons 2 « “ 2, “ 10,000 “ 7000800 tons 1 “ “ 1, “ 6,300 , 1083 437 $1,644,616 You will notice that nearly one-half of the entire loss falls on vessels ranging from 300 to 400 tons, whilst a greater number of vessels—one-sixth more—ranging from 200 to 300 tons, loses only, one quarter of the same aggregate, The average gradt of the smaller tonnage is much below the larger, the fortner being principally in the class B and the latter in A. The average loss to each vessel afloat, ranging from 200 to 800 tons, was $1,368. and to those ranging from 300 to 400 tonß was 13,229. - These figures support the position I have advocated, that cargo rates of premium should be increased in pro portion to Increase of tonnage, and I think the future will show that until such a change is made in Under writing on the Lakes, every occurrence of such weather as we had in 1800, will be followed by the same disas trous results to the treasuries of insurance companies. , To show how adverse to the interests of insurance companies the larger class of vessels' are, when compar ed with smaller tonnage, X will make a conjectural esti mate on the following oasis. We will suppose that In surance Company A .takes the entire fleet of 3000400 tons, which numbers 250 vessels, is to have the insu rance on the hulls, and up and down cargoes for the foil value of all, Is to pay all the fosses, and the fleet is to run in the Buffalo and Chicago trade exclusively, laden each trip down with grain, and her up trip with coal at Cleveland. Insurance Company B takes the fleet of 2000800 tons, numbering 294 vessels, on same terms. 3000400 Tans. Average 850 tons at 45 bushel per ton, is 15,760 bushels. Six trips down carry 94,600 bushels. One half wheat, 47.250 bushels valued $125.... $50,062 One half corn, 47,250 bushels, valued 70c 33,075 Six trips up, 450 tons coal each, 2,700 tons, $4... 10,800 Value of cargoes $102,937 Vessel of 860 tons, A, valued $16,000, at $8 ' premium $1,280 00 $102,937 cargo at average premium; $1.61# .. 1,393 81 Total prem. secured;./ .. The averago loss on each vessel of this ton nage was. Loss on each Teasel ' 20Q®300 Tons. Average 2(0 tons, at 45 bush ton, is 11,260 bush 6 trips down carry 67,600 bush. One-naif wheat. 83,760 bus, valued at $125, $42,187 One-half corn, 83,750 bus, valued 70c. 23,625 6 trips up, 820 tons coal, 1620 toQB at $4, 7,680 ■Value of cargoes... $73,492 Vessels of 230 tons B, valued at $7OOO, at pram.... $73,492 cargo at average prem. $1 $1,733 04 The average loss on each vessel of this tonnage was i;368 Profit on each vessel $365 84 It will occur to von that the average time for repair* ins disasters, is to be deducted from these six round trips thus increasing the loss on the 300«400 tons, and diminishing the profits on the 2000400 ton vessels. 169,414 92 In the column “stranded” is included the value of cargo jettisoned whilst the vessel was on the strand, ana vessels totally lost by “stranding” aro in the same column. You wifi notice that very nearly two-thirds of the whole value lost is in that oolumn. Quere: Are the vessels too largo for easy handling in our lake navi gation, are the minority of masters and mates incompe tent seamen, or is it a combination of both causes, that places on the beach In an eight months’ navigation, 193 vessels out of a fleet of 2083, making a loss or one mil lion. eighty-one thousand, six hundred and fifteen dol lars? Yours, truly, J. L. WEATHERLY. PHILADELPHIA BTOCK EXCHANGE BALES, Aug. 11, 1857. Reported by R. Hanley, Ji Walnut FIRST I 900 City 6s 89# 100 do 89 100 do 89 200 City B6s 89# 1000 St. Louis Bds 81 600 N Penns R 6s 69* 4500 do 59# 6000 Union Canal 6s 59# 2000 Penna 5s 85 5 Lehigh Sorlp 43 * 100 Reading R sswnA int 85* 100 do sswn 35* BETWEBI 100 Readings 2 dys S3* 100 do 2 dys 86* 100 . do »swn 85* SECOND 100 Olty 6s New 89* 500 Ches Sc Del Ot 6s 69 2700 City B 6s 2 certs exmpt 2 dys 90* 1000 Elmira R7s 2 dys let mort. 76* 100 Schyl Nav pref b 5 23 ' AFTER 100 Reading 8R.... CLOSING PR] Bid. Asked. U 8 6’s, ’6B 116*0— Phllada 6s 69 089* do RR 89*090 do New 95*095* Pennasa, int off 64*085 Reading 3s* a 36* do Mort. 6s, •44, int. off 86 » Penna RR 46*046* MorrisCanlCon62 063 Schyl Nav 6s »82 64 066 .do Stock 13 @l4 SINCE BOAR 100 Reading R ' 85* | Reading RR. doles 85* b ' PHILADELPHIA MARKETS , Tcksdat Evssixq, Aug. 11.—The operations in Flour continue mainly for the supply of the home trade at ■about previous prices, and in the absence of any shipping’ demand the market is very dull at $7 25 for superfine* made from new Wheat, at which figures shipping brands are freely offered; the sales for the supply of the re-' tailors and bakers range at from $6 50 to $7 50 for super fine, the former for old stock] $7 8008 50 for extras, and $8 7509 25 for fancy family brands; 200 bbls Rye Flour have been sold at $4 60 bbl. Of Corn Meal, the rnarkot is nearly bare, aod Penna. Meal is wanted at $4 bbl. .Wheat la more plenty to-day, and about 6500 bushels have been sold at &.640165 for good and-prime .red, and $170!bl 78 for white, mostly kt $l7O for good Southern afloat; some Infirm lots which are very dull, have been sold at $1600168. Com Is butlittlewantod, and good yellow was offered at 89090 c., without much being sold at these prices. Oats are selling rather more freely, and about 3500 bushels new Southern brought 40042 c, as to condition. Bye is taken by the distillers at 650. V bushel, but most’holders ask more.. Cotton is firmly held, but without much dom&udfrom manufac turers, and the sales to-day have been small. Groceries remain very'qutet, the difference In the views of buyora and sellers having a tendency to check business in most kinds. Holders of Provisions are demanding advanced prices for the Hog products generally, but buyers comes forward slowly at the present hlghxates, and the trans actions are confined to small lots to the home trade, at fully former quotations. Whiskey sells slowly at 800 31c. for bbri, and 29030 c. forhhds. [Reported for The Press.] WILMINGTON, N. 0.-r-Schr Henry Nutt, Williams— -420 bbla rosin, 30 casks spirit* turpentine, Rowley, Ash* burner A Coj 4 boxes mdse, Pro Jayne A Son; 1 bbl tar, Chas Henderson: 94 bbls rosin, Knight & Boll: 34 bales yarn, Hay A McDevitt; 31 bbls spirits turpentine, Tarhall A Ogden; 100 do do Martin A McCalister; 724 bbls rosin, 100 do pitch, l 224 do spirits turpentine, 24 pkgs sundries, order* CARDENAS—Brig Cantina, Ford—66 bhds sugar Twells, Gaskill A Grivln. NANTUCKET—Schr E W Ferry-. Samson-6300 gal lons winter' whale oil 2846 do bid spring do Shobor, Bunting A Co., 6308 do winter wh&lo oU 12 bbls soap Thaine AMcKeone. NEW YORK—Bchr M Vassor, Sr, Orape—Bo27 gallons, whale oil A S Ashmead; 1634 do Hodgson A Keen; 8273 do Cochran tc Russell: 6286 do 60 bbls oil soap Shober, Banting Sc Oo; 809 gallons sperm oil R B Baker. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. ISBiKL MORSIfI, ) Joseph O. Grubb, > Comscttrk op the Mohth. Joan Welsh, 1 ) » - • SAILING OF TICS OCEAN STEAMERS. STRIKER PROM FOR DAY Europe..*•••... Boston Liverpool. , .Aug. 12 8a1tic..........New York Liverpool Aug. 15 Persia New York Liverpool. Aug 19 Argo .New York 8remen..*.........Aug 19 Oof Baltimore. .New York Liverpool.. Aug 20 New York New York Glasgow Agu22 Fulton ....New York Southampton......Aug.'22 Niagara,. Boston Liverp001..........Aug 20 Borussla New York Hamburg, Sept 1 Arabia. New York Liverpool. Sept 2 Jaseh .i.. New York Bremen.... Sept 2 North Star...... New York Southampton... SeptB :O of Waahmgton.New York Liverpool ;Bept 3 Edinburg.......Now York Glasgow ...Sept-5 Adriatic......... New York Liverpool Sept 12 Arago...' New York H&vro Sept 19 C or Baltimore.. Liverpool New York... .July2o Niagara. *. .Liverpool Boston Aug 1 80ru551a...... /..Hamburg New Y0rk........... Aug 1 Jason. Bremen New York Aug 1 ,Columbia....... Liverpool New York... Aug. 6 Arabia .Liverpool New York... Aug 8 Edinburgh '..Glasgow New York....' .Aug. 8 North filar. .Southampton New York .Aug 12 C Washington. .Liverpool New York Aug. 12 Canada ...Liverpool Boston ..Aug 16 Atlantic Liverpool New Y0rk.......... .'Aug 10 Africa,...; Liverpool New Y0rk,...-. Aug 23 Arago, Havre New York Aug 26 Kangaroo .Liverpool New York Aug 20 Glasgow..., Glasgow . New York Sept 6 MOVEMENTS OF HAVANA STEAMERS' Ptm.4Dßi.rajA—From New York 2d, arriving at Ha* vana Bth, and New Orleans 11th. From New Orleans 20th j Havana 23d, arriving at New York 28th. Quakkr City—From New York 7th of each month, arriving at Havana 12th, and Mobile 14th. From Mo* bile 22d, Havana 24th, arriving at New York 28th. OA&AWBA—From New York 12tb, arriving at Havana 17th, end New Orleans 19th. From New Orleans 27th, Havana 29th, arriving at New York Bd. Xupjrb Citr—From New York 17th, arriving at Ha* vana 23d, and New Orleans 26th. From New Orleans 6th, Havana Bth, arriving at New York 13th. Black Warrior—From New York 27th, arrive at Havana Ist and New Orleans 3d, From Now Orleans 12th,,Havana 14th. due at New York 18th. Isabsl—’From Charleston 19th and 4th, due at Ha* vana 23d and 7tb. From Havana 10th and 25th, due at Nsw York 16th and 81st. ; The California mall steamers sail from New York on the 6th and 20th of each month. Maxine luteliujeiuc. FORT OF PHILADELPHIA, August 12, 1657. SUN RISES.... HIGH WATER. , f . - • . « * , fitMiADhlp Delaware, from K«w Verk, _ t with mdse and passengers vo JM Alldefdics, Parted b®* low Body Island fear brlga and alg.Mhooaers, one of : T »K<tM 6 '*s« *»» 8o«W*, wrtti a«*»ip * «»7» from Ktif tork, la ffig cSatM,' mB; t Sft frwii o»td«iw»i *Kb *um SwtUj, OajklU taiotiTin. Balledl# co. wrtli w. wNiftr 0 Pit, Curtis, for Cork, tod i)tl 5 Orlusa, ortlnal, Mo. Loft b&raue lcontaihd brffOot Ball, from Sataunoh, dlic; , Lonierotte, frt?m PpttUad, do; Model, of Boston, do; Bliinore, of Bangor. Whitman, .for Portland in 2 days: bahme John Blah, for New York, InSdaM. Portheamiy. : • • ‘ „' >* , Brig Bnchaotrrte/fßr) Murphy, TO days fromTarra-* gona, Spain, via Halifax, with wise, ScO. to order. * Sebr Henry Kntt, WiUiaou.lo days from Wilmington, NQ. with wand iWpi to-Pettit, Martin * Qo, ' " THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1857. Bcbr’Hili OirtM, Fl»k.6 hfi tfoil Boitot, with min ;to OroweU AColllrts.. ■ Sohr Florida; Kelly, 5 days from Boston, with mdse to OroweU & Collins. . - , , • ■ Sohr BL F, Lewis,'B dayl from Vienna, Bfd. with ship timber to JW Bacon A Co. ' Schr Union, Scott, 8 days from SCaford, Del. with wheat to J W Bacon A Co. Schr Sarah Warren, Beattie,A day from Little Creek Landing, Del, with grain tp BOwly:WUson A Co. Schr £ W Perry, Sansom, 6 days from Nantuoket,with oil to Shober, Bunting & Co. Schr M Yasser, Jr, Orapo, 3 days from New Bedford, with oil to A 8 ABhmead. Schr O M Pettit, Olark, 7 days from Newburyport, with fish to captain. Schr W H MalUer, Crowell, 6 days from Boston, with salt to OroweU Sc Collins. Schr H 11 Morse, Phillips, 8 days from Taunton, with mdse to Twells, Gaskill Sc Galvin. • Schr Thos Potter r Glover, 2 days from New York,with old railroad Iron to captain. Schr R L Cook, Oleef, 8 days from Now York, with ce ment to O S Smith. - ’ Schr O G Waterbury, Cook, 6 days from Salem, In bal last to captain. Srhr Broadfield, Fisk, 6 days from Boston) with mdse to OroweU Sc ColUns. Schr C S Peasleo, Foster, 5 days from Boston, In bal last to L Audonroid St Co. Schr W W Philips, Smith, 6 days from Boston, in bal last to captain. ' Schr Yeoman, Oanuon, 3 days from Concord, Del, with wheat to Bewly, Wilson A Co. Bchr W A Hamlil, Somers, 6 days from Boston, In bal last to Tyler. Stone A Co. Schr R J Mercer, Oullcn, 6 days from Boston, in bal astto Blakiston, Cox A Co. Schr Lady Suffolk, Baker, 7 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell A Collins. Soar U A T Cranmer, Huntley, from Providence. Schr Lillie Saunders, Williams, from - do Schr EUsa and Rebecca, Price, from Boston. Schr Y&ahti Sharp, Sharp, from Boston. Schr Julia, Barrati, from Boston. Schr Sami Costner. Garwood, from Boston. Schr Paugasset, Waples, from Boston. Schr M B Mahony, Robinson, from Boston, Schr L L Shani, weaver, from Boston. Bchr E English, English, from Boston. Schr Mary Elisabeth, Price, from Boston. Schr Sarah Elisabeth, Cruse, from Fairharon. * Schr Gilbert Green, Weaver, from Lynn. Schr J H Rlsley, Boyce, from Lyon. Schr J Frambes, Frambes, from Plymouth. Schr S M Atkins, Atkins, from Plymouth. Schr Lady Ellen, Corson, from Quincy Point. - Schr Spencer D, Mapes, from Nantuoket. Schr Susan Lake, Gookin, from New York. CLEARED. Steamship Pennsylvania, Toal, Richmond, T Web ster, Jr. Steamship Boston, Bellow, New York, Jas Allderdice. Schr Emperl. Marshall, Boston, Bacon A Bogers. Schr L OKelly, Eaton, Boston, do- Schr E M Perry, Sampson, Nantucket, 0 Miller A Co. Schr 8 M Atkins. Atkins, N York, do Schr 51 Wrightington, Wrightington, Fall River, J Whitccar. ’ Schr WPPhillips, Smith, Oambridgeport, D Pearson A Co. Schr C A Heckshor, Stubbs, O A Heckshor A Co. Schr J Frambes, Frambes, Plymouth, do , Schr Susan Baker, Gookin, Saco do Schr V Sharp. Sharp, Salem, B MUnca A Co. Schr U A T Oranraer, Huntley, Provldonco, do' Schr LUlie Bs.uudera. Williams. do do Schr M B Mahony, Robinson, Fall River, do Sohr Mary Elizabeth, Price, Boston, L Auden ed A Co. Scbr Paugasrttt, Waples, Boston, do Schr Sarah Lbulaa, Cruse, Pawtucket, do Schr'Gilbert Green, Woaver, Lyno do Sohr Julia, Barratt, Boston, John R White. Schr Jonatbaa May, Oobb.Bcwton, N Sturtevant A Co. Schr E EngUuh, English, Boston do Schr Samuel, Gastnor, Garwood, Boston, Bancroft, Lewis A Co. Schr Lucy L Sharp, Weaver, Boston, John R White. Schr W A Hamlil, Somers, Boston, do cchr Lady Ellon. Corson, Boston, Brown A White. Schr O M Pettit, Clark, Boston, Noble, Hammett A Co. Schr Arietta, Chaso, Boston, Blakiston, Cox A Co. Schrß J Mercer, Cullen, Boston, do Schr J H Rlsley, Boyce, MUton, Wallace A Co. Bchr Spencer D, Mapes, Nantucket, Yandusen, Norton & Co. Sehr Wm A Hammond, Cain, Boston. Schr Spray, Somers, do Schr A Tirrill, Higgins. do Schr T A Seymour, Kelly, Danvers, Str Ed Willing, Olaypoolo, Baltimoro, A Groves, Jr. [ST TRLKQRIPH.I Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange Cap* Island, N. J., Aug 10—612 p.M. A barque and several brigs are now eff this place, up. word bound. Wind BW—weather reryjtae. Yours, Ao., THOS. B. HUGHES. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange LEWES, Del,, Aug. 10-8 A. M, Barques Belle and EUa, for Boston; Ohas E Lex, for Port au Prince, and the fleet mentioned in my previous letter as being at the Breakwater, went to sea last eve ning. The roadstead Is quite bare of vessels this morn ing, and but few in the bay bound up. Wind light from BE. Yours, Ac. WM. M. HICKMAN. Correspondence of The Press. Hatxb Dx Graob) Aug. 11. Five boats left here this morning; laden and con signed as follows: U H Alden and Mary Adelaide, lumber to Young a Woolverton; Captain Shopbell, lumber to Norcfosa'A Sheetz; City of Baltimore, light; John Q A McOonkey, with coal to Del city. fr.. Stock Broker, No. 60* t Street. BOARD. 50 Reading R cash 35* -100 do 35* 3- do cash 35* 100 do 85* ■ 2 Penna RR 46* 6- do 46* 2 CamA Am B cash 100 2 N Penna R 11* 20 do 11* 2D do 11* 15 do 11* 3 Girard Bank cash 11* 1175,95 Penna 5s 85 ‘ 9000 Penna Coup 5s 86 | 200 City Gm 6« New 89 BOARD. 50 Schyl Nav pref 23 85 do a 5 23 4 do 23 12 do 23 60 do 23 16 L Schuyl RR 38 3 do 38 BOARD. MEMORANDA. / Steamship City of Baltimore, Leitch, from Liverpool, arrived at New York yesterday. Steamship Kennebec, Hand, hence at New York yes terday. Steamship Keystone State, Marahman, hence for Sa vannah, was signalised at 4* PM 9th inat. south of Hatteros. Steamship Asia, from New York for Liverpool, was passed Bth Inst, lat 4518, loog 68 91. . Steamship North Star, Leferre, from New York, ar rived at Bremen 25Ut ult. ■ 85* lIOES—DULL. Steamship Q B Beach, Sanders, from New York, at Boston 10th Inst.. ' Bid. Asked Bcbyl Nav Pref 23 023* Wmsp’t & Elm Rl9 020 do int off 7’s Ship Radiant, Beane; from London for Oaleutta, was spoken June 17, lat 804 N, long 23 W. . Ship Ladoga, from Calcutta for Boston, was spoken June 23, lat 21 30 8, long 14 06. ’ Ship Gertrude, Hallett. from Boston, March 12, ar rived at Mauritius June 10. Ship Hussar, Howland, from New York, at Melbourne April 28, and sailed May 26 for Guam. Childers, yfhlto, salledfrom Melbourne ihip Arcole, Pitman,'from Richmond for Venice, re mained at Gibraltar 14th ult. Ist mort. 75 * 076* do do 2d m 65 065* Long Island ll* oil* Vicksburg 7*o 8 Girard Bank 11*011* Lehigh Zinc I*o 1* Union Canal ■ 9*olo* New Creek *0 1 Oatawisu RR 11 012 ID—LATEST. 100 .Beading R , 85* >id—reg. offered at 85 Jf; off: - Ship Courier, Howland, from New York for St Peters burg, passed Elsinore July 28. 1 Bodfordfithl ** alwr »fr° m Calcutta, arrived at New Ship Northland, Filtner, from New Orleans, arrived at Liverpool 25th ult. SUds Perthshire and Frank Fierce sailed from Liver pool for New Orleans previous to Ist init. Shlj) Ocean Telegraph, Willis, from San Francisco May ’ship New World, Knlglit, cleared at New York yester day for Philadelphia. Ship Susan G Owens, Alexander, from Calcutta for Li verpool, was spoken June 4th, lat 23 S, long 3 E. Barque Powhatan, Simmons, for Baltimore, cleared at Savannah 6th Inst, . 1 lortotions, .6 9—SUN SETS 6 61 7 30 * Ship John Merrick, Filtner, sailedfrom Bremerhaken 16th ult. for Shields, to load for New York. Ship B 0 Winthrop, NorriUe, for Baltimore, cleared at Liverpool 25th ult. ’ • 1 ! Ship WnrCmaa#frßg«j'Jttart,*' fbfTfalfigi at Liverpool 25th ult. ■ * Ship Atlas, Brightman, cleared at Boston 10th tost, for Valparaiso. Ship Amarauthe, Jones, arrived at Naples July 23d, from New Orleans. *■ ’ Barque Virginia Ann, Wiley, for New Orleans, cleared at Charleston Bth Inst. T Barque Selah, Gould, from Boston; at Baltimore jtOth lost. ’ Barque Louisa Bliss, Hyler, sailed from Gloucester 24th ult. for Cardiff. Barque Hungarian, Matthias, hence, via N Orleans, at New Rochelle 20th ult. ’ Barque John J Palmer, for Philadelphia, sailed from Palermo 21st ult. , Brig Brookline, Brannon, for Philadelphia, sailed from Providence 9th inst. Brig Milton, for New York in 3 days, was at Jacmel 28th ult. Brig M A J Gilmore, Eldridgo, from Baltimore, at Bos ton 10th inst. ' Sohrs Revenue, Corson, and Joseph Porter, Adams, hence at Boston 10th inst. ; Bchr SAB Small.- Drlsco, hence at Boston Bth inst. Bchr David Faust. Moslaneer, from Wilmington. NO at New York yesterday. . ’ Bclur Milton, Pinckney, hence at New York yesterday, Schrs Elisa, Lel&nd; Caroline, Stone, and Wil White. Montgomery, sailed from Now Haven 10th inst. Ibr Phi-' ladelphia. Schr Amelia, RockhUl, hence at Fall River 61h inst. Schr Flyaway, Davis, for Delaware City, sailed from Fall River 7th inst. Schrs John Lancaster, Sites, and John Magee, Magee, henco.at Providence Bth inst. . • • ’ ’ Schr Medford. Lord, for Philadelphia, sailed from Pro vidence Bth inst. ■ Schrs 801 l and Msry Emily, for Philadelphia, sailed from Providence Oth inst. gJSchrs W 0 Ellason, Buckaloo; Leesburg, Bwift; Sarah Bright, Noble: Sprigging See, Perrle, mi 1 U„“ say, Crowell, henco at Now Bedford Oth inst. Bchr F A Godwin, Fairchild, from Newborn, NO, for Philadelphia, was in Hampton Roads Bth inst. Schr Polly Price, Prioe, hence-at Boston on Monday. Bchr Rookingham, Talpey, cleared at Boston on Mon day for Philadelphia. Bchr Jane 0 Patterson, hence at NowburyportOth inst. Schr Electric, Lord, satlod from East Greenwich Bth lust, for Philadelphia. Schr Gassebeas, Hopkins, sailed from Fall River 6th inst. for Philadelphia. 5 F Sohrs H W Morso, Philips, for Philadelphia: Wm M Pickering, Perry, for do. or Baltimore: and Flyiway, Davis, for Delaware City. Railed from Fall River 7th inst. Schrs Fidelia, Shaw; Elisa Pham, Butter, henco, and Ohas W Bentley, Nichols, from Delaware Oity, at Pro vidence Bthinst. . Bchrs Martha. Baxter, and Medford, Load, sailed from Providence 6th inst. for Philadelphia. Propeller Anthraelte, Jones, cleared at New York yesterday for Philadelphia. Propeller 0 0 Alger, hence at New Haven 10th that. NAVAL. , The U. 8. frigate St. Lawrence, and brig Balnbrldge, were at Rio de Janeiro July fi, to sail In three days for the United States. DOMESTIC PORTS, NEW.YORK, August 11.—Arrived steamship Florida, Ctowell, 60 hours from Bavanu&h, with mdse and pea* tensers; ship Henry Olay, Caulklns, from Liverpool. Off Hattoras Shoals, with achrW Hosey, and 9 15, ex changed signals with steamship Augusta, and at 1015, exchanged signals with steamrhlp Marlon, both North of Hatteras; ship Hardie,from Rio Janeiro July sth: ship Endymion, Hallett, Liverpool, July 1, mdse and 43 passengers; Juiy 18, lat 66, lon 29, saw British ship Aga memnon bound west; July 25, on the Grand liauxs, spoke'fishing whoonora G W Lewis, Avery, 11,000 fish, Frank 0 Siramonda. Nlcherson, 17,000 do; BFBparka, Atkins, 8000 do, all of Prov nee town. Augl, lat 43 lon 66 80 spoke brigantine Teaser, of Londonderry bound east Brig Monticeilo, (of Boston) Tlbbotts, Jacmol, July ' 26th, with coffee and logwood; sailed in company with sohr .Medora. for New York. Left brigs Ocean Eagle, Bunco, for New York in 5 days; sehrs Sami Francis, Gourley, for New York in 16 days; A F Linneli, from Boston, for New York in 15 days ; schr J A Stanley, Si monson, Charleston, 8 days, cotton to Dollner 8c Potter; sohr Mary Mankin, ilyder, 4 da from Boston, with mdse; schn A Hammond, Paine, fm Boston, with mdse ; Armstrong, Dill, Alexandria, 4 days, coal to master; Warrior, Miller, Rockland ; Eugenie, (of Bath) Crook, Com Island Suly 25d, with cocoa nuts, &e., to master ; left no American vessels. 7th inst, Cape Henry bear* ■ ing WSW, distant 12 miles, spoke schr Segulno, Bed, hence for Baltimore. Below—chip Isaac Belt, Johnson, Antwerp, July 21; ship U Clay, from Liverpool. Ol’d—Ship-Washington, Norton, 8t Stephens; bark Samson, Robinson, Galveston; bark Pilgrim, Hallock, .Mobile;.bark Telegraph, Giles, Coastraat; Brig Ocean, (Br) Baunderaon, Quebec: brig Sea Foam, Handy, Lis bon; brig W Crawford, Haskell, Cambridge; brig Tibe rlous, Lecocq, Oleafuegoa; schr F J Brognsrd, Nichols, Richmond. flOAOV; ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP Factory of E.W USSHEJIS, No. 43 South EIGHTH, below Ohesta ut street, haa beconio a saving-of 60 per cent. to our SOUTHERN' AND WESTERN MER CHANTS, and aUp the convenience of having their old Carriage Lamps new silver-topped and bottomed, and seat try express to aU parts. * au!24y Henderson & co*s gbeat liter-. -AKYrAIIi, for tbeolo of BOOKS md cUstrt l*Uon of GWXS, corner ABOH nod FIFTH Street.. On and after WEDNESDAY, 12th Inst., we Intend to f;ive the book-buying publio an opportunity of selecting rdm the shelves of our establishment, any amount or books, id all the varied Departments of Literature surd, .Selene?, at ifco saw* Low. Prices at whleh.we usually ■all them, and ar er7 purchaser a book Of hooka to the.'amount at One Dollar and upwards, Will Hwelve a gflj; valued at from Twenty-five W«ata to OttWHhniUad V Th«t wIU b# nd hazard or risk to run, and no favor itism oc pirtiaUty in the distribution of the girts to our patrons. ' »hU-*t BALE ROBE.—Btiyew are Invited to call and examine our Manila Bale Ropej which wo can ‘ can aell aa low aa'Amerlcan, and warrant it superior In strength and durability. WEAVER, FITLBR ds CO., null* • No. 28 N‘. Water at. an4l22N. Wharvea. * LENWOOD CEMETERY OFFICE, NO. List 1 of Arrivals atthe •’ GIRARD HOUSE—Chestnut Street, bsloW’Nlnih. £H. Houd, Brooklyn. W. M. Roberts. Keokuk. Flemming a > lady, Mr. Chapman a la., Mass. Charleston, 8. 0. John Carson. Bolt. 5 & £ 1 ’, M t£ Uad ‘ • Joa - L - King, Maryland. Alex. M. Bari N.Y. L. B. Steele, St. Louis. W. R. Hpward, Balt, ' 0. H. Gaston. Huntav.,Al. S; u N.Y. J. Marshall, Mobile. 5; KiSi ha. 0. W. Land, S.C, Mm 1 »« a * A. Uog&Tteo. Charleston. Mrs. Emory, N.Y. Clement Hill A lady, do. Mrs Johnson; Balt. J.P. Inneg A la., tax’ton. Miss Davis, Midway, Ky. Miss McLain, Baft. W S* John Daily, Washington. Mj? a U if ts w m!i A Mrs. Rogers, Huntsville. Miss U. Watkins, do. Miss M. Toney, do. Mrs. Bailey A two children V. Wlnfell, Richmond, Washington.- ' Va. Miss Bailey, Washington. H. J. Smith, do ix * „ A®» do. Ohas. Morris, Delaware, gr A- Baijoy. do. H. 0. Middlelqn, Virginia. W. B. lodd & la, do. J. W. Thomas, Maryland. XT do. J. B. Palmer, Detroit. ». R. Fiske, New York. J. Eckert A dau,, Reading. ( i ro . ve » Banville. B. Tyson, do g. A. Valentine. N. York. G.M. Laumon, do N.P. Wilder, lUluoU, J. N. Roberots, Brroklyn. W. S. Purviance, Butler. Ohas. P. Jones Cincinnati. Mra. Oummiike,,B««. ). D, Kirkpatrick, s. 0. Jr.J.H.Bo.tirright.S.O- Mlm IlumS, ’do Wm. Barkatoa, 8. O. Miai William., 8.0. t-O. Walker, do. K. 1). Seabrook, 8. 0. i?• Oriffla, do. 0. J. Keeford& lv, at. T'a. F.fehluphakoi ala., Balt U. W. Oardner, ft t. B.Hechtily., do. A. K. Flak., 'do. J. W. McCoy, do. J. T. Danloger, Reading. 5' S B .?*™*’ d °- T. R. Kanin, Cuba. p. Hazleton, Boston. J. L. Tillman, Miaa. Pr y ei *i Waterproof. H. Tinsley Ic ly., Oa. 8. Brady A ly., Va. T. A. Walks, O. S. N. Miss Neare, Ohio. . • 0. A. Santos do. H.Heave, do. H. B. WUkiM * Iy„ Pa. Joan Corloda, R. I. J. H. Duncan A ly„ do. J-,H. Gibson, Little Bock, J. H. Scott,‘Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Arkansas. A. H. Reeder, Pa. Alfred CaldwelLWheeling. 8. B. Ziromprman, B<o. M. P. Green, Georgia. J.P Green, Georgia. W. W. Sturges, do. George Hodges, jr., Oxford, Dr. A. F. McLain, Frank- Massachusetts. lin, La. James Purl, Franklin, La. G. H. Booth, England. O-G. Henssner, Chappells. R.W. Stanbraker, Clncln. W.G. Thomas, Balto. Thomas Whitney, Detroit. JU. Wilkins, New York. E. L, Anderson A la, Bed- Dunbar, do . ford. Pa. B. S. Calef. do M. L. Morrlam, Essex 00. 8. H. Donahue, do Austin Dull, Baltimore. S. H Tucker A la, Arkan’s. G:W.Bumpsss, Tennessee. Miss Willlnger, do J. H. Donahue, New York. Mrs. Caldwell, do Wm. T. Williams, Balt're, E, R. Kimball, Boston. B. F. Longtey, N. Orleans. Cyrus Carpenter and lady, Dr. 0. Hillock, 8. 0* Boston. Thou. L. Luderg, Grinr- Mr. Jones, Cal. ville, 111. J.N. Brentu, Detroit. W. Knopp, New York. D. 0. Syles, Miss. Jas. Wilding, do. Miss Garner, do. J. M. Dunbar, do. Jos. GUlet, N. Y. Ohas. Cox, do. MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth stroet, below Arch. D. A la, Montrose. S. HamiU, Keokuk, lowa* J. W. Vanhorn, Scranton. F.S. Blew, Columbia. W. B; Divan. Landlsburg. W. A. Wallace A fa., Pa. J.,A. Linn, do. J. P> King, York, Pa. E. W. Schow, Philada. E. Blartln, Augusta, Ga. John Kastle, jr., Loxlngton. M. F. Salta, Nashville. E.'W. Ward, Washington. W. Hughes, Pittsburg. E. A. Adams, Philada. J.P. Smith, do. L.'Drifous, Lebanon, Tenn. J. Ecton, Bmllhvillo, Me. W! Sayfora, Harrisburg. W. G. Davis, do. R*A. Rings, Missouri. E. R. Pennebaker, do W. F. B. Grigsly, Liberty. A. Trout, Minersville. H. A. Bland, ' do J. Horing, Lexington. J. Cochran, Philadelphia. E. M. Stone, Louisville. W. J. Ely, Clarksville, To. A. L. Sims, Trenton, Ky. J. W. Chappell, Cadis, Ky. 0. Rutherford, do B. Baer, Hopkiusvillo A. Beaumont A ly.. Pitts- P. G. Duffer, Tennessee. burg. E. Duffer, do Mrs. M. McCullough, Pitta- A. B. Thompson, Ch. Hill. burg. Mrs. Fahnestock, Pittab’g. R.W. Andrews, Q&risville, Mm. Smyser, Pittsburg. Louisiana. J.W. Hunter, N.J. ‘H. G.'Devoe A wife, James May, lowa. Francisco. Frank P. Grocy, Memphis, J. Crabb, Louisv’e Ky. Tenn. J. A.'Lolrbanks,Boston. John Stacker, Jr.. N.Y. Mr. Richards, Minersville. N. M. Horton, Wuksbarre W. De Haven, - do. 8 R Martin, Philadelphia. Ellis Reeves, Phoeville. W. Dodson*, Pa. Wilson Agor, Pa. STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. D. F. Barnes, Philada. J. F. Reese, West Chester. H M Brubrker, Middetown Sarn’l. Lookard, Columbia. Wm. Osterhout. Philada. A. H. Chase. Lancaster J. F. Smith, St. Paul, MT. Wm N Rankin, do. J. E. Fox; Chester Co. S. 0. Stahl, St. Louis. D. Ketner, Clinton co., Pa. H. H.-Peterson, Ohio. Oscar Kibes, Conn. 0. If. Deawiddie, Harr’g. John L. Reese, W.Chester. B. D. Boggs, do. Robt, Simpson, Cape May. John Jlaffett, Junlatta co. Ashoel Holton, Ky, B. E. VaaClann, Blair co. t ‘ ■ 1 1 AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Fifth. D. E. Muller, M. Chunk. Sami. Alien, Providence. Geo. Spangler, do W. A. Hayward, do. N. B. Cooper, Esq., 111. Geo. N. Cook, New York. Ohas. K. Bishop, Newark, A. A. Whightman, do. N. J. * W. H. Crawford and lady, J. M. Thomas, Reading, Canada. T. M. Springer. Alabama. Miss M. Crawford, Canada. M. 0. Martin. Reading. W. M. RrJsin, Phllade]p’a. Miss 0. Martin, do. B. M. Dubois, , do. A. H. Chase, New York. M. Van Sickle and lady, 81. M. Rhodes, Taunlon. Pottaville. F. M. Pratt, NY. W. D. Gabel, NY. John Drone, NJ. J. H. Thomas, NJ. 8. J. Fostar, NY. George Cook, NY. W.W. Wade, Philada. Caleb Farnum, RI. W. W. Taylor, do. George R. Roberts, NY. F. B. Hancock, Ky. B!.Oanby,Del. E. Bimmous, RI. Merrick Price A lady. Phi- S. J. Porter, Conn. ladelphia. George Humes, Md. - OITY HOTEL—Third above Race street. GeorgeKruft. Cape May. James Ranon, New York. G. Minton, Pbila. Francis Bagail, do P. lUely, Bfldesburg. S. Patchin, Clearfield. J. It. Dawson, Washington. S. S. Kurke, Chicago. £ Hatch, N/ G.P. Master, Phil*. Baltimore. M. Borgals, Borden town. G, Mailer, Georgetown' S. Fllem, Hagerstown. T- Rft&ker, Cape May. H. Hulm, Norristown. M.BAuks, Phila. N. Brauck, Germantown, L-Pelnt, Cape Henlopen. J. March, Georgetown, UNION HOTEL—Arch Street, above Fonrth. R. Porker, Pittsburgh. John E. Wilson. Wheeling.- J. D.-Gpauldiog, Palmyra. A. W. Campbell, do R. D. woo. Ravenna. A. T. Baldwin, Palmyra. 8. L. Burnttp. Aliegh’y, Pa. H. H.Willtard, do J. Si. Louis, J. Hawk, Navarre. Ohio. R. H. Gordon, Ohio. R.Xistarton, do 1 John » J. Sta*, York, t£7 C.B. A,Payne, Covington. S. T. Porter, Cincinnati,o. J. 0. Smith,Cincinnati, G, U.'Cr4ut, Baltimore. F. 8011, Navane, Ohio; - S. T. Moore, Danville; 111. J. Cheeton, Tally town, Pa. J. K. McGaw, Baltimore, J. T.Chesion, do R. G-Mratton,lndiana. D. 0. Alliuson, Westfield, John Calvin, do Mass. M. Chamberlin, Milton, Pa. H. Brooks, Atlantic Oity. J* G. Reading,Flemington, R. Bingham, Buffalo. Now’ Jersey. D. W. Kelly, Trenton. Special Notices. JJp A Meeting of the Malt and Liquor .DEALERS ASSOCIATION will be held on every THURSDAY AFTERNOON, at 2 o’clock, at DILIGENT HALL, Tenth and Filbert streets. By order of «ul2-wAthtr ASSOCIATION. ' Seamen's Saving Fund —Office 203 Walnut street, one door west of second street. Receives de posits in sums' of One Dollar and upwards, from all 'classes of the community, and allows Interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum. Moneys paid on Demand. Office open daily, from 9 until 6 o’clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President, Franklin Fell; Treasurer, Charles M. Morris; Secre tory, James S. Pringle. Walton’s Gents’ Furbishing Store, 161 North Siqth Street, below Race. Particular attention given to the manufacture of fine BniRTS, which will bo sold at very moderate rates, for cash. aul2-lw* Saving Fund—Five Per Cent* Interest—Na tional Safety Trust Company, in Walott Street, south best corner of Tsied-Street, Paibanstraia. Assets overOxv Milmok and a Half or Dollabs, Invested In Real Ebtate, Mobtqaobs.Geodwd Beets, and other first class securities, as required by the charter. This institution oo&fines its businoss entirely to the recei ving of money on dopoeit. Any sum, large or small, is received, and the money is always paid back, with out notice, to any amount. The office is open everyday from 9 o’clock in the morning' until 7 o’clock in the evening, and on Blondoy and Thursday evenings until 9 o’clock. A Great Establishment.—The Salamander Safe Factory of Messrs. Evans A Watsos, Is one of the most interesting establishments in the city. The building in which their operations are carried on, is to be found in Eighth street, near Vine; the sales-room being at No. 26 Bou*th Fourth street. Between fifty and sixty men Ore employed in the various departments of the manu facturing establishment. Some idea of tha extent of their labors may be formed from a statement of tho work they have now in hand. Their workmen are now engaged ,In constructing large safes for the following new banks One for the Strausburg Bank, lined alt through with chilled iron,‘weighing about 6,000 pounds; one of the same size and material for the Southwestern Bank .of Virginia; and one for. the Bank of Jersey shore, Fa.; two foe the Qatoragua Bank; one for a pri vate-honking house in WUkesbarre, Pa.; one for a private banking house at Norristown, Fa.; and one eot of ohilled iron bank vault doors for a new Bank at Millville, N. J, All these are to be supplied with Evans A .Watson’s Patent Alphabetical Bank Lock, which is equal to any other lock now in use for safety and convenience. For testimony as to the value of this lock, Messrs. Evans A Watacn con refer to the City and Consolidation Banks, of this city; Newark Bank, Dela ware; Bonk of Fulton, Alabama, and Poe A Swift, , Selma, Ala. Thero are also to be seen at the factory, in process of construction, some seta of vault doors for the uewFennsylvaaia Railroad office, at the corner of Third street and Willing’s Alley 'F. Brown’i Essence of Jamaica Ginger.— This ts truly a family medicine; at this season, when atTectlons of the stomach and bowels are so common, no family, individual, or traveller should he without It. Ii is peculiarly efficacious In summer oomplalnts of children, and is known and prescribed by the medical fgoulty. Bee advertisement. b r Rey - T - Bralnard, W. M. HOTSON to LIZZIE M. FLANA.GEN, all of this city. iirons^nV Rcv ’ JohD Ohambors, A. J. WESTER to Miss LIZZIE THIMBLE 9 » “‘t.,Rev. Mr. Gray, Mr. THOMPSON EBNEBT, of this city, to Miss FANNY ItICUARDS, of * evening of Sunday, August Bth, after a pro tracted Illness, Mr. JOHN SULLIVAN, aged 26 yea*. The relatives and friends of the IfcnUlr are resnect fully lnvlted to attend the funeral, from l hla late resi dence. No. 628 Ohrtstlan strcet.thls (Wednesday) mor ning, Aug. 13th, at 9 o’clock. To proceed to Oathedral Cemetery. ■ Oo .th« inst., OMVKR L., son of Bojarain ud -CaroHae Griffith, in the 21st year of his ago. *»d friends of the family aro respect fully invited to Attend tho funeral, from tho residence of blaparoata, Sevonih street, first door above Jefferson. h T^XVy{c 8 .t o o’^ ,! ' , '' lhOUtfttrlh ' t,loi ANNA R - JAHRAUS.in tho . The reUtivee and friends of the family are rasoect. £Hm' ,I n5 ,4 m’ nte*i th * late well tho fuserajj from tha residence of hi* father, Thome# Kane, 8. S.oorner of-Ele tenth aadCarpentar streets, on Thursday mornW, at 8‘ o’cl’k. To proceed to Cathedral Oetnetery. ‘ • ’ r’^. S K^ s P l6nd!d PRIVATE re- IT. *“ most plessant part of awtwaln, as tho owner Is trnS&w.VA’A* S>r particulars address <• 8E BIC0WE” at the offiSe of this paper. nul9-3t» ' ** ! * iilarriogEs. UDeatljs. ftiuoaements. WALNUT STREET .THEATRE.—Pro prietor.Jlr.'WM. J. NAOLB; Acting and Stage manager, Mr. WAYNE ODWINB. Price«_DreM Clide and Panuette, 60 oenta: Upper Circle. 26 cents; Private Box and Orchestra Seals, IB cents. Box Office open from 9 o'clock A. M. to i P. M. Doore open at T o’clock; performance will commence at 8. WEDNESDAY EVENING-, August 12tb, NAGLE’S JUVENILE COMEDIANS. The performance will commence with an Overture by the Orchestra. J After which Sheridan’s comedy of the SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL. Sir Peter Tpatle Lora Gordon Boone. Lady Teatle Anna Isabella Boone The whole to conclude with the farce of A DAY AFTER THE FAIR. JOHN DREW’S NATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT street, above ElGHTH.—Lessee and Manager, John Drew. Prices—Dress Circle and Par. quet,B7& cents; Orchestra Chairs, 50 cents: Seats in Private Box, 75 cents; Family Circle, 25 cents. Doors open at T. To commence at 8 o’clock. Box Office open from 10 to 3 o’clock, where Seats can be secured with* out extra charge. WEDNESDAY EVENING, August 12th, By special desire, for four nights more, MONB. B.'GODARD, the great aeronaut and Wizard, will appear in a succes sion of Magical Wonders, embracing The Woolen Ball, Tho Magio Express Company, The Marvellous Dice, and various other brilliant Magical Feats. To conclude with the MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE OP A PULL GROWN MAN. Academy op music, broad and LOCUST Btreets.—Mr. K. A. MARSHALL, Sole Lessee.—The PROMENADE CONCERT at this estab lishment is nightly honored by Enthusiasm. Popular ity and Fashion. * r THIS EVENING, August 13th, new and attractive features. M’LLE. SOHELLER, SIGNOR VEBBI, their first engagement in America: MISS C. RIOHINGS, orohb E *w El ' BEK ™ an ’ ‘ ud ,b 0 OSBMA - Admittance 25 cents. rrtHOMEUP 7 " VARIETIES.—“ The cool est place iu the city, and the most respectably at. tended N. W. corner FIFTH and CHESTNUT. THIS, and EVERY EVENING this week, Is open, With a ’ MUSICAL AND TERPBICHOREAN MELANGE, A laughable Afterpiece will conclude the performance, which commences at aquarterto 8. Admission 10 cents JOHN 0. WARREN, Conductor of Amusement*. J. B. THOMEUF, Manager and Proprietor, aull-lw PARKINSON’S ILLUMINATED GAR DENS ’ CHESTNUT, ABOVE TENTH. PROMENADE CONCERTS EVERY EVENING, au 12-6fc Admittance, one shilling. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC.— E. A MARSHALL has groat pleasure in announc ing that, through the immediate agency of the justly popular impreasario MAX MARETZEK, now in Europe, he has effected an engagement with RONZANI’S Celebrated, Grand and Complete BALLET TROUPE, (From the Theatre Royal, Turin,) Which will be under the personal direction of SIGNOR DOMINIOO RONZANI, Manager of the Theatre Royal, Turin, and actual Maltre do Ballet, from Her Majesty’s Opera House, London. aulMt ’ SANFORD’ 8 OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTH Btceet, above Chestnut. OPENING NIGHT*!’ MONDAY EVENING, August 10th, and for the SEASON!!’ With the entire Original SANFORD’S OPERA TROUPE, composed of SIXTEEN STAR PERFOR3IERS, including Miss JULIA FOLINE and Master SANFORD, the Btar Daxobrs, who will appear, on the above night, in an EBTIBB NKW pROORiKM*. Including 80*08, Chobusis, &c.,Ac.; also, the new burlesque on the Academy of Musie. Doors open at 7% o’clock—to commence at 8. Admittance 25 cents. 10* In preparation, a burlesque on La Traviata. aulO-et gobgffo nnft (Cigars. HAVANA CIGARS—A handsome assort ment, such as Figaro, Partagas, Cabanas, Sultana, Gloria, Jupiter, Coloso, Converciantes, Torrey Lopes, Union Americana, Orejon, Flora Cubana, Ac., Ac., Ac., in X, 1-5 and 1-10 boxes, of all sizes and quali ties, in store and constantly receiving, and for sale low. by CHARLES TBTE, (new) 138 WALNUT Street, aul-ly below Second, second story Figaro, cabanas and partagas SEGARS.—A choice Invoice of these celebrated brands on board brig “New Era,” dally expected from Havana, and for sale low, by CHARLES T£TB, (New) 138 Walnut street, below Second, aul Becond Story. • (Coal. COAL! COAL! COAL!*—TAGGART’ 9 CELEBRATED SPRING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH COAL. J. AR. CARTER’S GREENWOOD, TAM AQUA COAL GEORGE W. SNYDER’S PINE FOREST 80HUYL* KILL COAL. RANDALL & MEREDITH Have for sale, and are constantly receiving from the above celebrated Collieries, COAL OF ALL BIZES. There Is no Goal mined anywhere, equal la quality to these, and a trial will convince any one of their great superiority. Oar Coal is very carefully screened at our yards, and we will warrant it perfectly free from slate, dost and all imparities. Our PRICES are as LOW as the VERY LOWEST. Orders left at our Office, No. 3 SOUTH FRONT street, above Walnut. ' Orders left at our Yard, OALLOWHILL street, below BROAD street. Orders left at our Wharf, WATER street, above UAL* LOWHILL—or sent to either plica per Despatch Post, will recelro prompt attention. Purchasers for Family use will do well to call and ei fttnlno our Coal before jnrf-tf SCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL.— K? I am daily receiving, at my yard, the beet quality of SCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL. My customers, and all others who may favor me with their orders, may rely on getting Coal that*wiU be satisfactory to them. LD“ No inferior Cool kept at this establishment to offer at LOW PRICES. ALEXANDER CONVERT, aul*tf N. E, comer of Broad and Cherry Sts. EHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL.— DALY, POHTBK A CO., COAL DEALERS, No. 821 PRIME Street, above Eighth; keep constantly on hand, at the very lr»*riit rates, a full supply of Lehigh and Schuylkill Or*!, au l-6m CARD.— THE SUBSCRIBERS RESPECT FULLY inform their friends and the trade gener ally that they have made Arrangements for one or their Buyers leaving monthly for the French and German Markets. From many years’, experience, the permanent resi dence in Paris of two of the firm, and an abundant capital, they can offer unusual facilities for THE PUR CHASE ON COMMISSION in any, of the European markets for shipment direct. They aro also prepared to receive orders from samples tor Flowers and Feathers from their extensive and well known manufactories in Paris, to be shipped direct, either under bond or duty paid. HENDERSON, SMYTII & GO.. Importers, &ulo-2m# No. 200*Broadway. For sale, or to let on ground RENT, the Lot on North aide of High Street, 182 feet east of Twentieth Street, 20 feet 4 inch*#' front and 170 feet deep, to Jones Street. Apply to aulo-mwf2w» EDWARD WALN, No. 702 Walnut St. BOARDING.— A young, gentleman wishes BOARDING in a respectable private family, where he will secure the comforts of a home. Address A: L., Blood’s Despatch.' T aulo-3t JOHN N-.REEVES, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, PABSYUNK ROAD, opposite County Prison. Orders for Jobbing promptly attended to. aul*lm SHARPE'S MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, 148 North FOURTH Street, between Atch and Race. auO-ly Abram slack—engraving, die Sinking and Embossed Printing, Envelope and Seal Press Manufactory, 87 Strawberry Street, between Second and Third, ana Market aud Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. aul2-ly EVANS' GREAT GIFT BOOK SALE, No. 335 CHESTNUT Street. N. 8.-No conneo tion with any other house in the City. aul-dm JAMES KELLY, (Successor to William Curtis) Regalia, Books, Jewels. Emblems, M&sonio and Encampment Charts. Ac. .Odd Fellows’ Hall, NORTH SIXTH STREET, below Race, Philadelphia. Orders from any part of the country, addressed to James Kelly, promptly attended to; "au 1-lm Give hufty's American manu factured STEEL PEN a trial. . 407 CHEST NUT Street, above Fourth. $1 per gross. aul-lm JOSEPH BLACK, Banner, Sign, Decora tive and General ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, N. K. corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, entrance on Fpurth etreet. AIso—PORTRAITS, the site of life, painted from Daguerreotypes. aul-dlra LUMBER! LUMBER! I —The subscriber, who has for several years occupied the premises at Sloan's Planing Mill,.Kensington, has removed to COATES STREET WHARF, adjoining the Phoenix Planidg MUI, bn Delaware avenue, where he intends keeping a large assortment of Carolina and other floor ing boards, steps, risers, ahelving, ceiling, fencing and scaffold boards, thoroughly seasoned and well worked. For sate at the lowest cash prices. ' Purchasers are in vited to call and examine for themselves, and every ef fort will be made to give satisfaction. Orders received and supplied at the shortest notice for all kinds and sizes of Southern yellow Pine, Timber and Scantling, anl-tf i , 8. 8. RIOHIK. TJEMOVAL. THE YOUNG LADIES AV INSTITUTE, formerly located at No. 48. now 64 North SEVENTH Street, is removed to No. 1711 VINE Btreet, west of Seventeenth, north side, where the sub scriber will be h&ppy to see his former patrons and pnpils, at the commencement of the Fall Session. For circulars, Ac., please apply to W. G. E. AGNEW, aulo*2w No. 1711 Vine street. AHNESS, SADDLES AND TRUNKS, LACEY & PHILLIPS, Nos. 14 and 16 South SEVENTH street, above CHESTNUT, have manufac tured, expressly for the FALL TRADE, • larger stock of superior Harnoss- Saddles and Trunks, than any other bottle in their line, and having reduced the mode of manufacturing to such a perfect system, they are be yond all competition for quality, stylo ana price. P. S.—Country Harness makers can be supplied cheaper than they can mahdfaoturo. aul-im JACKSON, JOB PRINTER, MERCHANT STREET. CHECKS, NOTES, DRAFTS, BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS. And JOB PRINTING gener&lly, at shortest notloo tod fair prloes. • aod-lm THE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, 820 OHB3TNUT STREET, forwards PARCELS. PACKAOBS, MERCHANDIZE, BANK NOTES and SPECIE, either by Ita own LINES,'or In connection with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the principal TOWNS and CITIES of the United Btatea. E. S. BANDFORD, , . anl-tf General Superintendent. ■ftTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Po- J. v Ucy'No. 4202, issued by the American Fire Insur ance Company, in the name of Nicholas E. Tbouron, dated Soptomber 12.1853, for $4,000 on brick building situated'on the west side’of Sixth atreot, between Prane and Spruce streets, has been lost or mislaid. Applica tion has been maao for a new one in lieu thereof. A suitable reward will he paid for its return to No. 28 North Beventh street. au6 wltw^ TWOTICE—THE,BUSINESS,OF TWittlS IV ft 00., and J, Vf. QA9EILL ft 00., wU}J»r*afl»r he eonductea under tho style of TWELLB, GASKILL ft GALVIN, at No. 6 and 6 8. Wharres, and No. 8M N. Wharves. - .• n - SPIKES.—RAILROAD SWgtS AND CHAIRS constantly on hand. OrdCM received for Light Railroad Iron—w y > yq au4-lm 8, R. corner Front and WMnut, Sardines.— «ioo ic&es of 60 half boxes each, in store .and foe aide by HENRY BOHLBN & CO., w? . itwet* 9 tdalcljes, Jerorlrg, &t. Bailey & co., chestnut street, Manufacturers of ’ . BRITISH STERLING SILVER WARE, Uunder their inspection, on the premises exclusively. Citizens and Stringers are invited to visit our manu factory. • WATCHES. Constantly on hand a splendid stock of Superior Gold • Watches, of all the celebrated makers. DIAMONDS. Necklaces, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear-Rings, Finger- Rings, and all other articles In the Diamond line. Drawings or NEW DESIGNS will be made free of charge for those wishing work made to order. RICH GOLD JEWELRY. A beautiful assortment of all the new styles of Fine Jewelry, such as Mosaic, Stone and Shell Cameo, Pearl, Coral, Carbuncle, Marquislte, Lava, Ao., Ac. SHEFFIELD CASTORS, BASKETS, WAITERS, Ae. Also, Bronze and Marble CLOCKS, of newest styles, and of superior quality. aul-d twAw ly EDrngs a nil (Etjemirals, Frederick brown,—chemist AND DRUGGIST, north-east comer FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia, sola Manufacturer of BROWN’S ESSENCE OF*JAMAICA GINGER, which la recognised and prescribed by the Medical Fa culty, hM become the Standard FAMILY MEDI CINE of the United States. This Essence is a preparation of unusual excellence. During the Summer months, no family or traveller Should be without it. In relaxation of the bowels, in nausea, and particularly in sea sickness, it is an active and safe, as well as a pleasant and efficient remedy. CAUTlON.—Persons desiring an article that can be relied upon, prepared solely from pure JAMAICA GIN GER, should be particular to ask for “Brown’s Es sence of Jamaica Ginger,*’ which is warranted to be what It Is represented, and is prepared only by FREDE RICK BROWN, and for sale at hia Drug and Chemical Store, north-east corner of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia; and by all the respectable Drug gists and Apothecaries in the U. States. aul-3m Handel & haydn drug store, EIGHTH and GREEN streets, Philadelphia, D. L. BTACKHOUSE, Proprietor. Always on hand the choicest article* of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFU MERY, CIGARS, Ac. Staekhouie’g Patent Silver Soda Water Fountain keeps the water at 33 deg.; his Bjrupa and Creams are acknowledge by all as being the richest in the city. aul-lm fjenmattsljip anii ißook Keeping, /CRITTENDEN’S PHILADELPHIA COM , COLLEGE, S. E. Corner or SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Becond and Third Stories. BOOK KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, every stvle COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FOR&fo. 3 COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, Ac. Each Student has individual instruction‘from compe tent and attentive Teachers, under the immediate supervision of the Principal. One of the Best Penmen in the Country has charge of the Writing Department. Please call and see Specimens and get a Catalogue of Terms, Ao. aul-lm tUincs anil £iqttom A LEXANDER Y. HOLMES, WINE AND ■aA. LIQUOR STORE, No. 220, Southeast Corner of GEORGE and SOUTH Streets. . aul-ly WILLIAM f. pitfield,—importer TV of BRANDIES, WINES, Ac., Ac., No. 323 OHEBTNUT Street, Philadelphia. aul-lm Cl. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN FINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, Ac., 26 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. aul-ly Brandies.— Pinet, castnion & co., Ma rett A 00., and other brands of Cognacs of various vintages, in half pipes and quartor casks : Pellevoizln Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, In half pipes, quarter casks and one-eighth easks, all in Custom House stores, imported and for sale by HENRY BOHLEN A CO., au6 Nos. 221 and 223 South Fourth street. X BAZIN & CO;’S frangipanni, • AN ETERNAL PERFUME. THE ONLY GENUINE ARTICLE MANUFAC TURED. FRANGIPANNI EXTRACTS, FRANGIPANNI PO MADE. FRANGIPANNI SACHETS, FRANGIPANNI SOAP. FRANGIPANNI TOILET WATER. FRANGIPANNI CREAM, FOR BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. . X. BAZIN & CO. would respectfully caution the pub lio against the many spurious articles bearing the name of FRANGIPANNI, in imitation of their ORIGINAL and only GENUINE perfume, which is made entirely and purely from the celebrated recipe of FRANGIPAN NI. Its popularity has led several establishments to claim for their counterfeits all these exquisite qualities which belong only to the GENUINE. For sale by all druggists and fsney dealers. X. BAZIN A 00., Manufacturers of the Prize Medal Perfumeries, aut-lwlf ■WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE •TV MEN’S FURNIBHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 706 CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Btrangers, is particularly invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article made.- At whole sale and retail, and to order. aub-lyif C SEWING MACHINES, 702 Cheenut Street. dfc! fZ SEWING MACHINES, 702 Chesnut Street. <Qtl K SEWING MACHINES, 702 Chesnut Street. til K SEWING MACHINES, 702 Chesnut tjf Street. til K SEWING MACHINES, 702 Chesnut <pJUJ street. « -*-'*• •• " THE ONLY GOOD , CHEAP MACHINE. x 702 CHESTNUT STREET, (up stairs.) aufi-lwd FPORTANT IMPROVEMENT NEW GAS CONSUMING FURNACE. CHILBOIFS NEW CONE FURNACE , after having been put to the most severe test, during the two cold WIMTBB3 ot 1856 asd 1857, has proved to be the most powerful heater in the teorla } saving from K to % the fuel over any of the best furnaces now in use. Tebsx Forxacxs are constructed with a cast Iron ash pit, and a broad, shallow pan-shaped fire pot, lined with fire-brick or iron staves. The fire pot is surmount ed with A SERIES OF CONES, on TAPERING RADIATORS, large and broad at their base, but tapering to small aper turesat the top, and uniting with the annlar chamber, through which the heat and smoke pass to the flae. Thb wholb product! of combustion in the form of smoke and oasis, are suspended directly over the fire, coxrixiDor compressed into the tapering Coxes and CosTIxoALLT SXPOBBD to the direct action of the rays of heat and light from the fire. This heat and light is brought to a focus in xach Coxa, not unlike the COLLECTION OF THE SUN’S RAYS, to a focal point through on ordinary leas, causing the swoaa and asses to become intensely heated and tho roughly oobSUXSD, by this operation the smoxs and GABVS aro MADS , EQUALLY AVAILABLS with the VUSL itself for heating purposes, while, in other furnaces, it iS OARfttBD OVF AXD WASTED IS THE OBIXXEY. AU persons desirous or obtaining the best and MOST ECONOMICAL BEATING APPARATUS, should not fall to examine the New Gab Goxsumiko Cons Fpbiace. before purchasing any other. The. at tention of architects and Inilders is particularly re quested. , ARNOLD & WILSON, (Successors to S. A. Harrison,) No. 624 WALNUT Street, aul-tf Opposite Independence Square. Philadelphia type foundry— N. W. Cor. THIRD and OUESNUT Sts. L. PELOUZE & SON, thankful for the liberal pa tronage heretofore accorded to their Establishment, and desirous to merit its continuance, would announce to Printers and Publishers that their new SPECIMEN ROOK Is now ready, and from their increased facilities, aro now prepared to furnish every thing necessary in a complete Printing Establishment, at the shortest no tice. Their long practical experience in the business, and the fact of their personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, justifies them in asserting that they can furnish a more durable and better fin ished article than their ootemporaries. Those,, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them previous to purchasing elsewhere. Old type taken at 9 cents per pound, in exchange for new at specimen prices. - '• aul-tf auomegs at jiaro. Daniel Dougherty, attorney AT LAW, Southeast Corner of EIGHTH ond-LO OVJST Streets, Philadelphia. anl-iy Myer strouse, attorney .at LAW, CENTRE street, Pottaville, Pa. au4-ly JOHN BINNS, UNITED STATES COM MISSIONER AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, AND THE PROBATE OF ACCOUNTS for several States and Territories. He is. by law, authorised to administer Oaths aniAfflrmations to be received in all the Courts in Pennsylvania. JOHN BINNS may be found in his office, No. 116 South SIXTH Street, opposite the County Court House, from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. aul-lci Commission ittmijants. Handy & brenner—commission MERCHANTS and Dealers in Foreign and Ame rican HARDWARE and CUTLERY, Nos. 23, 25 and 27 North FIFTH Street, East side, above Commerce street, Philadelphia. WANTED TO RENT.—A THREE Story BRICK HBUBE. suitable for a small family. The best references given. Address << Rent,” P rets offico. aul2-2w# WANTED— A YOUNG MAN, WHO IS expert at figures and writes a good hand, aa ENTRY CLERK in a wholesale jobbing house. Ad dress DRY GOODS, at this office. aulO-St* WANTED —AN EXPERIENCED Salesman in a Dry Goods Jobbing House, who can command a strictly first class Western trade. .Ad dress “ Jobbing,” at the office of this paper, string location of.trade, references, Ac. aulO--t* WA NT E D—A SITUATION IN A Wholesale House, for a young man who Bpeao and writes well, English, French and German j he has some experience, and could make himself very useful. Please address 31. D., this offico, &UlO-3t QK YOUNG MEN WANTED.—For choice corps of the American Army.. Pine chance for travel,.promotion and study. Excellent pay, and free board and clothing. Apply st 248 8. Front. au3-)v* • JAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT TAILOR. Nos. 10 ancllfc Boufch NINTH STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT. * - A large and . well selected stock of CLOTHS and CAB3IMBREB always on hand, All Clothing made at this Establishment will be of the best qualny: 4od In the most fashionable style. Particular attention- given to UNIFORM CLOTH ING. \ j.” anO-tf CULLENDER & PASCAL, ' . . , hj/ HATTERS aM-6m No. 8 S. SIXTH stmt, Philadelphia. V»EMOVAL—ADAMS* BLANK BOOK XV and JOS BINDERY. from THIRD stmt, to No. ‘430 ARCH stmt, below SIXTH. Blank Books all slsa on hand, or mado to ordsr. Hapilnot,' Music, &c . noatljr booad TXRT CHEAP. .. 1..* auJ-Sr 100 bales Gulf Cotton.lii store ’ martin A maoaeistSr, • ’ - 01 119 North Water Stmt. MOSS— 17 bales CarQlitta Moss, for sale by MARTIN; t MAOAIIBTEB, . »° 1 119, North Water Barest. pHABtES HABARSE & CO.,— zri ' iPeUSh'Wolord in PAPER,HAM, • Sc.,-No. 90 South SIXTH flttoot, Thiladtlphla, ’ GTanbibates for (Office. FOR ASSEMLT^sMi^‘D^ct3®R. RAN J. COOK, Second Ward. Subject to Democratic aulea - au 12-iC* C LEEK OF .QUARTER SESSIONS— ,O3W.P OKOOXSII, Sixteenth Ward. Sublet xo Democratic Buies. . aul2-4w« Oit ASSEMBLY—JOSEPH J. Kthtii. r- Ss “ ml .L«fl>l»tira DUtrlct, Second Ward. ' subject to the decision of the Democratic Convention, auedtss •. - . PROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT OQDlttr JORH J?. H'YADDWi, of Third -Ward. Subject to the rule, of the Democratic Part,, aul-tf Foe recorder of deeds—thos. J. HEMPHILL, Tenth ward, ‘ Vine street, above Eighth. Subject to Democratic rules aulfrim* JOHN U* ARUNDEL, of tho Twenty secoad Ward, will be a candidate for Assembly, fmm the Sixteenth District. Subject to the nomination of the Democratic Convention. aas-eoJ2w* For assembly—thih d district— -5 RAN KLIN McILVAIN, Subject to Democratic auA-dtspS IjiOß CORONER—DK.FEODOKE MIER . SON, Fifth Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. auB-lm* For prothonotary of the DIS TRICT COURT, LEWIS T. MEARS, of Twelf*h Ward. Subject to Democratic Bu!ea. auB-l.n» PROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRACT COURT, GEORGE F. MEESEB, Twenty-seccnd Ward. Subject to Democratic Kal-s. - ‘ au 4-tSeS FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS—R. R. YOUNG, Seventh Ward. Sobject to Democratic Bales. auA-lin*' For clerk of quarter sessions, SAMUEL C. THOMPSON, 6th Ward. Subject to the Bale* of the Democratic Party., au4 wAs ts3* For coroner—n. c. keid, m. d. Subject to Democratic Rulea. tal tin* FOR CORONER—CHARLES S. PE ALL, Nineteenth Ward. aol-lw* For assembly—first district.— JOSEPH H. DONNELLY, First Ward. Subject to decision o ithe Democratic Convention. aul-6v# For assembly—third district.— DAVID R. MeLEAN, Fourth Ward. Subject to Democratic Boles. J aal.tseS* For assembly— JOSEPH HUNEKER, . Eighth District,'Eleventh Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. atl Im* For recorder of deeds— CHARLES H. MILLER, Fourteenth Ward, Subject to Democratic Rules, on aal t eeB For recorder of deeds—geobge W. WUNDEB, Thirteenth Ward. Sabject to De mocratic Roles. sol-Sw* For recorder of. deeds—n. f. WOOD, Thirteenth ■ward. Sabject toDemoeraU. rules. - ■ anS-ts* CLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS.-« GEOBGE SIMPSON, THIRTEENTH WARD.— Sabject to Democratic Roles. ' aultsepS fjotels anb Beslanrants. PLACE HOTEL, BROAD- V/ WAY, corner of EIGHTH, street. New York. THIS ELEGANT MODERN ESTABLISHMENT i ■ now open for the reception of guests, in the European style. SINGLE BOOMS from 60 eent&to $1 per day. SUITS of BOOSTS for Families, from $l5O to &0 per day. The MEALS served at all hours by the CARD, at moderate rates. 0. J. HAOLELLAN (“ long and farcrrably known to the patrons of Jones' and the United States Hotel, Philadelphia,”} is associated in the management, has especial charge of the Catering Department. Every attention has been paid to m»tA the organisation per fect, and our friends, patrons, and the travelling public in general, may rest assorted that no effort shall be wanting to make the CLINTON worthy the favor which we hereby respectfully solicit. ~ - ao6-lm» ‘ WINANT A CO. ]U ERCHANTS* HOTEL; CAPE ISLAND, •IvA N. J ~ls now open for the reception of visitors. This House is situated within a hundred yards of the Beach. The Proprietor promises that no care shall be spared to render those comfortable who will favor him with their patronage. Terms moderate. augS-lw* J. LYONS, Proprietor. LOUIS B. COFFIN,— THIRD WARD HOTEL, (DEMOCRATIC HEAD QUARTERS,) South-east corner FIFTH and QUEEN Streets, aul-lm " ~ Philadelphia. WILLIAM N. KING,—SOUTHERN • EXCHANGE HOTEL, South-east corner of FIFTH and CARPENTER Sts., Philadelphia, aul-lm STREET HOUSE —SAMUEL \J MILLER, (Old No. IS) New No. SSI CHBSNUI STREET, below Fourth, Philadelphia. . an I.lm WILLIAM HANNINGS’ City Lager Beer ” T Stloon, No. 83 OABISE’a' AILEIY Phitadel. phU. ' ■" ' ‘ uMa yiiTtofAß & bctz. porter, ale 'MJ AND LAOEB BBSS BESWSttY, Ko. 830 (now No. 838} North. TJUBD Street, Pkllmlolphi..—Shipping orders promptly attended to. , aal-tf Bales bg Stnclion. j. o. suant*a i ßrsw aucriox S7o*i, No. 210 North Second street,'above Race. Sale THIS (Toesday) EVENING, Aug. Uto, At 8 o'clock, of Fancy Gdods, Cnilezyf Microscopes, Electrical Machines, Watches, Jewelry, Plated Ware, Ac. Consignments soUqltcd. . aolt-1 Woujsbv A figdrr, Auctioneers. A*\l CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE TtJ-l THE CUSTOM HOU<, between Fourth and . --j.r . . FIRST FALZ SALE OF EMBaOIDBITfES, SHAWLS, RIBBONS, HOSIERY, MILLEiBRY GQQDSiAe. ON WEDNESDAY NEXT, 19th inti , , Commencing at 10 o'clock, precisely, we will sell, with out reserve, on a liberal credit,'*- by catalogue, a large and elegant assortment of French and Scotch 'Em. broideries, Sroche Long Shawls,'Stella Shawls, French Cashmere do.. Ribbons. Hosiery and Gloves. MiUmerr Goods, Ac. SHAWLS JUST LANDED. Also, an inroiceof Broche and Stella tordertd Lost and Square Siawls, receired direct per iteanyjr Cii* oi Washington. * FRENCH COBSET3, Alio, SO doiea French worec white &nd mixed Corsets. HOOPED SKIRTS. Also, 100 dcsen Ladies’ and Misses’ Hooped Skirts. LADIES’ MANTILLAS, DUSTERS. Ac, ' Also, a line of latest tali style Silk • Mantillas,' Silk Talmas, Silk and Wool Dusters, Ac. . LACES, NETTS. Ac. Also, an it.volee of white 'and Monde Laces, blonde Edging, Quillings, Silk Cravats, French Bosoms, Kid and Silk Gloves, Silk Illusions, brown and green Barere. Cap Nett, MKhlin Nett, Ac., *e. - N. B.—The whole will be arranged for examination, with catalogues, early on Hie morning of sale., when the trade and dealers generally are respectfully invited to attend. v POSITIVE SALE OF. TWENTY-FIVE OIL PAINT INGS, IN RICH GILT FRAMES.’ ] TO-MORROW, (Thursday,) commencing at 11 o’clock, we will sell withoutreserve, Twenty five Modern Oil Paintings, in Rich Gilt Frames. Subject: American Scenery. NOTICE.—Our sales of Embroideries, Millinery Goods, Ac., for the Fall and Winter, will commence during the early part of the present month, and will be continued regularly throughout the season, due notice of which vfill be given. ■ j w Joss Baylis, Auctioneer, NO. 325 ARCH STREET, between THIRD AND FOURTH STREETS. SALES EVERY EVENING at 8 o’clock. Of Bocts, Shoes, Brogans, Gaiters, Hardware, Cutlery, Watches: Jewelry, Hosiery, Whips, Trunks. Fancy Goods, Notions, Ac., Ac. - N. B. Terms of. Night Sales, font months credit for approved City acceptances, for sums of 000 and over with interest added from date of sale. CARD. —Out-door Sales solicited of Household Furni ture at dwellings, Stocks of Hardware, Underwriters’ Sales of Hardware. Cutlery, Ac. Consignments soli cited to be sold at the Auetlon Rooms. Charges moder ate. Apply as above. Advances made on Consignments of Goods. , aul 1m Br Gso. W. Smta, Auctioneer’, NE. CORNER OP BARRON AND •> SOUTH STREETS, above Second. EVENING SALES. SALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING, At W o’clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware, Cut lery, Housekeeping Articles, Clothing, Watches, Jewel ry, Fancy Articles, Ac. * - CJAKUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, >3 and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 113 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear st.. only eight doors below the Exchange. • Hours of business from 7 o’clock, A. 31., until 10 o’clock In the evening. Out-door sales, and sales at the Auction House, at tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL 3300,000. Established fer Ms tost Thirty Years. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Dia moods, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Mer chandixe, Clothing,Furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Instruments, Guns, Horses,' Carriages, and Goods of every description. AU goods can ramain any length of time agreed upon. All advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards will be’ charged 2 per cent, per month; 3600 and over, the lowest market rate. 7 This Store House having a depth of 130 feet, has large fire and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and pri vate watchmen for the premises; also, a heavy insu rance effected for the benefit of all perr * u having goods advanced upon. N. B.—On account of having an unlimited capital, this office is prepared to make adranoes on mere satis factory and accommodating terms than any other in this city. > Money advanced to the poor, la small amounts, with out soy charge. AT PRIVATE SALE, Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will be sold at reduced prices. sul-ly Hi. LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTURERS, . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Importers and Dealers in Oil Paintings, Water-Color Drawings, Engravings. Ac. A large assortment always on hand. Packing and removing Glasses, and attended to. 604 ARCH. Street, above Sixth, south side, Philadelphia. »ul.]mr|i TtfANILLA ROPE. —SUPERIOR MA- IfJL NILLA ROPE, manufactured and for sale by WEAVER, FJTLER A Cu , auB-tf No. IB N. Water at., and 11N. Wharves. ©as glares. Archer, warmer, miskey & co., Mmolactnrora 01 QAfIAMXB3. BRACKETS PEN. DAKT9, FITTINGS, and ,U kinds of OASaod LAMP WORK, GIRANDOtES, &c„ No. 32U CHEST NET Streat.Phtlad-lpMa. ARCHER WARNER & CO No S 7« BkoADWAY N.w Tork ’aaiwap j„™V.,b Qu Pipe., and an ktod. of altering aal repairing of uas worn. aul-lm* R U r£aJA A^DAM:ERICAJ * TARRED J*£op« r lor article* manufacture and for sale by ‘ * WEAKER, FITLER A CO , aufi-tf, 1 No. 10N: Water st., All N- Wharves X/\r F. WARBURTON, FASHIONABLE _*;• -HATTER,No. 130 CHESTNUT Street, be!o» Fifth, Philadelphia. aul-lm rp ftHARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER- V/. OnANT and Importer of HAVANA SEUAFJS, (New) 138 Walnut street, second story.. ■ - aul-1 v WARE.—WM. WILSON it SUN, 13 Manufacturer* of’Silver Ware, 8 W. corner of FIFTH end CHERRY STREETS. Established in 1812. Silver Ware of every description on hand or made to Order to match any pattern desired. Importers of Fi&a English Plated Ware.' ‘ aul-lw IPIRITS TURPENTINE—2OO bbls Spirits ’ Turpentine, to arrive, for sale by MARTIN A MAOALISTEB, ml •> 11» North Water Street. f^OTTON— 200 bales good MiddHag to Mid- Vv dling pair Cotton, in .tore and for Bale by . i Martin * maoambter, »»l- IMKorthWatsj street,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers