MCTrt,;',' itfXfiS&ityv w ZmWm.tTRZBTi; | i t*miF 4j i > 4#3fe jfJHflLf **i=as, \ asfisat *wwptflfc» «5£I!!!!i fc?tj; '*" *n,?r*KKit j>hi!w 1 iratfWgdHMtoi (ml bf tl« (% .2 feu Do UuhOAidsok Imdyww *«*iiuoi JSJM»g an^ffw^'^as 12 m f.mßiffimffi-* 1 ” (to one address)...., 20 oq 3 *t%ky’ZC &-•*-»-* iat i"*“ 4 “i *i *• * t * * * t Oamp«UiiY4tlKijr<ffll-t7UI who wi»i .te freest chargu, «y| anthem ip , ~t. The XdaOs remslnlnz qMjflq qre *s rich. e£d rateable I 5 JWttSSKWiW'IM.*?" Will encloje.aftj Mnta In •’- poataga slinipa, andteolM or patnphlßta contalntojrti 0 IbwiMittttSMMioC teaiosv Blplo* byW « apoctaHe nod. well knoanlanuera .Uylnr in the uefgU borliood of tha Hoilrdnd £inds. tljroiighout the Btato4- ■ o>,ao t*a eodt of ■feoclnf, price of cdttla,' e*Maa»<if itkr ■'!WW**^ 1 My e * Ci >'= ac ' <HWi , % s * * sons ;wiiaojf.} v i the Illinois Oentcal&Jl, 06. 1 * ll Stopping 1 •■>• | ninSSlSiSirtSrow ompl6yeS‘iShe^& ; York, Southampton arid’ «w with great care! oftheboit '.~in»t*rial§ in «V*i^e]f)artinettt.ilnder'the inspection Statess ffary. They are, about - • ditbenslous 6f th&WASHINii !-y»wSfr Mgf Sttif lewth, 39 fleet>beajn, : .wd>,3l?fe4t, 3 V* of pe kEWANJt 230,40, awl YjgWf T**p) <1 ?**«* nlift *f# <w!no nMii-l«T»r'«4-' *5K4£« aapattoOfiltoSW Mtotrinl or coll lea**; B(giBlfl«wiun>«lw»l taOftOM mnatoremant.; Theti jW# not'gaMMigea fMojamodatiana for 3<X> ln ‘v MElteaaahlpl ariltiKj aold with au-the furnrtura.tockel. il'nr nirtrin eaaloa ana cable*. alimftiffiiitfSlL UWe . eerrlce, glnsnrare,' M ealtolaimo. Ihtroripi * MtJ and tbard and dUietf told to tt* liikeif bHdlr -*W» ViH i, » r -UJMOtt-S&jrl fiTEAM BETWEEN ttEW YOB&l'*- JtMt;GanH>y<laMttd';«Ulu<Ui««i >n4« >fe4 pMerfi um l f 5 JuwlWui i«*»i*>iJ Tawg^arManoii ! Pttmv, tfctlirtojf Bept 6 13 poop i I V -HUMsg,tal E , S@t M U 1 *• | AtcreMb aM-Mom- 4 Ul* ptgpfd n Ifrlinh ''l iWt* ?• 1 •V- ] \ U.! n-j t > -S VOL. I—NO, 9. THE WEEKLY PRESS, fsh e . ,a f wZ Newspaper i?i' the Country.' "■ ~... , ... P re M Induceniemu to Club*. \ : . P».**>* o? August tie Thb W*k- { vlil be issued tram :the Ottyof Philadelphia] It Will to published every < Satu&ay; ‘' ’ ‘ i: ‘ I „ cObdndtbd upon - National, principle, Uphold the’tdghU of ttu> state*. ‘‘ It’ will resist fanaticism in everyth***; and will be devo-; :T^*q the true foundation of aDd soda! «der v Such weekly jouN wl has.tong boea desire* in ft* United States, and it ia tUVTtftf WBtsittma wUlba J* Pa*Bs ‘ will 5 be 'printed bn excellent t UIJt . fl , '.H It TiUeontaln the heeraof. the day; Correspondence .aod-tbe New;-Demon ticlntend i gfnos; ,wiqus Marketsj, 14terary fiej j^SFS^ispeltimeottS^ete^onH; s the pjpgresaof Agri ■Cmtugg WalHtsVyjouaTdeparfinen^'Ao.. ( < . . . ’ l©Va^tV to snbscribersj ' ; s ~bj>tWttfptit'annum; Mfiitiuuiik..:-.-.i..|2 00 .>T,hresoapiM/ar v „ . w. -. k . i. , £ ,.. 6 oo .Fivecopies for. 8 00 “fenbbtriesfbf ~,w,i..'‘..ViV.V;y....i .12 00 <dpies,' when sent to One address txsn OQ over 1 , to.addrassof i . w, * }i;so ##LWW.t9tbe«f^npo^o.lub,:^ T , s , inters arerequestedfoj«J &a .agflitsfor Thl bsUew it A gtebt fever tf my pbUtfdar and'port r &nd *\V other* who desire olrisi Wefeldy will fexert thenftelrei tovsVe Tb* latee-olreuUttoHn tf&tr : Aipectlve i JOHN i ] >.' ■:■<•• i.r. and ! Bropri&tor, ; -.e?abllMtijoo :Ofl3<?o.of :Tflß .WeWbt rssas, N<?..4lf 'ObtMtuttt Pmuawipiua. .. t , ~■ ■ .■. • . ; WWf ;.WoNDAY,'AUGOST 10;1857. THE FUTURE OFKANSAS. The Idea thatKimeaS would become a free yws4“firwMi asserted repeatedly during tho-dobatc on-tlie bill while tbaiiW^ :'was 1n ! i854. Ijt was asserted by extreme’Southern Reprcaent ;itiv4k!'andf Setfatops} ahSon this'ground eii 'bouiiterdctiilpiipSiSoi? fifcerfeitfquSrtefs. ! Wei r rptaemhpr dfiatXJeherdVMtasoir,; of’ ibe N6if folfc, tiMs poyitioip'' Iv lins tlB§4,:bo dsjsKreii,., ~>■ j..-,-,;.; 4 ..! I « Are we-tomafce these two .Territories Blard -laolding ddmm.naitios? No one expects it. .. Jfp line demonisthat slavery: should tit* established (here!' I- find’ tn tHe 'rCport'oF the Globe of the [ fenhte JJr/pdpbiis'said:' ! j ! 1 «.Xdo 'a inariihCoVgresa who thmk{,ij corild W permanently a slave haldlng country. jt;hsve no idea tlirtitcauld.l' I Mr HuN];Eß„of .Virginia, said; , j ‘‘Does any-manibellovo thatiyou.wjllhave’a daVediohiing State in Kansas and Nebraska'? I confess. - that 'dbr - »’l inotndnt;T - permitted - such tdi illiißWn tli'irest upbn'my mind.” - 1 • -|Tr. BiidtiS, of dtiroliha, said: ,! ,«X idea pfae’cAng’ a' slide population in' either gOf’ 'tlian' d.have' of ..seeingshin|lfe(a^h«jo^B., r 'ltpiiayrhit.’’ I > W« oogldi multiply .these authorities, j£ it were-naoessary,'l • - 'lAi.Southem coirbsporidentof the Hlobmonk ‘Entpiireriot August Ist}' 1857 y usesdhe foj. ldwtag-langnageV" 1 “ ;,J ■; j , i IfKaus sSßhoul'd come into tbo Union as afrec i State,- all SodtKiru meti will regret It,’' But wilt the South logs or gain by itf She may gainbyit, if. £eua»s shall coaie; toto tlieUpioo umlorVho sape-. | thmof the, great .andyital. principle, of non-intei vhntloii—h prihciplo,’ tool which is 'the ’ Safei-gaSiil Of State - Rights' Mnfd * State 1 Sovereignty; for. -the safety oft our domestic insulations, will hare h»*n reras«!ttod j . j Theright of-the,,people Norm. South, Bast and West to decide mjon the question of slavery for nmqntvwalri I r»-nßmj*d ; tWhfe' the ' Wdrid. - She friendsof the ! South, we win admit, Would , see an addi tional representative .Joi. the,-Bepahlioifn strength ; but the perpetuity of oiir Union ana the ' grear principle <of 'State nights does not depend solely upon the mimerloal strength of eitharseotldn Sfo«r National>b»gi4«tur«|,bnt tmon thenKui -tengnpf of the; tpue..theory ,and -prmoiple of oar government! ", ’ ” ‘ i» bft the people, the IfwJtf* seWers of ICfthsaj, enjoy faHketaaelrgl thegraat-aha-proud preroga tive for wh»h ! thß etarehidaing-Ptateseontend, fa deciding ogjidems«i(ViartltStipnc Wt mem cner&h a Mghapw-eciatiMi ;and grateful rt oqjieettoif of theTpemsrald4MtrWO R ofpopular -Sdvereignli.oftlib'grwrprlwiipleof-sblfgovern ment.t cds there 'Oatuhapo'thatiXanSM; is a free heXJnloh, Sr ibhea to bo added to onr number, is -tddfeiWiiiaea'te'Stihaih'gU'-Bold inddireot ka dMMmimJ, frOtti'thsTiSilUiatih'ey vtillnotaijd ids..|Mn tolerate' AtoYery.-.-ttc wilt bo..ldle. ; .ade, for nothing tpure than- tae Consdtutioß Kives her. Tije Prmldent.and his‘Administration ar»de , iermlnßd to enforoe the OppstltnUon; beoause hells TOO SnSmyof-eithir the Ndl-th or the-SOtttb. 1 Thin vrlifupfekidiUm ? -. iWhy -ibMe, oendiimn -and wdlify.;ei*-.Adnii»lSt»poii,.iOl ,aov»rnori WaUtc'r, PriMmieof, thp Ooh ; sptetioh, wapypaft orthe pIU, i* -1 and other.leading State tights min -of the Boathi.took, ground:.boldly Ip. favors of-the Ham && of theDnitod States, that' they'had - hb-hdpeiof 'maklugKansaaa slaVesßtate;; alirthey oontondid foz was thes.prinoiple.of -pOpuiaf s WYerslgntJ,, the todrfnjß.Pf f KmVMWh irwhA W «tef?«ple of, Kftiuift!, tq dtHiqi, in.. tab . Adoption of their or - jto tbeSoutli.-i ,b;if.-.ue i awwid;-j,!'.. i'■ . - But Kinsas is 'not' to -be sdinitted into tiip family ofStates byfraudi'liottho qualiflcations bf those who' ard upoii tho Karisas con stjijitjaq hS $ .Mi otljeri pqses, an4[i^r^>| I,9'4oyjp;|i'6i't 1 ,9'4oyjp;|i'6i' t i>h ,gither..sidey\|%uioj;iiie^M o ,! , iiy,o|' tto,p4 o ' , jfar&m deqide the question forevep.. Tq askdorimore would bomonstrona. To refuse less -would be despotism. ’ - , j * All “that Goycrnor- Walker has ■ ■done hSsi' bhen 1 ‘ttf : iiislst 'ithat ',the. ;: people Ahouid Vbteir' Whb'.are' the people? Not tlioiiey brought into; Kairisis'gfqgi ;rnnif!P3fl s !.Jl6t,tho9e jfhq.conip Jnto.theTjir. jitpty *|ew.d»ys osSweeks beCore-theelecfldni'; No sane man asks any such thing, nor hjiadfr.- .WApnaK-proposed it. ; Let tbeLeg!?lature ie. j !clar,eiwhat is necessary,to make, qiregldentjor > legal Voter, 4nd-tho-trotibie.ia.OYer, ;Tho tipie bf're’BidOtide'Cahttot be long in d new country, bUt it'pittSt be loig toough to protect all pjir- Jdel v fpr4ifutYfdrd ,i influences} Vr shdden inia isipm! > i(^^iU{^ifl^<st'’'ais , .]ltei&i«U ; JEayafrer C'. -h I .' .To. those fttulllar with the language of yirginii’s .eewionlof. the "NorthwSst Territory” in,l7BS, ; in aeoprdahee wlfli the provisions" of the famous ordi- JnsMe’etiraf) there U nothing new or ; startling in tWdte-oftlie word”inhshitaats”. by fldv, Walker. The original sin of using it Hes ffltb the great men of.the State, yrho worded the deed of oession in 17fSS, whioh'Virgiiiio'heded 'that va«t domain out of Whihbflvu iirge StaUo have since been'carved !by Cangfeas.The propriety of. using the pbnQxious .word waa eonaeded when the Import of. words was ,*i maturely considered, es 4 now is,'and hymen tdiiyisdipablo of' determining t)id rights of“ojti vSnibif iutheTerrltetos 1 ’ aa any of the dononnebrs lof QoYi Walker. i: ,: ' •!:» ' ivir .:i-ii<c - • j l3th ,of July,, 1787, .Congress,paeaed tho Vdlnaheeofl?|7, .On the BOthpf December, 1788, Tneimnleofdeixigatee‘ of Virginia phssed an just 'entitled 1 " An-act cdl cerning the Territory Ceded bTr -thlofCommonweVth, to-lho Dotted States.”—, .!*tdng ! 12,p.OT.elian. 79. . ..Inlhiadeed of cession tho.word “inhabUanls’J is ’emywhere used in preference to the words “real -Idenfs,i'iiud ‘ettisens.'’ 'Whenever reference to ■the peiple of dh* Territory -Is . made, the ie !.‘Ji^ahttanf*.’/M!ij | i’or. egampie m. / Jlyning,, 12tb ‘S&f of the States,” (foforrfng to' tiSJvSdJtatee'lobe formed but of said Ter'rP ibryi-x thiUt br ?e(W,9o9:free nißißiraaT« therein, jeid stale Shall be; admitted, by its delegates, into ,th«i;f?<ingre«s,of the .Tlpifed, States, on ap eqhal. fMog“wjth Stotesin alt respite #St sbftf?sM shalf W a# HMrty to form a per r&dHM ivmtitulim and. State.QovtmmmV teif*oL.:,-,Her«..«je word-(‘ inhabit(Wto”-:bas je f4 iWteMd'leiiohgrabteM jtfens-in doubt bt to what (tW^.S*^»«ineof,tbe.Vord“iab»bit«iti, Ege.tol.'Wswr s. il'SirueiVna, and, the KMdmsses and speeches} debouncing. ahy klnd wiffl ” p; awmjd'wduld' show that-neither -Mr,’ nor (toTeruor.WaUer.eVnr designed ttf pernian jntt vote >rhen the Con , ie. on g») .(i pubUo decision rests the foundiUonTof BaxStuilvsti'teuflflO-i-.tV.d Ur’,,' i \! ■f/nidi* .jnii,»d eiuu j,ir L wf .tnr£—Taqf j,soo;torra, fcSSt \4'&B,' on *\i lgr^Jj ■ «».«" M m J<uae2, JiwejW viV 'h j ,! Atari**?' s»Km - South^Wn.'i J ‘■-H-.JWf ' LESTON i „ 1 JJ&OlAj' w>». jnthwfrst: dm. iikUft | >b&Va; 7 ; typf-h'*.-. -v AjjgwklJ&hi >AV.Att£tft ,«&tosecn»*ci; WVHh'rtUr' 1 TftouthirMi. *? morning... i , *jWjj£MJnHi«.| -....■! Kortfc'VhMTMi. JnU. ifoMßtrOimOUv nwaftAßite nnl 4pm piERS rpooi to K#w.- •ed cLQiea* »W, rtftw&UT-ttyM' Ao 1 WKXi Mm&H*a*eaxt£iar“- ■-*•• »<-■>.*<•.•.-.».-, * V pis and if they ; arej faithfully people of Kansas, the political oondi- Pf>on become quiet usd sat- institution!! of Kansas should be “ l ™ , 5M hy.JM votes Of the people of Kansas, unawed and uninterrupted bv force or fraud. And n y ,° ,(ir3 tnustbe excluded, come whence they V. and every, attempt to overawe or interrupt * llB tine exercise of - the right of voting mast be promptly repelled and punished. Ebbedou and SAFETr roll THE LEGAL VOTgB, AND EXCLUSION AND PUNIBHHBNT FOB TIIK ILLEOAL ONE —THESE SHOULD BE; GREAT PRINCIPLES Of yoUt adminiß tration... . .• - Can more clear or explicit ?. Erke- BOlt AND BAPETV FOB THE “ LEGAL YOTEB i. C., for the “Inhabitant,” for the “permanent resi dent;” but "ruNisHKENT And exclusion FbR the illegal voieb 'VlKat is W say, for the." temnb rary” sojourner, tho “non-inhabitant,” the, mere “visitor.;’, The instruotions draw tho very .dis tinction which the decisions which wo have cited do between the inhabitants and temporary sojourners in Kansas.: ■; ■ * WHAT ISBEACTV ♦ ““ Atlitag of bfeauty'is a-Joy forever.” ,'So tvrote tbe'pQet, and to this sentiment responds the universal heart of humanity.'' There never lived and breathed a .human being in, breast was not planted .the love of the beau tiAil/iii some form, and whoso heart did not throb with more rapid stroke, and whose eye did not flash with a: peeper Are, at the reajlza tlon of hia idea!. Thefa is a| harmony, ip na ture that never,-foils to >touch a chord in the bosom of the savage ®s well 'as the civilized inan. At her great shrine all are worshippers; in her immense arcana aro scattered myriad idols, inviting the homage and’adoration of all tho children of the race.-: ' 1 This innate love of the beautiful is confined to no peculiar clime—is nmuifeslod in n’ope culiilr creed—is Inherent in. ho distinct nice— but,is as universal and pervading as the “casing air,” 'The lone shepherd, as he watches his flock' by night, 'looks up to'the great'blue vault, fretted with a-miUion burniug stars, and reading 1 tho : <■ mystical' afld r Oholdo&n love of tlioii* strange'dopths, owns 1 their 1 wohdroujj beauty, : aud is, thrilled by their, inspiration'. Tbo wea-tossed mariner, a thousand miles away upon tho briny deop, ho, too, sees tho Cteriial stars ahove their shimhiering glances upon thb dancing waves, and owns fchoir soft and gentle sway; but to him there is a s>yeoter» becauso moro fearful beauty, in the wild music of tlm throhgh'the trembling shrouds, .and the roar; and purest, of. theever-awelling wafers. The wayward,boy, in the buoyancy of his young chases the, many-hued and gauzy-winged bnUeffljrfor its'rich and glowing colors of a day; those of ripey years deem the pursuit idle, and profitless and orael pastime'; yet who cim’tell but that in "the plastic and un schooled mind of .that'borihding.jrouih, are, Oven in that chase. developing and germinating forms and ideals ’of; the- grand and bedutifin that shall haunt' his existence as a spell, anji in after years glow dpon $e painter’s canvass, ,pf Jive Immortal in'the enduring.raarbio? I i Go where we liatytum .where we will, in this depth of winter, when the’ earth ‘is matted with the spotless show, or_ln : the season, of .flowers, when the air is vocal with the! song.df birds, we behold forms of beauty and of love liness scattered with a profuse hand; 'There Is beauty on tho maiden’s lip, in her speaking eyd, -and on the. massive brow of intellectual manj; it is scon in the rose-enamelled landscape, and stamped on the' weird and everlasting stars 1 ; Jt/if heard’in'the. mr ooean, and murmurs in the gentio rivulet. Biit there, is still a higher type of beauty than, any of these, which shines with a pu'rer'arid stea dier ( It isihatsjerhioyeof Truth, ttrliich Js iiiiistrated in, the life of, the good and th'o just man; This principle, like the; outward forms of beauty, of which we have spoken,' is inherent in no particular race, is confined to no peculiar ZOIIO, but has its disciples everywhere, and forms a band of universal brotherhood, from all races and creeds and conditions of nieij; over sincerecorded timO began; theivorld has ; be'en,plied with,tnartyrs-iinartyrs to’political \ opinions, martyrs to religiousoreeds, and mar tyrs' on the shrine of love. And can we ima gine'any grander and nobler contemplation fdr the student of history; than the'study of tiioslo characters.of tho,past who,courted death fdr tho:vlndication of a principle; and smiled it the flames’and tortures which their lcve df Truth and thair hailed of jtfrong had invoked ? How we delight to dwoU upon the memory" and* the. deeds of TViituu Wallace, Tell, Hosii, and upon Washington; Jefferson, and tlie other men Of our memorable Revolution j not so muchion account, of themselves as for the symmetry and tho magnitude; of. the great truths they embodied, and to maintain whio'h they had!staked.tbelr lives. To.theidhQkhtened and philosophic mind, before the grandeur aijd sublimity.of such p retrospect, all.' the charms of .Nature and of Art, great gsd muUU'onn As they are, “pale their ineffeQtih'i fires.”' God “grant that ftom the ioiha of our Republic,'may from time; tiip'espGng 'up a of Whose tove l of ".Truth—the highest type, of beauty,—shall exalt, them above temptation, 'and shell make them ali-powerful for its pre servation, honorand glory. .• * ! The Puritans Itagueuata have received welKdeaervsfl e\flOstittW for their groat men, an<J great Muence. on our national welfhre. The WelsVbave' hardly hoen recognized its having any claims of the kind \ but in an afl. dress, by, th<) Kov, Dr. West, on laying tso corneratorie'pf,it^:elsHChurch, tri'PhilaSql pbia,. .lately, j their" claim has been asserted with,'an overwhelming array of.faotth Thby havo.cortainly been very modest heretofore bn .Am subject} .but, << mudosty awl merit go tp .gethor,” aoftofdlng to. the old alliteration. . Walejt i«, somewhat larger than Masaaolinsetiii. Theyc are about sevchty-fiYo thousand Veluh men in this country. Dr..,West aays their patriotism isataosi, proverbial. He gives the signors, of the Declaration of Independence, of , Welsh birth or extraction, as follows; Massachusetts, . Samuel Adams, ■ !• “ John Adams, t Rhodo Island, Stephen Hopkins, Connecticut,'; - /William Whams, ,J(ew York, . ' William Floyd, 1 * . Fraiwia Lowis, i • s , « Lewis Morris, I Pennsylvania, ; Francis Hopkinaon, ; “ Robert Morris, r ; i . George Clymer, j North Carolina, John Penn, i 1 South Carolina,Arthur Middleton, , Georgia;'. J). Gwinnett, bn. in Wales, Virginia, Thomas Jefferson, , (< Benjamin Harrison, “ Richard H. Lee, «s* . -FrancisH. Lee. ! . Herb 'arc seventeen signers of the Declara tion or American Independence, in whose veto's “Welsh blood coursed. 1 Dr. West also* gave'the names of fourteen generals, seven colonels, six captains, and one lieutenant, ofWolsh; descent, who figured in Me.Reyolntlon, among whomare Anthony. TVMriie, Charles' Lee, Daniel Morgan, John OadwaUader,’James Williams, killed at Ben nidgtoni Henry Lee, Thomas Marshall, Ethan 'Alien,, ... ’ The Doctor asserted that the following Pre sidents were of Welsh origin 7 John'i.datns,'Th6mas Jefferson, James Madi son, James Monrde’J.Q. Adams, William 11. Harrison, Jamesßuohatian. Ho also gave the names’of a number; of-,prominent and devoid ministers of the Gospel, of Welsh origin, who P ai “t fa bidding “God speed” to too iriends of freedom during tho revolutionary i J ?i‘ Ti?? 4 also; mado ’the following state- Onyer Cromwell, tlio protector, wasof IfVelsh descent.‘ WilHam Penn’s progenitors lgM'Wetoh. Roger Williams was born in Wales. John Milton’s mother was a Welsh lady. Rev; Richard Baxter had his birth in Wales—so say the Welsh writers. The Buko of Wellington’s .mother descended from the Welsh baronet, Sir John Trevor. The war riors* Owen Glendower and Sir John App Thomas* were Welshmen. Sir Thomas pfc ton and. Sir Stapleton Cotton* of Waterlbo fame, were descended from Wales. The pre s>. k nt Chancellor of the Exchequer in England belongs Rhadhorahire* Wales. The ftr famed Rev. Christmas Evans was‘ a Wel4h- JPWfa j B P eft ker, mlrfhf be filled with names of Welsh fkinel—C'Artj ffqn Mvtictfti*,. h S' TJg;Sjhelbfd«6i (Ky;p ■ the Prida>Blghipb* abcmt elgnt.miles fVom SMlbJvfUe, * most frightful and brutal murder wM, perpotratod udon thapeWoii of James Grant, 1 gen.,ana his son and WiftfflW hnitaliy beaten'and cut; ! The act Was p^rgetrated[in the night. The father was kUUd, headmaagied.- All threeof'th&mwire Strioken oh the head about the sAme 5 place. The instrument used.'was an axe. About sixteen hun dred dollars wore/taken from the house. James Grhnt, Jun:.ia in&'vejy wßiori condition, Mrs. Grant is not seriously hurt.' < They Wote all sleep ing Jn different ,rpQto/snd tlie .person who cam mftted the murder well.’ J | 'U- ! 8'“1 PHILADELPHIA, TllESph-Y, AUGUST 11, 1857. communications: [For the Press.] TUB OBIOIN AND EARLT.BISTQnV QV ~ FAXRMOtTNT-WATEft WORKSt LSCHU.Yjts- KIJLI4 ANE LEHIGH And tho Coaly ‘ j BY CHARLES V ? , , \ \ * # * > On'thb tftii or'Atirll, IfiOTi Mr. Robert Kenedy, an' then owning ‘ obj talfacd froirittfe vesting in itial the Figbt of Fails of Schiiylklll, oh the : oohditloh looHa for of the boatVtbhn j»lyi ing on the rivor.'‘ThWo tcng'and' narf row, shatj> at and frofn'dxty w one liuhdrod Karfela of flour ; : ere'‘generallT tn&hned with tfve nien,' and : ''used fresbota or t hlgh most of them ooming’ftom Reading, they yore ohll'ed Reiuiinyd? They required ’ dye' m6o, • not ‘ foV Uh'W down—for they'dr!fteddoWn t i but to take tb'em book, whlch woiadbriil by the use of poles, shtid with irCij, very hard Wrk; of bourse they oouid take ho IretW cargoes. * * * *. , , The hot procured by Mr v al together a speculation'On hu patV/’hoVlhiotidlhg creot'milla hlmse/fj. ahd the nffhvhe'had'obtiined was offered for sator but, inoongfl'quooflrof thb rfsi and danger from’ice, ho {>dlld mUis there- The Ice ffbaheta 'o?‘ those" Wi altogether different from noiv. : '‘iHe'Wlhthis, u seems to me, wero lohgbr aijddddbi’Ahd before the prescut aucceesvon of tho ice oama down in 'irnmctiSo' iarge holdfi/ wlth groat momentum, and mitoif feet thibh; ’it ih me net its force, t havd s'oon' a stone wall thtbd to four foot Vhlclc against a bank, ‘ the 1 behind being 'level ‘rjit'h tho top, torn to pieces likh eq ipany-pipe stems.' ’ In oonaequenbe of, this', Mil Kohedy*o speculation seemed likely to be a failure; ;but, not to be foiled, thq following year, 2d of Aprils 1808) in'company with Conrad Carpenter, of luantowu, ho obtained ah act of the liegislatdrp incorporating a company to builda bridgooVer thp t'chuylkili, and so’odutrivcd its locution that thh t wtero übutiqout should offootually protoot Wb mill-fl’cat, and ho'finally Bold his right fo. Jbsiah White/ " -1 Horclct mo turn asido a moniont to bay some* thing in roforonoo to this' Josiah Whlto. f know him woll, and evor looked upon him as an extra ordinary man—ono of the most persevering, ener- 1 gotic, far-seeing men I.ever knew, always pushing out ahead qf the age in which ho lived; not highly educated, but possessing a largo amount of sound, practical common sense nud enlarged views, I know of no man to whom the citlxens of Philadel phia are so inuoh’ftidobted' for certain substantial benefits thoy-hftve long You will more of him as I progress in;my,rema'rks. ‘ f; * i Shortly after Hr. White hadpurchasodKonedy'B privilege, ho proceeded to build a mill .for rolling iron and making wrought n&ils/and subsequently • took into 1 partnership with hiiu' Mr- Erskine Ha-' card, and added to thoir other oporations that of making wire. Theirbusinesswasrory profitable, and • they soon discovered that their mill was too small,, when they built auother muohlarger and higher alongside of it; where tUey were doing- a vefy pro fitable imsines^,'until both baught firo by accident and were destroyed; they were subsequently re built. * # # .*•• * *v > ! White & Hazard wopc using, io their toU* ing mill bituminous’ coal; they knew of the large body of^anthracite at the head of the Schuyl kill, and early’cothmonded-taaklng experiments! with it. They had home brought down in wagons, ’ at’ah oxponso oT ono dollar por bushel, twenty*, eight dollars per ton, expondod a considerable suip of money in experimenting, but could "not succeed In making it bhrn. Working In the mill got heartily Blok and tirt'd qf it, and Hwas aboJ t ‘ being abandonod, but mi a 'certain occasion, after,' they hod been .trying for a long time to ihakejt burn, without Siiedoss, thoy becamo,’exasperatM^ threw a large quantity of the H bVack ; thoy called them, into the furnace, shut iho doow, and left the mill. It so happened that one of tbesh had left his jacket in the mill,' arid Iri grileg thejb for it, somo time afterwards, he diadfivered a tre mendous fire’ in the funiace, the* doors red heat.. He Immediately called all hands, and ifaeV run through'the rolls three separate of ftbh * Horn was An HnpGrtelil discovery, nHd it was, lib' ray opinion, the first practically BuMesalu. of oiir anthracite opal, now so .commoo. Tils Im portant dlsoovory was the simple foot that ail thit was 'wanted'to ignite it Was time,'and to bo “let alone.” All this may appear stronge, now, but'the men employed In that mill, and every 1 oife else who used the bltwatnbas coal, Wore aeeifiitDtned ‘to see It blase up the moment they threw it on the fire; and because; tho anthracite would n‘ot do so, they could not understand It, and the more they scratched and poked at It, (an operation ' necessary with the bituminous coal, the worse It was with tljo anthraelte. Upon making this discovery, Josiah 1 White ha-' mediately began to make experiments In contriving various kinds Of grates, to make the anthracite applicable for domestic, use, In which he finally succeeded to admiration. ' With the knowledgo thus obtained, it became n reiy &reat desideratum with White A Haitard to obtdln a sufficient supply of this coal for their use; for they discovered, atm, that It was much better for their purpose than the bituminous coal in its effects on the Ixon for making wire. They thought of various plans, oho of which, was curious: it was to build a number of sheoMron boats, not to draw, when loaded,’hWe than ten Inohesof water. .These boats were, to bo mado in nests, one within thoother, liko pill boxes, and carted up to' the coal regions. They built J a small one, and Mr. Hazard taking two men with him, (one of whom, William Young, Is, I believe, .stiU a resident of Manayunk,) and started for" the mountains. The object Mr. Hazard had ifl viow 1 , was to Explore the river and .mako some estimate of the expense at whfoh, by some simple ’contrivance; they oould insuro at : all times ten inohos of water. lie’ arrived at the coal regions, built a kind of ark, and loaded It with coal; other arks wero subsequently bn lt,und camo down' in the freshets. The iron boat plan was' abandoned, principally for tho reason' that Josiah White, about tho same time, started and originated tho Schuylkill Navigation Company, which was ohatered March Bth, 1815. This was another of the bcncfiolal acts of Josiah White, but mark howshab oily he was treated. Ifowua tho father of the whole concern—ono of tho Commissioners named in tho Act of Incorporation; and if they had hunted Pennsyl vania through, they could not at that time have found a bettor man for their purpose ;'yofc, notwith standing all this, at tho first oloction held ht Nor ristown,’ thoy refused to eloot him one of the mana gors, on tho ridiculous and flimsy ground that he web interested at the Palls of Schuylkill; but wo shall see the oonsoquenoe of this direotly. As an evidence of the utilitarian character -of Mr. White in everything he undertook, at the thno ho was starting tho Navigation Company, he drew with ebalk, on ono of the large beams or girders of his mill, a plan of his proposed works along the Schuylkill, and under it wrote; “Ten dollars in every man’s pooket;” meaning, I suppose, that that Bum would he saved to overy one in cost of fuel.when we oould get coal down tho river. At that timo wood was the universal fuel, and was An nually getting soaroor and highor in prico.' #•***'*#* * Mr. Erskine Hazard was the partner of Josiah White in the iron and wire business. In the erec tion of tho looks and mill Boats, at tho Palls, he had another partner, Mr. Joseph Gillingham. Thoy furnished tho canal and locks ou the western side of the river; and two mills woro ereoted thore, one a saw mill, the other for' manufacturing white lead. On oho of the occasions of tho breaking down of the Falls bridge, White A Kazan! erect ed a curious temporary bridge across the Schuyl kill, by suspending wires from the top windows of their mill'to' a tree on the western side, which wires bung In a curve; and from whioh wero sus pended othor wires, supporting a floor of boards eighteen inches wide. The length of the floor of this bridge was four hundred feet, without any in termediate support. I am not oertain of tho fact, but my impression is, that this was the first wire bridge ever built or thought of. The bridge-build ing operations at the Palls were' peculiarly unfor tunate, the first one, a chain bridge, broke down in 1811, with a drove of cattle on it; the second fell from the weight of snow accumulated on it in a snowstorm In 1818; the third floated off the piers In a very high freshet, Febnary 21,1822, and the fourtlrwoarecently destroyed by fire. ' * * ThC wire-making business, whioh had been very profitable during the war, when none oould be im ported, was tbeVery reverse after it, and like most manufacturing businesses, came to a dead stand. Uriclerjhia state 6t things, of course it became a mat ter 6f Consequence and ahx lety to White A Billing* bam how they 'shhuld realise return*fbr&elr heavy investments at the Palls. The coiirsethey pursued wax ingenious,'and finally resulted In giving to the cltUenS of Philadelphia one of the greatest bless ings that ever fell to their lot. They procured, to .he published anonymously, in the papers of the day, a series of essays on the subjeot of Supplying the olty with water, that the city should purchase the water-powerafcthe Pall*,erect water-works there, making a basin ou the Hill, then owned by toy, father, and the adjoining pro perty, how laurel Hill Cemetery, and convey the water through an aqueduot down to the city. Therh w*s much opposition to this, and a newspaper ‘■H JriSr tUo Bubjoot; but finally the City Councils subject into consideration, anuappointed '* wfcmlUoa of Inquiry to view the ground, Ac. Thl«.pommiUee reported that i», was altogether im* to bring Uxw .voter so great a distance and so far the matter,ended; White began “Do Btarted in way, through the paper?, the idea of pur tab water-power at the Palls, and erecting i ®-t Fairmeunt, which, through inuoh op finally prevailed, ahd Iliave always con* Josiali White the originator of the'Fair- WwWt Bam and Water-Works. There had been oropreviously, two antiquated steam-engines for the water* using wood for fuel, i jßJdte * Gillingham' received, from the-city I «is!S^ r • vr£^ r P°, weT improvements, at the soino ofib hundred and sixty thousand dol* now Joalah White, smarting under his tlrolmeVii SChuylkillNavigation Company, Mr. Huzard and a German gen* Mr.-G/F. A. liauto, procured from tho iliJ^idature r -March. 20th, 1818, “ An act to improve Lehigh,*’. out of which grew the present •Ijjidgh Navigation .Company, of which ho was one fttJwe active managers until his death, November 'fltffifi 1850 - ', ; 'apw T ask, if X "have not shown good reasons for wjfeg that' X' knew of no man, to whom the oiti* ‘ Z&S df Philadelphia are sO much indebted as they htllpto Joslah White for substantial benefits they dnjbyed,< First, we see him, In oompany ,^W.Mf. Hazard, :muhing experiments ’with the 4&hracjte poal,and succeeding in bringing it into ipopticsd use in the rolling mill ; next, in suooess* jffljjy contriving grates to make it applicable for ' use: then starting the Sohuylkill Nayi- Company, to bring down a supply; oxlgi- ho idea of tbe’Fairmounfc Water-works, re-1 -editing in giving- to the citizens of Philadelphia ’ mum a cheap- and plentiful supply of water as they dreamed of befaro.; :and ‘finally, originating tbbLohigk .Wprks. Tho warrior whfl slays thou j aqmls of his follow oreatures is lauded and glori . Ao4-»’ high monuments aro ejected to his memory] , on wbioh arc emblazoned hia deeds of biood;but plain, unassuming oitizon, who does so ' ! UiilCh good for hi? follow mon, and who neither weeks or cuvots nbtdrlciy, sleep? his last sleep com* • pilrativoly Uunotioedand unknown ; but the day ’.will come when all now living shall have' passed o£‘tho Stage of existence ; whon the future histo rian who shall look into tho facta that I have im* . perfectly detailed to you, here, and comparing , jtbojn with tbs results, in bis own ago, will plaoe the name of Josiah. White whero it justly belongs, Alongside of other benefactors of his race. \ As an’ evldonoo of how far tho coal operations have transcended the wildest anticipations of those days, when White, Hazard and Haute prooured ; their act for improving the Lehigh, they had pre viously prooiirod a loaso for twenty-one yoflrs on all the coal lands in the neighborhood of Mauoh Chunk, .an immense, tract of country,' for whieh |hey,agreed to pay annually a rent, if demanded,, iff ono e^r con h ood obliged thomsolves, after a oertaln time, to bring down lo the city, for their ‘ 'o'lmi laeneflt, 40,000' bushels of coni, less tlian 1500 took. Xn the year 1854, according to tho report of the Lehigh Company for that year, a copy of which - i happen to have, thoro oume through the Lehigh Works. 1,246,418 tons. LITER. FROM KEY WEST. Ship Corack Destroyed by Fire—Probable Loss Of Bnreae Pacific. Th? annexed loiter, from tho Key West corres pondent pf the Now,Orleans Picayune, gives an aoriount of the destruction of tho ship Caraok, by fire, and tbo probablo loss of tho barquo Pacific, with other marine intelligence: * West, July 25.—Tho Tbomaston ship Ca rack. Captain.Btelphon, from New Orleans, bound to Liverpool, with a cargo of 2728 halos of cotton, VraS destroyed by fire on tho 36th and 17th louts., ione hundred miles northwest of Tortugas. Oapt. S,'arrived at this port on tho 22d, in the pilot boat Edna, Jones, having been taken from the barque Ann EUzAbeth, Capt. Norgravc, off this harbor, iwbich.veseel had fallen in with bis boat, near Tor tugaa, tbo.lBth- .Tho captain gives us the follow ing account of the loss of ois ship: “On tho 16th inst.,whon 250 miles 12. 8 E. of Tortugas, with fine weather and light winds from 8. §. W., aboutlJi M., a tbundor, squall came up hb<? the ship’s main mast was struck by lightning, which, coming down the lightning rod attached to -toyajl, hack Stay, penetrated the vessel, into tho * hold. We, discovered by the ijflnoke/sboo' after, that the, ship was. on fire, and used e*Di*y fcx&rtftol to*gw*frutod-«?dttßgaisii i i*, hut without success; and, as a last resort, caulked down tho batches, stopped all,ventilation, and kept the deck’s vrot. Wo made sail for Tortugas, that being the nearest point, and hoped to have reached that place beforo tho fire broke out. The smoke soon became so thick in the cabin as to compel us to leave it entirely. We then had the boats made ready and launohed, so as to 1 leave tho ship when the fire should force us to abandon her. The fire first made Its Appearance near tho main rigging, forcing up the deok to that the smoke came through the Nsms. We still continued to wet the decks, and by that moans kept the fire from bursting out before ft would otherwise have done. July 17.—The shipetUl on her course for Tortugas, but tho smoko becominj; sc thick that we could only keep a man at tho who©! for a fow minutes at a time. About two P. M. fire burst through under themhicn chains, and we then took to the boataand dropped them astern. About three P/M. our painters burnt off, and we were ©w*t adrift. Wo thou were eighty miles irorn Tor tugas. We remained in sight of the ship until she was on fire fore and aft, and hor masts had burned off. . 'We then started with the ship’s three boats for Tortugas.” A squall came up that night, which separated the boats. Tho captain’s boat was picked up on the 18th, by the bark Ann Elisabeth, Capt. Norgrave, of Philadelphia, and loft her off Key West, the 22d Inst., the captain and crew coming hero. The boat commanded by the first mate whs picked up by the *hip Dudley B. Moses, and arrived bore tne2Sd. The third boat, in command of the se cond mute, has not yot boon reported ; there were in her seven men, via : the second mate, carpen ter, and five seamen. Capt. Stelphen thinks that they wore picked up by 1 some passing vessel The Carack sailed from New Orleans, the 11th inst., with 2728 bales eotton, bound to Liverpool. The ship was eight years old, 874 tons burden, val ued at $30,000, and fully Insured. The cargo was valued at $200,000, and is, together with tho ship, a total loss, there being no possibility of her drift ing ashore. ' uapt. Stephen sunt part of his crew to New Or leans, in the shi p 8. U. Mallory, Capt. Lester, leav ing this port the 23d. He leaves in the Isabel, to night, bearing to hor owner tho accounts of the sod disaster. The U. 8. schooner Tortugas, Capt. Wilson, ar rived yesterday afternoon from Fort Jefferson, Tor tugas, and brings news of tho probablo loss of tho barque Pacific, Capt. Garduor, from Now York, for’ Mobile, with on 'assorted cargo, at East Key shoal, upon wbioh she struck on tho night of the 22d.‘ Copt. G., soon aGer getting ashore, com menced to throw over cargo, and continued until tho wrecking vessels from Gardon Key, arrived and gavo their assistance. Several lighter-loads were got out dry, and a quantity of the cargo pioked up, sorao of which has arrived, and wus sold to-day by the Marshal, At last accounts, tho barque bad throe foot water in hor, and as the wo&thor has been boisterous, It is conjectured that she has bilged. The schooner Mary Morton, Pinney, from Now York, for this place, is over due. The brig Bingham, Shannon, sailed for Mystic, the 14th; schooner Kensington, for Now York, ou the 18th. Tho Key West Key of tho Gulf, of tho 25th ult., furnishes the following additional intelli gence : The screw steamer R. Waterman, arrived at this port' on the morning of the 19th inst., from New Orleans and intermediate ports with the U. S. mails, passengers and freight. This voasei was employed for this trip only, (as wo are informed by Capt. Coszens,) to bo succeeded by the new and superior steamship Gen. Rusk, wbioh vossel is to perform tho service hereafter permanently. The Waterman sails for Now Orleans and intermediate Florida ports to-morrow morning. During the past week wo hove bad light breozes and calms, and clear, ploosant weather—rather un comfortably warm during the middlo of tbo days. Last evening tho wind freshened from tho south east to a very strong breeze, in squalls, with heavy rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning, whioh lasted until this morning. It bus the appearance of a squally, rainy day. We are pleased to Btatc that wo are onjoying a season of perfect health, with ovory prospoot ot its being continued to us. The Court has decreed In tho oase of the Holon E. Bcokor the following: Salvage on vossel and ma terials, $1,704; expends of same, $4,854 89; total salvage, $22,764 17; total exponses. $5,829 07; total salvage and oxponfles, $28,683 24. Her cargo of railroad Iron is held to bo worth $35 per ton, with tho exception of about twenty tons of bent and broken bars, at $2O per ton. About 850 tons of iron have been' saved and brought here, and tho balance of tho cargo will probably all be saved. The ship 8. R. Mallory sailed with her oargQ for New Or- Orlcans on tho 22d Inst. Tehuantepec, From tho New Orleans Picayune, August 2, Among the passengers of the steamship Texas, for Vora Cruz, yesterday, were the Hon. J. P. Benjamin, one of our Senators in Congress, the Hon. Pierre Soule, ex-Benator, and Emile LaSere, ex-Representative from the lower district! There was also on board Col. Lee, who is benrer of Gov ernment despatches to Mr. Forsyth, the American Minister in Mexico. The despatches are understood to relate to the Tebuastepeo right of way and transit route, in re ference to whioh some new arr&ngemonta with the Mexican Government aro thought to be advisable, since the late adjustment of domestic interests by which tho American company is represented, with out diiputo from any quarter, by the directory of which Mr. Lkfiarew President. > Mr. L»Bera is on his way to Mexico, to repre sent that company, and with him-to cooperate with is Mr-Benjamin, who has hitherto represented the Hargoos-Garay interest, now happily merged in this. Wo are not apprised of any public mission or interest which takeshfr. Soule to Mexico. We trust that they will find in Mexico a cordial welcome and co-qperatipn in the furtherance of their plans for giving iooraised efficiency to the Tehuantepec enterprise—one which is of great national value, and of special Importance to the South and Southwest. ’ we are sure we can rely on the vigorous 00-operation of Mr, Forsyth. From the New Fork Herald The Swiss Treaty. . Wo haye received the following letter from the Swiss Consul, In reference to the treaty lately con cluded between the United States and Switzerland: TO TES BDITOB 09 THB HERALD. 43 New Stasat, N** Yoax, Aug. 8.1857. Sib:—ln reading your interesting paper of this day, I find an article beginning with these worts:—“The Sews and the United States Government—The Swiss Treaty.” Allow me to ask of yoU the favor to read the treaty con cluded between the United States of America and the Swiss Confederation, and signed by his excellency, Frahkllu Pierce, President of the United Stated, on the 9th of November, 1855, ■ - l You wilt not find in said treaty a single word against tbC American citizens of the Israelitlsh persuasion. But in aqticlelyou -wUI find the following; , < i The citizens of the United States of America and the citizens of Switzerland shall be admitted and treated upon a footing of reciprocal equality In the two countries, where Such admission and treatment shall not conflict with the constitutional or legal provision, as well Fede ral as State and Cantonal, of the coutracting parties/’ &"c.,&c. , * ' ' ' . The Cantons of Switzerland are sovereign States, aa well os the several States of the American Union, and have each the right to make such laws as they think proper to make; and I believe that in most of them the Israelites bare not the same rights as the Christians. But Of that the Americans have ho more right to com plain than the Swiss aliens residing In theUuited States, where, in many States, they hare not the right to hold real estate, and are excluded of some other privileges. ’ Submitting these few lines to your consideration, I remain, sir. very respectfully, your obedient servant, bS.PH.DBLUZE, Consul of Switzerland In New York. From this oiplanation and Urn text pf the treaty it Appears that the Striae Confederation impose ho disabilities on Jews, though several Cantonal gov ernments do; and np tho confederation can nouiore control the domestie legislation of the several Can tons than our confederacy can that of onr 'several States, It may seem perhaps unjust to hold the confederation liable for the prejudices and the nar row polioy of the Cantons. I’riudieolly, however, our correspondent the Consul will notice that the effeotof the treaty is'just the same sa if tho re striction flowedfrom of 1 the confederation. For. Instance,, he cannot deny that an Amerlonh Jew, doipg business ,ln .the Canton of St.' (jail, would have to cross over into Austria to Sleep, the laws of the .Canton forbidding Jews to spend, the night in the Canton.. So much for; thp treaty and the explanation. - • ■ • , Clionfpimne Itlnde and 'i Doctored." From m .English book, just .published iu London, and'from the pen of the'Hev. George MuSgrove.K. A., entitled " A Pilgrimage into' Dnuphiiiy,” tire cut the following peeps at tire management of the delicious wine .known as champagne. At the splendid establishment df a, Monsieur L., ono of tho chief champagne growers of Rhelms, 1 our clerical pilgrim' had an opportunity of witnessing the mode of “ doctoring” the wine for the market: i .“.He painted out nine casks lying ,in the court-yard, containing a ton of ufhite sugar from tho Isle of Bourbon, every pound of which cost hinepeiicd. Hereupon I requested him to Bhow me some Of the genuine liquor in the stato, that is, in which it leaves the pm ioit after tlie re gular fermentation: process,, and beforo the sweetening syrup is added. Hopresently select ed a bottle trom some bins at hand, opened it, and poured out a glassfhi. 'A mOro unpalatable drink, Id the' denomination of wine, I never tasted. It was like Saturne mixed with Worm wood. ‘Now,’ said M. L., * I have taken out two glasses from this bqttie. Here is a bottle of from which I will fill up the deficiency you have just created.’ I wit nessed this fining up; and he then handed tlie bottle to a cellermcm, who corked and strung it in my presence. < That,* said he, «will, it no distant date, become a bottle of primest quality. It is the Verzenay growth.’ Atdin lter at tlie house of Monsieur L., on tho same day, the following scene occurred: ‘And now, said mine host, ‘ let me offer you some of the best wine wo have to boast of at Khelms.’ The string was instantly out, .and away wont the cork on Rs tcrial travels. Our glasses overflowed with the creamy stream, and my tips wl*h compliments on its unsurpassable ex cellence immediately afterwards. It was in deed, beautiful (t) wine. When all the eulb gium which such creditable sample elicited bad been exhausted, and the sober certainty alone remained of having lived ‘ thuato clasp perfection,’ f ‘ > the announcement was quietly made, of tlie bottle just emptied, being the identical one from which I had onaeavored, in vain, to drink a quarter of a glassftil two: hours previously! Tbo same Monseur L. informed me forty gallons of pure champagne wine they are obliged, by the requisition of the British agents, to add at least fire (but more frequently from ton to twelve)'gallons of brandy. The account of the stock oT Moet’a wines, pnd qf the cellos, is very curious. Here aie statements that must stagger .the. teetotallers: - u Tim•.ceUarmoii. M. Mqet’s‘ premises are extremely civil and obliging/ He' employs' about two liundrod work-people all through the year, of which number thirty are boys and twelve women. These women do tbo whole work of tin-foiling the corks after the final wire fastening, and wrap up the bottom in paper, as we see them when we open the cases. One of the chief overlookers took a lighted candle, and placed another |n my hand, and proceeded to conduct me, at tqy request* through the prin cipal cellars, which are about fitly feet below the level pf the street. He said the stock In hand was regularly kept up to a total of three millions of Bottles, (upwards of five thousand pipes,) proportioned off Into growths of various years and qualities. The wino is corked in the following way: Not far from, the Grand Berccau was a high vaulted chamber, containing seven vast tons which hold from two thousand three hundred to three thousand one hundred gallons, one with another. These are kept filled bvery year till bottling time- Along side of these monstercasks were eight men occupied in the operation of corking. The cork being taken out of hot water, for .which a .little steamlqg apparatus iskept-closd at band, comes to the < ebantier’ (or iron-framed machine for driving it into the bottle) ,in a ye.ry 10ft and. supple state. It Is exactly two inches long .and one and a quarter in' diameter, and in less than a secofid'of time after it is submitted to the grip and squeeze of the chanilor and Ua mallet, it descends into the neck of tho. bottle, and is ready for the string and first wiring. The men I saw on the occasion were engaged on these three operations alone; for foe tinfoil and wrap pers would pot be in requisition till the tot corking and wiring had taken place.” A Clam-Bake. As many of our readers Are not aoqu&inoed with the modus opemndi of a clam-bake, 1 we give the following sketch from a correspondent of the Wa torbury Ameriwri; A layer of stones is the first laid, about six foot square, then a layor of good wood, then another iayor of atonos, and so on till the pile reaches some five foot iu hoight; the wood is then ignited, and left to burn up. The hot stones are then put into a largo pan of boiler iron, some six feot ia diame ter, mid a little rook-wood is thrown in to give the bivalves,tho requisite flavor. Thon they put in the clums (both round and long,) oysters, lobsters, dif ferent kinds of fish, stuffed and seasoned, and wrapped in eloths—ohickens and ganio served like fish,) greon com, potatoes, Ac. A pieoe of canvass is spread over the whole, and then it is covered with rook-weed sufficiently to (ceop in all the steam, and left for about forty minutes, when it is served totbeguosts. ‘ ' The Council Bluffs Nonpareil aay& that a company of returned Mormons are now encamped near that place, and that they lntond to mAke the Bluffs their future home. They -have tried the “land of promise,” and found promises more pleuty than deeds, or at least than good deeds. Tne faiy and cheering promises made to thorn wero all worse than broken, aud they were subjected to restrictions more rigid than those of alavery. At the risk of their lives, they made good their escape. On Monday night week, a murder was corn raitted at Spring Hill, in Barbour county, Ala., by Edward Carroll, upon tho body of a Mr. or Dr. Drcwry, by tho stroko of a stick which fractured tho skull, causing his death in a short time after wards. Carroll immediately fled, but was pursued to Columbus. Ga., by parties from Spring Hill, who arrived here almost simultaneously with Car roll. and had him arrested. Rufus Choate has been selected us Orator before tho Alumni Association of Dartmouth Col lego for next year, and George P. Marsh, of Bur lington, Yt., as substitute. THE COURTS. Quarter Sessions—Judge*Allison.—IThe 1 The jury in the case of the Commonwealth v. Anna Meistcr and others, brought In this morning a verdict of “not guilty,” and tho defendants pay the costs. Thus for the present ends a very remarkable oaßo. Habeas Corpus Case.’—A bearing upon habeas corpus was had in tho oase of John Hart and Wil liam Rose, charged with having had, on the night of the 2d of Jniy last, a quantity of counterfeit money In their possession, with the intention of passing tho same. The testimony of officer Bartholomew disclosed the tots, that he found Hart and Rose late at night In the street, making a groat noise and vory drunk; that upon taking them Into custody, Hart drew something ont of his pooket and jerked back his hand; that the officer Btopped hack and picked up the parcel, which, upon examination at the station house, was found 1 to contain twenty-eight three dollar bills on a Massachusetts bank. Upon the hearing, the Aldenhau held the defts. iu *M?O bfti | and .it was for a reduction of tho bail or their dtsonaige the hhbeas corpus was heard. Judge Conrad, eiho heard this case/ eald' he did not think there —as sufficient testirnonr to, hold Rose, and he should therefore be discharged. hut with regard 1 to Hart,’he wtmld certaßVf re mand him for tidal. He .would, however,iwdude the bail to. *l,OOO, which was not .entered up to the adjournment of the Court. Wj; B.' Rankin, Esq:, for the deft. ' “ ’ . Adjtunmmt of tht Court.of Qtfarlfr-SeMions for One Weel.— Messm. Jftpam Dougherty and Rankin severally appltid U the 1 Chart for two weeks adjournment, In order jo get some time for relaxation. The Histrhjt Attorney, Mr. Mann, ob jected to two weeks, jjj’ttto'lonr, as he said there were over, over 1000 returns to this term, and 200 bills lying pver frfln a former term. It was Anally arranged that the Court would adjourn until psxt Monday, at IQ o'clock. 7 ■ nsA A'i •> i' * TWO CENTS. (From the New York Dally Times.] THE CUNNINGHAM AFFAIR. Dr. Uhl end the Hippocratic Oath—Testimonial to the Baby—Sobicrlption fee the Ctraalna* h»m Children—They are Homeless. . A great deal has been said about the Hippocratic oath which, or the like of which, is taken by erery regularly graduated medfoal sum in Europe and in this country at the tune he receives his diploma. The oath which Hippocrates is said to have admin* {stored to his disciples, has come dpwn to us in the Latin translation of Celsus; a few fragments of the Greek original alone are preserved.' The oath taken by modem physicians la substantially the same, but vanes in some important respects, and of course in the omission of the names of the heathen deities. Hippocrdtes. the “Father of Medicine ” flourished 400 years, before Christ. The following is, the Hippooratio oath: - Apollo, by Esculapias, by Hygeifc, and the other gods and goddesses of medicine, to keep reli giously the solemn promise to which I bind myself. I shall look upon that man as my own father who shall have instructed me in the art of healing. I shall bring , all my knowledge to bear in aiding his necessities in erery' ' respect. I shall consider hit children as mine, and shall teaoh them- medicine gratuitously, If they desire to em brace that profession. , I .shall act in the same way to wards those who shall b U>pnd by the oath which I take. Never, will I suffer myself .to be Induced to administer a poisonous medicament, or’to produce an’abortion, a * w My only aim wilt be to comfort and hail the sick, to ke<?p iDTiolafe their confidence,-and to avoid erea the suspicion of haTidg abused it; especially In the Case of - women. In whatever petition I may find myself, 1 will preserve silence with regard, to-things which/ Judge ought to be kept secret. May Ibe a religious observer of my oath, receive the fruit of my labels, and lead a happy life, eoastantly attended by the public favor. May the contrary be my jafoif 1 become perjured." The question whether Dr. Uhl has violated this oathisnpvf extensively agitating the .community. We receive.daijy several letters, pro and ?on, on the subject. On? class of writers propose a testi monial of admiration and gratitude to the, Doctor, for. doing so 4 unpleasant a duty for the sake of bringing so iniquitous a woman, to punishment, while the other party do not hesitate to brand him as being hiruselr nothing loss than “amoral men*’ star.” , .. . . ( , ; . The Quidnuj&cs' must not, fancy they will be per mitted, to enjoy tho particulars of whsit the Academy of Medioli\emuy ao towards adopting or repudiating the several. courses of Dpc tors Uhl and Catliu, both of whom are membersin “ good and regular standing.” , The Academy graciOual’b permits members who are present wheft they discuss suoh popular themes naFategmasia'doletu, or Ffl bris puerperalis, to detail the proceedings even for the secular papers. But this is only a gratuity, a grace on' their pdrt, and if so, is it bo be presumed lat such delicate matters as tho trial of Fellows will be conducted openly,?, (' At their last meetiflg; a .proposition was made that the editors of medical journals should be al lowed access. 1 to the minutes to copy them, A venerable Father of the Academy objected, urging that the Academy u should' be' very cautious tjow their minutes were exposed.” It must be remam'- bored that when a member reads a paper* and it is referred to the Publishing Committee, it as tucked away into tho archives, and ten to one it'neversees the light again.: > • > '• > < t The author still holds the copyright, but be can not publish'it v as,’read before the Academy” without incurring the wrath Of the academicians— they must give a special permit for the purpose. They have published one thin volume of transac tions, and perhaps a dozen pamphlets beside. - The thin Transactions are their only org&d. •: The pro posal of Wednesday- night named above, after p lucid discussion, and a sensible amendment or two wax referred. - If the cartons will : bide- their time, .they shall know.what la done with both iDoetors.- whose names are pinned henceforth to the fame pf Mrs., Cunningham, when the ‘Transact fails are published.' 1 ' ■ ••'* -- ‘ j Mem —The reason they do not publish their rolumes, they are shoi t of lauds. 1 In the meantime, talking of testimonials, it U proposed by certain benevolent people, to get up a testimonial foe Mrs. Anderson’s baby. .The ladies, especially, are desirous of thus demonstrating their sympathy for “the little blue-eyed as they call the infant that Mr#. Cunningham hugged to her breast as her “.legal baby,”, saying, as she did so, that .she had “put her trust in tho, LoriJ, and he had brought her safely through.”' And while tho ladies are thrusting dollar bills Into life infant’s tiny fist, or endowing it with laoed ?*ps, nnd friiled and flounced - dressed, Mr. Greenwood, of Barnnm’s American Museum, has an eye th the gratification of that' largo portion of tho .tmbllp who cannot spare time fora visit to the “ Lying-in Ward 7 ’ of Bellevue Hospital. The following is n proof of Mr. Greenwood’s enterprise*' and public spirit; the letter, is addressed to the Warden of Bellevue: ; Amßbioajc Moaccm, Aug. 8,1857. j T. Daly, fU4-— Denr Sit: I hire just returned (ton Bellevue Hospital, where 1 had hoped to have the plea sure of seeing you, as I wished your Influence with Mrs. Anderson, iu procuring her end her,babe to be at the Museum for a few after her dischjurgo from yotir Institution. I could make it an object for her to do sA. 1 know your time U folly occupied when you are down town, but I shall despair of seeing you, unless you cu make it convenient to drop into the Unseam for a mo ment to see me, or to inform urn. when and where I can see you. ' ‘ ‘ \ Tour kindness and infineoce in the premises shall be cheerfully and amply reciprocated by , j Your obedient servant, , • - JourGasaxwoon,Ja.,Manager.- Tito baby continues, os well as its mother, to lie tho object of curious inquiry and attention. Yes terday, it was a week old.' Ita fat cheeks testify that it'thrives on its popularity. Mrs.-Anderson still keeps her bed, but is doing well. . j Mr. Greenwood is not the owy party who seeks to gratify the public curiosity. Others'are ready to step In when the. slightest chance presents it self to t “ turn an honest penny.” ;Mr. Daly, tifo Warden of Bellevue Hospital, says that, on Satur day forenoon, a long-feced individual, with Amlm dab Sleek accent and demeanor, called upon him apd expressed a desirojto get the mother and baby as soon as the health of the Former would permit, and exhibit them, twenty-fivecents admittance.* He promised to engage rooms at either the St. Nicho las or Metropolitan Hotel, and ensure them the best of comforts end attention. This gentleman urged upon Mr. Italy to accede to hit proposition, prouiibg that a good fond could thereby be raised for the future support of the his torical babe.' Mr. Paly refused “to make a Cal vin Edson or Poddy Lambert*’ of top child. It is not, Indeed, likely that the child will be exhibited, at least for some time to come, notwith standing these applications, ifiv District Atton ney' Hall has instructed Mr, Paly to retain both Mrs. Anderson and her child in the Hospital till he consents to their removal, as he wishes to uM the mother as a witness in the approaching trim. The mother has consented to this arrangement, and thus will remain dwellers a month or two longer in comfortable quarters. ; . Helen and Georgiana Cunningham still remain at No. 31. Georgiana is very.aiok, aud Helen, though wearing in her features the evident marks of oare and alarm, has assumed the management of the household. She deprecates-her sister An*, gusto’s conduct, in leaving the house, and refusing to return to it, and says that she at least will never desert her parent, in prison or out. There is some thing noble in the poor girl’s devotion, after all J The Cunningham family have received orders to quit the house in Bond street, and the tradesmen, from whom about two weeks ago the furniture was obtained, (on eredit,) which was then moved into it, are preparing to remove it immediately, as they do not anticipate much probability of their being paid for tho same. There has been some talk of a subscription being raised for tho children, Dr. Phi promises ono hundred dollars, and several other gentlemen have expressed their willingness to con tribute- In a few days they will be without a home. f [From the Cincinnati Enquirer.] Sertei and Abolitionists in onlo. There is a remarkable and very suggestiye fact in regard to tho negro emigration into this State. It is this: Of the twenty-five thousand free negroes in the State, the vast majority re side in the counties where there are very few Abolitionists, and which have been chiefly set tlod by emigrants from tho Southern States. These negroes appear to have a great dread of the abolition counties; they giye them a wide berth. Thus, for example, Aahtabuin litis a negro population of forty-three, Geauga soyon, Trumbull sixty-five. The other counties on' the lake have a proportionate number of'ne groes. These counties are settled almost ex clusively bv New England emigrants. On the other hand, Ross county, a Virginia settle ment, has one thousand and six negroes; Gal lia has one thousand ono hundred and ninety eight, and Hamilton county has over' four thousand. • In these counties Hie negro is regarded as inferior, socially and politically, and the Abo litionist has hut a slight hold. What is the cause of this striking discrepancy ? Is it that tho negro feels and knows his inferiority, and naturally attaches himself to the population which is disposed to regard him os an inferior? or is. it that the whites in the lake shore counties are Abolitionists from an Ignorance of the real character of the negro? Certainly there is no better mode of curing a neighbor hood of Abolitionism than by inflicting on them a colony of free negroes. The only way In which Giddlngs can bo defeated will be by a few more such philanthropic efforts as those of Col. Mendenhall, In settling a few hundred North Carolina or Kentucky negroes in Ash tabula. If our Southern friends will'send us their surplus negro population, let them pro vide that they may he located ambbg their kind and generous friends in tho Wettem Reserve. Such earnest philanthropy,- as they profess ought not to be wasted on the desert. Arrest el CenjiterfeUers. The arrest at C&ptttoa, ?&., last week of Joe Miller, the king of CQonterfeiters, her been follow od by the arrest ol£ two more of his gang at Mounds title and Wheeling. .One .named Jones was arrested at passed several $lO and $2O counterfeits.,At Wheeling, on Thursday, a man who gtvehu nain« as George Johnson, was arrest- by Jptins Ballenberg, a Main street clothier, aud ttken before Aid Dulty, to undergo an hmWutuOn for passing counterieit money. He was -and sixteen hundred and twentydollara of counterfeit money,wu found on hU pnwoh, besides a brass knnokler. He alsohad on hie person seventy-two dollars and fifty cents In good money, ttenty dollars of which he afterwards gvrt’to Mr Segal in place of the bogus notapaasedon him The Counterfeit notes were as follows: For tv-five dollars in fi’a'on the “ Ohippewty Bank " inWlt consin,nipety dollars in 10’s On tiw, “Northwester a Bank in Wheeling, fourteenihnpdredand eighty dollars on “Fanners and Drovers Bank "‘at Waynesburg, and five-dollars on the “ Bank of Commerce.. . ™ • ThB toports of ,foreign goods at the port l of gft.SPAf *»!“?$ August 7, amour, wd to 'fi ,92 !!?V 1639,382 oyertho 'Corresponding weak ft, 1888. The pfincipal items 2«. oK 1 ” w 6” : ".*? ? oods . $624,217; saltpetre, *&,«& i«*g*r and mwassw, $65,841, __ jj , Goßespsadtuts for “Tap Sysia” in mind the follovitg - ,j . v arery fooSt be by, fee name of the writer/ insure correctness o the typogrephy, bat one eSte of a sheet should be written upon.. We shall be greatly obliged to gentlemen to Pennsyl vania ani other States for contributions giving the cor the day to their particular localities; the resouroee of the eurroundlng country, the increase of population, and any information that will be interest in to the general reader. • * j (From theNatfobal Intelligencer; Aug. Itfc.} ‘ F&IYATEE&-IMG. In my last number I promised an effort to show that war against commerce is the least oppressive, most hupaane, and most effectual iu bringing about peace, of any other means to be employed by piqrjtitae'Powers* It is a fact, not to he lost . sight #f,iiL discussing the propriety of privateering, that, from the de scent of the Spanish 1 'Armada and the days of Van Trornpj the sovereignty of the seas has beenclaimed*, and it may. be.said successfully, too, bypometem? great naval F6wer. Unlike the relative strength of nations on lgnd, who are sometimes so nearly balanced by numbers end wealth'or geographical advantages as to be able to hold each other in check for ages, no such counterpoise has long continued, on the ocean,as history well From the breaking out of the war of the French'- Kevo lution till the close of that war by the battle of Waterloo, the .maritime Powers of continental Europe were little more than ship-builders lor the royal navy of Great Britain j .'or it ‘is an undeniable tact that, while France, Spain; and Holland all built better ships, fastersaiiers, &c., than England, yet comparatively few men-ol wor, il.qven fiiirij launched at sea in. a war with .* England, returned to their original owners.* ’ - ’ Hut It hfls been said that the trident of Hep tuno'wasstticfceh ftojn the Lion by thcEagle of America, thrown to- • the battle’s breeze by the gallant Huh on the -I9tk of jUngust, I£l2. And was* and so it ever under like circumstances j but, .beyond., natiouaf pride, 3 home/ aEd glory., what effeef have stick'victo rius on the conUnoancVof war l CeTtainjy hot to shorten it, fof> while the vanquhihed at- the beginning of a, war wilhthirst for opportunities to retrieve his looses, so will, the conqueror pant, for pew. victories; and thus the war-spirit becomes', inflamed and' excited io a pitch high to? re ‘Cached by pradent or caUa'reason ing, and’waff-to thus continued for the Sfckeof War and hope of glory until the means of carry toShiOhshaiffail, or until gome irieadly perhapga.quasi shall tMnk the beiligerepts have reduced themselves to her own level,’and shall thdn'oflef mediation; and soonpeaci is restored; but perhaps without 'so much as* a discussion -of the questions' on which the war was commenced. - . , ~ have lost by battle and by se* equally in shipp, the battle "and the sea iiave provfed the wiiiding-sheets ofthouiadas cut Off In the < prime ibb/ and fatherless children, widowed mothers,- vnd aged parents,- dependent upon sons, for support iu the dpimdrilljof lire, are thus suddenly j thrown upou ; the; -world’s cold charity,.or, what is 4 worse in tiie United States,'npon the forlorn hope of'a piftahee by •way of pension grudgingly ‘ melcd 'ajttir ‘ythrs 0/ humitiathgiupplicatioß and Unoching'hl l he toof* of .Cbugriet. Such,. I am . reluctant: to admit,;was about the. result of our, tost.war with England, when the belligerents carm* out .of the war relatively, 4 as regards national strength, about as they commenced* the honors and' moral effects were -on our side, Mid a fair balance sheet would show us largely .the gainers in pounds, shillings and pence; but for this latter Hem we stand indebted to qjujq pri vaiephned navy. ‘ Ciptain freorge Coggshall, in his adwAuble history*6f American'privateers, says an aggre gate of two thousand sail of British shipping were captured by .our little navy, icith thc-'4id of privaietri and letters of murqve, exclusive of captures made on the great Northern Lakes. Ofthesd two thousand Captures upon the high seas, thirteen hundred and thirty were taken by prisfl/e armed vessels* Mr* Goggshall ftrtfcer statea that “I have dilhcult to.teicer. tain . the - exact number of our own vessels taken and destroyed by from the best ihfdrifaatioh I can obtain; 41 / shduld judge thcy trould'not amount to morethah jive kstiired rati/? leaving uia clear-gaifo Attitorei British ships, being taken from the enemy and appropriated to our oyru wapta,' could faU but little stion in value,of 1 ihe cost of the wir to us* To the actual valpe' of ships taken ftxmrthe enemy itTsbutjuSfth iKld at least fifty per centum for protection, aflbrded to our own. commerce and coatt trade the full employment our privateers g are the British navy, remembering, too, that these private armed vesseis—oaly 250 of the Government nothing save only the parchment on which their commissions were printed. * i In the capture of the Guerriere by.the. Qfiziatitu- Uon.tiiQrewerc sixty-pine wounded in aingie t»ttie,the effect o/ which was to* excite the war spirit“whilst the capture of fifteen hundred Hritisdi mer chantmen, worth probably.near a'hundred mil lion of dollars, striking terror’ to the rßritish Government, her capitalists, and her subjects of every class, was doubtless accomplished with far less loss of life and human suffering* 4*l do not deny that the capture of the Guer riere by the Constitution,» and our naval suc cess in general in the war of ISIZ-’IS-'H had a very important influence on the. war-spirit of England.. It could not be otherwise, beoanse It broke the charm of invincibility on the. lea, so long claimed for the Lion and the Crown; it humbled the Briton’s vain boastings,' Wnd taught hern-new lesson in naval tactics,To’wit, meet a Yankee foe on the ocean was not always followed by victory to tLe British arms, but most generally the reverso; but I do mean to say that, in a war between the United States and Great Britain, the havoc which 'Jive hundred-* and we could send out a thousand — well-appointed private armed vessels, would commit on English commerce, despite her /Aowtoki would have more influ ence in' preventing hostilities and restoring peace, than many pitched battles and bloody Victories gained, on land and sea, by regular armies and navies, and at the cost of ao much ti*sa&ure and ftigbtful sacrifice of human Life, and entailed misery on Many a babe left fatherless And many a widowmoaidag:-*’ A astion’s wealth is estimated by its popu lation ;bat who can act .a moneyed value on human life ? It is abuse pf ice when compared with gold and silver. Whosoever taketh .life shall pay the forfeit by his own life, and no amount of treasure can avert the Sentence of the law In such cases; thus showing that the value of human life with civilized nations is, indeed, above all price. The truth of this preposition will hardly be called in question by any moralist of the present age. It therefore follows as the first duty of Governments,'uot only to avoid war by all honorable means at command, but, whenever forced to take up arms in self-defence, to use her arms and other resources of annoyance so as to inflict ,the severest blow she, can upon the enemy with ’the least possible loss of human life' and’ an noyance to peaceful and rural inhabitants.' But war against private property ou the high seas is said to be a rule of the dark ages, and ought not to, be tolerated in these enlightened days of Christian philanthropy. So i 3 the monster, war, in all its phases, hot least of all when directed against oceanic oommeree, since the sacrifice of life is comparatively small, and the loss of property, though often large, is so owned and distributed as to be seldom over whelming to any one. 3lost ships and their car. i goes, especially; in time of war, are owned con jointly by wealthy merchants, who protect their interests by insuring in joint stock com panies composed of rich- bankers, lords, no bles, and others of large estates thronghout the realm, who, to be sure, are occasionally made to taste of the -horrors of war in the way of increased taxation and short dividends,oc -1 casioned by captures on the sea; and thus it is that war on conmerce is carried into the pockets of those who make and maintain wars, and in that way privateering is most potent in restoring and maintaining the peace of the world. Something has been said about the moralitv of privateering. All wars are against mo rality, and the day was when privateering was looked upon as a mere license to rob, ahd but little removed front piracy. The same may be said of some great naval expeditions in olden times. But a faithful history of Ameri can privateersmen, both of the Revolution and the late war with England, will show thas pri vateering under the flag of the Unitetf States has ever been conducted with as much hu manity, gallantry, and moral proprietv as by the most chivalrous naval commanders’of the present or past time. T. Ae C. i The Gloucester Fisheries Some Six or eight sail have arrived from the Bav with fares from two to three hundred barrels itch.' A great fleet may be expected home in a week nr two from, the British &me vts£ti wS £?r.n„7m h . rM ‘"I 8 ,"* *«°n. SomedTvs in lrinds Ire favorable. nnrf.r fn» -Sn 1 to Me th !f® vessels arriving r , . **Mi with a graas display of bunting, and entering the Larbor'of Gloucester, otT^r’ fremthi4 t 5“ ; aUre da f- with full cargoes SatfE“l“ St Lawrence. From twenty-live 1 have arrived in one day. \\ i see i thing to prevent the port of Gloucester from wownog the fisheries of Massachusetts iriuua its limits. Its facilities uki convenience.* fire s° much superior to any other port, that the DOamttt la being gradually guen up at many minor ustungpiaceS. from all ports ia the State of Maine, ▼esael* coma to Gloucester to fit and pack, .their owners finding that they cannot cany on the buii at thd places where they reside, nor dispose of their cargoes, nor procure their supplies, without great difficulties. At Gloucester the cash can be obtained for theirfish os soon as landed, and all out* fits obtained.— Boston Traveller. A man named Jane way was frightened to death, at Indianapolis, on Monday last, through fear that he would be run over by a train of earson th« Terr? Saute Bailroad. He was to a Wgyfand was about crossing the railroad, when t 5» train »ne»rthe truck, th*l the driver became « lerror-.tricken' u m Sfl'bta Sh pfljriciuns Mi,! who eg.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers