The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 10, 1857, Image 4

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    . ■ i
1! i i -Theillglitingale aits by hiamate ;|- >' !. ’> '
. ! A
; art »»|«d«i«x«rf ;>.*<«•.••- " ,•'• ;
awtoWimsr.wtth ms, •■dJtßjwW*'**'/ * "'
--ssBlf«ieWS'i>Pj»^lU»^^ ; '--'‘- '■H < '*'j.g' ?j
sJJv.-IhS klMof.lorOi'tiW/UgWof eyM,' -'A ,j
Jl : '™ make adaw.rt groans, .”»- -
- if. *i s |
i-ahdi ’ltn'Ede^of'Hii'i'AHn'eV'''' ,ti!l • •*■'■’- r i A j
wHs.** i
. -n% f. 4 ’.’ '■- Uf -' ‘'• "
■S i»;f!-.ftcE' Mf* " • i«;T»/\V<^'-!■;; ,( iji< f ;
v. from thii Honsl-top, drawling; long, dDHful tohe,. r -
"iKto.b ■:
ffositijm with amhjoua Shrlekav.jet oaths went, i.
- i-’. -God 'lcld you ! They Uy, the owl wM » b*k«r’3
ILord, ire. know wietfSTari, batkuivnot
*Wm _i »<)*■s
**fesnn2ji( Awii&lftwfe
wSuqulMMA'TltodresdiOhii ofdEiMt baapdaa
&tpfor®, Ih'id'g^ei
scriptlons onthetomba qf ber-ancient, kings
at Luxor; visited, the _adg^'Pyramids'^'rtf
calledihe riddle*M the base of
stood, imbedded jntoo
error-shifting,, qoewrip wands,-oAtoe, desert.
Borne vm t wl no
thing bpt-her.olassicalmeinories to recommend
hefrfhhd now, urged irjr aa undyitig love of
? WejUawa* ti last, in Germany, and there*
Of tbe.Brecken,,-, , ;f j ~...•,,
■tiea ofthoiegondg of,other,lands: hsdmado me
skopticalhere. "MiaTWlilir-wOtfWshed on
or XwjgDcdoc ,French; J-.would scarcely,bay#
beliemOittier.cyesoreafaf 'i rXi-.-ifU adr
i<-EiHyi Slftho afternoon; .Whetr-the ‘-Wind*/
Bp»g srw>gh .IWlrtW- ?&!s?* i
through'. -vastiforostg-; of-pine, foretold- Um
Stifling. Morin; -I-reined'my- steed' •befoi'fe:; 'a
M tbe. road--o»e of those maa-*;
sive.lraildlng& which; k century or .tworbcforej i
ditchVtraveroed in-front.of the-great gates by |
tf’iijiaci^nff'drAWbridger, 1
half nwgy. between the towers' tfiat ! flinked the i
gateb uii(i ihef otbere |omts J
> -‘0 'i <
wheqjtbs go tea-creaked, on .their -hinges, un
fiirled thcir ponderous .valves,' amli anroged
serSdsiSitfy'Wowdd by several servarfttj cimq
fOTwaSSilittld gave me welcome.', ,
rfi^ftncpdjfcMiyibeiund-me,/,; i i
. “ Tour;aemntBs-aony will be cared f'or: I
Bhall &tdtihh b gbmd'‘On‘th(i ! road to' pievent
- thelf giwgnstiay., But- your Eminence, ih'ust
r®iKfefqttOt^^%-T^DWn^6Avp,mii ; rooif
of. BomaECe! ■
r-Rfeqnesljng;him l to infbrmiilne-trhbn
OohnMs ibrohld be 1 -ready to receive 1 ime,,!.
asOlnd'id ito . my., chamber..,. A Jirief,interval,!
and,my valet eptered ,the ; apartmejit, ; foHow.ed
gmdCs, to|tb' their-,wulea.- ho wnf./bad boon
disnuißied. by the Countess 1 ; -‘ordara. r w This
stWsNr'mew'Odd^«oe!diveiy*:"oadj''-:l' , ionght’
abetter for thei night; aind; it; was; evidently pre
arranged that 1 Was to remain - fora length, of
time. Fop the present l had to submit.:
pdbid&Chlaime Liwaii .'Stunniodedito MUIaS'M
hiostessv‘ 41 found her in a large fiotWc spank'
■Julias J»S?
mtfhgjmL&toWw ;«b J twiiWP*
Idaasal 'ber band, told : me that overything in;
fbe castldi'was t 1
SHtfeodorffi-wai then'intieregioitof the
tSenliLct ithsi!'sh3 wore her
naootHly iachv und vdthoiit thatthuy
' brown..'
BWltnose-oWaa gtrongly aquiirnei. Her- mouth
tb&andwiinly set« j: ’ ,n - 11
fawn, and » cbemisevof whii*. s She l wore no.
ja*jls;.--tidjhottieV. bfibet 1 , ppcnlltettoa -vtliat'
wiiai ttadtdijkwftfting;;.Sbb e
made no sonod, not even tho rnstie ofa dress.
Another, ibat her VbicO waStThbre' bass than
appailed udef It might have bpeu fancy—l
tboughtit'Was at 7 tbe j
to me to possess to a retasikable dogreo fHe
faculty of ;dilation «nd cbmpression of the ph
.nntt&irrh.i-iw&osh.'J --‘i.'v ; i
inundas ithd oxtont *fL ta 3! f trivojled
* Othfii^
month. Her knowledge was extensive, fir bey
. The clumber ajlptiedto maop-my arrival at
i%qasf|pV; »eJ«w»>wlto the excltementtef
travei,and the-novelty of thismoeting, Ithrew
ojffetHe-wtoSrdwJ bm?
wffiqS“li&l bbiKlinnea 'anrihg .UjC early pak i
tbenfghty now\Srbkaaway ( Tmd the mooncame
"rdjbbj tu^whoo-.0-o! 5 ,;-.;.; ; > - . <v«;; -The Form of Contlnrntß Determined by the
.Tbsowund was .almost in my earS. I Wasi ! -
Btajtted even IhoreiStv, 'When-l sto’ a gi' 's [From tho Ohristiaji KJMnlner of Ju]j.]
gantjc^j^ptrsd t ' | Tho scientific' circles'- & Ciimhrldge have
'been recently interested in an, observation of
ref, float away in tbe mobfl towhrd th» distant Brofoseor'Piotdc, not 1 yet pubnshed,'upon the
Wnh bf.the Continents. If wef eleydto V tcr-
Jfstrial'globe until tho Arctic and Antarctic
breiki&st* vh --f> 4 »i -ah *yt 1 arft tapgent, to toe wooden horitoa, awl
“s'heBe old , Gcma')icastlbB, , ’ slii(i Blid,’ 1 f < are, then- cause toe- globe : slowly to revolve,-we'
full dl' them; .our .forests 6bound with-tbem, aa shall find that a majority of toe lines of clova
well as with vas,t mu)ytudea.ofi ghmerd By tlm vatipn-ln;too .earth’s; crnst-*-t. : «.; coast -linos
wMj-ffcrr.Sigismnud, do in°;fto ihvon to help, -.and-mountain .ranges—will, eitlief asthey rise'
metotoeDreaaf.jOf.tosf'parfFuhpi'f if ! r fee «r .«f'ae.-they-go-ttbwni’c’oincldo'hftiaabing'wito
TVerwerebreakftffling«Srfsi»ii/fe, . . thd;whodeh,'h r pri?bnl,'Jor example, tho, main
‘‘yeß'm'fttffpguiredtoVCo.tofmaSj yddyou ebast ot th'e'Unltod States tending ! northeast
evevjjtof^fj"”-/; .WB/Jf'eterftd oh' hi k- great circle', gnizo, the
_ “Sometimes,' ’ I returned; «I- ani on- rmeri ,A rcf ' c .'phcle,'tmd the coast; of .Florida-and
r presouf fs'sBian:h'; XhlShWiSktesiding.northwest will graze it on
monlai 'sh® other side. Tho same is true of too east 1
likotoailchdajrifchtoiecfihgjandia'ittinthoi pq aB, “ oi> - Sonth; Ahl«rlca-and Africa; tool
mod revelry.” a 1,0 aWi -r. - a icoasts of the Bed Soa, of-Italy, of the Black
‘»Md'youlbenevelufafcttrol)iesl.” 4ld,pliep S|ai.o6Hibd(iStah,of.N'erv Zealand; Sec.'- Thp
“w§lj,,tjhere stands too Barzf .noiSivety lhr dis-. 4f®ff c> and - Anhirtlc circles are also coas’
tant.»y-,;ivwilWlnnilshybU' BsoS,being always tahjeht to toe horlzdn.'
with a guide to.tiie crfge' of dhG hiiihitcd ground; -If is almost' impossible to exaggerate tlio im-
P?Etoß6o.«f«tois Joe,discovery,.proving-as-it
will.;watcS.7Jwtil. -aidnlght, aUditotoni ufloxt 4?®s, by geological facts, that .the obliquity of
momlng«<ydn returai-iicMtiiaiig tile ecliptic Ims been essentially unchanged
lato-totaif tod wonders iißootoo.fhiwii.dJf predion, and that soktt heat
*® e fesoj* '» - -V-f -i- Iff s.toe.agf.ut to. carry, out. toe command-oh
“This Is mere badinage,” sail I, In reply- -the second day td let tho dry land appear. 'Tho
«yoflrrvhiy i #oids-Contato' 4nltoaov<iflriifi&Jf line of- SeiKfration between light and da'rltoeis,
beito/l" Indeed, tlwy/'.fleny/wlat. .Wtwoopssolsr.heat aadtlhe cdolhess: of night, 1
yoq say.,- Have you ever visited.tile Brocken l» travelling daily for.two months in Summer, and
«l *;f-!■"',{« •- ?; 4 S»to for two itiontoi mentor!in sueh>i!d-.
hi- ui . #« as'to coincide in passing^with" tlie lines
“A grfeat'muny Sne things—fine .streams, 0 f nlihetvaljfdndicate'stoninistakeably tost it
fine-visfasi and finn glcns' y- . : ' 7 ■ was connected with'the determination of those
,# tVK4t, in day-tfme }’’ ...•-« - f 9P clen ttoto<)teruilne the line of rupture of
"■Aadysm dou’tbclieve in wtti;KesJ” ; ', ,! "L e ,P” 18k ‘.; a comparison of toe forms
“Implicitly; hid cply; in, s^h,Witches as faiji-' Pioi;cp ajso draws
sowing, for inf
exeiqjglhg their craft.qh young gllhtlehieir, UUe 1 W n6 £f ‘bat the ■ -Wegtern ’ Continent is older
yovtM and tiuU the Gulf Stream, dtirlng
<«WID you ride frith me f & l22££ S. y A ?,«, C « us * <l ft e great
-4i ocMiOo .» of hflthnoihttaij edntin'ent.’ '• ■'
“■Welt, hy moonlignt.-theflit”. > : tok duli 'y-u- - ~1 '•
“It is only atUi'e SiQnigbt'iha iMIi jhrocker a detailed
Snm *‘o '^sSsT tf SSJ&fiS* , l l <4 trade in tost
WtMUlii whoiiy lotoS*wHh , »r&? { }a\
to should- #e'«fioWwitHdhi:jK; AftAbsiMrS
gu%f I-Ofits,,..; ofiions
“ Wsste4SMff*Jl .1 Vf- r.S gw-burasn. oSbefwaalosded iriUfllOßO Baihsiairf
’ l n .-
in great it tbfelame fime. an St^**. 1856 to.® grain shipments W4re 21,600,000
B»piwstWsSuMnv,wnteh‘fh^^.'plgoe4W!. U iS^''i i ; to. A ..n:tTX.'. u ir/t>-
ths itohP.nS.tßftooferoclous.anluialr- ■;«*0 tlur brief but toliing paragraph is 1 '
ww lb JtS twehtielh yeur, having imt-.
’|g3* J#H«r®ortlon of m driglnat .cotfmpo
mr, : -. mks i; '-'.1,',.
'ovar'ftfe *s‘gd wfl'oTosed the
gates [beflum utile'f®) it barstupqnthe build-!
ingj-itff Blirieks, stalked; like ghosts, their cries
iJeTibwrSUS g vaulted- fcirridoijs.
The ail was aflame with’ lightning. Gazing
through s th'ocasofticnt ■ rbeMld’hundreda of
owls'flittlng'arohnd; ' “ Tri-Whit I tu-whoo!”,
fcsmo "froth* evfrfy tree. Wild Boars rushed,
across the esplanade iwolyps came up'tothe
very edge of the dry ditch, .while eight, rayons
croaltbd' tn, fear .of the., terrible.', tempest. It
was a Walpurgis nighte-TWHhou( the Brocken. 1
Tho excitement oftho/lay, iliclVoshnes.s of
mj hW'^ltiiatlbuJ J wjsto<H‘ the.
castloi follbwedrue to tnypouck, Thpt night,
although' every .night .arrival the uri
oartUy‘tin-wjufC tu-whqo j”f of, the owl was
part .of roymrimiy entertainment, ! heard it i
nbtl Waslna deOpsleep;' hilt in my dreams,
it debrnSd, tis,’tise (Tern; my,side;, ahd; flitting!
thrice armiiiS my head, |aktl Way through the 5
W. Mril butdpce’afterward; ’
' X'was’now' domesticated,hrid .resigned my-
again made great progress; but at tneexpenße
of my healths i ;I:xflsorted.!to: ekerciso. with
my vassals-I sought out all the secret recesses
Oflthe Hatz—-ylaltefl the chMcoal-brntinrSH-tlje
woodteutters—the minera,who/ broughtto my
mind the ancient legends of .the evoh-tlienstill
exlsUng.Rosferucifiria, children, of'.the posy
Cross./ Each'one liad liis talo.. Ever}- one had
heard—no. one had seen—but every* one be;
llevedf ': 1 ' ',/ v ! - • ;
! "iflElfc witches,’.’ .they said, “held t their, .vo
luptuous; orgies during* th'e presence of ■ the
n)oori,!:on a,plafn, on the- summit of,the
iupuntado. j Thither they, came, none, how
ever;*-,in, their,'.natural shapes; but -as birds,
beasts', reptiles;'bats; *or.- insects.' * Once there;
thßy remcd tteir prV#t flgnres.and atthe
apprtiacfa;of day,. sought. their homes—bus
haxkfoih the couches of wives—wives to the
beds of husbands —brotlier to brdthCr—sister
timm'*™**#* |
stjange,’*,, '<V.tii*t,.these
night-wanderera never endured the light Of day;
they the pleased Buh shihe on ihfern.
“lflre pwls, cpn T
cealing themselvea in pld caatles, with but one
A cnlu crept over .me, hut I smiled at
myfollypand plunged with triad zestin’ the
wjddfury, pf, the,chaso. ... , ,
'.i'AaobW boat ’graced. iriytriumpb, arifl WO
retraced our,steps to the castle. As we reachefl
the edge Of the.forest,. a larged homed owl
fled, with a “Th-whitl tu 'wnool” from a
larch above my head,' orit into the'twilight, aid.
hung ralipv,ed,agttinBt tUe still crimson, sky, ,
* rl know not what tempted me; but I threw
up my. yager and fl(edh ‘ Oriq of my vassals
brought nie tho bird’. ‘I 1 closely,
andasl- WaSia (practical naturalist, quickly
made*out its points. '• -
w Wff6ift’Wfe ! rif'a flaxen’color/ahnost deep;
ening into browp... The bfow loif, ahd retreat
ing. The ears’ projected- Tlie‘ bill was strong
ly aquiline, «The ijnoutb thin and * firmly [set.
The.cpipf pf .thehackwas brown. ..Theibreast
was a delicate iiiwn color; and the; lower/part
pf .the!stomachWeswhile,i ,’ i ’ ;■;.!> ;i
■ f was sirncfe }nth!ihprcolp'ra,.,and fbok'stHo
bird borne as' a present to tlie Counteas. *
; Sly ,wife met me atthe,door;With p smile
and a.kiss;:, AfttT'.corigratulating .nip on v my
success with the boar, she examined .the owl. .
- “Ah,” said, she/ “I hope, this, is, your
long-lost mOcturnal minstrel,' who y‘6h fciidk’ept
yon awiike of nights. " You will noty bfl certain
bfricpbse. 5 .!,,,','. ' •
, “ Tell me, nivlove,” said I,’one day, when
the thought suddenly, qccnrrea to my memory,
“haw eame ypu to have’a presentiment of ,my
arrival ?—-The- seneschal toid-me * I had been
long.mcpocted-” .; > - .. . j; '‘i f
“ Tou stopped at the Count vomßich
enstoih’S,yott remember; he sent me a couMcr
of journeying farther. J ■ >/.
/“ButnO-cOurierprecodedineOn'the road:
: I must paye either seen'pr heard ,o,f Biin.”
"“Ue mnst have ttaveileu while ,yon, slept;
. How else could I have, foreseen your arrival 1”
i Day after day the fqrest hecame more pnd
I mpr l «;myliopi!e > :4nd in. the veriest 1 spirit of
petulance, I, slaughtered. all the birds, l could
find. Hawks, owls and other vermin of like
character,‘ Word’ my ;absolute .abhorrence., I
never buffered one to escape me. ‘ I returned to
the castle with heaps of* them. * I* nailed them
in ternretn op every tree.
“ IVh'yj Siguihiind; my dear,” said my wife,
one day; “you will, devastate my forests, at thi?
rate,-but aniusO yobfaelf; , only spare' the birds
about th'/ricistle. ' * ;;
I promised.’ ‘ , ,
Some months alter this, I summoned all my *
wife’s 'retainera to a grand htmt, whlch I in
tended tb extend for several./days.! We de
parted, leaving no one but the Countess and her
fenuJs domestios, athomo’.• Thefirstdiyf how-,
fever, sufficed, and we returned just aitertwi-i, the;castlfc,'. il'.fdrbade .aXL ! .noi3oj as l
intended to take my wife by surpriafe.’ * Ti
pausedfaaflhad dOhe rnaiiyie time
fhont of the old tower, to gaze on its majestic
(proportions:; XuSt< thbaftfie arbscj'.and'
seemed to me to leap into the nppor heavebs.'
pownlnia'.shoWer'dfraiWer' fide; fell her irafll-.
knee on the ivy tods.that enwreathid th'e'cale’:*
jnepts ufiife'r fi/Mch ’l'Btobdi-jhby.ih light, I in
shadow; when from’ the Ivy came the cry—•
j “ Tu-whitl toawkbo), tu-whitl , ta-wboo
and the unearjhiy owl, ilpaiedout into the moon.'.
Around ; andiar'o.und the , tower ,it swept onc.e-r
..when, .ab the, last. clrcle nry
yager, - touched shoulder. There was a.
flash—a sound—a dull,' heavy, Inanimate fail
jnamong us,hmifcrs-fetajners~e my I
very feet; .’and; Baints of heaven 1. what did I
seel- r-.;-'. '*-*'* :l ';
Thorp Jay .tfie, corpse .oftho Copntess, with',
dead i.Aninstant, .and a- shriek arpse from
(he vastUilSj and a flock of 6svls; r rgvens,' and'
ptherhidcons’night.birds ’fllttcdfrom around
pie, with wild,-.weird “tu-whits,” caws and
shrleketowards the Brocken.
; I looked for the, body it was gone I. ,1
My'seirvaht and I kt there on our, steeds!
j Another'Becon3, and'a tliird storm—terrible
4-tCrrlblep-terrible; in its majesty I Prom a
! cloud above our beads, pealed a crash of thun
,der, leaped a flaBh. of lightning/ and Whilewe
sank in prayer, that most accUrscd .of nnholy
Afifleeswas slowly', consumed,. The'.light of
th® hnrhing bnll(iing foUowo4us,'like a ghost,
ibonr humedfllght! ■'"'■* ;; ’ '
t»e unravpUer,' q/ the .mysteries of the Harz
aud Brocken—-where was I ? -
i j I hidlived vrlth ddmons, W)d knew them not—-
,S&4;wedded a demon, ahd dreamed not of my
T n - {Cfel^bp'P'Us! r ; Grea> wisdom.jß,'always
.great felly, wuj.mi.ts extreme exaltation; great
> i I sorfght: dfe'frietdS/tlie charcbal-hiirners,
and'ipld;lharb W Story., ’ They cfosaed them
-7 - •* - ,n.
I “'Byrny/altharidSaint Peter," sir Kiight,”
‘i had, you : hot accidentiilly killed your wehr.
:wlfe;it would have i taken : the Pope and the
wholo 'Collefed' bf'Cardiuals tb havo: prayed,
your pprgatory!”, ~ ~
, 1 Philadelphia, Jugnstj 1857.,, . <* •, '•*
[Hbtov risiiDiNopf/the: father of tho English'
* w B , k° beea justly culled, was born'in
-1707* - Hoi 6fiGfeneraU Fielding, $ do
wandant of tho Katlr- of Denbigh. ' His mfeans,
howeverjworoliiQited; l hilf His
. of,*difficulty;iA its xxifddlc period, and
j£ 6u % n .%* n \k* s dooUnc/ He 4ied jitihoagb qf
v f Folding’s was “ Joseph Andrews,”
whJeii as a burlosque on Richard*
son’s “ Pamela.”. But,- un.libp, most satirists, the
author; was led away by his gonitis to produeo
somothing more enduring than banter or travestio.
He found'out bis powerof delineating charaotor—
and ** Parsoiv Adams” will lire m long as the lau
guftge. “ Tym /Jones” is unquestionably Field
iug’sgreatost wdrk. Amelia” U'tanro unequal.
How greatly is'lt to be deplored that productions
of suon undoubted geplua have corrupting and gro*
veiling,passage*/in them—in a great degree tho
result of the. habits of the age in which they woro
produced—which dxdludo'thcm from general no*
coptatlon! “ Jonatlian JYlid,”'from whioh our
fcxtttto't b is a'repiarkablo production, 'full
of that knowledge of tho world whioh made Field*
ing ths first of novelists, and'the most acute of
magistrates;.}' ,’i ,i < . ■ • ’•< -
: Jonatlian Wild had every qualification neces
sary to form a great man, As his most pow
orful and predominant passion Was l ambition,
hp jiaturo had, with consummate, propriety,
adapted all his faculties to the attaining those
glorious ends to' which this passion directed
him. He was extremely ingenious in invent
ing'designs, artfel in contriving the means to
accomplish liis, pufpbtos,'itnd resolute in exe
cuting th'eto; for asthe moSt'eXqulsite cunning
and post nndannted bpldiiess*qualifled him for
any undertaking, so was/lid'not restrained by
any of those weaknesses which , disappoint the
views qf mean and vulgar souls, undivided are
comprehended in one general term of honesty,
which. Is,a corruption of X/moi/y, a word' de
rived from what the Greeks , call an nss„ He
was , entirely ftee from those low vices of
modesty and good-natuye, which, as he said,
implied , u total negation of, humpn greatness,
and’ were the only qualities which absolutely
rendered a man. incapable-of making a consi
derable figure in the’.wdrld. ’ His lust,was infe
rior only'to' his ambition;.,but as for what
simple people call love; bo knew not what it
was. His avarice was imihense/but it was of
tho rapacious not of the tenacious kind; his
rapaciousness was indeed so violent, that no
thing ever contented him but the whole:' for,*
however considerable tho share was which his
coadjutors allowed him pf a booty, he was rest
less in' inventing means to iiiake liimsclf master
of fee smallest pittance reserved by them. He
said laws were made for the use.of 'prigs only,
and to secure their property; they were never,
therefore, more perverted, than when their
edge was turned against these; bat that this
generally happened through their want of suf
ficient dexterity. The character which he
most valued himself upon; and which ho prin
cipally honored in others, was hypocrisy. His
opiniomvas/tbat no one couia carry priggism
■ very/far Without if; for which refison; he said;
; there'was little greqtqess to bo,expected in a
man who ackn'owlpdged.his vices, but. always
much to bo hoped from him who professed
great virtues: wherefore,, though, he would
always shun' the person , whom he "discovered
guilty of'a good action; yet,he* was never de
terred by a good character, which was more
! commonly the effect of profession than of
aqtion; foi which reaaqn, ho himself was,always
very liberal,Of honest prpfe'ssionß; and tad as
much' virtllo and goodness'in his month as a
. saint; never-in the least scrupling to swear by
hia honor; even to those who know Mm the
'best; nay, though he held,.good-nature and
(modesty in the highest contempt, he conatant
ly practised tho effeefation of both, and 'recom
mended this to others, whoso welfare, oh his
;own account, he wished well,to. He*laid down
i several maxims as the certain method of attain
ing greatness; to which in his o,wn'pursuit of
jit, he constantly adhered. ‘As4- !
I 1. Hover to'do more mischief-to: another
(than was necessary to'thb affecting his purpose;
■for th'aVmiBchief whs tod precious athing to bo
;tlirown away. • . ,
! 2. To know mo distinction of men from affec
tion; but to,safcfiflce all with equal readiness
Ito his iritefest., '
1 3. Never to communicate more of an affair
.tlum w«m necessary to tho person who. was* to
execute it."■
4. Not to trust him who has deceived you,
nor who knows he hath,been deceived by you.
6. To forgive no enemy; but to bo cautious,
and often dilatory, in revenge. *
6. To'shun poverty and distress, ahd to ally
ihimself as close as possible to power and
riches.', . ,
! 7. To maintain a constant gravity in his
IcouUtchancd and behaviour, ahd to affect wis
dom on all occasions.
i 8, To foment eternal jealousies in his gang
one of Another.
) 9. Never to reward any. ono equal to his
merit; but always to insinuate that the re
gard was above. It. "
! ,10. That all men were knaves or fools, and
niich the greater number a composition of
>otb. . ■
11; That a'good name, like money, must be
lariedwith, or at least greatly risked; in order
d bring tho owner any advantage.
1.2, Tbo virtues, like jMecfdus 'stones, were
iasily counterfeited;'but the counterfeits in
lothcaaes.adorned, the equally, and
hat’very few had knowledge or discernment
sufficient to distinguish tho counterfeit jewel
from the real. . ,
! 13. That many men were undone by not
going deep enough in roguery; as in gaming
qiiy man may be a loser who doth not play the
whole game.*
j 14;’That men proclaim their own virtues, as
shopkeepers expose their goods, in order to
profit by them.
1 15. That the heart was tho proper scat of
Hatred; and the countenance of nffection and
friendship. •
! He had many more of the samo kind, all
(jqiially gqod with.these, and which were after
ljls dooease found in his study, as the twelvo
excellent and celebrated rules were In that of
King, Charles I.; for *he’ never promulgated
them in his lifetime; not having them constant
ly in his mouth, as some gravo persons have
the rules of virtue and 'morality, without pay
ing the least regard to them in their actions;
Whereas our hero, by a constant and steady
adherenoe to bis ruloß in , ponforming every
thing ho did to them, acquired at length a
settled habit of walking by them, till at last
l)o was in no dangor of inadvertently going
out pf the, way,; and by these means he arrived
*»t that degree of greatness which few have
equalled; nohe, we may say,’ have' exceeded:
fpr, thpugh it must,bq allowed that there have
been some few, heroes ,who have done greater
mischiefs to mankind, such as those who have
hotfayed the liberty of,their country td'.others,
or who have undermined and overpowered it
themselves; or conquerors,' who have impover
ished, pillaged, sacked, burnt, and destroyed
the countries and, cities of their fellow crea
tures, from no. other, provocation than that of
glory, i. «., as the tragic poet calls it,
■ i ' "& privilege to.kilh.
) A strong temptation to do brnvoty ill
yet,when we see our, hero; without the least
assistance or pretence, setting himself at the
head of a gang which, he, had hot any, shadow
of right to govern;', if, we view him maintain
ing absolute power and exercising tyranny oyer
at lawless,crew, contrary to all law but that ol'
his own will;’ if we consider him setting up an
open trade publicly, in defiance not only of
the laws of, his couhtry. but of tho common*
sense of his countrymen; if we’seehim first
contriving the' robbery of others, and again
the defrauding tlie,very ropbers ,of, that ; booty
whichtboy had ventured their hecks to acquire,
and which, without .any hazard, they might
have retained; here surely ho must appear
admirable, and wo may challenge not only the
truth of history, but almost the latitude qffle
tioh, to equal Ids'glory. ; '
. !Nor had he any of those Haws iu his charac
ter which, though they have been commended
by weak writers, have by the judicious readers
been censured and despised. Such was the
clemency of Alexander and Caisar, which na
ture had so grossly erred in giving them, as a
piintcr would who should dress a peasant in
rdbes of state, or give (bp nose or [ any other
feature of a Yenus to a satyr. What had the
destroyers of mankind, that glorious pair, one
!of whom come into the world to usurp tlie
dominion and abolish tho constitution of his,
own country; the other to conquer, enslave,'
atld rule over tho world, at least as much as'
was well known to him, and the shortness of
bis life would give him leave to visit; what
juid, I say, such as theso to do with clemency ?
Polygamy.—From time 'to time evidence
comes to us that polygamy is regarded as on 1 abuse
by the women who are its victims. One of the pub
lished sermons of Gov. Young rbt'Uke? the dissatis
faction of his wlvos, and offors toi-m the alternate
of; submission or banishment from Utah. The
system is one that must be unpopular from the ine
quality and hardship of its operation. The pro*
, portion of .the sexes »b so nearly equal; that if ono
mdn has two wives another must g 6 without aiiy.
Ti\en, where there arognore wives than ono in a
family, one will commonly bo the favorite, and tho
others neglected drodgoß—unwilling workers for an
estrangoiT husband. Only “ tho labor that de
iighteth' physios pain.” The work that women
do for an unfaithful lord,-is the oonstrained labor
of a slave. The disaffeijtlon now suppressed by
fear, will find speddy expression when it isoortain
of the relief that it ihVokes, and is no longer in
danger of incurring punishment for complaining of
'oppression. In this way, tho notion of the goneral
government in' dispatohing troops lo Utah may be
"xbeoted to undermine polyganiy; and to set in
motion onuses that ,will ultimately offeot ita ex
tinction. Thus the protection given to the people
ifutah, will enable them;te, a corruption
■of'morals which had its ,origin In ecclesiastical
fraud, ihtrigueand oppression. The exercise of
popular, sovereignty wfll - extirpate an abuse of
nbwernnd sipublio ehame, as tyrannous and do
sfradlnk iiiits influence Upon those who practice
SnjipeSmlt It, as offensive to the oivilisation of the
agi. - ThO htlhoible of looai freedom ml Indepen-
Whkhf TfdSy'nffig^^’Se'
,qn«nas of Jt# ato&oOYindjcate
fo\ own; bentfotinoej and; clamoroua
of Us o Courier.
Ni<JaragoA»—General "Walker. &<m>,written,
to fa&NalioMil'dnlMiigekcir/ni he feConSea
tlejioratWool of aVrant of “fcfrnc&. frwk*
ifeds, 1 * beC&aaO the 1 General ’deriou!noed ms fiH
battering, )Jcbtm«B. Nothing Hke vrool
ov4r tko oyeff 6f the, putyfolf you cannot do it
wiihttat leaving the ends stick oat. .
, VißOjiwA.—Hoh- JdcMvlUn, of Va.,
’ha& aoWoanced tkat’ he will be a candidate for
\ ' / ti : . ■ 1 ''■{'' : r
»■** \ - , i.t.j ; ... . ‘ -.*
n-l.| i i»'V4 ' •' ‘
'Em rmss-f!
A forthconlingTo'oal ’work, which promises
to:bo of considerable interest, (and part of
which we have perused,) is “ Philadelphia and
its Manufactures in 1867.” Its purpose will be
to exhibit the development, variety, and statis
tics of tho manufacturing establishments of
the city, with sketches of remarkable manu
factories, and a list of all articles now made
here. The ruling idea is to show, (competent
persons reporting upon, and describing the
leading branchos of our manufactures, and
pointing out articles which may advantageously
ho produced here,) how well qualified, particu
larly by locality, Philadelphia is for becoming
a great manufacturing centre—she already
being a great manufacturing city. JYo strongly
approve of. tho work, judging from that portion
of it which is bofore us. Its plan and purpose
are gobd; and odr manufacturers should take
an interest in a hook intended largely to benefit
them. It will be edited by Mr. Edwin T.
Freedley, author of “A Practical Treatise on
Business,” and other wovks. . j ■'
Messrs. Lippincott, of this city, have just
published “ Climatology of the United States,'
and of the Temperate Latitudes of the North
American Continent.”
The first number of Appleton’s “Railway
Library” is “Punch’s Pocket-Book of Fun,”
being outs and cuttings from the wit and wis
dom of twenty-five yolumes, of Punch.
Tlckndr & Fields, of Boston, have just pub
lished tho first part (to be completed in four)
of a new novel by Charles Beade’, called “"White'
Lies.” They have put Mrs. Jameson’s “Loves
of tlie Poets” in a little blue and gold volume.
Little, Brown lit Co., of Boston, are about
publishing, by subscription, “ The Life, Let
ters and Dispatches of Major General Nathan
iel Green,” in 7 vols. Bvo. With Portraits,
maps, and battle-plains, in style similar to
Sparks’ “Washington” and the works of John
Adams. From the original manuscripts in the
possession of his family. By. his grandson,
George "Washington Greene.
Crosby, Nichols & 00., of Boston, have got
out Remarks upon Alchemy and the Alchemists,
indicating a method of discovering the . true
nature of Hermetic Philosophy; and showing*,
that tlie search after the Philosopher’s Stone
had not lor its object the discovery of anagont
for the transmutation of metals. Being also
an attempt to rescue from undeserved opprobri
um tho reputation of a class of extraordinary
thinkers iu past ages.
1 Randall’s “Life of Thomas Jefferson,”
which Will soon be published by Derby & Jack
son, ofNowYork, will extend to three Bvo. vol
unjes. The same publishers have nearly ready
“ Moss-Side,” a now book, by Marion Harland;
a new edition of Frank Goodrich’s “ Court of
Napoleon;” Peter Parley’s “Hundred and
Ono Stories,” with three hundred engravings;
Douglas Jerrold’s Works; Hood’s Miscellane
ous Works; New "Works of Fiction, by P. H.
Myers, Thrace Talmon, and Flora Neale, ofßal
timore; a Library of Sacred Classics, inclu
ding Baxter, Doddridge, Bunyah and Jeremy
Taylor j and, what undoubtedly will be a work
of much interest, “ Ten Tears of a Preacher’s
Life,” by Rev. W. H. Milburn, the blind
The American Publishers’ Circular (a very
useful weekly, conducted by Mr. Charles R.
Rode, and issued in New York,) commenting
on the well-known fact that the book-trade has
been much depressed of late, mentions, “as a
gratifying indication," not only of the sound
principles .upon which tho book business in
America Is conducted, but of the hpnorable
character of its members, when we stated as an
illustration, that Messrs, Geo. A. Leavitt! &
Cp., who conduct tho Trade Sales for the New
York Book Publishers* Association, and who
held notes from about one hundred and fifty
booksellers,. scattered all over the country,
amounting in tho aggregate to upwards" of
$lOO,OOO, all falling duo on tho 3d inst., inform
us that every note was 'punctually taken up at
maturity, except three, the money for two of
which' was delayed 1 by mail, leaving only, one
note of $l6O remaining unpaid.”
There is a prospect, of a treaty being con
cluded between France and Russia, fertile pro
tection of literary and artistic property.
’ln tho principality of Rudolstradt, Mr.Heni.
geo, formerly a Councillor of the Government,
and member of Parliament of Frankfort, has
been condemned to three months’ imprison
ment for having published a selection of pithy
passages from tho writings of Luther, concern
ing tho princes and persons of his time. The
Prince of Rudolstradt imagined that some of
these passages were aimed at him. Tho de
fendantBtrove in vain to convince them that the
obnoxious passages were literally found in the
works of tho great Reformer, and that a -cou
domntion of his pamphlet would Involve a.
condemnation of Luther himself. The Court,
all members of which are Protestauts, found
the defendant guilty, to tho groat, amusement
of tho Catholic press of Germany.
Berangor hod but two relatives in Paris at
the time of his death, both nephews"; oho a
journeyman compositor, and the other an as
sistant leader of a military band. '<•<*'- - ’
The* New York Times says“"We under
stand that the Superior Court of this city has
recently rendered a decision in tho case qf S.
>G. Goodrich egalnst j; B. Dexter & Co., oil
London, for getting up spurious books under
the name ot Peter Parley, giving to Mr. Good
rich about $B,OOO damages. Tho, grounds of
tho action were that'the said Dexter & Co. had
for some dozen years past published various
works, by different authors, and put them forth
as by Peter Parley. The name of Peter Parloy
Mr. Goodrich claimed as of his invention, thgt
ho had given it a commercial value, that it was
in fact his trade mark.”
Prince Albert’s speeches, (which were
written for him by Dr. Lyon Playfair) have'
been collected and published in London, in
4to, form, at tlio price of two dollars and a
half per copy. There is a six cents edition
for the people, with the price more adopted to
tho value of tho work. ,
In July, Punch completed its thirty-second,
and Household Words its fifteenth volume.
The Farm and the Gardeit,
Tho following extract, from Judge Butler’s ad
dress beforo tho Connecticut Stato Agricultural So
ciety, ought: to be printed in letters of gold and
.hung where every farmer iw the land would be
ablo to read it ovory time he sat down to hianjeals,
and to bo duily taught to ii'u children a£ thegoldon
rule for farmers—one which, well kept,.will bo sure
to produoogold. Hero it is:
“Do not goon dividing up or using np your capi
tal by cropping without manuro. Make it h ordi
nal principle of action, never to be sworved from,
that you will not, in any instance, in relation to
any field, or crop, or rotation, plant or sow without
a supply of manure-sufficient at least to preserve
tho existing fortuity of tho soil.' So you will take
tho first great step, as far* as it depends upon you,
toward tho redemption of Connecticut husbandry.”
Keep A Good Cow, or None.—Amos Kinsley,
of Jamestown, Chautauquo county, N. Y.,< gives
the following account of tho product of a good but
ter-making cow for ono month, between April 25
and May 25, 1857. He says :
“ Said cow is of our common breed; medlumsixe:
seven years old; was wintered qn corn fodder, the
product of one and a half acres, together with one
quart of corn meal night and morning, wot with
the slops of tho. house, .when I had/apy, and.when
not, with water, being stabled constantly except
when she could bq ns comfortable out doors. The
buttor was manufactured by a youug woman who
lived with us, (my wife being sick nt the time,)
who professed no particular skill in butter-making;
yet the result was forty-eight pounds and ton
ouuoea of butter of first quality. And now permit
mo to remark that ismy opinion that if dairymen in
goheral would keep ono-half as many cows as they
now keep, and select their best and keep them in
primoordur and fatten tho rest, they wculdroalixe a
third if not double tho profit they do from the wholo
number. Farmers ofton milk whatever falls into
their hands that looks like a cow, not realising per
haps, that it costs just as much .to, keep on© that
makes half a pound of buttor a day, as it does to
keep ono that will give tv pound and & half a day.
My cow does not givo what would bo called o largo
mess of milk—averaging only about Beven pounds
to tho milking in tho host of the season; yet she
averages over ono and a half pounds of bilttor n
day. In my opinion, a cow that will not average
a pound a day for hall tho year should be discarded
from the hora dovoted to buttcr-mnking.
The midge is, we havo reason to fear, destroying
tho wheat crop of this region. We‘bear of its
ravages in almost every direction. In Borne locali
ties, where the appearance of tho wheat would in
dicate a yield ox thirty bushots to the aero, not
overlive to ton busholsisoxpeotcd. Froma bunch
of wheat heads, now on our table, wp havo, exam
ined sovcral kornals, and found on the berry and
insido of the husk of eaoh, from ton to fifteen larveo
deposited by tho midge—a more numerous product
than we ever beforo observed. From this evidence,
and tho testimony of creditable farmers, we are
constrained to believe that, in this seotion at least,
the wheat crop of 1857 will prove a failure.— Rural
New Yorker,
The Harvest at the West. —The Cleve
land (0.) Plaindealer of the llth'hltimo, says:—
Wheat cutting Is now going on throughout the con
tra! line of tho States, including Southern Ohio,
Indiana and Illinois, it having been completed in
all the Southern States, and up as far North ns
Maryland and Virginia! So far as gathered, tho
crop exceeds in breadth and quality that of any
former year. Very littlo damage seems doing by
the weevil, and no rust ns yet has hppeared. Ohio
will raise the greatest crop of grass, grain and fruit
this year sho has over ,produced. Tho farmers are
now mowing in of tho State—the fro
quent rains having pdshed forward the griws to a
very rank growth - .Corn is backward, say all our
exchanges, but stands oven and lopks healthy. Po
tatoes proiuige a mammoth yield-new onos begin
to show tlioinfiolvcs in markot.
Attempt to Burn tin* Western Penitentiary.
On Thursday morning, about ono o’clock, Mrs.
Bcckhun, wife of Major Beekhan, tho Warden'
of tho Western Penitentiary, was aroused from'
sleep by a crackling noise in g room’adjoining
tbojr cnambor, upon the first poor. On rising,
Major Bockhan saw smoko issuing from the room,
and upon entering itdiscovoredaquantity of hay
burning upon tho floor. The prompt application of
a bucket of water extinguished tho fire. It was
found that the incendiary had gained access to tho
yard by ollmbing the Weebster street gate, and had
reaohed tho window by placing a piece of timber be
tween the iron bars, and ascending it. Tho sash be
ing open, the hay was thrown in and lighted. - Foot
prints were discovorod near the gate, m somo day
or plaster, used in repairing the building. The
foot was so small as to lead to the conclusion that
tho attompt'to burn the institution was made by a
iboy, most probably under of some
’ pbrson outsfdo. No damage was\lone to the build
ing, although tho fire had communicated to tho
washboard, and its timoly discovery was most fgr
tundto. Prior to the-late firoj Major Beckham
plopt in the r6dm which Was fifed, arid from th©
position of the hay, it Is not unlikely that the de
sign was tp cut’Off the escape of tho Warden, 1r
case the fire should make any headway before Its.
discovery, post*
m mmxn
iU<Nl)irtfrfl ’flnbJttm,
manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, Tor
Land, River, and Marine service.
Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &e., Cast*
ings of all kinds, Either Iron or Brass.
Iron frame roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad
Stations, &c.
Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most
improved construction.
Every description of Plantation machinery, such aa
Sugar, 1 Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam
Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines, &c.
Sole Agents for N. Riiiieux’s Patent Sugar Boiling
Apparatus; Nasmyth’s Patent Steam Hammer; J. P,
Ross* Pateut Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and
Steam Pumps.
Superintendent—B. n. BARTOL
Richard norms & son, locomo
Engaged exclusively in the manufacture of
Manufacture to order Locomotives of any arrange
ment, weight or capacity, for the use of. Wood or Coke,
or Btfiimtnous Coal in tti crude stale, or
In design, material and workmanship, the Locomo
tives produced at these Works are equal to, and not ex
celled by any. The materials used in ■construction are
made on the spot, and injure the best quality and most
reliable stock. The large extent of Shops, and Com
vlele Equipment of Machinery .and Tools , enable
them to execute the
of anv arrangement requiredl
With forgings of any else or form,
And MACHINE WORK generally.
Haring for many year* beon in successful operation,
and been exclusively engaged in building and repairing
Marine and Hirer Engines, high and l.ow pressure, Iron
Boats, Water Tanks, Propellers, Ac., Ac., respectfully
.offer their services, to the public, as .being lolly prepared
to contract for Engines of all sizes, Marine. River, and
Stationary. Having sets of patterns of’ different sites,
aro prepared to execute orders wlfchquick despatch.
Every description of Pattern-making made at the
shortest notice. High and Low Pressure, Flue, Tabu
lar and Cylinder Rollers, of .the best Pennsylvania char
coal Iron. Forgings of all sizes and kinds; Iron and,
Brass Castings of all descriptions; Roll,Turning, Screw
Cutting, and all other work connected with the above
' Drawings and specifications for &U work done at their
establishment free of,charge, and work guaranteed. ,
The subscribers haye ample wharf dock room for go
pairs of boats, where they can lay in perfect safety, and.
are provided with shears,- blocksj falls, Ac., Ac., for,
raising heavy or light weights.
aul-y BEACH and PALMER Streets, Kensington.
Handy & morris—
Warehouse S. E. corner FRONT and WALNUT.
- aul-3m
Nineteenth century i^-the
< This is now the great standard remedy for diseases of
the Blood, Stomach and Liver. «
If you have a Cancerous or Scrofulous affection, at
Once use the Iniperiat Depurative.
, Tetter.*- Are you troubled with this obstinate and un
pleasant diseaset Use the Imperial Depurative. Try
but one bottle.
i Have you White Swelling, Hip Disease, or Glandular
Swellings ? The Imperial Depurative will effect a cure.
Try it.
' For Pimples, Blotches and Eruptions of the Skin gene
rally, you have a prompt and oertaia remedy in the Im
perial Depurative. One bottle will satisfy you of its
Us* 16a Imperial Depurative, if you would have a
clear, healthful, and beautiful complexion.
Use the Imperial Depurative for a diseased state of
the Liver or Stomach.
‘ For females of a weak and debilitated habit and shat
tered nerves, the Imperial Depurative is' just what Is
reqaired to re-lnvlgorate the frame and restore tho ner
vous system to a healthy state.
1 We know the full value of this great remedy, as we
are using it every day In an extensive practice, ani see
its great curative powers manifested in numerous cases.
Wolcnow it has no equal in this country.
The careful preparation, great purify and strength of
the Impertal Depurative renders large doses or long
continued use of it unnecessary. It acts directly upon
the diseased part, and it is not necessary to wait months
to discover the benefits to be gained. -
If you wish to purtfy and enrich the Blood, and pre
vent disease, as well as cure it at this season of the
year, use one or two bottlesof the Imperial Depurative ,
and we will guarantee Us beueficial effects.
Prepared by Dr. LOUNSBERRY A CO., and for sale,
at the Principal Office, No. 60 North Fifth street, three
doors below Arch, where patients may consult Dr. L.
daily, free of charge.
' The Imperial Depurative is the groat remedy of the
nineteenth century. aul-ti
HELMBOLD’S genuine pbepara-
TION, Extract Buchu, removes all the sympfons,
among which will be found Indisposition to exertion,
Loss ot Power, Lbss of Memoir, Difficulty of Breathing,
General Weakness, iHorror of Disease, Weak Nerves,
Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Death. Night Sweats,
Gold Feet, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor,
.Universal Lassitude of the KnpcoUr Sjfttem,'often enoi
nious Appotlte or Dynpeptlo Symptoms, Hot Hands,
Flushings of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Pallid
Countenance, Eruptions on the Face, Pains in the Back,
Heaviness of the Eye Lids, frequently BjackSpots flying
before the Eyes, with temporary Suffusion, Loceof Sight.
If these symptons are allowed to go on, which this me-'
d|clne invariably remores, soonfoilow Fatuity and Epi
leptic Fits. . .. . i
of the above distressing- ailments, use HELM*
HOLD’S PREPARATIONS. Try them, and be convinced
of their efficacy.
HELMBOLD’ 9 genuine frepara-
BAIION, Extract Buchu,
“Give health and rigor to the frame,
1 ' And bloom to the pallid check!”
And are so pleasant in their taste, that patients be
came fond of them.
A A TION, Extract Buchu—Bee overwhelming eviden
ces which will be produced to show that they do great
good to all who honor them with a trial. Evidence open
for the inspection of all.
A A TION, Extract Buchu.—Price $1 per Bottle, de
livered to any address. Depot, 62 South TENTH street,
Assembly Building, below GUESTNUT street, Philadel
■Address letters, 11. T. ILELMBOLD, 52 South TENTH
below CHESTNUT, Philadelphia.
[Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Beware
of Counterfeits.
A A TION, Extract Buchu, for all Diseases of the Blad
der. Kidneys. Gravel, Dropsy, Nervous and Debilitated
S afferent au7-3m*
Summer Uesorls
A SPRINGS, VIRGINIA, will be opened for the re
caption of visitors on' MONDAY, 22d JUNE, and will
remain open .until the Ist OCTOBER.
- Through Tickets con be obtained at Baltimore, Wash
ington, Richmond and Alexandria. '
Passengers leaving .Baltimore in, the early morning
train, via Alexandria and Manassas Gap Railroad to
Strashurg, reach the Springs from 5, to 8 o’clock tame
evening, and those from Baltimore and the West, via
Harper»B Perry and Winchester, from 8 to 9 P, M,
,iiul»2w J. N. DUCK, Proprietor.
Mountain house,
Caro* Sraiftos, July 22d, 1857.
A CARD.—The subscriber having understood that
reports ore in circulation id Baltimore that he Intends
closing the Mountain House' for the' seasen, takes this
method of contradicting them, and say] \z, while the
company is not quite so large as usual, still it Is fair,
considering the lateness of the season. v,ith daily ac
cessions and a prbspect of a' much later Beason tVn
.usual. It will be KEPT OPEN TILL TUB FIRST OP
OCTOBER, and longer, if necessary.
aul-2w JOHN N. BUCK.
\y COUNTY, PA.—These Bpringt are located at a
very high elevation in Adams county, Pennsylvania,—
They will be OREN for the reception of visitors on the,
15th of JUNE, under the superintendence of WILLIAM
HI IJAM9>or Baltimore, with an efficient corps of
attendants. The distance from Baltimore, by a smooth
turnpike, is about 65 miles. - Visitors leaving Baltimore
Inithe morning train via the Northern Central and Cum
berland Talley Railroad, will arrive at the Springs the
same evening for tea. t>y omnibuses from Chambers*
burg. The distance from Chambersburg ia 10 miles
over a smooth turnpike road
Boots anb Sljoes.
MARKET and FIFTH Streets.
Gentlemen’s Best Patent Leather Gaiter Boots.
> “ “ Calf do. do.
“ “ Patent Leather Oxford Ties. •
u u Calf do. do.
“ ’ “ Patent Leather and Calf narrow
strap Shoes.
Boys’ and Youths’ Patent Leather and Calf Skin
Oaltor Boots and Shoes
aul-tf For sale by
KBT Street, and. No*. 3 and 5 FRANKLIN PLACE,
have now in stare a large and well-assorted stock of
BOOTS and SHOES, of City and Eastern manufacture,
which they offer for sale on the best terms for Cash, or
on the usual credit.
Buyers are Invited to call and examine their stock,
(Tobacco mtb ©iaars
Havana cigak
mont, such as
Figaro, Pactagaa,
Cabanas, Sultana,
(Horia, Jupiter,
Coloso, ConTCfciantes,
Torrey Lopes, Union Americana,
Orojon, ' Flora Cubppa, Ac., Ac.,
Ac., In y A , X, 1-6 aqd 1-10 boxes, of pH pippß and quail*
ties, in store and constantly receiving, and for pale low,
[6*1138 WALNUT Street,
below Second, *eoond story
Figaro, cabanas and rartagas
BF.OARB.—A choice invoice of these celebrated
ibrands on board brig “-New Era.” daily expected from
Havana, and for sale low, by CHAIILEB T£TK,
(New) 188 Walnut street, below Bccond,
' aul Second Story.
e No. 37 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia.
COLLECTIONS promptly made on all accessible points
in the United States and, Canada.
Stocks, Bonds, dec.. Bought .and Sold on Commission.
Uncurrent Bank Notes,. Checks, Ac., bought at the
lowest rates. *
Deposits received .and interest allowed, ta per agree,
nwit. . / . ■ w ... aul4m
XI; and JOB BIN DEBIT, from THIRD street, to; No.
535 ARCH street, below SIXTH. Blank Books all site
on hand, or made to order. Magazines, Muslo, &c ,
neatly bound VERY CHEAP. au6*6w
CA-RDINES-r-IOG cases of 60 half boxes
*3; each, iu stored for utafcr *
Nos. 321 Mid 338 8. Jotirthatrtet.
»i.Mi,rhll»laljW», nut-larp
> —A handsome assort-
, ffiomptmies
COMPANY; 6ioe No-408 (lata 92) WALNUT St.
Capital and Surplus, $260,000.
This Company continues to make Insurance against
loss or damage by Fire and the Perils of the Sea, Inland
Navigation and current rates.
President—GEO. if. HART
Vico President—E. P* ROSS.
Secretary and Treasurer—H. R. COOGSHALL.
Assistant Secretary—S. 11. BUTLER.
E. W. Bailey,
Charles (j, imlay,
Wm. D. Lewis, Jr.,
J. L. Pomeroy,
Andrew R. Chambers,
H. R. Coggshall,
Samuel Joqcs, M. D.,
A. F. Oheeabrough.
George n. j ,
K, P. Ross,
Joseph Edwards,
JohnG. Dale,
Hon! Henry M. Fuller,
FostorS. Perkins.
John 11. Chambers,’
au 8-ly
\Jf TBUSTCO., PHILADELPHIA, No. 331 (Into 107)
WALNUT STREET. Charter perpstuil. Authorized
coital, $500,000.
FIBE INSURANCE,-— On merchandise generally,
household furniture, on stores, dwellings, Ac. Limited
or perpetual.
MARINE INSURANCE—Oa cargoea > freights, and
vessels, to nil parts of the world,
INLAND INSURANCE—On goods by rivers, canals,
lakes, and land carriage, to all parts of the country.
Charles O. Lathrop, 1423 Walnut Street
Alexander Whilldln, 14 North Front Street.
Henry D. Moore, Farquhar Buildings, Walnut St.
John 0. Hunter, firm of Wright, Hunter A Co.
E. Tracy, firm of Tracy A Baker.
Tliofl. L. Gillespie, firm of GlUedple A Zeller.
Stillwell 8. Bishop, firm of Bishop, Simons A Co.
William Darling, (late of Reading.)
Isaac H&ilehurst, Attorney and Counsellor.
JJ R. McCurdy, firm of Jones. White A McCurdy.
John Rice, 90 South Fourth Street.
Jas. B. Smith, firm of James B. Smith A Co.
Theo. W. Baker, Goldsmiths’ Hall.
K. Harper Jeffries, firm of Wm»H.Brown A Co.
C. C. LATHROP, President.
WM. DARLING. Tice President.
Joseph J. Hdokbl, Secretary and Treasurer.
H, K. Richardson, Assistant Secretary, &ug6-ly
JL BURANOE COMPANY, incorporated by the State
of Pennsylvania In 1848, are now established in their
NEW OFFICE, No. 433 CHESTNUT Street, where they
are prepared to make ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE,
from LOSS BY FIRE, on property of every description,
in Town or Country, including PUBLIC BUILDINGS,
Also, MERCHANDIZE of all kinds; STOCKS OF
GOODS, Stocks of COUNTRY STORES, Goeds. on
ELRY, FIXTURES, Ac., Ao., Ac., Ae., at moderate
rates of premium, and for Any period of time, ,
This Company refer to their past career as an ample
guarantee foivtbe PROMPT SETTLEMENT of aU their
LOSSES. There are at this time no unsettled claims
against them. 'ROBERT P. KlNG.Pres’t.
M.W. BALDWIN, Tice Pres’t.
Francis Blackburns, Sec’y, aul-ffin
Life insurance and trust com-
COMPANY, Southeast Corner of THIRD and DOCK
Streets. Capital,'s6l2,72s 03.
INSURES LIVES for short'termX, or for the who's
term of life—grants annuities and endowments—pur
chases Ufa on interests ‘in Real Estate, and mikes all
contracts depending on the contingencies of Life.
They act as Executors, Administrators, Assignees,
Trustees and Guardians.
Five Per Cent.interest allowed from date of deposit,
payable back on demand without notice.
ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, January Ist, 1867.
Loans’of the Btate of ( Pennsylvania, Phila
delphia City, Pena’s' Railroad,, Camden
ana Amboy Railroad, and other Loans $179,836 88
Bondß, Mortgages and Real Estate....'. 117,137 19
Blocks In Banks, Insurance, Gas and Rail
road Companies 81,729 98
Premium Notes and Loans on Collaterals 193,692 01
Cash In Bank, due from Agents, Inter
est, Ao 88,780 47
Guarantee Capital, Subscription Notes. 100,000 00
$711,225 03
DANIEL L. MILLER, President.
SAMUEL E. STOKES, Vice Pres’t.
foasoa, Secretary. aul-ly
X*. TRUST COMPANY.—lncorporated by tho Legis
lature of Pennsylvania. Capital $600,000. Charter
perpetual. Office in the Company’s Buildings, S. E.
Corner of WALNUT and FOURTH Streets, Philadel
, This Company insures lives daring the natural life,
Or for short terms, at the usual mutual rates of other
sound companies.
Stock rates about Twrntt per cent, lower than above.
Premiums may be paid quarterly, half yearly or
, Money received bn'deposit dally, by this old-estab
lished Institution, returnable in Gold, on demand, with
five per cent, interest added.
Office hours from 9 A. M. till 6 P. M., and on Mon
, Jobs O. Sms/Sec’y. [aul-lPt] President.
ITJL COMPANY.—Charter Perpetual. Granted by
the State of Pennsylvania. Capital, $600,000. Fire,
Marine, and Inland Transportation.
Aaron S. Lippincott, Charles Wise,
Wm. A. Rhodes, Alfred Weeks,
Charles J. Field, James P. Smyth,
Wm. B. Thomas, J. Rinsldo Sank,
Wm. Neal, John P. Simons,
WM. A. RHODES, Vice President.
ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary.
J. W. MARTIEN, Surveyor.
Th ( s Company was organized with a cash capital, and’
the Directors have determined to adapt the business to
Its available resources—to observe prudence In conduct
ing its affairs, with a prompt adjustment of losses.
Office No. 10 Merchants* Exchange, Philadelphia,
The. mercantile mutual insu
No. 522 WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange. MA
RINE RISKS on Vessels* Cargoes, and Freights. IN
.Canals,-Boats, and other carriages. • 'f •
ALL THE PROFITS divided annually among the As
sured, and ample security in cases of loss.
i -i. , • DUUOTOBS. '
Edward Harris Allies, Thomas T. Butcher,
John M. Odenheimer, Algernon E. Ash burner,
Mablon Williamson, Alfred Fasaitt,
Samuol J. Sharpless, Thomas S. Foster,
Isaac Jeanes, Gustavus English,
Henry Presat, James H. Stroup,
Edward G. James, Alfredßlade,
William L. Springs, A. G. Cat tell,
Franklin C. Jones, Charles B. Carstalra,
Daniel Haddock, Jr., Samuel Robinson,
William Taylor, John O. KeffOr,
James Murphy, John P. Steiner,
Wm. F. Smith, Henry Grambo,
A.J.Antelo, Wm. J Cancr,
Samuel L. Creutzborg.
ALFRED FASSITT,'Vice President.
JoaxO. Ksrrßß, Secretary. aul-ly
Girard fire and marine insub-
62 WALNUT street, west of THIKDi
Jer. Walker,
Jno. McOlure,
Tho. Craven,
A.S. QUlett,
Furman Sheppard,
Sami. Jones, M. D.,
Joseph Kl&pp, M. D.
Wm. M. Swain,
John Anapach, Jr.,
U. N. Burroughs,
P. D. Bherman,
Wm. P. Hacker,
J. P. Steiner,
li. A. Shackelford,
non. JOEt, JONES, President,
lion. <k. W. WOODWARD, Vice President.
Jso.'S. MoMcluh, Secretary.
Jakes B. Aivord, Assistant Secretary. aul«Sm
Cash Capital $300,000.. • Losses in Philadelphia and
■vicinity adjusted at the Phtiorfclp/ita Ojflct. ■
By leave we refer to,
D; Sr Brown & Go.. Phlla. I Hon. Joel Jones, Phila. .
Chaffers, Stout * C 0.,“ Hon. Rufus Choate, Boston
Hacker, Lea & Co., “ i Hon. t.Bi Williams, Hort’d
We have facilities for placing.,any amount of Insu
rance in the most reliable Companies: . ..
AGENCY, No. *l3 (old No. Ui) CHESTNUT ST.
NIA.—Office. N. W. Corner FOURTH aod WALNUT
Streets, Philadelphia.—Subscribed Capital, (500.000.
Paid-up Capital, $200,000. • - -
. RATIO JAYNE. M. 0., President.
THOMAS 8. STEWART, Tice Pres’t.
Bamijel S. Moom, Secretary. aul-ly
< Saoingg iTtinbg
Money is received in any aura, large orßinaJl, and in*
terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with
The office is open every day from 9 o’clock in the
morning till 7 o’clock in the evening, and on Monday
and Thursday evenings till 9 o'clock.
All f?uma, Urge or small, are paid back in gold on de
mand, without notice, to any amount.
HON| HENRY L. RENNER, President,
Wm. J. Rbkd, Secretary.
Hon. Henry L. Benner, O. Landreth Manns,
Edward L. Carter, F. Carroll Brewster,
Robert Selfridge, Joseph B. Barry.
Sami. K. Ashton, Henry L. Churcnman,
James B. Smith, Francis Lee.
This Company confines its business entirely to the
receiving or money on interest. The investments,
amounting to over
are mode in conformity with the provisions of the
RENTS, and such first class securities as wW always in
sure perfect security to the depositors, And, which can
not fail to give permanency aud stability to this Insti
tution. aul-ly
►3 FIFTH and WALNUT Streets. Open daily, from
9' to 3, and on Tuesday and Friday Evenings, until 8
o’clock. Large or small sums received, and paid with*
out notioe. with FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST, by
check or otherwise JOHN THOMSON, Pres’t.
Wm. C. Ludwig,
D. C. Levy,
Charles'E. Lex,
A. Mlskey,
IsraellV. Morris, Jr.,
Wm. Neal.
Thos. Neilson,
Thomas S. Reed, M. D.
James Russell.
Thos P/Sp&rhawk,
Oscar Thompson,
Peter Williamson,
Isaac 8. Waterman,
Charles T. Terkes.
John B. Austin)
John K. Addicka,
Salemon Alter,
M. W. Baldwin,
William Clark,
Kphraim Clark, Jr.,
Charles S. Carst&lrs,
Robert Clark,
A. J. Bresel.
Obarlea Datilh,
Win. B. Foster,
Benjamin Gerhard,
John Jordan, Jr.,
Lowis Lewis, Jr.,
|VO. 83 <241) DOCK, STREET. —FIVE
N. E. corner or OHEBNUT and TENTH.
Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania, 1865.
Deposit* received daily front 0 to 4. and paid on de
mand, with interest.
Deposit* received from merchants and others, payable
by checks on sight, { .
' Interest allowed, on the average balances.
. JOHN MILDER, Prealdent.
JOS. W. 80DDKB,-Vice President. *
J, L. HUTCHINSON, Secretary. »“ ■
f'UI ARLES P7"C ALD WE Wholesale
W and Betail WHIP and OANK Manufacturer, No. 4
au4 •
/AJRDSr— 23,SBO feet Caro
.-da, ftflost, Tor sale by
. 119 North Water Street.
Vy, CHANT sad Importer of HAVANA gEGARS,
(N«jr) 138 Wulnat ' iwU-lj ■
-v-.y. V. A lv-.- Afr'VgfcN'*-
monwealth. 1 * a'
Rtsilved by the Senate • and 1 Hhtse .of ■Representor
fives of the Commonwealth of -Pennsylvania in Gen
eral Assembly nut: That'the following amendments are
proposed to the Constitution of the Commonwalth, in
accordance with < the provisions of the tenth article
_ There shall be an additional article to said Constitu
tion to be designated as article eleven, is follows:
Ssctios 1. The State may contract debts, to supply
casual deficit or failures in revenues, or to meet expen
ses • not otherwise provided for; put. the aggregate
amount of such debts direct and contingent, whether
contracted by virtue of one or more acts of the general
assembly, or at different periods of never ex-'
ceed seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and. the
mouoy arising from the creation of such debts, shall be
applied to the purpose for which it was obtained, or to
re P 67 *he debts so contracted, and to no other putdoao
whatever. r r~.
2. In addition to the above Routed power!
the State may contract debts to repel invasion, suppress
insurrection, defendthe State in war. or to redereothe
present outatanding Indebtedness of the State; but the
money arising from the contracting of such debts, shall
be applied to the purpose for which it was raised, or to
repay such debts, and to no other purpose whatever.
Hkotiox 3. Except the debts above specified, in sec
tions one and two of this article, no debt whatever
shall be created by, or on behalf of the State.
Section 4. To provide for the payment of the present
debt, and any additional debt contracted as aforesaid
the legislature shall, at its first session, after the aW
tion of this amendment, create a sicking fund, which
shall be sufficient to. poy the accruing interest on such
debt, and annually to reduce the principal thereof by a
sum not less than two hundred and fifty thousand dol
lars; which sinking fund'shall consist br the cdt annual
income of the public works, from time to time owned by
the State, or the proceeds of the sale of the same, or
any part thereof, and of.the income or proceeds of sale
of stocks owned by the Btate, together with other funds,
or resources, that may bo. donated by law. The said
sinking fund may be increased, from time to time, by as
signing to it any part of the taxes, or other revenues of
the State, not required for the ordinary and current ex
penses of government, and unless In case of,war, inva
sion or insurrection, no part of the said sinking fond
shall be used or applied otherwise than in extinguish
ment of the publio debt, until the amount cf such debt
is reduced below the sum of fire millions of dollars.
Sebtios 5. The credit of the Commonwealth shall not
in any manner, or event, be pledged, or loaned to, any
individual, company, corporation, or association; nor
shall the Commonwealth hereafter become a joint owner,
or stockholder, in'any company, association, or cor
Ssctiox 6. The Commonwealth shall not assume the
debt, or any part thereof, of easy county, city, borough,
ox township: or of. any corporation, or association; un
less such debt shall have been contracted, to enable the
State to repel invasion, suppress domestic insurrection,
defend itself in time of war, or to assist the State ih the
discharge of any portion of its present indebtedness.
Section 7. The Legislature shall not authorize any
county,, city, borough, township, or incorporated dis-,
trict, by virtue of a vote of its ciuzens, or otherwise, to
become a stockholder in any company, association or
corporation; or to obtain money for. or lnap its credit
to, any corporation, association, institution or party-
There shall be an additional article to said Constitu
tion, to be designated as article XII., as follows*.
ABTIOUS xii. .
No county shall be divided by a line cutting off over
one-tenth, of its population, (either to form .a new
county or otherwise,) without the express assent of
such county, by a rote, of the electors' thereof; nor
shall any new county be established, containing less
than four hundred square miles.
From section two of the first article of the .Constitu
tion strike out the words, “of the city of Philadelphia,
and efeach county respectively;" from > section five,
-same article, strike out the words, i( of Philadelphia
and af the several counties from section seven, same
article, strike out the words, j “neither the city of Phi
ladelphia nor any," and insert in lien thereof the
words, “and no;” and strike oul u sectienfour, same
“Section 4. In the year one thousand
and sixty-four, and in every seventh yesy.tberetfter. re
presentatives to the number of one hundred. shall be
apportioioed and distributed equallr, throughout the
State, by districts, In proportion to the number of taxa
ble inhabitants in the several carts thereof; except that
any county containing at least three, thousand five
hundred taxables, mar be allowed a separate represen
tation ; but .no more than three aos&tiea ahafy be joined,
and no county shall be divided, in the formation of a
district. Any cittr containing a sufficient Rgmber -of
taxables to entitle it least two representatives,
shall have a .separate representation assigned it,.and
shall he divided into convenient, districts at contiguous
territory, of equal taxable population as hear as may be,
each of which districts shall elect one representative.”
At the end of section seven, same article, inert three
words, “ Ike' city of Philadelphia shall bt divided into
single senatorial districts, of contiguous territory as
nearly equal in taxable population as possible, b«t we
ward shall be divided in the formation there tf.**
The legislator#, at its first session, after ihe adoption
of this amendment, shall divide the city of Philadelphia
Into senatorial and representative districts, in the man
ner aboye provided; such aistrfota to remain unchanged
.until the apportionment In the year one tJ}9W&ad eight
hundred and sixty-four. ; . . <v
There shall f>e an additional section to the first article
of said Constitution, which shall be numbered and rred
as follows: /
Bxotiox 23. The legislature shall have the power to
alter, reroke, or gQßlti) any charter of incorporation
hereafter conferred br, op Rpder, any special, or general
law. whenever in their opinfod it may be injurious
to tire citizens of the Commonwealth l & aueb. manner,
however, that no injustice shall be done to corpora
In Senate* March 29, lSef.
Resolved , That this resolution On tire first
amendment, yeae 24, nays 7; on.the second amendment}
yeas 23, nays 8: on the third amendment, ytea 24, say#
4; on the fourth amendment, yeae 23, nay# 4.
[Extract from the Journal.]
Is thb Hocse of, Bifbisentatit?#, April 2s, 1857.
Resolved, That this resolution, pass. On the first
amondment,yeu7B,naytlB; on the second amendment,
yeas 57, nays 34; on the third amendment, font 7s) n*7*
22; on the fourth amendment, yeas 88, nays 7.
[Extract from the Journal.]
Filed in Secretary’s office, May 2,1857.
Secretary of the Commonwnalth.
igCgITART'S Ovfict, .
. HAaaisauae/Jgqp $3,1867.,
Pennsylvania ss: •* * '*
I oo certify tint the above apt foregoing U a tree sod
correct copy of the original “ResdjatifinfßßFOtiagireetofr
meats to the Constitution ef. the Commonwealth,” with
the vote in each branch of the Legislature upon tire
final passage thereof, as appears from the originals on
file in this office.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set toy
[ls ] hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the
Secretary’s Office, the day and year shore
Written. < . > A.G. CURTIN, (
Secretary of the Commonweal ih.
In Sxnatx, Afore* 37,1857.
The resolution proposing Amendments to the Consti
tution of the Commonwealth being under consideration,
Ou the question,
Will the Senate agree to the first amendment?
The yeifl nod nays were token agreeably to the pro
visions of the Constitution, and were as follow, sis:
Ybas—Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Coffey, Ely. Brans,
fetter, Flenniken, Fraser, Ingram, Jordan, Kulinger,
Knox, Laubach, Lewis, Myer, Scofield, Sellers, M»u
man, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins, Wright ana Tag
gart, Speaker— 24.
Mars—Messrs, Crabb, Cromwell, Finney, Gregg,
Harris, Penrose and Souther—7.
So the question was determined In the affirmative.
On the question,
Will the Senate agree to the second amendment?
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro
visions of the Constitution, and were as follow, vis:
Ysas—Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Cresswell, Sly,
Evans, Fetter, Finney. Flenniken, Ingram, Jordan,
Knox, Laubach, Lewis, Myer, Sellers,Shuman, Souther,
Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins,' Wright and Taggart,
Speaker —23. >
Nats— Messrs. Coffey, Crabb, Fraser, Gregg, Harris,
KilUnger, Penrose and Scofield—B.
So the question was determined in the affirmative.
On the question,
Will the Senate agree to the third amendment ?
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro
visions of the Constitution, and were as follows, vis:
Ybas— Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Crabb, Cresswell, Ely,
Evans, Flenniken, Frazer, Ingram, Jordan, KUlinger,
Knox, Laubach, Lewis. Myer, Scofield, Sellers, Shuman,
Souther, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins, and Wright
Mats— Messrs. Coffey, Gregg, Harris and Penrose—4
So the question was determined in the affirmative.
. On the question,
Will the Senate agree to the fourth amendment?
The yeas and nays were taken .agreeably to the*pro
vision* of the Constitution,-and were as follow, via:
Yeas— Messrs. Brewer. Browse, Coffey. Cromwell. Ely,
Evans, Flenniken, Fraser, Ingram, Kulinger, Knox,
Lauback, Lewis, Myer, Scofield, Sellars, Shuman, Soother,
Steele, Straub, Welsh. Wilkins find Wright—l 3.
Mats —Messrs. Crabo, Finney, Jordan and Penrose—4
So the question was determined in the affirmative.
Is van Houis or ExmsKjrtAvivss, >
April 39,1867. }
The resolution proposing amendments to the Coast!*
tntion of the Commonwealth being under oonrideration,
On the question,
Will the House agree to the first amendment ?
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi
sions of the Constitution, and wen os follow, vis:
Teas— Messrs. Anderson, Arthur, Backhooso, Bali,
Beck, Bishop,Bower, Brown,Calhoun, Campbell, Chase,
Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey, Ent, Eyater, Fausold, Foster,
Gibboney, Glides, Hamel, Harper. Heine, Hiestand,
Hill, IlillegM, Hoffman, (Berks.)lmbrie, Innes, Jacob*,
Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr, Knight,-Lei
senring, Longaker, Lovett, Manear, Maugle, fiTGalmout,
M’llvain, Moorhead, Mamma, Musselmas, Nichols,
Nicholson, Munemacher, Pearson, Peters, Petriken,
Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey. (Philadelphia,)' Bamsey,
(York,) Reamer, Reed. Roberts, Rupp, Snow, Sloan,
smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Tolan,
Vail, Yauvoorhis, Vickers, Voeghley,Walter, Westbrook;
Wharton, WilUston, Withe row, Wright, Zimmerman
and Gets, Speaker —7B.
Mats—Messrs. Backus,BenaoruEock, Hamilton,Han
cock, Hine, Hoffman. (Lebanon,) Strothers, Thorn,
Warner and Wiutroda—l3.
So the question was determined in the affirmative.
On the question,
Will the House agree to the second amendment?
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi
sions of the Constitution, and were as fellows, vii:
YciS— Messrs. Anderson, Backhouse, Ball, Beck*
Bower, Calhoun, Campbell,. Carty, Rat, Fausold, Foster,
Qildea, Hamel, Harper, Heins, Hiestand, Hillegas,Hoff
man, (Berks,) Housekeeper, Imbrie, Inne*, Jenkins,
Johns,Johnson, Kauffman, Knight, Leise winger, Longe
kcr. Lovett. Mane&r, Mangle, UHlvoia,Moorhead, Mus
selman, Nichols, Nicholson, Nunemsiber, Pearson, Pe
ters, Petriken.Pownall,Purcell,Banisey, (Philadelphia)
Ramsey. (York.) Reamer. Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan.
Tolan, Vail* Voeghley,*,Walter, Westbrook, Wharton,
Zimmerman and Gets, Spreaker—67.
Nays—Messrs. Arthur. Augustine, Backus, Benson
Bishop, Brown, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Byster, Bib
bouey, Hamilton, Hancock, Hill, Hine, Hoffman. (Leb
anon,) Jacobs, Kerr, Lebo, M’Calmont, Mumma, Reed,
Smith,.(Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Struth*
era, Thorn, Vanvoorhis, Vickers, W&eonaeller, Warner,
Wintrude, Wttherowand Wright-M. * ’
' So the question was determined In the affirmative.
■ On the question,
Will the House agroe to the third amendment ?
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro
visions of the Constitution, and were as follows, vis:
Yhas.—Meers. Anderson, Backhouse, Ball, Beck,
Benson, Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell. Chase,
Cleaver. Crawford, Dickey, Ent, Enter. Psusold, Pos
ter, Gibooney, Hamel, Harperr, Heins, Iliestaad, Hill,
IliUegas, Hoffman. (Berks,) Hoffman, (Lebanon,)
Housekeeper. Imbrie, ines, Jacobs, Johns, Johnson,
Kauffman, Kerr, Lebo, Longaker, Lovett, Manear,
Maugle, M’Calmont, Moorhead, Mowelman,
Nichols, Nicholson, Nuuemacher, l’eamon, Peters, Pet-'
rikeo, PownaU, Purcell, Bams*/, (*°rk.) Reamer,
Reed, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, (knlkh,
(Centre,) Stevenson, Tolan, 'MI, VanvcKirhis, Vickers,
Voeghley, Wagonseller, WUlWon, Witt,
arow, Wnghi, Zimmerman and Gets, Speaker-- T2.
Nats —klesars. Arthur, Airguatme. Backus, Bishop,
Carty, Bock, Glides, Hamilton, Hancock, Him. Jen
kins, Knight, Leiwnnw, M IlTain, Bamiey, (Philadel
phis ) Roberts, Struthers, Thorn, Bailer, Warner,
Wharton and Wintrode—23.
8o the question was determined in the affirmative.
On the question,
Will the House agree to the fourth Amendment *
The yeas and uaya were taken agreeably to the pro
rbiona of the Constitution, and were a* follow, ria:
Ykas— Messrs. Andereon,Arthur, li ackhoose, f Backus
Bali, Berk, Benson, Biahep, -Bower, Brown, Calhoun 1
Campbell, Carty. Chase, Clearer, Crawford, Dicker’
Sot, B/ster, Pausoid, Foster, Qlbbouer.AUd**, Hamel’
Harper, Heins, Hiestand, HilL HUetnw, Hoffman’
/Berks,) Hoffman, (Lebanon,) Housekeeper, Imbrte!
Innes, Jacobs, Jenkins, Johns, JohasoaV iaaffman
g* ri \ KVk Lbaguker,. Lovett, Manea^
Nichols .Nicholson, Nußemaehar, Pearson, Peters, pe
trlkeu, Pownall Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia,) Ram*
! e M Yo £»*? eMaer » *•©*, Roberta, Rupp, Shaw. Moan,
Smith, (Cambria,) Bmlth, (Centre,) Btavensen, Tolan.
V* 1 )? Ylekers, Voegbley, Wagonaeller,
Walter, Warner, Westbrook, Wharton, Williston,
Witherow, Zlmmer&an, and Gets, Speaker—S3. -
Nats—Messrs. Dock, Hamilton, Hancock, Sbrothers,
Thoru, Wintrode and Wright—7.
Sb the question was determined in the affirmative.
Hiaaissna, Jan* SEt, 186 T. * ' 1
Id ctrtuyihAttb* abortftaSfongaiaji4atraa«M
the Commonwealths mf the same appears °n the
mliofthetwo Hoasre pftbeGefiertiAasembly of this
Commonwealth for the Ms*km of 1857..
ftTs.l Witness my bond and the seal oT saldoffire,
this frenty-SMond day of June, one
JL GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting the At
lantic Cities with Western, North-westertijaß; flonth
western States, by a eontinnoar RiQwsy afreet. Tbre
Road also connects at Pittsburgh with deify. Hn® ®
steamers to all points on the western Rivers, ana at
Cleveland and Sandusky with Steamers to all portion
the North-western Lakes; making the most DIRECT.
CHEAPEST and RELIABLE ROUTE by which Freight
can be forwarded to and from the GREAT WEST.
First Class—Boots, Shore, Hats, and
Capa, Books; Dry Goods, (in boxes
bales and trunks), Drugs, (is boxes
and bales) Feathers, Furs,Ac 76c. per 1M Ib-
Skcond Class —Domestic - sheeting.
' Shirting and Ticking, (in original
bales), Drugs (in casks), Hardware,
Leather, (In rolls or boxes). Wool,
and Sheep Pelts, Eastward, etc. Ac....60c. per 1001 b.
Third Class—Anvils, Steel, Chains,
(in casks), Hemp, BaCon and Pork,
Salted, (loose cr insads),'Tobacco,
manufactured, (except Cigars or cut -
Ac., Ae AGc., per 100 lb.
Fourth Cuss—-Coffee, Fish, Bacon,
Beef, and Pork, (in casks or boxes
eastward), Lard and Lard Oil, Nails,
Soda Ash, German Clay, Tar. Pitch,
Rosin, Ac 40e. per 100 lb.
Floor—7sc. per bbl.. until further notice.
Gnaw—3se. j>er 100 lbs., until further notice.
In shipping Hoods from any point East of Philadel
phia. be particular to mark package ‘ ( via-Penxsylvanxa
Railroad." AU Goods consigned to the Agents of this
Road, at Philadelphia, or Pittsburgh, wiUbe forwarded
without detention.
Fftwicar Agists.— Harris, WbnnleyA Co.. Memphis,
Tenu.; R. F. Sms k Co.; St. Louis. Mo.; J. S. Mitchell
k. Soo, Evansville, Ind.; Damesoll, Bell k Murdock,
sad Carpenter k Jewett, Louisville, Kj. ; B. C. Mel*
drum, Madison. Ind.: H. W. Brown k Co., and Irwin'
k Co., Cincinnati; N. W. Graham k Co., Zanesville,
Ohio; Leech ‘k Co. t No. MKilbf street, Boston: Leeeh
k Co., No. 3 Astor House, New York, No.l William st.,
and No. 8 Battery Place, New York: E. J. Bnaeder,
Philadelphia; Magraw cc Boon*. Baltimore: D. A.
Stewart, Pittsburgh.
General Freight Agent. Philadelphia.
Superintendent, Altoona, Pa.
Leare as follows, ris: ?A«J.
At 1 A. M., from Kftoslngtoa Depot, via Jersey
City, Mall .
At 6 A. M. r ria Camden and Jersey
sey AooonncMaUqa
At 6 A. U., via Camden and Aabojr^Acoommoda>
At 7 A. if., ria Camden and Jersey City, Warning *
Mai 1....... S 00
At 10 A.M., by. steamboat Trenton, ria Taeony
and Jersey City, Morning Express 3 qq
At % P. M., via Camden and Amboy, C: stM A. Ex
; press.... .. 300
At 6 P. M. ria Camden and Jersey City, ErenSng
Mall. : 00
At 9 P. M., ria Camden and Amboy, Aeeommoda>
tios, Ist Clan.. 3 00
At S P. M., ria Camden and Amboy, a<»*mh»h^[V
tion, 2nd Class...., ..... \ jq
At 6 P.M., ria Camden'and Amboy, Accommoda
tion, Ist Claw... a go
At 6 P.M., ria Oatdden and Amboy,
tion, 2nd Class ... j yj
. The 6P. M. line runs daily, all others Sdadars ex*
Express Lines stop at the principal only
JojBf!Ti4ere, Ilratagton, fce.,.«±6*,K.
«n 4 * P. M., frowTTlllHii «ttwtA«it
Montrose, Great 1 Bend, 4c.
Lackawanna at Western , .
For Freehold, ate A. M. and 3 p.H.
Tor Mount Holly at T A. H., and 2M and 6 P If.
For Brbtol, kc. *nd 4 P. M.
Bererty, Burlington, Bndftt
‘ WAY LOT® .
YorMoant Holly. Burlington and Way Stations
Steamboat RICHARD STOCRTONfor Burtisxtsa sad
Bristol at Bj£ A. M . and for Borden town aad mtenao*
dlate places at 2# P • N ", ,• >'
Steamboat TRJBSV.«Nfor A
H., and 4 P. M., and for Burlington, and Bristol a£4P.
MX Ham, except 1 A. tt., lan TMoiiitmt
7uUI» 1 ** '
L-f~ Piftj poandi of tagson only allovod -oeofc .tao
s«p?sr. Fgmsgoro Ut) inUbiW ftasytakhr eny
ttog w tajßWts lint <Mr BtiiJf. »k»«oLAU tag
g»g* °*w tftj poamUtobe Mi 4 fu egtM. Tta Cam
paajr umvt tb,6ir responsibility foe btmn to oat
pit pomul, iwt t(U not bo tioblo fet toy Maossl'be
yond $lOO, except bjr ipeeUl oontroet. v
o. t, a. i. & ca
% B. MOKEttLArai
ROAD. .... - ..
On and a/ter Thursday, July 3d, 1857,
P« Baltimore at 8 A-M.,!*.*., (BqraMasdll
For Wilmington at BA.M. 1, 5.16 and MP. M. -
Tor New Castle at BA.M., land 4JSP.It. .
lot Middletown at 8 A. M. and 4JS P. U.
Tor Dover at® A. M. and 4JSP. K.
P<n* Seaford at 8 A. 11. and 4J5 P. M,
B*jrv», U A-M.,aod t£s
Leave Wilmington at 0 60 and 11.65 A. M., and $.38
and 0.66 P.M.
Leave Sew Qutte at 6AO and 11.06 A M- udAft
P. M.
Leave Middletown at 10.00 A. V. and g.flfr P.
Leave Dover at 8.50 A. K. and? P. JT. ' ‘ •
T minireifonl II f Wd gldi im l» f 1 • ;
__ Tbaikb fob mi^ntfun^ . m
WUmlapw ,t 915 AH,!,.*. uiUj;
SUNDAYS oalj »t 11 P. M. bom PUhAalakte to
do. do. 6.25 P. M. from BaTHnw te.
L**r*» Ban* de Oraeeat 6.60 A. If.
Preight Train, with Pameagev Car attached. Will tu
as follows
Leave Philadelphia for Pteyviile ami intermediate
pWeejet. e.»p.jr.
Leave Wilmington for do. do. 8.00 P.M.
Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia at MQP. K
anl-ly 8, M, PELTOR, Pwafatat.
direct connection with the
for Cneinnati, St. Lost*, low* City,
Ixmiaville. KowOztaut, St.Paala,
lodUaapoU*, dsrelaad, «>-**-
Tom Haute, (Siioigo, Sfobmk*.
In fidTiaee a! kll other route* crat tf ?hiUdelps*l»,
Forming tlou co**tetum wffif ait tM &r*at W 9&
tm Raihoadt.
lt»w fofMtfatmi laiurtm
from the Penniylraitfe Peiitrirrr'
*oath-«a*t earner of JEZJtTBRtB and lUlKßfiirtk
(entrance on Eleventh m toliovt *'
Mall Tala at f—.A.H.
•FwtLine attt*i,B.K.
Expwas Mail *t 1100,10**:
Colombia B. &. Line laarea for Barnabas as 3J&. P-
H., Lanearte? )ArxwmnodttlqaJ at -LOO, p. X.
Tha ExpreaaXaQ nma dailjr. the other taiaa,£c*-
daya excepted.
for further particolaa ee» httd-hlDju at the dflfcroat
Btartmf-poiata. Paasenfera fmm theWMt vtllfiaitfcli
the shorteat and moat expeditions roots ttPhUadefahii.
Baltimore, BewTorfcor Boston. ' ' '
, . Pawarer Line PeaMyttsafaßsiTroid Ca.
Philadelphia, Peoruiy, IBS7. anl4j
RANGEMESTS. On aad after Hay tth, 18&7.
Leave Philadelphia at 6.?. 8. 9 10-nla-10. JIB, Jl
M .=<n.a,j-iomta., *, WX*, »7ns, ?. H.’
Leave! Germantown at 0,7, 740, &, O-lUrain., 108,
net Mop at intermediate Eattnns • <
01 sgtoatj.
_ L«»t» rhiljulslphi. it 8-20 A. if., 2, *, 10, &OQ u»l
Lear* Garmaatovn at 8-SO, 9-90 JLILI-10, 4#, 9
15, and T I*. M.
• I«e»™ Philadelphia at 6,8,8-10 min., U# A.M.,*,
»f 8,8, t, P 4 M>
Lea>e Chestnut Hill at T-14, T-3», 10-19, Jl-10, mia._- -
A. M., 1-40,3-40, (-40,1-40, IQ-10 rain., i. JI.
on soxsaxs. “ . /
Leere Philadelphia et ihSO A. M., 0, (w iaIO * k
p lan Chestnut HUI «t 4A. M., lift, 4-at,nnd OAO,
On eat sfter Max 4th,lBST. !/
“ *’;*• “*“• A - “ 4 v**.
p h?” Norristown at J,9, andU, A.K.,3, and6*,
Le*r* Philadelphia at 9 JL. IT., and 3 P. M.
Lears Norristown at T JL M., and 3, P. JL*
Lem PhfladelphU at ( A.M, indS P. M.
Leere Downing*..* at 7j£ A. M., *od 1 P M.
•ttl-Jjr HBNRY K. SMITH, Gra'l Su>t.
Depot, NINTH Md GREEN etiMta, PhUadelpMa.
*O., *e.. ■ . ■ >
On end Ifter Wednesday, July Bth, 185 T, the trains
on this Rood Till lean as follows, dally, (Sundays ax
For Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown, Manch Chunk,
*¥or Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown. Manch Chunk,
Talley Railroad, Evening Sxjnee, at 2 15
Passengers far Saxton hr 315 P. tf. train take stage*
at Iron till! station.
For Doyles town, (Accommodation) at 045 A. M. and
4 P. M.
For Gwynedd, (Accommodation) at 936 p U
Leave Lethlehem at 915 M. and 3 46 P. M with
Passengers, via Lehigh Valley Railroad, fn»» Sasten.
Allentown. Maath Cftank, WlUeaharre, Ae!. arriving
In Philadelphia at 1210 hL and 645 P. M. * rrm *Z
(Accommodation) at 045 A.M.
Leave 6 wyneddw Accommodation) at 650 A M
for Doylestowo, (Accommodation
1830 A.ht_an&£4sF. y.
Doykatown for Philadelphia, (Aecaxamodattot
at OA. M. and 315 P. M.
Fare to Bethlehem . 11 50
Fare to Mtueh Chunk . . 200
Fare to Wilkesbarre * 450
Passenger Depot, FRONT and WILLOW Streets.
>hl»ly ELLIS CLARK, Agent.
On and after Monday. July Oth, and until farther *
notice, trains for Atlantic City will leave Tina
wharf daily, (Sunday* excepted.)
First down namnger train will leare Tine sheet wharf
at 7-30 A. H.
Seoottd down ptamaf/a train will VM« Tfeaa ftmct
tains, with car JU
iutoniaf, will l«tT»4tiftatteQitTttfollow* ,
Pintaawiw trainat w
ticcead 7cl 4^opm* ~
Frckht train. ....liSrft -
passeiobbs job HAJBXJKMILD
WIU lean Via* itrcct wltuf A, Ji., and M& P.
Will low at T-tB I M-.'iM'S m-M
-fnlElit b. 4dhru«|.«* Coeprr’, iSuTir*
« oloek, P. tb.wr.Mn