X ’ >«■ %W(«o . --■' vfJfiw •.-Wot»l‘mwiirt«i^ff'--P ! ! 8 i5»i«» *W6,0T2,000 »*ilNMMnaflrifcfl» *i *« v fcWSM&f ?*dSH , B'SiSfl rmpotf in^eiikr§6wTrm)^°^»^^ Beshipped to foreign markets,.'».ss,o9B,ooo ,' "'' . ' letfitt Puttie tinjfcW™. ; .' wi.;Hakipg.the am&uiit tairketed WreV.'. .*#121,497»000 The following is aVcomraVafare'statement of. the ex* ports hence of the/lea&lng articles' of. Domestic .Product} and MiseeUaneotfs Q6o&aJtot thejM.eKahd the term tmltajS weiX /./ / / | - QUasitUy! , Yaluo. ’ Quantity. Value. Cotton, bales.... , _ 1,580 , 578,123, ', 4,221 ~$308,120 Flour, hbla ; ,; 68,821 888,043 , 8,60*.'"',''08,331, Byo*W ;'• "—' : -139 f-\ •;: 778 i Corn HeaT,bbla.'' 1,606, ' 6,662 ;• 947;V ~4,493 wheat,bui.....;:!i69i7r .253,8i8 ,ei,670, ; /to,sol! Corn, Lu» '•; 10,706 :- 11,196■. . 6,244'; /i,654 Barley,Xeg«*.;i.li" -—', yV. 1» Pork,bbl3-* .tea: 1,078 ■ 1,068' ’ MB V '19,006 Batter,*] As rPU \. ; JljwT f:] 2,143 .Total pr0duce.2773,341 . ' v , .1627,538 % JJ 600,0(11 ; for T; 1 *? ,12?,279; we cAnfiofc ; jfiirnteh' MUBpirfttiTß figure*, in, ye&rj; Next year .we.)jh&U boEnabled to’ddjto «guUclj t> bjkegirig;up:.tt^ ; roCO,rd;.M nowarrsDged, tn^ Tho Bit the week 1* $3,801,465,' against _ week-ending. August 9th last \, ,'i' - ' Tfce the coal phipmep** for thewfeekte - , >£ d *■*■< ft£r. / -•! -'SikHa,. 't&jpf B^hig&^-C&naLVr l .44,264 ’‘ - STjWfc 1 /■ 6,40° !i > r-' ■■ R,8.,.:».;'4t0*:'*15084 ? '^r Vill o*dHud. Cana1.20,674 B,«o>* ISA* ■f' \ <}■ 'flytato• :^,r v»--; : y t 964 r , ;V/ ;7>C6 ’?£ S ?;063^®'"*5,186 • iu^s-'ao^fw .* ■* *5-" " BecrMieih.lMf i< 14,i« * V - ? The increase -&ad>(ltcpeue ia ae *'' , - fys'S t/i+ ! Ihireaw. *i 4 * Xncrteift In «,• • <7 * .. .. t ktferuitttß,'ifaktiy, jr.isiack’iltoktr, -kn.m% Wi S*vt Street. . . ..-Vv-j?s 100 •afcrjw'!' *B’ ?000 ! ''-r'ao" !->'■ -62 ; : 6'C*m * l Am BB - ’ WX; ;000 Monts ta o»_ «a»b.Tijljf; ” “000 .do . iBh.TiJ- UOeiimsitK.v •‘oooKT.iii&’BWwsm ~2 .',; ! *»* mo- to'' A MSslllr r j&MyiMr jp&f iiijlx a to , i (;•<: ' .'t-it-w. 1; lOoissdlm B.iji 3B ;S g 'tm ,, fon.wn' SO fili for tegatu Stock,' offered. " ' ‘VV, st§sM§g* &&»-, «m ssESfir ... Kyf,PHI tADtXV HIA MAKKKTS,/ f « ! ■ }^,< BiWsD'iii itiMl? -SUi— ffitot U ' erstll t iit i mode&toliP 1 previous .SOO bills,.'.fresh grouhd Yromlii* lrtie*fc llKt'? t|iiti'*(jld *t I? 22**7 87 % for sUirdMiS 6i4' BSO bbla.V fihV ilie tiijttMm wd ; i>««s m. rmSkepa frees grournlsiijxrrfine, SD(I $7 60c825fttf«xt«i. '. 0 centitofr # s« latter fp*|>si3p/ tfee*o rates. Corn it n T/.Ptfans/lmna’ atid xhcttt'S’jOW st,-W@ ( U oasfiW bushel,lfe jiittrlijiaiKia bia,,»« ~ do . ~»sasg-attw -attw S® CmM# - Copper buw 33W -.3-.-. ilii 3»jf iso? ,40’,- > swo.JbtMtKi. - bsooa . 1 WJiftpoiSWspiySSl „ ,)iW4ai£V«l*<(,.<;peO l*v -. - - 'tag#'- atßwaa ,tbo* ioa v.'--Y pat Jurm.* A.V. * w BtttoifeiWtrpOo!'j. *.'. i . *4«g-12 8»m0.,.w,...;.NewrV0rk,tWerp001.^.....;.Aug.15 falton v» ; ,». C r .New- York. ......AUg. 22 SWIX9tls * k , Yorit t‘OlMgow. i. i * v..». v A»8 * New 4 York,*\Glasgow Key York/. .♦•.Jujfjg Fttltou .Havre, New York /.July 22. tIfKAMBfI .* , VOB ■ JKOM. r, D *J BorvaalA^.v...^Jiflw York ,Hamburg..■...rAug* 1 Columbia.-;.,,..New York.. Liverpool.*.t...v..Aug. o Edinburgh New York i Glasgow Aug. o City WashiogtonNew-, York '.Liverpool Aug. l* Arag0,....,.v,-JNew. York - Southampton'./....Aug.'26 -• i OP HAYANA'STEAMBRS. , '’'pHiriDstrau—Prom New York 2d, arriving af Ha- Ttoa'Stbr.andNew Orleans Uth. Prom New Orleans 20tfc; Havana 23d, arriving at New York 28th. ‘‘‘jQdixia UtinMrrbm Now York 7th ’of ,each month, arriving atHavanal2th:and Mobile Uth . Prom M obile '22a, Havana 24th', arriving at New York fifth- NeV York Ifith, arriving at Havana 17 th; and New Orldana 19th. • Prom New Orleans 2Tth, Havana 29th, arriving at New York,3d. . ' ! Ewpirb Oxtt—From New’Ydrk ltth,'arriving at He* vanafiSd, Wad New Orleana’ 26thi J From.New Orleans &ib,Hafana Bth, arrivings! New York 13th . ’ ’' . Black, Wabu New’ York, 27th/ arrive at HaVina ifltahd New OrleahßrBd. .Prom New, Orleans 12th; HAvans Kth; d* at New York lSfcbr ‘ .-; _ iBABBL-Prom'Oh&rlestop' 19tb‘ attd 4th. due at Ha vitfa 23d ahd 7th. ’ Prom Havana 10th and 25th, due at New York 16thand 31st. ; ‘ v - . . The California mail steamers sail froin New York on thß6than4S(rthol' | BBi!hitiOXith. . , ",., " marine Jttteliigettre- PORT OF i»»nr/Anig».PMlAi*AM,n«i 10,185 T. SDN, Wtt£i\. 'MW Sl l ®- HIGH WAMB.. . -Bteinuilp tilniUo.'Bder,:** 1»“« from Boston, with indse and btosengejk to Henry Winftor. Below the Bnofoirth?® £N!ck e rBon, upward bound: off Chester, passed brig Da Brown, from Boston, Boston, Bellew. 21 .horns from New York, viaOtoe r M«y ! with mdse anapwsengers to J AUderdioe. Steimsblp ‘Pennsylvania, Teal, from Richmond, via botirel with mdse and patoengfew to Thomas i Web*ter,'Jr. ' : ReporU ship. Grey Eagle, for Richmond, • ighavidggohetoseaatSrM-Yriday) /' , ; ■ Steamship Kennebec, Hand , 21 hours from New York, ■,via caW May,' with mdseand’pasaengcrs to ‘ Jas Allder-' 'dice. Below the Brandywine Light Ship passed steam t tUg Ainericalbavidg rfchr’HY Cashing, be- ;for*reportedßshorebnAAsateagub'Beach.> ’Barque Bmblem. Bavis, from Rib de Janeiro, June 26,' with coffeeto Butter,PAttoton A 1 Co. - Bailed in oo with ship Rebecca, for New Yorkl 'Leftbhlps GaUego, Wolfe, waiting) tftidto', MajitoV/forNew Orleans, soon) barque* 'Parthian; Huchlne, for Philadelphia in a few days: Omra HAkall. Nelson/for either Baltimore or' Richmond, Mg; Gorilla, Pettinklll, waiting; Sam Slick for NOW Orleans Roebuck, Chase, for New York lit a few Halt. forßaltlraore in a few,dayßjUB stor'eririp Supply, .for New YorKwilting cargo?* | Brig New Era,Walk*r, 8 dayd from Havana, with cikan,'&d. tb John Mason 9t[C6: : ' \ Schra Ju Martin,‘Harding; 4 days from Providence, < with mdse to John M Kennedy Sc Co. . Schr Sbylock, H*l*i SdaVA frbmNew York, with mdse to CroWell dt ,Collins. l *• , * —*' " ■ 'Schr J'Griersbn,'Harding. 5 days from Holmes* Hole, j'withbilto6hol>or t ßuntliig *Co, ' ;Schr A 0 GrajvKelly, 1 day from Smyrna, Del. with ;oatU to Bewleyywllsdn * Ob. ’ • Schr Brutua, £lwell L l 6 days from Bangor, witlh um> her toTwells. Gaskm lfc Oalvin. 1 -schr Diamond.'Black, 12 days from Bangor, with lum* ibento Twellsi'CaakUl iHalvin. ' - ' } i - SehrMArr-Tice;Ylee, Bdays from Piermont, NY. with ■lumbertbßblton, Vanderveer A 00. * ; 'Schr Kate Kailahan,Kallahan,' Q days from Piermont,' ;NY.'-withddmbep to Bbltoh.vVadderveer A Co.' I Meiserole, Steelman, from Providence, in bamurftoOhDUer&CoV ■' ' [ Schr Daniel J-Birch, Bickarda,-2 ‘days from Indian 'Blvfr) withbarktO'Theb WParker; t > BeU#'Sti^h"M)nge,i ; Weaver, , 4 / days l from New York, iwitii JBaBe 3 tb , NLBnnig&Co: , * ", 1 ■ *"' • days from Boston, with old Ooi ‘ ' '• , ; days from Boston, in ballast: f vBchr VaMttlihj Ihaler,'B oarsfrom Laurel, Del. with wbHttittW-aieifß'VOo. < y Schri.o‘ A'Hecksherj 6 days from Salem, In J frnitn Bostan'. , t from Weymouth. ,! \ /SWhrYho»HBeymshr,*KeUy,6day»from Boston,with !mds#toCroweD A Conihi. • ' . * l ; Schr' Jondthkn’ 1 May"( 3 raaitcd> d dsys from Boston, •iritih-plaster to J'Baker. ' > ’ »J»fK 4 0 Whlldin, Jarmfcn, 6 days from Boston, in bUUast to captain. ■* * '*■ : Scir 7 ft BtiUto Coma, 4 ds»> from Few Fork, In ,i»Uiirtto;Mpt.iß. ' -‘»;- K •: ’ Bte»ioßi* /LaMHi, TJrimi, 12 hoar* From A!4»te»guo ’Beamtjr-havink'ih'towthe kcnr HP Ousbing.'before 1 re ported ishdrC; she is’ftill of water and badly strained,' anAitfll ; be put-on Simpson k Neil’s'Dry Dock for re p2Ura^*^pre sent lh* exteut of her damages cannot be Barque Iron Wills, St John, NB. Workman k-OQV'i-* 1 ' T ’ .v ' ;* '‘ , ‘- . V S steamshlp Keyatofie State, Marshman, Savannah, A Heron, Jr, ... . . . ; -Steamship Ilelaware, Copes/ New York, J AUderdice. *B«qii* Klla, Bparrow7B6wton, LBothermel. : S'W,"Almeida, Port an Prince, Y Wettsoa jftSons.'-" "v"'! - ‘ ' •' ; 'Barque Liis!) Boggs; Biter,'New Ortesma, D 0 Stetson u ' •' L - ' l Baraae Belle. Bvder, Boston, Twells, OaskiU & jQslrin. • do •' •1 Schr Henry Cole, Hazleton, Newport, -do ; ’ SchrßQ-wheldebi, Jefman, Boston, Noble, Hammett A Caldwell. > v *. ‘ ;■ Schr Bridgeport, do j Sch'r.MarTjßUra/DevJtt. AstorJa, NY. do 5 Schr Blame Maria, Glnley, Troy, do , SchrPP-Teaa;String,' - do. do ' SchrJohnJonei/LyonSjNewlx>ndon, do h Brtir 3 lJWUfddg' ) J Browbjß6aton, C Miller A Co. Bchr B Saimn, C Miller & Co. I SchrHJdM«s«erbto< Steelman, Provldenou, do i i Bohr AiB?HortonTßlwell, WeyinoUth,UayeS, Smith V* » *< . . ; Str Farmer; DennU, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. -* • j .arVBLBORAPH, < i;T’ -V. "■ (Correspondence of The Press.) .?«■ ; .j',,.;■„ I*. 1 v:'t N*wYoßX r Aug 9. I- Arrived j ship GR Small, from London; barques Azof, from litcy Ann, from Cardenas: brig* TruxUlo, from Port an Prince; Louisa, from Oaraenas; tihtiriotte,from Aux Cayes.' •! j?•*i '•••* •» - .B4i.Tnto*x, Angfi.^ } Arrived; ahipe- f»r MLXQEAPH.I • ./ ftiCorrotoondenceof the Philadelphia Exchange. '4 .QAPE.ISLAND,'Aug.9.-6SOP. M. i l Bovetal .brito. and achoaojeta .have gone in to-day. Wlpd^W.. wSthm- fine: ,* >, . - j. Oofrosnondenoe of the Philadelphia Exchange.. - : H - J Quito a fleet of colliers vent to a harom/rthroe brigei and wheat 25 schra passed opt early tpl*. moralng, leaving at tne harbor one barque, two arigs andrixtohre,. 'Wind NE—weather cool. f w. T ;v«>- <;MYouro f Ao.-V- , WM.M. HICKMAN. . » p g- ? Mr,..WGtbank,-Lighthou»e.H;eeper, .reports a. sunken schr throe mlles south of Ospe Hentopen Mala r ct;,% =' WMH.. V 7 '• ,'ir('l#»ir*B,3>eU Aag.,B--BA.M. torques Bile StArezu, Dennis Kell/, Montpelier,*, ' trigs JWrjy * M S#wyßry}Poeonok»t,"end & fleet or schre went to see this mornings 9hro.bafques,six brigs, and ,*srae twenty sehra ;paa*ed up-yesterday.„ Wind . ESE •~-wcather fine. ‘ r n-'V ' Vr. >*'?*» '* • : " ‘ f i.-v iConrespopdenoeof .. *> ' | ‘ ;il ■ * Hay&bDbGbaob; Aug. 8* jNine boßte left.Wre laden ahdeon- V flonr Bud feed to Bobeson Lea; .8 B hFoodt'pig ton to .AG; Cattail ft,Co; Enterprise, lumber and berk to Kimball ft Gordon; Eleanor, lumber to YoMgft.WeOlrertonj-, Ann* Antrim and three Bells; All/ andPrL S JJllwrt, vit&coal to Bel city. < ■ • \;-j ■ - * , T tM’&s.u-.-, n—l-•* - • \ « .. . \ l = i.‘« - • 'St«uoAlpiAilßl, i Ltidlow r for (Southampton and Bre« Tjranj'i§ilMiromNewYoTkatnoOQ.Bthiust.. ... iSteutijfhto’ Oitj'’ of Sloknond;' Mitchell,' hence for ;jU<£^;'fttKot&Ut6th'ifisfrj ? ,'Steamship-. City of/ B ewi fork,* 'Howes; htace for Bos- lost. • N -York Bth lust. Iflhfs KaUmasm, xaylor, lor. Cardiff, clewed at Mira- ,-i ~ <, , iSklp'aHeftry'Gii&y, Gaulkins, from. Liverpool, Ist nit. jfbFiwe.Yartr^ wa*pas*ed'&th ihs4,iat,4l67,' long 69 27, by the steamship Argo, at New York. . Raschar,' from ’New York, at Ship Australia,Bewar, for Liverpool, cleared at Kew "• fihip.TMcmaeht (Brem.)'Schpffer, for Bremen, cleared *■ ShlpXnionj Wiley; for Shahghae, sailed from N York eOariOeat Hdffoer, hence, "was going Into Bio da SQtbJmtcL'y*!*/' •’• •• • a 1 for New York in a few days,: : remained bt Blade Janeiro June 25. r ■ for Philadelphia soon, wa» JaaelroSfltfcjune.- v-y , . ’- J BarnneJOhestor.Urosby. cleared for Boston 9th Jnst. •, i, ./BaMne SterUght,fcom Malaga for Boston, was spoken •Zlstmt. lafriSZO, long 42 86. : ■ - BaniabJhantom v , £aig, hence, was going Into Bio de ■ “-£• •. ? i- * ‘ Barque Kerrimac.'Yitta. cleared 1 at Boston'6th Just. Barone Anna, Keldhal.-clearedatNew York 7th inst forPhfladalphia. 'ii:/:,'. ;•:••• Barque Bethi«l>iii-. fromßaltimhre for Bremen, was , spokcp 25thutt.dat',4304, long-49 41) probably the lies* JtflyUifor' Amsterdam. ; v oli!ji*en,'sailedfrom Salem 6th Inst. . s»ESa«fcl»di«f/<;Myy r ,• j.B*rqueßH KaJgbfc.Ltttcoihb, cleared at Portland 6th '■ ■ i-’ 1 -*. »■ .0.*..-..- Vklker, Baynea, cleared at Boston 7th Sragdoa,' Bailed from New Zfaren 7th Piemoii, for Thomas ton, -Mo. .cleared at Boston 7th Inst. - BrtaXodl, Alley, cleared at Boston Bth lost, for Phi ■Mdelphtd, i-". i ,i- \ . i i. ; Hloy, Brown, from Salem 7tb Inst. 1 t for thrHenry Cole, Haieltine, sailed fromWareham Ist ..CprPhUfldeiphla./<•' - *' i Sfchr Wtt White, Montgoiriery, arrived at Kew Hatea TtL'inst.frtimßttsiql/Pq.- 5 J "‘i \t - Schr E J Pickup, Medary, for Philadelphia, cleared at York 7thlnst. • i>iUt < m-, • i and Keady Kellogj, hence at Ball r gthfa X Af Johnaoo itid £ B BaUk hence at Boston SthMusiy - -v', Whitman,Clifford, clearod at. Boston Bth / and Gaxello, hence at Salem 7tb \Salem7thinsf . ;mnl, snip Monarch of the Seas, Burgess, Melbourne and Geelong. At Marseilles, 22d ult. ship Abby Brown, Fierce, from Havana, just ar; twig Minnie, Nelson, for Boston, idg. At do 20th ult. ships Gen Cashing, Varlna, and Aus tralia. Kinsman, for New York, idg: barques Almade, Leavitt, aud Lecocq, Bftrs,unc; Bchr Smithsonian, Davis, uuc: Bld 18th, brig Clarence, Phlnney; Palermo. AratStl’aui de Loando May 26th, barques Sea Mew, Marks, from Salem, March 4th; Eastern Star, Voorhies, from Boston, March 23.. 1 - Aux Cayes, July 25—In port, Br brig Exemplar, for NYork, 6 days; schr W n Titcomb, Means, for do do. Bermuda, July 24—Arr sthrs Gen Grant, Hill, Balti more; 28th, Mcdora, Simmons. NYork. Demara, about July 6—Arr barque Pearl, Hatchings, from Now York, via Bermuda, 12 days passage, said to be the shortest ever made. DOMESTIC POBTB. NEW YORK, Aug. 7.—Arrived, steamship Argo, Bou -BQU, from Bremen; July 19, and Southampton 22d, with mdse and 366 passengers, 34 Inst., lat 43 21, lon 5214, p&aaed brig wiah, of-Plymouth, etg; ahlp Challenger, of Boston, Winsor, from Havre, July Ist, with mdse and 150 passengers. Experienced light westerly winds and thick weather during the passage. July 25, signalized ship R D Sheppard. Gale, from Leghorn for New York; Brbrig Princess Royal, Peatman, from Bermuda; Br brig Penguin, Ingham, from Bermuda; Br schr May Queen,Talbot, from Bermuda: BcbrMary Stedman, Hor ton, from Geonretown, SO; *enr LauraE Johnson, John son, from Kewbera, N O; schr Sea' Bird. O&rrow, from Newbern, N 0;> schr Orianna, Tattle, from Richmond. Cleared, Ship Union, Wiley,' Shanghae, W 0 Pickers gill 0 Co; ship B Avmar, Sawyer, Buenos Ayres, Walsh, Carver A Chase; ship Wellington, Prindle, New Orleans, Stanton A Thomson; barque Southerner, Clifford, Mar sellUs. Draper A Devlin; barque Celia, Curtis, Halifax. Hamilton B?os: brig Lady Chapman,- (Br)HUI, Bermuda/ Smith A Lougn; Windsor,.D R DoWolfo; brig Daniel Huntley, (Br); schr Maria Jowett. Young, Richmond, I B Gager; schr E 0, Johnson, Bartlett, Fredericksburg, EF Johnson. . , . ■ Sailed, ships Louisiana, for London; IToratio, Cowes and a market; barques Essex, Pictou; Joseph, Cavalio Layacca. Clipper ship Flyaway, for San Fran ‘ cisco, passed over the Bar 6th inst, at 7 A M. August Bth.—Arrived steamship Southerner, Robert son, Charleston. On Wednesday, at 6P. if., on Charles ton Bar, passed ship, Mackinaw, Atild from Liverpool, bound in; on Friday, at 1 A; IJL, 20 miles N. of Hatte ’ras. passed a side wheel steamer bounds. Ship, Cum-; beriaud (of Portland), Merrill, Leghorn, June 19, with marble. Ac. Ship Ober (Ham), Meyer, Hamburg, 45 days, with)mdse and 267 passengers. Had four deaths ‘and one birth on the passage. Ship Republic (Brem). Wonke, Bremen; June 28. with mdse and 288 passengers, 'July 31. lat 1217; lon 59 50; spoke ship. Luoy Thompson, Pendleton, hence for Liverpool. Ship Athens, of Ports mouth. Brlard, Shields, 58 days, with coal, Ist inst., lat 40 41,'10n 67 10, spoke ship Era, of and from Bremeiu for New York; Jmy 17, lat 44 06 lon 49 42, saw three Urge icebergs. The A. has had light and foggy .weather. ■ ‘ ; Barque Louisa Kllbam (of Boston), White Falmouth, , July 22, with sugar, Ac.; Brig Sarah Peters (of Ells worth), Lopd, Trinidad, Cuba, July 19, with sugar, Ac. 4th Inst., lat: 37 05, Ion: 21; 04, spoke schr; Alfred', .Bowo, from New Orleans for Boston; JSrig Mary Mcßae,' '(ofßefaat,) Crocker, Aux Cayes, July 26, wjth coffee, 'Ac. 7th inst., off Bamegat, spoke brig Vernon, from Port au Prince for Boston; .Schr Carrie Sanford, Lom bard, Truxulo, via Rusaian 14 days, with fruit, Ac. Cleared, steamship Delta, (Br).Hunter, Halifax; Au gusta, Woodhull; Savannah; Marion, Foster, Charleston; Jamestown, Parrish, Norfolk; ships Catharine Harden, Antwerp: Louis .Napoleon, (Ham) Her ting, Hamburg; Wellfleet, McGilvery, St Johns: A Decatur, Parsons, do. Also, barques White Squall, Conn, Marseilles; Dawn, Chase, Buenos Ayres; Cadet, Guide, Belize, Hon; C wilsuach (Meek) Jagle, Buctouche; Harvest, Nichols, Savannah; Mary Frances, Stlckney. Richmond. • Brigs Havana, Curtis, Cadis; Eldo, (8p), Lachiendo, Barcelona; Ocean Bird/ Rogers, San Juan, Nic: Si Michael, (Dan,) Johnson, St Domingo: Bohio, Bartlett, Portau Prince; Julie Jeanne, (Fr,) Philippe. St Pierre; Handy King, Brown, Mobile; Pulaski. Hathorn, Wil mington, SO.- 1 . Also, schra Masonic, Perry, Trinidad: C Chamber lain, Hallett, Wilmington, NC; John warren, Lozier, Richmond: Swan, Dm, Baltimorei C T Strong, Lis 'comb, Baltimore; A Child, Bell. Baltimore, j BOSTON, Aug.'7th.—Arr, brig 8 Thurston, Turks Island; schrs Steph Hotchkiss, Smyrna; Blbomer, An napolis. Cld.ahip Bombay, Charleston; barques David Kemball, Pictou; Chas Wmlam, Savannah; Tidal Wave, do; Circassian, Yarmouth; schr Sultan, Annapolis. Sid, barque Lizzie. ; NEW HAVEN, Aug. 7.-Sailed, barque NII Gaston, New York; schrs Daniel Morris, Brandywine; G W Whistler, Virginia. In port, barque Mayflower, foT Barhadoes, ready. BOSTON, AUg. 8.-Arr, Br barque William nyde, Atkinson, London, June 23, Downs, 25tb; barques Trinity, (of Boston,) Hall, Galveston; Halifax, Lay bold, HaljXax; brigs Zulelka, (of Boston.) Grotler, Mansanilla, 18th ult., Left brig J. Means, Hopkins, for N York, 10 days; Gen Pellealor. (El,) Porrior, Pictou; Maria, (Br) Boudrot, do; St Vincent, (Br) Gerrior,' do: Charles, (Br) Boudrot, do; Margaret Bliaabetb, (Br) McDougle, St John, NB: M>l .E&sworth, (Br) Curly, Cornwallis: (Br) Bouche, Miranuchl; Gal lo gos, (of Richland,) Jones, New Orleans, 19th nit. Pass 20th. July.fi/ln the Golf of Mexico, had a violent hurricanepspUt sails, carried away fore topmast, trussel trees, t®Jt jib, Ac. lias been four days in theßay with light winds. Cleared, ship Palmerston, Miramlchl; barques Lenox, Buenos Ayres: M B Stetson. St Jago; Benj. Burgess, Snow, Matanzas and Romealos. Coastwise—Schrs Boseneath,. Rogers, Richmond; Rio, Baker, N York; A Hammond, Paine, do; also, cleared, ichrs Ellen, Hallett, New York; Eupnemia. Elaridge, do; cleared, steamer Joseph Whitney, Howes. Balti more, schrs Eliza, Crowell, Norfolk; also. d*d, schr Golden Gate, (of this port, late of Chatham.) Ham mond,.Baltimore. B’ld, this forenoon, ship Elisabeth; barque Menta. . t . PORTLAND—Ar 6th, schrs Peyton, Franks, Norfolk; 8 McDonald. N York. > PROVIDENCE—Ar 6th, brig Hannah Jane, Sweet, Ardrossen. Sailed, ship Mary Hammond. Colson, Boston, and went to sea this afternoon; schrs Snow Flake, weaver, Baltimore. HAOHIASPORT—S»Id. 80th ult M bark Wyandotte, Burns, Martinique; 8d inst., aid brig Gonder, Gould, New York. PORTLAND—Ar 7th, brig Young Republic, Libbey, Cardenas. Old , ship John 8. Harris, Prentiss, Cuba. Sid barks R H Knight, Merrimao; brig Norman; sch Georgia. , , v WIOKFQRD—Ar 7th, sch Arion, Norfolk via New Bedford. i NANTUCKET—Sid 6th, sch E. 11. Adams, Balti more. V ' BALTIMORE—Ar Aog. 7,Bchr Golden Bod,-Ben nett, FaUßlver—Hll&sv to W. Rhoads A Bon; sehr Mi nerva, Winslow. from Ball River—mds to E< Pratt & Co. Bid—ship China, Kealer, Bordeaux, In tow of steam tug Reliance; scbr Time, (Br.) Hilton, NMsau, N.P., in low of steamtug Tigress., Ar Aug. 9, Ship George, (Brem.) Uohoret, iron Bremen—rods and 410 passengers; bark Helen,Maria, Harding, from Boston; brig Annie, Dart?, from Boston;-brig Elisha Doane, Lorlng, from Boston; scbr, Magnolia, Nickerson, iroro Boston; scbr Rescue; Bacon, from New York. NORFOLK, July foh—Arrived scbr Jane Ingraham, Merrill, 16 days from- Rockland; scbr E P Simpson. ——, 10 days from j New York. August 7tb, arrived steamship Roanoke, Skinner, from New York. ' HAMPTON, ROADS, Aug. 7.—The following vessels •from Baltimore went' to sea to-day Ships Baaaar, Stuart, for Havre; Xtitein A Welcker, Besse, for Rot terdam;' barque Lamar, Hines, for Pacific. 'The barques Wenham,Wedgo, for Marseilles, and Linda Stewart, Stirling, for Montevideo,jfcc.. am in the Roads, waiting a chance to get to sea. Wind Bast, i The ships George,-Hohom; Marianne, Haesloop; Ju lidß, Bosen&n, all of and from Bremen; Macaulay. Ro gers, from Liverpool, and a British scbr from Mediter ranean, (doubtless President,) all for Baltimore, are in the bay, bound up. The Macaulay and'Julius came in to-day. ' > r Lid ol Arrivals et the Principal Hotels* GIRARD HOUSE—Chestnut street, below Ninth. G. W. Morris, Balt < G. P-Doan, St. Louis. J. Y. Lewis, do. G.Matttingly, Wash., D. 0 M. M. Miller; NO. , * J.P. Paulisou, N. Y. B. Toby. Jr. do. - N.O, Wolff, do H. Eldndge, Miss. Geo. Shea, do A. 8. Sweet, Jr. A ly, Buff. D. M. Reese, do O.G. HeUenstein, St. Louis Geo BeweU, do I. F. price, do. Wm. Sowell, do R. 0. Gardner, Nashville. D, Packer, do Jaa. P. Gardiner, Florida. J. W. Briscoe, do L. 8. Clarke, Bprlngfteld, S. Musseror, do A.L.ChetlainjGslena,lll W. ll.Broughton, Rodney, J. TaleAfeno, Winchester, Miss. Ky. . . J. Trimble, Ohio. J. S, Janquers, J. W. Gordon, Richmond. G. Perslco,Richmond, Ya. Wm. Morris, BoonvlUe. H. Sautter, N York. ‘ Ed. Staffer, New York. A. Watertown. T. D. Lincoln, Cincinnati. :J. Wheaton and lady. J. Meyer, Alabama. 8. Strouse, Alabama. ’ A. Frenkel, “ W. G. Poole; TaHafcaaaeg. g. W .'Mobley A Idy, Ches- J.O Walker A ldy,Colum*. ton, SC. hla,SO. , ~ - Geo. Wells,Cleaveland, 0. A T Jenkins Alady, NO. Miss Mitchell, NC. J. D, Whltford, NO. Jlies Whltford, N. 0. M. Andrews, Blaine.. ' Jules Chevalier, Paris. Mr. 8. B. North A ly, New Mrs! Field,’New York. York. , ~ .J. F. Taylor, Versailles. Miss North; New York. ‘ J. Julian, Now York. T. A. Nesmith, Cincinnati. - Jos. H. Marks, N. Orleans. R. F. Masod.Olhaveland,.' Sirs. Randall, “ ■ A, J. Lots, qt. Louis. -J. Bryall, u J. S. Birdsdala, oin' M Q. r. Rankuaith, N. 0. W. Huhbaid, Bt. Xoula. g. Weddell A ly,N. C. B. Booth. Westminster. D. W. Saunders A ly. N, 0. W. D. Dohbtu, Arkansas. J. E. Sawyer A ly, Mobile. Bobt. A, Dobbin, Balt. W. Thompson, N. 0. . . A. K. Jersey City. W. T. Heuderson A ly, SO. .J.D. Gordon, lowa. , MlisU.F.Sina, do B. Knott, Louisville. 8. Dennis, Maryland. J. McLean, Princeton, N.J. Mrs, Dennis, da, Miss M. W. Houston, Lane. Miss Dennis, do. U. Tucker, Georgia. , 8. T. Colton, dp. J.W. Hughes,lUlqftU. W.P. Llbridgo, N,York. O. A. Derby, Alabama. I. Cole, Jr., Baltimore. J. L. Moore, Miss. 8 Smith, do. W.JI. Brown, Penna. R. N. Pine, San Fran, • J. B. Kirtland, Memphis. .Jm. Nash, Nashville. Wm. D, 0. Murdock,Wash- L. D. Quimbry, Boston, D. 0. A. 8. Wentworth, Oin., 0. H. Robinson, Chicago, R. Tltney, <« ■*** McCullough, BauFran, J. J. Taylor A la., Balt. W. M.‘ Patton A lady, L. 1 0. Duncan A lady, Jackson, Miss. Charleston, S. C. E‘ H^ F L azlc ' r > Charleston. Miss BolUnger. do. T sf h 4 UB. KldrWgo, St. Louis. Z?\a » a H.Goucbonon. New York, wf’ n e t a K R S K Jf- 0. R. Dodson k daughter, Miss Dirby, Geneva, ni. Geneva: 111. Miss Smith, Chicago. T. 8. RiSgway.lady and Miw M. Pool, Shawnetown, Hhawnetown; 111. 3 ?' h Farae , B ’ p £ ir&da - , G. P. Bussell, Philada. A. W. Barclay, Savannah. 11. B. Tibbetts, N. York. S’ £ flU d y*S , . flB t on * - T - 8 Dell, Baltimore. W. Haskell, Illinois. Ceo. L. Peabody. Burlin’n Mr. Andrews, Maihe. J. b. North A lady, New Min North, New York. T. A. Nesmith, Cincinnati RlF^Cleveland.. . A. J. Lata, St. Louis. Jolts'Chevalier, Parle. , Mr. Field, New York. J. B. Taylor, Versailles. J. Julian, New York. JaraeaS; Marks, N. Orleans Mr. Randall, N, Orleans. G. D. Brooks, New York. ' D. P. Shepherd, do. R. Davies, New York. A. Deforest,,N. Orleans. T. Richards. N. Orleans. A. Foranden, do. P. Mason,: ' do. ' A.GhuignAa, do. F. Morn, do. ' - Win, 0/Toole. N’■ j\i GraUghah/ d« f • 1 f 'ftHajWy., do..- ;■ Wm.B.TooleiN. York.U i Boston. 0 ,*.»Ji Hoffmaa, iL Ydrte. r« f ( 4, fllfpst k fy, IbtCß. Augusts, 1857 • iladnlphia from the 31a/ of August, 3867. ’ WEEKLY REPOHT Hssvrn Intermtnts in Pity of Phi July to the BfA < Fever, Typhus.... “ Typhoid..., Haemorrhage Inflam’nof Brain. ** Bronchi. « Bowels.. « Liver... . << Lungs... “ Perlto’m « Stomach Inanition Abscess Albuminuria Ap0p1exy......... Anaemia Croup...., Cong’tlou of Lungs “ Brain Cholera Infantum Cholera Morbus... Cens’tion of Lungs Convulsions Cyanosis Diarrhoea Dropsy i( Abdominal. 8rain...... « Heart Disease of Brain.. “ Heart... << Spine... “ Head.... Kidneys. Drowned Dysentery Debility Effusion on Brain. Fracture of Skull. Fever, Scarlet.... Jaundice. ••.... Mania-a-Fotu. Marasmus Old Age,.... Obstr’n of Bowels Palsy Scrofula Sore Mouth Still-Born Tata* Mesentctica Teething Ulcer Ulcec’a of Bowels. Unknown , Whooping Cough. !TRBBMWRRK From 40 to 60.... “ 60 to 00.... “ 00 to 70.... “ 70 to 80.... « 80 to 00.... “ 00t0100..., Under 1 year. From 1 to 2. . “ 2to 6. «» 6to 10. “ 10 to 16. “ 15 to 20. << 20t030. “ SO to 40, Total, 301 ; Boys. 81: Girls, 05. : People or Color, 18: from ila Hospital, 2 Health, [PKBSON, lloalth Oj inles, 144 louso. 22 “Dosylvai lcftrt Of jj.ijki Males, 157 j Femi From the Alnm-H the Country, 2; J?e By order of the B JOHN 4RCTIO FIRE INSURANCE COMP A XS. NY, NEW YORK.-Offlc*. No 29 Wall street, ad joining the Mechanics’ Bank~£ub Capital, $250,000, with a surplus. This Company Insure Bulldingß, Mer chandise, Furniture, Vessels in port and their Cargoes. > apa other property. against Lou or Dauuige by Fire ana the'Biaks of Inland Navigations 1 DIRECTORS. .Hedry Grbmell, ■' Joshua L. Pope, , Caleb Bantow, Rufus R. Graves. HooryO; Brewer, ' Henry David, Edrimod Penfold, ■ 0. H. Ltlientbal, Hanson K. Corning, Theo. Polbemus, jr. OrienHMgwty, ,■■ KUjHB. Motssu, TSI)mM Sfomglu, W Abm. B. Pun Suit, , JohnH. Ksrlo,, , , WUUku A. Our, Albert Wottf, - 1 ■ Phobia* S. Nelaori, Oh«rle« Butfln, : i: James W. Phillips, Liiuii fora!,: > Charles A. Macj, Samuel G. GUdden, -Edward Htticken, Steph. Cambrelong, Wu> B; Shepard, Thomas Scott, ' Charles L. Frost, JohnWirdj - ' Lothrop I*. Starves, tt«ny K. Bogert, William 11. Fosaick, Petfr Bdes*' i ‘ ! Briery Thayer, Benjamin H. Field, - Geo. Westfeldt, -te'feu,. •. 7 I j * '(Whrfel T,. Mitchell, •’ , • '* ' j ippMALBBBI ffAßtf, PW*W Journal that will not only bn creditable to our City and our State, but will furnish me an independent livelihood. A somewhat extensive experience In pnblio life, and many years’ connection with journalism, will, I hope, obtain for “ Tbb Passe ” a favorable reception. My friends in the different Wards and Counties of • Pennsylvania, and in other States, will place me under many obligations by giving “ Tna Press ” a helping hand. TERMS OF THB PRESS Daily, (per Annum,) In advance $6 00 VOr Pi cents per Week, parable to the Carriers.) Tn-Weekly, (per Annum,} In advance 3 00 Weekly, “ « 2 00 y Address the Editor and Proprietor, at the Office o 1 No. 417 Chestnut Street, next to Penn eylvania Rank Building, above Fourth Street, Phila delphia, JOHN W. FORNEY. &mnsemetue. TXfARNCT STREET THEATER.—Pro » » prletor, Mr.' WM. J. NAGLE! Acting »nd Bt»ge M«n»s»ri Mr. WAYNE OLWINE. Trim—Dm. Circle and Panjuette, SO cents: Upper Circle, 45 cents: Private Box and Orchestra Seats, 75 cents. , Box Ofnce open from 9 o'clock A. 51 to 4 11,I 1 , M. Coors open at 7 o’clock; performance Trill commence at 8. MONBAY EVENING, August 10th, Will bo presented by the Management, for a limited number of nights, NAGLE’S JUVENILE COM EDI AN 8. The performance will commence with the popular na tional air, the , . “STARS?ANGLED BANNER, ’’ Introducing the entire Troupe. After which the bur lesque, entitled BOMBABTES FURIOSO. Bombaetea ..Master Fredrick Wren, aged 6 yearn. To be followed by the laughable force of BOX ANB OOX. The whole to conclude with the farce of A TINKER AND A TAILOR, A SOLDIER AND A SAILOR. Tommy Charcoal Master Frederick. JOHN DREW’S NATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT street, above ElGHTH.—Lessee and Manager, John Drew. Brices—Dress Circle and Par quet, 87 % cents; Orchestra Chairs, 50 cents; Seats in Private Box, 75 cents; Family Circle, 25 cents.. Doors open at 7: To Commence at 8 o’clock. Box Office open from 10 to 3 o’clock, where Seats can be' secured with out extra charge. MONDAY EVENING, August 10th. Benefit of M. W. CANNING, Treasurer, ‘ Will bo presented, for the first time this season, the comic drama, entitled GIRALDA. Oil the Miller,. * ; Mr. John Drew. GUalda ./.Mrs. J. Drew. After which Miss Ludlomwlil Appear in Pa* do Qu&tre Nations, and Mias Wilka wiUfaing a favorite stmg. To conclude with the laughable comedietta, entitled THE IMBH ATTOBfJBi'. Pierce O'Hare i.. .Mr, John Drew. Jacob Wylie Mr. Jaek. A MEKICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC -iS- E. A MARSHALL has neat pleasure in annouue ing that, through the immediate agency of the justly popular impresaario , MAX BfARETZEK, now in Europe, he his effected an eniragement with BOKZAKPa 6 * Celobratod, Grand and Complete 1 BALLET TROUPE, (From the Theatre Royal, Turin,) Which will he under the periwnal direction of SIGNOR DQUINIOO RONZANI, Manager of the Theatre Royal, Turin, and actual Maltre de Ballet, from Her Majesty’* Opera House, London, au 10-6 t SANFORD* 8 OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut. OPENING NIGIIT! ’’ MONDAY EVENING, August 10th, and for the 1 SEASON!!! With the entire Original SANFOBD’B OPERA TROUPE, composed of SIXTEEN STAR PEBPORUERS, including Miss JULIA POLINE and Master SANFORD, the Stan Dancbrh, who will', appear, on the above night, in au entire sew fboobamme. including Sosos, CHoaugfis, Ac., Ac. 5 also, the new burlesque on the Academy of Music. Doors open at 1% o'clock—to commeuce at 8. Admittance 26 cents. ' ID* In,preparation, ahurlesque on La Tr&viata. au . ’ ; j A CADEMY OF MUSIC, BROAD AND J-*- LOCUST Btresta.—Mr. E. A. MARSHALL, Sale Eresee.— The PROMENADE CONCERT •t.ttili estab lishment la nightly honored b/ Enthusiasm, ‘Popular ity and Eashion. , THIS EVENING, August 10th, new* and attractive features. M’LLE. 80HELLEB, SIGNOR VIKRI, their first engagement in America: MISS 0. RIOHINGS, MR. FRAZER, CARL BERGMAN, and the GERMA NIA OBOHE&BA. . / . Admittance 25 cents. au6*6t PARKINSON’S ILLUMINATE# GAR DENS:—great ATTRACTION ’-PROMENADE CONCERTS EVERY EVENING. . MISS AGNES SUTHERLAND, - The celebrated Scottish Nightingale., “ The Cameron’s Here,” ‘‘Macgregor’a Gathering,” Ac. * Meignan’s su perb Oqjhestta—”Anvil Chorus,” “Gipsy’s Song,” “ Fra Diarolo,” Marches, Written. Gallops, Ac. Ac. Fire-works nightly. Admittance 250. Eight for SI. au4-tf THOMEUF* 8 VARIETIES.—« The coob est place in the city, snd the most respectably at tended N. W. comer FIFTH and CHESTNUT. and EVERY EVENING this week, those beau tiful and well-tried Philadelphia favorites, FANNY FORREST, ’ JENNY SELLMAN, M’LLE. LEFOLLB, Will appear, aided by a SUPERIOR COMPANY. ■ A laughable Afterpiece will conclude the performance, which commences at a quarter to 8,- Admission 10 cents. , , * JOHN C. WARREN, aul-iw Conductor of Amusements. Read \ read ?—a new political WORK.—THE POLITICAL TEXT BOOK, OR ENCYCLOPEDIA’, by M. W. dusky, of Washington Clty,D. C.. ■This work, a royal octavo, containing 640 pages of matter, conveniently Indexed and handsomely bound, is now out. No political speaker or editor should be with out it. Alphabetically arranged in encyclopedia style, It t* a book of moit convenient reference. It contains, among other things, the Constitution Articles of Con federation, tho various Party Platforms, the American Ritual, the full opinions on the Bred Scott Case, a his tory of the variouß Tariffs, a history of the Congres sional Legislation on the United'States Bank, a com plete history, with all the votes seotiooally classified,' on the Missouri Compromise, a history of the admission of the several States, a detailed record of the legisla tion of Congress relative to Kansas and Nebraska, tho Kansas Convention Act, Governors Shabon and Walk er’s Inaugural Addresses; in fact, everything apper taining to the present excitement in Kansas, including the Reports of Senators Douglass and CoUamer on Kan sas affaire' during the last Congress, and the Bpecial Message of President Pierce on the same subject; a his tory of Party Conventions in the United States; a.hls tory of Allen Suffrage: the letters signed by,Madison in defence of the Anwribstf Party.'and that - or Governor Wise against it; the Alien and Sedition Lave, and their history: the Compromise*,of 1860, with the several votes thereon; 'the Naturalisation Laws; Extracts from Speeches of noted Abolitionists and Republicans, Illustrative, of the position of their parties, as'also from tho Speeches of Southern men, > indicating South ern sentiment; a history of the subject of the Distri bution of the Public Lands, with Mr. Clay’s report thereon; an extract of Mr. Grundy’s report and Mr. Faulkner’s letter on the same subject; a bistort* of the several railroad grants made by Coagreoo, Mr. Toombs’ Lecture on Slavery; the Virginia and Kentucky resolu tions of 1798 and >99; the Ordinances of 1784 and ’B7; Mr. Calhoun’* Fort Hill address; a history of Depo sits, Bargain and Intrigue; and many other things too numerous to mention. In fact, it U a single volume with the m&tterof every political subject compressed into it that is now a subject of discussion, or likely to be. Price three dollars. Gan be had by addressing , M. W.CLUSKY, Box 116 Post Office, Washington, D. C., or JAMES B. SMITH h CO., 610 Chestnut street, Philadelphia; The trade, to whom liberal inducements will be of fered, will please address the Philadelphia agents: ’ Persons acting a* agents will be paid liberally for all subscribers obtained. t Aul-dSt&wSt ■ SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP cured a Sister of Charity and a child at St. Joseph’s Orphan Asylum, after they were given up to die. SCHENCK’S PULMONIC SYRUP cured Mrs, Gueil ana Liobert, in Parish] street, five doors above Tenth street, of Bronchial Consumption, and Hemorrhage of the Lungs, and certified to by Rev. Thomas L. Juneway. formerlyfPastor of the Presbyterian North Church. SOIIBNOK’S PULMONIC BYRUP crued a daughter of T. B. Rose, Jacoby street, near Race, of Scrolola of over five years 1 standing. • - SOiIKNCK’S PULMONIC SYRUP cured Robert H. Deacon, Ellisburg. near Camden, N. J , of Scrofula of many rears’ standing, after his legs, arms and neck 1 had broke out in running ulcers. SOHENOK’S PULMpNIO SYRUP cured Mrs. S&rah Derr, 332 Race street, of the last stage of Consumption. SOHENCK’S PULMONIC BYBOK cured John C. Green, of Tacony, In the very last stage of Pulmonary Consumption » SOHENOK’S PULMONIC SYRUP cured. Charles O. Johnson, of Bristol, Pa., of Liver Complaint and Con sumption. ' SCHENOK’S PULMONIC SYRUP, cured Richard L. Cox, of Marlboro, N. J., of Pulmonary Consumption. SOHENOK’S PULMONIC SYRUP cure* Peter Sr Beekman, of Somerset county, N. J., after being ove six months confined to his bed with Dyspeptic ■ Consum p tiou. SOHENOK’S PULMONIC SYRUP cured Mrs. Tucker, of Jersey City, N. J., In the last stage of Consumption. Her certificate is also accompanied by her minister. SOHENOK’S PULMONIC SYRUP cured Henry O. Mundy, of Rahway, N. J., in the last stage of. Consum ption. Certified to by Dr. Craig. . Principal Office, No. 39 N. SIXTH street, corner of North street, and for sale by all Druggists. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. aul(Llt TO BENT. —The second and third story ROOMS o No. 257 (late 163) North THIRD Street, near Vine. au&.St* FOR RENT—A modern three-story House, with back buildings, bath house, &0.,0n Eleventh street, above Spriug Garden. Apply to Dr. MOSELEY, No. 9 N. Eleventh street. ' au6-lt# The best and cheapest ambro- TYPES In tbeWorTd, at the uew rooms, 1520 West MARKET Street, over Chance’s Dry Goods Store. EVANS, auB-lt* Photographer and practical Teacher. A GIFT TTCTH EVERY BOOK, WORTH from 60 Cents to 100 Dollars, at MAGEE’S GIFT BOOK STORE, No. 3SI CHESTNUT Street, second door below Fourth, Philadelphia. aul-lw BOHLEN'S weesp anchor gin Constantly on hand and for sale by the subscrib ers, sole Importers of this Gin. HENRY BOHLEN & CO., auft-St No. 221 and 223 South Fourth St. Spikes.—railroad spikes and CHAIRS constantly on hand.' Orders received for Light Railroad Iron—2B As., 33 As , 40 As per yard. HANDY A MORRIS, »u4-lro 8. B corner Front and Walnut. Great bargains in dry goods i CLOBING OUT OF SUMMER STOCK ! J. McGLATHKRY, FIFTH Street, below the Shippen Street Market, East aide, will offer TO-DAY his entire Rtock of SUMMER DRESS GOODS, such as Summer Silks, Ducals, GRallies, French and Swing Lawns, Shawls, Mohair Mitts, and Parasols, at IQ percent, less than cost, to make room for FalVQoods. Also, 600 needle worked COLLARS and SLEEVES, from 10 cents to $l, about half price, real bargains, , AUo, a large assortment of PLAIN and FANCY OASSIMERES, OASUMERETTS, TWEEDS, LINEN DRILLS and CHECKS, for Men and Boy’s wear, at less than cost. Together with a large and general assortment ot SEASONABLE DRY GOODS, at our usual low prices. Our cheap rent and small profits enables us to under sell the np-towu stores at all times. JUT Give us a call. aul*dB COAL! COA.LI COAL!—TAGGART* 3 CELEBRATED SPRING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH COAL. J. & R. CARTER’S GREENWOOD, TAMAqUA COAL GEORGE W. SNYDER’S PINE FOREST SCHUYL KILL COAL. RANDALL & MEREDITH Have for sale, and are constantly receiving from the above celebrated Collieries, COAL OF ALL SIZES. There Is no Coal mined anywhere', equal in quality to these, nod a trial will convince any one of their great superiority. Our Coal is very, carefully screened at our yards, and we will warrant It nerfeetly free from slate, MM"* 16 " ° Ur *™ KS *«“LOW asthi Orders left at our Office, No. S SOUTH FRONT street above Walnut. 1 , nn * n Orders left at oor Yard, CALLOWHILL stre^-ftlbw * ££*r?A 6ft at WT.Wharf. WATER stnaVkMtfOAL LOWHILL—°r wnt to either place p« Dfctaafccb-poet, will receive prompt attention. .• , L,; ■ f Purchasers for Family use wM to call and ex amine our Coal before purchasing elMwhere. au4-tf SCHUYLKILL AND and all others who may favo?me mav relyon getting Coat that wiU*b' 9 H7* No inferior Coal kept kt I thto offer at LOW PRICES. 1 “ ‘ J , J , , aut-tf ■ H.E.coTnerof Sharped men’s & CLOTHING, 148 North FQURTBkfteiefc between Arch and Race. v* <;£ \ I (Patti)*#, Jerotlijj, &i- Bailey ,& co./chestnut street, ;, gj t Manufacturers of •' : f ' BRITISH STERLING SILVER WARE, -f, | Uuader their-inapectiop, pn the premises exclusively.; Citisens and, Strangers are Invited to visit our manu-. factory. BATCHES. ' Constantly PQ hand a'splendid stock of Superior Gold Watches, of all the celebrated makers. DIAMONDS. Necklaces, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear-Rings, Finger- Bings, and all other articles in the Diamond Une. Drawings of NEW DE3IGNB, will be made free,of charge for those wishing work made to order. RICH GOLD JEWELRY. : ‘ A beautiful assortment of all, the new styles of, Fine' Jewelry, nuch as Mosaic, Stone and Bheli Cameo, Pearl, Coral, Carbuncle, Harqulsite, ■ Lars, Ac., Ac. SHEFFIELD CASTORS, BASKETS, WAITERS, Ac. Also, Bronze and Marble CLOCKS, of newest styles, and of superior quality. ’ ‘ aul-d twAw iy - ©rugs anb GEljemkaJs. Frederick brown,—chemist - AND DRUGGIST, north-east corner FIFTH end CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia, sole Manufacturer of BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER, which la recognised and prescribed by the Medical Fa culty, and has become the Standard FAMILY MEDI CINE of. the United States. ' This Essence is a preparation of unusual excellence. During the Rummer, months, no family or traveller should be * without It.' In relaxation of the bowels; in nausea, and partieul&rlyin sea sickness, it, is an active and safe, as.well as'a pleasant and efficient remedy. CAUTlON.—Persons desiring an, article that can be relied upon, prepared solely from pure JAMAICA GIN GER, should be particular to. ask for “Brown’s Es sence of Jamaica Ginger, *1 which Is warranted to be what it U represented, and Is prepared only by FREDE RICK BROWN, and for sale at ms Dreg and Chemical Store, north-east corner of FlFTH*and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia; and by all the respectable Drug gists and Apothecaries in the U. States. , acl-3m • HANDEL & HAYDN DRUG STORE, EIGHTH and GREEN streets, Philadelphia, D. L. STACKHOUSE, Proprietor. 'Always on hand the choicest articles of DRUGB, MEDICINES, PERFU MERY, piGARA Ac. * , . Stackhouse’s ' Patent Silver Soda ‘ Water Fountain keeps the water at 33 deg.; his Syrups and Creams are acknowledged by all as being the richest in the city, aal-im Jknmaneljip anb Book Keeping. ftRITTENDEN’S PHILADELPHIA COM- V/ MEROML COLLEGE'S, E, Corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Second and Third Stories.’ . BOOK KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, every style.' ’ ■ COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. „ COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS.. * LECTURES;&e. , Each Stadeaf has individual Instruction from compe tent and attentive Teachers, under the immediate supervision of the Principal. , One of the Best Penmen in the, Country has charge of the Writing Department. ' - * Please call and see Specimen* and get a Catalogue of Terms, Ac. jutl-lm toittesaa&fiiqttorß. A LEXANDER V. HOLMES, WINE AND EjL LIQUOR STORE, No, S2S, Southout' Corner of GEORGE end SOUTH Street.., ■ i inl-lj WILLIAM P. PITFIELD.—IMPORTER If- of BRANDIES’WINES, &c. ; , Ac., No. 323 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia.. . aul-lm . Cl. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN FINE WINES, LIQUORS,‘CIGARS, *c., 20 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. aul-Iy BRANDIES.— Pinet, CastUlon & Co., Ma rettA Co., and other brands of Cognacs of various vintages, in half pipes and quarter casks: Pellevolain Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, In half pipes, quarter casks and one-eighth casks, Ml in Custom Bouse stores, imported and for sale by HENRY BOHLEN & CO., au 6 Nos. 221 and 223 South Fourth street. X BAZIN & CO.’S FRANGIPANNI, • AN ETERNAL PERFUME. * THE ONLY GENUINE ARTICLE MANUFAC TURED. FRANGIPANNI EXTRACTS. FRANGIPANNI PO MADE. , FRANGIPANNI BACHETB, FRANGIPANNI SOAP. FRANGIPANNI TOILET WATER. FRANGIPANNI CREAM. FOR BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. X. BAZIN ft CO. would respectfully cantion the pub ‘ lie against the many spurious articles bearing the same of in imitation of their 'ORIGINAL and only GENUINE perfume, which is made entirely' iand purely from the celebrated recipe of FRANGIPAN-, NI. . , . ... . , Its popularity has led several establishments to claim for their counterfeits all these exquisite qualities which < belong only to the -GENUINE. I Fofsale by all droggists and fancy dealers. X. BAZIN ft CO., . Manufacturers of the Prise Medal Perfumeries. ’ au4-lwif 1 ' - • * iWTINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE ’ Tf MEN’S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY. No. 706 CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. ,The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, is particularly invited to this improved cut of Shirts’, the most^perfect fitting article made. At whole sale and retail, and made to order. suO-Iyif Ohl K SEWING MACHINES, 702 Chesnnt fJpAtA Street. , wiktkss or 1868 and 1867, has proved to be the most potoerful Heater in fie world, saving from K to # the fuel over any of the best furnaces now in use. Tn*B* Fmttumta ar e constructed with a cast Iron ash pit, and h broad, shallow pan-shaped' fire pot, lined with fire-brick or iron staves. The fire pot is surmount ed with A SERIES OF CONES, on TAPERING RADIATORS, large and broad at their base, but tapering to small aper tures at the top, andunitlng.with the anular chamber, through which, the heat, and smoke pass to the due. Ton wbols products of combustion in the form of smofteand qasss, are suspended directly over the fire, coa»ts»D or .compressed Into the tapering Coses and continually sxfosbd to the direct action of theraya of heat and light from the fire. • This heat and light Is brought to a rhebs In lies Cose, not unlike the ‘ COLLECTION O? THE SUN’S RAYS, , * to a focal point through an ordioary lens, causing the fljfoiß ANO'oisss to become liteasaly heated and tho roughly OOSBOMSD, by this operation the shoes AND oxets are uapk squally availablb with tha rest. itself for heating purposes, while, In other furnaces, it is OARBIBI) Off AND WASTSD IS TBS CBISSST. All persons desirous of obtaining the best and MOST ECONOMICAL HEATING APPARATUS, should not fall to examine the Niw GiS Oosscaisc Cons Fornaok. before purchasing any other. The at tention or architects and builders Is particularly re quested. ARNOLD & WILSON, (Successors to 8. A. Harrison,) No. 534 WALNUT Street, aul-tf Opposite Independence Square. PHILADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY— N. W. Oor. THIRD and CHBSNTJT Sts. ’ L. PELOUZE k SON, thankfol for the liberal pa tronage heretofore accorded to their Establishment, and desirous to merit lla continuance, would announce to Printers and Publishers that their new SPECIMEN BOOK Is now ready, and from their increased facilities, are now prepared, to forniah every thing necessary In a complete Printing Establishment, at the shortest no tice. Their long practical experience In the business, and the fact of their personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, Justifies them in asserting that they can fkrni&h a more durable and better fin ished article than their cotemporaries.' Those, therefore, who desire' Printing Materials, would do well to apply, to them previous to purchasing elsewhere. ~ Old type taken at 9 ceuts per pound, in exchange for new at specimen prices. - aul-tf ot Earn. T|ANIEL DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY XJ AT LAW, Southeast Comer of EIGHTH and LO CUST Streets, Philadelphia. aul-ly MYERSTROUSE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CENTRE street, PottsvUle, Pa. au*-Iy JOHN BINNS, UNITED STATES COM MISSIONER AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, AND THE PROBATE OF ACCOUNTS for several States and Territories. He is. by law, authorised to administer Oaths and Affirmations to be received in all the Courts in Pennsylvania. JOHN BINNS way be found in his office, No. 118 South SIXTH Street, opposite the County Court House, from 8 A. M.toO P. M. aul-lm Cammission iUerctjantß Hanot & bbenner-commission MERCHANTS and Dealers in Foreign and Ame rican HARDWARE and CUTLERY, Nos. 23, 25 and 27 North FIFTH Street, East side, above Commerce street. Philadelphia.' ' ■ aul-tf IXlauts. WANTED—A YOUNG MAN, WHO IS » r expert at figures and writes a good hand, as ENTRY OLERK in a wholesale jobbing house. Ad dress DRY GOODS, at' this office, aulo-3t* WANTED—A STEADY, SOBER MAN, * T • who can briug good testimonials of character, to do the light porterage in a wholesale drug store. AddrCßß CALOMEL, at this office. auiO-St* VirANTED—A WOMAN TO DO GEN * Y URAL Housework ; must be a good waahsr and ironcr. Also, a woman to take care of shildreu.. Those only who can come well recommended may apply to ‘ MR. SOLOMONS, aulO-lt# 66 Fourth street.' WANTED— AN EXPEHIKNCED Salesman in a Dry Goods Jobbing House, who can command a strictly first class Western trade Ad dress “Jobbing,” at the offioej of ,thls, paper, stating location of trade, references, ka, . aiuo-2t* TVANTED—A YOUNG MAN WITH T v unexceptionable references and of soraeexperience ’ n the ■ city, deslree x Situation as Salesman, or in any other capacity lu a wholesale house. Is well acquainted with tho Spanish language. Address J. aTb., this offic »- aullMt* WAITED— A SITUATION IN A ■Whelisale House, for a young man who speaks and gritMWeU, English, French and German; he has and could make himself very useful. Please address M.D.; this office. . auio-st SOARDING WANTED A SECOND itqry reom, with privilege of a bath, within a few minutes walk from the Exchange. Apply at No, UX MARKET Street, up-stairs, between the hours of 10 andS.u’clfcek. I '/ aulo-2t at: YOUNG MEN WANTED—For clioice • corps of the American Army. Fine chance Ear tfayel) promotion and study. Excellent’pay, and free board and clothing. Apply at 943 8. Front, aufi-lw* 1 JAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT TAILOR. Nos. 16 and 18 South NINTH STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT. A large and well selected stock of CLOTHS and OASSIMERES always on band. ‘ All Clothing made at this Establishment will be of. the beatfluaityy, and in the most f&Ahibnable style. ’ • particular attention given, to UNIFORM CLOTH- Iftp. f ■ ’ t 1 ' t apfi-tf , & PASCAL, HATTERS, aul-Sm No, 9SIXTH street* Philidelphla. Canbibttfss for (Office. Foe asEembliwoseph j; keefe: —Second Legislative District, Second Ward. Subject to the decision of thq 'Democratic Convention. au6-dtSB '' l ‘ - - • * - - rothonotabY op thb district COUBT, «OH!f P. M’FADOKS, of TMrvi Wert. Subject to ihe rales of the Deinowatifl Party, i aul-tf For recorder of deeds-thos. J. HEMPHILL, Troth ward. Vine street, above Eighth. Subject to Democratic rulea. anlO-lm* JOHN.Mt ARUNDEL, of. the Tweaty secood WardjtWfrf bo a candidate for Assembly, from the Sixteenth District. Subject to the nomination of the Democratic Convention. ’ : anModSwF For assembly—third district— FRANKLIN McILYAIN, Subject ta Dwocntie rules. * * . * ’• «fl£-dtapg OR CORONER—DB- FLODORE MIER SON, Fifth Ward. :flnbject to Democratic Hnlas. auB-lm» - • . For prothonotary of the dis- TRICT COUET, LEWIS T. MEAEfI, uf lerelfi Wert. Subject to Pemocretie Bfilea..mB-Im» Prothonotary* of the district COUET, UEOBGK P. UEESEB, Wert. Subject to Uemocretic Bolee. ea4-tSeS FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS—;B. B YOUNG, Sereeth Wert, Pabjoct to OereoertGe Eule«. mni-lnt* FOB CLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS, SAMUEL C. THOHPSON,Stk Wert. . ftiQeette the Buies of the Democratic Party. su4 tAs taB* For coroner—n. c* beid, m. d. ' Subject ta Democratic Boles. - . and laa ft WOR CORONER—CHARLES S-.PEALL, X 1 ' Nineteenth Word. aal-iw* For assembly-first distbict^- JOSEPH H. DONNELLY. First Ward. Subject to decision 6 fthe Democratic Convention, aal-fiv# Fob assembly—third distbict^- DAYIB n. McLUAS, Fourth Wert. Sahjeet to Bemocrettcßulue. 1 " 1 ettj.teefi* ' For assembly— :. ■ ' : . •; ' JOSEPH. HUMEKSB,.'. ’ ' ' Eighth District, Herenth Weril , Subject to Democratic Holes. >' -' ’ -atlLm* recorder of deeds— A' OHABLBS M. MILLBB, * ' ' * 4 Fourteenth Ward/ Bubject to Demoqratie Bole*, on. . : anl tms For recorder of deeds^-geobge V. WUSDEB,- Thirteenth Wert. Subject toD*. mocraticßoUa. * . ■ atHlsw* r piOß’ RECORDER OF DEEDS—N: ,F. : A WOOD, Thirteenth ward. Subject to jpemoenti*’ nrias.' 1 f * ii* * •• - OF QUARTER. SESSIONS^ \J GBOBGB SIMPSON, ‘.‘THIBTBENTIT WaßD. Subject to Demeeratic Bale*. 1 a - ‘ MltaepS ' dni Sasiaflnints. CLIN TO N PLAGE HOTEL^BROAD* WAY, corner of BIGHTH, : street,'Sew Ymi.— THIS BLBGANT MODBBN BSTABZJSRIfXNT iC now open for the reception of guests, ia the Boropean style; ‘ SINGLY BOOMS from 60 cents to $1 par day. SUITS of BOOMS for Families, from 32 £0 to fIQ per day, MKALS served *t ail hoars by the CABD, at aekfii rites. r f . 0. J: MACLELLAN (“ long and favorably known fa the patroni -of Jones’ and*th« : Uhited States HotaL Philadelphia,”) Is* aaaoeisled in the managemeat, ana. has especial charge; of tire Catering Departaint. Erwy attention has bees paid to. make the orgsrucitiOh per fect, add our friends, patrons, and the travelling puls in general, may rest • assorted that no effbrt. aaaHh* wanting to make'the GLIKZOS worthy, the ftmr vhiA, we hereby respectfully aolicit. auS-lm*". •• WISAST * 06. ’ HI ERCHANTS’ HOTEL, CAFE.ISLANO, ivJL N. J., is now open for the reception of vtattQA2 This House ia situated within a hundred yards of the Beach. -The Proprietor promises that do care jdtaUbe spared to render those comfortable who wiU favor him’ With their patronage., Terms moderate. - aug3-lw# J. LYONS, Proprietor. -. LOUIS B. COFFIN,— - THIBD WARD HOTEL, (DEMOCRATIC KBAD ' QUABTERS,) ' . - South-east corner FIFTH and QUBEN Street*, 1 . aul-lm Philadelphia. WILLIAM N. KING^-SOUTHEBN • ■ EXCHANGE HOI EL, Sowth-eaet'earner «f FIFTH and CABPBNTBJi Sts., Philadelphia: «2rl& STREET HOUSE \J MILLER, (Old No. 121) New N0.'831 CHEatUY : STBEET, below Fourth, Philadelphia.’ -■' an 1-lm 1 ' TMTILLIAH HANNINGS 1 City tager Refer V f Saloon y No. 82 CARTER’S ALLEY, Fhll*fei-f Pbla. , * ‘ * nl-ta TiITHMAR & BUTZ, AI^E JLF AND LaGEB BE£B BRBWBBY. No.’ 599 (new No. 9S)iNcrth THIRD Street. Phifirtirlplifa ffklpping order* pre»ptiy attended to. < I aal-tf . Sales liu 3lnclicn. . WoLata* ft Scott, Aactipaeera, > yiqi CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE wJL THE CUSTOM BOUSE, between Fourth aafer Fifth Streets. . , CARD.—We invite the attention of purchasers bo the peremptory sale of an assortment of Gent's ami Bore* superior city-made CLOTHING, to be held stoat Store' THI3 DAY, commencing at 10 o’clock peecUely., STUFFED BIRDS'.. , Also, at 12 o’clock, will be |dM >tT tirinit a amirs flea. ~ i atantt tashnndred spetimans of ornithology.- prepared in the best manner bra competent Taxidermist. , i- FINE dHAMPAGNB .WINB.. ’Also, at 12 O’clock, so baskets Champagne Wire of a, celebrated aodCavontoteand. • > ’ . . n.tDum.aumr.-.i i Also, at 12 o’clock, 38 cases Bt. Jolien CMxats Megac. : WOLBSRT h SCOTT JactiL POSITTVB SALE OF A VALUABLE STQCC OF • i RKADY-MADR CLOTH3SG. , THIS (SATURDAY) MORNING, ' Commencing at 10 o’eldck, precisely'we will acR, hr ' eataloglte, ’on a liberal credit, a Tamable stock ot City ] made Cloth lag, coailxtlag of Gents’ and Bor* 1 Cokta • and Jackets, made in a superior manner, of cbeioeme* i terlals. GBNTS» AND BOYS’PANTS, ' .. Made ia the latest style, of every variety of material; ’ , . . GENTS’ ASD BOY3 1 VESTS, , . . Made in the best manner, of ewerr variety of material. , N. B.—The whole will be ready for examinatioa. with ' catalogues, early on - the morning -of sale, when pur-' chasers, will find it to their interest to attend. FIN® CHAMPAGNE WINE. THIS DAY, At 12 o’clock, will be sold,- 30 ’ baskets fine Champagne' Wine, quarts and pints. - - * This Is a very choice Wine, and worthy the putie&lar attention of gentlemen desiring, a Wine for homo con- . sumption. CLAB£T Also, SSiau&St. Jalien Claret Medoe. FIRST FALL SALE OF EMBROIDERIES, SHAWLS, RIBBONS. HOSIERY, MILLINERY GOODS, Ac. ONVEDNtSDAr NEXT; 13th Inst., Comrcesdag aft 10 o’cfoek* precisely, iraVai sell, with out reserve, on a'.liberal.credit, ;bj 4afrlogt», * Un» and elegant assortment of French and Scotch £o>. brttferiftt, Bmche Lon£ Sfcatrb, Stella' Shawl*, Freuds Cashmere do., Ribbons, Hosiery and Giores, MDHsrt Goods, he ’ ' SHAWLS JUST LANDED. Also, An Invoice of Broehe and Stella bordered long and Sqd&re Bhswb, rewired direct per steamer City o? » FRENCH CORSETS. Also, 50 doun French wQTgn. white tod mixriCarset*, HOOPED SHIRTS. . Also, 100 dosen Ladies’and Missaa* Hooped Skirts. LADIES’ MANTILLAS, TALMAS, DUaTBdS, 3te. Abo, s line of latest fall atyie Silk Manta.**. fltlk Talmas, Silk and "Wool Dusters, Ac.' ' LACES, NBTTB, *e. Abo, as invoke of white and blonde laces, bioad* Edging, Quillings, Silk Cravats, French Boas ms, Ud and Silk QIOTM.SiDc Illusions, b reran and green Barege. Cap Nett, Mechlin Nett, Ac., sc. n N.B.—Tie whole will bo arranged for examination, with catalogues, eaily ou the morning of *ade, when the trade and generally are respectfully iarited to attend. NOTICE.—Our sales of Embroideries, Millinery' Goods, Ac,, for. the fall and Winter, will commence daring the ear)/ part of the present month, and will ha continued regularly throughout the season, due notice of which will be given. \* Jobs Situs, Auctioneer, NO. 325 ARCH STREET, between THIRD AND FOURTH STREETS'. SALES EVETiY EVENING at 8 o'clock. Of Roots, Shoes, Brogans, Gaiters, Hardware, Cutlery Watches. Jewelry, Hosiery, Whips, Tranks, Fancy Goods, Notions, Ae.. Ac. . N. B. Terms of Night Sales, four months credit for approved City acceptances, for sums of $lOO and over, with interest added from date of sale. CARD.—Out-door Sales solicited of Household Fnrai ture at dwellings, Stocks of Hardware. Underwriters’ Sale* of Hardware. Cutlery, Ac. Consignments soli cited to be sold at the Auction Rooms. Chargee moder ate. Apply as above. Advances made on Consignment! of Goods. awl im Bt G*o, W. Smith, Auctioneer. Ne. corner of barrok and • SOUTH STREETS, above Second. . EVENING SALES. SALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING, At T# o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware, Out lery, Housekeeping Articles, Clothing, Watches, Jewei ry, Fancy Articles, Ac-, CJAMUEU NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 113 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Fear at., only eight doors below the Exchange. Honrs of business from 7 o'clock, A. M-, until Id o'clock in the evening. Out-door sales, and tales at the Auction House, at tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL $OOO,OOO. SstabHiktifor lAe loji Thirty Yean. Advance* made from one dollar to thousand* on Die momis, Slim Plate, Watches, Jtvtolty, Hardware, Mar chaodiie, Clothing, Vumiture, Bedding, Cigars. Musical Instruments, Gaos, Horses, Carriages, and Goods of ever/ awcnptibn, 1 All goods can remain any length of time agreed upon.* • from one hundred dollar* and upward*, will be charged 2 per cent, per mouth; $5OO ana over, the lowest market rate. This Store House having a depth of 120 feet, has Urge fire and thief-proof vault* to store all valuables, and pri vate watchmen for the premises; also, a heavy insu rance effected for the benefit of all personahiTing goads advanced upon. N. B.—On account of having an unlimited capital, this office is prepared to make advances on more satis factory and accommodating term* than any other in this city. Money advanced to the poor, in small amounts, with out any charge. AT PRIVATE SALE. Gold Patent Lever and ether Watches, Jewelry, sad Clothing will be sold at reduced prices. anl-ly Enewland a co. s • LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUPACTUREBS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Importers and Dealers in Oil Paintings, Water-Color Drawings, Engraving*, Ac.' A large assortment always on hand. ’ Packing and removing Glasses, and hanging tfteoded to. 60* ARCH Street, above Sixth*sovto aide, Philadelphia. anLim ip • MAN I LLA ROPE—SUPERIOR NILLA ROPE, manufactured sod for sale by ‘ WEAVER, FITLER A CO., : auB-tf No. 19 N. Water at., and 11 N. Wharves. JTtHE FRENCH STUDY IS NOW OPEN .» X. —DELACROIX’S Coarse of French ; a thorough. practice of Explanatory Grammar. Requires no other ' application than the hours passed with the teacher, No. Sui (late 31) FILBERT Street. au7-*t - ©as iFijttim. Archer, Warner, insssr & co - •Manufacturer* of G ASALIBRB, BRACKETS PEN DANTS, FITTINGS, and aU kinds of GASand-fetM? WORK, GIRANDOLES, Ac., No. 326 OHSSTNn* Street, Philadelphia. ARCHER, WARNER ACO No - - 87S BROADWAY, Nei*>Tork. • GM npf., uAf» klom.-t riterin* re£irm* ewWor*. ; RUSS IA- AND AMERICAN' TARRED CORDAGE—. mperlor Article, munCMtar. ua for Ml. bj WEAKER, EIXLEfe 4 CO tie, is «. Wer *n «■ ffjuvrrti,