The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 10, 1857, Image 1

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, «|FM>*S jKt. { 4ir 3
+ xiti't VntfSs
T#ln,V» ‘OMiS TBif' WB»t;' paraWo to ■ Ul3 Qiiillii. '
K»U#d.tO Subscribes out nftko Six DOU.ABB
rrt ABBoKi Vouk Dot-1413 n» KnmraioNiHß: Tebbh
DotLias FOB Six MoNnia.'niTanabiy iu advance fortha
lmq-udefM 11
11 tKI.WKtm FK®Mv ; '•■•'
, .WaUafttoSoiacribart cukof tl>c Oity.' aai ¥Ua«a
f*».w«jWiniDfdaadram!«'.'.,!- -. sh.'.i.j.ibi. k >
'.hJ*'l;..WEEtei,(V .p.RKSg
■thaa-wgint Fuss will Da eOnt to ■SnWcrlßer*!' t r ‘
mallf/per annum, in'adTince;) at j s ' lit* --jimA m
TtoMtoiiM; •; „! «■ -,;" w K:;:^oo
*•»%§«*», ‘ «. - :...aWi.UJ4 00
Twanti-fiop ea, •• .. (taone , 4 s*,.„y l M 00
pt Qta arjyeqneaied &7aC^|^i|j}etttß;for
’ FAEM|LMDS;®^Si'^SJbE.-
if notriirejiired to neimout 1,500;® pent) of; choice
fanning lahda, in tractiof 40 «fW« .upwards. on
ion* ciSlife.Ud atloiV rate* #*??*
■ TWelohas ware graated-fey the <hftfernmeikio'aid
in the.cooatmotioa oMhis Rooii, a'iid''f^e f %wco*'tiie
richost,almost fertile in
from 3(brtfc#art and * {through; Jiketuftdle
of the extreme,, Bouth; aM iocladb -e'iery
TWietAtSW those
parallels ofJatitade. The Northern portlonis chiefly
with and WW middle
;tMi ,*(hU» diving atream#-*nd springs of excellent
‘ 3 k'mK l / &#H ~
. pbisSpWfo« : par;toii4ttd' Wood cad tlW'amV 1
Mpij Stone. of ;« JwUeut nus% aUo inWmM'i
Jrt^Srtai!Ss ?B WSiiWiSiO wo*
* SbgrK?•oHiuty it tSmolvida; 1 which' arentai"
rioh moaUjlrom too to Svn'Sjot doopj'aaa«^atlj i «ai'
Uty ll froilshaj foc.itayaj MidJtxaxpoiUHon toi-dia;
p r iiicl pul'" iMiri;cts Sam: BoulbTExst,. 'West.,.and th®.
with wklch lhi" v : cun'W'cuWivxt»cl, ‘render
tbeuntho moßt Valuable inte’atmniHMt
prfMntttb mit ftvOraUa-apPftrtnnifrte pifjoM
lort4bi(ifad6poad6hj)i>in^' e^ J« r s- s„ •,(
■ Ofilcigo le now 'thegteAtest in thS wdrjdi
sad wd;eoGh6niy;%Kh
them much profltable.a^ .
»®®^wBsaBfflE ;
•nA k q!f - a Jr? -
Competent surveyors will accompany thoa#i«i» wish*
■ DilOlaj-'t'A
?v>* ■
of,the ,
yDyernfflen.trrita, .absolute, unfitness as a, mo- i
ifUgmtat .of the /ndidJis;,-,Thill expression, 1
wMcti.Wn.have ttirtichiddf i 4n' 'orderacouratOly
, tor«jthlWtthe relallohSsiibSi sting between'Our ‘
ttoVernment and'"the ;lndi'aii ''nibes, and of '
4^ij#Jd && tiid ! shdw{ B;rßtehi '.of roi j
them, in, ]
wct-i'asequaii.pnd,mjkspg.us6.ofJ’mpboyas,a ,
, |tas4«£spf value,betjre<)n us «jnd'theiq,.is not ,
inly inappropriate,; hut, destructive of tbo j
SAWgeM Itjuayibeconcedodthatthe Indians, t
bio* about .aillttleof ihejdseß 'ofmoney as l
they do of the obligations'ol•.treaties.'- With-- '
. any ‘of the'demerit's j
g^^AmeHt, : we impose j
! tsoncedb, to .them pro- ;
, ptfctpnibip oyer. the country they, }nhabit-nwe, ,
, tay them for.wbat to.. themihasjioi.yalne—and . i
ye,pay theni in that which has never failed t 6 I
‘ (nflime their passions, f demoralize their people,'
and subject' odrsettlements to border feuds/ •
murders ind robberies. . ‘ '
j iA yjew' of .this gubjept is whai i
aiiiSpfitios. ;
j'fte havejdOsdt long enough m’the rpmancp of :
• ihStt ;inyfe'o b has 'bgen 'i
i 6rapUcal,;,in„ofd«r l tg, Jbe,beneflcial., .Bleeding.
.Jaybe goodfor.pnralysis.butnot for,Syncope. '
fe>are'irequired; to' manage tthe; Indians: We‘
ate required to take caroof their Irno interests,
I&MSi thein/in rtthjt/ab
.thejr.estates'; Wt, tt’dqes, noi. follow ftisfwe
IqhpuUT attempt,,to i( enrich,. them..with .these
■ tMligswhi'oh civilized beings.-: They .
; ao»,,.neti'nselhur :>ac»ns..of,wealth any Smdre;
ifitofethryare abte'tQlputttj qiroperdseS the i
ivlujls • whlofr 'they!' have inhabited* 'ln other
‘♦Wdirtßsijf.iiel linpoVeftshd'dhy tlie'iiiionoy
ifliey receive. Do they put it to educational
; jjiirpflses J'Do ithy-erect school-houses and
niadesiof worsbipf ! ' ; Do' they open marts of
i'tHdeif D 6! thej J 'employ the' implements of
agHehlthto f-'Pa they exhibit an Inventive
l giiDiiiSi.withQUt wbloh no, people can subsist in
.SBt I 'ort' , 4lie‘’eaffiV? ' None' of 'tbCflo results
"spring' ftom ptir 'system of,' compensations—
’fpiriVoiir ilberai diAtributlon of money amongst
.%“• 1 ! ,"I V
; j hot us toko an example of tbo richest people
qri the.globe, ia proportion to their, numbers—
%.maau-.:the Delaware .Indians, of Kansas.
Wo refer 1 to ■ihis' oas'e tor a double purpose—
•first,' to Show'that money is a cWse to the'in
hjisns/and" secondly, to, exhibit, in a strong
light; tSefollyof the Government, in.its prac
| irhe,E|,e!awaro,lniiians,are immensely, rich.
' Kansas,' and
.vf d believe .the Government has been humanely
tjajt work, as wc.have been told—cruelly as we
bring ehem'withln thOpale of our
' VdviUzatiah I —focjtiienlsd them, in fact, by an
exerdlse'W the rights of'our pe'o
i/ the, treaties conctuded
hthpm into something
p gpapmtecs :to the.lndians.oi’ ait the'rights
,ettr,psopl@ aa.'proprietors and as citizens.
:enta had. provedtbtf follyof Buob covenants.
O'whlterf crowded .updn' tho Delawares and
s latter gave way just ab’th'cir ancestors had
jh)nn bef6re. .Ilhey -wore rich—-the Govem
pjeat'paidthemi largely aiia gave them valua
bielandgi" 'TheiwhitOs made thcßO lands'valu
\p!ehyapproximate'settlphifot and imp'rove-
Je||l j li|d!ft| must'be’bpughf out. The
lands to be appraised
.... - ifere lappfiiisqd at .considerable, above
D.vGpASDKSxpjf. • liefordiuary,price ofthe public.domain.,, The
a~ Department.-atS-Washington, marhed up tho
Tilo !“ da . wete
r»rt«l|'W««l(Wfln»*#mii.'*'>'>tho«D4£6ath*e«fc;Qaa! ispld' and’the white people paid the advanced'
' 'ritesimhd’aij thq money was handed over to
~r :i 0., '., pJSTqigin. order,to come to a eppolusion from
remalas oniy to bo known
.f §." a J • 1 thatthe". Delaware .Indians are a-poor, de
■ subdued- hand of irreelaima
logins*,, .bje and rapidly-expiring savages.. They have
gpne downward toward annihilation just in pro
wltS'itettaetsiWf portion aa they have received' money to buy
.Hjlhorvand as they 'have been released iloih
*' thd’'necessities'‘bf iator;; tgo
S jiistahdo as ; p s|iaip iniiBtfntion bf a princi])le
•JJ,-' ' : a money
,'ig the,curse oif the gboriglnali fteaMhatuit
iiraßyg -Hloases, tlicmfrom labor. it plunges them into
*a4fltJOUSSj ergnr r !TiH»Csjr,iai^ S»tart«jri i n .idleness, and pushes them more rapidly , to
'Jrds final extinction. -• ...a- '
agA,,rwn; qhtelwto.i, 1 hg e iare; the, friend—the real Wend—of the
ontMMtßMKßreKcfiMrynsenth. ' J b«®vf!fci,Sj ,/„ . . „ „ . ,
gS%»ir wiaWfvßK >a vt) T.tvitttvnriir' I 4 dlw>B -' We would-exercise for-them,"and
T^Sl^n-'WA^HAH.'STFASrEBs:—Tiw®£' hi their behalf, s' real," genuine
<i«rf»oinw_tu« Uae'"ri/" ’ ' ■-"’y (ictive.'discfeet, and vitalpbilanthropy. We
instrujnontaiitios of eiviliza-
Ovt^UAMiwqdtßti^e&Aw McMnnM,,t,at .least precipitate them to
IW«wetton... Adopting money, as .a standard
nao|fiUM for olopmeai”> • : pf value,.we use it,to Uquidate accounts, and
n U . t right when we trCat with a people
VoAcSO *bd,2p6«rtb»wettria'uiflete pijd jvpo Know how to.t§ke care of it and to apply
14 hilt “we have'' no’ right to'impose such an
"T® «|f(iiiwayyßtebr mmia. '' ''hfatrUrnCniality? upon' a podple' who are not
Sfm ht& )eg itlmaie purposes in
M w r ic ! l , it may ,be employed, but who have iu
-w«da!»s«r| Aogi‘<*i‘ ha j’w®*??. instrument of thoir own
mi d4gtft4»liou'andf,uin.„ & heed, said di
flkDelaryares,;,is,,applicable ,to, ,uU .the other
fawP&Mvl?. = .® S't'M-'T I Mbps ia.KnnBWS.,. They we, ail in the, lowest
~ly " mditlon of mind and morals,
itugv, ,;|S{ Under,.Such circumstances, marking up the
ipe'of- public lands, and efforts to bring the
idians’nehret to* us, we l trust will Cease for
to fatnre.' : ' ; ' ’ '
.tbt'-MUMafitiPiriililltMrtnUi In’ til plrtt of tho
pennw aJidelM* oBWfli r T ’ *
sad «&
'■ eiutiMUis ! scaled Mbitapiiß
iXMhloal oJfoeMjrtijJlios Ito.sMft.
h»V!W|fl4!lrTil2SSß»EtiMllaiui»HU Urn mQri wlkwe
oitiSpotfelieodMtWmeri&tao - (.' ■ ', ",
fcr colHfetiiij inifta’
attotwim: Wfsr.ot Jtoitrta nufci MrpulMotof Bonia
, l&M
j Aago 2*
(Ji»lttß. J i ndo? .
jiAJagOi i . dori- /;0p4.31
miftfph t : '-ftoWf 'Kor/U
lArapT "ro Urn It
f MW
(Foltoo. . dov.viit
lAnaflu*- .rftfcrfjfe
jtfojtou, -jlo.. ,!. Mar. 10
iJtfsgo; " do. ■ April i
dfaltom Majr fi--
iArftgoy l // d6.«;-i Jon*3 •*
tlltyHßp^.tdo.t, BO
*EABWa£j ;if |. ...v4 ■h'.A ■••.>,/,;
Champion jo* . Ean»—?irat
1 -
mptojr&l |J N*W yotk-^Flrtt'
i '-n it
1 t t t
1 ( t / , i
i-i!J V,? f
) ;• i>i -zniifix) {'j., .-luj-ug is —i>! i \
I » -
iesi faeffty Newspaper in,
j |||> ,•, ''it
I Oo'thft)6tho( Augtiat 1M tint number olffiE tmr-
M P»888 will bo issued from' the/Cityi If Philideiphlk!
It will bo Jiubliobod
i Thb Wsbklt l*aBB3 willbe coni}acjted ( upori National
principles, and ,wli.l uphold tfce lt
>rUl resist fanaticism in every shape* and will bo devo
ted to consemtire doctrines *as the troe foundation pf
UttoMii&nleK’-vgfoch a wee Sly Jour-
M be long been desired; is the United States, and it i* r
>Tm VmwmtP*eß* trill be
U. '.l • :■ ...
1 The ,Wj:jixly. Passs will bf, printed on. excellent
white pa’^fjcjear,"new*type,'and in .quarto form, for
bindihS{.‘‘\^' i,:i> . * s * ' **. (
{ Uwill contain'jtieneWi? of tho <lay { Correspondence
Wbkd' Domestic Intelli
gence"y Report/W the variofts Litefary Ro-
ViOwsfiAiscolliUiifaKs Selections j the progress of Agri
iulfciglh all its Various dophrtraents, &o, ' <’<
f iiifr&rmifov&MblVintuttunu. 1 «* " /i ..
T^OB f X*«K : >t:P*®S.e StIU beaent' to subscribers,. . •
] ty.wii, m W“>................ w oo
><■ 6 a*
p eoples f0r....... .'.12 00
jpviraty ‘c&pies, Wfefcri isetit'ia One' addreaa'. J2o 00‘
blrovef;'td ißJdfeak’ of ’e&chaubsiri- ’
j berj' emchy per'feimuni.Vj V.. ;J,.. t i...V.,. 120
| J?Wi dab l or bVerJ ifilKftend on'
thftOliib. '. *•: -i 1 *
aro raqueited to iact as agents for Ta»
WUXLt’OUiSS. -l .1 L
-1 1 will en«em ita great fjivor if niy political and per
son! OU others, who,de»lre a drat bints
JetMr, Fe»«l»p?r, will exert theinselres to glvoTlti
ivmeant Passi n largo elroulationlln’ their* respective
»MgSWhood>.-. , i,«,:.. ;.: JOHN V/.-rORNBr, 1
••j Willi Jijif *..;iT~-,-Ai>.iWttotllt®4 Proprietor,'
street,Pfailsdeipjija. . ", „ I,’.
rJS r-nu ■' ■ :! (
flbjU ;
[‘tea Qt J‘- r Jm*
j i-'MONBAY. AUGPST' 10,1857.'; >
i.' of the .Bttiton Pwig
itos that Rev. lahait Ainsworth, of Jeffrey, ...
; <ts'th6'Oldest'living graduate' On, the. catalogue
lijjuttnoilh'CollegeV being of-the’ oleWof 1778,
inch I* tile ninth inthe history of the institution.
has heeUWOoty-Svo yea re. pas tor of thenhurch
, Jaffrey. and completed, his amtvry, of ytora
iiy 27J185T.. On that day, which wag Sunday,
i ieklkedTrohi hit dwelling' ti the chp roll and * Its-1
Sa‘ dlfcodi# from h& 'colleague. Among'j
■ajty: dbgteei conferred at the recent Com
ntaitjpartmonth tMof-Bootorof Bivlgity
lohm Sawyer, pr Maino, .one iinnrlreaana
icnf'hejtt October, was most judicious and
(Hateful; wWW wOndat If Indifferent W
linf.lM'JwSr'ffltOly It’iS!. ; u Ho graduated In 1786,1
id.U.'tiie.aUest maqatuogg $8 graduates, though
V. •• .-i i, .•
, ;'Jh»M}gbting<Jenl?midCotimtlU*e, in.Lon
don* htfraiaaderup their rtpott,; showing the fe-
IjjWptt *t £44,039. ;
’Jo ,ssS7brt ItrfltetiO .y,»ua -o" & • f
oor,- hshfioij.j o;i- ivu
[Correspondence of THb'Pre'ss.J
; ’ “ HowdSt h AloNTaoHEnv Count*-,
, • August 7th, 1857,
\ Col. J. W. FoßWßr— •Bear Str;. The advent
of Xuk< Press was hailed with great gratification
jy a large number of bur citizens. Your salhtatory
iddresa, and the leftdiii# v firtleloB which accom
panied it, Suited the publio pulse in this meridian
your deolai;ation,that the
>aperlsno longer an experiment, but has become
an institution., (Theparty needs ? aa an exponent of
its principles, a journal which will neither fawn
upon or truckle to poWer, nor permit itself to be
irfitienccd or led astray by mammoth corporations,
tbo common , nature Pf which is to usurp the peo
ple’s rights, and make a few of the rioh richer at
the expense of the poorer many. All the antece
dents of justify ub In believing that
The Press will prove this desideratum, As such,
it has been' welooraed-*-ag snob, it cannotfailto
prosper. 1:i . '
Our agricultural jeWftidfl, in this county, have
been rich and. great. In some sections* It is true,
the wheat crop has not equalled the expectations
and hopes of our farmers, but the grass, rye and
oats have yielded abundantly, and the promise is
flattering that there will fee “ plenty and to spare”
of corn and; potatoes,, Ido not know how it is with
you, your early country tastes and re-
Collections have changed, or wvSted, or grown dull,
by contact; and'hWtoiation'with the city wbrld—
hut, for myself, I c&nnot bat regard the Tuarvesfc
Season jaaa happy, festival, and am ready—albeit not
given'to singing—to shout with'sweet, gentle Mary.
Hovrilt: J< -«■"
» “There’smerry laughter in the field.
And harmless jest and frolic rout; 1 ‘ ,
And'thelost harvest walngoesby,'
With its rustling load so pleasantly, v : ~
i To the glad and olamorous harvest shout,.'
! . -“There.aro busy gleaners in the field—
-1 t . The,old, whose work Is never done, .
.., And,eager,laughing,ohltdlsh bands,,
i Rubbing the ears in their- little, hands, <
Apd singing ’ueath the harvest sun.”. )
j Tho Apolitical elements here are just about begin
ning to move. -■ This istheyoftr, for 1 the triennial
(jlqotionOf and T otherCounty
woiehouid differ essentially, from the
restDf mankindjdf.Jhero wcranotamong us nume
rous patriots who are ready ip' devote their, time
ind taiehts/fpr a h con-si-do-ra-tlon,” as old Trap-
totho'publio service. rThe exer
{iops .of. these gentleman .will doubtless be aotive-r
and you may have observed the fact before now—
-4s the patriotism of oertain 1 IhdividuklS,* those, I
mean, who are willing to'serve the'pVqflle in ,an
official capacity, is always ardent inexact propor
tion to the-actual' value/ in'>dollars l and’ hehts, of
jhe position to be asouroolinty officers
ire'quito. Of omi)i^miont-!-ii ;
iime.will jbe,preceded by many glowing manifesto!
of regard for the public good, and unwilling-'
peas to disappoint'the VnU nhhi^,
!or o^fallow- ; .citkcns,|! at whose-^arnostispUclm
icmsalonethe candidate has i©
from.tin aedurion private life'
Whether the patriotism spoken of willeoatJuae-to
bo at flood-tide'after, scy the 20th of September,
the time when the ticket will probably be formed/
. eome.pnc_wiser.than myself may possibly,foretell,,
I cannot. ..w.'U t -.if. .
j The general preparatory oounty meetihg of oaf'
i)emocratio ; friends ! wUl beheld on thelSthlnatiy 1
the Of our August term of Court. This
is in accordance with a time-honored usage'here,'
snd suitsour people well, and so cufitom bas estob-
' . Montgomery, you .know, 14 n 6t t ro
markablefor changes, unjosa it bo to now
and then,when an especial emergency requires it,
4 moderate-Blsed majority into an overwhelming
one:’ ' ‘ • ; ‘ • '• ' V. "-‘ i
! ThemqetingreferTed to will, doubtless, be well
f hazard no thing jki prodictingthat
resolutions adopted will endorse, in the most
Earnest and emphatic manner, the policy of Prosit
dent Buchinan’S administration, the
warmest, aspiration, 9C, and'.regard, for, , himself
personally. ~.Ever since 1832, when Mr. Buohonan’s
nam«y was brought prominently forward, in this
bounty, by one'who, although' a resident among us,
is .nq Jonger Vorkiag In the'editorial harness—he
[lifts besip ft great] favorite among our • peopie,.and
tjie majority they gave him last ;year shows how
deep-seated , the feeling ,has been whlchwM'im
planted By |he ,then Editor of the Norristown
Register . '
, By tho way, this reminds me of the fact that in 4
week or two this old and influential Democratic
paper will undergo a thorough re-modelling by its
present proprietor, Dr. ’ Aoker, who,l have been
informed, designs making such editorial and typo
graphical improvements os will justly entitle it to
pre-eminence among the leading journals of the'
.State.' '
i The published by Mr. Moore, is also
an active and energetic Demoeratlo paper, and I
am glad to learn that it receives the liberal patron
age inspirited cqndpot merits, ’ '
| Our representatives at Harrisburg, during the
last session of. the Legislature, entitled themselves
to publio favor by their devotion to the publio in
terest, a,nd; uncompromising opposition to the
schemes and designs of unprinoipled and heartless
corporations, t bargainors and speculators. Thoy
will doubtless be nominated without opposition for
re-election, for tboy have'been tried/and “the peo
ple believe that they are to U trusted.' Oneof thorn,
4' B. LoDgftkor, Esq., pas a prominent candidate
for th? Speakership at the opening of the last ses
sion/ As he will doubtless be a member of the next
House of Representatives, it is ns a more
than' probable thing that the promotion whioh
should always follow merit may be his.
• I ' :Very truly yourt, S. D. P.
[Correspondence if The Press.]
, , New York, August 7 ? 1857.
Tb?/factual appaaranco of Tim Vbesb on the'
day annoonaed for its/publioatioh, the excellence
its typographical appearance, the sterling char
acter of its btigirial matter, and the 1 agreeable va
riety/of its selections', whioh characterized, riot
only, the diet number, bat which have (it possible)
additionally increased in the succeeding Issues, are.
all 1 ominous bKa eriooessful and glowing future.
Philadelphia more reason to be proud of this
acoewioatotha number of,her. daily journals, than
has tim Democratic party at the advent of so able
rind promising an advocate of her great and immor
tal principles.’ New York Sends greeting to her
sistorrcHy at this birth of a Demooratio giant. “Wo
recognize a Hojrogleß in the cradle,
Our olty has just witnessed the after-piece of the
Burdell-Cunningham ihe'atrlcal programme, and,
as is oustemary, * the tragedy, is succeeded by a
farce. The examination of Mrs* Cunningham, by
Polioe Juetice Davison, this morning, was limited
to questions qpnoernlng her name, residence and
occupation, sho deciinbg to answer anyfurther in
terrogatories.- Her anxiety on account of the bogus
infant is about as ludicrous as that of Barton in
tthe farce of “That Blessed Baby.”
t : It i appears that Mrs- 0! owes her spasms and
.Vomitings to a liberal meal of cucumbers taken to
produce those effeejts.' The result was a'genuine
cfiee of cholera modbus. Thdt time-honored com* 1
plaint might he called hereafter, “the Cunningham
•grip” , ! ‘ .
| The developments of time in the history of that
family.for c-nly one year,are most wonderful. I
siw.Dr. Burdell and Mips Augusta at Saratoga last
Summer—she befog there under his charge. The
.Dr* W&a enjoying himself little dreaming of. the
tragic end so shortly awaiting him. Augusta, ns
gay as any one who throng that fashionable water
ing-place—blooming youth, health and beauty, the
picture of happiness, surrounded by admirers,
(some of whom extended their attentions even up
to the fatal t 3oth of January last,) had no thought
that iti one short half year her oup of happiness
would be changed Into one of misery, her admirers
turned to scorn or 8, and her beauty marred by the
corroding edge of care. From the pipnaclo of her
bright hopes has sho been plunged into despair.
In , hey examination before JuaUpe Davison this
week, she evinced the most poignant and heart:
felt distress—hor jobbing at times preventing h er
utterance. At the close she proceeded to the rcsi*
donee of her aunt, in Lexington avenue, declaring
that she never would enter the threshold of No. 31
Bond street again as long as sho lived.
Now York, as is usual at this period of the yc&r,
is almost deserted by her residents. The watering
places, .and other fashionable resorts, nevertheless,
seem to' be In a declining way. The foot is, it has
been voted fashionable to go to Europe for a sum
mer jaUnt, and thousands havo obeyed the edict,
and havo gone, abedad. La belle Paris now holdß
the beau moiide.' , Svphax.
[Correspondence of The Press.] -
New Jersev, Aug. 7fcb, 1857.
The result in th© redent Presidential oontost
placed New Jersey In the front-rank of those'
, who united,' formed' the frowning bulwark
against this onward progress of that furtoUß tide of
fanatioißm'aud folly whloLat one time threatened’
.to engolpb the tfnion.' iter locality arid the sup*
o? her eleptoirol ToMp,;‘gavo her
mueh'to ooiitendagainst In the into struggle. She
was bepet, at all points by that horde of itinerant'
orators .the North and East sent forth onlhelr des
perato mission;, and . when oratory, failed to eon*
‘vincej-money.waa,freely. used to corrupt; but,in
spite of every effort, New Jersey whs too. firmly
planted la the faith to be moved, and baffled Ml>
tl e deslghs both of internal and external foes.
Her immense electoral vote maybe pointed to ns
a proud f monument of her seal and derqtioii.
, Her State'olection,’ ns far ‘as the Governor, and
horpongrossional, as far as two of. tho Democratic
candidates jvore concerned, weje lost by the influr
cuce.and energy .of one whoso,every joflbrtwas con
centrated to defoat the representatives on both these'
tickets, for the active part they had taken, in se
curing tho nomination of Mr. Buchanan by tho
fremoofatio Legislature: ''Although, 1 in fho'raiiks of
tho opposition, having thrown hinisolf heart’ and
soiil into'tko “American” mov6moht,ho still sup-,
posed that ho should, have received the countenance
pnd support of that Legislature! For the position—in
bthof words, that hp should have been declared the
ohoico of the Democracy of Now Jersey. Thnt De
mocracy had before— . ,
“Uotm to bis faults a little blind, ’ .
And to his virtues very kind.’*, . ,
And. ho presumed from the leniency of the past
that they would bo equally as'generous in the
future. The same influence nnd”'on : ei*gy might
havo accomplished the defeat of the'lldi3shri R.
Thomson; but the experience of tho campaign
taught the Democracy circumspection, anil they,
Vindicated’their wisdom by the most triumphant
vote that ever senator received upon a re-election.
That re-election has sent back ,to tho Senate the
Strongest porspnal and_ political friend Mr. Bu
chanan has in thnt body—one who for years has
been most energetio and persevering in bis sup
port. • , • " ' • j
“ Among the faithless, faithful only he.” ' J
■ That re-election is a fit sequel to s, tbp course,New,
Jersey Kas'tatfen, and the stand she made
beginning: • Tho flrai'Bliite, by tho aot of hor Do-'
mocratio roproflontatives, .to declare in favor of : Mr,.
Baohanan’s nomination, with auch aropreaentativo,-
aho will bbtlie ipat to deasrt him, loti faction rago
ijvor w fnriouaiy,., New Jeraoyia amali id territoty, l
and may not oooapy tho position, dr oommand that
Ipfiuence SfWaahington alie most jnatly deßorvcB 1 ,
froin’ tho active arid' influential part taken by her
in thdlaat eontoat;' butlotwhatyillhotido, aho will
dvor bo found foremost in tho rapport of the prinoj:,
plea Of, tho present administration, a 8 long aa thoyf
arc ao clearly, tjnunpiated,’ and ao feariesaly and
praotioally oar'rjod out Wo boon, and,io J;
long aa Senator Thomson, ia permitted to oeoupy
tho Senatorial cbai^„, ,The,Now Jersey Bomoflraoy.'
4« net bolong to that; lime-serving oiosa, whoae
principles Gro dependent upon the'amount bf< offl-'
oial patronage they receive; df eliethoy'd'duld
llii.Vd lonirsince fnttohed and gone down/ 11
! ' ' i,!, l!:j ‘V “I 1 nW/'k
[For The Press.] ’ ll ’ ’ ‘' ! ‘
| After perambulating of Pittsburgh
■fpr several days, duriag whickitinw it was ffiy.'pH-l
,viVeg» and, pleasure to; nlako.
many of her; Worthy and estitAibre > elti , tBuk|"khd
having threaded her’ environs/ -viriietf t ße!rwt)i l i-‘
spops, and perspired 'amid -the than;
dots of her furnace*, X lift’d’ tnb lWg- ?
]wished.fbr'Batlsfacti(iii,'iu , kii§ Got]
4-thß ittd?f4tiguable, r
Ifost,” of visiting the precise my oaptioßj
i 4dlfa^s ( ,Gen, Broddocky at ./houbjead /«£
some 1200 British soldiers and colonial met
his meptqr&blo defeat^.on tha flth of Juiyjlf&frM
Oux. Wfy-to this ’on- the North
14ink of the Monongohela rivor, some eight ioiles
eLflt bf lhe jhnotioh bf fchd (wo rivejri, WqS illtOugh
‘tie most fastidious ruVah^ei' ( ’ covet.
IJillß aqd vnlWy^'tkere J aro Kn abun- (
daiw©; but they lii|lB primevaJfortilUy, yal-
Uy® r|chestgreon, their undulating!
Weajthin the form of coal, irouyflopper, salt; llme;Ao. i
Ih the qourpe qf pur wo paid aflying visit to
the Allegheny Arsenal, which is located about fivft‘
milesbut of thboity/fthd ialtself worth a Visit frdi4' :
tie most remote quarter of our State. ’ Xt is andfei l '
the management aud control 6f Major Butler, and,
reflects great credit upon his fitness for,tho positipn;.
in all Its arrangements; but without stopping to pay
anything" but a 1 passing glance to tbo patriotic
weapons with which it is stocked; we had
time to share for a moment the genial hospitality
of the Major and bid him good afternoon. ' Learihg
tjie arsenal,. \ro pa3aed ; throu^h v Wlikin£bnVg, and,
b]y the boadtiful grounds and countiy rosldqnoffbf
Hon. Judge Wilkljls' ’Thia/niahslon,’ which hj,iii4
Orally embosomed In 4 clump of
after tho style of Russian noblemen, Is reached by
4 long, woody lopo, leading from the wnin road. ,-.
; ' At five in the ovoning we. reached the spot for
which we had started, and with tho aid of pre
viously procured diagrams, and the valuable direc
tions of Mr. George H. Bell, who has now tho honor
of owning these distinguished grounds, were soon
in possession of all theloca\ and topographloal pecu
liarities of the ground upon tho battlo was
fought. _ '
; As wo approached the very spot where tho thickest
of the fight bad occurred, our- impotuoua strides
becamo the vehicle of ardor which, at tho risk of
seeming pednntio/we felt to bobut the firing ,up of
a’patriotio impulse.''
, j Rendor, y6u may talk' about the absurdity of
venerating places just os much,and as long : as you
please; yet wo pannpt holp thinking that the man
,who can look upon scenes, which to his knbwledgo
finessed events that underlie the very birth ond
development of our blessed oountry, witbont having
h|s pulsation quiokened and his heart made to
bound within him, would been most likely,
hod ho then lived, tp turn his treacherous back,
and look with equal indifference upon those events
when they occurred. I.iove to grasp tho hand of
him whoso soul reflects gushingly the noble, ardent
patriotism of his devoted' ancestors—nor neod any
law-abiding American ffitliori l>4 necessarily exclu
ded from paying thlli heaven-approved homage!
Tfris Is the kind of Amorioan we love to emulate;
and to extend this privilege tp oilmen eyorywhere,
who love our whole country and her' institutions,
seems to us a republicanism that deserves the name,
i There are many things of interest whioh might
bp said in oonnootion with this battle, of whioh,
however, I shall notice but a few.
The gradual encroachments of the French settlers
nponour western frontier, excited the f jeftlousy of
England/whioh power, ih!'ordor to'maintain 1 her
claims, sent Gonoral BraddOok with ah ariny to
drive the French' from her territories.
Braddock amved in Virginia in,April 1755, and
ai once, in oonnootion with th 4 Governors of tho
Colonies determined to, cornu* *nce operations; and
of tho three expeditions tb ,n agreed upon, ho re
paired to lead the one against Fort-Du Quesno ia
his own person. • ■
■ 'Ab already stated, the number of his forces
amounted to 1200 men, a large proportion of whom ‘
were regulars, and the remainder undisciplined
provincial troops, yet who wero much hotter skilled
in encountering the Indians—with whom tho
French were in alliance, than even the flower of
the British soldiery. Passing up the west bank of
the Monongahela to a point directly opposite the
mouth of a small stream, now known as Turtle
Creek) Braddock determined to crosi the river and
Apursuo the balance of his march toward the Fort on
.the Pittsburgh side. The landing of his forces was
undisputed, and having disposed them in tho finest
military order, hb was marching within a fifteen
minuW walk of this memorable field, the event of
.which which so soon to terminate his coarso with n
fatal baft.
, The formation of tho bank of the rivor at this
point, and extending for half a mile back, is very
peculiar, On the immediate margin of the river
there is a lovel fiat, which oxtondsbaok about two
hundred yards, where it gives way to a second
bottom of about a quarter of a mile in width, but
of much groator elevation; and, at the northorn
edge of this, a third elevation rears its command
ing heights, and which Is still thlokly covered
with wood. It was tho second of these flats, or
tables, that constituted the main theatre of this
important contest. Running across this second
flat, about a quarter of a mile apart, are two deep
leading from the upper margin down to
tho river’s edge. These ravines, owing to tho fact
that the .grounds wero not subjooted to any agri
cultural process, from tho time the battle was
fought until within the last two years, aro still pre
served in about tho same state of formation os they
were described in an ancient record of them, made
about a hundred yoars ago. Large forest trees and
clumps of underbrußh covered the plain between
these two natural ontrcnchraents, which, together
with the latter, afforded the ,mast complete facili
ties for an enemy to ambush, imaginable.
Reader, you have horo a hurried sketch of the
topography of this battle-field. ‘ A few native oaks
still rear their massive boughs upon tho spot, and,
from beneath one of those—within a very few
yards from where Craddock fell, surrounded on all
sides with the fruits of peace and enterprise, we
m&y. picture to our mental vision the gory pand
rama of that trsgio scene. *
It was growing late in the afternoon, when the
Vantof the English reached the western edge of the
enclosure formed by the two ravines, when sud
denly they found themselves the victims of a per
fect hail-storm of halls, aimed with a deadly pre
cision' by an undiscovered foe, and wbioh at onoo
tljrew the regulars Into the utmost oonfusion. It
was at this time that C6lofidl ’tfTashinpton, tho Aid
of General Bfaddock, though but twenty-three
years of ago, saw the importance ( of dictating to
his superior in command! But the advice, of
Washington was unheeded then, and ruin was the
result (Ominous beacon of the past!) .
•The Provincials, seeing (ha great disadvan
tage ip which they were subjected by Attempting
;optnly to fight with « hidden fde, flew behind the
trunks of trees to employ a similar stratagem. But
Braddock, too proud to depart from the scientific
tactics of war—too brave to fly for his life at the
peril of his honor—but alas! too arrogant to profit
by the judioious advice of a subordinate officer,
rushed.forward, sword in hand, and branding them
with cowardioe, actually struck several of his own
men for.thus imitating tho moanness of an Ignomi
nious foe.
, ® , ° t moments tho battlo ragod with impetu
ous fury. Five horses had been shot from under
Braddock before he reoeived his mortal wound;
jilmost.evory British offleorlay dead upon the field,
and whoa the retreat wos oommonced, Washington
wps only living or ■ unwounded mounted person
in thearmy. May wo not ask, In view of this, can
skepticism doubt that the Btrong arm of tho Al
mighty wak that day, and ever after, tho invincible
shield of that inun of men—our own great Wash
ington t . Sixty-Jour officers, and one-half of the
army; wero .'cither* killed or wounded. That the
procedure of. Braddock upon this occasion, was
rash and impolitic, no ono can doubt; yet it is
equally certain, that ho made himself thovolun
iftry, martyr to a courage whioh but fow men pos
sess -.But, trusting that enough has been written
to mind one of tho moat notable events in
our colonial history, I close with a reiteration of
my belief, thnt nothing can more effectually serve
to,k,oep. alive the smouldering embors of our na
patriotism, than the frequent presentation to
•thp through tho medium of the press, the
heroic deeds of our ancestors.
j she following linos from Coopor, oxpross thl
.idea to a nicety :
f rofiown, thoughwroughtin anoientdftys,
J of a few stout hearts, that fought and died,
Whew duty placed them, at their country’s rido;
Tho man, that is not,moved with what ho reads.
That takes not fire at their herolc'deeds, '
Unworthy of.tho blessings of the brave,
* Bjbase ipkipfli and. born to be a slave;.”
1 pT® yriics of this disastrous engagement are
frequently found by visitors. A sword .was ox
’homed in building the Pennsylvania Railroad,
‘Which passes about midway between the mainbat
,l(o ground and tho river.
L R ]t r ° lyi ft wealthy and influential
ttnerchahtin the city of Pittsburgh, who is spond
-iog a few weeks at the house of Mr. Bell, has,
within the past few days, in walking over a
plowed portion of the field, piokpd up several well*
spooimpns of grape and musket shot, and
certainly placed us under lasting obligations in
transferring one of them into our possession .in so
.friendly a way]’ CfnAVBEAiiD.
. Tb<J Hazleton Goal Company haa declared a
ividend pf four per cent..
‘ [ Therp.nre twenty-flva prisoners in the Bucks
ftwaiting trial, at the September term of
. | Tho Sioux pity J£agle } of the 25th ult. brings
u£ too intelligence that the jumors of further out
rigflS'jiy the Indians at Spirit Lake, lowa, are en
tirely without foundation.
J Tto; Wh'* Department, having abandoned
Fort Gibson as a military post, has issued orders for
Gift delivery to tho proper authorities of the Chero
kee nation of the military reserve, post, and publio
'buildings. This has been done in accordance with
mrbeent treaty betwoon tho United States and tho
iOhorokc* nation.’ The Cherokces intend to lay off
atoity ofc.the site of the old military post.
«I The Zihherhax Estate.— The Hamilton
uLW.}, Banner says the magnificent villa resi
cmno.O);Which the late Samuel Zimmerman, Esq.,
had commenced on his beautiful grounds in tho vi
flnity of, the Falls of Niagara, and whioh was to
cqst $lOO,OOO, is not to bo proceeded with at pre
sent. -'The basement story, which had reached tho
ifltendpdheight, and was built of brick and dressed
btqnOj is now being filled up with earth, giving sad
byidoncp that the lord of tho manor was departed,
AUd Win him mdob of the enterprise and spirit of
Abe locality which he delighted in improving and
beautifying. Tho * magnificent fountain which he
a cost of several thousand dollars, as its
nUmerous jets of watey are thrown upward and
dazzle for a moment in the sunboams, affords a
'Striking’contrast to the htimblo vault near by, con
taining tho remains of him who now lives only in
his works.
. i Tim War Department has issued orders for
the .assembling at West Point, on the 28th, of a
'medical bonrflj the duty of which will be to exa
pjiue tho physical quaufioations of candidates for
admission to tho Military Academy, Tbo board
will consist of Burgeon-General Thomas Lawson,
and Surgeons 8. P. Moore and C. H. Lamb.
The. Newark Advertiser says: Fruit will be
ftearoe., a Peaches aro dropping off, and'have boon
ajneft. their first formation in the spring. Most of
•itpdm to ho stung by an insect, and the yield
generally yyltbo scarce. Apples are meagre, and
rivill be scarce. Pears,’ Quinces, Apricots, Ic., will
gtve 11 boat an'avorage quantity.
TKo Texas Xndianoliun gives a sad picture
of the lawlessness, violence, rapino, lynching and
murder whioh prevails on tho frontier. Tho editor
s4ys that rumors constantly reach him from tho
upper country that the Vigilanco Committee are
raking the country fore and aft, and swinging
every horse thief and murdorer thoy can find. A
gentleman who cumo down the road a fow days
sinco, states that ho saw a dozen bodies susponded
on ono tree, and on another tivo. A great many of
'the desperadoes have passed this town on thoir way
to New Orleans, not considering it healthy to re
main nny longer. If tho Conumttco continue, tho
country will soon got rid of tho scoundrels that
have so long infested her border.
There is a peony root in tho garden of
Thomas Atkins, Middletown, Ct., which was
brought from Birmingham, Warwick County,
England, about two hundred years ago. It has
always boon in tho possession of one family, and has
been soreral times transplanted.
1 The Directors of the Delaware County (Pa.)
Agricultural Society mot at Media lost week to
appoint judges and make tho preliminary arrange
ments tor the Annual Exhibition in September
npxt. Nearly all the, directors wore present, thus
snowing the mtoroet they felt in having the coming
Pair one of the most oxtensive yet held in our
oriunty. The season has been prolific, and infor
mation leads us to boliove that the contributions
will be large and variod, boyond precedent.
■ Tho Hoard which recently assembled at New
York to investigate tho circumstances attoeding
the slight accident whioh happened to tho Missis
sippi from the parting of her cables, have reported
to the Navy Department that no blame can be at
tached to Capt. Niohol&on, tho injuries sustained
having been entirely accidental.
' The New York Day Book of Saturday states
that the brother of tho young man Moses, who was
inurdered at tho Highlands, haß come on from
.Riohmond, to vindioato the oharaoter of his brother
from tho imputations cast upon him, and to re
cover his effects. Tho murdered man had a
widowed mother rosiding in Philadelphia, whose
whole reliance was upon her two sons—the burden
now falls upon tho surviving brother. Ho com
plains that he was shabbily treated by Mr. Smith,
tlje landlord of tho Soa-Viow House, that he was
refused tho $Bl left by his brother to bo sent to his
mother in Philadelphia.
!The Bangor Whig says that there are now in
operation t no loss than nanetcon brick-yards in
Brower, most of them within half a mile of Penob
scot Bridgo. ’ They employ over 200 men at good
wages, and consume this year from .3,000 to 5,000
cords of wood. Tho product of brioks will amount
td 12,000,000 or 16,000,000—worth from $OO,OOO to
$76,000. Tho Brower brioks aro generally a very
excellent articlo, and find a ready sale. Tho manu
facturers have many of them boon long and steadily
the business, and, having acquired a valuable
experience in it, aro enabled to work to tho best
advantage. The business is a great benefit to this
rogion in these dull times—bringing homo a very
acceptable amount of cosh in exchange for some of
our hard soil, and costing nothing for stock from
abroad. _ G6od brick arc worth about $5 nor thou
sand delivered on the wharf at Brewor. The wood
fqr burning thorn coats from $2 to $2.50 per cord.
From 300,000 to 400,000 bricks aro usually burned
iij a kiln.
Dates to tho 10th ol‘July have been received
from Lieutenant Colonel J. E. Johnson, command
ing tho expedition to run tho southern boundary of
Kansas. The command had prooeedod over a
third of the lino, and by tho first of September
wpuld reach the.endof it, wherethoy would remain
fojr a month. They had passed through a beautiful
country, resembling the northern portion of Texas.
Buffalo wero found in great abundance. Tho whole
command wore enjoying porfeot hoalth.
One of our regular physicians informed us,
soys tho Nowark (N. J.) Advertiser of Saturday,
that a man in River streot was seized this mor
ning with all the symptoms of Asiatic Cholera,
viz.: rice water discharges, vomiting, corrugated
skin, do.
(George Kershler committed suicide at a
bparding-house in Cincinnati, ou Thursday last.
Ho was a printer or pressman by trade, and from
having applied unsuccessfully for employment at
the various offices in tho city, his spirits were pro
pdrtionably depressed. Ho was an Englishman by
tyrthj and among his effects was a lettor written
by his mother from that country, directed to him
in New York, in which ho is designated ns her
?,. / w kilo othorwiso broathing in every
line tho sacred impress of u, parent’s love, also
gives evidence of a rofined and cultivated mind.
Important Irom Kanins !-Tlie Indians at Fort
Rllfy!—lmmedlaift Assistance Demanded!
AYo hnvo locemtl nn extra from the Lawrence
Herald of freedom under dato of the 3d inst
wjiioh conveys startling intelligence of the descent
of the Ohoycnno Indians on Fort Kiloy. Tho extra
Offloial evidence has reached Governor Wnlkcr,
through the commanding offloor at Fort Riloy,
thattne Cheyenne Indiana, in force , have reached
that station, where there is no fortification: and
only half a company of infantry. Tho command
ing officer at tho Fort asks for immediate assis
tance, "ail attack brill" hourly expected," and
tho garrison filled with the wives and ohll
drenof absent offioersandmon. The official report
represents that. *' the Indians bad driven in all the
settlors and committed several murders in sight of
ihepost." UnderthesooircumstancesGov. Walker
he 3 sent CoL Cooke, with tho whole force under his
command, to tho point of danger. Col. Cooko
started with ,the advance at 8 K, M., to-day, and
by forced marches hopes to reaoh Fort Riley to
morrow evening, accompanied by the Governor.
The, rest of tho troops follow immediately, and will
proceed with all possible expedition. It seems to
be wisely ordered by Providence that the troops,
"'V? 1 '?, hero so much nearer Fort Riley,
should thus bo ennbled to roach that point in so
brief a MriCd, to give speedy protection to the gkr
yiKb and settlere, and it ifl hoped, infliot summary
chastisement upon thjtj hostile and warlike tribe,
Fronl the louUville'Jobhisl.
The United States Agricultural Fair at Leals*:
, ville, Kentucky.
The preparations are rapidly progressing for the
exhibition of this society, to be held at < the Fair
grounds of the Southwestern Agricultural and Me- ■
tropolitan Association, near this city. On account
of the great number of entries that ate expected,
we understand that the Exeontive Committee of
the Sooioty hare determined to commence the exhi
tion on Monday,, August 31st, and,to continue,'it
throughout that week. This exhibition promises to
surpass all that have been held ih this country, and
In many departments it will undoubtedly be >far
more interesting than the Worid’sFaira in England
and Franco. The officers of the society'are indefa
tigable in tbelr efforts to make It all -it should be,
and togivo satisfaction to exhibitors and pleasure 1
to visitors. Tho grounds have been enlarged
and ana several spacious ana elo-‘
gant now buildings have been aaded, among whioh
are a splendid Floral hall and a very extensive Im->
plement hall for the display of machinery in motion.
There will also be provided ample apartments for
tho exhibition of all kinds of manufactures. Tho
display of oattle and horses and stook of all kinds
will bo unusually interesting. The competition
will not be confined to any one State or ■section;
but will , embrace All the States and the Canadas.
We have been Informed that several herds of fine
cuttlo aro already on their way hither, some of
them from Maine and others from Now York and
Canada. There is every prospect that this exhibi
tion will be the most successful and most interest
ing that has over taken plooe. 1 '
The United States Agricultural Society is os yet
in Us infancy, but it is destined to oxert & vast. in
fluence by which not only the common wealth but
tho common weal of the country will be gfeatly
promotod. Our people arc. pot often brought to
gether in groat numbers except for political pur
poses. Wo greatly need other occasions than p6li
oai mootings to bring together the people of various
States, s<j> that they may learn to know each other,
better, and to wear away sectional prejudices, and
cement the bonds of our union in the hearts of the
people. Suoh an occasion will be presented by the
annual exhibitions of this Society, whore the, North
and the South and the Eaatabd the West 1 will meet,
not in embittered strife of party feelings, but in
friendly intercourse and in noble rivalry to-pro
mote the great agricultural interests in whioh all
aro equally interested, and, to exohange kindly
greetings, and to learn that both sections harp
been misrepresented one to* the other', and that
there is in each, muoh of goodness that should en-*
dear it to thq other. If we could have such meet;,
ings more' frequently, there would be. muoh less
danger of any severance of the union of these
States, for tho Union oan never be destroyed while l
the sentiment upon which it depends still livoa in
thb hearts of’bur'people. ’ '* j* *'/ ' 1
The exhibition l will, therefore, exert a very sain
tary inQuonq?, socially M well as upon the fcgriouL.
tural and meohanical interests. It will tend great
ly to Remove seotional prejudices and sectional feel
ings. In this instance there will > come into Ken
tucky intelligent men pud wpmen from,
the Northern States, who will be met cordially arid
kindly by as many thousand* from 1 thb Southern’
States, and .they, will be mutually benefited. Thoy
will moot for a common purpose, to promote the
eommoh good/arid thus the Agricultural Society
will have added td the bondS of our Union a new,
and a bright, and a strong, and, wejbQpe, an endow
ing band ny which we shall, still, more firmly than
over, be'held together’ da one great nation, and
through Its gonial influences the’United States may:
continue tjO prospor, “distinct as the waves but one,
aa thesea. ‘ ’ *
Our Citizens are already preparing for : the re
ception of the vast concourse of visitors from
abroad, who will attend this exhibition.. It will bo
held in the most pleasant season of‘the year,'the
beginning of autumn, and We fire sure that those’
who come among 114 from other States, will be wel
comed with genuine Kentucky hospitality, and. will
carry away with them pleasant memories'of “’the
dark and bloody ground.” > ;
"[From the Bedford (Pa.) Gazette. Aug. 7,1857.]
Arrival of the (President.
His Excellency, James BuchanAn, President of
the United States, arrived at the Bedford Springs
op Thursday of lost week, accompanied by Ms
niece,'Miss L&t’eV&nd Miss Rebecca Black, d&ugb*
terof the Attorney General, fo quietly wero his
movements, that the Springs was
the firstintimation the visitors had of his intention
to be there—and he seems to have left Washington
in the same unostentatious manner,- but few having
any knowledge of his intended visit until after his
The President looks remarkably well, and walks
os Arm and oreot as he did, twenty yearn ago. He
was cordially and enthusiastically welcomed to the
Springs, by the Immense audience, in a beautiful
little inoidont which occurred at the dinner table,
an hour or two after his arrival. When seated, his
hpnor, Judge'Burnside, inthe namo of the ladies
ahd gentlemen present, extended to him a cordial
weicoiao, and when the-President rose to reply,'
(whioh he did in that courteous, easy, and dignified
style so peculiar to himself,) the 1 entire comf'vriy
rose to their feet as a testimonial of their high re
spect for the greatest statesman now living. The
efleot of his speech waa each as to make all.feel en
tirely at home in his/eompariy—anil,without' any re
serve, all soon inado’his personal acquaintance. 1
Divested of show .or ceremony, Mr. Buchanan is.
seen mixing with the peoplo as freely and familiarly
as he did beforo his couhtrymen’ihvbsted him with
tho highest honors inthe world. 1 Mr. Buohanan
has. proved, himself, all that hjs most sanguine
friends expected of him, and he is this day as
firmly fixed in the affections of the people, as ever
Gon. Jaokson was, and this is more than we could
say in his praise were we a book. AU
honor to thoxnan who, from the obscure walks of
private life, has reoohed tho highest trust in the
gift of freemen, A distinguished friend, writing,
from the National Metropolis, says: ,
“Mr. Buohnnan, as you well know, always had
more of my admiration and respect than any other
publio man. But X was greatly mistaken In his
oharaoter—as much mistaken as the Queen of She
ba was about Solomon. Highly ns I rated him bo
foro, I find him & far greater man, morally and in
tellectually than I thought him.”
The Challenge,—lt seems Mr. Wilmot hns
challenged General Packer to stump the State. The
State Contral Committee deem this entirely unne
cessary, as will be seen by thjir decision, whioh we
will publish noxt week, and havo advised the Gen
eral not to do so. It was never intended that a
Dcmocratio candidate for Governor should travol
tho entire State to make speeches—but if a Mass
meeting is got up for the East aed for tho West, our
word for it, General Packer will meet David Wil
mot, or any other speaker of the opposition, in
Pennsylvania, or elsewhere, and manfully sustain
bin high reputation as an orator and a Democrat.—
Bedford Gazette.
The Washington Union publishes the copy of a
letter recently received by the Commissioner of In
dian Affairs from Agent Hunt:
Great Salt Lake City, June 30,1857.
Sir:—l havo tho satisfaction of reporting,in
behalf of the Utahs and other adjacent tribes of
Indians in the Territory of Utah, that no dis
turbances of any kind have occurred during the
quarter ending at this date. This uninterrupted
harmony, whioh has now prevailed among these
tribes for more than twelve months, is justly attri
butable to the efforts whioh have been made to es
tablish them upon suitable reservations arid to in
troduce among them a system of agriculture; and
though these reservations have been visited during
tho season by large bands of wild Indians who live
oastof the Wasatch mountains, the influence whioh
those farms exerted upon them through the “ home
tribes” has enablodusto conduct our intercourse
with them in a very tranquil manner. •
We have in cultivation this at these set
tlements, about 700 sores, as follows, viz : At the
Spanish Fork farm 220 acres wheat, 40 acres oats,
10 barley, 50 corn, 8 potatoes, 2 buckwheat, 4 tur
nips, ana 2 aores of garden. At the Lampote farm
153 aores wheat, 10 oats, 16 corn. 8 potatoes', 8
squashes, and 8 aores beets, melons, and garden.
Attbo Aired farm 25 aores of wheat, corn, and
squashes. At the Corn Creek farm 65 acres wheat,
60 eorn, potatoes, and squashes. The crops look
promising, and give every assurauoe of n plentiful
As I have learned that the office of Iqdlan
Superintendent has been separated from that of
Governor in this Territory, and as*
dent has not yet reached the field of his labors, I
take tho liberty of addressing this communication
directly to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs,
and remain, very respectfully, Ac.,
Garland Hunt, Indian Agent, Utah.
Hon. J. W. Denver, Commissioner, Washington.
For Tho PressJ
The statement in Tub Press of Saturday, taken
from some other paper, respecting Washington
hav-ng becomo a Mason, ana that tho original
Bible used on that occasion was in tho possession
of the 40th British Regiment, is undoubtedly in
correct. Tho original Bible is now in the posses
sion of the Mosonio Lodge at Frederickburg, Vir
ginia, and was exhibited at the Masonio Hall,
ekmth Third street, only a few years since, by one
of the officers of that lodge, when a subscription
was made to assist the iodgo in orecting a monu
ment to Washington at Frederickburg, V a.. X.
Tho St. Joseph (Mo.) Gazette announces the
death of Madniue Cecilo Roy, the widow of John
Baptiste Roy, of St. Joseph. At the time of her
donth, aho was seventy years of ago. Her history
is intimately connected with that of Missouri.
During the war of 1812, her husband and herself
made a noble resistance to the attack of the Indians
against a block bouse occupied by them at Cote
Sans Dessein, in Callaway county. A large num
ber of the Indians attacked them. Three timeß
wore thoy repulsed, Roy and hi 9 wife keeping up
an incossant fire upon them. iMnd&nr- Roy not
only loaded tho guns used for their defence by Roy,
but she fiaed the rifle herself, and the Indians,
when they did retreat, loft thirteen of their war
riors dead within the stookade of the Fort.
Serious Accident. —On Friday afternoon, a
lad named William Rico, residing in South Cam
don, received a sorioiu wound in his left arm,
caused by the accidental discharge of his gun while
gunning on tho Flats below the railroad depot.
Tho sufforer has been placed under the c oro of Dr.
Brutal Act.—A. superior Durham cow,
had strayed from a farmer who resides, near Cam
den, about two weeks ago, and for whose jrbeovery
we bolieye a reward had been offered, was found
on Saturday in a helpless condition'ln’a ohrtr field
near the oity hamstrung. The name of tho mis
creant that committed the deed, taj unfortunately
for tho sake of justice, unknown.'
Military Election.—At hii OlectlOn, held be
fore Richard TV. KoweU, Esq., at tile armory of the
Camden Light ‘Artillery, on Friday evehlng, tho
following named gentlemen* were dhokeU officers
of tho first • regiment of the Camden 1 " Brigade ?
Matthew Milter, jr. } cofonel j Jds. W. H. £tiekhey,
‘joutonant-cotohol; and John S. Good* major, "
[From! the New York Herald of Saturday.)
Miss Augusta ;Ct/NSiNOHAtf.—Hiss
Augusta Cunningham, as we stated before,
seems completely prostrated by this new disgrace'
that has oome upon bee name-*«he ia the personi
fication of grief and wretchedness; The slightest
allusion to the murder, the'marriage/or the birth,
she cannot endure. Either of the topics renews
her woe. Her abler Helen .stated, on -ner exami
nation the other day, that Augusta had been ill for
somoweeks before she left home; she mentioned
typhus fever as the cause of her iUttesd.. Her ner
vous system seems overthrown, and she is really an
object for commiseration. She left Bond street on
Monday afternoon, before the sham confinement,
and declares she will never return. Filial affec
tion may.have induced her to cling to her mother
and support her, even to her soul’s jeopardy; but
that was when the rest of the world was arrayed
against her mother. • Who can blame her for that?
But against this new contemplated fraud aha seems
to have determinedly planted herself, and when
her mother persisted in her Wicked 1 resolve, she
abandoned her, very properly, to her fate; Augusta
remains with her aunt, a very respectable married
lady on Lexington avenue, hot even there 1 her
wretched destiny pursues her, for her presence In
a family brings upon 4 the very unpleasant re
gards of the public.
Ma. Eckei,.—Mr. l Eekel, about whom so much
interest gathered duripg. the opening scenes of the
Burdell tragedy, is now in the city. pnrsuing his
ordinary business, and Seemingly taking' little in
terst in the last developments in this extraordinary
case. But his fripnds feel - assured that every sus
picion of his complicity in the murder is cleared
away by the rdcenf disclosures. The glaring fraud
of the desperate woman with whose name andcrimes
he had beon associated, has turned speculation Into
a new channel in search of accessories to the foul
deed.-' Nof isifcat all improbable that before the
present investigation is concluded speculation will
be changed into certainty on that head. >
The SubrogaSe’s Decision on Mrs. Cunning
ham's impreftabn seems to exist
that the decision of the ,Surrogate cm the.dotation
of granting administration to Mrs.. Cunningham
upon' the estate of Dr. ‘ Bdhlell may be affected by
the recent ■erpltaiofrof her plot to produce afalse
heir.' It is natural ; enough that such. an. ide*,
should be entertained by those,who are. unac
quainted with theirhles which govern Judicial pro-',
ceedinw, and wlth'the intelligent, iJonsistent, aiid'
faithful adherenoe to those rules which charad
terire Mr.Bradford.'Jßut the truth is, that hll
that'fataedf plot'and boonterplotywhich has fol-‘
.lowed. upon .the Bond street tragedy,iSiasfar as
the Surrogate is concerned, as if, it, had. never, hap
pened. No circumatancoof it‘is before Mm:' It
is. not in the testimony in' the dase' ‘oh 'Which
he has to decide. > His judgment must be based.on
the evidence, .which, has been submitted, to'him
through the forms of judtcfalproof: The only way in,
which he would be:entitled-to considerianynfew
fact coming to light )&inee ; ti\e was .closed,
would be by its regular introduction after an appH
cation should bo-made by thb party interested, and
granted by*himself, to,open.the base.for thatptu
pose. This has not been done.. Indeed, Mr, Til
den, counsel for the Burdfell 1 beirs/wakso' perwh’
.the tiorrogato’s■ deoislon wouldbedri'theiffavbr,'
that although h© knew, early in duly, that this;
attempt, to get up an .heir to the
would be made'by Mrs. Cunningham,' *■ yet he
refused, to apply to the Surrogate; to' get him to
. open .the, case to admit proof of the. fact of said
attempt ny’ Mrs. Cunningham. He'was willing,*
‘he said, to let the'case rest • entirely upon’ £he evi
dence produced before the Surrogate on the.trial.
;In r the same‘spirit .the California commission,
which' would have caused ‘sotae months 'delay, was
'indefinitely postponed. As the general ana pru
dential rule is to exhaust all relevant and material
Evidence, this shows greater confidence in the result
! than would be usually justifiable. ' ‘ ‘ 1 '
Although the decision of the Surrogate has not
been announced, and no intimation has been made of
what it is likely to be, It is by no means to be assumed
that he has not long once arrived 'at'a conclusion.
The argument of. counsel was finished on the -2d
of July. Whatever, impression Mr. Bradford may
’ have had of the trial, or oh the argument, it is well
known to be his habit to look over the whole testi
mony,before committing h inself to an opinion; and
in a case the most extraordinary that has ever come
'into' his court, or perhaps in any other, he would
naturally doeni it proper to write out the grounds
of his ( decision. There does not seem to be any
other reason for the delay in promulgating the re
sult to which it is understood be' came to long be
fore .tile recent developments.* He stated shortly
after the close of the case that he had, come to,a
decision upon it. ( When the counsel bad closed
their argument she gavwthemjpermission to' hand
in any more points or written arguments that they
might desire to, remarking at the same time, “I
do not moan to Say that I'have rt6t'made'np'my
mind, but it is subject to a review of the testimony: ’’
This indicates pretty clearly that h\s mind was
then made' up, and h|s constant admission, .ever
since, that his mind was fn&de'upto his decision,
implies .that of the evidence,has not
changed it. , . , {
Since the late*criminal attempt has been made
by Mi* Cunningham,' he has told- several 'persons
that this would notaffeet his ■ decision do. the least
—that his mind had .been made up for sometime.
This mifcht indicate indirectly, though pretty clear
ly, how his mind is.madeup. i Indeed, those who
know him.,best, and his manner of weighing and
deciding upon evidence,* are unanimously or the
‘opinion, it will be against Mrs. Cunningham. His
omission to send out the California eommiwioa fan*-
filies that he considered the case sufficiently esfab*
ished otie way or the other, and as theapplication
for said commission was made by'the defendants,
.it may be which way he considered, the
oase established. There are ether collateral facta
that go to show that his decision will be against
Mrs. Cunningham’s application, hnd one that will
tire publio satisfaction; and be sustained by the
igher courts of law if it should be appealed from.
His decision may be expected in the course of two
or three weeks. *
Her Confidence in a Favorable Decision—
Re-furnishing the House.—Whatever doubts
othora may hare entertained as to her likelihood
of haring the Surrogate’s decision in'her fovor,
she herself appeared to have entertained none.
She was sanguine in her belief that the marriage
would have been affirmed. She hftd'oven gofle u>
thp. expense of having the house No. 31 Bond street
re-furnished at very considerable cost—whether
on risk or not we cannot say. She is said to have
assorted, however, that since the death of Dr,
Burdell she has defrayed all the enormous ex
penses to which she was subjected by litigation
and otherwise, and only borrowed on one occasion
$l5. To a person who suggested to her that it was
hardly prudent in her to go to the expense of re
furnishing tho' house before the rendering of the
Surrogates decision,* she replied that she was go
ing to bo confined iu five weeks, and was not go
ing to let her baby be born on bare boards.
Important from tne Prairies—Reported Murder
of Surveying Parties.
Tho Kansas oity Enterprise, of August Ist, says:
“ Letters were received at Leoompton on the 35th
ult., which state that the Choyenne or Sioux In
dians, or both, had attacked several of the United
States,surveying parties /in tho, southwest por
tion of Nebraska, and murdered a number of the
“The report is, that five of Cant. Caldwell’s,
four of Cant. Berry's, and all of Col. Manner’s
party, including the latter, had been murdered.
We bavebebn unable to learn particulars.
“ It is the opinion of-those hast acquainted with
tho country in whioh these parties were, and the
region of country {reversed by the various tribes
of Indians, that if these massacres have occurred,
they were committed by tho Pawnees, and charged
on the others to escape punishment. This, also,
is the opinion of the Surveyor General, now in
our oity, who States that the lands upon which
the surveyors were at work have always been
claimed by the Pawnees, and that they have ever
manifested gr'ea{ displeasure at their survey by the
government.” - •
Pennsylvania.—James B. Sansom, Esq., of the
Fulton Democrat, has been nominated for the
Legislature. Mr. S., two years ago, was eleoted
of tho Pennsylvania Legislature
Ho ia highly spoken of as a sound, practical man,
and an unswerving Democrat.
Kentucky.—The Democrats havo earned one
member of Congress in the Eighth District, and
six members of tho Legislature.
The Louisville Conner of Thursday says :—“We
publish, this morning, a list of eleven Democrats
and four Americans, elected to the Senate, and
fifty Democrats and twenty-seven Americans,
eleoted to tho House of Representatives. The
oountios jot to hear from will probably elect three
Democrats and two Americans to the State Senate,
and nino Democrats and thirteen Americans to the
Legislature. Tho Demobratio majority in the
lower branch of the Legislature will be from fifteen
to twenty.”
So far as heard from in Kentucky, the Demo
crats have eleoted fifty memborsof the House of
Representatives to tho Know-Nothings’ twonty
sevon. To the State Senate, tho Democrats have
chosen eleven members, and the Know-Nothings
four. For Congress, seven Democrats are elected,
certain, to two Americans, and there is one, Tal
bot, in doubt.
Tim Kentucky Legislature.—The Cincinnati
Gazette, in speaking of the political complexion
of the Legislature of Kentucky, say* • —Next
December, at Frankfort, in our sister State, will
bo witnessed an event, the like of whioh has
never been seen by the present generation. It is
the assemblage there of a Legislature that con
tains a Democratic majority, u e should have to
go back to 1828 or 1828 to witness a similar phe
nomenon. The Democrats havo, since'that time,
had the Governor and half the delegation imCon
fress, but never the Legislature. The oppdation
ad a permanent end enduring ascendency in that
body thut never could be shaken in the least.
Truly, with the loss of that body the sceptre has
departed from Judah, and a new era has dawned
upon Kentucky. She is in the Democratic column
henceforth as firmly as Virginia.
Death op Hon, H. L. Turney.—We are pained
to hear, says the Nashville Union of Tuesday, of
the sudden -death, by disease of the heart,
of th,e Jlon. Hopkins L Turney. He. had
started,to walk from his office, in winchester, to
hU residence near the town, nnd died before reach
ing it. Mr. .Turney had been a member of both
Houses of our State Legislature, he was many years
• a representative in Congress, and for one term re
presented the State In the United State? Senate.
. lowa. — Dubuque, August 8. —Returns from
tWenty.-six counties foot up for, the nsw Constitu
tion, 8666 votes; against, 3398. The ogunties yet
to hear from will probably inorfc&s the majority
for the,Constitution. . . .u ~. « . . -
Tknnbssjjb.— tfashvtllt, August The re
turns of tho recent electiqn, held in this State in
dicate tho success of seven or efeht Democrats, and
two or three Americans for Congress. Harrfa' , 3
majority for Governor will exceed 10,000 votes.
'The foreign Exports from sasmoro for the
week ending f witq Th'u red ay, am ounte d in value to
$103,608. L ; lttblUied lb theris were ‘5,066
barrels of flow,lBo barrelscf corn meal. 400 buihtols
up com, and joj hogsheads of tobacoo,
• Correspondents for “TBifataS” willpleasj beer'in
mind H(e foifowkw nfUs ; | ;*, /j i 5 | V
' £ t rstf t coVy n ■ ti eji. bythwf
name of the writer. In order to insure correctness o
the typography, bat one side of & sheet should bet
written upon. f i s 7 /_ ‘
We shall be greatly obliged to gentlemen in Pennsyl
vania and Other States for contributions giving the e«f f
rent news of 't£e day in their* par6ealar localities,‘the
resources of the svyroanding,country, the increase of
population, and any informs tion that. wUJ be Interest in
to the general reader. , - -
[As ere have set put the determination to make
Tub Paxss as perfect 'as possible in air its*departments,
and as for u practicable give faithfully to the public,
the currentreports of all thafiranspires, whether in the
political, OOnm/ertial World ; i and believing
that there exists id the 1 press ef 1 the day a void,
which basnever yet beep attempted, to be fulfilled, v'u :
A more extended-notis£j)f with the
Interests of ths Chorch, of a/riraom/naaefl*, and es
pecially the pafpltoridOYybfeuftrtysbdla&l we there
fore, this morning, lay before oar readers toe first sketch
of a series of sermons, whieh.weahali continue from time
to time with the. strictest regard to .fairness and .impar
tiality.] ~ , , " ' ' ' ' ' ' *
The foliowing was preached by the popular pulpit
orator and racy lecturer o our city,•Bvv.-Al-A.Wiauvs. •
This' Wax the' subject of a’ sermod,'preaeKed hy ’
the HdVi A. A. Wiliits, yesterday (Sabbath) max a.- -
ing, in. the Fwt Dutch Kefomed Church of this city,,
located at Seventh and. Spring Darden streets.
The text of Scripture selected for the occasion, may -
be found, la. the- latter clause of the twenty-first
Terse, of the first chapter of the Ueneral Kpistia of
James; to follows: *' -
“And T£C4it)B iidthvwhunlhtrh-graftcd •*?or
l okUk *« a&U to uiuh. , /
' Inopehing, the speaker made a beautiful allu
sion id the horticoithrab science of grafting iye«s of
an indifferent quality With, the scions' of
tree, to forth fruiiwhieh,
la its natural or original state, it could never have'
produced. ‘’' :'* ‘- • 1 •’
The analogy.existing between man and * tree—to
which reference w *> frequentlymade in the Scrip-
here skUlluliy’pojtrayed, as a prepara
tory foundation forhis subseqaeat remarks. The
great.benefit* and. advantages ariaing fronn
horticultural process upon trees, was said to be
a feeble type of the enduring benefits seemed to the"'
soul of tow* by rtcerviag in a proper spirit the en
grafted word of Sternal Truth. ? .<
• As the. hofticnltorist sought the healthy
most desirable sciofi with the greatest care ; and
when he* had found it, proceeded with solicitous ac-
Curacy toraafce a proper incision fo<- its reception,
knd then, after enclosing the wound with his pro
fee ting, adhesive' substance) watched its indica
tions of development* with a jealous ©ye. .So, too, •
tb e hearer Qf.ths Word~ who occupied the cooa- .
{erp&rtof the tree in the Speaker’s metaphof—-
must Weomne Us willing and ihtelHgfet : recipient; -
most submit with patient meeknesa to ihe selfd*
Sying incisions which it may be necessary to make
in his depraved nature for its reception, and in all~
ihlngs mastbe‘conformed, bya iiving faith, to ;
God's requirements, if,ho would bring .forth good
fruit in its greatest possible abundance.;
And, 0, how were the* incentives, for man
toßabmil to this engrafting process! -•
j This was an-engrafting which .would not only :
improve a hundred fold the fruits of ha™***
tree for an earthly' lifttime'; hut which if :
properly consummated* would, at the : dose of ov *
but transplant as t frpm this
initiative nursery, into the paradise above* where
the fruits 6f patience, kindness, meekness, huhiiti-''
tjy, And every otherXhriatdsnTirtaO, woald go on, .
growing befctex:ajs bettor, gradually ripening into .
the more perfoefions of through
out the endless ages of eternity. • - 1 * '*• *
| For the eonsommation of this, however, there -1
Were three things necessary to be observed.: First,
that the ‘understanding must yield its perfect and
unqualified assent to the truth, of the Bible as being 1
the word of ~God. SecQ*fdiy, Urn heart*mtsk.
be conformed to its provisions; and,' Thirdly, '
that tho life must be in submissive accordance with '*
its authority.
j First, then, it was our duty to. receive the .Bible
as the* word of GodV Not that c w 4 could ‘intelil-
Sitly do this without examining it; bdtitvres the
ty of every man so to examine it, as be able .
m bia own internal evidence^—independent .of "
the great stalof *it» inspired eharaeter, a 9 revealed 1
ih its fulfilled prophecies and aUuatedmiraelf»--rto- -■
'receive it in the spirit o'f faith; and the speaker •
added, with a 1 defiant cmphisls, and'wtthfhe dir Of *
dne conscious of the about to otter, that
! there had nsver lived a rational human bfipg, that i
;had thoroughly .examined the Scriptures m the „
spirit of prayerAri'meekness, who, when he' hid''
' dona so, was. pot willing to testify, to its divine cfaa*
T' oter, its ami-improving merits. . r . .
, Men fiitiffifaffee t to L live righteously in the eyes
of their 1 bow men—and, as toe : Saviedr : had ex- v ‘
pressed the i
Ban their reward; yet the fo9lish endearoj; to give .
the sole supremacy to the setond conuoandmVnt by
overleaping fit rifirrt, was a sin against thd 'High- -- 1
est, whoso right;t,waa to demand toohQuuguof.hi*. j
1 children. The demands of God were not only
jhst, but eminently merciful. The ancient bihner '
ctf thecovenant had floatedoverEden,bearingibe
commanding inscription* l to y observtaiav 3 or raj., ,
fer death, bul the modern banner of the Cipss, *-
ip the e tuber anco of itsbomp&ssiou to falieinain;' '
had brought £o lightthe o .
“ , ,
■ The 'speaker coveted no'higfre'r prerogative tH&nT"
tb bethe faithful minister of* {fors word;* 1 fl^3e- sJ
#lred no .ware fan Ait: ovm] opitoon, :
than were accorded to the opinion of any pfhiaoon- ,
, jjregatiOn. * AH’ h’e cFaJided was the au'eheetT and' '
f attentjoo‘bf his bearers to the meaaage'of-dlviiie •
truth whioh he was commanded.. to d^Uter— j
.Which office ih yras his trust and prayer ever faith- r
fully to perforin. 1 * •** 4 ** " w *
\ A truly happy and; characteristic iUustratiotfof>.
the poiiUop which a pastor holda to hh M aster, and.
his people, was given by Jlr! Willits, fn an atfu
don to-the electric telegraph. 'As the operator '
sUuding by this .ingenious instrument, Ju*. thu.i
’ tiansuxiscion of needed to understand the
ex&bt* mode of working it; alio to be'a wan of
sufficient integrity topnnt honestly the messages' -
handed, hup, instead, of > transmitting a lie ef nis ,
i own making up, so too, was it nece*aazy> for the.
authorized messonger of God! not only id under-'
stand the word he was deputed to preach, hot also ■
tb be honest enough to deliver it to his people with,
all faithful fidelity; and as in the former, the silent
operations of an atmospheric agent canonly give
efficacy to the fidelity of his labors, so loo,' the
pireaehed word, unless breathed upon by the Spirit
of Jehovah in answer to prayer, could accom
plish nothing. Paul indeed - might plant, and
A polios water, bat the increase must coma from the
Overseer above.
[The great-qualifying requisition, to be observed
above all others, in receiving the engrafted word
into the depraved stock of a man’s fallen- nature,
ifaa that meebtess and humility which the Loni
has promised to guide in judgment.* The declara
tion of the Saviour, respecting this, wherein he
said, “Except ye be oonverted, and beeome as little
children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of
heaven,” was but an illustrative confirmation of
the necessity of every inquirer after the truth,
placing himself in tho position of an humble re
cipient of the knowledge which is promised to all
true believers: for it was a well known arid beau-
tiful truth, that little children, in coming to parents
for information, did so with the most implicit con
fidence in their judgment and veracity: And,
shrely, the father is not removed higher above his
son than is God above his children; and hence the
reasonableness of' his injunction for all men to
cbme unto him “with a heart believing onto righte
ousness,” a mind willing to be taught from the
great fountain of universal truth, and a life reflect
ing in its every action the love we feel to tb« Au
thor of Cur being.
| The sermon, of which the foregoing is but a rapid,
disconnected synopsis, given entirely- from
memory. Was anextempore effort, and contained
ipany more beautiful and important points than
We £ lave time to refer to. bo that, under the
circumstances—presuming upon the generosity of
our reverend mend, that be will accept the will
for the deed—we offer it to the reader without
farther apology.
• A Train for Salt Lake There, is now
fitting out at Atchison, K. T.. we see by the Squat
ter Sovereign of the Ist inst, one of the largest of
those caravans or “ trains” by whioh the com
merce between the States and the Great Salt Lake
Valiey is carried. The train will consist of seven
ty-three wagons, eight hundred and seventy-six
oxen, and ninety men. It will be laden with one
hundred and forty tons of assorted merchandise,
juiapted to the Salt Lake trade. Some idea of the
immense value of the goods which will be carried,
by this train may possibly be had, when we state
that the freight alone upon them from here to Salt
Lake will exceed $40,000. The wagons are now
being loaded at the warehouse of £. C. Wolfolk,
ahd it is surprising to see the amount of goods that
cin be stowed away in one of these “ prairie
scows.” The wagons are all got up in tne old
style, with broad tire, stout wood and iron work,
dee beds, painted blue, with bows, and covered
with canvass, so as completely to protect tho goods
from rains or storms. The “ motive power” of each
wagon will be six yokes of oxen, bat a number of
extra yokes will be taken along to guard against
accidents, or to assist in difficult places. This train
will start today or Monday next, and it will re
quire from sixty to ninety days to make the trip,
the length of time depending in some measure upon
the grass, the state of the roads. Ac. When the
train has arrived at Salt Lake, and discharged its
freights, the cattle and wagons will be sold out, and
the men who accompany it will either remain ia
the Territory, proceed to California, or return to
“ the States’' in the Spring.
Quarter Sessions—Judge Allison.— Bail Re
duetd.—An application was made to tho Court on
Saturday morning to reduce the bail in the case of
the Commonwealth vs. John and G-abnei Eaxif.
It appeared by the statement of counsel for the de
fendant, that Alderman Ogle, before whom the case
was heard, had imposed the ludicrous bail of $25 -
000 upon those two defentantr, although it was not
charged that the defendants jiad obtained more
than $6,000 worth of goods. '
Judge Allison said: Although he had not heard
all the facts, that the bail-demanded was exces
sive, that it should be reduced to $5 000 upon each
of the charges, $lO,OOO in all. This practice of
excessive bail is very reprehensible, and
* Persecuting spirit. It may increase the
utmeuUy of obtaining bail, but will ’have no effect
before a Court of justice. Bail wa3 not entered in
thisoaso before the rising of the Court.
In the Case of the Commonseealtk vs. Anna
Master, 6fC , Judge Parsons concluded his sum
ming up, ana was followed by Mr. Edgar E. Pettit,
in an elegant and powerful argument for the de
fendants, whioh appeared to have due weight with
the Judge Allison charged very impartially,
and elucidated the principles of law involved in
the case with great dearness and precision. His
charge was clearly favorable to the defendants.
The jury retired about 2 o’clock, and will bring in
a sealed verdict thH morning- Judge Parson* for
Commonwealth; Edgar E. Pettit for defendants.
. A party of about thirty children, few* o
them above fourteen years of age, and mostly com
posed of boys from the Children’s Aid Society, left
New York yesterday afternoon, in the Albany
boat, for the West, under the guardianship of Mr
C. C. Tracy, of thq Newsboys’ Lodgiog Housa!
•They were neatly dressed, and their perfect happi
ness at leaving the.cuty for the land pf the West
was manifested by their joyous songs as the boat
aotsd »ir»jr ftchi the pier with the tittle eolony.