The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 08, 1857, Image 4

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    ' * but oapriaioiv l , ■
70 at her ffioutrlaa Jerrold Who is 14
g^ D Jf y btttfkteetf&D • Punch f'-r-lt waa -Uiore, of
irithmeriaU ; *»i lateHearttthat he made' his marts wore pattloti- •
X- We> tf dead! ' ttnd tho. English'jonrnals
•jKclvU'aboufc him, r york ncwspft-
IspfiSr Ujl^ths^ && Sc.writers (who kfldfrlunrotofr by his writings) ,
• ,f ]
n , e3^fw- iecat, tlilcreetW. &st.” !
affig6ss&as6glfe^ja^^sSßwS>»s , !aasssssi2ss3S£
Hoflow* 'si r « ftf..i >»{s>«?✓
, Herchiefia SteS ¥K KtoekbraK.loerely generates taliis:
Her felloes , w44ng 5 ’Of jndividuais (wlia
ieUtfcMhe K«witno ) OgM 'demahd- 3 satUf&ttort?, • afifl
TOSoanapp.sso-ko her ►Jggi|*M&-ijy AtKMMiM.'geaer^sfagitrisfificbs
,; sSSlis=!f,sfes*£ :
1* aw Sown sms ds ,oL/ofAMfMI «
Andintha horrid ph«lstura»r<)» toWa untU ttot gonlabwjit and scholar was dead, and
’Tubuttha -,*, f, thef i£ puf hhii'ihMd “Captain Shab-
PseWtSehoud { and
rtZ^? 1 MnpiSofapfeSolffitatß.candid. Henovbr
s„ j«a;, »-»sffis^^raxasspr
Her riw,-whose HwMpeot to leave «M»Mtt<V£ *ev«ji.*4tfcAwW,mi?R W ;)»Mfiictora, too)
Bi&manbevUiiat are h enifrlfSuch V«7ttr«». jwere.dead to hold thorn up to’ soorn,' < Ho
HerglanooilSrwitSlyh»«j||hH ). 5 Sybit)(F6®W'dptfil»B thing, Shd cqndemnby name
™»^f loW3 T ,y «f tho'Bupporfors of Punch from the com
th, northfor 'it I ’ws«’his oira sbn-in.'
HoW»t^Uieir ? fonna appear!. law, Henry: 'JtayheWji Xh 0 .priginatodPur.cA;
*-•- <git ih&Vimoitwas-oomraenced Jerrold was in
...T. rt....'fnfttih ;:; fe^-atr'^Sv ? ' rtatl^''He)co^ldlldt l «lia&a'WoVa ! 6f French,
£*«“ PufefcOM i f@‘. -- bit!haH r tho gcttersd predilection (shared by
an pn
-? iT£& i fogne aud
Doctor Sf~< * the Blrhoß tifiehtl”. By thoUimO'hh 'fotnrnca.'PhnrA
by h}s We and idaughter* f v.Qlnmes ..of :
Smijle ftndtrtthS^tMe^Uf§»if|W°re%rrojd>s^6f.
bemr* Jack” cmnae M&*^!® a . HTe, y
hla cattle,
at the foot of owyhill and-’Vraprinrtrithe. jtHft® pf shatJthJW it was.
topli lMMoJh^hltoPcnog.ialdljyliow/
teredtb ttfAtem™ ot^TMMma.emy..
and. the change;;that:agiton»ii»u»lgM .pron. WWsiHt.-i'Mu t
duee, and in so,jdeh*‘Wtfe«d»ld»»«Mi*d* *jj»ii»#4,:b6caine thOprsperty of B»dbnry&
servants to 1 ba” cmderably lladM^!Eranj, : :iirinters;,of mttcfrlars,,m the Strand.,
when a fellow leaped'fttfeSfthind'lShew of of
loose stonesiind bnsihSs njitffWfcftabiieyiiid* tact, Who ! 4oo®
a huge - duh J wtth: a a'Bt»blo' f ftotitie: i !: At first, fTcAry
•<B(onoy!'! Whrrtpreeltyoftpn43ill'tit4|i4>ttafcfMayhew aiidi hfH!tfifc ( !m6ei;were co-editors.
perfectly appalling „i t *'jtM'Mayhmt’iwentii OUi anfeliemoMromained Sole
SKfrldthop gave the
sooner had tbe ruffl»n:Jinw«dslfcawayjm.a'jcaw became’ lamllot4li<of s sniaU -Vrablic
paeious rent lrfhiB tftttoodgarment>tleia:.Wltb;- .hoaite^eilt^lSrfiry'lan’O irheatthr h4d:fell4d“ln'
an&thtr-Whm 'that. • Naxt of Punen, in’
oath > heex«laltned-i-''- t ' ,>, *%fe After that he
. Ihonef'afcihe’i'eKefttanmteffr-theutMciiTg’as tt*
letting you off?...a teK,mdtry.dim»Bmdeat It's
thegouldjl;llhaW,:ef, .sdonjfrerniisuPaacAiinflneace, gotsgoCd’foOW
Ariah, don’t stand iteafifarCc Writeti'i #Wotv,®e6ldds hi’aitilgfrfg
like, *j,Qfloker $&&&
puae, sou diyil, Mf an a, «cte«a:aeortjof.pri-.
u Uiw wvwfeeMoM.** x,':ic.‘A. : &£.s&*&■ 'Wte!aecr4t*yto!4lr.*Hcrl>ert‘lßgram,TOoprie-
wefcfllM parse,firing » Life ?ili« MP o 3 ods
“Xy good feße'yjifterßiifjis. dontti jlUdiSe.* btyenot;aiade Xngram eioeuent, Mark-Lemon
me—l’ye giyen yornUjipfey w4i'e:doMjt.’’ ( 1 hAa’ the erea lOf to flbostng the »pc che4
"T.alr fed soWi'jf (tfepferlidtagltun. del iers as litcmb r< of
I’m not a goW haveafWonewlthjyout j,pkrßKneilt vfor ,jßostoni. , Wlion tjie .election
yet. I must seanaifenyhm | /*mlw<«,fiH , .l’ffi -diSfeißWieibpardid’ more'-he'-weht ’doeti:
engage you have' 4 friw n®f J hits' o #n.,,pdi,dhes jn %or f,
• at;the bank so heed it-pyiei!,!ertfda’ll sup Irigoonyfe
sol row to night <MS.’i*>*i£*.£rov*!r.. fAifetheitioifelie’lltmeAnion wds’^rllbcrtAb'
wife died last >oaf's A toddotfl
that all hope or
was nnaTailmg,'fao«arriagoifiga!.;disappeared, cißyer.i: His youtli nad heendoose enough and
tmtvfeebfshop ?Ml4’.’4tf(fegh , '[& att'chusfcieace - ."' Xothing snc-'
as thdngh atiilpd? tp gntll ho., jdl.hpd./*.Hot
..pillage , l s 3ysftiir4tf>n.e«i*»t;3 jyd.lried.ali sort«.ofjliterary specwntions, and
. ! Walt a while or mav Jtfel shajjl.get an^ 1 <fepdiictW'lL«TMO'J Thief, WI
; “ siAfaeffWßig*. fe^siiSjgigs
. Xftw it jlie dlvine felt’ajpfirJ ked him t$ write for PencL In which his 1
ticalanregard tor W»
Its b«ngOfcoiggjlenihje stitio;Dfs!M’’:weri)..decided', bits,.- He .got
hadbeen.presepted.'tehlm'byddaflrMpatron—■ known«Bagoodwritor,ar.dcontributedlargely
and he tmteedto «l 4 ‘WlM4f f-f i;„4
my wjtfeh, and 14 fe dene,’?.' (hiajqnaliflaaiion beiDg that'hD hadfeen called
<( Who tt’dyonr forgiyenes»,iyou on]dfai-j- fb the -barf and meyer held e-brief), and !
mint 7 Would yon tnflo )yithmygood T nat«41 5 fef.jdjillebf
Don t force me fq do thoilgh'yfirydefcfeiifcimv]aw.. His comiohiB
- mol® 'both&rjjlltj'giye; foj-ies of England and Rome are excellent. .
me tboanfafeNW an ttisUp&§§Pff*lB : mUcHlaterth'a'ii
‘’JMWPWli## .any first contributions
Wtiie lior&y»pasUtLH>fclho fojfnoto.vweftiftflose piihJorting to bo written
former, and ra-gresped thefoHnidaW* iff By <SO|!p4t ; {jBntrßititbK”SThh'Sttob Pnpprs
aa though, seriously befit jM 'aO ffaroiiiee;oU'£ti - llvlnte.
operttfoa) this action _Was ; 4am®e»- JSJaraelir..Btilwer,.
ln» rctim—ho drew time-, &nd'ofeertf!“'abovo all, ''Jeamest Diafy,’’ tlie
itj found somo tlioHyi?«l;tmter4fe iriUto. mightbtcdeflcient fe
SSlll** swwsHfta&assws
W% henaidr^ l . ,/ naveß{mfe<,>a*ame3,’! ( or,«'Jeei!>s,’ : ’ ! for James.
J l ow * he ' m, has
blitsod saints that yoa. InVe mo Wpotit a ndmW'mMdtit : 'df origiMite.; Siaollel'.ih-:
lSd^eL on KmOfit ’ or egoj-.ln “.Humphrey.:
> J EBaker.’JlpingWinifredJeekinswrltfl jot
to tThr, bTk“trfeS
(w^lfaa‘<?eiraes,’’ dyorflowwltl) it. To write
po«®®hl, P SSjSgoB SnS,|&^ihiu!hle i r SeXpeCted
Heo^eayOwdWdouble^ikipdlf^ f SW kii-as».
whatJhMicejigd j,e
muscles were as stroUgjead elialtte'ds hiehly,
wcrlffl’wtß ul 8 h
sndd6B!y''&^l'f i^^MSfefe'£vmi^iS^ h ißo72L ! A“^u h m«"l tl '!fl
' -®’v r fi the jPifnck people. Death Iws'jreoioVea
the chsntie of thafc elegant h^bitd'.wigf . ol*
The footpad of 1
his sES&ldi&B?#Z&* 8 - e,lt ' in "P*> ¥.
6n seeing
&S 1
'Thankfelwlth•ilaylni*f9M^^tSß^SiS^^l , ttodltMaikdUMnon,
bones, his lordship was not t -e I"
melt laujpiter * •*' ‘ ■
strange fe . »cMsame’--•>•■'-
his feet, auCßeyWimdea of PX WOfHgeshyteriaerrelates
that't%M®dny^fem§^||^ n W! v«f foljowtog.inculentwliiohoccurreddiiriug a
brief, danger he had msSMh’P 10 phhßhße'toiCongfess'i
gptfi^ynlt'lhii'ißoHlr “)b- '¥™ t ?ft: 3 5 a *? | to- preach
■ to vEoleh Beeg&dsharifehaehbwea' ;| I i w ™‘*P e ?,o®f?-Snd , satf<jw.''; He'gave lift'
heaven’s!.s»ke;tekefeff “baf !? e OK?}, a .si»Jw4oJi9S4f!|iYe idlkcdhrse from .
f ifeUH 0 v l,’ %. : came: to him -. and
> Master,Ure'periHli.
the f.%foms^ 4!
purchase.somie habitbcitersinted to. vmS ȣ. TOfers-aJnj tkey ceased and tliore
“tffiat-toimoroieasuyi-saidJtta&enb »me-! W' MKW^^^’»% i <^^«wo>»”toWyr:
love,’.’ he replied: I have lostiatl ibn-rndTi’eS,'T 3i. l , ®‘ the/tjnited ShiL‘B jjlutu
- poßSeas44i :: nut a stngto'-gnfnea f»4®nurtol theiCotniftatidf of
pay "our expeEses.&tnighfo t!Ky 'F a l?S^®®%v 4 ??.l¥f s 0 h .ad o’cinibSity
thatleodearly pfizedll-jtteeraMe4a-4iapf {%¥s j>y¥Mf;o9M lilrprdsc.nt hearers
aml!H'i !; * afffoyaLff,- P-fvfc there wCro:enyWho iwetcitlien oh that sliin.-
■ <’MeVCf:mTina^ffir t iSBpf2K^SffiKlffi ? * K F's¥ !'j?iP ¥¥ W. '>»hld bo' pleased if they
just now—only null off.flSSßahass of fflUi; X to him. After,
implore.youf'who'khdws'what'hotrtd'-tsmitai *p services,uomjnoilbroStover, the'Govcrnor
lafrl® A#«?ff a, R e rtor«-(!rdlf>iidltoJd ilr.-
mg he^imaclxiwas/aijnidßhlpman on
“Tak®>& off, ® tjlat.fihiO. vThfejrbld. tats
j|oaß .tOdk'lhtfytiiic'rihie' old
wero ffi^S l^' • told ilun thoy
y°S- V : «a««*• ■'fto-.meetihg
too' *ttW
seat, fe?t<l;g ijinglfeg fi«sb thatlab' t ateAm ~ , ’-¥, ttiarfl) *’ 9 - howstill abido
found wcretedyim^odifp»f«.or'flW'Mt,’ u ;i’ni;-«r™r,'uCr3^fr?y- : 7: '•
silver,’;oWBieh hetfether had-beon S'vS uader:
But•aryfeUo^idjflvasa!BilafcA&U %ridsK»JfvWt?winb
1 • -nA—fls^l*i%D o£ . t Jpi? \ -%j;si&**&aolw^
•%{*»s&& ,Va4tlT.^iUH a 1.
’<j» Vm ( MS. tu
vitfr m**'t u-fp^
No Men. TVtfOl t
at Newport last season—whether-It prevails or
not this season •^•siPi&t-Mhformod—has
alarming skjThofr
wide and deep, ift, fifty; ostend. ,■ Gf
course it is undcrstood'. thal'r'men who do not
dance are not 1 included ’■ ill any (rt-visus tritieii at
djese places. A, c/jrtospondcnt jif 'tliA New'
-TJ™ wntes.'ftomSaratoga':
i <f lhere is a band^f^m^oViTig.young ladies
here—young diidiefvHyiiigJ'Olvwantof young
, gentlemen;to dan^p,.with. o',Their .hearts- .are,'
broken and tliejr. souls''harrowed' tip by the
(dismal fact that aariciegnjen Herat a discount-
Various-. a^hpjpear.l^nihdeniVsuggiated'.rto'
remedy this want, buhdhna for, alaS! without
.eucoeßs.' - A-leVy. was tfiade 1 aomiVttme--jlhfed.
on Sharoh and oilier'watering' places/bilt
dreadfuh.silcnco wan. the .sole answer to'the
affoctiiig appea); :; Young-men of tlie present
day are not only revolting objects, but tliey
aro, aJso in.aistate.of revolts The r (diiv4lrj-iof
America is: fast .dying- out, at Sara
.toga’S-appea)Sj- and soon tliose wtirtliy'mem
bers cortiet-blow
ers, &c., will find .their.'summer’s occupation
'gone; Bat what is there that despair will not. cT
fl'ect? Even cpraerjd rats,tyiUturn,and cornered
youngladies must have <atuVn.?,ln their dilem
ma, aud as a forlorn hope, they came’- to -me.
I have always ployed secind fiddle; r that .ft to
say, when the younger hum were away, -T.was
‘ each a dear man,’ &ei|,:so. of course, I took
them to the litko, or out-walking, or bowled
with them (But nowl Vnust nbtonly play seiond
furnish thejn,, partners. , The only
idea that, strilggled through my obtuW brain
(ana ;what I still consider a grand and ap
propriety one) that they should dance ivith'one
another., This proposition was received with
the, most .undisguised contempt.' '. No; they,
must,have men to' donee with f. that is,-human
beings •ft tall coats, 1 -’piimps • and 1 , trowsers..
Bping neitlier a married mnn, nor,' if i.wero,
puch a Turk as to have forty sons, I was una
ble to .'alleviate- their miseries;. I gave bp
problem, but I now remember having notfeed
it very mysterious smile/fjlttirig gver, the face
°f;one.- of the .ladles. The/next day. I was
wdited on by a very elegant man with a fiddle,
who politely.fnfdrmed me that he was a danc
ing-master, and had been engaged to teach,me
the steps.” .
- Antecedent! of Modern Prcpliets. >'' ’
<■ Both Brigham- Young and HoSer- c. Kim
ball are ’N'ew , ,Yt>flcofs.;;.'Briglj% lived fnea)-
the lino dividing Ontario and Monroe! countiasy
in tho town of Victor, at the titae he bfecanic a
Mbrmon. IJo had always'manifested a pro
clivity to or rather he was
alaisy rapscallion,-good for-'nothiiig except to
hqwUat-a camp-mooting.'' l He lived in a log
shanty, jf itii;;n. dilapidated! patient,’ suffering
wile,, surrounded,',bjv. a. host of tow-headed
Ocqasipnally; he;-made > np-a'.lot of
axe-helves arid traded them off for, sugar and
tea; in other fits of industry iie’ -would do a
day’s work in the hay-field for a neighbor, hoe
theipotatofe'sS in'hie own lutlri m'atcW, ar-'pbiind
clpthes for hls wifu'rin’a'waaliihgdayy/il'Brit his'
out of the more wealthy hrotltom-ih'cbnsidera
tion of the unction with which hi) shouted,* 1 ga
,Jo-rah!”, /)n BUch occasions, Brigham took no
thought of the morrow, but,.cheerfully putting
-on his old wool hat,-would leavo'hiri family with
out flour ih‘ the 'barf el' or wood at tlio door, arid
polling his wife- thatKthe.-.** herd Would pro
vide,” lie would, put off fp'r'.aACepk’s'Absence.
Poor Mrs. 1 ‘Brigljfup.imridaged. b.v.-borrowing
ffrom her neighbors, withsmall hope of paying,
"chopped the wood herself, and ivitli in old snn
bannet (.Navarino style,) .went ,tp (the,spring
afjcr water, thoroughly, convinced that her lot
ijras not ofr.the easiest, that her lmslmnd Was,
itojusa the Wcatern' expresstori, au “ornarV
fellow,” in which sontijnont all yvho knew him
Jlojncd. People ivere getting very tired of
Brigbapi, .tyhqn: .Mqrmoqisnr turned. lip.i > He
was just tlio roau cfor : the; religion, and tho re
ligion # Seemed 'expressly ■ adapted' ■ to f him.
llpkpcrimd/ ft exhprtcr.i licjd neighborhood'
(meetings, -ranted 'and howled.his.'doctrines
ftfo.tho minds of others -as weak 'Os' himself
iiid finally 'wont West with the, rest of thorn,
fidS* "3evdlop(fd*'Tis8 < 'pbwdrs”uritil the
■prior, miserablo, ruisOc loafonls, Governor of a
Territory, and the chiofprophet of-a.great re
ligious serit. Jle ' tms' jhst' the mixture'of
slireWdnc'ss and folly d'liich Is required for,suc
cess' in faimticisih or 'quackery, .A wiser, man
cqultj .not hold his place;,, A.mpn must be half
a fool and half a knavri - fob;; a successiul
quack. 1 Hcbcr (J.' Kimball was a'mail of more
'respectability-: He was born a fanatic, and if
he were not a 'Mormon, would be, something
•jupf incc it. ,-iir )ii's clim i ch—lie yvas a Baptist
originally—lio wn-, one of'tlibso. pestilent fol
lows who want resolutions passed at church
mpotinga withholding fellowship from gome,
.hqdy'eUeV and hisistupon haying a political
codicil,added, <9 the Bible. ' Wp .beiievc' he
. had ‘Some property, , lie hna.mucb more talent
than Brigham Yeung, but is inferior to'hira in
'flip elements of quadte-ry: Ho has veryres
, p«|ctflb\o,‘re]atiycss mqw Jiving ftytbe. part .of,
•jrppi’qb'cbhrityfrbhihyhicii mkiatlcA.—Sii/-
Virmmtrcial -hlrrWiifr. :
f . - -, Noth!rig to AVearl . ,
Soriie little stir haa been created in literary
Circlet),by a claim set.up by.a,young, lady,' the
daughter of tbo Rcv. Isauc Peck,,to
ship of tU6 How Ihmous- podm of “Nothing to
Wear,” first pribtrshrid in No. G of this Jour
,rial, in /February, last.TJte. ptory tvhicjt tho
lady.’s.fricitds toft.ft, tbalj’Miss Pock tore her
dress, and was led -by that 'accident to-a train
ofllilghjy moral reflections which found yent
in-vrirsri; ‘ that she carried tho 1 Vorso aforesaid
about in her pocket, and unhappily lost' it on
leaving the cars near Twenty-sixth street; lead
Jpg ’o the inference that Mr. Butler, front
wbojn we obtained the poem; picked'up tho
idea, the title, and soft,qphirty of tho identical
in or hear' the''cars aforesaid, and appro
"prjatod -theft,to'hftiown'use. ! -i- ■'*
We beg to assure Miss Peek—whom we sup
pqse and j nridepritarid' td be a very young lady,
--bf our profound.sympathy. We are u little
surpridod that a young lady of lier. 'agri should'
write so glibly about: -- . a - o 1 - ; '•
, “Curses that sound’like' tho.echoes of heli.”—
(sco tlie, Rev. Isaao Peck’s letter)-—which is
ratheri it strong expression,- and suggestive of
.singular experience i for' it'young lady 1 , 'the
daughter of a clergyman. "And .tvO. are struck
tlie.-masculine.itonq ; qf f ether- sentences- ■
.‘f OK| .ladies, dqir ladies,?’■ .’!’.trundle your
iloiips”—arid say.if,you dara —’’ etc., etc.,'
In the ,'jtfhiriH* its it now appears,
Miss Peck’s claim ft restricted; It is curious,
top, that tjiqpgh:the success fiivtho poem .was
jmmediate, • and, ,it ,was. ‘at: ganoral
j'copversation in apqicty in tlie early.part oi last
Fehrua'ry; the Kev. Tsaari Peck and his, friends
'should have waited till. th| epd-.of'July to-put
.'forwaia.Mfts Peok's' eftiin.' tp! tlio authorship.''
-This yonng lady is as.-comincridable for long-
BufferingJis for knowledgo of tlio world. How
ever,-these littlq'matters can, no 1 doubt,jbd ex:
.pftincdj ttnd 'as -it- is. nowjivrill-krtowa that
thakspeafri did not write' his plays', but stole
them from Bacon-and. Queen .EJftabeth,-and
hit Waiter Scott meanly put his name to such
•tioyelsas “Ivanhoe” and “Kenilworth,” which
!#qreg written !hy> Mrs.''Captain 1 Scott, in 'Oft- 1
,'riacia,‘ sAMr.ißutler’s paterriity-'qf'“Nothipg to
!Wear”'will be disputed by tlje enidite.
Por. o.ur own part" .vvu regret to confess that
Ire do not believe that Miss Pock or any one
else but Mr, Butier Wrote.n fiinglf line qf that
poem.. We see no serious ‘reason foi- going
Deln'nd the original manuscript, which is now
before ns in Mr. Butler’s handwriting, and,,to,
which, at (iur request; lie added:iibme'twenty
ilv'e lines to fill out the page,,, ... .. ''
When Bathyllus clafiqed ( t!iq'auilior«lii]i of
Virgil’s linett to.Ciesar, tile slirewd iloet defied
him to finish boiuo couplets wliicli tlio mastor
liaiid had.,commenced; caught In,the snpre,
the knave )iift forced to c'oiipieri.his fraud, and
hebairie tliq! butt arid the sport, of iho wits of
Bdrno. We do not-intend to suggest compari
sons! hut-wo will say If Miss’,Prick will furnish
us .with a poem Of one-half the merit of “No
thing to Woar, f ’,. wo shall he happy to publish
it -iq a conspicuous pV«sq,tq pay. her. hand
sonieiy for'.it; (o' iri(ist pli,«?r claim ns the
■ most'rising .jioefc-rof,-her. years—in tho coun
try. . We will, however; toko the liberty of
suggesting that she had bettor not carry it
about with 'her whop, she rides in trip, cars.--,
Jinrpei’s Weekly \
- - i>r. Baird tells an amusing anecdote pf;Na
r'poleon hGrande, mid fhb ladies who Mtenjlcd his ;
llrat crand'Vco'eptfoh bat) ut, tlio.TyiUoncs. Tho
old nobility had ; dqinvrlo4 >( m\. cvo>'yD«n«, w« 8
-Tho InvtLed ivoso .mosiUy military
offioora ond thoir wive*. Homo two tiiousaml ladjog
wore prescut. When sopper-timo came, thoy, I
cotirso,- took' precedence of the' gontlemcp. “A
question iiail.tliejigiii <° S° dr®t ? lilc
are.-it dtoliig-hiiU.wnatlJtoivil oPO'i adiiittUng
and tho doors,wore thou closed, ,tmd thatofiioor jof
the pslaoo found it impossible to open them, Tho
•dißhuto'awong tho ladles grow warm. Ono lady
said tho right was liovs, as hor hushquAwasagronl
eoiioral- butshosoon found that othersniqiiitainqd,
on lino ground or tho other, that’ their olaims wero
‘greater ■ Jlunnwkiio tho otircOrs could nql got the
Sodi-s open, rind in coiistarnation one of them hiu
toitcd to tho First Consul and asked linn how they
should settle tho question of precedence'. “Oh,
says Bonaparte, “nothing is cnsior; tell them that
the eldostls tore first!” Tho officer - r s? l,r i ,ia ( ( o
■the lidiori thii'-First WnAlftdetSWonjJimdftstantly.
•tli<™ all felt back ! Tbla gaVd'tho ««i<tersinniop
poritmity. to got tho' doOrs-oeon, tvhen. to thoir as
.Liiisbment, nonoof,tl|C ladfcs .Wore. willing logo
fir'd.--,'After:etariding in thqt, rtdwidoua.
>forl A 1 roorarint,'thoy began to laugh
thoir own folly, and all marched into the dining
hofl wit&ut uelfty-
I-,. l i'jiiii Bri'oKEn’9-i>t>a.‘—A iettoin broitcr had
-» dokA rem4rkab(e"foi’its'intpfifeonoo. Every
Bs.fa(may motalnK from its nuwt«r
KdoUarhULwbicli it carried carefully to markot,
ford with which it paid its moat biU
rdeblleot tSo causo of honest Bepo S'pertinacity,
usual. Bhtfc6 Mft srirpri find ariHoyflnde tbo fl6g,
placing hbtfbre paw upon tbo no tOy gave fW SW?
■ parka to rapid Buccfifeloiif fcnAtonunuod
08t(ng iperformanPo i faniil- hfa ’ t ranater , ‘ nfigHly
up the note/ And foand the cause of tbo,
. ok^laitted-^A*' 1 biU was'discounted tit four
....a I .YU i‘it ’ifTk';,**- .« "■ 5
it 'I-'- .va.ivr.i::. J
Quarteq SESSioiisv^iriidgG Tha cqso of
.tho Commonwealth vn. Anna Moisfor, CaroHuc
tsMullor unjl ©f itefAvni r eijumoii yesto^ay,
hit 12 o'clock' 4 ’The wos'nppa
rcntly in 'taooli bottcr'snivlfa thun upon any'otu'cr
during tho trial.' Slio'fepls qaite sknguhio of
licr acquittal, tmdin'oont'&aiplation of the’tosUmdny
for tho dofanooy tho result oan hardly*b6 Otherwise.
Slio tfas bettoridrogsod-than'gho boa yet nppoared
in Court.-,■ She t wore ■a. handsome grav dowered
silk,dross, with gray sUk gloves to match, and hor
\mxwfi9 purled tp
out of tho largo nftmbor of wUipJSaossubptqnaedfqr.
tho dofynpo woro oxfttqincd, but their tcstimony Sviis,
apparently condlusivo in fiivorof tho defendants.
Thodefencb eloped'hbout 2 o’clock yesterday, aud
Judge Parsons procoe'dud i 6 ‘sum dp for iho Com
. xT«coi Andrews t s\<tQm,-rl .tavp known the,do:
fondants eiglitoen mouths; X attended thoir meet
ings ;Vth9. doctrines proachod werq from Christ,
the s Lofd and the Bible; I doh’t know of any
oihefdocfrines being preached; if there had been
I to them'; sW instructed
,us not to cheat any body; if evory body'would do
. S as she said, there would be no imprisonment; she
said, that those who did not beliovc jn Christ and
God, wopldgo (o,hell; she said,;th*t the world
>Touldcpme to an <epd„some time,, and we should
bo prepared ;.I saw some things that, were given
•to H6r, and I f£ave Something lpy ] t the,articles,
' bo far os I knbw,'wore given voluntarily. ’ f
Crdss eta mined}- —I reside in West Philadelphia;
ngreatirmny personsattended her meetings; I never
heard bereay sb6 was setat by God; X never heard
borsay sho yr&a tho sister of Christ, or that she-was
i tho -Holy Spirit; Iheardbor say she was a sister
««i Christ; I nevor heard her say, Philadelphia yfto
coiuing to an end;, I did nof contribute to tbe t ex
penses of this woman’s defonco; Ibavebad several
conversations with Blnco th,o 'prosecution; I,
have given ber Something sicfce'thjßpropoo'utiori be
gan ; I heard hor preaoh at J Mast’s house; tbere J
was a table sot there; I saw pedplo tbero in a trance
I nevor hoard it said it was revealed by God they
wero to have that feast.
Caroline, Andrew's .smew.rrThiß.wUness teati-'
,mony wag merely a repetition of the last with tho
exception that she said, I saw angels, bring down
the prayer from heaven, printed in Gormnn and in
gojden loiters; it was' shown to rao in a vision by,
the Lord, that I'was to give a silver c'up, and some- 1
dime after I met her in tho street’ mul she* said to
me you aro to buy two silver cups, and I was so
joyful that tho Lord had shown me these things in a
yision thftt I bought them;. X believe everything I
saw and heard; Isaw Samuel and David nnd seve
ral of, the prophets in avision,- - ,
‘ llr.'exajnvied,—&\i<iß)x\& that we muatprny (o the.
Lord, and that wo should see these;,things; she
never said she could make jis soo..these things; she
used‘to givo us supper when Vd stayed Into; shegave
“U 8 tea, aild barley coffee. r
Elin'ibeth sworn —Knows all tho do
fendanta for about two years; I attended! the meet
ings; I woa sincere in my belief. ,> ;
Cross-examined.-* Am a married woman; Anna
Meietor boards with my, sister-in-law; I first bc
cumo, acquainted with hor about two years ago; I •
gave pome contributions^ myself; I liovcr heard her
say she lind any revelations from God.
. Albert Muntzer , sworn —.X uni acquainted with
all, tho dofehdants; I know Annii Meiator for two
years; rattended hor-meetings; I was sincoro in
tiio doctrinos she preached.
' Tbe > testimony of this witness was nearly corrobo
rated in for the defepoo,,and dosed tho defendant’s
caao., i ~ ,
(From tho Pittsburgh Dispatch.) 1
Commencement of Jefferson College,
The fifty-fifth« Commoncemenv of Jofforson Col
lego eaiuo off this wock. « , i . ,
The Alumni of the College held their nnnual
meeting on Tuesday. Rev. Dr.,McKinney, editor
of tho Presbyterian Banner and" was
called to the chair, and Rev. James Allison, of Se-,
•wiokley, appointed Secretary. Only about thirty
wore present—a small representation for an array
of graduates.which is almost numbered by.thou‘<
sands. An / interesting interchange of sentiment>
followed, in which Rev Dr. Smith, of Grobnsburgbi'
author of “ History of Jefferson “College,” arid,
Old Redstone,’’.Professor Williams, of LouiaViilo,
Rev. D. H. A. MqLoan, Prinoipal of our City High,
School,' James Veech, Esq., Ropublioan oandidato
lot Supremo Judge. 11-;v- Dr., Sloan and qtiiors
paHicipated. A tor-s-jlm; infonmil di.-Knissiim 'of
vnrioaa’tapioa, a'obmmittoo crinsiSfipg ‘6£ Dr.SmitU,
Mr. Voeeli and another, (naiho not dMaincd) VnS
npjiointod to report ' resolutions on Such ‘snbjoots as
they might sim fit, to report at a subsequent moot
ing, to bo hold in tho ovoning aftor Gov. Pollock's
'adUrcss, which was delivered in tho'evening. On
jVodnosdny tho Commencement exorolsos canto off.
• • Tho Graduating Glass consisted of flfty-thrco
yonng gontlomen, of'whom, the’following— after
prayer by Itov. Dr. Brown.' brid’ opening music by
Young’s oxoollont brass .band—proceeded tb ad
' dross tho assembly : , : ' ~
~ English Sulntiitory, . Dan. W. I-'ishor, ArOh.
Spring, Pa.;, Greek Salutatory, C. W. -Mateor,
London, Pa.; Limit of tho Mind, J. J 5. Oarothors,
Uqral Yalloy, Pa.; Pirstlmpressions, 0. B-,Downs,
-Drownsvillo, Pa.; .Modern Eloquorico —itn True
.Aim, R. J. Evans, Ebonsburg, l’a.; Extornal
llonoi>-its Vauity, A. B. Fields, Sbirlaud, Pa.;
Sublime iin.-Naturol-Jitb Effocfs, j. D. FitkgeraldJ
Chamhorsburg, Pa.;'Justice—tho stay of the State, 1
'J. M. Foster, Pittsburgh, Pa.; The Development
of Genius, A'. S.' Foster, Allegheny City, Pa,; The'
Coinot pf’of, .Georgo -P. Hays, Candnslnirg,'Pi.;l
Isliun, J. IV. Jielkins. .Vewtou JlamiltoUjnPa.;-:
Mathematics—a Mental Discipline, J. McCartney,
Armagh, Pa.; Earnestness of Purpose, J. E. Mo- 1
Pl;orran, Spruce Creek. Pu.; Llborty Essential to
True Ureatiiess, -'M ' Ml Marling, Valley Grove.
Ya.; Eloquenco of Ruins, J. A. MarithalL-fildpey,
Ohio; “We Live In, ThtShghts,” R., B.’’Moore,
'-Ponnsville, Pa.; The Functions of Literature, 3,
J. Nioholls, Mount Pleasant, Pa.; Tho Diamond In
'tha Dark! T. X. Orr, Orrstown, ,Pa.| The Fallen
Stitejiuan, J B. Ropb, Oskaloosat, Ist; Tiicitecord
of tho Rooks, James P. Smith, .Gradnshurg, Pa.;
Vongoanco of the Futuro; W. S Wood, Do Witt,
'fal; Valedictory, Thomas W. Pioreo,,Nbw Orleans,.
■ Louisiana. ■- s.- -I 1 -
Tho following goritloniericompose the rest of .the
olass: 1 * , , , ,
.L XL Arnold, Bloomfield. Pa;; William Rsllan
tine, Chnonspurg, Pa.; W. W. Ballard, Priuoess
Ann, Md.; A. W. Boyd, Meoh»nidsU»wn, 0. Jj. P;
Burchfield.'Pino GrOvo Mills, Pa:;- U. B. Craig,
Welsh Itun, Pa.; M’illiam V. A. DeftdriokVJones
boro’, Torin.; H. C. T- Eranklln,’ Pa.; $. G.
Dunlap,'Edinburg,'o.D.'lL HArsha, Adams Co.,
o.{ D.,iL Henderson,, SboJoola, Pa- i A. b.-Hoge,
New York city; F v XL Kennedy, Siicramento city,
Cal.; N. A.'MoDimald, Shade Gup,'Pa.Edw. l
McDonald, Nobloatown, Pu<; 8. V. McK«e( Vin
(jenn.oo, Ind.; W. P.’MeNite, Shirolysbtirk, Pn'. j
J. P. Matthews, Shippenuburg.Pa.; W- C. Neely,
Soivicklovvillo, Pn:; W. H. Hooves, MpunL Ploa
sniit. In.: W. M. lUohlo, Mansfield, 0.; J. W.
Robb, AJbia. la.; J. J. Shuitorlv, lowa City, la.;
t'Jamos .Smith, Eldersrldgo, Pa.} B. D. Sproull,
Allegbony City. Pa.; 0. Townsend, West ‘Man
chester. Pa. ; T. F. 'NVallaoo, New Alomndt-ia’ Pa.;
W. L. Wallace, Allbgheny City, Pa.; U. R. Wlost
ling, Middlotown, Pn.; Ij. vt. Wilson, Morgan
town. Va. ,
1 Thot fitst bohor waß divided between' Messrs.
Pierce andiMitteoryaml tho second between Messrs;
Fisberand D. C. Marquis, of Pulaski, ! Pft." Tbe
latter gontloman did not deliver bis Latin Solutiy;
tory owing to unavoidable übsono6.'
Tho following honorary degrees wore tffori eon
'ferred by 1 authoriW of, the Trustees;
. L. L- l). upon Xfon. James Pollock, of Pennsyl*
and Rev. Dr. Vermilye, of New York; D. I>,
upon Rey. Do<r G. Pripio, of jfew yorkfßQV. Mt.
- McNair, of L New' Jersey ; w ßov. James Alexander,
■'of’Ohio; Rev. Alexander Donaldson, of Elders
ridge, Indiana eo.: Rev. Joseph Soroggs, of Ligo
niof. .WustroorclaptUco.; ;Rov. D.j 0. MOLaren,
Gehovm’N.. ’Ruv. Mr. Gorhnrt, President of
Frauklia arid bfnrsball College, Lancaster, Pa..;
:Rev. SD- Mopboil, President of Lafayotto College,
Ra(itouvPn. 1
Thb Fa'i» anV Fbutile Douain' of Berks.—
The editor of tbo Gertaantowh appears
til have fallen in !oVo“ with'tbo* rioh jioritugo in
-which the lot of tho people,of Berks has sheen oust
Listen to tlio glowing description ho giyos it, and
every word true.:.'.: •i '• • il f ' ' ,J ■
;■ •* Doric 3 from what, wo have seen of it—
vahd that Ims been il good deal—la ono of tbo richest
Agricultural districts hi tho State, ami tho business
of farming there appears to bo well understood. In
a trip lam week, into tbo interior of tho county, we,
wore much gratified with tbo rippcaraooo ortho erojis
generally; Tho hay had very nearly air been
gathered, and an unsurpassed crop it The
wheat and rye wero boing cut, and some of it was
already safely housed. Those wero more than an
average crop. , L Tho oats was never better J so with
the potatoes; and ,80, wo shall fearlessly, add, with
the corn.' Taking tho latter crop in tho aggregate
woido not bcli&vo it has exhibited a hoalUiipr ap*
pesrnneo in live years.thmighperhapsalittlo'toUer
at tlio time we spenk, but this we do not consider q :
matter of any inqiortance. The housea’nnd horns
of the fannerß of Berks; are unusually fine and
! «pa«iou9, the minor out-houßea and improvementa
arq appvopriftte, altogether indicating an nir'of in-'
dependency and comfort which it docs one - good to
witness, nnd which .wo vonture to say is not to bo
found, to an equal exfont, in uny othor eountiy on
.t|io globe.”
Impoetaht Diboovkv in tmelron Trade.—
A B itiah jouimd eay« that Mr. John Ilurding.
manuging partner in the Bcefllon Manor Iwnworks,
Leeds, haa .just patented un improved method' of
freeing iron-fltono and other ni6tal ores from shale
and otherextiancous mutter. To those whoixro‘not.
acquainted with the modo of and
-prupnring it for’the bhist fiirnjieo, it may bo'neeca
sui-y- to prennso that the Iron ore to' embedded
iq ‘shalo;. which inub’t by removed prior lb the
ore 1 being Bent to thw blast fmmice. Hitherto this
has boon accomplished by spreading tpo oro upon
? tbcaurfaeo, mid.-suldccting |t to. the,'action.of tho
.WeAthcr until tho snalo is sutUdenUy lopsyned to
allbwof itsbeingohiripodor *• napped ”’off the ore
by manual labor. This is a udrk of months and
,yo»irs, and it is jiu(. oply, a ly;igb|it.«Ua. a cpstly pro
co.4, iu consequeneo of the number of,nicu uoccjj
saiily employed in spreading, shipping, Ac. Mr.
Ilatuinghidlrtoovory dispeuse'i ultC-'Other with tho
nudesaity for subjecting tlio oro to tho action of the
air, aud hy tho application of stham accomplishes in
two or three hours that which has prdvioiisly occupied
ono or two years.,
\ Tho great American phiiqsoplier aud Htutoynum,
Boiijamin Franklin 1 , drew up tlio following list of
J inoral : virtnca, (o which he paid cousturit and
earnest atlcntion, ami thereby mado himself n
betler and happier man. ; ‘
Temperance. —Eat not lo fullness drink not to
Hileucf.— Speak not hut what may benefit others
or yourself: avoid trifling conversation. ,
O/dfr.— Let all*your things have their places';
let each partof-yoiir biiHinoßS haVe It« time,
q Restitution. —Resolve to ‘perform what you
ought ; perform without fail what you ve^olVe.
Frni'aHty —Make no oxponne, but do good to
others ns yuurself; thot is. wosto nothing.’
Jndnstn/.— Lpsi-* no. time; bo always employed
;in soinetmrig useful; out. of all unnecessary.-ac
lions. ’
Sincerity ■ —Use no hurtful deceit; think inno
cently arid justly; ahd if you speak, speak,aecorJ-,
tngly.' ‘ ’
. Justice.— :Wrong none by doing Injuries, or omit
ting fDb benoflts that nre your duty.' 1
, moderation.— extremes; forbear resent
ing injuries. ’ ’ < »
Cleanliness, —Suffer no uncleapUness in body,
blothos, or habitation. . .
*'-'Tranquility.— Bo pot disturbed abqut trifles, or
at iocldenta common qr ( unavoidable,. ~ -
' Jiff.VriiVfj'y.—lmitate Jesua Christ’.- .
,tf ' J '• 1 ' * ’ ’ —: 1 '
* According to' the Treasury estimates, there'!
'ate in this' country rtbout’ $250,000,000 in'gdldj'
o£ uhtoh'a little more than a fifth Uin the Buuks,, l ,
loayirigHttlo'flhortof'two'hundred'ijiUUdns to Uo' -
‘found elsewhere. The Treasury'hoards very .«»•' *• ‘j
plo, Allowing?*>D|Qo>vflyft*TftUbw*l esUjßtttfr*-wbb fyfciiyls on board br/g- ,l weir Era,” daily expected from'
inaotuftl.Uße, there remains $125,000,000 whleh<ia‘ tfavana/and for Rsle low, by Cn ABbKS-TBTii, ..
hbardedby.thopeople, and to an extent six tints’ ■ .(New), 138. Y>l»ut street, halo* ,,
j !/ : ■AH l, >■ It ‘I y 'U,i- ■' -I Utj 9l , •
Dr* FranklinS Moral Code.
84Mt>iV * Mkftrfer? . fl ■’ \’A *^tro'tfAN
! wiluah h. kvrbick: t • - ’ ‘ •*'
cjoutitwark foundry,; ~
, ' PHILADELPHIA. 'U. ■' . , . ,
■ m " MEKKICK & SONS, ; ,■
manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, lor,
I.nud.lUver, tt!idMwdn° BerTlce - • • 1
JloiW.'Gworoetcrt, T«ux«, Iron Boat*, &e., Oost
,Jug* of al|.kinds, either Ironi«r knws. - -• "
Iron frame roofs for Go* VI orks,Workshops, Railroad
Stations,',ic« ~s . . >• • > ,- v . ", *» •
' Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest, ahd. most
improved construction.
Every description of. Plantation inachinery, such as
Bugar> Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Fans, Open Steam
Trains,'Defocator»>FiUers, Pumping Engine, Ac.". *.
Solo Agent* for N. RiUieux’s ■ patent- Sugar . Boiling
Apparatus; Nasrayth’s Fafont Steam l Hammer; J. P,.
Ross 1 Patent yajve‘Motion;for l ;Blast Machinery and
Steam Pumj-s. »
Superintendent-*-#* n - BARTGL'. au3-y '
I.’ • . . SPH7NO GARDE* fITREfirS,
Engaged exclusively iti the manufacture of
Manufacture* fo'order LocoraiotWes’ of any arrange
ment, weight or capacity, for the nse of Wood or Cp*t,
or JnluminotflUoa/ *» erudr Mate, or
" • wiTSOor irjinTikp tfsiOkß, gas or firs.
In-design, Material and workmabship, the Locorao
tivos produced at these Works are'equal to,•and,not ex
celled by any. The,materlala'used In. construction are
made on thfe spot', and Insure .the best quality and most
reliable stdek. The'large extent of Shops, and Cum*
plete Eq\lipmtnt of machinery and Tools, enable
them to exeiut® the ' '
' ‘‘ OP A2fr’A»BAHOBArBMr I RE(}pZB2D.
* * With Forgings of any size or form,
1 . i: iron :Ain) brass castings,
i ’ ' Aiid MACHINE WORK generally.
aul-Iyi, - t , - , r .
X ER WORKS. < , ,
1 Ilaving for many years been in successful Operation,
ahd been exclusively engaged in building and repairing
Marine and River Engines, high and low pressure, Iron
.JJofrt*,••Water, Steaks* Propellers, &ef* Ac.s respoctfullv
offsr their servioea to the public, as being fully prepared
to contract for Engines of all .sizes, Marine’, River and
Stationary; Having sets 1 of patterns' of'different sizes,
are prepared l to execute orders' with'qulck despatch.
Every description of -Pattern-maklng fond© at the
fhortest notice. < High and Low Pressure; Elue.'Tnbu
lar and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Pennsylvania char
coal iron. Forgings of all sizes and kinds; Iron'and
Jlrass Castings of all descriptions; Roll Turning, Screw
Cutting, and all other work connected with the above
business. - .'t . 1 - . •' 1 1 .
Drawings and specification* for all work done at their 1
establishment free of charge, and work guaranteed,
. The subscribers hare am'plo wharf dock room for re
pairs of boat*, where theycan lav in perfect safety, and
aro provided with shears, blocks, falls, Ac., Ac,, for
raising heavy or light weights. - • ’ - ' 1 1 •
ftul-y REACH and PALMER Streets, Kensington.
Handy & morris—
. ■ also, ~ ' ;
, Warehouse S. E. comer FRONT and WALNUT.
aul*3m 1 11 ■
itUMeiuea, * t t
This is now the great standard remedy for diseases of
the Blood , Stomach and Liver.
If^Dtfhavd' AUahitSroluj br ScYbyulous affectrbu, ai
onde useJ^qj^peHat^srymf»pe.. i ■■
* ' jCell«r.—Are you troubled with this obstinate and un
mleftfant disease ? Use the Imperial Depuralive. Try
but one.bottle. • • - t . j ■ . ■ m- 1 • . •
. Have you White Swelling, Hip Disease, or Glandular,
Swelling! ? Tbo Imperial Depuraiivc will effect a cure.
Try it. . ‘ , , ' ; , . i . -
For Pimples, Blotches andEruptlonsof the Skin,gene>i
rally, you have a prompt and. certain remedy In the Im
penal , One bottle will satisfy you of its
efficacy. ' ,
Use the Ittipcrial Bepurative, if you would have, a.
clckr, healthful, and beautiful complexion. ~, >,
, Use the Imperial Bepurative (of a diseased - state of
thd Liver. or Stomach. < • i • , , •
For females of a weak and debilitated habit and Bhat--
required to re-inyigorate the frame and restore the ner
vous system towhealthy state. . ' '
We,know the fuir value of this great as we
aro using H every Say In an extensive practice, and see
its great curative powers manifested in numerous cases.
Wo it has up equal In thjs country. -
The careful preparation, great purify and strength of
tho Imperial Bepurative renders large doses or long
Continued use of it unnecessary. It acts directly upou
the diseased and it is not necessary to wait mouths
to discover the benefits to,be gained. ’
, If yon wish io purify and enrtcA tho JB/ood, and pre
sent disease,’os' well as cqro \t at this season of the
fear, .use'oijo or two bottles of the Imperial Bepurative,
and w'd will guarantee its beneficial effects,
Prepared by Dr. LOUNBBKRRY A CO., and for sale
at the Principal Office, No. 60 North Fifth street, three
doors below Arch, where'patents may cousult Di.L.
dally, free of charge. , .
, The Imperial Uepufalitt is tho groat remedy of the
nlnbt^oothcentury. ~ -
TION, Extract Buehu, removes all the s^mptons,,
wbloh‘will bd found Indisposition' to exertion,'
Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Dimculty 6f Breathing,
Geneml Waakness, Horyof 6i Disease/ Weak Nerve®,
Trambllng; Dreadful’ HOrrbr of Death. Night Sweats,
Cold Foot, WakefdkieSs,' Dlmhess of Vision, Languor,
Universal Lassitude of the Muscular SyßtemYiffoh enor
mous Appetite or Dyspeptic‘Symptoms, Hot'Hilnds,,
Hushinga of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Pallid
Countenance, Eruptions on the Face, Pklns in tho Back,
Heavi n efla of the Eye Lids, frequently Black Spota flying
before tho Eyes, with temporary Suffusion. Losffof Sight.
If those symptons are allowed to go on, which this me* ‘
dicine Invariably removes, Soon follow Fatuity"and Epi
leptic Fits. 7 ■ ' 1 “ •
of the above distressing' ailments, use HELM-
IiO LD*3 PREPARATIONS. Try thbnt, and be convinced
of their efllcacy, ! ’ *
RATION, Extract Buchu, <. < >
“Give health and vigor to th&frnmo.
And bloom to the piillid chcuk
’ And uro so nleasaut in their taste,>that patients be
come food of them.
HELMBOLD’S genuine prepara
'TlON, Extractßuchu-ySee overwhelming eviden
ces which will be produced to, show that they do great
good to all who honor them with a trial. Evidence open
for the inspection of all.
TION,'Extract Buchu 1 .-—Price $1 per Bottle, de
livered to any address. ' Depot,'s2 South TENTH street,
Awvembly Building, below CHESTNUT street, Phlladet.
phin. ’
Address letters, If. T.IIELMBOLD, 52 South TENTH
street, below CHESTNUT, Philadelphia. »
Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Bewaro
of Counterfeits.
TION; Extract Buchu, for all Diseases of thd Blad
der. Kidney*. Gravel, Dropsy, Nervous and Debilitated
Sufferers. ' aul^m**
Su miner iiesorts,
Tue mountain house, capon
SPRINGS. VIRGINIA, wjll hi* opened for the re
ception of visitors on MONDAY, 22d JUNE, and will open until the Ist OCTOBER.
Through Tickets can he obtained at Baltimore. Wash
ington, nichroond and Alexandria/ '
> I‘aasengors leaving Baltimoro in the early morning
{rain, via Alexandria and Manassas Gap Railroad to
reach tho Springs from 5 to 6 o’clock same
evening, mid those from Baltimoro.and tho West, via
Harjicr’s Ferry add Winchester, from ff to 9 P M. 1
Mul-‘iw 1 J, N. BUCK/Proprietor.
Mountain house,
• - Capon Sprinos, July 22d,1857.
1 A CARD.’—Tho BubBcribei!• tuning understood that
Xejiorts ore lu circulation in Baltimoro that ho intends'
closing the Mountain House for tho season, takes this
method of contradictlug them, and saying, while tho
boiupony Is notqillto so large A 3 usual, still it is fair,
considering the lateness or the season, with daily ac
ntfisions und a prospect of a much later season than
fuuial. It will bo KEPT OPEN TILL THE FIRST OF
OCTOBER, and longer, If necefesury.
} nnl-2w i ... ■ JOHN N. BUCK.
'\J COUNTj;, FA.-rTheso Springnuat© located at ft
Ivory high elevation in Adorns county, Pennsylvania.—
Thoy.will be OPEN for the reception Of visitor* on the
Isth of JUNE, under the superintendence of WILLJAM
11. IJAMB, of Baltimore, with an.'t‘fiicient corps of
The distanco from Baltimore, by a smooth
turnpike, is aliout 65 mileSn Visifor?leaving Baltimoro
In tliciporning train via the Northern Central and Cum
berland Talley Railroad, will arrive at tho Springs tho
same evening for tea* by omnibuses, from Chambers
burg. The distance from .Chauiberyburg is 16 miles
'over a smooth turnpike! road.
CAI‘K aUY, OAPK ISLAND.—Th>H large and
'splendid Hotel lb novf OI’KN for visitors. It is fitted up
fwlth k*w, and is distinguished for gomfort 4 locality nod
superior ttecommodalloub, with uiuplo. room for ‘.200
poison*.. ~ j ... .(
4 ' NATIONAL 11ALL occupies a square of high ground
near tho Surf, enjoying tho ptiro sea brcwe, and uuob'
-atruetod view of tho Ocoau
Terms moderate.
. HOUSK, OAI‘E MAY—TWh ,well-known and U
vorltu Houso Is uow open for the reception 'of'hohWeru.
It id situated in tho middle of tho lulund, and cloio to
tho Boa, aud its equal to any of tho
luj-go Hotels, oorcblned with the comforts of home; nnd
no pains will bo spared by, tho Proprietors in giving saf
lafaction to all who may pay thorn u visit ‘
,1 au3~4*
.11. I>. STPAItU. .X p ‘ ,
S, R. SPRINGKIt, j p m>rieiors.
i)ool0 anb Slices,
MAHKKT and VlffTU Street**.
Gentlemen’* Best Patent Leather Gaiter Boots.
“ “ Calf ' do. ‘ do.
“ « Patent Leather Oxford Ties,
“ “ Calf do. do.
• i “ Patent Leather and Calf narrow
strap Shoes. , ■
Hoyt*’ nint Youtha’ Patent Leather and Calf Akin
Gaiter Boots and Shoes
uul-tf I’or solo by
KET Street, and ,No<i: 3 and 6 FRANKLIN PLACE,
have uotf In store a large and well-assorted stock of
BOOTS ftml SnOE3, of City and Eastern manufacture,
which they offer for sale on the heat terms for Cash, or
on the usual credit.
Buyers are invited to call and examine their stock,
.aiil-dtf .
®ol)acro,anJi (figure.
■A httn&omo assort^
Havana ci^ak
intent, socb aa
•, • Pißiaro, , - Partagas,
OnWnaß, ■ Sultans, 1
Gloria, . Juyltar, .
” C-oloso, ConvereUntea,
(Toi-rey, Lopes, , . Uelon Americana,
;l Orejon, ; . ’, • * Flora. Cubans, ko. t &&..
ko.Jin k, x, I*6 and I*lo boxes, of all Hites and. qUaljl
tlrrn: in store and constantly receiving,.and for sale low,
* ' J kbw) , mWAXSWftre«i;‘"
belong s eeppa t &£coij A ►Mur
\ '.AM'
WALNUT perpetual/ ‘Authorised
eamtil u s|fQo,Qoo. 1 ,- , * j, ' ,/ ‘ * \ ’ ,",
FiRB ‘ INSURANCJ?—O& .ln&rchaadUcgenerally,
household furniture, op scores, dtrelUnga £'<», Limited
srperpetual'/,. . , ■ . .* , , ,
v MARINE* INSURANCE-—On ‘cargoes, freights, and
Yesselfl.-to ail parts of the world.
INLAND INSURANCE—On goods by rivers, canals, ’
InkOH, &nd land carriage, to all parts of the couutry.'
• > Charles C. Lathrop, l423Walnutpiyf«t
’ Alexander WhUfdlri. 14 North Front Street.
. Henry D. Moore, FarauUar \yalput St.
JohhthHiuitbtyfirm of Wright, Hanl£r& Urf - ••*
K. Tracy, firm of Tracy & Baker.
Thoa. L. Gillespie, firm of Gillespie A, Zullor, ’
Stillwell S. Bishop, firm of Bishop,gluons & Co. i''
William Barling, (late of Beading.)
' Isaac Haiiphurst, Counsellor.
J. R. McCurdy, firm of Jones, White & McCurdy.
John Rico, 90 South ‘Fourth street, ■ '
Jna. 11. Smith, firm of James p. Smith & Co.‘
Tbeo. W< Baker,,Golds/dltli& > Hall, /_
E. Harper Jeffries, finnofWra H.Brown & Co.
... ... . .■ c.C.XATHROP,President
. . . . ,WM. BARLING, Vice President.
• Joseph ,T. find Treasurer.
H. K RicnAK'DSbk,‘Assistant Secretary.. augS-ly
1 StIRANCE COMPANY; incorporated by the State
of Pennsylvania iu 1648, ore now established In their
NEW OFFICE, No. 4& CHESTNUT Street, where they
are prepared ropke ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE,
from LOSB BY FIRE, on’ property of every description,
in Town or Country, including PUBLIC BUILDINGS,
Also, MERCHANDIZE of all kinds: BTOOKB OP
GOODS, Stocks of COUNTRY ! STORES: 1 (Foods on
ELRY, FIXTURES; fitc.,- Ac., Ac, Ac., at moderate
rates of premium, and for any peploa of tune.
This Company refer -to -thoir past career as an ample
guarantee for the PROMPT SETTLEMENT of all their
LOSSES. '-There'a<e' at this time'no unsettled claims
agaipst them, ROBERT P. KING, Frea’t.
M. W. BALDWIN, vice PreVt.
Francis Blackburns, Sec’y, ( 4ul-8m
NUITIES.; . , ,
Office No. 804. Walnut street, above' Third.. Open
from ,9 ofclock, A. M.. to 3 o’c!ock, r. M. Capital
$500,006. * ;
This, Company Insure Lives, grant Annuities, sell
Endowments, purchase Interests, and make contracts
in gepera), that depend upon'the contingencies of life^
They act as Executors, Administrators,and Assignees;
also, as Trustees for Minora and Heirs.
They receive MONEY on deposit, and allow interest
from date of deposit until called for. All sums being
repaid mi DEMAND: ' •„
William Kirkham,
Henry J. Williams,
John K. Mitchell. M. D„
J. Pemberton Hutchinson,
Edwin M. Lowis,
P. Hopkin&ou, .
COMPANY, Southeast Corner of THIRD and, DOCK
Streets. Capita 1,5613,725,03. . ‘
- INSURES LIVES for short terms, or for the whole
term,of life—grants annuities and endowments—pur
chases life on, interests in Kqal Estate, and makes ail
contracts depending on the contingencies of Life.' • ,
' They ,act,.as Executors, Administrators, Assignee*,
Trustees ana Guardians.
Fiyel’er Cent. Interest allowed from date of deposit,
payable back on demand without notice.
ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, January Ist, 1857.
Loans of- the State of Ppapsylyfyiia,PbllA-,
dolphla CUy, Pefm’a Railroad: Camden'
And Amboy Railroad, and other Loans $179,885 38
Bonds, Mortgages and'RealEstate.ll7,l37 19
Stocks in llanksj Insurance, Gas'and Kail*
road Companies... ,81j729 98
Premium Notes and Loans on Collaterals.,./ 193,693 01
Cash in Bank, dpe ’ from Agents, Inter- ,
est, 4c 38,780 47
Guarantee Capital, Subscription N0te5...... 109,000 00,
' - - r ' 1 ‘ ’ j7ii O3
DANIEL L. MILLER, President’., ,
, - SAMUEL E. STORES, Vice Pxea’t.
Jons W. Hobnob, Secretary. • . ,aul-ly
Jl\. TRUST COMPANYj—lncorporated by, the Legis
lature of Pennsylvania. 'Capital, $5PQ,009, Charter
perpetual.'; Office*in"the Company's'Building*, S. K.
Corner rtf. WALNUT, and FOURTH. Streets'. Philadel
phia. • ’ ..
'This Company insures lives during the natural lift,
fr Tor short terms, at tho usual mutual rates of other
Bound companies. " 1 1 11
Stock rates about Twsktt per Cent. lower than above,
1 Preuiiams may bo,'paid Quarterly, half yearly or
yearly.*' " <,
Money received on deposit daily, by this old-estab
lished lDStltpti6oJ returnable in Gold, on demand, with
five per cent: interest added.
> Office from' 9 A.M. till 5 P. M.,*nd on Mon
days till BP. Si: • . ALEXANDEB WHILLDIN,
JouK.,C,..3i«g,ffec > y.,,, [nul-10t]' President.
COJ7PANY:-iUhArtfr Perpetual.- Granted by
State of 'Pennsylvania. - Capital, $500,000. Fire,
Marine, and Inland Transportation. : ' ’
\ AarOn 8, v Lippincott, Charles Wise,’
Wtrf.' A‘. Rhodes, 'Alfred Weeks,
*■' Charles J. Field. James P. Smyth,
■ Wm;-B.'Thomas; J. Rinaldo Sank,
Wm. Neal, John P. Simons,
AARON 8. ‘LIPPINCOTT, President.
WM. A. RHODES,' Vice President. ,
. ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary.
" J. W. MARTIEN, Surveyor.
v Th)s Company was organised with a cash capital, and
the Directors hate determined to adapt the business to
Its available resources—to observe prudence in conduct
ing its affairs.Vith a'prompt .adjustment of losses.
Office No, IQ Merchants’ Exchange, Philadelphia,
aul-dly ‘ ~ .
The mercanti*
No. 22t WALNUT Stated o\
RIKE RISKS on Vessels, C
Canal*, Boats, and other cm
suredj an<l anfiplo gefiaritjr Is
Thomtw T. Butcher,
Algernon E. Ashburner,
Alfred Fafißitt,
Thomas S. Foster,
Qust&rus English,
■James 11, Stroup,
Alfred Blade, •
•A'.' O'. C&ttell, ■* J f
Chattel B. Carstalrs,
SamUel Robinson,
John OiKeffer,
John P. Steiner,
Heury Grambo,
Win. J Caner, ■
KRIS MILES, President.
BlTT,’‘Tice President. •
y. oal-Iy
02 WALNUT ntfiet, lest of THIRD.
Jer. Walker. •
Jno. HeOlurd,
Tho. Craven,
A. S. Gilleit, ‘
Furman Sheppard;
Sami. Jones, M. D.,
Joseph Klapp, M. D.
' Edward Harris Miles, ]
John M. Odeuhelraer,
Mah lon Williamson,’
Samuel J. Sharpless,
' Isaac Jdanes, <
1 Henry Preaut, 1
.Edward ft. James,
William L.
Pr&nkUn 0. ■
l)&Dfel Haddock, Jr,
. .WiJlifcw Taylor,
James Murphy, >
’,'Wm. P. Smith,'
A. J. Aotelo,
Samuel L. C
Johk C. ICefker, Secretary
Win. M. Strain,
> John Ansp&ch, Jr.,
if.W. Burroughs,
J.B. Hughes, ,
y. D. Bhprm«nJ
Yf in. P. Hacker.
J. P.'Steiner,-
H. A. Shackelford,
lfon. JOE*, JONES, President
Hon. d. W, WOODWAJID, Vice l»rf*sideot.
Jso. 8. McMpluh, Secretary,.
' Jams* B Alvoßd, Assistant Secretary. ftul-3m
Cash* Capital $300,000, . Losses in Philadelphia and
vicinity adjusted at the Philadelphia Office.
By leave w& refer to r • . ,
D. d. Brown A Co.. Phila, ( Hon. Joel Jones, Phila.
Chaffoes, Stout A Co'., “ ‘ ] Hdn. RufuaOhoate, Boston
Hacker, Left & Co., “ [Hon. T. 8, Williams, Uart’d
Wo have facilities f6r placing any amount of Insu
rance in the most rrliablo Companies. . '
AGENCY, No. m (old 1
company; op the state op pennsylta-
NlA.—oaice, N. W. Corner FOURTH and WALNUT
Streets, Philadelphia.-—Subscribed Capita), $500,000.
Paid-up Capital, $200,000.
; DAVID JAYNE, M. D., President.
! THOMAS 3. STEWART, Vice Pres’t.
Samuel S. Moon, Secretly, , . / aul-ly
Incorporated by the State ot Pekketlyaiua.
’Jfonoy is received in any sum, large or smalt, and in
terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with
drawal. '
The office Is open every day from 0 o’clock in the
morning till 7 o'clock in the evening,' and on Monday
and Thursday eveniugs till 9 o’clock. 1
- Ail turns, large or small, are paid hack iu gold on de
mand, without uotice, to any aiuhunt.
’ - ' HON.'HENRY L. BENNER,-President, .
: ROBERT BELFRIDCHS, Vice President.
\Ym. S. 11b to, Secretary,
lion Henry L. Benner, O. Laudreth Munns,
Edward L. Carter, F. Carroll Brewster,
Robert Seifridge, Joseph B. Barry.
Sami. K. Ashton, Heury L. Churchman,
. Jpmcs B. Smith, j Francis Leo.
This Company confines Its business entirely to tho
receiving of .money on interest. Tho inveatmonta,
amounting to over
aroiinade in conformity with the provisions of the
RENTS, and such flint class securities as will always in
sure perfect security to the depository, and which can
not I ail to givo permanency and btuhility to this Insti
tution. ‘ i . . } - aul-ly
IOiFJFTII and WALNUT Streets. Open daily, from
9 to 3, and t>a Tuesday and Friday Evening** until 8
o’clock, . Largo or small sums received; and paid with
out'uotioe, with FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST, by
check or otherwise,. • JOHN THOMSON, Pres’t.
' i i 1 VICB PBtSIOB.NTS,'
John 11. Austin, '
John JS. Addicts, •
Belemon Alter,
M. W. Baldwin, . ,
William Clwk, ,
1 ErhrouD Clark, Jr.,
Charles S. Carstsira.
Robert Clark,
A. 3. Droxel,
CbojU-H Dntilh,
- Win, U. Foster,
Benjamin Gerhard,
John Jordan, Jr.,
,Lewis Lewis, Jr.,'
[VO. 83 (241) DOOR STREET,— FIVE
NO. 88 ( 241) DOCK STREET. —FIVE
N. B. Conor o{ OBEBNUT and TENTH' '
tb* State of Peuneylranla. 1805.
w received dally from 0 to 4, end'Mid on do*
-maud/with intorentJ, -»*,»■
DepoMU received from merchant! end ethers, payable
iViejbeckeotfeight. '■ 5
,<) Interest allowed ontbe arerij^baliuiees.
, • JOHN MILLER, President*
U JO9. .W. SOUpSß, 'Vice president.
J. : Lt.HUTCHINSON,* BeewUry. *ul-lm
aiid-KiitlH TraiP aiM CANE MunnlMturw, So. 4
(Km* fOUOTU Street. »“ 4
1711,PORING BOARDS—23,6BO feet Cato
-T ;..nVfl Mrtng^,.pfor) »al & b l!sijiß
k' ; ' IWfartfcWtterßtwt*
, i(s . - ; • J ■<; ”
Joseph Swift,
Thouiaa Biddle,
William H. Hart,
IVro. S- Vaux, •, ■.
Win. .IfanrißT, ■, ,
J.'R. Wucherer.
>pposlt«th©Exchange. IIA*
Cargoes, and Freights. Df
)N RISKS, per Railroads,
Idl'd annually among the As*
n cases of lout.
'TOB3. _ "
to. 146) CHESTNUT ST.
Suoinflu 1 Jrnnbs.,
ffm. 0. Ludwig, i
I). 0. Levy,
Charles £ Lex,
A. Mlskey,
Israel W. Morris, Jr.,
Win. Neal,
Thos, Kcilson, _ _
Thomas S. Jtoed, M. D.
Jiuntj. ItussoU,
Thus. I*. Spurnawkj
Oscar Thompson,
Peter Williamson,
Isaac S. Waterman,
Charles T. Yerkes.
proposed to the Constitution of the
accordance 1 with the prorfcrionp o|,vt%-vn»n vsiclp
f IR3T AMSSfilttSf.'
. There eh all be an additional article to said Constitu
tion to be designated as article eleven, as follows
autiolk xj, • *• , .
OF PUBLIC DEBTS. ‘ 1 l * '
Sccrrlo* 1. The State may contract debts, to* supply
casual deficit or failures in revenues, or to meet expen?
sph not otherwise provided--»ferj but • -the'
amount of inch debts direct-and contingent, whether
contracted by virtue of one or more acta of the general
assembly, or at-different periods of-time-,shall horse ex
ceed seven hundred and fifty thousand dollar?, and the
money arising from the creation of such Wfitif, bo
applied to the purpose for which It was obtained, or to
repay the debts so contracted, aml to- ho dtaen purpose
wh&teve*. - *
esoriox ?, To addition to the above- limited power,
the State may contract debts to repel Invasion, suppress'
insurrection, defend the State in war, or Jo redeem the
present outstanding indebtedness, of the State; hut the
raondy arising from thecontracting of such debts, shall
he applied to the purpose .for which |t wad,raised, or to
repay snch debts, and to no other purpose whatever,
BeotioxS. Except the debte'ahqre specified, ixt u c- 1 -’
tioos one and two of tbis'artiele, no debt whatever
shall be created by,’ dr on behalf of’the State.
BsorioN 4, To provide for tha 1 payment of the present
debt, and any additional debt contracted os aforesaid,
the legislature shall, at its first setsiok after the sdbp
. tion of this amendment, create arfnkmg fund: which
shall be sufficient to' pay the. accruing Interest on' soeh
debt, and annually to reduce the principal thereof by a
sum not less than t»© Jmtfdred and fifty thousand del- 1
law; which sinking-fond shall consist of the net annual
income of the publUr work?,* from time to time owned by
the State, or tbe l pniemiw •Bid hale of the 1 tame, or
any part thereof, and of the *noome r or proceeds of sale
of stocks owned by the Sttte.‘together with other funds,
or resources,' that may bo designated ’ by, law .* JTbf Jfc#
sinking fund may bo increased, time, by as
signing to it any part of the tiles; or other revenues of
the State, not required /ip? opdina?y*nd current ex
penses of government, and unless in cash of war, inva
sion or insurrection, no .part of the' said, sinking fund
shall be used or ipplied otherwise than m extipguiih-,
nient of the public debt, until the amount of such debt
U reduced below* the sum of five mitiloha of dollars. * 1 i
Sebtion 6. The credit of the Commonwealth »hfU not
in any manner, or event, be pledged, or 1 loaned to/any
individual, company,* corporation, or association ;,nor
shall the Commonwealth hereafter become a joint Owner, *
or stockholder, in anycorbpany, association, or cor
poration. ' : * ;!
. Beotioh 6. The Commonwealth shall' not assume the
debt, or any part thereof, of any county, city, borough,
or township; or of any corporation, or association; un
less such debt shall have been contested to enable* the
State to repel invasion, suppress domestic insurrection,
defend itself iq time of war, or po assist the State in the
discharge of any portion of ita present Indebtedness.
Seotiox 7. The Legislature shall not authorise any
county, city, boroagh, township/ or incorporated dis
trict; by ylrtue.of a vote of its ciusena, or otherwise, to
become a stockholder jn. any <*ompany, association or
corporation ; or to obtain money, for, or loan its credit
to, any corporation, association, institution or party.
There shall be ap additional article to said. ConsUtu
tion, to be designated as article XII,, as follows;
Ho county shall be divided by a line cutting off ore?
one-tenth of its population, (either, to form a. sew
county or otherwise,). without the .express, asaept of
such county* by: a .vote of .the elector* thereof j nor
shall any new county be established, containing leas
than four hundred square miles. ■*
From section two of the first'article of the Constitu
tion strike out the words, “of tits city of Philadelphia,
and of each county respeetiveljn” from section flv4,
same article, strikeout the word*, u of Philadelphia
and of the several counties}** from section seven, same
article, strike out the words. “ neither the tity of Phi*
ladelykia nor any,’ l and insert In lieu thereof the
wordsj H ttnd no;” and strike out “section/owr, cams
arlitUf* and in lieu thereofinsert the following? ' •
“ Ssortos 4. In the year oue thousande%ht hundred
and sixty-four, and in every seventh yearthereafter, re
presentatives to the 'number of one hundred;'Shall be
Apportioined and-distributed throughout-the
State,’ by districts, In proportion to the number' of
ble inhabitants in the several parts thereof; exeepithat
any county containing at least three thousand - five
hundred tucables, may be allowed k separaterepeeseh-*
tation j bat no more than three counties shall be joined,-
Asd no county shall bo divided, In the formation Of a ,
district. Any city containing a sdffielent - number of
taxable* to entitle It to it least twofeOTesestatiVWij
shall have'a separate representeUon'uslgtted it, aha
shall be divided into convenient districts oT contiguous
territory,‘of equal taxable populatiad li peas ssmajr bo,
each orwhlch districts shall/elect one representktfvel”
At ti e end of section seven; s&me&rtiefeJ Insert these
words,-* 1 the city of Philadelphia shall he divided into
single-senatorial dhiritlt, of contiguous territory as
nearly equal in taxable yppulatian as possible] but no
mard'shallbe divided in th* formation thereof. >f •
. The legislature, at Its first sespfoni'after the adoption
of thia'amendwentf shall divide jtfaeCityW Philadelphia
into senatorial and representatiye dlstriets, in thb’npux
ner shove provided; such districts te remain unchanged
until the apbortionmaob in* the year one thousand eight
hundred and sixty-four. '■>' - ■ !
■ ' roms awpMiwf. ;• •
There shall bo an additional section to the first article
of mwl Constitution, which Shall be numbered and read
as - ‘ *- ,s •
< BxO7lOX 28. The legislature shall have the power to'
alter, revoke, dr annul, '’'any charter of Incorporation
hereafter fechferr£d by, or Maori any special, or general
law. .whenever in their, opinion may be injurious
to the citizen* of the Commonwealth; in such panned,
however, 'that no injustice shall be donbto the corporis*
tow. . • . ‘‘->i ■" * 'i‘- ''
I* g*XATB. March 29.1857.
' Resolved, That this resolntten pftss-*-4)b tha. flat
amendment, yeas 24, nays 7: on the second amendment,,
yeas 23, nays 8; on the third amendment, yeas 94* nays
; on the fourth amendment, yeas S 3, nays 4.
[Extract from the Journal,].. .
Resolved) That this resolution the' first
amendment, yeas 78, nays 13; OB the second amendment,
ye*ss7, nays 34; on the third amendment, yea* 7%»jaaj»
23 ion the foartb intendment, yeas ss, nays f, ' , _
[Extract from the Journal.! ' u , " ' ‘
Jacob zieglbb, clerk.
Filed in Secretary’* offlcd, May 2,1857.' /'
,A. G. CtlßtlN, ~
Secretary of the Cot&mditireaith.
SiciifiKr’B OfflC*.
HaaaiSßDao, Judo 23,' ISJJ.'
Penntiflvania sj: *. <
I ao citify that the abofj tpd fostgpiat U a true arid
menta to the Constitution of Die Commonwealth,” iHth,
the vote ln each branch oK the Legislature upon the
final passage thereof, as appears from the originals on
file in this office. , , , , ,
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my.
[ts.] hand and caused to bo affixed the seal of the
Secretary’s Office,, the day and fearAajbore
written. . . A.a.CSRTIJf7;-
Secretary of the CosnsonweMth.-
’ IffSuun, Afarc42T,iSsT.
The re solution proposing amendments .tor the Const!*
tution. of the Commonwealth being under consideration,:
On thequestlon, .
. Will the fjeoate agree to the drat amendment?. ~
The yeas' and nays were taken agreeably to; the pro-,
rislons of the Constitution, apd were as follow, viz:
Yeas—Messrs. Brewer, BrowaB, Coffej, Ely. Ryans,
Fetter, FlennUcen,?razeri Ingram, Jphum, KiUiuger,
Knox, Lanbach,. lewis. Myer, Scofield, Seller*. Sha
man, Steele, Straub, Welsh,-Wilkins, Wright .and Tag
gart, £peaJfe*r—B4.
1 NATa—Mesars, C rajah,. OressweU, Gregg,
Harris, Penrose and . •
So the question was determined in the affirmative.
• On the , - '■ - .
Will the Senate agree to the second amendment
The yeaa and nays were taken agreeably to the pm*
visions fif the Constitution, and were a* follow, vis:
Ykia— Brewer. Browne, Criswell,- Ely,
Ev*r>*, Fetter, Finney, Flehhlken, Ingram, Jordan,
Knox, Lanbach, Lewis. Myer. Sellers, Shuman, Souther,
Steele, Straub, Welsh) Wilkin*, Wright and rTaggnjt,
Speaker—'23. ■ , « i *
Nats— Messrs. Coffeys Crabb, Frazer, Gregg, Harris,
Killinger, Penrose and Scofield—fi.
So tho question vm determined in the affirmatiTt.
On the qoestion, • ,
- Will the Senate agree to the third amendment? ,
The yeas and nays werq taken agreeably to the pro*
visions of the Constitution, and were as follows, vis: '
Yeas—Meturs. Brewer, Brovne..Crabb,Oi*ssweU t Ely,
Evans. Flenniken, Fraser, Ingram, Jordan, KilUsger,
Knox,Daubach, Lewis, Flyer, Scofield, Sellers, Shuman,
Souther, Steele, Stranb, Welsh, Wilkins, and Wright
Nats—Messrs. Qoffpy, Gregg, Harris and Penrose—4.
So the,question was determined la the affirms tire.
■Will the Senate agreo to the fourth amendment?
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro
visions of the Constitution, and were a* follow, viz :
Yeas— Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Coffojr. CresgweU, Ely,
Evans, Flenniken, Fraaer, Ingram, Kulinger, Knox,
Lauback4.ewis,Mywr,Sccfle!d,Sellers; Shuman,Souther,
Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins and Wright—23..
Niru-Jl mn. Crabb, Flnuey, Jordan and Penrose—4
So the question was determined in the affirmative.
In tbs House or Rxrasasstattvxs ,)
April 2o, 1867. . {
The resolution proposing, amendments to the Consti
tution of the Commonwealth being under consideration,
On the question,
Will the House agree to the first amendment ? .
The yea* and nays were token agreeably to the provi
sions of the Constitution, and fellow, tls ; .
Yeas— Messrs. Anderson, Arthur, Backhouse, Ball,
Beck, llishop, Bower. Brown, Calhoun, Campbell,Chose,
Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey, Eat, Eyster.Fauseld, Foster,
Gibboney, tiihlea, llamcl. Harper. Heins, Hleataud,
Hill. Hlllegaa, Hoffman, (Berks,>lmbrie, limes, Jacobs,
Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr, Knight, Lei-,
senring, Lcisgaker, Lovett, Manear, Haurlo, U’CawMntf
M’llvain, Moorhead. Mumma, Musaeunan, Nichols,
Nicholson, Nunemacher, Pesreoß. Patera,-Petrikeo,
Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey. (PhUsdclqhla,) Ramsey,
(York,) Reamer, Reed, Roberta, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan,
Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Tolan,.
Vail, Vauvoorhls, Vickers. > oeghler .Walter, Westbrook,.
Wharton, WHlUton, Withecow, Wright, Zimmerman
and Gets, Speaker—
Nats—Messrs. Backus.Benson,Dock, Hamilton,Han
cock, (line, Hoffman. (Lebanon,) Lebo, Strothers,Thorn,
Warner and Wintrode—l2.
So the question was determined in the affirmative.
On the question,'
Will the House agree to the second amendment?
Thu yvaa and nays were taken agreeably to the provi
sions of the Constitution, and were a* follows, vis:
Yeas—Messrs. Anderson,--BMkhflnse, Ball, Beck,
Bower, Calhoun,, Campbell, Carto, Ent,Fanftofci t .Ko«ter,
GUdea, Hamel, Harper, Heins, Illestaad.HlUegaa,Hoff
man, (Berks,) Housekeeper,' imbrie, I ones, Jankim,
Johns,Johnson, Kauffman, Knight,
ker, Lovett. Manesr, Msugle.M’llrain,Moorhead,!&»•
aelman, Nichols, NlcholKon) Nunemacher, Pearson, Pe
ters, Petrikeu, PowuaU, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia),
Kauihey, / York.) Reamer. Roberta,' Rupp, ShSW:Bloan,
Tolan, Vail, VoegWey, Walter, Westbrook, Wharton,
Zimmerman oudGeU, SporoicwST. .
■ Nays—Messrs, Arthur, ‘Backus; . Benson
Bishop, Brown, Chase, Cleaver;Crawford, Jiysier, Gib
boney, Hajjuitoa, Hancock,
anon,) Jacobs, Kerr, Lebo,' M’Galniont, Momma, Seed,
Smith, (Cambria,).
era, Thorn, Yaavoorhls, Vickers, Wagonsellcr, Warner,
Wlntrode, Witherow and Wright-iE. ,
So the que»tionjr»s determined ip the affirnjAtire w ,_ ,
On tho question, ••
Will the Mown agree to' tho third, amendment ?
The ijks mid 'nays were taken agreeably to the- pro
visions or the Constitution! and veto as follows, vU: -
YbAA‘.—Meers. Anderson, Backhouse, Ball Beth,
Benson;;Bower, Brown, Calhoun',Campbell, Cbase?
()leay«r Crawford,' Dickey, Ent, Bjatorj Fausold, Fre*
tor. OibWey.'Houiel, Uorperr, Helhs,, iHestaod, Hilh
IliUegas, uoffuiao, (Beyls,) Hoffman.* (Lebanon*)
Ifousbkeeper, liubne. Inez.' Jacobs. Joans, Johnson,
Kauffman," Kerr, Lebo, Longaker, Lovett. Manear,
Maugle* M’OalmoaJL Mewhes3 fc 3luinma, Mosfieiinan,
Nichols. Nicholson, Nunemaoher, Pearson, Petws, Pet
rlken, Pownall, Purcell. •< Ramsey, (York,) Reamer,
Reed. Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith, (Ownbna,) ftnith,
(Centre,) Stevenson, Tolan, Vail, VanVoorWa, Vickers,
Voeghley Wagon seller, Westbrook, WlHUton, Wlth
erow,.Wright, and (Jets, spenAw— T2.
Nats— Messrs. Arthur. Augustin®, Backus, Bishop,
Carty, Dock, GUdea, Hamilton, Hancock, Hme Jen
kins, Knight, Leisenring, M’Uvain, BMtsey, (Pbjladel
phia,) Roberta, gtrutb“W, Thorn, Walter, Warner,
'rJ I the qwwtioiTwas dri«mlned in the affimiative.
?ViUthc'sgf« tothe fottrth
The yew, and asy® were taken agreeably to the pro-,
visions of the Constitution, and were as follow, vis;
Aodersou,Arthur, Backhouse, Backus,
Ball neci. Benson, Biahsp, Bower, Brosmy Cnlhott*,
rsmiibcll Carty, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Dicker.
SJ? Eys er, Fausold, Foster, Gibboney, GildedHaJSf;
Haroer, Heins,' Hiestand, .HUI, Hllegos, 33®!
/Berks,) Hoffman, (Lebanon,) HotJSfkeeper, Jmbrie,
inure* Jacobs, JenkW Johns, Hteffnin*
Kerr, Lebo. LtUtnring ttngtctr,, .Maaaar,
Maagto. M’Calmont, M’llroine, ffnipmfn Hueaelasoni
Nichols, Nicholson, Nunemacher, Poua»&,‘Peters, re
triken,'Pownall Purcell, Bamsay, Ram
sey, (York,) Reamer, Reed, &qb«rtß.Bann,Snaw. Sloan,
Smith, (Cambria,) Sroitot"(Croml)
Vail, Vauvoorhls, Viekew r VagohseUer*'
Walter, Warner;' W'barton, mlllston,-
ZtmmertdMi. attiGeta, Speaker—^-
N>vs— Hancock,
Thorn, Wlntrode and Wright—T.
Sq the question was ffeterminod in thei affinnative. -
1 sxeaxTAETtaOyviotr*-
; : . HaesiwoeO) Jnnesa,l*tf^
; l ffCtttify tost the abort and totptag taatosf mA
£l. 8.1 WitceM say hind flutths seal of sxi&o&ae.
•tiai twaafr sdenori Jiy rf femOg roe thoMaarf
i tocA«4*ad|{\/-ww.. ■./ • X- <l. CCBTISv ~
f _au3*m3c*,, Seersttey o( theGwyoamreOT.,
B y®* T OHKTBiIi «i»U|-.
“WP®Sf»«rtth Weitern*Kotth-vesttn. »48wtfc
& eoatfaiuraa JUHvfty iSxtA. ttia '
R*dftho naftigi at PittatrariffTith daily -
'*?">•«*<r«nf.u teta - (B th. tfirtKa M*er»,-»>*A
■*“<* SaMaiky with BtaEKSi to *li portae* .
- - -
Tirst OLASS—Bcoti. Show, ha
' C»P*i Botfks, Dry Ocoda, (ia boiea
I b£M«Kr«(<U)E>)iPntl,(lßt>OZM -
[ ajadfcalasJJeattM**, Jar»; *c, .Tsc. per 2® Ik. -
Sicoih .Ckias-—Domestic &e*W
' s£!ru%ioa Tieilor, (in ari£La*i
‘ talrt>r Drugs (Cn -
: i < ii«ather,\ifi rcils or bo*a*).'Wool,
> and Sheep Pal»,Sa**vard v 4«. &«...Jtte. me LQQ ft.
Third Class— hnrila>-fJt«IK Chains,. .
{iq c*ika): He|ap7D»conM‘4l’ork*
; f Sal ted ,r loose or i»»ej3>, Tobacco, ■
, ; B»n'UMctei*d > («x«ptCi|Afaor evt
fopirg.. CLABS-rCcffee, -Pub, .Bacon, - „
Bfcef, and pork. (In'casks or boxes.
. t eastward),fcaraandt&niGil,Bins, ‘ r ’’
t Soda A*, Geriiaw Clay, Tat, Pitch, -•
. Bofia, ft.....,tte:perlQO lb.
f LOCR—76c. per.febl.*untilfurther notice.-.
OtilS—364. f«r 100 lbs., untaftirklief notice. .
. In shipping Ooodi - from any pefart Battel Philadel
phia, be particular to JOJUtpackam.” vU PoNUffooaia '
fi&** eomdgaeiio tfc*A#eat»4LSkte.
Row*ofPhiladelphia,<pr PlUsimrxh t wifibOtowu<«d
srithphtdpfaiifiof^.,,' ■ - ( c ...
w < miOH^Aos^rs.—Satrls, Oo^lteHiaUSft
Ten*,;'Jfc&flMS k Si, Jan St. *o.: J, &, hO&hali
A Son, Zraarßlla. Ind.;
and Carpenter k. Jajrett, tatisriUo, Ky.s K. C. Bel
drum,Madison,lnd.: B- IT, Brown * Consul Irwin
k Co., Cincinnati; H. W. Graham 4.C0,, JAseerUlo,
OMo; £e*eh.&Co~_No. 64KiU>/street,ftirttnn*‘Tirrh ‘
k Co., No>2 Aster Bobs*, New York, Ho. I William tt.,-
and No. S Bawrjr. Place. NetrYork; £. J. Sneakf.
Philadelphia j lUgraw A .Noons,. Baltimore:;
Stewart, Pittsburgh.
} - ». - * - ;£> h.- ' ' 1
'i , , ■ General Freight Agent.-• Philadelphia.: ’
■ - * H.T.LOSfBABBT.
aol-ly k ’ Saperintendent, Altoona, Pa.
: ' ‘ PLAGES, . ‘ ; •
. Lmt« MftUow#,Tii:; . . , ‘ Lai.
At lA.M.,'from IleAeuictca'Depot, tU Tenor,
At6A; Mr,. tU Camden a&d Jersey City,Hew Jer» .
'kj AccOmmGaailan... ; V»f 25
At OIA.0 l A. if.. vfaC&mdea and Ambor. AtoommaU*
At 7 A. 31., ria Camden and Jersey Ciffl Morning
-Ma11..... 3 00
At,lo A. M., by steamboat Trenton, Tia Taeoay
.> and Jersey City, Homing Ex*i 00
At 2 P.'Jf,/yla Camden and Amboy, <5. and A. S*’. .
3 qq *
At & P. M. lia jCionden’,and-Jersey City, Evening
8 Sit.
At 3 P. M., via Cauiden a fad Amber, Aeconnood*. .'
tion. Ist Class ~.,.,4.,."....* ...........
At 3y. M., Tia Camden and Amboy, Axcoamojla
- Son,2nd pW J t ..Y.;. 1.» , "
At ft P; Ml, ria Camden and Amber, AeeosmoAa^
.tion^iitclass % a®’ .
via Camdeg agd, Apftfo'Arcoimnod*- .
v The BP< ST Use .rum -daily, a!) other* Sanders «*»
! oepted,' _ V.. v f
11 ExpressLiaeAstopat stations only.,
*•*?• 1*
■ roe Wafer flaps tjtrsadeharg, Scranton,
Mcmtrqie;GrettßeM,.Jsc, .s 5-A.W.,Ti»Del»wwe,.
•: r
PorMo&nt Holly Xjf aad * -V
Por Bristol, aod 4 P, M. 1
Por Palmyra; Beverly, r
Ao., atSP.M, ' v
. • " ‘ - ', ’I
p *°* MoootHDfy, ,Bv/UnfteJUta SMwUj MS c
Steiunbcat BICHABD 8lOt»IOgfor Su/JJtuciom I*4
frf? 401 ** B>f A-,M.fcnd Jo*-; B«§6Ejo»li»»4SSs^».
sft««i»at.TBfc<toir;foc it i; u .‘
M.jmd i P.M.,»Dtlro;Bmlingftaain-JBristol t
in linfea,- eiwpt 1 V A. M., lftar»TP*losl : 'gtzrii
Viltlfi .*•.»_ „ j f , •-"- ■ r -.‘l L-r- .*■-
ID-Fifty pofeyls of sf£fs» only - *
gege.draf phased* to be t*id J*-
paay beggeg* jnaayfofoy.: '.
,-'-'. :v :;vo/£*4ijntco. : '
|-WANGE,OF uoubs.—phi & a pri. •
wmmwiow as» wf ''
BorßtltbaoKStAA.U.tlF.M., (KxpnWjMtU
P.U. , '*■'•■
Joe-Yilaiiifioff at*, l t «J* «&2I £jt: r '
?orßmAtBA;3f:‘Mi4436P.Kr-* - -
otflM&tti ai-SA: X. sad 4J» P.lfc 1 -
j -♦ --’
? Igrfo Bjdti6»t* «48A4,' -
Sears TCh&iagtoß*t6lO «o 4 UJt '
sadtAOP.M. f- • , >- -’••
Lesr»Ns# OMtlsat6.Sft sad a-Ai A. H.,w»46.Q*
R. Ul < ' '' - .* ■ •' • “
liesTsillddlitsw* st 10.06 A, »T. sad 346 ?. I*.
Lear® Sorer stSAOA. IT. awtFP. M.
. L»r*£a*foid »t f$OA. M. satAOO*4 K;
mj ><<' - ISUINOIcBS&nii: K < r~
*' £cm» i!22sife|iD*a4i * r ?rflpihMfc£.
t’asimm triy
■ k • BsttisDore., ~ ■ ■•- -x - •. *
do. 1 do. ' 6.55 Pj H. tnm BifttoiMm to~
•-• PW!**lfM*“ ' •,* * -
TRAIN - • • - 2 - *
• Lwrwßan»do ‘
Lo»wlWtimoTO»lA6«P:*. -1
Frelg&f Ttstoy
a 4 follow* j
Learw PWlwUljito Cbr to* IcfewKleta
LesreW!«{taingtoofor do!' " T 'dtf.
Leave Wilmington for PfaUadriiAH Ok *.
■tanl-ly ■ : ' —S. M. FRLTCffi,\Pfifi<fi^;
Cffimo AfißANG£m*sT--¥^2^ ’
direct connection with' the •• 5 - '
i WAV. ■ ■ 1
Foe ChletaMti, , St. Loulx, ' lowa Q».
Louixeffle. Oriemt, Bt.PstU,;
. Indianapolis, 'Cfewelaad, TTirmr
Terre E*uta r (Brieago, - Xiteaslto
In advanee «C a& other males out ot Pfeßftlet|fc!a.
PbminrrieM Mmrfita iHU mlTtit Gnat Wetu
era Raihoadt.
- Leave Philadelphia, for Pittsburgh •e£v*startdt£*i. J
from -the Pesnsylvtotoßaßroer 2
south-east eortier of ELEVENTH sad 1
(entrance on Eleventh street,) a* follows j .
Mail Train;.....; at 7—.A.H. !
Post Line.. p.JT,
KxprtttHall.. atU Sfl, miht.
OoiuahU R. B. ! Line leares tot Hantaborr to fiJm P. ‘
ll.j Laaosstar lAceomsfodtofon,) at 4 Jff. P. ?
The BtjtfeseMaQ nod daßy, the other train*. Sun
days exempted. "* t
For further pertfeulore see at the ffiSvest
starthag«date. PiMfcngeri*fteaa-theWe«t
the shortest end most enedhloa* route toPhltotriphlo,
Baltimore, New York or Beaten.
THOMAS MpOKS. Afi**r. '
Passenger Line PeassyiTasda Railroad Ce.
Fhltadelphi*, roraaiy, 1857. 001-ly
BANeSUENTS. On ml Huj tth. 1»I.
Irf.Tr >i S.T,S, 110-in Sn.,
M, .Dd 1, J, J-10 mi.., 4,«, Mi», B, IIX, f.)T > Geimuitan #, T, 745,8, frloai.., MK,
not stop attntemediata StuUnu-
ox sexhATg.
? Philadelphia at 9-90 A. M., S, 3, W 0 sad
Leave Germantown at S-20‘9-M A.M., I-ia,4W'«
Leave Philadelphia at 0.8, 9-13 min., Uta A. If., 8,
Leaveifhestnut HIQ at 7-15. 7^35,10-10,11-10, min.,
A. H-l-40,8-40, fi-40,7-40,^10-10mt0.,-
Xeare Philadelphia at 0-20 A. H.,2,5 W and fiP-M. __
p Chestnut HUI at 8 l3-&6, ClO^aad^T^*
Onandartat May 4th, 1857;, ' '
Leave Philadelphia at 5, 9 } iad h. A. U., and 3,4Jf.
3tfian4UX.P..«. *. * *** *
Norristown at 7,9, and H, A. If., S,aaifiX > - t
ok scxbAt*. -
Leave Philadelphia at 9A. AL, nod. 3 P. M.
Leave Norristown at 7 A. Iff., and 0. P. M.
Leave Philadelphia at 9A. M., iaABBt M. "
Leave at ?K-A. and S P. if.
a«l-ly HENRY-K. SSOIH. &*aM Sopt.
,Depot, NINTH and GREEN streetoßiladelphU.
, OF CARS.,-
Op and after Wednesday, July Bth, 1857. th* train*
PR Mils Road will leare as follows, daily, (Sundays ex.
, ceptod: l
. .FOr Bethlehem, Easton. AUentowa, M«ach Chunk.
Wllkesbarre, Ac., via Lehigh Volley Railroad, Morning
.-.For Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown, Maaeh
xia Lehigh Valley Roilfoad, Evening Sxpreai, at *U
P. M.
Passengers for Easton by 215 P. M. train toy* ttafto
at Iren Hill station. ;
For Doyleetown, (Accommodation) at 8 45 A.M. and
4 P. M.
For Gwynedd, (Accommodation) at 6 35 P. 3J.
Leave Bethlehem at 915 A.M. snd£4s P. M.with
pastougers, via Lehigh Valley BaUraad. Vri Teirtsn.
ABdntows. Much Chunk, Wilktoham, 4t«—utriviu
in .t 1110 M.tod S*P. 5.
Leave Doylartown, (Aeeomsrodatlon) at 045 A. M.
and 410 P.M. '
Leave Gwynedd, (Accommodation) at 0 60 A. M.
' Leave Philadelphia for Doyleetown, (Accommodation
Leare Dojiestewirrbr Phlladelahia, (Accommodation
at 6 A. M. and 815 P. M.
Fare to Bethlehem . * 31 50
Fare to Maucb Chunk . 280
Fire to Wllkesbarre . , 4go
Passenger Depot, FRONT and WILLOW Streets.
sql*7y ELLIS CLARK, Agent.
On and aftur Monday, July Ctfc, and until fksthm
notice, trains tar Atlantic City will leave Yin* strut
wharf dally, (Sunday* excepted.)
down yamengez train will leave Via* street wknr{
. Second down Msungtr train will leave Vine strut .
Fyaight trains, with pueenger car attached, K3A A.
Returning, wflUeore Atiutto Qity oa feMaws ;
Tint naasaamr . fcSRA.Iff,. .. r*
Freight, train...... .19)59^
W)ll leatuTln* street wharf «t U 4 A. IL, aid s4s p.
The Company will not be responsible tor anv
, hntil recto red and TtTfrrtTrtWThr hr'
rraoiug i^r
ii odkjSt Jap BL 1 -