v .' 'UkVttf'fgjk - tilfefo’Vifttfflf -, YriliiititiiiiiUi j end«nvOrtdt«.*»lD SfcW fiC sjjtftii»tisqtttjk«9rt H>» I wiilH^l^'^^S*' | MWW»vyM ,o*hl6 fiSy^v^y? | tho «(iri*lhi»tgfSh okf Wfttrt-pMfo •4«U’tt>' : <»l«, tW r turn uium,” The «ytf^:o^w l WWtW*S|>®»? | thoroughly i nn(!it«to4S^®fjOT,^^|^«?.,i®^( | tketre&snro »Mjh of ; | ud trm Urior »ew**U'b | «,uhH».app<«4to^^^to;4|jre^j“i^ f l ket, were •^4a»tlx4»jgcflB^ / ;s fey j.^X &if | 1 hUAnubfritf wrtftolttiei:4 I | - broker* removeklto ’Ch»E£e AUBrtnlfOii'krtilre » i sließtj/yhiiluftume .of ! ! lnfo I *«£ • “■ \ The' bargain*Outline, 'ifrlkMi lire themeaiu chteSy tx»** *o prepare forth*. ! n 0 ******?* cooMbe i l&ndaeto- thle'eqairti^fed.-ikevcmlyjfcwrortbp Im-. | ii to ett*Wd tb*fti*&imMtttr ii}!^&3£”&n4y ihefr I tiucrak the jrar»,«n th^ r »d^^tcb^ooSledSrtrS&*^ffirtnM EggpßE&gsm! *e*s6ns hfaketmikain the market vt}h* of Wm&WS&W&m', **» the'j>rat& w* 'of teTnhE' wle.iiidttoticrotteifjn»g»ifltft)«6,berc>ro tUftXM&Utor' "W - The reeeinh?dfUa.'l(orS?C'wS'td the 2d luat*Qt wms - Nv«ftn M , -u i ®l , Pmsri t“ of'Coil for the .*Mk ending Thwadoy.Auguet.etli, 1 “ 7! ;i: ShS:;::;;:;:::" I do,: Port .- •»:■•••••>• 3 If ii Aug. jiiyorKd ttf B- Martini Jr I .'r it.r v iV «1. IFafjtli* 5:::.'7V vr . StSBT;J , cK : B o Ba'.. i r’:'B9^< l«aafi^n r Ta;lrtr . /' '* f577Zi '*>&*•,«#. ' | -• ’ ••' J 0» Beading* .'i-WM* 1800 City Goa 6.4 New BBX >OO *i Odor’" 1 ! >:h6.Bl>Ki>'BPhlladiißenl£ 123# a a Norrirtown lt va!* oox 1 ’ ',’’ • '• :* , 'J'-'-" ; • ■ fISCOND ,TM)ARO. ; l«toj&u*£a.! I fe\BB2 84 TMOOik Baa ttdftlflß - ,10 Oem It Am B MX -Mtt.Blmirn BlalatmWX , ,-6’ . do. ... 99* ;-W0 Citj Xk fesPBB Wg . 1 ~. do wg ■'100..„ B9 100SeedingR cash MX mis". * ..•.: • ■■ ; S-. .;,> :AJTMBBOAHD.,, ; t l©o Reading ER.. '** '•<*! '* • 1100 Beading B aOAWt 85X doses - ;- >'■,■.■> ' . tj ■ BeadtngEß Stock wan well maintained at both Bonnie,' sßeeame heavy thie.efter noon ,'and foil 1 & cent: on * - ■ ■" - jm. diked •u 9 6’e, ’«» • Bchyl Nav PwF'2BX«23X' .PMladaOa ■ ''B9X»S9X ; Wlp’tfcßlmßM oEO Uo : BB- »gaSO • do int off T'a J ■• ~ ;do Now 94 «6t»x- - - letraort 7SXo7I>X MnAfeiatoffSSxoWX do do2dm6d «65X .BeadinglldvoffBB '»3BX LOngleUnd " UX«UX do Monde '7O 78 079 ' Vid&lmrg 7*o 8 , ,do Meet. 6a. ; Glrarf'Bank ■ ll^nllX " ’«,* ■■'lift. ■ Lehigh Zlno • • 1X« 1« Peant BB' 1 ’ 48»a4«W union Canal *X«IOX MnrHaCanl ConSJ: »Bag New Creek •- • gel ScUyl Na»ea >B*B4 *64K Catawlaßaßß 11 012 «TW;. vMMru< *mp; 7 •.• -j 'Njew lor , . ,K®K ,BTOgK'»XI 6oqohio6».’M, -wx I,bQQ N Om-oUmißb O'!' O.OQOMUlouri oa,~t''-70Jf 18,000 » do,:, .! ,«#. 10,000;, .„'dd:, ,M 0 80 ■13,000 Vlmnlede *,OOO N.Y. Cent. 0«,,88J(. ’ SiOO.fele.llltMßdelOSv ;: «,000 Sri* 8de.,’75 o 79X * MO Brie'Cane >71.1*5" 10M:Mloti88!k*rd:7a.. ri,oMH»d,iUt, Bde MX ttBSS - -1 10 OgatlaftotaJUßklOfl » ? ] 3AOomnKWw , h BJQGft [ if, { 50 AmarlonExß 111 ■ ,: losfcfc.ofx.s. , no, ■ .‘1 3M,N XCenßopg 83 i '{a»^-|6,#« m r 600,, d0:,, t ,;...W»MX ■ «00.,d0,,,, 1 «»i»X > i »oo ’, .do, ; , ~-,.di„„ax : |OO do M 0 SOX 550 do o SOX ‘.*,‘*so,-do<..i.„WoS*~. p;: S?.r/v *"• II . iMHMIwn BE 10 X Vt- .VA-vtJ > ' SUitaa eroegeta Wsier, w ffhetdUjaore epoeolatlre Oi Milan optioneer* offend *i * 1 1 Ashm—The market it rather' fjnper at the close for, at ©7 26,: are lufoir request *» SOT'h Q .t aulet;, Manufae-. tttMrs are buying moderateKy.'We quoto : /"* ' ' ‘ raV'TOex ci.ioai r icano*. , . ! < 1 . ~,flpt»i2'. • Storlda' Mobile. N.O. & Ter. •MliUlt%.'.’.'.'..;lS.K 16X J6K 16J? Middling Tele... 19X „ 16*' ; 10* 10» iWf.... ;..ll)l '"’lS* nnro. nwn. '• * FwjDfc; 'te>-Tfc« la Air for Tfestem Canal 6° and Htcmgua; $8 65©7 46 for tttra ’Ohlo; $7 48{#$9 50'for {rood to choice «tmdot |7 60©|10,60 for Bt. touts bckuds,-a&d rajCfeneaSee/" •< '‘j l&Q«ahdUii duttefltm. J The aomand Is fair; fHmJibliDiai f6;As£>aso.&O fb'r tajporflue, aod ;tfe|6«ffr3fctb*t sabertor brand. ‘‘Warren’s Plough <&f extra family Flour, highly spoken or mß? it. ri&ttr.rTfoTjilxßi u, wood bSs?Alex*MHs; *c;,and'B7;WwM.W forth* »ett«r gr*4e*. Rye Flour la yery of 100 hhl*. at $*©45.75. ■** Corn Meal-la needy hi's4Xo foy ' bf.&aUe of 85 cases Citr6n at 320., - . bettorTor Wheat, and Is quiet,lbalted arrivals both of old undue*. tiieiMiirirs i 7Whuif'at‘Bi:76tfX';7B'forrbd southern; n.4oal.7|for unsound irhite do.; $1.42 for eonitnon ll.Sfi for “4htte. "Bye 14 dull aad lower—-sales atjn»2.o&''-' ‘ f ! * ~ y ‘• , oitajtto'qait*firm}’the de&and in fafr - atfsa6se,7o : r' State, 68oo»e. for Jersey (ueir, Crop), .s6oBoe'; for 5 ' drettern. CflwHi'AWuwj battery VritK moderate arrivals .and a - etoolc~*aUft at Bg«c,for GWerhlBdaare,h 'for common to choice £>«rn oa?pecu i,: nig .remains’ onist—email .’Bales ate imaging t* the- at (adeSiKaO; 8 moa.' 1 (LaarHU*,—-All kinds of sole, retain thelc llrmneH9, *»1 are In mbderale demund. •■”-•* ■’ ! -• r ncttro at 1 7Wfor common, end end : is conssfinentlj .: Tdrpenttee i»“ less mlnuited, ,ht>l thh steciriowda'jp(M*ly raduMd,' and prleaa haro further of 850 hhls. .»t,4B»4»o,eaah, end Bdas4.BB fitya addliiiiintataid' closing hoonot ei u Kuroiimlfilrljrutlre— ulM of 1900 toU. Wilmington to errlro at $5.75 4»l, end for eeleyesio 1o inlte, at the teme hritei -Ceiiitrtnnltwin la of 1500 hbls. to ffirfre et llrt« ftimyarf'cooi 'iekuWi-TW ifa^W«M7liiegradedera quiet but ln'.hetterreqneit at.loirer rates, , jidAt^fMdehitUehw tnehin Imtreired detnand end lihemeAetigeiteltlH of itKtfe boojani fe»Ung~selea of 1 ilAl hWeTonlthe e»t et 7Sol Onde apena' fa in aeUre >Nheali latjtl'Mnen hiring been rewired by the Per «ie fcMMtnt-ieefta qf 900 bole: on the wot, oh prlmte 'torfcSSpieiedntgl.tOi »6doJ, Inßoeton atjV 22«, | end Some large trtiisaatlons in New Bedford, extending At leastj to ISM er f iore hhls. ooiimenelng at SISB and ttosiie^l>»»o«giJljan,»» which SOObel*. sold. Lin .Hadlile etOilenleteqawret : 77*7M. 'lArl oil is still qelef, : wleei telng etore ! the r!ews at borer.—-sale of 11000 gnltone.Weste™ Winter et Pino, four montlu. Hod 'Jf.MSO at Ode. .'^MlflSlO*a~The ineuirr for Pork 'Js 'moderator 'bht .hnidefe'eio'firpiwtth'notnlng cominglni The rales deSheM, end is buorant, with light re «lpl' " Sijoaeic-The' adrance of Wedaesdar hal been fully pustalnedr .'■ glnee jiealerday tomilng oeer'2ooo'hhds. ’hare been BCldiat SmlO nenta far Cul,*, and IQttlOK far Perto Blco.' - heflnad'ars firmfir and in belter de~ «Mid.'''l’ -’C.’!’■ IV f” r ■’ : - ' .I.' i good lojtoinham at l«e. To-faidon,»tons fustian at la.j fM Itenm »4 '■XlWgw ixonrM 'lflfcWU ' " ty-k ‘,£3512* mm* %vt j fM .^fsur^v^ ••?!'■ iv H- ......rf...««... ■- - assiitsfei WolSr 1M ,hile« 12 p«6« mto/onier.; ' / -- i' Ji' ratybdediM . ip+txirjy- >* ’ 'ln f i .os iium * t&w CiTT~*re« New YdrklTtfc, Wiring at Ha vaua2Bd, and New Qtliipi 9&tfc>FromNew Orleans 6th, Havana, Bth, Keying e* NeV York 13th., BUCK Vißbtoh—from New York 27tb, arr.ve at HajßOSlstandNewOtleaai Bd.. from New Orleans Havana 14th. due at New York 18th, • ItaßßtH»From Charleston 19th and 4th, due ut Ha vana 23d and 7th, From Havana 10th and 24th, at New York 16th and 3lßt, ‘ The Oallforota mail steamers sail from New York on the 6th and 20th of each month. Tens-. Cwt, 9,670 10 1,097 00 27,17410 , 2,107 00 POKX Of PHILADELPHIA, August 8,183 T. SZJK RISKS 41 BUN 5ET5...... *UGH WATER ARRIVED. Steamship Delaware, Copes, 20 hours from New York, with mdse and passengers to Jaa Allderdice. Barque N G Hlchhorn, Bills, 15 dav» from Trlqldad de Ottba, with sugar and molasses to 8 k W Welsh. . Barque Nils, Sparrow, 4 days from New York, in bal l&st to captain. f \ ■ Brig W fi Nichols, Strout, from New York, In ballast. Brig Susan Emily, Wall, 16 days .from Plctou, with stone to Walter Hugh. Brig Palestine, Small, 4 days from N York, in,ballast, Sclfr Access, Adams, Sduys from Baltimore, with grain to JViYßacon A Co.. . Eugene, White, 8 days from Boston, with mdse . Schr Jane N Baker, Lee.'7 days from Charleston, with cotton, Ac. to Pettit, Martin A Co. Bohr Mary,Rickards, % days from Camden, Bet. with grain, to Bewlev, Wilson, A Co, Schr Expedition, Conner, 1 day from Smyrna,.Del. With wheat to Dew ley, Wilson A Co. ' Schr Mary Gray, Cain, 1 day from Smyrna, Bel. with grain to Bewler, Wilson A Co. . SchrAUda, Oarberry, 4 days from New London, with oil to Shober, Bunting A Co. ( . . Schr Sarah Ann Roe, Baker, 0 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell A Collins. • . Schr Telegraph, Roatb, 6 days from Norwich, with mdse to captain. Schr R A Buelah, Hoffman. 4 days from New York, in ballast to captain. _ Schr M Wrightmgton, Wrightlngton, 4 days from Pall River, in ballast to C&been A 00. Schr Mantua, Maxon, 1 day from Frederica, Del. with ■wheat to Jas S Barrett A Son. ‘ Bchr John Lank, 1 day from Frederica, Bel. with wheat to Jos Barrett A Son. . Bchr Telegraph. Truitt, 1 day fromOamdon, Bel. with corn to Jas Barrett A Son. > Schr New Jersey, Burton.l day from Frederica, Del. with oats to Jas Barrett A Sion. 1 Schr Remittance, Elroy, 4 days from Cannon's Ferry, with lumber to J H McOolley. Schr Emelous, Thompson. 4days from Laurel, with wheat and corn to J B McCouey., . Schr W L Dayton. Babcock, from Fall River. - Schr Seaport, Scull, from Pawtucket. ‘' SchrßHßrowning, Conover, from New Haven. Schr Ephraim A Anna, Dole, from Boston. . , BchrU Corson, Cotton, from Boston. . Schr 8 E Jones, Jones, from Fail River. Schr M A Guest, Barrett, from Richmond. Schr Carroll, Norton, from New York. Schr W P Cox, Houck, from Lynn. Schr AM Aldridge, Williams, fromS&Um, Steamer Gen McDonald, Whlldin, 8 hours from Cape May, with mdse and passengers to captain. Passed In the bay and rlvertwo lumb.fr laden brigs and about 12 light schris upward bound. " ' ‘ “ CLEARED. Steamship Boston, Sellew, New York, Jas Allderdice, ' ' Barque Mary F Blade, Atkins, Charleston, Jalrus Baker." Brig M S Cou&en, Lancaster, Boston, Jones A White. : Brig Palestine, Small, Newburyport, captain. < Brig Chicopee, Howes, Boston, L Cooper. ■ Brig W H Nichols, Strout, Boston, Rogers, Slnnickson A Co. ScW Aimeda, Dickerson, N Haven, Reppller A Bro. - Bchr H F Peyton, Nickerson, Boxbury, GMiller & Bro. Schr A Kandereon, Nicholson, Boston, do Schr Ephraim A Atm&j Dole, Weymouth, do Schr Telegraph, Boath, Washington, DC-Noble, Ham mett A Co. . • * ‘ ■ . Bchr M A Guest, Barret. Riohmond, do Schr Alida, Oarbewy, Washington, DC. Yandosen, Norton A 00, \ Bchr w L Dayton, Babcock, Boston, J E Baam A Co. Schr R Corson, Corson, Boston, Jolm R White.' Schr SB Jones, Providence, do - Schr Seaport, Scull, Pawtucket, B Milnes & 00. Schr R M Browning, Conover, Pawtucket, do Schr A M Eldridge, Williams, Salem, O A Hecksher A 00. - . , Schr Carroll, Norton, ffaco; , , do ' Schr W P Cox, Houck, Lynn, Blaklston, Cox A 00, . Str Bd Willing, Olaypoole, Baltimore; A Groves, Jr. S " * , [bv tsleomph.] ' . ; Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. Oin latiXJ), N. J., Aug 7—860P.M. Several brigs and schooners have passed in to-day. The steamer Norfolk, from Philadelphia 4 , bound to the Fire Fathom Bank, W off this place going out. Wind HW—weather very tine. Yours, Ac., THQS. B. HUGHES. ir'A Stott Broitr’, No.iOU it Struts v . BOARD. - 40X ' it? ' • 4Bk «*■&*-■* sr ado’ ,; so . so# loo.,; do, :m ioo, .ao , ~ 3e.'i 10 Cam ieAioRR .»# "6 rrdote 9»jj do,, ; ~ mx ~ 8, '. do ~ , MOO# ■i»V.. w wu aOHl» i, , »5 60 . ,491 1- do , . b 3 61 '800;... do . e&o do , • 660 47* 800.-"-do . b6O 61 :«o „do •:- ■*B6i * 160. j do i 110.60 < ,»0.- do. 860.48 5 125 ~-ido , , b3O 40 .100, ' d 0,.; ■10.49* *194,,' do .. ‘ .ttttK: i. 60 . do ■ W«T. -000 .do .i. > ;j WO 62 , -H8 JHcSoßpref a 75, .2s>olU>Ceutral. c 119* m>,do *. •; no* lOQXHleua k GRsBO 91 • >lo* ..do. M,, va 92 ,10 do; . ,V, 92* 8781aOtosse&MU 8336.' 100 _do r > blO 86 .* 60 3 do bBO 87 • Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. - LEWES; Del.; Aug. 6-8 £ M. It has been raining here for the last two days, but this morning shows a brighter &ppearance.*, . The following vessels are at harbor: Brig Poconocket, steam tug America, schrs Susan Baker, Cordelia, Black Mouster, £ Slade, Redington, M .Tan Nage, Jas F|field, E Howes, John B Stafford, Barnard, Belsis, and two fiah iog smacks. ‘Wind SW—weather clear. ' Yours, Ac. WM. M. HICKMAN. 110 .r. do * *3 86* ,100.. do . , . , 600,86* 260 do W 0 88* . 60 '.do - : M 0 36* . 19,pxiiama R 97* ; ffOO Cle&Pltts B. b6Q .41 .700. do r C4o* vXOO.KUwfcUUaRsM&O 1f'80',.40 .. 880,61 Correspoudence of the Philadelphia Exchange. . . SANDY HILL, Md. August 4< The schr H P Cushing, Capt Godfrey, from Carderuis, bopnd to Philadelphia, with sugar and molasses, before reported as being ashore on Aseateagae Beach, waa got off this morning, and taken la tow, In a waterlogged con dition. for destination, by the schr Harrison.^ ! jas l rowm, , ?' - ‘ Friday, P. M. irith ft good dell Ar activity, >udse«9. and in some Stocks, ilargedlffefenoes. * 1 Correspondence of The press. • lUvex Di Gasoa, Aug, 7. Eleven boats left here this morning, laden and con signod as follows: Flemingtou Mill*, fiour and whiskey to L T Mytioge A Oo; axes to Perot A Bro; and lumber to Norcrou A Bro; Mary M Rleaud, corn meat, corn, Ac,to Sudd A, Comly; A Thomas, lumber to D B Taylor A Oo; Young America, lnmberto Camden, NJs G M.Lauman,ffnsque ha&a,Witit4m A Maty, Mary, Frank, D B Taylor, Co lumbus and W J Fox, with cool to Del city. Steamship Palmetto, Baker, cleared at Boston 6th iost for Philadelphia. Steamship Ericsson, Lowber, from Liverpool, 22d ult. ui New York 6th laett- had-«trong wceteriy wlnte the hrstSdaya. Steamship Kennebec, Hand, hence at New York yes -1 terdsfr Ship New Orleans, Rich, from Havre, June 21, at New York yesterday.. Ship Orient, HHi, from Liverpool, June 24, at N York yesterday. - « . Ship Stalwart, Lucas, from Liverpool, 10th ult. for Philadelphia,was spoken 16th,Siellylsland bearingS by W, 25 miles distant, Ship IM Mayo, Cutter, cleared at New Orleans 80th ult. for London, with 723 hhds tobacco and 1200 staves. <. -Ship Julius, Boelnau. fromßremen June 19, for Balti more, was aignatisedlOth ult. no Ist, Ao. given, by ship American Union, at New York 6th lost. Ship Louisiana. (Brem) Muller, cleared at New York 7th Inst, for London.. Ship Milan, Badger, from Trapani, June 6th, via Gib raltar, 27th, at Boston dthlnst. .> . Ship Thos Jefferson, HIU, from Liverpool, June 20, at Boston 6th last. .^8 Wj^Burilugton, Toro, for Liverpool, cleared at Que .. Barqqe Oak, Ryder, hence at Boston 6th Inst. Barque Transit, Street, cleared at New Orleans 27th, ult. for BrUtol. Eeg.. - . ' Barque Brothers, —from Philadelphia, is reported arrived at New York 6th lost. (The barque Brothers, Oheever, cleared at this port 29th ult. for uienfuegos. Barque J O Nichols, Nichols, for New York, cleared at Mobile 81st ult.' , Barque Taeony„Whltaker, for' Philadelphia, cleared at New York yesterday. Brig May Queen,'Jackson, for Philadelphia, cleared at New Orleans 30th nit. wita 137>hhd» tobacco, 12 bales wool, 40 tons old .iron, 66. bales moss, 10 rolls leather, and 22 pkgs mdse, ? ; Brig Bfi Fitler, Turple. for Philadelphia, cleared at Moblfe glth ult. with 104 biles cotton, 185 enjpty casks, and sundries. '. . Brig Elisa Burge*?, Upton; cleared at Salem 3th Inst, for Cayenne. ■ - t- Winchester, for Barbadoea, cleared at Schr Effort, Dunning, from New Oleans, arrived at So rannah Bdiaat. Schr Geo Manghara, Soudder, cleared at New - York yesterday for Philadelphia, < Schra Robett fanner and M Reinhart, for Philadel phla, sailed from Salem 4th Inst. .* Schrs 3 L Stolen*. Julia Anna. and £ V Lewis, cleared at Bolton oth last, for Philadelphia. , - »» , „ Schr Geo Darley. MolUner, hence, arrived up at Charleston 4th lust. , Schr Flyaway, Davis, for-Delawsre City, sailed from JftinUver4th inrt. ' Schr E Pratt, Wfcsldefl, tor Philadelphia: called from Providence sth Inst; . y ’ Schr Governor, Chase,hence at Danvers 4th lost. Schr W L Jones, Dawes, sailed from Richmond oth Inst, for Philadelphia; * Schr Indfanola, for rome time ashore oh Long Reach, NJ. went«to pieces morning of Bth Inst. The Providence Journal states that a fine marine rail* way has keen constructed, by Ospt hoopers, at Stoning* ton, Conn, capable Ottawa? up a vessel of 800 tons bur then . The schr White Root, of Westerly,ls now on the wave for repairs. W. w ;< .. .< v - The packet ship Southampton, of the London Line, was yesterday morning taken on the sectional dock at New York. She will be stripped, recaulked, and newly coppered. The clipper ship Normandy, 1700 tons, is also on the large Balance. She will be recaulked and receive her firefesuit of copper. The clipper ship Santa Claut Is on the small balance dock. She will be stripped, recaulked and newly coppered. NAVAL. • . The U S sloop of .War Portsmouth, Capt Foote, left Singapore fojrfllam on the Slat of Hay, conveying w 0 Bradley, Esq, LLD. with the ratification of the treaty between the united States and Siam. SPOKEN. July 29th, iat 28 10, long 79 80. ship Gttttenberg, from New Orleans for Havre, ail well. . . DOMESTIC PORTS. NEWYQRK, August- 6tb~Bhip American Union. Hubbard, from Llvorpool Jane 24, with mdse and 806 pusengera; has haqligfct westerly winds and calms the entire passage; ha# been IS days of the Banka: 2k. / ‘ , ‘ old, ship New Orkiuns} brig A Run bar; Burk, Dariem bnjb Jufilmr, (Br) Smith, Windsor;. Biy ClUpman, <(Wr)J*ni> Mug Cloud, 1 wreuce,Onpaw»{ Fxowess, Han,«tehinfln4j propeller ledonia’UyfiftWi Wathaoilt.-..') £ BOSTON, iiir f 6,—Arrived, shin SAwnel Lavrenev, (o# Boston,> Patten, New York, in |»ll*dt} bom* In fvestTsator, Praaleton, for Gottenbett Jfflw2Baj with AutWr/M.iei*, it.. BttJrt., «» &ib»J Br.tui jtU. Btoiy, Attira, ?*a«w.*s»«>, C4m iuytiwj |t.w* »!)«>»,MSA) North Amerie*. TV*!l.^ I HiUs«Oro«4 Maaklop t JIB ( peratrjee, Crosson, St Pierre, Wq.} Br. schr. Curlew, Chisholm, Londonderry. ,--t f ,>\ ;■ >- , . SALEH, Aug 4-iSaUed, schr Boekingham; Gllhm, Barbadoea. • *'/ < ‘ l ,i ’ i ' ' Y Arrived, ; 6th l , tf 8 (&hr ! (/aUailn: Lfeut Cornwell. Ba-. henfah, FeW 2*. forPoHltodi 1 ®*W ORLEANS, July 80-1- Arrived, jehrs Howard, Caribbean Be*; TalUha»e, MlnaUtiao, CIM, barque J fs» Mouth. ~ 't-fMadfivhia. “ . Aug. 15, IgiUMMw.AaK.IO ; M&tAnia*, soon.. ifavmwmip", ■ Wf§^ms_ »YoAatb, ih of etch month. ' 14th. TfomMo* ywYoifc irrHiOfitHtv*** New Ortetsa 27th, W» TOE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, SATDRBAY. AUGUST S, 18577 ittorin* Intelligence. MEMORANDA. MARINE MISCELLANY. If BrvofumAa, Broskrau, Londoo. I1 16 feet above the water, 20 nautical miles, and th 6 flashes, at, intervals of two minutes, from three to five miles further. position of Montauk Light-house: Lati tude 41 deg. 04 min. 13 soq, North; longitude 71 deg. 61 min. anddeec. West. 82* nkutical miles to theeastward fo Great West Bay Lighthouse. Great West ox Sjunwbcoc* Bat Light.—The Light house tower will be 160 feet high, built of brick, and the light will have a focal plane of 100 feet above the meau level of the aea, ahd should be teen, under the Ordinary 'totes of atmosphere, from the deck of a ves sel 15 fe<.i- above the water, 20 nautical miles. _ Approximate position of Great West or Shlnnecock Bay Light-house: Latitude 40 deg. 61 min. north, Longitude 72 dog. 30 min. west; 36 nautical miles to tho eastward of Fire Island Light-houflo. By ohjer of the Light-house Board, J.O. DUANE, . . Lieut, gf Engineers, Enqinbzr’s Owos Third Lioht-uoose District, iVeio York,/ August 1, 3867. List of Arrivals at the Principal Hotels* 1 GIRARD HOUSE—Chestnut street, below Ninth. E. W. Ayres, RicbM, Va. T. C. Long. U. S. Navy. Mils C. A. Ayres, do W. M. Roberts, Carlisle. W. B. Smith A ly, do Mast. G. G. Roberto, do H. Brownell, do Mrs. T. O. Carson. lowa J. Clarkson, do City. W. D. Kennedy, Virginia, J. Merwin A lady, Chicago, W. H. Byan. Baltimore, 111. , . 0.0. Baldwin, do L. Loudenslager, Maine. M. Jacobs, Manning, 8. C. Miss Robinson, Boston. Mr. Gage k ly. Wilming’n. W. Fleming, Phllad ‘. North Carolina. ‘ G. M. Ferguson, Bt.Louis. J. Kelnach, Mobile, Ala. John Floyd, Flttoburgh. J. D. Williams A lady, J, R. Floyd, Chicago. Montgomery, Ala. 0. W. West. Cincinnati, 0. T. J, Williams, Montgo- B. M. Forbes, « mery, Ala. G. H. Miller & lady. Chi .Mrs.E. A. McCarn, Mont- cago. gomery,Ala. 0, Carr & lady, Sandusky. H. Owner Sc family, U. 8. E. Goodman, Cincinnati, 0. Consul. , J. J. Rood, New York. W. Lucan, Nashv., Yeun. F. Marius, “ L. T. Joyner, Arkansas. J. R. Smith, Philadelphia. R. Tweedy A. fam,, Wash- G. M. firaUh, . “ lagtoa Miss 0. C. Smith, do. MlssE. Smith, do B. Young & 3 sons, Natchra M, Mach, Cincinnati, 0 MUs Young, • flo. J. B. Root, Galveston Miss Baynard, Savannah, J. M. Jones, do ’ Georgia,. J. Hough x la, Springfield, B. Baynard, ‘ do. Illinois, E, D.payne, Kentucky, F. Hunter, Pennsylvania H. H. Hunter, Heading, H. Hunter, do. M. Collins, St. Louts, Miss Tryon, do. Miss M. Leith, do. A. Meboffey, Now York. W. Winters A la, Dayton. M, T, Seymour, *' ftfiss K. Winters, »* ' John Stew Art,. .“ , J. Harshman A son,« Col. Arnold, . il Mlsa M. J.Hawhmao.K . W.O. Bartlett & ix,“ MUaM.G.Harabman/ 1 Bir* Stiles,Browuwleh, Ga. L. B.QunskHl, “ Mri Barnes, , 11 J. Colves, U. S. Army. - Mr. Hailehurst, il J. T. Moore, Arkansas. J. A. Grey,Greensboro. J. P. Hausen & la. Balt. B. “ N. G. Rldgoly, « A. Brenneman, Ponna. 0. M. Wheat & la, Louvle. A. W. Elliot; St, Louis. B. W. Pyle, Georgia. G. 0, Hayward,S Carolina. D. B. Ridgley, U. 8. Navy. F. H. Yerdlor, “ G. Smith k da., WheeUog. T. P. Weeloch, Wheeling. J, il, McOamby, Peters- Jas. Sloan, Jr., Baltimore. burg. G. lady, “ J. N.Klluo, Macon. Ga. J. Roemhard k lady, Ohi-I A. Bltckshear, 1 ‘ cage. lII.' 0.8. Virgin. J. If. T. McPherson, Bal-. o. Oakford,NewOrleans. timoro, lad. M. Leaton, *« Miss Tiyon, Fenna. Miss Reed, “ W. G. Nagle, Now York.' W. C: France, Baltimore, J. M. Gewey, C&lafarala. J; W, Bratteo, LouUvUle Com. Stockton, New York. R.U.Cramp,Vicksburg. Miss Stockton, di Jno. Valentine, Baltimore. D. 0. Calhoun. do . J. T. Curl man, Miss. T. U. Oliver, Balt. B. Crump, N. O, • ChOs. B. Brook, Hibernia. G. T. Corbin, Mias. W. Wall, Wash. D. 0. T. B. Wells, Columbia, D. Tv Seymore k daughter, C, Now York. Geo. McDowell. St. Louis. A. B. Warford 4 Harrisburg 0, W. Johnes. va. Wm. Small, Baltimore. T. E. Glmatead, Bt. Louis. ,0. B. Hannegan, St. Louis: . R. McKelvy, New York: A Knight, N.v Vork. P.Plcmt, do E. Bant, St. Louis. ‘ Jno. J. Camp, do MEKOHANTS* street, abovo Market. T. 0. Borer, St. Loni*. K. M. White. Col. county, G.W.* Binning- J.Clary, KUuumlng. ham. W. Bay, Carrolton, Miss. C. V. ft. Davis, do J. y.towMend,Middleton, ,G. yf, ttidgely, Maryland. Mlm. , * Miss E. M.jßidgely, do L. Schaeffer, Canton. O. E. 9. Coe> Boston. A. fltetnan, Louisville,*Ky. Wilson Ager, Penna. J. Lionberger, BoonsriUe, T. 8* HUner,do Missouri. T. S. Ewing, Philadelphia,, Mrs. Henderson.. Mercer, J. D. Ewing & Cam, do Fenna. , Jas, P. Belly, do Wm. Satterfield. Milford, If. M. Ayer, Lodi. Delaware. J.Q, Shipman, fiolvldere. Thomas Mellon and lady, N.J. Pittsborg, Pa. ** W.Sotherfield. J. Frames, York, A. J. Jackson, Johnstown. AMERICAN HOUSE, Chestnut street, above fifth. D. 8. Miller, Stroudsburg, J. H. Thomas, N. Jersey. Pa. George W. Stephens, Pitts- Jas. Walton, do. burg. John Stokes, do. G. 8. Stephens, do. Jpo. D. Elmore, N. York. .J. B. Bishop, Kentucky. A. A. Lyon, Qelujnbus, J. S. Wagner, do. Miss. H. 0. James, Petersburg, T.C.Lyon, do, Ya. • » J.D. Young, Bordentown. John Jones, Columbns, 0. Thos. Lewis, Philadelphia. E. J. Jones, • do. John Wilson, do. Mis M. E. Jones, do. W. R. Bearer, do. Levi G. Clark, Delaware. Chss. T. Shinn, do. Miss Clark, do. Ghas. Llndford. Galena. Wo. Brown, Harrisburg. J. P. Lindsay, New York. Thos. McKee, Coxes town. J, W, Williams, Hareisb'g. Isaac Heister, Beading. B. W. Sayre, Bethlehem. B. F. Thompson, Lancastr. J. G. Thompson, Md J. H. Bookwell. Pa. Miss E. Thompson, do Cspt. 0. A, Tyler A lady. B. F. Qalggly, Lancaster. O.L. Pelter, Middletown. Chas, Slnarord, Galena. B. B. Quiggiey, Lancaster. J. P.Llndsayl New York. Wm. Brown,Harrisburg. James W. Williams, Har- Thos. McKee, Coxeatown. risburg. Isaao Heister, Beading. Robert H. Sayre, Bethle* BenJ. F. Thompson/Lsn hem. Pa. < - caster city. - Jos. G. Thompson, Port John Hoke, Rockwell, Pa. Deposit, Md. Capt. Charles A. Tyler A Miss M.E: Thompson, Port lady. Deposit, Md. . 0. L. Belton, Mlddlet’n, Ot. UNION—Arch street, below Fourth, J. M.Hutt4ftd,Bink’gSpg, S. G. lUrbaogh, Spring- Ohio field, Ohio Miss D. B. long, do R.Caurdon, Bedford, Ohio. Miss Uust&nd, . do John M. Brants, do W. -Davis, New York 0.8. Birch, Reading. Miss L. Baris, do George Belt*. Hasten Sami. Swhuy, sr. Ylttahurg Ir&Oartwrlgnt. Bethlehem Geo A. Eaton, MUwaukie J. Chambers .Aurora, Ind. G.Shoyer, do J.O.Gener. Cincinnati, 0. G. Y. Dettrick, Ohio. H. H. Harvey, Hagerst'wn W. 8. Harris, do G. 8. Foulke, Weatraore- J.G. Reading, Remington, • land, Maryland N. J. Joo. 0. Keyaer, New York. W. Maxflold, Arkansas D. B. Morgan, Bfc, Louis. J. M. Chase,lady & cousin J. Souffer, Taunersvllle, iu. p». &1U& Qralg, lU. CITY HOTEL—Third*street, above lUco. E. Pottaff, Penna. 8. Wilson, Portsmouth. J. Poos, Boyleatown. • J. Davefeport, Plymouth. J. Migrate, Portland. Jno. Breas, Williamsport. Wm. Hoffer, Easton. 3. Yount, BUltou. M.Oratts, Baltimore. Missllerrso, Sunbury. Eugene Fraser, Louisville. N. 8. ShiudiU, do. M. Wayne, New Orleans. ■ E. B. Brown, MjfiUnsrlllo. W. Antony, Vicksburg. Harry Knowman, Bailey. Wm. Gordon, Norristown, villa. J. M. Baum, Torresdsle. T. Mailings, H. Solopion, New Berlin. G. Be lope, Norlhumborl’d H. Scbloss, Selins Grove. Wm. Bherman, Halifax. 8. Tltmsn, Brldgevllle. 3. Louis, do. D. Harky, Bqgertown, Jm. H. Ropes, Baltimore. J, Hall, SeUns Grove. H. Oomara, Reading. J. 8. Jameson, Edinburg. A. Rankin, Baile/vlUe. STATES UNlON.—Market stroetyabore Sixth. C. Strlekler and son. Pa. M. J. Speakrafiu, Christ! Jas. Hunter, Columbia. anna. J. W.I). Clapp, Uoßton. Miss K. Finney, do. It. Hamburgh, Albany. J. L. Beggsand Lady, Wil- Br. 11. W. Johnson) Bnyor- ..mlngtop. t«wn. L. Wilkinson, Baltimore. J. P. Andrew#, Lancaster, G. W. Smith, Jr., Phlla. J.R.Etm»,PhUa: . : W,P,EUson, Chester co. . .. W. 8. Hoyer, Westinorei’d. / , Ptatljs. . . i.On ThniWUy, eth lot., MANOAH, «on of J. JP. wi IH. Mary Aldeu, agedfi months and 6 days. The relatives and friends of the family Are respect fttUj invited to attend ne from No. 204 North Fifteenth Bt., this (Saturday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock. . Oft the 4th inst.; MARGARET, wife of JoLh Rodgers, aged 42 yean. The relatives and friends Of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of hdk husband, N.W. comer Of Seventh and Christian straits, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, without farther notice. To proceed to 81. Mary’s Cemetery. ' on the 7thln#t., FRANK WHEELER, ejdpst son of EmVitandEUaabeth Werner; id the 17th year of his age. _ FnnerM to proceed to Baltimore. * UfOTiOE.—FRIJ2E FIGHTING.—A DIB - 2d Peter, Chap. Sd, r. 1246, by Rey, JOHN CHAMBERS, TO-MORROW AFTERNOON. Church oorher BBGAn and GEORGE Streets.' Service, atiP.M; - ‘ auBlt# ... s ——— FOR CAPE MAT! J Ote $1 50! I A JR RWthd Excursion by the steamer "NORFOLK" thU^sWrdny evening, August Bth. See partioularson Special Notices. Saving Fund-Five Per Cent. fnterest-Na tional Safety Trust Company, in Walmot Street, south west corner of Titian Street, Philadelphia. Assets over On* Million akd a Halv op Doixi&a, invested in Rial Esvam, Mortgages,Ground Rests, and other first class securities, as required by the charter. This institution confines its business entirely to the recei ving of money on deposit. Any sum, large or small, Is received, and the money is always paid back, with out notice, to any amount. The office is open every day from 9 o’clock in tho morning until 7 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings until 9 o'clock. Parkinson'* Garden—An Extraordinary Vo* calist!—Those who bavo not yet heard the extraordi nary young vocalist, Miss Aqhks Bothiblas®, who has won for herself Jn England the distinguished sobriquet of “the Scottish Nightingale,” now singing at Parkin sona’a Garden, have a pleasure in store of no ordinary character, and for which they will thank us for direct ing their attention to the Promenade Concerts given nightly in that delightful place. A select and powerful orchestra, under the direction of our distinguished Mu sical Professor, Leopold Melgnen, Esq., both give sup port to the eminent vocal talent engaged, and performs a rich selection of Operatic and miscellaneous gems, in cluding Overtures, Marches, polkas, Walttes, Ac., Ac. The great feature of the entertainment, however, is the “Nightingale,” whose vole© for sweetness, power and effect will favorably compare with any one ever heard Ip Philadelphia. If any should doubt this assertion, let them but listen to her rendering of “the March of our Cameron’s Mon,” or “MacGregor’s Gathering,” both of which are nightly repeated by general request; and our word for it, every doubt will be dissipated, and the doubters enrol themselves among the warmest ad mirers. A Great Establishment.—The Salamander Safe Factory of Messrs. Evans Sc Watson, is one of the most interesting establishments In the city. The building in which their operations are carried on, la to be found In Eighth stroet, near Vine; the sales-room being at No. ft) South Fourth street. Between fifty and sixty men are employed in the various departments of the manu facturing establishment. Some idea of the extent of their labors may be formed from a statement of the Work they have now in hand. Their workmen are now engaged in constructing large safes for the following new banks: —One for the Btrausburg Bank, lined all ■ through with chilled iron,'weighing about 6,000 pounds; Aie of the same size and material for the Southwestern Bank of Virginia; and one for thq Bank of Jersey Shore, Pa.; two for the Cataragna Bank; one for ft pri vate banking house in Wilkesbarre, Pa.; one for ft private banking house at Norristown, Pft. f and one Urge set of chilled Iron bank vault doors for a new Bank at Millville, N. J. Alt these are to be supplied with Evans Sc Watson’s Patent Alphabetical Bulk Bock, which Is equal to any other lock now in use for safety and convenience. For testimony as to the value of this lock, Messrs. Evans Sc. Watson can refer to the City and Consolidation Banks, of this city; Newark Bank, Dela ware; Bank of Fulton, Alabama, and Poe So Swift, Selma, Ala. There aro also to be seen attbe factory, In process of construction, some sots of vault doors for the hew Pennsylvania Railroad office, at the corner of Third street and 1 Willing’s Alley. F. Brovrn’a Essence of Jamaica Ginger*— This (s truly a family medicine; at this season, when affections of the stomach and bowels are so common, no family, individual, or traveller should be without it. It Is peculiarly efficacious In summer complaints of children, and is known and prescribed by the medical faculty. Bee advertisement. npHE BEST AND CHEAPEST AMBRO jL TYPES in the World, at the new rooms, 1520 West MARKET fitroet, over Chance’s Dry Goods Store, EVANS, aaB-lt* Photographer and Practical Teacher. rriHE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE JL COMPANY, Office No. 408 (late 92) WALNUT 81. Oapitaland Surplus, $260,000. * This Company continues to mako Insurance against Ibss or damage by Fire aud the Perils of the Sea, Inland Navigation and Transportation, at current rates. ' OFFICERS. President—GEO. H. HART Vice President—E. P. ROSS. Socretary and Treasurer—H. R. COOGSHALL. Assistant Secretary—S. 11, BUTLER. DIRECTORS. George H. Hart, E. W. Bailey, I. P. Ross, Charles G. Imlay, A. O. Cattell, Wm. D. Loxla, Jr., Joseph Edwards, J, L. Pomeroy, John G. Dale, Andrew B. Chambers, Hon. Henry M. Fuller, H. K Coggehall, Foster 8. Perkins, Samuel Jones, M. D., ' John H. Chambers, A. F. Clieesbrough. au 8-ly Russia and American tarred CORDAGE.—a superior article, manufacture and for sale by WEANER, FITLER Sc 00. 4 auB-tf No, 19 N. Water fit., & 11 N- Wharves. Iff AN I LLA ROPE.-SUPERIOR MA ** NILLA ROPE, manufactured and for sale by ■ WFAVRR, FITLER St CO., auS-tf No. 19 N. Water st., and 11N. Wharves. QCHENCK’S PULMONIC SYRUP £9 cured a Sister of Charity and ft child at St. Joseph’s Orphan Asylum, after they were given up to die. SOIIKNCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP cured Mrs. Gueil an* Hebert, in Parish) street, Bre dootn ab-sro Tenth street, of Bronchial Consumption, and Hemorrhage of the LunfcVand certified to by Rev. Thomas L. Juneway, lormeriylPAstor of the Presbyterian North Church. SCmtNCK’S PULMONIC SYRUP cruod a daughter of Tv B. Rosa, Jacoby street, near Race, of Scrofula of over five year*’ standing. . aPHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP cored Robert U. Deacon, EUUburg, noar Osmden, N. J., of Scrofula of many years' standing, after his legs, arms and neck had broke out in running ulcers. SCiiENOK’S PULMOmq SYRUP cured Mr*. Sarah Derr. 352 Race street, of the Inst stag© of Consumption. SCIISNOK’S PULMONIC SYRUP cured John 0. Groen, of Tacony, in the very hut stage of Pulmonary Consumption BCHENCK'S PULMONIC BYRUP cured Charles G. Johnson, of Bristol, Pa., of Liver Complaint and Con sumption. ' BOHKNCK’O PULMONIC BYRUP cured Richard L. Cox, of Marlboro, N. J,,of Pulmonary Consumption. SOHRNCK’B PULMONIC SYRUP cured Voter Sr Beekman, of Somerset county, N. J., after being ove fijX months confined to his bed with Dyspeptic Consuni p BOHENOK'S PULMONIC BYRUP cured Mrs. Tucker, of Jersey City, N. J., In the last stage of Consumption. Her certificate is also accompanied by her minister. SCHENOK’S PULMONIC BYRUP cured Ueoiy C. Muody, of Rahway, N. J., iu tho last state of Consump tion. Certified to by Dr. Craig. Principal Office, No. fi» N. SIXTH street, corner of North street, and for sal9 by all Druggists, Price ?1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. auB-lt JAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT TAILOR. Nos. 36 and 18 South NINTH STREET, ABOVE, CHESTNUT. ’ „ RDi selected stock of CLOTHS and OASSIMERE9 always on hand. AU Clothing made at this Establishment will be or the best quality, and in the most fashionable stylo. Particular attention given to UNIFOB3I CLOTH ING. aufi-tf SHARPE'S MEN'S AND BOYS’ OLOTHINGI, 148 North FOURTH Street, between Arch and Race. auO-ly npHE FRENCH STUDY IS NOW OPEN. **■ ~ DE .LAOBOIX’S Course of French; a thorough practice or Explanatory Grammar. Requires no other applteation than the hours passed with the teacher, No. m (Into 31) FILBERT street" » u r-2t THE PRESS, A NEW DAILY NEWSPAPER, BY JOHN \V. FORNEY, I propose establishing a First Class Dally Newspaper ,ln the City of Philadelphia, on the lßt of August, to bo entitled “THE PRESS.” « The Pkss 11 will be Democratic in its politics, and will sustain the policy of the present National Admin lstration. It la my determination to make it worthy of the sup port of overy class of readers. Dignity, courtesy, and independence in the utterance of my sentiments, enter prise and efficiency in the Commercial, Literary and Nows Departments, and reßpect for the opinions or others, will bo kept constantly In view. . I have embarked all my own moons in this project, and intend building up a Journal that will not only be creditable to our City and our State, but will furnish me an Independent livelihood. A somewhat extensive experience Jn public life, and many years’ connection with ionrnalism, will, I hope, obtain for “ Tub Press” a favorable reception. My friends in the different Wards and Counties of Pennsylvania, and in other States, will place me under many obligations by giving “Tb* Prsss” ft helping hand. 7SRMB or THE VRKSS : Daily, (per Annum,) In advance $0 00 _ P° r Week, W»Me to tho Carriers.) Tri-Weekly, (per Annum,) In advance 3 00 Weekly, “ « 2 00 Address tho Editor and Proprietor, at tho Office o “?hb Pukss,” No. 417 Chestnut Street, noxt to Penn sylvania Bank Building, abovo Fourth Street, Phlla. aelphla. JOHN W. FORNEY. THE WEEKLY PRESS, The Cheapest oi/rf Best Weekly Newspaper in tk e Country. Great Inducements to Clubs. ■ On th« Ifith of August the first number of The Week tr These will bo Issuod from the Olty or Philadelphia. It will bo published story Saturday. T»* Weeeit Pehbs will bo conducted upon National principles, and will uphold the rights of the States. It will resist fanaticism lu every shape; and will be devo. ted to consorvatlvo doctrines, as the true foundation of public prosperity and social order. Such a weekly jour nal has tong been desired in the United States, and It is to gratify this wont that The WEEki-r Teese will bo published. Thb Wbkklt Prbbb will be printed on excellent whito paper, clear, uew type, and in quarto form, for binding. ’ It will contain the new* of the day; Correspondence fromtho Old World and the Now; Domestic Intelli genceßeport* of tbo various Markets; Literary lie vlewa; Mlsceltauoous ßolections; tho progress of Agri culture in all its various departments, &o. Qy Terms i**aria6|y in odunnte. Thb Wbbbily Pbbss trill be seat to subscribers, bp«Mitl, pir annum, at Oq Three copies f0r....» $ oo Jive copies for., g qq Ten copies f0r..,, 00 Twenty copies, when sent to one address. SO 00 Twenty copies, or over, to address of each subscri ber, each, per annum j 20 Vpr a club of twenty-one, or over, we will send an extra copy to the getter-up of the Club. Post Masters are requested to act as agents for Thb WHBHtT Pjisbs. I Will esteem It a great favor if my political and per sonal friends, and all others who desire a drat class Weekly Newspaper, will exert themselves to give Thb W*sibT PWBa a lajge circulation in their respective neighborhoods. JOHN W. FORNEY, Editor and Proprietor. Publication Office of T«w Whbely pxxss, No. 417 Chestnut stroet, Philadelphia. IffitTHMAR k BUTZ, PORTER, ALE jLM Atm LAGEft WI&R BREWERY, No. m (new North THIBD Street, phlladelphla.-Shloplog orders promptly attended to. aul-tf f'IHAHLES TJETE, COMMISSION MEft \J CHANT and Importer of HAVANA BEHANS, (New) J&9 Walnut atrejt, second story. tol-ly ftmnsmcnta. WALNUT STREET THEATER SPE VT OIAL OPENING! JOB BIX NIGHTS ONLY! The public is most respectfully informed that NAuLK'B JUVENILE COMEDIANS, Thirty la number. comprising J TU£ WREN FAMILY, THE BOONS CHILDREN, That beautiful FAIRY WONDER, LITTLE JULIA CHRISTINE-, And a host of lesser lights, forming a perfect GALAXY OF INNOCENCE! Youth, Beauty, Talent and Genius, Will make their first appearance here on MONDAY EVENING. AUGUST 10th, 1867, In a varied, chute and hlgfotcned DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT, Full particulars of whfeb ,will be expressed in future advertisements. Proprietor Mr. WM, J. NAGLE Acting and Stage Manager....... Mr. WAYNE OLWINJS au7tf. JOHN - DREW’S NATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT street, above ElGHTH.—Leasee and Manager John Drew. Prices—Dress Circle and Par quet, 37K cents; Orchestra Chairs, 60 cents; Seats In Private Box, 76 cents; Family Circle, 36 cents. Doors open at 7. To commence at 8 o’clock. Box Qfflce open from 10 to 3 o’clock, where Seats can be secured with* out extra charge. SATURDAY EVENING, August Bth, Farewell Benefit and last appearance of the celebrated Aronaut and Wiurd, MONS. E. GODARD, Whose Magical Soirees nightly attract crowds of the Elite and Fashion of Philadelphia. To conclude With the new balloon sketch, entitled A VOYAGE TO THE MOON. , Moonstruck. .Mr. J. Drew J Madman Mr. Horton Academy op music, broad and LOCUST Streets.—Mr. JB. A. MARSHALL, Sole Lessee,—The PROMENADE CONCERT at this estab lishment Is nightly honored by Enthusiasm, Popular ity and Ehshton, THIS EVENING, August 6th, new and attractive features* M’LLE. SOHBLLER, SIGNOR VIERI, their first engagement In America; MISS 0. RIOHINGS, MR. FRAZER, CARL BERGMAN, and the GEBMA NIA ORCHESTRA. 1 Admittance 35 cents. au6-6t ’PARKINSON’S ILLUMINATED GAR- A DKNB—GREAT ATTRACTION!—PROMENADE CONCERTS EVERY EVENING. MISS AGNES SUTHERLAND, The celebrated Scottish Nightingale. “ The Cameron *e Here,” “ Macgregor’s Gathering,” &o. Meignan’s su perb Orchestra— u Anvil Chorus,” “Gipsy’s Song,” “ Fra Diavolo,” Marches, Waltzes, Gallops. Ac. Ac. Fire-works nightly. ’ Admittance 25c. Eight for fl. aud-tf THOMEUF’S VARIETIES.—“The cool est plaoe in the city, and the most respectably fit. tended N. W. cornet FIFTH and CHESTNUT. THIS, add EVERT EVENING this week, those beau tiful and well-tried Philadelphia favorites, FANNY IORREBT, JENNY BELLMAN, „ ltl ~ m>lle. LEFOLLE, Will appear, aided by a . SUPERIOR COMPANY. A laughable Afterpiece wIU conclude the performance, Which commences at a quarter to 8. Admission 10 cents. JOHN 0. WARREN. aul-lw Conductor of Amusements. * JJDrg ©cobs. BARGAINS IN BBY GOODS! Yf CLOSING OUT OF SUMMER STOCK ! J. McGLATIIERY, FIFTH Street, below the ghlppen Street Market, East Bide, will offer TO-DAY his entire stock of ’ ' SUMMER DRESS GOODS, sueh as Summer Silks. Ducals, ChaUies, French and Swiss Lawns, Shawls, Mohair Mitts, and Parasols, at 10 per cent, less than coat, to make room for Fall Goods. Also, 500 needle worked COLLARS and SLEEVES, from 10 cents to H, about half price, real bargains. Also, a large assortment of PLAIN and FANCY OABSIMERES, * CAJBHMERETT3, TWEEDS, LINEN DRILLS and CHECKS, for Men and Boy’s wear, at less than cost. Together with a Urge and general assortment of SEASONABLE DRY GOODS, at our usual low prices. Our cheap rent and email profits enables us to under sell the up-town stores at all times. DjT Give ua a call. aul-d3t ©ds Jnstares. A BCHER, WARNER, MISKEY & CO., £m. Manufacturers of GASALIERB, BRAOKETS, PEN DANTS, FITTINGS, and all kinds of GAS and LAMP WORK, GIRANDOLES, Ac., No. 829 OHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. ARCHER, WARNER A CO, No.' 376 BROADWAY, New York. Buildings fitted with Gas Pipes, and all kinds of altering and repairing of Gm Work. aul-lm* itlisccllmuons. JOHN M. ARUNDEL, of the Twenty second Ward, will be a candidate for Assembly, from the BUteenth District. Subject to the nomination of the Democratic Convention. anfi-eod2w* TVOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Po- XX Hey No. 4202, issued by the American Fire Insur ance Company, in the name of Nicholas E. Thouron, dated September 12,1853, for f*,ooo on brick building situated on the west tide of Sixth street, between Prune and Spruce streets, has been lost or mislaid. Applica tion has been made for anew one in lieu, thereof.' A suitable reward will be paid for Its return to No. 26 North Seventh street. au6 w4t* JAMES KELLY, (Successor to Wiiliam Curtis) Regalia, Books, Jewels, Emblems, Masonic and Encampment Charts, Ac. Odd Fellows’ Hall, NORTH SIXTH STREET, below Race, Philadelphia. Orders from any part of the country, addressed to James Kelly, promptly attended to. au 1-lra SILVER WARE.—WM. WILSON & SON, Vs 3 Manufacturers of Silver Ware, s.* Wj'oOru«r of FIFTH and CHERRY STREETS. Established In 1812. Silver Ware of every description on hand or made to order to match any pattern desired. Importers of Fine English Plated Ware. «tt 2-lw S POUTS TUBPENTINE—2OO bbls Spirits Turpentine, to arrire, for sale toy MABTIN & MACALISTER, aal 119 North Water Street. i~IHARLES MAOARGE & CO.,— \J Wholesale Dialers in PAPER, BAGS, Ae., No. SO South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. id-lm POTTON— 200 bales good Middling to Mid dling Pair Cotton, in atoro and for Bale by MARTIN A MACALISTER, aul 119 North Water Street. Tl/fOSS —17 bales Carolina Moss, for. sale by IvA MARTIN & MACAUSTER, aul up North Water Street. /^QTTON—IOO bales Gulf Cotton, Id store V/and for sale by MARTIN & UAOALXBTRB, UP North Water Street. EVANS' GREAT GIFT BOOK SALE, No. 335 CHESTNUT Street. K.B.—No conaee tiou rrith any other house in the City. anl-3m A GIFT WITH EVERT BOOK, TTORTH from 60 Cents to 100 Dollars, at MAGSg’S GIFT BOOK STORE, No. 337 CHESTNUT Street, second.door Pclow Fourth, Philadelphia. aul-lW' RAILROAD SPIKES AND V? CHAIRS constantly on hand. Orders received for Light Railroad Iron—2B lbs., 88 lbs., 40 lbs. per yard. HANEY A MORRIS, au4-lm 8. E. comer Front and Walnut, JOHN N. REEVES, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, PASSYUNK ROAD, • opposite County Prison. i Orders for Jobbing promptly attended to. anl-lm fiIVE HUFTY'3 AMERICAN* MANU- U FAOTURED STEEL PEN atrial. 407 CHEST NUT Street, above Fourth. $1 per gross. aul-lm JOSEPH BLACK, Burner, Sign, Decora tive and General ORNAMENTAL PAINTER. N. E. corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, entrance oo Fourth street. • AIso—PORTRAITS, the site of life, painted from Daguerreotypes. aul-dlm Harness, saddles and trunks, LACEY & PHILLIPS, Nos. 14 and 16 South SEVENTH street, above CHESTNUT, bavo manufac tured, expressly for the FALL TRADE, a larger stock of superior Harness. Saddles and Trunks, than 'any other house in their line, and haring reduced the mode of roanutheturing to such a perfect system, they are be yond nit competition for quality, style and price. V. S.—Country Harness makers Can b® supplied cheaper than they can manufacture. aul-lm JACKSON, JOB PRINTER, MERCHANT STREET. CHECKS. NOTES, DRAFTS, BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, And JOB PRINTING generally, at shortest notice and fair prices. aul-lm HpHB ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, A 320 CHESTNUT BTREF.T, fonrarda PARCELS, PACKAGES, MERCHANDIZE. BANK NOTES and SPECIE, either by ite own LINES, or in connection with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to ell the principal TOWNS end CITIES of the United States. E. S. SANDPORD. General Superintendent. TVOTICE—THE BUSINESS OF TWELLS 11 k CO., and J. W. GASKItL k 00., will hereafter be conducted under the atria of TWELLB, GASKIIL k GALVIN, at No. 6 and 6 8. Wharves, and No. 328 N. Wharves* SULLENDER & PASCAL, HATTERS. Efo. 8 8. SIXTH •treet.JPhiladelphia. J? NETVXAND & CO., 12A» LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Importer! and Dealers in Oil Fainting!, Water-Color Drawings, Engravings. Ac. A large assortment always on hand. Packing and removing Glasses, and hanging attended to. 60i ARCH Street, above Sixth, south Ude. Philadelphia. anl-Urp WC. BRIDGES, GEN I e No. 6 LODGE STREET, Pi AU business confidentially, hon< attended to. Sanaa to Messrs, P R. Howard A Co., Messrs. Harris A Co., 0. Henry Fisher, Esq.. 8. B. Bareroft, Kaq.» Charles 8. Bober, Esq,, Wm. M, Swain. Esq., Wiu. Badger, Ksq., aul-7trp* • BW. TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS, • No. 37 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly made on all accessible points In the United States and Canada. Stocks, Bonds, Ac., Bought and Sold on Commission. Unearrent Bank Notes, Checks, Ac., bought at the lowest rates. Deposits received and interest allowed, as per agree* ment. aol-Sra RE M 0 V A L —ADAMS’ BLANK BOOK »od JOB BINDERY, from THIBD street, to No. 633 ASCII street, below SIXTH. Bleak Books ell site, oa bead, or aide to order. Hektilaes, Mustp, Ht > neatly bound VERY CHEAP, ■ tijjgP CJAKDINES — 100 Cjtseß of 60 htlfsbdtoS U eeci, la store end for sole by ~ , „ HENRY BOHLBN A r »uB Noe.*Slend*Kia.*a^' F.WAtBURTON, FAS® * iuytzr, No. «o aawnmr fifth, JhlUMpM*. . mo BENT.—The second .'UndThlSnitory ■*■ ROOMBo No. 2Sf (Wa North THIBD Street, BWVIoo. - , „ ;T7 »*B-Bt* tIXFBRIENOiSD i SERVANTS Protes taota md Ohtholtra, White end OolMed. The belt FILBERT fitmt, hfloy tenth, eoath tide, tufr-ll* F)B RENT—A modern throe-story Honso, with back buildings, bath house, 4e., on Eleventh ■treet, those Spring Garten. Apply to Dr. MOSELEY, No. 9 N. Eleventhstreet. j»Mt* iDfltfJje#, Jenwlrg , &t: Bailey & co., chestnut street, Manufacturers of i •* BRITISH STERLING SILVER WARE, a Uunder their inspection, EIGHTH and GREEK streets, Philadelphia, D, L. STACKHOUSE, Proprietor. Always on hand the choicest articles of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFU MERY, CIGARS. Ac. . Stackbouse’s Patent Stiver Soda Water Fountain keeps the water at 33 deg.; his Syrups and Creams are icknowledged bj »ll u being tho richirt in tbs oltr. aul-lm :Pcnmaftgl)ip flnft Sock Keeping. rmiTTENDEN’S PHILADELPHIA CQM HERO I*l COLLEGE.* B. E. Comer ot SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Second and Third Stories. BOOK KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, every style. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. ■ COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, Ac. Each Student has individual instruction from compe tent and attentive Teachers, under the immediate supervision of the Principal. . . One of the Best Penmen In the Country has charge of the Writing Department. Please Call and see Specimens and get a Catalogue of Terms, Ac.' - - aul-lm' tfbK ONLY FOR BOOK-KEEPING, AND ©t# $3 for Writing, at TWINING’S ROOM. No, 232 North EIGHTH STREET. . au*-3t* ttJitus anb figpors. A LEXANDBR V. HOLMES, WINE AND xl LIQUOR STORE, No.* 226, geutheast Corner of GEORGE and SOUTH Streets. anl-ly WILLIAM F. PITFIELD,-IMPORTER TV of .BRANDIES, WINES, Ac., Ac., Xb.'fiO OHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. » ? - aul-lm 1 GI. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER e IN FINE WINES. LIQUORS. CIGARS, An., 26 Scjuth FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. - - • aul-ly BOHLEN’S WEESP ANCHOR* GIN Constantly on hand and for sale by the subscrib ers, sole importers of this Gin. , HENRY BOHLSN A CO., aofl-31 : No. 221 and 223 Sooth Fourth St. BRANDIES.— Pinet,Castnioa & Co., Ma rCtt A Co., and other brand* of Cognacs of various viptages, iu half pipes and quarter casks: Pelleroiaia Rochelle Brandies, rads and dark, In half pipes, quarter casks and one-eighth casks, all La Custom House stores, imported and for sale by HENRY BOHLSN A CO., au 6 Nos. 221 and 223 Bouth Fourth street. READ! BEAD!—A NEW POLITICAL WORK.—THE POLITICAL TEXT BOOK, OB ENCYCLOPEDIA, by M. W. Cluaky, of Washington City, D. O. This work, a royal octavo, containing 6to pages of matter, 'conveniently Indexed and handsomely bound, is now out. No politics! speaker or editor should be with out it*. Alphabetically arranged in encyclopedia style, it is a book of most convenient reference. It contains, among other things, the Constitution Articles of Con federation, the various Party Platforms, the American Ritual, the full opinions on the-Dred Scott Case, a his. tory or the various Tariffs, a history ot the vongres. slonal Legislation on the United States Bank, a' com plete history, with ail tboroUg Becticaalty clasrtflod, on the Missouri Compromise, & history of the Admission of . the several States, a detailed, record of the legisla tion of Congress relative'to Kansas and' Nebraska, the Kansas Convention Act, Governors Shanon and Walk eris Inaugural 'Addresses; in'fact, everything apper tabling, to the present excitement in. Kansas, including the Reports of Senators DoartassAnci Collemer on Kan sas affairs' during the last 'Congress,- add the Special 1 Message ot President Pierce on the same subject; a his tory of Party Conventions in tho Upi ted States; a his tory of. Alien Suffrage:,the letters signed by Madison* In defence of the American Party, and that of Governor' Wise against it; the Alien and Sedition Laws, and their history \ the Compromises of ] R SEWING MACHINES, 702 Chesnat tJpJUJ Street. &1 R SEWING MACHINES, 702 Chesnat wiutxbs or 1863 amd 1867, has proved to be the most powerful heater in the worut, saving from K to X the fuel over any of the best furnaces now in use. Toss* Furnaces are constructed with a cast iron ash pit, and a broad, shallow pan-shaped fire pot, lined with fire-brick or iron stares. The fire pot is surmount ed with A SERIES OF CONES, oa TAPERING RADIATORS, large and broad at their base, but tapering to small aper turea at the top, and uniting with the ajralar chamber, through which the heat and. smoke pass to the fine. Tun waoLS products of combustion in the form of smoke and oasss, are suspended directly over the fire, COHNMDor oompresaed into the tapering Coses and Costisoallt sxroean to the direct action of the rays of heat and light from the fire. This heat and light is brought to a roCTO In Eton Cosb, not unlike the COLLECTION OF THE SUN’S RAYB, to a focal point through an ordinary lens, causing the smokb 43 d OAssa to become intensely heated and tho roughly consumed, by this operation the smokk and casks are made xqwxlv availabl* with the vpbl irssi r for beating purposes, while, in other furnaces, it is CARRIED O 9t AND WASTED IN TUB CBIMNSTi ' All persons desirous of obtaining the best and MOST ECONOMICAL HEATING APPARATUS, should not fall to examine the New Gab Cossomibq Cone Fcekace, before purchasing any other. The at tention of architects and builders is particularly re quested. ARNOLD A WILSON, (Successor* to 8. A. Harrison.) No. 624 WALNUT Street, aul-tf Opposite Independence Square. maL agent, ULADILPHtA. Philadelphia type foundry— N. W. Cor. THIBD and CHESNUT Sts. rtly, and promptly L. PELOUZE 4c SON, thankful for the liberal j*, 5 trouage heretofore accorded to their BsUhßshmeui, and desirous to merit its continuance, would Announce to Printers and Publisher* that their BOOK U now ready, and from their increaied faculties, are novr prepared to furnish every thing neoodsasy {a* complete Printing Establishment,, at the shortest no tice. Their long practical experience' ifi the business and the fact of their personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, justifies them in asserting that they ean furnish a more durable and better fin ished article than their ootaanoraries. Those, therefore, whoI’desire 1 ’desire Printing Materials, wouldido well to apply to fettn previous to purchasing elsewhere, i- <, Philadelphia. r ; ?AUornej)a at £o». ATTORNEY JAFVAT LAW, Southeast Comer of EIGHTH v>d LO .UUfT Streets, Philadelphia. anl-ly MYBR STRoerSE, ATTORNEY AT UIW, Otsm rtmt, PotUrin,, ft, wt-lyj TOUN BINNS, UNITED STATES OOM fr‘:, D ..TIUS MQB/ITK O* iCCOCSTB ftrjnmi Bt»tM M4H, t, )jy !, w utfcMMl to •Jmtalrter o«tk, end AfflrmMiosu to U nwltad ta oil too Court, tn PetmiylT,ni*. JOHS BIRMa BLoy bo tout in liU 0000, No. Ut South SIXTH Street, oppo.lt© the Oooaty Ooort Hoaaa, froroS A.M. toOP.M. eol.lm Street. below ■ ani-imrp ®otntnis9ion JR«rt^ante. Handy a brenner—commission USEOHANTS «od Heeler, In fonijro ud Ame* rlean HA&HWABJS oal CCTLERV. Noe. S, *5 urd 2T North FIFTH Street, Xwt (Me, (bore Comsmrt etnet, TUM,IfU«. Wl-tf " r-: r c*y*~ . ’***m& < 3*!*n CEanbiitttes far CJfficr. Fob assehbly-joseeh j. keefe. -*““4 »hWrt, Second Word. Subject to the decision of the Democratic Convention. .uMUM PBOTHONOTABY OF THE DISTRICT CODBT, JOHN P. MTADDEK, ot Thinl Wm 4: Subject to the rules of the Democratic Party, aul-tf FOB ASSEMBLY—THIRD DISTRICT— FRANKLIN MdLYAIN, Subject to Democratic rules: ’ * an6-dtzpB KIOB CORONER—DK. FEODOKE JOBE- X 1 SON, Fifth Ward.. Subject to Democratic Bolei. . oaS-Om* r - ' • F>B< PBOTHONOTABY of the DI3- j THICT COURT, LXWIB T. HEARS, of TweUi W*Jd. aotject ig Rplg. wS-la* PBOTHONOTABY Of’THE DISTRICT COURT, OIORQR T.' MRRMK, Trotj-teewA W.rd, Safaiwt to Domocratic Bole.. tattM Fob becobdeb of deeds—k. b. yousu, SerwrtA' ffwj. Bny«et'to Uomocntio RoU.. _ Fob clebk. of quabter sessions, BAHUEI. O. TBOHP9OK, «tk VuA. Bnlijoct to tho RaUe of th. Uemocntio Ptrtj. aut was UA* Fob coronee—n. o. beid, a. d. Sobj&ot to DomPOratte Rule.. - ■ - - maAln* )B CORONEB-CHABLES s. peall, Nineteenth Ward. ‘'auVlif* Fob assembly—first distkict.— JOSEPH H: UORKELL¥, Tint W«rd. EohjMt to deciaioo o Itho DotaoCTotie Conrootloc. .u3-5—A Fob ASSEMBLY—thibd distbict -- DAVID B. McLRAK, Fourth Ward- Subject to _ Democratic Rules. - • aol-lw* - - Fob assembly— JOaRPHHUNEXEB, - , ' ~ •• Eighth District, Eierath Word. Bab>ritaDeoOCTaticKuies. T . . atLlm» 'OR RECORDER OK DEEDS— CBARUS M. MILLER. ' .... .; . Fourteen la i :. ■ Object to Dtinocratic Rules, on anl taefi XjlOR BECOBDEB OF DEEDS—GEORGE r M? W: WUNDBRj Thirteenth Ward. Satfeet to Da znocratic Bsi«l. • nal-Sw» - FOB t BECOBDEBrOF DEEDS—N. F. : WOOD, Subject, to Democratic , rules. 'aoS-te* CLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS*-? GBORGB SIMPSON; THIRTBSNTH WARD.— Subject,to Democratic Bnlec: -■ ' aultaepg '*• fjottbs anb HusLanzanls. CLINYON FLAOE J HOTEL, BROAD WAY, corner of EIGHTH' street. New York. THIS XLFGANT MODERN ESTABLISHMENT B now open fox the reception of g&ests, in the Rmropesn. style. SINGLE ROOMS from 50 oents to $1 per der. SUITS of ROOMS for Fuad ties, from H 60 to SIQ per day. The H£Al£ served, at all hours Ly tbaQARD, at moderate rates.. ' ' ‘ 017. JtACEEtIhH f« loaf tad' fgnnbly know* to the petran* of Joue*’ t&d the netted Sates Hotel, Philadelphia, l ’) is iisodflted id th» t&toogesteat, «i hs* especial ehiif»*of the Caterfjag Etopartaient. attention haa been paid to nuke the. orjsaixit&n per fect, tad oof tttaoda; patrona, tad the trattelßeg poWfo in general, mammal rawed that no edtot , shall he wanting to auk* the CLUftOK worthy the Istot which, we hereto respectfaU/soltelt. ' ta4-l m* ‘ ’ ■ HI ESCHARTS’.HOTEL,CAPE ISLAND, ITJIjIV. J., ifatnropec for the reception atTiriteH. this sew* u ritoated iritiin *' hundred yard* or the Beach. The Proprietor peoailestVi bo care shall h« spared'to reiser • tho4e «oiafortaM* vho wiU %*rdr him withtheirpefafrnage.;Tttmamoderate.>: rj/.v'.’r aogJHw*,..,, v . .•„-ifr%Yos3 > Proprietor..... LOUIS B. COFFHf,— : 1 ; 3' • W WAMHDMayDEKOCBA.MO HUH Boutit-cut memi lu4 QCMS Strati, ‘ , ‘ ' aal-lm ."Pisb^gjphi*., ' WILLIAM JT. KING,—SOtTfHERJf • EXCHANGE HOTEL, S«tfb*ttt ;«ctra of K&TH aad PkilstdeM^.. fiEESmrt STREET HOUSE.—SAMUEL, MILLXB, (Old No, ! 121)'Jfair No. S3L CHEShTT BTBBST, wWlWth.FhSadelphia. aul-fan * XtfHtX'IAK HANNINGS’City Lagerßccr 'T ▼ Saloon, No. S 3 ALLEY. Philadel phia. „ . '' , aal-Xa Sakg bg %Bttioß. WonßSST'fc Bcorr, Auctioneer*. ' 401 CHESTNUT STREET; OPPOSITE **OjL THE CUSTOM OOUSB.htfouea fourth -and fifth Stmt*. . .. : . , . CABD.—W« invite tbe attention of roeWtn 4o tto peremptory sate of an aoortexent of tint's and Bon* ■ocortor aty-mad« CtOTHEifr, to "be b*id stkor gtoriT THIS SAT, omuteeißf it lftotioe^ , SrC/fEDBmWr.' 1 i ' i Also, at 12 o’clock, will be cold *a iaroieo Aptawter ahoatone hundred epecfanenß'oJ'ortsithologjr. prtpsr§d *n the best manner hwa competent Yasidenmsf. l ' ’ >■ m£ CHAMPAGNS W3RS. I ..\ Also, at 12 o’clock, $1 baskets Champagne Trine of & celebrated sad &rorftd brand. ■ • ST.HJLIKN CLABET: Also, at 32 o’clock. 38 casec Bt. Jalien CUret-lWoc. - 1 WOLBSBI- & SCOTT, Ancta. i , POSITIVE OP A YAMJABUS STOCK OP BEADY-MADS CLOTHING. ; THIS (aATUKDAY) MQRNISO, Cammandog at lOo’cJockpTQelaeljy are »JU idLSsy catalogue, on a liberal credit, a raicable stock of Citr made Clothing', consisting of Genti’arid Boys* Coat* and Jacket*, made in a fcperior manner, of choice ma terial, •• 1 '' 'j ' •• i GENTS’AND BOTS> PANTS, “**• 10 tf»d*)ft'tbe-lMrt mmvetyrif otter tmrfety of ssi4«i*l-- N. whole viU.be cm Ay for UamU*ti . • anllm Bt Guo. W, Skits, Auctioneer. NE. CORNER OP BARRON AND • SOUTH STKEXT3. ibore&com}. - ■ EVENING BAIEJ. SALES BY&3Y SATURDAY RYESDtO, At 7X_o’cloek, at the Auction Store, of Hardwire, Cot lery, Housekeeping Articles, Clothing, Watches, Jewel- Ty, Fancy Articles, Ac. JgAMUBL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER,- K 3 and MONEY LOAN OFFICE,-No. 112 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear st.. only eight doors below the Exchange. . . , Hours of business from 7 o’clock. A. M., until 10 o’clock in the evening. ’ Out-door sales, ana sales at the Ahetien Bouse, at tended upon the most satisfactory terms. ; CAPITAL $200,000. , £st&bHtk*dfor the last Thirty Tears. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Din moods, Saver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Bard warn, Jtfer chandise, Clothing, Furniture. Bedding, Cigars. Musical Instruments, Guns, Horses, Carriage*, and Goods of every description. All goods ean remain any length of. time agreed upon. All advances, from one hundred doHtrf and upwards will be charged 2 pet cent, per mbath; $5OO and orer, the lowest market rate. This Store House baring a depth of 120 feet, has large fire and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and pri vate watchmen for the premises; also, a heavy insu rance effected for the benefit of all persons haviag goods advanced upon. B N. B.—On account of having an unlimited capital, this office is prepared to make advances cn more satis factory and accommodating terms than any other in this city. Money advanced to the poor, in small amounts, with out any ehorfc*. _ PRIVATE SALE. Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will be sold at reduced prices. aal-ly SJCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL.— ►3 I am daily receiving, at mr yard, the best quality of SCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH GOAL. My customers, and all others who may fetor me with their orders, may rely on getting Coal that will be satisfactory to them. fry No inferior Coal kept at this establishment to offer at LOW PRICES. ALEXANDER CONVERT, N. S. corner of Broad and Cherry Sts. T EHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL.— .RJ DALY, PORTER k CO., COAL DEALERS, No. , 821 PRIME Street, above Eighth, keep constantly on hand, at the very lowest rates, a fall sapply of Lehigh and Schuylkill Octal. aul-fim COALS COALS COAL!—TAGGART* CELEBRATED SPRING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH COAL. J. ft R. CARTER’S GREENWOOD, TAIIAQUACOAL George w. snydbr’S pine forest Schuyl kill coal. RANDALL ft MEREDITH Have for sale, and are constantly receiving from the above celebrated Collieries. COAL OF ALL SIZES. There la uo Coal mined anywhere, equal in quality to time, and a trial will eonvinee any one of their great superiority. Our Coal is very carefully screened at oar yards, and we will warrant it perfectly free from slate, dust u 4 *U tmpurttwe. Qur PRICES arc m LOW as thu VERY LOWEST. Orders Uft at ear Office, No. 3 SOUTH FRONT street, above Walnut. . . . Order* left at our Tart, CALLOWHXL& street.' feln* BROAD street. ‘ Orders left at our Wharf, WATER street, above CAL LPWHTI.L—nr sent to cither place per Despatch Post ftll receive prompt attention, - * PuMkwn, for hallrvM will 4o «ell to alluala. amine our Coal before purchasing elsewhere, anl-ff founts. TOUNGMEN WANTED.— -For choice thß American Army. Fine dunce for travel, promotion and study. ExcelUat pay. and foe bOKfittfitothiag. Apply tf 268 S. Frent. aaJ-lwv * WWABT t CO.