The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 08, 1857, Image 1
dEls^^^R*a«iia» mggsssm fott»MV»WiM(«nce laVtifyStHf. -ci;r «»*. <W-fa Wst* ; sS@®®SS® i T 33 rS‘S’W£i^sMSiiS' 'C' tha sikljQf tuyiiaW^iim-,thfetlt|f.^ } ,'yestW* ! to l -a clutfrfljtrhlcft a tjues' taj a q fimi-. -‘ pie, freeand llk'o’f fiffi: 1 * ubt#! *i\j> ’Jwsspil* i aaGHBMMaw! a requ!«4fetl»Jh>l ! 9jonß-Jaa*liVM«lallj(- for ftvtf.yiar«;' % so uto Hus I to fi'ce aid ttimn in' I MUtMMhWM #*•«. %m 7# evK It *4**W I . a»®W.«wJ>a?idi,Mi4 .vjdiukHo. S Will be ii. ! I. i eJRHNH : . ocaissp®^-':"™ f w s QK^*io*' a . . Jit nvt»fa ritaljHAi t do. : H^-2*sj&!2{>; **r* n a a r M Ar ** #• Voltao, do} adtai $1 fttlto do Ja 1& »Jo°t& £ *“ s&#. 'W ?« V Arhgfi 7 v J iim 0 my r » Aj*kO. .Tdo..;V;J:>Biti .. . Arntto, .: it , 4s j Arvfe < i#4w» #®s i »* viastas <t i! (' ■. Iroß.'vKejr-ii^^io^^hMiipbu, <?r jTay^o-iiwt i r ' f t FrOsr HaTre^or-South Juo}>ton to Nev York—Jhiw I CtfrfofSOO |',; / Jfet freight 'a&gej aptly to tt , j 4 ** .:' 7 SSSHm i ■ -.-wSmflMfdoi.*! w.fv.vSonuiWh- 1 ’ ' AIfISMOiS -ECHOISAS.) ! 4 fi !. 1 fp aUI u &t**> i .Thfs& J fet&miiilpir 1 KBYBTOSTE BML** ; «id BTATJO OF QEftIUKAV' iSW 1 foruHlilCeeWKiMM fM. lii9rBeutb<wo.3oMH’n!at,f M) THZ Blii>(BHlF ,KJSYBXO!«»'arAm J s ft V - TH» STJSAWpiIP'EVATE OF GEORG fAyi jli:. Ati^Oibh*rl^»t^^ni£fUWitlos}l ; rtieatf slifts cf-inleet 1 ft ',t, t '!> Iltx-M '''^pta£fc/’ V w#*» iif » t f<fr> ilaieu’ turn •|v- C: Wtitodh. - 'fftwmt**? Jttl* -rnv IA67 »? Bept.B».-,mr! Oct'. 14. 1887 Oet<<2B;*rtft6T! ••;»; MttT-i -«^1867-i '&mV, • hU- d-’j i'tJ-U *• i'v'. '"' l- f tif? «i■ ; >Ay« f Q p& il “ tn w>-!>i‘-,lift j?»ssi .will io day. <tlie..,piiKUb...ilcfta(Sd}Boarcely' object atul design of-tbis journal. KWdwn !> by Its "’fruits. 1 My igiaWßon ‘is tfcibiliakb’-'a thorough' Newspaper.' complete in all its departments: to'' address script ism of the pies in a daily'a'chenp, 1 irworthyundtintelligobt medium of popu 'hfpoestionj jTd aecornplislldhese' results '.*jU fexpendil JBresio.f .mouoypconsideruble experieuoe, and the employment of varied' ability; The " belief has dpt'ermiped'ine upon the pre j*.b.P,t (undertaking. •> -THehops!’ that there were fh>ne|tthranc/es, per. JPMJb'jOTpJSlfsifft in" Pennsylvania, and. I elSejrhere,inspired;ni'o> with additiobal confl- Jfhei 'agrbeablo relations' X‘. h^.ttp|&ft,/p j fpist, Of, ttfope .engaged'in. journaTtejp, jlurihg liny long connection With that p'fbfelSlOn/WOmtn'ded'iuetliat this, if not ul'yays .the moßt lucrative avocation, Was, at hibst.pcceptable, toeeauße it(.retpp.epe4 a,...field of independent 'jtctip.n;,»ndhard, hut eddying toil, .An enter ‘p’lsefouitdediUpofi'suehTnotivoe cannot fail to invested in It (Ul that I,'have' f pi4tp. > wpfld, jfna, every- effort, and energy of 'ffitcisl; am capable; shall ha enlisted to vender gilSJSiltS.S.SßSs'a.. jgrd&t,questions "of. the day;- I ‘ hive already 'gaa^sssifSisg, mont. pf niy paper. should, he oondneted upon sßephohatib ‘p™cipleS."';lt'-is 1 equally !l we]U ;i#? s eftC . Administration "at. w aahingtiomhavb jny hearflbet.'approltetidnr v.X‘ have known the iPWi-iWi’ft'Ps 'Jdi;.«<snpprt , ; ahd-confidence .(Witll.'hiui/ ever mince my first youthful ! as- JM%tipn in politics .and editorial life'. "' Tile lo' M Inydut tn.perfornii weveithose; given to’his ,sausey”Myfctfcichjri'nit|; to' hiin grow jfot more •fwii a'diniriitidn 'of "his 1 " pure .and. upright than,ftofu. a profound regard' ibr his -intellect,' experience und;patriotism: It was ■M. gu°'d fbttU'fijSltofr]ttmy.';gi>od men, to , u6hiheifieiei>i)y,in crown ing adift> ofoiaefulrtessiaUd' distinctien to liis 1 nofmtryUndfiiMsifif'WiillttibTfighest honors in -thewoiid., . d’hofriiimjot'ftat, iestiitaip already npbping. for. tho EutnrfiirftiThe wisdoto of the iipopulari dHolee.’is tMfig'dSiiySittlfcc&tedbv the >qU|qt ’havg 1 follotvcd 'tli'o jßtojrmy acejit»,,ofilaat,year; as! the sweet sun rihuiu.'fOlioWs-'thfi .dbstktbtiVA tempest. Had BjeMroaiffiaw KldsWs, | Jv/lmwiSteKOfPfbliPgh WW protecting, the " r®hlB:a£ti*etatiiteaaml thOrighta oftlre'States, 'T > &Ouldh»v».aosa‘:eviH'y.thingtthat;.onpfoan - could do' to tmliold and to strengthen' him, imd'to tedVliWifid .opinion. fftfiaiactionj iiov?%tef> when the consistency, Jjanify, and§hility s .p| i h;s i .adm(nisjiatioft, aria ,M> taiipy prp'pfsifhat deserved, the per .seyermg-aaAenthiisiaßtio .prefetenbeof those "MfafjtMrt *1(0 ‘bis , fortunes IplmiMiMK e^JwpWt, .ajifing so many long years. ' :i.-. . rft l am not writing as'ppMfir&tihni’ iun'- net' #' ‘‘ ' ' Iff a 'fii6fo''i)ar l ty,papbf,; for, ' and unfaltering g'qojgteps itionaltpriieiples to their .to conclusions,’! : shill. at to convince those who, may rcasdnp toot'- by: recrimino fjst ,4‘p. rjw'afti loptihg j'at Imiiustvation, -up. to this tfeited land ’ elevated m'oj thfit J thbt' .statesman. lias ,mcy at' (in auspicious pq fonfo/'andat ,a fortuhate' fiSi:. * AUGUST; 1857.' 1 j.M - _ : ■aafrag**- iWW. PP .'BHBrJSXPJBNt •GOVERNMENT. ■ boucloo,Tinier.!. - glitu’ro of the coup try under riling fact, and' no wonder it f.,C, XBW,iela- i moat.emphatio juy.luiil-NaYy, besides & pum ittusos, .suoh no the dearness of •iraplqtion of large purchases by lymanqiit poproos of increased iM .steam, -large i dock-yards, p%y?aWPW Wlospital Corps, system jrf thoCoastgoard, new lines,to allpurte of the, world, ningthi;. groat spirit of. pro wl vo totbo public:. The,civil iiaotlog. .The pubJio.offiaeß, ’,c<fMtal)ulnry, oducMioo, and ,q, necessity or interest, anuu -sub|i<| purse,to,the nmount of n t;ino; and eyeiy, ench, Instead, therefore,, of tho dileti !>»ro recently promised irpcsoo expenditure,, tbo cs ittris 0ver,X65,000,W)0. loctipn of. the Revenue, V the ; flu Persian .expedition, •iMppoara,, mtour,, present -.peace expenditure is 7,opi);otKi.. more was. before the war; nnd '■much of this,he permanent., ,The Chan.-, -oell(tt.,pf.Uiß,&eheqni)r, theopdoos no,more than, bisjuuty.iu .calling, attention to the, vast aggregate IIP? p/pet whiph if) tog jjauallyregordcd in tho detail, j, pp tfcaapflly tile publ ie'docs wantfcoino sober, busi f£. there is toe much of the seromblo in .the iteoOtrprop,ijBsaa,;‘,l!ii?it,COUie,,firet6on'cd;,”,.tir, tlter,.ippStrongest,hand.gets, is •<d iiiaUer.of deily occurrence .to fix,on- tho public pufsaaiy annual charge equivalent to n capital ex-. jemiiturß.of .f s,t)oo,(ktjo 9rX10,01.i0,(K)0,- During tho I itOAojoa/SOf thc-Wur wo hiivo rnado qroro pertno. lieot.gdditlffii, to the public expenditure for other 1 ~obj'pota,tbs#:Wo haye,pn!icOoun't of. the war itself. '■*> j’Hougli ndi aMustoiii'ed'fo'take tlid London oim monitor,yet it sometimes - bap iPci is tji r at;yo S-t’Sdful iliht;'or halu : itdrrd^|!bQ i it^p^j 1 ita,.oppe)Jine,coium'ng. fa ‘‘tfit rofpro present tho foregoing brlef-but pithy ,jrt <|b^^^^t^f , jjap?ji | i!ociaiis.o i .'it i ‘a6eih'sey ,tro nely applioable to 'thoffnited States! n Very :iiBsßyiparticularfi.''! ,;t- ’ : ' !r ' ® 1 i of. 'th< rapm growth andt expansion of this Con ...ypc eratlcWythif hbflpst rapid; increase, :<in ;lie price ofriearly every article essential, to; the comfoj-f or fbo uses of Gov ten ment, owing to tiie inflation of tho paper 'fJj&'Jnflitjt 'oi' gold,! thdt the public, -JE@C >entuwrhsi sHo»WS*o greatly Increased. But “.in .‘xtmiijilhg 'thefltrexpenditureSj'ivlticli have me .rly'frebled within tho'last'flftcen of twenty ‘,s‘fe: spaoli portipn i’yo in-appropriations ofmoney or lands, mo..ttafeessftrjr to ; the Support of 1 Government, ■ ana Ctjiatp) been Voted ; hyjQpngresS rbeyoind'the' , t)stimatOs .presented VhyJtliVairferent Ibipdrtifi'entt’j tioVonly'without ■any reeommendaiioil’iron! tiie .President, hut mbf 'iUifrefUtcntiy.tln'rlirect' dpirdsUion to his tfswell, as those' jol’hjniiiiodty. ofthe, people.', ■-. i . , ■,oi ihe're wati a 1 tinie : when the Immediate rep- fobbed up to ‘Sit fho, pticnliar .guardians of the. public, purse, |{ th^-]i^K| by the they decreed tthiitjiiijtrovhnuo.bills should originate in the. Jtiifi' .idgisla'tpfe, It.'wf*, VaaonaUjV.presuni'edf .that a "body, emanating J^6tS ? the| J Wople,' whose members were P&fpAt ami who irertt shijrtlyto-rctara to* their qonslituehts to share ;th4if'Dtfjftte|s^,’ FPSMnfiibWtlp the people, aiidthorefore bepiore careflil tOjgdard'theni against any dis po|itl<itii^{bd' t Ho 'loud ihOtot vvltb extravagant or unnecessary iie« . •>>: ipratiticc has not jnsti -fioft tiie.theory. oft eanttdt .be'doiiied that the iiipeeßiaryi (Edd 'unavoidable .‘eVpenditnrcs of ■ tiqverijtpont liavp.beeii augmeVfcd to a fearful embracing a bomiiig within the le gitiniaite , sphere',, of .“ (lie .common defence 'i«ul general-' welfare; I.’ 1 .’ and at best only admin- .the piiriieses!bf private 'OsSocia :tlojns,,or small districts of country whose in- prospefjty-,,'fioweyer' rapid, and how iy Ppipercoptihle', influence fhe,general welfare of this wide confede rrai iori.' ffrlf'ivei-e p’osiiible to distribute this 3t> to all parts of tit country,: 80. t every community, nay, , plausible .pretext for "til such ‘‘a ; jirooess iff thV'oiturcf.'Of thingS.iaml .it Huist:’tbeieiicjr,e;bo'Obvlou«,>that. a preference pjlM Setting W this kind of flraftfW’- source' ’*r " • -■ Vr’U! tap! Jffiri) ssi. /ii’v'- 4 . 'OaoVoT' , h.'s»i>itJiiolaai:io;:'a,i)v< ‘ h;-.! «•. ' ir. of ! wasteful prodigality, .but. liable to, still greater, objections, as directly tending to cor rupt both the. people and their representatives. !• It.may be urged, in.reply, that the resources of the Government are increasing even more rapidly than its expenditures i, that the Trea sury. is overflowing, and that the surplus should be appropriated to useful purposes, Instead of lying idle in the- no use to'any one.' All this is undoubtedly 1 true: 'No Go vernment should'becOme : a" miser and give jtself Hj> to hoardings, A great public fund, not indisyensiblo to the ordinary .exigencies of the State, is little better than, a sink of corruption and venality,. a temptation to every adroit schemer and rapacious Speculator j a prize to be struggled for-bp‘rival States, which if they canndtget rhore than their share, will consent to flivide it equally, /;In addition' to this—and this is the worst' ephsequenpe of allyit ei'er cisfes a most dangerous influence, on the integ rity ; of- the. representatives of the , people, some,of , whom we know,- from late evidences, have become littlo better thanlegislative Brokets Tor'tho disposal of speolal benefits to' the highest bidder.- 1 'WVtrusttheruis uo breach , of i privilege-' tu' that ’ liM notorious iltgiplfec-. tatlon of Tiioro are 'some-, tilings. ..which. cannot! be- kept secret. They Cafinotf bo'buried so doep ibntthat the stench will botray themj'l’nSd'Ohthe whole/it 1 is llctferthatLiWrtV'sh6iia'sidfei-''a l tompbrhry' disjpracO "by : llio 'disclosure' bfia Secret’ can ker thin 'thit' 1 it ' unknpjviij'to prey gnhpf.vlfals...,, ' as there app, proliond,,tlicr.o.shp.uid. ho.any tendenoyto this: 'fatal .malady, thjs iinfalliblo:symptam i df' i pre'-' mature decay,bitlier!’, in'otir r i’ederal : or State 1 legislatures, if limy' ‘undoubtedly be in a gtcat' measure traced to' that - ttyßfehi’ pf special legislation which' is' fed and paiiipeVed by 'a surplus revenue, aud offors 4 temptefiiiii, and an opportunity to the applicant for, fayprs to corrupt, and the; bestower,, \o be corrupted,.: Enact laws applicable to all citizens,:and pto-. sentuo temptations of this kind, 1 They never attract lobby members, nor do they offer 1 any' inducement to the collection aiicl'distribution' ! of the funds pf corruption. Tlie'ro is'nd.pccu-' .nlary profit, no .nioncy 'to bo .made by thp -passage ofalaw, unless it confers a monopoly or, some special privilege or boon on a emsiU pot-, tiotiof citizens to tho exclusion,of all others. TWs is what the beneficiary can Eliford to pay liberally for, , and wo believe experience will generally prove that' iri such cases‘there are afuiaya those who aro willing to deal with’ him' bn Ittau principle of tpo qklipro quo. ", ' , . If.then, we repeat',, cofrnjitibilhas insinuated 'itsplfiptp thelegiolaHbp.jdf this Government, it mpy bo, distinctly - traced to an extravagant revenue,which-iatheXoster brothorof special legislation. oOrib fhrnlshes thO mo&hs, - tho other the projects, for dissipating the)' ’lhhd', ' ip jwejl'as'. tbC'temptation to legislation jo'ajd in those schemes ln addition to ,thip, there probably,never, was devised ;a sys tem. of legislation-so, • directly. and inevitably "tending :to .undermine: and render .totally in operative that great principle of equality which is ih«.corner-stone of this Government, aa that of'special i legislation'. 'Of what use-is the theory of equal rights, if these can bo fritter ed .awpyih conferring Special benefits by special, ,acfn of legislatidn: ‘‘ 'J " the of a majority of pur legislative ljodies, it, pill generally bo seen that,-they aim for,the most part .at this spe cies of pettifogging, special legislation. Very few ldws applicable to the people at largo, and affecting tlie fightsor interests of ill equally ard passed, but oh th 6 contrary wo 1 find them incessantly occupied,in legislating for corapa nlcs and corporations; administering, to petty personal arid lodai interests;' bestowing partial , or.^cliisiYg.npmpp.qHes; '.pptepdibg,, jqirpumi scribing or otherwise regulating the privileges of .banks, insurance, railroad or manufacturing corporations, involving great pecuniary inter ests, which naturally and almost irresistibly call for the application cf pecuniary means or improper influencesto (hciUtate their passages, iii this way corruption" insinuates' itself into Legislative' bodies, and the great general inter! estp of the State are sacrificed to the, special benefit of that small class of men whose, wealth or-whose influence enables them to monopolize tbdso Legislative boons always disguised under the convenient mask of the “general welfare.” ’ frothing,* no injuriously affects the .purity,of Legislation < as : the exercise of the j)o>ver .mtl the means of applying a portion of .ibti public money in public, property of any land, to the exclusive’ benefit of private indi viduals, or those associated in small bodieß for selfish purposes. Hence, it hds become an axiom verified by all past experience, that'thh poverty of :a goveramdtit is the best, if not the only safeguard against corruption and prodigality. Where it has pothing to bestow there is no temptation to importunate beggars,* no motive foil the exercita of improper influence over thbse whose hajids are thuß.tied; no temptation and no opportunity for one solicit, ftje other to bestow,?thtiaCßpecial favors which b<L ing worth buying, are consequently worth selling. • yor these and vdrious other reasons we think 6tir fcllow : citizens, generally,' have great cause to .rejoice in. the late revision, of the Tariff, by which' it is estimated the revenue will bo decreased some fifteen or twenty mil lions Thus one great source of }vapteftil prodigality, not to say corruption, is, if not completely dried up, at least greatly di minished, and it is to be hoped, that in future, ftiq surplus revenue of the government will I>e no greater than may be necessary to meet any unexpected demand -ot temporary‘exigency. Al| beyond this' we humbly conceive is much better’left in’the pockets 6f the people, where it administers to individual coinfort, instead of being dissipated in impracticable schemes to render the laws of nature subservient to the despotism of man, or to enrich* those already rich at the expense of those who are already poor. ! Should such bo the salutary result of the late reduction "of the Tariff,'there will then remain but one for those .ingeni ous gentlemen whose forte is devising schemes . fpii dissipating the money and lands of the people' 'through the great conduit of special legislation. ~Therq yet remains an empire of unoccupied lands, from time to time augmented by! purchases from the Indians, to bo scuffled for in the grand raffle or lottery, where the highest prizes invariably fall to the lot of the most expert player. But this rcsourco is not inexhaustible. 'With the Inclination and powers of extension so proverbially the characteristic .of the pooplo of the United States, and the rapidity of their; increase, it will not be loiig before they, will: require still more space for expansion. ‘Wc-fihaU then begin to experience; perhaps, the greatest of all’ national calamities—that curse which a | large portion of Europe how labors t .her—a surplus population cooped up within iimils,ft cannot pass, and >vbicli by Its utmost exertions of labor and economy cannot escape the jaws of famine, whenever a partial failure of the harvest occurs. Of all the civilized people of; the world, the natives of the United States require most elbow-room,- and arc mot t dif ficult to govern when crowded together, as is evident from the examples of our great cities, where nothing but a system of restraints incompatible with , the general liberty ot the citizen can procure anything like order, and the intervention of an armed police, or a mili tary force is becoming every day more India pensible to arrest those excesses invariably generated in the hofc-beds of crowded"cities, whore excitements are caught by contabt; like epidemical diseases, dnd communicated with tb£ rapidity of lightning. ' ‘ ' jCho period js not far distant when we shall want all the lands we possess, and all we can honestly acquire, for the proper sphere of action of’a people who have been accustomed to;an almost unlimited expansion. Let us, then, husband our great patrimony, our only* real, estafe, the main source of our prosperity and power. Let us keep It sacred to,the fu ture requirements of a people who will one day number hundreds ofraUUons> and require % " I , HII.AI»i:i.f»IHA, SAfl BJfAV. AUGUST 8, 1851 world for Ihifir bperatibiis. Ebt'hShot'frtlfe'it away in idldprdjeb'ts, In h space,’bin building 11 pane no rrti pus he re ditary pension, list,' to .reward tlje.^CScepdanfSjl,of every man who, has.shouideredVfflwHetlh the defence of his country, or in schemes, which, having no other object, or atuldast another tendency, than to epridh projectors Snfi Spactt-' lator3, corrupt legislation,' add "disslptttb'-ia private boons, or political t/o*jrruVi', ivtiat teff longs to 'the'whole people of ii thfe i ’&(iite‘d' States; as a national fund for to the “ common defence ap'd gene^K’welfaidjjJj’ CORRESPONDENCE. \ f'; , THOM M|CTSBURGri ~ j I [Correspondence or Tpe P r.s ß 3-l ' ! Hotel, ' BtftaburghrAufrlf 185 T. :J / I ater Alive - fetid Wbll i : ' An l - Atit)oAneefti , eni' noYolenough,- tfe’o>eht^ f of a lette*; my reascfa fo* it telftts f ; Ai X wasWiflifrbly Werid ing ffly wy l doivfi*ttVW4fep‘■windings of Mqflfct W fishirigton/cpposlto Pittsburgh, till a ovcniilgi iria : a'tid using the * jpHcftu-' tionaYy hadd-rtiU ifl’Hibfcnder perhaps morb cratio than grnoefuL T Ws'afcdostedby d vetfygcn tlcpiunly looting follow^ 1 -with iin' ji!r Bf pytnfiathieingscnie.itu&^f—‘Mrc yorisirJi,sirV\ had tho immediate' effect of 'it* higher' state of foclu! ’coi^dldnaiio^f^wh^n^ ’ tho "inquiring' ‘atrjingor. the eilcots of 6x 'fiiu9t!bh,’ f hd^ t V4jS*ojHepfW fooling Very wol!, 1 'Nbl .’ho continued, ibell f ” at which I 'gai| is ifty : tfulso ! hbdom'etery ‘touriding; took off my Wipeathd bjAgrc'cftjifAfist 'from‘my brow,, and aB3| i fed' my S'y mph tHI riHW l mrtiaritftu neighbor, that •if Kfi V tho “Sr. Charles,“ -f WotiTd min' a practical demon* wfcjo'Aofcvbry soriddV .‘Attbia proposition, ho hW din d’inOrb’ rbconMlCif/aWd 'watT willing to hiawnifitakb tiial-pliUc* amt noUoty ’do\{ li-liiH ritfibf lhah lb any thing of a more *'-% usM a& sub/betn'f Mmnt IVartiing tow, its summit, mayhdV bd first leisure kobr the t has Wnoo writing you iby lot :er 'bf'tßo 'up at about’five Vis ock this evening, and; bhcbrdragly tho abovo l nmiedtowerifl^'emmdnec'waa'inado tho magnet of i A more nneient, though lita pOatio, i but -7 E < thirik more appropriate name for thtfr hibbntaitf^^^CbaV’mit/ 5 { ' -1 rbiAtWtAw&belM, oh this side of tho Monon gal eltt, it pfc'sonts thVappfsnrahce of a giant, orag. gy, barren-IMkirig ; Natural Waift-work. almost clo id*6app’odlil and IbokingHke an, imnbnsevroVk - of fortification ; the fury of 1 sto: ms cdmitrgfroin that direction. 1 It js'Ayast bi-! 1 tuminoUH boat deposit!! Hundreds of tons of this excellent 1 fact have already’ b'ebn.ey-" htujhed from its Bulphurtrtts' bowbls. * * f : To reach Us summit,* - wo Opqsw iho wiro Suapen-' sionßridge, which 1 span’s thoMbriohefehelAriver If' thej fOot of Smith field street, And pass' along a suij-* staktially constructodcircuitous fbr' ntbut a mile, and we arrive nt hnelevationjfrom whjch tho’hearen-poiiitih£ spires that adora tho city of far below ourlovolfand the city Itself, with all its Syide-sprßad suburban euvi* rbns, its rivoira, bridgcsnxid surrouhdinghilis,away tb fhe 1 distant unduluthig hdrizon, lies outstrofohod arofuhd,' in front end hbne’ath' iia;' ’My word for, it, to fho yialtor who h as nbtlohg to stay in’Pittsburgh; this ia tho spot to oomo' to. if ho would a glance, tho topography, and physical appearance' of thib marvellbUH manufacturing emporium. Owing to I newly-washed atmospliore, tho smoke upon this occasion was less dense than 1 usual, although at tiiqes it forth* ah obstoold so impenetrable as* to en*’ ! tirely out off the view of tho City from 'the talk above. From this point tho course Of the three' rivers is seen for several miles t every hoilßo and 1 ■hil|obk in'and aronnd the Iron Oity Is laid open'to’ view. Dirootly to the northward lies tho crystal Allegheny, spanned by four substantial bridges, and tho wire Suspension Aqueduct. -ThlsUttor pohdotous work of, art,' constitutes a part of' the great lino of State works, which have recently pass-v od.into the hands of tho Pennsylvauia Rattroagj though in fact it naa,buUjU hyy thd expense of tho oUizons of Allegheny Oity, with thb double view, I beliove, of promoting a local iu terest by this connection, and also with tho hopo that the Stale would purchase it when done; which hobe, however, has never been realised. That immense structure rising heavily into viow to the northeast, with its toweringspiro and pieroing minarets, t i£ St. Paul’s Cathedral, and excepting the Notre Dome, at Montreal, is said to be the largest in America; it has been six years in building, and bos already donned t the sombre mantle of the oity, th«kigh it Is not yot nearly completed externally. • Itsspaoious interior presents an appearnnee of gloomy solemnity—Us internal architectural finish being similar to that of Trinity' Church, Now York. On the opposite cornor from the Cathedral, and on a mast commanding ominence. the massive propor tions of a dark granite pilo, rising benoath a noble dome, arreatour attention. It is the Pittsburgh Court House and jail; in tho inttor of which there are at ; this time seven persons committed for inuhier, throe of whom are already undor sentence of death, And the other four are awaiting their trial. This may scorn to bo a large quota of murdors for this placo, and so it. undoubtedly happens to be ; but it is but just to add that tho present excess of criminals is moYo than equalled by the vigilance of the authori ties in bringiug tho murderora to justice. If you will pardon another personal allusion, I will add tMt your-tiHually innocent and law-abiding corres pondent has, on account of Tug Punas, boon subjected to a brief incarceration in the same estab lishment; but having had a gallant military hero for my defence; and a smiling-faecd, amiable Sheriff fof my judgo, I was permitted to walk tho felon’s halls o« icowator, and when I was ready,' was per mitted to Uko my departure with a cordial invita tiop to call again. Ono hundred and fifty yards due,west of tho josjt namod edifluo is soon tho new Custom House and Poet Office—a largo and commodious building —also built of gray granite, and speaking hand somely for Unole Sum’s and judgment-in its!construction in overy part, save-tho “sand bap” on tho third floor—an allusion whioh will probably bo better appreciated by its inmates than iny readers in general. 11 A Abort distance beyond this, and slightly to the westward, is seen tho boautiful Gothlo front of tho First Presbyterian Church, under tho pastorship of Rev* ; Wm. Paxton. ' The building above named, together with the Monongahela House, in the fore ground, constitute tho main points of tho picture; and, as an illustration of the vast growth of the city within tho last quarter of a century, I may add, that there are comparatively young men now living here, who remember well when tho sites of the first four namod edifices wore scattered about outsido of town, in the shape of duok ponds, barron ’ knhllfl, swampy commons, Ac. Now thoy occupy the central part of tho expanding oity’of Pittsburgh, whioh is indeed rapidly urging her grou ing tide of population upon tho neighboring bills, and dotting ovbry valo and summit with privuto villus of real architectural beauty. Immediately in fibnt, and boneuth us, flow the Virginiu-halling waters of tho Monongahela. On ita'opposito Bhoro, for near a mllo in length, there extends one of the flnosb lovees in tho world. This lovoo constituted tho south margin of tho memo rable conflagration which occurred, in April, 1545, destroying an amount of property, iu tho course of u few hours, variously estimated at from four to ton millions of dollars. The money oontrlbutod by sympathizers with tho sufferers, upon this occasion, I cm informed by ono of the Distributing Commit tee, amounted to ahpwia quarter of a million of dollars. Whether that impetuous catastrophe was really a disadvantage ora benefit to the city of Pittsburgh, is a matter upon which opinion hero seems to be divided; though lam inclined to favor the forraor conclusion from the foot that Pittsburgh is a manu facturing oity and almost universally employs her constantly-incronsing capital at home; ho that having been thus subjected to tho loss of millions, and having boon undor tho necessity of roplncing this iinmunso loss by extracting that amount of capital from her manufactories, T think tho inference legitimate, that jn that conflagration sho sustained a blow, which, no matter how slightly, she will feel for years. Woaro still uponthemountaintop, and it would be a delightful .spot to enter upon a roviow of tho vast manufacturing interests of the city be- fore us; but aal have,already,written a long enough letter, and os I begin to feel the bcokoniugs of Morpheus hanging heavily upon my oyolide, we must defer fpr tho present. . The. appearance of Tub Press in Pittsburgh has sharpened tlio appetites of abort of readers here for moro of the same sort; and, I opi not overesti mating whorl' I say’that but a very few weeks will elapse beforo tbo deihand for it, in this city alone, Will amount to several hundred' ‘oopies. The' statue of Washington in tho dress of a, Freemason, now under the ohtsel of Powers, the artist, in Floronc'd,-was ordered by Fredericksburg Lodge, No. 4. and is to bo sent to Fredericksburg, not Richmond. M&nv masonio lodges and in Virginia, and throughout tho United Btates, con trbutoa funds to pay for.thlawork-~and the whole amount is not yot mado up. • • , 'JSfdifffh®Prow.] r \ , ».i ■ H 43RCHITECTURE AftiD ENGINEERING 1 : jj i \ .’AMONG TIIE ANCIENTS.' !• ''4 t §, or J tfa woqdon thot arrest lha attention» '?sj it « -i® tt^‘ra^ou ie pilgrim to jenisa- Oyolopoan architecture of the S. $■ and S., of the'Templo Enclosure, find thoro*" •mafra of boloraon’s Bridge arc perhaps tho‘mo3t utf- Mg}}**' k° wotuler that ‘-there was “no tnOTO 1 ' ■freffr , IQ , 0 £°°d Queen of Sheba, ns evidenced i W *^ on the half had noti been told' she saw his noU, anil eapooialiy his okaf . hy which he wont up into the .house of the Lord 1 ’ by the wonderful Bridge, Ihe Tytdpoan Valloy, and thus affording the Temple Mount from t|io Hill 7Abn. 'UyWims immense structure ran the aqueduct con* . his magnificent reservoirs hie name) through firmly' cemented •V x ’ ntl^es long* traceable at the: present , village of Bothlchom to Mount' .’SSSr&'V ?P9 re it empties itGelf Into an.iimneuse mP *°F V, 6e °f the Priests in; their jAplh.wons. The Temple, and lu some meusure, tho from ita inexhaus table source— V Sealed. ’ * Subterranean rooms beneath theso pools, with .thotigfcystotie nreherf,' identify its construction with Solomon—thus destroying tho general .Wlrf bof Roman origin.- fa it. i r^ ICfi oau i° t^OSO hniuenso musses of rOok in the- i’emple wall, and how woro they raised to their ' Somo of these stones moasured i.eignTf feet in length, and may vow bo soon more I feot abovb the surface of the ground. however parodoxicnl this Solomonic work may bo tp the conjecturing traveller, nud until now to gtnrned »ntiqunnan,thiS'tnyßto'ry has’at last fipivpd by- a most interesting and important pailij by l)r. Barclay, tor some years an Man miipionoiy at Jerusalem, and a*uthorof a mjpcoinirfg'.work, entitled “Tho City, of-the flr^Kirig.- 7, % . AfUlon resident Of ftp holy city, havipg hoard Y*du| accounts of an immense cavern bonepth the 3 cjty, wo was constantly on the‘alert to guln hny in- that might lead to the pieoiao locality of this interesting place. On walking around thfe* 'northern wall,.immediately opposite the caVo of Jerjpmiah, (aa long as the jealous eye of tho Turk ;wodld allow,, in the immediate vicinity, of the. ■ *} a T 1 lf. culi . goto, ?vhich is kept under constant guard,) his ’ attention was attracted by bis dog, apjmibntly on tho scent for gftmo or food, for;’ <wliioh ho' forthwith commenced active milling operations with his fore paws, nud soon effoefc .cdifi, eutranou. - No time was lost in crawling in, feet foremost, tluough aimnowholo barely large to admit tho body. A complete exploration m tins giguntiq artitieial quarry occupiqd tue entire night- The plot, shows it to be inoro than a thou*, sanp fcotiu Circumference, with immenso laburyn thiiit halls, having their roofs supported by pillars, apparently left for that purpose, and galleries and cryttta, in tho end of which wero visible tho marked blocks to bo cut; as well ns several largo masses, proharod but fiovor remoVed.' Above, a beautiful’ t pellucid littlopool of brackish and bitter water may be ic*n petrified stulactites that sparkle like chan* , doljcrs in a brilliantly lighted ball room, when ex pose*) to the light of tho ilumboaux. Small pieces of aMickery were also’observed beautifully encrusted fn Sparry deposits. In tho southern ond of tho qtlrtrfy was flrnnd a most singular skull, now in the Aestfomy of Natural 1 Sciences of this pity. linagi ti&tftn is left free in assigning to this person a lo eqluy oruuraVeiling the mystery of hisdonth. - Who ora say but that tho blooohed hand of this ndveu* . tupju* explorer, 3,000 years ago L “Held by Solomou’a own invitation - ‘A torch at the great Temple dedication Vl ' rv 'Afo comparing some of the ohippings Of the blocks m&e'cave with the huge stones In tho Temple WftWthc origin Of theso immense stones and tho means by which Hyrara, tho Groat Phoenician af chiVact placed tliem iu this position in the Temple, •by wiling thorn down the inclined placets at onoo apparent., Is not this fact also explanatory "fit. frhat Ezra mentions in relation to somo of tho largo rocks in tho Temple ropnired by Zorububel, whuih ho oalls the stones of rolling? ■ Bpt I shall not anticipate tho pleasuro to bo do rivtei from ft full description by tho author of thin iqtircstlng discovery in his forthcoming work. Is it pdt h littlo singular that all the discoveries of riot® in the Holy Land havo been tho work of 'Americans? ily lu> will now say that this oavorn, for so many CQiaturies unknown to tho Christian world, waa not tbttsilent graves in which tho ohisel and hammer sq Skilfully wrought out tho materials for tho cou- Strcotion of tho Great Toniplo of Solomoii ? ‘ x ‘ A r iATon. [PoV Tho Press.] ! . RONALDSON'S CEMETERY. " Comotory was established in tho year 'tmi-ty years o£o, 'by the into .Tunies Konaldson, the first t.y.00 touodor in •’America, ho haying set tled in tho United Staton in tho year 1731. It was ..ablut tho beginning of thopresontccnturytbntMr. ttopoldßun f.vrtst conceived tho idea of establishing place for tbo interment of persons iWbpse did not admitof their- inour* :ring tho hich charges usually inado for intqrmonts Ip grounds belonging to churches; ftDd that they ! uilcht avoid the necessity of being buriod in t,hi» Mlio grounds.’where tho expense is small, but Uha hasard of boing removed very considerable. j.With-Gic?e Mr. Itonaldson was induced to puk-Mfle'from lbs OiecuWve Of tho In to lev, tho lot of gi-onnd on Shippon streot, between Ninth ami Tculii streets, no\r tho Cometery, nud nppropiato it to tho present pttvpnso. Ho hnd suit able buildings erected, and the grounds enclosed and laid out in lots of eight by. tea feet, fixing tho prica of caoh lot at s2ii to $3O. The success pt Air. llonaldson’s plan was for several years doubtful, ns somo of tno neighbors wero h'o.nilo to such an'e?tibliEhmcnt, apprehend ing it would becouie a nuisance; others were back ward in countenancing the project, idea that) 4 was an’infringement tin the rights and. emolument? of the churches, and thutlho ground ‘rfasnot properly consecrated; even some of the gehtlemen of the clergy expressed an unkind di<j poaition on the subject, and declared .thoir inten tion of refraining from officiating at funerals in this Cemetery. Tho Bov. Mr. Chambers was tho first clergyman that ventured to ofliclato til a fuhornl in this ground. Happily for Beoiety, the .humane viowa of tho projector were oarried oat, anil hts endeavors succeeded in dispelling these prejudices. Any person, of whatever Religious fiersuaeion, may now have his own freehold estato n tho ground* consecrated and blessed in any manner of, faith, consistent with his belief in a God, without any hindrance or unkind feelings. Air. James Ronnldsun, tho founder, died on the 20th of Maroh, 1841, at the ago of seventy-three. Hd was buriod in tbe Comotory which bis,benevo lenco established. Mr. Richard Ronaldson, who still survives his brother, soon aftor tho donth of his brother, vory generously gave to the Managers of fho Cemetery elghty-oight lots on the west side of tho Cemetery, a portion of which had been used for the burial of strangers. Thoso lots have been a source of considerable revenue to tho Managers, and have rendered it unnecessary to levy on tho Jobholders any assessments for many years. About 10.000 perfcons aro buried in this Comotory, John Mcreor has been for many voara tho caro ful and attentive superintendent or tho Cemetery. Ho resides in tho housu erected by Mr. Ronaldson. Tho rates of intormont for funerals aro tho same as theso oriuiually established by tho founder, and are two dollars and fifty coats for digging, the' gravo of, a grown person,. and two dollars for the grave of a child. No assessment of luoro than fifty cents for ono yoar oan ho laid by, tho managers. Tho lot-holders have ‘al*b powor to levy an assess ment of fifty eonts only a year. So that no lot holder oan be taxed inoro than ono dollar a year. Thero aro afyqnt ono thousand lot-holders. . , Wo copy from jtjie Philadelphia Gazette of Maroh 3,1837, tho following lines, which may bo not un interesting to the many friends of Ronaldson,’ and hiß friend Air. Ramage, tho well-known inventor of tho Rninago Printing Brass, of which thero aro in use in Pennsylvania and other States. Mr. Kamago died about four or fivo years ago: LINES AW>B£BSKI> TO JAUBp HONALUSON By a?u Old Shipmate .* In youthful days, when we resolved Our nativo land to loavc, With a firm faith in Providence We orosgod the Atlantio wave. No better namef a ship could have, ' Than that which brought uahere, And Providenco. has favored us Throughout our long oareor. And when our varied raco is run, And each has done his best, A rdoasant place youf furnished have, Whcro both of us may rest. * Adam Ramage, of Philadelphia. ♦ SUipProvlileuco. I Philadelphia Cemetery, where his mortal remains now rcht, Leah Siu I hnvo seen a manuscript copy of your ndilichs, and feel very much obliged to you for thocompliment; itmukcsmeiu memory forty-throe years youngor, and rovivos feelings and recollec tions thutproduco a luixod and imloscribablo train of sensations in my memory, 1 and brings into a focus in tho mind, tho post, tuo prosont/and the fu turo. Well, Adam, don’t you think that, now wcaro acquainted, it is moro likely that wo shall bo so hore uuvrthan it wussoventy years ago, that wo should meet in the hltlo ship Providenco ? It is a kindly hope, and I will cherish it; and, until wo 3ee hope a reality, I am Yours sincorely, Jamt.s Rosaldson. Tub. Wagon Roads—Progress op Col.' Nobles’ Party. —Tho Washington State* has been’ favored, by a gentleman connected with the Inte rior Donartmont, with advices to the 27th ult./ from Col. Nobles’wagon road parly, from which we make the following extracts: Col. Win. 11. Nobles, tho Superintendent. of tho Wagon Road from Fort liidgely to tho South Pass, arrived St. Paul City on tho 27th ult Tho party nndor Col. Nobles arrived at a point twenty-live miles west of tho Rig Sioux on tho 15th day of July. After they crossed that river, they worometby laigo bodies of Vnnktons, who stre- objected to tho expedition penetrating further into their country, until a treaty should be made for its cession to tho United States Numerous councils wore hold with tho Indinns in order to tenure tho right of way for a road, that the expedition might Suffer no unnecessary delay They woro unsuccessful, however, and Col. N. flud jng bis forco far inferior to that of the Indians, and Also discovering that hie ammunition was seriously damaged, broke up his encampment west Of 'the Big Sioux, on the; 18th of July,' and retreated to the Big Woods, on,tho.Cottonwood riyqr, about eighty miles west qf Foft,Ridgely. Tho objections raised fey, tbo Yank tons’to Co). Nobles* party eroding their country was, that they would frighten a way the buffalo, tholr tolo means of subsistence. " - ’ :. .* . ■. Col. Nobles appointed the 20th day of Auguat to hold a council with the Yankton* on the Big Siouxj to .treit fdr the- right of way across their territory.* gunners were dispatched fox absent Indiana, before tho .-party left the Yankton coun try. . , „ Every thing was- quiet a* the Agency when Col. Nobles left. Goy. Mcdary had arrived there, and was engaged with Superintendent Cullen in paoi fying the Indians* Little Crow, a Ooted’warrior-’ had left the Agenoy, with a force of 125 warriors, ia quest of Ink'pu-du-ta, ,j. j . Gr.AYBEAKD. ! , M jj 1 j \i\ii ; i- u •’ 7 Gm^R^Nfym\ rA''propctsitlJt?iPS!d^liFdte , York mpore togetu'pa't*rtimOfni&l/t«siDr.T7hl for the ‘ courageous.posiiipn’l.bQtoqk In affair.' Ho is said to bo amember of the faculty In -‘.‘good Odd regUl&r stAnding, 'and tt ! th»n'of* hotter’ and iutegrity.Ono admirer.of the Doctor gontrdusiy .offer* to, contribute tho magnificent sum often jdok lari towards thp proposed s&timonirit‘. “ *'■ ;Ths Tree’Masons ot ,thd,,4slr6Htl3hVegi menty now 1 stationed at Windsor,' have To'* their 'possession tpo -original Bible, belongings,to Lhdgo JSo 227.0 f tthe Irish Constitution, oncedn existence In' th’at ‘corps, upon which Gborge’WHsh ington—afterward oommander-in-bhief efths arinyf of the. United initiated into the rites,-, of, F This book, was taken in "battle in 1777, : dunnf* the Anibricdti Witr, by our troops, dad honorably restored to the Lodge: of the 4Gth r with a military pscqrt as £ Qf t honor. > ~.,t The Persia on ]ber tast‘ trip[pasped the, Van derbilt, eh yoiite tdSCnitKanipfbn, oil the 3do’f Aug'- . A.Mijiiilat. seel; atff also, parsed tbo refute to Liverpool, on the same; day, at 9$ A.,M. } in lat. 43 deg. 18 min., long. Off'deg. 21 min. ‘ At the'time the Persia )assed; tb° Vaiulerbilt was forty-tho and the At- and a half, hours from New, York, and if thp above figures are correct, they must have run, on ad average, from fourteen to fourteen 1 and a half tailed ptr hour—very good travelling. Tho Vanderbilt w,as not mor^.than, thirty ty-fiVo mllfcs alidad 6f the Atlantic,, which,' con sidering tho Vahderhilt's pretentions, is very creditable to, the latter fitoamship. . , •>. , , Tho Standing of the Assooiatiqn for tho Promotion of Education reported tho follow ing offloors fbr the ensuing year : Hon. L, BI Wool worth, of New York, President; R.-'L. Cooks, New Jersey, Fepretary; and ,Jqo. Whitehead, of New Jersey, Treasurer For the Standing Com mittee thfc following were roportbd : Hon. Amo3 Bean, of New. York-; Rev.. Chna. White, of In- Prof.. W, F. Phelps, pf Now Jersey;-Chas., 11. H. .Lindsey, of Connootieut, and Ohas. J. Lindsey, of Tennessee. . . . . A few days since Byron Stnart MacDonuld died suddenly in tho Michigan Stato' ponitentiAry at Juokson. He was formerly a resident ofiObt pago, whero ho worked as a printor. He was arrested and ttdnvlotod chiefly through tho agedoy of AUoh'Pinkerton, for placing obstruct ions on the traok of the hliphigan Central Railroad# with the, design of robbing tno mails of tho train thus thrown off tho track. Ho 'was sentenced to' ninety-nino years imprisonment; whioh.wha suddenly tormina ted by a « ; ; • J)ISCO ( VERIEB OF MINERAL WeALTH.UI WlS consin.—Tho Bayfield (Wls.) Mercury .states .that a solid l moss of copper, weighing one - and "a half tons, bassoon - found by an Indian, i five 'miles be-' low that town, and further i adds;-r-“,Twenty r five miles southeast of Bayfield is an oxtensivo rich iron-range, speoiipbtts of whioh Have been tried' afle* equftl ta the .beat specimen* of the Marquett iron ore., Then again, ii> a westerly direction, at-a distance' of somb’thirtj' or forty miles, rich specimens of copper 1 have been found. Many, handsome, rich specimens have boon found nearer homo, some ..that have been pronounced good, even within the limits of the townJ There is no doubt but this section - of tho country will, a*: an early day, productive mining region- AU. that is now looking is merely the oapitaf and en terprising spirit to develop' and draw forth the hidden (wealth treasuredupin boundless quantities throughout this wholQ oouptpy round about,!’ , .. Governor roijock lectureli. in Pittsburgh on Thursday nlghf: 1 We should ih|iik the Pittsburgh-' inns wanted n iitUe lecturing .for the numberof Out rages and murdoracommitted there. . , The editor of the Boone county find,,) Pio nter has been informed that a short timo since a man aged about 60 years; living in Morgan county, was taken fciok and died. Previous to his death'he callod in some of,his neighbors and told them he-was about to dio, and that ,ho had something weighing on his mind which he wished to cdmmtmicatd to them. Ho thon stated that ho had for. thirty yearn beeu conuceted with a gang of robbers and conu terfeitora; that ho hdd never stoled any himseUV but had concealed alarge amount of ’stolen property; that the band ho botaaged to wra somd twu hundred and fifty,parsons, well organized, and Bomo of them apparently respectable pillions'; in good olroumitancos, and thomosf of them llred In Morgan and Jlendricka eountloe. Ilutljon gave the. names of somo of them, and. two of,tho?o named axo now in Hendricks county jail. *» '-*' s ''i *' ! The yearly, expenses ut the Pest Office' at Chicago, HI., amount to abofit 374,000= Thera are 87 clerks, at an averago aalary of $000; there, are 8,122 boxos, which' rent at $8,298 per annumB42 drawer*, which reijt at *8,620. The Mcoipta Ibr the lust quarter are stated at $200,000, , Madame Storms, of Delft,, Holland,, has purchased a,large tract of. land fiva miles from Kingston, Tennessee,'mad' thrOo miles from,’the Tennesseo river. Ono essential element whieh'ebn trolled Iho selqction was ; tho boliof that it would ho very favorable to the rearing of tho winegrapo. If this Cxporimont should prove successful, it ia belioved.tbat it will be the eommeneement of a largo emigration of Dutch to this country. A lew days since all the members of the legal profession of Dubaquo, went op an ogcursion down the Mississippi. The Tinirt, of fhat'hlacc, thus ajK-strophized -‘Blessed cjiy.„ ivilh-but twp or three mad dogs, and not a lawyer iu the pre cinctS.” 1 -- - The Chickasabay (Miss.) that James T. Bnllnnce, formerly of that place, end the publisher of. tho first paper ever issued there, has rooently inherited a fortune'of $90,000 I After such a fat take, he'ought to balance Mb afi ccmnU with the, printing business, and set •upas a millionaire. Such.oases are very rare, wheq evor tre hecir of ohd, wo embrace the oyportuhitv to point it out. <■ . ' - i"i . :i*. >, Thomas Potter,. 1 of. iSprifigfleld township, Erie county* Pa., was killed by a mowing machine Inst week. Ho was 70 years of age, and a Very es timable gentleman. , A copper kettle, capable of holtliDg ten gal lons, has boon found In Ottowa, HI., seventeen feet below the surface, firmly embedded in a ooal vein. How did it gei there ? * - 1 The election! riot 'trial lias not yet been at Washington. ' 1 The Shawnee (Kansas) Indians, having madq selections • and locations of one hundred thousandiocrcs,- in accordance with the terms of tbo treaty between them and tho United States, nothing,ttow remains but the approval of the* se lections by the Prosideut, beforo tho residue of the Shawnee lands will be opened to* sale-an& pre emption In view of this condition of things,- thb Commissioner of the General Land Office will shortly issue instruction* to the Surveyor-General, of Kansas, to approve of thfc- plans and' surveys, and transmit them to the propeitfand offices. ! Tho claims of white settlers who have already gonoon thosp lands will not be recognised: l Afire broke out a fbw days slrtco in th 6 burdwnro store of J. Y. Caldwell, in St'Anthdny Bireet, St. Paul, and before tho flames could bo'ex tinguished, tho entire squaro, with tho exception' of the First Presbyterian Church, was consumed-' Seventeen buildings in all wore burnt, causing a loss of $50,000, on which then} is 'an Insuracco of $12,000.' f **•..■* Land Orripgg in TUK : 'W‘EST.L.The' foliipw-' ieg is a ooneot list ef all the Government Land, Of. fices in the West: ‘ .. ; \\ iSA^onein—Mineral Point* -Hudtonj bt«i ens Point, La Crosse, Superior and OhippowOi at Eau Claire. ,i ~, t , it , Indiana—^Vincennes, tndianapoUs. , Illinois—Springfield. - , - Missouri —St Louis, Fayette, Palmyra; Jackson, Warsaw, Springfield, Piattsbuig, Milau. - Michigan—Detroit, Kalamazoo, Genesee,,lona, Saat Ste, Marie, Duncan., ~ , lowa—Bubuquo, Chari tan, For£Desmoinef», Coun cil llluiTj, Dooorrah, Fort Dodge, Sioux City. Minnesota Territory—Still Water. Sank Rapids, Red Wing, Minneapolis, Winona, Chntfiejd, Farri bauU.( „ , »({<■', Oregon Territory—Oregon City, Wincliaater. . i Washington Territory—Qlympift- Kansas Territory—Lecompton. ~ Nebraska Territory—Gmana City.' , ~ A now spurious $lO note Jias just 1 made' tfs apjieafance in Cinciimati,' on ; thc *‘Merchant’s Bonk,” of Baltimore, Md. Lbrd’s Couhtorfeit Detector 1 the follqwihg. description of this' bill:*—-Centro vighettej tWo buman figuras, animal,, ohe3t ond’lotten)Ciif On oaob ride., The genuine l Has 'fob vignetto failroad car. This'dlffbrebtto, easily detect its spurlmis eharaotef: 1 •' ' ; 1 * * The tbo/Aulnirn consutuo one pyunds oi beof a day. , Ln»>t woqkj a; young man -by the name of Israel D. Sohnnval, was drowned in thn mill pond of Brown & Bro., on tho Lohigh, above Stoddarts* villc,. a native of New Jersey; and wAS,4,b°af tweutyrtwo years of age-- i:-*i : . On Friday evening last, iv serious ' break oc curred on thePiiiegrovoßranohof tHo Union Cdnal. As a large portion of the embankment was washod away, navigation will bo interrupted for several days on that portion of tho lino. Thoro a breaoh on the main Und of the : Canal, near The Water Works, but > the Resident notice that this will bo repaired by the olosoof tho present week, and that through navigation can bo resumed neXtwcek. .. ■ • Yesterday we noticed the robbery bf three drovers at FOgtosvillo. Pa., of $5OO, and 'the issu ing o( a warrant for the landlord of tho hdtCl it which'thfey Stopped* It now ney takoh from the drovers was found’in tho )poi- Bcaslon of one of 'their own party, a young man' who had accompanied them from Ohio. - Tho par* tyj it appears, woro assaulted in tho hotel and wero biuliy beaten, and in assisting to place one bf tho persons who wa3-seriously injurod into a wagon, tho young man saw tho pocket book fall from his puokot, and notable to resist tho temptation, picked it up nnd kept it. He’subsequently conducted himself in so strahgo a manner as to excite sus picion, ami upon boing accused of robbery, made confession of the net, and rostered a portion of tbs luouoy, which was in his possession, und gave in formation of the whereabouts of tho balance. Thoro is something a little singular - about- the whole affair. * -•'*«• * ’* Americans Abroad. — The following !»’ * of Americans registered at the Banking Offion’ l of the American European' Express 'and Exchange Company fn Paris, from July 16 to' July 23, 185 y B. Littlejohn, J- A. Van 'Buskirk/L: W. Kip, Jr.f H. Bat hard, ft. F. Boekman, 0. F: Halsey, R;W-| Direy, John C. Hunter, W. B. berts, E. E. Hall,' P, Rector Smith,. Mv 8. Jesup, T. M/ Ingrahttm; G. L. ‘ M. Fiske and lady, G. A McDonald,- L. Piguales and lady, Georgy Bwkey,.F v A; Atom Charles Rs>moTc._y. Sharp3tecn, II- T/Hunter, Ged.’Q Tain!-' ly, S D. Stryker; Jr*,T. Bruo^dfaAyTN.'Torip E. Ames, F. B. Md.; A. Benson; J fd\Q- J Di». 0/H:Tsr- W; B. Barker, W. Maekay, Masa.; WffliafirLflley, Ohio; Mrs. W- P,i Hahl, Dr> M. Ai fattejr hni»i&,; Mo i d. 0.. '■ ,-I ai . .) ii-iT-i'; ,i, -1*.;.!,,-, r. ; _ 'T^OV^NTS. ■ A Oahdbn is A time .since jre ptatbdthat Mr. Adams.keep&r of the East Cambridge JTouso'of'CQrreotLon, qontfiiDpiated turning a vacant spot of land within the prison 1 walla into a flower garden, where the inmates, es pecially thoss of tho' feinftlO sex, might,’ during gfod Behavior/sponda brief-period attfae close of eaeh * day in an indocent and healthful enjoyment. She plan .has been, successfully yearned out, and in thu lately barren spot now Bloom beautiful flowers, the ' 3Core or'more, of unfortunate females confined, in that Institution 1 having 1 zealously and ' with much -taste seconded the design of Mr. Adams. We doubt : if thfere* are many gardens >in tho World onSide. which in so brief .a period have; been placed in such a'thriving and forward»condition. - Sucßa sight in such a, place, ia certainly a novelty,, andws the experiment may he attended with tap best results, not Only giving to the, prisoner brief moments of despite, but byits influence'gently drivwihg'him’th-' ward the iniioceAce of other and Detterdayd.*— Bos ton TrawtUr / A- mat named Charles Allfeh, of Horsham vUle, Montgomery County, Pa., raked-from the swath, and Doand With a dobblo babd, in a neat and wdT&nWtUker'inftnfieiV twenty-fire.dozens of wheat inopo hpur, being af tho rate of five sheaves per minute for Cbe whole dime.i , Tiie. editor, of, saw, the oilier, day, a .large number.of balps qf .wool going depbtwara, consigned to a house in VMladel phia. This wool has been bought from our far mers by Mr. FitclVwbo has ipr office forthat pur pose iu the Advertiser Building!-- The wool- trade seems to, Be growing business in El mira, the competition. Between, dealers,.being un usually spirited. Weareglftil'to see them all pros per, and nope that nobbdy will get “fleeced.’* -' A fihip is about to sail from iNan tucket, to engage in tho ‘*sea elephant’’.fisheryoff Desola tion Island, a business in which the Hew Lon don ships haVe, 'for several years, been 'profit ably engaged. '.These yield about two barrels of oil eaohf and are caught like the seals'. ' " ‘ 1 A youhg' : &&n‘ named ‘Weston‘Smith -was drowned in the basin at Easton, Pa., a few davs since.' 1 ►*- ‘ '** •'' "y : * . The Portsmouth ’ VVa'.)* Transcript k states thdt'th& reason Why ( 6d]y i S;rtoo Was subscribed ‘at tha Old Point Convention* to* &»> Hon.-Dudley (Mann’s prrieot for establishing diroot trade be tween Southern ports and Europe ‘was, that eaoh subscriber Was lunifed to one share of one him* died' dollars. l It adds that, one gentleman was ready to subscribe 310,Q0Q of thq stock, and that fiovorM citizens, of Portsmouth are now anxious to add their fcarnes to the list with those who have al ready contributed to this great enterprise. • ■ A young; man .in Lecompton,- Kansas, hav ing made up his mind that he.iyouldrget married to somebody “or die in the the Kuwi river, - recehtiy, - pjropoSed- to a’ handsome young souaw. was accepted nndunajried forthwith, lie now learns that Bhe is the possessor of seme :$25,000 worth’of property. ' ' 1 Therehave beeh 65.676 interments in Green wood Cemetery, New. York, since it was first open ed, a population sufficient to people a large city, and dying in'all the varieties of age, sex and con dition of life, common to the'living. Truly, this is «city o;' the dead. ’ ... . .» There were eighty deaths in the city of-St. Louis, for the week ending on the 3d inat. sister‘ Mary Vincentia, of. the order of Sis ters ofCharity, ’died on the 19th ult.. at La Salle, Illinois. • ’ ■ ! The Commissioner of Indian Affairs received on Wednesday ,a letter from-Agent Porn; doted Neosho agency/ 3d ult. The Agent states that PetroDecpn'solaoior. Whose parents reside in Old Mokico, and who, virile gathering Wood'With nine other boys in 1853, £was, : together., with One of his. companions, .taken prisoner oy the Camancbp In dues, has been purchased by Tally, a chief of the Osogea, dnd placed at tho Osage Catholic mission. represented to beabcut twelve years of age, hand&raq, intelligent and sprightly, and has frequently expressed a desire to return to his home farftho seeing! his parents, his brothers .and sisters. ; The aqcideiit on, the Wilmington. and Wel don Railroad, 'near ’GqljlsboroY.on Tuesday, was occasioned by the breaking'6f’an axle of the cm glrio. Mr-Barboat, of ;North Carolina, had both thighs badly crushed, qod is sur vive.' Mr.'Little, agent’of Adams . Express, was ‘alsobadly bnrti'- Capt. Ellis, of Wilmington, Con du4tpr Browning; Elia*. Bell, of N. 0., Thomas Crdmelin and sister, of Montgomery, Ala., and several others wore slightly mjured. Mrs. Mc- Knight, of. Charleston, was dangerously hurt.' ! - jj ■' ■, 1 > • —*r ■!' . tXTBRKSTINO FRO« THE “.NIAQABA."—ALL Tup Teleoraph Cable Coiled lx.— The Navy Department, on Thursday morning- received im portant advices, .dated Liverpool, July 24, From .Cabtain Hudson, commanding,thp, United States frigate Niagara, from which we furnish the follow ing interestinguxtrar'*'*- . , - n * : I have the mmei to report that th01,2?4 miles of 'telegraphic .cahle all snugly .stowed aWhy in this ship vbry soon after the appointed tide, and. that *» are now waiting, as I had anti ciuht ed, .the completionof the pondorous machinery which tho engineer of tho comply has provided fonninning itout: ' ' : •r Several machinist* are now employed on board setting it up, and, I am h.ippy to add; with some prospects Of its being ready for experimental ope rations to-morrow night. -The quarter-deck looks more like a manufactory or machine-shop than the quirtcr-deck of a ship of war. I sincerely hope that all may wbrk well, and that we shall lay the wire oat safely; Should the machinery be finished as contemplatedvwe shall loave this port on the 27th i net.’, for tho cove of Cork. * You will see from the annexed copy of a resolu* tiohof the Board of Director that 1 the starting pofot for, laying down the cable is Yaleutfa Bay, (Inland)) instead of a central position on the plateau; hud I shall, for many cogent reasons, urge the ojayns of this ship to run out, her portion of {the cablo first, and then accompany .the Aga memnori on her Way to Trinity Bay, (Newfound land ) lam, respectfully, your o r bt. Serv’t., I “WAI. L. HUDSON, Captain. . f Ifon. Isaac Torcv, Sec. Navy.” i lA- Masonic ' Movemextv-Pctrchase of Mqiwt Versos.— We find thefollowing announee nujut in the Richmond Dispatch of Thursday Wp understand that one or more of the Masonic Lodges of this city have originated a plan for the purchase of Mount Vernon, which* if, taken hold of jin earnest by the “brothers of the. mystic tie’* • throughout the’Union, cannot fail of success., The ptyn proposed iB to get the subordinate Lodges to ooptnbataon? dollar for each member. The price asked for the. Mount Vernon estate is $200,000, the Masonic statistics’show that the order members tbxbahtmdredthousand; sothat if >all the Ladgoa in the. Union * accede -to .the proposition anil the probability is that they will—tho porohase ofjMount Vernon may be looked upon as a* fixed But the suggestion, aa given out, does not atop horo. , , V When the land which contains the last mortal remains of tho immortal Washington is possessed by. the Maeons, they propose, to present it to the State of Virginia, only reserving to tfyir order the aright to meet around the tomb of their deceased brother once evervyear, to celebrate his imperisha blc deeds and to keep alive his groat name. We haYo string faith in tnispatriotie plan for Lbo pur* chpso of Mount Vernon, knowing, as we ‘do, that the order from whioh it emanates nro ever ready fof good deeds, and never look back when they pat their hands to the plough. Let every true Mason feel that the Tomb of Washington cau only bo pre served from decay by his efforts, and hot & few short months will roll by ere it willbo the property of that State which gave him birth, and to whose keeping'alone his ashes should be entrusted. the Public Ledger.] Philadelphia arid Pennsylvania. A Iftto number of the EebanohCoMrifrcontaina sotne yertiDeat remarks,inreferoncoto theoharge, so often made, that Ycuusyivama nothing for the interests of Philadelphia. Tho Courier boldly ingots tho accusation,' by retorting that Philadel- spending millions to secure the western trade, has expended comparatively nothing to de velops Pennsylvania, ana refers, tor one example, ‘tojtho'Leh&non Valley.road, wnose charter was Opposed city delegation in the legislature, • and which was finally built principally by New fork' capital, Philadelphia cbntriboiing but little orjnothing to the enterprise. I There is :omo truth in this retort, at least that ! part of it which.'relates to tho backwardness‘of 1 our capitalists, in subscribing for railroads in the interior, Tho justification in tho eyes of many, Consists in tho belief that we have really no money I toWafo fbr such''enterpriser. But if this Is the truth, and if we are unable tovompetc with New Ydrk, with what justice can wo complain that tho Intorior looks to' that city, instead of to this 1 EVory eommutaity is governed by its own in terests, and if a- Pennsylvania} borough or couuty is brought,within ajfew hours’ rido of New York by railroad, while its connection with Philadel phia depend^'still 'onflow-going atago coaches ami.Conestoga wagons, it will naturally do basi* ■ nets with Now York. Tho sympathies of its in habitants, their habits, fashions, and even modes of • thought, will eventually become assimilated to thfwo of thafeoity. ..If any, man doubts tliis, let hihi travel .through tho northeastern section of Pennsylvania, which tho Now Jcrsoy Central first, and Delaware and Lackawanna road subsequently, ha-ve thrown open, to New York. Even atßoston, which was united to New York by the New Jersey Central, long before Philadelphia built the North Pennsylvania road, tho Now York influence is rtfonger than that of Philadelphia, while the trade of most of the surrounding regions, once monopolised by this city, has been diverted to Ne.w York, and will bo regained, if evor, only after a desperate struggle. Further north* uat Scranton, in'Luzerne county. Now York is everything,Phila delphia nothing. Even at Wilk»Wre. Now York influence is making sad inroads on the old tradi tional influence of lt is not till the traveller ’ renchos Danville,' oh descending tho NArth Branch, that he finds Philadelphia influence araip jn the ascegfUal, . And why ? Because Dinvil|e has a railroad ‘ebrineotlon with Philadel- : phia aud dodo with'Now York, j If, as wo havo said, Philadelphia has mrt the I means to make railroad connections in the interior of Pennsylvania (hen this increasing influence of oar oirii State, id dimply to be it certain that thore is not suffi ci ;iVecribrprise pr capital in Philadelphia to make .til ' 1 For oar Own part, we believe sthewiil that is wanting, less than tho means, u( rhttpiinJists, as a doss, are averse ,tq raiboad : 'investments. Oneolass of them buy! real estate, "inother Invests in mortgages, and a third shaves 'jpnper ; but neither of the three olasses..looks far eifottjjd aheiij to ’ she the wisdom; taVnocessity, of dtvelepid|' tjs»' Stato The lafgelmlhded men, Who built-up the hommerpia} greatness of Phils, deipbia.'have disippearod from opr midst; We no Jtonger hhYh Oitards or ,Morrises.; Thbte is truth in wnat tho Lebanon Cmirc'sf tayi; as to thenetr lept of-Pennsylvania byPhlladelphlit. 'There may be; wii believe there are,- ehorw-mnlngs on tho part : Of,the country; bat that the country has things to oomplrtnof, weMll not-deny) Why not. on bbih »idos,.adopt a naw ii*e of pbiiey? If theciiy will stand by the/ Statei.aiidi.tiu State by the city, a are will h« iaangutated, unttmlly benefcial. ! '; r i u f-' NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. CobreipradeoU rot Palil& T ? wUI pXerita talad the following rules: *■ l *y * Every chtjundai cation be 'p£ the ' name of ? the ln order tljoiure confetti of • * / the typography, hut one side of i sheet be'" ■ written upon . "* • We shall be greatly obliged to glnUemlu laPemssyU rania and other States for contributions giving the cur reutnewaof the day in their jartieaUr.teeiUitUa, the* resources of the surrounding country, the increase oi * .population, and any iniormatSmthitwiU be Interesting to the general refderi J •? “The f gravest. Soldier**- Found--The Jackson. , ’" Gold D°,* , , ’ The Committee'appointed to decide upon the evidence adduced AS is the most fitting per. receive thtMhtf $(& box bequeathed by General Jackson, dtftermiaed, we see it stated in the v Kew, Ybr£. Daily , Tijr.ts, thut it shtdl be given to * DieutcAapf-ljtalocei Gas&stt W. DircsaiA**, formerly Captain* of Company' K, and subsequently of the KewTork /Volunteers: Thj following are the claims 'upon which the award is based •- «- a i\ . > .*.- For having, from the l&hding 1 at- the * Island of Lobos to the final surrender of the City bf Mexico, the best disciplined company in regiment," the menacing always tinder the' most- thorough ' xuana and oontrol. - r . For leading his company, on the first- Sunday, after the landing at Vera Cruz, 03 shirtuishers on.' the tfand plains near its walla, and faking pteKlon on the Omaha ro%d, holding that position vrhiid under fire from Marly all the batteries of tie city* * (within hearing of the enemy;) until after dark, when ordered to retire behind a sand hill - • " .For :hU having* taken, on the succeeding eyen iug, possession of,the Orixqba,road, ana judi ciously posting picquets, thus preventing all cam- - ‘ munication from that road to the cut during' that * night. v r . For having taken a position with his company of seventy-eight'mdn in ambush, and within-ftalf ' a mile of six-hundred of the enemy, to prevent their .entrance to the city, (the enemy, as bated?, located, could be distinctly heard giving orders,) ind for performing eonstantly wiib his company - scouting duty,around the walls knd roads a the city. ... . ‘ • For engaging and 'sustaining a charge from six; * hundred lancers,‘holding-tho positiou until' re-7 - tiered by Colonel Ward B. Burnett, at Nuevs' Rancho. ..... For gallant service, equal to any other man or officery*! Sierra Gordo- 1 ‘ .■ ‘ . . For leading htaqompany in the charge at Churn- . busco, and remaining in advance of his command' unddr the sharpest lire of musketry experienced' 'during the watt where he fell severely wounded, thus setting an example of bravery for his men to* emulate." ‘ ‘ " For devoting his time and attention to the disci-' pline, comfort and interest of his men. ■ >, ’ In never sayipg to his men u Go, 1} when there was a chance for a brush with the enemy: bdtai-' way Si saying <‘ { Come,*’ as he never 1 would permit’ eitherothcurs or privates of his company to ho in* , advance of in action, or any other duty ; whare • he was in command - , . . -. Receiving tho endorsement of his brother Q&cers,., senior and of hia conduct afc a brave sot-,, dier, an officer and a gentleman, by electing him ' from the position of junior Captain to thaVbf H&- - jor.” '■ >- «* r ' ' ' • . v . These- statements were, all verified before Ihe . Committee;; The witnesses who were testifying to - the merits of other jiarties, incidentally alluded to Major, Garrett w. Dyckmam 'Si that time,behad,... mado no application, but through' his name ■'being 7. ■ brought up in the way just mentioned, the Com-" .' mittee felt called to-waif 1 upon him, *and begged* ’ him nbt to repudiate -his felaim.': After some re- ' luctance, he was induced not to do so. ItisbeJeved - that tho award.will giyo veiygenexul satisfaction. - The decision of tho Committee was unanimous- - ■ - THE ELECTIONS. Kentacky-Ufames B. Clay Elected. *: v [From the Cincinnati Enquirer.) ' . * 7 " We doubt whether any Congressional canvass in ’. the United States over attracted more* or a?mueh attention as the recent one'between Jtimes B. Ciay. aml Roger 11/mson,-- in the Ashland I>istrtet,3£ei>- tueky. The eye 3 of the. whole pcoiaily of .that portion of it which takes aay.pbrt in politics, was directed* to it ’witkgresX The district was strongly Know Kothing, giving,- - two year 3 ago, one thousand six hundred majority for'A. K. Marshall, 1 its present Know Nothing Re-*' r presedtative, and TeTon iast year, Buehftnto' and* ‘ Breckinridge-were beaten over six hundred by Fillmore and. Donelson. - The~Dem«cracyi-Aof* withstanding the reports of the gallant canvass which Mr. Clay was making,- and the* conSdsnr 5 hopes of some of his ardent friends—generally .had but little faith in hiisuccess. It seemed impo.-sib!a /’ that the large Knqw Nothing majority coiddbe* / overcome,'especially when they presented ns able* and adroit 4 champion of their principles asfßnger • Hansen. .* » . : The district has been changed since it had bse& carried by Mr. Breckenridge, as the county,of.,. Owen, strongly Democratic, was taken off, kraj Ifdodford, strongly K, K-,4ubstitated in itsstoail. Despite the. great'odds against hinr,' Mr. Cl et, with'. a perseverance and an ardor worthy of his iL*n«tri-' ; ou3 descent, entered tho UsU in'accordance with the wish of his political friends, and has been triam phantiy elected by ft small majority. . His success - will do more to destroy in tho* South than any blow ithaa jet received. It will be remarkable if U ever makes any headway again' in Kentucky, f In : every aspect iu which it caaTbe 4 ‘ ’ viewed,* it is more of a national than a* tecti rieto- r ry, and, as the wires spread the in tel- 1 licence over th& Union,.it will ba hailed Avery- . .whore with the greatest rejoicings and aatisfao-.- tiob.. * . - . . ’’ The Ktlowing aro tho majorities in the several counties, as rqportcd bj the mail agent, who cams on the Lexington train to Covington ia>t evening:' Cl*y. Hanson. lii3 lay 4C? ~ Harrison.. Nicholas.* Scott Franklin.. Jessamine Bobrbon.. Fayette... "Woodfoni. Majority for Clay 68 A later repo>t makes the iszjeniy f?r ilr. Clny 105, tutd Mj. DanUya majority tor the &t£te Senate 50. A correspondent of. the Cincinnati Daily En yuirer from Boone county. Kentucky > sutea that the majority there for Stevenson, (Democrat,) for Congress, over Rankin, (Know-Nothing), is 170; but Jones, (Know-Nothing-,) for State Treasurer, hai 6 majority over Garrard,'(Democrat.) and the Kqow-Nothlog Representative tv the Legislature' is ilectcd by a majority of 10. Filioiore nod 103 majority; oyer Buchanan in Boone county, last fail.' The Democrats have, therefore, gained over ... . la‘CarroU County, Kentucky, Garrard has $7 ifaigbnty,over Jons*;-and Talbot, (Democrat,) U elected fo the Legislature by 60 rotes. Our cor respondent writes that Stevenson is so far a-head for Congress in Carroll, that the Democracy are not interested ip the count. Carroll gave Buchanan 72 majority overJMlmore. , In Fleming‘County, Kentucky, the Enow-No-, thing majority was 101 for Cor, for Congress. Last fall, it was 101. Lewis County gives 7 majority for Mason. (De mocrat,) for Congress, and emeu a Democrat to tho Legislature. ■ Mason County is 440 majority for tho Know- Nothings. The MaysvCle Eagle admits that Mason. (De mocrat.) is elected to Congress in that district. Grand' B.tßßEcffE.— Jaiies It. Clay proposes as we learn from the Cincinnati Gazette, to give a splendid barbecue at Ashland on the 12th ins:., in honor of his election to Congress. Gov. Willard and many distinguished, gentlemen have been tele graphed to bo present.. On that occasion several cf those Tat bullocks will ha served up in ihe mo3t ele-' gant style. It will’be a'splendid affair, 'and there will bo ample* accommodation for twenty thousand people. the Louisville Courier.} - Next to Clay’s triumph, the most brilliant achievement on Monday last was the election of Thomas P. Porter, Esq., to the Senate over Dr. A. K.‘ Marshall. lie entered the fight with a dead majority of four hundred against him. but ha labored as ono worthy of success, and contrary to the expectations of every body he did succeed! Marshall, the late K. N. member of Congress from the Ashland District, and Roger liansun, who de feated him for tho nomination, are now buried in onb common grave. Da nohilc frat rum. Re quiescat in pace! AU honor to Thomas P. Por ter for his brave flght_ . Second Distbict.— Our private despatches-from' this district bring us most gratifying intelligence. Jos. If. Lewis, as gallant ana bra\e an Old Whig as lives, has made a glorious fight, end the returns indicate his election over Unuerwoc-d. K. N., the late member. Unless Logan county has rolled tip a tremendous majority tor Underwood, Lewis is certainly elected. At every poiutyet.heard from, Lewis had done far better than wa» anticipated Fourth District. —We have reporU from only four counties, and.they indicate grins for An They are, however, counties in whkh Anderson’s friends spent money lavishly and made greai ex ertions. We have uodoubtof Talbott’3 election by a decided majority. Boyle county is reported as having gone for An derson by 303 majority and Lincoln by majority. Talbott has 300 majority in Taylor county and flo in Green. Missouri.— Tho few scattering returns received, show heavy Democratic gains. Al-13aka.—A reliable correspondent sent the subjoined despatch to tho Washington Union : “Montgomery, Aug. 6.—The indications are that Alabama will send an entire Democratic delegation to the next Congress. Dowdell is elected in the 3ddiafrio;by majority. Gen- Moore, Democrat, beat W. R, Smith, Know-Nothing, in the 4th dis trict. Moore's majority, it is said, is about oOO.” lowa.—The Democratic majority in Dubuque county is about 1,000, and against the Ccmsutuncn neurly 2.000 In Scott county (he Democrats elected Sheriff and Judge—the Republicans the balance of the oScera. In Des Moines county the Democrats have n email majority. Mtstesiocs Death or a Yocng Lady.— We copy tho following from the Cincinnati Gz zette i>: Thursday. There appears to bs an rir ef mystery übout it, which someper-oa in of the country may possibly be able to unravel ' ” o published two or three weeks since, tux ac count of the death of Miss Flora M.-.son, &is L-vcl luSt. L'oub, under 1 peculiar circumstances Wc inen stated that she was supposed to be from Michi gan. Wo have since received an anonymous letter, train 591110 one who evidently kiiows injro than ho wants to tell, stating that she was: most probably •F°*o Alexandria, D. C., or rather Virginia, and that u an investigation were mads, thrilling in cidents would be obtained. There is somo myste ry about the matter which we cannot explain- Will the Washington or Alexandria papers call at tention to the affair? Perhaps it can be ex plained.” The Louisville Courier states that ex-Presi* dent Pierce has accepted the invit&t on cf the com mittee, and writes that he wiJ certainly he there - to attend the DnitodStates Agricultural Bxhibiti&a • on. the Ist of September next. . . - . . A young man namod.;<?harles Williams .was A drowned at Curtis’ Creek, nciyr -Baltimore, white on a fishing trip! Ho was engaged io be macriyd daring tho coming month.. President Buchanan ia expected to return to Wwhlngto&sathe 11th hut. -