mnpj*&&6*vrin !»§»*»!« Vmook^: SXMA^^E r :^l^^Aug, ; n®sfssii of ;100>%d»B^«5W34j 'Ifalp S^i?sa^ii 1«» °doCMhi||t: r ' SO*- 1000 S fc«ni» B 6a'\ Av f«fc '- v S ffutwr »1 S&tfn' 54)$ *s.?e&n%R. ) - *W4tfS' ft 4S’Morf3fO*in*l‘*46 62jj| T'* MOO ElOTlS,*T»l«itaort<!vKif6X,:.: -V-.i •j ...OF 8J00!w1B04El).' l i.'’l -K5 i.-, MO Olty Rda esoipt 90.. i ,’i O.CumfcAm&.Ki.'sS "MX 60.Pen#* Bt-iy, M 61‘enna E ’ ’ 4® 600 “o 1 Wy. SIX' 'M Wnjmpd R . fix 3000 do 1 4° SchSl v Ptefd ,px -sa&SJSSM jjraSM.iliVoffM,4»S- ■:;ac.’i 'af;M-mM':o88';. *|S»4r<<Si4V«BS;-. .xWgtflafe 73 '~ n*«iix , Vic6lra>fir'‘f-«;TX«‘8 • do,.,Mott. .e.,. . x Girard Bank’.'; 11X«UJ< : e«Wi»m IthighWiM :•' IX® IX. Imw ..Vw'otMx’ Bnlon\(J«B»I * *X»IOX‘ MottaSwCodM "awS 'NawOhkk' -i-i ' x« l •'. , iSVI Nlyis 'B2 65 4sß&£- Cotiwisw KB 11;. ®UX i ™dd ■• 'Stick • ‘Sfeiuly.,-'""'-=.4 A ££l .•' ‘.. r A i ..mßeaOJnt-RtO SiX'.j > . ,•. V tonatngßß.eloiOaaoXe&X. ; > i i*-t •; j J Marmot cloaeavery firm in Heading.' Thy ytoek con-- yery T> '' ' 4 - v 3 • - THEMONEYMAEKET. i ui'ij ;• 6. Wr/i ThttMonvy iM«*at T *a*Jrfs.cUy/ ,wiQious rddl<^ttobs-¥atJiati»W'C i fcriigbtinf crease. in the street TateWf 'd&coant. I?| Boston, the stringency, has forji'jTeif coniij^MlAxed^enilh^^^^i^®^^?^^ 6 ? neoriy-af thowfi^figure* Aa in Phlladelpht \k At Jthe gtock board j- the-fsadeij ere depressed other Stocks k«eg finn'‘‘THo'trtriSfictloiisrof the I ™*/ AhoV an in cMM^Mti^tyin.ite’ni^Uei^'r.'.r ‘*,V'i V -t - 3 v By tbe-PewiaatNew York, Keimve-'tiyerpwJ 'M^ 6 to theitSthyuly; Thedetailß will Wfodnd in ofc othAjr cblntohs. 'r'yri insert ttie;B|mk'bf,Eiiglpid rt»Uni?ijt,:, ,\\ “'‘; ,* ,' ’; 7. *7! ’!j7. i " ' Notes* ' " •*:'■’■■ ‘Jg&SlflSS'iSaW#- -. IStlvGif:buU(c>n.._ jr-Tj-r — r . , D 1 tiw&ttin: iJßtyß .3,499,707 A' i tk 'rEi chequer) - - flaying * ••' -v ■P»bt t'WVf -' ' 1 ?\ Icoourrt*),:. 3,410,956 Oik. deposits,. 10,901,098 kdi* i> "•• , ■ 43018,080] '* ! £38,118,080 * *TheluiVßfp&W'HfVc«ryof-tbo 25th aitj; sumsup the transactions in the Funds, Stock and' Ba#W'Market In the following terms: »'- f 1 : ' ,v >! v ObzfiftilsmfXtedat pHfeS^current■ afterofficial’hours Yesterdayafterwards, they became. somewhat firmer] ch*eea‘ weaker. otireuQwed' td'-Indian *k#g> :! ' i ß4QWas |, 8' ; about theU&tiia. andtoldaed rather,weaken In foreign stockeUttSikrlatioiL: Bus riZnSrtnfer 1 . 1 ' *Baidgl 'dfcdMniries' about tSe : wune/'' Na \i '■ • tr_ y* .'-V/-5 ‘ ' - " OLOSIKQ PfilOßS. - It . «. & IBank Stocks...-; JHttoaccount-....91k Exchequer ;bills - • . <&‘*nds):u.v, I soia. the NowYorkSab-THMutyjOnTue?/ : dfirfwwj EeSilpts.fllT. 578.38:' paynients^|l4B,lfc7:2l - ifai* Vorkßas d] cWred a eemi* . j|ds»F4(Vlft33 df.d^ 1 cent.] payable, r ./th?LOrientiaßMlk; a'iwrirdiiimaaVdlVit end of‘ 8% -wt3tS^bloViim;otKlnst. ( ‘ lnsurance Company, a dividend of 7 'JHeiSiWyiw'l&feutTiiKje'Company, a, dividend of $lO oh,the 10th Inst. »p£i* thklfklhue ot\Vff T. Seft.^^elSM^rSlrta^atabon^O,®;^ r The receipts OfcthfcNew Havw.Baiiroad.’, Company for trStiit... 12,000 00 >.O .W.'S. r i,-i/ij3(;-t.V t f<i'- ?*>!,:• it rif" , Hoe othef fl)*4sj .t; ........ aft @Tj 67 fetioiy, n,m 72 ’isl -'i, " ’ 7-V,^«wyMo iRAMMENT. J. ..' 1 , 6aL>'{ '*■■*' *£? curitieß, i(ln- .*»*,♦ ‘‘eluding Dead! • Weight DttltrJ Oth:- SOcurKiog"lolB3,&47 Notes. ,0,687,490 Gold and SUyqp «a-----„.y > iCeID,-.V: ,3 « 650,162 /!' •. ,-i ■ ■ ii'siijaH'iPSxu -* wibparotWe Btfitementof tins v l *- ; »orti, ol from Hew. York -ta foreign ■{eroi/for iifco week; (aid fiincßjtn. Is■ ■ ■ - vs, ■- -. 1355. , 1850. 1857. : • ®- SitWf!#*»./.'. Ha5f715{,6'«8«,<103 « 1^02(876 " 'thS’o' Thririrmwl rnrnpnnr, itijf l4t| : paid f aftdDBß&s? i l theprtpoßCdi - ■ Milliitvjr Yr 11 r'TTtinftjir nml : ‘ -Coffipanr Jtuo'rni as the-. » sbetofiacutTadJ in Jthje I / tlWiroad,.wfcrrety the! V tWMof the P*r-| of thVßooiiof /greatly, ' of this! the-toiniß along,the line,of the' froail'lt|lß always ?sm£SN&w&tNtos' aftd undoubtedly the latnre JKie- 1 % Yjiaiifef4iih roi/t, kinerwfcettTer managementor owner- ‘ Upon’the amicable hutment at least the postponement of ’' WfMt litwm^iTtlhfrTlf fliThnrrtingnnirrmHhr insuffi- Yf JUe .Cflupdayrtob' sparge ; ;„ 4w> '■^ r shall . ~ -. , "■l-fjiiMjjjMllilTifiljif —"-TrrrTTrntrrf-r" ‘ '■'Zapiai duitj^tte/past ; <jear > 'vClearly indicate that the: - bul4>>U>ofaal«roitf Opening haeboenimich ;. law»',tto>i%Oeftfit'fbly be expected darinfc,aj«*#on of; - inhaled vby4n abundant-ikwrest this* of; the raUroada.from; connecting t^th' 'MtßMaaOmg&m*' " 4 “ M ro*d,' ' 4»y, »nd abcutGOOO busßYaUfitf liavtvtjeen fiold at tfiofcfc.o*U -Ara.' coming, forward 0 bttsrfßlb Soto thorn brought 41c. t aiift •■ • wanted ',*tf is' tUMy at 100 c. Bark U mnted, aid Quonitina ■■■ •veld brictp. an adVaji t.-i'. on proriona e&lea. -Virgt - <tmc»mmswvw J? p*," »nurt?a*{akdrji,'at trvaijwlo 16 3--4 c. for Uplands. •' -’ *t thin •» We.v.- »,i *. ; ■ . r pS»ftWpi®f t fiS«. / :.r. -AS:',. . iidaai.saaa.’f.T .*<: sh-smb***' j.lhla6,B72bags. • ; *Etf*jo<Wti«u: ZJIM b»i«roiU,;3ptig«-‘ X Td'-' vV lil;da.i ..Vi < 1 ■ h ~:i~r~'>r'7 ' ' ' daeccndhEinda. (< r, nr fr-br .’ipTV-'.i--iiASSiWI h*&a.' :■ i '..i S' .i.iiM&iiybtgi. S2i;m imy yMtjlof'BiOi.iSS,o» bjg»; >ro/ ! ••■; l,4WlM««;.,2B|MOilag4. 1 Ur,. 4,‘ifj g 1 >, furojfb V. t --;>.V.H ' .V».'. nfl ' < .' *' f* . dp6W»MijM,»todt thla year, all ■ 't< h : ! «- j;72Clart' OTttiaiiOUiaiii, a.ooos«g«. fcna/.Keiiii,. .v2,MB b*g», I is*>s%\ irt '-a f-3: KM»Wf»fSi*feWdt* Wto*«l,Wkt>re*-. * .fi ./rS'J, b; is - .3lt»lS»llK»,-:.)*Urk xnnic,,,,v.;( ./BMiags. 1 ' .%■'. & " , Tort »u BriiM, bMiOhBIM « p.H-, in B-ayH'itoipwlSb :l»gl. “ • " *"• »«’>!„ *, w* P& *«&& i Nsw OataAss, Aw3u.i.4, —CrtUoli i, fina: fifties to-dxy 300 Wes; WeTotW Mrt » rwl *W, *>«Pi HJf* P*» « aitto lSOr'stm* ta:pi»t^.W.: B»oe ipta .4 tits port less than last jew, 249,000; ditto at all Bonthern Porto, 683,000. Floor *6.76; Mined Corn ,30a86c. Frelghta ellitoUy odvaaccil—Cotton .to Liverpool#4. Sterling Exchange 10,V wat. prem. . , , ... . ■ t Albaitt Cattle Market, August 4,—The receipts for the week ■ ending* to-day, -were --‘•Cattle, 2.23 C: 460- Cattle sold from fijfittfitfe. w ft-yUve weightVBb;eep,s6 & bead*, Hogs dull; no sales. frecelptsof Cattle this week as compared with tbose-ijflaflfci week were 1,644'm0re. But little changes in prices or quality. * One dro?e8&0 store Cattle were driven iintb.Wasbington county* ’ The New -York and Erte*Railroad and New York Central Railroad Go’s have-entered 4 Into-a'definite arrangement as to prices, being s9ff per’car, from Buffalo to New York.’ Eastern Shippers 'take * the Albany Northern Railroad route to Boston and Cambridge to-day in preference to the West ern -Rodd,' there being considerable competition between the tgq roads In prices, ■- ■ \ : ■ 'Jffcir BanfoßO Oil Uabkbt, Augusts, (for the week.) Sperm—W6 -notice f a fair'demand, inthe. market- for Sperm, and quotations are fully sustained. ' The trans action of the week Include sales of parcels amounting to J 1.270 bbls;,* large part at.125c./ and the baton oe under stood at a& advanced price. > Whale Is In steady demand, and we notice a further advance in prices,- Wo quote sales of 850 bbls.; thebilancebf ft cargo ft* Itruns, at 740, V gallon; v Whalebone—The transactions, of' the week iuciude sales of9ooo fts. of; Ochotak, the price of which tbft parties ■'interested refuse to divulged— Whaleman 1 * SkippinglMst. ' j v * STOCK EXCIIANQE SALKa, Aug. 6. <<i>! >IBBT BOAftD. ' ■ 60QQ Tend fee’s *9O 84 • < SQMihSA.N IR c 49){ ; '6ooo'Virginia'6s, 90tf 200 ; do : *3O 46 ! looo.hiissbuii 6s '7s ioo -/ *> .*3 49 16,000 ;_ *, do./ " 19%. . 60. :do 0 40jk ;20,000 /do ,b 3 76K 9ptl dp slO 48 , 1000 City 6a ’BB V 93. 200 Reading R b6O 70* ; .5000 N.t Ced wr • 86* 600 do b6O 70 19,000 til Ben Ed* 09# 600 ~ do . k «&69£ ' ,7511 CJ’V Bght 124 260, ‘ do s 5 69# *IOOOT H’o* At 2d : 60,' * 200 do s3O SS# ?oO9Erf*'C6nyV’74"64j£ 16 Panama R 68 i 4000 Erie2dm Bds 86 . 60 \ . do' sfiO 97¥ 18 Nat Bank 'lo9k 100 . dd b3O 98* * 28Metrdp , n Bk r 107 L 6QGaAChR c 90k lOOPaCbalOo 83? 660 ‘ do ’ 1)00 91 0- do b6O 8314 260 Oiev A To) R . 60 60, ' do s ’ S6O 82,' 500,. do sBO 65tf 85,’ do’ 82 , 100* do W 0 56V - 20' do 8234 200 Mil A Mis R 50 r6O Cum Coal , , ,X 7 100 do , b3O 50V IOONYCenB /cB2'' 100 ds‘ bOO 80 100, do .'DtKr'B2' '5O do $6O 49 50. dd, , . opgSlE: la.Qxts. MUR ,31 100 do ; ,Sl3 100 do . M 08134 200 .do 'opg6lk 50 do *3O SOW. .250' , do. ' p&d aiV 60 ' do s2O 80V 200 Erie. RR sSO Sltf .25 do 81V m ' do r ..* 82 325 ; do ' ’ 31V :40. .. "do-". - ‘ c'Blk M- do bSO 31V .350’ j do, sS'SIV W ", do hlO 31 ,200 .... . do,, . b3O 82 ‘6O do h3O 31 400 . , do.> h6O 82 iOOChtc&RIR bOO 95 '25 Harlem Rk *lO. 48 do 04^ P,B, -W0 89V ' W do M 34 f lß|jt|i|?lF jUf & ’ ; a?q ffjj jjqiiyj 1 4» • FOREIGN MARKETS. -> - . <.. -'[Per,Steamship,Persia^] . BARING BROTHERS & CO’S. CIROCLAU. i,.. • 7 London, July 24th, 1867. We have again to notice a dullness during the week In our Colonlal and Foreign Produco markets, as regards most articles. Sugar more inquired for, without leading to auy extensive business./ Indigo and Saltpetre firm. Money easy, at 6V to 5V cent. Consols 91V®91« for money, 91 voOIV for Bar silver os lVd; Bfexican dollars Ss ldV 3 American Eagles 70s 2)iA ; DoubloonsSpanish,,77s. 9d}' South American, 75a, 9d. .CocmsEAL—Of2Bo bags Honduras at public sale about ono-tbird found buyers at steady, r&tea., Blank 4s ldo4a 74for ordinary to fine, .with silver at 3a lid. . . Coooa has further advanced la value; 18 bags Grenada were taken at 86s fid for red, 230 bogs .Trinidad from 91a for 98s for good red, and 160 bags Guayaquil were bought In atH2B©l2oB 3 also, privately there, has been a good business doing. iu ■ > v Corrsßflatj. of 900 casks 179. bags lat auction, about half were placed from ifla, fid. for fine ordinary, to 70s. fid. for* low middling. Cofpbb In good demand: we quote tUe and tough cake £ll7. f SheatUugl3d; , : • , - OoRN-rOn Mo'nday the fresh supply of English Wheat was small, ,hut owing to;the, fine, weather, the trado ?aa very dull.- aud though a decline of 6h. would, have, been anbmlttea to,* tha millers would,not come forward. To* daytbpre-was 'more inclination to purchase; holders, however, advanced their limits, and the»,wpro hardly any transactions;.quotations- oi Whes* and Ptoor un changed., Bast week’s average quotation for Enguah Whe«tWMB3«; Od. on 81,7Mqr«. returned. .-•.(JOTJOS—2,6OO bales have tasn, sold tare; onl. and mid.-Burat, txd.odKd. v&t the sales of tho weotire79,Boo bolca; mid. Orleans is quotedstS^'d. Them?—Small ilmlaoß in St. Petersburg at £34 l‘ oi£3s. i -i I’jid >-i fU ■ ;• C rS»t«*'duUAt£Solsii. ; 6d.®£Mlss. • i IBON-rWequoteirnila and bara £7o*7 55.; Scotch fid. for mh;ed numbers op tho,Clyde. , , LtSBKSD has been steady, without alteration m price. On the spot, sales have been principally in Calcutta, at 660 fidofil*, sndißomVay at 60s; frr.amval, two ,cargoes ofvTsgftnreg have ) ,bcenBoid>t 60b, delivered, and one Odessa at ,B7k 3d. •-‘ less rapidly; York in loq@£lo lfis; ,Boston in bigs, £lO ss. on the spothas declined to 89s.'. Rape is doll'at ls4edine on lastquotations. Cocoa nut worth 49sfoci Cochin,,4Bs for Ceylon., Palm £46&£46105. ..InrMoLAftSssVno.transactione* , Bra lower; 170 puncheons fair common Jamaica have at 4s 6dcs4s 8d gallon. 100 puncheons Bemarara.sold at 2s ?d,;. ', . -;SiCB quiqtiitbere pave been no public sales. Privately 1,5Q0 bqgs mid;,Rangoon changed hands at 10s. 2 mo. For Salt?btb# an-animated demand has prevailed during the week* 'ipjwUihg in. the .sale of about 10,000 bagKßengal,on tbc sppt by private' cent., re&aciion bringing 44s' ,M®4ss., H 34 & cent. 425. About 600 tons afloat,have also changed hands at 44a 6d tavtAsold atod, .Pimento easier,: 280 partly sbldj'and dußfebeUy dkd, Maoe—dl cases, fiidgapore, fetched Is 9do2s for. mid* good'red. GinKqri-500 bags, rough African jwld at 828-6daB3s 5 374 bias. Jamaica' realised 80s®Zj3»’ : for-small tq good bold soft, bright. Singapore' mostly went From lsj9d.®4sld for sm&lLto Bus hold. Sooab.—The market oponed’ very dull on Tuesday, and a forced sale was made at a decline of lsals 6d; sub- ■ sequentjy there.has been rather more inquiry, and? prices are' about*the same as this day week. The sales , of f W£st .India > are 1580 hhds; 150 Jfihds Pdrto Rico at .auction ■ brought^pfidafiSfid. for brown to low yellow. j^gM^y'aOQ'SiflgEMa'uritiUH have, 1 been sold fX 47e6da fwvprqWir, ffid 525a559 for yeJidWf 3900 bags native yel lowj bags at'USfl for brown: also 2200 hßg*,46Bfid; and 240 boxes-white 64sBa for,Wt&drt,' "Afloat a'cargo of 1000 boxes’ •Havana Eq. It has cufinged hands at 40s for an out port, andftnothey caihof.Nb.lOX; at4ls coming to ‘London. At,tilo Butch sdiq the whole, pf 80,704 baskets Java Were sold afan averiige decllne of *3 guilders from the last May’s rates. ■ Tsa.—Fußjr ,10;000 chests common Congou have ft ; the market is now quiet; oth‘er kindstnthout change. • Tin.—The price of EnglJeh advanced 10s; & cwt. Banca h&al>een 1455.; Straits at 1445. Holders firm. ‘ t ” . TALLOwiVery quiet, gt, PetersburgY. 0.685. 9d.on the spot* and, for the end of the ye&r. .TnupßSTiSß'.—A sale pf rough lias been made at 10*.' 64».‘Spirlte'dttlt'of sale,at 425.* 6d. for American in' Casks’. ‘7"' “ “~ u Whalebosb .—Polar £450 jNorth 'West £425, nomi nal.’ No chaogb in Atnorlccn stocks'. , 1 ■ LONDON'CORN MARKET. EngltohAffheatsame,as Monday, and, littlo 'business doing; r Foreign fewer .buyers, ana lower, terms taken. Elope alow, >oft.selo,,ao<i rather, cheaper. Oats little doing,and-rather lower, 'i Barley few buyers, and email .decline. ea* In leas demand, batnot lower. , .-and Circular, English and , foreign Wheat unaltered—no business,. Spring Corn rather cheaper. Arrivals.-British: Wheat, 7080,* Barley , ,160: Malt, 2880: Oats, 670: Floor, 1210, sacks. Irish: Oats, 850. Foreign Wheat, 31,410: Barley, 10,960 jOats, 82.890; Floor, 260 packs and 6312 barrels. i- < LOHDON PRODUCE MARKET. ,< . ■ .extensive f la, 'to. Is. 6d. higher than Tuesday. ■ 6alea of tWest XndU,looo hogsheads; for the week-2,460. t Reftned in brisk demand. Grocery .ltuDp4<6sB. to 875.?. Coffoo-r-Fair demand; ; plantation Oeyion rather higher. -Tea-Several parcels sQld at ex* .treme price V. S<potrfi ratherdearer; .detnand brisk, Bice a slow sale; prices scarcely sustained.' Tallow .’firm* at praVlous rates. * > . U-. IA)NDON U WOOL BALES: Mr t Ruxtgn sold 1580 bales to-day, 'consisting of 200 Australian,' 700 Cape,'''4so’ Buenos Ayres! and the rest New'Zehlpnd. Meftrs.'Hall and Webster followed with. IOM balea Wddirig throughout very animated, andin “fJiB latter'Mbs extrii Sydney woolshrought Ss. to 3s. Id por'lb. "' About' 20,000;baleB have how', passed, first 'clotliingAhd combine wools ranged op to 2s. lOd. The sales td-dayVertf with' the nSnal spirit, and sonfe extra Sj4p c y brought 3s". to’3s! ■ Id:, the-highest p ;j 1 . Glasgow pig ikon'market. . '.Th-Oj' Iran,* market continues steady at, 73a. Qd. net 'cbh' fer‘fiSiedfiiumbefß : little ; boaineBs transacted, buyers Waitlng’the akrivai of the'Tndlanmall. * v", GLASGOW,CQTTON MARKET'/ ‘ ~ Tfie'aeiQaiidbptter/aznl an advance ,i>r .to 316 d. J 6 op all classes.” , V , ~ .Manchester Trade, Report*. • wlthan .advancing .tendency,.bht tpe, amount-of transactions is hot large. The ’ next; news from ilbdia', is awaited, with intense and meanwhile buyers for that quarter; are pot 'operating« * .!• \ ‘ ‘/ ti ‘ , CXE’S OIBotaAB. r ut\Ai\ r,._ LiYxapoon, July 24th, 1857. - COTTON/—ThAfe has been a large demand during the w.eeXfrmfobtfttfTrade;arid*prices of all descrfattousof 'Am^d^b ,J ihay-be quoted l #d. lb. dearer since our .fcttV ! This day’ri safes are estimated at 10,000 halos, the ; HSrket'4loeirtg' firmly.-ilmports forth® week 28.006 bales. Total sales 75,460 bales. of -whieh Speculators Kx porte rs'4,62t), leaving to the Trade ‘6B,BdobiUW;--'' *:j; QUERCITRON BARK Is in good request, and the stOck of -Philsdelphla 'being almost 'entirely consumed, 16s. would have to be paid. Baltimore also,held more firmly. ss,r 'v'■ Mi'-* ' c tiABD ebirtihusa:veTy doll and difficult .to sell sirs re* .ductiohoflevy'hiftiodthe-pTioeyof'Ourlast.’ .. -' i T^U^W4n^wet'demand/and in general a slight 'hdtwide'h& beCobbtalned onlast week’s,rates. P< T. 'o>hasl)6dtt%<Ad*sdO&ia6lfl,yNo7th<Afn6ri£&ri Butchers* Assoc? fttlonydt 60s}, and > SouthAmerlcau at C6s, j«rsss, r' c ' sf k 1 ; Thb'ifarkei Cn 'London is alsobfetier, JP. Y. Of tftfflngat’ 60s: oh the scot.'-andblJs; 3d.®sBs', Od, for -fesiHh’feoWontiifr of the 1 *. r . , »<■'. .... •‘ einaJl .galefl of American Red to bfi‘maderat 68& jv BBOTr- , lhb's*Ws oMlio'JffeeV reiffcfc in all 3030 tat., I Which Is more thabttho -actual ctOdK at present here, ■ Isftmd qdiWtity of itfefag re-sale*;, The hotter olssses, ofßeef having gpfrftotoonedr tVo hand are held for. 'ter/ldtiff;^ari)S^ind.there are ? not more than about 'ISOQ tc*. r offaUdWcrlptitm3 cW on'offer, which are ail heft by speculator*. us* *, , -■ -Ho tha advance; inr Been is also held for more moaeyyandißonii small .sates or Irish, and of Prench 'havo'boon' made* the -latter at lQOe.aKtts. Od ; nearly all the good American has been purchased to-day ; onspOenlatton,Ct'.92s‘, 6d;bbl, ■ » *(' i . , / BACON—Continues very few retail aales that have been-made 'have been made at very irregular 'J«ea«.Yi, drf'ij ' r < . 1 -Tha weather hasbeen Bomowhat cbangeable since the date of our-lHSt'reportc but -on the whole fax from unfa* vdrabldi'e-ch artjcter.of the' reports from all parts -speak Still vety confidently os}to the general abundance 61 thdcropr, ihpnld favorable weather, continue. , -’tTbere 2 are'dome complaints of Potatoes .in Ireland, Cargoes of Black Sea Indian Com, shipping and recently in go6d request at 85a. 6., 0.7. kI. fof the spot the demand is limited, and 'tffiocdfemain-nnaltered. Oar Stock of Indian Corn at Wjiwr^than-20.000080,0CQ are. ■> ■ Of Wheat freiti our owb farmers Tor the past week consist 'Of—6lj?o4 qrs.» against 71,860 qrs. same Week laatyekr. Average Vrice 08s. Bd.«*qr., against lost yew.. l Marks tviss somewhat better attended, aad a little more demind -iras experioneedfor Wheat, the better classes <if WhitabroUght a shade more money. whilst useful descriptions <if 'Oaty Bed. American sold at l.®Bd. #■ 70 lbs. improvement on i the low sales of Tuesday^r- .i - ’ r ; i - : PJLOPB was-exceedingly dull and. most difficult of sale, althOugh holdem would hare made some concession 'fo&ioggmjf ‘ r ; WHBttN request, at steady rates wtelfinrandWxed Atoeridanibut White,* from Wat .#|l,^ra^, T 6 ? 74razsi0i! *“* oMh ln« 7 fair demand-at Metis & qr; Ssl. I S£S3Si f J ,i St> ,l > 62B Oort, 3.760 Exports for same period, f^SSSS « .. . eiohakmon.bbothkbs & oo >»■«lft»n*n4*fcD»»iitailßiK«4 Btat«« -loco Friday last conawt 0f6654 tpuctera Wheat, 360quattera Indlw, Sort.' ontisaej ihrorahlo for tie crops, although the post tiro (Uysithas been ohacgeable. and to-day looks very un settled..’ | Our market was very dull and depressed at the begiunlog ot the week, and some parcels or Wheat were forced off at very low prices, Bs, 3d- having been'taken for. prime Western red, Blnce then; however; a much flrmer feeling has prevailed, and ft njcpvery of 3d. bushel hto been established, making the decline'since Qur laet only 2d. V7O fts. Flour has met a very slow sale, the,'demand being of the most retail character at barrel reduction. Indian Corn has boon iu fair request, aud although no actual advance can bo quote’’/-still the! seller haa had the advantage'; floating cargoes continue in great favor at ' comparatively high prices..’ potatoes are badly spoken of In the South of Ireland; but. in the North, and In this country, wo hear of np complaints of'consequence. The following were tko • farmers’ deliveries of wheat for this week, 81,704 quarters 93s 6d; ditto, corres ponding week last year, TI,BSQ quarters at Tfls 3d. At to day’s market there Was'a .thin attendance of town and country dealers and .mllleri, still a very fair demand was experienced for wheat at the prices of Fri day last, the decline of the week having been recovered, we,therefore merely repeat bur former quotations. Flour, waft to more general request amongst the dealers than for flomo time past, but at slightly lower prices. Indian Cqtu opened strong, but the demand subsiding, pur chases of mixed and yellow cOuld have been made on father easier tonus, white, howover, being very scarce, brought more-money, 44s having been paid for best parcels.- Jmportotions. [Reported for The Prow.) NEWCASTLE ON TYNE—Barqo Venus, Arkley—2Bo bbbl Venetian red 8 chaldrons gas coal S Morris WAln A Co; 65 casks bid powders 210 do salsoda 10 do hypo 8 soda 60 pkgs magnesia 8 3c W Welsh; 114 casks mdse Powers & weigbtman; 60bbls Venetian ie4J Lucas & Co; 248 casks sal soda Fuller A Cope; 93 do 20 do soda ash 20 do Alkali 400 keg* bicarb 'soda B II Field, N Y; 61 ton* grindstones J E Mitchell; 34 casks carb baryte* 84 do maze order.’ GALYEBTON—Sthr Florence, Mayo—3 Boo hides 130 bales wool 20 do deer skins 2 do hog skins 4 do goat sklnß 3 bags ore 6 bxs radio older. > . Empire, MArehftll—Bo4,ooo laths 50,- 000 spruce Joist Twells & Galvin. > PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. . Israel Morris, ) JOSEPH 0. QBCBB, > COXNITTSE OF TDB MOSTH. John Wrlbn, ) ■ LETTER- BAGS At the Merchants* Exchange; Philadelphia. Ship Philadelphia, P001e,.... Liverpool, Ang. 15. Barque Japonica, 8he1den.......Ki0 do Janeiro. Aug. 10 BarqUe Achiltei, Spodden. ...London, soon Barque David Lftpsley, Bishop Matanzas, soon. Brig Eureka, Daly .....Cardenas, soon BrigDlack Squall, Bryant, Havana, soon. Brig F.Fabarit,'Burns, St. Jagodo Cuba, soon. SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS. STBAURR , 1 PROM TOR DAT Kangaroo ...v.’.Now York Liverpool Ang. 6 Ariel.., J..-. .• .New York Bremen, Ac Aug. 8 Euro pa*.., Boston Liverp001..........Aug. 12 Baltic. New York . Liverpool Aug. 36 Fulton Hew York Southampton Aug. 22 Now .York.;....New York Glasgow..; Aug. 22 Ericsson,. Liverpool New York July 22 New, York, Glasgow , New York... M ..... July 22 Fu1t0n.............Havre,, New Y0rk,........‘.Ju1y 22 BTKA.HKB , FOR FROM * DAT Boruksia ...New York' Hamburg...' Aug. 1 Columbia ..New York Liverpool.'. Aug. 5 Edinburgh / .Now York Glasgow.. Aug. 8 City WaahingtonNow York Liverpool :Aug. 12 Arag>)..’ ...New York Southampton Aug. 26 MOVEMENTS OF HAVANA STEAMERS. 4 „ Philadelphia— From New York 2d, arriving at Ha vana Bth, and New Orleans 11th. ,From New Orleans 20th; Havana 23d, arriving at'New York 28th. 1 Citt—From New York 7th of oach month, arriving at Havana 12th, and -Moblla 14th. From ilo bile 22a, Havana 24th, arriving at Now York 28th. Oauawba— From New York 12th, arriving ot Havana 17th, and New Orleans 19th- From New Orleans 27th, Havana 29th, arrivlngat New York 3d. Enpirb Oitr—From New York 17th, arriving at Ha vana 23d, and Now Orleans 26th. From New Orleans sth, Havana Bth, arriving ot New York 13th. Black Wabbior— From New York 27th, arrive at Havana Ist and New Orleans 3d. From New Orleans 12th, Havana 14th. due at New York 18th. Isabel— From Charleston l l9th and 4th, due at Ha vana 23d and 7th. From liavaua 10th and 25th, due at New York 16th and 81st. The California mall steamers sail from New York on the sth and 20th of each month. illarins Jfutclli^eiirc. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, August 6,1657, SUN RISES .....5 2 I SUN SETS..' 6 56 HIGH WATER 2 33 ahrived: '’Steamship Kennebec. Hand. 24 hours from New York, via Cape Jlf&y, with muse ana passengers to Jas Allder dice A Co. Passed barque N G Hlchourn, from Trini dad de Cuba, above Reedy Island,, and others as before reported. .■ Ship William, Berry, 7 days from Boston, in ballast, to captain. . Ship Quebec, Watson, 5 days from New York, in bal last to captain. Br barque,Vonus, Arkley, 63 days from Newcastle-on- Tyne, with mdse to 8 Morris Wain A Co. Brig Bfcrobda, lioyt,l2 days from Eastport, with plas ter and laths to K A Souder A Co. Brig Mary.Q, Kelly, 10 days from Portland, with 105 tons plaster to Joirus Baker. Brig Trlndelen, Havener, 9 days from Boston, in ballast. ■ Brig Sarah Elizabeth', Baynes, from Salem, in ballaat. Bchr Farmer, Deputy, 2 days from Milford, Del. with wheat to J H McColley. Schr Henry Wolfe, Atkins, 2 days from Milton, Del. with bark to J-H McColley. Schr Florence, Mayo, 21 Galveston, with hides, wool, Ac. to captain. Aug li lat 33, Long 75, spoke ship Catharine, of Boston, 7 days from Mobile, bonnd to Europe, all well on board. ’ Schr Charm. Whildeu, 6 days from Boston, with mdse toCrowelh A Collins. * ■' Schr Btirt, Allen, 3 days fromiNew, York, with mdse to Crowell A Collins. , Schr R W DIUon, Marts, 6 days from Salem, in ballast to captain., Scar Empire, Marshall, 28 days from Calais, with laths, Ac. io captain. . 7 Schr Anita Damon. Marshal, 18 days from Calais, with laths, Ao. to Twolls, GaskUl A Galvin. Schr Electrio Light: Dyer, 10 days from Llnean, with coal to H Wlnsor. * - * J * Schr Tennessee, Wooster, fi days from Eastport, with plaster to E A Sender A 00. Bchr D Floyd, Potter, 5 days from Providence, to bal testtoewteia., . . Schr Glass Blower, Paynej 0 days from Provlccriown, io ballast to captalu. Bchr Jas Barratt, D&vtß, 6 days from Boston, In ballast to Henry May. ~ Schr Charlotte, Smith, from Newport. Scht MR Carlisle, Winsmore, from East Greenwich. Bchr C Matthews, Warren, from Boston. Schr Lewis Chester, Somers, from Boston. Bchr Burroughs O, Stephens, from Boston. Bchr Ellioti, Wear A:, from Providence. Bchr Chas Williams, Golding, for Providence. Schr Percy Heilner., Gandy, do Schr N Berry, Pendleton, from New London. Schr Empire, Price, from Pawtucket. Schr Elisa T Smith. Lee, from Middletown. Schr Jullft Smith, Eaton, from Newboryport. Schr Little, Taylor, 5 days from Lynn, in ballast-'' , Steamer Gen McDonald, Wtylden, 6 k noun from Cape •May,'with passengers to captain. Off Reedy Island, passed a deeply .laden barque (supposed to be the N G Hitchburn): off Reedy Island Point passed ship Tropic Bird, from' Wtat Indies; two barques off New Castle: one supposed a Boston packet; ship Quebec, from New York, ofi Marcus Hook; a lumber laden brig off Chester; and ship William, from Boston, off Red Bank, all beating up. CLEARED. . Steamship Delaware, Copes, New York, J Allderdlce. Ship Grey Eagle, Hughes, Richmond, Rutter, New* hall & Co. Brig .Fairy, Welsh, Richmond, T Newhall A Co. Brig Helen Mar, Churchill, Antigua, .T Wattson A Sons. ’ Brig Castilian, Merriman, Portland, Van Dtuen, Nor ton A Co. ' > Brig Bearer,{Sanders,'Bangor, A Pardee A Co. Brig Xioango, Arrant*, Charleston, SC, Miller A Co. , Bear D. Ficrid; Potter, Prorldence, do '•’Schr Julia Maria, Baton, Newburyport do ' • Schr jElliott, 1 Wearer, Boston, BAudenroid A Co. Schr Empire, B Mllnos A Co. Bchr M R Carlisle, Wiiwmore, Polly Landing, do Schr 0 Matthews, Warren, Belfast, BlakJston, Cox A Co. . * Schr Burroughs C, Stephens, Boston; • do Schr Lewis Ones ter. Somers, Goston, Morris A Murray/ Schr CharlotteuWiUiams, Golding, Prorldence, do Scht B T .Bn)tth,'Lee, Boston, Nohlo. Hammett A Caldwell. * , ' • SchrN Berry' Pendleton, Bererly, John R White. Schr' Percy Heilner, Gandy, Providence, J E Baum ’ Paragon,'Hatch, Boston, Rogers, Blnnlckuon A Co. ' * ' . ’ 'Barge Catoctln, McCue. Baltimore, A Grores, Jr. ’ Btr Parmer, Dennis, Baltimore, A Grores, Jr. Scpr Buena VUta. Doane, Boston, Noble. Hammett A Caldwell. , j • Schr RW Dillon, Marts, Portsmouth, 0 A Heoksher A Co. ’ • Schr J Barrett, Baris, Past Cambridge, L Audenreid A Co. ’ ST TSLEGSATO. .. , (Oprrejpondence of The Press.) . . . ' ‘ . , New 1 Yo«x, Aug 6.' Arrived, Ships,Vanguard, from Liverpool: JamesR f Leeler, from London; brig Micanus, from Matamora. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. .v, w . Lxifss, Del., Aug. 4-8 X.M. The brig Russian, for Belfast, Me. and seven schra loaded with coal, went out last evening. A barque, a brig and four schra passed in yesterday forenoon. Tlie steam tug .TJmdrica and two topsail schr* are all at liar, bor. .Wind SB—weather warm and pleasant. Yours, Ao., WM. M. HICKMAN. - MEMORANDA. Steamship Ndw York,'Craig, from Glasgow 22d ult. at New York yesterday, Steamship Boston, Sellew, hence at New York yester day. Steamship Illinois, Boggs, for Anplriwall, cloarod a* New York vesterday. ; Steamship Kangaroo, Jeffrey,* for Liverpool, cleared at New York yesterday. ' „ Steamship Ericsson, Lowber, for New York, sailed from Liverpool 22d alt. Steamship Edinburg, Cummings, from New York 11th ult. arrived In the Clyde 24th ult. ' • Steamship Persia; Judkins,from Liverpool, 24th ult. at New York yfistepdav, ' Steabiship North Star, Lefevre/from New York, ar rlved'at Southampton 22d ult, • • - Steamship Asia, Lott, for Liverpool, sailed from New Yorityesterday. Steamship City Of Baltimore, Leitkh, from New York, 9th ult. at Liverpool 21st ult. * Ship Riga, Freeto, 65 days from Liverpool, arrived" at City,Pplnt, V*. 3d Inst. * uit 0^’M&80n, fcota st JollD > NB * tondon -Bhljl Thomas H Perkins, Wayne, hence, vie St John, NB. arrived at Liverpool xGth ult,' and was loading on tho 26th for Philadelphia. Ships Wm Cummings, Arkwright, J Patton, and Belle ®‘ tno Ocean, were loading' at Liverpool 25th ult. lor Philadelphia. . * . , Ship Wyoming, Brooks, sailed from Liverpool 18th nit for Philadelphia. Ship Fleetwood. Dale, from Calcutta for Philadelphia, was signalised June 28, lat 2T, long 0,71 days out. Ship Ocean Belle, Kelleran, hence, vla'St John, NB. at Liverpool 18th ult, < * , Ship Efinny Fern, Dresser, for Charleston, at Hftvro 18th ult. ' 11 ■ ' * Ship Flora McDonald, from Havre for Norfolk, at New port, Eng. 21st ult. Ship Finland; Post, sailed from Charleston yesterday for Now York, and not Baltimore, as bofore reported. Ship Zered, Corlsh, for Philadelphia, sailed iromLon donderry 22d f ulfc. • Ship Qov Langdon, Strong, for Philadelphia; Bailed from Liverpool 23d ult. > Ship Mandarin, Porritt, from New York for Shanghae, was spoken May 21st, 20 miles from Anjicr. • Ship George Green, Fairbanks, from Liverpool, was beldw New Orleans 28th ult. ’ Ship Atlantic, Worth, from Now York, arrived at the B&rbeiow.New Orleans 4th Inst. ■ / - - Barque Conrad, B&Jebury, froraNewOrleans, arrived at Pernambuco, June 10, ana remained June 2%. , r Barque Elm,' Taylor, for‘Philadelphia, clear ed'at Bos ton 4th Inst. »■ ' * 1 • 1 *• f ' ; t t * Barque Ocean Wave, Morrison, from N York, arrived at Table Bay, ! OGH} May 10, with low of quarter deck house and two men, haring experienced heavy weather March 3d and April IJJ, - )<, 'i \ ■ Barque Emblem. Davis, from, Bio de Janeiro for Phi ladelphia, was spoken.,24th Ult. lat 36, long 70, 23 days out. ' . .Barque lonia, Dix, for Africa, sailed from Salem 84 Inst The Argo. Parker, for Philadelphia, sailed fromßre merbaven2othult. ~ - : Brigs Crimea, BUchborn, and Lydia Francis, Hall, for Philadelphia, cleared,at New York yesterday. Brig Wm Penn, Bobaon, hence.,vie Cork, at Dublin 18th ult, Brig Orinus, Baker,fcenoe for Newßedford, arrived at Boston 4th lust. < 1 - ‘ \ . - Brig Trindelen, Havener, 0 days from Boston, lh hoi* last to captain/ ■- •' * *i 1 " < • Brig Castilian,.Merfitnab t 'Adaya from New York, in ' ballast, to Van Dosen, Norton A 06. . . , 3O days from Llngen, with coal to S '•/.Brig'Timothy.Oroiby,.Har<llDg, hence'at Belfaat.Me. l iZStltnin. ... , L ,:.,h u • e * rse °‘’ cleite4 •* Bwtoß 4tt ‘ '» iff ; r ' -i £ 4 » i J ;• r ’f- ’• • ' THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAYi MHUST 1857. Brig Canton, OrowelL sailed from Boston 4th Inst, for Philadelphia.’ •'*' '* " 1 Brig Daniel Maloney,Welden, fpr Mfttanzas, was towed to sea from New Orleans 25th ult.‘' Brig Charles H Frost, from Asnlnwall, put into Oar thagena July 4, with all hands sick. Brig George Albert, Thompson, cleared at New York sth inat. for Havana. Brig Empire, Crowell, cleared at Boston 4th lost, for Philadelphia. Brig Lucy Ann, Woss, from Dightflu for Philadelphia, sailed from Fall River 2(Hust. ' Bchr 0 G Waterbury, Cook, for Philadelphia, sailed sailed from Salem 3d ipst. Schrs Caspian, Megathlin, and M H MMlter, Crowell, cleared at Boston 4th Inst for Philadelphia. Schrs Martha Wrightington, Wrlghtlngton, and Sea Bird, 1 Chase, sailed from Fail River Ist inst. for PMiad., Bear Undine, Frisby, sailed from Fall River 2d last, for Philadelphia, Schrs America, Neptune, California and Enterprise sailed from New Ifaveii 3d inst. for Philadelphia. Schr D 8 Mershon, Spragg, hence at Wilmington, NO 4th Inst. 1 11 Schr Bosannnh Hose, Coombs, cleared at Boston 4th inst. for Philadelphia.-* ’ Schrs James Martin, Harding, and John F Croach, nankin, sailed from Providence 4th inst. for Philada. Schr W O Mershon, Turner, for Philadelphia, was towed to sea from New Orleans 22d uR. Schrs Ben Spruill, Lyons, and Ann Sykes, Bowden, hence at Portsmouth 3d inst. Schrs Wm Collyer, Boland, from'Middletown, and Black Diamond, Young, from L\*nn for Philadelphia, arrived at New York yesterday. Schr Geo W Krebs, Emerson, hence at. Baltimore 6th inst. NAVAL. The U S steam frigates Niagara, for Southampton, and Susquehanna, for Cork, were in the river at Liverpool 25th ult. outward bonnd. MARINE MISCELLANY. Captain Steven*, of the brig Azores, at Now Orleans 28th ult. from Rockland, reports having experienced a severe gale on tho sth July, in Ist 27 05, long 72 25, At 12, midnight, was struck bv lightning twico in quick succession, the first clap Btriking the main royal mast head, shivering tho royal mast, topgallant mast, top mast, and lower masthead; tho second clap struck tho fore masthead, shivering the mast badly. Barque floracr, nt Boston 6th inst. from Mauritius, re ports on tho 4th May, Isle of Bourbon in sight, found the barque had sprung aleak, and had 4 foot water in her hold. Tried to return to port, but could noti found the leak in the upper works, stopped it, and bore away for home. Tho cargo is partly damaged. It is stated that tho barque Dudley, of Charleston from New Orleans for Marseilles,which wentaihorelnear Rhor Hoad, LI, 11th ult. cannot bo got off, being ba buried In the sand, and will prove a total los* Mvr Miry, of Now London, which wm ashore neir Bcllusto, was got off by Captoln Tower, ond proweded to Now London, having sold her cargo of coals « hha originally bound from Philadelphia for Boston. ! ’ DOMESTIC POIITS.- NEW YORK, Aug.4.-BrlgMoonlight,Small, fromSa gua la Grrnde; steamship Indiana, Baker, Sonthanm tou and Bremen, O. H. Sand; Bteamship Glasgow Br Duncan; ship Cssyria, Delano, Now Orleans : bark Do ’ rette, Urem., Grabau, Bremen: bark Casco, Wauah* Trinidad, G. 8. Stephenson; bark Thales, Howland’ Mobile, N. Hi Brigham . schr. J. L. Bowman, Wooster’ be; uayra and Port Cabello, Brett, Bon A Co: schr D* O. Hulso, Brown, Wilmington, N. 0., Dollner, Potter A Co. AUGUST s.—Br R M steamship Persia, Judkins from Liverpool July 25th. Twenty-fffth, passed Bhip Countess! of England, bound In, Aug. Ist, Ist 47 20, don 60 16 passed a outtor steering West, showing Spanish colors’ 3d, Ist 44 40, lon 67 .82, exchanged signal with shin Onward (Br), bound East. 3d, at 8A «7 tot 42 M, toS 62 66, passed steamship Vanderbilt, hence for Southamp ton. Same day at 0.30 AM, lat 4213, lon 62 21, passed steamship Atlantic, hence for Llrerpooi. Wind eJutorlr llgh t hreoto and cloudy, at 8 P M Cape Itoco light abeam' Ship Don Quixote, (of Boston,),Elwe!l, from Poochon 800. April 23d. Soiled In company with Br shin Glencoe for London. Left Angler, May 21st, In company witli bar]: Reindeer, Townsond, from Slpgapore for N York Mao 21st, 20 miles from Angler, sigoatd ship Mandarin May 26, exchanged signals with a ship, supposed the Pea-less. Left ot Angler, May 21st, hark John Gardiner from Singapore, to sail same day for New York Brom hark Nord Amerika, Fredericks, Hamburg Had 4 deaths od the pa**a6e. ’ Bark Pride of the Sea, Johnson, Nuevitas, July 24 Left brigs Auitv Owen, Ray, hence for N York, Julv 28-' Trade Wind, fordo: C H Carrida. for do. J * Barque Greenwood, Glover. Cardiff, and two days from James River: Brig Fred Working, (of Boston,) Darritlc 9 day* from Exluma, with salt; Brig King Birt, Brown from. Carnhagena,. July 15, with fustic, coffee, . Ao • Left brig Magelle for New York, put In 6th, all hands sick; Sutton, Joy, for NY, soon, Winihrop, from Savtf nilltt. junt arrived to load forNYk,; Brig Arcturus, (BrJ Howard, Windsor; Schrs..F.alcunburg, from Baltimore, with coal to master: Manchester Blake, 4 days from Charleston, with cotton Ac.;,Wm. Oarroll, Chipman, Bangor,lwith cedar, to L A Sykes; Oneida, Duality’ Portland, with heading, to JasPolharaus; AnnMßtill! Btilllman, Little River, NO, with grain to J A Gambia; Franklin Fierro, Boston; S E Parker, Rogers, Balti more, 5 days coal to master; J Holme*, Holmes, Balti more. 5 days, coal to master; Mary Maogura, Simonton. Rockland. * Cleard—Steamship Roanoke, Skinner, Norfolk and Pourtsmouth; ship Matero, Dilllgham, Valparaiso: brig Yulcan, Card, Windsor, N.S; schra. Dcsdawona, Higgs, Nassau, N.P: Volunteer, Bjitty, Salem; S. S. nill, Con ry, Boston: J. T. Grice, Rogers, Charleston. BOSTON, Aug. 4.—Ar ship Seaflower. (of Boston,) Woodbury, New Orleans. . * Bark Homer, )of Bouton,) Wiggln, Mauritius May 2, passed St. Helena June 25. Reports on 4th May, Island of Bourbon in sight, and wind frefh from SK, discovered that the bark had sprung a leak, and had four feet of water in tho hold. Endeavored to return to Mauritius, but was unablo to do so. W as 3 days undor the lee of Bourbon, during which we found tho leak in the upper works: pumped her dry and bore away forborne. Tho cargo la somewhat damaged. Bark Lysapder, Moore. Cienfuegos 12th ult. Steamer Admiral, Smrll, St John NB via Eaßtport and Portland. Steamer Joseph Whitney, IJoirea Baltimore. Ar 3d brig Rolerson, Orlando, Pensacola 14th ult,. foreign" ports; By the Persia. At Liverpool 24th ult., Western Empire, Hanlon, Bos ton; 23d, Baden, Stilphen, Now Orleans: Emerald Isle, Cornish, Now York; Margaret, Davis. Cheruavon; H. £.* Hamilton, Hamilton, Now Orleans; Hortftnsc, flames. Charlestonj R. Robinson, St. Stephens; Ocean Bride, Atkins, Quebec; 2lst, Defiance, Kendrick, Bom boy; A. R, Green, Now York; Calista iWa. Haws, Que bec; Colin Mcßao, Bramholl, WiLnlngton, NO.; 10th. Cultivator, Russell, New York, Now York PacNet, Thompson. Quebec; 13th, Star of the West, Shopper, do.; Orient. Henry, do.; John Parker, Calhoun, do.; George Evans, Cooper, Apalachicola; Constantine, Macoduck. and Manhattan, Dixon, New York; Michi gan. McKay, Quebec. Off do. 24th, Levanter, from Quebec; Favorite, from St. John, N. B. Off tho rirer, outward bpund 25th, shins J. G. Richardson. Lewis, Savannah; John J. Boyd, Thomas, Now York; Adelaide Bell. Flagg, Martha, Bradley, San Fraficiflco; Cohota, Day, Bombay. Entered toward, 23fi, Canada, (ateaiDßelp) Boston, aud Halifax; Sarah Newman, Cobb,Calcutta; Springbok, Slmston, Cape Town; Manhattan, Dixon, New York; Invincible, Robinson, Shanghao 22d, Caatlne, Simmon, Now Orleans; J. O. Whitney, Gray, do; City of Balti more, Leitob, New York; Edward, Areig, Sewell, and A Z Green, New York; 21st, Geo Washingtori, Coroins, Boston; Golcanda, Leverett, Calcutta; Constantine, Macoduck, New York; Middlesex. Parmlee, do; 18th, Flying Scud, Baxter, Bombay; Emllle St Pierre, Charles ton: Goosawatto, Paxton, Rio Janeiro aud Calcutta. Sid 23d, Uncle Toby, Soule, N York; Robt Polsford, Smith; Maty Carson. Burnett, Quebec; Felicia, Balls, Boston; Adelaide, Bell, New Orleans. 22d, Esmeralda, McManus, Calcutta; Typhoon, Faulkner, Bombay. 20th, Tbatatta, Oooper, New York; W F Schmidt, Bears. New York. Cld. 23d, Chatsworth, Praetor, Boston; KittyCordes, Sepwith, Bombay; Cohota, Day, do; Robtert Pul ford, Smith, Calcutta; John J Boyd, uhom&s, Now York; J G Richardson, Savannah. Liverpool, July 22—The Elizabeth Hamilton, from N Orleans, which arrived hero yesterday, encountered very heavy weather in the Gulf, and lost part of sails, Ac. At London July 24, ships Golden Fleece, Dennison, for Algoaßay; Havana, Stockton, Boston; Agamemnon, Hyne, Calcutta; American Eagle. Moore; Robena, Mar tin: Plymouth Rock, llammond; Palestine, Tinker; Quickstep, Nelson; London, Ilurlbut; and Victoria, Champion, for New York; Noptuno’a Favorite, Ewer ton, Port Phillip; George Washington, Copeland, Shanghaeand others. From the Shipping Gazette, July 24. London 23d, entered Inward, George Peabody, Emer son, Quebec: Queen of the East, Heeley, do.; Mary Jane Kimball, McLellan, Santa Crus; Concordia, Wea sels, New York: 24th, Jasoo, Britton, do.; Levant, Al len, Areceibo; State of Maine, Humphrey, Chinches. Bristol 23d, arr. Pill, Skimmer of the Seas, Hogg, Now York. Portsmouth 23d, sld. Diana, Davis, New York. Queonatown 22d, arr. Lacy A Harriet, Foot, New Orleans. Shields 23d, arr. Amelia. Lovass, Boston. Havre 22d, arr. Wm. Nelson, Cheever, New York;dis. Republic, Charleston. Nantes 22d, ar G W Hall Mowry, Charleston Bordeaux 22d, ar J A Hazard, Williams, New Orleans; Trojan r Constant, do. SfarsoilloH 21st, ar Rowland, Rowland, Now Orleans. Sailed Harrisburg, New York; Europe, Williams, Palamps: • * Helvoet, 224, ar Oceanus. Springer, New York Bremcrbaven, 20th, ar Blushes, Kloppcr, ‘Baltimore); Columbia, Spenohe, do.. , Off Dungenncss 23d, Alice Tarlton, Shields for Con stantinople. Off the Eddystone 20th, Preston, Savannah for Am sterdam. Greenock 32d, sld New York, (a), New York. At Nantes 14th ult. bark G W Hall, (of Providence,) Mowry, from Charleston, ding. Ar at Pernambuco 27th, brig Chattanooga, Norris, Baltimore, and sld—th, bound S; prev" to 2d ult, brig Fanny W Oakamith, Williams, supposed from Union Island. Qa, for Bio Janeiro—put In in distress. At Cape Haytien 19th ult, brig Jachin, Lovejoy, for NYork, 10 days, At Grand Turk, Turks Isl And, 22d ult, Br bark Sir Edward Seymour, Dill. Bermuda, just ar. At Matanzas 23d ult, ships Joalah Quincy, of Provi dence, Spraguo, for Falmouth, E, ready for sea, and would sail 24th; Joshua Mauran, of do, Liscomb, unc. Ar at Quebec Ist inst., ships Joseph Rowan, Harrison, Liverpool: Weser. Fischer, Now York; barques Frederick Retzluff, Houport, Bristol; Isabella, Garbutt, Cartha gena: Orion, Jewels, Algiers; Sir CharleßNapier.Balse lee, Troon; Ford Mill,Reese, Gibraltar; D&nubo, Beevor, Oran. Old Ist, ships Russia, Kelley, Holyhead; Robt. Parker, Pritchard, Liverpool; Conquest, Brewer, Grceriock; St. Jacob, Duske, Sharpnest Point. .Arrived at St. John, New Brunswick, 30th ult., brig 0. Outhouse, New York; 31at, sclia. Pleiades, Mcßur nie,do.; Franklin, McLean, Boston; 2dinst.,shipSpccd wetl, Rackleff, Portland. Cleared 30th, ships United States, Sonne, London; 31st, Alarm, Matthews, do.; Ist Inst, brig Margaret Elizabeth, McDougall, Providence; schs. Catharine Brora,* Sulli van, Boston; Lizzie Sturges, Stiuchflold, do.; Margaret A, Anderson, Salem. List of Arrivals at the Principal Hotels* MERCHANTS’ HOTEL,—Fourth streot, abovo Market. Jeaso Klinefelter, Balt. J. P. Bell, Va. A. D. Griflwold, Hartford. John P. Raw & lady, Balt Win. Stoddard. Wellavllle, Mrs. Jas, Hopkins, York, N : Y. _ _ Miss M. M. Wells, Pa J. May, Rose Bonk, lowa. D. B. Amirov, Marlet,, 0. W. J. Leher, Pa, . J, D. Barkor, u A. F. Oroskey, Ohio. 0. M. Packer, Va. H. K. Campbell, Pa. Ja». P. Kelly, Phlla. J. Lingofelt, llollidflTsb’g. A. Diinick, Harrisburg. L. R, Carter, Clearfield. R. L. Bingham, Miw. Frank, Gracy, Memphis. R. M. Spicer, Memphis. W. 11. Bryarly.Tenn. P. Blyck, Zanesville, 0. John Lnrwill, Wooßter, O. A.R.Bartlet tc lady, Pa. W. Dunbar, filt. Vern.,o, J. F. Ileiuitoh, Lancaster. M. A. Wurta. PbUa. A. 11, Scigcl, Reading. JohnW. Ulrich,' Lebanon. J. 11. Wlluamsilady, Krie. 11. J. GoH, N. Y. A. 3. Fuller & lady, Phila. .Wm. Dings, St, Louis, Mo. Frank S. William. Indiana. J. McCandless, Philada. Clms. B. Wright, Pa. Richard Prlco, Jr., do. J. H. Hancock. Wllkeb’e. 11. R. Stcelo, Coatesv., Pa. J. Moore Dick, Pa. H. Hendemm, Philada, John P, Myer, “ ' GIRARD HOUSE—Oheanut street, below Ninth. 11. Saunders, Wilmington, Alox. C. Morton, N. Y. Del. * 11. W- Camerden, do. S. R. Fairwoathar, lowa. Jos, fl. Brown, Phila. W. 8. Dounan/Ricb’d, Ya. J. Langland, Chicago. J. H. Ewtwick, phiUj John York, Nashville. 0. G. Terry, Conn. J. M, Crandall,GrlggsviUe, 0. E. Wood, N. Y. 111. H. Redwatd, N. 0. 11, Carmer, Griggsv’e, 111. 0.8. Rliss k lady, Lynch- G. M. Swlnk, Mo. . Burg, , Dr. L. Benson, Reading. Cl. H. Bliss, Miss., Dr. P. Holster, do. B. A. Botta k lady, Pa, MlssLauraan, do. H. A. Burke, do. 0. M. Straub, Pottavllle. MtssM.J, Burke, do. G. U, (Shorter, Columbus, Wm.O. Somerville, Hunts- Ga, ’ villa/ Texas. Mrs. Jan. H. Shorter, Oo- Wm. H. Black, Lancaster. lurabus, Ga. J. M. Jones, Gal’ston. Tx. H. McLaughlin, Mo. 8. W. Church, Mlddlefield, Rob. McKelvey, N. Y. Mass. ,J. 8. Woolsey, Charleston, Melth. U. 8. A. 8. 0. Mrs, R. B. Clayton,Lynch* Wm. Cook & ly, Bt. Louis, •burg, Va, j. 0. Jaokson do. Mies M. R. Clayton, do. 11. 11. Oulvertson, Troy, 0. . Miu Boas, do. MU* L. Beige,, do. Miss Yana,' 'do. MUsB. Beige, do. Miss Turner, 1 do. • L. L. Robinson, N. Y. 1 . E. H. Pendleton, Wash’n. J. O. Dawson, Auguta, Ga. 8. A. Plummer,Petersburg, J.H. Daniel, , do . Ya. . , - Geo/Sayer, ‘ do*; MisaAvH.Oatts/ft.Y. Oi Oftadbrtira, BaltUpdro,' MtsafJ. B Babcock, doT I H.YV Butler, NiT£.'~" >* d‘i .Edw*. Hi Xondlaton, Wa&- H. H. Ratcliff, Miss. ton. A, U' wl. R. ft. Bankio, Treyttton, D. A. Whitekndlady, Olp- Jas. Root, Louisville, Ky cianatl JSHawkba, do. , O. Sedgewick', Syracuse ‘ George F. Smith, Ohio Wm Martin and wlfo, N. W. D, Dobbin, Texas York T. P.Redmond, do. J.M. Jenkins, New York O. Spenser, Ilartford Samuel Harris and lady, Charles G. Sh&w.Cincln’ti Baltimore N. G. Gregcor, Baltimore John H. Brown, Philada Mrs. Gregoor. . do. A. J. McOreery and lady, . J Richards, Chicago St. Louis. W. D. Patfcersdnaudsister. IF. M. Sedwtck and lady, Mercersburg ■ Cincinnati, Ohio . Sir. Galley, Havanuah. M. N. Newell, St. Louis J. D. Anderson, Maine Sami Mcßride, do. A. A. Solover, California ' David Mcßride, do. J. O. Wojd, Memphis John Farrington N. York W. B. Donehc, Memphis Georg® If. Sf etoman.Pean * L. F. Bqoch, Nashvilte, Alex. Allen, La. D. W. Banders, Miss. W. Dolby, Del. E. B. FortoF, Columbus, Ms J. P. Carter, Alex. Va. W. B. Forte; do. E.Carter, Va. Miss Forte, do. Miss M. T. Garrison, Ta.* S. Humphries, do. Miss A. J. Carter, do L. Fortuue, N. Y. Miss J. M. Oi*ter, do. R-Nuneraaeher, C. S, Maurice, Richmond, r n(^, anft * J- Goldsmith, Cincinnati, i; Indiana, A. Tenney, N. Y. r'* :■ St- Louis, J. W. Brescoe, N. Oilcans, IV. H. Slack, do. MlssShorter,Columbus,Oa; 8. Harvey, Yale College, 8. Bassett, Lexington, Ky. Mr. Chime, do Mw. Jwtaon, N. Y. J. u. Burr, St. Louis, ?‘r, S, w - e "' iiartfoni. J. a. M. Buff.loo, Miss, t . nW’ IVm.O. Webb, Baltimore John P. Kin*, Augusta, a, T. W. Eviuh, Naahrlliu. Rota. Bwrett, Boston W D. McUualian, do S. Hukwatl, St. Louis. P. P. McWhurthei l , Nash. Jas.J. Pettei-, Now York. Jos. Whelcaa & ir. do Now York. Danl, W. Quimly, Boston- A. Wittictan, New York J.W. Becker, do BTATE3 UNlON.—Market Street above Sixth. Geo. Sterling, Pa. Mra. A. O. Gibbons, do. D. B. Slangier, Pc, W. A. McDo*ell, oi. I'S; A. F. Baker, ilarahalton. r« * Lancaster, Pa. L. A. Smith, Lancaster Co. J. It. Mesley, fillddletown, Penna. H. R. Schenck, do. p W»- li. G. llelatand, do. Jaa. B.Harmer, do. Mrs. Hartshorn, Clearfield. 8. B. Coxt Lancaster, Pa. J. R. Bostick A lady, Phil. E. J. Rinfeheart, Reading. G. 8. Palmer and lady, A. Bricker, Newville; Pa. Chicago. O. Stolck, Nowburg,, do. R. Simpson, Ireland. "UNtON HOTEL—Arch Street, below Fourth. Geo. Maurer, Philada, John McMartre, Pa T Mindel, do. R. Rigley, West Indies. U. 8. Newcomer, Pa. Thos. Black, do Jas. Iloar, Pu. J. Black, do Conrad Sapper, Pa. U. J. Mulford, N. S. Henry Thomas, Tamaqua. Frank F. Ilorner. Balt. Geo. W* H. Whitaker, N.J. Herman Borehard, Pa. J. W. D4trich A son; Ohio. T. P. Slmpsou, M. Chunk. Jos. Frease. Canton, O. L. Beecher, Pottsvillo. W. A. Mossier, Ohio. L.N. Wagner, Reading,Pa. Mrs. Wnaver A son, Harris- John Opdycke, Easton, burg. ; AMERICAN HOUSE, Obesnut street, above Fifth. J. B. Taylor, Virginia. P. 8. Mattox, Minnesota. 8. 11. Matthews, Ohio. Mrs. Forrest, N. York. G. Wentworth, Ohio. J. B. Orooke A lj„ Pittsb. H. Williams A d., St. Louis. O.M. Phillips, St. Louis. J.F. Thomas, St. Louis. M. G. Duffleld A ly. f do. Miss Dnffleld, do. T. Snyder, Mo. J. E. Simmons A ly, Pa. JliBS Simmons. Pa. S. J. Georgo, Phila. E. Hagen, Phils. E. Moland, Ga. W. P. Simpkins. Ga. W. J. Phillips, Tenn. J. B, Studley A ly., Boston. R. O. Harrison, Washlngt. J. P. Thompson, Balt. J. O. Henry, do. A. n. Williams, N. 0. Win. Carter, Franco. A. B, Bermingbam, do. Wm. Cresson, Pa J* C. Georgeson, Phila. H. M. Wolff, Pottsville. W. H.Bacon A ly,, Albany. R. B. Templeman, Toxas. W. Goodwin, Mass. O. Satorius, New York. B. Montgomery, N.Y. J. Wintersteiu A ly., Pa. Edward Corogan, Cleveland, Ohio. CITY nOTEL— I Third street, above Race. B. Nefson, Macon, Ga. J. H. Coulter, Mifflin co. Mm. Andrew*,' do. C. Benson, Stockbridge. W. T Andrews, do. W. Taylor, do. D. Bilger, Belle Havene Michaol Heisloy, Williams. R. Chatham, Lock e co. port. Jas. Coulter, Centrfout. Aug. Schmidt, N. Y Special Notices. SiiTintf Fund—Five Per Cent. Interest-Na tional Safety Trust Company, In Wilsut Street, south west-corner of Third Street, Philadelphia. Assets over Orb Million and a Half of Dollars, Invested in Rhal Estate, Mortgages,Ground Rents, and other first clow securities, as required by the charter. This institution confines its business entirely to the recei ving of money on deposit. Any sum, largo or small, Is received, and the money Is always paid back, with out notice, to any amount. The office is open every day from 9 o’clock in the morning until 7 o’clock In tho evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings until 9 o’clock. Pftrklnson's Garden—An Extraordinary Vo calist !—Those who have not yet heard the extraordi nary young vocalist, Miss Agnes Sdtherland, who has won for herself in England the distinguished sobriquet of “the Scottish Nightingale,” now singing at Parkin sons’* Gorden, have a pleasure in store of no ordinary character, and for which they will thank us for direct ing their attention to the Promenade Concerts given nightly in that delightful place. A select and powerful orchestra, under the direction of our distinguished Mu sical Professor, Leopold Meignen, Esq., both give sup port to the eminent vocal talent engaged, and performs a rich selection of Operatic and miscellaneous gems, in cluding Overtures, Marches, Polkas, Wftltres, Ac., Ac. The great feature of the entertainment, however, is the “Nightingale,” whose voice for sweetness, power and effect will favorably compare with any one ever heard in Philadelphia. If auy shoald doubt this assertion, let them but llstijn to her rendering of “the March of ont* Cameron’s Men,” or “MacGregor’s Gathering,” both of which are nightly repeated by general request; and our word for It, every doubt will be dissipated, and tho doubters enrol themselves among tho warmest ad mirers. A Grtat Establishment.—The Salamander Safe factory 0 f Messrs. Evakb A Watsok, 1b one of the most Interesting establishments in the city. The building in which their operations are carried on, 1b to bq found in eighth street, near Vine ; ■ the tales-room being at No $ South Fourth Street.' Between fifty and sixty men ate omploywl in the tkriouz departments of the manu facturing establishment. Some idea of the extent of their labors may be formed from a statement of the work they have now In hand. Their workmen ore now engaged in constructing large safes for the following new banks:—Ono for the Strausburg Dank, lined all through with chilled iron,'weighing about 0,000 pounds; one of the same size and material for the Southwestern Bank of Virginia; and one for the Dank of Jersey Shore, Pa.; two for the Cataragua Bauk ; one for a pri vate banking house in Wllkesbarre, Pa.; one fora private bauklng house at Norristown, Pa.; and one large act of chilled iron bank vault doors for a new Bank at Millville, N. J. All these are to be supplied with Evanrf& Watson’s Patent Alphabetical Bank Lock, which is equal to any other lock now in use for safety and convenience. For testimony as to the value of this look, Moure. Evans A Watson can refer to the City and Consolidation Banks, of this city; Newark Bank, Dela ware; Bank of Fulton, Alabama, and Poe A Swift, Selma, Ala. There are also to be seen at the factory, in process of construction, some sets of vault doors for the new Pennsylvania Railroad office, at the corner of Third street and Willing’s Alley, F« 'Brown'* Essence ol Jamaica Ginger. This la truly & family medicine; at this season, when affections of the stomach and bowels ere so common, no family, individual, or traveller should be without it. It is peculiarly efficacious in summer complaints of children, and is known and prescribed by the medical faculty. Bee advertisement. To ail-who Want Money. » Jones k Son, Brokers, corner Third and Guaklll streets, below Lom bard, advance Cash, in large or small amounts, upon Watches, Jewelry, Plate, Guns, &0., on moderate terms. au4-8t ilTarriflflts, On the 4th lost., at Marcus Hook, by Rev. J. 11. Clemens, Capt. HENRY MAY, of this city, to Miss LYDIA A., daughter of the late Wm, McGlaugblin, of Marcus Hook. # On the 4th Inst., in Bt. Matthew’s Ohurcb by Rev. E. W. Hutter, Mr. DAVID R. GIUM to Miss EMMA, daughter of Conrad Knipe, Esq., both of this city. * On the 8d inst., at No. 242 Hanover street. Kensing ton, by John G. Wilson, V. D. M., Mr. GEO. BARNES to Miss MARGARET HARPER, both ot this city. * On the 3d Inst., by Rev. I*. Reiiey, at St. Philip de Nerl Church, EDWARD BARREN to Miss ELLEN Mc- CLAIN, both of this city. # Oa the 2d Inst., by Rev. J.ll.Kennard, Mr. THOMAS B. WARBURTON, of England, to Miss ADELIA SHUS TER, of this city. ’ * CDcatljG. 9nthe 4th Inst., MARGARET, wife of John Rodgers, aged 42 yoars. 7 he relatives and friends of the family are respect fully iuvited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her husband, N.W. corner of Seventh and Christian streets, on Sunday afternoon, at I o’clock, without further notice. To proceed to St. Mary’s Cemetery. * On Tuesday evening, after a short illness, SUSAN, wife of the lato George Wilson, in the 77th year of her ago. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend tho funeral, from the residence of her son, No. 917 Buttonwood street, below Tenth, this (Thursday) at 3 o’clock, without further notico. * Oa tho 3d lust., Dr. CALPER SCUBAFFEK, in the 74th year of his age. His relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend tho funeral from his lato residence, No. 70S Poplar street, above Broad, this (Thursday) morning at 10 o'clock. # In Camden, on tho 2d lust., Sirs. LOUISA BARRY, roliefc of the late Capt. John Barry, of this city. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend hor funeral, from the residence of her son-in-law, M. Jacoby, Stevens street, above Se cond, this (Thursday) alternoon, at 4 o’clock. * On the 4tU instant, MARY, daughter of James and Eleauor Ecdos, aged 6 months. Tho relatives and friends aro respectfully invited to attcud the funeral, from the residence of her parents, No. 228 Allen street, this (Thuraday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. To proceed to Odd Fellows’Cemetery. # flT’Twelflh Ward Democratic' A *cS«i n » g ,^ l i l b ® THIS (Thursday) EVENING, at SNELLS Democratic Head-quarters, at 7% o’clock. HENRY A. WILSON. ) n . . auO-lt# THOMAS JAMES, Jr.[} Secretaries. rjlOR ENGLAND AND FRANCE, 1857 „ .. ttwY.rk.nd Havre Steamship Company .—The United States Mail Steamships ARAGO, 2,600 tons, David Lines, commander, and FULTON, 2,800 tons James A. Wotton, commander, will leave New York Havre and Southampton, for the years 1857 and ’5B, on the following days: ’ LBAVK NEW TORS. 1857. 1858. Fulton, Saturday, Aug. 22 Arago, Saturday, Jan. 9 Arago, do. Bept. 19 Fulton, do. Feb 0 Pulton, do. Oct. 17 Arago, do. March 0 Arago, do. Nov. 14 Fultou, do. April 3 fulton, do. Dec. 12 Arago, do. May i Fulton, do. May 29 LEAVE HAVRE. I LEAVE 80DT1UHPT0H. IMT. 1857. Arago, Tuesday, Aug. 26 Arago, Wednesday, Aug. 20 Fulton, do. Sept. 22 Fulton, do. Sept. 23 Arago, do. Oct. 20 Arago, do. Oct. 21 Fulton, do. Nov. 17 Fulton, do. Nov. 18 Arago, do. Dec. 15 Arago, do. Dec. 10 1808. 1858. Fulton, do. Jan. 12 Fulton, do. Jan. 13 Arago, do. Feb. 9 Arago, do. Fob. 10 Fulton, do. March 9 Fulton, do. Mar. 10 Arago, do. April ft Arago, do. April 7 Fulton, do. May 4 Fulton, do. May 6 Arago, do. Jane 1 Arago, do. June 2 Fulton, do, June 29 Fulton, do. Juae3o PRtOB or PASSAQB ,* From New York to. Southampton ct Havre—First Cabin, 1130; Second Cabin, $76. . From Havre. or Southampton to New York—First Cabin, 600 frees; Second Cabin, 600 francs. For freighter passage, apply to wSSt™' A r‘< * “ «“• (JUANQE CCT EX 'J “ i> * ti ', u9 rjIHE MOST REMARKABLE BOOK OP ™E DAY ’-MORMONISH, ITS LEADERS AMD DESIONB. By Eld™ Hra. ilia,titled with por traits of tho lending Mormons of Utah, 1 Vol l2mo Price $1.20. THE AUTHOR. WHO HE is, AND WHY HE WRITES. ’ . - “ BALT LAKE ClTY.—Great Salt Lake—The Inhabit tents—Mormon Theatre and Dancing Hall—Mormon Census and Lying. PRAOTIOAL POLYGAMY—FamiIy Arrangements— Favorites—Wife Hunting—Mothers and Daughters sealed to one man—Half Sister Wife—Effects of Poly. gamy on first Wives—Temperance—Adultery—Jealousy -*Brlgham on Oommbialitles—Proportion of the Sexes in Utah—Effects of Polygamy on the Children—Early Marriage—Divorce—Mir. M’Oleaa and Parley P. Pratt —Mr*. Cobb and Brigham. MORMON MYSTERIES.—SeaIing for Eternity—Wo man pealed to one and married to another Husband— Spiritual Wives—Cause of Smith’s Death—Smith’s Wi. dows—“Proxy Doctrine”—Marriage and sealing for the Dead—Tho Endowment—Washing and Anointing —Dogrees of Priesthood—“ Behind the Tail”—Obe dience—Sealings at the Alter—Murders—Sealings to In dian Squaw?—Selling Daughters. EDUCATlON.—Practical Education—School System —Dancing Schools—Kimb&U on Educated Men—Literary Institutions—Deseret Alphabet—Newspapers— Book of Mormon—Smith’s RevolatJons—New Translations of the Bible. BRIGHAM YOUNG AT HOME.—His Biography— “ Modus Operand! ’’—Personal Appearance—ln Council and in Pulplt-Hls Manners-Style of Oratory-As a Husband and Father—Domesticities—His Wives—His Favorites—Women Courting the Men. PROPHET.—Brigham on Prospects of Utah—His Array—His Intentions if Arrested—His mothod of Government—Stealing—Bribery—Debt-pay uig-Frightening Apostates—Brigham’s Poller—His Successor. 3 . CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF MORHONISM. ANALYSIS OF INTERNAL EVIDENCES OF BOOK ■ OF MORMON. EXTERNAL EVIDENCES OF BOOK OF MORMON REAL ORIGIN Op the BOOK OF MORMON. THEORETICAL POLYGAMY THE SUPPRESSION OV MORMON ISM—Mormon i»m as a Civil Polity and Religion—Causes of Mor mon Persecution at Missouri and Nauvoo—J. Smith a Candidate for the Presidency of the United States -Brigham successor to his Designs as well as Office —Mormon Politics—Suppression of Polygamy—The effects of merely appointing a Governor and send ing Troops—Mormonißm as a Religious Evil—lts funda mental errors and weak points—Letter addressed to Brigham Young. W. i\ FETRIDGE A CO., No. 281 Broadway, New York. FOR BALE BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. [thta-2t BOITLEN'S weesp anchor gin .Constantly on hand and for sale by the subscrib ers, sole Importers of this Gin. HENRY BOHLEN A CO., au6-3t No. 221 and 223 South Fourth ot. 4RX ONLY FOR BOOK-KEEPING, AND tJptJ s3for TWINING’S ROOM. No. 232 North BIGHTn STREET. auo-3t* Removal— adams* blank book and JOB BINDERY, from THIRD street, to No. 636 ARCH street, below SIXTH. Blank Books all size on hand, or made to order. Magazines. Music. Ac., neatly bound VERY CHEAP. au&-6w ’ Brandies. —Pinet, Castnion & Co., Ma rett A Co., and other brands of Cognacs of various vintages, in half pipes and quarter casks; Pellevoiain Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, in halfpipes, quarter casks and one-eighth casks, all in Custom House stores, imported and for sale by HENRY BOHLEN A CO., au 8 , Nob. 221 and 223 South Fourth street. * 100 cases of 60 half boxes each, In store and for sale by HENRY BOHLEN & CO.. au 6 Nos. 221 and 223 8. Fourth street. Personal. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, POLICE Officers of the TWENTIETH WARD, take this method of Returning their Thanks to Sergeant ALEX. MoBRIDE, of the Twenty-first Ward, for his officer-like and gentlemanly conduct towards us, as officers at the Pic-Nic held at Strawberry Mansion, on the 3d inst LEVI LANCASTER. PETER BARTHOLOMEW, FRANCIS ALDRIDGE, C. MARTINO, It* M. B. VANDERQRIFT. i Amusements. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, BROAD AND XI. LOCUST Streets—Mr. E. A. MARSHALL, 8010 Lessee.—The PROMENADE CONCERT »t this estab lishment is nightly honored by Enthusiasm. Popular . ity and Fitshton. THIS EVENING, August 6th, new and attractive feaiures. M’LLE. SOHELLEB, SIGNOR VIERI, their first engagement in America; MISS C. BIOHINGS, MR. FRAZER, CARL BERGMAN, and the GERMA NIA ORCHESTRA. ’ Admittance 25 cents. au6-0t JOHN DREW’S NATIONAL THEATRE. WALNUT street, above ElGHTH.—Lessee and Manager John Drew. Prices—Dress Circle and Par quet, 3TX cents; Orchestra Chairs, 60 cento; Seats in Private Box, 75 cents; Family Circle, 26 cento. Doors open at 7. To commence at 8 o’clock. Box Office open from 10 to 3 o’clock, where Seats can be Secured with out extra charge. THURSDAY EVENING. August Gtb, The celebrated JEronaut and Wizard, MONB. E. GODARD, Who wiU perform nightly a selection of wonders. To concludo with the laughable farce entitled DELICATE GROUND. Snnfroirt Mr.J. Drew} Pauline Mrs.J.Drew PARKINSON’S ILLUMINATED GAH DENS.-GRBAT ATTRACTION .’-PROMENADE CONOERTS EVERY EVENING. MISS AGNES SUTHERLAND, The celebrated Scottish Nightingale. “ The Cameron’s Here,” “ Macgregor’s Gathering,” Ac. Melgnan’s su perb OrcbeHtra—“Anvil Chorus,” “Gipsy’s Song” *• Fra Dlavolo,” Marches, Waltzes. Gallon*, Ac. Ac. Fire-worka nightly. ‘ ’ Admittance 25c. Eight for fil. eul-tf THOMEUF’ 8 VARIETIES.—“The cool est place in tbs city, and the most respectably at. tended N. W. corner FIFTH and CHESTNUT THIS, and EVERY EVENING this week, those beau tiful and well-tried Philadelphia favorites, FANNY FORREST, * * JENNY SELLMAN, _ amd M’LLE. LEPOLLE, Will appear, aided by a SUPERIOR COMPANY. A laughable Afterpiece will conclude the performance, which commences at a quarter to 8. Adnm«ion 10 cento. JOHN 0. WARREN/ Conductor of Amusements. .miscellaneous. SERTANTS^pJStSsI J-d tants and Catholics, White and Colored. The best and most respectable class obtained at the Agency, 930 FILBERT Street, below Tenth, south side. auB-lt* JOHN M. ARUNDEL, of tho Twenty second Ward, will bo a candidate for Assembly, from the Sixteenth District. Subject to the nomination of the Democratic Convention. nus-eod2w* CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. —CHANGE OK HOURS. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. On and after Monday, July Cth, and until farther notice, trains for Atlantic City will leave Vine street wharf dally, (Bunday* excepted.) First down passenger train will leave Vine street wterf at 7-30 A. M. Second down passenger train will leave Vine street wharf at 6 P. M. trains, with passenger car attached, 6-35 A. Returning, will leave Atlantic City as follows: First passenger train at 0-30 A. M. Second do 4 60 P M Freight train P.M* PASSENGERS FOR HADDONFIKLD Will learo Vino street wharf at 10-45 A. M. r and 5-15 P, M. Will leave Haddonfleld at 7-20 A. M., and 2 P. M. Freight must be delivesed at Cooper’s Point by 2 o’olock, P. M., to Insure ita going down In the morning train. The Company will not be responsible for any goods until received and receipted for by their freight agent R. FRAZER, Secretory. TVEPARTMENT of public high- WAYS—OFFICE, S. W. corner OHESTNUT and FIFTH Streets. , SEALED PROPOSALS, entitled “ Proposals for Grad ing Bridge street, from Thirty-afth or Thlrth-sixth street westward to Lancaster avenue, in the Twenty fourth Ward,” will be received at this Office until THURSDAY next, at 12 o’clock. Also, for the Grading of Franklin street, between Sixth and Seventh, in the First Ward; Washington street, between Twenty-second and Twenty-third, in the Fifteenth Ward, and Hutchinson street, from Thompson to Master, in the Twentieth Ward. ' Also, for Repaving the following streets: Pine street, from Sixteenth to Seventeenth street; Harmstesd street, irom Nineteenth to Twenty-first street, and Beach street, from Chestnut to Walnut street; all the necessary materials to be furnished bv the contractor. The work to be done in a substantial manner, and re sponsible guarantees given to keep the same in good condition for two years from the completion of the work. john McCarthy, aus-2t Chief Commissioner of Highways. CLINTON PLACE HOTEL, BROAD WAY, corner of EIGHTH, street, New York. THIS ELEGANT MODERN ESTABLISHMENT is now open lor tho reception of guests, in the European style. , SINGLE ROOMS from 50 cents to 61 per day. SUITS of ROOMS lor Families, from $1 50 to $lO per day. The MEALS served at all hours by the CARD, at moderate rates. C. J. MACLKLLAN (“ long and favorably known to the patrons of Jones’ and the United States Hotel, Philadelphia,”) Is associated in the management, and has especial charge of the Cateriug Department. Every attention has been paid to make the organisation per fect, and our triends, patrons, and the travelling public in general, may rest assurred that no effort shall be wantiug to make the CLINTON worthy the favor which wo hereby respectfully solicit. aus-lm* WINANT & CO. TVOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Po- Xl licy No. 4202, issued by the American Fire Insur ance Company, iu the name of Nicholas E. Thouron, dated September 12, 1853, for $4,000 on brick building situated on the west side of Sixth street, between Prune nud Spruce streets, has been lost or mislaid. Applica tion has been mail© for a new ono in Heu thereof. A suitable reward will be paid for its return to No. 20 North Seveuth street. a us w4t* BIV. TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS, • No. 37 South THIRD street, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly mode on all accessible points m the United States ana Canada. Stocks, Bonds, &c., Bought and Bold on Commission. Unourrent Bank Notes, &o., bought at the lowest rates. Deposits received and interest allowed, as per agree meat. aul-3m LUMBER! LUMBER I! —The subscriber, who has for several years occupied the premises at Inning Mill, Kensington, has removed to COATES STREET WHARF, adjoining the Phoenix Planing Mill, on Delaware avenue, where he intends keening a largo assortment of Carolina and other floor ingboards, steps, risors, shelving, ceiling, fencing and scaffold boaids, thoroughly seasoned and well worked. For sale at tho lowest cash prices. Purchasers are in vited to call and examine for themselves, and every ef fort will bo made to give satisfaction. Orders received and supplied at the shortest notico for all kinds and sises of Southern yellow Pine, Timber and Scantling. aul-tf g. 8 RlcriK. SUtornegs at £aw, Daniel Dougherty, attorney AT LAW, Southeast Corner of EIGHTH and LO OUST Streets, S-hiUrUlphl., eul-ly MYER STROUSE, ATTORNEY AT LAW i CENTBE street. Fottsvtlle; Pa. luA-ly JOHN BINNS, UNITED STATES’COM AND COMMISSIONER b*'DEEDS AND THE PROBATE OP AOOODNTS 'for MVarii States anil Territories, He Is. by la«) Wtoorkrt to administer Oaths and Affirmations to M fejjelred In ail the Courts in Pennsylvania. ,t, ( . JOHN BINNS may be found fa hi* office No 118 , . ? aui-im W PAMDEN-GOOD plain ssaa PEASANT ROOMS, WJTH BOARD J - V*S oM,lae4 11 No. 014, Wood street, above -Marshall. ■ anO-at* ' —A BOY to run errands and *T make himself aeneraUr usefol. Applv before tea . dock, am MARKET rtmt, a P sadre. titatetjes, ieintlrg, BAILET & CO., CHESTNUT STREET, Manufacturers of BRITISH STERLING SILVER WARR, g Uunder their inspection, on the premises exclusively. Citizens and Strangers are invited to visit our manu factory. , t ■WATCHES. Constantly on hand a splendid stock of Superior Gold Watches, of all the celebrated makers. DIAMONDS. Necklaces, Bracelets, Brpochez, Ear-Rings, Finger- Rings, and all other articles in the Diamond line* Drawings of NEW DESIGNS will be made free of charge for those wishing work made to order. RICH GOLD JEWELRY. A beautiful assortment of all the new styles of Fine Jewelry, such as Mosaic, Stone and Shell Cameo, Pearl, Coral, Carbuncle, Marquisite, Lava, Ac., Ac. SHEFFIELD CASTORS, BASKETS, WAITERS, Ac. Also, Bronze and Marble CLOCKS, of newest styles, aud of superior quality. aul-d twAw ly SHragß anil djenurals. Frederick brown,-chemist north-east corner FIFTH and Streets, Philadelphia, sole Manufacturer of BROWN’S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER, which Is recognised and prescribed by the Medical Fa culty. and has become the Standard FAMILY MEDI CINE of the United States. This Essence is a preparation of unusual excellence Daring the Bummer months, no family or traveller should be without It. In relaxation of the bowels, in nausea, and particularly in sea sickness, it is an active and safe, as well m a pleasant and efficient remedy. CAUTlON.—Persons desiring an article that can be relied upon, prepared solely from pure JAMAICA GIN GER, should be particular to ask for “Brown’s Es sence of Jamaica Ginger,” which is warranted to be what it is represented, and is prepared only by FREDE RICK BROWN, and for sale at his Drug and Chemical Store, north-east eornqr of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia; and by all the respectable Drug gists and Apothecaries in the U. States. au3-3m Handel & haydn drug store, EIGHTH and GREEN street., Philadelphia, D. L. STACRHODSE, Proprietor. Always on hand the S™™ t „¥i icUs 01 MUGS, MEDIOINES, PERFU MERY, CIGARS, Ac. ’ Stackhouse's Patent Biker Soda Water Fountain keeps the water at 33 deg.; his Syrups and Creams are acknowledged by all as being the richest in the dtv. aul-lm ' jj)em,tgngl)4! anft Book Keeping. /CRITTENDEN’S PHILADELPHIA COM \J MEROXAL COLLEGE, S. E. Corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Second and Third Stories BOOK KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, every style. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, &o. Each Student has individual instruction from compe tent and attentive Teachers, under the immediate supervision of the Principal. One of the Best Penmen in the Country h»n charge of the Writing Department. Please call and see Specimens and get a Catalogue of Terms, Ac. aul-lm tUines anil fiiqnors, A LEXANDER V. HOLMES, WINE AND XJL LIQUOR STORK, No. 228, Southeast Corner of GEORGE nnd SOUTH Streets, sul-ly WfILLIAM F. PITFIELD,—IMPORTER " V of BRANDIES, WINES. Ac., Ac., No. 323 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, aol-lm Cl. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN FINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, Ac.. 28 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. anl-ly BZMDKt. V. MIRRtCK. j. Ttnnam MEBBICK. WILLIAM H. KSBKICK. CJOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, >3 FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, PHILADELPHIA, MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River, ana Marine service. Boilers, Gasometerti, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac.. Cast ings of all kinds, either Iron or Brass. Iron frame roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, Ac. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most improved construction. Every description of Plantation machinery, such as Sugar, Saw. and Grist MUls.Vaeuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters. Pumping Engines, Ac. Sole Agents forN.RUUeux’s Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Nasmyth’s Patent Bteam Hammer: J. P. Ross’ Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and Steam Pumps. t Superintendent—B. H. BARTOL. au3-y X BAZIN & CO.’S FRANGIPANNI, • AN ETERNAL PERFUME. THE ONLY GENUINE ARTICLE MANUFAC TURED. FRANGIPANNI EXTRACTS, FRANGIPANNI PO MADE. FRANGIPANNI SACHETS, FRANGIPANNI SOAP. FRANGIPANNI. TOILET WATER. . FRANGIPANNI CREAM, FOR BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. X. BAZIN A 00. would respectfully caution the pub lic against Ike many spurious articles bearing the name or FRANGIPANNI, in imitation of their ORIGINAL and only GENUINE perfume, which U made entirety and purely from the celebrated recipe of FRANGIPAN NI. Its popularity has led several establishments to claim for their counterfeits all these exquisite qualities which belong only to the GENUINE. For sale by all druggists and fancy dealers. X. BAZIN A 00.. Manufacturers of the Prize Medal Perfumeries. au4-lwif FPORTANT IMPROVEMENT NEW GAS CONSUMING FURNACE. CttILSOtPS NEW CONE FURNACE, after having been put to the most severe teztj during the two cold wixrras or 18W oxb 1857, has proved to be the moat powerful heater in ike world, saeing from Uto the fuel oVer any of Hie best furnaces now In use. Thcsb FOBKicis are constructed with a cast iron ash pit, and a broad, shallow pan-shaped fire pot, lined with fire-brick or Iron staves, The fire pot ia surmount ed with ' A SERIES OP CONES, o& TAPERING RADIATORS, large and broad at their base, but tapering to small aper tures at the top, and uniting with the aaular chamber, through which the heat and smoke pass to the flue. The wboli products of combustion in the form of smoke and oasis, are suspended directly over the fire, ccxrivio or compressed into the tapering Cons and BxrosßD to the direct action of the rays of beat and light from the fire. This heat and light is brought to a focus In baoh Cons, not unlike the COLLECTION OP TIIE SUN’S RAYS, to a focal point through an ordinary lens, causing the smoke and oasis to become intensely heated ana tho roughly consumed, by this operation the smoke and GASR3 are made bquallt availablb with the foil itself for heating purposes, while, in other furnaces, It is oiaaiED off and wastbd in thi chimnbt. All persons desirous of obtaining tho beat and MOST ECONOMICAL HEATING APPARATUS, should not fail to examine the New Gab Coxatmixo Coxa Pubsacb. before purchasing any other. The at tention of architects and builders is particularly re quested. ARNOLD & WILSON, (Successors to S. A. Harrison,) No. 524 WALNUT Street, aul-tf Opposite Independence Square. Beware of imitations.—r. &g. An WRIGHTS’ ORIGINAL FRANGIPANNI. OR EVERLASTING PERFUME. FBJNGJFAXSI ExTEACTS, I FBISOIMKHI POMASK, “ lUIS Oil, “ Sou, “ Tooth Powdib. | “ Sachst. These new, elegant and recherche perfumeries are from Hie laboratory of Mesan. R. fc 0. A. Wright, SOLE ORIGINATORS AND MANUFACTURERS in this country. The Perfume Fr&ngipanni is an oriental production, brought la Its origins! state into this coun try. and pre,*&red in its various forms by them. The adndration and demand for these articles is be yond precedent, and, In consequence, a variety of imita tions are springing up; but these, whether of HO M E MANUFACTURE, OB SOLD AS “IMPORTATIONS,” have only an evanescent fragrance, AND BHOULD BE AVOIDED BY PURCHASERS. For sale by all ike Druggists In the United States, Canada, and South America. R. A G. A. WRIGHT, Sole Originators and Manufac turers In the United States. No. 35 (late 23) South FOURTH St., Phllada. aul-8t Philadelphia type foundry— N. W. Cor. THIRD and CHESNUT Sts. L. PELOUZE k SON, thankful for the liberal pa tronage heretofore accorded-to their Establishment, and desirous to merit its convlnu&nce. would, announce to Printers and Publishers that their new SPECIMEN BOOK is now ready, and from their increased facilities, are now prepared to furnish every thing necessary in a complete Printing Establishment, at the shortest no tice. Their long practical experience In the business, and tho fact of tnelr personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, justifies them in asserting that they can furnish a more durable and better fin ished article than their cotemporaries. Those, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them previous to purchasing elsewhere. Old type taken at 9 cents per pound, in exchange for new at specimen prices. aul-tf Great western insurance and TRUSTCO., PHILADELPHIA, No. 331 (late 107) WALNUT STREET. Charter perpetual. Authorised capital. $500,000. FIRE INSURANCE—On merchandise generally, household furniture, on stores, dwellings, Ac. Limited or perpetual. MARINE INSURANCE—On cargoes, freights, and vessels, to all puts of the world. INLAND INSURANCE—On goods by rivers, canals, lakes, and land carriage, to all parts of the country. DIRBOTORB. Charles 0. Lathrop, 1423 Walnut Street Alexander WhUldln, 14 North Front Street. Ueury D. MooiJ, Farquhar Buildings, Walnut St. John C. Hunter, firm of Wright, Hunter A Co. E. Tracy, firm ov Tracy A Raker. Tboa. L. Gillespie, firm of Gillespie A Zeller. Stillwell S. Bishop, firm of Bishop, Simons A Co. William Darling, (late of Reading.) Isaac Haslehurst, Attorney and Counsellor. J. R. McCurdy, firm of Jones, White A McCurdy. John Rice, 90 South Fourth Street. Jas. B. Smith, firm of Janies B. Smith A Co. Theo. W. Baker, Goldsmiths’ Hall. K. Harper Jeffries, firm of Wra.H. Brown A Co. C. 0. LATHROP, President. WM.DARLING, Vice President. Jossfh J. Hooxxl, Secretary and Treasurer. H. K. Rioharusos, Assistant Secretary. augs»ly WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE MEN’S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY. No. 706 OHEBTNUT Street, above Seveuth street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, Is particularly invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article mode. At whole sale aud retail, and mode to order. auMyif ftl K SEWING MACHINES, 702 Chesnut Street. ' dbl K SEWING MACHINES, 702 Chesnut tjpJLtJ Street. $ll5 StoJ l^6 MACHINES > 702 Chesnut $l5 f?™ 0 KACHINES, 702 Chesnut j&Tfii’SEWING MACHINES, 702 Chesnut Street. aus-lwd f^GPPER.- LAKE SUPERIOR INGOT, FOR BALE. WM. H. WOODWARD A CO, ans-3t*rp 616 MARKET Street. /CHARLES’ P- CALDWELL—Wholesale W and Retail WHIP and CANE Manufacturer,'No. 4 North FOURTH Street. au4 FLOORING BOARDS—2Bj6BO feet. Caro lina flooring boards, afloat, for sole by MARTIN & MAOALIBTER aul U 9 North Water Street. (ffommission illertljanifi. Handy &_brenner—commission MERCHANTS and Dealers in Foreign and A®** rican HARDWARE and CUTLERY, Noe. K/25 and 27 North FIFTH Street, East eldevabota Commerce street, PMtadeijihll:* ~, Ml-tf CULLENDER & PASCAL, 1 >3 HATTERS, MLfca Ho. 8 8. SIXTH itrtot, J>Mlvlt!pkl». ' ®ani&m*B, fire <£s«; .* • PROTHONOTABY OF THE DISTRICT COURT, JOHN V. MWADDEN, of Third Ward. Subject to the rules of the Democratic Party, anl-tf - PBOTHONOTAEY OP THE DISTRICT COURT, GEORGE F. MEEKER, Twenty awl Ward- Subject to Democratic Bnlea. on A tfisi Fob recorder of deeds-t-s. b. YOUNG, Serenth Ward. Subject to DmotnOo Rulec. cbMu* ■ T7IOB CLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS, A 1 SAMUEL O. THOMPSON, 80. Ward. CoHectt, tli. Roles, of the Pemoatlje Party. aoayfcstaC* For coroner—if. c. re id, m. d. Subject to Democratic Bolts. aodlaa* I OR CORONER—CHARLES S. PEALL, Nineteenth Wirt. «*»»* For assembly— first district— JOSEPH H. DONNELLY, Pint Wild. Subject to decision of the Democratic Cttnyention. , ocLdw* FOR ASSEMBLY—THIRD DISTHIOT— DAVID B. McLEAN, Fourth Wud. Satycct to Democratic Boles. »sl-lw— FOR ASSEMBLY— JOSEPH HUNEKBB, _ Eighth District, Ilsreoth Wud. Subject to Democratic Boles. stllm* FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS— CHARLES H. MILLER, Foorteeoth Wud, Subject to Democratic Rales, on sal t ssd OR RECORDER OF DEEDS— GEOBOK W. WUNDER, Thirteenth Went. Subject to De mocratic Boles. ri!4c* For recorder of deeds—k. f. WOOD, Thirteenth wsrd. Subject to Democratic roles. noS4t* CLERK OP QUARTER SESSIONS GEORGS SIMPSON, THZRXXENTH WARD.— Subject to Democratic Hulec. aaltefift Gottis anb {Ustastants. -MERCHANTS' HOTEL,CAPE ISLAND, ITA N. J.. is now open for the reception of visitors. This House Iz zitoated within a hundred yards of the Beach. The Proprietor promises that no earn stall bl spared to render those comfortable who wQI (Savor him with their patronage. Terms moderate. augS-lw* J. LYONS, Proprietor LOUIS B. GOFFIN,— THIRD WARD HOTEL, (DEMOCRATIC KF* P QUARTERS.) South-east corner FIFTH and QUEEN Streets, aul-lm Pfciladelp&i*. WILLIAM N. KING, —SOUTHERH • EXCHANGE HOTEL, South-out earau of FIFTH sod OABPSNTEB Sts., Fhibdidphla. sol-lm CHESNUT STREET HOUSE —SAMUEL MILLER, (Old No. 121) New Ho. SSI C.QESEUT STREET,:beIow Fourth, Philldolphie. sol-la "ZM7TLLIAM HANNINGS’ CityLhgerltoar T T Saloon, No. 32 CARTER’S ALLEY, FUtoM- Pbl». oal-lu Rouses for Sale anb Bent FOR RENT—A modem thteerStotyHonad. with back buildings, bath homo, Ac., OB Xtonalk street, shore Spring Garden. . Apple to Dr. MOSELEY. No. 9 rf. Eleventh street. ' eug-lt— * TO RENT.—The second and third rtonr ROOMS o No. »7 (lste 183) North THIEB Strut near Tine. aeLSt' <£f)ina anb ©lass. HPHE CHEAPEST AND MOST ESSEN-' A SITE furnishing CHINA tad GLASS aetehUlh ment in the United States Is tbs OLD CHINA SAIL, CHESTNUT street,- directly opposite tfca State KMte- Families famishing, Till find it to fotk intnatlte in spect the immense stock of rieh decanted Trtsch Chte* Dining, Dessert, Tes nod Breskfwt sett. Alto, fitfar white French Chins, hr single dotes oris complete «C>; also, nil kinds of useful kitchen crodwqr livmofik and properly exhibited. Orer 100 different pattona sed shapes of elegant and plain TOILET S*fS;.ateo, Chian and Glass, manufactured expressly for ffettle; ' and shipping orders to any extent supplied at start rites. Packing particularly attended to. WM. J.' EEHBi China Hall, X mnrtripMt Soles bs Slnctiott. Wouur A Scotv, Anstiamtta, /IQ*! CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE 401 THE CUSTOM HOUSE, between Fourth aa* Tilth Streets. * - . POSITIVE SALE Of A VALUABLE STOCK Of READY-MADE CLOTHING. ON BATURDAT NEXT, Commencing at 10 o’clock precisely, m wBI sell, |y catalogue, on a liberal credit, a valuable steak of OMp made Clothing, consisting of Cent*’ and - Sm* Qqate and Jackets, made ins superior nmntr, of cfcolot Ma terials. CENTS’ AND BOYS* PANTS, Made in the latest style, of emr iariety of Mfctfei. GENTS’ AND BOY8 T TESTS, Made in the best manner, of every variety'of material. N. B.—The whole will be mdy for OaMtatimr, wßh catalogues, early on the -morning df aale, wham chajera will find it to their Interest to lUiei FIRST PALL SALE OP CTAyyj KIBBOX3, HCBIERY, MILLINERY GOODS, kt ON WEDNESDAY NEXT, Wh taaCT Commencing at 19 o’clock, precisely, we vQI sell, out reserve, on a liberal credit, by catalogue, a Urge and elegant assortment of Trench and Seotek #*- broideries, Broche Long Shawls, Stella Shawls, Tcsaek Cashmere do., Ribbons, Hosiery and Gloves, JUUhsn Goods, Ac. SHAWLS JUST LANDED. Also, an invoice of Broehe and Stella bordered Low and Squire Shawls, received difeet perataaater Washington. , FRENCH CORSETS. Also, 50 dozen French yoren white ind Courts HOOPED SKIRTS. •Also, lOOdosen Ladiea* and M tales* Hooped &frts. LADIES’ MANTILLAS, TALMAS, DUSTERS, Ac. AL<o, aline of latest fall style sub MantiDas.2ok Talmas, Silk and WoclDusten, Ac. • . - - LACES, NETTS, A*. Also, an invoice of white and bleude Laces, blond* Edgings Quit*4ng*« - Bilk Cravat*,. iMeJLBefMLU and Silk OloreTsilk Illusions, brownaadimnj£«i. Cap Nett, Mechlin Nett. Ac., *e. • - . N. B.—The -whole will be arranged for examhMattam, with catalogues, early on the morning cf «al>. Utk trade and dealer* generally are respectfully IsrlM to attend. .. - NOTICE.—Our sales of Embroideries, ICJUsVy Goods, Ae., for the Fall aad Wister, eiu 'toUMMS daring the early part of the present month* and wIGIm continnod regularly throughout the season, dae afHre of which will be given. iv' Joes Batlis, Auctioneer,' T\TO. 325 ARCH STREET, between THIRD ll AND FOtTBTH STREETS. SALES EVERY EVENING at 8 o’doefc, * Of Boots, Shoes, Brogans, Gaiters, HardwareVCotlary. Watches, Jewelry, Hosiery, Whips, Trunks, ftirr Goods, Notions, Ac., Ae. N. B. Terms of Night Sales, four months Credit fisr approved City acceptances, far sums of £lOO sad ever, with interest added from dale of sale. CARD.—Out-door Sales solicited cf Household Farut ture at dwellings, Stocks of Hardware, Underwrite*’ Sales of Hardware, Cutlery, Ac. Consignment* xti elted to be sold at tne Auction Booms. Chargee toAst ate. Apply as above. Advances made os ContteuDcsrte of Goods. is* Bt Qso. Tf. Smith, Auctioneer. NE. CORNER OP BARRON AND • SOUTH STREETS, above Second. EVENING SALES. SALES EVERT SATURDAY EVENING, * At 7)fo’clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware, Cut lery, Housekeeping Articles, Clothing, Watches, Jevwl ry, Fancy Articles, Ac. * SAMUEL and HONEY LOAN OFFICE. No. lIS Booth THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Fear »A, only eight doors below the Exchange. Hoars of business from 7 ©‘dock, A. M., until 10 o’clock in the evening. Oat-door sales, and sales at the Auction Eons*, at tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL $200,000. Establishes for tks lost Thirty Tsars. .Advances cuds from one dollar to thousands on Dia monds, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Her chaadiie, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars. Musical Instruments, Guns, Horses, Carriages, and Hood* of every description. AU goods can remain any length of pgread upon. All advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards, will be charged 2 per cent, per month; $5OO naa over, the lowest market rate. ’ This Store House having a depth of 129 fret, has large lire and thlef-pfocf vaults to store all valuables, and pri vate -watchmenfor-the premises; also, a heavy insu rance effected for the benefit of all persona having goods advanced upon. N. B.—On account of having an «f this office is prepared to make advances on more mV*- factory and accommodating terms that* any other la this city. Money advanced to the poor, in small amount*, with out any charge. AT PRIVATE SALE. Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will be sold at reduced prices. aul-ly SCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL,— r 3 I am daily receiving, at my yard, thebeatqwalitv of SCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL. My customer*, and all others who may favor me with their orders, Qtj rely on getting Coal that will be satisfactory to them, IX7* No Inferior Coal kept at this establishment to offer at LOW PRICES. ALEXANDER .CONVERT, N. E. comer of Breed ud Ohsrrj Bt>. Lehigh and Schuylkill coal.— DALY, PORTER A CO.. COAL DEALERS, No. 821 PRIME Street, above Eighth, keep constantly on hand, at the very lowest rates, a full supply of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal. anl-fim OAL! COAL! COAL!— CELEBRATED SPRING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH COAL. < • J. A R. CARTER’S GREENWOOD, TAMAQUA COAL GEORGE W. SNYDER'S PINE FOREST SCHUTL-* KILL COAL. RANDALL & MEREDITH Have for sale, and are constantly receiving from the above celebrated Collieries, COAL OP ALL SIZES. There Coal mined anywhere, equal in quality to these, and a trial will con via oa any oat of their great superiority. Our Coal la very carefully screened saner yards, and we will warrant it perfectly free from slate, dust and all impurities. Our PRICES areas LOW SJ the VERY LOWEST. e Orders left at our Office, No. 3 SOUTH FRONT stmt* above Walnut. \ Orders left at our Yard, OALLOWHILL street, below BROAD street. Ordera left at our WATER street, above CAL LOWHILL —or sent to either place per Despatch Post, will receive prompt attention. Purchasers for Family use wiU do well to call and ex amine our Coal before purchasing elsewhere, aui-tf QK YOUNG MEN WANTED.—For choice corps of the American Anar. Fine chance for travel, promotion study. Excellent pay, and free board and clothing. Apply at 2tB S. Front. auMW Sretoeriea. DITHMAR & BUT 2, PORTER, ALE AND LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. £9O Mf No. 938) North THIRD Street, Phflrlitlphft Shipping orders promptly attended to. ©us -fixtures. Archer, Warner, miskey *>oo., Manufacturers cf GAfl ALISBB, DANTS, FITTINGS, and all kinds of GAfland TjSfP WORK, GIRANDOLES, Ac., No. 328 nniimjW Street, Philadelphia. ARCHER; WARNER 3TS BROADWAY, New York. Gas Pipes, and all kinds of altoring son reniriw ef Gas Work. * 5533* WF. WAEBURTON, FASHIONABLE • HATTEE, No, 430 CHSSTNUt Stmt. WVn, Fifth, PhiUdelphU. , . - CHARES IN.“THE ACADEMY QFMO - SIC” WANTED Ir * . * W. 0, B3ICOKB, Goner*! Ar*»t Kv.»Ws»Sitr^V
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