'sijf ' ; ,’i j#»SS§U4^'&ifSi*« E j'*a- , if>*'^i l f,--!., r .. ; 'i.'['.i.J t ".•: V'_ -'~ ' !^ta:i[ a :-..-^,:.ii.,'-;, n.,, 'tL (Z ; ’ mUL«9R;&. •".? .4 186?. ' ifitcMMc : ‘NOmNiiTiotfs-' .-,<< ,ik-V - • - T* tor governor, - ",;;• 'i .•qS-oi>,yo*;i.toowsa;fio^ft.^;‘Al - L«riUrW!k# ]' 1 \ f-iivMnior tke bcw*!"® court, ftj *£ ' v so&nhr! 1 ' i!' / ■M ••. , . ::. • 7.' seems. so, have gone for the fry | S?oRk*ll OP;'JA«qC» C. DOBBIN. • ■ ■ ! Navy,' JauesC. DUttiti-taipiradathla reßidenecj Fayetteville, las't.J; Hr. Dobbin- attjm.thne of his dAKfc ; tiiost popular had-not' aaonjmuofcofipuliliolifeV, JEte was a inember ofJ'ftMjSßtiortal - House of Kepresentatives ba|*qnC: : qQngrc»Si;;>nd|;was called into the, NaVyii, Department by,. President Pikbck in I|s|> rare accomplish-*' iiiehts -dmostThy He hod bcen , n long’tirhetn (feeble health, so much so that ho .thd’inost of the last year toßeep'Jis'r.bbnijbuttliroughellhedischarged hfepublloduties with great efficiency and jus- ahd met it lilfe a brave manj:: It cannot be regardedas invidious to'saytKtt'Hk'/poßure.waa asinuch beloved as any’rnamwhp ever occupied the'gpstof Secre- Ujy»f &e Navy.‘ *His gentle manners, spot- firm, regard for the" public ’wejfire* madejfiim/e model, for imitation. ' IH, MOKEir AND BANK NOTES. '' i very erode no tions eMhb; subject of money and its represen- that banknotes; are on the Constitution States,' declare that gold and sil- 'Su<t>singular incident hUe'aiefceKtlyi bCen . broughti to our notice, ii '•‘wp<!h' , timber acted upon * the eis[rofsify&ry L ; idea; 'thatl gold was not.mo ney, /eni that bank • notes were l He re- interior 'df: 'this State,. and p.osapssion several ! thousand <WMS i dn*>gold '•Cota- 1 of’, the. United 1 States, the of hiit father' and'himself, Stps of tnenj ivere struck 1 inX7oB,and they were of nearly every year’s'coinage since the (btablittimOnt' of the’Mintll - He had long re- aa-preciouß rtreftSUre, and a safe bbSHltobenaed in caseofnecessity. Butlup- ln:the papers the state «ie»ts; ationnt oifgohf which ,an p,rbdtlced, he Vp inie .to,. the .conblu-, aion.-tbatigoidwouldeo( n bewortb nothing; ididjigf v ’fiord their 1 hiding pjtie s ]behind’ the chiinns y, carried them to a bank-yandasid with great gravity andconcern, “T have 5 brought' this " gold 1 to you aind wish slriidutkstgoldwlll 'be Worthless, because so much of it is produced ,ftom the mings, and I sge^ojnanyigohipiecesipbircuMoni’’. The oli map. thusg&ve Up thesubstaheo and took ‘ . J(i •= * - • i . * ‘I .'.This anecdote led us ti> consider tbe-ques - tlOn Whethcr thure was jiuy danger ofun un dne quantity ’of gold being, produced. The ijanneri'was 'certainly mistaken in ' supposing tiut’ ahroraiso to' pay gold is better than gold ourselves, may dot gold beeome'too plentifu]—too conimon ? We da pwn/ippply of the article, . for tthat ilSj ljeaven' knoe|B, Uttle enough; t?e tfOqlliidVirith'aplethora bit parse. iii, like, ; we tssphjnf, however,’his, remedy.■ Wo are only - .Ifwonid bb too tedious to set fcurth'onr real soninga onthis question, 'but we-will content] ;. ' the donclnsion we ar. .X tlud. Providence had evi dentiyiso ordcred the' matter - that gold and i ]ages, be thenibney of the of value for all civilized! igbeple; l.jS 'large 'prpditction of these metals] • thb.pricesof all commodi- ] ;|ies and qi: tabor ; hut no over Bnpply will ever ] •inaterfere with thom as the circulating medium j ’ofiniworld;‘"A"'remark has,, however, hero] to he made, namelyx that as gold,' since 1848, ihas hbei mefe iargely priiduccd than'silver, as ! preyious periods, gold. Is now,; (at.nations,-the only mosey, and silver 1 ««,a4^j|, : , clearly, thOcgbe in! , ]«W(Swbife4lSibtes and in Great Britain. ... j roportiohal value of the two metalsj jfgWly effected, by tho; supply, ]fromi s, aud it ,is convenient,-for; obvious! ■reasons/tohiflke the most valuable of the,two] metals the.money of the country; bat nosup-j ply will evcrbb;se> large as=tb:nikke any.mate-i on .from. belngj ; ttnd,as;“cba»ge,’? ~ ; | ' gvißutsincegold Is now so plentifully produced j °we should adopt- better raeaßuresto secure its -'ctrc'atatSbb. • Thdlhdependent Treaaury law bias ij*; .ttwtj.direcftoJS, but tfl especially of the dcno| -ininatWns belo w twenty dollars', interferes with' . * #Wb6lb⪇ cjreutatibn; and uhdubes ft to be es-te]htere];npedeal On thii tosby^.. ‘U ThßiKcw;York .papers, or rather some of ' th«m,hayeanumber of communications cbm) *'plijsli!jg'6f thb -delay ahd'troiiblo they expel examined, and ApprfUe'rs’, stores. • Host ■}<>{ bo traced to a -ten W, i.cCnstom-Hotise Brokers,” wbo sigd btein!seWs ;l “ & Co.” Now, we havll _ nb'jjonb't 'tiuiC .Unusualdolays and dlfßcnltiej ,by ( ibe unexampled heavy Ysifjoptit /Of; goods' imported into Ne- Yorl immediately prevlousdo the Ist of July, and (if consequence of the redaction of the j-lteff, and thathave that day been under) 'tMMs psaminatfob and' appraisementj - tut we believe .that l the. new regulations tjjajl -dteftlbeen. adopted; have had-anything to db cwith;it,.whatevef'j on'the contrary, we have tobelioyo they have gfeatly aided tb and delivery, Of .. . , .J fif'vWiWe ara'-aotmistalcenj thia Cabtkb & Col Kwentto WashingtbULbefore any new regular thejireseht'. effects at : of- statement of‘gTievatces then which thef inqjVdfpuld; induce the publlc to .believe werfc short;tin* sfbce'wearij $ (ibljireteln this Leityebosayoring to stir np. the-Philadelphia d ! 'foil ljlsjn of Cnstovn House plcvi. ■■> apcei’lahtfpiition ihe Cfdvernmentfor mind .till some marvelous tales of the corruption '5 f '<tf 'tfe ; ifew Yorli; Custom House officers ; j »s,s@oiSepretsry,.of the Jimmy, -Mr. htfcovbdi ei ,?fouwl{-the ■ New -Orleans Custom ho, sent, some to’nt officers there to bring refprm,'tban some, of the odlW|'''Orleans merchania. began-to-complain U P .indigii .otfiepts wbp. Bad the wlmattfefriw charge wentohind- Completed their *‘ik°s£u V ete ‘ satiafled that it was", ‘ * great improvement.; -i- , ..a. - v «»: of.tbp. charges and others, fitte ; AdniiiHstfatloh):a«d,. such yvUl be that which his; fifed inaugurated id New i-i;5 it.-Va Ichow, : ifdetermined efflc|!i-iy|mtegrltyand wlU -be afforded to mep etbfSb»etir»nd: SurVey or. Hast-h jgagjttjaggj^lgfe enteiy unfit for . td be done. Indeed, the New _rYork Cnstoln : : ;: j3rpnie.ltsei/; -..Jti*not tmly too small, but ar- ,vr* Wr chitecturally unfit for th|ferfcl§jui||!pF‘filli the business that is port. The first and ''^reate^3)re<Situ therefore, we think, is the building or procu ring of a suitable Custom House and Apprais 'or’s Office and Stores—with these, most or all of the ■ roal causes of complaint would cease. THE HANb *OF' PROVIDENCE IN THE i , BIIHBEI* MVSTERY. . . . > The Bnrdclt case, in all it? incidents and mysteries, is likely to ’become as interesting to the lovers of the horrible os to. the . annals ■of our Courts of law. 1 There has already been enough in the reality of the affair to con stitute' the . basis of twenty ordinary .ro mances. The awital murder Itself, the pre parations to hide all traces of the assassin or assassins, toe hour when the bloody deed . was executed,. thg marriage, the clergyman’s confirmation’of the woman’s statement,, the war about debt between the victim and his tenant s toe persistent swearing of the parties, even to the disinter ested preacher, and the innocent boarder, all tending to confound toe courts, and the jury, and‘to acquit the prisoner., These were, the -main' details; but there were not wanting accessory circumstan ces to Increase the interest and tho doubt at toe same time.' The presence of two young gies, both rather handsome; of a -second er of the mother, and the assertod wife; and of a young admirer of the daughters, ihemselves; from., these sources ho guilty mnfessions and tow ’criminal admissions ;ould be extracted. 1 They swore one Straight ‘story, with indifferent exceptions; ;ore themselves with brazen contempt, or ;lse in indigent innocence, and appealed'less to' sympathy than to justice. The law ,was baffled; the of evidence protected the accused, if not the crime itself; and toe par iies universally believed to be guilty, were set reel because the proof was not sufficient to onvict them. There never was a more apparently impene trable mystery. But God sees all. From his lawful gaze nothing, peat or'small, can escape, He works by slow degrees; some prnesas suddenly as a bolt, discharged from the electric skies. In the present case, it ap pears as if the murder was already on tho eve jof «coming out.” Hardly had the woman pUNHiNOiUH escaped the doom which many believed she ■ deserved, before a new fact reveals her in a now light; a fact which may jprove her to be the murderess, and must prove her to be a perjurer. | How strangely this wonderful case reminds ns of toe dream of Ecozhe Aram, by Hood. •Let the murderer of Bubdeld read them. j . And how the sprites of injured men ; Shriek upward from the sod— i Ay, how the’ghostly hand will point I To show the burial clod; i . And unknown ,facts of guilty sots , , Are seen in dreams from God! j He told how murderers walked the earth i Beneath the,curse of Gain— i With orimson clouds bofore their eyes, . And flames about their brain: ! For blood has left upon their souls ■ Its everlasting’stain! t •#'"*, * * ! And peaoe went with tijem one and all, 1. And oaob calm pillow spread; , But Guilt was my grim chamberlain ; • That lighted me to bed, j . And drew my midnight curtains round I With fingers bloody rod! j • “ All night I lay in agony,' | •In anguish dark and deep; j My fevered eyes I dared not close, ; Ant stared aghast at sleep; i For sin find rendered unto her i The key of holt to keep! 1 thA lesson of our experience. . > The last quarter of the eighteenth century is a period in the world’s hiitory distinguished by the American revolution, and in toe inangura :tion of our present form' of .Government. 1 Whatever change betide us—whatever of honor o'r disgrace is in the. far-off or approaching iuturo—these two great facts will stand out in honor of that epoch. . . , The actors in those scenes havo written their names upon tablets ineffaceable, and their deeds' will gather increasing glory as"years roll onward.. The men and toe measures to whojh we refer,’ are,too heritage of toe World. They asserted rights springing from humanity. They established a government in which jus tice, so long nnhonoyod and unsought on earth, was “ established.” We boast of them as toe fathers of the Republic, but wo cannot, if ■ we would, confine the influence of their deeds or names tobuf narrow limits, As well might wo attempt to claim for ourselves the beam ing constellations of the evening. . Citizens of the world—no nation can olalm their paternity. Legates from heaven, they published truths far all kindred’ and tongues,’a fitting legacy to mankind, and while we enjoy the blessings of their wisdom, let us rojoico that they are a light« to lighten the world;” In giving date and beginning,to us as a Na tion, they are toe iUtoers of the Bepublie, but while they redeem us from a fabulous origin, our growth and advancement “ as frepand inde pendent States,” under tho benign influence of their wisdom, finds its parallel only in fabulous relations. . It seems us though tbo history of the Chris tian era has been converging to thi£ one point. The mariner’s compass, the Deformation, the printing press, the railroad, and telegraph, agoricies'suited to the developments of the individual, are steps or advancements to this grand , consummation!. . Tbo intolerance of the Old World, which drove its manhood off, blessed the Hew by an emigration unknown be , fore, in .’the changing:,tides of men! The ex perience,- hardships and oppressions of colo nlal life,’like tho wanderings of Israel in the wilderness,, were preparatory to entering the land of promise. Students ofhistory, say, if there is a divinity who shapes our ends, where is his hand more plain/ dr-leadings more direct, in the affairs of mon, than on these shores ? ’ ■HIE PHRSIA’S MAILS. Yesterday Philadelphia was 1 subjected to another of tbo vexatious delays of her foreign mails, The Persia reached her dock in Jersey City about 1 7 A. M., bnt up to this hour (9 P. M.)i hot a line of the correspondence which she brings for this city has reached out people. There must be some remedy for this, and,whatever . it is, or whatever it costs, it should be at once enforced. Upon applica tion at the'Postofflce, we’ are told that the cause of the delay is,- that the Philadelphia -bags have to be transported across the Hudson to the New York office, there to bo recorded, itc.i Why cannotthjs.be done at Jersey City 1 Surely, with the ample ’notice that is always given by ‘telegraph ’of the approach of a steamer, somebody could be sent over the .river,to receipt for the Philadelphia bags, no that-they can be.sent right, on. Yery fre quently the loss of a few minutes by this “ circumlocution office” operation costs the citizens of, Philadelphia not only a day, but iajjt of delay, as happened upon the last arri val of TIiIb 'evil,.should he formed altogether.” Despatch!is of more consequence than routine. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. ' -Madame JodAnnsen and Signor Aaonio hiving concluded their engagement here, have beeii succeeded by two vory accomplished Singers,’Mademoiselle Scuf.ller and Signor Viebi.; The lady, who ia a young and pretty blonde, .with beautiful hair, has a pnro soprano voice, under ndmirablo management, and with a goodatyle: ' She arrived from Europe’only a few weeks ngd.' Many of ,our, readers may ?^oUect)tad an(o -^r E nsB’S:troupe of,Viennese children, who.performed at the Walnut Street Theatre In lato. Mademoisolle Sobeelek wm one of. thla ,clever juvenile company, and • having given l early indication of con- musical .genius, ■ - her • voice • has been cultivated under .jhe best instrnctibh, , add. now, certainly hit. more than twenty ,years of-age, she is entitled to’;take rank os, a vocalist of .considerate promise. She ■was - , evidently alarmed at tg - ' bojl]( , •her first appearance before an-Ain«ri can nndi edefef-but she gained courage as she prooeoded 'andliad bccomo quite self-possessed hefoi-o .she- concluded.',. She.wiis Very Well teeiived, and both encored. , , . i Signor Vieei arrived here from Havana two months ago, and may at once be accepted as & decided acquisition to-the lyrie drama. Ho is yiUDg audwell-ioOkiilg,' (wo mention this for ’ the informatiOn of the ladies,) and has a good less involume thin Sigppr nexible and expressive, fie,! BMiuejl; very >riervoHfl, es>a .stranger,i.bnt.tho.,,satisfied, attention, with which he Was -hestrd, soon- put him.'at 1 ease. ;He--J-fi)St ; ahy ;afr »froini DoaizEtti, 'H« echd.He der’ ‘tyMs ft® khdaflother BOhg -r < few songs could do it, la a’single evening. Signor Vieki, though young, is not without ex perience on the operatic stage. While noticing pew, we must not forget former and deserving singers. Miss G. Hiobxxos, who is rapidly ad vancing to her profession, gave a difficult air Ik. \ • !«i' ? .v. i~ from A'tJßEß’sj'tAp Domino Noir,” with great j succefe; ■ Her iS|>cutitm is very good, and Bhe , Is wjpy affectation. She has lately | takon'to Binging Scotch ballads, toe simplicity i of which is in curious contrast with tho Italian t music, which she alßo illustrates SO happily, i She was encored in her two songs. Mr. Fba- ' zeh, who is in very good voice, gave a ballad by Panofka, (English words to a German air,) with fine effect, and also tho flunillar English .!baj!ad, .“ Tfie., Bay. of Biscay,” to which ho. renders frill justice, and which was encored,,’.. : We n’otlfce tUtjjq- tfajs. instrumental ,these Promenade Concerts, Stbadss is very largely ..drawn upon., As Jijmien actually made tfie.se Concerts in England, 1 and wrote ’ his best pieces for them, it would be only fair to gratify his admirers here by performing some of his popular compositions. CORRESPONDENCE. FROM WASHINGTON. (ComJapondtiiceofThePreM.) ’ ' Washington, August 3d, 1857. . The Southern opposition to the Administration on tKe Kansas question, or rather on Governor Walker’s present attitude, will not bo powerful in tho nejet Congress. Tho expectation that Jefforson Davis would lead ’ this opposition is likely to be disappointed. Even allowing tho “allegation that’ Governor Walker has intervened, M surely, that basis is quite too narrow upon which to found a political or party revolution. The prinoiplo that tho majority shall rule, and that tho constitutions of States and Territories shall bo submitted to the people for ratifloatibn —theso are just, as' sacred to extreme Southern politicians, and have just as ofton beon advocated and acted 'out, as thfiy are to publio men in tho North. Rest assured that siioh statesmen ns Col. Orr, andF. W* Pickens, of South Carolina, John S Phelps, Traston Polk and James S. Green of Missouri, H. A. Wise and Chas. J. Faulkner, of Virginia, John Slidell, of Louisiana, will Dot bo found ready to-join any movement, instigated by hostility to such doctrines as those. The late Southorn, Congressional elections show large Democratic gains. The majority of that party in tho noxt Houso cannot be less than ton. The.death of General Rusk may make a material difference in tho future politics of Texas. Ben McCulloch, tho prostat Marshal of the State, a quiot rising man, 1 will probably bo advanced to the vacancy in tho Senate. l The statemont that Hon. A. H. Stephens, of Georgia, is opposed to the Administration, on ac count of its Kansas policy, is not truo. ■ Tho Now Orloans Delta , by far tho ablest Seces sion paper in tho South, is violently opposed to Governor Walker, of Kansas. It is uncortain what will bo done about tho French mission. A number of distinguished names arc mentioned in connection with it; bnt which will be tho luokyone, after Judgo Mason agrees to retire, is conjectural. No donkt John Slidoll could go, if he wished, but ho is much moro de voted to tho Sonate than ambitious to shine at St. Cloud. Mr. Dallas is so highly esteemed at London, and is so unexceptionable a minister, and it would bo so difficult to find as competent a successor, that I believe and hope he may not bo recoiled. 'Judge Douglas was'in Chicago at Inst accounts. He is paying attention to the North Wc9t, and will doubtless do all in his power to strengthen his party in that quarter, I preparatory to the future. That portion of liis j/ito Springfield speech, in which he discussed the Kansas question in its prosent phase, has been > .censured because of its silonco on tho principle of giving the Constitution to a vote of the people. Ido not think the cen sure was just. Judge Douglas is ,too bold and thorough a statesman to mince matters on any subject. We shall no doubt hear from him again. Intelligence received hero shows that a wonderful change has taken place in the politics of Now Eng land. The day of delusions is nearly over there, and everywhere else. Quite a contest is kept up for the sloop-of-war, to be built by contract by the Navy Department. The 24th of August is the day fixed fordociding tho matter. Parties from New York, Boston, Phila- delphia, Norfolk, do., are urging their claims with great pertinacity. ‘ Solitaire. TELEGRAPHIC. Heath of Ex-Secretary Dobbin. Richmond, Aug. s.—Hon. James 0. Dobbin, late Sec retary of the Navy, died at Fayetteville yesterday. From Washington. Washington, August s.—Great Britain has not yet replied to the communication of the State Department, written'}?everat month 3 ago, relative to Central American Affairs, in connection with the rejected treaty. the claims for consequential damages will not be en forced by our Government against Now Granada, which, however, through its Miolster, has expressed its willing ness to allow such as were actually sustained by our citizens, owing to tho Panama riots. No difficulty Is apprehended as to agreeing upon a basis of settlement of the pending questions betweon the two Governments. General Herran wan to have had another interview with General Cass to-day. Iu nq event will the Administration permit Costa JUcaj or any other Central American State, to diminish the boundriea of Nicaragua, or divide or absorb the Ter ritory. And of this fact, thoy are probably liy this time aware. ■ There is no question between this aud any other country, that does not promise a quiet aud j .tisfactory adjustment. The Kentucky Election. Looisvillk, August 6.—For Congress—Tho Ameri cans have certainly elected Humphrey Marshall for tho 7th District, and probably Warner I*. Underwood from the 3d District. The Democrats claim as certain tho election of Messrs. Henry C. Burnett, Bamuel 0. Pey ton, Joshua H. Jevett, Joseph M. Elliott, J. W. Sfoven son, from the Ist, 2d, 6th, Oth, and 10th Districts, re spectively; and. as probable, aUo, tho election of Al bert G. Talbott, from the 4tli District. The Democrats had elected their candidate for State Governor, James H. Garrard, by ten thousand majority; and they have also a largo minority in the lower House, aud in jplnt ballot. Disastrous Gale—Great Loss of Life among Fishermen. BOSTON, A disastrous gale on the 22d of July caused a great loss of life among fishermen on the north shore of the province of Bt. John. Sixty boats are supposed to have been lost, and fifty dead bodies have beon picked up. It is calculated that two hundred boats were out fish ing at the time. Many more disasters, It is feared, have occurred. An hundred and fifty American fishermen put in port at Prince Edward Island for shelter, and a number of fishing boats floated ashore. The Alabama Election. Augusta, Auk. 6.—Mr. Dowdell, democrat, lias been re-elected to Congress from Alabama. ©Montgomery! District gave him a majority of 100 votes. A. 3. Mooro, Democrat, has been olocted Governor or that Btate, there being no opposition. The Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. WiSBINGTOX, Aug. 6.—The breaks In the Chesapeake and Ohio Conal above Georgetown, are not as serious as at first supposed. They can be repaired in a few days. No damage is reported on the upper sections. Steamboat Collision - Hoxtrxai.j August 6.—A collision occurred yesterday on Lake Saint Peter, betwoen the steamers Quebec and Montmorency. The latter boat, which was laden with flour, wm sunk, Ohio American State Convention. Cixcixsati, August fi.—At an American State Con vention held at Dayton to-day, Col. P. Van Trump was nominated os candidate for Governor, N. T. Ash for Lieutenant Governor,Jonathan Uarshman for Treasurer, John B. Arthur, for member of the Hoard of Public Works, John Davenport for Supreme Judge, nnd C. 0. Allen for Secretary of State. Attempted Child Murder by nu Insane Mother. KocnssTKß, Aug. s.—ln Clarkson, yesterday Mrs. Marshall, for some time past deranged, attempted to murder her three children by pouring hot water into their ears. One of the children will die from the effects of its injuries. The woman committed suicido subse quently by banging herself. Nicaragua.—Gonefal Walker has written to tho National Intelligencer, in which ho accuses General Wool of a want of “ fairness nnd frank ness,” because the General denounced his fili bustering schemes. Nothing like pulling wool over the eyes of the public if you cannot do it without leaving the ends stick out. Testimony of the Fathers. Tho following important authorities are given by a correspondent of the Albany ' Jltla* and drgus: > It is glory enough for Democrats to refer to tho imposing fact that the principles of tho Democratic Republican party are not only pre cisely tliosb of Us collossal founder, Thomas Jefl’crsori, and of Andrew Jackson, of glorious memory, but also of tho “assombly of demi gods,the Convention that adopted our Federal Constitution. In this soul-stirring connection, I desire upon this occasion to refer to two points First, the position ot the, Democracy in relation to the subject of Sumptuary Laws, in favor of which our Re publican opponents have committed them selves, and, Second, to that of the rights of foreign emigrants to this country, against which our Know Nothing enemiesare warring with tho feelings peculiar to their intolerant principles. ‘ From Volume 8, pages 1809-70 of the Madi son papers, I quote as follows: - Mr: Mason moves to enable Congress to enact Sump tuary Laws. - *Mr. Bllovortb said; The best remedy is to enforce twsnnd debts.' Aa for As the regulating of eating and dnhfcfag reasonable, it is provided for in tho w tax&ti on. Morris agreed that' Sumptuary Laws tended to jreate * lonaed fiobllity, by fixing on the great land*- holders And their posterity tnelr present possessions, ! Uw of necessity post Suraptua , On thartotlimot Mr. jfiMfl as to Sumptuary Lawn, MW States) Hoe, 8 . - ,Asw the rights ot foreign emigrants, I .quote from vol. 2,.p..i209, of, tho Madison ■papers; Although the motion to reduce tho term' to four years did not prevail, it' will ho , peicelved.thatthq. fqreign.influenqo elided to, was not that of the poor emigrant whose labor makes the wealth or the nation. It was tho influence of "foreign powers,” (governments) and "wealthy emigrants,” that was feared. So Blight a qualification lor eligibility to Con gress as seven years’ citizenship, is a standing THURSDAY, AUGUST'.-6,- 1857. rebuke to the edvocatps'for total exclusion from all office of the class referred to. 4 Mr. Wllbou and Mr. Randolph moved to strike nut “seven years” and insert “four years,** as the term of citizenship to qualify for tho House of Representatives. Mr. Gerry wished that In future the eligibility might be confined to natives. Foreign poxoers will inter meddle in our affairs, and sparo no expense to influence them. Mr. Williamson moved nine years instead of seven. Wealthy emigrants do more harm luxurious examples,', than good by tha money they bring with them. . >* . MivMaUpon wished to invite foreigners of merit and Principles among us. America was indebted :4c.M9mtimufeS‘heraet%moiitand prosperity. That pfiSF'ttf-Ahmrlci vfhlch had eucouisgcd them most had advanced most rapidly in population, agriculture, and the arts. Mr. Wilson cited Pennsylvania as aproofoftho advan tages of encouraging emigration. It was perhaps tho youngest settlement (except Georgia) on tho Atlantic; yet it was at least among the foremost in population and prosperity. Ho remarked that almost all the offi cers of tho Pennsylvania lino of the late army 'wore foreigners; and no complaint had ever been made against their fidelity or merit. Three of her. Deputies to the Oonvoution /Mr. 11. Morris, Mr. Fitzsimmoua and him self,) were also not natives. ONE WEEK LATER FROM EUROPE, Yesterday morning tho sto&mship Persia ar rived at New York, with Liverpool dates to Satur day, the 26th ult. In the House of Commons, on Monday, Mr. V. Smith, on behalf of the Government, denied the truth of a report whioh hod found its way into print, that the army in Bombay bad also broken out into mutiny, and stated that the latest official advioes from India pointed to tho very reverse of this. The vote of half a million sterling on account of the Persian war, and four hundred thousand for tho Chinese hostilities, was agreed to. During the debate on the latter question. Sir C. Wood stated that the arrival of the gun-boats in Canton river would on&blo the British admiral to destroy tho war junks, and beyond that no hostili ties would be entered upon until the, arrival of Lord Elgin at Pekin and tno result of his mission to the Emperor was ascertained. After that, if any further hostilities took place, they wpuld probably be'Confined to Canton, which was tho wisu of tho British - Government, and seemed to bo tho wish of the people of China as well. The resignation of Baron. Rothschild was an nounced, and a new writ was ordered for an election in tho city of London, to fill tho vacancy. A public mooting was hold by tho electors of London upon tho subjeot, and a pledge was given to again roturn Rothschild as one of their representatives in Parliament. A resolution was also adopted calling on tho Government to use its ontiro in fluence for tho imuiodiato settlement of tho Jewish question. On Friday tho Houso of Lords debuted a propo sition to erect a monument to Lord Raglan, but nothing definitowas arrived at. 'ln tho Commons a test voto upon tho now divorce bill showed a majority of 87 iu favor of tho mea sure. Tho parliamentary elcotion for Oxford city re sulted in the defeat of Mr. Thookcray, tho vote being, for Cardwell 1085, Thackeray 1018. On Tuesday, July 21, Lord John Russell ro nowed Ilia motion for leave to bring in & bill for admission of Jows into Parliumont; and, after an animated debate, tho motion was agroed to by a voto of 240 to 154. On tho samo ovening, in the House of Lords, tho subject of Jewish disabilities was alludod to by Lord Campbell, who gave it us his opinion’that, if the Commons ucted independently of the Lords in the matter, by omitting from their form of oath tho objeotionablo sentence, a revolution would be the consequence. On Thursday, in the House of Lords, tho Quocn’s answer to tho address upon the subjeot of emigra tion of free negroes from Western Africa was re ceived. It merely gives an assurance of an earnest desire to discourage all sohemesfor the emigration of negroes, that arc calculated to promote slavory. In tho Commons, Mr. Labouekero said it had beon determined to separate the district of Moreton Bay, from the , colony of Now South Wales, and. form it into a new colony. The proceedings in regard to the Atlantio tele graph cable continued to inoroaso in interest. The shareholders of tho company at Liverpool had givon a grand banquet to tno officers of tho Niagara and Susquehanna, and the completion of the ship ment of the cablo on the Agamemnon had been celebrated by a grand fete in the park of Sir- Cul ling Eardloy, noar Eritb, on the Thames. Nearly a thousand persons were present at the latter entertainment, including Professor Morse, Mr. Cyrus IV. Field, Hon. Henry J. Raymond, Capt. Sands of the Snsquohanna and others. Mr. Field, in returning thanks for u toast, read a letter from President Buchanan stating that he should feel much honored if tho first message across the Atlantio should be one from Queen Victoria to the President of the United States, and that he should endeavor to answer it in a spirit and manner be coming the great occasion. The Agamemnon left Grocnwich on tho 24th :for Sheerness to havo her compasses adjusted, after whioh sho will proceed direct to Cork. An important alteration in the arrangements for laying tno has been determined upon, and the plan now is instead of commencing in mid ocean to submorgo tho whole oablo in a continuous line from Valontia Bay in Ireland to Newfound land- Tho Niagara will lay tho first half from Ireland to the middle of the Atlautlo; tho end will then be joined to tho other half on board tho Agaroomuon, whioh takes it ou to tho coast of New foundland. During tho wholo process tho four vessels will remain together and glvo whatever assistance is required. Constant communication is to bo kept up with thopoart of Ireland during tha progress of tho work, and the wires are lose at once carried from Kill&rney to V&lontia Bay, so as to connect with tho British and Irish lines. At the dinner of tho R*val Agricultural Society of England, which had been holding Its annual show at Salisbury, Lord Portumn introduced aft a guest, Mr. French, the Vice President of the Ag ricultural Society of tho United States. Mr. French was warmly received, and addros&ed the audience at some length.’ The suspension of Honry Sohwnbbo A Co., Liv erpool, is announced. Liabilities £60,000. A composition of 6s. Sd. in tho pound is said to have been offored. Tho Amorican horses Prior and PrioroPs, whioh hnd boen outored to run ft r tho Goodwood Cup, had attracted attention in betting circles and wore backed at short odds. Considerable rioting, resulting from tho ill-feel ing ongondcrod by tho twelfth oT July colobralion, had taken place between tho Orangemen find Rib bonmen, at Belfast, and on one occasion a serious collision with tho military was tho result, but with out loss of life. On the 2lst July there was great rejoicing at tho town of Boston, Lincolnshire, consequent on tho ro-oponing of the Southwest Chapol of the Church in that town, which has boen restored by tho oiti sons of Boston, Massachusetts, ns a memorial to Johu Cotton. Mr. Dallas, tho Amorican Minister,’ tho Bishop of Kentucky, and ex-Mayor Bigelow, of Boston, Maas , were among those who took part in tho proceedings. An address was presented to Mr. Dallas on the occasion, and two speeches were inudo by that gentleman in tho course of tho pro ceedings. There is a rumor of tho appearance of the potato blight in tho provinco of Munstor, Ireland, out it was not regarded as very serious. Tho Louden Globe “ aoes not believe that the Queen will visit Franco this autumn.” Her In tention to do so, however, was officially announoed in Paris. Tho public attention is centered on tho r?coht Italian plot against tho life of tho Emporor. Ono of tho arrested Italians is said to have mado a full confession of tho dotails of tho recent con spiracy. Tho Pays says that tho British Govornmont has alroady communicated to Mazziui that, although England would continue to afford ,un asylum to po litioul refugees, ho could not any longer bo allowed to prepare expeditions against Foreign States on British soil. It is also stated from other sources that tho British Cabinot has promised to subject Mazzini to a strict surveillanco. Tho Monitenr alludes to tho discovery of the Italian plot to assassinate tho Emperor Napoleon, and says it was concortcd in London, and places Mazzini and Ledru Rollin among tho accomplices. The Moniteur says that tho rumor that French troops aro to bo sent to China is entirely without foundation. After somo tiuio spent in taking counsol and de liberating among friends and colleagues, it scow* to be Bottled that three out of tho five Democratic Deputies for Paris refuse to take tho oaths to tho Imperial Government. Thcso three aro General Cavaignao, M. Goudchaux, and M- Carnot, hi. Darimon and M vllivior persist in their determi nation to accent tho condition rejected by, their colleague", unu, us it would be unfair to presuinb they do so with mental reservation, wo may takje it for granted that they rally to tho Imperial regime. The Paris correspondent of tho Independence Beige says thut the sending out some French and English vessels of war to Tunis is spokon of. Tho portruitof Berangorwill be placed In tho Musoum of Versailles, in the gailory with thoso Of Molierc, Corneille, and Lnfentnine, nnd tho street in which ho died is to bo called the Rue de Beranger instead of the Rue do Vendoiuo. , Tho Paris coriespondcnt of tho Times, writing on Tuesday, tho 21st, saysA demand has been presented to the Council of State for the payment of a sum of 1,700,000 francs on account of tbo mission ofM. de Alorny to Rus3ia. A despatoh from tho French charge d’affaires at St. Petersburg, announces thnt tho difficulty which had arisen between tbo Russian authorities and sume French subjeots who remained at Sebastopol ond Kumiesh, after tbo ovaountioa by tbo nlliep, has been completely nrranged. Tho Director- General of naval constructions in Oronstadt Ims nrrived in Paris, and tho Russian minister of ma rine is sulu to bo at Havre, engnged in completing tho investigations commenced by the Grand Duke Constantino. The councils-generol of tho depart ments urc convoked for tho 24th August. An oxtrnordinary decline from tho recent high prices of whoat in Spain is ronorted. The Captain General and tno Civil Governor ot tbo province of Seville, woie to bo brought before u council of war on account of tho Into troubles. Tho London Times publishes a despatch froni Paris, dated July 24, stating that the Spanish Government, after somo hesitation, has accepted tho offer of mediation in tho Mexican ouostiou mode by Lord Howden ami the Marquis do Turgot* in the name of the English and Ficnoh Govern ments. Orders hns been font to Cadiz to despatch two steamers, the Uiloa and tho Pisuirro, with troops and ammunition to Cuba, and it was said thnt an expedition against Mexico was being fitted out in the island. / Tho Spanish authorities, after cxcouting. ninety eight. insurgents, yielded to tho petitions that fun therenptial punishments might bo stopped. Advices from Lisbon, of tho 14th instant, stato that the CorteH word closed on the 18th inst.. by Hint, Pedro V. After complying with the uftuat formalities, his Majesty read hla apddeh, and speci fied oa tho roost important, and as oierolaing the moat diroot influence in developing public porlty, tho project of uniting Oporto with Lisbon by means of railway communication. Ho lamented that shortness of timo prevented their adopting! any plan of public instruction,■ and thanked them for tho liberal allowance granted to his future Queen. Accounts from Berlin, eUto- that, ths .'reply jof' Prussia to tho la to Banish no to has been written, and contains a promise to remain passive until after the mooting of the states of Holstein. Tho answer of Austria is said to bo to tho same effeot. The propositions of Prussia, to augment by twen ty per cent, the doty on boot root sugar, is said to ARRIVAL OF THE PERSIA. GREAT BRITAIN. FRANCE. PORTUGAL, PRUSSIA* havfl every chance of being adopted by the Zoll vereln. The Emperor Alexander was to oinbark at Stet tin for St. Petersburg on the 28th July. The arrival of tho Emperor of Russia at Berlin was fixed for the 25th ult. The grand fiold-day of tho Prussian Corps de Garde and tho 3d Corps d’Armoe, to ho hold September 15th, at Lichten berg, is tho ocoasion which has been chosen ns the most fitting for the Erapororg Alexander and Na poleon. qn3 'tho latter has coHninly received an invitation to be present at if.* His answer, whe ther accepting or declining th<i Invitation, has not been received; and is understood to depend on tho result of the correspondence row being carried on # very diligently betweon the diplomatic represen tatives on both sides, with reference to a futuro further approximation of France and Russia. Tho sudden departure of the Empross Eugonie for PlombiereB. is understood,, to have beon actu ated by her desire to bo of the party when the two Emperors moot in tho presence of the King of ; Prussia. HOLLAND. The Second Chamber of Holland has voted the principal elauses of tho billon primary instruc tion. In spite of the opposition of the exciuriro Protestants, this bill ratines the prinoiplo of tole rance, and the independence of the state establish rtmuts as regards the chnrch. The revision of the jadioial organizations will probably be postponed. RUSSIA AND AUSTRIA. It is reported that the late attempts to produce a reconciliation between Russia and Austria have failed, although tho latter Power is declared to havo shown the utmost anxiety to harmonize her diplomacy with that of St. Peterabuig. The Czar personally is opposod to any intimaov with a Power whioh he has openly deolared is of bad faith and not to be trusted, ft is nevertheless believed in diplomatic circles, both at Vifinna and St. Peters burg, that Russia and Austria will assuredly ap proach each other the moment any political events of importance call into aotion a policy which should bo suggested by tho despotio interests of both empires. ‘ 1 GREECE, The Queen of Greece, who is said to be tho real sovereign of that country, loft Athens in a Russian frigate on tho 9th for Trieste. It is generally be lieved that her Majesty will-occupy herself with the question of tho succession to tno throne, and seek to obtain from the Bavarian family a refusal to accept the Crown at tho death of King Otho. It is then supposed, should her Majesty succeed, that her brother will bo brought forward and proposed as heir to the throne of Greece, whioh proposition would of course receive the support of Russia. NAPLES. The official journal announces that tho King, desirous of compensating‘the inhabitants of tho Island of Ponza for tho sufferings inflicted on it during the recent insurrection, has ordered 2000 ducats to bo annually appropriated to tho execu tion of publio works in tho island. A similar sum is to be distributed amongst those who lost most by tho insurrection. It is said that a convention is to bo signed be tween tho Sovereigns of tho Italian states, with the exception of the King of Sardinia, to guurantco each other agaiust revolutionary attacks. TURKEY. On tho 7th, the foreign ambassadors dined with tho Sultan at tho paluco of Dolma Bnktacho. Tho American residents in Constantinople, on the 4th of July, celebrated tho annivorsary of their inde pendence with a banquet at Sultanioh, at whioh appropriate speeches were delivered. The Sultan has iust authorized the formation of a high road from Boyrout to Damascus. At a ban quet, at whioh tho corps diplomatiquo was present, tuo Sultan replied to a speech by Lord Stratford de RedoUffe. After tho affronts that the English .have undergone, Lord Stratford do Rodcliffo on 'this occasion obtained a public reprimand of tho guilty persons. Gon. Outram has passed through Hagdau on his return from Bushire to India. Mo tbammorah has beon evacuated by tho English, but tho Sepoys will hold Bushire till November, the period at whioh Herat is to bo restored by tho Persians. THE lONIAN ISLANDS. In tho Chamber of Representatives recently, a statement having been made that a movement was on foot to make Corfu a British colony, an animated .debato took place in denunciation of suck a ssohomo, and a stVong demonstration was made in favor of a union witn Greece. ■ . ' INDIA. There is nothing later from India. Intelligence was hourly expected when tho Persia sailed. All sorts of rumors were continually started, but it was supposed thoy had rofcronco to stock jobbing operations, and obtained but little credence. A mass of papers hod been laid bofore Parliament, but they added nothing of importance to tho pub lished accounts. Tub Mutiny.— From papors laid before Parlia ment rolative to the Indian mutinios, it appears that the Sepoys did mnko serious objections and remonstraueos against being required to bite off tho ends of cartridges greased with the fat of pigs and cows, and that tho commander-in-chief nad instituted experiments to asoertnin whether bees wax oould not be substituted for tallow. In the meantime orders had been givon that the biting off of the cartridge ends shall Bo abolished in pla toon exercises. AUSTRALIA. Advices from Molbourne to the 30th of May had boon received in England., Qold was selling in Melbourne at £3 17s. od. a£3 19s. Gd. Flour (£32 per ton. A brisk business was being done in im ports, and confidence was re-established. The steamer Great Britain left Molbourne for Liverpool on tho 21st of May, with 101,000 ounces of gold. A duty of 10a. per lb. had been levied on opium. A now ministry, with Mr. Haines as chief secro tary, had boen organised. At Sydney tho tallow market was firm, and wool hod advanced, selling at la. sd. a 2s. Gd. per lb. Flour and freights are unchanged. The Atlantic Telegraph.—Tho ‘London Ttmes saysAVhile looking at tho ponderous mass on tfeird tho Agamemnon, one cannot fail to be struck by tho heatof tho place in which it is stowed away, a heat which might excito well founded fours as to its influence on the gutta porcha. If wo are not misinformed, tho bout of thosun destroyed many miles of tho wiro by molting out the gutta percha while the cable was lying in Glasse A Elliott's yard. Proper precautions should be taken to avert risk from this point. We have already oxplained to our readers how tho cable is coated with closely woven spiral wire 3, to prevent damage to tbo core in paying out; but. in consoquonce or the two halves having been made at different places—one at Birkenhead, by Messrs. Nowell, and tho other at Groonwich, by Glasse & Elliot, a most egregious blunder has been commit ted. It will scarcely be credited, but it is never theless true, that tho twist of tho spiral wires of tho Birkenhead half is in exactly tho opposite direction to tho twist of the wires in tho hair mado at Greenwich. Thus, whon joined in tho centre of the Atlantic they will form a right hand and a left hand screw, and tho tendency of each will be to assist the other to untwist, and oxposo tho core. By attaching a solid woight to the contro joining it is hoped this difficulty and danger may bo over* come, but none attempt to conceal that tho mistake is much to be regretted.' Wo are informed that Messrs. Glasse A Elliot had neatly 100 miios of their portion of tho cablo completod beforo Messrs. Newall commenced theirs, and that thoreforo tho fault rests with tho firm which began last. Tho apparatus to bo used in paying out tho cable is also looked upon by engineers ns Tory ill adapted to its purpose. With a cablo of such extremo lightness and no great strength, and attached to a vessol like tho Agamemnon, the slightest possible check or hitch occurring would part it like a thread. The friction drums should therefore have boon of theslightest kind consistent with proventing a “ rush,” and, infant, ouly sufficient to ease itover gently. Yet, it is no exaggeration to say that the machinery to bo üßcd is tho very rovorse of all this, and its massive aspoct strikes dismay into every well wisher to tlio scheme. Somo of tho first engineors of tho day consider it too heavy, and havo expressed most unfavorable opinions con cerning it and itaprobablo effects upon tho cable; and oven those nitimatoly connected with tho plan and its details do not disguiso their regret that such a niachinory should bo resorted to. The Emperor of Japan is to despatch to the vari ous European Powers, as an ambassador, the Go vernor or Siraoda, with full powers to conclude treaties of Commoroowith all tho European States! LATEST BY TELEGRAPH, What follows is the lutest news, telegraphed from London to Liverpool immediately before tho sailing of tho steamer. The lonian Islands.—Corfu, July.—Tho de nunciation and rejection of the foreigners by our Assembly has boon received in Lantz and Cefalonia with hurrahs by the clubs and with smiles by the priesthood. Berlin, Friday.—The Bank of St. Petersburg lias reduced its rate of discount to 3 per cent. (From tho City Article of tho London Times.) London, Saturday, July 25.—Tho conviction that up to this afternoon no news had been received from India, and consequently that all the recent reports have thus far been totally without foundation, has been followed by a diminution of esoiletnont in the Stock Markets. Prioos, however, have not expe rienced any permanent Tally, although tho first transactions wore nt an advance of j. Tho absence of animation throughout tho day was mainly attributable to tho anxioty regarding Inilia and an inorensed demand in tho discount market, where there was pressure coupled with Blight withdrawals of bullion from tho Bank; aud the unfavorable appohranoo of fofoign exchanges contributed to the general dullness. About £30,- 000 in gold bars was taken from bank for the pur chase of silver on tho eoutincut. These withdrawals are thought likoly to con tinue, unless some Australian or Californian Arri vals soon take place. Notwithstanding the'recent further reduction in their stook of bullion, the Bank of Franco have lowered their rate for ad vances on stockß nnd shares from G to 5J per cent. The latter was fixed as tho discount rate a month back, but the Bourse were excluded from the bene fit of tho alteration. Tho steamers and clippers engaged by tho India house for tho eonvoyanco of troops, nio to forfeit £3O per day for ovory day beyond 70, occupied »» their passago to Calcutta, wliilo they aro to receive £6O for ovory day saved from that time. The sailing clippora Jumes Buldr, aud Champion of tho Seas, will ouch take a regiment. Somo per sons aro disposed to anticipate that the perfor mance of these vessels will equal that of the steamers. The terms paid for sleamers rnngo £39 to £49 per man; for tho James Baines, and Champion of tho Seas the rate is £26 perman, and for tho smallor sailing vessels Is £lB. The Golden Flocco, and Lady Jocolyu ordered to ho ready at Portsmouth ou Wednesday next. Thero is a penalty of £lO for each day’s delay. The VeMis, with tho mails, would probably reach Malta from Alexandria yesterday. The distnneo from Malta to Cagliari is 3IQ miles So that a steamer despatched Immediately would reach tho Intter place this aftornoon, and tho go vernment may bo in possession of telc-graphio uews in tho couyso of tho ovening. Should tho steamer from Calcutta have made an early arrival at Suez, a telegraphic despatch may be hourly looked for in Triosto. [From tho City Article of the Dally News] The Times continues very sensitive pending tho receipt of advices from the East. Throughout the day tno stock exchange business was greatly re stricted. In the general discount market tho de mand for monoy was again good. As the end of the month and the 4th of August draws near, the commoroial demand may bcoome more active. During tho week the. necessity of paying for the Silver imported from the Continent has hot only led to tho absorption of All the available supplies of newly arrived gold, but has oaused somo with drawals of gold from bank. The Bank of St.' Petersburg has reduced its rate of di/*count to B per cent. , Mrs. Stowo, whose bust (representingher as particularly young and beautiful) is in tho Royal Academy exhibition, at London, is said to be writing a new work of fiction. Her last was not so successful, one would have thought, to encourage another experiment. She killed « Uncle Toro,” and he killed her in return. THE CITY . Going West,— The Eldorado towards the setting sun is losing its oharms for residents of the Bust, who would better thoir condition by emigra tion. Experience has shown that the visions of plentiful profusion are difficult to realise, when the denizen of tho city pitches his tent in tho wilder ness. Of late years, numbers of young men of this city, who havo tried it, have returned to their homes dispirited and disappointed, and poorer by the amount expended in the journey, and required by their efforts in tbo new locality. About two years shoe a Philadelphian settled up his affairs here, and, with $OOOO in cash, started with his small family for the West. He fixed his residence in a promising region, and for two years labored with might and main to improve his lot. At the end of the period ho fonnd all his funds exhausted, and his energies overtasked; and he has since re turned to this city to commence anew the straggle of life. To those who would engage in agricultu ral pursuits a long journey is not necessary. Our own State has fields inviting culture, which can he attained at prices more reasodable than tho same quality of land in most portions of the West ern States. Amended Democratic Rules . —The following rules were adopted July 22d, 1857. The Delegate Elections take place on the first Monday of Sep tember. The City shall be divided into four Senatorial Districts. Ist District shall be composed of the First, Se cond, Third, Fourth, Seventh and Twenty-fourth Wards, and shall be entitled to a candidate for Senator. 2nd District shall be composed of thd Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Thirteenth Wards, and shall be entitled to a candidate for Senator. 3d District shall bo composed of the Eleventh, Twelfth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Wards, and shall bo entitled to a can didate for Senator. 4th District shall he composed of the Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-first. Twenty-second and Twenty-third Words, shall be entitled to a candidate for Senator. Ihe candidate for tho Benate to be voted for in the year 1857, to fill tho placo of tho Senator whose term of service will expire, shall be se lected from tho First District; the candidate for tho Sonato to bo voted for in the same year, to supply a vacancy, occasioned by tho death of a Senator, shall bu Bolected from tbo Socond District; tho candidate for tho Sonato to be voted for in tho year 1858, shall ho selected from'the Third Dis trict ; and tho candidate for tho Senate to bo voted for in tho yoar 1859, shall bo selected from tho : Fourth District. Tho City shall also bo divided into soventoen Representative Districts, each of whioh shall he ontitlod to a candidate, to wit: Ist District shall be composed of the First Ward, and the Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Election Di visions of tho Third Ward. 2nd Distriot, of the Second Word. 3d District, of the Fourth Ward, First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Election Divisions of the Third Ward. 4th District, of the Fifth Ward, First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Divisions of the Sixth Ward. sth Distriot—Tenth Ward; Gth. 7th, Bth aud 9th divisions of tho 6th Ward. Gth Distriot—9th Ward; Ist, 4th and Gth divi sions of tho Bth Ward. 7th District—7th Ward; 2d, 3d and sth divi sions of the Bth Ward. Bth District—llth Ward; Ist, 3d, sth and 7th divisions of the 12th Ward. 9th District—of the 13th Ward; 2d, 4th and 6th divisions of the 12th Ward.- 10th District—of thel4th Ward; Ist, 3d, 3d and 4th divisions of tho 10th Ward. 11th District of the 20th Ward; sth, Gth, 7th and Bth divisions of the 15th' Ward. 12th Distriot—of the 16th Ward; Ist, 2d. sth and Gth divisions of tho 18th Ward. 13th Distriot—of the 17th Ward; 3d, 4th and 7th divisions of the 18th Ward. 14th District—of the 19th Ward. 15tb District—of tho 24th Ward; Ist and 2d di visions of the 21st Ward. 10th District—of tho 23d Ward; 3d, 4th, 6th and Gth divisions of the 21st Ward. 17tb Distriot—of the 23d Ward. Only other amendment proposed and recomended by tbo Committee, is in Rule 14th, by substituting “ July” for “ April.” A motion was mado and agreed to, that the 13th Ward bo excluded from, and the 7th AVard be in cluded in, the 2d District, only, to fill the vacancy caused by tho death of Charles P. Penrose, late Senator. Adopted. A motion to substitute u July” and strike out “ April,” in the 23d Rule. Agreed to. Resolved, That tho Legislative Delegatee oleeted in the several divisions of the City of Philadel phia, shall meet nt the County Court House, at 10 o’clock, A. M., on the Thursday next succeeding thoir eleotion, and shall organize and proceed as provided in Rules IY. and vl. to nominate one or more Senators, whonever tho same may be ntiees s&ry, by death, resignation cr otherwise. Agreed to. American and Republican Union County Con ventioJi.—Tho American and Republican Dele gates selected at the Waril “ Union” meetings on Tuesday evening, met in County Convention yes terday afternoon, at 3 o’clock, at tho County Court House, corner of Sixth and Chestnut streets. The attendance was quite slim. The Convention was organized by calling George R. Smith to tho Chair, and appointing James Freeborn Secretary, pro tem* On motion of Mr George H. Moore, aCommitteo of fivo on credentials was appointed, and Messrs. Moore, W. H. ICemblo, Alex. Freeman, Frederick Emhardt and William Linkard were appointed on the Committee. . Messrs. William M. Bull, Georg© F. Keyser, John S. Paintor and George It. Smith were placed iu nomination for the Presidency of the Conve'n-, lion. All tho candidates "declined tho honor” oxooptMr Smith, and on motion of Mr. Painter, ho was deolarod elected permanent President. On taking the Chair, Mr. Smith said: Gentlemen : I fool that you have conferred on me a distinguished honor in selecting mo to' presido over tho deliborations'of 'this body, which! 1 believe and hopo will result in triumphant success iu the coming oampaigu. It was unsought'for, as you kuow; as far as lam concerned, it was un locked for. I ehnll try to preside over the deliber ations of this body with impartiality and fairness.’ I hopo tho result of the deliberations of this Con vention will go down to the honor and credit of tho party to which we belong—r moan tho “ Union Party” agaiust all “ Locofoeoism. u I thank you again for tho choico you liuvo made; I rely upon your indulgence for any orrorlmaycommitduring tho administration of my presiding over this body. Theso remarks, of courso, were received with ap plause. Mr. Smith wus somewhat confused in hii delivery, and by way of apology, he said to the reporters jestingly : “Please rnako u docent speech out of that. Wo wilt have to oxeludo tho repor ters if they don’t.” Considerable difficulty was experienced in the election of Vico Presidents and Secretaries. A number of gontlemcu wore nominated, but they immediately declined. After the loss of much timp and somo confusion, Messrs. John 8. Painter, J. S. Reed, George F. Keyser, J. T. Williams, and Win, 11. Kemble, were selected as Vice Presidents, and Messrs. John Finletter and A. M. Walkinshow as Secretaries. Mr. Englobert Mintser was elected Treasurer, and Androw McDowell, Door-keeper. The Committee on Credentials made a report of the names of tho delegates legally elected. These were read, but not one-half of them were present. There wero no delegates elected from tho Eighth and Eloventh Wards. Mr. Moore moved that tho officers of the Conven tion be authorized to call meetings for tho election of delegates in tho Eighth und Eleventh Wards, which motion was not agreed to. Considerable discussion followed as to tho proper course to be pursued in order to havo these Wards represented in tho Convention. Mr. John S. Paintor said that mootings had boen called in these Wards, but that tho “straight out” Americans had been too strong for the Union men, and had refused to allow the wards to be represented in Convention. He thought it was not worth while to make any more efforts in these wards. Ollier gentlemen who were acquainted with the proceedings of the primary meetings in those wards agreed with him, but a Committee was finally ap pointed to superintend the uintter und bring things right. Tho Convention then proceeded to make general nominations fur candidates to bo supported at tho fall municipal eloctiou The President stated that tno Senators wero to bo elected, one for tho old city proper and the other for the county at large. It was tho province of this Convention to nominate tho latter only. Tho following gentlemen were then placed in nomination : For Judge of the Court of Common Pleas.— Robert T. Conrad, Alexander Ilenry, Edward T. Olmstetid, John 11. Campbell, Dennis W. O'Brien, James Cooper, John W. Titus, and Edward E. Law. For Recordtr of Deeds —Robert D. Wilkinson, John S. Warner, Charles W. Carroll, John H. Bringhurst, Samuel Spunk, Samuel Floyd, Samuel F. Fox, C D. Colladay, A G. Rowland, Joseph T. Hears, Joseph M Cowell, Matthias Myers, T. Jef fries, and J. S. Roberts. For Prothonoiary of the District Court,— Edwin T. Chase, William B. R. Selby, Jacob H. Hill, Israel Springer, and William Elliott. For Clerk of Qiuirter, Session —John S. Keyser and Lewis G. Ball. For Coroner— Daniel JB. Baitler, Nathaniel T. Bareoux, S. G. Hamilton, P. R. Schuyler, W. W. Gregg, and B. R. Mean. For Scnntor —George T. Thorn, James Cooper, James Vorree, Edward Grhtz, Samuel Lloyd, Peter Fritz, W. F. Hughes, Alexander Henry, and John Zimmerman. The nominations having closed, a motion was made to adjourn until Mohday aftornoon next, which led to a prolonged scene of excitement and confusion. One delegate said that the motion was made for the purpose of “logrolling,” and de nounced it iu severe towns. The president oalled him fo order, and skid that he would allow no dolegato to impugn the motives of any gentleman present/- A motion iris theipa&de to adjourn until th>3 afternoon week,'which only served to increase the confusion. A number delegates claimed the floor; and all of them endeavored to speak at once. The president, after using his gavel for some time, said that all business would bo sus pended until order was entirely restored. After a brief delay, the excitement subsided. The motion to adjourn until Monday, after further digeusaion, was finally agreed to,* and the convmtidnf ad journed. . Kicked by a florae.—-Shortly before noon, yesterday, a*fad, ‘named 'Patrick- Kelley, -was kicked by a horse, at the corner of Twenty-third and Market streets, in the Ninth AVard, and very scvcrely injured. The injured lad was conveyed to his residence. Final Hearing . —A final hearing was had, yesterday afternoon, before Alderman Eneu, at the Central Police Station, in the case of Police Officer Fury, who is charged with having struck a young man, named Myers, over the head with a “billy” several times, and assaulting him in an. outrageous manner. The prosecution was con ducted by D. S. Soby, Esq. A number of wit nesses were examined, after whioh the accused was held in $lOOO ball for his appearance at court. The star of this furious officer has been taken from him. Drowning Cases.—-The body of a man sup posed to bo named William McDermott, was found drowned at the Falls of the Schuylkill, last eve ning. The body of an unknown man was found in the Delaware, last evening, at Race street wharf. Coroner Delavau was notified to hold inquests in both of these cases. Slabbing Case. —Lost evening, about six o’clock, a difficulty occurred at Coleman’s bolt and nut factory, in Arch street, near Twenty.second, which resulted in the stabbing of a man named John Brady in the breast by another person named Frank Dougherty. The weapon used was on ordi nary pocket knife, and the wound is not considered serious. Dougherty has not yet boen arrested. Independent Order of Red Men.—The In dependent Order of Red Men intend having a grand parade in Lancaster City, on the 22d day of October next. The United States Grand Council will be present, with the various tribes of Red Men from this city and State, New Jersey, Mary land, and 'Other parts of the Union. Triumphal arches are to be creoted in several of the streets through which the procession will pass. Bands of music, and several hundred singers havo been en gaged. War on■ the Dogs. —The feeble efforts to dog nuisance continue, and Captain Jim Francis, Chief of the Dog Detectives, is doing the host ho can with tho small force at his command. Lust week ho captured 197 in tho Nineteenth Ward. There are two or throe thousand unmuz zled canines yet left in this Ward, and the Seven teenth AVard has equally as many, if not more, to spare. Statement of Property under the Charge of the Department of City Property. —We give below a schedule of City Property, rents of dwell ings, halls and ground rents, under the charge of the Committee on City Property, of Councils. It was submitted to both branches of the City govern ment, iu a very able report by the Chairman of that Committee, Mr. Theodore Cuyler,, of the Eighth Ward. Dwelling, at Station House, Cherry st., $l2O 00 ! Dwelling, corner of Front and Noble sts., 125 00 ! Store, No. 1 Front and Dock streets, . . 350 00 Dwelling, No. 77 North Fifth street, . 300 00 Dwelling, Third above Tammany street, next door to N. L. Hall, . . HO 00 Dwelling, No. 2 Crown street, . . 250 00 Stores, Nos. 2,3, 4,5, Front and Spruce streets, ....... 1350 00 Dwelling, No. 2 Richardson’s coart,. . 100 00. “ No. 3 “ “ . 100 00 “ No. 4 ' “ .100 00 “ No. 1 Crown street, . ’. 260 00 No. 1 Richardson’s court, 60 00 Old Chnroh edifice. Crown street, . 400 00 Front basement or Law Buildings, Fifth street, below Walnut, . . ... ,'lOO 00 Dwelling, Carpenter, above Fifth street, 100 00 Dwelling, 161 Raco street, above Crown, \250 00 Stable, cornor of Noble and Oak streets, . 30 00 Dwelling, Brook st., back of N. L. Hall, 4 80 00 Dwelling, Front above Noble street, . 100 09 Dwelling, corner of Race and Crown sts., 500 00 Dwelling, No. 3 Crown street, . . .275 00 Dwelling, No. 4 “ 14 . .... 200 00 RENT GP HALLS. Room in West Philadelphia “Hall, Room in Spring Garden Hall, Office in West Philadelphia Hall, Rooms in N. L. Hall, W. P. Hall, and Church, Crown street, . . 775 00 N. Liberty Hall, Thirdabove T&many st., 750 00 No. 3 third story Germantown H&U, . 80 00 No.' 2 south side, lower floor, Germantown Hall, . , Room Ho. 10 West Philadelphia Hall, . Second story rooms Kensington Hall, ; Room lower floor, Wi PhiladelphiaHalL ' Room Ho.‘9 Wist Philadelphia Hall, •l No. 1 » Rooms third story Germantown Hall, Room No. 5 lower floor ‘ “ Rooms over offices at Kensington Hall, GROUND RENTS. Lot of ground on Lombard; above Tenth st., 56 00 Lot on Spring Garden street, 156 feet west of Thirteenth Street, 235 C(i Lot on south side of Lombard street, 158 feet west of Tenth street ... Lot on south side of Lombard street, 110 feet west of'Eleventh Btreefc, : 56 Lot on Lombard street, between Ninth and Tenth Two lots on Lombard Eleventh, $56 each, . . . . . ■ - ... 112 00 Lot on Tenth fit., 19. feet south of Lombard, 81 00 Lot on south aide of Lombard street, 190 feet east of Eleventh, Two lots on Union street, between Third and Fourth, 32 00 Lot on Lombard-st, 126 ft east of Eleventh, 56 00 Lots on north side of Lombard-st, west of Sixth street, 236 25 Lot north side of Spring Garden street, 112 feet west of Thirteenth, .... ' 225 GO Lot on Lombard-st., bet; Ninth and Tenth, 45 00 Lot on Spring Garden street, nor. aide, west of Thirteenth street, . . . . . 225 00 Lot on Lombard-st.,' 142 feet west of Tenth; 56 00 Part of a lot in the late borough of Frank ford, , Part of the above described property, Traot of land in West Philadelphia, Portion of Lemon Hill Estate, (( (C “ “ .... 200 00 For use of City Burial Grduiid, ... 60 00 Mortgage on lot corner of Front and Dook streets, . . 303 00 Mortgage on property in Haddington, West Haverford, 36 00 Sundry lota on Schuylkill, and room Spring Garden Hall, .... 3.225 00 State Teachers 9 Association. — The State Teachers' Association will hold their annual meet ing in this city on Wednesday, the 21st of August, at the Board of Controllers' Rooms, corner of Sixth and Adolphi streets. The object of this Conven tion is to elevate the standard of education throughout tho State, to devise rales and regula tions for the same, and to promote harmony and good fellowship between thoso engaged in the vocation of teachers. The'Northern Home for Friendless Children . —During last year, the following children were roceivod into this institution, which is located at tho corner of Brown and Twenty-Third streets: — Released by parents and guardians, 58 boys and 2G girls; sent by judges, 12 boys and 4 girls; re ceived temporarily, 14 boys and 3 girls, returned by masters, 8 boys and 8 girls. There were dis charged 107 children as follows: Placed out 29 boys and 27 girls; adopted, 3 boys and 6 girls; re turned to frieuds, 26 boys and 9 girls; died, 4 boys and 1 girl; stolon and abducted, 1 boy and 1 girl. The Columbia Engine Company. —We un derstand that this spirited and efficient-Fire Organization is engaged in making the most exten sive arrangements for the goneral parade of the Fire Department in this city in October next. We learn that tho members will shortly be presented with a very valuable and handsome silver fire horn by a number of their friends. A Sign of the Times.— Yesterday, notwith standing the wet weather, a good many persons collected on the footpath by the North American Bank, Chestnut street, to watch the erection of a mammoth sign, twenty-seven feet in length, ou the house opposite, (next to T. B. Peterson’s hand some bookstore,) the upper part of which is now occupied by Francis P. Dnboeq A Bon, wholesale manufacturers of jewelry. Messrs. Dubosq for merly occupied the premises next the office of Tue Press, but (as their sign denotes) have moved a little lower 'down in the street. Some twcuty or thirty gentlemen assembled nt Messrs. Dubosq's, yesterday afternoon, after their large sign was completely fixed, partook of their hospi tality, and drank success to the firm in exec))?*)* champaigne. Messrs. Dubosq have the establish ment. The Coal Wharves at JHchmond are begin ning to present a scene of more than usual activity. For some time post business was extremely dull at this port, but we are gratified to observe that the prospect at the present time is encouraging. High Price of Charcoal . —This article, of which there appears to bo an abundance, is now selling at what is considered by many as an exor bitant price. Many of the barrels carried by the venders are quite small, and the coal is too fre quently placed in a very loose manner. The Weather.— To say that it has rained heavily and almost continuously during the last thirty-six hours, will not be news to our own. citi zens. Many outsiders, however, may like to know the fact. As our harvest U almost wholly got in, all over the State, thi? fall of rain, if general, will be grateful to the farmers License Statistics.— The following table ex hibits the number of licenses for hotels and restau rants which havo . been granted by the Board of Licensers for the different Wards of the oity: Wards. Ifotels. Rest’s. Wards. Hotels. Rest's. Ist, .23 .7 14th, 20 .6 2d, 33 • T ' 13th, J 3 8 •3d, 18 4 16th, 28 12 4th, 31 13 17th, 40 10 3th, 71 10 18th, 24 6 fltb ‘7l '35 19th, 43, 7• 7 b .25. 3 50th, 28 t 7 fiSr 23 ‘lO 21st, '22" '7 9th 37 15 22d, 22 0 10 th, 17 5 23d, 33 2 11th, 39 25 24tb, 37 5 12th, 26 11 13th, 22 0 777 230 -j rv o a U r 3 i Ptiaitylimia Sl'att AgricalHral ’SocUty.— It fa rtiteS thst tie Uelt erhibiUon of the aylycnia State AgriunUnral Society, will be one of the most interesting that we have yet had. The time chosen fa the two lest days of September and the first two days of October. The anneal ad dress will be delirered by Gen. Edwin C. WlJson, of Venango county* Casz of Alleged Infanticide. —At an early hour yesterday morning,,a bundle was picked up by a man in an alley, in the vicinity of John and Front streets, Second Ward, and on making an inspection, it was found to be the remains of an infant wrapped up, and in so shocking a state of ; decomposition that the effluvium arising therefrom forced the discoverer to hold his breath. It was carried to the Southwark Ball, and Coroner Bela vuu was sent for to hold an inquest. It appears that the child was full grown, and wrapped up i%j lime, which had so completely eaten up the flesksj and its tender sinews that it fell to pieces.. £ number of women who reside in the neighborhoro were examined as witnesses, and a female, sup posed to be the mother of the child, was arrested on snspicion of having killed It The affair is somewhat wrapped in a veil of mystery, and ex tremely shocking. The jury empannelled by the Coroner were unable to elicit any evidence whleh could with any degree of certainty implicate the | woman who was arrested. Another Prize Fight. —Yesterday afternoon the professors of the “manly art” were again in a state of excitement, on account of another toft of scientific strength between two pugilists named Augustus Flynn and P. Gormley, of this city. The prize in this instance was only $2), yet it was eon tended for in a fight of as much ability as the re cent encounter between Bradley and Rankea The fight took place near the Market street bridge, and was witnessed by a large number of persons. After a lengthy “bruising” match, Gonaley was; declared the victor. No arrests were made. ! CAMDEN AFFAIRS. Accident to a Ferry Boat . —Yesterday after noon the ferry-boat “ Mary” was withdrawn from the line, in consequence of breaking that portion of her maohineiy known as the roek-shafb Rattle-Snake Killed . —A large rattle-snake, having twelve rattles, was killed near Long-a- Coming, on Tuesday last, by a son of Mr. Sylvester Sharp, residing at the place above named. Warrant hsued. —We are informed that a warrant has been issued for the arrest of Mr. Charles D. Hineline, on the charge of assaulting Mr. Belize, with intent to kill. [From the New York papers of last evening.) THE BIiRDELL TRAGEDY. MORE OF THE CUNNINGHAM FRAUD. ’ Evidence of KUs Helen Craoilikta. HER SISTER AUGUSTA IN COURT . A crowd of people were gathered about the doors of the Police Court at Jefferson Market this morn ing, bat the examination waa conducted la Jastice Davidson’s private office, into which no spectators were admitted. At half-past ten o'clock Miss Helen Cunningham was brought over by an officer. She w&3 deeply veiled and appeared much agitated. She was ex amined by Mr. Murray) the clerk, and testified as follows: THE AFFIDAVIT OF XI S 3 HUES COTOTtHSHAIC. ; I reside at No. 31 Bond street; am daughter of Ml*. Emma Augusta Cunningham, otherwise called Buriell; having been living at the house sinoe the murder of fir.-' Burdell; my sister Augusta is in the city, but not at home; she was at home oa Monday evening; left that afternoon; I think after four o’clock; aha has not been back at the house since that time; she is staying* in Lexington avenue, between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-*' sixth streets, with Mrs. Simonson, my aunt; my mother ordered a carriage Monday afternoon to he at tee house', at 3 o’clock; she was going with Augusta to Xr. Laid’fl.. No. 63 Water street; he attends to my mother’s bosi- - ness j mother had not been well for the past week: ahe k was just eating her dinner when she was taken with vio lent painK X ran up stairs brought her some beaniy and peppermint, and she took it; then she said she && much better; and I went np stain to prepare to go riding. She then waited for the carriage until 4 o’clock; said, as it had got so late she would not find Mr- tmaa is his office; then my sister Augusta had to go for* pair of shoes in Grand street, at the shop of a "w**. Butcher; I don't know the number; she said she would ride there and thea ride up to toy aunt's; mother dfch sot go with her. she asked mother if she might remain, orer sight, and' mother said she had better sot, m aha had been ill; she then said Dr. Smith had. told her a change of air would do her good; mother then mid if &• found it pleasant «h» could stay, asd if the waa ttium sick she must send directly for her; thea Avista got into the carriage and drove away. I regained in the bouse with mother. tfimwaß* I was in and out of the room on til the Doctor eaaS. anther was tick when Augusta left; she tlmujghtiiwiw a bilious attack which would soon go off, bxtiaakict ta hour or an hour and a half she had to go to bed; Bames staid in the room and helped he? turiree*; I was sot in the room; had gone down stain; Mw final* was the only person with her; when I'mrna up I net intotherocm; whenlleft the room mother had her skirt and bosom, off; I went down to **** kitchen nf brought up some clothe*—no infant's clothing; m younger sister was ironing in the kitchen; I had mmd towels, which 1 pat in the closet; the eloset has two door*, one from the front and one from the backroom; I took «uns flannel from the drawer, wot it with hot water, and gave it to Mrs. Barnes, who spoiled it to mx mother; I woe in tho zoom then; I tti sbnrr slXo’eWb. • Q. Had your mother before this tpoltn to tot .feet the confinement ? * -jy. yinf fcii rd libel I remember; nevm had said to me at whsTtizue she as> pectad to be confined, other persons had said shUWto to be confined, and asked me about it; had bard her complain of being sick, and from her appe waste took It aa a matter of course. so'-oe 10006 , IOfrUO -. 100 00 . 130 00 . 30 00 . 40 60 [At this time there w*3 a great distvbanei out side, where a. man was dressed spin women's ciothea, personating Mrs. Cunningham. An cer was sent out to arrest him ferdia*rderly rent duct.] About two weeks ago I went to the rife sad trek some infant's clothes from a bag which! gar* to jay mother; I ashed her then, if the wanted them to-day; she said no, but perhaps pretty soon, and told me to pox them on a chair; did not aid in altering « hi iss any of these clothes. The first person who celled at the door Monday night was Ur. Kimms, who wanted to know what tune>4f would be agreeable for him and his wife fee spend the evening; mis was before dark; he cans brio theh*& only; I went op to see mother, who sal, “Tell if? Kimms that I am not very well; that I hare the hßiena colic, and he had better all on Thursday.’’ After that I w«r» into the front rooWwith mother, while Mrs. Banes west down to tea* I don’t know whether the next person was Dr. Uhl or Mr. gutitfc I forgot to state that Sfo.wat came ijohe aftetaseß early, before any ohe else: I sent Mrs. harass* Uttlfr boy after her; she fid not sfoy witt wufter oewr ten minutes; I rn in the room part of the tfce* she add the was going away out of town and eeaMsat stay wife mother; I hare attended on mother since loader fight; I was called to her room about four o’tock Tuesday morning, and told by Mrs. Barao that otters had tabu away Jane Bell, and I must tale care of her; the officers would net let me go sp stairs; he is my Hi, indeed, at this time, suffering math paiu, ; ‘ Q. Has your mother said any thing to rou about the baby* A. I asked her about the baby, and she said she was not well enough to talk to me .and that they had taken the baby away; *he fid noTay who had taken it away; Mrs. Burst* said I must >e very quiet and ask her no questions; Mrs. B. said this when she called me os Tuesday morning, and hid me of the officers coming; I was in attendance mmy mother yesterday until Jana Bell and Mrs. «»»lames ease In the evening; I was alone with her, exeed my youMcet sister and Dr. Smith. 24 00 26 00 O 08 5,700 00 200 00 200 00 20,250 50 Q. During that sime what has your nother said to you? [Hurriedly.] She has not said aif thing (date, and I have not asked her any question; ahe is sot able to speak above a whisper; Dr, BmitJ called four or five times, and left medicine. ‘ 1 was In attendance on mother on Hcdav evenisg, when Dr. Uhl came ; I let him In and ttd frfm toother had the billots colic; I mot Dr. Catlia at toe stas» after Dr. Uhl left the fint time; I uhd Dr. Diffln if mother was dangerously ill; he nJA, * Oh, so; no thing but cramp or eotie} you had betfer go to bed; 11 after that, Mrs. Barnes called tim la room, ana-1 went in after him; mother was groanhk with pain r I ashed if I could do anything for her; die safcL“lfo, daughter;” 1 asked Dr. Catlinif he could stay all nigat: he said. “ I’ll see whether I wll. or not;** I then left the room and went down t 4 tow kitehea; called tar sister. Seorgiana and Isa be 11 Barnes to to down with me to the kitchen; we preared refresh ments, and placed them on the centre tajto Jq the hack room up stairs: Mrs. Barnes's son, Jama, came in with something in his hands; I don»t know wiat; then went into mother’s room and told mother t was going to bed, and if they wanted me, or abe wa| any worse, to call me; Dr. Cattin was then standing bythe bed; I went up stairs then, and went to bed. Q. About what time was it you went to-bed? A.'l am not positive about the time. 3 thin! it was about 9 o’clock. * Q. Had your mother at any time this fcecw absent from her room ? A. No, sir, she had it might have been later; it might have .bean ten; \h» gas was burning in mother's room, bat to tight la the bock room. Q. Did you see Mr.-'WQt that evening? A. 1 don't remember of seeing him la the evratag f 1 taw him la the afternoon; he is in. the habit ofeontaf to the house generally every day; he would do erraais, order a car riage, or other things. Q. Did you see him bring a tin pal to the house .within a day pr two ? A. No, rir, Idi( not: now-any other person. I thick I have stated all I know iifre lation to the matter, excel t after the (fleers came to toe boose. I hare seen my mother this noroing; the is very low indeed: seems to be raftering pa. a, ana'll very faint; Dr. Smith had visited her this morning, and I cent for him agein, but Kj was not in; then the offices came for me; she did not say anything to me about hex condition'this morning, only that she thought she wouß not get over it. . . : EVIDENCE Or JAMES CAEXOLL. James Carroll, conductor on the Fourth arena* rail, road, testified as follows:—On Monday evening.'August 3d, about 9 o’clock, as I was pasting Bohd ftreeV o » the down trip the car stopped for paasengtn and u la.ii stepped ou whose muffled or disguised appearance 'nt tracted my attention. From the fact of thtlocaiiir, to gather with the disguise. I at once got the impzwctio that it was Mr. Cuuningham; while looting threagl the car, I noticed Captain Speight on the front plat form ; I took him by the arm, and asked Mm, “la Uc that Mrs. Cunningham f” he took me by the hand and said “Say not a word j” I then returned and cs going to the back platform, took the lidv's far*; a>' curiosity being somewhat excited, I tried to see her Act but from the manner in which she wore her r*il, I rout not. After passing .a few blocks, tb> eaptoiu came to to back platform and asked me the time of night; I tod out my watch and it was just five minute* past bib o’clock, at the comer of Centre and Broome streets, whes I felt something at my back, like a person behind me. cn turning around I saw the lady standing at the door, u * thought, about to get off without stopping the car: took ner by the arm, palled toe bell, and said.«tf**” you must not get offuntil the ear stope ” Theolrato* ped Immediately, and the lady got off. She did sot tor. her head until she reached the sidewalk; she then torn* her head and appeared to scrutinise Speight and me an paased down towards Kim street. The captain tiaido the platform until the car turned into Centre ztm* where he got off, mod, I supposed, followed the vans.' District Attorney Hall ben stated that he hi just sent Barker, Professor of Obstetrics In tl New York Medical College, with officer 'Waljj over to the bouse, to sake the necessary 1 tion of Mrs. Cunningham, and give him directior to write out bis statement, which was imt w wanted, in the form of an affidavit. He stated bis impression was that she would refuse tbeexaoi nation, and it would bo as woR abaft she dtouScS that would change the onus of proof: maki&fctt necessary for her to show her eeiwftjoa. j* Mia August* Cunningham waa now broßni f» took a seat In & chair sad commenced soitoS A* the Court was not quite ready to hear her ovSen** she was sent home In eharge of an efleer. tobTre! turned at three o’clock, to which hear the Court adjourned. . . ‘ * There Is a report that the health of Joehi. L. Qidaings is so feeble thst he will smkahly b« able to tsh« Uj K*t ta the nut Cwgms, ™
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers