The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 06, 1857, Image 1

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4* '‘l-WKtKL* PRESS,
to.fleteiribenJ «ut v of the Oitr,~«t ¥h*i« ttoii
in rtruce.
$ J«*T FftE S S i *•
VinOapSgT*. ’’Vi « •'' a,OO
T*n'o6ple»,; 1 - «<-• ' ''»<•' ■ -*i qq
TrtWWpiit,:-* v .•■■;« (tobne'iddVaii)'.'.. 20 00
I^nt!r Ws orove? ; ,«;, (to adjKM efifcoi . -
Vp™ ° f Twenty-ihe, »‘am. fa *UI «u 4 »n
Polrtatastort Wo requwted to not u Agents tar
***Wm**»ma, - ,
IE/W* xmps^FOR.SAXJS.--:
ij ncrpmpsred-tCMllaMut l,«»,0<» «cres -of choice 1
of 40, seres «nd«pw»rds,an
longcredits, in4atlow. r?h«ot interest.,.
Thefia ikridA were granted by the Government to #l4
lhß uxtwmo goa(tf, tod include every'
yatfety.afel(m»te spl produo tionsfound between those
parallel,of latitudo. The Northern imrtion is chiefly,
with bcsotilul prninesend qmihigt. ■ 1 ■ m,
The cllmxtaM more Ueeithy, mild end equ»Me, thnu
toy other part or the country—the sir i« pare ana bra
ciuri'u'hlle 'Wng ! etnami and epringsof excellent,
Bitaioipn'W Oohi ti'exbeiulveiy mined, end implies s
cheap' thd dMirnble- fuel, ’being'lurnWd (Anwny •
points at IS 46 Mper .tos-rtad treed osh be hadat the
I Building Stone ot excellent qtualW »1» abound.,
Vvhlnli can be’ procured for little mere thu the expense
Spf transportation... -,
\ The groet.ferUmy pf these lends, which are a blacb
JlcK: mould,- from two to are feet deep, and gently roll
iSgi their contiguity to thiß road, by which every fad -
r/tr i« rarni«hc<t:fpFt«irtt and;b»itspwution to the
principal markets North, South,Ksst, .West. ,and. the
economyrwßnnrSicK'they can jhel6altlv*iedl .reader
-thdm the most vahmbig investment that can no'found,
and present the most favorable opportunity for persons
of-itullistriouH habits'sod small means', to npguire a com
fortable independence to a few years. , •
Chifchgp 16 now tiwgreateat grain market In the world;
and thefnoimy and economy with which the products
of these lattds.Cah he transported to that market, make
them, much more profitable at the prices asked, than
thdse mate''tatesjas the addl
ticnel post of transportation is a perpetual, ,tnx. on the
Utter, which rndst he horns by the'produeet, in the re
duced price hs itecsives for hisgraln, *ci>
The titloda perfsch*aud when the final payments we;
made, deeds are executed by,the trustee* appolnthd by
the State, Ahd:ln,whom tho title in.vested, to. the pur
Chasers,WhKh ponvevto them absolute tljlM In (he sim
plel'ftee and clear ofewery.tpcnmhranoe, liw or mart
*' *’ '* ir ' > -•.1 i S- '**' -1? .1 • • t- ■
The prices are from $6 to |3O l interest only spe« ct..
Twenty per ct. will be deducted from the price for cash.
Those who gurchatotin lohgCrtdit, giro notes payable
ip two. three: four, fire and six year* after date, and are'
required tojtebravfc'an|4snth fiAttaUy forfit*years.
bom toWebW-fotftfce mi under cuUtartiotf at the
w6rt Vill accompany those * who' wish'
to examine the&*9ftmds, free of charge., and aid them in
making.sejeetioairr* if ' r-s-y- *bU’*
The Lands remaining unsold are as rich and valuable
as'th^wJ^M* 6 disposed of; ' ••.•i.-'
Will fce sentto anyone who will enclose ftftjr cents In
pottage «tiams>h and nooks or pamphlets containing na
mSrduSlnStineeiofartCceMfnl farming, signed'by re
spte&btir&n&weli known farmers living in thenefgb*
theJtttfroad. Lands, throughout the State—
also the cost of fencing} price of cattle, expense, of har-.
a»r other informatfoa—
to-<'.i^na:-^ r ■ * • *
~Land-ooTomJ»ron*r of thetlUuol* Central Ji.R. Co.
Oftce la DUooia Central Railroad I>e pot, ChicagO/Il
liMis-' 1 '■ ■«.- Vv .-'aid
/"tOClfi&y COLLECTIONS. madeV With
, » HO. S 6 South THIBD gtreet.Phltedelphie. , ...
j SheyijiTlteetttoUoiito their uneqneUed fecUitiee for.
Uw.pdMadntJrf. wmtrover«io«.ltt, i «U;pnrta(of, the
Doited StetteerwtCenedev end collecting end securing
~, ! , .
eSordedhytheir.4l«mragh orgeuiutioni haying loci
egehfe in every rettied county In the Union, end by pros
perous eaoctite oßcw in' 1:
• ißortoh, 1 f'jj -! E«i»TUlo, Dubttnue,
Ktif Virlr, /., - B*. booby Detroit, -
- Baltimore, Cintmnsii, -- St. Kanl’s,
'■Weshlngfon,!', . Bittobnrgh, ■, -HiUreuUe,
..CBSwtoa;- . I .* OMsego,' f. ' Memphis,
' MobUe,. : C- V'KesrOrleaoa, ■ ■ Sevennnh.
UetlMßeecohtrbUbog ite'own ooUectlonu, end
hilVtiigdiilc business eonnectiouswith the mast reliable
eodexperienoed.attorneys in the country. , . .
i ther else bare superior tsciUties for collecting drafts
•ni-iesturingpilpet at points not accessible to Banks
end.tßeolarm ead ltemlttenie* ere promptly made by
their correspondents- for eonttnioUne tbeV exceed but
•lightly the correct rate ot exchange. . ~ , ■
siy.the-eia ot intelligent,correepondents, they srenble
-to Utre .bend Warrants located; claims adjusted, titles
examined, in ell jerte Ofthe Wati- ;naMathfca-lra,
_-*AJ»PABA.TU& fatlMaz Btoret.lhreUiiigfl, Fec4
tori«,aeteU,' 40. a«3 Machine hie; ix*u
{ftv<ibnrtwt'*ial eesowtfoj uie'fdrfoer jrtsw.-eedU
so *pa|tr id experiment* * W*e atomicity of
tie ippuatui* tts%ith« ft&dfcm from dinger or explo
-ottM,WejW**tS6n«<» paired,' thfr’«*» wJUrwhlefc
tgdr aic&ced**t7 eujr.x>ewoii,<ADd ithe efaeepaesa end
mWrKHrity ofithe iaght o’rer ill athfera, ha* gained for
ttShe Jirorefte *piaknr of tfcoa* ibqori&ted jirtth; it)
eost-of ithe, liight it; snoot one cent per
inn for'each'.trarasr. -1 Numertma certificate* by those
ifcjff htfi'iued themeebfnet aod'dvMKWnetaopeni
lion fcatfbs*ee6atth« <huHtong6tereor«..B.'«*l»,
W. 10 Keithlevwth Street. -For farther tafaemitfoi
VoalfU ibore to C/ E. -WJKEKS,. -
Bo*to»g«froM o*9 Work* Op;
i \". r « rtv“»
eattS sMiaEM wamcijfe^'fa'rfS'^.S;
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Iwwo<rt4 ujUtipftl jgtaker biMritt'
j XmuSTfcto fell OpWqstf />t<& jfeott CH9j 4"hiß'
TMtW gUwa Sink,4 Com- j
1 &U t|e Vote* McUOnAUy cfesftfted,;
i 3S&SSMBS®? MESffik
VOL. I-NO. 5.
; Thefirßt number, of The Press will to day
be. laid before the public. , I need scarcely
explain the object and design of this, .journal.
The tree must bo known by its. fruits.. My
ambition is to. make.athprongh newspaper,
complete in all Its departments: to address
myself to the reason and the patriotism of the
people: in'a word,to supply daily a cheap,
trust-worthy and intelligent medium of popu
lar information. To accomplish those resnlta
Will demand, patient.industry, largo expendi
tures ofmoney, considerable, experience, and
the employment of varied ability. , The belief
mat a newspaper .conducted upon this plan has
: never yet failed, determined mo upon the pre
sent undertaking.' The hope that tjiere were
many, very many, kind remembrances,'per
sonal to myse)f, hero ip Pennsylvania, and
dlBewliefe; inspired me 'wUh'additlonal confi
deitoe in its success.' 1 The agreeable relations
I had sustained l to most of those engaged in
journalism, during my long connection, with
that profession, reminded, me that this, if not
always .the .most .lucrative avocation, was, at
beast to tny own mind, the most , acceptable,
because it re-opened a field of independent
action, and hard, but edifying toil. An enter
prise founded upon'euch motives cannot fail to
prosper. ‘ T have invested in it all that X have
fe ; the world, and >every effort and eaergyof
jrhich I am capable, shall be enlisted to render
It deserving of approbation and support.
! Tan Punas .will .speak for itself on all. the
great questions of .the,day. .1-have already
Jnn<sunced.(wbafc, Indeed,,was universally and
justly anticipated,) that the political depart
ment of my paper should “be conducted upon
Democratic ’ principles. It ,is equally well
known that the tneasures and the men of the
presept' Administration 1 RfWaahingtoh have
my heartiest approbation. X- have known the
great statesmannow at the head of the Govern
ment, and acted in-concert and confidence
frith him, ever since my- first youthful as
sociation in politics and editorial life.’ The
most agreeable services which it has fallen to
to my lot to .perform, were those given to hjs
Cause. My attachment to him grew not more
from, admiration’ of his.pure arid upright
Character than from d profound regard for his
intellect, experience and patriotism. It was
fny good fortune, with many good men, to
assist, not obscurely nor inefficietitly, in crown
ing a life of 'usefulness and distinction to his
country and himself with the highest honors in
tbeworld. The fruits of that result are already
ripening for the,Future. The wisdom of the
popular,being daily vindicated by the
quiet .and content which ;have followed the
stormy scenes of last year, as the sweet sun
shine follows the destructive tempest. Had
{Mr. Buchanan riot heeu,;as’ he was, my first
jClioioe'fof’PreBldent,a»d yet approved himself
worthy ofthb high trust confided to his hands,
py regarding, feSpebting, and protecting the
wights of the citizen and therights of the States,
II should have done every thing that one man
icpulddo to upholdatidtd strengthen him, and to
gdthCr around him a;'united public opinion.
jThe performance of that duty becomes a proud
'aatlßfection, however, when the consistency,
‘dignify, and ability, of, his “administration, are
|so many propfs that he .well deserved the per
severing and enthnsiastic preference of those
{gallant men who’have clung to-his fortunes
’ through good report and through evil report,
during so mahviotg years.
i I .am not writing as a .partisan—l am not
l ambitious of printing a,mere party paper; for,
; while with film frith and.unfaltering footsteps
■ Twin'follow constitutional principles to their
logical and legitimate conclusions, I shall at
i the jbsmo Mine seek toconvlnco those' who may
differ from mp, )>y. reason, not by feorimina
tion—by argument father than by declamation.
And I am confident .that, no .man, looking at
Mr.. Suobanar’s. administration, up to : this
moment, with disinterested and elevated mo
tives,, will deny’.that‘that statesman has
achieved the Presidency at at)’ auspidlona po
riod for his own fame,, and at a fortunate
momentfor the.welfare of the Republic,
ef .i . . . Jno. W. Fornex.
A«mut 1,1857. Y - . ,K t,
C |C' s,
THAOt£ItW WOT >l. iP.
, The cdeeiloti'fbr the city bftlxferd (itfEag
tau'd) has terminated in the defeat of Mr,
Tiooiuiray, the, by Mr. Oabdwell,
the staieaman. When the poll, dosed, Mr.
TnACKUkAx, wii to a minority of 67, the whole;
’number pf persons-eligible to-vote being 2818,'
Ip ; a: pijpulh’t]on' pt '£7,943, ai|d &103 ‘ ac-j
itually having Votedvi = Mr.' CA*dweu, had
many personal adbantagei Oyer his'competitor,
■ —long parliamentary experience, former con
neefion-with the, borough, high reputation as
bne of the ipost distinguished alumni at the
17nlvetsity, the’ pnitige of having beena Cabi
wet Minister,- tho Knowledgo that the late Sir.
PyKi' considered hlm-likely to be-'
; come ah emihent statesman, ; and, considerable'
Kr.’ftiibusiUY could’
bring nd hmre than Jrigh popularity as a writer
and lecturer, and the ■ profession of - unusually'
strong politics.. In’all probability Mr.* Thaok-
KftAy’s non-electioil will not be felt as a na
tional misfortune inEngland: It pleased him,
on'the hustings, to. avow the most liberal prim
yciples—such as In 'the 1 days of Geqeoe - the'
Fat would have been ‘considered Democratic,'
if not sedUlous. He didthls hecauso lns op-i
Abut, Mr. CABnwrxi, is a Ministerialist, and'
deciiori policy to outbid him. To',
ail intents and purposes Mr. Toaokesay is
aristocratic in his tastes, tendencies and ha
bits. ii(g ideaof life ts-to' eqjby-himself, and j
while ho consumes die good- things of this
fwijjrld) smfßngsishb, discusses turtle and veni- j
- and jawing as W puts the'spitrkling cham-1
kindly giyes him the
'jeredit of .being .“ : jo : genial.” DooobAs Jse- ,
lj»OM», doing exactly the same, would bare!
libeaU denounced, as ;c dreadfully sarcastic.”
'Plat Jkeeoid was a snarling Utile fellow, mean j
!!lodkiiig And ordinary,- while Tjuciehay ii
portly and gentlemanly, and has the look of a,
|-fman with abalancest Ills bankers.- The men
'differ as‘ Uiuch ’in blind (though' the satiric
jjSpirjt was, strong- In- bach) as in appearance, ]
I jjgaubtb judged df ajman ,byhis‘worth, and
not by the ndininal.ntint-value of his title. To
i him a duke was no more than a map, and he
| would not go five, steps out of bis way, if be
bad two Invitations to dinner—one from a
| pebr-Md thb other from'a tradesman—to ait at
1 suy lord's.table,”, On. the, other, band, Thacic-
I. rat's delight, the main occupation of his Lon.
don life, Sato float on: the surface of what is
called fashionable society. He bows low to a
baronet, ioWbr still' to'a peer, and almost
touches the . grouh4, lf a prince give him a
passing recognition.!. With him there would
, not { by a momght’n'douhf whether he should
,jake a good dlnner with e marquis or a better
,;one wiUi TtpßShT though a great ton
iintvast., TkactagAT would gp to the peer’s,
‘because ho wasa peer., His satire pn the aris
tocracy Is general; and is mild, but .when he
{has to exhibit a: paor-devll-author struggling
jwith difficulty add disease, he pitches strongly
’into Atm; and odjusts the account that way.
.When By&oh was chatting with Luton Btnre,
at Piiia. he rioiiculed To* ’■ Jfb&u as a smell
feast, and wound up with'tile emphatic words,
■clock,; A. K j
HfOSGri,, :/ i i
\6rp" t ,: ", i:
, »t 16 o'clock,l
. „7, ’ ... ..... 1
ißeridpe connect 1
i/aaft. wtth'jtil*!
in# Soathwttt* ':
vt i^w>tv I
ipf&J Wk'ned:-.. |
/orih \^iurr^i f ‘ j
. jiji&L,', y ’ V; , |
vk MA»jrai
■-MU. ■
f'ffomhy topej Ilia Leap.” So he did, (as his
Diary shows,) sad po does Tiiaokkeav.
■' With sucj proclivities, we really cannot look
hn Taseke&AT’s trying to enter Parliament,
as an out-and-out Democrat, as anything hut
One of the best , practical jokes of the season.
Wo haye hot the slightest doubt that, among
. juk bohffcfehtlal friends, he had laughed heartily
at it as “ a flunoh»^j t fun.’ 1 How he could
contrive to keep bis countenance when ad
dressing thb electors, avowing remarkably
■liberal principles,'and Strongly animadverting
"on.tho plnmsy way in which tho Government
was .carried on, is a mystery to ns. As Oxford
;ls little more than an four’s railway journey
.[from London, and the polling would cease nt
,ifonr o’clock, It was guile easy for Hr. Thack
>i*B*v.' to have dined in Belgravia the ssmo
(evening, and,-if he met Lord pAinnasios,
complacently chuckle as he,toldhlmhowhe
was compelled to “ give him fits”—os an elec
tioneering necessity. . Indeed,-thete is mucti
[sympathy .between Piiirtiuroit and,
[iihik'hctwlthstanding a difference of exactly
tfeCtit/ yeats ih thelr ages.- .Both men take.tho
tbey flnd iti and get as much enjoy
ment ouifof it’ds'they, cm—both are gCod
bnmoted, as well as capstic—both are oh the
best tenns with ’ themselves—both have con.
sideraSje tact, and are addicted In public speak
ing, th’ what is cbmmoniy called « clWflng.”
fit, whole, PaituiK,
' ;
stoh will not break hia heart with grief over
Thackeray's Parliamentary disappointment..
For, If Mr. Thackeray really were “the
honorable member for Oxford,” it would be
necessary to gag him, by putting him into office.
As a matter of course, such a pococurante hust
ings patriot as Thackeray would have a
speedy tendency towards the Treasury benches.
Ho might make a smart speech or two, (though
Mr. Exh QUAKE, author of “Eotliou,” broke
down in hia maiden oration, the other day,)
and play the part of independent member to
perfection—voting, as Mr. Roebuck does, with
the Government on important questions—and
at the end of the session retire with a life
sinecure of £l,OOO per annum or so, tho chief
duties of his office being to read the newspa
pers with dignity and diligence, and sign a
quarterly receipt for his salary. No one who
knows Mr. Thaokebay, cohid suspect him of
seriously applying himself to business—if lie
cotild possibly'shlrk it.
. Mr. Thackeray, It strikes us, is too much
advanced in life to cut a creditable figure in
the House of Commons. He is about fifty
three years old, and is the senior of Disraeli
and Bulwer, who, like himself, are men of
letters. But Dm aeli has been in Parliament
since 1887, and Bdlwer first took his seat
nearly thirty yearn ago. Mr. Thackeray is a
pleasant, easy, chatty speaker—tho very man
for a first-rate after-dinner harangue—but the
qratory which obtains favor in such
composed assembly as the, Commons is of a
different character altogether. It la not a
mixed, it is not a popular assembly. It is a
congregation of between six and seven hundred
highly educated men, most of them connected
with “ the first families,” fastidious to a de
gree—and likely to be more so in Thackeray’s
cose,, because there is a sort of undefined
jealousy in England at a man who has won dis
tinction in one pursuit, trying to obtain it,
also, by another. It will be remembered, in
tho cases of Sheridan and Disraeli— both of
whom were coughed down when they first
spoke in the House—it was somo time before
this feeling yielded to admiration of the un
doubted ability of tho men.
Politics will lose very little by Mr. Thack
eray’s defeat at Oxford. Literature may gain
something. 'Mr. Thaoioshay ought to be up
and stirring. Wo Cannot expect another
“ Vanity Fair,” (Becky Sharpe is a phenome
non Who, like the aloe, blooms only once in a
century,)'but surely Mr. Thackeray’s pen is
not so wholly, worn to the stump that it cannot
produce something in the “ Pcndennis” and
“Newcomb” line—as for “Esmond,” we
devoutly pray that Mr. Thackeray has done
.with all of that family. 'We.want a spicy
serial, new that Dickens has married off little
Miss Dobrit, and Mr. Thackeray ought to set
about writing one immediately.
the smut of Riot in the city of
When the London Banker, George Pea
body, made the splendid donation of over three
hundred thousand dollars for the purpose of
erecting lin institution to bo devoted to popu
lar education in the city of Baltimore, it must
have occurred to many that if that sum had
been appropriated to the immediate suppres
sion of riot and furbulence in that city, it
would have been a better disposition of it.
But Mr. PEAsrar was right In his munificent
contribution. He preferred, and wisely, to
leave time to care the disorders which have
afflicted Baltimore during the last two years.
He relied upon the influence of education |
among the people to extinguish that unaccount
able appetite for carnage and disorder which I
| has set all law at defiance. And other agen
cies have sprung np to assist him in the object
he has so much at heart. The quiet members
of file community who have permitted them
selves to co-operate with the rowdy spirits of
BaKiinore, havo at last opened their eyes to the
fact that they have become parties to all this
guilt, by refusing to unite in vigorous measures
against it. Tho remembrance of tho scones of
the last presidential campaign in Maryland iB
a most painful one. But oven this might have
been overlooked and might have been charged
to the excitement too often resulting from
contests for that high office, had not subse
quent events proved that the encouragement
then given to fraud and to violence had only
made these elements more powerful. ' It
has not been disguised that while politics
has had muoh to do with these sudden demon
strations, yet that any pretext has boon seized
by .the leaders in these riots to produce popu
lar commotion and bloodshed. In evidenco of
this we need only instance the tearing up of tho
rails, and the attack upon the passengers on the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, because the.
officers of that road had adopted certain no-,
cessary police regulations. There is no part
of our country which con boast of more intelli
gent leading men in party movements than the
State of Maryland. Some of the first intellects
of our age have represented Maryland in the
National Legislature. Her history is identified
with many of the most Interesting events of our
two wars with Great Britain. At this day we
might point to a long list of orators, poets,
scholars, lawyers and statesmen resident in
Baltimore and, throughout the State, and yet
notwithstanding this, all this influence generally
and heretoforejuniversally potent to control
and to tnmqqilize tho public mind in hours of
the greatest excitement, have not been able
to “maw a rush” against the torrent of
licentious and Heaven-ofifending violence to
which we have already referred. Late indica.
tioifS, however, os we have said, assure us
that the day is come when better temper is
about to resume control. It has been a long
time asserting its sway. Wo havo waited
patiently, but with amazement, for the hour;
In a late number of the Baltimore Patriot,
which is one of the leading American papers,
we observe a manly protest against tho attempt
of certain men to overawe tho primary elec
tions which were held on Monday evening
last, in that city. The Patriot declares its de
termination, and evidently Bpeaks ior o large
class of conservative men now attached to the
American organization, to oppose any nomi
nations made by this fraud and force, and
calls upon its political associates to sustain it
in the stand it has taken. Americanism was
one of the pretexts for this lawlessness. Un
fortunately it became tho basis of that organi
zation tn too many other great cities, and the
only surprise that has been felt was that it long maintain any footing, much less
be sustained for a moment by respectable
members of society. The hour of peace and
penitence has come at last.
' We have no doubt that in the difference that
must ensue between tho despotism of the vio
lent leaders of the American party, and tho [
conservatism of those who have patiently sub thlß despotism, the Democratic
organization will be greatly benefited. This
is as it should be. The groundwork of that
organization Is one which should address itself
to the confidence and support of the whole
population of thejState of Calvert and of Car
roll. Ita guardianship of the rights of tho South,
its .liberality on questions of religion, the
moderation and justice of the Administration
in Washington, tho recognition by that Ad
ministration of the old line Whig element, so
powerfully displayed in the late election, and
so immlstakeably recognized by the nomina
tion of Mr. Grooms as the Democratic coudi
date for Governor of Maryland—all these
events added to the dissatisfaction whioh has
naturally, as we believed would bo the case,
grown up between tho conflicting elements In
tiie American organization, ought to givo to
the Constitutional party in Maryland an easy
victory in their election in October next
A large portion Of the cliff on Goat Island,
between the Biddle Staircase and the Observatory,
foil on Bunday afternoon. At the time of the fall
four pertoes were below the Pall*; about half way
from the Biddle Staircase-to the tower. They
werb near the water’* edge, and the falling rooks
relied down upon them, after striking the base of
the uernendioular ellff. One, a gentleman from
Pittsburg, was so badly burt that his recovery is
doufetfuL His aknll is broken, and he has also a
free tare of tho hip. A gentleman from New Haven,
Mr Williams, had his arm broken, but was able to
climb the SUin&so unassisted.
The Press— Dull Season—You** AJ>»
scarce—Columbia If op— Young America— Gambling
—Cottages—Railroads, se.
[Correspondence of The Press.]
Cap* I&fcANo, May 3.
The arrival of the boat, on Saturday, brought
us an unexpected, though quite welcome stranger,
in the person of The Press. e dhn assure you
that its appearanoe among Canning’s red jaokets
was quite a novelty,’ and when your humble ser
vant went to Canning for a’paper, ho had both the
disappointment of knowing that all were gone,
the gratification of learning that ten times aq
many could kavo been sold.' 'tfaH# since Tap
Press has croatod such a furore^ we might say,
here, it would be as well to let Its readers learn
something of what is actually taking place upon the
island, whioh, though they inhabit, they yet kpow
nothing of. We hoar from Newport and Saratoga,
that they are terribly dull—in faot, that all tho
northern waterlng-plnccs aro deserted. If this be
true, Cape May has reason to rejoice, not for being
so dull, but in her good fortune in not being duller.
Wo havo Beck’s Philadelphia Band, which many
will remember having oroated such a sensation at
Wabank. In truth, between bathing, driving,
music, dancing and drinking, we all manage to
kill time very agreeably, There t*as a hop at the
Columbia on Thursday evening. The large dining
room wns crowded, containing probably some five'
or six hundred people, The ladies,'as seems to be
the general oosa this summer, were largely In the
ascendant, and together with tho young men being
scaroe, those that were there seemed to be entirely
unacquainted with the ladies. This state of attain
you aro aware, tends to dampen the spiritof a hop,
pnd floor managers generally pay but UUIe atten
tion to making the company acquainted; this,
howovor, was in a great degree obviated by the
extraordinary exertions of the floor managers—
Jos M. Davis of Philadelphia, and James lliss of
Baltimore. It went off most beautifully, and wo
noticed among the throng many from Congress
Hail and other places, who do not generally come
to tli e Columbia. When people leave home to spend
tho summer at the sea-shore, they are actuated by
van »us causes-— soma tor health, some for bathing,
some for fashion’s sake, but at all events, everyone
desijcs to onjoy themselves whilst boro, and in doing
so they adopt different plans to o&rry out the same
object. Some think that rousing tho island by
calathumpian sorenados, or playing buster till day
light, accomplishes their object, others think diffe
rently. There isa very fast party of young men at
Congress Hall, some at the United States, and some
at the Columbia; they generally play buster till
they are busted, drink till they are drunk, and
finally turn in when all othors are just about turn
ing nut of their bods. This is tho manner in which
Young America spends their summer recreation.
Thoy return home -recruited and finally die about
the time they should oommence to live. There are
other amusements here we must not forget, vis: the
tl blue pig. l ' Do your readers know of tho u blue
pig V 1 Let us tell them. It is a faro bank and is
situated directly at the foot of Perry street, just
opposite the Ocoau House. It is here that young
men, aye ! more than young men goj when heated,
or excited with wine. They may win once or twice,
but it is unfailing that theymustloseoventually,in
conflict with experienced gamblers. Although gam
bling is in itself & great evil, yet there would not
be so muoh cause for rogrot, if only small sums were
thus lost, but, unfortunately, very large ones are
thus fleeced from the unsuspecting, through the
agency of drugged liquors and expert dealers.
Wo henfd that a gentleman was thus robbed of
$5OOO lately, and brought home almost craxy, the
result of whioh is a weeping family and a heart
broken wife. However, they cannot learn in a
better school than experience. There are, por
hnpß, between three and four thousand people
on tho island, including those in private cottages,
which, this year, are more numerous than formerly.
They aro distinguished for their beauty and com
fort, and as your correspondentfrom Newport says
of that watering place, they aro indeed the so
ciety of the Island. The majority of them are on
Lafayette street, though there are many on Wash
ington, Decatur, Am On tho street fronting tho
Columbia Lawn, there has been a Club House
Let me Bay, now, one word relative to the enter
prise of the hotel proprietors and natives of this
place. They desire, of course, people to come here,
and complain muoh if the season be. dull; but does
it eve renter Into their calculations that they should
subscribe to the railroad from Weymouth to this
place, a distance of some forty miles, or therea
bouts? This, undoubtedly, would bo of Immense
benefit to Gape May, for all agree that Oape May
is suporior to all other watering places only in tho
facilities for getting here. Well, seeing what a
benefit must accrue to it from railroad communi
cation, Is it not wonderful, not to say outrageous,
that the natives, or hotel keepers, do not endeavor
to consummate the project. The a tern truth mutt
bo mot at once. Cape May is behind the age, and
must either build a railroad or go down, as it boa
been doing for the past five years.
Tours, Ad.,
[Correspondence of The Press.]
t Reaei.vo, August 4,1857.
To-day ttio Democrats of Berks were assembled
in their Annual County Meeting. It was a large,
enthusiastic and cheering assemblage of our sturdy
yeomanry; every district in the county was re
presented, and ail wore animated with a common
purpose—-the success of Demooraoy.
Tho Hon. William M. Hlester presided; upon
taking the chair, he made an eloquent and able
address, in which ho referred to our past triumphs,
our future prospects, and the universal satisfaction
felt by tho peoplo with oil the nets of the National
Administration. In this connection he remarked
that the people, at the end of President Buchanan’s
term, would do as they had done with Jefferson,
Madison, and Jackson— demand his re-election.
This assertion was greeted with enthusiastio ap
plause, and the rosponso which came from the
honest hearts of the Domooraoy of Berks, is an
evidence of their determination and desire to give
the President in 1860 a majority greater far than
the glorious one of six thousand ame hundred and
fifty three, given last fall.
Addresses of groat ability wore made by the
Bon. J. Lawrence Getz, Jacob K. McKonty, Jere
miah L. Hagenman, and Edmund L. Smith, Esqrs,
Tho committee on resolutions, through their chair
man, Biester Clymer, Esq., reported a Tories—3ouns
and national in character, which woro adopted
amid much enthusiasm. Preparations were also
made for the delegate elections anil convention,
and tho fall campaign.
You will porceive that wo hnvo buckled on our
armour, and in October next Berks county will
give a majority unequalled even in her own glo
rious history—a majority worthy the law-loving
freemen who hovo novor yetcountonanoed an ism,
and a majority which will attest to ourDomocratie
brethren throughout the State, our gratification at
the nomination of out own Strong.
Tho “Republicans” held, what they called, a
meeting, yesterday. It was a cold and spiritless
affair. Fanaticism, and tho higher-law doctrine,
do not flourish on a soil in which rost the bones of
the heroos of every war waged by our country in
defence of freedom, nationality, and the Union.
“Old Bkrkb.”
[For The Press.]
Your correspondent, in yesterday's Press, over
the signature of “ Cltiaen,” would do well to read
tho articles he criticises before he again attempts
to ridicule or condemn them. The writer of the
article in your first number never alluded to tho
cellar” of the Custom House; never alluded to
the removal of u partition walls” that tho “ten
architects” say will cost $125,000 ! But what he
did say, be repeats —thgt one of the most conveni
ent and best ventilated and lighted Post Offices in
this or any other country can bo mode in the man- -
ner he proposed, and at tho expense.he estimated,
with an agreeable covered passage through from
o‘icstnut toLibfary atreot, on tho one side for all
persons putting in or taking out letters, and on
the other for mall wagons to pass through to do-
Jiverand receive the mail bags; leaving betweon
these passages and the main present building suf
ficient space for the performance of all the busi
ness of tho office in the rcoelpt, distribution, and
delivery of all the mails and letters; leaving out
of view tho space on the Library street front,
which is of itself neurly or quite oqual to tho whole
areaoooupied by the present Post Office.
Ho also re-asserts that this can be fully lighted
from tho “ roof,” and will require no “ gas,” but
only the light from heaven.
Ho also repeat* that all this is the opinion of
Major Bowman, from examinations made on the
But this is not a matter that cap he settled or
even benefited ,by this kind of discussion. There
has been too much crimination and recrimination
—tot) much attention given already to the interests
of “ property owners,” “jobbing politician*}” ohd
“ architects,'' and others of that class of peopl#
who, whenever any public money i« to be expend
ed, clamor for the plunder, and ridicule the sim
plicity of any one who may think the public inte
rest should be ho nestlyaßtiecon&i&ically regarded.
All the writer of this orUole desires is to ceil
publfe attention to the subject; and to suggest to
the Government that it would be well before one
dollarfmoro is expended, to obtain the opinion of
competent disinterested architects and practical
builders, whose opinion will be entitled to respect;
as well as to ascertain the most suitable location for
the offices needed.
OopnToF, Quarter Sessions—Judge Allison.—
ConUnttuUon ofihe Trial of the Prophetess, Anna
fr l *~Tho <1 ntores tin this extraordinary case
oi fraud and'delusion continues unnbated. Tho
rooiu yesterday was again crowded with the
vietimiwa, Mid persons anxious to catch a glimpse
of the features of the prophetess, or rather priest
ess of these unholy rites.
®he;itill maintains her composure, and listens
attentively to the testimony, which is very strong
against her, and displays the most astounding
amount of credulity .on tho part of her victims.
We glvp a very full report of yesterday’s proceed
ings, and shall continue to do so from day to day
1 until the case is olosed. There are still a number
or witnesses to. be examined for the prosecution.
Tho witnesses examined to-day wore principally
mon, whioh shows that her dupes woro not (os has
been stated) exclusively of tho weaker sex.
Henry Bom, sworn.-— First became acquainted
with Anna Meiater about a year ago; don’t reeol
loot who took me to her house; wont there pretty
nearly a year; I heard from Mrs. Muller, that Mrs,
Zimmerman gave $5O towards the watch; they
prayed to God at the mootings; they preached at
ojwe when the meeting began; she closed tho meet
ings with prayer.
1/tiinger, worn.—Knows defendants Elizabeth
Monitor, Muller, and Caroline Werne; went
to tho meetings at Meister’a house; she gen
orally'preached out of the Bible, but she said the
Bible was false; she said she expected a new Bible
from heaven; her text generally was that the
world was coming to an end; that tho time was
now corao; that there was only 40.000 to be left,
and that only those were to be savod who came to
hear hor; sho said tho world was going to come to
®nd at Philadelphia; she said she was the sister
of Jesus Christ, and that the Holy Ghost preached
through her; every Sunday I saw Miss Zimmer
man there; but lam notsooertain aboufcMrs. Zim
merman ; Mrs. Muntzor came to me with a paper,
and said that that paper had been received from hea
ven, and on it was what each ono had to contribute;
she said that those who helped to buy the watch
and chain will attach thoiusolves to that chain,
and be carried by it up to heaven; I know nothing
about the silver cup or the silk dress; to the lilac
dress Mrs. or Miss Zimmerman did not contribute
anything; I know that, on one occasion, I saw
Mrs. Zimmerman give Anna Meistor a five dollar
, note.
Crqss-examined by Mr. Pettit.—l became ac
quainted with Anna Mcister at Mrs. Muller’s; I
wont almost every Sunday to tho meetings; she
generally proaohed about tho ending of the world;
she preached cow was the time when tho world
was coming to an end; she generally said that
only those who believed in her doctrine would bo
saved; I have not tho knowledge to repeat what
she did say exactly, but that is what I understood
from her preaching; she said that only those who
clung to hor could be saved; she exhorted hor
hearers to believe in the Trinity, but she said she
was the Holy Ghost.
Re-examined.—l believe the doctrine she
preached at that time; we had to believe it.
Question by a Juror.— What was tho reason you
left her? Because there was a great deal of con- i
fusion in her congregation, and I thought it bettor
to liave her and roturn to my own church.
William. He wees, sworn.— Lives in Pasch&U’s
alley; I attended the meetings; there were gene
rally about fifty or sixty persons present; Anna
VLofofiX.preached that she was the daughter of
God, tjic sister of Jesus that she was
ihe third person of tlte blessed Trinity in person;
that she had been sent hero to redoem the sins of
the people of Philadelphia; she said that wo had
to contribute towards her in order to redeem
those souls who have beon already lost;
I believed hor dootrinco at tho time; tho watch
and, pitcher had been puroh&sed before I joined her
congregation; I don’t know anything about Mrs.
Zimmerman’s gifts to hor; tho reason I left her
meetings was that Anna Moister said that a Mrs.
Baker, one of those who cluug to her, kept nil the
commandments, and as she said she know every
thing that happened, and I know that Mrs. Baker
did not do as she said, I did not longer believe in
her; one of her commandments was that wo wore
net to driuk any oofleo, that we were not to use
any tobacco, nor eat any onions; that all these
things caine from tho devil; she said she got all
these commands from God, hor Father.
Cross-examined by Mr. Pettit.— She said she
{Ot all these commandments from God, her fathor,
)ut that she herself was the Holy Ghost; sbo said
wo should pray to God fifteen timos a day; it was
with my free will that I joined the sooiety, but I.
after I joined it, I had to contribute; the rule was
that every member was to contribute to hor; there
was no compulsion to contribute, but any ono who
wished to continue a member should contribute;
upon these conditions only could any one remain a
Pranets JBeelmanunoam.— Lives in Fifth street,
near Cherry; I first bocamo acquainted with Anna
Master about a year ago, in January; I hoard her
trench, and she said those who did not go to
ior 'could not go to hoaven ; she also sail that
those who did not attach themselves to her, could
never reach heaven; I did not hear her say any
thing about contributions.
Crost-ezamined. —I attended four or five times;
It colt mo nothing; Mrs. Muntzor nailed upon me
to pay four dollars, and shewed me a paper; it
was tor a watch; she said she had boen sent by
Mrs. Meistor.
! Eicholtz, worn, —Knows all tho do
endants; heard Anna Meistor preach; sho said
she waa the only ono who could save souls; that
ministers and priests and churches woro sent by
the devil; I believed everything she said at that
timo j I was as stupid as the rest; there was a
contribution to a erown for Anna Meistor; she wore
it at a festival; It was mode of silvor, I believe;
It bod stones in it; eho said that those who contri
buted to that orowu should be the first to go to
Cross-examined-— I did not see Mrs. Zimmer
man there every time I went to the meetings;
Anna Meistor advised her followers to pray at
home os woll as there; I contributed with my free
will, because it was said that whatever I con
tributed would be returned, if over I left the So
ciety ; I remained a member about sovon months;
I got nothing baok.
Peter Wiser , sworn. —l am a tailor; I live In
George street; I know all the defendants; I at
tended at tho meetings, aRd hoard Anna Meistor
ireacb; I went there for about four months; never
leard any thing about contributions; she said in
her preaching that those that did not believe in
her preachings came from the devil; I had a child
very eick, and I was told there was a woman who
could oureifc; thafc wwnan was Anna Meiater; lay
wife took tho child to her, and I went along ;
wo asked her if she could save tho child;
she said she could, if wo would do as she told us;
she rubbed something on the child’s breast, and it
got better there, but inflamed a]] over the rest of
the body; I took tho child afterwards to a doctor;
it has since died- No cross-examination.
Phitapeano Kxehl, sworn. —This witness’s tes
timony was only a repetition of the lust.
Mrs. Mast , who was examined yesterday, re
examined.—Anna Moister said at ono timo that
she had reoeived directions from God to hold a
feast; that every member had to contribute to
this feast; tho festival was held at iny house;
there were fruits and fish, and so many gallons of
wiue; tho table hod to bo sot in a particular
way, whioh, sbo said, tho orders camo from
Goa; Mrs. Zimmerman, Becker and myself
'paid tho expenses of tho fonsc; tho feast
wos in July; Anna Moister was dressed in white
satin, and said it was hor wedding drees, which
she was to wear in heaven, with Jesus Christ;
the festival lasted three days and three nights;
we eat tho food and drank tho wina that was there,
and Anna Micstcr preached; she said that this
feast had beon ordered in this way from hoavon;
sometimo before she said that persons who be
longed to tho Soofoty should eat certain fruit, and
drink certain wine, and none others; she said that
money was coming to eaoh of tho mombors from
heaven, and Carollno Werner said she saw tho
money counted out in golden cups, and’it would
he distributed by angels.
Cross-examined— l believed all this at tho time,
if I had not, I would not havo attended that fes
Mary Reims, sworn— Knows tho defendants; was
at tho feast; I hoard her preach; she said it was
not Evo that committed sin, that it was Adam;
that all sin was brought into tho world by man;
sho suid she was ono of tho Trinity; I know she
baptized ft child after death; she said it should
be baptised to save it; I did not beliovo in her
Cross-examined— At tho time|sho preached I
belioved hor, but I found out afterwards that
nothing she preached camo true,
Mary Russet, stvoru—Tho testimony of this
witness merely corroborates the previous tes
William Ifart conviotod of passing a counterfeit
$5 note on tho Philadelphia Bank, was sentenced
to 1 year’s imprisonment in tho Philadelphia
County Prison.
Windmill Snips.—-Tho Hiario de la Marina
states that Signor Carbiu, of Cuba, proposes a new
system of propelling vessels by the building of
windmills on the decks of his ship, with great
wings, from whioh tho motion is communicated to
sldo-wheels similar to those of stoamships. The
models have beon successfully worked; and it
only remains to be seen whothor tho foroo of tho
wind will bo sufficient, whon thus applied, to givo
vessels the velocity of ordinary Bailing ships. If
this problem is satisfactorily solved, tho Diario
pays it Is evident that a windmill ship will bo able
to soil just as well with a contrary as with a fair
wind—because, it being perfootly easy to alter tho
position of the wings, they may bo always opposed
to the wind, whatever direction it may blow from
The inventor has asked tor the protection of a
patent from tho Cuban Government; and, ns soon
as it is granted, he will oommcncu to make bis ex
periments upon a large so&le.
The Potato Rot.—lt is a matter of regret,
aa it is a matter of imroonse importance to the oow
mynity, that the disease which has for several
years affected one of the most important oropa of
the country, has broken out again with virulence
in all directions around the city, upon all sorts of
soil, and nearly all kinds of potatoes. Although
there were slightsymptoms of the disease upon the
vines of a few fields, no serious alarm has been fol t
until since the deluge of rain last woek, which
seems to have devolopod the rot in the tubers, until
they are affected to a dangerous extent-in some
oases in fields of early potatoes now being dug for
market, it ifl found that one-fifth of the potatoes
have to be sorted out—some of thorn are completely
rotten. Other vegetables oro affected by the same
disease.—iVel# York Tribune.
The steam frigate Roanoke arrived at New
York on Monday, from Aspinwall, with two hun
dred of Walker’s filibusters on board. Between
twenty and thirty of them wore sent up to the
hospital far medical treatment.
Astouudlng Disclosures*
Mrs. Cunningham, Dr. Catlia, the Nurse, and
others* under arrest.
In The Brkss, yesterday morning, we gave a
brief synopsis of tho re-arrest of Mrs. Cunning
ham, alias Burdell, on the oharge of falßely pro
ducing as infant, pretending it to bo the issue of
the late Dr. Harvey Burdell. The New York
papers furnish the full details, from which we ex
tract tho most important .points bearing on the
Mrs. Emma A. Cunningham, “otherwise called
Burdell,,, is once again in the hands of justice;
and though the offence with which she stands
charged this time is of a less benious character
than that of which a jury bos so recently declared
her “not guilty,” there is not now a peg on which
to hang the slightest “shadow of a doubt” as to
her thorough and complete guiltiness of this her
last offence.
Tho crime for which she is now in the hands of
justice is a supplement to that terrible tragedy
whioh took place ut 31 Bond street on the night of
the 30th of January last, when Dr. Harvey Bur
doll was assassinated in the mysterious manner
and under the circumstances with which all the
world is familiar. Having claimed to he the widow
of the murdered man, and to bo consequently en
titled to her widow’s portion, or third of the fuTgo
estate of which he died siezed, tho relatives and
next of kin bare boen ever since disputing her
claim in the Surrogate’s Court. Hundreds o? wit
nesses have been oxamined ou eaoh side, any
amount of false swearing has been done, and the
question was for the present lying in abeyance,
awaiting the result of a commission sent to ex
ammo a witness in California. To anticipate the
judgment of the Surrogate, to incline the chances
more strongly in her favor, and at the same time
to obtain, not a third portion, but the whole of the
estate in litigation, she resolved to produce an heir,
which in legal presumption, if not in physical,
would have to be taken aud regarded as the child
oi her alleged husband and tho sole heir of his
largo estate.
It was in the consummation of that scheme that
she has Just been detected, and it is for that of
fence, punishable as a felony—imprisonment ten
years in the State prison—.that she Is now once
more amenable to the laws. Tho facts, as they have
boon disclosed in the affidavits and evidence taken
in the matter, are substantially as follows
Rumors had been rife,' following the murder of
Dr Burdell, and tho allegation or Mrs. Canning
ham of her maariage to him, that that marriage
was not to be an unfruitful one. It was rumored
that Mrs. Cunningham was in a condition that
promised, in due time, to add one more to the
population of the city. She herself did not deny
the truth ot the rumor, but adopted every means
to givo it tho appoarance of .truth., Gradually the
circumference of her girdle was observed to en
large, and she revealed Confidentially to several
persons ibafc she was . pregnant. Her counsel
broadly intimated so mu£n when she was on trial,
and arguments before the Surrogate have been
based on the assumption that there would be au
heir to tho Bnrdell estate forthcoming in due time.
a While she was still an inmate of the Toombs,
awaiting her trial for murder, she communicated
the interesting faot of her pregnonoy to the Ma
tron of that establishment, and by her “ make up”
and other corroborative circumstances, removed all
doabt from that lady’s mind, if she evor had any,
ns to the reality of tho claim. Sbo also consulted
Dr. Uhl as to her condition, 80d got him to pre
scribe the medicine* fitted for a lady so situated.
Dr. Uhl had been hor physioian some time previ
ously, and was an important witness in her favor
on tho trial. He does not appear to have had his
suspicious aroused at first.
Subsequently, and after her acquittal by the
jury, sho again on several occasions consulted Dr.
Uhl, and desired to engage his services on the
eventful occasion whioh was soon to arise. He sug
gested to her the propriety, in view of the import
ance of the matter, of having a preliminary exam
ination mode by two or more respectable physi
cians. Mrs. Cunningham at first admitted the
foroo of the suggestion, and expressed herself will
ing and anxious that the necessary preliminary
examination should be made, requesting Dr. Uhl
to make arrangements for it. The Dootor, how
ever, could not fail to perceive that she avoided
such an examination as he proposed. This and
other little circumstances which he noticed, awa
kened his suspicions, and led him to believe that
tho pregnancy of his patient was all a sham. He
communioated his suspicions to his counsel and
somo friends, and was advised to place himself in
commtmio&tion with the District Attorney, and
inform that functionary of oil be knew or suspect
ed. Be did so.
Mr. Hall, who had suspected from the intimations
of Mrs. Cunningham’s counsel that thii trickwoula
bo attempted, urged Dr. Uhl to continue to wink at
the doeeption until matters should be fully ripe for,
a complete exposure and detection. The Dootor at
first demurred to what might be regarded as a vio
lation of professional confidence, but it was sub
mitted to him that he was bound, as a good citizen,
injustice to the whole community, to lend his aid to
the complete working out and consequent exposure
of the fraud. Theseargumontsovorcomo Dr. Uhl’s
conscientious and professional scruples, aud he went
right into tho game.
At ft subsequent interview, which the Dootor
had with Mrs. Cunningham, she made a dean
breast of it; sho admitted that the idea of her
boing pregnant was all a humbug; bat expressed
her determination to hnvo an hoir, let it come
from whore it might, and promised him $l,OOO if.
ho would aid her in her plans, procure the ohild,
and assist at hor oooouohment. To this, Dr. Uhl
assented, and notified the DistriotAttorney of what
hod taken plaoc.
This latter official undertook the delicate task of
finding an heir for tho Burdell property. He as
certained through Dr. Uhl, that Mrs. Cunning
ham had soleotea tho 28th of July, or thereabouts,
for the time of her acoouohment, and Mr. Hall
was sure that by the aid of the officials of Bellevue
Hospital, there would be no necessity for postpon
ing the interesting event.
Tho plan which Dr. Uhl proposed to his patient,'
and whioh seemed to ploaso and gratify her im
mensely, waa this: —
Dr. Uhl professed to havo tho good luck of being
engaged by a woman In Elm street, convenient to
Bond, to assist her in her approaching confinement.
Thiß woman waa represented to be ono of those
( matrons known as “California widows,” who would
be ovorjoyed at being relieved of a responsibility
on which hor husband had not calculated. That
was just the thing. Neither woman waa to see or
know the other, and there need therefore be no ap
prehension ot unpleasant developments.
So the plan was arrangod. Apartments were
procured on Monday, at 190 Elm streot, and were
furnished by Mr. llnll for the proper reception of
tho lying-in woman. Officers Bilks, Hopkins,
Spoight and Welsh were detailed to keep a cldse
look out on 31 Bond street. Mr. Hail busied him
self on Monday evening, about perfecting the ar
rangements. An infant that had been born on
Saturday was procured from Bellvue Hospital, and,
having boon marked so as to be easily identified!
was sent down with a nurse to 190 Elm street!
There a physioian was iu waiting, duly night
cupped and metamorphosed, to personate the Cali
fornia lady ; and Dr. Uhl, we believe, was there to
deliver over tho blessed baby to a Sister of Cha
rity, to bo represented on that occasion by Mrs.
Cunuiugham. Tho hour of nine o'clock was fixed
as the time ibr that denouement. Mib. Cunulng
hum was to procoed to Elm street, dressed as a Sis
ter of Charity, to receive tho little stranger.
The meto-drama, of whioh Mr. Hall was tho getter
up, stage manager and prompter, went through
better than usual, even without tho advantage of
areheArsal. Mrs. Cunningham was duly tracked
by Captain Speight from 31 Bond street to Elm,
and seen to return with a basket containing the
baby. Sho was permitted to enter her house; and
at eleven o’clock a domiciliary visit was paid bv
tho officers. Mrs. Cunningham was found playing
the sick woman to perfection, with a nurse sitting
by tho side of tho bed holding the child iu hor
arms. There wore also present a woman named
Anno Burns, claiming to bo Mrs. Cunninghum’s
sister, Dr, Catlln of Court street, Brooklyn, and
others. She was placed under arrest, together
with her nurse, Juno Bell; her so-called sister,
Mrs. Burns, and Dr. Gatlin. It is rumored that
Dr. Cattin has boasted of having got up the device
for Mrs. Cunningham, and that this woman has
boasted that sho had Dr. Catlin under hor thumb.
Iu this connection it Is also stated as a remarkable
fact that this was tho dootor who attendod Mr.
Cifnningh&m at his death.
At an early hour on Tuesday morning, on ex
awination was commenced by Justice Davidson,
at the Second District Police Court. The examina
tion continued throughout the entire day, up to a
into hour in the evening. The Diatriot Attorney
was the first witness put on the stand.
A, 0. Hall being duly sworn, deposes end says—That
ho is District Attorney of this county, and has been for
several years acquainted with Dr. David Uhl, a physi
cian of this city j that Bbortly after the 4th July depo
nent was called upon by the Raid Uhl, who stated ho
had a communication of some public importance to
make, and desired the official advice of this deponent :
that Dr. Uhl then Stated that he had been the adviser
of Mrs. Cunningham, otherwise called Burdell, as her
medical attendant, And had been shortly before asked
by her to attend upon her confinement; that she had
stated to him, the said Dr. Uhl, that she expected to
bo delivered of a child by Dr. Harvey Burdell lu the
course of the month of August proximo ; that said Dr.
Uhl observing by her appearance that she was ostensi
bly ena'ente, believed th© safd story, as ho informed de
ponent. That soon aftor, (having occasion to ask cer
tain medical questions of her,) his suspicions by hor
answers were aroused aa to the validity of her story,
and that thereupon stating them to V.r.he was con
finned in bis suspicions; that Dr. Uhl then stated to
deponent that as an honorable man ha deemed such a
criminal matter to be without the pale of professional
confidence, and was willing, if would serve the ends
of justice, to make an affidavit; nepoaent than stated
to the said Dr. Uhl, that in his official opinion bis con
duct was highly commendable; that an affidavit at that
stage would ba of no service, for no overt act, sufficient
in law toward a crime had been committed, and sag.
fested to said Dr. Uhl that for purposes of public jtu,.
ice he should listen to what Mrs. Cunniogham had fa
ther to say, aud should ostensibly land himself ,*a r
plans to track the proposed crime , tbsfc
at firstntronglyobjected.butsfter considering
he acceded to deponent's proposal; that detittmxtiraa
then by the said Uhl placed is possess! to
time—of certain facts which lea to hU.ttfifrfthwM *TaMM
from Bellevue Hospital,
believea to Us
said Mrs Cunningham as thfe ohildof Dr. Bdrd#il*sdK?
the said Mrs, Cunningham, Jtthla.wftw end isffir ’rtf
the said Burdell to cerOltl fri ji?
been informed and beiletMthe gaft Burdelloh hU d*
cease left. . tfwtf that la everything which'
thoaaid Dr.CW h« d<i»he has acted wftk thfivS'
hSSi? “ft******™,<« 4«p™n»,fa
his offioiu CAnaoUg.>-Dspenanthad- no personal knowv
ledge of'Ahy Of,the £ku coutMdUgtt^mJS
vfom 1 , affidavit Aetog Sv W®;
gation may be had In due course of lew. He charm*,
on information and belief that the said Hr*. Cunoice
h&ra ha* committed the felony of producing an infant
fraudulently and falsely representing that It was the
child of herself, as Mrs. Bordell, as wife of Harrey Bur
dell and or the Raid Harrey Bordell now deceased, as
hie father, and, therefore, the heir of the estate which
in truth and in fact, aa deponent U informed, and be
lieve* the aaid child J* the offspring of .Elizabeth Ander
son, an Inmate of Bellevue Hospital. Deponent re
quests that the following witnesses may be summoned,
who will testify, a* he la ShlormM and rerlly belieres
to certain facto now in connection with their names’
briefly referred to, viz : as follows : 1
« Dr *if oh !i De it who procured the child,
identifies It. and heard and saw it produced by Mrs. Cun
ningham, otherwise Burdell, and herself aa his alleged
wife. • ■
Inspector Speight, who eaw the woman believed to be
Mrs. Cunningham herself leave Ko. 31 Bond street, to
go after the child, and return with it in a basket to the
A passenger m & railroad car, who Tecogniied Mrs
Cunningham going down the Bowery on the night of the
3d August, whose name deponentJe ignorant of. but
whom Inspector Speight knows, •
Officers Walsh, S. J. Smith, and Wilson, of the Fif
teenth parol. who made the arrest and beard the ad
mission of said Mrs. Cunningham as to the child.
Inspectors Silks end Hopkins, who also were present
at the arrest, and actively engaged in it.
Dr. Daridt/h 1, who was present at the alleged de
livery of Mrs. Conning ham. 6
Dr. Walter B. BotKrts, who has, a, deponent verily be
liever, been infonned by lire Cunningham that efce was
I alao Mlre He.tnr Van Ne„ p, the f,* -
* l '" “/■ “« M «- Wilt to the same tact: aUoMre.Den
” ft® f«» I also, lately a domestic in hire.
s ksmUy', to the same fact, whose name de
r“' n ‘ d “* not k ”°»i also one Dr. Catlin, who has
0 " " '“ “"“!«« fro® »o house on the night of
J 0 na ta oH » then arrested at No. SI
IXlVn™ •*’ n d deponent prays that the person of
Mrs. Cunmngham bo examined by matrons, further
in his Information and belief saith not
trict Attorney of the county of New York */»•*«««
sonal friend and family physician he
years past,) he came to this city to assist Mr. Mail in
the discovery of an alleged felony: that on the samS
day, in company with the said District Attorney, he had
an interview with Timothy Daly, tig., w .-denof BeilT-
? u ® Hospital, upon production of a letter from Washing-
I. iT? lh i’v. oD w ? f l ll ® Ten Governors; that the
said Timothy lialj, EbQ,, furnished this deponent with
a remale child two days old, with tho consent of ita
mother, “deponent wm informed and believes, and a
nurse, with which child and nurse he proceeded to cer
tain apartments at 160 Elm street; that there, on the
evening of the said day, the said female child wae
marked by this deponent with lunar caustic hehild its
1 “ a u, e *. ch * ra .«nd that deponent tied
hStWMjf^Tk l y 4 * “l 1 ?!!*® edKiog o! a pocket
tbariS e .r C riri T^®4eponent then took a position nn
‘ftT 1 * 1 *» Ho. ISO Elm street,
Sift’,?’, 'm ’ B . *“0,« patrolman of poUee, to
watch the said premises. That soon afterwards, albout
tho hour of quarter-paet nine o’clock, S>. M., this de 1 ". 8 *° 3* tc ® lvo “V one coming ont, wont
ya “l“'[ 1 wom “ n ln * h » Bowery on
the block between Sleeker and Bond streets coming
up toward Bond street with a basket. That de
ponent passed very near to her hot could not see her
faeo; she was dressed in dark clothes with a close hood
on hor head; that deponent recognised the basket dis
tlnctly »s one which deponent hsd that afternoon pro-
CUr , ed £T! f fro®‘he house of thoDietrlct Attorney,
and which deponent had last seen twentyndnntes previ
l„a/e riL re .“ ", M m£,m * tr ®«‘ >' flat deponent next tat
lulert .5? T 0 carrying the saidbasket around
2SSi of S’* stoo P of and heard the door
N< V ! Rmd > thatjost before she
etepped on the stoop deponent Saw Inspector Bpeight,
r.ot„ro!. t , , .!?'^.' t^ police > “ d called sttentionto the
th.t /ho ’ , d ‘frl’ o ”' o * fs informed and believes
haolfttuM 4 . I“Pcclor 1 “Pcclor Speight saw tho person enterthe
on?o vuJk . d f E ? l i B f ‘ “fi 6 ™*® 3 , between twelve and
one o clock at night, at the request of Inspector Bilks,
went to house No. 31 Bond street, while the District
iSrSh fi 18 ! P 4& M *** and patrol
men Walsh, Smith and Wilson, were nearby waitme for
I>!lKn^S2sfc« a ifn J’W deponent and Inspector
Bilks rang the door bell, but there was no answer Be
““ ran? violently, when the door was soon
23 JaST ‘»“women, who objected to our coming in,
and asked whatwss wonted at thia late honr. Inspector
?ndsta??H w^n'^ 1I !'?*' >I T ed * iem Mlvesforthe“om,
Kilt**? 5® *“4 Intercepted a doctor who had atatei I
infkSim hiSt d ' U ’'*? r| “ Rehouse, and Inspector
Dllka said he hod come to see if it was ill right; one of i
the women said Mrs. Burdell was sick and could not be
seen; we then closely followed these women up stairs,
and upper aecond story hail; one of the
looked Into the front large room and said,
“There are two gentlemen who wish to come in; - ’ a
voice said from within, “lock that door-they must
not «.me—l tell you to lock that door l 1 ’ The PoUee
eamo up Into the room and made arrests. Bat whilst
hc /^. re up and Inspector Bilks had gone down
J? Mrs. Cunningham was asked by deponent
a 0U c J 4^ thi ® chili as the child of Harvey Bur
deU? and ahe said‘‘Of course, whose else should it
if? a®!* 0 ??? furttersays, wken the officers were up
stairs he heard her mj “ Don’t take away ay dear baby
from me. 1 Deponent further says that he demanded,
in the presence or the officers, to see the uraibilical cord.
Mrs. Cunningham and the nurse objected: , After some
persuasion they consented. Deponent then removed
the bandage, and saw the piece of pocket handkerchief
2* *£® w* there in No. 100 Dim
street, but the marks wero not as yet visible, and
could not be seen on the following d*y. .Deponent then
ded * m 4 c .^ ria * e lJ ln e 9«npany with the District
* piUlfShing the said Infant
with them, and abooth*lf past oneo’clockon Tuesday
morning restored it to the mother, who is named Elizv
both Anderson, and is now a patient In the lyina-ih
ward toßelieTßeHospitai. We Sea went into the room
and Mologized to a Wr in bed, whom deponent was in
£^^ b f» 1]e !!?*V >e Mr *- OunnfnghVm, otherwise
called Burdell,and ahe aaid, “Whydo you disturb
me—l aui very sick!” Deponent looked about the
room and saw no one in there but the two women
and Mrs. Cunningham in bed, with an infant lying
by her side asleep. Deponent went close to the
bed end eremined - the jnfknl, »ui »w it wu
the rame child he hmi tlut afternoon brought from
Bellevue Hospital to No. 190 Elm street & arore
«aid ; one of the women osld, “I am the norae.’l and
"P-hi * h , U< * «"* P“«4 it to the other side of
the bed, and with it in her arms sat down. Deponent then
SSi’J. it”? ’St cWId *° ft® U * M > *“ or 4e r that we
may see it." The nurse objected. Mr*. Cunningham
then put ont her hands on the child, and said, “No’
no.'” Deponent then said, “I am « physician iome in
by request of the authorities,” or words to that effect,
and then examined the child bythe light, and saw by the
face again it wm the same child deponent had brought
from Bellevue hospital. Shortly afterwards, others of
the police same up into the room, and made arrests.
But while they were coming up, and Inspector Dilks
hsd gone down to call them, Mrs. Cunningham
deponent, “ Do yon claim this child as the
child of Harvey Burdell f” and she said, “Of course
—whose else ahould it be'” Deponent further says
when the officers were up stairs he heard her «?. i ‘ Don’t
take my dear baby from me.” Deponent further state*
he demanded, in presence of the officers, to see the uwbl.
lical cord; Mrs. Cunningham and nurse objected : after
some persuasion they consented. Deponent then re
moved the handage, and saw the piece of pockethand
kerchief on the cord which was placed there in No. 190
Elm street, bat the marks wero not as yet visible, and
would not bo until the following day. Depouent then
proceeded in a carriage In company with the District
Attorney to'Bellevue Hospital, taking the said infant '
and about half past one o'clock on Tuesday morning rei
stored it to the mother, who is named Elisabeth Ander
son, and is now a patient in the lying in ward of Bellevue
Hospital. ,
Inspectors DUks and Speight, and Catharine and
George A. Wilt were also examined at' length.
Their testimony was of a strong corroborative cha-’
David Uhl, of No. 41 East Twentieth street, in
said city, being duly sworn, deposes and saysl
am a physician, and shortly after Mrs. Emma A.
Burdell was committed to the Tombs she sent for
me to s attend her professionally; I sent word to
the District Attorney, Mr. Hall, requesting per
mission to visit her; he gave me a written permit
to visit her at anytime; I visited her and pre
scribed for her for symptoms peculiar to persons
wbo are enceinte, and daring one of those visUs X
asked her the question if she was in the family
way; she said she hod not told that to any onoj
and would not answer that question at that time;
I told her if there was any thing of that kind it
was a matter- of importance that she should
be, examined by physicians; in ahother con
versation she asked mo how we found out thai
persons were in the family way; I explained the
matter to her, and she said it wasaj] right, and
when the child was bom she did no} care how many
dootors were present; after she was released I at
tended hor at No. 31 Bond street, and on several
occasions she expressed much anxiety for fear ot a
miscarriage; thatsbe wanted a living child, so that
she could nave an heir to the Buruell estate; oq
different occasions I impressed upon her the im
portance of having an examination by the phy
sicians; and after this she avoided the subject, and
seemed to avoid me, and this led me to suspect
that there was’something wrong in the matter!
after frequent conversations on that subject, I was
assured by other persons that every thing na*
Mht;| thut there was no 'humbug ■ about
that Dr. C&tlin, of Brooklyn, her formed
family physician, and myself, should make the
proper examination, and attend hor during he} 1
confinement; I went to see her a few days after
that, in the evening, and she then told me very
plainly tbatsho was not in tho family way, and
that we should have to get hold of a child in some
way or other, for that Dr. Burdell’s family had
acted so badly that sho wax bound to hare a child
at all hatards; I did not give her any satisfaction;
but the next morning I called on Air. David C.
Wheoler, my counsel, and told him the whole case,
and asked him what course to pursue; he advised
me to koop quiet for a few days, and then to in
form the District Attorney of all the facts in the
case; I did as he advised, and subsequently called
on Mr. Hall at his offico in Broadway, and informed
him of all the facts in the case; I told him
that I wished to retire from the case; that I
wished to have nothing more to do.with it; he
thought differently, and thought it was my duty to
go on and assist min in detecting and preventing
toe consummation of the contemplated crime; I
entered partially into the matter and took a few
days for consideration, and in the meantime I con
sulted several physioions and friends respecting
the course I ought to pursue in toe matter, and
they advised that I should act under toe directions
of Mr. Hall; X did so, and visited Mrs. Burdell oc
casionally, and it was finally arranged between
Mrs. Burdell and myself that she must he siok or
confined from tho Ist to the 10th or August; she
was given to understand that there was a lady to
be confined in the vicinity, in Elm street, and
whose child she was to reoeive aa her own, and it was
finally arranged that she should be confined either
on Monday or Tuesday night; I then wont to Mr.
Hall on Monday, and it was arranged that Dr. De la
Montague and myself should engage & room or rooms
in Elm street, and'we engaged rooms at No. 190
Elm street, and they were furnished the same day;
and Dr. De la Montague went to Bellevue Hospi
tal, as 1 am-informed and obtained a child and
after-blrthwbieh were taken to No. 190 Elm street.
I called on. Mrs. Burdell during the afternoon and
told hsrlhe place; she said if the child was born
before 9 o'clock toe lady would call for it in the
eVening, and if Ifite at night the lady would call
for it at, 10 o’clock and remain until morning,
and take toe child away early in the morn
ipg;?:ahd said she would send this lady
around to see the place; 1 then left, .and went
.immediately to the place myself, and wait
ed,,. looking out of the . front window, and
shortly afterwards saw Mrs. Burdell, or Cunning*
ham pass the house; she stopped and looked at the
‘door; about 9 o’clock in the'evening I called oi\
Urn. Burdell again; I was shown up stairs to the
Second story; the room was Very dark; there was
ho light in the room; Mrs. Burdell waste bed, and
j pretended to bo in the pains of labor; she said she.
. would call toe 1*47 ,wbo was to go, and vri?o«e
'name she would not.teU; she called.her to the
bedside, ahd I recognised the person who calls
herself Mrs. 'BuHeU'a slater aa the lady she called
SufrUfeßktd hef if Mum*
Ccrrnjxmlwiti for «tn lurk *S> Jtaa tar M
mind th« fgUoirlog min:
Et«i7 oiroßiitciHm tirarf b«’
name of the writer. la order to infsrt •£,
the tnwgnpkjr, bm 0 U aids of * abut h
.written upon;' - T 5 * s - « -
. fihjjl be gpreaiV obliged to fentleodin lagMUfrl*
T4nl* &&d other State* for contribution* «B*
r?nt newi.of the djjia their Inrutlttil^tfcT
resource* of the lummndiag ccraatrj, the iMMMoaf
population* and any information that will be 'mtii-lliji
to thefeiarel redder. 1 * • '*'• * \f* *.
ready to go, and she Mid “ft*," tad asked where
the black dr&h Whs, and then it 'arranged be*
tween us that the tedy should follow me to Ho. ltt
Elm st.; that I should wait in the front door lor
her, and. that theTedj*hpaM>oid. in her head j» ;
white handkerchief, so that I emtio recognise hot;
X went to 190 Elm street, aid waited in front cf
the ’door some time, e&d finally the lady mm
dressed in black, haring a blank hood onr Her
head, partly disguising her featuefcXaskod her
if she was the person who earn* After the basket;
she merely shook her handkerchief end walked *p
stairs to the room and took'the basket and west
off with it; her manner and fond led me tofceltore
that it was Mts. Burdell herself, who came after
the child; she* took the basket coafiaintoff ibe ahDd
and afterbirth and< left the bouse; in a abort time I
left and Went Jo my own housei when X,anired I
found that a man had been there mid left word that
X must call down and see Mil. Buni«U,tkU*ht Wto
about to be confined, and wanted iojeeraeJnsUAt-,,
ly; I went down and was admitted by a mis m '
I did not know, and went up stairs and saw Mr*•
Burdell lying in her bed, and her sister wad Dr
Catlin were in the room ;-tbe child wm lytogtooge
corner of the room; ills. Burdell pretended iqhhW.
alt the symptoms of severe labor, and after a few
momenta Dr. Catlin brought out a tin pall contain
ing a quantity of blood, which he tnixea with water *
and spread over some sheets, and he wiped kU haada
In the blood. In the meantime a lady was seat fot
from Second avenue, who was to personate a none,
and who they protended waa not in tbs wivt at
all; and after a short time the beli rang and I was
asked to go down and open the door, as fiat
waa the nurse; I went down and opened the door,
and the man who let mein in the early part of the
evening was there, and told me the nnroe was
ready to come whenever she waa wanted; X told
him she was wanted immediately; be went alter
1 her, and in about half an boor retained with has;
I let them in, and the noise came upstairs jasi as
Dr. Catlin was removing the bloody tiheet* nogs
under Mrs. Bunlell, and her sister was wtAisg -
the child; the nurse assisted lira. BaxdeU’ft rifto?
to wash and dress the child, and assisted .pfv*-
Burdell, and performed all the operations ssslßy'
required of a nurse; X remained until ItwaMft
concluded and left the house, Dr. Catlin eioing
the door after tne; I did not assist in any e£ the
operations; I merely observed what was going
Mrs. Burdell stated to me that Dr - Catlin .couSs be.
trusted in this matter, for she had him so ecae* .
pleteiy- in her power, that he did not dire to
disclose any thing connected with the soak*
ter; that he hod adhered to her interest daring
all her troubles with her first husbapd'-aad A)
could rely upon him; I waa avisad by toy "trrayal
sot to have any conference with Dr. Catos kfctiJl
saw Mr. Hall; but one day ap I was goii>g WpEinad ‘
way, he stopped me in the street, and insisted upetk
conversing with me oft the subject; I told him I
supposed we understood each other, and there w*»-
no necessity ior conferring; he said, **no, we
arrange things together;* 7 daring the oonremtiosL
he said be had devised this matter for Mw Bor
dell or Cunningham, while shows* to tite TtoiTw. «•
that he considered it as a justice fee
much abused woman; but that they had toads jto‘
their minds that-they must hire * another doctor, '
and that certain parties had. been applied, to to ££ :
me in to the, plot; I told him I was in a buoy, aad.
if he wished to See me* further on tit sdUtoi, kt
could call on me at my Office; X then gotlnto it'
stage and went up town; I made nosecretotlh*>
but told a number of persons about it. .
; Sworn before me this 4th August, 1857. ."WiCr &.
Davjso.n, Police Justice.
• 1 ‘ boss. - . . .
The mother of the child was admitted totoßglfe*
vue Hospital on Saturday evening—heme If. cadi,
infant. She left home that afternoon for tia par*
pose of being confined in the hospital, but was at**
tacked with the throes of labor in the withto
a block of the institution.. waa tajtaa into
store—a' porter-house kept by ’Mr. J.
Donnelly, at theeotoerof Twenty-sixthstreet find'
in the totxy of that linen ihs
; waa .delivered of a female child. Xaan hour**
•tw6 afterwards; she was conveyed to fhV hoapftu
on * a rtreteW, and provided with 1 ti»-p»KPS*
; tendanoe and nourishment in too
’ The entry on the nook of the bfftpital fa aa-itf*
Elisabeth Anderson and infant; native efßag
land; 37 years of age; maitfed; oeeaßtoteto
domestic; admitted at. 7. & 35. '
THB CBH.n’B KOTHXft. '* **' *‘ r
Mrs* Anderson is a delicate, mHd-’leekrar l
possessing woman. Tracfa of sorrow
. are plMniy legible on her face, and though her 2
i is recorded os but twenty-seres, she locto'zoSOT
years,older, her hair .befog ?«U«piy
gray: She is a native of, Liverpool,
fa as been in this country gome nine jwi. ■*•*"/
• ' ’• ;W8 VAXHBJt. * ' .
Her husband is an unfortunate,.
named James Anderson. He U k 'ifwgj;
don, and follows the precarious*pursuit dta i*S '
lessor of phrenology and physiology. / tkwtrni.
five cents he wiU manipulate, the bumps rf*2*
man s head whose owner win submit to S* <sns>
tion, and will inform the said tofttet to
liqritiee of his diepotitimr and the
mind, as indicated by the organs.
remarked with a sigh to one tf the
that her husband might be wcE ofTifka wSw
only take cars of hjmgfdf-. Bat it
sctonco of taking care of himsel, far qf tines wlSf '
bo is bound-to protect, is not largely
Ida organissu * "XSSSWKB
ruK nABs to bb bapthbu
| The little child which performed such "a hranb Ml
nent part in this remarkable dranto was
side its mother in the bed, d*aiiOp
toriety which it had unwittingly obtemid.
little throg had been privately marked behind eaak
ear with nitrate of silver, before being Ukenoci
had a piece of ribbon was attached to the vmbSJh
cal card. The warden of the hospital nroptoea
tiiat in oommemoration of its infantile bffi%nylt
be baptised Justitia. The reporter of th JlSraU
asked her whether she felt apprehensive last any
thing should happen her intent in its abeam*.
uh do, sir,” said she, with a smile. “I knew it
would be properly taken care of.”
. tub F£tSQSXBB. . . » .
Dr. Catlin was locked up, and a guard of police
were Stationed in the house of Mrs. rnnmnyl,™
to prevent her escape. She is laboring malar
strong mental excitement, and is so ill (» k*r
medical attendant, Dr. Smith, says) that it would
be unsafe to remove her from the room. Th* Die -
trict Attorney proposes to make a witn«B of CatiLn.
and use him as State’s eyidenee; bat JtutiotJHr
vison is averse to such a proceeding, for he thinks
ttm accused ought to be held as a principal to the
affair, and bo made ,to suffer equally with Mri.
Cunningham for the offence, if any was committed
by him.
, . .T’he .Gadsden Purchase.
It is beginning to be believed, now that at
tention has been called to the sliver mines of
Arizona, that the Gadsden purchase was sot
such a miserable speculation as it was repre
sented at the time by those who know nothing
about it; but that the United States has mads
a very good bargain. We cut the following
from the New York Timer .*
A Silver State.— We have been passing
through the age of gold, which ought, accord
ing to. the natural order of things, to bars fol
lowed. and not preceded the era of silver, .-But
the day of the pale face among the preclQUS
metals is about to dawn. Our El Dorado has
become an old affair, and now we are about to
receive an Argentine sister into our Republic.
The gold State is likely to have as a companion
a Silver State. The projected Territory of
.Arizona is reported to boas richly .endowed
with silver mines as California is with gold
diggings! The Gadsden purchase, if all tho
reports from that quarter should prove true,
will bo almost as valuable an addition to ©Ur
territory os California. The Illinois, on her
last I passage, brought among her freight seve
ral packages of silver from that supposed
desert, which are represented as very rich.
These ores were from the veins lately
opened and occupied by the Sonora Exploring
and Mining Company, and were forwarded by
the manager of the Company from Tubsc,
Gadsden Purchase, to the office of the Com
pany in Cincinnati.
' The late discoveries of silver in tho Gads
den Purchase, it is said, are attracting much
attention in California. Some of too mines
are represented as rich in .silver, and tho pro
prietors are only waiting for Government to
protect the inhabitants of toe Purchase from
the depredations of the Indians, to eater ex
clusively upon mining operations.' The* GBa
River copper mines are about being worked
by a company formed in San Francisco, and
there is every probability that a regional
country which has heretofore been regarded
as utterly valueless, will prove one of bar meat
productive mineral possessions.
Regulations i jt Regard to tbs Sllß 9F
Public Lands. —Mr. Joseph S. Wilson, Acting
Commissioner of the Land Office, has addressed a
letter to Y. B. Holden, Receiver ef the Wamw,
Mo T Land Office, in reply to a suggestion of. that
officer, to the effect that, when the office at War}
saw opens, after tho Register has qualified, he he
authorized a to offer the land for sole in ranges 1 '
Mr. Wilson directs that “in the Sfimfnirtcatkm
of the land business of their district, it is the dqtj
of the Register and Receiver to receive applica
tions tor the purchase or location of any lands in
the district subject to entry at private sale, in the
exact order of the filing of applications and tender
of the consideration , without restriction as to
ranges, taking care sot to allow a monopoly of pur
chase in favor of any one person, and not permit
ting each to purchase at any one time more than
the extent of an ordinary entry. Where greater
quantities are desired by any one the
party must take his turn, according to the princi
ple here laid down, until from time to time ae may
be accommodated with proper regard to the equal
privileges, and rights which others may have to
make purchases. Under the shore regulations, the
praotice'of offering the land in the manner pro
posed cannot be sanctioned.
Martin Hallorap, a superintendent on the
railroad, was murdered at Steubenville, Ohio, on
Saturday night last, by a party of drunken row
dies. The murderers escaped.
It is said that the cost to Allegheny ©QUitfy,
incurred in the trial of the hTKeesportmurderers,
will exceed $3OOO. There were some sixty wit
nesses called on behalf of the commonwealth, and
ten or twelve for the defence- The bill of Dr.
King, of Philadelphia, who examined the elctiw,
and who experimented so elaborately open the
blood, wilt form a large item in the costs.-
It is now stated that no opposition will b#
made by Brigham Young to the execution oflhe
laws' hr the Federal officers. Brigham Young tel
not written & letter to the President, a 9 was stated
but he sent him a Mormon newspaper, with a
article, official of couiue, marked on the margin, i
which Brigham’s policy is set forth as enta nt
peaceful, and ntadisbte to the United BteteC
«Y 9,
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