The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 05, 1857, Image 3
g «* ■ of v- ’", ;,,'j , .'*■ ■■. •. ... *I. '■ $266,395 88 £ *»->•■ 181, ft* tHuwftt toltTM B6>4;';. ■;.• •'•••••-.•.:- ■ • ■' * ThfiYoUO'piTiK in u coniparatiTO statement uf the can 'd] tiaOf'tbilUnis or, Urn i City of flow York,’ July 2Stb.toAUjr.iKt. 186?: ' , - ■ - 'Loans, Specie.' Circ’n. ■ Don’ts. Jnjyis; ,ti 18,848,181 12«83S • 8,688,814- ■ tag. JhJlaO 697!«0 JiWB,Ol3. 8,666,432 54,446 MI A‘Sho*iugaolucrease/0r.L0mu....51,748,619 -'s." a-docrease’of,Specie.,..,.» 35,842 '\ an increase’ of Circulation-^.V., 1 ' r 13d,808 .*?, -it l- iQ,lncre&sG of undrawn Deposits. ’1,305,014 Vheßsiifc statement 1» favorable. Theloaris'Bhowan ; increase. hnt the banks are able to extend their loans srhlch are but s4oo,ooa;increased over the undrawn de. the sQard of Directors'of theNftasati Bank, Hamilton BlyitenbUrgfa, Jtoq;,'.Vice President, vafl elected President, of Thomas McKlrath, Saq-, resigned. . . >r ' \,j ( * '• ; Phila'aelpiila'Markeii.' Tuesday Evexlso, TM 'Breadstuffs market has been £ iittlp'more, aolive towiay. in \- thfc aggregate beibg.BlwutSWbVifi. J?)p* r ats6,/W^o.t6 > for old stock superflnejtofritAbdwdquality, sod ST.6O for good brands Frfish'ground tine uew/wheat: The demand has been flnejmtddlinga was -jpade/for' shipment' to 'England : at {4js bblr Thesalestothe retailers and bakers arc t only to supply their. present necessities; prime brining fromso.&tofisn£*o brtnd and quality. :'A*aleof coimfey Corii Meal was to.the extent of Bdo bbl& at $4 & bbl. Bye Pionr has declined with a sp}all, r bbl; Holders of meot buyers freely ,at previous qubtattoha, but the Sales have be-Ti „rather .alow at' 10d©l&5c. for red, 'i7odl7Be» for white, of good and prime quality; at which figures about 4000 MufiVels'hWe been taken to-day.'Corn has been quite, brisk today and B©9oo bushels yellow % have been sold at OGc.afloat, and a .small- sale at some* \ thing lete in store. Oats continue unsettled and several small lots have changed handset 40©46c,, the latter for > goodpet?goythemin tho’cars:;old Oats are held for \ higher prices- ,A’smaU'sale'of Bye/was' inyJe /at 100c.,.OfB&rk someamalliots.otflrai quality Querti tronhave been told at $44 tod,' which is an advance. trade has been' at a stand still today, but with very firm holders and,a Coffee a sale of MO hags was made at. li;!£@i2c., 4 roos.j for Bio. 2 - of Bugar and. Molasses are anxious to sell, but othersis nothhigdoing today.-- ■•- •• 1 •-‘J ’ < . , TheproYkJon tradelsquito brisk/ and ‘sales range at 14©15c, for, ’foncy .Harosj ’ito, for Sides,’ and 12c. for Sfcoblders; Salted Meats are bringing higher prices, with a,smell stock dn sate.- ’A'sale of Mess Pork wia made at s24# .iaM , ishrnlat J «ls>fc. fdrbbls r ;aiid tubs; .hbldefs.npware, demanding Of Lead largo sales are reported of forelgu and domestic at frdth $6 to $6-40 100 ■fts;; the former came from a neighboring r 'marketJ‘ u Whisky Is selling, rathdr ‘moire freely at iSta. for hhds. and SdcSic’. for bbfo./Wpolis tooting o£f.%a wanted, by manufacturers at* last week’s quotation?;/-"' ■' r •* - "• ’ > RECEIPTS AT TIDE WATER. r, - the Xlban'jr Kyeiilng Statesman, .Aag B.] _ -;The receipt* at tide water of Flour. Wheat, Caro and "Barley for uo 4th week of July, in 1656 and 1857, have \ », r ' • , > AFlour, hbl.> Wheatbu. Coroibu.. : Bailey, bn. 1856.. , 531,789 - . « , 100 1867.;i;2a;*95 . 108,241 819,032 :. -. a .-.m -' Dec.'..30,909 Dec.223,241 : -De0504,6317/ Bee. 200 • The aggregate of the .receipts of the above articles so far 1856 and 1857 hare been-r* • ■ ■ . I Flour,'KJ Wheat,, bn. y Com, hu. Barley, bu. 1886.:..'«f1.a6$ •>8,570.001 - ' 2.687,178 . 149,169 1857.. 224.546 1,389,"5iS V/1,615*484 126,884 Dec. 401,720 1,889,729 . 1,071,094 V ,28,776 ■ Reducing.the ‘Wheat .to Flour; there is a deficiency so far.this fear .equal to 569,075 bbls. Floor. - < lotions!. t. ;-ll *,*><- {Reported for The Press,} 'SA'V , Keystone State,' Marahman —l7l bale* cottonßPatterson k Co: 48doW P tfewlin; f» rtm, AlHbond k Jenka’,‘l 788 sacks wheat Jfada * Comiy: 16 Carton k Newbold; 491 Robeson Lea} 1K53 Vfrß' Pott* k Co ;• 48 tales domestics Hay&McDe -ritt; SORCrtighton k Co; 25 J.H Stockton* Cos 21 BrownfUUl* Co? 86 J HooporySon k CojJ pkgs mdxe JJfdydtfk Coj.#4 n*3 aswaste Jessup k Moore: sundries Heaton frUerfckla ;• doPratfc k Freeman? do Fairbanks •-* Birins JdoCresson, Stnkrt k Peterson {do Steppacher -k Bro: do Higgins'* Perktnplae; da Rise? k Sesra**; do-DitsniarlUfc'Buttffdo.’ petflrsott & Co; do J M MiHri k Cai do Wmttall, Bros k Co: do Jos Warring ton: do'MUwienAf-AiietS; doijw Lehman k Bro. -NEWOKLRANSiBarque Imm B Davis, Hand—6o •bbls twhiskeyß Taylor** Co ;.'6O do ,aloohol Alter k MiWrpo&i 60,M*re?r &**}teloj.7 pkga Cabot, . 2 J Jnstfoe'i&boxes do Jenkins it Hartsfcorae ? ;4 MagOe "AC6; 1 Watson2 kdgs H M-Maris k Co':. 1 caM Heaton k Denckla: ,419,empty casks Pbult ’ lB R’Smith;' 40 Engle AWolfe jB2 bales t c«fiMWT , WfcWlia':lBfii'aoorder.-, - ‘ v ■ ~ 1 '• AK McKenzie, Drisko-748,000 lathaffiffl) pkkefal*.Tropes. . 1 , List tiejPrlaci|ai lloteli.! , beJow'Ninth: J ~ ,; -. .H; P. Dunbar,-2s6w Jersey. 0: C/troW/Baltimore, r, j //,- H., Mem-;J..C. Crace &la. St. tools.j phiß,,yean,' : ';.' * ElLHaßiion;Ohlcago: - ■> d 0... , ,Wm, Kent, Kew.York. - 1 . A: Phil. D.X.*Gray/ do. • John Avery,.Keor York./ ... DavidP.Bakcr,Cincinnati. B. A. ; Ji!3imS',Jr,; Washing. '. do.' 1 j 9eo. Pomeroy,'N, York; ; 'JVPeirspn, Rngland:'' 1 ; ThoS.G6fiey& lAd jr,B’(ilt, r , Baltimore.. »*' v*-' ;J;BUfett;pa.. 'P. York, . W, S.Roblnsbn A'Son, Va. Preach, do. ' . l£. Kressman, Chicago. '■ A. iwsb'rouck', Poughkeep-;. W, Abe rebel um; St.-touts. , ale.N.'Y, ■ „ .'-'-V; , J". Billmyei*. Batn.\ i iW.Ctewf&Td,Middl6toirii, j B«Kj Stewart, PJbllada. Jaieoa -■’ Barns Id e, 'Betfe-/Joseph Hudoall k _ lady-A - »'’.V - - Dwiiet Simmiaa,Delaware. 'Miss Mississippi. s j . f . G'eOrgoKdhnedjr." 4o: i7 ' Charles' Mtuwh 6c , imo, . : t'l». Barry, Baltimore. lti ' 2 ' r 1 * J. M.MurdockyMass&cha-' ’ '3>; B’jmiublfl, Baltimore. .setts. r .\* '» ; * to; Mississippi .'Thohias'Brtttan. N. York.' wwidt'Wtfc.Mm.A; : ' i. Balim-e.. ,Alfr#4 o«l4inUj , 49-, i ' Stutfcr, lielivfrare. 4,Ho*ellA iady,'OhJo; i S.-Wfiftt&'iajr.VAo.'< f •-naaafee. / _ '. ■ , J‘ ttißarkfcr, Mississippi.! ■jlj l . . l ltnmiCk.■' <M-. JVBackiiery Savannah,! Qo. I N/ 0: * Mr. Radcliff/N, Y. : ' . * ; Ji Btu»berg,'-Ju Y.-- - - <K- A. Nicholls/Beadlng. ; j:.tee,*Maa. M/U, Ratcliff, Pa; • ‘ y Hahor.- Cin., Ohio. <f. JJ. Tennebt, Charles j. Jh6'T:'Clarii Alsdy,Md.. * too,8: 0. ) - / - do. c ThOs. H. SFynne k lady, Sami. t. Harris, Brook’n., Richmond, Vk'-5 h ’ xf -l 4 AIB. GArringtou, Va. i •Writ ’ Jae. A; PatUllo.S do. I BrShlpuuto; Hart-: v i»*v * * -forgot.* • * -•••-* - J. B.Aadtart/Jfiri - •H; Oauttoti Vi Yr- ■*, 1 - *4 d0....-*--. J»Chandler, lii« -- '' ] S'ino'ii SimesV KM.j Scot-- ■B, ■ MmUoAt Middle- ; town,. k:y: • i i -’MlVfHd&WVaila** 'H.EMtltod/HinslWTongh. .A.Spti&ftff/HfYt (;■' SUephard. N. Y. “, K :• j.juiiao,--rdo,^ J M.&. Bateif, Paris: ,0. W. Lent*i'BaU. J > • k > ; ' : ; ' John Etans, Chlcigo. -; ' i - Ala* -•<- ’W.jr. <infcw«ll. StT>to«ls. . I Ry. H.Saiith,N,'Oi - ' ■ Johtf B. G. Bard man. Boston. ; - i vQuJ j ! BocooA street. above Arch, ■' . j >*f. Ji: W*a« , yl>dUwMfe. 7 - J.E; LibdiaypSsjrton, o.' . GisorgL*. -- ■ <3. tt. H&rhiiligh, BaripriPd, . ,A.MoihrtlWiN!T. M!>r.BSup,gHem.N, l , . ‘Lo»iaH»HW| Laotoo.Vl’a.B; JliEHtnger, Tor*, P». Klik, d 0.."; ~ V. H. Jiceokor, Potts town,«,nHaol», J: D. ¥6Ck[mcr,Pittsburg. VW:.H. H-./i W. BhtVn'& la.j N.Jj •» % f»».W..o® | i;.«.o44;,r r jT O iafi;.j l ,o l td j: .-’, 40 . • '■'tmegiitS’ Htolf^-JdOtth : kif*M,»l»vo Market. Nichols* Dk]y,Auguata.Go. John Btone, Pa. !■' i , .Giroda, Adj Him, J.Keormui, Pltto gmith Sfii% <!&-iv <JS7a** t D. Conflrt-fiunHy; do. 3. H. Cochran, PhUUi. J c ’ «:D: Walaon, Tenn. ' •' P. KefjejVHMlidarAKifg;. 18. Poioinsky N. Y. i, C.yr.ldgmfflT. * .'-• O. D. erltmiy ill. -■ i . : 8»oil. DeU.rs9e.Mt. . . 3.Litton,.lll.;■ - -j | <. v Jhf 1 *B. -A®wj If.,Y'. iv.i Win-. Cooper, Pittsburgh.* Joim Broita, lAncaster. K."W. Cling, Ohio. ■ M total. J.J.Peddecoid, 111. . . £• W.ShwJdni.PttWraiTili. 11. M;Ionc«, Mo. ' a"--;' ‘ O. 1 ' T J. B. Maa,. ■ Mias pouted, do. ; f ,®? n « do.Fa? K. G/ ChWebord, Pe,‘ Xtm. Sbrom,' - J). Herr,- Lancaster: ;ArH.jraiMk, LuiaJtok '. i’Sk'S'L"* 'KO.’O.fiUdsio. 'Moral) la.. * 1 t!v ifLPredwlck, 'do. . ■ •«;f.'itpol / *,P4v Wm, lUwcyj! 'ao;.,' vJ/P,.Andrews, Wn6»«tM'.3, B. l K«ioptoii,N. V. HJpr’Oaleaiao *>; 1 V-.§?•# WnwbOT^,. GhMDuiatMef; above Vlfth. ■ ' J.HI laSiMn, PhUa/ ) -vOiKeodail. .Vfrcfijite,,‘ • Mks PotwTßoston, M&s*; , h. • ' . B. L. Cor.Jt I '* IAV/dp.. - • M&rtiii. H’sjou, T. Horriniton, Leb’n. Tn. '-'■t, B« : lU4jk)ri, jJulatfare. " ‘ John A. HuyAts, ' ‘ /do.- - John H.kWeher. Chlcaco; E. Watorhoußej.WheSinri db. ? 1 t’K ! y*vP^?» a r^f®'hltig : tonv7 iy , dp, Wjavars, l '- i * r . '3&rAsi N T J.’ . ;"'lWha J&rtfal'Wclßter,- ■. Pilla. ‘ p‘ UjnWirVPOttevlUo ' i ■ ' ;■:-P.-Wliattiar,, do;-.'. f ■ 3, lfeading 5 - t C/Cwbb; kehdmg | •'* : , ; JoUd,n.HfttTf»on, Pa i i-ffO®. SaTOOimll in ,»t<*iMlti(,-/Ki|.»irtdne ,St»tc--W ' W TVrlght J-McCallliter, I,D t ' SMnea, S Dloison, W I Oußhni»a!(J ! H Coal- S* 1 :. 0 A V»rfe.}-, F Bnniell, Hot. J> T ; Million ! K Jlojtom; «o ahifiireii'iina tertant, >„ 2T 4 i“ f *\ l ,*najerVant; HM.IIyWXn! . HAuft fcflil chilmen, StrsOeiKeden, Knf L ulafa.H Bege.ra, ji‘,l BtoKiior, VV A Jaodon, anil tail In the £>#???f!ST- ,i ':r fctTTER BAGS A l ' ' '•' •M *5!W® A«* I6i - A^r.lo ’ SjWWjSi; it ••*%•»•«•*;• fanaanjadon J/Mja«K Buhop Matimwfl 3 soon, 1 ' 'Jarjlditti soon 20thjKavanft28d,arriying at New York2Btb. ; aGlKik-OiJrXiirom New]York month,': arriving a( Havana 12th bottle, l#-: **” o * l6 '" biifiSgu. Havana 24 th, arriving at New York 38th. . O-ifuwßAT-From New York 12th. arriving atHavana lTtb f and NewOrlewts 10th* From New Orleans 27th, Havana 29wVwrWng »VNew‘York Bd,i - f , Expire Civ?—From New York 17th, arriving at Ha* vaa&23d, and New. Orleans 26th. From New Orleans 6tb, Havana Btji, 'arriving at New , , : BLACK Wabriob—Ffom New York. 27th, awlve at Havana Ist and New Orleans 3d. From New Orleans lathi Havana 14th, due at New YorklSth. i IsABBW-Frora Charleston lfith, and 4th, due at Ha vana 23d and 7th. From Havana 10th and 25th, due at New. York 16th and 81st. • The California mail stdamers sail from New York on the sth and 2Qtlr of each month« , ■ " AlaririeJn&lligetue. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, August 5,1857. sun, rises,..6 o isun 8fcT3....;1...;.7'w high WATER..;.\. ..........-U. 34 i , • ' ARRIVED.", ’ , V ■ Steamship Delaware, Copea, 1 21 hours from New York, with mdse and passengers to James AUderdlce., Below the Buoy on Brown passed ship Quebec from New York, beating up; off the Ledge passed, the brig Mwy H, fr°ni Bostonj off Chostet paaiej the .'hip Wlflam, from Bos ton, at anchor. Reports ohe RngUsh barqueat the La zaretto) and brig Berbndaaad twelte schooners off Tim cum, beating up. . _ e . ,IT S steamship 'Keystone State, Marshman, 65 hours (from Savannah, with mdse and paswhgers to A. Heron, ■Jr. at lost. la<! 37 21, ptusM Mhr Kite Kleld, bound S; off Oapea of the Delaware passed a large barque deeply laden atandlng In: passed,ln the bay and rirer a number of square rigged .vessels bound up. Ship MoUongo, for St John, NB. went to'aia at 9PM yesterday.' * Brig Georgia. Carlisle, 4 days from Providence, In ‘ballast to cAptam.',* ,J i .... ... . ’ Brig Orinoco. Tabbut, from New York, m ballast. , Brig B G Chaloner, Brown; from New York, in ballast. ‘ Brig Martha Kendall, Norton, from Boston. i Brig Jenny; Lipd, gutter, from Now York. Schr A K JlcKenzie,'DrUko', IX days from' St Andrews, NB. laths and pickets td P T Johes.' Schr il F Payto'd, 7 days from Boston, with mdse to Geo A.Wood. . , , Schr Buena Vista', Dodne, 7 days from Provlnoetown, ' irith mdse to Geo' A. Wood, -Schf Tolegraph, Nickerson, 6 days from Boston, with mdso to CroWeil A Collins.’ . Schr Golden’Gate, 2 days from Frederica, Del, with corn to Jaa Borratt A Son. Schr Caroline Hall, Graham, 8 days from Nantucket, ,iU ballast to captain. , Schr.H B Gibson,’ Crbcker, 5 day* from New London,’ with stone to P Hunt. ’ ‘ ’ Schr Carollno Hall, Graham, 4 days from Nantucket,' in ballast to capUln., Schr KB Gibson,'Crocker,'s days from New London, with stone to P Hunt. Schr Lamot Dupont, Corson, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to L AUdenreid A Co. Schr Osauna, Torrey x 4 days from Now Bedford, in ballast to captain: ‘ Schr yim' Lea, Denby, 1 day from Smyrna, Del. with wheat and oats - to Bewly. 'Wilson & Co. Schr New,Haven, Grilling, 6 days from Providence, in ballast to captain... . . , Schr Jesse, Williamson, Wlnsmore, 8 days from Boston, In ballast to captain. ’ ' Bcbr Northern Light, Cousens, 6days from New York, iq ballast to, captain,: / . • , / Schr'Argus Bye, Cramer, 3.days,from New York, in ballast to captain. ' , Schr 4 Brasil, Howes,’7 days from Bath,'in ballast to captain. ' , ’ ' ’ . Schr H P Simmona, Barrett, from Salem. Schr Ann S Brown. Brown, from Fall River. Schr J K StOueback, Risley, from Newport. Schr,Ella, Packard, from Weymouth. Schr'H'Wßehedict. Bills, from New Loudou. ' Schr Saxon, R&ud&li, from New York, Schr Alex Henderson,’ Godfrey, from Providence. Schr Allen H Brown, Bndlcott do ,Schr Esse*,Post, fromßoston.' . , Schr Grade Girdle?, Paine, from Boston. Schr Antares,’ Ireland, from Boston. Schr B L Berry, Haley, from Boston. , Sphr Moiy Italy,’Shakspeare, from Boston. Schr Sarah Ann*, Ireland; from Boston; ’ . Schr L B.Levering, Corson, from Boston, " ‘Schr J Ireland, Steelman, from Boblou. Schr Firm, Seffries, from Boston, , Schr Treasurer; Fisher, from Boston. * 1 j Schr Lamartlnb. 1 Ireland, from Boston. ‘ ’ Schr Woodruff Simß, Mason, from Boston. SChr Speed, Somers, from Marblehead. 1 1 Schr Suwasset,’ Hulso,,from Fall River. ’ Schr Vandaila, Wallace, from New York. “ Schr Kuth Halsey.'Davis; from New York. BchrPrauklin Bell, Roblfiton, from New York. 1 .Schr from Middle!©^ l *-'' ; • Schr Rebecca OSecor. Dennis,.irom New,York. _ , SchrXohu,Rogers'. Blllott, from Folly Landing. ’ ,Echr'HapnahM&tilda,Flaudor*, from FaUßlver. ‘ ■ SchrDequonnockjKurroughs, from Salem. , Steamer Thoinas Jefferscb, Bchellfoger, 5 hoursirotn Delaware City r haying In,tow 18 canal barges,laden w;th Spur, grain; coaL non, lumber, AC, Towed there to 8 barges bound to luvre de Grace, laden with pro duce for the Interior.;. - j ■ - „ Amlved - Monday/jichr 1 Hamlet, Hall, from Provi dence, and not schr John M Kennedy, as inadvertently reported yesterday.^ '7' -,, .< < - : V , ~ ‘ I , ‘ Steamship. CUy of <Richmond, Mitchell, Richmond, ThosWebster. Jr. ' !;" . , , Drig Georgia; Carlisle, Boston, Noble, Hammett & CaldweU,, , , Brlgß 0 Chaloner, srown, Boston, - do - Brig Martha Kendall, Norton, Boston, N Sturterant -A Co, }>■ A i --'A}*-, ii . . j. <; - ; Brig Oronoco,- Talbot; Boston, -. do k‘ Brig Jenny.Lind,-Natter, Newburyport, Rogers, Sin nicluonACo. Brig Times, Phinneyyßoston, Cain, Hacker A Cook. Brig Resolute; Hill,' Baco, Forest Imp Co'. - Brig Xenophon, Book; Portland, do . .■ , Brig Atosia, Dougleasj.Sfllem, B MUues&Go. Schr BHUlaut. Notage, Eleuthera, IJeases A Co. BchrJeefo Williamson, Wlnsmore, £ Cambridge, ,Ty ley* Btbno A Co,-., i / ? . ,t «• . < r . Schr 0 Hall, Graham, West Dennis; 0 Millpr Ic'Car. , Bchr Ossuna, Young. Cambridge. D Pearson A Co. Schr Ann S Brown, Brown, Providence, C Miller A Co. Sent L Dupont,' Corson, Boston, L Audenreid A,Co, Sfchr Northern Light, 1 Cousins, Boston, do . ’ Bohr.AU Brown, JSndscott, Providence, ./ do . Schr Seth Halsey, Davis, Proyineetown, . do Schr ISoxbury, Brown, Boston;*N Sturtcvant A Co. Schr Argus Eye, Cramer, Boston, do . Schr Blla, Packard, Boston . do ’Schr^YoddoU*,'Wellnce, Bos too.' * i,do ■ ; - < . Schr BrasiJ, Howes, Augusta, Me i do :* / YasDneen,’Nortoa> -■ ySchr/JCreasurer, Fisher,/Boston!'i-, do * Schr H W Benedict, Bills, Bridgeport, do /Schr Jessee WilUamsou, Wlnsmore; 4 Bast- Csuibrldge,; Tyler, Atone A Co,. .. . . f Schr Brilliant, Nottoge, Rleuthera. I Jeanes A Co. Sdbr H- P Simmops; Barrett, Milton, Ulnkiatou, Cox ACoVi-• ’’-/.j-j'j' ■ Schr'H Matilda, Flanders, Providence, B MUnes A Co.: Schr A 1 Henderson. Godfrey, Providence, do Scha J.K StonebackjKisley, N Haven, Wallace A Co. S chr. Speed, Bomers, Boston, Tyler, Stone ACo ; Schr SarahAtm, Ireland; Boston, L-Rothertnel. Schr Grace Girdler, Paine, Boston, John R White. Schr B L Berry, Huey, Boston, J £ Baum A Co. Bchr,Mary.H»ly, Jhakspeare, Boston, Noble, Uammet' and CaldweU. n. - Schr J L Levering, Bostop, do Schr J Ireland, steelman, Boston, J B Baum A Co. Schr Woodruff Aims, Mason, Boston, do . Schr Essex, Port, Norwalk, Bancroft, Lewis A Co. Schr Snwasset; Jlulse, Pxovldcuce, Soho C White. gchrFranklJu 8011,-Robinson, Quincy do * Schr Antares, Ireland, Providence, -do - Schr Firm, Jeffries, Lynn, Wallace A Co. -! Schr GlrKelly , 0 A Heckeher A Co. - . * Schr JRogersyßlUott; Providence do Schr Pequonnock, Boroughs, Salem - do Schr Lamartine, Ireland, Marblehesd. Brown A white. Schr S C Secor, Dennis,? Richmond. Morris A Murray. , Scbr Charlotte; Smith, Pawtucket, Lewis Audenreid A Co. -' ■ ■ i- ~ i Schr Allen H Brown, Bndlcott, Providence do Schr Timothy Pharo, Cranmer, Fall River, • do Scht'Bnsh ualeey,.psvi«, Provlncetown, , . do ' Schr.Lammet Dupont, Corson, Boston, do . Steomtug Young America, Stadley, Boston, Crowell A Collins. - . •gtr Richard Willing, CJaypoole, Baltimore,‘A Groves, Juur. i - ‘ / 1<; ,t , . i -tu * r. K ■- ! . :*T TBLEOBOPH. , ~, , ... - (Correspondence of The Press.) *» New Yonx, Afig4. -Arrived'. Moonlight, from Sagua. < i ; Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. LEWES, Del.. Aug. B—B A.M. The barque Mary H Kfeodall, for Mobile, went to sea this morning. - A barque, deeply laden; and eight or ten light sehrs naked upust evening. Wind BE—weather warm.- • Yours; Ao. WM. M. HICKMAN . ' \ ’ -Correspondence of The Press. ‘ ’ j Havre Da Quids, Au*. 4. Eight boats left here this morning, laden ana coh signedas follows: - , - ~,/Jthftn*. lumber te Boston, A Co; Emma, rlumber,t6, Young A-JWoolverton; A T Duller, lumber to Malone’fc.Taylor; OaptS H Walters, lumber to Narcross A Sheets; WmJJlderjlumbertoHCroskey; Argus',Col A 0 Kenny', and Correspondence, with coal to Del city. j \. 5 . ,j : ’ , ‘Steamship Asia, Lott, clearedat Hew, Y<*k yesterday forLfaraopl, _ Steamship Kenfiebec,Tuuid, hence at New York yes terday. j ■' • i Ship Cyclone, Osgood, from Manilla, April 7, for Bos ton; was passed in China Sea -23 d April, lat 8 87 N, long 107.66 H.: i li'i’i i, i 1 ‘ ■» . -.Ship Finland, Post, cleared at Baltimore yesterday for , \ ... Barque Nashua, Jones, frpmßostoja, arrived at BaUi more yesterday. • ''' Ship Elizabeth, Poole, for Melbourne and East Indies, Kelly, from St Stephen, ’NB, sailed from 29th ult, , Barquo.Benjamin HaUett, Little, from Mobile, at Boston 3d Inst. r Brig L Isabel, Colly, cleared at Boston 3d Inst for Pic. tou. ' . " t Brig A' Prentiss; Douglass* cleared at’New York yes terday for Philadelphia.. Bchr£W Perry, Simpson, sailed from Nantucket Ist Inst-forßhlladojpma. j ‘ flebr. Casper Meft/Shoe, and J.W.Woo las ton, hence .for Prdrldencq, remained at Pawtucket Ist inat. Schr Nathaniel Holmes, Williams, mailed from Provl .decceljrtjnst for Philadelphia, , ' Schr Golden Eagle, Keuyj saUed from Providence 2d ■ inst for Philddelpnfa. ' Schr AiftWMopfQj Leet, to load for Port au Prince, 3u,lstAn& for Wilmington. NO. . 'Schr Mary GTerbeU, Coleman, for Philadelphia, sailed :fromßriitql,MirtinatV i„ . . Schrs Hartford, Griswold; and Jonathan Cone,' Me- Haffcy, des'rod ft Hartford Ist inst for. Philadelphia, . Schr S G King, 'Andrews, hence, arrived at Alexandria '3d inst, * . - BchrS'J F/Ktheridge,,Bernes, and. Omega; Taylor, hence** Norfolk 3d Inst. , ' ' Schr* Catharlne Mactha; Towers, and Express, Adams, Oleared at Baltimore 8d lnst. for Philadelphia. J&hfr' Chesapeake, plx, hence, sailed from Stonington Ist lust, for Philadelphia ™ \ . , Schr Hattie Anna, Tppley, from Bangor, at Boatou 3d nS$. * . r ’ , ! - • 'Schrs Mary' Patterson,Yannemau; Mary Elisabeth, Mullln; J J Spencer, Langstaff, Hannah Willetts, Cran mor, and U B Boswell, Hand, sailed from Salem Sat inst. for Philadelphia, , - T . , . Schr 0 A Heekah®?, Stubbs, for Philadelphia, sailed from Salem 3d inst,- , 1 Schr Charity,- Barrett J hence at Danvers 31stult. . Schrs M 'M Freeman, Gage; Alert,' Chamberlain; A 'Gorday, Babcdpk, hence, arrived at Boston 3d inst. Schr Telegraph; Booth, cleared at Norwich ,Ist last for-Philadelpuia, - 1 ' ' Schr A. J M Williams, from Salem forPhiln phia,,was spoken Ist Inst, ini 40 69, lon 72 W. , ’Schr Gazelle,. Gbombs, hence, arrived 1 at Salem Ist instant. '>''■% 'U 1 ‘ \ ■ Schr Only,’Bon, .Perry, sailed from New Bedford 2d iristfotlhlUdelphii, [ ' , Schr Al&fcahd*r Blue, Hathaway, heuce, arrived at Now Bedford Ist inst. .. Schr Kalooiah/hende for Augujtura, Tjras spoken 29th * ult. lat 36 28, lon TO 06; 3‘dfryß out. , ■' Schr Oliver M Pettit;' CUrkl sld from Newburyport ; 31st ult for Philadelphia. <■.<( <J ' * ‘ St’r Fjtftpw'jEenms, heuce at Baltimofa yesterday. fi's ---.'ist'lUi.’ ‘ NAVAL.' ’ 1 The V. 8. steanr frigate Kounoke/CaptAin J. : B:' Mont ?goto*ry, Arrived at New York yesterday morning, from Atplnwall. Rone of, the Independence crew arrived ii /the Baanoke.' .(.v.Aut; 5 SSI ■-i-V. i A’ug .16 &&!£% .uj,.iA«g.: 1 sett ®: Mpopjof war.. Germantown, sailed from ™j^®lk^ c, terday moralng tor China,via- and , vt'lLhU, ’ -KAMRB MIBOELLANY. . ‘ IJESmI‘ 4 Moses TmOk.-The w»t»r, bmha yorjUt braatjor model and durability of coturtructlott, She id 840 f«t loiia, M foot -wide, and 20 feet deep/ - , . At New .■IMP as.Sh? was dlffhyg'ed; from her lost •old’by faction, to B. 0. Ward,‘at'tW rate m The ihip G^rport/.bfifolrslylng io the.harbor ha* Wn ahd fokeh'o^ ; the go- M ! ,dtrVt,, r .H Ij'MA i -i j .4,. k -r,rfu- y.L., * , • - ~ wkALBR§. 7 ■ ' Arr at New Bedford Ist, barque Osprey, Fisher, from Talcfthusno Maydth, with 600 bbls sperm and 200 bbls whale oil. Aw at .Boston 2d; schr 8 R Roper, from Atlantic Ocean, ™ Provincetown, with 170 bbls sperm' and 10C bbls whale oil. Arr at New Bedford, Bhip George, Jenney, Ocliotsk Sea, Ban Francisco, Deo 8, Talcahuano, April 28, Per tiambueo, July 4, with 60 obis sperm and 1100 do whalo Sent home on the voyage, 160 bbls sp oil and 900 lbs bone. i Also arr bark Joßhua Bragdon, Swaim, Pacific Ocean, Talcahuano, May 2, with 820 bbls sperm and 40do black- Osh oil on board. Sent home on tho voyage, 1000 bbls sperm oil. Reports heard from, no date Ac., barque . «!?* v, ’ ” ow Bedford, with 60 bbls sperm o’l. L Cjd at do 3d, ship Erie, (of Falrhavon) Jernegan, Pacific Ocean (and sailed;) Fablus, Smith, do; William Thompson, Childs, do. DOMESTIC PORTS. NEW YORK, Oct. 3.—AT ship Richard Morse, Dins more, 42 days from Liverpool; Oldenburg bark E Von Beaulieau, Fosenreldt. 45 days from Bremen; bark White nm J t*t days from Baltimore. Ud snip Flyaway, Sewell, San Francisco; bark Lara mlKsie, Carr, Lambona; bark Birenti, (8p) Annar, Barce lona; bark Restleßfl, Lathrop, Savanilla: bark Clarissa, Nueritsu: brig Jacob Grosso, (Bremen) Kruse, Rotterdam; brig Marshal Ney, LUlm, -Bordeaux; brig Onward. (Dr) Higgins, St Johns, N F; brig Caudor, Al lcu, Goldsborough.Me; schr Lilty, Francis, Wilming ton, N C; schr G W Baldwin, Crop]»er, Norfolk; schr R H Huntley, Hammond, Baltimore. Sid, Bteamßhlp Phlltwelphia, for,Havana aud New Or leans. • ' ; August 4, arrived—U S M steamship Marlon, Foster, from Charleston. On Saturday 730 P M,'2o miles Nof Cane Hntteras, exchanged signals with steamship Nash ville, hence for Charleston. ■ USM steamship Augusta, M S Woodhull, commander, from Savannah. Monday 2 30 A M. N from Hatterna, exchanged signals with steamship Florida, N Yoak for Savannah. Clipper Bhip Snow Squall, Lloyd, from Manilla Apl 10, Anlier May 12. Had light winds through the trades in ‘the Indian Ocean, and very heavy weather off the Capo of Good Hope. Maj* 25th, pused English ship Marian, Moore, from Calcutta for Liverpool. .Tune 21« t passed Dutch ship Telegraph, 65 days from Batavia fir Amster dam. The S S was 14 days from 26 degreeß Ecst gotting around tho Cane of Good Hope. Passed St Helena July 3d.- NorW brig Lamartine, Zerrichaw, from Cadiz May 21st, with wine, Ac. Schr Charlotte Ann, Laulstou, from Beaufort, with naval stores. Schr Peru, Thomas, 13 days from St Johns, NB, with fish. ’• ’ Schr B W Eldrldgo, Snow, from Boston, with fish. ■ Sekr J P Ross, Smith, Providenco. Schr S Brainard, Marble. Portland. Cleared thiß forenoou—Barks Helen A Francis, Lewis, Matanzoa; W O Aldeu, McGill, Wilmington; O Tottie, (Swcpd,) Fleetwood, Quebec.. Brig A 0 Mcrryman, Colbourne, Key West. Schrs E Furbish, Kendall, St Johns; Ilaxall, Winters, Richmond; Rover, (Br) John son, Nassau; O Tnnnett, (Br) Sims, Nassau; John Griffith, Conklin, Aspinwall; M Smith, Betsworth, Fredericksburg; Sullivan, Dougherty, Ciudad, Bolivar; J P Lofitand, Taylor, Richmond: J C Hertz, Spofford, Boston. Propeller - Jackson, Baker’, Baltimore. BOSTON, Aug. 3.—Arrivod barque Azor, Growell, Fayal 7th ult.; brig Rolorson,.Orlando, Pensacola; sen Mary Cleaveland, (of Manchester) Goodrich, OapeHay tlen 19th ult.’ Left brig Jachtra, Lovejoy, for New York 10 days. Spoke Aug. 1, Sancoty Hoad W 25 mileH, brig LaurilU; lavender, hence for Cape Ilaytien: Br sch Adelaido, Boutin, Piotou; Br ech Collector, Leblanc, Plctou; Br sch Led, 1 - Rico, Westport, N 8; Br sch Gay Head, uodfrey, L&have; Br sch Prince Le 800, Bassett, Thorne’s Cove, N 8: Br sch Dasher, Smith, Annapolis; Br sch Ohamploh, Melanson: Clare, N 8; Br sch Ocean Queen, Goodwin, Clare, N 8; Br sch Loomed, Cornwallis; Hr sch Alms, Martin, JogginH, N,B; sch Olive Branch, Dix, Calais; sch Warrior, Kcilar, Rock land ; sch Sisters, Thompson, Rockland. - Sardinian barque Calcutta, Gastaldi, Genoa, May 18, passed Gibraltar. June 6. At quarantine, sch Gen Voozol, Teel, Port au Prince, 18th ult. ’- Cleared, barque Sylph, Jones, Baltimore; Br brig Ac tive, Leblanc, Olard, N 8; brig Black -Swan, Podger, Wilmington, N O; sch J. W. Drisko; Lingan, O B, Lewis Smith; Br schsEmily, Dorln, Picton;‘Vo!ant,Merriara, Parsboro; Peerless. Calhoun.Sackville;. Pesrl, Whelp ley, St John, NB; Br sch Ellen Nancy, Crane, Walton; sens Beauty, Johnson, New York , Jonathan Johnson, Williams, do; Moselle, Burlingamo, do; Charles Wil liam, Torrey, Rockland; J H Counce, Long, St George, Me, JS Emery A Co. SAILED—Wind morning N W, rest of tho 'day E Steamer Adelaide: barque Sylph. Ship Derby went down and anchored in the Roads; also a brig, name unknown. PROVIDENCE—Ar l6t. steam ships Curlew. Wil liams, and Pelican, Aldrich, New York; brigs Essex Sinnoit; Time, (Br) McDoughal, and Northern Light, jßr) Canton, Plctou; scha Sagamore, Eiwell, St. John, sid Br brig Marcia C E Fowler, Sidney, CB. 2d—Ar steamship Westchester, Clark, NYork ; schs White Foam, Eddy,-Baltimore. Below, brig Harp, Sheffield from Turks Island. BALESl—Cleared August I—Bsrquo Ernestine G hi dings, Rose, IPlctou, (and Bailed,) schr Rockingham, Gilton, West Indies. Sailed Ist, brig M Shepard, Para. ~ August . 2d, schrs White Foam, Eddy, Baltimore; Amanda, Davis, Machias; Gen Scott, Gulliver, and Medford, Yeasio Bangor; Ellen R Burgess, Dennis. Below 2d brig Harp, Sheffield, from Turks Island! ’ 1 BALTIMORE, August 4—Arrived Schrs Golden Rule, from New York; Lucy Virginia, Towell, » days from Bt Bartholomew; D L Sturgis, Norris, from Portland; Lacon, Bearse, from Boston; -barges Minne sota, Crosby, from New York; -Alice, Rainer, from Neir York. ■ Sailed—Barqo Anna, (Br) McKinney, Demama. ALEXANDRIA, Aug. 3. Sailed Brig Broome, Hume, Boston; schrs Chas Whiting , Whirl wind, Chase, New York; J \f BlcKee, Batterly, Bridge port, Me; Richard Bonleu, Arnold, Fall River; W Jones, Chspiri, Boston; Julia Ann Staples, Portsmouth, N 11. ’ * BALTIMORE. Ang. 3.—Arrived—Schr Wild, Pigeon, Milliken. Providence—Cleared—Steamer Locust Point, French, New York;. barque Linda Stewart, Sterling, Montevideo. ; 1 FOREIGN PORTS; At St Smyrna, 6th ult, Ahip Mary A Martha. Reed, for Boston next week—not sld sth, as reported; birque White Cloud, Hoyt, disg. Ar at Quebec 30th ult, shipllonry Cook, Flarty, Li verpool; 31st. ship J S Par Rons, Pierce, do; barques Ken dlne, Gocdeil; Bahia; Elbe, Mirzvn, Hamburg; brig Ku rus, HudMO, Almolra, Cld 31st, steamship North American, Grange, Liver pool; shim AJtnS, Kinaella, do; Hercules, Yolgnt, Coinb wich Pili; barques Acadia, Smith, Llanelly; Alexandria na/Scdtt, do; ulverstouo, Johnson, Dundee; Chieftain, McLarreu, Greenock; Olarlnda, Craig, Aberdeea;, brigs Ann Patterson, Griffin, Rye; Jos Freeman, Cooper, Bos ton, K: Solonica, Parker, and Hcrou, Hutchinson. ■Jemdow. -: u ■ ' - i St Thonnw, July 18—In port, brigs Mouagas, Pepper, from Laguayra. unc; S Thurston, Lampher, from Trlnl ,dad. arr 17th. rorYurks Inland name day. ■' BJd Bth, brig Indian Queen, McGregor 1 . Tcßtlgos, har ing but back for more ballunt; Bchr Alvarado. Smart, Jacksonrille—has been reported in p/irt 18th; 34th, brig Sarah Bernice, Clark, Ponco. AtJacmellotU ult., brigs Slonticello, Tibbetts, for New York ldg; Oceau Eagle, Bunce, to load for do.; schr Medora, Bartlett, do. , At Maasanllla Bth ult, brig Lucretia, Wallace, for New,York,lo days. At Matansaa 23d ult, ships Josiah Quincy, Sprague, for Falmouth, Eng., ready for sea, and would sail 24th; Joshua Maurah, Liscomb. unc. Special Notices. . Parkinson , s Garden—An Extraordinary Vo* calUt!— I Those who have not yet heard the extraordi nary young vocalist, Miss Agxeb Sutherland, who has won for herself in England the distinguished sobriquet of “the Scottish Nightingale,” now singing at Parkin sons’s Garden, have a pleasure in store of no ordinary character, and for which they will thank us for direct ing their attention to the Promenade Concerts given nightly in that delightful place. A select and powerful orchestra, uoder the direction of our distinguished Mu sical Professor, Leopold Meignen, Esq., both give sup port to the eminent vocal talent engaged, and performs a rich selection of Operatic aod miscellaneous gems, in cluding Overtures, Marches, Polkas, Waltzes, Ac., Ac. The great feature of the entertainment, however, is the ’ “Nightingale, H whose voice for sweetness, power and effect will favorably compare with any ono over beard in Philadelphia. If any should doubt this assertion let them but listen to her rendering of “the March ol our Cameron** Men,” or “MacGregor’s Gathering,” both of which are nightly repeated by general request; and our word for It, every doubt will be dissipated, and the doubters enrol themselves among the warmest ad mirers. - Saving Fsnd —Five Per Cent* Interest—Na tional Safety Trust Compary, in Walnut Street, south west corner of Tbibo Street, Pjiu.adki.phia. Assets more than Oni Million and a Half op Dollars, all invested in BEal Estate, MonroAons, Ground Bents, and other first class securities, as required by the char ter. This old and well-established institution confines its business entirely to the receiving of money on de posit. Any sum, large or small, is received, and the money is always paid back, without notice, to any amount. The office, is open every day from 9 o’clock in the morning until 7 o’clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings until 9 o’clock. F. Brown’a Essence of Jamaica Ginger. Thisistralya family medioine; at this season, when affections of the stomach and bowels are so common, no family, individual, or traveller should be without it. It is peculiarly efficacious in summer complaints of children, and is known and prescribed by the medical faculty. Bee advertisement. J To all who Want Money. -- Jones A Son, Biokers, corner : Thlrd andGosklll streets,below Lom ■bftrd, advance Cash, In large or email amounts, upon Watches, Jewelry, Plate, Guns, Ac., on moderate terms. .: ■ • au4-3t y A Great -Establishment.— I The Salamander Safe Factory of Messrs. Evanb AWatson, is one of the most Interesting establishments in the city. The building in which their operations are carried on, is to be found in Eighty street, near Vino; the sales-room being at No. 20 South Fourth 'street. Botweon fifty and sixty men are employed in the various departments of the manu facturing establishment. Some idea of the extent of their labors may bo formed from a statement of the work they have now in hand. Their workmen are now engaged in constructing large safes for the following new banks:—One for the Strausburg Bank, lined all through with chilled iron,'weighing about 6,000 pounds j one of the same size and material for the Southwestern Bank.of Virginia; and one for the'Bank of Jersey Shore, Pa.; two for the Oataragua Bank; one for a pri vate banking house In Wllkesbarre, Pa.; one for a private banking house at Norristown, Pa.; and ono large set of chilled Iron bank vault doors for a now Bank at Millville, N, J. All theso are to be supplied with Evans A Watson’s Patent Alphabetical Bank Lock, which is equal to any other lock now In use for safety and convenience. For testimony as to tbo value of this lock, Messrs. Evans A Watson can refer to the City and Censolidation Banks, of this city; Newark Bank, Dela ware; Bank of Fniton, Alabamu, and Poe A Swift, Selma, Ala. ’ There are also to be seen at the factory, in process of construction, some sets of vault doors for the tiew Pennsylvania Railroad office, at the corner of Third street and Willing’s Alley. Great western insurance and TRUST CO., PHILADELPHIA, No. 331 (late 107) WALNUT STREET. Charter perpetual. Authorized capital, $630,000. EIRE INSURANCE—On merchandise generally, household furniture, on stores, dwellings, Ac. Limited or perpetual. MARINE INSURANCE—On cargoes,,freights, and vessels, to aH parts'of the world. INLAND INSURANCE—On.goods by rivers, cnnala, lakes, and land carriage, to all parts of the country. • plfifcOTOßS, Charles C. Lathrop, 1423 Walnut Street Alexander WhiUdin; 14 North Front Street. Henry D. Bloore, Farquhar Buildings, Walnut St. John 0. Hunter, firm,of Wright, Hunter A Co. E. Tracy, firm of Tracy A Baker, ■ Thoa. L. Gillespie, firm of Gillespie A Zeller. Stillwell 8. Bishop, firm Of Bishop, Simons A Co/ t‘ j.William Darling, (I&tA of Reading,) . ■ Isaac Hazlohurst, Attorney and Ommsollor. 1 ;/ . J. R. McCurdy, firm of Jones, White A McCurdy. John Bice, 90 South Fourth Street. Jos. B. Smith, firm of James B. Smith A Co. . .vTheo. W. Baker, Goldsmiths’ Hall. E. Harper Jeffries, firm of Wm.H, Brown A Co. . ,0. 0,. LATHROP, President. WM. DARLING, Vico President. Joseph J. HaonL, Secretary and Treasurer. , , H. K. BioiUDDSON, Assistant Secretary. aug6*ly jnHAKIiES P. CALDWELL, WHIP AND DANK MANUFACTURER, No. 1 North 'FOURTH Stttot, . , ,i, oul-3m "*1 t.. \: j. ; f - t . THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, WED On tho 2d inat.', at No. 242 Hanover street, Kensing ton, by John G. Wilson. V. D. M., Mr. JOHN 0. MC CANN to Miss EMMA STAUTS, both of this city. * On tho 16th ult:, by the same, Mr. GEORG® SMITH to Miss REBECCA BURNSIDE, both of this city. * At St. Louis, July Hth, by Rev. F. Picker, JOHN BERNARD, Esq,, of Bt. Louis, to Miss KATJE DUT TON. of this city. . ’ 1 * On tho 2d ilist., by Rev. John Chambers, Mr. FERDI NAND BIEYERS to Miss SUSANNAH BAILEY, both of this city. i * On Tuesday, 4th inst,, JOHN,‘infant son of John and SarahMcOuo, ’ ! 11 1 Tho relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend tho funeral, from tho residence of the parents. No. 24 Charles street, below Washing ton, this (Wednesday) nftcrnrtob, at 6 o’clock. * On tho 2d inst., RACHEL W.ydaughW of George and Sybella Roberts, aged 22 years. r- • Tho relatives and frionds of thß.faraily are respect fully invited to attend tho funeral, from the residence of her father, NJnth street, above ’Coates, this (Wed nesday morning! at 9 o'clock, y ■ * ' * On tho 8d inst., Mr. THOMAS LIANTIF.R, in the 62d >enr of his ago.,. • , The rolatlvoß ami friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his* late’rcßldence, Ns. 808 g. Second street, below Oathariue, this (Wednesday) after noon, at 4 o’clock. f . * r On Sunday last, Mrs. LYDIA MOQRB, aged 77 yeorty, lato of Now York. her funeral will take placb from the residence of her son, A. D. K. Moore, 1318 OhestiiUt street, this (Wed nesday) morning, next, at 0 o’clock.'- * 10. S. M.—A mooting ,of .the I. 0. S. M., • will bo held at the liall, on THIS (Wednesday) AFTERNOON, at 6 o'clock. By order of tne ■ nus-lt4*f ’ ' ' ’ ‘G; C. KXT'ANTBJp—A BQY‘to run erran&s and v T make himself generally useful. Apply before ten o’clock, at 481 MARKET Street, up stairs. It# \ A NEW DAILY NEWSPAPER, I propose establishing a First Class Dally in the City of Philadelphia, on the Ist of August, to be eutltled - . (‘A, “THE .x “ Tiik Pfißßfl ” will be democratic in Its politics, and will Hustain the policy of the present National Admin istration. ' Itls my determination to make it worthy of (he sup port of every class of readers. Dignity, courtesy, and independence iu tho utterftneo of my sentiments, enter prise and 1 efficiency In thfi Commercial, Ltterarjf and Nows Departments, and'respect for the opinions of others, will be kept‘const«nUy in ribw.' 1 - - • I have embarked all my own moans In this project, and intend building up a journal that will not only be credible to our City nnd our State, but will famish mo on independent livelihood. > A somewhat extensive*experience in public life, and many years’ connection with journalism, will, I hope, obtain for “ Tub Press ” a favorable reception. My friends in tho different Wards and Counties of Pennsylvania, and in other States, will place maunder many obligations by giving “Tub Press” a helping hand. TERMS OP 'TJIE PRESS : Daih . (per Annum,) in advance |g qq (Or 12 cents per Week; payable to the Carriers ) Tn-Veokly, (per Annum,) in advance 3 00 Weekly, « u £ 00 Ad Irens tho Editor and Proprietor, at the Office o t “Til;: PaEBB,” No. 417 Chostnut Street, next to Penn sylvania Bank Building, above Fourth Street, Phila delPl|[a - JOHN W. FORNEY. THE WEEKLY PRESS, The Cheapest anti Best Wfelly Newspaper in th& Comiti'y.' Great 'lnducements to Clubs. On the 15th of August the first number of The Week ly Press will be issued from the City of Philadelphia. It will l>e published every Saturday. * Tub Weekly PsEsswill be conducted opon National principles, and will uphold the rights of the States. It 1 will resist fanaticism in evory shape; and will be <levd- ! ted to conservative doctrines, as the true foundation of publio prosperity Wniclal oWr. ‘ Such » weekly jour nal has long been desired In the United States, and it is to gratify this want' that Tub Weekly Prkss will be published'. '■ • I' l ' ■’ •’ r ( The Wkkhet Press will be printed <& Client white paper, clear, new typo, end In quarto form, for; binding. ' It will contain the news of tho day; Correspondence' from the Old World and tho New; Domestio Intelli gence ; Reports the various Markets; Literary Re views; Miscellaneous Selections; the progress of Agri culture in all its various departments, Ac. DT* Ttrms intariabty in lulvance. ■ Tub WkbkltPbess wilLbe sent to subHcrlbers ! by mail, per annum, at ; gg Three copies f0r,... g Qfj Five copies f0r.... ; 8 00 Ten coptoß for ! /.*..00 Twenty copies, when sent to one addre55,,,.....20 00 Twenty copies, or over, to address of each subsbri- : bei*, each, por annum 1 20 For a clut> of twenty-one, or over, we will send an extra copy to the getter-up of the Club. I Post Masters are requested to; act as agents for The Weekly Prkss. I will esteem it a great favbr if my political and sonal friends, and all others who desire a first class Weekly Newspaper, will exert tflonmlvea to give Weekly Press a large circulation In their respective neighborhoods. JOHN W. FORNEY, ' ' i Editor and Proprietor. Publication Office of The Weekly Press, NO; 41f Ohestnufstrcet, Philadelphia. * • ’ ’ • < 1 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, OP THE 1 Wf.N TILTH WARD, take this method of return, ing our tlmuks to’Hurgt. ALEX. MCBRIDE, of the Twenty-first Ward, for his officer-llke and genttomanl* deportment towards us as officers at the Pic-Nic held at Strawberry Mansion, on the 3d Inst. LEVI LANCASTER, , , PETER BARTHOLOMEW. FRANCIS ALDRIDGE. 0. MARTINO. ' * aus-lt* M. B. VANDBRQRIFT.' ‘ JOHN M. ARUNDEL, of tho Twenty* Rocond Ward, will be a candidate for Assembly, fro in tho Sixteenth District. Subject to the nomination 5 the Democratic Convention. aus-eod2w* j CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC HAILROAD. —CIIANOK OF HOURS. i SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. ! On and after Monday July.6th, and until further notice, tralna for Atlauilo City {will leave Vino atreat wharf dally, (Sttudajs excepted.) , train will leave Vineatreet wharf at 7->JO A. 81, j Second down passenger train will leave Vine street wharf at 6 P. M. trains, with passenger car attached, 5-S5 A. Returning, tvlll leavo Atlantic City aa follows: First passengor train at 6-30 A. M •'“> 4.60 P.m’. Freight train 12-30 P M PAS&KNGEIIfi FOR UADDONFIELD Will leavo Vice street wharf at I<M6 A. M., arid 6-46 P. M. ' Will leave ITaddonQeld at 7-20 A. M., and 2 P. M. freight must bo delivesed At Cooper’s Point br 2 *nBuro I*® going down in the morning Tke Company will not bo responsible for any goods until received and receipted for by their freight went. aus -l m * R. FRAZER, Secretary. TAEPARTMENT •OF PUBLIC HIGH nSTII StTeoV >rHCB ’ S ' W ‘ COr “ W OHKSTNUT and SEAT,ED FROPO3ALB, entitled “ PropoeeU for Gtad h>« Dcldgo street, from Thirty.fltth or Thlrth-allth Btrcot westward to Lancaster avenue, In the Twoalv- Tjmßflniv'” V , m ± ro f elve4 this OBw Snfll TIIDRSDAY next* at 12 o’clock. j -.A 1 , 80 * [ or a Grading of Franklin street, between Sixth and Soventh, in thp First Ward: Washington !k? e yi«! tw^n^!sllt^ B ? CO, l d wd Twentj-third, In the Fifteenth Ward, and Hutchinson street, from 1 hompson to Master, in tho Twentieth W-rd if Also, for Repaving tho following utreeta ; Pino street, from Sixteenth to Seventeenth street: Haruuteftd street, from Nineteenth to Twenty-firat street, and Reach streot, from Chestnut to Walnut street: all'the necessary materials to bo furnished by tho contractor Tho work to be done in a substantial manner, and re sponse guarantees given to keep tho same in good condition for two yearn from the completion of tho work *O4. „ L , John McCarthy, aaS * 2t Chief Qommlsslonorof Highways. c, 'LINTON PLACE HOTEL, BROAD- V/ WAY, corner of EIGHTH, street, Now York THIS ELEGANT MODERN ESTABLISHMENT Is now open for the reception of guests, In the European SINGLE ROOMS from 60 cents to $1 per day. SUITS of ROOMS for Families, from (1 60 to $lO per day The MEALS served at all hours by tho CARD, at moderate rates. C. J. MAOLELLAN <“ long and favorably known to the patrons of Jones’ and tho United States Hotel, Philadelphia,”) is associated in the management, and has especial charge or the Catering Department. Every attention has beou paid to make tho organisation per feet, and our friends, patrons, and the travelling public in general, may rest assurred that no effort shall be wanting to make tho CLINTON worthy the fkraf which we hereby respectfully solicit. ’ ? WINANT? 0. TVOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Po ■L " licy No. 4202, issued by tho American Fire Insur ance Company, in tho name of Nicholas ». Tbouron, dated September 12, 1863, for $4,000 on brick building situated on tho west side of Sixth street! between,Prune nnd Spruce streets, Ims been lost or mislaid. Applica tion has been made for a new ono in lieu thereof. A jultablo reward will be paid for lt« return to No. 28 North Seventh streot . au s • TX/'INCHESTER A SCOTT. GENTLE * » MEN’S FURNISHING STORE and PATENT riuSSn? ORIRT MANUFACTORY. - No. 700 CHESTNUT Stroot, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, is particularly invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the most perfect fitting artiole made. ’ At whole sale and retail, and made to order. auft-lyif #l5 SEWING MACHINES, 702Cliesnut #l5 SEWING MACHINES, 702 Chcsnut #l5 SEWING MACHINES, 702 Chesnutj #l5 SEWING MACHINES, 702 Chcsnut RIK SEWING MACHINES, 702Cbesnut tffAU Btreet, ■ auS-lwd T® E IMPROVED AMBROTYPE AS B « a4e /f t,ho ncw SKYLIGHT ROOMS, (orer Chanc«>a I> ry OooU* Store.) >lB2O lYeat MARKET St,, ilr *1 * B,t lng tho place of tho old Dagnerreotypo In the People. No extra charges. EVANS, Photographer and Practical Teacher, aus-lt* ijonoce for Sole nub fcUnt, TO RENT.—TIie second and third story ROOMS o No. 267 (lato 163) North THIRD Street, near Vinp*' ntU-3t# A NEAT HOUSE TO LET IN'A FEW days, No. 480 GEORGE Streets, westof Twentieth, $lB, in advance. . au3-Bt# TO LET.—A soven room HOUSE, on Nagle stroot, at $lO per month. Apply,to HENRY M. BOYD, 462 and 464 N. TENTH Street. . au3-3t# ATIYO-STORY HOUSE, two parlors, basement, dining room ntid kitcheh, dry cellars, gas and fixtures, bath, good yard, Ac., 4n JTranklin stroot, above Green—rent 180—by D. B. VAIL, NINTH and BUTTONWOOD Streets., . ' ■ ■ ■ au3-3t* - WANTED.— A Journeyman HARNESS MAKER, to go to Bucks, County, about twenty miles north .of this city. < Inquire at. the Black Hone Hotel, SECOND Shoot, Mow CallowMll. .. «M» iUtirriib. CDcntljs, THE PRESS, BY JOHN W. FORNEY. personal. iUiGccllancottG. MX,. APGPST 5. JB.W. Resolution r proposing amend ments to THE ©ONSTITUIQN OP THE COM raonwealth* Resolved by the Senate and House of Repnsehta• lives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Gen eral Assembly met: That the following amendments are prepohed to the Constitution of tho Cominonwalth. in .iccordance with the ■ provisions of the tenth article thereof. first amendment. There shall he an additional article to said Constitft lion to bo designated as article eleven, as follows ABTICLBXt. . OP PUBLIC DEBTS. Sbotlon 1. Tho State may contract-debts, to supply casual deficit of failures in roveouoe. or to meet expen *o9 not otherwise provided for; out the aggregate amount of such debts direct and contingent, whether contracted by ylrtuo of one or more acts of the general assembly, or at different periods of time,shall never ex ceed seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and the mouey arising from the creation of such debts, shall be applied to the purpose for which it was obtained, or to repay the debts so contracted, and to no other purpose whatever. Sfotjo.n 2. In addition to the above limited power, tho State may contract debts to repel invnslou, suppress Insurrection, defend the State In war, or to redeem the present outstanding indebtedness of the State: but the money arising from the contracting of such dents, shall be applied to (he purpose for which it was raised, or to repay such debts, and to no other purpose whatever. Suction 3. Except the debts above specified, In sec tions ono and two of this article, no debt whatever shall be created by, or on behalf of the State. Seotiox 4. To provide for tho payment of the present debt, and any additional debt contracted as aforesaid, the legislature shall, at its first session, after the adop tion of this amendment, create a sinking fund, which shall be sufficient to pay the accruing interest on such debt, and annually to reduce the principal thereof by a sum not lesß thau two hundred and fifty thousand dol lars; which sinking fund shall consist of the net annual income of the publTo works, from time to time owned by the State, or the proceeds of tho sale of the same, or any part thoreof, and of the income or proceeds of salo of stocks owned by the State, together with other funds, or resources, that may be dcslguated by law. The said sinking fund may bo increased, from time to time, by as signing to it any part of the taxes, or other revenues of the State, not required for the ordinary and current ex penses of government, and unless in case of war, inva sion or insurrection, no part of the said sinking fund fihajil be uited or applied otherwise than in extinguish ment of the public debt, until the amount of such debt If* reduced below the sum of five millions of dollars. Sgbtioh 5. The credit of the Commonwealth shall not in auy manner, or event, be pledged, or' loaned to, any individual, company, corporation, or association; nor shall the Commonwealth hereafter become a joint owner, or stockholder, in any company, association, or cor poration,, '‘StfCTfojrfi. The Commonwealth shall not assume the debt, Or any part thereof, of anv county, city, borough, ortovnship; or of any corporation, or association; un less such debt shall hard beW contracted to enable the State to repel Invasion, suppress'domestic insurrection, defend itself in time of war, or to assist tjho State in the discharge of any portion of its present indebtedness. Suction 7. Tho Legislature shall not autfiArtie any county, city, borougn,' township, or incorporated dis trict, by virtue of a vote of Its citizens, or otherwise, to become a stockholder in any company, association or corporation; or to obtain money for, or loan Its credit to, any corporation, association, institution or party. SECOND AMENDMENT. There shall be an additional article to said Constitu tion,' to be designated as article XII., as follows: ARTICLE XII. OF NEW COUNTIES. No county shall be divided by a line cutting off over one-tenth of its population, (either to form a new county or otherwise,) without the express assent of such county, by a vote of the electors thereof; nor shall any now county be established, containing less than four hundred square miles. TIIIRD AMENDMENT. From section two of the first article of the Constitu tion strike out the words, “0/ the city of Pkiladelph *O, and of each county respectively; 11 from section fivo, same article, strike out the words, “0/ Philadelphia and of the several counties from section seven, same article, strike out the words, “neither the city of Phi ladelphia nor any,” and insert in lieu thereof the words, “and no;” and strike ont “section four, same article, 1 ' and in lieu thereof insert the following: “ Section' 4. In tho year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, and in every seventh year thereafter, re presentatives to tho number of one hundred, shall be apportioned and distributed equally, throughout the State, by districts, in proportion to the number of taxa ble inhabitants in the several parts thereof; except that any county containing at least three thousand five hundred taxables, may be allowed a separate represen tation; but no more than three counties shall be joined, and no county shall l>o divided, in the formation of a district. Any city containing a sufficient number of taxables to entitle it to at least two representatives, shall have a separate representation assigned it, and shall bo divided into convenient districts of contiguous territory, of equal taxable population as near as may be, each of which districts shall elect one representative.” > At the end of section seven, same article, insert these words, “ the city of Philadelphia shall be divided into single senatorial districts, of contiguous territory as nearly equal in taxable population as possible, but no ward shall be divided in the formation thereof. 11 The legislature, at its first session, after the adoption of this amendment, shall divide the city of Philadelphia into senatorial ahd representative districts, in the man ner above provided; such districts to remain unchanged anti' the'apportionment in the year one thousand bight hundred and sixty-four. FOURTH AMENDMENT. There shall bo an additional section to the first article of said Constitution, which shall be numbered and read as follows: Section 26. The legislature shall have the power to alter, revoke, or annul, any charter of incorporation hereafter conferred by, or under, any special, or general l|w, whenever in their opinion it may be Injurious to the citizens of the Commonwealth; in such manner, however, that no injustice shall be done to the corpora tors. In Senate, March 29,1657. Resolved, That this resolution pass. On tho first amendment, yeas 24, nays 7; on the second amendment, yeas 23, nays 8: on the third amendment, yeas 24, nays 4; on tho fourth amendment, yeas 23. nays 4. (Extract from the Journal.] GEO. W. HAMKB3LY, Clerk. In the House or Representatives, April 26,1657. Resolved, That this resolution pass. On tho first amendment, yeAs 76, nays 12; on the Becond amendment, ye&ss7, nays 34; on the third amendment, yeas 72, nays 22; ou the fourth amendment, yeas 83, uays 7. (Extract from the Journal.] 1 JACOB ZIEGLER, Clerk. 1 Filed in Secretary’s office, May 2,1857. A. 0. CURTIN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. x SscarrAßv’s Orriex, IIARQIsbDRO, Juno 22, 1657. PCTmsy/riyirtg nf * I pa certify tbaf the above and foregoing Is a true ana correct copy of theorlglnal “Resolution proposing amend ments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth.” with the rote in each branch of the Legislature upon the final passage thereof, as appears from the originals 00 file iu this office. Iu testimony whereof I hare hereunto sot my [ls.] hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the > Secretary’s Office, the day and year above written. A. G. CURTIN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Ik Senate, March 27.1857. The resolution proposing amendments to the Consti tution of the Commonwealth being under consideration, On the question, Will the Senate agree to the first amendment? The yeas and uays were taken agreeably to the pro visions of the Constitution, and were as follow, vis: YraB—Messrs, brewer, Browne, Coffey, Ely. Evans, Potter, Flennlken, Fraser, Ingram, Jordan, Killinger, Knox, Laubach, Lewis, Myer, Scofield, Sellers, Shu man, Steele, Btraub, Welsh, Wilkins, Wright ana Tag gart, Speaker—24. Nats—Messrs. Crabb, Gresswell, Finney, Gregg, Harris, Penrose and Soother—7. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the Senate agree to the second amendment? Th« yeas and nays were taken agreoablv to the pro visions of the Constitution, aud were job follow, viz: ■Yeas— Messrs. Brewer, Browne/ Cresswell, Ely, Evans, Fetter, Finney, Flennlken, Ingram, Jordau, Knox, Laubach, Lewis, Myer, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Steele, fltraob, Welsh, Wilkins, Wright and Taggart, Speaker— 23.. Nats—Messrs. Coffey, Or&bb, Frazer, Gregg, Harris, Killinger, Peurose and Scofield—B. So the quostlon was determined In the affirmative. Oh the question, Will the Senate agree to the third amendment ! The ye&g and nays were taken agreeably to the pro visions of the Constitution, and were as follows, vis : Ye ab— Messrs, Brewer, Browne, Crabb, Crossweii, Ely, Evans, Flennlken, Fraser, Ingram, Jordan, Killinger, Knox, Laubach, Lewis, Myer. Scofield, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Steele, Straub, welsh, Wilkins, and Wright —24. Nays—Messrs. CofFey, Gregg, Harris and Penrose—4. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the Senate agree to the fourth amendment? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pro visions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz : Yhas—Blessrs. Brewer, Browne, Coffey. Cresswell, Ely, Evans, Flenolken, Fraser, Ingram, Killinger, Knox, Lauback,Lewis, Myer, Scofield, Sellers. Shuman, Souther, Btecle, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins and Wright—23. Nats—Messrs. Crabb, Finney, Jordan and Penrose—4 So the question waa determined in the affirmative. In tde House or Rkprkbestavivbb, ) April 20,1857. J The resolution proposing amendments to the Consti tution of the Commonwealth being under consideration, . On the question, Will the House agreo to the first amendment ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi sions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz: Yeas—Messrs. Anderson, Arthur, Backhouse, Ball, Beck, Bishop, Bower, Brown,Calhoun, Campbell,Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey, Ent, Eyster, Fausold, Foster, Gibboney, Glides, Ilamel, Harper, Heins, Hiestand, IIIH, Hlllcgns, Hoffman, (Berks.) Imbrle, Innes, Jacobs, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr, Kuigbt, Lei souring, Longftkor, Lovett, Manear, Maugle, M’Calmont, M’ri'ain, Moorhead, Mumma, Musseliuan, Nichols, Nicholson, Nunemacher, Pearson, Peters, Petriken, Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelqhia,) Ramsey, (York,) Reamer, Reed, Roberts, Rupp, Bnaw, Sloan, Smith. (Oambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Tolau, Vail, vanvoorhlu, Vickers. Voeghley .Walter, Westbrook, Wharton, WUllston, Witherow, Wright, Zimmerman and Gets, Speaker —7B. Nats—Messrs. Backus,Benson, Dock, Hamilton, nan cock, Hlne, Hoffman. (Lebanon.) Lebo, Struthers, Thorn, Warner ana Wintrode—l2. Bo the question was determined In the affirmative. On the question, Will the House agree to the second amendment ? The yeas and nays wore taken agreeably to tho provi sions of the Constitution, and were as follows, viz: Yeas—Messrs. Anderson, Backhouse, Ball, Beck, Bower, Calhoun, Campbell, Carty, Ent, Fausold, Foster, Gildea, Hamel, Harpor, Heins,Hiestand, HiUegas,Hoff man, (Berks,) Housekeeper, Imbrle, Innes, Jenkins, Johns, Johuson, Kauffman, Knight, Leisenringer, Longa ker,-Lovett, Manear, Mauglo.M’llvatn, Moorhead, Mus selraan, Nichols, Nicholson, Nunemacher, Pearson, Pe ters, Petriken, Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia) Ramsey, (York,) Reamer, Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, Tolan, Vail, Voeghley, Walter, Westbrook, W'hartou, Zimmerman and Getz, Speeaker —s7. Nats—Messrs. Arthur. Augustine, Backus, Benson Bishop, Brown, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Eyster, Gib bonoy, Hamilton, Hancock, Hill, llino, Iloffman, (Leb anon.) Jacobs, Kerr. Lebo, M’Oaltnont, Mumma. Reed, Srnltn, (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevonsou, Struth ers, Thorn, Vanvoorhlu, Vickers, Wagonseller, Waruer, Wintrode, Witherow and Wright—34. SO tho question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will tho House agree to tho third amendment ? Tho yeas and nays were taken agreeably . to the pro visions of tho Constitution, and were as follows, viz: Yeas.— Meors. Anderson, Backhouse, Ball, Beck, Benson, Bower, Broun, Calhoun, Campbell, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Blckey, Knt, Eyßter, Fausold, Fos ter, Gibboney. Hamel, Uarperr, Heins, Hiestand, Hill, ilillegas, Iloffman. (Berks,) Hoffman, (Lebanon,) Housekeeper, Imbrle, luep, Jacobs, Johns. Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr, Lebo, Longaker, Lovett. Manear, Maugle, M’Calmoot, Moarhcad, Mumma, Musselm&u, Nichols. Nicholson, Nunemacher, Pearsou, Peters, Pet riken, Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey, (York.) Reamer, Reed, Rupp. Shaw, Sloan, Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Tolan, Vail, vnnvoorhls, Vickers, Voeghley. Wagonseller, Westbrook, WUllston, With erow, Wright, Zimmerman and Getz, Speaker— 72. ' Nats—Messrs. Arthur, Augustine, Backus, Bishop, Carty .Dock, Gildea, Hamilton, Hancock, Iline. Jen kins, Knight, Lclsenrlng, M’llvain, Ramsey, (Pbiladel tihia.) Roberts, Struthers, Thorn, Walter, Warner, V’harton and Wintrode—22. So the question was determined In tho affirmative. On the question, Will tho House agree to the fourth amendment? The yeas aud nays were taken agreeably to tho pro visions of tho Constitution, and were as follow, vis : Yeas —Messrs. Anderson,Arthur, Backhouse, Backus, Ball, Beck, Benson, Blshep, Bowor, Brown. Calhoun, Campboll, Carty, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford,. Dickey, Ent, Eyster, Fausold, Foster, Glbbouey, Gildea. Hamel, Harper, Heins, Hiestand, Hill, Illlegas, Hoffman, e,) nolfman, (Lebanon,) Housekeeper, Imbrle, Jacobs, Jonkraa, Johns, Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr, Lebo, Leieenrlng Longaker, Lovett, Manear, Maugle, M’Calmont, M’ll value, Mumma, Mnsselmau, Nichols, Nicholson, Nunemacher, Pearson. Peters, Pe trikon, Pownall Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia,) Ram sey.' (York,) Reamer, Reed, Roberts. Ropp, Shaw, 81oau, Smith, (Cambria.) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Tolan, Vail, Vauvoorbls, Vickers, Voej'hley, Wagonseller. Walter, Warner, Westbrook, Wharton, WUllston, Witherow, Zimmerman, and Cots, Speaker—S3. Nats—Messrs. Dock, Hamilton, Hancock, Struthers, Thorn, Wintrode and Wright—7. So tho question was determined In the affirmative,- it . ‘Ut Secsrtart’s Office, HißßiBßCflO,June 22.1857;''' Pennsylvania, ss. I do certify that the above and foregoing fa a true find correct copy of the “ Yeas” and “Nays” taken bn the resolution proposing the Constitution of the Commonwealths as the same appears on the Jour nals of the two Houses of the General A uembly of this Commonwealth for the session of 1857. [L. s.j Witness my hand and the seal of said office,’ this Iwenty-Becond day of June, qnft' thousand' elghi hundred and fifty-seven. A. G. CURTIN, ' auS-m3m Secretary of the Commonwealth. ftmttsanents. Academy op music, broad and LOCUST Street*.—Mr. E. A. MARSHALL, Sole Leasee.—PROMENADE CONCERTB.—A GREAT SUO CESS.—THIS EVENING, August Ist, the following artists will appearMAD. JOHANNSEN, MISS RICH INGB, SIGNOR AMODIO, MR. FRAZER, and the great GERMANIA ORCHESTRA, Under the direction of OARL BERGMAN. I Admittance 25 cents. aul-3t JOHN DREW’S NATIONAL THEATRE. WALNUT street, above ElGHTH.—Lessee and Manager John Drew. Prices—Dress Cifcle and Par quet, 37# cents; Orchestra Chairs, 50, cents; Seat* In Private Box, 75 cents; Family Circle, 25 cebts. - Doors open at 7. To commence at 8 o'clock.. Box Office open' from 10 to 3 o'clock, where Seats can be Secured with out extra charge. . - WEDNESDAY EVENING. August 6th, ■ The celebrated Aeronaut and Wizard, > MONB. B. GODARD, . Who will perforin nightly a selection df wonders. To conclude with the laughable farce entitled' MISERIES OF HUMAN LITE.' Ally Croaker. .Mr. J. Drew ( Margaret....,,Mrs. J. Drew PARKINSON’S ILLUMINATED GAR DENS.— great ATTRACTION ’—PROMENADE CONCERTS EVERY EVENING: MISS AGNES SUTHERLAND. The celebrated Scottish Nightingale.* « The Cameron’s Here,” “ Mocgregor's Gathering,” Ac. Melgnan's su perb Orchestra—“ Anvil Chorus,” “Glpuy’s Song,” “ Fra Diavolo,” Marches, Waltzes, Gallops, &c. &c. Fire-works nightly. Admittance 25c. Eight for fl. au4-tf THOMEUF’B VARIETIES.—“The cool est place in the city, and the most respectably at. tended N- W. corner FIFTH and CHESTNUT. THIS, and EVERY EVENING this week, those beau* tiful and well-tried Philadelphia favorites, FANNY FORREST, JENNY BELLMAN, ■iXD M’LLE. LEFOLLE, Will appear, aided by a SUPERIOR COMPANY. A laughable Afterpiece will conclude the performance, which commences at a quarter to a. Admission 10 cents. JOHN 0. WARREN, Conductor of Amusements. Summer Resorts, The mountain house, capon SPRINGS, VIRGINIA, will be opened for the re ception of visitors on MONDAY, 22d JUNE, and will remain* open until the Ist OCTOBER. Through Tickets can be obtsined at Baltimore, Wash ington, Richmond and Alexandria. Passengers leaving Baltimore iu the early morning train, via Alexandria and Manassas Gap Railroad to Strasburg, reafeh the Bprings from 5 to 6 o’clock same evening, and those' from Baltimore and the West, via Harper’s Ferry and Winchester, from 8 to 9 P. M. aul-2w J. N. BUCK, Proprietor. Hf OUNTAIN HOUSE* l»-i- Oapok £pbir<39, July 22d, 1857. A CARD.—The subscriber having understood that reports are in circulation In Baltimore that he intends closing the Mountain House for the season, this method of contradicting them, and saying, while the company is not quite so large os usual, still It is fair, considering the lateaess of the season, with daily ac cessions and a prospect of a much later season thau usual. It will be KEPT OPEN TILL THE FIRBT OF OCTOBER, and longer, if neeeas&ry. aul-2w JOHN N. BUCK. CALEDONIA. COLD SPRINGS, ADAMS COUNTY, PA.—These Springs are located at a very high elevation in Adams county, Pennsylvania.— They will be OPEN for the reception of visitors on the 15th of JUNE, under the superintendence of WILLIAM H. IJAMS, or Baltimore, wltfc’an efficient corps of attendants. The distance from. Baltimore, by a smooth turnpike, Is about 65 miles. Visitors leaving Baltimore in the morning train via the Northern Central and Cum berland Valley Railroad, will arrive at the Springs the same evening for tea. by omnibuses from Chambers burg. The distance from Ohambersburg Is 16 miles over a smooth turnpiko road. * aul-lOt* .. THE PROPRIETORS. fi JGAHbATHING, NATIONAL HALL. KfOAPF. MAY, CAPE ISLAND.-Thl* largo and splendid Hotel is now OPEN for visitors. It Is fitted up with gas, and is distinguished for comfort, locality and Superior accommodations, with ample room for 200 persons. '* J NATIONAL HALL occupies a square of high ground uear tho Surf, enjoying tho pure sea breeze, and unob structed view of the Ocean. Terms moderate. AARON GARRETSON, aul-Ot* Proprietor. SEA BATHING.—PHILADELPHIA HOUSE, GAPE MAY.—This well-known and fa* vorlte Hoiwe is now open for the reception of Boarders. It is situated in the middle of the Island, and elose to the Sea, and its accommodations equal to any of the large Hotels, combined with the comforts of home; and no pains will be spared by the Proprietors in giving sat isfaction to all who may pay them a visit. H. I). STUARD, 1 8. R. SPRINGER, J Proprietors. Dinmore* photographic gal- LKRY.~M. A. ROOT, so well known over thin country Tor hi* masterly perfection in all branches of the PHOTOGRAPHIC ART, haring disposed of hi* old stand, Ills Operator* are now making “ Hoot'* ” style of portraits, with all the new improvements, at DIN* MORE'S GALLERY, No. 730 CHESTNUT street, third door below EIGHTH, which should be examined by all who admire the delicacy of tone, the fidelity to nature, and truthfulness of finish, whlchpre-eminontly distin guished the Operators of Root. aul .It* TO BE LET.—Soreral fine ROOMS, nuita ble for light manufacturing purposes, north side Bt. James’ street,'between Market-rod Arch and Sixth and Seventh streets. Apply to J.H. CURTIS A SON, Beal Estate Brokers, au3-tt» 433 WALNUT St,, 3d door east ofTlfth- TO THE PUBLIC.—I WOULD CALL the attention of the public to the follow lug RECIPE, which I have tried Id a number of cages of SCARLET FP.VEft, TYPHUS PETER, and in one case of the most malignant SMALL-POX. I have not known a death to occur where it was used. The following ia the plan that I have always adopted: .Put one peck of charcoal in a furnace and bum the gas off in the open air: then I have always taken it to the alck room and sprinkled over It gradually about five pounds of common brown sugar, then sprinkle over it one gallon of cider vinegar. It should be tried every other day to make it effectual. Of eourse medical advice is required besides. SIMON GAUTLAND. It.* Philadelphia, July SO, 1867. The new books op the season, PUBLISHED BY HARPER ft BROTHERS, 827 to 835 PEARL Street, (Franklin Square.) MARRIED OR SINGLE ? By Miea Oitharikb U. Sedqwick, Author of “Hope Leslie,” “The Lin woods,” “Means and Ends,” “ Lire and dee. dec. 2 Tola. 12mo, Muilin, $1.75. VIRGINIA ILLUSTRATED; containing a Visit to the Virginia Canaan, and- the Adventures of Porte Crayon and his Cousins. Illustrated from Drawings by Porte Crayon. Bvo, Muslin, $2.50; Half Calf antique, $3.50; Half Calf, extra, gilt, $4.00. THE ATHELINGS; or. the Three Gifts. By Mrs. Oliphant, Author of “ The Days of My Life.” “ Katie Stewart,” “The Quiet Heart,” Ac. Bvo, Paper, 50 cents. THE PROFESSOR. By Coxier Bell (Charlotte Bronte.) 12mo, Paper 60 cents: Muslin, 75 ceuts. THE ROMANY RYE, A Sequel to “LavengTO.” By George Borrow. Bto, Paper, 60 cents. TENT LIFE IN THE HOLY LAND. By William C. Prime. Author of “The Old House by the Rivet,” and “Later Years.” Illustrations. 12mo, Muslin, $1.25. BOAT LIFE IN EGYPT AND NUBIA. By Wil liam C. Prime. Author of “The Old House by the River,” and “Later Years.” Illustrations. 12mo, Muslin, $1.25. LEONORO D’OBCO. A Novel. By G. P. R. James, Esq., Authorof “ The Old Dominion,” “ Ticonderoga,” “ Agnes Sorel,” “A Life of Vicissitudes,” Ac., Ac. Bro, Paper, 50 cents. THE FORTUNES OF GLENCORE. A Novel. Dy Charles Levis. Btq, Paper, 50 cents. NOTHING NEW. Tales.' Embracing Lord l Erlis toon, Alwyn’s First Wife, M. Anastasiua, the Water Cure, The Last House in C Street, A Family in Love, A Low Marriage, The Double House. By the Author of “John Halifax, Gentleman,” “Olive,” “The OgHvles,” “The Uead of the Family," “Agatha’s Hus band,” Ac. Bro., Paper, 60 cents. RANDOM SKETCHES AND NOTES OF EUROPEAN TRAVEL in 1850; By Rov. Jonx E. Edwards, A.' M. 12mo, Muslin, $l.OO. THE DAYS OF MY LITE. An Autobiography. By the Author of “Margaret Maitland,” “Liliesleaf,” Ac., Ac. 12mo, Muslin, 75 cents. ISABEL; nr, the Young Wife and the Old Love. By Jons Cordy Jeaffrbson, Authorof “Crewe Rise,” Ac. 12mo, Muslin, 75 cents. VILLAS AND COTTAGES. A Series of Designs Prepared for Execution in the United States. By Cal vert Vaux, Areht. (late DowMISQ ft Vaux,) Newburgh on the Hudson. Illustrated by 800 Engravings. Sixth Edition. Bvo, Muslin, $2.00. DORK. By a Stroller in Europe. Third Edition. 12mo. Muslin, $l.OO. THE CHILD’S BOOK OF NATURE. Iu three Parts. Part I. Plants, Part 11. Auimals. Part 111. Air, Water, Heat. Light, Ao. By Wortbikaton Hooker, M. D. Richly Illustrated. The three Parts complete in one volume. Small 4to, Mubllu, $1.25; separately, Muslin, 50 cents each. STORIES OF THE ISLAND WORLD. By Charles Nonnnopr, Author of “Man-of-War Life,” “The Me rchant Vessel,” “ Wh&Ung and Pishing,” Ac. Illustra tions. 16m0., Muslin, 75 cents. KATHIK BRANDS. A Fireside History of a Quiet Life. By Holme Lxr. 12mo, Muslin, 76 cents. ■ THE BRONTE NOVELB. THE PROFESSOR. By VILLETTE. By Cobrer Currrr Bell. 12mo, Pa- Bell. Paper, 50 cents ; per,oo cents: Muslin, 75 Muslin, 75 cents, cents* WUTHKRINa HEIGHTS. JAYNE KYRK, ByOURRER By Ellis Bell. Muslin, Bell. Paper, 3Ttf cents: 7& cents. Muslin, 7ft cents. THE TENANT OF WILD SHIRLEY. ByOuRRBR FELL HALL. By Acton Bell. Paper, 37)4 cents; Bell. Muslin, 75 cents. Muslin, 76 cents. ##* HARPER A BROTI ERS will send either of the above Works by Mall, postage paid (for any distance in the United States uuder 3,000 miles,) on receipt of the Money. aos-lt THE KNICKERBOCKER ASSOCIATION of this city will give their SECOND ANNUAL EX CURSION to ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., on MONDAY, August 3d. In making this announcement to their fel low citizons, the Committee of Arrangements feel con fident that everything has been dono to insure the com fort and pleasure of those who may join in this Excur sion, and they are well assured that all who partiepated in their last anuual celebration will bear willing testi mony to the excellent stylo In which every arrange ment of that very pleasant occasion was carried out. Tickets .$1 60, including ferriage * and Ladies’ re freshments, can be had of the members, orof JAMES STOKES. Ledger Office. A Dana of Music will accompany the Excursion. Last Boat leaves Vine street wharf at O o’clock, A. M. WM.G. STORY, Secretary. SICK AND AFFLICTED EVERT WHERE.—VoIumes might be filled with the very strongest testimony to provo the great superiority of Dr. SWAYNE’S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHER RY in curing Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Blood-Spit ting, Pain in the Side or Breast, Palpitation or Disease of the HeArt, Tickling or Rising in tne Throat, Nervous Debility, and in connection with SWAYNE’S SUGAR COATED SARSAPARILLA AND TAR PILLS, the Liver, Bowels, Stomach, iu short, the whole Alimentary Canal will be cleansed and the blood purified. Labora tory of Dr. SWAYNE ft SON, No. 4 N. Seventh street, above Market. aas-lt IITORE ATTRACTIVE THAN EVER!*. J.YJ. GRAHAM’S ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE* CH*B, O. LELAKD, Editor, , . This standard Philadelphia Monthly hti been greatly improved during the last year, and noW.taakjr among the first periodicals of the country. ' The Eltfcftry con tents comprise selections from the bestwriters of the ago. 3. ■ For the excellence, interest aadririetr of its con tents, both literary and artistic,- GRAHAM’S is pro nounced the best Monthly pufeDafeed, , The Number for Avgust |iqqw out. aus 2t* TO ST, between the .exchange JLJ and Seventh iod jFifout, streets, a small PAR CEL, containing a Deed and sundry memoranda*. The bb* rewarded by delivering them to JOHN ADEL, No. $l7 Walfiut street, up stairs. It* riOPPER.- \J LAKE SUPERIOR INGOT, FOR SALE. ' - - WM. H. WOODWARD ft 00, au6-3t*rp 019 MARKET Street* lDtUd)es, 3etoeirs, 4??fe , , Bailey &co., chestnut-street, , . , Manufacturers of 1 •' f J BRITISH STERLING SILVER WARE, ' : 1 Uunder their Inspection,'on the premise*'bsbuuiively.’ and Strangers are Invited to yiait ettr maott , ! "WATCHES- ' " Constantly on hand a splendid stock of Superior Gold ' Watches, of all the celebrated makers. ' DIAMONDS* Necklaces, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear-Rings, Finger- Rings, and all other articles in the Diamond line. Drawings of NEW DESIGNS will be "made free or charge for those wishing work made ,to order. ! RICH GOLD JEWELRY. A beautiful assortment of all the new styles of fine J ewclry, such as Mosaic, Stone and Shell Cameo, ' Pearl, Coral, Carbuncle, Marqoiaite, Lava, Ac., &c. BHEPPIELD CASTORS, BASKETS, WAITERS, Ac. Also, Bronx* anC Marble CLOCKS, of newest styles, and of superior quality. . *ul-d twAw ly ©tugs anb CljemiraJs Frederick brown,-chemist AND DRUGGIST, north-east corner FIFTH and o/ lE iiROWN>s t pasßTfni ladelpllil ‘’ 6016 of BROWN’S ESSENCE OP JAMAICA GINGER, which t» recognised and prescribed by the Medical Fa- C'Wj «4 J»« become the Standard FAMILY MEDI CINE of the United States. This Essence i* a preparation of unusual excellence; Daring the Buramer months, no family or traveller should be .without it. In relaxation of the bowels, in nausea, and particularly in sea sickness, it is an actlvW add. safe, as well as a pleasant and efficient remedy • • CAUTION .—Persons desiring an article that can be relied upon, prepared solely from pure JAMAICA GlN GER,'should be’particular to ask for “Brown’s b sence of Jamaica Ginger,” which is warranted to be what it is represented, and is prepared only by FREDE RICK BROWN, and for sale at his Drug and Chemical Store, north-east corner of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia; ‘and by ail the respectable Drug gists and Apothecaries in the U. States. . aul-Sm' •* Handel, & haydn drug store, EIGHTH and GREEN streets, Philadelphia, D. L. STACKHOUSE, Proprietor. 'Always on hand the choicest article* of DHUGS, MEDICINES, PERFU MERY, CIGARS, Ac. . Stackhouse’s Patent Silver Soda .Water Fountain keeps the water at 33 deg.j hlf Syrups arid 'Cream* are acknowledged by all as being-the richest in the city. aol-lm -, , Penmanship anb flook Keeping. fIRITTEDEN’S ■ PHILADELPHIA COM \J MEROIAL COLLEGE, 8. B. Corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Second and Third Stories. BOOK KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, every style. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, Ao. Each Student has individual instruction from compe tent: and attentive Teachers, under the Immediate supervision of the Principal. , One of the Best Penmen in the Country has choree of the Writing Department. Please call ind see Specimens and get a Catalogue of Terms,Ac. , - ’ « aul-lm tOiiles onb Signors. A LEXANDER Y. HOLMES, WINE AND .xA. LIQUOR STORE, No. 226, Southeast Corner of GEORGE and SOUTH Streets. . , aul-ly WILLIAM F.PITFIELD,-IMPORTER of BRANDIES, WINES, Ac., Ac., No. 823 WALNUT Btreet, Philadelphia. 1 aul-lm Cl. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN FINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, Ae. t 26 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. aul-ly Myer strouse, attorney at LAW, OENTRE street, Pottsville, Pa. au4-ly * ( CHARLES P. CALDWELL—Wholesale and Retail WlitP and CaNE Manufacturer, No. 4 North FOURTH Street. au4 CHARES IN «THE ACADEMY OF MU- K 3 SIC” WANTED by W. C. BRIDGES, General Agent, ’ aut-3t*rp , No. 6 LODGE Street. SUXDEI. V. UERBICZ. J. TACOHiS MBBHiCK. WILLIAM H. MKRSICK. CJOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, ‘ & , SIXTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, PBILAPRUrBU, MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture nigh and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River, and Marine service. Boilers, Gasometers,- Tanks, Iron Boats, Aq., Cast ings of all kinds, either Iron or Brass. . Iron frame roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, Ac. > Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most Improved construction. Every description of Plantation machinery, such a* Sugar, Saw; ana Grist Mills, Vicaum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines, Ae. Bole Agents for N. Rillteux’s Patent- Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Nasmyth’s Patent Steam Hoquner; J. P. Rom* Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and 8 team Pomps.’ ... Superintendent—B. H. BAKTOL. ‘ auS-y X BAZIN. & CO.’S FRANGIPANNI, • AN ETERNAL PERFUME. THE ONLY GENUINE ARTICLE MANUFAC TURED. FRANGIPANNI EXTRACTS, FRANGIPANNI PO MADE. ' FRANGIPANNI SACHETS, FRANGIPANNI SOAP. FRANGIPANNI TOILET WATER. FRANGIPANNI ORE AM, FOR BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. X. BAZIN & 00; would respectfully cautloh'the pub lic against the many spurious articles bearing the of FRANGIPANNI. in imitation of their ORIGINAL and only OENUlNs'perfume, which is made entirely and purely from the celebrated recipe of FRANGIPAN NI; , ‘ , - « HU..,. * ' Its popularity has led several establishments to elaim for their counterfeits all these exquisite qualities which belong Only to tt»b GENUINE. ’ - • ■ For sale by all druggists and fancy dealers. X. BAZIN & CO., Manufacturers of the Prise Medal Perfumeries, aut-lwlf , . IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT— . NEW. GAS CONSUMING FURNACE. CHILSON'S NEW CONE FURNACE. after having been put to the most severe test, during the two cold wixtxbs or 1866 iso 1867, has ’/roved to be the most powerful heater is the world, saving from % to X tho fuel over any of the best farnaeee now in use. These Fosxaczs are constructed with a east iron ash pit, and a broad, shallow pan-shaped fire pot, lined with fire-brick or iron staves. The ore pot is surmount ed with A SERIES OF CONES, ot TAPERING RADIATORS, large and broad at their base, but tapering to small aper tures at the top, and uniting with the anular chamber, through which the heat and smoke pass to the flue. Tax whole products of combustion In the form of smote and Oiflia, are suspended directly over the fire, coxriNEDor compressed into the tapering Conks and continually ttxrosco to the direct action of the rays of heat and light from the fire. This heat and light Is brought to a rocus in each Cone, notunllke the COLLECTION OF THE SUN’S RAYS, . to a focal point through an ordinary lens, causing the smoke and oases to become intensely heated and tho roughly consumed, by this operation the smoeeasd oases are made equally available with the rext iTSRir for heatbg purposes, while, In other furnaces, it fa OAEEIED or* AMD WASTED IN THE CRIMNET. All persons desirous of obtaining the best and MOST ECONOMICAL'HEATING APPARATUS, should not fall to examine the Nair Gas Coxsomixq Cone Furnace, before purchasing any other. The at tention of architects and builders la particularly re quested. ARNOLD ft WILSON, (Successors to 8. A. Harrison.) No. 624 WALNUT Street, aul-tf Opposite Independence Square. Beware of imitations.—k. &g. A. WRIGHTS’ ORIGINAL FRANGIPANNI, OR EVERLASTING PERFUME. Fkanqipasni Extracts, [ Feaxgipasxi Pomade, “ Hair Oil, I “ Soap, Tooth Powder. { Sachet. These new, elegant and recherths perfumeries are from the laboratory of Messrp. B. ft G. A. Wright, SOLE ORIGINATORS AND MANUFACTURERS in this country.' The Perfume Frangipannl is an oriental ? reduction, brought in its original state Into this coun ry, and prepared in its various forms by them. The admiration and demand for these articles is be yond precedent, and, in consequence, a variety of imita tions are springing tip: but these, whether of H 0 H E MANUFACTURE, 8r SOLD AS “IMPORTATIONS,” have only an evanescent fragrance, AND SHOULD HE AVOIDED BY PURCHASERS. For sale by all the Druggists in the United States, Canada, and South America. R. ft G. A. WRIGHT, Sole Originators and Manufac turers in the United States. No. S 5 (late 23) South FOURTH St., Philada. aul-6t Philadelphia type foundry— N. W. Cor. THIRD and CUESNUT Sts. L. PELOUZE ft SON, thankful for the liberal pa tronage heretofore accorded to their Establishment, and desirous to merit its continuance, would announce to Printers and Publishers that their new SPECIMEN BOOK is now ready, and from their increased facilities, are now prepared to furnish every thing necessary in a complete printing Establishment, at the shortest no tice. Their long practical experience in the business, and the fact of their personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, justifies them In asserting that they can furnish a more durable and better fin ished article than their cotemporaries. Those, therofore, who desire-Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them previous to purchasing elsewhere. Old type token at 9 ceuts per pound, in exchange for now at specimen prices. aul-tf Boston benzole portable gas APPARATUS, for Ligting Stores, Dwellings, Fac tories, Hotels, ftc. This Gas Machine has been in,constant and successful use for four years, and is therefore no longer an experiment. The simplicity of the Apparatus, its entire freedom from danger by oXplo oisns, the little attention required, the ease with which it i* managed, by any person, and the cheapness and superiority of the Light orer all others, has gained for it tho'f&YOrable opinion of those,acquainted with its merits. The cost of the Light is about one cent per hour for each burner. Numerous certificates by those that have used the machine: and a Machiue in opera tion can bo seen at tho Gas Fitting Store of S. R. BLAIR, No. 10 North Sorenth Street. For further information apply as above, to C. P. WEEKS, aul-stuth lm * Agent Boston Benzole Gas Works Co. COUNTRY -COLLECTIONS mado with promptness and at the usual rates, by DAVIS ft BIRNEY, No. 25 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. They invite attention to their unequalled facilities for the adjustment of controversies iu all parte of-the Uuitcd States and Canadas, and collecting and securing MERCANTILE CLAIMS, . afforded by their thorough organization; having local agents in every settled county in theUaion, and by pros perous associate offices in Boston, Louisville* Dubuque New York, St, Louis, Detroit, ’ Baltimore, Cincinnati, st. Paul’s, Washington, Pittsburgh, Milwaukee, Charleston, Chicago, Memphis, Mobile, New Orleans, Savannah. Each local office controlling its own collections, and having daily busl&M tonnecriouswith the most reliable and experienced attorneys in the country. They also hatfe superior facilities for collecting draft* and maturing paper at points not; accessible to Banks ana Bankers, and Remittances are promptly made by their correspondents for commissions that exceed but the current rate of exchange. By tho aid of intelligent correspondents, they are able to have Land Warrants located, claims adjusted, titles examined, in all puts of the West. au4-tuth£g-lm HOTEL,CAPE ISLAND, IfJL N. J;. is now &pen for the reception of visitors. This House is situated within a hundred yards of the Beach. The Proprietor promises that no care shall be spared to render those comfortable who will favor him with their patronage. Terms moderate. aug3-lw# J. LYONS, Proprietor. LUMBER I LUMBER ! ! —Tho subscriber, who has for several years occupied tha premises at Sloan’s Planing Mill, Kensington, has removed to COATES STREET WHARF, adjoining the Phcenix Planing Mill, on Delaware avedue, where he intends keeping a largo assortment of Carolina and other floor ing boards, stops, risers, shelving, ceiling. fencing and scaffold boards, thoroughly seasoned ana well worked. For sale at the lowest cash prices. Purchasers are in vited to call and examine for thsmsqlves. and every ef fort will bo made to give satisfaction. Orders received and supplied at the shortest notice for all kinds and sisee of Southern yellow Pine, Timber and Scantling, aql-tf 0. 8. RICEttl. Subject to the rules aal-tf PROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT COURT, GEORGE T. vgyjiyft, Twrntr oocond Ward. Subject to Decgocratic Rales. • an *?taef POE RECORDER OF DEEPS—R- R. YOUNG, Seventh Ward. Subject to'Democratie Rules. au44m* FOR CLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS, SAMUEL'G. THOMPSON, Oth Ward. Subject to the Bale? of the Democratic Party. and whs tsB* T7*OR CORQNESr-N. C. REID, M. D. K* Subject to Democratic Rules. ‘aailm* I jIORCORONER—CHARLES S. PEALL, Nioftecfftb-Wart- aal-lw* For assembly—first district.— JOSEPH X DONNELLY. Tint Ward. Subject to decitiou of the Democratic Convention. aul-Sw* Fob assembly—third district— DAVID B. MeLEAN, : Fourth Ward. -Subject, to •Demaerstie Rules. ’ . ' aul-lr* FOR ASSEMBLY-^ JOSEPH HUNEKER, • • Eighth District, Eeventh Ward. Subject to Democratic .,* For recorder of deeds— ■chablesm.hilleb, - Fourteenth Ward, Subject to Bemoerttae Rules, only.' * anl t seS For recorder of deeds—geokge W. WUNnxB, TMltoontAWard. BnM«*tolte mocratic Bale., ■ -*ol*4.* For recorder of deeds—n. f. WQOD, Thirteenth ward. _ Subject to Democratic . aus*te* r<LERK ; OF QUARTER SESSIONS.— GEORGE SIMPSON, THIRTEENTH WARD.— Subject to Democratic Buies. . aultsepS ’ fjotels anb Uestanranls, r objSßi..CoFfl« .'"’fHptD/irjLBP HIWiICtDgJIOCRAttC HEAD ' Sonfe-Mlt 2j < tUESN Streets/ J r.*uy t ?. i .philatelphia. WILLtaiC - IT. KIHG^-SOHTHERK • .EXCgAX&e HOTEL, Soafli-wt <, wo [ runA tol CABPINTIB Hi. J 'w,ii-t.l r M. .■ SSi-lm' riHESNTJY STREET HOUSE—SAJCDEL An No. S3l STKENf, ; . mi l.lw "WT ILLIAM' HAJCHIN GS r City Lager Bee? » » Saloon, No. S 2 CIRSS&’g ALLEY, 'PhitsM- P hl »- ' - ~ ■ ’jal-irn . : ®t)inaanb ©ia®" 1 ITIHE CHEAPEST A2TDMO3T EXTEK- A- BIVK famishing CHDf A wad QLk3& meatin theUnitfid Statesis the OLD mrtfea watt. CHESTXUT street, 'directly oppodte ttegttta j3«ae Families farmahing, : willftod it to fhe&r intereeVfoxa. wet the tanraatw stock ofrich decanted freed! Pining. Desert, Tee end Pmejrfmf seta. -AUb, white French China, by single doxen or la complete seta; ®“®' aU kinds of osefol titdieo crodtrt etwers open end property exhibited. Over 100 different patterns tod shapes of elegant end plain TOILET SETS; Chine end Glass, manufactured expressly for Hotels': 'and shipping orders to-any extent supplied at short notice. Packing particularly attended to; ' ; j WJf, l. KK&BgGhUa Ball,: . Philadelphia. , r Jont Bitub, Aaepoiieer, NO. 326 ARCH STREET, between THIRD AND FOURTH STREETS. - ' , > , . SALES EVERT EVENING at 8 o'clock,' Of Boots; Shoes, Brogans, Gaitera, Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, Jewelry, Hosiery, Whip*. TraA Faaer Gcods, Notions, «e., Ac. • N. 8.. Terms of Night Sales, four months credit for approved City acceptances, for suns of $lOO and over, with interest added from date of sale. CARD.—Out-door Sales solicited of Hocsebold Farsi tare at dwellings, Stocks of Hardware, Underwriters ’ Sales of Hardware. Cutlery, ,4c,* Consignments soli cited to be sold at tne Auction 1 Roosts." Charges moder ate. Apply as above. Ad reacts made os Consignments of Goods., , j , - aal lm Wdlbibt a Soorr, jTuctifmetn, y|Ql CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE wX THE OTraTbX ROUSE; fetveea Foarte mad Fifth Streets. . : . ‘ PEREMPTORY BALE CF 40,000 WASHSTAS3) ASD TABLE LEGS. ‘ ON THIS (TUESDAY) MORNING', Commenclog -hi H o’eloek precisely, v* wHt*IL without reserve, 40/*‘ * —•*-—*-• * • table legs, toned r Cabinet maker* t fall j invited to otto NOTICE.—Oar a Good*, do,, for the daring the earl r part continned retounr' of which will be **' Bt Gj NE. COftßfc*. • south strebtb, i BALKS EVES'. At 7X Q’docfej at Ox leiy, HooMkeejd&g / ry, F»ncy‘Article*. OAMUEL Ka and MOKZT l THIBIV Street, below *i*ht doors below t* Hoars of basil o’clock in Ike bti Out-door Hklee, w tended epos tbe nosv Advances mtdtk mond*i i so*er PUtej ctttndtee, Clothirfj.. lostnuaeats, Ouu, every description. All good* can . upon. from om hnnived deQura *ad amid*, will be£fe*rcedSper cent, per month: $9OO and. errr, tie lowest market rale. ' This Store House having a depth of 1» feet, has large fire and thief-proof vaults to xtare all valnahlee, and pri vate watchmen for the premises; abo, a hotvy in*a ranee effected for the benefit of all peroons having goods advanced upon. S, B.—On aeeosmt of having an unlimited this office, te prepared to make advances on men satis factory and accommodating terra ether in this city. Money advanced to the poor, in small annents. with out any charge. AT FKVATE 3ALE. Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will be sold at reduced pricea. ael-lr OCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL.— and all others who Uay favor tne with their orders, mar rely on getting Coal that will be satisfactory to-theoi'. * JD*’ No inferior. Coal kept at this establishment to offer at LOW PRICES. ALEXANDER CONVERT. ' N. E. corner of Broad and CAerry Sts. T EHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL^- MU DALY, PORTER ft CO., COAL DEALERS, No. BZI TRIMS Street, above Eighth, keep constantly on band, at the very lowest rates, a full supply of Lehieh a> 1 Schuylkill Coal. an l-6*n COAL! COAL! COAL!— CELEBRATED SPRING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH COAL. J. ft R.CARTKR’SGRESNWOOD, TAMAQUA OOAL GEORGE W. SNYDER'S PINE FOREST SCHUYL KILL COAL. KANDALL & MEBEDXTH Hare for s*le, ure conataatijr rtceiribj from the k])OT« ctlebntcd Collieries, COAL OF’ALL SIZES There ieno Coal mined anywhere, equal Ut quality to and a trial will convince anr one of their neat superiority. Oar Coal is very carefully screened at onr yards, sod we will warrant it perfectir free from elate, dost and all imparities. Our PRICES'are as LOW as the VERY LOWEST. Ordors left at our Office, No. 3 SOUTH FROST street, store Walnnt. Orders left at oar Yard, CALLOWHILL street, below BROAD street. 1 Orders left at onr Wharf. WATER street, store CAL LOWS ILL—or sent to either place per Despatch Post, will receive prompt attention. Purchasers for Family use will do well to call and ex amine onr Cool before par chasing elsewhere. au4-tf (Danis. rpo BOOKFOLDERS—WANTED, a few A first rate hands. Apply at the Binderr, 404 COM MERCE Street, above Fourth. ffIHREE BRICKLAYERS WANTED.— A At Corner of NINTH and CHERRY Streets.—None but good front workmen need apply. • aa3-St* OK YOUNG MEN WANTED.—For choice corps of the American Army. Pine chance for travel, promotion and study. Excellent pay, and free board and clothing. Apply at 343 8. Front. au3-lw* T*/"ANTED—A number of LABORING M MEN; good wages given. Apply at Cherry Hill Post-office, near Elkon, Cecil Qounty, ? .airland, for FRANCIS GREEN, Contractor., aa3-3t* Brcmcrus. Dithmar & butz, porter, ale AND LAGER BEER BREWERY,* No. 530 {new N 0.935) North THIRD Street, Philadelphia.—Shipping orders promptly attended to. anl-tf ®as iryElnrss. A RCHER, WARNER, MISKEY & CO., -tJLManufacturers of GASALISRS, BRA CKET3,PEN DANTS, FITTINGS, and all kinds of GAS and LAMP WORK. GIRANDOLES,- Ac., No. 329 CHESTNUT Street.'Philadelphia. ARCHER, WARNER A CO, No. 376 BROADWAY, New York. Buildings fitted -with Gas Pipes, and all kinds of altering and repairing of Gas Work. aal-lm* Commission ittertljnnts. Handy & brenner—commission MERCHANTS and Dealers in Foreign and Ame rican HARDWARE and CUTLERY, Nos. 23, 35 and 37 North FIFTH Street, East side, above Commerce street, Philadelphia. . aul-tf QUtornejis at £an>. TIANIEL DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY JiJ AT LAW, Southeast Conxer of EIGHTH and LO CUST Streets, Philadelphia. aul-lr JOHN BINNS, UNITED STATES Com missioner AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS. AND THE PROBATE OF ACCOUNTS , foe several States and Territories. He is. br law, authorized to administer Oaths and Affirmations to be received in all the Courts in Pennsylvania. JOHN BINNS may be found in his office, No 116 South SIXTH Street, opposite the County Court House, ftomS A.H.toftP.M. anl-lm B W. TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS, • No. 37 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly made on all accessible points in the United States and Canada. Btocks, Bonds, Ac., Bought and Sold on Casunlasiou. Uneurrcnt Bank Notes, Checks, Ac., bought at the lowest rates. Deposits recced and interest allowed, as per agree ment. anl-Sm CJULLENDER % PASCAL, *3 . . : HiTIKKS, yn. 13. SIXTH itrtflt, FMMripti*. Wi. F. WsABBUBTON, FASHIONABLE • HATTSfc, Mo. 430 CHBSTMVT Btrwt. l*knr