The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 05, 1857, Image 1
: ms,;jgmttimtßKE?,;,:; / • ; :S^B^^4't? i^-jfi^^ft*'ia ” B **:-‘' -4 y: -lit-/; -rr\ Jj:' i> ,•';■' , i.\.;]f* -,T. .„' ',]]■'. ' -r:. ibv^ress\ ;-■% <*■ ;.\ M cmlers.- of'W« City,at Six Dollars wjywsßif ? Sotjft doll ritefoa Eicm* Mowas: Thbsb DdLtiRSTOR Stx mtaH&blyln advance for th«; time ordered; ■ y■^J'‘-^:-> I >■■ , v< \ v nv-v -•;< Vv. <?%! at Smifr Dol- • ~,.,,v... ' tt&B'JB-K liY PRESS. 7. ’.'■ : ' ■,., T -¥ « : l^, K^; p^s ?^ w ? l K b . o . eeti t Id Subscribers, by aMflro? ra advancG,) at; - ,:;;',..;.:'.|2'W ,n \ I <‘ ’* ‘ : •J* r ,'g 00 Teno6pit>jL\ >-U - - ' 1 ' T*!.Y's ? j2 00' TtfetityCopiefc,’ * J ' *»- 2O/00 TwepK Copjea, or over., “ (to address qf bach ' f Bubsa-iber)j;each.'.,.l 20 ,??* a. 01ub , pf., ,or'over,''to send an e W tothegetter-mb of the,Club. ,/ , t■ ,' -dEr% Postmasters are t requested Agents for OTOICE FARM' X'&NiDS; FOR MLEX THE JCTJNQIS CKJTTK AU RAI C OJMP A,NY Miaow prbjjared to sell about' Ij6QQ,OOQ ‘acres’.of. choicS farming acres/ anftunwary, ou long creditfi, and>t lowVrptes of interest,//-' , / I’ 4 '_ Tkesp Uu&s wire by the Government to aid in the constrocpon, of Ibis. Hoadj tuuL are, among; .the rlch.oBt-aud.most fertile, la .the. worlds They* extend from North'-East ami'North-West, through’ the'hiiddle of tha State, to the ejetrym? Soqth, and fpclnde every variety of dUmatouud production* found between those parallelsof latitude.- ' The' Northern l ‘pbrtion is chiefly l prairie, interspersed with fine groves, and in the middle and Southern BectftHjS'tiinbfcr-predcnntnatesy alternating with beautiful praties,anp openipau. .. , . climate is* ihoro j\e&ithy, mild apd equable, than any ofche? pittt,o{,the couatry— U pure and bra cing* while Hying, streams springs - of excellent waterapouijd.^. t: , , -Bituminous Coal ia mined, and supplies a cheap , apd qeairable..fupl,, being furnished .at many points $4 per, toh--aiid wood can be had at thej same rate pec s',v- ... <V - ' \ { Building .Stope-of excellent .quality. also > abound*, which csfr<rure4 for little, more than the expense yif transportanoru • v 1 1 Thegrcatfertilityof.thase landSj Which areablach, ,*ich mould, from two, to five feet deep, and gently, roll: ing-, ttwic-foutieuUy to thisjeoad, by.which every faci, lity is furnished for travel and transportation to , ,tha principal .-markets.North,-South, East,, West, sod the economy' yrHh whlchiibey qaa-be;'cultivated,-render, them the,most valuablfhtotoßtHjept .that can he found, and presehiHte most favorable,opportunity for persona of industrious habits ami a mall mqaha t to acquire a com-, c Chicago is now the greatest grain market in the world; and the facility sed qepnomy;withtho products of transported make them much - morel profitable,' at .tha prieqs asked, than those-more tempts *$ goyerument j-/\tes,as the addi; tional. cogt, of tr&usw) datum is a perpetual tax on the latter, which.mut>t he borne by the producer, in re duced- price ho receives fpr-his graiQ r -4c. ; .« . • The title is pqrfecfcrnand when the final,payments are deeds'ore executed,by- appointed by the SmtOjsaodfto.’whoru the,vested, to the pur chasers, which CQuvey. to .them abgqlute tiUes iu fee sim ple r s fre« incumbrance,- U?p .pr/mort- arelrom $6 to $3O i-intorest only 3 pqr cl, Twenty per fit. w4* r deduct«d faitn theprice for cash, • Those who purchase on lone credit, give notes payable in two; three, four, alxyeats,afterdate,,andx» e required improve one-tenth annually .for five yearf* ao as. to one-h&lfthe land under cultivation at the end of;th»t thne,-,. - t ■ .:. ... { \\ ' , - Competent gumrors will accompany thflse wbo wish to examine thesejputds, l free'of chargo tl ana anthem in -.-j ; t,,. y -J r , - rlchand valuable as those have been disposed / ...... SECTIONAL MAPS.. ~,, ... : Will be who-will enclose, fifty .'.cents in postage,niaTOpStand booke or pamphlets containing ny, morons Instances of cuccessfnl farming^, slgned by ,re.: epee,table,and yelL'known;faraers .Uving-in:the neigh-' borhood pf;the Hailroad,.l<anas,t throughout the Statp-n -also the coatof ,price,of cattle,' expense,of har .vesUng,-{ threshing, etc/ )7 -or; any ; other, ■ will be cheerfully given on application, either personally - or by ietter, in French, or-Germxu. addreased; toiwr\K,A-i y> ■ JOHN WILSON.,, ■; Land Commissioner of the Illinois Central R! R. Co. ’ TiSilippiug.'.,;.,.. */> £<A y.A^-A'H-A ; » - GHARLESTONj ’ 4 ’* T&EiGHTS HBDCOED; ' ' l ' ■ T '';*•! The-well-,lmown 4rst class 4 bide' wheel Steamships 1 KEYSTONE STATB'and OTA^B.OE,GEORGIA-, ,-iiqwl form a Weekly, line,for tho 'South’ ! and. SouthWosf, one; of the SATURDAY, at 10 Vciofck.j A. M. f ' z s 1 - ' • *•» {' j FOR SAVANNAH. OA. '' THB BTSAMBHIP KKYBTONK STATE, , Chaslks P. JIABSHiIAHi Commander; l *•- Wiil receivb freight on THURSDAY, AUgusl 6th, find; salbon SATURDAY. August Bth, at 10 o'clock, A. M. ] «V.--FOR CHARLESTON, S, .f ! - \ THE STEAMSHIP apAW-0* GEORGIA^ I'fi.Ofrti** • . jour- X.- Ginviu, Commander,. •-*. -ti THIS (Saturday), August Ist, at 10 o’clock,] At both. Charleston and these ships connect Cabin Ta«age In .either 'sTrip:,' .V.Vr iv. V. 820 -'"’Steerage * de'l { /% received oh' Sdtuxday'morning. • * r . ■> > Xahilla of-iading signed alter tho ship; has sailed.- > - ,, ?0r freight or passage' /. r- 1 / - -A-HERON, Jr.y’Bl North-Wbarvea-: ... : Agenta kb Charleston, T.S-& T.G: BUM.’ :■.. a . =AientatSavannah;,Ci , } i ' ■:»<<-, } - FOB, Dorn Savannah, steamers fIt.JIABYS 1 and Saturday, .t. , ] YLORIDA’, from-Charleaton', steamer CAROLI-' KAieteryTnesday'..*?*';-!''' - '• •, .; j ■ - from .Charleston, , steamer ISABEL,! iphtheAth and 10th • i- - s anl { 5?ooL SIKAHKES.—Tha alpi Linearer i - - y- V'- • <• „ . . • ■ ; s>'sPh* ' These shlhs have beeahuHtbif contract, exprsnly Goverhdfedt has beentaken in'their - e’nsureitrengtW mhl ~ lbr passengers aid ’U&^faallMl6rWegahceand , <>: \ l6 LivCrpo6T;‘ln first ‘*d&£S) |180;' i ih i se6dh<l : frohi to ■ Kmd ’ XOra, No berths secured unless paid • i&fa :4hd 'shipawf improved water-tight • PEOPOSED DATE 3 OV AI j-.;- paou SSW TOEt, ■- I ‘ PKOU LIVERPOOL.' j ; Wednesday," Juhe'24V * 1857 S»ttediy; , ''July”4,/»- -185 f. Vteedi^sday,'.Jdly 4 'fif MS6/ RMiuCay! lalfX&Wm July 22, 1(151 'Bstuiday/- Kngtfi, Wednesday, Aug. 5, 1557 datfiid&y, Auw-Gfi, *. J3$T Wednesday,-AugylO;‘*3fisl Saturday, Septil2, ' ,/ ~J857‘ Wednesday, Sept; ‘ 2,’' ISC7 SturiUr Sept;26, :dBS7 Wednesday, Bept; 80, : 1857 Sate May, ’4*37 Wednesday,,Oct, I4 r 195| flat Wednesday, Oct; 28,; 1857 - gaturday,.N<b(. Noy ; 11,, 185 T . < Wednesday, Nov. 2fi, 1857 9, 185? j:' »tW«dnesday # Dec; 22, -4867 ~.e so w»u street, n.,y -f~mß#l^W&lffl>.frQOttiUverw>oh: r. .. f‘ ~ K3SNNARP A CO., 2?. Austin Prlanh ‘-.i!: ,r. iTheo»Ji(OT,df wteirtilpS-WiHjaobbeAccoantablefog .- gold, jewelry-p.*eoious ;st<tyes,cf v.ned. therefar,;aua ■ -; 1 iauL-tfl s*fc*MBjmterar; »■; «ft:^dfcASrfiS<2soo^tc^B,} &*&»#*, Conmiahder. ?DE / , foe thp.yfi*rjßs7, on the fvHow»£ days; ,?M. - »*TVrAnu«iTM‘ ( - soßTßfiiwojr,. * _ . Mp9MWTOK«f u-i; ♦ i)i--*-;r- > :Attwo -.• •: - June 4 vsißigo> JuICOK ; ■!.; Jtdy2 i. <*»«>-. ,*%,.,.v-. ,:iu|r,3o. Ango / . .- ;i Aygv?{&. tf«Jlu>n ~>•-,—‘ Aojh27 v ¥ni\OQ;7' : ‘Aiaeo ',; j .;>;gept.24 Arago - - 'l6 Fulfoa . .- .-Oct.'22 * Arago,-.^,r^;ViKar.'JJ JfaJtoO,->Dec.;.lT These expressly for government sei . 'dsoW, egerjt W« b^s bsen U3cenmtheeorw^»ftion'i?fchßlJ.- > an4.rnschiDe/y 1 j. tTfrojmpa bars gvoimtej* ; • thejfengfee** bq that,' »■ rtbD;:Wßtor,-Coyld ?i iMfrmrhfflgife lfce’ ; *&fcty q(&a# ber «• ■ ■-.ttHi. 'jb*|; demonstrated 'the &b*q -; ltiw:he<^la^i|jia l :ur,@,believed to. combine ; -draiy. ccmt&tjfrjttm&HbneSilUl; iwrmbederfred.. ! ; ••vi' \H: • ■»..». I from Into 'Ytyk £aWs4i7*pW/M>r Jia,m. .- | ■, lirst Cabln ,'C(44lw?on.ajOabiai . • •. v f 75 . , > ::FfbiWJ&ttt ’fc&mibs&p!!mr4o ifewYork; i , • JJratOab^tT^^iylifi^ifiecoodcfJafeJo-. „.,JMOO. . Topassengwagolpig 1 to .London these steamers , ihe Mvantftfiijf oft e conwy,' hot h/in tbn^andexpense. '' V‘f k.) pj v /. ',r, . - V ) /j.-.paawga Rew9K4-ont(rpi&J./WrAtt cxpertocced unf gedn _tJOj>q&rd. ■ ». .j, 1( . MGSsliak/,mtf&STON, Agent, . , f ’ - • wiMiZ' i n,- ,'6B Broadway, r * v ' I, barbufe AOHILXES; -600' J ton*. Captain X,A\Sp«4iM)/wnig&n as abare. 1 - - } «4 Steerage, found with ; YyJI» T ■ TEXT, BOOK,; Oa . 'Hv W; filttdqr l , of. Washington [’J Fhlßyffi/'itftQnV octavo* - trinialnlrtg- 640 pages of h'andspnusly bound, la / or editor should be wiih -ln'eirieyfcldjWlla styje,' itTiui bw« 1 It .contatcs, • r ataong' Articles bf.Cdnj. tfea'efiUW.’w vitfowParty Platform*, the American; /BituaL tfie ftfil opinion! otf the Dred Scott Case, a hi!-? ' * pt, Meji .rtcord of theajgiflia:' l tloa of Cintewss relative & Kansan, and. Nebraska, the ; uoTdrmwSiSbaxuin and Walk- Addles;,irufacfc BVOrythiDg.nppfr itfinlngto 8m presentexcitement In i llfoMHa t *D&!Go}Ufoor to K*n *4*l#affair 1 ftto>#eav # artl fhfc -Spodtal t jilMsags M. feeaidettf Piprceon thOßame rfubjedtj; a his-, I tory of Paify Conventldns ja the "United States i a his*' frtary Snff?«2Qp the jettors signed' by A&di^oh the'wveral ) Extracts lepijblicans, Lea. as also' itmgßoutV . th^'JJistrl-' mx {ws»to f #*? ■Mr. Toombs’ 'uck&iresoliiA rg4sHa w r wBsk «&' ;,wpT|; ttettiig-' »'->, COTfiKY, ■>■'■ tadaWvlfc.;,., '*w“u i'oi l - , xhU ',yf ' 1 ./ ; ' l ;;p^|^, l ..-ppp; W. n>7»T.., VOL. I-rNO. 3. THE EDITOR TO HIS READERS. , The l|rst riiunber 'of The* PhEb wilith day bo laid'before 1 the 'public: I need Scafc'ely, explain the object.and Resign of,this journal, Tho tree .must ,be kriowii by its fruits.. My ambition ia to make, a-thorough newspaper,' complete in'jall itA departments: to address 1 myself to, tho reason and tho patriotism of the people': in -supply daily a'cheap, truat-'Sf’orthy and iniblligent inediiinf of popii lar'informatipn.' ,Tcl' accu?nplfBh]tUese results; will demand- patient .industry, large expendi tures, of, money, considerable experience, aud the employment of varied’ability. The belief thatu newspaper conducted upon this plan has never yet failed; determined me upon the 'pre sent undertaking. The h'ope that there were many, very miray,' kind remembrances,, per sonal to myself, here in, Pennsylvania, and elsewhere,-inspired me with additional confl dence In its success. ' The agreeable relations I had Sustained to ibost of ti)6so‘ engaged, in journalism, during '.rny Jong connection with tliaj profession, reminded hie that this, if not always tliii.most, lucrative avocation,, was, at least to my own mind, the most acceptable, 1 because it 1 re-opened' a field of-,independent action, and bard, but edifying toil. Ail enter prW founded upon such motives cannot fail to prosper; 'l.tiave invested in it all'that X have, in tbe. every effort aud energy of which l am capable, sliail be.unlisted to render it deserving'of apprObatiomand support. ‘ Tub PaESS 'Will speak for itself on all tho great questions of ,tiio : day.- 1 -liavo already announced (what; indeed, was'universally an'd justly anticipated,) that,the political depart ment of my paper should be conductedmppn Democratic principles. -It is equally well known that the measures and the men of the preseut Administration at Washington have my heartiest approbation. 1 have known the jjtoat' statesman now atthehead dftheGoVefn ment, an,4 : acted‘in;, concert aiid confidence with him,,ever! first, youthibl as pobties and editorial life. l The most agreeable services which it has fallen to to my lot to’perform; were'those given to his cause., My attachment to him grew not more ft'om 'Admiration 'of his pure and upright character, thaufrom. a profound regard for his intellect, experience aud patriotism.- It was my..good fortune, with:many .good men,' to assist,notdhsenrely n’dr inefiicient]y,in crown ing a life' of .usefulness and distinction to his country '4hd hftpself with the highest honors in the worid'. . The fruiW of th’af repiilf Are already ripening for.'the Future: The wisdom of the popular choice is bein'gdally vindicated by the quiet and content: which have • followed the stormy scenes of last:year, as the'sweet sun shine follows'the; destractivd tempest. Had Mr. BncuAKAk, not heori, as' h'e was, my first choice for. President,and yet approved himsblf Worthy !of the hi'ghiifHst confided to his bands, by regarding, respecting,- and protecting the ■rights oftbe citizen aUdtlie rights oftho States, I-should haye done every thing. that one nian 'pMil id to uphbld and to and to .gather arpund'hiin 'a' uhijcd'public 'ppihi tin. The perfprmiihce'pf ihat.dutyhecomes a proiid satisfaction,. howo.vqr, when tho /consistency, -dignity; and Ability-of his administration, arc so mnhy. proofs that'hh'-well deserved the per-! sev'eridg-aM/enthusiastic’preihrehce of those' gallarit uieii'who hiive clung to his fortunes through good report aiid through evil report, ''inany iong yeafa. -/ " i ~ A fun.ndtiwriting as, a ,partisan— X am not. ambitions of printing, a mere party .paper; for, ‘ while witli brm faith and unfaltering footsteps t;,wilt-follow copstitutional pfinciplcs to, their ;lo®cttitnd at 'the samb time seek to cbnvimie those who may ■ .differ from ;me, by ireason, not by recriniina ;tion.->hy.argument rather than by-acclamation, j And 1 am confident -that- no inan, looking at! Mr, liuciiANAN’s iidinlhistration, -up go this •moment, with disinterested and elevated-' mo tives, will 1 ,dqny that ,'tliat .’Btatbsmah .Has Achieved thd. Presidency ai an auspicious pe riod for his . own fame, and at a fortunate moment for the welfare of tho Republic. : ■ 1 ai i ■ - 1 , Jso, W. Foehey. • < < Augturt 1,1867; ‘ “A i • " ! ‘ - C|e |lus After,having been r passed by iho ltcmeo'bf .Commons,,the Bill fop relieving Jews from tho necessity-of Swearing “on the true faith of a 'has' been 'defeated,by the House op Lords - by- ITIVto 179. Sooner or later~th'e , Jews must feaye an equality of civilprlghts with ’ftthep Veligionifits. j It ; is- creditable to the liberality of the Bishop of London (Dr. Tate) ; an'd Lord' i-ibaftsbilry, leading ! the • Evangelical party/ that they voted for the measure. . 1 V Popular feeling-in England has neVer 1 been in favor,of Ihe Jews, The readers oi' “ Ivan hoe” will remember liow tauntingly and. cru elly Isaac Of York; piitfo'rihto that splendid roplpce' as a representative .of the Jewish : race, .was treated in the time of Richard Coeui IThder his ’successors more just and humane practice was generally ignored; ’There is'-a 1 tradition of a Jew haying had his (peth drawni by'xlne/to compel’liim to surrender his treasure to some petty tyrant Who Tuld'captured ,: him, ahd that he held out ;• until his first mplari was ,extracted, after which he yielded, and gave-'up the money. Kings, princes, and nobles iWed' the Jew,'when they werejn that condition poetically called “ hard tip/r hiirthey declined protecting his property or life,- Not until the reign qf.Gr.ivKE Chou well was thcre nnylhing' like fair play for the Jeiys in Britain.’ djilat great, man, shrewd and practical, knew the political value of- being on good terms with tpe men who-had the monfey-bags; and gave the Jews as full protec tion as any other persons enjoyed, an example followed, a oentury-ahd a half later, by Napo ileon. Under the Stuarts, and James, actual persecution of" the- Jews was abandoned/ Their wealth, /information, and influence ' increased,! and'- obtained respect. -Not until 1758, however, were legislative steps taken for the recognition of their rights as citizens. V. / ■ ■ At that period, late in the reign of George 11., an act ef Parliament was passed to pennit persons professing the-Jewish religion to he 'naturalized. The bill,” says' Lord: Mahon, /the bistoridh, “ diif not pass without some sharp debates, nor without ; a general ferment, in the" country- It was .urged that such facilities to ■ ihe. Jews would tend to dishonor the Christian ifaith —to promote the, purchase of advowsons .by unbelievers; ’thus leading at length to the downfall of the Church—to deluge- the kingdom 'with usurers, brokeri.and beggars—to rob the lower classes of their birth-right by foreign and undue competition with their labor. Nay, 'moroY VeyeraJ. persons did not scrapie to"argue (liat'such an'act was, directly .to fly in the face pf tho prophecy which declares that the Jews .jihall he a scattered people, without country or fixed abode.: .These expounders of Scriptme old not cohsiilqf, tiiat if such a prediction has really, to the sense in which they understood it, been made, jin Holy Writ/ it is not in the power of any man .or my body.of men by any act of theirs to falsify it. Still Jess were they imbued, with the sentiment which was nobly expressed .by .Lvitleton itv one of these de- bates •Ho who hates another man for not be ing dklhristianHs himseif hbt a .Christian.’ ” fhepopnlar feeling against this simple act of justlcCiWas so great,. that the government, ,WhO introduced the measure, rapidly; repealed ''fti itithejihlliwing session. At present, though'; riCWp ejib, allowed to be naturalized, the privilege waasiipped jn, as it were,, into another bill and-’thus was smuggled into tlie statute-books] The movement in favor of the removal OS' Jewish Disabilities til England, originated in John,Russell, who passed then ns a patriot and liberal ‘of the first water, and had .rec'entlyßoeh X leading member of the Cabinet, With some prospect of returning to office, was elected to: Parliament, in 1841, by the City of London;.*". - w<--• mill'iB6o,'cm the retirement of Sir Robert Pi’Ef., his Lordship beeame-Prinje Minister. It was necessary to haven general election in 1847, Lif. WHlcljLirilcr Jonff hitd lost no ni.uch of his ■ popularity, tliat. ho';dreaded a ttoeatened opposition',af jhp ,London election,.' By this timey tOo,' one Jew hod served the office of Alderman and Sheriff of London; and- Snothor Lau been Sheriff of English county. Sir Mogns ,-M6jrrnr.roßS,had.been, kjnjghted in 1887,'and -Baronet-'to -JB4B, and - Sir ANinoav Lioseo RoTHsoinnß had also ob tained a Barot nefsr iethe'lsittef year, both being Tews. Evl dently,ithen, tbej -Gebrewß were/looking, up.- They'had wealthj 'fitatlon, ihltoenco, and deter- 'mipedjtptiseftUto.obtaln.arqsitlonprerjuality wlthltair fellow«3Bhieota„ At the election of r.i , ■ .. !{, • ' -,I? i.if. ) S'l :[(t t I x I 9A-. \•= * tr- 1847, they put forward their parliamentary can didate, for the city of London, in the form of Baron Lionel Rothschild. . A strong opposition, backed by great wealth, was got up by the Tories. . Lord Jons Russeh,, comparatively a pobr man, had- not the pecu niary means to stand an expensive contest, and his prestige as Premier would greatly suffer if he wore to retire from or be beaten in London. His, friends made arrangements with Baron EoTiiscintn’s Committee, whereby tho latter undertook to support Kussecl, with influence and cash, provided,that Rossei.l, in tho now parliament, would carry as a Government'mea sure, the admission of the Jews into Parliament. After a severe cost, in which Rothschild spent £BO,OOO, Ri'isEfci'and himseifwere elected. ' Tlie new Parliament mot. It was oxpected, as a matter of course, that Lord John Russell would act on the precedent in 1833, when Mr. Pease, a Quaker, being elected, and declining to take any oaths whatever, tho House df Cuin mons voted that-ha might fake his seat on making an affirmation, as binding on his con science as an oath is on other persons. Had Lord John Russell really desired to admit Rothschild Into the/Commons, ho had only to move a resolution putting, him on the same footing with Mr. Pease. Nor could the Upper lloubo have interfered—because eacli House has a right to make its own general rules and regulations of individual governance. < Lord John did nothing of the sort.' Instead of moving that Jewish members might take their seals, on Bwoaring, not <‘ou the true ibith of Christians,” hut on whatever was most binding on conscience, as they are allowed to do when elected to other offices and in Courts of Justice,' he - brought forward an act of Parliament enabling them to do this, thereby surrendering the privileges of the House of Commons, by asking the House of. Lords to join in forming a plan for tho 'admission of members to the Lower House. As a matter of course, and no one knew better , than did John what the result ‘must be, the' Commons passed, the hill, and the Lords repealed it. The same farce was repeated in 1848, in 1849, in 1851, -and in. 1858. .Meanwhile, Mr. David Solomon, another Jew, (who was Lord Mor gan in 'London in 1 1865-56), was elected from Greenwich. He sate, spoke, and voted in the House —having refused to take the oaths, as a Chrlstain—and was prosecuted, and was cast with pecuniary penalties for having done sq. Baron Rothschild also presented himself in, the House, and was refhsed his seat on any other terms than 1 taking the.obnoxious oaths. He resigned his seat, presented himself to his constituents, and was re-elected. He was again returned at the last general election, 'after which, Lord Palmbbstoh himself took up tho question, but on the same roundabout, clumsy, and absurd manner,—i. e,, by .Illiu.— as Lord John had used. The result was the, rejection of the measure by tho Lords, though seven bishops voted for it; A. new meraber, Mr. Dillwyn, who saw tlie' hnmhug and hollowness of the whole proceed ing,-liashit the Tight nail on the head. He; ,has announced his intention df moving, in the Commons, that Jews should bo put on the Aame footing as Quajccrs in! that assembly, and allowed to take their Beats, when oleeted, sim ply on such oath, affirmation or declaration ns will most religiously and solemnly bind them. If Palmerston and Russell he sincere, which is much to ho doubted, this resolution will he - carried, because the Ministry have a majority in the House of Commons. , Hero with lis, Jews have precisely tho same civil rights as Christians have. Universal toleration prevails among ns. The Jews are as excellent citizens as energy, perseverance; industry, probity and intelligence can ninkd them.",,'These qualities have created wealth! and that wealth, liberally employed, relieved the distresses of tho poor and tho afflicted, not only of their creed, but belonging to otlieij persuasion. In the legislation which gives equal rights to all citizens, England is two con; turies behind this country. . Death of an Uonored and Useful Citizen* ; , Oliver Eldredge, Esu., of this city, died sud denly at his residence in Otis place on Saturday afternoon. .While seated at the dinner table, he hod a paryletic attack, which had a fatal termina tion in two hours'. The Daily Advertiser has a truthful and disseminating sketch of tho deceased; which we copy in frill: “Mi'. Eldredge was born in tho town of Brook lyn, in the State of Connecticut, on the 14th day of March, 1789, and was accordingly sixty-oight years of age. He come to Boston in 1808, and immedi ately entered upon a mercantile lifo.Ho early be* .carno.-interested in American,manufactures, and pursued their development with a foresight and intelligence, that insured success. .During a period of nearly, half & century, he has boon well known as one of the foremost of our manufacturers and merchants. Tnhisbuslrioss transactions as well ns his social relations, he was liberal, upright, and honorable. He was entrusted with sevor/u respon sible posts, rind discharged their duties with credit and fidelity.. As. a member of the State Legislature, iie was faithful and diligent in attending to. the, public business. lie was many ,years*Presidonfc of tho North Bank, being continued in the office by successive re-cloc tious, until'&e state of his health, a littlo more than a year ago, admonished him to retire, and to decline further service, in that’capacity. Hewris a valuable mefabofof the Boston Board of Trade, and Vice Prpident for Windham County of the Connecticut Association. In private life his char acter was unstained with the slightest blemish. Nor can we ondt to mention that He brought up a large family cf 4 sons and daughters to occupy usefiil ana honorable positions in the community. While we sympathise with these, and with his devotod Wife, iti f the heavy affliction which has befallop ’ them at an unexpected moment, in the loss of the affectionate father and husband, tho public mourns the death of the upright hnd intelligent merchant and the public.-spirited citizen .—Boston Trans. '■ Mr. ( JiLDBEDpE Yf&s highly connected, and favorably known in this city, and his loss is severely felt ljy his many friends here. New Hall e/ftlie House ot Representatives This, hall, wIU occupy tho centre of tho south wing of the" Capitol, and will bo rectangular, one hundred and thfrty : nine feet long from east to west, riinetyrthreo feet wide, and about thirty-six feet high. Itwßlbe lighted by skylights 'in the ceil ing and a glass roof, and at night by largo chande liers suspended between tho ceiling and the roof. ,The .Speaker's,chair will be situated on tho south side of the hall) and tho members' seats, three .hundred in number, arranged in a semi-circular form fronting it, There will he a continuous gal lery on three sides of the hall—the north, cast, arid west—capable of seating twelve hundred persons, and a separate gallery for reporters, behind the Speakers obair. {The walls of the hall, under tho galleries, will contain panels for paintings, and, above, niches for Jtatuary. ' Tho boll itself will be nearly surrourided by a corridor, affording conve nient communication with the post office, the retir ing-rooms, arid thp committee rooms. Tho publiO galleries'will bo altered from a corridor surround ing them in the second Btory, which will bo reached by a, splendid stairway. Workmen are now cm ployed in proparisg tho floor for the seats of mein hers, in putting ut> the’gallorics, and in covering the walls with anWnamenral finish of oast iron. • ’* Dlckerii before au Audience. • . A.correspondent oi* tho Boston Courier, writing from London. July Ist, says: “ L aat night St. Martin’s Hall was crowded to hoar Dickons road his Christinas Carol, for tho benefit of tbo family of the late Douglass Jerrold. At eight o’clock' precisely, a well-dressed gontlo man, with a geranium in bis button-hole, and hair carefully brushed forward to oonoeal, as much ns possiblo, his inohjent baldness, appeared alone on the platform, aria I knew, by the vehement ap plause, it could be none .other than the immortal author of th 6 Pickwick Papers. What Mrs. Kem ble docs in her admirable readings of Shakapoarc, to roVoal the latent meanings of the, groat drama tist, Dickons dOeB for Diokens. It is riot so much reading as acting. Tho thin voioe of Tiny Tim, the chirrupy notes of Bob Craokott, the indignant voioe of Craokott’? wife, and, above all, the sullen, nuinbling tones of Scrooge himself, wore'rendered inimitably.,. Although the reading occupied more i than two hours, the reader showed no signs of woa rincss, but seemed to enjoy tho enfertainmont ay much as his most attentive audience; and when, after the close, ho returned for a moment to bow his acknowledgment of tho vociferous oalls for him, his countenance wore tho pleased expression of a boy’s.” • Boy Love.—There never was a boy yet that before the age of manhood had not been in love, no matter with whom, some dozen times; it is the nature of his warm hlood. If he can, ho writes rhyme, and draws tho object of his devotion in fancy sketches; if not, ho quotes poetry for hor edification.' 1 This sentimental lovo prepares tho way for a more onduringlovo.which enables him to select a partner for life, hud to valuo a . kind and sensible woman, aa ho gains greater : insight into the character and mental qualities of her sox. ttF"Dr. RutHorfofd, of Harrisburg, has re ceived a letter.from tbo physician iu attend ance, onrl'oMAGff, the caturtboatman, who had parietal bone stricken, from his head by coming into collision with a canal bridge, near Highfipire, In Dauphin, county. This case, from its Singular nature, has excited a great interest among tho medical fraternity* The fhct jltat 1 there is hopes of his ultimate re covery, saya the Telegraph, is considered by some of 6ur .physlcirius Here almost as re mnrkable aa the character of tho accident itself* <»■/ ■' i -■> •! , y PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY AUGUST 5, 1857. LEBANON VALLEY—ITS RESOURCES AIYD IMPROVEMENTS. Thero is probably no district iq Pennsylvania richer in agricultural and mineral 1 resources than Lebanon Vulioy, and’thcsb arc just beginning to bo thoroughly developed and in ado known abroud by moans of.tho Lebanon the cnlurged Union Canal; tho Toribor], wlion' com pleted, will connect Reading,with'llrtrrisburg, and tho latter unites the Schuylkill with tho Susque hanna, forming n junction with tho Schuylkill Canal at Reading, and ' with the Pennsylvania Caual at Portsmouth. The Union ’Canal, with it? branch to Pinegrovc, in the anthracite coal region, is now in excellent navigable condition, and pre pared to do a heavy through and local business; it lins been enlarged throughout/and providod with substantial stone-chambered looks,' capable of pass ing boats as large os those omployed on tho State and Tide Water Canu!s, The Lebanon ;Vollny Railroad is completed from Reading to Lebanon, and freight nml passenger trains are daily passing over tho road between those points. In a few months the road will bo finished, and ready for travol through to Hurrlsburg,' and,' when com pleted, will bo one of tho ino3t’ permanently built railroads in the : country. Tho bridges are con stiuotcd in theinost.durablo manner, as wellaS the bed and superstructure of tho rond} and an ingppe? tion of tho work, particularly of tho massive stone and brick bridges that support tho rond over, the Schuylkill and the streets of Reading, viU not tail to gratify and surprise tho traveller, who'inay atop to examine these’ amongst tho other curiosities of tho capital of “ Old Borkß.” ' . Tho location of tho rond from ono terminus to tho other, is' through a valley of unsurpassed feri iility and'beauty.' The broad teeming acres it traverses, studded with happy hotnet'of plenty, and the thriving villages ahd towns at intervals of every few miles along the road, render tho route not only attractive, but disoloscs sources of wealth, of which strangers who liavo passed over it, had no idea, previous to their trip. Ono of' the moitstirring places along the railroad and canal is tho town of Lebanon and its vicinity. The Corn wall or North Lebanon Railroad connocting tho Cornwall iron ore banks with the Union Canal and Lebanon Valley Railroad, passes near the town. This road, in connection with a number of 6/ast furnaces, forms tho maiu stay of tho business of tbe plnie. At the terminus of tho Cornwall Railroad at the Canal, there is an extensive business done in the way of the landing of ooal, shipment of iron, and iron Ore. ' The trade in o'to'alone to fur noccs along.the Schuylkill and Susquohannn, is about one hundred thousand tons annually, which, 1 added to some sixty thousand tons of ore Smelted by furnacos at find within a few milesof the mines, gives, an idea of'the rich yearly eontrlbutipn in, mineral only, of Lebanon county to the.wealth of) the country. Tho Cornwall Railroad'Was built by; Rs W. and IV. Coleman, for transporting coal to; their two large 1 anthracite furnaces, at Cornwall, ' and ir6h and ore to' tho Canal for shipment to dif ferent points. The road is seven miles long, and; together with the extensive iron works erected by j these gentlemen, form a monument of private, enterprise roroly equalled. • . . , , About one mile north of the town,, on the banks of thooanal, are the Lebanon Furnaces. This is< the pioneer establishment in the manufacture of anthracite iron in this region. Tho first stark connection with this concern Was erected eleven] ago, by R. and CL D. Coleman, when the] business was yet in its infahoy, and when the ox-, pertinent of making Iron with anthracite coal: from rich primitive ores, was regarded with cons!-! dcrable misgiving. These go’ntlomOn,UowQver;with] a spirit worthy of cbmmendation, ventured on the. enterprise, and it is not according them any morel credit than they are justly entitled to, by saying; that their loading investment,* made as it woe un-' dor doubtful auspices,-.was tbe inception and on-] couragomcnt of the improvement and develop-; mont of this neighborhood, which has over since, been progressing steadily in the way of the exten-f aion of the iron trade,' railroad building, Ac. &o. Tho establishment is now owned entirely by Gi Dawson Coleman, and comprise* throe furnaefcs.* and a large foundry for tbe manufacture of-watery and gas pipe. Tho gonoral arrangeciont of the! works, togethor with several elegantly designed! buildings, will not fail to interest apy onefwho passes that way. Tho nmohinery consists of. four! large blast enginos, three of which have thirty inch steam cylinders, and- tho- other has wq twonty inch; tho Homing cylinders attached to these enginos are two of soven foot, two oC-'slx feet and ono of fivo feet diamotor, aud worq all built by , J. P. Morris & Co., of Philadelphia. Ono of thq most attractive features of these works, is the style of the buildings, among wbioh aro a superb officq and engine house, and an experimental built in the most tasteful and substantial manner; and were designed by your talented townsman; Jos. D. Koccber, Esq., and are a credit to both architect and proprietor. 1 The Cornwall ore bills, situate about five milei South of tho town of Lebanon, aro tho principal attraction of the valley, and is, porhaps, tye deposit of iron ore within tho same compass in the country. The Cornwall hills are truly a minora) smd geological curiosity, well worth a ride from Philadelphia to behold. Somoof tbe ore tynmgl netic, aud tho most of it very rich, requiring bul a fraction over two tons of it, to moke a ton of iron; and is red slmrt in quality, which mokes it in doj mnnd to mix with tho cold short ores aud iron of other localities. ’ Tho formation consists of throo hills, embracing an nroaof about threo hundred acres, over which thp oro is spread in largo musses, instead of in lodes , or Veins, as it la usually found, and appears to lmvb beon heaved up, through the trap rook that sur r rounds it, in the form of a bolt or baslif,wUbih whioh tho oro is only found in place . Thu oro is quarried from solid massive breasts, of from twenty to forty feet in height; and aa the observer caste his eyo along tho steep acclivities, on which some of tho mining operations arc conducted, and seeis huge clumps of it laid bare on tho different ter races, oriwhich the miners are at work, and threads the openings and excavations about tho base of ithc hills, made through the solid ore, ho i? forcibly impressed, not only with tho incalculable wealth spread out before him, but with the stability of the foundations, in tbo shape of iron and coal, on which the prosperity of our Stato mainly depends. Twelve years ago, these mines were only worked to the extont of tho supply of some half dozen of charcoal furnaces, but now they furnish in ad dition tho oro necessary to tho operation of six .anthracite furnaces in this and a number of tho sumo kind of studs in other dis tricts. With mountains of iron oro on ono bou4* dary, and of coal on the other, and the carinl arid railroads already constructed, and other roads pro jected, it requires but littlo foresight to dopict tho magnitude'of tho manufactures and trade whioh will spring up in a fewyears along tbeJincs of iifi*. provemont in Lebanon Valley. j If the growth of the iron business continues in tho same ratio for tho next twenty years that has characterized it since the‘advent of the manufac ture of iron with anthracite, what a scene of business animation this region will present at the, end of that period. Its vast resources will riot only make it the Iron mart of the State, but tho seat pf a general trade of importance; and whilst the capitalists of New Yofrk aro indefatigable in thojhr efforts to divert the trade of tho rlohest portion of our State from her emporium, to that of thoir Oifn State; and with tho link, tho East Pennsylvania Railroad, between Reading and Allentown,’now in course of construction, and which will form' a direct connection between Lebanon Valley and New York city, what is Philadelphia doing, Tn the menntimo, to oountoroet tho sleep]osss assiduity of her rival? Comparatively nothing, and her leading capitalists, represented by the Central Railroad Company, seem to be intent on nothiig but playing for tho trade of tho far West, {hough tho chances, in tho game aro daily increasing agaipet them, while the more iiuportaut trado jof tho State, that might bo attrncted to their road by branohos, ■is noglcctcd. Now that tho Central Railroad Company have scoured tho Columbia and Philadelphia Railroad, thero are interests and trade springing up in this valley, but twenty-five miles north of their road, which are worth looking aftor, and such a road ex tended to tho centre of tho middlo coal region at or near Pinegrovc, would build up a business along tho liqo of it, and conßtituto a feeder to their main or trunk road,'that could not fail to provo remunerative. Philadelphians, in short, arq grasp ing at tho shadow, and leaving tbo substance glide, by overlooking the immediate interests of their own Stato, and seeking a precarious trado in other quar ters. ■ They should woke up, and acquaint them selves with the resources of tho intorior of tho State, and especially with the portion of it I have endea vored to describe. Pedro. , Scientific Piety and Impiety. —A hifge party died como from adistanoo to sob Mr. Crosse’s experiments and apparatus. 110 had boon taking them to different parts of the house, ns woe ,hls want, explaining his varlohs philosophical arrange ments : at length, on arriving at the organ gallery, he exhibited two enormous Leyden whioh he could Charge At pleasure by the conducting /wires,* when tho state of tho atmosphorb was sufficiently electrical. An old gentleman of the party con* templated. the arrangement with a look of gravo disapprobation: at length, with much solemnity, ho’observed—“Mr. Crosse, don’t you think i, rather impious to botlletholightning?” “Lofcnn anfcfffer your question by asking another*” xeplioc Mr, Crosso, laughing—“ Don’t you think, sir, U might bo considered rather impious tol bottle the ram water,— Andrew Creese* CORRESPONDENCE. LEtTER FROM YORK. [Correspondence of The Press.] - 1 Nkw York; Monday Aftornoon, Aug. 3. A Tovcii op August Quauitv. —July gave he but few tbftt could be called hot, for summer weather; typtl assure you that August bids fair to tuko„and keep, all tho honors of tho season. Yesterday was entitled to,the adjootivo “hot,” but to-day marks “ very hot,” and tho coolest of us, in white linens and no cravats, pant like a tur tle turnod on his back on tho'Gallipagos Islands. Even our two glorious rivers cannot keop us cool, and we 'stgh Incontinently for the Long Branch, and Cajjo May, and Newport, from which we are debarrod by that mingled curse and blessing of huroanityT-business. But n'importe, “a light heart ” ftnd h thin nether garment were said to be very good things for going “ through the world, brave boys!” a feature, and let us trust that they will’omtblc us to woather the summer of 1857. Hox. Wii. L. Dayton Sick.— Apropos of water ing platffefe; ! learn by private advices from Long Brunoh/ihls morning, that non. Wm. L. Dayton, of Now Jersey, lato Republican candidate for the Vico Presidency—who is staying at the Metropo litan, thpre—is very iR. Mr. Dayton has exhibited signs of. failing health for a considerable poriod; and I fDjriously foar that the bar, or at least its active Ilfy may BQoq,..mis3 him, which Heaven for* fend. If ho can ho rovived. howovor, the air of Long Branch.should produen tho offeot. The Nbvkkslnk Tbaoe»y‘.>—Donnellydiaß been sent to the county jail at Freehold, while Moses, whosepwsto have hod no friends, was buried at Ohaperllill, in the same graveyard with Mrs. Maria fiewis, whoso brutal murder on tho High lands, in 1853, made so strong a sensation, and the getting off of whoso accused murderer was one of William L. Dayton’s most brilliant efforts. Not a newspaper that has montionod tho and affair, seoms to liavtf recognized the awful warniug of the effoots of gambling,' exhibited in this case. Donnelly more tti be pitied even than his viotim—worm man of good education—an M. D.; had travelled much, and hail a iiigh sense of honor, of a certain sort. He had staked money, not belonging to him, and lost it., What could bo do, ho said to himself, but get it tiack nt any hazard ? Tho rosult is this tra gedy. and another hanging on tho old Monmouth battle, ground. Truly, it is quito as much to be guardod against tbe winning of money aa the the losing of it! It is an unfortunate effect of this case, that it ruins the Sea Viow House, one of the finest situated bn the coast, for the season. All its inmntos are flocking back to tho city, a 3 if poor Moses’’ ghost could haunt them down Iho long corridors. Panj2L;Houhes —One of your city weeklies basbqpn sponding time and money during tbe week N Jn giving accurate drawings and descrip tions of tbe panel-houses of Now York, in which so maby thousand robberies aro constantly com mitted) in the hope that- young men may take warning. Will they do it? It is doubful. Novdr moths flew more determinedly into the .than our young men, apparently, to vice, .ruin ojad death! !. FnAqa.—Judge MoCarthy, in sio Marine Coyrt, to-day,, -rendered ono more decision against Comptroller Flagg, In , bis dog-id-the-manger contesting of ovory olaim. against the city, right or. wrong. He con tested tho bill of Judge Welsh, of tho Leader , in «dvertising : tho corporation proceedings, on the ground that iho claim was over $250, and that for this there should liavo been proposals, under tho chartor; but the decision explodes the nonsonßioal assumption, and Flagg is roady for the next man. •Axoturr JltsuALD ! —The Tribune, with its six teen sopaTato issues, and tho Express, with its twenty editions a day—have tho Herald in hot chaso of tliCm. That paper announces, in addition to the “Weekly.” a “Family Herald.” Dpminick Bisadukyin Town.—The fight is over, and Bradley baa won. Ho came in town at noon io-day, (Monday), bringing the nows of his own victory. He looks well hnmmored, but quite hale and nble. Ilia opponent is sold not to bo in tra velling condition New York has bit it on tho fight, Bradley having been tho favorite here, and tho books balance largely on tho Bunny side, among the sporting men. John Waltkk. * FROM ATLANTIC CITY. [O>rre>pond*nc* of The Press.] U. 8. Hotel, Atlantic City, N. J., July 31, 1857. A vi*it to this now watering place has become so popular with Philadelphians, that the Camden and Atlantic Railrond Company has had much difficulty in providing oars and motive power suf ficient to accommodate the demand. Day after day, for a momh past, the arrivals by tho regular and excursion trains have averaged nearly one thousand persons, and, from reliable data, tbe numbor of visitors timing the season, thus far, has been upwards of 85,000. Those who come here have, os a gonoral thing, been very agreoably disappointed In Atlantic City. They have found a better boacb than they anticipated, much bettor bathing grounds, and superior drives. Three or four of tho avenues have boon beautifully graded and gravelled, and a sufficient quantity of gravel is on hand to grade one cr two more. This im provement, it is said, the city authorities and land owners intend making, ns soon as the bathing sea son isovor. Prom tho hotels to tho beach aro fine wide plank walks, which prove a greatconvenicnce to bathers and visitors. Thcso, with tho Atlantic avenuo, aro tho principal proinonados at present, but I nm informed an effort is being made to con nect t]to ee'voral liotols by moans of gravelled or plank walks. Considering the age of the place, it has evinced a far greater spirit of improvement thno Capo Island, and, during tho next five years, Atlantio City will far outstrip the city of Cape ißland in those substantial Improvements which add so rauoh to tho comforts and convonlonces of those who seek rest and pleasure at watering places. . I was much astonished in coming hero to find so manyprominentPhiladolphiansquartored. Among the various pursuits and professions, the bank officers predominated. On Sunday last, I noticed Messrs. Thomas Allibone and Joseph Patterson, Presidents of tho Bank of Pennsylvania and Wes tern Bank; and J. C. Wood, J. B. Mitchell, and Charles S. Bokor, Cashiers of tho Tradesmens’, Mechanics’, and Guard banks. Since that timo, Mr. Charles T. Yorkcs, Cashier of the Kensington Bank, and B. A. Mercor, President of tho Farmore and Mechanics’ Bank, have made their appear ance; and Josoph N. Piersol, Cashier of tho Con solidation, passod through hero on Wednesday. Tho private bankers are well represented in Mr. A. J. Droxel. Tho Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has had its representatives in Judges Lewis and Woodward ; oud'ihq District Court of Philudolphin, in Judge Stroud. M ayor Vnux has also been here. Among the prominent more bants sojourning hore this sea son, may bo mentioned Messrs. Samuel Branson, William C. Ludwig, C. H. MoCurdy, J. B. Peter son, John E. Addicks, Edward T. Mott, George H. Stqart, John L. Buzby, A. J. Antclo, W. W. Keen, John C. Da Costa, William Grosholz, A. C. Gibsofi, J. P. Jones, L. S. Fithian, Thomas Price, T. Miles, J.-K. Brown, Ambrose White, Jacob B. Lancaster, George W- ’Poland, Henry Duhring, Josoph Reak irt, Thomas'Mcllor, John Shaffner, Hiohard C. Dale, Ward B. Huzoltinc, J. E. Caldwell, E. H. Rowley, A. Getty, and others’. Sovoral of these gentlemen have been regular annual visitors to Cape May, but up to this time they appear to he satisfied with tho place, and quite as well contented *s at the more ancient rival. Bunco tho torribl© fato of young Dyer, who was drowned boro on tho 24th inst, many parsons have not ventured into tho surf, notwithstanding tho United Hotel has about well manned among the breakers, every morning from half-past ten to one o’clock. Tho body of dcconscd has not os yet been -recovered. On Wednesday evening, Mr. Olney Dyer, a brother, from Utica, N. Y., arrivod, and when ho visited tho spot of the startling acci dent, his foelings can bettor bo imagined than described Betweon ono and two o’clock yesterday morn ing, a man named Henry Campbell, about 30 years of ago, was killed by a locomotive passing over the ruilroad below tho dopot. At that hour a loco* motivo arrived from Camden to tnko the place of , ono disabled tho day previous, und from tho cir cumstances of tho onso, it is thought ho must hnvo boon sitting on tho rail, or stooping to pick some thing off tho tracks. Ho was found ton foot from tho truck. On tho south rail his hat was discov ered cut in two picoes. Tho only marks on his person wore on tho side of tho head and shouldor —tho forraor boing out anil tho latter fractured. Coroner Albert English hold an inquest, and nftor the examination of several witnesses, the jury rondorod a voriliot in accordance with tho facts. Tho deceased was a shoomakor by trade, and an industrious man. He lived hero nearly four years, and for eight years previous was a resident of May’s Landing! Ho was a single man. Tho only relations loft, as stated by those acquainted with him, arc a sister in Philadelphia and a brother in Lexington, Kentucky. A silver watch and $lO 90 coqts in money were found in his pockets, besides govern! bills. William Guest, a friend of the de ceased, took possession of the body. Among the recent improvemonia of Atlantic OHy la the new. Presbyterian Churoh on Pennsyl vania avenue. It is a frame building, 40 feet front, and 60 feet deep. Last Sunday it was opened for torvico for the first time, and it is gratifying to state there was ftlfcrge attendance of visitors. Rev. Dr. Richards, of Boston, preached au excellent sermon from Job. 13th chapter, and 33d verse. > The building is surmounted by & pretty steeple, and is quite an ornament to the city. At- .the Conclusion, of the morning service, the pastor- of the church, stated that the ground for the church had been kindly donated by tbe Camden and Atlantio Land Company, and' that $3500 had atrdady been, ex pended in rearing the edlflee. * Tbe corner stone was laid in August last. The church is connected with the Presbytery of West Jersey' It is not to be exclusively used for worship by Presbyterians, at present, but nil uenominationa are-invited to participate. The pasto? stated that ministers of all Protestant churches woujd be gladly received in the pulpit. In the afternoon, Rev. Mr. Durborrow, Phila delphia, preached in the church, and in tho eve ning at the United States Hotel. On Monday eve ning several'gentlemen met and "pfomptly sub scribed $l2OO, for the purpose of erecting an Epis copal church. A lot on Pennsylvania avenue, above Atlantic, 150 feet square, has been gener ously presented, and in a few weeks the erection of tho building will be commenoed. It will be 60 by 75 feet. ■A' new Methodist Church, 42 by 60 feet, has been commencedon'Atlantic Avenue, near Massa chusetts. It is' to be a fine struoture.' The President elect of the Cojnden and Atlantic Railroad Company, John Brodhead, Euq., arrived here on Wednesday evening. The election of'this gcntloroan has given greater confidence to tho en torprfso than it formerly possessed. He is a young uian of groat experience, sound judgment, and is universally popular. It is to be hoped the now management will see the necessity of running a car, drawn by horse power, from the Surf House to tbe inlot. If ran overy half hour, it would pay handsomely. The officers of the Company are ac tive and, accommodating. Mr. Frank Glenn, one of the conductors, is winning hosts of friends from the manner he’attends to his duties. •From the top of the light-house, a young friend of mine counted 73' hotels and other buildings in Atlantic City. Of these, the United States Hotel, tbe Mansion House, Surf House, and Congress Hall aro tho largest. The principal private cottages aro thofie owned by Messrs Louis Grosholz, T. Miles, A. C. Gibson, Thomas Prico, Benjamin Leeds. J. E. Brown, J. M- Whitall, and T. McNoely, on Pennsylvania Avenue; Patrick Lovy, on North Carolina Avenue, and - Si 'J. Christian, on Atlantic Avenue. There are soveral families here from Chicago, Boston, New York, Baltimore, Cincinnati, Bt. Louis, Now Orleans, Cleveland, Bt. piyls, Minne sota, and other cities. Ynn Junior. FROM WASHINGTON. [Correspondence of The Press.) / Washington, August 3d, 1857. A correspondent of the New Yprk Herald , writing from Montreal, under date of July 29th, !g57, com plains that tho number, of, letters received at the Post-office at that place, on postage has been prepaid, but notcredited,is algjostincredibJe. The postage for letterscrosaing tjie line is ten cents, and many letters are rccoived at Montreal on whio'h are affixed three ttarc'o cent stamps, but for the want of tho odd cent the letters are not marked paid, and full poshge is paid by tho persons who receive them. This (the correspondent adds) is quito right, but tho wrong consists in the fact that the United States Post Office Department invariably defaces the attached stamps. Clearly they have no right to do this until they have ro doerned them by giving value in tho shape of postage; and this conduct, except that it is proba bly without ovi! intention, is not one whit better than would* be that of the maker of a note, who, happening to have an opportunity, should e’eface his signature while the note was running t j ma turity. If tho sender tendered Only nine cents in money with his letter, the money would he returned, and tho letter, sent Unpaid. The s',amps, of courso, could not be returned, bat why in the name of honesty deface thorn?— Observing this complaint against the Post Office Department, I made enquiries in the proper quai tor, and am authorised to say that in the instance mentioned by tho writer thet bo justified in not cancelling the postage stamps*. It is only vhere the stamps are taken in payment of postage that it is obligatory on Postmasters to uso great care to see that thoy are duly cancelled. This instruction is imperative.* Under the postal arrangement bo tween the United States and the, British Norih'Ameriean provinces aoy payment of’ postage less than the full rate of ton cents is by mutual agreement disregarded and the letter treated as unpaid. In all such oa*cs any stamps upon the letter not recognised may properly be left uneancolled. But in all cases where the stamps are taken in payment of postage they must be defaced, so that they cannot be used a second time. The departments of War and the Interior are slow to believe that there is any truth in the news paper reports of a continuance of tho Indian dis turbances in Minnesota. Thoy havqno recent ad vices from their agents, yet, it must be borne in mind, that tho Government has in trust for tho biouxs some $5 000,000, tho interest of which is paid annually, and it is notprobable that they will risk so largo an amount of money by any undue and use less pugnacity. Little Crow, their great chief, is shrewd, cunning, and, if rumor he true, does not at all dislike his large share of tho annuities, and he will not advocate or encourage suoh a foolish un dertaking as a conflict with the whites. It is not believed that Colonel Noble’s wagon road party wero forced to return because of hostilities of the Yanktons, but that, if at all, they have come baok for some other reason. The Indian Buronu has information that the small pox has brokou out amongst the Kickapoos, and that eight have already died of the disease. Tho agent has secured the most skillful physicians in tho vicinity, and had tho members of tho tribe vaccinnatcd. Other prudential arrangements have been made to stay the scourge. Judge Mason, tho Commissioner of Patents, has positively resigned, his resignation to take effect to-morrow, when ho will leavo for bis homo in lowa, to attend to his private affairs. lie pro poses to return on or about tho 15th, when it is ex pected his successor .will be appointed, in order tbathemay induct bin, into offiae, and niako him acquainted with the condition of its current busi ness. In the meantime Mr. Shugert, the chief clerk, will toko charge of the office. Soon after tho President left Washington the office-seekers wore stricken with failing health with wonderful unanimity, and have gone to recu perate at Bedford Spa. If they see Mr. Bnohanan, and pross their claims on him, it will not be in tentional. This wo must add in justice to the af flicted porsons. Additional surveys of public lands iu Kansas have been received at the Land Office. CORRESPONDENCE. PENNSLYVANIA INSTITUTE FOR THE DEAF AND DUMB [For The Press,] About forty years Ago several ’deaf mutes were often seen prowling about the streets of Philadel phia iu various parts of the city. Rags and dirt indicated poverty and destitution. Antio gestures, grimaces and uncouth muttcrings drew the atten tion nnd excited the laughter or the pity of the passing throng. The extended hand claimed and often received the bounty for Which thoy were unable to ask. To their friends, such as they had, they were burdens; to the public they were objects of suspicion and approhonsion, and to the philar.chro pist their cases seemed hopeless. There wa3 one. however, who saw in their cunning, their powers of imitation ahil their natural skill in pantomime, the ovidenco of mental faculties whioh only required development. Tho key to this dovelopmont ho thought would ho found in a system of motions or signs. Prompted by feelings honorable to any heart, ho gathered these wanderers under his own roof and from his limited resources gavo them clothes and food to induce thorn to return to him day after day till ho had established a system of communication with and had obtained a degree of influcnco over them. This ingoniusund persevering individual was David G. Seixas, who mot his numerous diffi culties ulono and ovorcutno them unaided, by his own skill and energy. His success soon attracted tho attention both of the curious and of tho henevo lont, and tho deaf and dumb school of Mr. Seixas becamo soon tho wonder aud admiration of Phila delphia. From this beginning arose the Pennsyl vania Institute for tho Deaf and Dumb, now one of the most prominent among tho benevolent Institu tions of the city. Under tho auspices of tho renewable* Bishop White, an Institution was organitedby several dis tinguished oitiions, a chartor obtainod, and Mr. Seixas appointed its first Prinoipal. For some time it prospered under his cqre. Difficulties, however, arose and changes, often incident to a young insti tution, took place. It passed into tho charge of Laurent Clerc,Esq,, himself a mute, und one of t!he celebrated pupils qf the Abbe Sioard, to.wjugq g re attributed those beautiful dofiaitums, f, Hupo the flower of happiness... aratUudeTrlhe-.isomory of the heart. Eternity—the of G od Reason is tho torch of the is its guide. Man is the, mait?wta 9 f the Creator, <fcc. Mr. CUrc was Weld, Esq., whose tact, industry, AaJUkUI placedathe Instita- 1 tion on a pctmmsfiwhtion and. gave it * character for aqd usefulness, which it continues;tQ Upwards of A thousand mutes bavfl .eftwlepoed its benqflts. At tho dat * o f tho, last. Report one hundred and seventy-* pupils were under instruction. The building j and TWO CENTS, premises cover two acres of ground, at the corner of Broad and Pine streets, and present a front of two hundred feet. The situation is open, airy and healthy. The cost bus been something more than one hundred and ten thousand dollars. Although out of debt, it has heavy expenditures to make for repairs and improvements, which the wear of thirty years is constantly making necessary- It can ac commodate , two , hundred pupils. It has been •obliged to reject ft number of applicants for want of funds to defray the expenses of their, support. The State of Pennsylvania provides for the support of one hundred and There'are ten in structors employed. Tlnnjabinet is respectable in extent and interesting in subjects. Twenty dollars constitutes 1 a person a member for life. From October to July thore are weekly examinations, and the Institution iaalway* open for reasonable inspectiop. Tho great object is to give these children of silence in tho first place, tho meant of commuleating with their fellow-men in the business and social intercourse of life; and in the second place, to give them thatinforination and those ideas which will tend to prepare them for becoming useful members of society here, and for seeking the abodes of the blessed hereafter. The President is tho Rev. Philip F. Mayer, D.D.; Treasurer, John Bacon; the Secretary, James Barclay. 11 ' ' SUMMARY OF FOREIGN NEWS. Tho nows of the revolt in British ludia, (the leading ' particulars of which we have already given) had been reoelved in London with feel ings of surprise, sorrow and dismay. It was ap prehended,, from Lord Palmerston’s well-known practice in important cases, tha) he had kept bock some of the darker details. Enough had trans pired, however, fron} the Indian journals and pri vate letters, to show that the danger was immi nent, pressing and alarming.' The mutiny seems, as yet, to have been confined chiefly to’ the native troops, but tho whole of British India js more of less ’dissatisfied, if not disaffected. Advantage was taken of the withdrawal, for the ware with Persia and China, of a large number of European soldiers from India. Delhi, the ancient capital of the Mogul Empire, was occupied by the insurgents, who had encountered tho British troops outside the city, and are said to have been driven baok into it, tho British occupying the surrounding heights, but in too small force to follow up their partial success^ •" In thisomergency, Lord Canning, the Viceroy, ”faad detained for service in India the troops under orders for Hong Koug, and before hews of the enor mous disasters had been received in England, 14,000 additional troops had been put under orders for India. The chance is, that long before thoy reached that country, the crisis would have terminated. General Anson, commanding the army in India, had died of cholerA immediately after news of the revolt reached Calcutta. Lord Canning had tem porarily supplied his place. Within twenty-fonr hours of the intelligence being received by the Ministry in London, Sir Colin Campbell was on his way for Marseilles, to reach India with all possible speed by the Overland route. He is a good soldier, though almost too old for such service as ho may new expect. Nearly half a century has elapsed since ho entered the British army. He is close upon 70; served all through the Peninsular war, (1809 to 1814,) commanded a regiment at tho siege and capture of Chin Kiang Foo during the former Chinese war; commanded, with great distinction, a brigade at the battle of Goojerat, in 1&49; was brigodicr-generkl of the forces sent in aid of Tur key, in 1854; led the Highland brigade to the; assault of the Russian batteries at the battle of tho Alma, and at Balaclava ranged a Highland regiment in single file, (tho “ thin red line,” as it has sinoe been called,) and thus repulsed the attack of the Russian cavalry. He is acclima tized, also, having served in India from 184 S to 1852. If ho return to England a successful man, he will receive a peerage and a pension, for John Bull very highly rewards military services. Lord Ellenborough, who has himself been Vice-, roy of India, has expressed strong apprehensions for tho safety of Calcutta, the seat of govern- 1 ment. In this crisis, very little party antagonism! has been .exhibited in theßritish Parliament. The! prorainont feeling was—first get over the difficulty,! and then discuss it. ‘ 1 , Parliament would probably be prorogued during the course of next week,’leaving Lord Palmerston the absolute and almost irresponsible ruler of tha British Empire for the following’ six niontbs, unless the want of means to carry on tho war (or wars] for there is the contest with China, also) should in duce him to summon the legislature before Janu ary. Lord Palmerston has taken his stand in Parliaj mont against the construction of the Sues Canalj and in favor of the recent movement by the French government to import free negroes from Africa to Martinique, it being found impossible to cultivate tropical colonies by white labor. He apprehend* that the canal across the Isthmus of Sues would too much facilitate the transit to India, of courso he does not put his objection in that form. Al* though the Times strongly backs him in his quail* fled approval of the free apprenticeship system, the anthqlavery party are greatly opposed to it, aa well as some members of Palmerston’s own Cabinet. It may be mentioned, in connection with this question, that a new pro-slavery newspaper, to be Called tho Manchester Cotton Pres, t, is about being established in Manchester, the Metropolis ctf the Cotton Manufactories of England. j The late Seorotary Marcy’s privateering letter, as it is called, has again coine under discussion in England, and tho Tivies, lamenting that it was not assented to by the British government, declares that the present U. S. Executive clearly have no design of allowing .the question to be agaijn mooted. The .harvest in England, said to bo unusually abundant, would commence about the third week in July. Queen Victoria, who has been receiving the visits of Prussian, Russian, Austrian and Bel gian princes, sineb her confinement, is about rs* ceiving'Napoleon and Eugenie in a private man ner, and will visit them next month. It is sup posed that.ibo also intends going to Ireland for a week or so. ’ , The shipping of the eub-Atlantic telegraph cable was so nearly completed, that after tho American and British steamers had met at Cork, to te3t the accuracy of the manufacture, they would probably leave that port about the Ist of August, and after sailing together midway on the Atlantic, would then separate, one for the Western, and the other for the Eastern World, laying down the cable as they went. In a month from this date the com munication may be completed. The further new s from China is not important Lord Elgin had aj -rived at Singapore, and afamine was said to rage/in Canton. There is a gxo’vring dissatisfaction on tho part p. tho absolute princes of Europe-, against the pro tection—some oall it encouragement —which Eng land is said to. extend to political refugees. The recent unsuccessful entente in Italy i 3 said to have been organized in England, and Napoleon strongly complains of tho harbor given by England to per sons who aro avowedly anxious to destroy bis l|fe and power. Tho European antipathy against Lord Palm-erston, (who, after all, is very much of a Tory and very little in favor of progress,) seems strongly on tbuo.incrcnsc. Tbe number of Opposition Deputies lately elected in Franco is only eleven. There is a doubt whether they will take the oAth of adhesion and allegiance to Napoleon. Tho disturbances in Spain have been put down. The difficulty betweon Spain and Mexico was not likely to be adjasted without reference to arras. Tho temporary outbreak in Italy ‘js over, and it was believed that Mazzini had escaped, disguised as a woman, in an American vessel. Thcro was a rumor that the Emperors of Austria, Russia, and France, would soon meet in Bavaria, to discuss tho affairs of Europe, end f brm a new compact allianco. Tho St. Petersburg journals deny, somi-officially, that Russia was in any way concerned in encouraging the revolt iu British India. A reconcilement between the Emperors of Russia ami Austria, who have been alienated, b.v the ad hesion of the latter to the Western Alliance,, is said to havo been offoctcd through tho mediation. of the King of Prussia,, . Turkey is sjpd to have an idea of raising * flew six, per, of six to eight millions sterling— to bo iS£rqod 84 per cent., and two per cont. off Gmt. Times throws cold watuv on the affair. *" HaKileon at Grenoble, 18*16.—Let as see • how* it is taken. It is eight o’clock in the oveiting. Tha inhabitants and soldiers garrison the rwn pai.'ts. Napoleon precedes his ] ittle troop by some ete/p3; he advances even to tb.e gate; he knocks wTth his sunff-box! “Who is. there!” cried th« o fficer on guard. “It is tha Emperor. Open.’ r ‘ ‘Sire, my duty forbids me.” “Open, I tell you; 1 havo no time to lose. ” “Bo t, Siro, oven though I should open to you, I codd not. The keys are in the possession of General Marchand.” “Go, then, And fetch them.” “I, 8m oertain that ho will refuso them to me.” **, if the General refuse them tell him that I wiUdi* miss him.” Tbe single word “ dismissal ” establish ed the whole garrison in the interest of thd Kmpqf .-or.— Arago's Lifts of Distinguished Men. notice to cosLHKaPormEKxa. Correspondents for “Tsi Puss’ 1 will please bear in mind the following julea: ( : •- ? Ererj" communication most'be accompanied bj the name of, the writer. Xn orler to insure correctness In the tjpographj, but one aide of a sheet should be written upon. • We shill be grektly obliged to gentlemen in Poansyl renii and other States for contributions giving the cm. rent news of-thpdiyia their particular localities, the resoaroesof the sor romping coaifey, the increase of population, and any Information that wiy be interesting to the general reader. LITERARY NOTICES* THE PHfSIOWGY OP NEW YORK BOARDING HOUSES. By Thomas BtntEß Gcss : with illastra tioni. 1 vol. 12 tno,—ipp. 300. AToson Brothers, New York. The light, glancing, .rapid manner of those “ first estahlished’*he reputa tion of Dickens, has led a good many writers out of the track of good taste and common sense. In this country, * Cornelius Hatbews was one of the first to imitate Dickens, and Mr. Gunn is the last, as yet. But the author of “ Puffer Hopkins” reminds one of an ele phant dancing a minuet, whileMr.Gunn paces with ease and elegance. He is a lively, pleasant, off-hand writer? he keen ob servation and a capital idea of quiet satire; his book shows that he has the dramatic .fac ulty rather largely. Is his book readable I very much so—only the idea and manner are not—-perhaps, cannot-—be original. Dickens was first in the field. The great merit of this hook is this: it may be said to unroof the boarding-houses of the greatest (and worst) city in the Union. Mr. Gunn exhibits every pluse of that remarkable life, in which people exist without a home. He has examined It, analyzed, exposed it, and a very unpleasant state of affairs it is, even at the best. Asa'specimen brick we extracts chapter*.— # This is a stylish mansion of free stone, in a patri. cian neighborhood, not far from the pleasant vi cinity of Washington-aqnare. Its interior decora tion* are bf thatpeeuliar French-New-York order which displays more of gilding ihan good taste, and more of plate-glass than either; its furniture is showy but fragile, and its domestic conveniences include, of course,“ all the modem improvements.” Madame, .the proprietress—she prefers being addressed £y that title, (and if you can do it with outre, French accent, somuch the belter^—ha* been # handsome woman in her day, and unwilling to relinquish pretensions to the‘character, now resorts to art to sustain it. She never advertises for boarders, considering it low, and relying en tirely her private connection. You are re ceived, if. an applicant, nmch after a fashion de scribed in onr second chapter, being, however, ushered into the sitting-room by a colored boy; (than whom-no “band” on a slave plantation conld be more arbitrarily drilled), and bis mistress generally appears in a with a blase look, and artificial flowery in bar hair. She is particular in her inquiries as to your position, profession, and references. It always happens that there is bnt one room vacant—in eonseqaence (as she incidentally inform* you) of its recent occupant leaving for a tour in Europe. And in all proba bility her daughters will chance to dropr in in' the coarse of the interview, when you are accorded the faror cf an immediate introduction. They are two dashing, showy girls, rather good-looking, and very brightly dressed—a little more so than is con sistent with morning costume. Your reception is a gracious one, but the ladies presently diverge into a side conversation, evolving an awful familiarity with names. It. inevitably occurs that they have just returned from one of-Mrs,- —~’s “ caudle receptions” on the Fifth Avenue— which fact, on a six months* repetition, is suggest tive of a most melancholy state of health on the part of the lady, and a sad look-out on that of hen Husband. On expressing yonr intention of bo coming an inmate of tne establishment—which Madame listens to with an air indicative of hope that you will prove worthy of the privilege—-vox learn that it has an especial boot-black, with wnoti you’re expected to make a private arrangement; and are mildly, but firmly, requested not to Wing your baggage in a cart. If you’re a very young man, you congratulate yourself on the prospect—perhaps indulge in a few roseate virions >in which those brilliant young ladies especially figure—and move in accordingly. And, certainly, you will have no cause for com plaint on tho score of lack of courtesy or assump tion of aristocratic exclusiveness. That , pervades every thing/ The arrangements are as elegant as a dish of trifle or blanc mange— -and as unsatisfac tory; • ; 1 ■ Your Chamberlin which you are requested “ not to washtrt*<fr,” to smoke, or to rub matches against the walls—is very neat and cleanly, and pratty well furnished, but ti|e three chairs are of each brittle construction that you would a? soon think of sitting upon them as upon spun-gtis, and in- ' v stinotively speculate as to what jou'Xi have to pay for breakage.-But had you as many hands as Briareus, and wanted to wash them every half boor, you couldn’t be better supplied with towels. There are also dainty tittle bits of crotchof-work under the soap-dish, and tumblers, sud a bie china slop-jar—we don’t know the French equivalent, or would n’t horrify *<he reader by using such a vul gar word. The bed is small and scow-white—like a snow-drift on a child’s grave. In wiuter it has fewer blankets on th&rt is desirable. You 'are not rung to meals by a bell, as in vulgar Boarding-Houses- The colored boy Ups at your door at» A. M., and deferentially informs you that breakfast is ready. On descending, you find the gentlemen boarders ia. dressing-gowns with-ropes bell-pulls, and the ladies inelegant robes-de ekhmbre, with artful contrivances of lace about their heads and busts. Severally, they accord yds. a gracious good-morning as you glide to the seat which Maaamds gesture indicates, remove ■ your napkin froth its ririg and spread it over your knees . lfl'preparation. The ladies, are very lively and chatty, especially the younger one —so much so, in deed, that a cynic might Suspect the existence of a design to keep the boarders 1 jaws otherwise em ployed than on the breakfast, which is light, tasty, ana unsubstantial. There are very small mutton chops, pates, nick-nacks, and French bread and coffee l -made also ala Franeaise. Each digh U extinguished under a gorgeous cover of Herman silver, with which material the table is generally resplendent. You can read the papers, if you like, daring the progress of the meal, and that without being thought ill-bred. Madame a subscriber to the Courier and Enquirer, Herald, Tine*, and Home Journal, the two last being tho favor ites of the ladies. The Herald is generally de preciated by them, but cannot be dispensed* with on account of its winter-reports of upper-ten balls and summer correspondence from watering-places; their knowledge of tho fashionable world enabling them to explain the initials, and fillup the dashes by which names of its inhabitants are half-chroni cted. Madame also reads the Churchman—as a matter of duty. She is strictly orthodox, and & regular attendant at Grace Church. ' Lunch, consisting of pie, delicate shaving 3 of cold meat, and coffee, is served at IP.M., and dinner at 6. This meal invariably oomprisea five courses, commencing with thin, whity-brown soap, and concluding with desert, of whieh water-mel ons form the staple in summer- and frosted apples in winter. The ladies now appear ia very, lull dress, and are fragrant with eau de Cologne, fran gipanni, joekty-clttb, or otto of roses; while the more magnificently got-up gentlemen sport lace shirt-fronts and wristlets, resembling the orna mental paper one seed oa French p)um-boxe3. As at breakfast, the meal is seasoned by much anima ted conversation, the ladies doing their full share. All carving is performed at a side-table by a darkey of butler-like aspect, who produces remarkaoly small, thin, slices, which are conveyed to yonr left side by the colored boy. If you are at all absent minded, or not specially intent upon your plate, it (with the contents) ia very apt to be whisked a *ay by the last-mentioned youth, in obedience to strict, but, privately issued, instructions. And, considering the fascinations of the young ladies, there is great risk of this. ITe have seen no les3 than three successive plates reft from a hungry boarder, wholackcd moral courage to remonstrate. He went out subsequently and had a porter-house steak at a Broadway restaurant. Entrees, sidc-didics, and French cookery ia general, preponderate over joints, buc there are plenty of artificial flowers and iced-water. The pastry is of tho lightest consistency and most deli cate construction, and you are helped to bits shaped tike an attenuated triangle. A cap or two of green, and very weak tea, served in the adjoin lug parlor, after tho lapse of half an hour, con cludes tho repast. The boardere, like tho Establishment, are emi nently genteel. At the time of our sojourn they were very much as follows: Two superannuated bank clerks, a stock-broker, three or four Cubans, an old major who had been in tne Canadian army, a fast young Southerner from South Carolina, a London architect, and a crockery and China mer chant from Canal-street. This last was an obliging individual, very much alive to the inferiority of his social position and the privilege of being ad mitted to such aristocratic society. He received the ratiyingsof the young ladies and their playful allusions to the “shop” with much humility and good-humor, and we suspect him of secretly admi ring one of them. Madame made him useful in many ways. When it became desirable to snub any hoarder, he (the crockery merchant) was-put into the position of the offender, after the fogging boy system once pursued in the education of young Srinces, by which they took their flagellations by eputy. As witness the following instance. The Cubans would smoke in their chambers, disregard ing the injunction that confined that indulgence to a balcony in the rear of the diuing-room. So Mr. , to whom the slightest whin of tobacco was productive of great intestinal discommotion. was severely cautioned “not to do that again,” and in formed that if hef»’»r have his horrid cigars, he’d bettor smoke ’em at the store down town. , Each of the young ladies has her part, and ad mirably does sho play up to it. The elder, who is ofie-and-twenty, affects the sentimental and lite rary, occasionally flavoring it by a dash of piety. She admires Holmes, and Tapper, and looks upon Willis aslWaHea angel. The younger (who is about eighteen) aspires to the character of a fast young lady, is particularly rord of dancing, thinks sleighing “first-rate fun,” and adores Mr Wallack Lester, (which amiable weakness by-the by, is not uncommon with up-town young ladies ) Sho aims, too, at smartness in conversation, and brilliaacy of repartee, principally at the expense of weak-minded or unguarded persons, for whom . she sets little pit-falls—as thus. You hear heijfnv sert strong distaste for some book, tunc, fashion, etc.—being the very reverse of former professions You innocently express surprise, commencing with tbe fatal words, “ I thought—” When Miss immediately breaks in upon the sentence, exclaim ing with great vivacity, “ 0 4 , Mr. , it don’t do always to trust one’s thoughts! /thought, at first, you were vory clever and amusing— and you're not Upon which you are supposed to be crashed for tho rest of the evening. This lady's fascina tions are brought to bear on the younger of the boarders, and two of the Cubans are desperately in lovo with her. Her sister devotes herself to the seniors, and we incliue to the supposition that she will, In the long run —after she has sufficiently hu miliated him.marry the crockery merchant. Both the young ladies and their mother come out in great force in the evenings. She does not pretend to music, but th*j both play and sine, af ter dao solicitation. Conversation turns mostly on the newest novel, fashion, or marriage, and the oveba. There is also another topic —next door. Madame has a standing feud with ono qf her neighbors, who attempts to As the keeper of a Boarding-House. She will tjifeckon up", their origin for you with, dreadful exactness, and designates them as low, stuck-up' people. With rr*spect to her position in life, she hints that undeserved misfortunes have reduced her to it, and says that but for the dear rlrls she shouldn't have thought of surviving tho loath of fcMfiwtywa, °