The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 04, 1857, Image 3
: '?; .rife®®! ;^pl«ip '- •;' do '•-' : i''>~B4.' \m \> j d*? 4 , -.fam& : , ; 100.City E3a oxmfr-M - ■•• ,s;fieariiead B »-s*»'* r 46# k . lOOßeadg-R ss*»i~'3&# \ 100 V. vtkr cwR'MS* MOO .do -.- ss‘* ■ , 100 ’?: ".* do ; rfnsa' , '«>£ m -:>' : bf/s^res 1000 N EOnna B' Os " T-Silife • ~7Cara&Amß_', p9&,| >s :,t'ti ;(!; 'i l SECOND, 4o6pennas3 300, 4o «4» . WOQityOa caab^&tf wo/, ,<io ■' ■■&)( 1700 K- do 'dxmpt,99, • 1000 • ' do Cotipodd 95j{- 2000 Cam * 4m RB O*_-, ; :-"ts,h :!J5-2 da*d"73jf ** fiCaaiAs’-Am B‘ “'OO* *-.Sf S 7*»o 069*. fe -;«.- .■« ; ;, ' akter 311 6SPconaB« ; , -84,. ■ ,2Wo.Ci<y s»£&Eef6o. • ,'.!vviv?; ,: CLOSING •VOS ,<f. A Bii. jtsili.- 1 OS#®! PhliidiftJ.- ‘ 89*»89* ■ • do 1 oBR, 89*089* ,'do\?New 03 «** P*ims&3,‘lnirof?ss _tfo Bonds’7o 78 £79 L Ldo Mort/fWj’-’M j 4 J 44;?. '-iftHoirsQ^o^^A A Penna.'te-: :‘46*B4il* ■\ Morris CantGon 52#0&4> J \ W > \ MOBaodliigi' ?'- sfe**j *200" " ‘do 'eSira 35* ,‘lOO, . do b 5 35* j Rea4ing.Bß. closes 35# ai ‘TBomarliet waß more ini 'Stock traivery scarce In bol Tlffi MONEYMARKET*' i " 7 • "v • SATtffiPATj 'August 3, 3857- . (Tbe recent'decHno iu’the price.of the' stock of tho j Camdon and 'Amboy' BailrDad. Company Jr 6oq which | ihight : ,reasonably have- been • expected,--Prior to-the grga,t accident th&tCcKh pah? at the rate of.Welve per 'cent.* j^K^numnVBab‘sfeguqnttj { - to thaidißaster,. dividends, were made, at the rate of slxper cept. per'-ahhum:" excepting- the lost semi-annual dend, c jWii£hVAA fp'ttrper’cent. ’ Prior, to thfaliisKdlvir dead however, a ?tpck dividend qfjtwcntyiier cent, wasSeelared, apda. resolution adopted to. d6ubld the JdoTbusthe. holder qf- five -shares hedAme.Jhe ! owner or six,~witb:tb'd privilege of paying for four^moro. 1 at piopkisJUelil fn Urge quantities by patti eswho- h*ro purchased it for ' investment, 1 but who maynot be fendy-to •utdfeo of range j ‘JrhVfalli|!g thp'itoiVir yg^^i^f^F'OTirih|f‘b) ah attempt on the part-of, interested partiea tniproyeiit; the presentholdorii of* stookJfrmn selling airman advance and tssng hew‘sh>:k r at;pflrw;th ap r : pears to beheld pryttyiirndyat ?i,09, -Coraplaints,of iho jpUauanagegtont of this road con- , inade. ftnd notwithoat reason; | . Tnero can belittle doubt that, there are too many Fpst : trains run, and some fealqs at, rates too low 'to tie ro- 1 \ munorastrgig-"Wtr belioye '.that Jhis-idea <?y relieving i those traiDH wfiicn ran at the most convenient hottny by othgrp utfWftßM,^iiplders. c r'rWv On several of .the Western railroads, the traveller in tte -M ' torQnd: car uniformly no stove visible, anddn summer., tofirid that there & a constant draught of cool air, free ! dttj|tqn4^p| i ,kB«'.epm|ng upfrora.tke doo? of |ho ' car and passing out of the windows. “ The change in the. feelihgs^pf?the^paesengers; oq passing from-;an old fashtonwlww t to .wio,'Vepiilate<l. by this-prooesß of Dtr, bxpffaert withdeligHtj end, the merits ofthoinventioueieerly axamlnecL tho cars wae.more th«n ti?edjam)aaUy in the destrucHoitof the cinders! There'is •»d the/^mlajon which this invention would Work o greater <shan»pf,;cbmfort for dHcomfortto tb® paas«n^Yia;m»n_t£^rtulrdiila in New Jersey; ancfyoM w 6 are.credMy informed, that the officers of the Camden aadAmw to-alloffr the inven- orthelrcarsj oveiTfrea of ox . peme, thSfriwopemlion might be ahowh to the public . wtouw.the l road. i .T,hore. i ia / certainly a worse spirit thtnf^^ndmyi J^7^Ch f if in , ; rojid. at js alleged ; must yorkin- thWntei-estsbfthe stockholders/ 7l : • t . '_ThnStQck3oatd exhibited no material chkngb Satm-SlayY. ' 'T? ‘ •’ * - The lhwrsaic& Cortij%y ottho Btste ofpennsylvihia have declared* dhidaMof six per payable oh tho oth instant: ‘ - In semi-hn- Wlh.: TheNew-World^iretnadrsage Companyb per cent-,, Tndiftha'hitfi declajeds’divi- 1 on.iia^cap^teVwtoc)c' for ‘the ; imiixmonthaoritsopiratfonfc.'' ■/•' ,f - :'• _, i ! Thajnfgresft coupons on thg bonds of thsNewJersey: BailroSdind'TjsahqMT/Ution^Cdmpdjiyi^aifoh'ihe-'lat , o^Anguat,wi^^i^dpt ; of Coij tnerte'^New;] ’the imports] of MercHondi M' at New Twk for tl o weekend- 1 'ing Augusti.and since January, 1: , •' ■' ; : ,:l&aS.-V-'‘'lBs7. J 13.M8.310i ‘ 2,092,279, 4,152,108! '' ‘ sa, rt^^.TA^W4B3joffiBWi.l39,6s6^99! 1 ’^e^.Vx'port.i.^chjsh^i'uf! - for the week, end »in?eJfah. f; r •’•MI ■’•'•ie®- 1 v.-*rtW!H ft iB.if? ; ,*flMJ*> tiowr4s. 5,468,998 : *3,286,783 S}sf<C6BBl ■ jtepbrtw),; at,997,672 - 43,168,a00i ,-;4y,6jgffl' ; ;'-^heifoUo^to^||»,«mijmfsit(ye i rtitew«n l t of the.rotyej toJnlj-30: ; .rjw ■ - -i.i viip "vP-h-.,..; : : -p'. : ! ia«;.atir/i>ssi6*i C0tt0n,........*7.022,054'. $8,691,057 ,; J 1,050,691 Hoar 7?.. .i: . ? . .'9,410,571 ’ !4,287,769, p-9122 684 .Com *»1..462,084 - 181,069' li "80 965 ■W1rttv..4,980,281- • -1,990,127 ..! '-'2,090 304 ■ COTnV.iiSfcit. 1,781.170- ’1,273,770 *! - . 507,905 <••■ -!j«’k.V,'v>i,ii':.';*l)7«4,«76-!‘'-'- -097,034-;; r Pl,-M0,09^ . ' Sibil, jtMMMtM ' $16,432',734 ' ‘ .'BwftkSeSteWßpjprilPwnhlSJO.:. •■}*.■■... .$11,083,327 ' 'OarteVtSWoEilM' dr 1867jiras.;.- v .; .»73;4j4 ott *Ppo^sd4fnigf® l«t (jimrter.'.V., ’. 10,288,543 of OUT; UM.tii; :j7 'SOStiJM •• • '»«2,ss2 ■'Thad-V'ihr&'dbf' exports other than Treasure^•' ''' -, [ , „6w4» E ttogßTOid.ftniutcr of «57, vnal .$5,848/77*60 tlsey I'prth.., 1 733,435 00 of'ikf :V.iU ..:..-..52,072,,12 Jo OO P. :'-llS4aS 78674i£fi..>'.^.1;i,;'.-I. $67,808 50 '.Qaickeiltcc ftyw SnaFraneTscojlaring outj’and'nre hot Mper jrstes of ftfxjo toti onsj -4 v& r JM er ■* p&anxf Bri<feejfo;},',U9n&f>csifutj City fcJ7-,QMo;‘jS vriuvky jOit/rn&ntt,'Qblo: jr Cj TJani, Clove* 'id,' '.’d; dd'f : '. > , d‘ The DJHotor* of theVEr]o Hailroad have, U ia under- of the, Lon* Dock ..The new, jnbrigtge he' for IQIOOOJOOO, payable, l orie*half,io " ' TlJe be precedoa’bv'the -' > ‘ •••■ j j- ■ The 3MKyi*feavo the tapper! of capita l ” latawho a*& ablft to ' plflC^ ; jthca) the * ’moYementarflrrolteTij the raw! of dobtc the .to all partita. The road tying placed la the fiandsofne?r roanagorej/eithno ' ' hibite m&ghe>eipCcte<l k jo jihQ]r ft of Value of MeTCkaHdi3#4f*pprt*4 into the port of Philcir , t /*■ ttetpkiafof.tke vmthv fjJJ:} <* f * . tnUn&fpMmhtotefomira.y' '■'(■!*/■■■ -'~v i ■*iSg§M^:wH i . sfivajo' .tflpja.; .ifeii i BT»j637^ | 7M i n^ j 6iO i 0! j 6 5.2,163,502 s .2,163,SO2 {■ "i flj!tß(i<i((il?tpiUa ; !tl»rkets.4 i V SnntwQ bmMridsk f<ir-«nnelbrte \-i «wti feoifc»fi^‘io^bpcrU^ii&To«bj l^f>tt>4he , ti*d«. lf&BB*&\H£i#se«s ■ uiav e aw at. in llour / ’and'gatejiJiicTuda about &90 hhla. at $4,50" fop middling, » 's7;BftM?^iferW4&i^ j; floe. of ISfcjidi *riidefisnv new wheat, at $8 ty f at *&,6o® |8,75 ,r I tiW.; ah(rduU afe-the»6' ratsa, ,?The retailers *ia*iy»iJrirar*€,&o m>i. j.-fin* eotriinon tychofco finuK&fcniejftmfao<j;.-|Bj'3oa9,W >; fc^oitfrtkEawliyaqafancy,brand** 7 OoritUealand Bye y, WraPaSeii with A Umlted daaattkla%|li Jar thoXormer, T bbf-.loc tha 4a*ta*<,rOtr»heatthe sales f ‘ hrreli&TlMHk w< Southern i *t'l6o«Jßo Kr r*Hiand i7oal7So for wMtSj-.M to ~ old, (»dr46».48c 3wo in steady, and a ! *auul*ale~ofEew vaffuiadoatjrotij&r bushel, Bark— ||«S»lSSS i I . #eUOT«eit^atand } ,ana the transactions ta-dpy }javo - fc*onTifflltWs 'PdoVUaiWf *fe JiUllftht Hock, and vei*y £ wUbifitfhtt done,to-day and Clover and 7 J ftootbyieed. ard-,moving off.riowly, ' antlttelDarket firm. Tais 1 ’ilftft EeaOg R bs&int <B6#-, doa6ir&&iftssX„ (Wfr'ftr? iiadot'fjtf it? "-Miv &tOO v &MoMoa«b*ttX ‘ 'rS&& u * *&&*&*** 80 •■.'■ ' ACS-Oim&Aw.Bir:'? r 99Xt|' s^W^s Y’-lOAforrlA Gnßfcjef iftjjf; <lO. • do'- .iijjffi ■ Ctnftl 1 *6o.' ■> '-:’dOt «cwii-.„10' daja *27 X Khßkofcßyfi.dys Wl > , •»' 4BtoCEenns<«& ifB " I Vl4 Girard B ank, j a K Is, k.n — ? -K?^ r * ( r*. ,; ‘ a Donna ift.llS | \r* £s£sf l&ntaiokjr jll .BOARD,'; .'U'/fXX'n-’ ',21)0 Befitting-Br 2 drß'os% «.».>• v , do,J> , .JttJS -10 ft -■' ’• • do>, ~2 dys 4&# f- SQ :; ’“'-'do Bfiwc£mt3s# v - .'6odo bswn&intss# Buck MOunt Coal Sl; -/ 80 Morris Ow»I pr*f- - > <; -82# ; r lO ;'..* 80A»|j. , 4: •s*?* - ’■;} . OORN-liw^is>VoW?of&i'M*/' M^ ,tet ,J s i »- ciiedly i wes!c«ntta>lo*inrarl;® , |'“ o }; iu J r , ! '?; , >‘hough no ouotaMo chania biWWWn <"!< may bo Bet'ijowri h« tM .being obtained,-: oniyior'Suial! jNiroels^^f''^ i CHtQAGO-(MUIW jOPSpfjvWy 31.—HetaSlpts ot country-ptoduca at the'depote. Rt 6 small, and likely to basouiraf^r‘'barest, 'three vwoeks, hence.: We give 4les'and’ii<imin£d'rates'as follows: - ' • i WHEAT— Teuding down*' f Bales to’ one Bnn 0f'2,000 - to S OOObiiiAoW sprihgin lota-dt 91.1201.13 in''store; a car'OfnWw3Uw,ferf“etommftt9l.6o.-'/\ -• -te r i cOßff-A-Th© only-traiisaoUsnaoni’change,noted,were. i o<vteb»: AtfiTcf to;'store,‘ and-10,000 ! bu: atOSWe. on Swo heard of tiro'other cargoes at Q9#c. on board, 1 tfrwftrda one firm bought 30,000 .hus, and another 25,000 bus. at 60b, on"boardswhUe othenlots were re- this at-tkeclpae. S This;- at rates of freights a be'Tlc.; but though freights are dull 0-day, corn ia likely-to' bo lower tomorrow, or parties will have to bu; against ft shipping margin.. ■ OATS-gftl«a bu: at 66c. on board at Wau kegan. •. , , ' Jjushels,'(tbe first new of the season) at*fl.ld^6o / tos.4o'dißtilieryv f ' , WOOIA-The'ritogeia.still' lb,with'heavy Shipments east. • _ • * PITTSBURGH GRAIN MARKET, Aug. I’.—WIIEAT. Sales of 100 bushels from wagon at $l,BO. - • *> . PLOUR.—The market remains inactive. Prices have beOfi very uniform for some timepast. The sales were: -75 bblB,Buperfnoso.7o: 200 do. extra $0.87: 50 do. ex tra family s7*l2; 60 do’ extra $6.87; extra family $7.12; 65 do. extra $6.90; 75 do. extra family. Amt-hands, $7; 25d0. extras 7; .05 do;$8.90; 300 do. *6.87:, 100 do. ex tras6.B7; extra family $7.12; 50 do. do. $7: 20 do. $7.12 ®7.2Q;-125 do. extra $6.87; 50 do. extra familys7v32; 30 do. superfine,' store, 1 $6.60;-,lB'd6.‘fine, $5: 25 do extra a&dextrafamUys6.67®7.l2.'' ,* ’ ' • , BACON.—Sales of 8400 fts. shoulders 12#; 4000 do. hams 22#; 6,tcs,-BugarcdredhamB,l4#. - ~ - HAY.—Sales of 7 loads)'at, the scales at prices rang ing fromsUto torii ’ ‘ 1 OATS.—Sales Of 600 bh. from store 05c. 17 Cam ' , 99# PRIONS.' ;-l | ! ‘ ■ -‘'- Bid, : Aiked> Scbyl NavPref-23jf©24 Wrasp’ tA; Elm R Iff :®2O k do > fnt off tvir ■- 1 .; •>• ! iVILMINGTON-MARKKT\~Aug. Ist —Turpentine— Bales yesterday of 213 bbls. at $3.76 for virgin, and $2.75 for yellow dip: .and to-day of 221 do. all yellow dip, at $2,30 cle&r of Joxtra~^beU)g v J& advance for that ’quality.‘7 yesterday .of 250 casks at 410.‘ kill.; and to-di>Of;3Oodo. at same price. Rosin— Balos yesterday of 166 bbls.‘ No. 7,. at $5, 5,25®6.75, *aa 'in' quality. 'Nothing doingiu other grades/: Tor— None in market. • *' V 'lst rriorts 75®75# A do'^clo'2din64#a6& Long-Island ; - : Vicksburg,- 7#® —- * Girard Bank, 11#®11 # Lehigh Zinc, a I#® l# Union Canal 10 ©lo# New Creek #s»‘ 1 Catawisaa BR 21 ®llfc ; - - 7 H>i3.ATESTte.‘ -!-As.. $; tioaX'.v! VV.'/ 1 m 36* Joo„.‘ . .Jo' ' sdyrBs« - BUFFALO GRAIN MARKET August 3, 1 P. M.— FLOUR’is unchanged—aalos to-day 400 bbls, at $3 76® $7 25 for extra and double extra Ohio.. WHEAT is dull. CORN is dull, and-unchanged—sales to-day 14,000 bus.at73#cr OATS firm at 59c. WHISKEY lower— 29#c. FREIGHTS, lower—corn to New York 11c.— IraL.rts in the forty-eight hours up tonoon to-day—looo 'bbls. tiour, 4000 has. wheat, 168,000 bus. com ana 28.000 bus. oats. Exports in the aamo time—looo bbls. flour, 26,000 bus; wheat.. K»*. • ■: ! active, to-day.,. Reading’ RR itb markets, } ■’ ' NEW YORK CORRESPONDENCE. {Correspondence of The Press.) • > NEW YORK, Moxovt Evknihq, August 3. 6P.M. ‘ . ASHES—The market ia very quiet tor Pearls at $7.25 ‘Pots are firm and saleable at $7.75. ‘ * COFFEE—Is firm but at the moment quiot. COTTON—More is doing this morning, sales have been ' made of 900 bales in transitu. W'e quote : ' 'Xmr voftK otiSßiriOAfiON. Upland.’ Florida, Mobile. N. O. 5c Tex. Ordinary 12# 12# 12# ~ 12# .Middling 15# 16# 15# > Middling Pair:.:; 15# 5 16# 10 18 FairV,;.‘.‘..-..,V.16#' ' ; 15# -10# <■ 'l6#< FlSH*—The supply of 'all Ritida -is quite meagre, and prices rule high, but the transactions are confined to small parcels from store. Pry cod are firm at $4.37#® 4,62#. Mackerel are in moderate request and are firm -^alesof3oobbl9'medium and largo 'No; 3 at $8.50® 9.60. and $12.25 for small No. 2. Pickled herring are in goda supply dnd are dull. " Smoked hefting ani scarce; Bcaled are held at 60®52#c } and No. 1 at &Ba4do. FLOUr: Ac.—The demand' for Wchtem Canal Flour is quite active,''in-excess of the supply, and‘prices of the lower and medium.grades ato, 6c, better.. The-in quiry is 1 Confined mainly*to the. home trado.. The Sales atb 6000' bbls.,. at-$6 25®$fi 45 .for common to. good State; s6;7o®sfl 80 for extra do.) $6 25®56 60 for au perflno Indiana and Michigan; $6 55tt$7 45 for common togood CxtmOhio; $7 45®59 50 for good to choice do.; S 60®$9 60 for extra Genesee, and $7 6O®slo 60 for . Loulsbrandi. GRAIN-*A fair supply of Wheut offering, and tho market is heavy and rather lower on old; 'the arrivals of new are, iiotr huge; solos,of 12,000 bushels,• at $1 73 for prime red^T«unessee;H'Bs for prime .white Southern; $1 82# tor- primes white Canadian, an extreme price; $1 64 lor mixed do.p'a&d $1 44 for MUwaukie club. ’ > Barley is quiet and ift-noininhl at sl,softsL66. 'A lot of new from Canada waa exhibited to-day—the first of thb- season—by Messrs. Gordon & llruce, the quality fair four-rowed. .This crop,it is understood, will be a Idrge one there;*- * Oats are quite firm,'the demand fair— ealeS-ljf State fit 60a04o,'audW*sten» at 65e06.-, *' * Oom-is about 7c lower; and closes quiet; the arrivals are nioderate-tbiday, but the quantify on-the canal-is considerable;-'The- inquiry is mainly fob 'tha.east and city trade the sales are 21,000 bushels at 86#®87#c for unsound; Bg«88#c for westonvmixed. -. Other kinds are nominal and-qttite scarce. - • - - . • . li^VY—A fair shipping demand and the market is of 400 bales at 60a76e 100 lbs. Abo quiet bui firm."; I - -i '■ HOPS—No movement of Consequence can be noticed-, A. moderate businbu is doing to'brewers at .7®l2c for coramoa-To choice’eastern and',western.' ■*''-• . i ‘ pigcoutinaesqulet at s3o®3l;fimos; small sales only from yard within tho range. -'LEATHERr-Thbre is so change to notice;- . Hemlock Is hardly continues firm. .* ' - LlME—Sites of 20OObbls. common-Rockland at 76c. MOLASSES—Is quiot and; dcbresi)ed., The sales are ihsigniflcinx. v *■ 3 't.* l "’'* '* * 1 •’ !•/-_ quie6ats23 60®28 76. BacOn is’in fair demand at 13#o;' Ciit meats are scarce —small sales at 10#©lO#c. for Ebouldera, snd 11#& ll#e. for Hams., f V • 1 ’ s " . Lard is #c.. a fair- demand and reduced stock—sales of 750 bbls. and tea. at 15#ol6#c. Butter to tn fair dethjßlid at IfidSOc. for Ohio, 1 and 16©21c. for State. Ohewe'-i»s*teableatoa9#c, j - • RICE—'Ia Wady* r Sales of 150 tcs. at 4# «6c. > Boston thd’sales 1 for three days, ending Friday laat,‘ comprise 90d bags fit's#®B#c; V" lb., six months, a'--'• * - s." , SUGARS—Are firmer { grocery grades are an eighth ■better, % Th»iiilei are 6Oohhds;Caba' at 7#fi>lOo. • TALLOW—The supply is light and holders firm—sales atll#«i, cssh/ w ; A ■ * TEAS—Ate generaliy.firra, and 'a ‘moderate business U doing ltrYoung Hysohs at full-pflces; blacks ure sell ing at adccline of 2e3c. from the highest point for Oo ' ‘ sAieSof'3OobbUt;'Ohib a'nd-Prison at r 320. ' ';The ’Stt>ck market conxmences tho week* with little, ' spirit. ; In State -ana lUi)war Bonds prices are' wlthbdt j voriatibif of conscquOhde. i-I4’Or6sse’Z>sa , d Grant Bonds] have fallen/to 40, a dftltao .6fop#Wftf. J ay«!the Stocks 1 to32#/ft faU‘bf 2# per cent.- Pcnnsnvania Coal de-! dined I per cc*nt,; ; Erie 1; Iteoding #; Michigan South-, era 1. with continued salei by the bears at i per cent, a montn-.difference;-Galena pud Chicago' Cleave-, land : and'Tplcdo ‘New, York' Omttral iidvauced #; Michigan Control #; • and Ohicago and Rock Island #. will, take hilf a million of goldfWnd brobdblJ r -mow. - The Bonk’idawmeut promises to show an increase of loans, and satisfactory condition in the specie; NEW VORKvSTOCKUxiCIIANaE BAI.EB,Ang.3. ■' ' ---vrasTi board;- - - 1 , 60 Erie BE’ " 160 84 460 iilo ■ - 33Ji 400 do ■ ' 33K 100 do ' ' ' s3O 83X 100 .do li3o 35% 100 ■ ' do U 6 33X 100 "do alo 33>i 160 1 ’ ‘do : 160 83£ iio^'v.'.do"'' ’ Kl^, ‘JO'" ‘ do' I " >B3£ 6 . do • > S3* 10 Boadilg BR 72% 150 do c 71* 500 ‘do ' b6o'7l*: 900 - ' do'. - bdO 72 600 'do *3O 71* 600 do s 3 71* 600 do o 72 300 6do- . ' 72* 30 Del I* & West RB 60 30- dfr ' v - ’49* SOMicliCea 04 . 3WMOO&NI- s3O 40* 1500’ do i( I>6o 60 150'" -do ’ • S 3 49 V I ii do; ..d«3O 46 ; 100 ■ i do / 1)60 60* »1»4- /.do pM 76* 6 Gal & C*IRR $1 - .*■B ‘ ,•do . ‘ * 00* 117 . ’ .do . 90* 40 Clovd i Tole ' 67* 150 . , do/ ,67* &00 ; : do 1)60 67* 200. 1.; do, / c 67* . 5 Chi t R I, 05* 20 do 05* 8 O B 9c Quincy exd 88 Sl5OO Ohio Gs.’GO 100 ' 12,000 Virginia .OS '' 91 1000 Missouri ?»'•'" tax -7000 io ' VOX 11)00 N,Y Ccntfls,'. 80X iooo' -;" do‘ft’, 08K 2000’, ' "'do ’ 'J99 ’ 1000 Erie Uds. ’B3 87' ~1000E*dS;,’7i,M ltOBK , lOOO.Mud'lst.m it i 05 , 1000‘Herlst tnoJrtV. 75 500 111 Cen Bda ’ ’ .WX 1000 * ‘'W ,5000G&Chl2d, 81' 2000 La Cross 4? Jli 40 58 she Bt Com ’ • 105 5 Metropolitan Bk 106 , OConttaenttf BV' 105 25 Ita *:Trad Bk/104 10 Penn CoaVCo. ‘ 85# m ,T - c do ,iv *'V ‘6s# 2JJ 0 Life Sc Trust. 102 2tfJ?-arS.BKJpCo 300 N Y Cent 1 ■ bBO 83# 220‘ r “ do* ‘ 4 ong 83# 200 -t,. do , -' , 83 „ Mli * ,*d otfy * *60:82#; 100,-. •! do , bBo’B3 / ioo j.) ~ c.B3&’ 200 * do,. \ 50 do 5 ' c e3i 250 Hill &. Hiss JlB -61 150.. <M ) ~ . 050 6t< 100..,-, ; sioso; ,28 Mil Cross MU M do -,.1130,32, ! [so j ‘' ! i’.-y-83, ; 60; "do;,v .. r • ■: . 3316 do 32X 6 Little Miami - -91 NESi' IiBUVOBDr-Schr.fjMah. SensMi-OWO gallons whala oiido 1422 .do sperm do J. 8 Ashmead. liiiOSTON—Scbr Edwin .Eeod.' Orwar-120 Obis. No. 1 ' 7 „ / street,' above Market. W.iß.King, SavfttUi.MoV , Ls.wjs/lal, York, r»,; , ,J / C 4 .Eaker,>le»pfj l i < 'Vr./WhOe U Jo Ay. do.,Pi)ila. • J.‘Bastro#s. ',l ' do. J>,L. N Morcl»oi\ and lady,;X, G. jl’Kinley, HaGiab’g. JJicbmbnd, Jiid. Thos/Voster, (Jalena. -iJi'J>! i .Luk,Pa/’'r ~ / Upii. Henry Chapman, Pa. IrY. Patton, Columbia, Pa. 'B/O.'Thouiftfl, Jr:, Balt. -A. Andreas & lady, N. Y.,. 3. ¥. Mean* & lady, Pa. _H, Culver £ ala., Chicago-/ , W. B.'Havda & lady, Pitta ;E, A' Owtna. StVLopis,.. ~ burgh. ' J,' A.% Cor'noU/N. Y. . I. n. M4rklcy,taji’, Hoii. J. 8. Yost/l'al. B/R.sTaggarV.dp. t XS.H. Crober,Trenton.NJ. H, A.StUee, 1, - do. .;?.V/ .sehry\Wel*b;, York, Pa. H. Hotcbkin, do'. ' A/J.'Gloßflbrenner, do. J. Moss. do. - „ 'Wm. Stoddard, Wcllfcvilto. J. V. BeintUh, Lancaster! 'E. 0. McClure, W’nsport. SUeJtoo, Blrjiuj Cti E. Holt, Manchester, Po, , ,GIBABI) HOIISE-rOKesnut street, ; bisWNluth. G. Meredith j Baltimore. • J.B. OaJOoy. New York. Vf, Whil,sWashington. - I. Palptnr, Pa. L,.-Frank, Balt* , W. Graham & son. Balt. PliilipTabb, New York. E. Bennett,. “ E, Sißemlcki, > ■, * ,0. J, I«ar®w,;‘ . i Ode.'W,,WuiiamSf JJ. C. - -Mrs, Marble, lo\ra, .•C?T,fihermMi, Ohio., .; .Mr.WiPntr,' “ H. U. Huhlenbuglady,, V. Dorsey, llaltimoM. ■ Beading. - M.. Davidson, N. 0. .FrederlcksGoute 4 .wife.,, A. T. Bledsoe. Va.' | Cincinnati, 0. A. Bhenklo & wife, Ky, hB. Hubbs,"Washington. ---Maj. 11. Leonard Sc J&dr, | M:Stter,Xeotuk r lo9*/r, r ,U:B/A, . r •» fi; Hanna, Port Waynes. ■’ E, M.ifirkMtrick, S. ; 0. J.KCBagerton, - . IS. Moore, “ /G„W..Curtta,Lw, U«S. A.., C. W. Maglll & !y, Gin. 0. :D.;8,-Beunett, Wood side.', Mils M. V. Magifl i* 3. Jf, Y'.vr.. t Miss Kate MagUl. “ jJ. B. Fayenfeatber, 10wa.... Master 3. H. MagUl, “ J..3j9M«^jfr* v lfrron. ' C. A.Herckscher, N. Y. lBaocCruse,#d(angh., N. Y f . 3. W. Burch, Ga. J. T. Titus, Memphis, Tenn. . A, P. Duprcy, Tonn. Bold. L. Brandon, Mias. B. 8. Thompson, Ark. W. B. Brandoji/M. B. “ L. M. Powell, Washlngtoh 8. Bilbough, .Calos, . 11. 0. McCoch, N, Y. A. Johnson, Judge Donaldson, Pa. T. P, Smith, Charleston ' Jag. H> Peabody, PhUa. T< Sinnpee A dough., Miss. E. fiorda, Fa. Aliah Luckeft. “ T. H. Hartnell, Detroit. Hugh Praserj.Mototreal. Dr. Jojan Waters & lady, • Nashville. O. E. Wood, N.-Y, John Doran,- o - J. F. Wiley,&. t lady, Balt, J. M. jpftrinay Y. ‘ J. L. Simpson, N.Y. H. W„ Cahr,'i; { v‘*, < Geo. Bhaw, Ohio. James Pe’rftins,«<‘ , Moj. U. S. A. A. iistfroyii•&, wife,' N. p. Wash. Deed. Ye. B, H. Hyait & lady, Balt, Jun, McCullough, N. Y. Alias E- M, GrifTeth, “ Air. Moore, “ MlsaKete Hyatt. , . “ , .N. P.Pine, w HiDuvall, 1 v>w “ Todd, N. Orleans. 0.0. Jlara,’N> Y. ' *' G. Stewart, N. J Y. jejin .W. Causer, ,Boston., Jes. Waaht’n. MpVNT HOTELSecond Btreet./aboye'Arch Sirs’. Smitli- and sbn/Lewie! 1 ■ IVra 1 Parks,, Easton 1 , $. 'tor ' *T-y ■*,}“' ‘W. Roberts. ' ,J ‘’ "■tewlatovrop? dlofft 'Arr*'* /R. son. pe), co., Baltimore, . ueo. Bane, N. \ . y.ffiiqiartatiottg. [Boiwrt&d for.The.PreM,] " List ot Atl4t’dl*:nt>tiK'%rin>idpal Hotels. (6t‘Klf*Arfc^^tr^ety^lo ! w l i FotirtU. sorrlrtpwn; ' Qhtg. fllil; Peb&su SToflt.'Oo.' -Isaac Pftrßer & I&dy'.'NY. “ JfwnesitFwlter, 2?y. - ' ** ' ' Dr.Hawlsy.PlicenixViUe, - , p.s.Bo^ifeMiDg. i r }* n '>Y. Cyrus LawaU Sc. ly, Easton. » , -»i, , r . 'Jo&n Dopalson, Tftrartfma. » > YT,UptonHoover.OWo. lortestowj. o. S. Won & ly, Del. , ritlsV-UO <*• •*»:V"»/li!ng«r.,iel)ftuon, STATES UNlON.—Market Street above Sixth, Wm. Henry, N Y. a. Miller, Lancasteiv Pa David Oonneliy, Pa. Geo. Sanderson. Lancaster. Dr. Wclchanß,’Lancaster, r O.Boughter, do. H.Eichold, Dowiugtown. Ileuiy Harrisburg. O. Lawrence, Cin. Ohio. : Abrabajii Suasman, Phils. , 80 86 s > Lane. - John Huaton, Marietta. John Klino, Marietta. Geo. W. Reed, Miss. Geo. Myere, Columbia, Fa. James W. Hunter, Pa. Sami. H. Lockard, Pa. ' J. Thomas, Phiia. AMERICAN HOUSE, Ohesnut street, above Fifth. Johu D. Elmar, New York. T. W. Johnson, Readiug. O. N, Lackey, Jorsoy City. L. Rawlings, Mississippi. J. E. Wilson « lady Pitts- Henry Rice, do. ; Imrgh. , MissM. E.Wllsou,Pittsb’g. John O. Humphrey, Pa. J. P. O. Humphrey, Pa. F. Fefel, Philada, John G. Garman, N. Y. Chas. Q. Sharp, Philada,' Miss R. Garman, do E. T. Stock, do Ghag. 0. Reeduan, do. M. Seager, N.Y. Mrs. WUeelock, do. Miss Seager, do. G. N. Allen, Philada. Geo. Engilbert,'Ohio. J. Stevenson, Indiana. R. J. Smith &, lady, Ohio. W. IV. Armstrong, Bt. Paul. A.R.Salligher A.waiter,Md.S. T. ilcßougall, N. Y. Tbos. B. Phillips, Philada. Sami. 8. Smith, do. W. T. Reed, Balt; John Johnson, do. N. M. Newman & daughter, R. C. OaStellow, do. Pittsburgh. J. M. Shanahan, do. li.W. M&rston, Baltimore. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. Israel Mobbis, ) Joseph O; Gbobb, > Ooxmittss op thb John Welsh, ) LETTER BAGS* At the Merchants Exchange , Philadelphia. Ship Philadelphia, Poole, Liverpool, Aug. 15. Barque Japonica, Shclden..,....Riode Janeiro. Aug. 10 Barque Achilles,Spcdden,... London, soon Barque David Lapsley, Bishop ..Matansuis, soon. 5 r lg Eureka, Daly, ..Cardenas, soon Brig Black Bquall, Bryant, Havana, soon. BrigF. Fabars, Burns,.... St. Jagodo Cuba, soon. SAILING OP THE OCEAN STEAMERS. STEAMER FROM FOB PAY Asia.... New York Liverpool Aug. 6 G1a5g0w........New York Glasgow Aug. 5 Kangaroo ......New York Liverpool. Aug. 6 Ariel.,.. New York Bremen, Ac Aug. 8 Europa..., Boston Liverpool Aug. 12 8a1tic.,... New York Liverpool Aug. 15 Fulton... New York Southampton Aug. 22 New York Now York Glasgow Aug. 22 Ericsson Livorpool New York, July 22 New York, ..Glasgow New York., July 22 Persia Liverpool New York... July 22 Fu1t0n..... Havre, New York, July 22 1 STEAMER EOR FROM PAY Borussia New York Hamburg Aug. 1 Columbia New York Liverpool Aug. 6 Edinburg.......New York Glasgow Aug. 8 City WaslilngtonNew York Liverpool Aug. 12 Arago New York Southampton. Aug.2B MOVEMENTS OF HAVANA STEAMERS. Philadelphia—From New York 2d, arriving at Ha vana Bth, audNcw Orleans 11th. From New Orleans 20th j Havana 23d, arriving at New York 28th. Quaker City —From New York 7th of each month, arriving at Havana 12th, and Mobile 14th. Front Mo bile 22a; Havana 24th, arriving at New York 28th, Cahawba—From New York 22th, a»riving at Havana 17tb, and New Orleans 19th. '-From New Orleans 27th, Havana 29th, arriving at New York 3d. Empire City—From New York 17th, arriving at Ila vana23d, and New Orleans 28th. From New Orleans 6tb, Havana Bth, arriving at New York 13th. BlAok Wakiuor—From New York 27th, arrive at Havana Ist and New Orleans Bd. -From New Orleans 12th, Havana 14th. duo at Niw York 18th. Isabel—From Charleston 19th and 4tb, due at Ha vana 23d and 7th. From Havana 10th and 25th, due at New York 16th and 31st. The California mail steamers sail from Now York on the 6th and 20*.h of each month. 1 iUariuc Jntdligcncc. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, August 4,1857 .5 01 SUN SETS 7 30 ll 84 SUN RISES...;, HIGH WATER. ARRIVED, . Barquo E- Foster, Foster, 8 days from New Bedford, in ballast, to captain. Barque Amy. Ryder, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to Twells, Gaskill A Galvin. Brig Abbott Lawrence, Fuller, 8 day's from Boston, with mdse to Crowell & Collins. s - Brig Times, Phlnney, 4 days from New York,- with mdse to captain., • Brig Loch Lomond, French, 4 days from New York, In ballast, to captain. Be. brig A. Eaton, Purcey, 18 days from New Bruns wick, with piaster, to E. A. Soudcr Sc Co. Brig Melaszo, Putnam, 4 days from New York, in bal last, to captain. Drig'Alesia, Douglass, 4 days from New York, in bal last to captain. 1 Schr. Senator, Mackey. 7 days from Pieriuont, N. Y. with lumber, to Bolton, Vonderveer Sc. Co. ‘ Schr Connecticut, Pratt, 7 days from Piermont, N. Y. with lumber# to Bolton, Vanderveer & Co. Schr Dani Godwin, Raynor, 6 days from Now York, in ballast to captain. •Schr W H Turner, Blade, 5 days from New York, in ballast to captain. Schr Almeda, Btckinsou, 5 days from Bristol, with mdqe to Taylor, Gillespie Sc Co. - Schr Mary, Backet. 5 days from New York, with mdse to Yohng & Woolverton. . Schr T. G. Miller, l’addock, 4 days from New York, fcidsc to French 6c Co. Schr J. Q. Colter, Chapin, 6 days from Portland, with -stone to J Strutbers Si Bon. Schr 0. M, Wilson, Camp, 4 davs from Providence, in ballast, to captain. Schr John A. 1 Hazzard, Laws, 2 days from Milford, with corn and bark, to J. H. McColloy. Schr. John Bt; Kennedy, Hall, 6 days from Providence, with mdse to John M. Kennedy Sc Co. Schr Job Green, Agen, 1 day from Smyrna, Del. with oats to Jos. Barratt £ Son. Steamer Gen. McDonald, Whild ,G# hours from Capo May, with 260 passengers to captain. CLEARED, Steamship Kennebec, Hand, N. York, Jas Altderdice. Barque Montpelier, Haskell, Boston. N. Sturterant •A Co. Barque Dennis Kelly, Corson, Now Orleans, Pettit ’Martin <fc Co.,Sawyer, Sawyer, Boston, NSturtevant Sc Co. Brie Maleszo/Putnam, Boston, Jo- Brig Loch Lomond. French, Boston, Carson Sc Co. ’ Schr. D. Godwin; liaymer, Providence, captain. Schr Geo. O. Gibbs, Gibbß, Providence, Geo Burling. Schr. Gen. Taylor, Adams, New Haven, via New York, SohnG.Dalo. \ ’ 7 Schr. WVH. Turner,Blake, Weymouth, BamnA Lewis. 1 Schr Sarfibj Benson; If; Bedford, h. Addenreid & Ob. Schr E.- H. Rowley, Godfrey, Charleston, Pettit, Mar •tln Sc Co, • Schr C. M. Wilson, Camp, Boston, Hayes, Smith Sc Co. £. Salem. C. A*Hwk»her&4lo} Schr Ann. Butler. Jersey City, Uammet Sc Caldwell Schr. Hound, Cook, Petersburg, do - Schr Georgiano, Everett, Petersburg, do -; Bchr Transport, Savsge, Boston, do Schr Aid, Cannon, Georgetown, do’ Schr Jackson, Rogers, Wilmington, do. Btr. Fanner, Dennis, Baltimore, A. Groves, Jr. ARRIVED AT PORT RICHMOND. Schr Nebraska, G&Rkill, from Boston—cleared for Sa lem by O. A. Hecksher tc Co.' Schr Crystal Falae, Leighton, from Now York—cleared for Portsmonth by Noble, Hammett Sc Caldwell, Schr. R. F. Stockton, Edwards, from Boston—cleared for Boston by B. MUnes Sc Co. Schr Melaua, Putaam, from New York—cleared for Boston by N Bturtevant Sc Co. Sfchr Helen Mar. Tooker, from New York-—cleared for Alexandria by L. Audenreld Sc Co. Schr Timothy Pbaro, Cranmer, from Providence— cloared for Fall River by L. Audenreld Sc Co. Schr John' Lancaster, Still, freui Providence—cleared for Providence by B. MUnes Sc Co. Schr. J. -B. Dscklnaon, Wheaton, from Cambridge cleared for Roxbory by Rogers, Sinnickson Sc Co. Schr. E, AV Elliott, Kelsey, from Nantucket—cleared for Nantucket by Van Dusen, Norton Sc Co. Schr Wiasahickon, Leek, from Pawtucket—cleared for Pawtucket by Tyler, Stone Sc Co. Schr. EmtaiL Day, Hackney, from Pawtucket—Beared for Pawtucket by Noble, Hammett Sc Caldwell. Schr Emelfne Chester, Brower, from Providcnco— cleared for Providence by Blakiston, Cox Sc Co. ' Schr Mary Hatt. Smith, frou Egg Harbor—cleared for Providence ty Noble, Hammett Sc Caldwell. [bt reLßOßira.l . CotTfSiKiorieDCß of the Philadelphia Exchange. OAPB ISLAND, Aug. 3.-8 K A. M. Thi pilot boat Herald report* havine spoken 30th ult. off Egg Harbor, ship Uermine, from Bremcrh&von for New York, and on the let lust, puta pilot on board the brjg Irene, bOtlnd to Philadelphia. The barque White Wing went to tea yesterday forenoon, bouud to Laguayra. Th& ship William, from Boston, is now off this place, going in. Wind NW—weather very flno. Yours, 4c. THOS. B. HUGHES. , Correspondence of The Press. * HAyrs Dr Gbacb, Aug. 3. Twenty-nine,boats left here this morning, laden and consigned as follows: John Griffin, railroad iron, to Reeves, Abbott to Co; Capt, White,Calumet,Thos feothermei, SUouid.J. C. Baiupsou, G. Tinaman, and William, with coal to Young Sc tVoolmton; J. ft. Green, Lundy’s Lane. Joseph 0. Blackwell, John A. J. Sheets, and It. Dunnoerry, with coal, to Norpross to Sheen; 001. J. Quinn, with coal, to Holton, Vanderveerdc Co; Wm. R. Depew and Cayuga Chief, with coal to E.G. Cattell; Jas. T Dawson, with cpal to Trenton,N. J; • Lydia Ann, A. H. Sumney, Kan sas, E. B. Harvey, R. B. Sellers, M. Ptier, Mary Snider. W.. J. McCoy t Pearl, True American* 8. It, Hicks, ana J: Annie Thompson,-with coal, to Delaware city. MEMORANDA. 'Steamship Grenada, Griffin, sailed from Havana 25th ult. for Asninwall. ; Ship Philadelphia, Gray, cleared at Now York yester day for Havana and New Orleans. > Steamship Palmetto, Baker, heucc at Boston yesterday morning.’ , Steamship Delaware, Copes, hence at New York on Sunday. > Ship Ocean Banger, Treworgy. for Philadelphia, is re ported loading at Rotterdam 11th ult. Ship P. Larr&bec, Orr, from St. John, N. B. at Liver pool 16th ult. Ship Clara, Wells, aailed from Liverpol 11th nit. for Hong Rong. , . Ship Empire, Osborn, from Boston, at Brcniorhavon 10th ult. 5 t Ship Helen Mar, Low, from Rangoon, at Penang May 19, and Hailed 24tfi for Macao. Ship Daniel Sharp, Cutihiug, from Singapore, at Pe nang 10th May. i Ship Emperor, jTibbetts, from Singapore, arrived at Penang May 34. ,4 Ship Indifttnan.vprobably) Smith, from Boston fsrSan Francisco, was awken Juno 17, lat. 6 N. long. 26 W. i Barque Clara o,'Bell, Saunders, from Gloucester, ar rived atSurinam.4th i»jt. Barque losco, Lambert, from Znnsibar, via Mozam bique, May 18, apt fed at Salem 31st ult. Barque You Turk, Harding, from Cadiz via Malaga 'and alst June, arrived at Boston Ist Inst.' Barquo Manda-in, Collins, for Rio de Janeiro and a market, sailed from Baltimore Ist inst. ■ Schr.’ J. P. WetheriU, Cobb, from Boston, arrived at 'Baltimore 2d Inst. Ship’Quebec, Watson, cleared at New York Ist lost, for PMlwMphta BrigH B Crosby. Winslow, hence at Gardiner 21st ult. Brig H.-H. McGilvery, Herrimau. from Arrayo, P. tt. arrived at New Haven Ist Inst; Brio New Era, Walker, from Havana, arrived at qua rantine, Philadelphia, Istiust. Schr Gem, Crane, henco at Taunton 30th ult. Schr H W.Morse,‘ Phillips, for Philadelphia, sailed from Taunton 3Qth uit. Schr Cambridge, York, hence at Hortl&nd SUt ult. Scbra J R Plater, Gandy, and Escort, Murray, hence at Salem 31»t ult. ’ ’ Schrs L Audonreid, Heurtt, and J P Cake, Endlcott, hence at Dorchester 27th ult, Schr Cicero, Yates, sailed from Providence 30th ult. for Philadelphia. Schr Lillie Saunders, Williams, for Bangor, sailed from Providence 31st ult. Schr Undine, Frlsbeo, hence at Fall Rlvor 30th ult. Schr J M Houston, Bu&seU. cleared at Charleston Ist Inst, for Providence, Schr Sarah M Kent, Reany. hence tit Baltimore yes terday. ’ J Barge Catoctln, McCuo, bonce at Baltimore yesterday. eßtorSay°f n^ervC!Cr ’ cleared at New York Scbra Rockingham, Talpcy; Northern Light, Lake; to«^ e 4to“2il n T rlum ' Mn),how ' ElUu >. l Schr G. S. Tw itohell, ——, hence at Baltimore on Sunday..... • ■ - ■ Schr. Emerald, Bacon, from Boston for this port, ot New fork on Sunday. Schr Cambridge, York; honco at Portland 81st ult. MARINE MISCELLANY. . Ship Winged Racer, 1767 tons, 6 years old, and built at East Boston, newly coppered, in superior order, a&d well found, was sold in New York the Ist Inst, at Auction for $35,000 dash. ' t Schr. Mary Clluton, IK years old, 300 tons, built in , Milton, Del., Was gold in Now York, Ist {net. at the rate bf $12,000 cash. A beautifully built schooner, of about 110 tone, called the Georfce W. Grice, after a distinguished gentleman of Portsmouth, Ya., was launched at Baltimore on Thurs day.' She Is intended for the trade between Philadelphia and North Carolina. Steamship Yang Two, despatched from New York to China, by Theodore Dehon, arrived at St. Vincent. Cape Yard. Islands/in 16 days and 12 hours Fjrom pilotage ground to anchorage. Bbe was taking in coal at St. V. Jon# 10, and would proceed immediately on her voyage to China; .T LaracH.—gatah Woodbridge is the name given to th k pchr recently launched at Newtrarypoft by Messrs Mafi* THE PRESS.-tPHILADELPHLA, TUESDAY,', AUGUST sur Sc Currier. S#e is 223 tons burthen, and boa been purchased for,the general Weighting business, Oliver P Ricker, of aalom, and will be comman by Mr Capt H Higgins. <lcd by A herm brig, of and For Boston') from P6rt au Prince, put into Inagna 22d ult. with’ captain sick and both mates and three of the crew being dead, Schr Lilly Dale, before reported ashore at Cohasset, will probably be got off again.. A cornpaoy havo con tracted to get her off and take her to Gloucester for SSOO, The bull of schr Raven, from Philadelphia for Bangor, before reported ashore on Robinson Rock, Penobscot Bay, was to be sold at auction 31dt uit. as she lay. Also at the same time her cargo of coal. SPOKEN. ’ Tr , , June 29th, lat. 42 30, long. 89 30, barquo Keplrr, from Boston, for Cronstadt. July 2, lat. 163 8. long. 32, was aeen ship Typhoon, Balter, from Liverpool, May 26, for Bomliay. July 20, lat. 44, loug. 42, Rhtp- Elisabeth Hamilton, Lewis, from New Orleans for Liverpool. July 29, lat. 38 45, long. 71#, ship Seaflowcr. R ood bury, from New Orleans tor Boston. ' NOTICE TO MARINERS. THE PKYI.VQ PAX BHOALS LIOfIT VESSEL, Will bq removed from her station on the 3d August, for repairs. Duo notice will be ghen when she is to be replaced. By order of the Lighthouse Board : o. manigualt MORUI.S, Lighthouse Inspector) SiMli District, Charleston, July 31st, 1867. . NEW YORK, August 2d.—Arrjv* ll ’ barque Herzog. George (Uostoch,) Ilaach, St. Petersburg, 86 days, with iron, Ac. - .... * Brig Washington, (oniarpswell) Marwick, Mfttenzas, July 23; with sugar, Ac., to master. ’ , ... Brig T. M. Mayhow, Harvey, Bermuda, July 25, With potatoes, Sea. ■ , wo Brig Daniel Buntley, (13r.) L»w?* ,,loe > Rindsor, NS., with plaster, , , , Schr Geo Millard, (of Orleans,) Snow, Jacmel,July 18, with coffee, &c. .< ... Schr Londonderry, (Br.) Faulkner, Windsor, NS, with plaster. * ‘ Schr John Price, Price, Wilmington, NO, 6 days. Schr Emily Johnson, Tunnell, Baltimore, 6 days. Schr Monitor, Robert, KlUabethport for Edgartowu. Schr Lochlcl, Marshall, Cuiais. Schr J Tinker, Booth. Calais. Schr Catharine BeAl, Sbutc, Lubec. Schr Israel L. Snow. Connery. Rockland. Schr Lucy Ames, Yerrill, Rockland. Schr Lion, Ilix, Rocklana. S< hr Sea Lion, Sawyer, Milbridge. Sc hr Capt. John Davis, Mnchias. Sclir Cliappel, Sawyer, MUbrldge. Sch Nictous, Cottrell, MMblridgo, ,< Schr Slartlia Maria, Small, Salem. Schr Corelli. JJakor, Boitou.' Schr Paugasiett, Crowell,' New Bedford for Elizalveth port. Schr Magyar, Havener, Rondout for Boston. Schr Catharine, Robbins, Rondout for Boston. Steamer Potomaka, Cushman, New Bedford. Ist Inst, 5 P M, passed ship L G Richmond, Cochrane, for Now Bedford. Aug. 3, Arrived, steamships Roanoke, Skiuuer Porta month—2d, II A. M., off Chlncoteugue, exchanged signals with steamship Jamestown, beneo for Norfolk; Jackmn, Baker. Baltimore, 60 hours; brig Bloomer (Br 1, King, Dorchester, 15 da.; schrs. Argus (of Har rington), Dickerson, St. Domingo City, JulylSJ; T.E. French, webb, Plymouth. N. 0., 6 day**; BounetFlan ncr, Applegate, Wilmington, N. C.,8 days; E.J. Bal lard, Phifer, Virginia, 3 days: Ulobo, Bodine, Bangor, 10 d.iys; James Ward, Baker, Dorcliestor, 16 days; Alina (Br.), Snellgmve, Lingan, O. 8., 9 days; Ami, Poor, Batii; H. Sniith, Kelly, Boston; Zulma, Robbins, Ma cHia-4; Josenh N. Lane, Survoy, Gloucester. Clmrcd, oarques Eliza Barns, (Br.) WnUingten, Cien fuepo?; Elizabeth, Young, Malaga; brigs San Miguol, (Sp:.n.) Ventouu, Barcelona; Lo Grass, (Brum.) KriiHe, Rott.-nlam; schrs. J. A. Bayard, Pomeroy, Providence; Wm T. Anderson, Rodino, Port Royal; Sunny South, Smith, Wilmington; Southern Bello, Tyler, Wilmington; Josephine, Smith, Malaga; Passport, Hawkins, Charles ton; steamer Jackson, Baker, Baltimore. IH'STON, Aug. 2d.—Ship Alary, (of Bath) Alurphy, Cronstadt June 7. E!siueurlB. Saw 21st, off Nazo of Norway, barque Lymon, Duyor, from Cronstadt for Bos ton. Bi ig Eastern Star Ackley, Antwerp, Juno 21, Flushing 25th. Spoko June 22, lat. 42 12, lon. 49, ship Luconia, Freeman, from New Orleans for Cork. Brig Albatross, Dow. Fortune Island 18th ult. Drig Constitution (Ur.) Churchill, Yarmouth, N. £. Brig Poiusett, Hill, Jacksonvlilo 21st ult. Whaling schr. S. R. Soper, Soper, North Atlantic Ocean, of and via Proviucctown, with 170 brU. sp., 100 do. nh. oil. Schr. Aiurguret Alice, (Br.) Faulkner,' Cornwallis. Schr. Andrew Sprague. (Br.) AtcHuriile, Windsor. Scltr. Rockingham, Tuipey, Philadelphia. Schr. Thomas Bills. Now York. Schr. Rio, Baker, New York. .Schr. Gem, Crowell, Now Haven. Schr. Deposit, Nodnin, Calais. AT QUARANTINE. Barque Calcutta, (Surd.) from Genoa, with passengers.- Sailed. Saturday, wind to W. to N. W M steamerfi William Jenkins; H. B. Beach: ships Wallace; North t Atlantio; and Abby Blanriwpl;• barques Statesman; Rosalie; brigs Loraaa; Sbibbpdletb; A. 'M.iWeeks; J. H. Kent; Beatrice; Ellen Bernard; Randolph. Sun day, wind N. W. to E., brigs H.Wenona; hcU.N.&II. Gould. > • • ~ NEW HAVEN.—Ar. 3Ut,MftrVNool, (Br.) Windsor, i Sailed, brig Dorothea, (Rr.) Novft Scotia, MYSTIC—Sailed 30tn, brig James Brown, Brown, New York. NEWPORT—In port 31st, brig Essex, (of Uarpswell) Sinnott, from Piclou for Providence; schr. Amanda, Davis, from Alacbias—will proceed to Kington. R. 1., to discharge her lumber; and others. ' PROVIDENCE—Ar. 31st, schr. Wakefield, Conadon, Cuttyhunk. Cld. 31st, Br. brig Maria O. K., Fowler, Bydney, O. B. Bailed 31st, brig AHstofi, Nickerson, of and for Bangor, to repair;, schrs. Boston, Brower, and J’. L. Hess, Loper, do; Wm. D. Gargill, Hawkins, Bal-’ timoro; Cornelia, Lornon, Alexandria. SULLIVAN—Ar. 28th, sebr. AVm. Drinkwater. Salem: 29tb, brig George Walker, (Br.) Morehouse, Liverpool 1 48 da. Also ar. 27th, echrs. La Plata, Hutchins, Boston for Pictou; Eagle, Crabtree, do.; 28th, brig J. West, Dyer, do. for Pictou; schr. Potomac, Lord, Now Bedford.' ; BANGOR—Ar. 30th, brig Denmark, Bray, Rondout;, schrs. Elizabeth and Golden Rule, Boston; Pacific, and Medomark, WilUamSi New York; Ocean Wave, Sa lem, C!d. 30th, schrs. Avon. Clifford, New Haven; B. D. Condon, Condon, Weymouth. . Atw> ar. 31st, brig Enielino, Bowden, Boston ; schr.j Telegraph, Harwich. Old. 31st, Ssinucl 8., Claussen, 1 Boston; schrs. Wm. McCobb, Condon, do.; R. Leach,' Leach, do.; Randolph, Nickerson, Norwich; Wm. A. Du-> bosq, Newcomb, and Melrose, Keut, Plymouth; Da roc, Smart, Aledford; Empire State. Atwood, Chatham; Gin-t netho, Ginn, Dlghton; Luclla, Wlnchcnbacb, Bostonr Amelia, Call, Portsmouth. j ROCKLAND.—Ar 28th, schs. R B Fitta. Pendle-j Boston; Sisters, Thompson, do; .Concordia. Nash, do? Warrior, Miller, New York, Florenco, Jgiuesou, do;! Mountain Eagle, Ames, do. ' GARDINER.—Ar Slat, wdir Star, Boston; 23d hrig Jjiuaefc 'Wakefield, Oliver, New York; 2Jth, Kedrou, Alley, Baltimore. j Sailed 22d, schrs Honrietta, Blancliard, Boston; 27th) Curlew, Lord, do; Louisa, Meady, New York: 29thJ Bally Badger, Garland, do; Columbia, Landerkin, and Peru, Atkins. Boston. ‘ BATH.—Sailed 81st, brig Nebraska, AteFaddcn, Cuba. PORTSMOUTH.—OId 31at, (Br) schr Thrasher, Pic tou. BALTIMORE, Aug. 2d.—Arrived up from Quaran tine. Brigs Eliza, (Br.) Dowling, Demerara; (Br.) King, Port Spain, Trinidad; schooners., Mohawk, Staples, Ponce, P. R., Arctic, Btymn>, Nassau, N. P. Cleared—Steamship J. Wmtnuy, liowes, Boston, bark, Anna, (Br.) McKinuoy, Demerara, schooners Exchange) Birch, Jamaica. Helen Mar, Nickerson. Boston. Aug. 3, ar. steamship Piedmont, Willets; brig Uuion State, Stevenson, before rotiorted at quarantine, froiq Asplnwall. Sid. brig Argyle, Warren, for Marseilles; schr. Exchange, Birch, Jamaica; schr Ocean Bird, Gibbs) Providence. • - • • i CHARLESTON, Aug. I.—At Quarantine, brig Artcla. Bycra, Havana; schr Zephyr, Gage, Matanzas. At Calcntta Judo 4, ship Gout of tho Ocean, Thurstoiu Idg for Hamburg-—’fit is reported sold for 60,000 rupees.) At Smyrna 6tn ult., shin Mary Sc Martha. Read, for Boston few days (not aid sth aa reported; barque Whltp Cloud.lloyt, difig. [ At Port au Prince 20th ult, bark Ariel, Oheeswan, ldg for New York; brigs Croton, Blye, for do 3; Trux illo, Mulligan, for do. outside, ready. At Ponce, PR, 20th ult, brig Sarah Bernice, Clark, for Ntw York, 8 days.’ Ar at St Jago 16th ult, seb Heinrich. (Brem) N York. AratMansanillaSdult, brigs ZuluiKa, Grorkw, Ma tanznn; 10th, Mary Means, Hopkins, N York. Sailed ftora Sagua 20tli ult, barks Mary 0 Porter, Porter, for Boston; Sarah A Nickels, Nickels, N York. Ar at St Pierre Mlq 12th ult, sch Josephine, TorrJo, Boston. Ar at Liverpool NS 10th ult, brig Pearl, Boston; schs Almira, do; 17th, Greyhound, Gloucester; 20tb, bark Alma, Masters, Nov York. Ar at Quebec 30th ult, ship Britannia, Dotton, Glas gow; bark Imaum of Muscat, Dennett, Oalloricos. Old James Gibb, Smith, Greenock; George, White, Hull; Hurna. Pearson, Fleetwood; 30th, tank, McMillan, and Zulciko. Simpson, do; barks Ca riza Dawson, do; Mary Adelaide, Iloepner, Sharpness Point; Franklin Johansen, London; brig Bessie, Craigie, Greenock. On Sunday last, MriT.LYDI A MOORE, aged 77 years, late of New York. Her funeral will take place fioin tho residence Of her son, A‘. D. K. Moore. 1818 Chestnut street, on Wodnes day morning, next, at 9 o'clock. * On tho 31st ult., CATHARINE, widow of Thomas McDonough, in tho 69tli year of her age. The friends of the family aro respectfully Invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her son, Patrick McDonough, Sixth street, near FlUwator. tills (Tuesday) morning, 4th inst., at 9 o’clock, without fur ther notice. To proceed to St. Mary’s Cemetery. # Tho first number of this paper announced the death of Mrs. Emilik S. CiMPßapi., the wife of the Hon. James Campbell, of this city, and yesterday many who will read these few lines, assisted at the obsequies of that excellent lady.. For the dead, however, common dation or eulogy can ho of little service. Butthoso who have lived usefully and virtuously, have left to society a legacy of good example, and a solemn duty to appreciate tho merits that distingulfihed the departed. Such on estimate shows a virtuo in thoso who exercise it. Mrs. Campbell was a native of our city—reared in the proprieties of social life, and blessed with a superior education—that had its most valuable quality in the religious sentiment with which it was imbued. Here, in the circle of social lifo in which sho was placed, ebe was loved for the virtues and tho amenities of her deportment. The acceptance of Cabinet office by Judge Campbell, rendered necessary the removal of hiii family to Washington. That enlarged the sphere of filrs. Campbell’s associations and gentle influences, and whifo domestic and social intercourse received from her all thone contributions which she hod ever no beniflcontly bestowed—her talents and attainments found a larger c-xerclso in extended associations which the enlarged hospitality of public place rendered appropriate. Those who visited tho hospitable mansion of tho Post Master General during the ialo administration (and who that was at Washington did not ?) .will reoall wlth_ gratitude the unaffected courtesies or tho presiding lady of tho houHO. Thore, Lorn tho humblest visitor to'tho moU distinguished foreign diplomat, the welcomo was ex tended In a manner to eusure a feeling of case, and not a smile or recognition was bestowed on one that might not have been claimed by another, unless, indeed, early associations and home remembrances Invested the Phila delphian with a sense of special consideration. The virtues that specially distinguished Sirs. Camp boll, wero thoso that gl e distinction and dignity to her sox, as wife, mother, sister, friend, and tho virtues that belong to thoHo relations were developed by a ruling sonso of religion; so’ that whatever sacrilices earth and its relations, family and friends, might de mand, they were all hallowbd by a constant recognition of a higher duty to God—a duty which was discharged by sincere devotion to lliru, and unfailing charity to His creatures. PRINTING— Wo would respectfully call the attention of_lhn public, and tho business commu nity particularly, to our large and extensive STEAM-POWER, PI,AIN AND FANCY BOOK AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE, NO.II2SODTII THIRD STREET, (BiiHrlin Uu|Miny.) Whoro wo aro fully prepared, with tho aid of new and Improved MACHINERY, and the most complete and varied assortment of tho latest styles of BOOK AND JOB TYPES, to fulfil all orders with which we may be favored, at tho shortest notice, and on the most rea , IT7“ JPeraons wishing any kind of PRINTING adapted to the various branches of business, such as Cards, Cir culars, Bill-Heads, Checks, Notes, Labels, Receipts, Bonds Certificates, Policies. Drafts, Books, Pamphlets, Reports, Statements, Deeds, Way-Bills, Manifest*. Headings, r Hatid-lMls, Posting, Bills, Ac., &e., will find it to their advantage to call and examine speci mens. , McLaughlin, a brothers, \ Practical Printers, au 112 South Third St.; Bulletin Building, DOMESTIC PORTS. FOREIGN PORTS’ COcatljG. OBITUARY, Serial. Nctires, Parkinson’s Garden—An Extraordinary Vo calist!—Thoie who have not yet heard the extraordi nary young vocalist, Miss Aoxes Sutkerlakd, who has won for herself In England the distinguished sobriquet of “the Scottish Nightingale,>* now singing at Parkin- Garden, hate a pleasure in store of no ordinary character, and for which they will thank us tor direct ing their attention to the Promenade Concerts given nightly in that dolightful placo. A select and'powerful orchestra, uuder tjhe direction of our distinguished Mu. slcal Professor, Leopold Meignen, Esq., both givo sup port to tho emineut vocal telent engaged, and performs a rich selccliou of Operatic and miscellaneous gems, in cluding Overtures, Marches, Polkas, Waltzes, &c., Ac- Tho great feature of the entertainment, however, la the “Nightingale,” whose voice for sweetness, power and effect will favorably compare with any one ever heard In Philadelphia. If auy should doubt this assertion, let them but listen to her rendering of “the March of our Cameron’s Men,” or “MacGregor’s Gathering,” both of which are nightly repeated by general request: aud our word for it. every doubt will be dissipated, and tho doubters enrol themselves among tho warmest ad mirers Saviyg Fund—Five Per (tent. Interest—Na tional Safety Trust Company, in IValnut Street, south west corner of Third Street, Philadklphia, Assets more than Oxr Million ixd a llalv or Dollars, all inreated In Kkal Estate, Mortgages, Grodsd Rents, and other first riasß securities, os required by the char ter. This old and well-established institution confines its business entirely to tho receiving of money on de. posit. Any sum, largo or small, Is received, and the money Ib always paid buck, without notice, to any amount. The office is open every day from 9 o’clock in the morning until 7 o’clock in tho orening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings until 9 o’clock. Tens, Wines and Liquors.—Pure Old Port and Madeira; Brandis gnarantoed to be old; Monongahela Whiskey of (Uflewnt llnvors, with a largo stock of Toas bought previous io’tho advaneo in price, atWHEELBR’s Old Stand, 8. E. roruer Third antTLombard Streets. . an l-3t F. Bromt’ff Essence of Jamaica Ginger.— This is truly ft medicine; at this season, when affections of the’atomach and bowels are so common, no family, individual, or traveller should be without it. It h peculiarly offlcaoious in summer complaints of children, and is known and prescribed by the medical faculty. See advertisement. To all who Want Money. .. Jones Sc Non, Brokers, corner Third and Gaskill streets, below Lom bard, adwuico Cash, in large or small amounts, upon Watches, Jewelry, Plate, Guns, Ac., on moderate terms. au4-3t Teas.—The advance on Tea* since the bom bardment of Canton by the British, has boon on good Oolongs, 25 to 30 per cent. Haring a large stock on hand provious to the advance, I am soiling my Teas at old prices. John H. Wheeler, Rul-3t S. E, corner Third and Lombard. A Great Establishment.—The Salamander Safe Factory of Messrs. Evans A Watsox, is one of tho most Interesting establishments In the city. The bulldiug in which their operations are curried on, is to be found in Eighth stroet, near Vino; the sates-room being at No. 28 South Fourth street. Between fifty and sixty men are employed in the various depaitments of tho manu facturing establishment. Some idea of the extent of their labors may be formed from a statement of the work they have now in hand. Their workmen are uow engaged m constructing largo safes for tho following new banks:—One for tho Strausburg Bank, lined all through with ehllled iron,'weighing about 6,000 pounds; • one of tho satno size and material for the Southwestern Dank of Virginia; and one for the Bank of Jersey Shore, Pa ; two for the Cataragua Bank; ono for a pri vate banking house In Wilkosbarre, Pa.; quo fora private banking house at Norristown, Pa.; and ono large set of chilled iron bank vault doom for a new Bank at Millville, N. J. AU these are to be supplied with Evans A Watson’s Patent Alphabetical Bank Lock, which Is equal to any other lock now in use for safety and convenience. For testimony aa to the valuo of this lock, Messrs. Evans A Watson can refer to tho City and OonsoHdatioa'Rankfl, f this city; Newark Bank, Dela ware; Dank of Fulton, Alabama, and Poe A Swift, Selqia, Ate. .TJzfro' are alsb to bo sees at tho factory, in process of construction, some sets of vault door 4 for the new Pennsylvania Railroad office, at the corner of ’Third »trcot and Willing’s Alley. Eternal vigilance is the price OF LIBERTY. THE UNION 4ND THE CONSTITU TION.—TWELFTH WARD DEMOCRATIC ASSOCIA TION.—At a large and enthusiastic meeting of tho Association, held nt Snell’s Democratic Head-Quartew, on THURSDAY EVENING, July 23d, 1857, Thomas 8. Fernon”, Esq., was called to the chair. On motion of Henry Dunlap, Esq,, the following re solutions a ere unanimously adopted. Itfsolvcd , That the Twelfth Ward Democratic Asso ciation hereby cordially endorse tho Administration of James Buchanan. Heiolved, That we hereby heartily ipprove the nomi nation of William F, Packer for Governor, Nimrod Strickland for Canal Commissioner. James Thompson nnd William Strong for Judges of the Supreme Court, and pledge ourselves to promote their election by «uch a majority ax shall distinguish Pennsylvania for her steadfast devotion to tho principles and usages ot the Democratic party. ed in Resolved, That these proceedings be publish The Press aud Evening Argus, THOMAS 8. FERNON, President. & A iS:3-r„. 1“ V BAZIN & CO.’S FRANGIPANNI; - Frttng’ipahnißxtr&U, Frangtpannl Pomade. Fraugipannl Sachets. Frauglpanni Soap. Frangipanni Toilet Water. Frangipinnl Cnum, for beautifying the comolcxion. X. BAZIN A CO. would respectfully caution the pub lic against the many spurious articles bearing the name of FRANOTPANNI, in imitation of their ORIGINAL and only' GENUINE perfume, which Is made entirely and purely from the celebrated recipe of FRANGIPAN NI, Its popularity hfl* led several establishments to claim for thuir counterfeits all thosn exquisite qualities which belong only to the GENUINE. Sor sale by all druggists and fancy dealers. K. BAZIN A CO.. Manufacturers of tho Prize Medal Perfumeries. ant-lwif Tiiie new books op the season, PDHMBHED BY HARPER A BROTHERS, 327 to 335 PEARL Street, (Franklin Square.) MARRIED OR SINGLE? By Miss Catbarikk M. Srdqwick, Author of “Hope Leslie,” “The Lin woods,” “Means and Ends.” “ Live aud Let Live,” Ac. Ac. 2 vols. 12mo, Muslin, $1.75. VIRGINIA ILLUSTRATED: containing a Visit to the Virginia Canaan, uud tho Adventures of Porte Crayon and hla Cousins. Illustrated from Drawings by Porte Crayon. Bvo, Muslin, $2 50; Half Calf autique, $3.60; Ilair Calf, extra, gilt, $4.00. THE ATHELINGS; or. the Three Gifts. By Mrs. Oumunt, Author of “ The Days of Sly Life,” “ Katie Stewart, ’’ “The Quiet Heart,” Ac. Bvo, Paper, 60 cents. TUB PROFESSOR. By Oorrkr Bell (Charlotte Bronte.) 12mo. Paper 60 cents; Muslin, 76 cents THE ROMANY RYE. A Sequel to “ Lavengro.” By Gkorou Borrow. Bro, Paper, 60 cents. TENT LIFE IN TIIE HOLY LAND. By Willuu C. Prime. Author of “ The Old House by the River,” and “Later Years.” Illustrations. 12mo, Muslin, $1.25. BOA? LIFE IN EGYPT AND NUBIA. By Wa lux 0. Prime. Author of “The Old House by the River,” and “Later Years” Illustrations. 12mo, Muslin. $1 25. LEONORO P’ORCO. A Novel. By G. P. R. James, Esq., Author of “ The Old Dominion.” “ Tlconderoga,” “ AgnesSorel,” “A Life of Vicissitudes,” Ac., Ac. Bvo. Paper, 60cents. THE FORTUNES OF GLENCORE. A Novel. By Charles Lrveh. Bto, Paper, 50 cents. NOTHING NEW. Tales. Embraciug Lord Erlis toun, Alwyn’s First Wife, M. Anastasiun, tho Water Cure, The Lost House in C~— Street, A Family In Love, A Low Marriage, The Double Iloune. By the Author of “John Halifax, Gentleman,” “Olive,” “The OgUvles,” “The Head of the Family,” “Agatha’s Hus band,” Ac. Bvo., Paper, 60 cents. RANDOM SKETCHES AND NOTES OP EUROPEAN TRAVEL in 1866. By Rev. Johm E. Edwards, A. M. 12mo, Muslin, $l.OO. THE DAYS OF MY LIFE. An Autobiography. By the Author of “Margaret Maitland,” “Llliesleuf,” Ac., Ac. I2mo, Muslin, 76 cents. ISABEL; or. the YouDg Wife and the Old Love. By John Coa&T Jkavfrkson, Author of “Ci 'W© Ri*e,” Ac. 12mo, MuftUn, 76 cents. VILLAS AND COTTAGES. A Series of Designs Prepared forKxocution in the United Btates. By Cal vert Vaox, Archt. (late Downing A Vaijx,) Newburgh on the Hudson. Illustrated by 300 Engravings. Sixth Edition. Bvo, Muslin, $2.00, DORK. By ft Stroller is Europe. Third Edition. l2mo, Muslin, $l.OO. TIIE CHILD’S BOOK OF NATURE. In three Parts. Partl. Plants. Part 11. Animals. Part 111. Air, Water, Heat. Light, Ac. By Wohtiunqto# Hooker, M. D, Richly Ilhistrated. The three Parts complete in ono volume. Small 4to, Muslin, $1.25; separately, Muslin, 50 cents each. STORIES OF THE ISLAND WORLD. By Noannorv, Author of “ Man-of-WarLifo,” “Tho Mer chant Vessel,” “ Whaling and Fishing,” Ac. Illustra tions. 16m0., Muslin, 75 cents. KATHIK BRANDE. A Fireside History of a Quiet Life. Dy Holme Lkr. 12mo, Muslin. 75 cents. THE BRONTE NOVELS. TIIE PROFESSOR. By VILLETTE. By Ccrrkr CuitßKll Bull. 12mo, Pa- Bell. Paper, 50 cents ; per.OOcente; Muslin, 75 Muslin. 76 cents, cents- WUTHERING HEIGHTS. JAYNE EYRE. ByCtirnßß I By Elus Bell. Muslin, Bell. Paper, 3?K cents; 76 cents. Muslin. 76. cents. TIIE TENANT OF WILD SHIRLEY. Bv Cobber FELL HALL. By Acton Bell. Paper, 37K cents; Bell. Muslin, 75 cents. Muslin, 75 cunts. *** HARPER A BROTHERS will send either of the above Works by Mail, postage paid (for Any distance in the United States under 3,000 miles,) on receipt of the Money. nu3-lt mHE KNICKERBOCKER ASSOCIATION X of this city wilt givo their SECOND ANNUAL EX CURSION to ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., on MONDAY, August 31. In making thi* announcement to their fol low citizens, the Committee ol Arrangements feel con fident that everything has boou done to insure the com fort find pleasure of those who may join in this Excur sion, and they aro well assured that all who nartiepated in their last annual celebration will hour willing testi mony to tho excellent style in which every arrange ment of that vory pleasant occasion was carried out. Tickets $1 60, including ferriago and Ladies’ re freshments, can be bad of tho members, orof JAMES BTOKES, Ledger Office, A Band of Music will accompany the Excursion. Last Bout leaves Vine street wharf at 0 o’clock. A. M. aul-lt WM. «. BTORY, Secretary. SICK AND AFFLICTED EVERY WHERE.—VoIumes might bo filled with tho \erv strongest testimony to prove the great aui«‘riority of Dr.SWAYNE’S COMPOUND BYRUP OF W'ILD CHER RY in curing Coughs, CoMs, Consumption, Blood-Spit ting, Pain In tho Side or Breast, Palpitation or Dlseaso of the Heart, Tickling or Rising in the Throat, Nervous Debility, anil in connection with SWAYNE’S SUGAR COATED SARSAPARILLA AND TAR PILLS, the Liver, Bowels, Stomach, in short, tho wholo Alimentary Ganal will bo cleansed and the blood purified. Labora tory of Dr. BWAYNE Sc SON, No 4 N. Bevcnth ntreet, above Market. aul-lt More attractive than ever i GRAHAM’S ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE. CUA*. o. LKLaSD, Editor. This standard Philadelphia Monthly hM been greatly improved during the last year, and now rauka among tho first periodicals of tho country. The Literary con tents comprUo selections from the beat writers of the aB For the excellence, Interest and variety of its con tents, both literary and artistic, GRAHAM’S la pro notmcod the boßfc Monthly publiahed. The Number for August is now out. aul 2t* D INMOKE’ 8 PHOTOGRAPHIC GAL LERY M. A. ROOT, >o well known o„r this country for hi, masterly perfection In all branched of the PHOTOGRAPHIC ART, hnvlns dliposcd or hla old stand, hiß Operators are now making “ Root’s ” style of portraits, with all the new improvements, at DIN MORE’S GALLERY, No. 730 CHESTNUT street, third door below KIQHTH, which should be examined by all who admire the delicacy of tone, the fidelity to nature, and truthfulness of finish, which pre-eminently distin guished the Operators of Root. ftmnoemeute Academy of music, broad 1 and LOCUST Streets.—Mr. Jfi. A. MARSHALL, Bote Lessee.—PROMENADE CONOERTB.-A GREAT BUO CESS.—THIS EVENING, August Ist, the following artists wIU appearMAD. JOuANNSEN, JfISS RICH*' INGS, SIGNOR AHODIO, MR. FRAZER, and the great GERMANIA ORCHESTRA, Under the direction or CARL BERGMAN Admittance 25 cents. aol ,31 JOHN DREW'S NATIONAL THEATRE. WALNUT street, above ElGHTH.—Lessee and Manager John Drew. Prices—Dress Circles and p* r . quot, 37# cents; Orchestra Chairs,so cents; Seats in Private iloi, 75 cents; Family Circle, 25 cents. Doors open nt 7. To commence at 8 o’clock, Box ')fflce open from 10 to 3 o’clock, where Seats can be Sec > r ed with out extra charge. TUESDAY EVENING, August 4th, The celebrated AJronaut and Wizard, MONS. E. GODARD, Who will perform nightly a selection of wonders. To conclude with the laughable farce entitled MISERIES OP HUMAN LIFE. Ally Croaker. .Mr. J. Drew ( Margaret Mrs. J. Drew PARKINSON'S ILLUMINATED GAR DENS.—GREAT ATTRACTION !—PROMENADE CONCERTS EVERY EVENING. MISS AGNES SUTHERLAND, The celebrated Scottish Nightingale. “ The Cameron's Here,” “ Macgregor’s Gathering,” &c. Melgnan’s su perb Orchestra—“ Anvil Chorus,” “Gipsy’s Song,” “ Fra Diatolo,” Marches, Waltzes, Gallops, Ac. Ac. Fire-works nightly. Admittance 25c. Eight for $l. au4-tf THOMEUF' 8 VARIETIES.— u The cool est place in the city, and the most respectably at. tended N. W. corner FIFTH and CHESTNUT. THIS, and EVERY EVENING this week, those beau tiful and well-tried Philadelphia favorites, FANNY FORREST. JENNY BELLMAN, ixo M’LLE. LEFQLLE, Will Bppear, aided by a SUPERIOR COMPANY. A laughable Afterpiece will conclude the performance, which commences at aquartorto S. Admission 10 cents. JOHN C. WARREN, aul-lw Conductor of Amusements. IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT— A NEW GAS CONSUMING FURNACE. CHILSOWB NEW CONE FURNACE , 'after havifig**been put to the most severe test, during the two cold wisrsss or 1856 ard 1857, baa proved to be the most powerful htater in the world, sating from X to % the fuel over any of the best furnaces now In use. TURBS Furnaces are constructed with a cast iron ash pit, and a broad, shallow pan-shaped fire pot, lined with fire-brick or Iron staves. The fire pot is surmount ed with A SERIES OF CONES, oa TAPERING RADIATORS, largo and broad at thoir base, but tapering to small ape'r turos at the top, and uniting with the anular chamber, through which the heat and smoke pass to the fine. Thb WHolb products of combustion in the form of dmnfce and oibbs, are suspended directly over the fire, coHKiKKDor compressed into the tapering Cones and ooKTiauiLLY BxroscD to the direct action of the rays of heat and light from the fire. This Heat and light is brought to a focus in kach Cosb, not unlike the COLLECTION OF THB SUN’S RAYS, to a focal point through an ordinary lens, causing the suoKts INK GABSO to become intensely heated and tho roughly coNBUMjto, by this operation the smoke and oases aro hade equally available with the fuel itself for heating purposes, while, in othar furnaces. it is OABRIRD OFF AMD WASTED IX TOE CQIMXKT. All persons desirous of obtaining the best and MOST ECONOMICAL HEATING APPARATUS; should not fall to examine the Nfw Gas Cosscmi*q Comb Fuenaok. before purchasing any other. The at tention of architects and builders is particularly ‘re quested. ARNOLD k WILSON, 5 (Successors to S. A. Harrison*,) No. 624 WALNUT Street, aal-tf Opposite Independence Square. (''UTY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE. Phi- J LADKLi’BtA, August 4, 1857—This Office will be closed on and after this date, for Ten Days;* G. M. HILL, ) X J. M. LEDDY,>CHy Criumisaioner*. au4 It JAS. LOGAN. ) S Myer stkouse, attorney at t.AW, CENTRE street, I'otUrlll,, I‘n, ant-ly /CHARLES P. CALDWELL—Wholesale and Retail WHIP and OANR-Manufacturer, No. 4 North FOURTH Street. . 1 au4 Shares academy of mu to SIC” WANTED by \ W. C. BRIDGES, General Agent, aul-3t*rp No. 6 LODGE Street. COUNTRY COLLECTIONS made with promptness and at the usual rates, by DAVIS k BIRNEY, No. 25 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. They invite attention to their unequalled facilities for the adjustment of;cbntroveMfeg in all parts of the United States and Canadas, and collecting and securing - 'MERCANTILE CLAIMS, afforded by their thorough organization; having local agents In eTery settled county iu the Union, and by pros perous associate offices in, Boston, Louisville, Dubuque, Now York, St. Louis. Detroit, Baltimore, Cincinnati, ' St. Paul’s, Washington, BitUburgh, Miluaukie, Charleston, Chicago, Memphis, Mobile, New Orleans, Savannah. Each local office controlling its own collections, and having daily business connections with the most reliable and experienced attorneys in the country. They • so have superior facilities for collecting drafts and moturing paper at points not accessible to Banks and Bankers, aDd Remittances are promptly made by their correspondents for commissions that exceed but slightly the current rate of exchange. By the aid of intelligent correspondents, they are able to have Land Warrants located, claims adjusted, titles examined, in all parts of the West. au4-tuth&*-lm ijonscs for Sole anU Went, TO RENT.—The second and third story ROOMS o No. 257 (late 163) North THIRD Street, near Vine. an4-3t* Three very neat and genteel suburban VILLAS, Twenty-second and Master Streets, west of Ridge Avenue, and above Girard Col lege, 8 tooths, bath, Ac.: 'rent ?18. For sale, two Houses. Nos. 2013 and 2015 Cherry street, nearly new; nil modem conveniences. Also, three Houses, Nos. 2341,2343 and 2343 Jefferson street, six rooms, lot 16 by 100. Also, ouo unimproved lot at Richmond, 223 by SO feet. Any or all of these* improving properties will be sold at a price to pay 10 per cent, on the investment. A. J. PERKINS, au3-2t# N. E. cor. of SIXTH and MASTER Sts. A NEAT HOUSE TO LET IN A FEW days, No. 430 GEORGE Streets, venial Twentieth, $lO, In advance. au3»3t* - TO LET A soven room HOUSE, on Nagle street, at $lO per month. Apply to lIENBY M. BOYD, 452 and 454 N.TENTn Street. au3-St» TO BE LET.—Several fine ROOMS, suita. ble for light manufacturing purpose*, north aide St. James street,between Market and Arch and Sixth and Seventh street*. Apply to J.H. CURTIS A SON, Beal Estate Brokers, au3-2t# 433 WALNUT St., 3d door east of Fifth. A TWO-STORY HOUSE, two parlors, baaemont, dining room and kitchen, dry cellars, gaa and fixtures, bath, good yard, Ac . ou Franklin street, above Green—rent 100—by D. B. VAIL, NINTH and BUTTONWOOD Streets. »u3-3t* Summer Uesorts The mountain house, capon SPRINGS, VIRGINIA, will be opened for the re. coptiou of visitor* on MONDAY, 22d JUNE, and will remain open until the Ist OCTOBER. Through Ticket* can bo obtained at Baltimore, Wash ington, Richmond and Alexandria. Passenger* leaving Baltimore in the early morning train, via Alexandria and Manassas Gap Railroad to Strasburg, reach the Springs from 5 to 0 o’clock same evening, and those from Baltimore aud the West, via Hariter 1 * Ferry and Winchester, from Btoop. M. aul-2w J. N. BUCK, Proprietor. Mountain house, Oxpok SPkIROS, July 224,1857. A CARD.—The subscriber having understood that report* aro in circulation lu Baltimore that he intends closing the Muuutain House for the season, takes this method of contradicting them, and saying, while the compauy U not quite so large as usual, atilt It Is fair, considering the lateness of the season, with dally ac cession* and a prospect of a much later season than usual. It will be KEPT OPEN TILL THU FIRST OF OCTOBER, and longer, if necessary. nul-2w JOHN N. BUCK. CALEDONIA COLD SPRINGS, ADAMS COUNTY, PA.—These Springs are located at a very high elevation In Adami county, Pennsylvania.— They wilt be OPEN for the reception of v Isltors on the 15th of JUNE, under the superintendence of WILLIAM 11. IJAMS, of Baltimore, with an efficient corps of attondauti. The distance from Baltimore, by a smooth turnpike, is about 05 miles. Visitors leaving Baltimore in the morning train via the Northern Central and Cum berland Valley Railroad, wilt Arrive at the Springs the sumo oteniug for tea, by omnibuses from Chambers burg. The distance from Chambersburg Is 10 miles over a smooth turnpike road. aul-10t# THE PROPRIETORS. SEA BATHING, NATIONAL HALL, CAPE MAY, CAPE ISLAND.—This large and sptendld Hotel is now OPEN for visitor*. It la fitted up with gas, aud is distinguished for comfort, locality and superior accommodations, with ample room for 200 persons. NATIONAL HALL occupies a square of high ground near the Surf, enjoying the pure aeabreeie, and unob structed view of the Ocean. AARON GARHKTSON, Proprietor. Terms moderate. aul.Ct* SEA BATHING.—PHILADELPHIA HOUSE, CATE MAY.—This well-known and fa vorite House Is now open for the reception of Boanlem. It is situated in the middle of the Island, and dust* to the Sea, and its accommodations equal to any of the large Hotels, combined with the comforts of home ; and no pains u ill be spared by the Proprietors in giving sat isfaction to all who may pay them a visit. H. D. STUARP, f.. . . S. 11. SPRINGER, 1 1 roprletori. SAMUEL A. MRRKICR. WILLIAM H. MRRRICK. ttOUTIHFARK FOUNDRY , SIXTH AND ►3 WASHINGTON Street, Philadelphia MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MA CHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for I,and, River, and Marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats,&c , Cast ings of nil kinds, either Iron or Bras* Iron frame roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, Ac. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most improved construction. Every description of Plantation machinery, such as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines, Ac. Solo Agents for N. Ritlieux’s Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Nasmyth’s Patent Steam Hammer; J. P. Roes’ Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and Steam Pumps. Superintendent—B. 11. BARTOL. au3-y MERCHANTS’ HOTEL, CAPE ISLAND, N. J., is now open for tho reception of visitors. This House is situated within a hundred yards ot the Beach. The Proprietor promises that no care shall he spared to render those comfortable who will favor him with their patronage. Terms moderate. aug3-lw* J LYONS, Proprietor. TO THE PUBLIC.—I WOULD CALL the attention of the public to the following RECIPE, which I have tried in a number of cases of SCARLET FEVER, TYPHUS FEVER, and in ono rase of the most malignant SMALL-POX. I have not known a death to occur where it was used. The tollowing is the plan that I have always adopted: Put one peck of charcoal in a furnace and burn the gas off in the open air: then I havo always taken it to the sick room~Md sprinkled over It gradually about five pounds of coOmsOq brown sugar, then spriukle over Hone gallon 'of eider vinegar. It should be tried every other darfej tnnke it effectual. Of course medical advise is required besides. aiMox SSStland. Philadelphia, July 30, 1857. . a . lt .# X UMBER ! IjUjMBEK !!—l’htj subscriber, JJ wh/» Fas for several yearn Occupied the premises at Sloan’s Planing Mill? Kensington, has removed to COATES STREET WHARF, adjoining the Phcenlx Planing Mill, on Delaware avenue, where he intend* keeping s large assortment of Carolina aud other floor ing ooards, step*, riser!, shelving, ceiling, fencing and scaffold boards, thoroughly seasoned ana well worked. For sale at the lowest Cash prices. Purchasers are in vited to call and examine for themselves, and every ef fort will bfi made to give satisfaction. Orders received and supplied at the shortest notice for all kinds and sizes of Southern yellow Pine, Timber and Scantling, aul-tf 8. 3. &ICHZS. jpcrnnonsljip anir Book. Keeping. PHILADELPHIA COM VJ MEROIAL COLLEGE, g. E. Correr of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Second and Third Stories. BOOK KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, every style. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. COMBIERGIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, &e. Each Student has Individual instruction from compe tent and attentive Teachers, under the immediate supervision or the Principal. One of the Rest Penmen in the Country has charge of the Writing Department. Please call and ace Specimens and get a Catalogue of Terms, Ac. aul-lm A LEXANDER V. HOLMES, WINE AND Am. LIQUOR STORE, No. 226, Southeast Corner of GEORGE and SOUTH Streets. aul-ly WILLIAM F. PITFIELD,—IMPORTER ▼ " of BRANDIES, WINES, Ac , Ac., No. 323 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. , aui-lm I.LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER « .t 1™, I , NE WINE3 ' uQuobs, cigars, *=., iO South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. aul-iy XanNES AND LIQUOKS, OLD BUCK TV WHISKEY, MONONOAIIELA WHISKEY. Unwell Brandy, Gins, Port Wines, 4c. 1000 Bottles '"■““'Jy. Port Wines, pure, one dollar per e, Wholesale and Retail. « CaABLES STUART, aul-at# Road, below Carpenter at. UK E OLD MADEIRA WINE AT WtLEELER'S, S. E. corner of Third and Lombard. anl-3t*rp WINE' SUITABLE FOR COOKING PURPOSES at WHEELER’S, 8. E. comer of Third and Lombard.- aul-3t-rp. PURE OLD PORT WINE AT WHEEL EE’S, S. E. corner Third and Lombard. anl-3trp Black teas, pure oolongs—so and 75 cents, at WHEELER’S, 3. E. corner Third and Lombard. aul-St-rp Canbibates for ©ffice PROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT COURT, JOHN P. MTADDEN, or Third Ward. Subject to the rules of the Democratic Party, aul-tf PROTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT COURT, GEORGE F. MEESEB, Twenty-second Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules au 4-tSeB FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS—R. P.* YOUNG, Seventh Ward Subject to Democratic Rules. an4-lm* ■CIOR CLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS, A SAMUEL 0. THOMPSON, 6th Ward. Subject to the Buies of the Democratic Party. au4 wAa teS# FOR CORONER—N. C. REID, il. D. Subject to Democratic Rules. au4 lm# FOR CORONER—CHARLES S. PEALL, Nineteenth Ward. aul-lw# FOR ASSEMBLY—FIRST DISTRICT— JOSEPH U. DONNELLY, Firat Ward. Subject to decision of the Democratic Convention. aol-sw# FOR ASSEMBLY-THIRD DISTRICT— DAVID R. McLEAN, Fourth Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. aul-lw# FOR ASSEMBLY— JOSEPH HUNEKER, Eighth District, Eleventh Ward. Subject to Democratic Rales. atl.lm* FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS— CHARLES M. MILLER. Fourteenth Ward, Subject to Democratic Rules, only. aul t seB F~ or^ecordeiTofdeeds~george W. WUNDER, Thirteenth Ward. Subject to De mocratic Rules. aul-sw* For recorder of deeds—n. f. WOOD,. Thirteenth ward. Subject to Democratic rules. au3-te* riLERK OF QUARTER SESSIONS— GEORGE SIMPSON, THIRTEENTH WARD.— Bubject to Democratic Rules. aultsepS ijotcis aub llestaurants. LOUIS B. COFFIN,— THIRD-WARD HOTEL, (DEMOCRATIC HEAD QUARTERS,) South-east corner FIFTH and QUEEN Streets, aul-lm Philadelphia. WILLIAM N. KING,—SOUTHERN • EXCHANGE HOTEL, South-east corner of FIFTH and CARPENTER Sts., Philadelphia, aul-lm CHESNUT STREET HOUSE. —SAMUEL MILLER, (Old No. 121) New No. 331 CHESNUT STREET, below Fourth, Philadelphia. au 1-lm TiriLLIAM HANNINGS' City Lager Beer T ¥ Saloon, No. 32 CARTER’S ALLEY, Philadel phia; au 1-lm Frederick brown,-chemist AND DRUGGIST, north-east corner FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia, sole Manufacturer of BROWN’S ES3ENCE OP JAMAICA GINGER, which is recognised and prescribed by the Medical Fa culty, and has become the Standard FAMILY MEDI CINE of the United States. This Essence is a preparation of unusual excellence. During the Summer months, no family or traveller should bo without it. In relaxation of the bowels, in nausea, and particularly in sea sickness, it is an active and safe, as well as a pleasant ami efficient remedy. CAUTlON.—Persons desiring an article that can be relied upon, prepared solely from pure JAMAICA GIN? GER, should be particular to ask for “Brown’s Esi sence of Jamaica Ginger,” which Is warranted to be what it is represented, and is prepared only by FREDE RICK BROWN, and for sale at his Drug and Chemical Store, north-east corner of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia; and by all the respectable Drug gists and Apothecaries in the U. States. aul-3<u Handel & haydn drug store, EIGHTH and GREEN streets, Philadelphia, D. L. STACKHOUSE, Proprietor. Always on hand the choicest articles of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFU MERY, CIGARS, Ac. Stackhouse’s Patent Silver Soda Water Fountain keeps the water at 33 deg.; his Syrups and-Cream* are acknowledged by all as being the richest in the city, aul-lm Bailey & co., chestnut street, Manufacturers of BRITISH STERLING SILVER WARS, Uunder their inspection, on the premises exclusively. Citizens and Stranger* are invited to visit our manu factory. Constantly on hand a splendid stock of Superior Gold Watches, of all tho celebrated makers. DIAMONDS. Necklaces, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear-Rings, Finger- Rings, and all other articles in the Diamond Lino. Drawings of NEW DESIGNS will bo made free of charge for those wishing work made to order. RICH GOLD JEWELRY. A beautiful assortment of all the new styles of. Fine Jewelry, such as Mosaic, Stone and Shell Cameo, Pearl) Coral, Carbuncle, Marqoisite, Lava, Ac., Ac SHEFFIELD CASTORS, BASKETS, WAITERS, Ac. Also, Bronze and Marble CLOCKS, of newest styles, and of superior quality. anl-dtwAwly THE CHEAPEST AND MOST EXTEN SIVE furnishing CHINA and GLASS establish ment in the United States is the OLD CHINA HALL, CHESTNUT street, directly opposite the State House Families furnishing, will find it to their interest to In spect the immense stock of rich decorated French China Dining, Dessert, Tea and Breakfast sets. Also, plain white French China, by single dozen or In complete sets; also, all kinds of useful kitchen crockery always open and properly exhibited. Over 100 different patterns and shapes of elegant and plain TOILET SETS: also, China and Glass, manufactured expressly for Hotels; and shipping orders to any extent supplied at short notice. Packing particularly attended to. WM. J. KERB* China Hall. aul-6t Philadelphia. Beware of imitations.—r. &g. A. WRIGHTS’ ORIGINAL FRANGIPANNI, OR EVERLASTING PERFUME. Fnaxcipamu Extracts, I Frasgipaxhi Pomad*, “ Hair Oil, u Soap, “ Tooth Powder. { “ Sachet. These new, elegant and recherche perfumeries are from the laboratory of Messrs. R. A G. A. Wright, SOLE ORIGINATORS AND MANUFACTURERS iu this country. The Perfame Frangipannl is an oriental production, brought in it* original state into this coun try, and prepared in it* various forms by them. The admiration and demand for these article* is be yond precedent, and, In consequence, a variety of Imita tion* are springing up; but these, whether of 110 M E MANUFACTURE, or SOLD AS “ IMPORTATIONS,’ ’ have only an evanescent fragrance, AND SHOULD BE AVOIDED BY PURCHASERS. For halo by all tho Druggist* in the United States, Canada, and South America. R. A G. A. WRIGHT. Solo Originators and Manufac turers In the United States No. 35 (late 23) South FOURTH St., Phiiada. ai J-Gt rjHILADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY— X N. W Cor. THIRD and UHESNCT Sts. {,. I‘ELOUXE A SON, thankful for the liberal pa tronage heretofore accorded to their Establishment, and desirous to merit it* continuance, would announce to Printers and Publishers that their new SPECIMEN BOOK is now ready, and from their increased facilities, are now prepared to furniah every thing uecessarr iu a complete Printing Establishment, at the shortest no tice. Their long practical experience in the busine-s, and the fact of their ]tersonal superintendence of the manufacturing department, justifies them in asserting that they can furnish a more durable and better flu- 1 ihhed artirlr han their coterapurarie*. Those, therefore, who desire Printing M*tonali, would do well to apply to them previous to purchasing elsewhere. Old typo taken at 9 cents per pound, in exchange for new at specimen prices. aul-tf J. VAL'tiIUV MKHRICK Boston benzole portable gas APPARATUS, for Ligting Stores, Dwellings, Fae tones, Hotels, Ac. This Gas Machine ha* been in constant and successful use for four year*, and is therelore no longer an experiment. The simplicity of the AppAtatu*, it* entire freedom from danger by explo nisns, the little attention required, the ease with which It i* managed, by any person, and the cheapness and nuperiority of the Light overall others, has gained for it the favorable opinion of those acquainted with it* merits Tho cost of the Light is about one cent per hour tor each burner. Numerous certificates by those that have used the machine ; aud a Machine in opera tion can be »eea at tho Us* Fitting Store of S. R. BLAIR, No. 10 North Seventh Street. For further information apply as above, to C. P. WEEKS, aul-stvth lm Agent Boston Benzole Gas Works Co. TT\O PRINTERS AND EDITORS—FOR A SALE—The undivided half of a NEWSPAPER and PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, in successful opo.’ ration, lu Us third year, located in an excellent section of Northern Pennsylvania, contlgious to the Canal, Railroad, and Susquehanna River. It ia in a good, prosperous condition, with a respectable subscript on and advertising custom, and does all the JOB PRINTING in that locality—it being the only paper fix the beautiful village where it is situated, with a ftiU share of the country patronage. The other partner Is a practical Printer, a gentleman and a Democrat: hence, a young man, wishing to engage in thehonorable profession, can, on the investment of a very few hundred dollars, find a pleasant and profitable situation. |£7* Address Col. L. L. TATE, Blooranburg, or the Editor of this Journal, at Philadelphia. aul-3t WF. TYARBURTON, FASHIONABLE • HATTKR, No. M 0 CHESTNUT Street, below Fifth, Philadelphia. eot-lni rp WANTED— A Journeyman HARNESS HAKKR, to ro to Buck. County, about twenty mile, north of this city. Iccnlro at tho Blaefc Hone HoteI,BSCOND Street, eut-lt* fcOiitcs atib £iauors, Drugs anb (ffljemicats. tOotdjTs, Jemelrn, S-r. WATCHES dtljina anb ©lass itlisrrllaneons, Seles bn Stallion., - 1 Jobs Baths, Auctioneer, NO. 325 ARCH STREET, between THIRD AND FOURTH STREETS. 3ALES EVERT EVENING at 8 o’doefc, Of Boots, Shoes, Brogans, Gaiters, Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, Jewelry, Hosiery, Whips, Trunks, Fancy Goods, Notions, Ac., he. N. B Terms of Night Sales, fear months credit for approved City acceptances, for sums of $lOO and over, with interest added from date of sale. CARD.—Out-door Saies solicited of Household Furni ture at dwellings, Stocks of Hardware, Underwriters’ Sales of Hardware. Cutlery, Ac. Consignments soli cited to be sold at the Auction Rooms. Charge* moder ate. Apply as above. Advances made on Consignments of Goods. aul lm WOLBthT k Scott, Auetienaen, /fqi CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE tOX THE CUSTOM ROUSE, between Fourth jand Fifth Streets. PEREMPTORY SALE OF 40,000 WASH3TAND AND TABLE LEGS. ON THIS (TUESDAY) MORNING, Commencing at 11 o'clock precisely, we will sell, without reserve, 40,000 maple and poplar waihatand and table legs, turned and finisued m the bowt manner. Cabinet makers and the trade generou/ are respect fully invited to attend. NOTICE.—Our sales of Embroideries- Millinery Goods, Ac., for the Fall and Winter, will commence during the early part of the present month, and will be continued regularly throughout the season, due notice of which will be given, Iw Br Gso. W. Smith, Auctioneer. N£. CORNER OF BARRON AND • SOUTH STREETS, above Second. EVENING SALES. SALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING, At 7)£ o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware, Cut lery, Housekeeping Articles, Clothing, Watches, Jewri ry, Fancy Articles, Ac. SAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 11$ South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear st.. only eight doors below the Exchange. Hours of booinesj from 7 o’clock. A. Jf., wwrti 20 o’clock in the evening. Out-door sales, and sales at the Auction House, at tended upon the moat satista-tery terms. CAPITAL $2C0,000. Established for ike tast Thirty Tears. Advance# nude from one dollar to os Pit moods, Silver Plato, Watehe*, Jewelry, Hardware, Mer chandize. Clothing, Furniture. Bedding, Cigars, Musical Instruments. Guns, nones, Carriages, and Goods of every description. All goods can remain any length of agreed upon. All advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards, will be charged 2 per cent, per jaooth, SWO and over, the lowest market rate. This Store House having a depth of 120 feet, ha* large fire and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, acd pri vate watchmen for the premises; also, a heavy insu rance effected for the benefit of all persons having goods advanced upon. X. B —On account cf having aa unlimited capital, this office is prepared to make advance# on mare factory and accommodating term* th«n any other in this city. Money advanced to the poor, in small amount*, with out any charge. AT PRIVATE SALE. Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, tad Clothing will bo sold at reduced price#. aol-ly OCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL.— KJ I aw daily receiving, at my yard, thebestonalitrof SCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL. My e&femb? and all other# who may favor me 'with their orders, may rely on getting Coal that will be astiafactory to them. No interior Coal kept at this establishment to offer at LOW PRICES. ALEXANDER CONVERT, N. E. corner of Broad tad Cherry Sts. T'EHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL GOAL.— AJ DALY, PORTER & CO., COAL DEALERS, No. bil PRIME Street, above Eighth, keep constantly on hand, at the very lowest rates, a full supply of Lehirh and Schuylkill (foal. anl-tei COAL! COAL! COAL!—TAGGABT’ 3 CELEBRATED SPRING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH COAL. J. & R.OARTER’SGREENWOOD.TAMAQUACOAL, GEORGE W. SNYDER’S FINE FOREST SCHUYL KILL COAL. RANDALL & MEREDITH Have for sale, and are constantly receiving frost the above celebrated Collieries, COAL OF ALL SIZES-. _ There is no Coal mined anywhere, equal in quality to these, and a trial will convince any ouo of their great superiority. Our Coal is very card oily screened at oar yards, and we will warrant it perfectly free from slat#, dust and all impurities. Our PRICES areas LOW sathe VERY LOWEST. Orders left at our Office, No. 3 SOUTH FRONT street, above Walnut. Orders Jert at our Yard, CALLOWHZLL street, below BROAD street. Orders left at our Wharf, WATER street, above CAL LOW HILL—or sent to either jdace per Despatch Put, wiU receive prompt attention. Purchasers for Family use wiS do well to call aod ex amine our Coal before purchasing elsewhere. au4-tf - personal. T\OTICE.— MT WIPE, EVELINE JiNl- X e SON, left my bed without any provoca tion. This is to caution the public that I will not be responsible for any debt# she may contract au3 2t* ' ADAM JAX33OX. Soariringl PLEASANT . BOOMS, WITH BQAED can be obtained at No. 614, Wood street, above Marshall. ai&2i* tUants. ipo BOOKFOLDERS.—K'ANTED, a few X first rate hands. Apply at the Binder*. 404 OQM- MtiRCE Street, above Fourth. * ft* HpHKEE BRICKLAYERS WANTED,— A H«sewr of NINTH and CHERRY Streets.— but good front Workmen need apply, t an3>3t* Op* YOUNG MEN WANTED.—For chofee oorpa of the American Army. Fifib far travel, promotion and study. Excellent pay, ami free board and clothing. Apply at 245 8. Front. an3-lw* WANTED— A number of LABORING MEN; good wages given. Apply at Cherry Hill Post-office, near Elkon, Cecil County. Maryland, for FRANCI3 GREEN, Contractor. aa«t* TXT ANTED IN CAMDEN—GOOD PLAIN v ▼ board, by a young man, in a respectable family. Mechanic or otherwise. Comforts of a home desired. A liberal pnee will be paid. Address X.J. C., Lodger Office. on&2t* Cost atib Janttb Lost.— a pocket book contain ing two Fire Dollar Notes on the Girard tunk and some small change. The finder will be suitably rewarded by returning the sama to w. eokn, Xo. 70S Kdge Aeenna. Aug. 3,2 t» iircai eries. DITHMAR & BUTZ, PORTER, ALE AND LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. 590 <mv No. 930} North THIRD Street, Philadelphia.—Shiwmir orders promptly attended to. faU-tf ©as injElnros. A RCHER, WARNER, itISKEY & CO., Jtx. Manufacturer, of OASAI.IKBS BRACKETS. PEN DANTS, FITTINGS, End »II Bad. of GAS iul XAMP WORK, GIRANDOLES, Ac., So. 329 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. ARCHER, WARNER* CO,No 376 BROADWAY, New York. Buildings fitted' with Gas Pipe*, and all kinds of altering and repairing of Gas Work. aul-Un* Commission iQcrrfjanis. Handy & brenner—commission MERCHANTS and Dealers in Foreign and Ame rican HARDWARE and CUTLERY, Noe. 23, 25 and 27 North FIFTH Street, East side, above Commerce street, Philadelphia. aal-tf SUtornens at £aro. T|ANIEL DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY -M-J AT LAW, Southeast Corner of EIGHTH and LO CUST Streets, Philadelphia. aul-ly JOHN BINNS, UNITED STATES COM MISSIONER AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, AND THE PROBATE OF ACCOUNTS for several States and Territories. He is. by law, authorized to administer Oaths and Affirmations to he received in all the Courts in Pennsylvania. JOHN BINNS may be found in his office, No. 215 South SIXTH Street, opposite the County Court House, from 8 A. M. to 6P. M. aul-lm BW. TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS, • No. 37 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly made on all accessible point* in the United States and Canada. Stocks. Bonds. Ac., Bought and Sold on Commission Uncurrent Bank Notes, Checks, Ac., bought at the low eat rate*. Deposits received and interest allowed, as per agree ment. anl-Sai CJtTLLENDER & PASCAL, ►3 HATTERS, So 8 S SIXTH street, Philadelphia WC. BRIDGES, GENERAL AGENT, • No. 6 LODGE STREET, PffiLAliSLOaiA. All biuineii confideutially, honestly. and promptly attended to krrsftß tt> J(e«n P R. Horard A Co.,} >lt>«4r* Hams k Co , j C. Henry yisher, Esq , 1 S 0. B&rcroft, Esq.. ? Philaielphra Charles S. Boker, Ksq . Vm. M. Sirs in, Km., j "Wm. Badger, Esq., j tol.Ttrp* ' ; THE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, 320 CHESTNUT STREET, forw.rsU PARCELS PACKAGES. MKRCHAN.'W'E. BANK NOTES SPECIE, either by tta own LIXEs. or in connection with other EXPRESS COMPAMES. to all the nrincirval TOWNS and CITIES cf the United States. K. S. SASDFOBE, General Superintendent. CHARLES P. CALDWTLL, WHIP AND CANE MANUFACTURER No. 4 North FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, Particular attention paid to Repairing. aol-Sm EVANS’ GREAT GIFT BOOH SALE, No. 335 CHESTNUT Stmt. N. 8.-Xo connee tiou with any other house in the City. sul»3:n A GIFT WITH EVERT BOOK, WORTH to 100 Dolllrs. it MAGEE’S Gif T “WS BTORE, No. 33T CHESTNUT S tree:, second door below fourth. Philadelphia. aul-Iw CPIKES.—RAILROAD SPIKES AXD CUAIRd cocjtuitl.T oa bud. Orders zectiied few Light Railroad Iroa—2d B».. 33 Ba.. 40 fca. per rtri IIAXDi* 4 MORRIS. 8. E. comer Front acd Walnut. Notice— the bcsixess of tttells i CO , and 3. W. GASKILL 4 CO., will hereafter bo conducted under the of T WELLS. GA3SILL 4 GALVIN, at No. i and 6 S Wharves, and No. 30 N. Wharves. aaA-Lm COPPER— LAKE SUPERIOR INGOT, TOR SALE WM. H WOODWARD * CO, 51« MARKET Stmt. aal»3t*rp Flooring boards—23,6Bo feet c«o lina Hocriag boards, t‘ic,st, for sale by MABIIN & MACAMSTKH a»l IMXorthWaWr Street. SPIRITS TtJRP.ENXI>rE—2OO bbla Spin* K-7 Turpeatina, to imn, for sale by MASTEf k jtACAUSTEJL * gl Xl9 North Voter Strata OH ARLES JtAGARGE & CO.,— V/ Wholesale Dealers la PAPEB, SAGS. Ac .So » South SIXTH Street, PfcUadeljMa, ' aai-jn