iSP# . leJP • ttt €p|pSi ■wa iIKWJtt fcyi rU' ■> DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. 3££»*atf U£. V? 1- -i>.•; hA/. ::V /T. ,FOR QOTERIfO,^.,, ; , t rf -^O , iwi nw 3VB6Ks:or:fas covkt, y . . JAMES THOJU’SOI*, .' ' . £»**§>; x®. xife frrss;'- v-’ !, wei^df,till .'parties Mtbe| pabUc -prois^D^ocrats,: Republicans, and of eonfldeßce';and‘of kind^' e^d^^W.inerit > '::ttieii,\'indeod,.tW#jenter-< prißg^jOurs, is assured of a most, prosper- SHE BVSIXESS OF THE OESfEKAI GO- 'ojtSnsiiiess under tlie authority and direction of- the <jenend(Gi«jrßfient has,' with!: the'advanced a^)^e^ 'by the' American; people. ,Tn ourviews of Mtional politics, we are, in.ft, considerable degree; yijjt tolldsp sight of!'it, '“'lt is-tftie' that! tbeiJßlue > Book is atWntively - ;‘e»inipe4‘ by thousands of - anxious ■ 'ea{Sert*hts Weaver t|idypMial!goUU>tSfie iaih protSln# prdet ? ' and' frornltiimmetiaaiiatoforaployeoa^ranniag oyer Bye hundred closely printed -the opncliisipiiisDaturall-yrenoughVieftclfed'that agreat amount of labor must beperfbrmedj to. lo : liige.V hutnber 1 ;af messegeSofoiir PreßidentjWitlithoaccoinpa- iicepm^l'.d^thp. -ppetPtjdps'pf^e/ditfereiSSep^tiiibntiV^Bo deryetofeal! up before ttteniqntal vision too ttg gregato''pfactical. business of, theGoyommcnt duringufeiicli -ybar.V, Yet, notvritMtanSlng.ttio gqnferal ’ dissemination of'fMch-tefofmation, uomb ono Isolated question of governmcntal 'to; recojjnize bqW extremely it.i»gt»{o^‘^'gtjm%chipery at-work. u ', of a Bcarccly; admit tlie . pf 'the /Executive' braneb oftoe yeiiweatj ffllhasi'Sir.SWte. Department w iojeonatipt, the- agents abroad actlngln Ore capacity > , 6b Chatge' d’Affaires; atyall the 1 of the world/gnd wittf ;‘oiir' ■ cbmmercial agents iff every, im* ' portant commorciafcity. It also issues paiis poits'i to . citizens desiring to go abroad,, ar- Jgpges, wpplicatiops; for; pardons -for offences tho iaiya pf tbolTnlted States/'and at/ teflflf to the preseryation of tho pUblicactsond . reib&tlons of. Congress anfithepubllcrecords.! ■re&tentoePublic Lands.Pensipns.lndian ger and the]?atent Oteye. ; 'Tjie;.®e6enill&d‘ OOdaila.charged with tho surrey,management indjfeler.ofthe publicdoniainyandthe Issuing /Thfe BlOtiSiEexamines aDd/;_adjadlcatesi ail . claims irfljflg;6nf outlie yarioos - actsyW ‘Congress iUjtteyrevolutlonatjri and subsequent-.wars. 'duties.,grotrtng : ' out q£ tte relatiUßs 'of the- Government tothfe-Indian Patents has a ™e flel3/o|;ac&on in liaiUng pUfints for mew inventions/ collecting 'agricultural .statistics, and,'distributing, seeds,; plapts, and .cpttlngS. .There are also various ether • important dutics s&ssss to ?» . /The extended ramißcatious of ’thePost Office Department reach every section of -the coun tay, and py the foreign mail .connections sup- ’ ffy SJisffe and cheap mediant* for . the mpmal. 1 Intercommunication of;intelligence’ with'ail world. .lts'^iead^‘ ! 'theAppqintment.Office,,the.-Contrsct: Office, ihePirhffiieOfflce/and-'th'e-lnspoctionOfflce. ■qneitions >of * the establishment, or diScorr- Pdatpfflcesj'changes/of sitegand ■, - j -ters,mail agepta, &e; To - thfeContract Office? iP%hSg.,undef-cQnttiict ttae'.rncUl twice, of i)ie! .HniftSl .Stales/ aid • the I vatff 1 correspondence' /andvaried iusinesssucli'e’xtended-trxniactlons, ' giVe rise to.' Thai’inance'Offlce .trapervlses ;^^^igg^enf /of jtKO’.a^jite^l-bitsineja, of rsWjt^itostotpaycont^tofS’/itUd'Otherper- ol the aq yOqwrtoifPqstmasters/.'the.chwge «f the Dead ■^[sfitli^invSlOpeK' ii : iqBjecUqnpf|ee UmtaAlntte al)'Cases of<m^[l^iithiies».ti^re> vOUt.nt!|ilbagi, lodfcß and kfeys/>t>> Wwy . - l.T|p Secretary of .tlur'tfdyj>Tiai s tolipfgo . orders of officers," appointments,*' enlistment tOf.tho.marine corps, .besides the superintond ■;£n}brbcing fbe machinery pf’l{ayy''£'orda and od«ci»,'tiiebulldingandrepair.’o'f -vessela of war, ffbj?- Jfifcfiasb'of 'jnMeriitfs/eftaipinetits, pro visions, ' clothing, ordnance and" ordnance 'iatpres, the manufacture or purchase of cannon, meters, medicines; and medical stores. ~ enlistment;' dfecTtopj^payipent; 1 , pro - and clothing. of the armyofthe United | general .its tnoHte- repair and construction of rortittcatioris," Sappily of ordnance, ammunition, ■&c.; itiUWfflim the sbope of tbe War Depart cc : -!Ii« Attomey General’*' office supplies the by thebusl k’tjpi bits, current. trSns-. riianMnatiOnsof tho titles of land pardons, the eon argument, ofi salts, am- ‘■',.' V •. y W' ; bf^d; , Tt ; ft charged witbthe general.Wjgervisioii' of tire 1 financial execu tlpnoftfi lifie’c'brnmerco and I 'mayigstlop ffifflh ffnited (Stated superin ■ ’ tendenco bf'tsw ! Btityc-y of thd coaßtj'the'light hoPsp ye.»tiblis!imerit and marine ' hospitals. 'llhrCdinptrollers’ lUiffiAuditors prescribe the y.ijbode of,and.recotyc the,accounts, • ..TMfkTieaSuier, with bisi Asilstantsl. receive V Cfan&b pays thp raoneysVih the" United' lSn‘.s»bcb|ifitrpf, gijaijiiifc receipts: and; expenditures/:}^he : So-! r suife; ; Tbd-3S^ht- : il(p,bnllding andyrepairb,W' light vessels, buoys;'{tc,];.THo i^K.C^fei'sfenSew'fvplable inarfneritlie, • f tbdß obtained,and,, discharges !-i>Vaiionabtberdutibs.i .«';t . ‘ : , . Resides the -central-orpnleation of tho do ,s;p*rpneßts at-Washlogton; they each have in * ysejmßtaftty'sefV|eo msmeronh'; siiborclMfefl in 'm ' -■■ ’^^iMt|br)ef* ; f6capiSilatiori d^some ’of ’ the § , jS^j^^Uttreßof,itbe.ef!o|y. ! dwlbus}nc/!s .of ■%l|lie;.ip;yp»meiit, i. may-assist • in'.giving -the , | ? trgnspiripg uniterjia'djreption,. reflect'hpw agents areiever tfeSjlli ‘ft. .- Aihericah s ,-:of ‘otbiir-- jjpwers,' ifctheir (prbjectfiijaui rOi-to iabert'rthroat fttj’watchVuVer oif| us,'Xusd Jbpur j pmv aveCtheymay wander,' latlonsyjgpveippnent j :i M»'progrp4B ; westr ! itieifeedS--rfibrr ifae vltlffi iHawihednvbn-; -is ibors. How to thojre rifints is extended all iteiianoe possible/in a-jLisfas! view qf the insatiate mitidnal prqi gress on the orio hand .mt .thelt owp imptoyt-* ’dent and Intractable Ola the other. How ; the vast wfijfe than twenty-five millions 'of ’ the Siiost ititol-" dlgobt and the- greatest reading people !op the earth, scattered over an imnlense scope jdf-territory,- with .cheap and speedy means Of communication, with each other, and with all the rcst jjfthe'wOrld/ SstreUas furnishing them.yrith .incAlqulftblo, quantities .of printed f.tatter, iS so well perfoimed, that.every settfe mentj/hp'mattef lioSr retnotO, possesses the ret; quisite.fwjitties/ ': How we are" eonstrpetjng; Vossels . of -war/ fortifications,. ordnance,. How wearecommandingrespect from the rfiost distanf natibiis by displays of formidable ndval pqwertfpe&ipg.lnSplts, chastising indignUies, maintaining.ourrights/and while wlselygnartl ing. against the.great danger, and avoiding,the enormous expense, of monster standing armies, preservibg such a noUClus of aggressive; and dofcnaiye/navul and : military warfare, thrdb the earlh contains no foe, and leaves no roonj, to apprehend any combination of foes, wbote do /claretion of war against ns would fill aufchearts with- terror, or jeopardize our HberilesA How the'-legal adviser of the government is oyer on the aiert to protect it from Imposition and frSfld..! How. tliomonoy necessary to, defray all those expenditures , is .quietly, peacefully, and abun dflntly poured into '«n oveiflowing treasury} • the credit of the government preserved upon the most substantial basis ; and its obligations promptly, met by its-.own agents. How inci dentally all the great interests of the country are protected, within the,true limits of consti tutional'authority,'by’the operations of the revenue system; how the country is supplied with a iarge amount of a pure and reliable cur rency; how the mariner lias his track through perilous Seas marked out by day, and beacon lights of warning kept beaming to shield him from dinger by.night. How, in short, the great . duties devolved,upon the General Government by thc Constitution, are discharged, and the purpose of'its framers to •“ form a more per fect Union/ establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defences promote, the, general .welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty!’ to themselves and to their posterity, is accomplished. 1 y?:- ! 'r.f u" , In reviewing the 'widely extended sphere of operations embraced in the practical workings of the Federal ’Government, we.aro naturally reminded of the great advantage to the whole body of the American people,-without special reference to mere partizan ideas Or views/of having the, general business Ofthe nation super vised and directed by an, honest, faithful, dili gent, experienced and an able President. We doubt very much whether we have ever had an Eiccutivo bettcr qualified to bestow such at tenlioh tq.ithe practical, working, legitimate .business, pf the' office the)’- the present one, and every step-of the existing Administration sp far, lias - marker at once his ability and his devdtlon to his* duties. , " rXno&e'r - reflection is, weir worthy of the. consideration of, the reader., If the Gene red Government prbperly discharges the. im portant Junctions assigned to it in express aiid uriqucstionahle terms by the Constitution, why should we bo forever seeking to load it down .with other, business,, and to entrust it with new powers of doubtful expediency and of questionable constitutionality. This subject is Wcll afgued in the late address of the Demo cratic State Central Committee.. It is nccd less'ior us ta recapitulate here tiie points so well made in that, document. The machinery of . the'Fcdoral Government was established to perforin Certain purposes of vital Importance to u.s as a people. ‘ When well administered, it can, and does perform those purposes ad reirobiy. / But all attempts to Impose upon It additional unconstitutional, and therefore un nitilrnl/labors, are fraught with peril to tbo Whole' frame-work of our Government, , and should therefore never deceive the sanction of those who justly comprehend the nature of the Union and desire Its perpetuation. -:,--'/the esßciiMMjcimoN office. lihasbeen doubted, by porsons ignorant of the working of the system, whether .Dickens, ja his f/Xittlp Dorritt,”. fiid‘ hot, exaggerate or caricature the routine ofthe departmental offieeB utidor the Executivo in England.' It has been supposed that his accounts of the Circumlocution Office were more imaginative than , real, .that he had soared from fact into fiction, and merely! indulged ill ari, agreeable -Jtasantry.;; -Nevertheless :it- .was,- truth-rrso-, ;*iduS -and • lamentable truth—-and, being:' do, ’ofljer n’atldfls odgAt not- to he above taking a lesson-from the siclre. . , ;/.One, of the tEoßtjnatter-of-fact, and, ,at the s&metlme, most witty of modem writers, is -Mr.' justice Halibceton, who,- as “ Sam Slick, the Ciookmaker,” has dote more to , exhibit British North Americu as it is than .apy other,author,, Holding.n responsible po sition in the colonial- judiciary, n man of Itlatk oild note, an author who is responsible .for, his statements, fir. Haubdrton cer-: tainly may bo field a® reliable authority on many;-pointst A ,fow :months ago, he de livered an Address in Glasgow, (Scotland,) “On the Present Condition, Besonrces and PrOSpects of British North' America,” a main purpose of, which was to vindicate the claims of the British Colonies -to ,bo repre sented in-Parliament. Alluding to the lato war with Eussia.'isfnd the tact that Britain do. ’ direct aid from tier Colonies in .that -contest, Mr.' Halibuktoh said; ' ■’ “In your turn, yon may wall Bay, < Do you'ttho ■colonist*) pnfc forward your bonfires, your illumiua ..tions.and rejoicing,, at.oor success at .Sebastopol (tf success if was)" and" yoor legislative grants in aid er the compassionate fond, as a suitable con tribution to tho expenses of tho war?’ , “It is u reasonable and a rational question to aslc, and bero is ah answer to it. An offer was niatU to raise two rogimonts in Canada, and con dnct' the. Crimea, to bo commanded by colonial officers. but to bo, like others, under tho command of too Genoral-in-chiof,' whoever -he might' : bo. Tue ops-eii was nEiunsap prom Los Don uxaebwebeu; it had been,addressed to tjix wrong ojfire. X will not repeat tho indignant comment made on this conteiuptuom and contempti ble odnduat; tho,offer was not repeated, and its re ception is not forgotten.” j Comment is unnecessary. The charge was ipade. in ,the .most public manner, in the first commercial city in Scotland j the Address was subsequently published, and widely circulated; tacts .have repeatedly been alluded to in the Hugiisli journals; and, as yet, no attempt has been .i»ade to . imppgn its troth. Assuredly, there U a Circumlocution Office across the At httitic—iiidelsewhero, perhaps. 1 •On' the other hand, when personal interests arc to be. advanced, the action'is direct and immediate,., For example, Lord Panpurk, tho War Minister, had a nephew named Dowdio qjHj Wlio was*a lieutenant ill one of the regi ments on duty in .ithe Crimea. His Lordship, telegraphing to'the .commander-in-chief (the lots L.ord Eaosan); oh public business, added as- a postscript, the significant words: “Bb i&lißEß Down.” It, is pleasant to record, as tie issue of this disinterested interference, that '“powB” wat remembered. Oft account of his great Military, genius, no doubt, aftd hot because he was nephew to ihe War Minister, •Dijwn ; was rapidly advanced to the rank of Chptaln and major, and now, figures in Queen ‘.yreioaiA/s army list,- as Lieut.-Colonel Dow '(hjoanr; Here, at least,,there was no circum locution. To! “ Bomomber Dowh” was assu redly, the “ Open Sesame” to promotion. :: fHETRUEPHVSICIAN. Tile 'heroes who Burost' of immortality ate tho v MiecoSsful soldier and the courageous triuriiphs In .statuary gong/ We hold them up as examples to oSf children. "We gWe them our applause in life, and our gratitude in death. But there are.other,heroes not so well remeni :feerecL We allude to' tfc e true physician, at On<io the counsellor, the Wend, and the gentle -man *, often the .adviser in the hour of gloom j dways our support, after Gonyiu the hour of perils does lief n o t brave! Roused, from his sleep night Mid’morning; trafeliing^ih-all weathers j ‘ compelled to give io Jil* \J>J ofession j\ called fro m eburph to the room; ho has no iline ho caUc^Uhisowh.vß^t this !s notall. Whop !dea9t*/lde^'oh; ! titd wings of-'the aiyj . when contagion and pestllence sweep’ the streets lilte' a battery;of grapo ; and cannier; ;deßtroyef, &nd!.selflshue»s .seeks, safety where .beneVolence' should ; meet-danger j the good stands fit dais post, and often dies tryingtosave others’ lives sacrif 'ficiaihW own. It is not >more than two years -ago sinfcvthe yettp^TjeYerJdeppptilfited'Nor*- folh and -Portsmouth/Virginla. . Several t w* * physidfitis • fmh'Victims tb ; J sente of duty.- We fear they are already for gotten. 'While the Victorious captain and suc cessful statesman are remembered in marble .owipilfo in save/ Others is lost sighS'pf—bis Vefy. name; ilias pasSeJ from the is im- any mark’save what individual affection has reared. Of such a iaanan English poet wrote sixteen years ago: j - “By earth’s vile dross unbrihed, his generous aid, Sought the lone shod where fevered wont was laid, And Xearl '«w thro’ contagion’s fires b© run; But xchatrejined the lamt consumed the wan.” EUROPEAN REVIVAL OF THE SLAVE In 1834, after a long struggle, the British Parliament enacted that negro slavery should cease in the British dominions, and appropria ted the sum of $100,000,000 to bo expended in « compensation/” among tho proprietors of es tates in tho West Indies. Subsequently, tho Frenoh Government also abolished slavery, blit without deeming it necessary to draw oil the public treasury, to rc-imburse tho planters. The. result is a matter of public notoriety. The African race, froed from tho necessity of labor, yielded to their natural pre-disposition of inaction, wdro content to idle in a state of cothplelo laziness, and, for tho most part used as much industry as would procure for them the more necessities of nature. If they pld wprk, it was only by fits and starts, and their ideas of compensation were so extrava gant, that, after repeated trials, most of the West India proprietors found themselves un ablo to meet the expense. Nearly a quarter of a contury busy lapsed since tho experiment was commenced.' -Iter a long time past, tho majority of sugar and coffee plantations in the British colonics have scarcely been cultivated-. at all. The Idea was entertained (but soon abandoned as 'impracticable) of employing European labor, but the cost was terrific—for it included the sacrifice of human life. In warm and tropical climates, It is utterly impos sible tliat white labor can, bo employed. The African raeo, and that race only, are capable of working under the hear of those regions. The white man speedily sinks under it. Therefore it is limited to one race alone. When Mr. Wij.n{A« Gladstone was /Colonial Secretary of England, ho sanctioned.'the in troduction of Coolies into West Indies, thinking that the free-labor, of it, race born in and adapted lor hot Climates, would be advan tageous. In point of fluff, this was slavery, under a new name and phasis. Wo have some curiosity to know tho proportion, per cent., of thp Coolie frce-lahdrers who returned to their native place. Most of them, we suspect, were ‘UBCd up” before the ,term of their “free” was fended. Considefablo sensation arose in England, during tho past month, in consequence of tho announcement that, in Martinique, as many ns 1200 u free” negroes had been imported from Africa, to serve, as apprentices, for ten years, with liberty (fe return homo when the decade had oxpired-iby that time, in all probability, tho rifreo” apprentices will have expired also, for the actual nfecssity, as a matter of pecu niary interest, (ro say nothing of common hu manity,) which cgmpels a Southern planter to avoid overworking the slaves, his property, will not exist here; The principle will, most probably; be to get tuq full value of their wages out of them. As to negroes from Africa going anywhere, at their own free will and pleasure, the idea is simply absurd. '-Such things as free negroes do not exist in Afrtea,, Thoy are the goods and the chattels of petty n-tfivo chief.-;, who, at so much ahead—paid dowum/fftsh; cowries, or goods—would dispose of thoir own wives and ehiildren, as “free appren tices.” Interrogated, in Parliament, on this question, Lord Palherston admitted that he had “re ceived information sometime ago that tho French had on offer from a firm at Martinique, to supply them with 1200 free negroes. They could not ultimately become slaves, but they must/undergo an apprenticeship, that thoy .might not degenerate into the slave trado as far as capital was concerned. Ho had communicated with the French Government, and hod receiv ed an assurance that the contract should not go to tho renewal of tho slave trade, and that every means should be taken to secure the humane treatment'of tho laborers.” Lord Granville, and other mombers ofthe Cabinet, did not take the matter quite so coolly as the Premier did. • They protested that if this should deteriorate into any thing tending, or seeming to tend, to a revival of the Slave Trade, 'they would'bo in arms - against' it. Bravo words!—but ’almost at tho time that, there wero’bfeing utterod, the sclf-aaiue thing! was doing, or done, in tiie'lsland of Trinidad, one of the British colonies. A largo cargo of African' “free laborers” had been .landed there—certainly without any opposition from; ' the local Executive—and there was a general feoling of satisfaction, all over , tho island, at the prospect of its coflfeo and sugar plantations being again brought into profitable cultivation. 1 Thus the matter stands. The wedge is in-j troduccd. The “free laborers,” worked within an inch of their lives, will probably have cause to envy tho condition of thoir raco in our Southern States. - CORRESPONDENCE. FROM WASHINGTON. (Correspondence of The Press.J • Wasiiwqton, August 2,1857. , It is a great misfortune that the difficulties against uniting tho two Oceans by the Tohuuntcpnc route, result almost entirely from quarrels between the American claimants of tho right of way. Mr. Buchanan has been repeatedly, and long ago committed in favor of this so-called “ Isthmean crossing.” Ido not know, but I have no doubt, that if be and Robert' J., Walkor had had the making of the Treaty .of Guadaloupe Hidalgo, by which, in 1848, -we mado and bought pooco from Mexico, tbs right to make a Rail road over, or to. onta canal through tho Moxi can isthmus of Tahauntepeo, would have been ac complished by making the whole territory our own; And had this been a result of the Mexican war, what blood shed, and oonfusion, and disgraoo it hod spared to the Mexio&n peoplo! ■ Tho public sentiment is in favor, of arouto between the G ulf of Mexico and the Pacific overland through Mexico. It is a pity' that tho rivalry between Ifargous and Sloo, and Hargous and. Falconetto, and tho difficulties between a hundred little rival interests, connected with, or subordinate to. the main contestants, should delay, or it may de feat this groat desideratum. Great Britain is bo sot with a deep dread of oar growing progress and prowess on this continent She is wise too in her four, for while she may conflno us here, and koop ub straggling for what belongs to us horo, perpetu ally paying all tbo little nations to postpono tho absorption of all other powers on this side tho great water under’ our flag, she is left to the mastery of Europe, or to the best share of its man agement. Let but our flag float over all this ctmtinont, or at least over that part of it, which pants for a government of humanity and of reason; and who knows but tho eagle may plumo bis wings for a higher and a,brooder flight?— Henoo the British polioy of taking every possible advantage of the conflict between rival American claimants for the right of way across tho Isthmus of Tehuantepec. While thoy are at issue sho is safe. Sho can bo for Sloo ono day, and for liar gous the next; and play her.part through all. It Is a ehamo that the administration has not yot lmil afreo, fair chance at this grcatqnestion. Why can not theso rival corporations or combinations be brought to a fair compromise ? I understand that Mr. Giddings, of Ohio, fatuous for his ultra anti-slavery fccliDgs, is not expected to take his seat in the next Congress. His health is quite feoble, . There is a very bitter feeling of hostility grow ing up among the American old line whigs of Mary land, against tho brutal rowdyism of tho Strikers, who now control the eleotions in that State. ''The beautiful farm of tho late Hon. Andrew Stevenson, of Virginia, is for sale. - Quite a num ber of Pennsylvanians have lately moved into Virginia, and bought plantations, applying to them tho oarnest Inbor and cultivation which have made your farmers renownod. It is said that ono of these men Is after Mr. Stevonson’s property., There Is a very strong Union fooling growing up in South Carolina. The exclusive business of se cession i* about ovori There is a decided move ment in faVor of national and conservative notions. South Carolina'i? like the rest of mankind, and by jjp after, all the Union, t ~ ,By the w&y, and to close: Your paper has set all the qtdd minus to wondering. .They expected various things from those over-wise Solomons. I have heard them talking of. what you would do. ' and'rodte do/ and dared Ho/ do, with an owl-liko flolemhhlty that would foroe a wrinkle on a doad darkfcy’afaho. Thismuoh is true, anyhow; you have the maißjoa with you. Every generous, na - with yoq. I never saw a finer feeling anywhere tnan' that whloh your first number In Wash ''ingtom .7‘.7. SrtMTAUU!.; y, Striovs JHsturbanci.-rrOn Sunday after noon, a very disgraceful, disturbance occurred be iweenanumber. of- disorderly Characters at the ‘e6Wi6r drSeVefateenth' and'CalUwhilb 'streets, in tho Fifteenth Ward. Police officer Quinn, of that District, had his nose broken, and was otherwise badly hurt. Two or three of the participants were subsequently arrested, and placed in the look-up, THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1857. LETTER FRdM;NEWPORT, (Oorrospondenc© of Tbft VfGss/} Newport, Aug. I. This is tho dny wlion Custom dcoroca' that tho Newport season shall opeu; yet, this year, that we aro still in tho green bud/ Vnd tho only hope is that the flowering, if postponed, may bo none tho 1e33 perfeot. Tho oottagea in New port take so many fashionable people from tho Ho tels, and these too are so scattered that there is a want of concentration of theolomehtsactuallyex istirig forgayoty. A controls wantod whore all shall meet on common ground; as in tho continental watering places, whore lifo is so much better uu dorstood than hore; and unlosa some Luihor of pleasure arise, with zeal and influence to carry through a ro-construotiou of tho habits of New port, it is probable thnt tho Hotels must give way under the solid influenoo of quiet oomfort in the cottages. To comfort the Hotels should oppose pleasure. Tho quostion of what t> pleasure i must then be gravely considered. Is it in wear ing dresses too fine for walking ? By doing so the cliffs are lost as a feature, and to the surprise of foreigners, not a oreaturo is evor to be met on this most beautiful walk, oxcopton Sunday afternoons, when fashion permits its votaries to walk there in silks and satins and chantilly shawls. The climnto permits out-door amusements here, and hore only; yet our flno ladies never leave tho Hotels except in carriages—each iu her own equipuge, at half past fivo. It might be Calcutta, but it in not of Newport as it should be, but Newport as it is, that lam to toll you. The world is soldom set right through opinion, and I register mine and pass on. Tho beat of tho hotels is'thoßeUevuea.anciently Potter’s, before there was such a thing aa“ a sea son ” at Newport, and it retains some traces of its early origin in its long low-ceilinged drawing-room and narrow passages* yet, hore fashion has elected 10 rB i s ®iU ,r fi a K) R11( l U is the fullest and gayest of -houses—tho prettiest woman in the bonse is/Almo. X , wUh her soft Creole manners and parleur , mate , set off by crimson lips—then there it quite a bouquot ofonlylosg pretty faces—Mre. L., Mrs. R., Mrs. S., Miss K. f Miss P., Miss 0., —all recognized belles, waiting for “tho season.” Tho two Air. Rusaelsafo here, nephows ofthe Duko of Bedford tho youngest, Odo, attached-os Secretary to Lord 'Napier’s legation ; the elder brother, Arthur, Pri vate Secretary of Lord John, is clever onough to ; to do no discredit to his Hneago, which colls for so ,muoh. Wo take tho hotels by age, and come na turally to tho Ooean llouso, that illustration of fashionable caprice. Withtho best situation, the best bod-rooms, tbo largest and finest drawing room and widest piuzzas, it is loft to tho mercies of the million, not tonderones wo know. No ono will stay at the Oecnn House, and except a handful of , persons, ouo knows it is a more mobthoro; Mine. La Orange is there, but as yet has made no sign ; sho is resting from tho Danaio fatigues of a shower of gold. At tho Atlantio tho Boltituore uppor ten liavo sot up their rest, but this is the quietest of all tho hotels. Tho Fillmoro, noxt to the Bollevuo, cJaims to divide its sovereignty, and truly with somo show of reason when ono looks at tho beautiful Mrs. M., whoso graceful ologanco reveals her race —tho stately Mrs. C. and the fast Misses W., are tho most prominent Fillmorites—always oxcopting Mrs. P., that immense favorite. Tho Dutch Minister and the Spanish Secretary givo a color of diplomacy to the whole. Tho first liopcaino off last Thursday at tho Fillmore, but was rather a manifestation of weakness than a demonstration of strength. Tho weather was abominable, and although “some days must bo cold and rainy,” yet few aro philosophical enough to accept tho proposition and not aot on it. Ac cordingly tho Cottagers lit their lamps and sat under their own gas-burners that night, and tho soiree at tho Fillmoro felt tho awfre coup of tho shower—it was cheerful, but by no means gay.— The new dance, “The Laucors,” was brought out under the auspices of Count F., whom wo have among us. Tho axis of the sooson is to be Mr. W’fl feti ckampetrp on tho Augßlt, to which 2000 people are' bidden. The flutter is and tho question of bonnets or no bon nots has been decided in a committco of ten. Hats for tho married women— coffeur en cJteveux for tho daneors. King Solomon could hardly have doflo bettor; these fetes are peculiar to Newport in this country, and are tho most brilliant enter tainments given—they require a flno house. The Ocean is a back ground; a tent 80 feet square to dance in, and Fortnnatu’s purse to pay for it all, Tho result is satisfactory. Tho ono small cloud of uncertainty is the fog. Could this be bought off, no premium would be too high, but your truo woman of fashion would mnrch up to tbo cannon’s mouth for a fete or a ball, and sho cannot bo oxs pected to shrink from a fog. There jriil not be one feather the loss for tho ohanco of ila destruction— there are all sorts of courage, and all are capti vating. This has been an old-fushioned summer, os to fogs, hardly docs tho sun show his face when it fa suddenly veiled by a thick fog; but oven fogs have their bright side, and while tho Rt. Lawrences of cities are grilling under a bright sky, we wringpur hair and rejoice iu a temperature of 70. * *#* THE COURTS CotTHT ov QuAnTEK Sessioss—Judge Allison. In the matter of tho Commonwealth vs. Snow, a New York morchftnt, charged with being a reocirdr of stolon coods, Mr. Wra. L. Hirst, on Mr. Sandlord, of tho Now York bar, applied to tho Court to accopt bail for Mr. Snow, ana offered tor that pumoso Henry S. Harper, who upon boing sworn said: I live in Frankfora, in tho Twenty-third Ward; I own real estate in tho county of PhiUdcl phiaw orth over $10,000; I own proporty on York stroot worth $B,OOO, on which there is $3,500 on oumbranoo; I own property on Russell and Bath streets worth $7,000, on whioh there is an encum brance of $2400; I own proporty on Maple street worth $2,000, on which there issBoo tncumbranco; I own a lot on Richmond street worth $l5OO, on which there is $550 cnCumbranoe; I own a lot on Frankford Road worth $2,000 ovor all enomnbran ces; I own a lot on Fourth street and Germantown Road worth $l5OO over all encumbrances; I own a lot on Cunal and Third street worth $2,000 or $2,500,* I own a lot In West Phllapelpma, on Crean streot, 95 feet front by 154 feet deep, worth $4:,000, with $l2OO encumbrance; I own two houses iu Sepviva streot, worth $l,OOO each clear ; I have atocKS worth $25,009 n/t quoted at tho Board of Brokers Cross-examined by Mr. Mann —I am a mar ried man; I have been living in Frankford for over throo years: lived boforo that in Jenkintown; sold my place there to Mr. Caleb Cope, for $B,OOO cush; I purchased the property on York street, from William E. Johnson; I paid no money for it; I bought it in trade; Mr. Long3troth drew the deed; the York stroot property is not yet finished; I expect to got $BOO a yoar ront for U from so cioties; tho upper story is built for meetings of societies; tho Mnplo stroot property I bought from Dr. Rowan, of Walnut street; I gave him a bond for $lOOO on the Virginia and Kentucky Railroad, and a bond for $lOOO in Insurauoe Com pany stock; I do not know what Insurance Com pany; I gave him no monoy for it; I think what I gave was worth $1500; I bought tho Russell and Bath street property from D. Lukens, of Spring Garden street; none of my deeds are recorded y hit I it/tend recording them; I know tho defendant, Snow, but have no intimate acquaintance with him; I havo boon offered $l2OO to go his bail in this oa3o, nrd a bond of indemnity. . Mr. Mann objected to this bail being neoepted, on the ground that tho only valuable property which was sworn to, the deed was dated tho 6th of January, 1857, and tho timo had expired on tho 6th of July. Thoro was therefore nothing to pre vent that property from being again convoyed by tho grantor to whom ho pleased. Tho deed to tho West Philadelphia property was dated August let, 1857, only Saturday last; tho Canal stroot deed was of tho same date; tho Russell and Bath stroot doed, the same date; tho Mnplo stroot deed, the 20th of July, 1857; tho Frankford Road and Eric Avonuo deed about Juno; and ho did. not sunposo ho oould, if the defendont forfeited his bail, collect $2OO out of tho whole of this property. Ho would therefore usk tho Court under all the circumstuncos to refuso hail. Mr. Hirst contcndod that tho bail was ample— that the defendant boing a stranger was placed under groat difficulties in procuring any bail at all, inuoh Icbs such nmrdo bail as had just been ofierod. JIo said if this bail wnsnotaccoptod, it was equiva lent to saying no bail would bo taken. ' Judge Allison said that ho did not, in a case of such general importanco as this, foel satisfied with tho bail tendered, and ho should, therefore, fool it his duty to rofuBo tho npidication. Bftil refused. Habkah Conpns Case.— Tho oaso of James Mulliu, charged with tho murder of Bohaffor, iu 1853, was heard ou habeas corpus. Messrs, L. C. Caspidy nnd J. P. O’Noill, for tlio defendant; and District Attorney Maim for tho Common wealth. Cathnrino Fieher, sworn—Romombors the oc currence ; it isover threo years ago; took place in Phillip street, between Jefferson and Master; it uns after dark, below a lump; Schaffer was on tho left hand side going down; I was on tho door-stop of tho house; I know James Mullin slightly; I could not swear positively I.sawhim thoro ‘that night; I onoo did, but I could not swear to it now. Cross-examined by Mr, Cassidy—Tho man, I thought, wrb Mullin; hb was about threo or four doors from me; ho walked across and struck tho young man Schaffer; I don’t know with what he struck him; a man named Cox was tried nud ac quitted of this charge ; I then spoko of Mullin ; I saw him about eight months ago; ho had been away; I saw him before on Goriuantown road; there were threo persons there that night; I took them to be Mullin, Cox and MoGuoken; have no doubt of Cox and MeGucken; havo nono ns to Mullin; at tho time believed it was Mullin. Maiy Black, sworn.—l saw tho oceurrenee; Jns- Mullin passed over and struck Schaffer under tbo. oar; it was with something liko n slung shot that he struok him; Schoffor wns passing down tho street at tbo timo; Schaffer died about four weeks after that. Cross-examined by Mr. Cft-sidy.—f*clmffer was •no rolativo of inino; knew him about a yoar be fore ho was killed; it was a dark, driuling night that he was killed; I was standing at my mother I ** door, on Philip fitreot, with my sister, Catharine Block; I saw tho three men across tho stroot; I had no talk with Mullio; I had a talk with Schdf for; I saw the three men standing dovrii tlio street before Schaffer oarae down; it was on Monday ■evening; it was dark botwcon six and seven o’clock. Re-examined by Mr. Mann.—Tho throo young men were standing togethor; I was four doors off from them then; when tho dood was done, Mul lin pioked up a brick and called mo a bad name. Catharine Black, sworn—l live in Philip street, four doors from whore Schaffer was hurt. I was in the house knitting, and went out and saw Schaf fer go down tho street; Saw tho three young men, nhd ono of them stooped down and hit him with ‘something; I saw him fall and holloa murder j I don’t know who went up to him; I never saw him after until he was dond; don’t know what the oause was of his death. No cross-examination. Saraii McGowen sworn—Lived in Phillip street in 1868; - saw three fellows running down the street and ono man hallooing murdor; I heard tho noise and saw the threo fellows run, and I hallooed “ Mullin, that's yon.” No cross-examination. This closed the testimony. Mr. Mann then said as the indlotment wasfor mutter, it was, of oourst; a case in whioh no bail could tin taken, but itw° u “J be well to havo a medical 'testimony as to y?h& woapon was used to produoo the doatu of this young wau, as the grade of tbo ulßmoo '™ u ldthw» bo determined. The case mu continued till to* morrow morning, for the examination of tho medi cal witnesses. TELEGRAPHIC. FROM WASHINGTON. Venczuele&n Datle.-Smmi'l’of omoug Indl mu—Hull Btor*» in Virginia, rtc. WasuinqTos, Aug. o.—Tho State Department has been officially advised of the passage of an act by tbo Veuczuelean Congress, Imposing an additional or subsi diary contribution of ten per cent, upon duties collected at the various Custom Houses in tho Republic, from and after the Ist of July Iwt- Information has been received of the breaking out of the small-pox among the Kickapoo, Kansas, Indians. Might had died. Prompt measures wero taken to arrest tho progress of this disease, and Physicians employed to vaccinate each member of the tribe. On Friday evening, Lewisburg, Va.. and vicinity only, was visited by a hall storm which, for extent and de structiveness, was without precedent part of ilia country. The whole of the vegetable and growing crops were nearly annihilated. Some of the hail-stoues mtasured five lncbe» m circumference, den. Hennlugson left the city to-day for the South. Judge Mason retired to-day from the office of Com missioner or Patents. Samuel T. Shugort, present chief clerk, will act as Commissioner uutil a successor is ap pointed. Arrival of a French Steamer—Health of New Orleans. New Orleans, August 3.—The French war steamer Toonerre, from Vera Cruz, bound to Havana, has ar rived at the quarantine, having put into tho river in consequence of the yellow fever breaking out among her crew. The deaths in the city during tho last week were 100, but luclude no fever. Our city is remarkably healthy. Serloua Accident at Niagara! Buffalo, August 3.—A piece of rock, about a hun dred tola weight, fell from a prooipice on Goat Island, Niagara, yesterday, three hundred feet below the British Falls. Three persons underneath were badly hurt. Mr- G. W. Parsons, of Cleveland, it is feared, received fatal injuries. Baltimore Market. Bai tiuore. August 3.—Sales of Flour to-day, 3000 Lbls. of City Mills at $7. Wheat is firmer at f 1 £sftl 05 for white. Com—Sales of white at 88o91o; yellow at 85®87c. Whiskey quoted at 29ff30#. Baltimore Primary Elections, Baltimore, Aug. 3.—Tho Primary Elections for dele gates to tho American City Convention, are being held to-night. Two sets of delegates aro being voted for in many wards, and there is hot work and much disorder. In the second, fourth, and sixth wards, there has been much fighting, but nothing of a serious character has as yet occurred. Markets by Telegraph. New, Orleans, Aug. 3.—Sales of Cotton to-day -1000 bales at 14#col5c for middling. The market closed firm. White Corn quotes at 80c. Shoulders sell at Iltfe; Bides atl3#c. Freights on Cotton to Liver pool #O. Tho remainder of the markets are dull, and without chaogo in prices. The Kentucky Election. LooiBvillb, August 3.—A State election for Congress men and other officers, was held to-day. In this city the majorities for Hon. Humphrey Marshall, American, for Representative to Congress from the Seventh District, over Thomas 11. Holt, Democrat, and of Thomas D. Jouea for State Treasurer, over James W. Garrard, De mocrat, are estimated at about cloven hundred votes. The election hero was proceeded with quietly. No returns have been rccoived from the country. Disturbance at Baltimore—Two Men Shot. Baltimore, August 3.— Last night, shortly after nine o’clock, a man named John 8. Berny was deliberately shot at the corner of Baltimore-and,North streets, by one of ft party of young men who wero seen lurking at tho opposite comer. This is bat one .of Several cases of violence that bare occurred in this city during the last twenty-four hours. Early yesterday morning, a man named Connor shot Lowis Sherman, with whom he had a provlous difficulty at a drinking house. Both of tho men were seriously wounded. Missouri Election. Bt. Louis, Aug. 3.—Returns of tbo election of Go vernor to-day, In Franklin county, show a probable ma jority of 300 for James 8. Rollins, the American candi date. In nerman, Gasconade county, Rollins received 02 votes, and R. M. Stewart, the Democratic candidate, fil votes. In Jefferson City, at 2 q'clock this afternoon, tho veto stoodßollins, 125; Stewart, 185. Bt. Louis, August 3, midnight.—ln this city scatter ing returns have been received. In tho Fifth Ward Rollins has a majority of 409; In the Eighth Ward n majority of 206, and in the Ninth .Ward 0. In tho Third Ward Ptcwart has a majority of 46. The Expected Steamer. New York, Aug. 3—Midnight.—No tidings have as yet been received from St. Johns, N.F., ofthe steamship Persia. It is presumed she has passed that point with out having had an opportunity of sending on shore her news hag for the agent of the Associated Press. Ship News. New York, August 3.—Arrived, ship Richard Morse, fron barque E. Von Beaulieu, from Bremen. Boston, August 3.—Arrived, barque Gibraltar, from Genoa; sehr. Gen. Vegie, from Port au Priuce. LETTER FROM- NEW YORK. [Correspondence of Tho Press.] New Yobk, Aug. 3,1857 Beta havo been heavily mado as to the speed of tho Persia t which was to leave Liverpool on the 25th uit. She would be out over soven days to*day. As yet, no sign of hor. Tho Ericsson is also duo, and sailed on the 22d July. Tho boxlng*match, in Canada, between Bradley and Ranlcln, has excited tho liveliest interest boro. There will probably be a second fight. The Yftoancy among our new Police Commission* ers was not filled up to-day. There again woro one hundred and sovonty-one ballots: Nyc, Bowen and Stranahan, (the “Republicans ”) voting for Cyrus Ourti3s; Wood and Powell for Daniel Banks; and Cholwell, amid shouts of laughter, nominating Eraslus Brooks, of the Expres*, and sticking to Ilia mnn all day. Election adjourned until Wednesday. Connery, the remarkable Coroner of tho Burdell inquest, (the confidential friend of Thady Brady’s long-tatted cow,) has been great on the occasion of the murdered bar-keeper at Neversiuk. Pi rat ho attempted to sew up his wounded neek; then, though ho had no jurisdiction in Now Jorsey, bo hold an inquest,pn tho body of a dying, but not doad mnn; after that, ho reported tho case in hi?) patron's paper, with sundry eulogies on his own surgical skill; lastly, he made a stump speech, at tho *777/ inquest, setting forth his own merits. Donnelly has been committed on the verdict of that inquest, and tho coso look 3 badly for him. As the California Commission, to examino witness es, in the Burdell ease, has not been token out, the mattor will speedily dose before Mr. Bradford, the Surrogate. Tbero are many wagers on tho re sult, and heavy odds have been offorod (and taken) that the marrlngo of Mrs. Cunningham with Dr. Burdell will bo declared good. To-day’s Evening Pott is oracular on Stock Ex change speculation. Its text is that twonty-two million dollars’ worth of sales woro effected at tho Ftock Board here in tho last fortnight—that this would amount to sixhundred millions per annum— that this is gambling—that professional and literary inon, and oven editors and clorgymen, in dulged in thiß gambling—that most of the opera tions are in fancy stocks, or in stocks that pay no dividends—and that the man who covets moro than seven per cent, interest on any thing us a dreadful being! Tho mosquitoes horo arc unusually large, active, and numerous. Some one ought to move tho Courts for nn injunction against them. Rf.pbint of British Periodicals. (L. Scott ip Co-, N. York.)—ln England it costs exactly $32 a yofcr to purchase tho Edinburgh, Quarterly , North British, ami Westminster Reviews, with Blackwood's Magazine. Adding freight and du ty, if imported, that cost would amount to $4O in this country. Thcj’ uro rc-printod in Now York, and for $lO per unnum—being exactly one* fourth ojf the English price. And as Mr. Scott re ceives the proof-sheets of most, if not all, of th •?<' publications in advance, his cheap edition is circu lated here, before tho original could arrive from England. Wu need not discuss tho quality of these periodical*. The ablest men write in them, and they make an Enoyclopccdia of Literature. ilow to do Business. {Fowler 4* lF>/ij,New York.) A sort of omnium gatherum of miscella neous information, sprinkled with anecdotes, re specting various matters conncoted with busino3<- Ir there bo nothing very new in these pages, thero is much that will bo useful to young men en tering the world. THE CITY . Occident in Coates Street. —Yesterday morn ing, about eight o’clock, as an Excursion pnrty was proceeding out Contes street in omuibusses, the horses in one of tho coaches became frightened at a passing train on tho Reading Railroad, -and in their plunging overturned tho omnibus. Several of the persons in the vehicle were more or less hurt. Tho vicinity of tho aocldent was in a state of uiuoh excitement at tho time of its occurrence. Tht Crockery Men of Baltimore and their Philadelphia Brethren , —The crookery men of Baltimore, who woro entertained a few weeks since by their brethren of this city, havo sent to Phila delphia a very large daguerreotype picture, ele gantly framed, and bearing upon its surface excel lent likenesses of tho eighteen gentlemen who re presented tho Earthenware Board of Trade of Baltimore, on thoocoasion of tho recent festivities. Tho Pxeaidentof the Baltimore Board, in his letter accompanying tho pioture, says:—“The card of tlanty will be read in the faces of the persons on the plate.” Ho trusts that tho picture will be con spicuously placed, and that the Philadelphia earthenwaro dealers will now and then look upon the “counterfeit presentments” of their Baltimoro brethren, and thus hold them in cheerful remem brance, as they hold each of their Philadelphia friends. Jtfr, E. L. Davenport and Miss Fanny Fining are engaged for the Arch Street Theatre, in this city, for the ensuing season. The Prize Fight—A Full and Authentic Ac count—Bradley Victorious-Rankin'*. Condi (iow.—Philadelphia, which for tho last two yews has been, comparatively speaking, fieo from riot, outrage ami bloodshed, whilst her eUtnr cities of Now York and Baltimore bavo been the scenes of tho most terriblo disordors, has, within the lost two or three days, witnessed a singular upheaving and excitement. Wo still have rowdies to our midst. Tho admirable order observed, and tho peace and quiofc which bavo reigned in our city, have resulted from tho excellent Police ar rangements under which wo havo lived. Rowdy ism has been forced to seek other channels than street brawls to gratify its savage propensities. Our leading fancy men have for M>me time past been all activity, engaged in arranging the pre liminaries for a grand prize fight between two dis tinguished bruisers and all the lesser lights in the science of pugilism have been active and anxious that tho necessary arrangements should be mado and properly mado, that they would understand what they wore when they were made, and that the particular crowds over which they presided, should have tho earliest and most reliublo intelligence on the subject. An ex citement has resulted, and tho prize-fight, Bradley and Rankin, thoir physical ability, and chances of success, have been every where canvassed and hot upon. It seeuis singular that such an incident a* this should create so great and wide-spread an interest. But it must bo con fessed, that while pugilism is tho delight of tho so called rowdy, it is that scienoo which appeals to many of tho sensibilities of the so-called gentle • man. In Great Britain, it is regarded as a part of polito education, to bo able to “go in’’at all times and fight out. aud this fashionable ac complishment, so popular there, is imitated and sought after bore, by many of those who are apt to ory out against the details of these pugilistic en counters For our own part, we havo a horror of this beastly business, and trust it may soon come to an end. The fight between Bradley and Rankin was for $l,OOO a side, nnd came off on Saturday at Albino Island, in Canada, about fourteou utiles from Buf falo, a favorite resort for such business. Before leaving this city, Bradley was weighed according to agreement. His weight was 186 pounds. He started, iu company with his friends, for Buffalo at half past threo o’clock, and arrived in that city at ton o'clock Friday morning. Rankin had been there for two days previous. On Friday night Mc- Mullln and Brotherton. the umpires, met nnd ngrood upon Albino Island as the ground for tho fight, nnd on Saturday morning they started for the island—Rankin and his friends in the steamer Globe, and Bradley and his friend In tho steamer Sun. Tho formor reaohod the island an hour and a half in advanco of tho lattor. Both men put up at the samo house on tho island. Immediately on reaching the ground, tho stakes were set and tho ring mado. Before tho outer ring was completed, Rankin walked forward and threw his cap in and was followed by Bradley. The rush of the crowd was so groat that the men had to he removed, in order to comploto the ring; and after it had been completed, tho umpires were occupied until ten minutes after four o’olook ohoosing a referee, Isaiah Smith, of Buffalo, being at last agreed upon. At a quarter past four o’clock tho men entered tho ring amidst loud cheering, and the seconds riased thoir colors, Bradley’s being a red, whtto and blue flag, and Rankin’s a light bluo silk flag. Tho men woro both in good spirits and looked well. Brad ley had a larger number of friends on the ground than Rankin, and the bets were two to one In his favor. There were about 4000 people present, of which not more than thirty were Philadelphians. On enteriog, Bradley and Rankin walked up to the centre of tho ring and shook hands. Bradley took from his pooket $2OO and offored to bet It against $lOO on the part of Rankin, that he would win the fight, but this Rankin refused- First Round. Timo was called and tho men carao to tho soratch. After considerable sparring, Bradley succeeded in planting a blow with his left hand under Rankin’s left oye, and drawing the first blood. In stepping back, Rankin slipped aud foil. Second Round The men both appeared confi dent. Bradley again succeeded in gettiog in the first blow, after which ho clinched with Rankin, and gavo him a sldo butt throw. Third Round. The men had no sooner toed the mark, than Bradley lot drive with his left, and struck Rankin a terrible blow over the right eye, knocking him flat. Fourth Round. When time was called, Rankin came to tho scratch with his right eye completely clos *d. He showed signs of punishment, and was knocked down by Bradley, who, up to the 100th round had it all his own way. Sotno 150 rounds woro fought, the advantage being all the time on the side of Bradley. Rankin evinced the most wonderful endurenco of pluck, and would have fought to tho death. But his condition was so dreadful, that tho outsiders insisted on his being removed from tho ring. For the last few rounds, he acthally stood up to be knocked down, being too wank from lo«s of blood to return a blow*, and his secoud was compelled to ackowlcdge defeat. Thore were any number of low groggerlea opened around the ground, nt which the crowd quenched their thirst and sharpened their appetite for the brutal exhibition. There was a great deal of drunkenness and any number of fights, and thoso who went to see an exciting scone had their wishes fully gratified. Tho crowd returned to Buffalo immediately after the fight. Rankin still contin ues iu that city in a very critical condition. He received the most of his punishment about tbe head, and presents a shocking spectacle. His eyes are completely closed, his noso broken in two places, his ears nnd lips split, and his whole face mangled horribly. Wo learn that ho expressed great sorrow that be did not die in the ring, and feels more tho disgrace of his defeat than the pun ishment he rweived. An Outrage. —On Saturday afternoon, threo or fonr littlo girls went upon the place of Mr. Lukens, on tho Tacouy Plank Road, near Frankford, for tho purpoto of gathering apples. While thus engaged, some cowardly brute fired a gun at the children. The small shot with which it was loaded, toak effect In tho ear and temple of a daughter of Mr. Hilt’s, inflicting a p .uful wound. No punishment would be too severe for the person who would fire a gi*n at a harmless child. A Distressing C.-ie.—A family composed of a raothor with several children, are now suffering much from want in tho lower purt of the city. — Tins family have been helped by the Homo Mission for sovoral weeks, but owing to the continued fcoblo state of tho mother, we feel that a special appeal in thoir behalf will not bo out of place.— It is desirable that situations in stores should be obtained for two of tbe ehildron, whloh will greatly : aid iu relieving thoir wants, while aay contribu tion in their behalf will bo given to the Mission, by whose agent it will be properly dispensed.— Wo can vouch for tho character of this family as being good, nnd in every way worthy of confidence. Tho office of tho Home Mbrion is in North street below Sixth. Providential Escape from Drowning. —Dr. Joseph R. Coad, President of the Board of Hoalth of this city, made a very narrow escape from drowning, at Capo May, on Sunday. He was bathing with others, but venturing too far out. was seized by tbe undertow and found bim.-elf completely powerless. A lino wag almost im mediately funned by the swimmers, and after a littlo difficulty ho was rescued Hij escape from death was a matter of great surprise and gratifica tion to many who woro witnesses of his perilous position, The Municipal Telegraph Its Opera tion During July.— The following tables, com piled by us from tho official records, give tho do ings of the local telegraph for the month just ended. Tho nuiubor of lost children returned to thoir parents, tho number of 'messages sent and received, the number of stray cattle restored through its agoncy, dc , do., will be found re corded below-- SOUTH SECTION. Number of messages scut, 320; messages re ceived, 553; total, 743 Lost children restored, 170. Lost horses restored, 23; do. coirs, 7; total, 30. SanTUV.AZT BF.CT/OX. Nmnbor of messages sent, 307: messages re ceived, 517; total, 824. Lost children lcstorcd, 121. Lost horses restored, 15; do. cows. 7; total, 22. NORTHERN SECTION. Number of messages sent. 327 ; messages received, 414; total, 741. Lost children restored. 120. Lost horses restored, 15 ; do, cows, 13, do. sheep, 9; total, 37. Total number of messages sent, 945 do do. do. received, 1454 Total sent and received, 2399 Lost Boys Returned, Ijost Girls Returned. South section, 92 87 Northonst section, 78 48 Northwest section, 67 59 Total number of lost children returned, 430 Horses Ret'd y Cowißet'd Sheep Ret'd. South section 23 7 0 Northeast section 15 < 9 Northwest section 15 13 0 Total 53 27 9 Whole number of horses, cons, and sheep re stored, 89. Thero wore 28 fires of greater or less importance during the month, although thero wero out nino that wero of sufficient consequence to call for the ringing of the State House bell Tho bell was struck for a general alarm on a single occasion; tho night of tho firo in Prune street, above Fourth. The aggregate loss by fire during the month was less than the usual average. Fire Yesterday Afternoon. —Yesterday after noon about five o’clock, smoke was discovered issu ing from tho roof of tho large three story building, No. 312 North Fourth street, between Vino and Wood streota, occupied and owned by Mr. James E. Mitcholl. Tho alarm was communicated from box No. 51, at tho cornor of Fourth street and York Avenuo, to tho Central Station, and promptly therefrom to all the boxes in tho city. The first floor of the building was used for tho manufacture of millstones, do. The second story was used os a hall for meetings and balls Tho third story was occupied as a school room for obildren, under the superintendence of fifr. Se&kffcr- The fire origi nated InVeock-lofUn the Southwestern portion of the building, and waa caused by a defect iu the chlmndy which connected with a furnoco ou the first floor. Tho entire r&of was completely de stroyed by the fire. The roof of the adjoining building, on tho north, occupied by Schaeffer A Koradi, booksellers, was slightly damaged. The whole loss docs not exceed $2006, and it is fully covered by insurance. The Abuse of Omnibuses. —7 he practice of omnibus proprietors allowing their coaches to be used for freight purposes has frequently boon de nounced. The evil complained of is apparently on the increase, and tho omnibuses on our principal thoroughfares are daily employed in an irregular manner to transport furniture, building materials, baggage, Ac., by those who are too mean to pay porterage for this purpose. Thisfreight is generally stowed upon the tops of the coaches, but it is not unfrequently taken insido to add to the catalogue of annoyances which seem inseparable from the omnibus system. There is certainly a chance for reform in this respect. Who will start it? The Union School and Children’s Home, — This institution, located at the southeast corner of ; Twelfth and Fitxwater streets, contains at the present time one hundred nnd ten inmates The increase of intemperance among parents, the desti tution and vagrancy of children, (as a necessary consequence,) and tho wantof domestics in families, were the cogent reasons that induced the establish ment of this institution, where neglected children are proporly cared for. The “Home” has been in successful operation nearly eight years. Board of Guardians of the Poor. —A stated 6emi-monthly meeting oft be Board of Guardians of the Poor, was held yesterday afternoon, at three o’clock, at the Office of the Out-Door Agent, North Seventh street. Mr. James I>. Brown, of the Eleventh Ward, President of the Board, occupied the chair. The Bgent, Mr. H. Hoover, reported the follow ing census of the Blockley Alms-House, for the week ending Saturday, August Ist * Number iu the House, Same time last year. Increase, RECAPITULATION Admitted during the last 2 weeks. Births, . Deaths, Discharged, Eloped, Bor".d out, communication was received from Thomas Greenbank, Assistant City Solicitor, submitting tho securities of such of tho Visitors of the Poor as have entered into bonds for the f&ithfol perfor mance of their duties for the present year, viz:— The visitors for the First, Second, the Northern Division of the Third, tho Fifth, Sixth, and Elev enth Districts. They are a a follows: Thos. Daly, security for Jacob Layer,lst district. Michael Porter, security for Robert Porter, 2d district. Danl. Rabicam, security for Ed Williams, 3d distriot. A. Brumaker, security for F. D. Langham, sth district. Wm. Creighton, security for Jaa. Macklin, 6th district. Owen Clark, security for Wm. Duffy, 7th district A communication was received from. Dr. J. W. Pugh, stating that tho Oat-door Physician for that portion of the Twenty-fourth Ward, had gone to Europe, and that he had engaged to occupy that position for the remaining quarter. Dr. Pugh re quested tho Board to make an appropriation of $25 for the payment of a certain order. After a few remarks from Mr. Garvin, of the Twenty-fourth Ward, and on his motion, the communication was ordered to be returned to Dr. Pugh. A proposal for furnishing 150 barrels of inspected Flour, of a good quality, at $6.75 per barrel, was received from Mr. T. O’Conner. On motion, the contract was awarded to Mr. O’Conner, h« being the only bidder. Mr. Charles Murphy, Stewart of the Alms houso, reported having received for board, sales of old barrels, boxes’ rags, Ac., the sum of $723.49, since his last report to tho Board. The Out-door Agent submitted a report, stating, that he had received since the last meeting of the Board, $406.75, of which $320.75 were for bonded, and $B6 for support coses. A number of cases, in which husbands have neglected their wives and offspring, were reported to the Board by the Visitors of the Poor of the se veral districts, all of which were referred to the Solicitor, with power to act. The Committeo on Children's Asylum reported several cases of binding children from the Alms house to suitable persons. The bindings were all confirmed. Mr. Server submitted the following report: The Committee on Farm and Watering to whom waa referred the resolution of inquiry relative, to the falling off of supplies of milk, cream and but ter in 1856, below that of 1855, beg leave to report that having made a diligent research into the matter, find in the first place that the immediate predecessor of the present fanner, having retired from his post some time before an election could be had to fill the vooaney, leaving the orejß'to perish upon the grounds, and the whole arrange-, merits of the farm in utter confusion; and also, either not keeping any record of tbe products of the farm, or else carrying off every Testige of bocks or papers that would tend to throw any light upon the subject, leaves the committee entirely in the dark as to what quantities of milk, cream or butter was furnished during tbe first half of the year 1856. Consequently, the entire quantity of those article? furnished the various departments of the Institution, (as per report of 1856,) was solely the product of something less than six months. In stead of being that of the whole year. Furthermore, your committee find upon exami nation, that there was kept upon the farm in 1855, belonging to tbe Institution, an average of about forty-two milch cows, while at no time daring the year 1856, at least, while under the present man agement, was there a greater number than from thirty to thirty-two, making an average difference of teu cows in favor of 1855. Tho Committee also learn that during the year 1855 large numbers of milch cows, consisting at times of five, ton, and atone time, as high as twenty one cows, were upon the promises, sent over by the Board of Health, and all producing milk. So It can readily be seen hovr easily sixty to seventy cows could furnish a greater quantity of milk in one year than thirty-two cows could in six months. The Committee take pleasare in bearing testi mony to tbe able manner in which the farmer has conducted the affair* of the farm since his manage ment, nnd feel satisfied, from thepresent condition of the crops, that it will show, in all its depart ments, an unprecedented yield for 1857. Tbe report was accepted, and the Committee dis charged from the further consideration of the sub ject. Mr. Hackett, of the Fifteenth Ward, offered the following resolution: Resolved , That the steward be requested to fur nish this Board, at its next stated meeting, with a printed list of all persons employed in of about the institution, (the almshouse.) with the amount of salary, perquisites. Ac., allowed to each, not in cluding persons drawing their pay by orders on the treasurer. Adopted. The following was also offered by Mr. Haekett: Resolved, That the steward be authorixed to advertise for proposals to gupply the Philadelphia Almshouse with beef aod mutton for tho ensuing year, the contract to be the same in form and man ner ks the preceding year. Adopted. The following resolution waa offered by Mr. Sorver: That the farmer be instructed to limit the supplies of butter, milk, and cream furnished tho officers of the institution, to the quantities which existed prior to July, 1856, and that no ex tra allowance be permitted, unless by authority of tho Board. Adopted. Mr. Garvin moved that the matter be referred to a special committeo of five, which motion was agreed to, und Messrs. Garvin, Taylor, Dunlap, Heuszey, and Recces were appointed on the com mittee. Mr. Garvin offered a resolution to resoind the resolution which had been adopted on the 18th of January, 1857, authorising tho Secretary of the Board to advertise in certain newspapers for the reception of sealed proposals for furnishing the Almshouse with flour. Adopted. Dr. N. R. Moseley, of the Ninth Ward, offered n resolution that the rules be suspended for the purpose of considering tho application of Mr. J. M. Josephs, of M&uch Chunk. Dr. Moseley, after a few remarks, offered two communications, signed by a number of citiiens of that section of the country, recommending Mr. Josephs to tho favorable consideration of the Board. It appears that Josephs is an iusane colored man, and is unable to obtain proper care and attention. Tho resolution of Dr. Moseley was lost by a TOte of 11 yeas to 7 nays—two-thirds of thaw not voting in its favor. Mr. Hartman presented a communication rela tive to some boilers at tbo Almshou>e. On motion, the communication wna referred to the Committee on the House, with power to act. On motion of Dr. Motley, the salary of Mr. llill, a nurse in the Lunatic Department of the Almshouse, was increased $1 P«r month. On motion of Mr. BkMle, of the Sixth Ward. tho Board proceeded to the nomination »nd elec tion of two Awbtont Resident Physurfans for the Almshouse. ... . „ . ~ Dra. J. Cooper, of New *ork, and Charles Mc- Laughlin, of Pennsylvania, were nominated and elected, sixteen members of the Board voting in their favor. Bills amounting to $7,274 19 were read, and warrants for their payment ordered to be drawn. Tho requisition of the Steward for articles neces sary for the Almsbou-ta for the ensuing two weeks was read and granted. On motion, the Board then adjourned. The Liquor Law. —This now law has been iii operation over a year, and two Boards Licences composed of some of our most respectable eiti* ions, have endeavored to administer it so as to give public satisfaction. This has been impossible under the eiro umstances. A very large number are in this business, and the board is limited in the number they arc authorised to grant to some twelve or thirteen hundred hotels and restaurants, while the applicants are about three timei that number. The consequence of thia restriction is that double thonumber ofpersow are now sell ins without license, orer those who are so that it h. theca foand impassible to carps oat the law, uad rerf few conrictions for its T ‘ ul * o ° n hare taken place excepting among those who here violated the Sunday law- Under those eucnnv stances, would it not bo batter to amend thu law so as to confer the pririlege on all ciUsens who aro willing to pay for the license, and, gtre »curt ty for keeping an orderly house ? 5 a was passed it met with tho opposition of* ar S* majority of the members from s.wo did not bcliere it possible for the authorities toe»- forco it, a? it would drive ©nt so large a num person* who were punning this business for *- *v ing. Tbeir fear* have been fully wMised. The legislation on the liquor laws of late has failed to correct the abates in this trams, and disorderly houses have increased than diminished since the law? have been changed. Tb* old law required the applicant to be recommend*! by twelve citizens of the ward inwhieh he redded,- and public notice was given of the application In tbe newtpapeft The Court had the power to re voke the license in case the house was disorderly, which was much more likely to abate the evil than the present law, for it requires first a complaint before au Alderman, with witnesses; then a bind ing over to Court, and a bill to be found by the grand jury, and finally a trial by juiy, of the result of which there is a great uncertainty. The publie want sueh laws on this subject as can be enforced, respected, and cheerfullj obeyed by all citizens who are in the holiness. Paper Stars.—Playing Policeman.—Yes terday. bfore Alderman Euue. Francis Nolan was charged by Officer Ash with having acted in a drunken and disorderly manner, at Fairmount. os Sunday, and endeavoring to incense the acting policeman by wearing a paper star on his breast, and making frequent remarks of a Uanrxag and threatening character. He discovered that bis • spurt was dearly paid for. inasmuch- as he was sur- • rounded by stars of tbe first magnitude, and by ' their powers of attraction, eonreyed to the Central Station, where he was locked up. in default of hail for his future good tehsrionr. CAMDEN AFFAIRS. Serious Affray—Man Snot.- —Camden City, in the ieinily of Parson k Worlston’s Hotel, was thrown into a state of great excitement last eve ning. about 7i o’clock, tbs cause of which waa the shooting of Charles D. Hineline. by David W Belisle. We immediately despatched a reporter to ascertain the particulars, which are substantially as follows:—A feud of long standing between the parties has been matured by the publication of certain articles in some of the Sunday papers of this city, reflecting personally against Mr. Hi De line and other prominent politicians of that city. Last Sunday another article appeared, aud Mr. Belisle. who sots a s Camden local reporter to the Daily New r and Sanday press, wai supposed to be the author. The parties met last evening, in front of the hotel, and had a few words, etinched, were separated, after which Belisle drew a re volver, and fired, the shot taking effect in the left side, above tbe abdomen, and below the abort ribs, the ball pacing to the outer skin, making a painful though not dangerous wound. Belisle gave himself up to the authorities, and was taken before Mayor Hamell. and held in the sum of $5OOO to await a hearing this morning, at Id o’clock. Fight at Atlantic City . —By way of va riety, a little skirmish took place at one of the Atlantic City hotels yesterday, which at one time promised to end Txf a serious affray. A small party, styling themselves the •• Knickerbocker Associa tion,” of this city, were stopping at the hotel, and one of the number made a remark, which one of the waiters took as aa insult, and attacked the Knickerbocker with a huge carving knife, inflict ing a severe wound on his shoulder. This led to a general fight fur a few moments, causing crockery ware to be dispersed in a hasty and destine tire manner. Board of Chosen Freeholders. —An sojourned meeting of this body was held in the County Court Room, Joseph L. Thackara, Esq., presiding. Bills were presented by the Committee on ac counts amounting to $639.28, which were ordered to be paid. Jail L'ummutee reported that there had been secured to the county, for fines and costs imposed on prisoners, the ram of $396, 93, of which $l3O had been paif, by the parties. Committee to build the bridge from Hcrfltewn to Cross Keys reported the work thereon complete, and were discharged. Messrs. Kay and Davis were appointed a com mittee to build a bridge between Delaware and Waterford township, near _Alei. Coopers mari hole. The County Collector was instructed to borrow for current expenses,. in sums net rxeeedicg $3OOO. Adjourned to meet on tbe first Monday la De cember. _____ LANCASTER, Franklin and Marshal College. —The Annual Commencement of this flourishing Institution, lo cated in the “garden spot” of (Lancaster) Pea*, sylvania, was celebrated on Wednesday, the 29th ult. Tbe exercises were Taried, and unusually in to res ting; a&d the attendance larger than on any previous occasion. On Tuesday morning the Biecnial Address btfbr# the Gcethean and Diagnothiaa Literary Societies was delivered by our fellow-townsman, Da rid Paul Brown. Esq, It was a very able and instructive discourse, embodying much timely and wbcteaosa* advice to the yonng men about embarking upon the active duties of life, and delirered is the dis tinguished author’s usual felicitous and eloquent style. In the afternoon the new Halls of the Literary Societies were dedicated. These are in the Nor mau-Engliah order of architecture, situated on either side of the College edifice—the Diagnot&an towards the north, and the Geetbeaa towards tka south—and command a beautiful prospect of the surrounding country, and of “ Wheatland.” ren dered immortal in the annals of oar country as the home of the illustrious head of the Board of Trustees of the College, who has been crowned with, and is now enjoying the highest honor* in the gift of the American people! The dedicatory addresses were delivered—the Iriagnothian by the Rev Geo B. Russell, A.M., of Pittsburgh, Pa., and the Gcethean, by Professor Lewis H. Steiner, M. D., of Baltimore, Md. Beth were very credit able productions, abounding in the peculiar form of thought charaeteriilie of the Institution at which the speakers received their preliminary training. In the evening the address before ike du*tety < of the Alumni was delivered in Fulton Hall, to a crowded and Intelligent audience, by Rev. Joseph Clark, A.H., of Cbcmbersburg, Pa., and was re garded as an. exceedingly able effort. During the course of the same evening, there was also a re union meeting of the Graduate members of the Gcethean Literary Society, on which occasion, alter partaking of a sumptuous entertainment provided in Fulton Hall, there was the usual “feast of reason and flow of soul.” On Wednesday the Commencement exervis?? proper took place, and occupied the greater fart of the morning and afternoon, with an inienai&don of several hoar* at noon. These consisted «f prayer by President Gerhart; sixteen orations on different subjects by the members of the graduating eta?-, interspersed at- suitable interval* with music by the Lancaster Band; the conferring of degrees, and the benediction. The Jive so-called honors, ! conferred by tbs Faculty for excellency in scholar ship, had been awarded a 3 follows: —Marshall Oration, “Slavery and Party Principle*,” G. M Stenger, Louden, Pa. Second Marshall Oration— “ Legacies of Mind,*’ J. A. Peters, Lancaster, Pa. Franklin Oration—“ Modern Light Literature.'* Wm. Seaman, Paradise, Pa. Salutatory—Joshua if- Wiestting. Harrisburg. Pa., and the Valedic tory, W. A. Duncan. Caehtown, Pa. As a general rule the performances evinced much thought and a high degree of intellectual culture, creditable both to the Faculty and to the young orators themselves Although it iauot our object to criticise these performances, nevertheless, there murt be the utterance of a regret which was very generally Ml, that the speakers were allowed to indulge in expressions and sentiments alike offen sive to good taste and to patrons of the insti tutioa, from sections of country represented bot oa tbo stage and in the auditory. To the F calty. which was severely conjured in the writei bearing, it is due, however, to state that th< had, in the usual “pruning process'* which eve production is obliged to undergo, stricken oat t obnoxious language and sentiments. But- it see “ Young America” did not heed the injunctions the Faculty, but was determined to be heard if. its own fashion. The degree of A. B. was also conferred on the *i teen members of the graduatingjelass. ami that A M. i’u course on a number of graduates three and more years standing. The honorary degree of D. D, was conferred c Rev. Benjamin Schneider, A. M . of Aintab, S. ria; Rev Moses Kieffer. A. M.. President of He delburg College, Tiffin. Ohio, and on R«r. F. » Anspach. A. M., of Baltimore, Md. The “ Society of the Alumni” also held i> seventeenth annual session, which was numerous attended. The meet important subject whit claimed its attention, and is regard to which the seems to be much earnest teal, was the endowme of a Professorship to be called the “ Alumni Pi* feseorship of Rhetoric, and of the English T.y gnage and Literature.” The plan adopted by the Society eontemplai the creating of an accumulating fund of weaiw by voluntary contributions, tht proeeeds of wblfiF alone, when completed, to be appropriated to tha payment of the salary of the incumbent of the Chair proposed to be established. This food is to be managed in accordance with a deed of trust, by three trustees, consisting of James S. Reynolds, Esq., of Lancaster; Hon. J. W. KQliager, of Le banon ; and Wml Maybwny, M. P., of Philadel phia. This plan dsndsheatha best guarantee that' the object in view will ht - 1 tfnflmfy arrinngC Lit J and that all contributions will be applied to and co other purpose.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers