The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 04, 1857, Image 1

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    4A11.Y PHESk
w. J 5& 1 W^ Sl^lt FKEiI,
wSrfissm^L r th * cttr ** *^“ l,o
*--:v ■"-■ .*.■ I!,.W.EJB®H’ • li ■•
*%?i.ySsW> l ?*«W’ w|U-b»r«Bt t 4 g»few>a«n-''tr
*SZ2& m m m HB *lk g
W eCopfi ' IS
Ten Copies j| gg
TirtSSISEi 6 !’ “ ‘ T '"‘‘'(to dii’ussaj;^/ m,m
CHOICE . FARM LANDS- for;,sale!—,
nrmjitelabai, in bscts of 40 'su-rei ! aBd- (i)ririMn, ''-in-
Jong Credit#} and atlorrr&te&Qf interest,*,,.., y# *,
TJ6IIO irete, granted Tiy tho .Government to;ai4.
ia.tne coastottohon, of tliis 'En64 l 'ilhd ar)i Si-WHlrt'
richest oni|tioidal;fottilß. in •IKS' vrorldv'tligj" extend’
through M|tolddlq ;
of tUeSUto, to tb* extreme .Wb, midfficjmle avetr
variety ofcljraatoumlirodnctlmva fttSid lwiwSfa ttSKt
parallels i»tjjifttltado7i Ibe.Rortterai|iM*aM»,GFc£Liayi
pralrtojtotja-sparMil yitotoo grovpa «n4in ttorntdiile
«l>d toltete predomlnitM, aUrmatte'
ink iswHPiwiiHn^iiWWMis’irv’in .& *s?;
The cUtMtof, more healthy, mJld.and MOabla, than,
w&tet '■ -
Coal.ijjeilansivel/.inintJd.find V
v^SLliS®i‘#- Ie & many
pofhta at $2 to $4 per lfeTiacl at th»-
< „ i jfii , .. . r t
f 'Buildiug’.ytonG of .excellent. quality algo abound?,
i o?tr?lSriasb a<iUrCd s*th« uxpense
p/.thoßc'vlwds, which nWii blacVr
rich mould.; from two to five feet dedp^and deiitivroll'*'
$& <?}* W'*M» uiv
' W Id furnished fijr travel aiyl trehßportatiorVito.ihe,
principal markets Norths South, E**tWert, and.ihe
economy with wkick they can-be- cultivAtedi 1 render' 1
them lnvestmen- that can beJound, I
and present the most favorable' opjKirtuni tv, for persons
of industrious habits and small meAnfc to admire a cbm
fortablo indm .
of tbesv lauds catr lip transported to that market, make
them ,muc^|mG?r f profltabieVat'. ftie pricejrasked, than
those mbre>remote at-government the addl
tlonal .cosfciif transportation a pejpeiual tax ,on the
latter,‘which mtu)fc bo borne by toe producer j in the re**
duced price iacrecritei'forhfNgrhlu,&c. • n - .v/ .{:
Th* payments are<
ch&serSj whlijhconvffptoihein Absolute’title* [{ n
pie, free »n(J [clear ofeweryinoumbrance/lieu ormort-
phcos'are frora $6 to &k): interest only 3perct.
TwQntyiierHTt;nrill bo;dedncted frora the'pries’for cash: .
*, Thoftewbqpurcbase on long credit, give notes payable ,
in two,‘tfi*e4, fob^,'five ond>Tx years after da to', Ware
required toiroprdv6oh4-tenth UhnuAlly ferfLveyeara.
'Cbm'petenvswrvoyora will aefiorapahy thW who wish 1
to examine riiepeiAnds, 1 free of charge,' uad did them in
making selections, ; .. ,r
‘ Thahandslroniainlng unsold are 'as rich and 'valuable !
as been disposed of. ■ '-\s.v, : ui l
Wili be. sent to amp one who will enclose Qfty cents in :
postage starips, aSdbookßbr pamphlets containing nu ' '
merouiiiistaaceS Df signed by re
apoo table known .fanners living, in theneigh
borhood of the Baiiroad hands,-throughout the State—
also fencing,price of cattle , _ expeuse of har
vesting, threeWng, »np other, tofotraatlott-w
Will be cUeefftilly giren onapplloatipn. e|therpertonally
or by letter. )p French, or German,' addressed
to s*u m«.- 'iOHNiwltSON.' \
land, Cotfgiissioner.of the lilinois Central B-Bf Cov
Office ha Illinois Central Jiailroad Depot, Ohieagb, II-
Knola.' -. > -. ~ - , T , aut -
Slipping. ••
- ;;- ' 'Fbeichts REDUCED. ‘ > r *V'
' ‘Thd v'oll .kho'Wn flnrt. olass side-wheel. Steamships
fonn a Weekly Line Dm the South and Southwest, one
o\ tteshipfisailiDgEVißY SATURDAY,at 10o’clock;
, ''.y* 705 BAY ANN AH. GA, .
v OaißLi{sP.'i£Aß3a>iAK,Oomihaiiaer,
Will receirifteightoh THURSDAY, Afcgast fltli, and
sail on SATURDAY, August Bth, at 10 o’clock, A.M. .
■ jrORCHABLBSTONiS.'O. ; t k ~
J . ~J<mz j, QAxvift y Commander, ,r. J
. ‘ irm (gafcWaj), August Ist, at 10; o’clock^
- -* And Savannah these ehJp# connect
with uteamers tor Florida' aud,H*vana, and, with r&U
rbada/Ac.ffOr All'places Jriihe South and Southwest. .
CftWaPaisageineithoEship..... ;;;V.420i
,^St|BflragAV { vvd<»/’'do.— &
•f Np freight refceim on Saturday morcloi. , .'
*'Habills of -lading Signed ufteriW'ihlp'tas ’salted. - ’•
* '
O. A. Greiner, ■ > i
- JJCR PIiORIDA f from Savannah, steamers St. MARTS
«udf&JoHNB.oveiy Tawday acdSaturdavr
: FOR FLORIDA, from Charieifeitt, 3 steamer oAfiOLl-
NAferefrjlaesday. s'-., i* ,V>: < St, , ,:W *\
i ,FOR. HAVANA, frorn-Charlestoa. steamer ISABEL,
oa;th'o4th AndlPth iif efeff’fcootb? ’ aol
F '
,;i»M A7IANTIO, CaptrOlirer BMHdtfe. . j ,• \
»nd •POM.'MM W" ore
unMueUed for elsgMiwlwl, comfort. -
"jariji-M and at gniitw.arH o Jiertlu eocpwf unless paid
cJ.tWs line lirtrj tjnpijyad, yfat«-t jght
ijtoeosjiit-'iwaßs.of amjn('(j > ■ <•
f-j®; 18 »
gatitnl»J'r Jr “ l r K i . Ms7' Wcdnesdstf Juiy.B 1657
Saturday, July 18,' 1867 Wednesday fJuly22,' .1887
*:&.■ -iffi
Saturday, Bept:lS ''' iBB7 Wednesday. gei>V 2,‘ 1357
, Batasd*y, Sept;,-1867 Wednesday Sept. 80 -1867
Saturday, Opt. .WAuWM, Wednesday Oct. 14, 1867
• Saturday, Ofem !a rIBW Wcdnesdoy Ofct; 28 "1857
. Saturdayi-Norr ■K-.rtf.MoT, Wednnaayi, 1857
gatnrdojrjVsy,.^, Wedneaday, N0v.;20, :1867
58 wiill street, if; y,
•v i'-Londojdv;- l >:>' V ---. •*
- ' 7—? •*» ■ , ~r-v . , ■
aoomiiPTo^/’‘ 'soutfiujiwosr.*
t'u . On Wednesday'
• holloa- H&yjft -.'’ -JulyBo
• Arago'. ■ v%-v ,; Ofik-ldjyaltoa t. • Oct. 23
i >?M: i IS jiAraga v„ s- j,. Nor. 10
. ;i '-, : ,' v /,. (,!pj>®a.*,» . -•• jPecr.U
' Tamo sMftnera.Tmtfv expressly for government serl
: vie©. wlthdpfible engines; ocder. deefc. everyl«ire, 'hn4
b*«»*eJkc>iklk4he eonstwietto'n'-'ot Still 4tfd mtofclnem
to infar&uro&nMl speed., water j
~,tight so that,,id
■thoeVeQf^niri^4r‘tt«^inVrtHo ; V&te^coal4
- Aot resell
..the aA^^psmngor#.would -be £«]
-oared. the sTaof
Gr&ris ; n&®£;fcf ThV ftcf
commo4»yiw,fiw>p!!BM«P@er9''ftrS) belayed I
• ever/ conmttaQd jeonrenfepce that can m desired. -. f
; ■' l ■ !PfMVfrMiYtfkm>B6vtkampum,Lef<:iiame. , ■ I
v ; f M
.or Southampton to,Nt\o York. i
first v.,.. ASOOj Secondsr<34bin' 5r <34bin' r - .’fAOO
' To w>idf.i /the**'* timers 'offei*
tlm “ lBd e2pe "n
voyage te.beaoht oh
. fcoaro tq^,|^)»!^ l :ttlUag, I .nuirked Ocelot?.?* ? Nb
passage secwsd eh tlI paid for, Ait experienced sargeoh
- onboard. d^wtfefffWlab^ipAiierSmQstpasstb’rongb
SIV i(SaHsaio.J. I
■; Jl'- J ? .40niU.*S, ,o*.
. tons, Oapfcaia rejOSpeddeh, will sail a/above. ,' ■..{.,
V fo'iinJ>ltL,
American >, fka^bgdfU'cT
T3QK; l6ti
' .'«»;»....,J8| '■
\ ; &caaaCa6majdd^fterage i Paa»enM|rBri«oifihwl with
\ '^tWons f
v- /- i. -SSr#lWte.<;f '.M 4 ' -" ,;, TT'
)■ wjoiattjr, ,«£-^r*«iiiiig4^
V'. wra|,ai Wni'ainlog'UW ’pages pf-
Wfediomcly hotmd.ifl
speak*? « <&Uok sjjutdbe wUlu I
fpl«whftWF#/VHl»'*ll-the i yotBi* scgllo&aUy claasliied,
| on &e4dattdnci Co™promise, a hUWiVtif tno&dmifcslpn '
i tiofc andifotyask*. the;
I er iittdTeßW»7’, id'facty Scything aprar
-1 talfiing;fe the iijiXftittt*, ineladltig
j tne 6Jienst-ofSJJf PP Kl^r
< MekSjwrlf j?rcsiffenSfitti*f^ltijlct i abls- 4
U Stags; #Ws
-4 tory ofJp%^i&agP« l>y JJadbpn’
) in and ihatof Oorernor,
i Wlk# iaj&iitltV’fhe iyttrateid SmJUou-Imfs,' and thilr
i .htBtos®&; OqroPr9§'jMt{pf ; -the, oeve^al
Ci VOL. I—NO. 3.
'Thp.flrat number of The .Pbess will,to-day,
be,.laid before the, public. T need scarcely
JJJP! a object and design oif this journal.
rivti.l e known by its fruits. My
anibitlon is to make a, thorough, newspaper,
jcomplote in' all;its 1 departments: to "address
myself to the Feasori'and'the patriotism of the"
.people! in a word, to supply daily a cheap,
trust-worthy and intelligent medium of popu
, ; lar ‘“formation. To accomplish theso results
! j wl H demand patient industry, large expendi
tures of money, considerable experience, and.
(the employment of varied ahUity. The belief
; ■ m t a newspaper conducted upon this plan has
> Jnever yet failed, determined ine upon the pre
’ ‘Sent undertaking. The hope' that there were
jtdany, very many, kind remembrances, pef
' ihyself; - here in' Pennsylvania, and
jelscwhere, irispired ; nie with additional confi-'
donee in it s success. The agree'bio relations
I :had sustained ! lo most of those engaged in
Journalism, during my long connection with
; that profession, reminded mo that this; if not
:always tho .most,.lucrative avocation, was, at
;least, ip. ray pwn mind, the, most, acceptable,
i because it re-opened .a field ,of independent
iadtioh.and hard, but edifying toil.. An ehtcr-
Spriso founded upon such motives cannot fail to
prosper; I have invested in it all that I have
in the world, and every effort and energy of
[wbioh' I am capable, shall bp enlisted to render
lit deserving of approbation and support.
; The Press 'will spent for itself on all tho
I great questions of the day. I havo already
announced (what, indeed; was universally and
justly anticipated,) that the political depart
ment of my paper.should be conducted Upon
Democratic principles. It is equally woll
fenown that the measures arid the men of the
present Administration at Washington have'
my/heartiest approbation. I havo known the
great statesman now- at the head of the Govern-’,
ment, arid acted in concert and confidence
withhim; ever since my flrft" youthih! as
sociation- in polities and editorial life.’ The’
most agroeablo services which it has fallen to
to-my Jit to perform, were those given to his
i cause. ---My attachment to him grew not more
■ from ..admiration of his: pnre und upright
i ohfltscter.than from-a prbfaund-regard for his
intellect, experience and patriotism.. It was
my. good: fortune, with .many. good men, to
assist, not obscurely nor,inefficiently, in crown
ing a hfo or usefulness and distinction to his
country, and himself with tho highest honors in
- the world;' 1 The fiuits of that result are already
; ripening for the Future. . The wisdom of the
■popnUr choice is übirig daily vindicated bytho
quiet and oontent which have followed the
stormy scenes of last year, as tho sweet sun
shipe .follows, tho destructive tempest.' Had
Mr. ! ’Buchanan 1 hat been, as' he was, my first
choice for President, arid yet approved liiinself
worthy of the high trust confided to his hands,
by itagahUng," respecting, -arid protecting the
rights of the citizen and therights of tho States,
I should have done every thing that-Cne inari
could, do to. uphold and to strengthen himjand to
gather.around him a united.,public opinion;
The perforwance.of that duty beoomos a proud
satisfaction, however, when...the; consistency,
dignity, arid ability of bis administration, are
so,tpany proofs that.ho well deserved .the per
severing and, enthusiastic, preference of those
gallant'ined,who: to his fbrtunos
through good report ' arid through evil' report,
during iso manydong years. ’
lam not writing as a partisan—l airi not
ambitions of printirig a mere party jiaper; for
while wltif firm frith arid urifritering footsteps
I wiU'tbUow constitutional principles to their
logical and legitimate conclusions, I shall at
the same .time sc-ek to Convince those who niay
differ from •. me,,by reason, 1 not by. recrimina
tion.—-by argument rather- than by declamation.
And lam confident that no man, looking at
Mr.; BuciuNAN’s .pdniinistratlon, -up to this
moment, with disinterested,and - elevated mo
tives,. will . deny, that that statesman has
achieved the,Presidency at an auspicious pe
riod fUr 'hls own fame, anu at a fortunate
moment for the welfare of the Republic.
C | f |) r c s s.
nation, j uresdiction', and latede-
" Everybody knows that tlio Government of
.the United States consists of three depart
ments, the Legislative, Executive, and Ju
icial. The/visitor, at : Washington has no
trouble ; in finding where the Legislative and
-Executive departments have their local habita
tion. - If ho wants to-see the President, there
stands tho White House. If it be money'that
he is after, that iriimfiiise grahite pile is the
Treasury buiiding. ‘ Yonder is the War Office
—riot far off stands the Navy Office, Mail,
.Steamship, dad Pacific Wagon R bad contracts,
are, to. be' let, in. that marble building called the
General-.;Post= Office- A little thither on'
-.Patents,' Pensions, Indian Affairs, the Public
Lauds," arid all tlio nniltlfarioushusiness of the
■ Interior, lire managed in tlio huge edifice, with
'ldrigporticos and lofty.columns,' that goes by
the general namp pf tlio Patent Office.. ,
~. High on Capitol HIU stands the Legislative
.department; its Senate .Chamber and.Repre-
Spntativeg'jaall, are.known to. every one, and
.its rotunda is daily thronged during the session
.of-Congress. ll ."
' •But wliere iii the Judicial departments of tho
government to be found ? In a little room, in
the bitsement 1 of tho .Capitol, under the Senate
.ChatriWr, trie judicial autbonty ,o£the United
;Sfftteß» from,December until March or April,
holds its isupromo 'swiy. , Truth ,is said to be
in a well: * Justice is here in-ft collftr. But
•when the new buildings of the Capitol shall be
finished, 1 ’Justice thayj perhaps, have a more
appropriate chamber. , . .
Jhe EKCcutive and Legislative departments
:°f the Federal Go.vepnmont, lbrjnany reasons,
‘ attract more attent ion; and; perhaps, arc better
by the publip thiiq the .cd-Ordtnate
Judicial department*. .’Tho Courts of Justice
established by: the Constitution, were termed
.by AiKXANDKE.,HAMitTos “ the bulwarks of a
limited. Constitution,” and this, department of
the Goyermneutacts, if silently, yet efficiently,
upon the general welfare. ‘
I. Its Organization’. — The judicialpower of
the United States,is yested, by.trie Constitu.
t ion, fn one Supreme Court, and in such inferior’
charts as the Congressmay from-time to time
'brdSijr Shd,estebl|sh,'. As at present organized,
. the Supreme Court consists of a Chief- Jus--
tide:aiid r cight Associate Justices, any five of
.whom may.constitute The Chief
jusiice.and Associate justieee uro appointed
by the president, by, and with; the advice and,
concept of . the innate, and hold thoir offices
during good behavior. This tenure of office
*'was*asubject of much discussion ’at tho forma.
.tlon ‘ of ’the Constitution,' find hostility has
' ttiat'iJmbj. in• VarlfrttS 'quarters, been’
, manifestedJl, Aboriginally 'org’ahized under
the act of Congress of Sept.’, 24th, 1789, the
Supreme,Court consisted of a/Chicf Justice
and jfiue Associates,,hut the number was in
creased to night; by the aetof 8d March, 1887.
It is doubted by some whether*' the efficiency
bi’ fhe"p6nrt ‘is not impaired' by the number!
;df its members • but as yet no difficulty in the
adinSriisfriitiori pf justico baa arisen from that
■ Thpj;Associate r Justices have precedence
according to the date of their commissions;
•or wHen the commissions’of two or inoro of
; - thbhi'bear date bn the same day, according'to
their, respective ages. -Five members of the
Court are from slayehohling States—four mem
bers arp irorn free’States. , The Chief Justice,
Hon. Hooke B, Taney, is,from the State of
Maryland, and,was,appointed in 1886. The
/Associate'Justices now on-the Benchjwere
appointed iffthe' following order •.
ilpn.Jno.Mcl.eah, of Ohio, appointed in 1829
“ “ James M. ’W’ajne, of Georgia, “ 1886
' “ John Catron; of Tennessee, “ 1887
“ Peter V. Daniel, of Virginia, « 1841
i- Samuel Nelson, of New York, “ * 1846
■f ” Robert C: Grier/ of Penn, j * ■ <£ 1H46,
, 'i*'.vßenj;-R.-Uurtis, of Mass.; “ 1861
, ,c John A. Campbell, of Ala., 1 1 “ 1858.
t Tho Chief Justice” has' ah' 'hnnual salary of
six thotttand' fiW'tariared dollars. The- As-
Juslicdi reeiiivd'sii thousand dollars ft
year. The Supreme Court holds but one an-
nual term, commencing on the first Monday of
,06.0 opxppz... ] V ' *
/ WSft 'passed September
iWkWiJ'&ql&Ntit ft# Judicial Coh'rts of
.the,,United States,”. Circuit Courts arid Din-
I trict Coucte were, established, their .respective
and jurisdiction defined, and thelt pram-
virßefd'afj'BOw qine Judicial*
-..10.-.iv.,.. ;
Oircriits in the United States, 1 which are res
pectively assigned to the several Judges of the
Supremo Court, and in which a Circuit Court
is held twice a. year by one of the Judges of
the Supreme Court and the District Judgo.
The Judicial Districts are forty-nine in num
ber; the District Court being held by the
Judge of the District, who, in most cares, ex
ercises also Circuit Court powers.
11. Jurisdiction. —Although tlio Federal
Courts are said to be of ,limited jurisdiction,
yet a wide range of subjects is embraced with
in their cognizance. -
The Judicial authority of the United States
extends— • : ...
First—To all cases in law and equity arising
Under the Constitution, laws arid treaties of
.the United States, and all cases affecting Am
bassadors,-other public Ministers and Consuls.
- Second—To all cases of admiralty and mari
time jurisdiction. . . ,
■ Third —To controversies to which tho Uni
ted States shall he a party. 1
Fourth— I To controversies between two or
more States; between a State and citizens of
another State; between citizens of different
States—between citizens of tlio same State
claiming lahdfl undergrants of different States —
and between aState; or the citizens thereof, and
.tbreign States, citizens or subjects.
Tlio Supremo Court has original jurisdiction
in all cases affecting ambassadors, other.priblici
ministers and consuls, and those in which a
State shall:ho. a party. In all the other.cases
before, mentioned the Supreme Court has ap
pellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact,
with such exceptions aridunder such regulations
aa Congress lias made or shall make. ’ Cases
coming wituin the original jurisdiction of the
Supreme Court seldom arise—a small number
only havo occurred since the organization of
the Government. But no judicial tribunal on
, earth has cognizance of so great a variety of
subjects as may be drawn before the Supreme
Court of the United States by its appellate
power. '
-Fifty-soyeri cases decided at the last term,
are reported in the 19th "volqme of Howard’s
Reports, - One of them, the fired Scott case, in
volved the discussion ofconstltntional questions
of great magnitude, that tbr many years have
been {he basis of organization by political
parties, sects and frictions, and drawing within
the scope of debate important principles of
natural, political and moral law. Othergcases
involved questions of admiralty, maritime and
commercial law—the rights; duties and relations
of administrators rind heirs; principal and agent; -
attorneys and courts; law titles under public
grants in Missouri, in Louisiana, in Cali
fornia; and ifnder Indian treaties—the general,
law of contracts, insurance, affreightment and
charter-parties—liabilities by tlio collision of
vessels, and marine disasters—the validity of
patent rights, the regulations of the Post-office,
and pensiojn claims—points of practice, plead
ing, and evidence; th a ttains of negroes, slaves,
and citizens; the rights of sovereign States, and
the powers of the General Government in its
several departments—all these were subjects of
adjudication by the Supreme Court at its last
term, arid serve, in some degree,, to illustrate
the, varied and extensive jurisdiction. of that
tribunal. Some of tho leading cases may be
briefly noticed. - J
III. Late Decisions or the Supreme Court
—The bred Scot case called Forth tho contro
versial powers of the Chief Justice, and of other
members of. the Court, and their respective
views ar(3 set forth witha vigor and force equal;
to the exigency of the occasion, and the high;
issues involved. - But as tho opinions have long
been bcforo the. public, it is needless horeto
recapitulate them.
Another case, Thomas et at. v. Osbern, was:
the subject of .dissent.. In this case thy ques
tion was wjipther g vessel employed under the 1
peculiar contract which, in the Hew England
ship-owning States, is familiarly termed “a
lay,” was subject to a Hen for repairs and sup
pliea- obtained in a foreign port. By such
cohtracts, which are often made orally rind not;
hi Writing, the owners agree with a mariner;
that he shall sail tho vessol, having command 1
of her'as master, and cinploy her in such
. freighting voyages as he sees fit; shall victual
and man her at his, own expense; that the,
owners shall keep tho vessel in repair; that
from the gross earnings are to he deducted all
port charges, and tho residue bo divided into
two equal parts, one of-which is to belong to.
the owners, and the other to the master. This
agreement may bo terminated by tho restora
tion of the vessel to the owners by the master,-
or by their intervention to displace him at the
end of any voyage, but not while conducting
any one which he had undertaken. The opin
ion of a majority of tho Court was delivered
by Mr. Justico Curtis, holding that in auch
case a lien -upon tho vessel for repairs nml
supplies, in: case of necessity, maybe created
cither in favor of the party ftirnishing the
repairs or supplies, or ono who lends money
on tho credit of the vessel, in case of necessi
ty, to pay the person furnishing them; that
the lien depends upon the existence "of neccs.
sity; but tha(i in this case such necessity did not
exist, and hence that there was no lien upon
the, vessel. '.The Chief Justice .delivered an
elaborate dissenting opinion, affirming that a
lien did exist; and Justices McLean and
Wayne concurred with him. The discussion
of maritime contracts and liens in the majority
1 and dissenting opinions is ono of more than
ordinary learning and interest.
In tHe case of tho United States v. Leßaron,
a curious question arose us to tho point of
time when an appointment to office takes effect.
A person was nominated by President Tay
lor, in April,lBso, for Deputy Postmaster at
Mobile, and the Senate confirmed tho nomina
tion. His commission was made out, signed
by the President, the peal of the United States
affixed thereto, and it was placed in the hands
of tlie General to be transmitted.
But before its transmission General .Taylor
•luafcuiton the Postmaster’s official bond,
it was held that “when a person has been
nominated to an office by the President, con
firmed by the Senate, and his commission has
been signed by the President, and the seal of
the United States affixed thereto, hiß appoint
ment to that ojfice ta complete. The trans
mission of the Commission to the officer is not
essential to his investiture of the office.”
An important construction of the word
“ children,” in the pension law, so as to em
brace grand children, was given by Mr. Jus
tice McLean, in the case of Walton et al. t>».
tiarttdh it aU Tho pension act of June 4th,
.1832, for the relief of certain surviving officers
of the revolution, provided that in cose of tho
of any person embraced by the act, pay
ment should be made to liis widow, or, if be
leave no widow, to his children. In delivering
the opinion of the Court, Mr. Justice McLean
said, “ On a deliberate consideration, of the
above statutes, we have come to the conclu
sion that the world children, in tho acts, em
braces the grand children of the pensioner,
whether their parents died before, or after, his
Two cases, wherein the opinion of tho Court
Was given by Mr. Justice Grier, have an im
portant bearing upon tliq California land claims,
under Mexican grants. In Peraltas case, it
was hold «that tho public acts of public offi
cers, purporting to bo exercised in an official
capacity, and by public authority, shall not
be presumed to have been usurped} but that
a legitimate authority lmd boon previously
&iven, .or subsequently ratified. The pre
sumption, arising from tho grant itself, makes
it prima facie evidence of tho power of the
Officer making it.” In the case of tho Pedto
rena grant, the Court said:—“ln construing
grants of land in California, made under tho
.Spanish or Mexican authorities, we must toko
into view the state .of. the country and the
policy of thb government} that, although such
monuments as hills, mountains, &c., might ap
pear’ ytx gue and uncertain to those who deal
out land by the acre, yet where land had no
Value, and the unit of measurement was a
leaguo/speh monuments were considered suf
ficiently certain* , Since this country has be
come a part of the United States, these exten
sive Janche fjraniSj, which then had little value,
— ,• : -t: ——
have n. - .become very largo andlvcry valua
ble esta. 1 They have Behn denounced 'as
“enormoh., monopolies, princedoms,” &c,,
and this Court havo been urged to deny tp tlio
grantees wlut, it is assumed,
ernments havo too liberally and lavishly grant
ed. Tills rhetoric might brivo a just irifiu
ence, when those who havo a right to'
givo or rclrise. But the United States,have
hound thomselves, by a treaty; to acknowledge
and protect all bona fide titles granted by the
previous government; and .this (Joint. liaytj' no
discretion to enlarge or curtail such nts.
to suit our own sense of-propriety, or; do that
just claims, however extensive, by stringcrit
technical rules or construction, to which,they
were.not originally subjected.” ;- e■ -
Important principles, decided !n other hates
at the last term of the Court,
tho subject of future notice. * ' it'.’’.
1 . U'l'HT. a rfftq;.,,,
Devoted os “The Presj” will be ‘fo. tlio.
rights and interests of every part of ot,t glo
rious Union, it will not overlook thoso'df ojjr
beloved Pennsylvania. Her people aW.-fier
prosperity will ever J/o watcltcd riitjriiU
the warmth, of,"feeling arid jealousy .wjcS&e,
that spring from the affectionate heart- ef a
son who loves her better thari' 1 all thtj'ArßHd
beside. Her sister States, old and
should honor her for her fidelity in airtimes
of trial—her unselfish devotion to the zoodtf
the whole, without regard to her ownJparil
ular interests. This disintercstednesS;«Jiall
only stimulate us the more to see that justice
is done her. There shall bo no "pail rif her
territory—no portion of lie" people, tlwiwjll
not find in “The Press” a steunch fricjql.;.. .
To enable Us to do full justicsto tiio rsriens
interests of the State, we expect our frlcrids
in (.‘very part of it to givo us their coysriint
as istanee in the way of communications and
co responde'nce; and though wo may riot be
able at all times to give their;
to the publje in full, wo will endeavor tffiijq tm
full justice to them ns our columns WiiL per
mit. Our desire is that all old and cstaVMsfied
interests shall bo property attended i'd/inid
that now ones, that may from time to time be
proposed or developed/shall riot be nbgterited.
Many of these, from their,every
liarity to the local press, are. not deeded of
particular interest to their readofs, whip no
tices thereof in other parts'of theStatC'njlght
be of great benefit to those c,onceriie/I,'and
would always be. interesting, to the general
reader unacquainted with',the facts. Ti> sucii,
“ The Press’,’ will give diu: attention.' :'; ',
Many oftiie old productions of the. JOitand
of the manlifactiires of portions of tliti "State
are very llttlo knori-n beyond their ffflriiCTllate
locality; and many,are oonatantjy
whose character and extent ate .eqnftJjiLtUft,
known. How few in eastern PennSylvasiataiiA
fully aware cf the vast increase withift'ai frw
years, in tho productiveness, wealth, aritj.tritie
of tho western part of tho State! Its commu
nion with the frr-West through the Lakes,
dm™ the Ohio, and along tho canals and rail
roads, must bo seen on the spot to life frilly
appreciated. The same may bo said of [north
ern Pennsylvania, and of bor trado down tho
Susquehanna, and along her canals atid' ! Yail-i
roads. Tho development of her vasj! tjoal
tields. is perhaps hotter known; but evori.'thU
Is not fully appreciated by the people of other
parts of the State. <" Her lmvo many a just Idea
of the number of iron-works that have sprung
up all over the iron regions of Pennsylvania—
along the Susquohanna, on tho banka'of the
Lehigh,, on tlio waters of the Alleghany, arid hi
neariy -every mountain, aqd ou ulmost cyery
valley penetrated by her canals and railroads—
and where have they not penetrated I— making
cities to rise, and tho desert places (o biosgom
as tho-rose. How-few, areii in Phlfadfelphia,
are aware of the number of mariufrctories'that
liavc arisen, and are now tilled with irinehlnorv
and busy men, around'our dwri city ami its
neighboring towns! ‘Ail this yast and rapid
incroaso of productiveness, and of facilities for
transportation, to markets, bait been growing
up almost' silently and unnoticed. « The
"Press” will givo it a tongiiq, tliat tlio world
may know what Pennsylvania is doing.
And to. Philadelphia—the birth-place and,
home of “The Press”— our columns will bo
ever open. IVhcro is tlio patriot that is not
proud of the political position of Philadelphia ?
She lias always been national, and for that
reason is she now democratic. Where is tho
Pennsylvanian,., or the Philadelphian, that
should bo other than proud of her prosperity 1
Sho may not boast a foreign commerce equal
to that- of Bostoi), New York," or New Orleans.
But what of that ? Is sho any less prosperous,
than those cities—or is her prosperity on any
.less sure a foundation? Philadelphia has been
growing in numbers and wealth as fast, if not
faster, than any of tlioso cities, whoso com
merce is greater. At tho present day, no city
on tho Atlantic, rind few in tho West, can pre
sent so many substantial evidences of pros
perity. Whole acres of fine, substantial
buildings are going up within her borders, for
manufactories and workshops, as well as for
private residences.
, Let no Philadelphian, therefore, repine.
Let our merchants try to got as much foreign
tradoaS they can, profitably, and « The Press”
will give them its heart)” support—hut let uq,
one and all, look to our own domestic com
merce, our manufactures, arid, most of all, to
our workshops”—these are the true sources
of our prosperity and our wealth.
Submission of State Constitutions to the People.
Tho opposition of tho Sro-entere of tho South to
the manifestly only just proposition of submitting
tho Constitution of Kansas to the people. )ifis led
to some disoussioh as to what has boon tbo usual
course adopted in the different States of the Union
In -respect to their Constitutions. The following
table was made up by tho Boston Journal, and is
believed to be correot:
Michigan, Nov. 5, 1850
N. Jemey, Aug. 13, 1844
N. York, Nov. 2, 1840
N. Carolina, Nov, 9, 1835
Ohls,Junol7, 1952
Jt. Island, Nov. 21-23,1841
Tonneßsce, March, 1635
Texas, Oct. 13, 1855
Virginia, Oct. 23-4-6, ISSI
WidtJon.Hin, April, 1848
California, Nov. 13, 1349
Connecticut, Oct. &, 1316
Ge’gsa, Ist MoQ. Oct. 1839
Illinois, March 7, 1848
Indiana, Aug. 4, ' 1851
lowa, Aug. 3, * 1840
Kentucky, 1850
Louisiana,'Nov. 2, 1852
Maine, 1820
Maryland, June 4, 1851
Massachusetts, 1780
Missouri, July 19, 1820
New Hanip., Bep7, 1792
Pennsylvania, , 1838
South Carolina. 1790
Vermont, 1850
Alabama, 1819
Arkonßßß, Jim. 4, 1830
Delaware, Dec. 2, 1831
Florldu, 1839
Mississippi, October, 1632
It appears, thoreforo, that twenty-one States
have had their Constitutions submitted to the
people, and ten have not. If there is any mlstako
In tlio above table, it consists in reckoning thoso
which have not submitted their Constitutions to
the people.
In New Hampshire, 185], audio Delaware, 1853,
pew Constitutions woro submitted to the people
and rejected. In, fact, thoreforo, their presont
Constitutions, however originated, have been spe
cially accepted by tho people. These would make
twenty-three popularly ratified Constitutions in
tho Utmitm, to eight, nt tho most, deriving'their
authority sololy from Conventions. — Exchange.
The reforiued Constitution of tho State of
Pennsylvania teas submitted to the people in
October of 1538 4 and was adopted by undeci
ded voter. • By that instrument’ it is provided
that any future amendment of the Constitution
must first be adopted by two successive Legis
latures, and then submitted to a popular vote
at a subsequent election, and if this voto ap
proves the amendments, they shall bo incor
porated with the Constitution. Tho principle
that, a majority of the people shall control,
now contended against by a portion of our
countrymen, in the case of Kansas, is tho
most sacred element of our political system,
Without which we should bo tho prey of mis
rule and anarchy In every State of the Union,
Hon. T. L. HAnsis.—Wo regret to learn
from aparagraph In tho Cincinnati Enquirer that
Hon. T. L. Harris, of Illinois, has boon attacked
with hemorrhage of tho lungSj and thnt his life 1b
in a very precarious situation. .’Mr. Harriß, it will
.be remomDorod, was eleoted lost year to the noxt
Congress.— JV. Y- Times /
editor of the Astronomical. Journal an
nounces tho disoovory of a new comet, by Dr. 0. H.
P. Peters, at the Dudley Observatory in Albany,
at ratdnight of tho 20th and 27th of July, At that
time, its right ascension was 3 hours, and 45 ; ml*
nutos, hud its declination 5$ deg. north. Ills quite
faint, and Us motion Is increasing the right ascen
sion by about 20 minutes, and diminishing the do*,
olinatlon by about l deg< daily.
j -, How a Hustle Enjoyed Himself there*
Editor: —Having read the most vivid de
scriptions of pleasure, and the most astonishing
instances of personal benefit derived frtftn the con
genial and. select associations, superb”
bathing of Cape May, I came to the.oonoiudQß to
'realize for myself the blissfql
in old oceau, and eqjoy; the 'mony, advantages of
pleasure, dispensed herewith sach;aiayUhhaad./
jAfter having been, snubbed repeatedly for my afay
.aPhome propensity, and boing -voted out of the
•small circle of my frieods, who left-some time si mm.
jfo* this renowned resort, X was finally induced, out
;of oompunoUud for my obduracy, end from, a desire
|to' redeem my past short-coinings, to .visit, for the
first .time .in my life, the sCene which 1 had pie
itnreddo'ihyself tea real “Fountain of Youth.”
i i j Bnt, Imntrt oonfesa .that my p re-conceived no
ftlonB of a popular bathing-place were about as
| ntef .the reality' te the ihncbwy imaginings of a,
.midnight dretutu.' It impressed me, at first sight, 1
encampment of idol atom) with Foshioh for a
[shri^oh-which Sheonly sacrifice to be offered U
Money. ThereVa I ppiri^f^rivalryhero for the
aku of the moat
[fa sjri on ri sobsorved with the greatest ligor; her
■ votaries are Oxpeoted to be so etherealized as to
J reqnlre no and so Insensible
; to;the. hjqulrements of btohon nature, that deep
ileelfmnjt boa matter of bnttflvial Importance,
| coMparedwith those rapturously dulifctftful hops In
| a’Stile of scmi-niidity through the smalt Kdars of
with the thermodieter'soaring
|nineties, add' revelling amid visions of “Gor-'
;goni, hydras, and chtmeraadire,” until, worn out
i by the hops,* anxieties and nightmares of the sea*
i «u, they have the crowning satisfaction of footing'
the MBs; which, tbahhs to their good papas, (which
in f Boeioty signify pa pays,) they are generally able i
to dOy Uut thi> hour for bathing has come, and '
, sudh a Scene! 'As far as the eye can reach, squads
of bathers;-in platoous, double and single file, and
telulon dressed a la Ilighlauder, look as if about
to make a conquest of the oooan itsolf. Uow, bear
with me, if you please, a few moments, white I
make a fow observations. There, an old feiiow,
With the borpot eal dimensions of A Lambert, seeks
to TCerult his shattered hoalth in the briny wares.
llcVa, t}io fast ,'oiing moil, fresh from his mint jn-'
leps; brandy sm.ftoa, gin cocktails, his midnight
orgies and libertino saturnalia of olty life. Yon
der,' the'pale-faceil lody, from the lap of case and
luxury—an Inanimate ohrysiilifl ‘ wrapped up in a
butterfly's wings, whose greatest effort at exoroiße
has been plying the needle at some tissue embroid- '
ory, or doing a littlo shopping on ploasant after
noons, In the fashionable promenades of the city.
But, lo! there goes the dandy, that burlesque on
humanity, an Indistinot outline of something like
tho shades of the departed, with'logs attenuated
until they vanish into tho nonentity of homrnpa
thio sdnp. The onlydistinotivo feature about him
lifa ,nft Of hair, tho oultivaiion of which bps cost
tiiiu many months of care and solicitude, and many
iutecloufl shillings, which would have beeu more
prontahly invested in the purchase of a spelling
btfolc, o’r gono' lo tho poeketa qf his landlady,
wtat a pity that Old Ocean should ever ongulph,
iUjlils waves, h ereilnre which, baffles tho skill of
%S. b J> !ts ttapWl
logW to give it a name. ' "
' But the character of tho bathing multitude ia so,
varied, that wp cannot do jmtico to the pictute.
let us for a moment watch tho buffeting, plung.
Iriff,! strangling, coughing, sneciing, swimming
sdone lwfore us, while ever and anon the surf
broak4 ''vor them, rcgardlo'ss aliko of tho high and
the w “ What a pity," I hear one say by my
side, “ that society can’t have the exclusive nse
bf thq oooan during the, season, as I do dislike to
bathe with a mixed company.” Ah! yos, dash on
old oceanj and nosh by the same wave these “ vul
gar urltzanx" and the fatchoali from tho love
leeks ortho codfish aristocracy. Could some modem
Elisha stand oh the beach, and bid tho bathing mul
titude drop its moral stains, liko tho leprosy that
dropped from Is. oWn's skin in thewatorsof the Jor
dan,what a time thore wonld bo. My imagination
pictures a scene whioh I am almost afraid to des
cribe. Methinks tho blood ,of avonged innocence
Would lingo tho waters, the tears of penitential an
guish would make thorn as hitter as the streams of
Marah,—those awfully exorbitant “shaves” wonld
come raffling from the pockets of the usurer, and
thhetnshlng Weight of brokers heart* would foil ]
from tho conscience of tho libertine,“-last of all,
with cverjr stay and hoop braced, would float far
out on the roaring main tho gowg&wq and *• super
fluities of naughtiness,” from the fashionablo
belle., The plunge is over, and dripping with
brine, they toddle liko half drowned rots to per
form the great desideratum of the drama. They
leave tho eurf ns social beings, and as portions of
a common humanity, only to clothe themsolvea
with tho marks of distinction, and to assume an
ejclusivoness, which implies that the different de
grees of human excellence depond upon the caprice
and prldo of pecuniary fortune. Tho ward
robos are ransacked for tho latest Paris cut,
Brocades, Moire Antiques, Point D’Alencong, and
tho most gaudy Bilks stretched around enormous
hoOps, flash, fluttor, and gracefully undulate under
tho Influence of a vital undertow. Tho Innume
rable scolloping?, flouncing*, frillinge, gnarlings,
and crotahetings of this conglomerate mass of
Fashion, only afford hooks, as it were, to hang on
tho most costly wares of the jeweller. Gold breast
plates, broad us tho shields of tho ancionts, flash
in the sunlight, and protect tho target of Cupid
from the insidious darts of the gold-seeking ama
teurs that so plentifully abound here. Million
aires, all important and exolusive, strut in full
consciousness of tholr unsullied reputation on
’Change. Men, with fortunes well nigh established,
essay to oast aside tho anxieties of a life-time, and
assort their claim sto a free range of tho charmed
circle. Politicians are bobbing around toseohow
extensively they are known. Progressive clorgy*
mer, socking an invitation to address an audieneo
of the fashlonabloo, with a view to a future “call,”
are dispensing their ministerial bows in a manner
more tasteful than devotional. Bankers, brokers,
shavers, and patent modicino makers, with repu
tations to establish and mixtures to Introduce,
commingle togothor in tho monotonous, yot ever
varying routine, in whioh tho moving principle is
money, money ! But the almighty dollar is so po
tent here, I have concluded to get ready to loavc
* the Booties of pomp and Bbow. And now, having
tasted tho luscious viands of Cape May, and re
alized some of the beneficial effeots of its salt wa
ter, I am enabled to give ft few plain directhmsfor
tho obsorvunco of all rustics like myself. First,
you should enrry with you as muob jewelry as
portable, oven if you hnvo to borrew it, as it will
enhnuoo your reputation vastly. Never mind a
seedy beaver or threadbare make-ups, as the ro
mfintio holies will take you for a “wandering
minstrel,” or a foroigu Count, travelling
ntto. You will hear all manner of complimentary
remarks on your di&tingut appearance—be stared
at through Innumerable opora'glassefl, receive any
number of invitations to attend the re-unlons of
knobdom—bo bowed to by all flunkeyism, and, in
short, yon will be led to believe that you are some
body. Secondly, in supplying your purse with the
“ needful” for the trip, multiply tho current bill of
expense by two, adding one-third of the produot
to this sum for “corkage,,’ waiters’ bribes,”
“shooting,” “ ten-pins,” 40., and you hav: tho
; amount necessary to give you a sight of the Drama
of High Life, with streaks of Low Life, now and
then trying to “ mix in.” Thirdly, and lastly, if,*
altar you have returned, you have a fow shillings
left, go to tho first bookstore and buy The Book, a
sight of whioh you never got at Capo May, in.
which, for your comfort, you will find written,
“ All is vanity and -vexation of spirit
Yours, salted and cured,
Cape May, August 4,1857.
[Correspondence of Tho Ptobb.)
Wear Chester, August 1,1857
The Press, Dear Colonel, reached us in the
morning mail of to-day, ahd wo are all charmed
with its clonn and beautiful face. Wo have gath
ered around the first uumbor a coterie of your
friends, and all have pronounced it an “institu
tion 1 ’ that must bo kept upon tho topmast jWeii of
popular favor. You are well awnro that your cor
respondent hassouio little experience in looking at
nowspapors, and he is ghul to say that nothing has
passed in review before him evincing suoh excel
lent taste as tho meohnnioal department of Tin:
Press. Every part of tho pappr is handsomoly
made up, and the vignette and head are highly
“ The Editor to his Readers" rings clear, and
the sentiments contained therein cannot fail to
moot tho approval of every honestDoraocrat In tha
State, or elscwhero, while their is not a word that
Can be rightly objected to by any ono. There Is
one thing In it thnt will oauso some men no little
Chagrin. You know how industriously it hasboen
attempted to create the impression that you had
personal grievances against Mr, Buchanan, and
therefore tho establishment of Tkh Press. Your
handsome tribute to the great Pennsylvania States
man, and bis thus far successful administration,
will lay a cold hand on tho who have originated
these unfounded oharges.
We'have considerable excitement here this
morning, in regard to a man who was shot dead
by a oonstable of our borough, named Wm. Lynch.
It appears that a man, named Baugh, living some
eight or nine miles north of this place, yesterday
stabbed a negro with a pitch-fork, and followed
him with tha intention of killing him. An attempt
was made by the offleera In'the neighborhood to
arrest I Baugh, but he defied them, and . ehoVed:
ao much pugnacity, thaltbov abandonodtheldat of.
ceouring him. Word waa sent to Mr,Butler,tke
District Attorney, and he secured the aerricca of
Milton Bayman and Wail' Byuch, onr town con
stables, to 'make the arrest, who left tieke this
morning, at 8 o'eldck, to aeoure'B»UgS and bitifc
him to Jail. - they ’{band' hfat trt tte "!rtod't>ile ’
near hit hpsae, and upon the
tho arreat, ha nude atXaytaian: vith adut. and,
tpadp. u horribi»jgiglt :ln hit; neokr .OlittiWt ftfcl
JW I**nodlfarlnghlaatii 1 **nodlfarlnghlaatii fiiye,
m<Mt preoarioua *te}e., hrnoh, acejlnh kJi-dtagßr.
drew arevblrer. and’ Bangh aOemnW,
totrreatit/rottthltit. ‘Thiy'atntrfedTor » V»ei
add etdengthi ahaind'hi^Wdti'ltWidih't'
parilf *bt th|:.dttpnrad6Mifaro«kh the
the*Saata«f hhkh He
iseryoung,.mao, «f mfeliaMjcMr*M«jtfaa?ilu<i
" ingfl^-
rsX etotilf ihtiA&i tiii
sbill her* ah htti& 'Gn •
‘ttfcs br STr.
Distfat' wilt thw-
repeating their wnfiftfoo*
In eomjlMiop, you, ,up*q th«pri* !
visage of own .bread bnttcx hj
your jitofesston., ~ ~* , j . : 1
• WibM ‘
>„ t. August 1,1857.'
/Washington is » doll aaGbld«nith> debited
It U itrange the city daring
ehThery.bfthto grtat" j«,' moving *ltu
bt hotw and
confusion skWAdJketoeprtrfband &iU k>t the in-'
vector 1 and Gw afchiWfct* *bd thb experiehdebf the
great »nglitoarwk> \ Orlftwfo ifcropila&ma.' The
olerk* are at theft *arfi«rfdfetk« ; vac anih alto
at Oongws* re-echo toAh, Oecawanal fooUall Jrihe
hotel* arefioiitory,*eye W9- d « 8 ofigo
hwiftr chews bto cpff, of ? sweet and hitter
The fashionablel*dfts,are copUiu their browaafc
distant watering-places. f The
nearly ull out of town.' And jroratofali,
deptia absent '. What a plabe for too may
well oak. X might as aobh and as try
to find pearls, in this straetsas ndtSel informa
tion ;or get Secretory Cobb to pay's baftclaltit; or
:Induce Judge Black tdgite mean cpinhpthatwas
not conscientious; or ask General Oglito; diaclosd
hia State secrets. I have, one or two t
matters to tolk about. ..,• • * . f ,/k ; r
An effort is being made by Yorker* tQ
induce the President to reconmygifl , the erection,
of asplondid Post Offioe in thl|grfaicity. The
whole cost of site andbuilding^ wfiflrfJt leis than 1
two millions. An oppropriatXjh' of flve iiimdred
thousand dollars was made ltstXTohkreM to
this object, and President ‘Plato* biff' partfy'oon
oluded to buy theeitoaf Bralk Ghyrlh
l think, four.hundrpd fffty
From this fact, it;wQuld/Eeem, u if the pretoAt a.f*.
fort might lueceed. hear that .Secretory ;Qohb
has determirmd wt’ (9 go on .with .any of these
.groat onterpt&er nntil' Congress has appropriated
j the, wbotom the money reqd^red.; There' Is no end
''to expenditures •of a contingent ctiaVahter The
New Orleans Custom 1 House, now* and for years’
past, in the course of construction* is a perfect
selva in this way. Its vast proportions would salt
Now .York, with their commerce of n world, rather
than New Orleans; but as the work has progressed
it must he finished, no, matter at what cost.: .
Tiia extraordinary excitement in thp West, pro
daced by the late sales of the public lands, has
Withdrawn an enormous amount of Cf pttal from the
East. Wo congratulate ourselves abnhdant
hfirVests, and, per cotuegiience, an Improved busi
ness in the fall and winter. But this u.'ay hot be ft
safe calculation after alb
What is curious in this business of speculating in
land; to the fact, that, at no point have larger for
tunes .been mude in the purchase of real estate, than
In Washington. Many of opr richest citisena have
boon indebted to their good lack In this respect for
their wealth. Mr. who dispenses such
generous charities, has mod* Immense sums in this
way. And, when Government shall 'complete the
oqoeduoi and‘ the Capitol, dstff threw a bCaatife
bridge over tlro Potomoc, w ft should doaioitod,
and. liberally, the rate of property will take anew
stprt. There to a vast umouqt of l*nd yet to he had
at low figures, particularly on “ the Island,” whieh
is bound to be greatly appreciated before many
years have rolled round, Solitaire.
Death has recently been dealing aome heavy,
blows at the officers of the Navy, dropped and not
droppod, furloughed and not furloughed. Within
tho last ten days five of the gallant fellows have
paid the debt' of nature and gone to that bourne
from whence no traveller returns. '
“Life Is short and time Is fleeting,
Anl our hearts though stout and brave,
Still like muffled drums are beating,
Funeral marches to the grave. 1 '
Captain Newton, Captain Henry, and Lieato
nantsTotten, Deoatur and Wane hare been sudden
ly stricken down. Captain Newton was a bravo,
accomplished and polished officer, and was, at the
timo of his death, President of one of the Courts
of Inquiry now sitting in this city.
Many of the retired, furloughed and dropped
officers, victims of the late famous board of fifteen,
have lost a true and tried friend in the sudden
death of Captain Newton.
C»pt. Henry had been dropped from tho service
by tho fiat of the board of fifteen, and It may be
that mortification and his wounded feelings, in
consequenoo, hastened his death.' He had many
friends here and in Philadelphia.
The three Courts of Inquiry are proceeding at a
snail-like pace, and will, no‘doubt, consume the
balance of the year 1857 in making their investi
gations. How many of the injured officers will be
recommended for restoration, or how many will be
ultimately restored, nobody can now predict or
foresee. There has been some tall and vehe
mently hard swearing before these courts, far
transcondlng anything in that line ever before
listened to by our oldost advocates. The officers in
the navy are too jealous of each other.
There is no truth in the report of Hon. J. Portor
Brawley’s haring been appointed Sixth Auditor of
the Treasury, in tho place of Mr. Phillips.
There is muclf speculation as to who will receive
the post of Commissioner of Patents, mode vacant
by tho resignation of Judge Mason. S. S. Shu
gort, of Pennsylvania, the present efficient Chief
Clerk of the Patent Office, the accomplished Col.
fleorge W. Hughes and J. B. H. Latrobe, of Mary
land, are among the names wo hear mentioned for
the place of Commissioner. Mr. Shugert has fre
quently acted as Commissioner, during the long
absences of Judge Mason from, his post, much to
the satisfaction of all having business with the
Patent Office.
Chos. Lanrnan, late private Secretary to Daniel
Wobstor, and a clerk iu the State Department,
was to-day appointed to a $l6OO Clerkship In the
Dcpnrtraont of the Interior, in place of A. W.
Wo hoard Mr. Buehanan say the otbt>r day that
there wore 660 applicants for Consular positions.
It is the President’s intention to make no foreign
appointments until the meeting of Congress, ex
cepting only the three or four vacancies that have
Wo are all looking, with much interest, for
“Tui: Pjikss.” It isthought that a large number
qf subscribers will be secured for it in this city.
The Tenth Legion —lVArtt Counties compose it—Their
Vote in 18W —Natural Advantages, Scenery, <J*c. —■
Its Principal Toions—Agricultural atul Mineral
Resources—Canal and Railroatl Connections—Bank
ing Capital , s*c
The « Tenth Legion” has acquired sp wide
spread a reputation throughout tho country lor
the signal and unswerving devotion it has dis
played to Democratic principles, that a short
sketch of some of Its prominent features may
not bo uninteresting to your readers. Pre
vious to the last Congressional Apportionment
the counties of Northampton, Carbon, Monroe,
Pike and Wayne, formed the T**nth Congres
sional District of Pennsylvania, and from this
circumstance tho name “Tenth Legion,”,
(which is, perhaps, to some extent, an imita
tion of the same term applied to the strong
Democratic District of Virginia,) originated.
The same counties are united together as a
Congressional district under the present appor
tionment, but now constitute the .thirteenth
district. Lehigh County, although associated
in a Congressional district with'Bucfcs, is con?
nected with Northampton Judicially and Sena
torially, and with Carbon 1 in a Representative
district, and Is, therefore, generally included
in the term « Tenth Hegionj” These counties
form the Gibraltar of the Democracy of PemW,
sylvania, and usually - present an aggregate
Democratic majority greater than tha&ifSfiF
Berks herself. at tho Octoi& q ai3
November elections of JB6O was jMysj[jo W g, <r
Oriohr, . .dftertrfoiy- *.'i
Scott. Cock. Budffin/Witliwu' -felmtr
Carbon .1,691 938 wß*'‘ n *<g 2 u -
Monroe, ~..2,047 .60/ MO
Northampton.... 4,664 v 2.Bm gmq 1 $3B 1168
Pike .....A.. 816
Wayne, ..2,192 2,066 2,269 118 2:172
LcW ff h » 4,420 122 ' 8^231
iMrt 0,811 16,94 s 2,613 8,099
It is not uhturasi with bitter opposition par
tisans, whty hhow nothing of tfus region, to
Washington, August 1,1857.
Easton, July 80, 1857,
mountain rti. _
iWlth beaut 1111 l grid delicious train, : • 11
; The'LeglOticanbdast bf some of tfcis w>W
iloarllhingtatvn* in the eomttry. Among them*
are ; Easton,, Allentown, i flonpsdnlg, .MaSfiit
Chunk,. Hetblehem,, Cstefiequs,. Stropdsbqji,
ana MufptC besides small vOUka. ’ To*
give ’ e'ThVashort' description iirtbe*»pttti*i
wotfld ‘ ffatoeeHd * the l HtfaUs -with!n Whi<*thi»,
letter: shduld bedamflafei.; Easton, TTnnnrttbilli
and Maueli Chunk bgvg. Jpug.beeoJkpown,M
““WSSift* WS State/
and Bethlehem as one orthe most beantiftil and
delijfhtfurpladk of'shitonS rbsort.I’-'Aipreteut 1 ’-'Aipreteut
Alfeiltowh •and’ Caiaaaqttiare lihprdvlngwfry
rapidly. :> m . i.-.t na
i' There are very. ftiw districts of pqiul extent,
Which, cap bp»st of , 30 fliany. flourishing towns
as the Jenth Legion.' Their prosperity can
only bo 'accounted lor by the Varieiana pro
fitable employments of* its cltisensi '*lt is rich
alike inagrieutoiraland mineral resourcea, and
annually produces an.immense amountpfgraio.,
lron. Mauch Chunk is, the outlet of
the great Lehigh coal region, gnd Carbon
county a'grcat field of dial operations, while
the Lackawanna cbal finds its way to market
through Waynh andMonroecounta. - Lehigh
county abounds in. Iron ore,.; The Crane Iron
Works, at Catasaqua, are said to be the largest
establishment for,smelting Iron lit the Dufed
State;/ Thire' are ,als6 e’ttenslve * iron wbnu
and mimerourf lninuftftoHcß of VkriOUsteidS
in ; Nortliaraptohconnty. Among than arm the:
; Lehigh Zinc Works; at Bethlehem. Large slate
.queries are .profitably worked in Northampton
counties, and numerous extensive
;tanneries,' saw-mills' and lumberfngesfablish
nientaareiii operation in' Carbon, Mchrofe, Pike
iand'-Wayne'icounties: ' You will,. therefore^
: readily pereelve that the Industrial pursuits of
, tho. Legion are at once of a yeryexteosive,prol
sfijable and ivarled character. ,
TJntil withih a few years past, Comparatively
.fewpubllfc Improvement# were edrmected with
the Tenth Legion, The Delaware and Hudson
Canal tapped it at tho Noith, andtbb Delaware
Division of the, Pennsylvania Canal, commoting
with tho Lehigh Canal frpm Mauch Chunk to
Easton, and with the Norris Canal, at the South.
The two" former Improvements have, for a long
period, been the most profitable In the eonntyj
and have each ordinarily yieided ixom twelve
to fifteen per cent, upon the* ppst.of their,con*
struction. Recently, howpvnya great, addition
has been made to tho facilities of commuhiCi
tlon.' The NewYorkand Erie Railroad aklrts
the Northern sehtion.' The Delaware, Lacked
wanna and Western Railroad .'passes, tbroogb
Monroe county, ...,It.ccmcefttS,on. the East with
Railroads extendidgto New York and Philo-'
delphia, add On'thbWCßtWith - the New York
and Erie. Railroad at Great Bend., The Lehjgh
Yalley, Railroad has been constructed (Torn
Mauch .Chunk' to Easton. It connects at
Easton with Railroads to New York and Phila
delphia,and also at Bethlehem with the North
PomiSylVoala Railroad,runfcingfrom that point
ttymir oity. A complete net-work ,of great
lines of freight jUtd traveltfaus intersects thy
Legion and connects it with the , commercial |
centres of theUation. N o porrionof the coun
try is better supplied with such facilities. ,
Wlthlii the last five or six years a remark-1
able increase has been made in our Banking!
capital, formerly we had bnt two Banks— j
the old Easton and the Hbnesdale Bank.' The'
capital of both of them has been increased,.'
and In addition, tho new Easton Bank, the Al-!
lentown Bank, the Catasaqua Bank, the Mauch I
Chunk Bank, and the Strondsburg Back have'
been established. )
Altogether, the Tenth Legion has so much;
to be proud of, and bears within herself so,
many germs of prosperity that her people can!
well afford to treat with contempt the calum
nies of her traducers. Great in her agricul
tural and mineral wealth, she is equally so in
the intelligence, virtue, and patriotism of her
industrious aud enterprising citizens. Long
may she continue in her honorable and useful
road of progress, swelling the. aggregate
wealth of the nation by her rich industrial
products, and proving in all times of peril andj
emergency a steady bulwark of protection toi
he cherished institutions of the country. !
Yours truly, Dslawjlae.
There can be little doubt'that we are rapidly
approaching another “ era of good feeling” in
politics* Factions seem to have worn themi
selves out with over-excitement. At least
one of the old parties has been dissolved, and
is now in a transition state. The two oppoj
sition divisions of “Republicans” and “Ame
ricans” arc engaged In moderating or remod
dling their respective platforms, in deference
to public sentiment. Meanwhile, the Kansas
dispute is rapidly reaching the point of settler
ment. The great principle, “shall tho ma
jority of the people of Kansas decide ?” is
broadly at issue in the territory* It is no
longer difficut to predict the result* The bel
ligerent extremes are daily yielding to it, as
well in the territory as in the country. How
this principle is operating, the following ex
tracts will show:
Prom the Philadelphia North American, {Republican.}
The Free State Party in Lawrence is any thing
but a unit, though many persons suppose it to be
compact and harmonious. There seems, in fact,
to be there a New England and a Middle States
faction, each contending for the mastery. An.
election for delegates to tho Topeka Convention
was held in Lawrence lutelv, and some five hun
dred votes were polled, the Yankee ticket suc
ceeding by bare forty majority. A letter from a
person in the interest of that to a New
England paper, speaks of the opposition candi
dates as being supported by Walkkb’s friends.
The truth,is, that tne rally was made by men whb
had been' abused by tho followers of Dr. Robin
son, because they happen to be somewhat more
pr&ctioal in their ideas. We did not suppose that
in the New England head-quarters, at Lawrence,
the opposition was so strong. The two men there
who chiefly lead, aro Geo. W. Bbowk, the editor
of the Herald of Freedom, a Pennsylvania emi
grant, and Marcus J. Parrott, a South Carol(-
nlun. This is not the sort to be intimidated, and’
those who undertook that business are well satis
fied of it. Parrott, though in a minority Ip
Lawrence, has just been nominated with great
enthusiasm,'as the candidate of the Topeka Con
vention for Congress. Brown’s paper haa been
slandered without reason.‘ Lastly, eome of the
Yankeo abolition newspaper correspondents went
into his offloo at Lawrence, to demand a correction
of some artiole which had appeared in a previous
number of his journal. It so happened that he
had already made the retraction, but when "the
formal demand was made, he reiterated, the
mer assertions. Some of the valiant abolitionists
then undertook to do desperate things, whereupdn'
Brown soiled one fellow and threw him out of a
window. A challenge ensued, which .Brown ac
cented, and designated cowhides as the Wokpons.
All sorts of garbled versions of thess transactions
have been industriously sent to northern news
papers, by the correspondents martioaed, and the
effort to put down one of the earliest and staunchest
friends of freedom i? ceaselessly pursued.
From the National lotelUge&ceV, July 23, [Old-Line
The Kinsas diffi&ul&romUnues to be the oppro
brium of Americanjlbuticlang, and so deep-seated
would seem to bsjjpa disorder which afflicts that
unhappy Tbryitojy that all remedies have appa
rently lost tfcffwvereign officaoy; for no sooner
is the pestUkbkspirit pf bitter strife stayed in one
direothwajtosn,U observed to break out with re
newednoleoce in another, Wo cannot but believe
thafGbtPValiler bps endeavored to execute his
Bpd difficult commission with the Bfst
jKwible, intentions, and has faithfully sought, to
ifestore peace td this distracted Territory by
1 htiithcr offeMH*ty provoking the hostility of what
Hoajled the *j?rce State party,” uov yet by com
, promHitm the official obligations of hit position os
.a reptosoutative of the Federal Government, in-
StruotAf 6y respect the validity of the laws enacted
by? the Territorial Legislature of Kansu. That
for ,iUs. conciliatory oonduot he has enoonntered
the fierce denunciation of many Southern journal*
l fehdcf a portion of the Boh them Democracy la
known to every reader j nor, when we consider the
sectional hopes, uplrajuoQj, and resentment* wMoh
have been roused and nourished by the Kansu
question, should we bo greatly surprised by iny
such exhibitions of,dissatisfaction nnddisappolnt-.
meat However unjust to the incumbent of tho
gubernatorial chair In Kansas, it was sot unnatu
ral that the' judgments pronounced .by the prvjU'
diced critical, Governor Walmr’B ooun*i Whf-
aiod tb* follovlkg rolw:
; nwf.}»’ bjr'tt*
t>»» |r i> jaj
j B * W*P*fkTi *«t «u ite W a «foet «&onlCb«
(writlm upon. ",' '-
(mriauM MbR MrtnUr eutrfatkou firing (ke «sr
tt,,r Wt*cour iM»itn«iTsir
■ pjofsa «•»*(£;
DO*Ulififfl : #*dl& tiftkb Tenitni’y.t«»*pasg’
only theywW Mtawuy tfree state Aouae, -eg*
cotUatthstthe JWtot box shall bq Ite.nnlri,
Shinß«iihhnC BonMor’irtoogitixes t&See great
eV M»a« laws Uutniart proto exeleaiTß of Elersry,
ejple ' ptfpoUnwte witter, «nd *ppUsdii!g Mr.*
tbi* p*-,
tUTiag when p roe ©©din g from journal* that opposed*
the electron dr H*. Bugbasas, and were difrertod
from tberinheraHrigbi n£» great principle fy'
tbo4efeo.ts.nqd obetrnotlMisjD wnjiag iU pant
eai application. “ ‘ • ' ’ ‘ f '•
2 IrratbeSwlfotigipresa. tdmerteii-]
Walks*, f#XwsAia~rXfee; ea*iibiji©4»*r
Uke slteckeop'taHnxaTCpar, OiSrbxWioeikl,
lotting sad li vie groan of kbit day,. ae -kbey-nist
hand bfXuittce kfii J Xtfniiy bet-iece VhtSerth
amt the South, as represented in the fcewadifb
-jhoh to*El Amend pr«.] ~Eoqolieri' -‘ 1
WeWdfeh bejosythe iutnetiour oftksPrtej-,
dent-of-the Bolted, States to f Qorenier WkUtkh-
We approve of them rordi&Uy and in «te ry fit-*
tleolsr.hhdvrewirh no better platform frctavhidfc’
to dufsnd the administration from whahrvof rtu?
ter the assaults may some. If the Vfcole pnMis
life ofjirrks BucntJfA* 'did not furnish ee*htt T
sfth Wedimfutable eridenee of Phis deaUerte
maintain the Constitution) and-taproteotpthft
'■ Whllatto State has dons more-than Virginia lo
defend the jmjUrKt* of. the Sooth, yetit i* gratis
fyine to remember that -when'satisfied of the
honesty aididtegfitpof sn udnri&lstretion, her
Dentoorney hare uoror giro* eneoaurraswt.ta
the dangerous and frequently tra-,
ismi of Sonth Carolina and other extredieSoquiehS'
States.'When she east’her vote tor Jhxnß&
ciuxnx, had. hailed hi* elwtinn et a tempotapr
gtttrsntee.of the safety of «tr institutions, Htedii
ndt ex poet hLtntoinlist as t partisan htorpn-
Ses eeutrotersy—* • hoitrosersy vchiob iraa-inr.
Batting theparpetuiiy.oitbe llnion. -B»att*Vr
ported and elected Ly the National Democracy,
not fdr ihd purpose ofcontintiing the agitation or
the slavery question, but tor the parpoee of heal'
i“*“>e gaping wounds fromnhiohihelife-Wood
of national harmony, was rapidly ebbing. Those
who expected Jana Bncssaia to ciiliit for i
1 loxsp aad eanmhury oocllior under, oilhsr &f
■ colors of jj*.£*s*.or,of Stuxsruow, hare, of
course, been'diseppoluteq- Those u vrhoto'Jh*
: perpetnai agltatfon ef slavery eras more pleasant
, thairpeeOe and fnosperity, io-vo nothing tohopp
jj cf D6oJ«<nr»cy.
. .When tho President iurrouoded himselfby na
tion.*! Union laying statesmen, be called to his aid
men m whose hands the interests of the Qahth-axw
is see tire as they would he in those who cth Wrtr
.rejoicing in a sectional and Salamander atmo*
phere add flame.
The instmtionsto Governor Wlzxsx breathe
-nothing hot conciliation and harmony. <<' They
embody, they are the essence of all andof every
argument which has ever been made in Cougriaa,
or on the stomp, in favor of the Kamtaa hilt. -The
administration-desire that the people of Kansas
shall, without foreign interference of any.kind, he
allowed to decide upon their organic law in their
own way. No sounder doctrine of Btatee Right*
than this was. ever proclaimed. It is tha£fyr
which Cannons, and all the lamented
leaders of the'.States Rights party would*hare
oontended, were they now living. - v.j
To prevent foreign interference with theefes£ff|t
of Kansas, to prevent all' interference from New
England and Missouri from brow-boating &t UgA
voters, the President in hisinatruatiorja authorises
and instructs Gov. Walktu to call out the mili
tary. All that Waixcn, all that the ftdministr*
ticn desire is, that tho people of •Ka&au ina.yhjfra
the same right which other States have, o?: saying
whether they approve of, or disapprove of their
own Constitution' ....
To deny this right to the people of v State who
desire it, the worst of despotism. The
people of Kansas, or our own friends there, the
pro-slavery party, have, in Convention, vitX owe
dissenting voice , desired that the Constitution
shanty U submitted..
In another comber the Enqzirer holds Ihd*
following langdage, the tone of whiclt ciaaot
be too highly commended;
The sacred pledges of a political party should
be as religiously respected as the word of a private
Satleaan. It has been, since its orgonuation,
e proud boast of the Democratic party, that- its
promises to the people before ah election are to be
religiously observed in the event of the triumph-of
the party. A departure from this practice hythe
Democratic party would deservedly call dowu,
apoa its head toe execrations of all right-minded
Among the resolutions adopted at the Cincinnati
Convenuon, the following met with the hearty ap
proval of the representatives of the National De
mocracy from ail sections of the Union:
“ Bvwtrtd, That we recognise the right of the pec*
pie of ell the Territories, including Kansu and Ne
braska. ocriag. through the fairly xrpnssid mUX of. Ik*
majority of actual residruts, and whenever the number
of their inhabitants justifies it, to fern a Constitution,
with or without domestic slavery, and be admitted iqto
the Union opoa terms of perfect equality with the Other
States.' 1 - .
Whatever difference of opinion may hav? bssa
expressed upon other questions, about this then
was none. If there was any particular resolution
of the Convention supposed to embody the wishes
of the State-rights party more than the rostj it was
that which proclaimed to 'the world the right'of
the “ MAJORITY OF aorPALR*Sn>EXT3 ,4 of ikTfitti
tory to form a Constitution,- , u with or without:do*
mestie slavery, :> as that majority might deaUe.,
It was therefore the duty of Jawxs Bucsaxlx,
at the earliest possible moment after his inaugu
ration, to A|itWuUy_*id in carrying out this pledge
of the whole Democratic party* . t
Distances from Washjggteau;'*JT C
The following is a list of
States, with their
District of Columbia, birthe Jtegt
coras, according tothp course of the; eaS ?
Miles. . . any
Augusta. Me ‘ 635 Austin, Texas £JO6
Ccueord. N. H. *..//./ 642 Little Beck, A*k.v...XTO
Montpelier, 537 Frankfort, Ky 791
Boston, Ma55,.::..468 Nashville, Tend..“l.rAJli
Providence, R? I-.... 407 Columbus, Ohio .042
i Hertford, £pnn 344 lodisnopolis, 720
Albany, H. Y: •... 376 Springfield. lIL 1,040
Trentoa, N. J ITB Jefferson City, X<i...j£ss
Harrisburg, Pa. 127 Lansing, Mich 759
Dover; Del 160 Madison, Wi* 993
AdnapoiU, Md 43 pes Moines, 10*a.....1,342
Richmond. Ya 171 Saersmento, C*L A,917
'Raleigh, N. C 3&S St. Paul. M. T .1,876
.Colombia, 8. 0 617 Omaha City, 2». T,...Jt,891
MUledeeville, Qa 372 Lecomptoa, K. T 1,4»
Tallahassee, Pla 1.535 Sant*Fe r X. M 4,314
Montgomery, A1a.....1,563 galem, Q. T _..„6,637
Jackson, Mbs XS34 Olympia, W.T ...6,643
Baton Rouge, La 1.668 Fillmore, U. T——.^2,679
Mckosb at New Your.—A. young wan,
named Theodore L. Tomkins, wo* killed on Satur
day night at a bad bouse in Mulberry street, kept
by a German named Louis Mrtachell. Tomkins,
with two other young men. named Jesse .Fraser
and Francis Webb, from Hoboken, had been *‘tra»
ve!ling ,t about during the evening, and about 12
o’clock entered the house of Mitscheli, where they
soon got into a quarrel with the inmates about the
“ trotting 1 ’ of the girls present. After the'ex
change of many epithets, the parties came to blew*.
The barkeeper, a young man named Ferdeoand
Simon, seized a bludgeon, with which he dashed
among the young men from Hoboken, all of whom
were soon felled, bleeding and maimed. In this
onslaught Simon, they said, was assisted by.two
other men, but this stoiyis denied. The beaten
party were then expelled from the premises,' after
which they made their way, as beat thejeocld,
towards borne. Tomkins was to very dint that a
friend bad to assist him from the Barclay stmt
ferry-beat to bis home in Hoboken. A physician
wo* sent for, who pronounced the skull to be fac
tored in two places, either of which wsafaeLTb*
sufferer lingered until 4 o'clock on Sunday morn
whet he died. An inquest npoa-thaMycf
deceased wo* eozuLNoced on Basday« *ad7*fter
some witnesses hod been examined, woe adkoned
to this day. A warrant was issuedoadjSSSdte
the londs of Sergeant Hicks, of the Sixthßreefaet,
jlWv dttniig tfe« bumper
Simon and two of tho women,'and lochrf tSomiia
in the otation honw. = th« nrdtnfofer of
net pnwn wlwnthe «tariu.