proposals ) sO« CARRYING 1 H5. Mails of the United States, Oa the following routes, will be received by the Poflniafter at Savannah, until the firft day of Sep ember next. 1. Fran Savinmh by sunbu r y to Nfcwport Bridge, once a ca wccl b< Receive the Mail at Savannah everv Saturday by 9 A M, ar- Jn rive at V.-nbury by 6 P M, and «t Wewport Bridge on Sun- day by 10 A M Returning. Leave Newport Bridge on Sun- rlav bv 3 P M. and arrive at Sunbury in the evening, and at Savannah on Monday by 6 P M • c, 2. From Newport Rridgeby Darien and Brunfwick to St. Mary's, owe intaM meek* Receive the Mail at Newport Bridge every other Sunday frv>o and arrive at St. Mary's the next VVeJnefdav by ,5 PM. v Returning. JLeavSt. Mary's the next day, Thursday by 8 A 1 M, and arrive a r Newport Bridge the next Sunday by xo AM. b ,So'c 1. If either of the routes are altered bv law. during the con- fc 'tinvemce of the Contrails the Contra ftor is to observe such alterations, in carrying the mail, and his pas is to be encreafed or dmihtfued. in ftbpoition to the difiance encreafed or diminifked by fuck alteration. n Nojp 1. ]he umtraHt are to be in operation on the firfl day oj li Opobcr and to continue for four years until the 30 th Seplem- n her 'Joo, inclu five. h X >te 3, ThePofl Mafler General nay after the times oj arrival 0 apd f '-partirre a( any time during the continuance of the Contrails, he a 'frc iioijiy flipu'ating an adequate compensation for any extra txpenfe b tb§> may be oecafioned thereby. f< Not? 4. Fifteen minutes {hall he allowed for opening andelojing v t\c mail at a!' offices where no particular time is fpeciftea. Note 5 For ezvry hour's delay fun avoid able accidents excepted) ■, tn arriving after the times prefer ibed m any cOntraS, the contractor o faff. forfeit one dollar And if the delay continue until ite depart- j lire of any depending mail, whereby the mails defined for fuck de- t pen atngmdU(hall iofeairip, the conira&or shall forfeit ten douors I], *—to be deduced from his pay. e JOSEPH* HABERSHAM, t Poll-Matter General. * General Post Office, Philadelphia, June 28, 170*5- lawSvv For Sale, \ A LARGX ELEGANT AND WELL FINISHED V Three-story Brick House, i (The late residence of General Walfer Stewart) WITH a LOT of GROUND thereunto belonging, on the weft fide of Third-flreet, near Union-flreet containing in front 3a feet, and in depth 100 feet, to an alley leading into Union-ftrcet. Thehouf? is 32 feet front and 50 feet deep ; the several rooms contained in it are large, commodious, and completely finiflicd-; the twofirft flories are each 13 feat high ; there are 20 mahogany doors in the house; a geometrical staircase, with mAoga rty rails and a good sky-light. The kitchen is in the cell ar, which isfpacious and convenient, and finifhed with an oven, ftew-lioleS and pantries, a servants' hall and large ipine-ccliar adjoining the kitchen, in front of which i- an s'rea in which there is a pump The yard is vaulted. Communicating with the said building is a neat:three-ftory trick hoafe, on the north fide of Union-ftreat, contain ing 30 feet front by 20 feet deep; the lower part of which i« at preterit occupied as a compting-houft, and the upper jart divided into well-finilhed large chambers. This house ijiay at a small expenfa be converted into a convenient - dwelling : The flreet door is very hindfome, and the front .and back have Venetian window -shutters. Adjoining the lafl. house, upon the lot belonging to the fir ft, are created laathing-rooms, 5c e. There are Likewise very good coach hp»fe and flables ftnilhed equal (or nearly so) with any in the fcity, on a lot co»' lining on Union street 30 Icct, and ip deptholl the waft,fide of said alley .5; feet. Thereare good cellars under the whole of the buildings, and a wine room over part of the liable, with a hay-loft over the re- For turther particulars enquire of EBWAJIU BON'S LL & Co. Ai their Office No. Daek-ftreet. between Walnut & Pear , o directs. 6ih month 24th, 1796. AS EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF Books and Stationary, Wholesale and Retail, now opened and for Sale by WILLI AM TOUNG, hoeifelkr, No- r2 ' Co'ner of Second and Chefnut-Jlrecti. AMONG which are Fnclish, Latin, and Greek .Classics and Dictiovabjes, Divinitt, Law, His tory, Vravrls, Votaces, Miscellanies, and themoft clleemed Notb£s. WRI 1-ING VND POINTING PAPERS, from the best manufadlurers in Europe, and from his ma r.ufadorj on B'.'ahdywine, viz. Imperial,plain and wove flatSmaU folio post, plain Super-royal do. do. Ditto gilt ILcy< ) do. dq. BlofTom paper assorted Medium dp. do. Transparent folio post X>cmy do. do. Superfine and common foolfc. Glazed aird fcot-prelT«d folia Marbled papers. ami 4to extra largr pott coarse PArEas. Thick poll in folio ditojdo. Londonbrown, assorted Ditto in 4to. ditto do. Hatters' paper Folio wove poll, lined Stainers' paper Qnnrto diet 6 do. Common brown Ditto gilt do. Patent sheathing Common size folio proft Bonnet hoards Ditto quarto, plain iiiildcrs' Boards. and quarto y«ft, gilt, Alfa, a variety of other Stationary Articles, v'rjc. Wedgwood and glass philosophical irt'k flands, well affort ied ; pewter ink chests of various iizes ; round pewter ink ■flands ; paper, brak, aod polilhcd leather ink stands for the V»ocket Shining sand and faiid bo»ces, pounce and pouftce boxes, tiik and ink powder. Counting pocket V.iuv-a of the bed quality, ass Ikin tablet and memorandum books. Red and colored common size, office ditto. iQ.iilit. fiom half a dollar, to three dollars per hundred. Clack lead peneils, marhematicai instruments, See. Ac- All forts and ftzes of .Blank Books, ready made or made itoofdci. Bank checks, blank hills of exchange and notes of tfarrd, executed in copperplate, bi Is of lading, manifefls fcamen's articles and journals, See. &c. — , . "wjw "War-Office of the United States, May 4th, 1796. THE JoHowing Rules, explanatory of those publiflved the 15th February, 1759, are to be observed by all •persons entitled to Lands, in puifuiuce of resolve* «f ficDgrefs. Every certificate Of the acknowledgment of a deed or-" power of attorney, either before a notary public or other magistrate, must, in addition to wjiat is ufuaj, -fct forth that the j/irfon making the acknowledgment is known to tHe notary or other lhagiftrate ; for which purpose wo°rds of the fallowing import must be inferttd in the certificate. < " Arid I do certify that the faia A B making tiiis acknowledgment has been for perfonaUy known to me." If the notary or other magistrate has rcafon to believe that he iith:perlon he represents himfelf to be, he wil ilfo tertify .t. Andiftli!; proof he made by a witnefsor witneCes,h" or theymuft f*car to some general ftateof their knowledge ol him, whiah matter must bi fetforth in the certificate ; and the notary public, or ether magistrate, before whem t_i uckr.ov/ledgnien*. is made, must also set forth that the wit iit.s or witneffeshas or have teeo for upwards of jxr onatlv ki.own him. t P a justice of the jpeace is employed, the clerk «f tht' court of the corporation or county must certify that such j.trfon is a jufticeof the peace of the county or corpora tion as the cafe may b , and that full faith is due to hii aiUasfuch. JAMES M'HENRY, Sscretary of War May ii. ia no vel intitled The Myfteriesof Udolpuo, hy the author o The Romance of the Forest, &c. &c emhelliflied with a beautiful engraved Frontifyiece rcprefeflCjog an intercßing fccnc in the above, elegantly gilt, atouly ?S ccius. A COKO I T lON'S. ' si These fe!cCt Navels shall be printed 1 ' f 1 " C mo pocket volume*, oo good type and piper, auct w»:ba at- licate new Bou gcoit type on purpc»fcfor the work, W v wjtic page wli! be uncommonly comprehensive; c% cn vo " lume containing in qtMiitity a duodecimo, and fometinV' 5 oftavovolume, printed verbatim from tbeoriginal copies, " addition to theeletjance of the typography, each volume wk be embcllilHed with a beautiful engraved frontifpiece, repre feniing the m©ft intcrclling fccne that occurs io the relpcaive volume. A volume will be publilHed regularly every three wqps and deliveted to fubfer bers neatly anc unifo mly bour.d a«»ri gilt, at only three-fourths ot a dollar each, to be paid upon delivery. If a fufficient nUmbcrof fubfetifcm are procured, the work will'be put to press fomc time in Aujsult, anda vck lume publiflaed every thtfe weeks in regular fuccelli u. Ihe 1 encoura,';ersof this work »«ay rely 4tpou every poflible auen- J tion being paid to ensure elegance in ihe neatness j, and corre&uels in the printing, and uniformity in the bind- ing, the whole being done aindtr the lHMnediater tendapcy of r the publishers, . so Subscribers may wiihdraw and rrtommcnce their fubferip- tions at pleasure, foajto cd ifint their dioice to as few of ibe Novels a& they think proper, or extend their colleAion to the 1 whole that arc primed, which will comprise only those high ly approved novsls whickiuve been with univcrfal approbation. Aa The Myf cries of Udolphs Huthbhrty Clinkir c Romance of the Forejl Amelia, Sicilian Romance Gil Bias Cajfle of Otranto Peregrine Picile Old Ma/tar Honk _ j.. upon Two Sticks Sidney Ca/He AdvuitufeS tf a Guinea 1 JXrfnond Launcelot Greaves Family Party The Siflers "Tales of the Cajlle Don uixotte Qxilia ; «r, The Memoirs of Count fathom an Heiress Almoran and Hamet Evelina / or, a youn% ladyj So'yman aud Almcus chtrartts into the Tales of toe Genii American Hunter I/loral Tales Theodtftus and Ccnflanlia Pool of Quality -CbiHtfe Tales Arabian Nights Entertaintus. 1 Anna St. Ives Arabian Tales, a con.iuuaiion Tom Jones cf the Arabian Nights J r icar of lf r ahfeli Julia, cr the New Rid fa Jcfeph Andreius Pamela J Jiodoric Random •Clarijfa HarLue < Trif ram Shandy Sir Charles Grandfm .Robinson Criifee 5 The publisher has not yet determined upon the arrange ment in which the above novel* shall appe&r ; being de termined to add and iutcrmix other novels of equal cele . I brity, akho' he is conicioua, that by comparing the above lift with all former collections of this nature, the superi ority of the present colledlion will appear obvious. Brxtifh i editors mu& nccefiarily exclude from their plans, all the new and entertaining novels that have been wrote within these last fourteen years, mpft of them being literary pro- For further particularsXee the proposals at large which . are to be had gratis of Thomas Coadie, liook-Lindcr, No. ao, Carter Valley, fouthfecond,below Chefnut Street, Ph iladelphia, where orders and fubferibers will be thankful ly received. A liberal allowance to Booksellers, and Others ta king quantities. N. B. An apprentice to the bookbinding business want * .ed. June 25. i'th&f. 3t. ■ William Young Birch, . STATIONER A'e. I"; South Sicond-Jlreet, between Market and Chef nut Jlrcets, Has imported by the lalt Ihips from London, an exton five aflortraent of the heft Stationary Goobs, which he offers for sale on equitable terms. Amongfl •til er articles he haa fine wove vellum drawing paper, viz. Antiquarian Elephant,double&fingle Atlas Imperial, Super Royal, &c. Writing paper of the firfl quality, viz, imperial, l'uper royal, royal, medium, demy, thick, thin, rellum, and bank post, folio, quarto, gilt and plain, c»py foolfcap, pot, &c. Merchants'account-books, viz. ledgers, anddou " ble journals, watte books, cash books, letter books, bank check books, &c. Looks of any sue or patera made to order. W. Y. Birch rcfpdflfally informs mcr:hants, traders ardotiiers, that the making of account books is a branch of his business which, having paid particular attention to, he flutters himfelf he lhall execute in such t manner as to k fecuie tbe approbation of his friends. And in order to dc ic this, he has been careful to provide himfelf with a flock of e paper from the niefl esteemed Englißi paper-makers, for ■ ! - the purpose ; a fufficient quantity of which he (hall endta- I vor always to keep on hand, so as to enable him at all J' times to meet the demands of his friends. Quills and pens School bibles&teftaments l c Ink and Inlc-flands, pewter, India rubbers B c w. lead and pocket Paper cases, red and'black Wedgewood and gbfs phi- Flat and round rulers lolwphical do. Paunce and pounce boxes Pewter ink-chests Shiniug sand — Maliogaßywriting defies Sealing wax, fuperfine, fine Black ebony ditto and common Ditto ditto ink-Hands witli V'afers, red, black and col plat id furniture ored, fine and common, -d Cards laig« and small gift' large and small .11 plain Types and ink for marking of Copy-books ready rul'd linen Copperplate copies Red morocco a»d black tra or: Pr jit and colored map files veiling cases er Sand and sand boxes Black lines for writ : ng th Walkden's (hiningjapan ink Pocket book. to ud red ink-powder Patent blacking cake for ds Ivory knives and,folders boots and (hoes :e. Fine writing parchment Hen and fportfmcn's knives ig Blank checks, hills of l.dings, Too'h powder and brushes ■ly and blanks for hil'ls of ex- -Razors, shaving hoxes and : change, bonds, bonds & Windier soap. 1 vt judgments, powers of at- Spcrmaceti candles of a fu il torney, indentures, mort- perior quality sages, &c. Sponges, Urge size or W.Y. Birch has supplied himfelf with a complete flock of of tTjry article in the Stationary lint, and as he fliali be nd studious to execute his business in a manner the most satis- factory 10 his customers, ke hopes to meet with cncourage it ment and support. Country Store-keepers supplied on the befl terms for ' cash, June 18. tt&sjt ch For Sale, ra- A Few Cafics of First Quality b " I N D I G O. Enquire at No. 71, South Water flreet. ' May i tht ftf S H T 1 V Of 11 sizes, from .11 lb 'to Gi - 1 Camboofes, Pots, and othci*k , th " -w-r (honed notice, y\ Nail rod*, from lod to fpi :e, two .'-loop Iron, of all sizes forcalks or cu: ■ . )iW from c a brad to lid nails, ' to m Avdiors, from 17 Cwt. to ioolb. Bar Iron, , A Quantity of James River Tobacco, Carolina Pork. Herrinv>° barrels, Kiln-dr.'e 1 corn meal in Hhds.and Bbls. Rve flour »' in thc territory of the United State, of America, nov th-weft of the river Ohio ; andi that fa« heiri, or legal reo efentative, on application to the direc. tors of fail comply, at Marietta .n the territory afore f„vl, will receive a > leed of the said five shares, or right. ° Th" aoplication ma) be madeperfonally or by an agent, but proper documents 1 iuft be produced to prove the dainipnt or claimants the legal heir, or of , tii2 (aid Tones r n b. As it is not known ;n what country the person \ or perfonp i'lterefted mill be an a .ft of benevolence iu every Printer in America an J Europe, who lhall miert this advdrtifemsSt in his paper. In behalf of ths dire&ors of the OH. o Company, RUFUi? PUTNAM. Marietta, May [June 4 ■ frwo* Treasury Department x • 1 Re vetiue-Ojficff March 10th, J T~)ROFOSALS will be received at the office of the 2 A Commifiiancr of the (No. 43, at the cori.'er of a Third and Chefnut-ftreets, Philadelphia) for building in c North-Carelina, J I. A I.ight-Houfe upon Cape-Hatteras. \ a 11. A Beacon House upon Shell Csftle island. ® Descriptions of each, and all other particulars, may be fee* on application at tb-e office* of any of tile Superinten da its of I.ight-Houfes, or of the Supervisors of the Reve -«!c, cr of the Collectors of the Cußoms n any of the j Elates ; a', also at this office. tawjjm e Bank of the United States, JUNE 14th, 1796. .V NOTICE is hereby given, that applications will l>e re- — ceived at Bank, until the firft day of July next, m -1 clufive, for the purchase of the fix per cent flock bearing : intercfi: from the firft day of July r>ext,to he iiYued 1 ably to an ad of passed the thirty-firfl day o • May last, entitled, "an a& making provision for the pa raent of certain debts of the United States." I CONDITIONS: i rft. Said stock \/ill be fold at par, for notes with t - endorXcrs,to be approved of, at terms not exceeding tl~» - four, and ve months, in three equal instalments. »d. No sum left than one hundred dollars will be ' - nor any l'um exprefling a fra&ionai part of one htf dollars. J\ r . B. The applications accompanied by tie notes Payment are to be made in the fame manner as for difctf an are to be Landed to tbe Cajbier, from whom answers c rtm jewed on the second of July. JBy order of the DireAors, G. SIMPSON, ' hicr lawtij wftji -/ PROPOSALS tag. PUBLISHING BY SUBgCKIPriO' ] . A Plan of the City of - By THOMAS FREEMAN, ] Surveyor of the territory of Columbia and f)' VVulh- r ington. i CONDITIONS, / ' 1, J. This Plan shall be an elegant and oorr/ Copperplate impreflion, of about four teet Upiare,jf lc:cuu Wl '' be accurately delineated the r.4tural 'be ground 1 i k contained within the lines of the ci j"P- a ' DS > vallies, tic 0 fifing grounds, springs, runs, creeks,* with the Unrs of the grand avenues, Streets, fquii'i publie eppropri- or s ations for walks, gardens, as now o"e&ly Li! J out and an li permanently eltabjilhed—the riverft tom ak, and East ), etn Branch, opposite jjthe city—M channels, coafls, va o harbours and foundiags of the Ja#, a ' taken by order T o of the Board of Comniiffioners. ' r if 11. On the fides of thi Plan fliall Weprefcnted a beauti- it «• ■ ful elevation of the Prcfident's »use and the Capitol. as 1- IH. To render the drawing still ititelbgible and use- tb II ful, it lhall be accompanied Pamjihlet, containing ti all thd laws of the general aii#irticular governments, A ts refpe&ing the location and etwl'fbment of :tht city— tl" the orders and regulations ofs e Board of Comnuflion- w ers, approved by the Presides of-the United Stat*6, ro U fpedling the purchase and injrovement of lot, therein— a particular description of "c city and adjacent country f<. —of the river Potomak, 000 Tickets each j i 6 ditto 1 1 000 1 IO ditto ■ 400 4.000 40 ditto 100 2)7?0 "I "^Toberaifedfo'rV^'. . 11 »-«*»■*• * TUWJ i, 2S& ,uSa "'h. Xi.ij .f ,k " ' una " 1 •• the prizes. , , - . ery will cQmmence, withont Die drawings _ are fold, of which timely delay, as soon as the T< ' notice will he maß j e( j ; n fj x raon ths after the _ . ' 11,,' conlider das relinqnifhed for drawing is ni ' \ n j appropriated accordingly, the benefit of the C«^ Q s youwo> hn (^S ned J DANIEL CARROLL, o/D. it- LEWIS DEBLOIS, b y GEORGE WALKER, tes ' Wm. M.DUNCANSON, bis THOMAS LAW, :c» JAMES BARRY. City of Walhif* 3 ' Fcb - $_ & The Fi/ Floor and Cellar, " f OFD0 F D and on Xy fuitablo « O*. No. 6s Dock Street. Tune .8 For Sale, — A "V ua^^e Grift anc * Saw Mill, TN NeV rfe 7' near tIK Forf " of I,ittlc Bgg-Harbeur. J The ,ft Mill is sixty by fort) feet, two water wheJs, (he 3 nl ralr" sol ' lour run of S:;on - s > v/ith fcrecn, fans 0 f ' j | )o( ig-cloths, Sc. The Saw-Mill has two saws, and in canabli cutt ' n E ve t0 (l 100 of Boards per vc , r valijable piece ef Cedir Swamp, within a mile and a/ cf the Mill > and within three quarters of a mile , \ f Mine The Lumber, &c. may be takee by water • M-Ultan. De X ALSO FOR SALE, '" c l several Valuable Tracts of Land, the [ n -'nif/iyania, for all of which payment will be receiv ed the na t es of jvleffrs Morris and Nicholfon, or in \>r further information apply to the Printer. May 17- JIW re- — —' Z City of Wafliington. "SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No. 11, FOR THE ItfHhUrEMFNT OF THE FEDERAL CITY. , A magnificent > 10,000 dolli. s, & ) ?0 ,000 dwellmg-houfe, ) ca(h 30.000, ar«,' ) I ditto 15,000 & cash ijjOcW' 40,000 t I ditto ij,ooo & cash 15,000 30,000 1 j ditto 10,000 & cash 10,000 50,000 1 ditto 5,000 & ci(h 5,000 10,000 1 1 ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 jo 10 do. 1,000 - - 10,000 20 do. 500 - - 10,000 00 do. 100 - • 10,000 2.">0 da. 50 - - 1 o,doo 400 do. 25 - - 10,000 1,000 do. 20 » 20,000 15,000 do. 10 • • J50,00a ' 16,739 Prizes. 1- 35j»6i Blanks. 50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollars, 40,0000 tc >e N. B. To favour those who may take a quantity of id Tickets,the prize of 40,000 dollars willbe the last drawn 3, ticket, and the 30,000 the last but one t ts And approved notes, securing payment in either morcoy i- or prizes, in ten days atter drawing, will be received for id 1 any number not less than 30 ticket*. 1- j 'X'his Lottery will afford an elegant specimen of thepri s, 1 vatc buildings to be, creeled in the City of Wafhingtofl—• •jc Two beautiful designs are already fe!<-Acd for the entire I fronts on two of the public fquircs; from these prawings J itispropofed to ereci two centre and four corner buildings, . 1 as soon as pqffible after this lottery is fold, and to convey e- I them, when complete, to the fortunate adventurers, in lg j the manner difcribed in the fchemc for the Hotel Lottery, rs, 1 A nett de'duflion of five per c«nt. will be made to defray — | the necefiary etpenfes of printing, &.c. and the surplus n- 1 will be made a part of the fund intended for the National e- j University, to be erecled within the city of Washington. 1-- The Drawing will commence as soon as the tickets are ry I fuid off.--Tlie ivoney prizes ivill be payable in thirty days of I after it is finifliad ; and any prizes for which fortunate ry 1 numbers aie not produced within twelve months after the I drawing is closed, are to be coflfidercd as given towards he j the funV for the University ; it beisg determined to fettle eir I the whole business in a year from the ending of the draw- Ir. 1 ing, and to take up the bonds given as fccurity. full The real lecurities given for the payment of the Prizes, j are held by the President and two Directors of the Bank :p- 1 of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the a I mount oi the lottery. j The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of ice, I the late Commifiioners a (lifted in the management of the ila- Hotel Lottery are rcqneftcd to undertake this arduous talk :nt. I a second time on behalf of the public ; a fufßcient num. t I ber of these having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the — I friends to a National University and the other federal ob— j jcils may continue to favor the design. | By accounts received from the diflcrcn£ parts of th# ;s o I Continent as well as from Europe, where the tickets iva- I have been lent for sale, the public are assured that the , er I drawing will fpeed'ly commen«e, and that the care and icar I caution unavoidably lieceffary to insure a fafe disposal of ats . j the tickets, has rendered the inor; suspension indispensable. lieir SAMUEL BLODGET. 1 »§, Tieketsmay be had at the Bank of Columbia ;• of d of j James Weft &Co. Baltimore; of Peter Oilman, Bolton di n jof John Hopkins, Richmond ; and of Richard Wells, it to J Cooper's Ferry. ably " 1 " r "■■■ -■' ■—^ 3 p1i.1 PRINTED BY JOHN FENNO, —No. 11 g— 1 c H E S N UT-STRE ET. ra J [Priee Eight Dollirs per Annum.]