By an Artifl resident at Mr Otljers'e Hotel, MINIATURE LIKENESSES AR!T taken and executed in that elegant and delicate stile, which is so neceiTary to render a Miniature Pic ture an ir.tcrefting jewel. He will warrant a strong and indisputable refem llance | and he takes the liberty to lay before the public fcf thi« place his rmft earned intention to their pa tronage by his belt endeavors to platfe. N. B. Specimen* are to be seen. May ii. $ A special meeting of the American Philofoprbical Society WILL be held at their Hall NEXT FRIDAY EVENING at 7 o'clock. At the occasion of this meeting is mournfully interr ing;, all the members now in the city are requefied to at tend. By order of the Vice Prcfidents, ROBERT PATTERSON, Sec'y. Jujie it tF A stated Meeting of the Pennsyl vania Society for piomotin s the ABOLI HON of SL WERY &c. &c- Ac. wi.l be hcldat the aTual place, on the fourth instant, at 8 o'clock in the evening. BENJAMIN KJTE, Secretary. Sugars for sale at Fox's Audiion-room. At 3 o'clock To,morrow afternoon, V/ill fee fold by Auction, for approved Notes a: 6? days, 6o St. CroixS:igar. EDWARD FOX, Au£lioneer. June 30. For the use of Schools. Tomkins's Text, Round, and Running hand copies. TL'ST publilhed, and for sale by W. Young, the corner of J Second and Chefnut llreets, and J Or m rod, No. 41 Cnefnut-ftreet. Price of proof impreflions on fine paper, t dollar. Common, 75 cents. Executed in a fty|e superior 10 anv that have been formerly engraved in the Unfiled S.ates •nd not inferior to any of the kind imported from Europe. June 30. gawjw For thi Benefit of Mr. Wells, Box-Book-Keeper. New Theatre. Laji week tbitfeafon of the company's per forming. On FRIDAY I-.VENING, July 1, Wil) beprefented, a Comedy, called' sertedDaughter [Writtenby Thomas Holckoft, author of the Road to Ruin, &c, See As performing at Coveut Garden Theatre, London, with u nivctfalapplaufe. Mordent . Mr. Green. Cheveril, Mr. Moreton. J- ennox > Mi. Marlhall. Mr. Francis. Grime, flfc. Berte. Clement, Mr. Warrell.jun. Donald, Mr. Bstts Joanna, Mrs. Marlhall. Mrs. Sarfnet, Mrs. Francis. Mrs. Enfield* Mrs. Solomon. ® ctt y< Mrs Doctor. Lady Ann, Mr,. S haw ■ which will be added, (not petformed this feafon)aa OPERA, in two a£ts, callcd 'iuv* Kofina. ' 1 the original Overture and Accompaniments,compofed bySHItLO.] Jelvijle, Mr. Marlhall. ! ' Capt. Bclville, Mr. Darlev, jun. William, Mr. Ftancis.. , iuftic, Mr. Warrell. lftlrilhman, Mr." Green. ad lri'hmen, M r. BlifTett. ] Kofina, Mrs. Warrell. Dorcas, Mrs. Bites. Phtrbe, Mr,. Green. BO.V One Dollar—PlT, Three-Fourths of a Dollar "■adGALLERY, Half a Dollar, i No money or tickets to be returned ; nor anv person, on | any account whitlocver, admitted behind the feenesi Ladies and Gentlemen are requeued to fend their servants ' ll> keep places a quarter before fiv» o'clock, and order them iu foou as the comp-iny is seated, to withdraw as they cat?' 1 not. on any account, be permitted to remain. Places for the Boxes to be taken of Mr. Wells, at the Front of the Theatre. < VV/AT RESPU6LICA. I -11 ' t Lottery l f-OR raising fix thou find fix hundred and fixtyfeven dollars and fifty cents, by a deduction of fifteen per ( cent from the prizes, and net two blanks to a prize, viz. I I'tizeof jooo dollars is dollars <;000 J ' Jooo t ' 500 , sco \ A 200 loco f 300 scoo - 4950 400 n c ' J t .=OO U Jill s Lafl drawn numbers of 1000 dollar! each, jooo = 2332 Prizes. f 4018 Blanks. 44.4J0 a * a 63J0 Tickets at Seven Dollars each, • E T y T e ' f d f' of thc i )lrta ors of the Society £or ettabUft- « ing Uieful Manuiadures, the fitperintendants of the Pat- c erion Lottery hive rtqutfted the Managers to offer the r foregoing Scheme to the public, and have direited them \ to retund the money to thole perfoos who have pur chafed L in the former Lottery, or exchange the tickets for tick ts 1 in this Lottery. Q The lottery has actually commenced d-awing, and rvi 1 continue until fin,(hed. A l.ft of the Blanks and Prizes may be seen at the office ol William Blackburn, No. 64 Jouth Second street, who will give information where tick- C Cts may be procured. p Dated this j 7 th day of June, 1796. 7- N cummAG, ") Si MRDENBERG, i Managers, b JONATHAN RHEA, \ r June 18 l! I eo a — tl To be Sold, «i At No. 128, North Second-Street, and t, r c v C rul r l la the Apothecaries in this Ciiv' ' a T^; n^SVeV hcn \ ht i° rfim r cps • - 3,id '" amm4 ° ium rrt b,» there >,<■ c.fc whU to" . ' ' d ,m " 1 " *"" iiiirtiiflijli), Juue it, g y Philadelphia, , t , THURSDAY EVENING, Jn.vr 30, 1796. Cj°THE Officers of the militia of the city and libei ties of Philadelphia art rcquefted to meet at the ic Statehotife on Monday next, the 4th July, at II o'clock precisely, to proreed from thence 10 pay their compliments to the Piefident of the United States, and to the governor of the State, on the ~ anniversary of American Independence. JOSIAH HARMAR, Adjutant General. Philadelphia, June 30th, 1796. j ' Philadelphia, June 29th, 1796. Sir, Agreeably to your reqneft, re have this day visited the fliip Eliza, enpt. BifTom, from King flon, Jamaica ; and after a careful examination find - the capt. and people on board -1! in perfect health, _ nor have we reafonto fufped* any of the people, or { any thing on be affedled' vviih contagion, h The capt. reports that he f.iiled from Norfolk for the Well-Indies in February lad, and left Kingston on the 29'h of May, and declares, that there was not any licknefs on board his vessel, either in his • passage out, during Ins flay in the Weft-Indies, or on his passage home. , On examining the leafcjr fiate of the (hip, in which cap . Samuel Young, Harboar maflcr of the Port obligingly aflilled, we f.;uiid that, while lying at the wharf, (lie made eighteen inches water every half hour—Prom which consideration, and other appearances, we with capt. You ig, were of opinion, that the leaky (late of the vessel require 1 every pro per and confident dispatch, for the preferva;ian of the cargo, which is principally sugar and coflcc. f We are, Sir, Your very obedient humble servants, SAMUEL DUFFIEL'i), Confultiiijj Phyfuian, WILLIAM ALLEN, Hwlth Officer Port of Philadelphia. Governor MIFFLIN. GLEANINGS Irom late Hamburgh papers. Trtirfljtedfir the Gazette of the United States PA RIS, April 10. In the fitting of the 4 "h the Council of 500 con tinued the difc.iuiou reflecting the relations of emi grants : after considerable debate, the fol lovving decree, on motion qf Audouin, was passed : Ihe fathers and nijtheis of emigrants, whose property is under sequestration, are to be exonciat ed ftom the Lqueflration, ii they uillcosfenl to an equal divilion with the Reprcfentatives. With such as do not choose to divide, the sequestration is to remain in force, and to take place again, where it uas taken tff. l'institut nationale. Lrtfl Manday in the afternoon, The National In Jlit tit ion celebrated its firft fitting, at the Louvre, in the saloon of antiques, which was prepa.ed for the oecafion, and decorated with the bulls of the great men of the century last pad. The five members of the Dire£lory joined at 4 o clock, attended by all the miniftert and anbaffa dors. The saloon was crowded with amateuis of both sexes, the members of the institution obferv ifig no dlftinition of rank. The fitting being opered, citizen Letovrnevr, President of the Diredory, deli,, ed a Ipeech, re plete with knowledge a d ingenuity, and breathing principles of comfort for the arts and facnces. Several members then read trea:ife3. Fovrcrot read a treatise on the Lie invention of Gunpowder, of which essays were made at Effonne that almost deprived the great chemi.'t, Lafouuk, of his life- He avoided mentioning his name, and that tranf i°n general, yet the fubjed necessarily called to mind the name of the renowned chemlft, who demanded only 14 days respite of Robespierre's bloody tubunal, in order to accomplilh thar inven- ' 'ion, of so great mc-ment for his coHntry. Lacepede read an eulojjy on the mechanic, V4lv- Df.kmonde, lately deceased. Pront fined the result of the Census in France ; J by which the population of France in the oM dland buOiels of wheat unfold o. ,lv ° '''j''- > Y,,,havk rivers. _ Itw,= ve!terday so^ u " f '» ufcd, at 6o id days." 15 * \c I The following fwcti and. C . cr . fro Ift the pen v of Dr. Percy, Bijhop omore . The dafjicol j tafle of tins learned Divine - rJfH a grate even to images, ivl.icb ~ herd of vcrfemen C are either difgufiingly trite or . O NANCY, wilt thou go w" 1 -^ Nor sigh to leave the flnunti. ,' town ; v C'Jt frlcr.t glens have charms for thee, The lowly cot and rufietgown ? No longer dreft in silken fiieen, No longer ueclt'd with jewels rare, y Say, canst thou quit each courtly scene, Vbrre thou wert faired of the fair ? O Nancy ! when thou'rt far awry. , ' Win thou not cast a v/ifh behind ? r Say, canst thou face the parching ray, • Nor f!irink before the v. i/.try wind ? O can that foft and gentle mien Extr.mes of hardJhio learn to bear, 1 Nor, fad, regret each courtly scene, s Where thou wert faired of the fair ? s O Nancy ! canst thou lovefo true, - Through perils k-en with me to go, Or when thy swain rilifhap (hall rue, 1 To (hare with him the },'n£ of v. oe ? ; Say, should disease or pain befal, r \i ilt tljou aiTume the nurfe'scare, Nor, vriftful, those pay scenes recal Vi hexe thuu wert Urcft of the ftiir ? ■ , And wken at laftthy love shall die, Wilt thou receive hit parting breath ? 1 V/ilt t.iou repress each ftrufgling sigh, And cheer with fmilcstheDcd of death ? And v. ilt thou o.'ir his breathless clay ttrcw flow'rs, and drop that nd-r tear I Nor then regret those fceres so [: Whers thou wert iairsftof tile lair/' A Corufpondent fays the debut of Mr. Fox, who lad evening played jMontgomeri, in The Carmelite, more than juftified the partial anticipations of the friends of that young gentleman. He is a valua ble acquifitien to the Company of the New Thea tre ) and by the fpeeimcn he has given of his abili ties. does honor to the tavte and judgment of the Manag t i, in their engagement. Sensibility and animation are tffential requisites to form an aflot on the line of nature —These Mr. lox appears to possess ; and with the aid of a de tent confidence and an enlightened judgment, they may advance their pofieffor to a degree of celebrity which has not been exceeded on the American Boards. lull are important.—Hints are ftig gefted in couverfatiun which may be" attended to with advantage. We wave any criticisms. The-o fcurft of applause, wiiich real merit excited, will] not, we trait, overpower the small voice of friendly 1 remaik. ) The grcateft prepaiations are made and makg in the Union to celebiate the Anniversary of Im pendence. During the war many who now arehe enemies of the Coufluution and abuse the adw'if tration, then abused the authors of the glorioide- j claration. Ihey then Lid that our union ould t prove a " rope of sand," that we fllv-uld becrfie ti- , red of the bauble of independence on Gre- Bri- ( tain, and curfc the men who led us to our oafled emancipation from her yoke. v 1 liofe persons and those who wofk fr them { mull be rerv bitter enemies to the Unittf States. J 1 hey have been prophesying evil conceriiig us for \ more than 7 years, and tho' events havepiived them i to be lying prophets, and, heaven har fared ui t fiom their machinations, iho' the peopt have laid r that they are happy and free, and hav gratefully j acknowledged the favorsof Heaven incrrying them triumphantly through the Revolution and giving ( ti.em a conßitution toprcferve the bettings which 1 their (.voidsacquiied . Tho' i he rEfPLE through out the union never varied in their attachment to ] and veneration of the illustrious menwho are at the ; head of their affairs : Yet we find that fame inve- \ teratejunto, and the tools they ha/e trained, pur- , fuLug their old habits—abufir.g tie revolution, a- | bufingour independence,abuGng the men who with 1 halters about their necks, led u/through war, to peace,liberty and Jefety. " Wa/hington (fay they) has triumphed over the conftituiion of hit country" America has icturned to thiperjidioki cmlsraces of Britain." The text of scripture, so »ptly applied by the celebiated Dr. Mayhew, of 80f10.., in his con treverfy with the Bishop of London, is pertinent to the present occasion. What, said the Dodor, Will they never ceafi to pcifecute us till wear, rive " where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at refi. e--w.,.„ NEW-VORK, lune 28. WESTERN CAN/.L. • Account of Toll received for boats pafling the Canal and Locks at theT.i:t!e Falls, on the'Mo havvk River, from th« vto the 31ft of May. 17 boats from otd Fort Schuyler, 2 2fiom Geneva, 8 Rotterdam an Lake Oneida, 11 Fort Stanwix, 4 Lake Cayuga, 4 Lake Erie, 9 Niagara, J 6 Upper Canada, 3 . Fort Heikcmer, 1 Bay Canty, » 2 Oneida Lake, 6 Genefec, 3 Little Falls, 6 Whiteltown, 4 German Flatl*. Total 116 3i j laid Tull 87 o 11 ALBANY, June 20 . On Wednesday morning last, a detachment of ri rr J roo P s ' l,,lder the command of Capt. brutt, arrived in this city from Weft-Point ThVy a re at P r «fca; encamped on the hill weft of this t cttr, where they will probably r « t,U . I row or next, day, as the boat, at i: not i. readiness to take them on board, wnh ordnance, military ft ores and proves wh, cll; have the charge of. S'X elegaot brahFdd plr , t were brought from Wcft.p»>ut. 1 hef t troo „ arc to garnfon Niagara and OtUego. ,1 The Officers belonging to tins Corps are Capt. '« Bruff, Lieutenants M'Clallec, Brawn aid £l, lict . HALLOWELL, jafc j ? . We are informed, that an etcmpt vvas made 14 . week to take the life of Mr Samuel Good , Drefdcn, by a ne?ro man frr« Waldoborongh—lt anpeara that the negro was retime knee <„„fi„ cd in gaol, and put in irons said Goodwm ; "„d in order to be he w „u,d mvlr . der him :To accomplifh' ll^ 11 . he loaded a guil with two balls and wen*® Mr - Cood "'"' s wt """ hefaw (landing at his diately levelled his pie ?« Mr. Goodwin s and fired ; but provid'' dll y ,nlfl <-d 1,13 aim, by Mr. Goodwin's ftiiki 'begun at the very u»rta..t tlie fellow fired.-T 1!s ,P affed between the lejrsof Mr. Goodw an entry ,nto U :, c of his rooms, and - ™t«"al d The negro was i»ediate]y appreh-nded a «d committed to Wi!; f " n r WALP lE ( n - H ') J une 21 • HE SEASON. During the g* al nlc "» tl > M R y» th e showers of April coniifd. ar "'» Ulltil within a days the anxious h >,in:ima " dreaded, ielt exeefs of moisture fiwuP nildewhis ho P|-' s - Bm llie l,ar,, e(t will yet prof« , ) , ° u ' and and clear (Ides and a warm operamre will cause the green corn to rife luxui" 1, Happy farmers! Theeffortsof yonr virtu al:d Federal repeefentatives ha»ing secured to if '' ,e sweets of peace, you may now baflc fecur* ll "der the (hade of your ancient elms, and the yellow (heaves of plenty ga. 110 a>V !d )' ou ' e. — ' lc By t) obliging attention of Jeremiah Smiih, ia- Efq, le efeiftative of this jiiflridt, the Editor some a- t ; me j]e, leeeived a copy of Mr. Ames' speech, li- j t ; g rc etted that the arrangements of the f.luTe lle' um a such that it was impeffibk- to exhibit in ane pape'he whole of this maflctly harangue. The e ' Edit careful of the fymmetiy of Mr. Ames' elo [r. q ue c, was averse to publifti it broken and disjoin e- ted But if the opinion of a young man can add sy anting ,Q the high and deserved reputation of ty hii who, in spite ot disease, could "charm the in