Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, June 20, 1796, Image 1
oasefie of tk llnitaj s§> tales Numbe* I ISS.] PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY EVENING, Jc/iVi: 20, >796. J^IW^IX. UII' ui *-w«»v»»#•« Madeira W I n F„ In pipes, hogsheads arid quarter casks, fit for #nmediate use OLD "SHEftRY WINE in quarter cafcs A few AM* i <fr. calks RED LISBON WINE Old Jamaica SPIRITS, to be- fold by George Meade, At hi« Store, in Fourth,' near Walnut Stitrt. §j . He has also, TO RENT,, Two Large Cellars, floored with 2 inch plank, and can supply Store-room for a considerable quantity of Wet and Dry Goods. June 16 § r ° For Sale or Charter, 2000 Bb!s. of flour—Die may be sent to sea at a small expence, her fails and rigging being in very good order—apply to James Campbell, or George Latimer. April, 29. § "cjfe. ' 'for sale; ~ a r v > Burthen 152 Tons, almost new, and com dVifc V. plctelr fitted for fea—Alfa, 42,000 wt. PRIME GREEN COI'fEE, entit led to Drawback. a H'nds. New-England RUM, apd A Quantity of TOW* LINEN. For terms anplj'to the master on board said Brig, lying' atUiffonl'i wftit) tfl'lft SAMI'F.L COA'TES. TTiTTc? S ' 'tic Snuw Hebe. r—FOR SALE, The Snow HEBE, A faithful Philadelphia built vessel, car ries i,jooobufhe!sof grain or 2600 barrels flonr, is rea dy to take In a cargo. She is about, four years .old- Apply to PETER BLIGHT. Who has for file, Sugar, Coffee, Cocoa, and Pimento. Also, A Pared of CHOICE PORT WINE. J" ne 6 eo For Cadiz, 1 rflEtjSj—** To fail on or about the Ijth inft. from The ship Hazen, Excetfeut for PaiT<jjige*s. F#r paflage \ <snly apply to Mil tar and Hoops, at New-York ; or to the Printer hereof. [June 13 |.?wl ~~ Fox BOSTON,' Daniel Rhodes, Master, IYING at Messrs. Anthony & Co's wharf, will pofi _« tively fall on Sunday next, For freight or pAssage, having excellent accommodations for paft'engers, apply to the Captain on b»ard, or to EDW «RD STOW, Jun. June 13. § St. Qroix Sugar, LANDING on Race-street vvhart, frerfi on board the "1 brig Pragcrs, capt. Thomas Watfan, and for sale by J Pragers & Co. £ Who have REMOVED their Counting-bouje to the S. Jtde of IValnut-flreet wharf. June fy., .. _ .. ... (tw For Alexandria and Georgeteivn, /lllSjv The (loop Venus, jeremiah Blown, Master, SHE will be ready to fail in a few days—has good accommodations for paiTengers, and wiil take freight on modente terms. Apply on board, at Chefnut street wharf, or to Joseph Anthony & Co. _ June \j. +t j_ For Sale at Auction, pl On/Tuesday Evening the 21 ft instant, «t 7 o'clock, at the Merchants Coffee House, y, The Brig MARY, Se Burthen 150 tons, ihe is almost new, well found, and may be seen —ajrt&s*ss3Kw»by applying to the master or board, / At Clifford's wharf—Three months credit will be ' given for one half the purefhafe fnoney, and fik *1' months for the other half, on receiving fufftcietit security, in approved notes, with a good indorfer on each. Also Salt at studion, on the fame terms, At The Schooner AMY, Burthen 94 tons, fhg is a good vessel,, about one year old, and if)ay be feeo by applying to the rtiafter on board, At Jiiffe and Robert Wain's wharf. JOHN COmiLLT, Auctioneer. June 17. 2. For Freight or Charter, To Hamburgh, Bj-erfidn, or Affifterdafn, The Ihip Harriet, ThftftiasW. Norman, Commander, A RiMiSitAßiE FJNE SB»F, -Cj BURTHEN 229 tons, in ord r, Th fails fail, and will be ready to receive a cargo in three days. For lams apply to the captain on bo-rj, at Wal- Bu.'-ftreet wlrarf, or to a Peter Kuhu. I u A The Consignees aud owners of Goods on Jioard the 1- bovefhip, will pkafe to he tarly in their application* for them, a* they arc now difcharg : «g. N r E V, Several Apprentices to the Printing- Business Applv at the Office of the Gazette of tiie United States, X-. j i;, V|H -f'.i, .t. $ 1 Just Arrived, j In she brig Lady Walterjtorjf, Capt. Gutterfon, and I ■will begin to land this day at Sims's wharf, bc'tow J the Bridge, TENERIFFE WINES, In pipes, hogsheads and quarter casks. For sale by SAMUEL & MTERS FISHER. j They hjve alft> vn hand, 1 Butts Malaga, and j Butts & 2.3 Qr. Calks Sherry, J WTiich they wish to di'pofe' of to flofe faleS. 6th month 11, 0 . , — . '■ For the Benefit of Diflre/Jed Emigrants. J This D.iy was Pflblilhed, An Oration, DEUvered in behalf of the Philadelphia Society forth: j information and afiiftance of persons emigrating J :nt from foreign countries, in By Morgan J. Rhees. To be had of all the Booksellers. [Price 25 Cents] j Jtine 17 ff font j _ George Dobson, BF.OS leave to inform the Store-Keepers in Town and I Country, that he has rem«ve<d from Market-Street to j N°* 25, south Third-street, m- where he is opening a Large and Elegant Affortxnent of the j undermentioned articles —v.iz. Superfine LondonClothi and JCcrfeymcreK, Yorkfiiire fccond Do. Do. Eladic do. do. I Mix'd and Biuc Goatrngs | Flannel].*, &o. v Manchfiler Printed Callicoes, 0 London Chintz Hitto, Blue and auto FumituieSj — India diuo, I. Lo<ig Cloths, Coflaes, Bdftas, BattiJlis& Conievrcm»i I 4-4 9-8 5-4 & 6-4 Supeifinc fndh Book Muslins, 4-4 and 9-8 India Book Handkerchiefs, j f 4 1 and 9-8 Scotch ditto, 4-4 & 6-4 plain do Muslins, I lr- 4-4 & 6-4 B+itifh Jaconets, | a _ 6-4 Bi uiih Cheeks and Stripes, 4-4 India do. do, do. 4-4 ditto Chilloes, Madras Handkerchiefs, &c. I * A laroe-affoitmcnt of figur'd and plain Muflintts, I' Quiltings, Dimities, and Striped Naukecns, Fancy Wailtcoatings, Ginghams of the firft Quality, fubjeft to Drawback, India Nankeens, Men's White aud coloured Silk (lockings. May 9 1 '^csweotl — --i„f r% r.- ■- . t — I TenerifFe Wine. TENERIFFE WINE, in pipes, hoglheads, and quarter casks, and 170 Filtering Stones, just ar- j rived per the fchootifr Polly & Sally from Teneriffe,and to H _ John Craig, i No. 12 Dock Sreet. 11- who has Also For sale, il &?a Soft-fhfcll'd ALMONDS, | RAUft N S m~EraiTs: — _ 1 SHERRY WINE, i« Quarter Gifts, r ' Irish CANVAS, Bristol and Irilh WINDOW GLASS. to ' M ay 3° ' eo . Wm.HOLDERNESsi, No. 76 High Street, >e TT AS received, by the latest arrivals from Europe and I 'y O the East Indies, a well feleiScd afTortment of Silk j Mercery, Linen Drapery and Habirdalhery Goods; which 1 he will fell, Whokfalc and Retail, on the lowed terms ; I AMONGSf WHICH ARE, SAme fine India muffins emoToidered with gold and Giver 1 Superfine Book, Jacket, and Mulmul ditto Do do do do Handkerchiefs I f Some extra black tafFetiea,lut«ftrings and colored Pcrfians I J Bahdano Handkerchiefs Long aud short Nankeens j I English Mantuas of the firft quality j f p Dam aik table linen and napkins, very fiae j, v Silk Hosiery, an elegant affortmsnt I , , Thead and cotton do n Itmbrellas—green silk, oil'd do. and do cloth I — French cambrits, very ifine Iri<h Linens, drt. &c. See. June 14 § I A Genteel family wish to rent a COUNTY SEAT, I in an agreeable fitualion, U'ithjii a few miles of J T, Philadelphia. If furniftied, it would be more agreea- I cit ble. ' Apply perfofially or by letter to Mr. Taylor, at Df. da Yeatman's, No. 211;, South ftcond street, corner of toi Second street- June 6. § m. t <—I- — — — J .-rr... AH TO BE LET. , A LARGE Commodious dwelling House, No. 124, " . Il Spruce street, with a convenient stable and Coach W1 . House, —Also' for sale a Chariot but little the worse for . . June 2. eotf ' - - 1 —firm mi r ——* • - • - • , a P Landing, pr At RuffeH's wharf, the CARGO of the Ship Lady Louisa, Jasnes Cooper, master, from China, and the 1" Cape of Oood Hope, CONSISTING OF 1 SUGAR, in Chefis and Bags ; W#NES, in Butts and half Butts of superior apia- the . li[ y > 1 req A fniall quantity of BRANDY ; And a few Red HANDKERCHIEFS. ext F-ORSALEBY lari Parker & Wharton, hi " No. 109, south Water-street. er April 26. § ">? Sales of India Goods. TI The Cargo of the (hip Ganges, capt. Tingey, freih Cal- v cutta and Bengal, v consisting or A Large and general afTortment of Bengal and Madras , 1 COTTON and SlLii GOODS. hu . r AMONG A HE A variety fine worked and plain Muslins > Doreas, tS'c. Also, ' f (jri A .Quantity of Excellent Sugar, t°' In boxe'ii and bag?.-—and BLACK PKPPER. For Sale hy C(i > Killings b 5 Francis, ly s _ _ No. %iPenn Street. 54 Tune 8 > • - -• ;„in i 1 I tor Sale, and | A Three story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut ■low 1 street, bet\veen Front and Second ftraets, in which j Me.Tcs. James Caluraith & Co. have for many years (and j now do) carried on buGnefs. I Poffeflioil will be one month, or sooner. I For terms apply t« WILLIAM SELL, or j HECTOII CALBRAIT H April 21. I —— : Landing, I A T theSubfcribers' wharf, from on bsal ? :he Clip Av -8 I -ZjL rora, capt. Suter, 150 Hogsheads — Prime Jamaica Sugars, For sale by Witlings and Francis, May , § ting John Miller, jun. & Go. No. 8 Chefnut-ftreet, J Have imported in the late vessel frem Europe, J A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF —J SPttING GOODS, j Amongll which are and Striped and clouded NANIvEENS, , to Dimities and Muflinets, HATS, I Neatly assorted in packages, tht IRISH LINENS. ditto, All which tbey will fell on the cioft reafonablc terfns, J for Ca!h or the usual credit. j May 11. § Table Cloths, <See. WIAURICE MOYNIHAN, I No. Bt, North Seceitda few, doors above Arch Si j TNFOfeM.s his Fncoda .r.>il tfae.Pubiic. that lie ha; for j X sale on reifonable terms, £>anialk TSble d.iilßTTjrrfct- I I fercnt sizes, with Napkins to match the figure of the cloth, I Diapers, Infh Linens, I Sarfnets, Sheetings, Perfuns, Checks, English .patent SilkHofe, Coarse Muslins, &c&e. Also, on ajfortment of j China, Glass, and Qiieen's Ware : tub lev ate I Blue & enamelled Break- China Jars and Bickers, I fact Cups & Saucers. Decanters, I Do. Gullon, w Wine Gb.lTes, &c. , I Haif-Gallon Crates Wtil be put Up at the Quart i (hotted notice, and the usual c — I Pint & 1 q credit given. I Half-Pint J & May 1$ § * a Ti:N DOLL A IIS- REWARD. J nd LOS T, ir- | nd TUNE 15th, between Shippen and Market streets, a red J i\ ()i.OCCO J'OCKET UQOK, containing a Check on the Bank ofiSthe United States, drawn by Peter and Henry Mi.-rcketiin favor of Mr. R. Potter, for 1,000 dol- I lars, and several notes of hand past due ; together with a ml j share in the New Theatre, and federal other papers of no I confe<juence bat to the own^r. I JWJuWver will briag it to No. 136 Market street, shalL j uUovc rewari. • a j N 15. Payment of the Check is flopped at the Bank, j June 15. § 1 For faie by the fubferibers, IN FitiN-STfrEET, 130- quarter, C hefts frefli Hyftn Tea j I 100 ditto do. fieih Souchong Tea; I 3c® Boxes Ghina, containing small tea setts of 42 fk . ] C j l j 400 pieces Banaanoes. Willing Francis. I I Xannsrv 30 ;taw. ALEXANDER POWER, T T AViNG business in the conntry, and expefling to be ns j X X absent for some time, requests his employers in the j Brokering ljhe, to apply to Mr. Thomas Noble, at No. j 147 in Chefnut Street, next door to his hodffe, between J 4th and sth Streets, who will pa-/ cvety attefttibfl to those I tvho may have any trarifaAions m fades or purdlafes in r ~ I Land, Stock, Discounts, is'c. June 8 § ca I i— ' ' ■ T ■ ' Samuel'Richardet, J 7 p ESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen l > j ,V Merchants, that hfc has this day openfed the CtTV «- 3f TAVERN and MERCHANTS COFFEE HOUSE in the J - j city of Philadeb hja- y The Subscription Room will be farfiiflied with all the r. f. ! daily papers published in Philadelphia, N:w-York, Bos- X )f ton, Baltimore, together with those of the principal com- - merci»l cities of Europe—They will be regularly filed and none permitted to be txkefi away oil any atcoDnt. Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellied, Ice Cfeanis, add a Varifcly of Frcnch Liquors; together with the usual refrefhments, V will at all times be procured at the bar. r Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with the choicest of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the most _ approved Malt Liquors from London and other breweries. The Larder will be supplied with the prime and earliest produ&ions of tho Sea Can. Large and small Parties, or single Gentlemen, may be y accommodated wirh Breakfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at e bouts moil conv. nie.-it to tliemfelves-r—a cold Collacion is regularly kept for conveniency, the Bill of Fare to be had at tho bar. — The Lodging Rooms will be completely furnifhed, and — the utmofl attention paid to eleanlinefs, and every other requisite. a .0" SAMUEL RiciiAßnar will behappyto receive, and exepute the commands of his Friends, and the Public at large; and with gratitude for their favours, be pledges Y ° himfelf that nothing 011 his put fhalt be wanting to pre- p serve that patronage with which he has been lb ikftinguifh- "J a inglyl'ionored. c . Philadelphia, April 19. § . Hot PrefTcd Bible. # Tiie Second number of thisSfLENDLD National Work, b ai will be delivered in a few days, and proceed regularly without interruption. p K 'T'HE proprietors have great fatisf»<aion in faying, that Iro S X it has been examined with much attention by many we hundreds of gentlemen, and that not in a single instance 'he has the warmelt approbation been withheld from it. They ,ia ' already boast of as retpeaable a lift of fuklcrib rs as ever > supported a? y work, in so lhort a time as this has been be- ot fore the public, iuch friands of elegant printing as mean *, CQ to become fubferibers. are requeftcd to do it without de- sou lay, :w the number determined upon to be printed is limit- h cd, and there is every profpedl of the whole being short- u ly disposed of. 1 Sublcriptions will be received by the proprietors, No. 34 Carter's alley, and at the Book-ftyres in general. s. ■ t 1-i* M » 1 • u Yazoo Lands. nut ___________ »ich. and May le had at the Editor's Office l ig, Chsfnul-Jlrtct, A few Copies of " a Report of tht At:orrfy Grneial to Congrcfs containing a» of J ChAHTERS, TrkATISS bid. oiler DoC"M»M?S, relative to and explanatory of Title to t!ie — fituate'm tiie South Western parts of tfic VnUed States, and claimed fay certain Cootpailies lirSer » law ut tl»e State of Georgia, paijM j*i uary 7th, ___ RECEIVED, By the Brig Wekomt Return, from Savanna/:, 27 Bales COTTON. - Jtfy the Schooner AiigaH, from Cb irleflm, 100 Caiks Prime"RlCE. And, by the Schooner John, from Boftan. SE WING-SILKS, various colours. GURRAHS COSSAHS, and India Bandanno Handkchfs. For Sale'by N. &c J. Frazier, No. 9;, South Frontfirtet Uht have olfn oa hand) and for S^ie % Prime Boston in barrels, ISS" | WINES, IS » Carolina INDIGO, &c. &c. May 31 , njw&fim Just imported, And for SALE, , SUGAR and COFFEE, in hounds 7 N£\V iUCE, iii whole and turf threes or QUEEN'S \VA r£, in hogfhoad* WHITE LEAD, (dry) in calks \\ CDEPIKrm-^- America,.] Pfftite at* White Soap j Mould and Dipt Candles and BOSTON BEEF of the firft quality. <=• Isaac Karvcy, jun. [6 mo. I. §3w] Xo. 5 south Water Street. Lottery and Broker's Office, A' u 64 South Secondflreet, rICKF.TS in the Canal Lottery No. 11, are now rea dy lor iaie, a Check-Book kept lor the examination al of Tickets, and Prices paid, without dedufiion. The Subscriber foiicits the application of the Public <5r any ol his friends who wifli to purch fc or fell Bank B;cc;t Certificate*, Bills of Exchange, or JNote*, Houses, Lands Lottsor Merchandize of any kind,-or to obtaih Moiiiy 011 deport of property. * J WILLIAM BLACKBURN, d Late s?'~ent for the Canal Lottery Company. 1- J«ne 6. " 0 FOR SALE, A Pair of Young Bay Hodes, !l Weil mstch'd, and very Suitable for a-Ph.ston— apply at No, 115 foptlkThird-ilreet. [fuiie I3§iw - — - John Miller, jun & Co. No. is Cliefnut Street, Have received by the Ship BIRMINGHAM PACKET, 2 From Calcutta, 160 Bales of Bengal Goods, 10,000 Pieces Nankeens, Of a Superior Quality, 3J° Bags of SUCIsIR, e Which they will fell on advantageous terms e May 10. $ 1 China Goods. 1 TH ® Atlantic, Silas S-waine, Commander, X ftom Cinton, will commence the discharge of her carga t«-merrew morning at W»lnut-ftru«t wharf Conjrfling of Yellow and white Nankeens of ercelfcnt qtwKty Persian Taffetice, black and coloured ; Lustrings, do. do. Sattins black of various qualities ; Sewing lilks in affoitcd colours VcrmiUion in boxes Callia in chefls Ouicfefiiver in jars BOHEA, 1 SCRiOHONG, I Hi SON SKIN, I ~ young HYSON rrelh leas. BEST HYSON, I IMPERIAL, j CHINA WARE, ornamental, with Table and Ttft Sits generally afForted. W HITE SUGARS, and a quantity of First tjuaiity Bengal SALT PETRE. For Sale by Philip Nicklin & Co. A y ; ' s. ' '* Country Seat for sale, » N elegant House, and highly cultivated Firm, on the eafU t*- ern bank of Hudlon's river, bounded on the north by Vrrplanck's Point, and distant forty-five miles from New- York ; the farm cor.fifts of 295 acres, and i, one of the moifc pi£lineCquc and beautiful fituaaons .on th. Continent; com maftdiiV Sn extenfivc and vjriegattd profpeft ; the foil ij rich, chitfly laid down in Engii3fh grals, and is under excel lent fence! The hoiifeis a hartdfome two story doublebuitaing, in uc mod modern fly It, finifhrd with much lade, and polfelTei c very tttpiifre for the accorhmodation of a genteel family j there are alfoori the premises a new overfeer's-houfe, a new barn, evenfWe (tables, cow-fbed, cyder-house, poultry houle, &£. There are abundance of fruit trees com prehending all the cho'icdl kinds v;hi. h could be procured Iroin the nurseries about town, now in fall bearing, and & well llock'd kitchen garden A flpop gees twice a week to the city, frotn a landing convenient to inefarm, and the Al bany poll toad forms the ealtrrn boundary. The house, 4c. are kept in neat Older for the receptidh ot the purchaler on the (hortcft notice, who might also be accommodated with about 12c acres adjoning the farm on the south, the greatest part of which stretches along ihe river which abounds wi: ho\fters apd a variety of fiih.' Should he be averlc to farming, there are many refpefiable neighbours who would work ii on advantageous terms. Apply to GtORGE & HUGH POLLOCK, Gonvcrneur s Laoe, New-Yoik, or to JOSEPH A ( \THONj ro. .