Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, June 17, 1796, Image 4

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    lw>/ . X ; 2| (
ATo<w P by the Printer*
No. 149, C&ei'nut-Street, and No. 3, Laetiwa Court,
delivering to Sublcribers, and to ue had»t the diiieftnt -
Hook Stores in this Citv» 1
Ttje Flrji Number of r
Berriman & Co's
Containing the Old and Nsw
TeftamrntJ and the Apocrypha, with marginal notes and re- d;
ercnrei. An Index :or an account of the rood remarkable 01
palTaifesin the old and new Testament, paining to the placet Si
wherein they happened, and to (he places of (enptuie where
in they are recorded.-A Tahle of Time.—Tables ofyferip
tur-Tii almea, weight.and coins : with an appendix,contain
in»th- method of calculating its MEASVa»»«f «u« **£ '< j
hitherto tear ting in Treadfei on thisfuhjed. A Table of Offices J
and Conditions of men. [ r
1, Thefueof thu Edition will be* LARGE rOLIO,
•printed on a beautiful new type, and good paper, made par- "
ticularlvior it, "It will be cublifned in Numbers, notto ex. n
cred so, one of wt*h will be delivered weekly to fublcnb- t<
er>, a?4qinrterof a dollar. Those fubfenbers who prefer fa
receiving the work complete, will-be attended to bv I,unifying o:
the fame on any of the fubferiptioo pspers in the'Eook(lores
in this city. . . ... b
s. There willbe an advance in the prtce, on lubl ribing c !
after the firft of Atiguft next. tf
3 In the courfeof the Work willbe given an elegant
Frontifpiece—Fiom an Engraving of the celebrated artlft, c|
Gkicnion. ~ in
Seskiman Sc Co. gratefully acknowledge the very liberal
encouragement they have met with; and havereafon to oelteve
that the execution of their edition will amWer every expec
tation, and fpcakiti own prttfe.
MayuG 3 aweow^_
TuRNPIKE Company. h
Mlv 44, 1796-
Tft -T agr-eahly to a bye law of the Stockholders, fub
-icriptioui, will be opened at the Company'snffice in Phi
ladelphia, on the 20th day of lune next, for fiftv additional
{hares of capital (lock in the Philadelphia and I.aneafter Turn
pike Road Company. The sum to be demanded for each
(hare wilfbef hree Hundred' Dollars, and a sum equal to. le
gal intered upon the several instalments called for ftorn the o
riginal Stockholders, to be calculated from -the times the er
(aid instalments became severally due, One Hundred Dollars
thereof to be paid at the time of Subfcrtbing, and the re
mainder in Three Equal Payments, at 30, 60, and go days.
No Person to be permitted to iubferibe more than one (hare
4»n the firft day.
By order of the Board,
Wm. GOVETT, Secretary.
Lancaster Turnpike Road Compajiy, are requeued
u> meet at the Company's Office, on Monday morning niue
o'clock, the scth June next.
By order of the Board, R.
- fslumß. Wi« GOVETT. Secretary.
—" For SALK,_ — -
An elegant 3 ilory Brick Messuage
(Lite the property of George Dannacker, deecafed) T
WITH piazza sndjkitchen, cow-hoafe, and ftabiing A
for 34 horses, a-gabd pump in the yard, &c. Situ- A:
ate on the Weft fide of Ftfjnt, near Callow-Hill street—at p°j
present occupied by Mr. John K-incaid. as
N. B. The Lot is n 1-1 feet iront on the "Weft fide of
Front Street, ia depth oh the North fide, 157 Feet, and on
the South fide, a"j6. GEOP GE •KEMBLE \_ .
.May 31 tawtm
A FOUNT of BREVIER,fcaIf worn ; about fourtiun- tec
dred weight. Enquire tat the Office of the Gazette eo l
of the United States, Nc. 119 €he§jut-ftreet § to
A. very Valuable Estate,
CALLED rw ITT ENH AM, situate in the
townihip of Upper Derby, and county of Delaware,
j -i-i m«e» from Philadelphia, and half a mile from the
new Wefternroad: vcontaining 230 acres of excellent land,
45 of which are good watered meadow, 90 of prime wood- -w
laid, and the reft arable of the firil quality. There are j
on the premises a good two ftary brick house, with 4 rooms g
-on a floor, and cellarsunder-the whole, with a pump-well p
of eiccilent water in front; a large frame batn, ftabks, . '
«ntl other conyccient building 6; a smoke-house and Itone „
Ipring-houfe; two good apple orchards, and one of peach
. es. The fields are all in clover., except those immediately
under tillage, and are so laid out as to have the advantage
'of water in each of tfcem, which renders it peculiarly con
venient for grazing. 1'
The situation is pleaCjnt and healthy, and from the high °>
eultivation of the land, the good neighbourhood, and'the fii
vicinity to the city, it is very suitable for a gentleman's /
cauntry feat. •
The foregoing is part of the estate of Jacob Harman,
dcceafed, and offered for sale bv
Mordecai Lewis,
OA. 9. eo.] Surviving Executor.
Land for sale.
ANY gentleman desirous of purchaCng Land, i»! the (
vicinity of the city of Wafeington, may now be
,»cc>'mmoditad with a situation combining advantages as to te
health, foil, ar.d proipeit, not equalled perhaps in Ame- tl
rica. tl
Thefubfcriber has for sale from 100 to -5 80 acres of land. »j
It lies within I 1-4 mile of the city of Walhington, I 1-2 w
from the Prefideut's Square, (from whicKit bears about
N. by E.) and 3 1-4 miles from tht Capitol. It bears u
■early W. from the wefternoioftfpring of the head waters c ,
as the Tiber, Jiftant therefrom about 1-8 of a mile. The
situation is remarkably tealthy, and every pait of the
land U well watered—has great abundance of the ehoiceft g
fruit: about 80 acres are in wood, .and there arc about 50
acres of meadow-ground, .great part ther»of can be wat- c ,
ered.and th* wholelaid down inTimothy-gral's at a small
expense. There are fe.veral btautifn I eminences en it: one
cf the heights commanding a rnoft beautiful oud extensive .
profped—To the south, you have afull view of the city
of Walhington, the town of Alexandria, and the river
Potowmac, as farjs the eyecm reacix. To the nortb, 2
full view of the Sugar-Loai Mountain, distant about 35
miles, with the fuiroundingcountry.—To the Well, ave
ry eitenfive view of the lands in Virginia: the wflole '
forming a grand rural Amphit'acitr.e. Any person indin- 1
ed to purchase, will find on viewing the situation, that the '
Landscape is to .the fleet<!h given of it in this '
advertifemqnt. For price, &c. apply to the subscriber, :
liying oti the premises, .or to George Walker, Esq. now '
in Philadelphia. JOHN THO : BOUCHER,
Diftriit of Columbia, May 6, l/j6.
May xi. »lawsw
Maftard and Chocolate
CONTINUE to be manufactured in the belt man
ner, and sot file, as usual—Also ilic-lled or pearl
Barley., Coffee, Pepper, &c. Philadelphia Porter, Beer,
Ale, Cyder, Englifti Porter, Taunton and Bath Ale
in bottles, &c. &c.—at No. 98, South Froat-ftreet,'
oppolite the Custom-house, by
Philadelphia, May 7, 1796. »aw4w
V Trcafury Department;
Rtvenve-Offin, March 10/ A, |
1 TJROPOSALS will be received at tir- office of t.e
r ComniiJJiontr.6/tl- (*«• 4.1, "the corner ot
Third and Cheft.ut-ftreets, Philadelpha) for building in ;
I. A Light-.Honfe upon Cape-Hatteras. j
11. A Beacon House upon Shell Caflle iflnnd. „
Descriptions of each, and all other particaUrs, may c .:
seen on application at the offices of any of the
- da "its cf I.ight-Houfes, or of the Supervisors o. the Keve- t
e or of the Colledors of the'Cuftoms n any ot tne f
s States; as also at thi= office. lawtm £
INFORMATION ii hereby triven, that the late John
Paul Jones was a proprietor of fiye ffiares (amount- r
ing to about 5867 icres) in a trail of land purchased by
, -the Ohio Company, in. the territory of the United states
of America, north-weft of the river Ohio ; and that his.
! he rs, or legal reprefentetive, ofl application to the direc
k tors of said company, at Marietta in the territory a ;°J" c "
r said, will rcceivc a deed of the laid five or rights
y of lar.d. :
s The application tnaybe made personally or oy an agent,
but proper documents mufl be producec to pr«ve the.
g claimant or claimants the legal heirs or representative of >
the said Jones
f N.b. As it-is not known in what cotntry the person
or persons interested reside, it will be an a A of benevolence
in every Printer in America and Europe who&all insert
this advertifemcnt in his paper. j
e In behalf of the dire*ftoro of th.eOhio Company, J
Marietta, May 20,1796. [June 4 ] 3
— — — ' c
Imported, \
Inthefllip Birmingham Packet, from Calcutta, and c
for sale by the Package, by f
Samuel & .Miers Fisher,
I Tandah Ceffeas, Batna, and other Baftas, {
Bahar HankercUicfs, Persian Taffatios, e
1 Humhums, Flewer'd and spotted
Emerties, Bapdan&cs.
With a variety of other goods from that place, and a gen
- eralaiTortment 0/ European !>PRING_.QOODS, as^uliial.
> Also,
Long and Ikort Pipes, in boxes of 5 groce each, (
An aflortmcnt of Stone Jugs and Pitchers,
: Queen s Ware, in Crates, assorted,
Glass Ware, in Crates aiid Calks,
Sheathing' Paper, by the Eale, j.
,: WINES ;
| Spermaceti Candles, and
A general ajfortment of IriJl) Linens, (
Received per ship Glasgow, from Dublin, by the package. -
May 12. §!Weo3W
. N O . 136. 1 "
Diftrift of Pennsylvania, to wit.
BE it that on the Jixteentb day of in the
twentieth year of the independence of the United States of
. America, Samuel Harrjun Smith, of the said Dif.riii, bath Je
> pitted in this office the title of a book, the right ivhertef be claims,
as proprietory in the -wards feUoxving : to ivit :
p " Hifiory of the lufurreftion in the fo*r JVefern counties
t of Pennjylvania, ii» the year AfDCCJCCIf, luitb a re
u cital of the e '>rcumflances specially connected therewith, and
u an hiflortcal revieiv of the previous ftuatiun of tin country,
By William Fihdley, Member of the House of Rcprefenta
" fives of the United States-i
in conformity to the aSI of the Congress of the United States, entit
> tf."l flTl for ibe cntuui xgcrrw* y Ay J~.rurii-g the
t copies of Maps, Charts and Boots, tn the Authors and Proprie
tors of fucb espies, during the times thereiu mentioned."
the DiftiH of Pennsylvania. r
yune JO lat-u/^zu
"No. m South Second Street, , 1
HAS far thef* two years pad introduced a new fpccies
j BAftJ£, which after repeated trials by the principal
Physicians of (his city, is now preferred in all cases of !
* importance that require it, to the best R*d and Pale !
[ Bark. It« a powerful Astringent Bitter, fits well on '
f the ftomacji, is certain in its effects, aai requires only
; half the usual quantity for a dose.
Many of the citizens of Philadelphia are now ac- '
quainted witj» its virtues, the knowledge of which
> ought to be extended over the Union. He has a large
5 fijpply of the Yellow Bark, and a general alTortment of
s Drugs, Colours, Glass, Dye Stuffs, Ssfr.
Salt Petre, Jalap, and Camphor,
the Quantity.
May 19s *iawjt
Urbanna Mill Seats ,
e OITUATE in Ceeil county, Maryland, on the banks of
c O the rivsrSufquehanna, about one mile tide wa
-0 ter, and commanding the water of that important river,
- the channel condufling the trade of which comes so near
the Mill Seats a» to make iteonvenient te speak the boats;
'■ and Mills may be so fituaced as to receive them atang their
1 walls, and by water lifts tak« in their cargoes.
t There is a power fufficient for many and any kind of
s ufeful Water Works, and so much may be juflly said in
* commendation of this Scite as would be inconvenient to
e insert in a newspaper publication.
« Those who may deiire to be concerned, will probably .
ft find tl emfelves well pleased on viewing the situation..
0 Leafes.for any term of years may be obtained on appli
t- cation to the fubferiber, living on the premises.
" April 19. lawjm
1 General Poji Office, Philadelphia,
a March 16, 1796.
Ij VT7HEREAS fundry'Letteis, transmitted in the Mails
e V V of. the United States, to -end from .Norfolk, in the
tie of Virginia, were opened, and Bank Note* of feve»
n- ral denominations fraudulently taken from them at York,
he in the Hate aforefaid, in the months of O&ober, Novem
,ls ber and December lafl: and whereas a part of said notes
-r, and *° mc c " h have been recovered and are now in poffefiU
>w on of the Post Matter Gene.-al. In order there'ore -hat
fueh Bank Notes as (hall be identified may be restored to
the owners thereof, and that the remaining notes and caffi
be equitably d»ftributed among those who arc entitled to
~ 4, r ff NO T' CE ' S GTVEN-toStt-pwfonswho
have furfeicu by fach fraudulent practices, within the pe
riod, and on the route aforementioned, to exhibit their
m- clalms without delay, supported by such reasonable proofs
ar! f. s ®7 l !f K f7 *0 fubllantiate them. Such notes as
en, U w,tl hc r «eived by application to the
Uc Gerleral post Office, on or before the firfl day of Tulv
? Xt i f!d the r f ldu , e of fochcalh and notes will then bt
divided among the Claimants in proportion to their refpec
ttve loses, to be afcertuntd by the necefiary proofs, which
on or before that day shall beprodacedtothf General Post
Office. (sswtju y) , j OS . HABEiiSHAM.
OF%II sizes, froinjl lb to Grape,
CanTOooles, Pots, and other callings executed at the T
shortest notice,
Nail rods, from rod to spike.
Hoop Iron, of allfizes, for cafo. or cutting nails, from p
a brad to I id nails,
Anchors, from 17 ioolb. It
4 Bar Iron, re
A Quantity of James River Tobacco,
Carolina Pork. e |
Herrings in barrels, r,
' Kilo-dried cor* meal m Hhds. and Ebls.
Rye flour itc. to be fold by
Levi Hollingfworto tsr Son.
Ju,v.i 4 !£2L_
1 3 , Will be landed,
To-morrow morning, at south street ■ -<
wharf, the Cargo of Brif Peggy, cajsfc Kilby,
J from Anatto Bay, Jamaica, t
100 Hhds. Sugar, *
; 76 Hhds. Coffee, (
300 Bags Ginger.
For Sale by
' Mayy
For Sale,
A Valuable Grift and Saw Mill,
IN New Jersey, near the Forks of Little Egg-Harbour.
The Grift Milli* fix tyby fort) feet, two water wheels,
and calculated for four run of Slbflei, with screen, tans
and boulting-doths, &c. rh< two fiwSjS#4
capable of cutting five to 6 100 thoufaad feet of Boards per
year. A valuable piece ©f Cedar Swamp, within a mile
and a half of the Mill, and within three quarters of a mile
oi a Landing The £tc. may be taken by water
from the mill tail. tl
Several Valuable Tracts of Land, d
' In Penrifyivania, for all of which payment will be receiy- n
ed in the notes of Messrs. Morris and Nicholfpn, or in
Cafli. _ d '
For further information apply to the Printer. w
\ May 17.
'Jo be sold at public sale,
On the tßth day of June next, at the City Tavern,in Phi
FOUR Lots of Ground in the town of Lamberton,
county of Burlington, and State of New-Jersey, ad
joining the riv r Delaware, late the E£tate of William
Richards, deceased, with all th» buildings and improve- —
ments, bounded by ground of John Mitchell, I.ambert
Cadvyalader and others; a clear indifputthle title will be c
given. "1 he terms will be made known at the time and
placeof sale. April 28. m&th.
Now landing,
At the lower fide of Market flreet -wharf i the Car
go of the Schooner Di[patch, from Demarara,
Confi/ling of
Cayenne and Demarara Cotton,
■Sugar, Coffee, Cocoa, Rocou, and
Cloves —also, 6co fides Soal Leather.
For Sale by
' 6 mo- 10. |l iwl No. 5 south Water-street.
Notice to Claimants
- Appointed by tbe~Merchdnts ofihisCity, iybo arc fuf
ferert by Britijh captures.
' I 'HAT every Claimant who has not already-exhibited
X well authenticated proofs of his property, furnifh,
. without delay, proof that the property claimed is bona
fide American, of its cost or value at.the place of expor
tation, and at the place to which it was destined, (\* here
that can be done) and the freight payable or <uftomary,
< at the time of exportation, for like goods and voyages,
s Wheivthe claim is for veflel, to fpecify the tonnage, age, 0
' where, and the, actual cost or value. a
1 Thefc documents ought t-j be proved by oath, or afjirm
p ation, of the party claiming, made and certified by a ma- , v
E giftrate or notary public, and corroborated by such other J *
j testimony, as the nature of the cafe will admit.
Such of them as are handed to the Committee, will be j ''
forwarded to the Coir miflioners appointed on the part of £
the United States, to adjust the Claims of American r
Citizens. »
r of the Committee. < f
Philadelphia, ift June, 1796. d4W v
The Political Censor ;
Or, ;
For MAT, *
Is this day published at BENJAMIN DAVIES's 1
Book Store, No. 68, High Street.
Mav .11 eozw c
r' For Sale, <
; A Few Caiks of Firil Quality
r Enquire at Np. 71, South Water street. ?
n Ma y 2 tht &rtf ,
0 ■ _ I
Samuel Richardet, j
B ESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen (
i- A v Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY 1
city of Philadelphia. c
The Subfpription Room will be furnifhed with all the t
_ daily papers publilhed in Philadelphia, New-York, Bos
ton, Baltimore, together- with tholcof the principal com
mercial citi*s of Europe—They will be regularly filed J
and none permitted to be taken away on any account. c
' 5 ' £a > Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety <
le of French Liquors; together with the usual refrelhments,
e. will at all times be procured at the bar.
k, Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with
tl- tne of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the most
es M-lt Liquors froir.London and other breweries.
at "ho 1
to Large and fmail Parties, or single Gentlemen, aiay be '
lh accommodated with Breakfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at '
to hours moil conv-nient to th«mfelves_ a cold Collation is
re 2"' ar b' k«pt for conveniency, the Bill of Fare to be had
»e- at tho bar.
: 'f r The L ft dging Rooms wUI be completely furnifhed, and
« requiuTe aUentK>n t0 el«nlinefs, and every other
ne 0- Samuel RicataoET will be happy t 9 receive, and
. y execute the command, of his Friends, and the Public at
be large; and with gratitude for tbeir favours, he pledges
-c- himfelf that nothing on hu part fliall be wanting to pre
oft strr age^hichheh " b - &
Philadslphia, April l<). j
The corner of Market and Thiid-ftreets, "Philadelpii'f
MOST rcfpeifUully informs his friends and the public"
that he has received, per the last arrivals, .a com
plete and general assortment of almofi
Every Article in his Line;
Immediately from the manufactures of London, Bir
mingham, and Sheffield, all of which arc of the
fafhion, and will be fold, wholefik and retail, on the .ov..
eft ter»s, and the Notes of Mr. Robert Mcrrisj and Mr.
JohnNichoifon received4n payment at their current value
N. B. The upper part of the Hou.'c in which he now'
lives to be let, furniflied or unfurniftied. la . iV
Wafiimgton Canal Lottery,
N°. L.
t' "VX rHEREAS the State of Maryland hai authorised
> W the underwrite!*, to raifc twenty-fii'thoufim!
two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose sf cutting
a Canal through the eity of Waihington, from the IV
tomacto theE.ftern Branch ftzruour.
The following is ihe SCHEME of N®. I.
Viz -I Prize of zo&qq dollars, 20,000
1 ditto 10,000 io.cdo
7 last-drawn ">
Tickets, each £ s '°°° 33.°0»
6 ditto , 1,000 6,000
10 dittp 400 4,©30
no ditto too ' a,ooo
55 <i'«u 5? 4,750
ST so ditto 14 651,004
To be raised for thefcaaal, >6,250
tl*° *, ri T : 175.00®
_ JIOSO Blanks, not two to a prize.
17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, 175,000
" CS" T!ie CommilTionero have taken the Securities re
r quired by the aforefaid a<ft for the punctual payment «f
the prizes.
The drawing fcf this Lottery will commence, without
delay, as loan as the Tickets are fold., of which timely
- notice will be given.
, Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months after the
drawing is fimihed, ffiall be confidercd as relliquifted for
the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accoidinety
•lkwjs nm.ots,
C»ty of Feb. 11. 5
t City lI: Waihington.
A magnificent 3 20,000 dollars, & >
d». elling-houfe, J calh 30.000, are 5 0,009
I ditto l .s,oca '& cjfti 25,000 40,060
I ditto & calh 15,000 30,000 ,iv
I ditto & ca!h 10,000 2o,ocxJ i
I ditto 5,000 & calh 5,000 ao,ooo
J ditto 5,0c0 & calh 5,000 10,000
1 calh prize of -13,005
a do. 5,000 each, as)> - 10,000
10 do. 1,000 - - 10,000
30 do. .joo - - 10,006
00 do. joo ■" - lo,oco
aoo do. 50 to, 000
400 do. 25,. . - 19,000.
1,000 da. 20 - 20,000
15,000 do. 20 .4* - 150,000
.16,739 Prizes. 1
33,261 Blanks.
50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollsrs, 40,0000
N. B. To favour those who may take a quantity el
. Tickets, the prize of 40,000 dollars will be th; i.-i st drawn
ticket, and the 30,000 the last but owe :
And approved notes, securing payment in either money
I or priies, in ten days after drawing, wji 1 be received for
' any number no( less than 30 tickets.
This Lottery will afford an elegant'fpecimen of the pri
. vate buildings to be erected in the City of Wallungton—-
r j Two beautiiul designs are already felled for the entire
| fronts on two of the public fqujres; from these prawings
e | it is proposed to erect two centre and four corner bailings,
as fool) as possible after this lottery is fold, and to convey
t them, when complete, to the fortunate adventurers, ia
the manner described in &e ,scheme for the Hotel Lottery.
A nett Avt per cent, will be made to defray
r the neceflary expenses of printing, &c.' and the surplus
will be made a part of the fund intended for t'nt-Na::onai
- Univcrfity, to be erected within thaeity of Waihington.
The Drawing will commence as soon as tie tickets are
fold off.--The money prizes will be payable in thirty days
after it is finilhad; and any prizes for which fortunate
numbers aie not produced within twelve months after the
drawing is closed, are to be considered as given towards
the fun 3 for the University ; it fcexg determined to fettte
the whole buitncio it, « -1.. friim t>i» »i'tf ftf the rtray -
ing, and to take up the bonds given as fccjirity.
The real fecuritiesgiyen for the payment of the Prizes,
are held by the Prcfident and two Dirc<stors of the. Bant
. of Columbia, and are valued at raore than tialf the a
mount ot the lottery.
The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment oE
the late Commifiioners afufted in the management of thes
Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake this arduous talk;
a second time on behalf of the public j a fuffiiient num
ber of these having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the
friends to a National UniVersity and the other federal ob
ject, may continue to favor the design.
By accounts received from the diflerent parts of the
n Coutinent as well as from Europe, where the tieketa
1 have been sent for sale, the public are afiured that the
e drawing will fpecdily comrueiliie, and that tfee car; and
caution unavoidably neceflary to insure a fafe disposal
e the tickets, has rendered the inorr suspension indifpeulablt.
.§, Tickets may be had at the Bank of Colum'ih ; of
d James Weft & Co. Baltimore; of Peter Gilman, Bottom;
of John Hepkias, Richmond ; and of Richard Wells,
y Cooper's Ferry.
h _
?■ SLAVING been encoaraged by fevera! of his friends,
to tjadertake the Bufineiscf aaIN'SURANCs BrOKFS,
to which he served an Apprentirefhip, has this D J 7
ie opened an Office at his Dwelling,
No. 29, North U r alir-Stre:t;
j Where he will be glad to execute Orders in that Line,
and hopes by liis Attention and Punctuality, to givt
l( j t'u'l Satisfaflion to all those who may be plcafed to
■ r favour him with their Business.
May 26. d3othjn.
at '**"?*' ' '
119 —
[Pricc Eight Pollars per Anuußi.j