fictile of d,t United & bates Numbe* i 177.] PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAT EVENING, JUN*: 16, rfg6 . v For Sale or Charter, , Wm HOT.nRR T. ~ rT'TUTT- — 1 For Sale or Charter, 1000 Bbls. of flour—fhe may be foot tp at a small expence, her fails and rigging being in very good ;-oTder —apply to "James Campbell, or Geutge Latimer. i - THE schooner ■ One year old—burthen 94 tons. For term# apply to to Joseph H. Woodman, the matter on board, at Jeffe and Robert Vf'aln's wharf, or to SAMUF.L COATES, ' No. 82 foath Front Street, Who hath imported- in the said schooner for Sale, I 6 Hhds. and 4 tierces St. Martins Sugar Tune 8 "<>7 For Madeira, yilli FOUR FRIENDS. ; ■iTriLL fail in ten or twelve days; having the greatest [ VV part of her carg» engaged. For Freight or Pa£T . age apply to JESSE S3' ROBERT WALN. < j fane z , 1 For S A L E, M&j The brig Mar Y, uAMj Berth*" XJ» Toss, almost new, and com- " ■fewiSiSfc pletely 6tted for sea—Also, 42,000 GREEN COFFEE, emit- * led to Drawback. b 4 Hbds. NeW-P-ngland RUM, and » A Quantity of TOW LINEN. For terms apply to the master on i>oard said Brig, lying tt Clifford's wharf, ®r to EL COA'TES. Tune g. *sro „ Snow Hebe. r-S_ FOR SALE, ln The Sno-w HEBE, A faithful Philadelphia built veffd, car^' vies. 1,3000 buflsels of grain or 260 c barrels flour, is rea dy to take in a cargo. She is about four years olfl n Applvto PETER BLIGHT. u r l Who has for sale, jSugar, Coffee, Cocoa, and Pimento. Also, /} Parcel of CHOICE PORT WINE.. ~ June 6 eo For Cadiz, ' At To fail on or about the 25th inft. from The ilup._-HA_zxH, r-» B. mailer, Excelleut accommodations for FafTengers. For paJFage only apply to Miller and Hoope, at New-York; or to tttc Printer hereof. [jane 13s J.Vw"] * FoT BOSTON, Daniel Rhodes, Master, j t JNG at Messrs. Anthony & Co's wharf, will pofi- X-J trively fail on Sunday nest. For freight or palTage, jfj having excellent accommodations for pafiengers, apply to the Qaptainon b«ard, or to EDWARD STOW, Jun. f re J"" e 13- i_ lon St. Croix Sugar, ft - LANDING OH' Race-street whart, from on hoard the brig Pragv-rs, capt. Thomas Watson, and for sale by . Pragers iff Co. ten >* Who ha-ve REMOVED their Counting-hauje to the S. ''- ol JU tfe of Wabmt-Jlreet <wharf. , , °' June 10 | j For Alexandria and Georgetown, the The sloop Venus, f*l Jeremiah Blown, Master, SHF. will be ready to fail in a few days-—has good accommodations for pafiengers, and j will take freight on moderate terms. Apply on -— board, at Chefnut street wharf, or to Joseph Anthony & Co. ph June 15. 4t ble. FO R S A L E, Yea A Pair of Young Bay Hories, Sec< Wsll match'd, and very suitable for a Ph«ton—apply — at No. 113 south Thfrd-llreet. [June I3stw GEORGE HYDE, 3 HAS removed to No. 149 Chefnut street, between 4th and sth streets, where he is prepared to continue the bufiaefs of wh ? Bookbinding, ""si ExtenfivelV ifl all its various branches. Y ACCOI/NT BOOKS, of all kinds, Rwlbb and Bobnd E to any patters, in thebeft and most approved methods. M June 14 § t.eoi fj united states, FT L Pennfyhranja Diftri£>, ) ' B OrtcE i> hereby given, that in pUrfaance of a In ,1N writ to Ble dii evSed, by the hoootatye Ripb^rd Petsrs, Efquirt, Judge of the Court oi the U- 4" aited states, iit arid for the PennT/lvaDia Diftrift, will J* be exposed to public sale, at JtfTt and Robert Wain's | wharf, on Saturday the 18th day of June inft. at la 4 _ o'clock at neon, 6- Sundry Casts of Wine, and 4- Articles of Tackle and Furniture. a The fame having been saved from the brigantine Oi Caflader.ttbelled against, profecuttd and condemned " for salvage in the said Court. ?' WILLIAM NICHOLS, Marshal. Marshal'« Oficc. the loth day ot June, 1796. § 7 WA N TED, Several Apprentices to the Printing- Bufineft Apply at the Office of the Gazettt of the j^ eu ' United States, No. n§, Chefnut-flrect, J u f e> Wm. HOLDERNESSEi No. 76 Stmt, HAS received, by the latest arrivals from Europe and the Eafl Indies, a well aiTort'r *at of Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery and Haberdalhery Goods; which sent he will fell, Wholesale and Retail, on the lowcft teimi j ] S 10 AMONCST WHICH ARE, Some fine India muflinsemnroidered with gold and silver r Superfine Book, Jaconet, aadMuinnl ditto » do do do Handkerchiefs Soma exi r» black taffe(Jcsiutiflriag% aad colored Porfians •». — i:»u.lj t . and lbort Nankeens English Mantuas of the firft quality * EJamaik table linen and-jiaplcins, very 5Ae Silk Hosiery, an elegant aG'Ol tm«nt Thead and cotton do Umbrellas—green silk, oil'd do. and do cloth after French cambrics, very fine Irish Linens, do. &c. &c. [ uf)e j 4 S, ' ' . — Country Seat for sale. an elegant House, and highly cultivated farm, nntlie e aft er n bank of Hudson's river, bnunded Oil the nWt'b by j Verplanck's Point, anH distant forty.five miles from New 7 -n : r th<r farm corififts of 2 P 5 aerc «i »nd i« one of the most , p'.v-t'-ire.qut and beautiful fituaiions on the Continent ; com manding an extensive and variegated profpeft; the foil is neb, chieflv laid down in English grass, and is under exeellentfence. Ine house is » handsome two ilory doable building, m the most modern Ilyle, finiftied with much taste, and pofllfles e very requisite for the accommodation of a genteel family; tefb '' ie,ca!T a!fo°n the premifp", a new overfeer's-boufe, a uew iff- ex 'eßfive ftaMes, cow-fned, cyder-hotifc, smoke-house, poultry house, &c. There are abundance of-fruit tress com- so • ' prehending alf the choicel! kinds which oould be procured ,rc,m "urferies about town, now in full bearing, and a - well flock d kitchcn gardeii A Hoop goes twice a *eek to the ciiy, from a landing convenient to the farm, and the Al bany pod road forms the ealiern.boundary. she house, Sic. are kept in asat o.der for the •ecep'ion I «• ot [ be purcha'er on the shortest notice, who might a!fo be w aCd mmodated with about no acres ad]oiriii(f the farm on the . fonth, the gieateff part of which stretches along the river T ; whieh abounds wnh oysters and avarietvof fifh. Shouldbe -*■ be averse to farming, thrre are rapny refpeftable neighbours } '«" who would work it on advantageous terms. Apply to GEORG6 & HUGH POI.LOCK, Gouverneur's ia«e, New Yoik, orto I g JOSEPH ANTHONY & CO. May 3 7 Philadelphia. Just Arrived, In the Ssaw Boftoa, James Kirbpatrick, master from Li verpool, Spoo Bufheli SALT ; , 100 Crates QUEENS WARE; and An Aflortment of SKIP CHANDLERY; F ( 0 R. SALE On board, at Pine-llreet wharf. Apply to "James Campbell, or — >.' George Latimer. April 1<). 5 „ I .Landing', At RuffeHV wharf, Ap CARGO of the Ship Lady n Louisa, Javnes Coopet", master, Chin»j *.■td the 4 Cape of Oood Hooe, CONSISTING OF J, SUtj-ITC. -.init ■ WINES, in Butts and liali Butts ofjuperior qua lity ; T , A fqsal! quantity, of BRANDY ; And a few Red HANDKERCHIEFS. FOR. SALE BY r-j-y Parker Iff Wharton, 1 No. 109, fottth Water-street. bunc April lb. , § hast - TO BE SOLD, fupp iff. \ Three-story brick House, No 80, N. Second f° lc 0 il street. Th; loi is about 21 feet front, and 188 10 feet deep, to Bread-ftrert, or Moravian Alley. It has lay, long been one of the beft*ftands for business. et l > ' li. A-frame DweUing*.Houfe, N». 260, South Front- ty di street, with a Bake-House, the Lot is about 17 feet Pu e front, by 130 feet in depth. 34 C I" 3d \ handsome Lot of 15 feet by 200 feet deep, ex- « tending from Third street tq George-street ; it is the ,;d -Lot below South-street: on Georg<s-ftreet there is a two story brick tc-neraent, a frame ditto adjoining, with a good hake oven. ' J Like-.vife a LARGE MEADOW FARM, situate on 1 tl(« River Delaware, at a convenient distance from Phila- | rived delphia Market—the Meadow is of the best quality, and forS. in good bank. There are commodious buildings, with a good proportion of arable and woodland, and Cedar Swamp. For terms apply to JOHN LITLE, ' No. 40 North Sixth-Areet. ! March zrf* 1796. dtf A Genteel family wish to rent a COUNTY SEAT, in an sgrteable situation, within a few miles of Philadelphia. If furniftied, it would be more agreea ble. Apply perfonaHy or by letter to Mr. Taylor, at Dr. -> —j- Yeatman's, No. zij, South second street, corner of" Second street- June 6. J George Dob son, Brokt BEGS leave to inform tlie Storc-Kcepcrs in Town and. r 47 i: Country* that he has rejnonecd from Market-Street to 4 tlA N°- 25, foutk Thirdrftreet, whqre he is opening a Large aa4 Airortpaent of the j ul J undermontionc4 articles—viz. ... Superfine London Cloths and Ker/eymeres, Yorkshire second Do. Do. Elastic do. do. ( Mix'd and Biue Coatings Flannrlls, &c. /| Manchcfter Printed Callicoes, ' London Chintz ditto, are re ' Blue and ditto Furnitures, India ditto, Long Cloths, CofiTaes, Baft as, Battillas& Conjevrem»> Ma 4-4 9-8 5-4 & 6-4 Superfine India Book MuUms, - 4-4 and 9-8 India Book Handkerchiefs, 4-4 and 9-8 Scotch ditto, i 4-4 & 6-4 plain do- Muflw # 4-4 & 6-4 British Jaconets, q 6-4 Britilh Checks and Stripes, 4-4 India do. do, do. 4-4 ditto Chilloes, Madras Handkerchief?, &c. , A large afToitment of a.nd plain Muflinets, A Quilting, Dimities, and Striped Nankeens, Fancy Waiikoatings, Ginghams of the firft Quality, fubjeft to Drawback, A Vt India Nankeens, Men's White and coloured Silk stockings. May q — wit exit: — 11 A LARGE Commodious dwelling House, No. 114, Spruce street, with a convenient liable and Coach H»ufe, —Also for sale a Chariot but little the worfc for use. ■ June J. eoti Juni i, For Kale, , A I h " e l }'' ry BmCK HOUSK ™d IM, in Cuefnut I >e and c , twee P F f*t«d Second streets, ia which I f S'Ht „ L ' i S ' f S:r,Cit -' JI - br -" (l & Co. have for many years (and . which o t L C^ued on h «Gnef»- m» ■ °, ffinn w,il ht ««en in one month, or sooner. 4 For terms apply t« WILI.tAM BELL, or I fi lver HECTOR C^LJSRAITH ( Ayril si. - , rfs i irfians Landing, I 1 the ■1...f,r- l -"' r „ , r„; r 1.1 Jj J. A. rora, capt. SuteJ, 150 Hogfteads 1 Prime Jamaica Sugars, For sale by 14 tilings and Francis, May ty . § — jofcn Miller, jun. & Co. No. 8 Che r nut-Jlreet, j east- avc imported in the late vtllH, from Europ«. ,bv A general assortment of ' j most SPR IN G GoO DS, j :o ' T '" Amongst whieh are Striped and cbuded NANKEENS, ;ncf - Dimities and Muflinets, est . HATS, lilv • Neatly aflorted in packages, u ; w ' irish linens; ditto, Jufe, A'i wj»ieh(tltey aiilliell on tl»e rapft reafonajble terms, j om- for Cacti or the usual credit. ured May n. | V,! Table Cloths, &c. MA U RIC EMOY NIH AN, ,;,e N"- 81, North Seccnrt, a ,fe-u doors above Arcb St. I ver, I-OS-MS hi» Fnends aod fke PuhJJCj thit he lias for j ibe * fali on resfonaWe terms, Damaik Tafcle Cloths, ot dif- j jars lercrit sizes, with Napkins to match the figure of the cloth, [ j Diapers, Ir.lh Linens, I $arlnels, Sheetings, a I Peril Checks, Enghfcjatent SilliHofe, Cowrie Muslins, &c&c. I " Also, *n njfortmrit of ~ China, Glass, arid Queen's Ware: ~" Amor.g!} which a-c Blue & enamelled Break- China Jars and Bickers, M n 1 fa-ft Cups ic Saucers, Decanters, Do. Gallon cc Wine GlaiTes, &c. j 4 | Crates will bb put up at the j > shortest norice, and, the ufud I Pint & | q credit J Half-Pint J May' 25 § J For sale by,the fubferibers, j IN P£NN-STREET, 130 quarter Cherts frefh Ilyfon Tea; ico ditto do. frefh Souchong Tea; 7CQ Boxes CkiiKi, containing ftnall tea setts of 42 I ly } le 4QO pieces Band#aoes. , Willifig iff Francis. J January 30 jtaw. I 61 a " Hot Preiied Bible. T The Scc;oml nun;her -of Splc Nation a l , 1 wiU he delivered in a fp,w days, procee.d I without intcrrupiion. \ B I THE proprietors have great fa? isfa<stfon in faying, that! it has been examined with much attention by many I hundreds of gentlemen, and that n®r in a fmgle instance I y /T has the warrae»l approbation I ~ already bo#(t of as refpeilable a lift of is, as ever j T fuppprtqd any work, in so ihort a time as this has been be- *■ ; d fore the public. Such friends of elegant printing as mean I g to become fubferibers, are requeftod to do it without de- I m lay, as the number determined upon to be printed is limit-. I ed, is ev»|ry protl\B being j ly disposed of, ' Mi tt Subscriptions wijlbe received by the proprietors, No. ~~— 34 Carter's alley, and at the Book-stores ia general. Philadelphia, June 7. eo2 d — "y d Teneriffe Wine. cargo TENERIEFE WINE, in pipes, hogsheads, and •quarter calks, and 170 Filtering Stones, just ar- Velloi - | rived,per the fchoone* Pplly & Sally from Tenerifle,and Persia 1 for Sale by Lullr' I John Craig, att '. n if n , ,® Sewn; No. iz Doek street. Verm WHO HAS ALSO VOR SALE, Ca'Tia Best Soft-fhell'd ALMONDS, ouic i RAISINS iB Frails. n SHERRY WINE, i* Quarur Calks, so f Irish CANVAS, H v Bristol and Irish WINDOW GLASS. y 0 May 30 eo BE . < 1M ALEXANDER POWER, CH f T T AVMG business in the conntry, and eiipetSling to he li abfiiit fqrfonae time, requests his employers in th«j Erokeripg line, to to Mr. xdQMAs Nobce, at No. 11 I 147 in Chefnut Street, next door to his house, between , 4th and sth Streets, who will pay every attention to those who may have any tranfaclions in sales or p»rthafcs in pt Land, Stock, Discounts, ifc. ' June 8 § The Partnership of George Kennard & Co. Pd OF Duck Creek, bsing this day difiolved by mutual of Tit copfent, those having claims against said partnerlhip The are requested to call on the fubferiber, and such as are in- any ot debted, will plcafe m%ke payment to Certifii OEORGE KENNARD. Lotts 0 May if, 1796. (23§im) ondepi » . - . Sales of India Goods. salf al JT»T]( The Cargo «f the ihip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal- cutta and CONSISTING OT A Large and general aflortment of Bengal pid Madras CO rTONand>4LK GOODS. ' AMONG WHiejl ARE V>l IB A variety fine worked andplain Mujlins, fo " m 7 fs*. A Quantity of Excellent Sugfir, agente, In bpxps and bags—and BLACK PEPPER. chard, For Sale by iva'farr Willing? y Francis, No. u Pecn Street. Clermc June 8 § May [jefnui i Yazoo Lands. which ' "• —— — . X*Bd May It bo /at the EAUor** Office , (g . ajnut-Hrtet. A few Copus of " a Report tl.e A«err.ey lrenrrr.l to Copgwfs «m tattling' a Coliettion of * H C , H UTUS - T*sa»*r« and other Documents, §, rtfatiwto ar.d t*pian,»..>*r of the Title to the La«d - lmie.te in tfc Sfwrh Vfatior.n parts of the United States, sn<l claimed hy Compares «rder 3. -^" r ** atc ifed j sttusi7 m ~ ~ By the Si ig U fleams Ji-tur?i, from Savdnrtajbj. '§ 27 Bales COTTON, J&jr Schooner,- from, Chnrjejion, 100 Casks Prime RICK. * .'hull by the. Schooner John, from So/lon* Si\VJNG-S!LKS f various eoimtts. OURRAHS •COSSAHS, and India Bandanna for Sale by N. Sc J, Frazier, No. 9;, Sovrth Front ftreet ii Jjc lavs atfo on band, and for Sale, Prime Boftor) BEEF, k barrels, ST J WINES, t»s, Carolina INDIGO, £lc. Sic. Mi Y mw&fim Just imported, An-d for SALE, T SUG AR and COVFHE, in l.- T ihead 8 0 NF.V/ kfCE, in wiicie and half luercofi iI QIIH«N 'S WARE, in nogtbenk °f WritTELEAP, (dry) i» eaSts Irf- COFFER, in {hem ,th ' American I and White Sor.p 3 Mould and Dipt Candles and BOSTON JJjEEF of the firft quality. fee. Ifaiac Harvey, jun, [6 mo. 1. § 3 w] No. .< Couth Water Street. 1• ' — Imported, s> In the Ship Ganges, from Calcutta and Madras, and for lale by SAMUEL & MIERS FfSHER, ~,1 Twenty-two packages of Goods: LONT*IXJN«, , /HURRAHS 1 vJ I " Tjckeiys Funjem Cloths Hurria! Htimhums Baftaes, Roffcrah Coficas Bahar Handkerchief* 2 Guazinahs Taffaties Pnilicat Silk Handkerchiefs Patna Chintz coari'e and fine Peniafcecs, EsC cSV. Is'c, 6 mo S.M John Miller, jun & Co. !v ' 8 Chejfimt Street, y received bv, tfre Ship B l R W I N G H A M P A C K E T t " From Calcurta, y 160 Bales of Bengal Goods, ;_ r 10,000 Pieces Nankeens, 11 Of a Superiqr Quality. 350 Bags of SUG4R, " Which they will fell *n advantageous terra* May 10. j ). ~—• —• — —■ ■ - rT - L _ China^Goods. I Ship. Atlantic, -Sv/ai thoainc,'Commander, X from Canton, will commence tfip dilcharge of her cargo to-morrow morning at Walnut-street wharf J Conjifiing sf ■ Yellow and white Nankeenj of excellent qunlity 1 Persian TafTetics, black and (xkjcred do. do. Sattins black of various -qualities Sewing silks in aiToned colours Vermillion in boxes Cassia in chefls Quicklilver in jar 9 BOHEA, SOUCIIONG, HYSON SKIN, v „ hyson frelh Teas. BEST lIYSON, IMPERIAL* CHINA WARE, ornamental, with Table and T»a . Sets generally a.sorted. WHITE SUGARS, and a quantity of First quality Bengal SALT PETRE. For Sale by Philip Nick/in & Co. A P ril s -* Lottery and Broker's Office, A 79 64 South Secondftreet, TICKETS in the Canal Lottery Ho. 11, are now rea dy for (ale, a Check Book kept for the examination of Tickcts, paid, without deduiflion. The Subfcriher the application-os the Public or any oi his friars who wiflito purch fe pr ieli Bank Stock, Certificates, Bills of Exchange, or Houses, Lands > oi Merchandize of any kind, or to obtain Money on deposit of property. WILLIAM BLACKBURN, I-fite /igent far the Ctmal JLottcry Company. June 6. w&s FOR SALE, A Valuable Farm, CONtaining 450 acres of Land, in the town of Cler mont, county of Columbia, date ps New York— formerly the property of col.Ten Broeck—ibout fix mile* east from the North River—fofficieutly accommodated. with wood, meadow and plow-land, and well watered— a genteel dweUing-houie, a large Barn, and a thriving Or chard, &c. &c. Very iuitabie for a gentleman or an a<st* iv« farmer. Price 10,000 Dollars. Apply to gen H.r.ry I.ivmgfton, at Ajacram; or at Clermont to Wtjliw}) Wdjo*. May 25
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers