. jicre, ttinfer the command of die fiift fcieut. of the v.pheoj frigate, and Lieut. Micafiller of artillery, . o.irnpanied by Lord Camelford, an ofii.et of the r,it» tie, who volunteered on the occasion, were sent against Pirrah, a Dutch fort of some (irength on the Malayan Continent, and situated between the liliod and Malacca. Sjme refiltancc was expect ed ; but the garrison, confiding of between forty and fifty Dutchmen, and some Malays surrendered on the firft fuinmons. " Weexpefted to have found a large quantity of tin in the above fort ; it having been a principal depot of that articlc ; but we were difa-ppointed ; . . fi>i'it had been removed and scattered about the country before the detachment arrived. Twenty tiirrht.pieces of Ordnance of different Calibre, be fid*3 a jjreat quantity of small arms, and military fl jies of every defciiption, were found in the Fort. The detachment returned from the expedition ttfo i r tftree weeks atro, bringing with them their Eu ropean priloneis." January 30. On Wediiefday the American ship Camilla,Capt, Sei »i?>j arrived at her moorings off Calcatta : (lie I'autJ Iroift England on the 2iff Sept. The Camilla fell in with the Hawke Indiaman,in Bajiafore roads, on Sunday last, where at that time tUere was no piiot; both (hips therefore came to an anchor, and mull have waited two or three days probably for a pilot, had not Capt. John Wilson, who was paffehger on board the Hawke, offered his ferviccs, and the American fafely to Diamond Hatbour. From the great number of East India (hips em ployed by government, the Company has engaged ten thousand tons of Tnippiug fiom the ports of London, Brillol, and Liverpool, and we hear at the moderate rate of 181. per ton out and home. Mr. M*ndez,and Capt. Dc Sylvas, formerly of the Portugucze ship 11 Sacramenta,havc come pas fengeri with the Camilla. On Wednesday ajfo arrived, the American bug Hind, Capt. Hodges, from New-York, but last from ]Jen«jolen, which ike -left cnr-tile 3d nf Us ' cember. January 31. An Ameiiean (hip,commanded by a Cap'.Derby arrived from tt.i lfle of France at Tranqucbar, on 111 intt. By letters from Tranquebar, we learn that Capt. Deiby the Mauritius 011 the 1 tth of Novem ber. At that date the two frigates Cybelle and Pruc:ste, were ready to put to Tea. Two small armed (hips were then at sea, and said to be on a cr«izc to the Southward. The Colony of the lfle of France was quiet and in good order ; although the disappointment in the arrival of the prizes, captured some time ago in the Straits, one only having reached the island, at the time of Cspt. Derby's departure, had occasioned feme murmurs. ' * Provisions of all forts Were in abundance, as seve ral American vessels had ariived at the island laden with all kinds of supplies. Twoveflals also, under Italian colours, had arrived from Boutdeaux at) the lfle of France, two or three days previous to Capt. Derby's failing jbut he did not ascertain when they hadieft Europe. • -« 7* —' TI7-. foregoing are the onTy particulars of news, brought from the lfle of France, by this Ameri can, it appears therefore that the report of an ill fur te&ion, which found its into one paper and co pied from thence into.some others, is without foun dation. The fame paper mentions the island be ing in the greatcft distress, and that the two fri gates could not put to sea from the want of provi {ons, which we are sorry to remark is equally in sorreft, with the former part of their statement. Seeing jhat all the lfle of France is so copiously supplied with stores and provisions, by the unre ftrairted interconife they enjoy with vessels naWga ting under the flags of neutral nations, the admiral owy perhaps thinks it well worth while to Ration a line of battle (hip with one ortwo frigates off Port Louis, so as to interrupt thefefnpplies ; and such a force be conveniently spared we apprehend, purpose, from Admiral Elphinftone's squa dron. Madrafs Gazette, January i' 6, i-786. Yelierday morningarrived admiral Sir G. K. El jhinftone from the Cape, with part of his squadron ur.dei command, confiding of the Monarch, Capt. Elphinilone, 74 guns. Arrogant, Lucas, 74 Echo, Sloops, Turner. Prince of Wales, Storelhip, Charton. General Allured Clarke, who came paflenger on the Arrogant, and Admiral E'phinltone, landed at one o'clock, under the usual salute from the fort. The troops in garrison, confiding of his majesty's J3dregt. the hon. company's 2d European battal ion, and the r6th battalion of native infantry, for med a street on ihe occasion; through which the General and Admiral passed, from the beach to the gov 'tnmnnt house. The above (hips left the Cape 1 jth Nov. They touched not at any port, on their paffaije. The Stately and Vi&orious, one of 64and the other of 74 guns, had be«n dispatched some time previous to the failing of admiral Sir Geo. Elphin done, from the cape to cruize off Batavia, with or ders, after a certain time, to join his squadron.— The Rattlefrtake parted company on the 10th inft. We learn by private letters that on the 25th of Oil. Coh Gordon, who had commanded the Dutch forces at the Cape, after having labored for some time under a St of defponde.ncy, put *r period trt his exigence. We are sorry to add, that he has left Miind him.a wife and four children. Febriiaiy 7. Yesterday morning accounts were received at the Bankfhall, announcing :he arrival of the John and James, and the Fiwfmt, botjv from England. The former left- the Downs on the 27th of Aug. and the Purfiat on the 23d of Sepf. The Purluit is an Eugliih (hip—the John and; James in under American colors. All the (hips of Admiral EJphinflone'* squadron' have arrived at Madras, except tWo line of battle, flips Rationed in Table Bay, with Commodore - ,( *»ket, for the protection of the Cape. It h imagine;?, tl»t the exprditi'V* 'againfl Co-' far which preparations have bee« for some! tide in train will now be carried into imme diate effeit; with, the cooperation of admiral EI pninltonc's fleet. Hi;, imjeity'e 73d regiment r» under orders to emoaiK. .or Ceylon, and is to form 3 pvt of the force to be employed in the reduaion of Colombo, the chief body of tlie troops intended for that expe dition, a*e in readinefsto embark from Cochin. From the llrength of the detachment to be sent agamll Colombo, an expeflation of determined re finance is indicated-; and although it is both ptu dent and judicious to ad accordingly } yet, weap. prehend, t hat Colojnbo will offer a very feeble op position. The place is said to be naturally strong but little improved- by art ; and its works, such asthey are, greatlyout of repair. The garrison a!fo is probably deffitnte of the stores and provisions necessary to a lengthened siege, for the port has been w. a (late of blockade for near thtee months pail the Heroine and Bombay frigates having been judiciously stationed tp intercept any. supplies that might have been intended to be sent in. We learn however, that a large Dutch (hip, taking ad vantage of the absence of the frigates, which bad gone to Anjengo for refrefhments, had flipped into Colombo, fieri) feme neighbouring port, where Ihe bad taken (helter. This {hip was originally from Batayia and laden with (lores and ammunition. His majesty's (hips Stately and Victorious,arrived at Madras, on the 20th u't. On their passage from the Cape they fell io with a (mall French corvette off the Mauritius, which they captured and funk. In llretching across the bay from Acheen Head to Madras, the Victorious fell in with and captured a small veftel, laden with grain, a ptize to the Mo defte priv&te#r. BY THIS DAY'S MAIL. NEW-YORK, June 14 Bythe arrival of the ship Juftinia, Cspt. Lewis, fr. Was boarded by several privateers, a;td treated with a great deal of politcnefs; they never even examin ed his letters. The (hip Eliza, N. Palmar, mailer, was taken ihe fame day (lit failed from this port, by the Bri tith frigate Thetis carried into Bermuda; and libeltad.—The,flock was fold at audtio* before trial came on. A Frenchman passenger, was reputed the owner. BOSTON, June ii>. LEGISLATURE of MASSACHUSETTS. The house assigned Friday (this day) 11 o'clock for ele&ing a-Senator to represent this (late in the Senate of the United States, vicehou. Mr. Cabot, religned, From Cape-Francois. Capt. Rogers, from Cape Francois, mentions the French Naval Foicc, which arrived there, to confrft of three (hips of the line, and IO frigates ; mofe were expedled. The number of troops he could not ascertain.—No alteration had occurred refpedting the treatment of Americans. The day after failing he fell in with 3 English (hips, one of 6b and two 74's ; and fnon after saw a squadron which he-supposed from snanycirctimflances to be French, hound for the Cape, and from the, course they we're (leering thinks they mu(l have fell in with the English. From Halifax. By a gentleman from Halifax, we have advicees to May 24. The Afiirtance was th,ere from New- York, with several other frigates, &c. There were five prizes in the harbor j all taken when on their passages from Europe for America. The Ocean, one of'thefe prizes had been cleared, though part of her cargo was condemned. Capt. .Saunders from Leogane, informs us, that the British (hip Argonaut, of 64 guns, was lofl on a ledge of rocks, N. of Hifpaniola. The crew were taken off by Frcnch boats. Robert Barclay, Efq is appointed commission er on the part of his Britanniek Majesty—and Da vid Howell, Esq. on the part of the United States, to fettle the boundary of St. Croix between tho/e nations. v James Sullivan, Esq. is appointed by the Pre sident an Agent for the United States to fettle that bofioefs. CrRCUIT COURT, June 8. Came on the trial of Mr. Sprague, charged with a (Tilling in the dedtuftion of (he British sloop Speed well, in the harbour of Boffon—after lengthy plead ings, it was fubjnitted to the Jury, who continu ed together the whole of the night, without agree ing on a verdidt ; eight being for the Plantiff, and four fur the Defendant. In confluence of this diiagreement, a new jury has been called. NEW THEaTRE. Oo Tuesday last, the Corner (lone of the New- Theatre, ere&ing near the bottom.of the Mall, was ' laid by M a jor Thoropfon, the oldelt proprietor. It was rumored some time ago,- that all the mem bers of theFrtcnch legation, now in America, were to be recalled. This news is partly deft rayed by i th* arrival of I'lnfurgent frigate in Ntw-York. It, 5 is now afletted, there is but a new organization » 'n the CunftiiMej. The French /emafnj in his lUtio'., alihn' we are afTured that he has been for Tome time pill afl«ing.for his recall. The office of Con fill General is fnpprelTed, ant) tinmen Le tombe, now in that office,, js appointed consul ii Philadelphia ; Citizen Detainer, who had former ly tfiat tippointnaent, and who'VppffiS to be in France, by leave, wili take place of Citizen Mozard, in Balt.oq, Thislaftis, it is i'sid, defi ned to some interfiling appointment in the French Colonies. The Consulates of New YOn How Jong will Boip millious of perf.ms submit to the tyranny of a fety, kiss the hands that oppref» them, and hug their galling chains ? Huw happy then fliould that people be, each of wftofe cottages is his caftlr, into which the rude hand of lawiefs power dare no: enter ; who is incited to industry by a conviction that its reward isfecurely his own } and who is prote&ed by die fame laws that guard hi* sovereign ? Le't Britons rejoice in the civil and religious liberty they pdfTefs, and commiferaU the want of it in otheis. DUBLIN,.ApriI 2. Letters from the county of Cork, mention, that Defenderifm has made a flight appearance in that part, where it has not been known before. The public hare been . a. a loft to know the meaning of the pass-word Eliphismatis, which intk*- Didfrn'Tt '' <\a t[> 00 ***■ tfiefrllsitit't. Un e of 'he diabolical and fan irulnary confederacy, who was dcepTfl?onterncd in theji internal plots, has disclo sed its origin, and it is conllitufed of the fir ft le'ter of every word in the following lines, in the aciollic llile, from which it certainly toojt its rife, and wa» used to disguise rheir horrid intentions ; E very L, oyal / r lf h 't* rotcjlant 'H erctlck "7 : r S fall M urdttr 1 A nd T hit I S war, —■ NORFOLK, June 7< %■ From a Corrtfpondeni. A paragraph appeanua ia fame Northern paper a few weeks ago, setting forth that his moll Catho lic MajeftyVPlenipotentiary to the United States, had applied to Mr. Liflon, for a palTage with him on boa id hi# Majesty's (hip—and was refufed—we can without fear of being contradicted a flu re the public that no such application ever was rrwde eitti er directly, orindireflly, of course such paragraph is as falfc as illiberal; but if his well informed au thor should retain aay doubtj concerning the truth of his aifcrtion he may give hitofelf the trouble of further inquires of Mr. Liflioo himfelf. Bank of the United States, JUNE . 4 th, 1798. NOTICE is hereby given, that applications will be je-< eeived at Bank, until the firft day of July next, in clusive, tor tlje purehafe of the fix per cent i a oct bearing interest from the firlt day of July next, to bd ifiTued agree ably to an aoflft|t part of Oije hundred cbllars. tf. B. 'Th? application! aciimtpanied by the \notes ojferti inr payment are U be made in the fame manner as far diftountt v and are to be handed to the Ca/tier, from inborn answers tan be re-* eeived on theJeebnd of July. JBy order of the DiredVors, G. SIMPSON, Cashier. lawttj Wftjl For Alexandria and Gcorgetcwn, The sloop Venus, Jeremiah Brown, Matter, .SHE will be ready to fail in a fevr days—has goi>d accommodations for passengers, and w/ll take freight on moderate, terms. Apply oik .c ii j, at Chefitut street wharf, or to Joseph Anthony & Co. I June 15. 4t n--- - ' STOCKS. Six per Cent. .... - tffy Three per Cent. - • •• . - 10/7 to 8 Deferred Six per Cent. - - - - 13/7 to t per Cent. - x<.B 4? per Cent. - ... 14/b BANK United States, » • • • a; pr. scot, ■ " Pennsylvania, - - - ' - 19 North America, ... • 4S to 50 Infurancc Comp. North-America, 15 l-t, ■ - ■■■ Pennsylvania, II Excranoc, at to days, - - • l6j t* 166 i-j » ■■ In. n .1......—1 — ... By an Artifi resident at Mr. Oellers'* Hotel, MINI ATU RE LIKENESSES ARE taken add executed is that elegant abd delicate ilile, which is so necessary to render a Miniature Pic« ture an interesting jewel. He will warrant a strong and indisputable refem- and he taken the liberty to lay before the public of this place his molt earnest intention to pa» tronage by his best endeavors to please. N. B. Specimen; axe to be fe«n. May la. ' J