©ftjettt of tt)E Unto |# trttrs fTt-r-f' 11.76,3 PHILADELPHIA, WEDMSUAr EVENING, JUNE 15, l£. Far Sale or C^iactec,» THE SNOW BOSTON,; «eoo Bbls. of flour—(he may be sent 1 to sea at a small e*pfnce, her fails and rigging being in " ya „„ Camtbdh ol Getrge Latimer. April. »• _____ i •' Eol SALE ' THE SCHOONER One year eld—burthen 94 tons. For terms apply to to Joseph H. Woodman, the master hn , r a at Teffe und Robert Wain's wharf, or to onboard, j SAMUEL COATES, No. 8l south Front Street, Vl'ho hath imported in tlx J aid fcbuantr fur Sale, I 6 Hhds. and 4 tierces St. Martins Sugar Tune t —V , 1 -—i—- ] W\ifcL Fo r Madeira, ! The Ship , jpflj four FRIENDS. ; in ten or twelve days; having the grrateft | part of her cargo engaged. For Freight or PatT- , age apply to to" ROHtRT WALN. °JUne a !L_ ' For SALE, jggla The brig Mar y, Burthen rjl Tons, abnoft Btw, and copi- pletcly fitted for fen- —Also, 42,000 Wt. PRIME GREEN COFFEE, entit led to Drawback. , vi a Hlids. New -England RUM, a»+l A Quantity of TOW UNEN. For terms apply to the mailer onboardTaid Brig bwg it Clifford's wharf, or to SAMI EL CO A TBS. T„»e 8. J il2— Snow Hebe* for sale, The Snow HEBE, A faithful Philadelphia huilt Vtflel, ear riesTSobobulhels of grain or 1600 barrels flour, is rea *.«*«»*•■ «>• Who has for tale, Sugar, Coffee, Cocoa, and Pimento. b Also, A Panel of CHOICE PORT WINE. June 6 eo For Cadiz, pTo fail on or about the ijth inft. from The {hip HazeN, Eicel'kut accommodations for Faltengers. For passage pnly apply to Milter and Hoo.pe, at New-York ; or to the Priatet hereof. Ll; une for BOSTON, The Brig ijjpjjfc- Neptune, Daniel Rhodes, Mafler, TTING at Messrs. Anthony & Co's wharf, will pofi- JL ttvely fail on Sunday next, for freight or passage, having excellent accommodations for paffengert, apply to the Captain on bsard, or to EDWaRD SfOW, Jun. Jane 13. _ I— St. Croix Sugar, LANDING on Race-street whart, from on hoard the brig Pragers, capt. Thomas Watson, and for tale by Pragers & Co. Who have REMOVED their to the S. fide of Walnut-Jlreet viharf. June to ' * av - ' For Sale, A snug two-Jltry Frame HousE,_ AND LOT of GROUND, in Parham alley, diftriS of Southwatk. The H.oufe has a good dry Cellar un der it. The terms will be made easy. Apply at the Office of the Gazette of the United States. Jape Xj. L~ Matched Horses. TO BE SOLD, a pair of found, BAY HORSES j they are strong, and have been trained to draw ; tfoey are good saddle-Horses, and have been Wed as such for the last fix months. A. the proprietor is going to Canada, and wi(hes.to dispose of them immedi ately, they will be fold cheap ... Enquire of Mr. Weld, at Ml. M«»fnes's, alley- The horses are to be seen at the Indian q>ueen, south 4th street." '3- *3« A Pair of Young Bay Horles, Well match'd, very suitable (or a Phaton—-apply at Kb, 113 south Vhird-llreet. [June *3§iw GEOKGE HYDri,, HAS removed to N0.X49 Chrfnut street, between 4th and where b« is prepared t© c<mtmue the bufiaefs of Bookbindiner, Exteiliivcly in all its various branches. ACCOUNT BOOKS, «f all kind , Sttfif O and BowN® to 'iiy pattern, in thebeft and mof.Japproved methods, June i 4 § tg3 ' OMIID STATES, i ff ~ Pennfylrania DllJridl, 5 XTOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance of a IN writ to rae direiled, by the honorable Richard Peters, Esquire, Judge of theDiftriiil Court of the U nittd ' ates, in and for the PennfyWania DiftriiJl, Wi" be ejj fed to public sale, at Jcfle and Robert • Wain s wharf, on Saturday the iß(h day of June inft. at la o'clilck noon, 8u idry Ca&s of Wine, and, Articles of Tackle and Furniture. Tie fame having been saved from the brigantinr Calfcwjer, libelled against, profetuted and condemned for fulvige in the said Court. VV'ILIAM N!CHOLS, Marlhai. MarlhilV thi loth day ••f Jane, 1 $ Wm. HOLDERNESSfi, ATj. 16 High Strut, HAS received, by the last ft arrivals from Europe aty! the Kjift Indies a well trf' Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery *nd Haberdafhtsry Goods; whicl> he will.lell,- Whp'.cfale and Retiil, oil the lowest terms 5 amongst Which able, 1 Some flue 1 ndia muffins etn'orokler«d wi?h gsld and silver Superfine Book, Jaconet, and-AI-ulmul ditto Do do j do Hatwlkfrchiefs Long and (liort Nankeens EngKfhMantuas of'theflr<l (jUaHty Datuafk tabic linen and napkins, veryfiaie Silk Hvfier.y, an elegant and cotton dp Umbrellas—green silk, oil'd do. and do cloth French cambfics, very fifte Irish Linens, do. &c, &c. June 14 § ■ ■ I' 1 1 'Hi i"iui ».iii in 1. — it- ■ Country Seat for sale. House, and higkjy cijltjva.ted Farm, on.the e«ft ernbarikof Hud foil's rlvW, bounded on the north by Verpfeiiek's Point, »nd diSant forty-five miles from New York ; tbe farm carditis of 2qyacres, aad is ontof the nloft pifinrefquc and beautifol firuations on tbe Continent ; com* mandinK an extenftve and variegated profprft: /he foil is rich, chietly laid down in grass, and is under excellent fence. The hotjfeisa handfomttwoflorvd'oubte in the roost HWdernftyle, (\oiQ»rd wUh mmcli t.Be. «hd pqifc-fTes c very requiDte tor the accommodation of a genteel family ; there are also on the premises a new <jverfeer'i : houfe, a new barn, extensive stables, co«r-(hcd, cyder-houfc, fmoke-hoisfe, poultry house, Ac. There are abundance of fruit trees com prehending ali the choieeH kitida >nfcirh ooold -be piWured from the nuHeries abput town, np.w fu full bearing, add a well ftottk'd kitthfnjjarden Vljoop goes t*iice a week tp the city, troma landu.g to'lhefarni, and the Al bany pod road forms the eaWerrt bopwdary, ' The bouse, Jfc. ace kept in neat order .for the reception of tbe coircha'tr m, : in (horn ft notiec, Wb» *l<a be. accoraipodated with about I«0 ac«s the fai m on the fbuth, the gireateft part Of which ftretclies jlong the river, whith abounds wilh ovftert iml avarietvof fi'rtl- Should he be averfc,<p-l»<fni-9Bi 'hire Srf miatiy refpe&able neigbbqurs who ■would work it on advantageous terms. Apply to & «U6H POLLOCK, GotiVernenV's Lane, Nf Ydi k, or 'n < JOSF.EH ANTHONY & CO. iyt*y H7 Puijadelphia. Just Arrived, In th£ Snow Boston, James maflex from Li verpool, cooo Bufheli SALT j 100 Crates QUEENS WARE ; and An AlToftirtent of SHIP'CHANDIJERY ; FOR IAIC On board, at Pine,-ftreet wh^rf.—n—t* James Campbell, or George Latimer. April 19. — . u-' Landing, At RufTell's the CARQO of the Sty) Lady ' Lbnil'a, Jajtnes Cooper, mailer, from China, and tne Cape of Oood Hope, eei«sislP.ii«s o*' ; SUGAR, in Chests and Bags s WINES, in Butts and half Butts of qua lity ; FOR SALE BY Parker & Wharton, No. 109, south Water-street. Abril 26. ft •■} i-im '■ 11 - TO BE SOLD, ift. A Thcae-ftory brick House, No 80, W-.B««>nd J\ toeft. The lot in abqut 11 feet front, and feet deep, to or Moravian Alley. It has long been one <?F the belWtands for business. id A frame Dwelling-Mouse, No. 160, South F»ont ftreet, with a Bake-House, the L4t is abomt 17 f<S»t frout, hy I JO feet in depth. id. A handfonle Lot of »5 feet by aoo feet deep, ex tending fjrpm Third street to Georgeiftrect t it is the 3d Lot bL South-street: on George-street there is a two flory brick tenement, a frame ditto adjoining, with a good Like wife a LA&GC MEADOW FARM, situate w thii River Delaware, at a conyemant distance from. Phila delphia Market—the Meadow is of the best quality, and inaood bank. There are commodious buildings, with a goZd proportion of arable and woo ' l1 1 a^ t>J "f Wareh H96. <faf A Genteel family wifli to rent a COUNTY SEAT, J\ in an agreeable situation, within a few miles of Philadelphia. If furnifhed, it wo«M be more agfeea- Applr personally or by lttter to Mr. Taylor, at Dr. Yeatman's, No. a 15, South second ftreel, corner of Second street- 6. George Dobsom, BeOS leave to inform the Store-Keeper, in Town and Gountrv, that he has removed from Msrket-Street to N°- 25, foutk Thjrdiftreet, where he ij opening a Large and Elegant A {fort Went «f »b« undermentioned articles —VIP- Superfine London Cloths aod Kerleymeres, Yorklhue second Do. Do. Elastic do. do. 1 Mm'd and Blue Coatiaga Flannclls, &c. Manchester Printed CallicoeJ, London Chintz ditto, Blue and ditto Fumit»tea, • India ditto, 1 Lpna Cloths, CofTaes, B»ft,s, BattillasfrConjevreffw, . a c.a Si 6-4 Superfine India Book Jlunies, I 4 and 9-8 India Book KaarikercKicfs, 4- 4 and 9-8 Scotch ditto, . 4-4 & 6-4 plain do. 4-4 & 6-4 ftritiih Jaconets, 6-4 Britith Checks and Stripts, ' 4-4 India do. do. do. ■ w ditto Chilloes, Madras Handkerchirfs. 1 A large aloitment of figur'd and plfin MufltrwU, 5 Quillings, Dimities, and Striped Naukferts, 1 Gim-hams'of°the'feft.Quality, Bnwhadt, IndiaNanWecii*f ~ Men's While and coloured Silk Rocking*. f i Jlfntf . 'iu B : E LEf. ' 3 \ LARGE Commodious dwelling House, No- 1 *4. V Spruce street, with a cpnvenieftt stable and Coach H«ufa —Also for We a Chartol bw little tht werfe for ; ' Jwe s. eoti 1 11 1 • w j — ——, -* ■* - . . u,. ■ —; —r— For Sale, A Three ftrtry BRICK K»USE and Lot, in CHefnut street, between Front and Secern!fteeets, in->vhicl> MtiTrs. James Cattn'aith 3iCo. have'for mknj year* (and now do) carried oa bvfiliefs. Poffeflion Will he given in one month, «r sooner. For terms apply to U ILLIAM BBI.L, or HECTOR CALBRAIT H April 3|. ' ' 5. tending, A the'Soblrtibers' wharf, from onboardthefhip Au-' XX. Kwa, capt. Suror, (50 Moglhea.lt Prime Jamaica Sugars, ( , For sale by WilJingi and Francis, May 17 § John Miller, jun. 8c Co. No. 8 Chefnut-Jlreel, Have imported in the late vcflel frpua.Europc, A GENERAL ASSORT ME.XT UE SPRING GOODS, Amongst \yhich are Striped and clouded NANKEENS, Dimities and Wnfliriets, H A T S, Neatly assorted in packages, IRISH LINENS. drtro, All which they will-fell on the roost wafcmdble terras, for Cash or the ufoal credit. May 11. $ - - - ■ Table Cloths, See. MAURICE MQYtNIHAN, «t, North JfiHf, - Arch St INFORMS his Friends and the Public, thi t he has for f»)e on reasonable terms, Damajfe Clotiis, xj( dif ferent lizes, with Napkins to match tht?figure of the cloth, DiaperSj l>ipcns, Sarfnets, Sheetrrigs Persians, Checfes, SHkHofei Coarse Mufljns, &c&c Also, «ft ajfortment of China, GUfs, and Queen's Ware : Ame.igtt-mbiih art Blue & enamelled Break- China, {ars and ,si ickers, . fail Cups & Saucer*, Drci;jr.ori, Do. Gallon ") « Wiot Glalles, Ac. • Half-Gaßoo J Crates the . Mfd <he usual Pint A ; <30Kdw.gi»en. Half-Pint Jea **aya» §_ F&t feie by r-he fubferibers, IN PtNN'STRE.ET, ,-;o quarter Chests fr.cfb Hyson Tea ; 100 aitto do. freih Souchong j 300 Boxes Chiqaj.coftttinfJjg t<;a ft.ts ps 4®! pieces; 400 pieces Ban<Jano«.». i 1 Willing & Francis. January ap. HotPreircd Th.e,SACptldnpwb?t; us .tbis.s?l-. £;N J l J I) Nationai. w 4>RK, will >« 4elivcrcd in a few days, >nd proceed regularly without interll ption. Have fatis»»rAi»n W feymg, that i it has 6»en eiamilttd with mwtfh attepsion by many hundreds of fe*ml«ia?n, aivd jhat Jjiet in a ftngle has the vaPfi# ap.ft.P>»ti(J.ti b«en w.t,ht, dd from (t. 1 h»y already bpaft of as refpeaable a lift of fnUcrib rs as ever supported any work, in so short a time as this has been be* fori; the public. Suet frlwds of etigMit prinuftg as mean to becoKis fubferibers, *e W> d« k wjtliW do lay, as the prober, dflterpwied «f°awhe punted as limit ed, atjd tberg ftQfp& imft »«"" ly disposed of. ' Subfcnption? willbe received by the proprietors, No. 34 Carter's alley, and at the Boak#«res in gt»efal. Philadelphia, Jll»e f. «•» TenerifFe Wine. T'ENERIFFE WINE, in pipes, hogOieads, and I quarter eafks, and 170 F/ltcring Stones, just ar rived per the TehciOTrer Polly & Sally frosH Tenerkft,a*<l for Sale by ' , John Crii^j No. tt Deck street. WHO M.AS ALSO ¥o*l SAtI, Best Soft-fhell'd ALMONDS, RAISINSi» snails. SpRRY WINE, in Quarter Cifks, Bnftol a,SIrtIh'WINDOW GLASS. May 30 ALEXANDER POWER, T.TAVING business (H the cpiuttry, wd to he M absent for some time, requests his employer, in tbe Brokering line, to apply to Mr. Thomas Noble, at No. t,j in Chefmit Street, next door to Bie house, between 41b and sth Streets, who will pay every atta.tian to thole who n»ay have any tra*fadiqi|» in fates gr purchafts lit Landj Stock, Eifcoants, 'Sc. June 8 ~ * . . * The Partn'erftiip of * George .& Co. OF puck Creek, baipg this day difii»lved by mutual cotifetit, those having clainis against ftid partnerlhip arc requested to call on the fnWcrtber, a«d fueh as are in d«bted, will tlcafe make payment to ' G£ORG£ KBNNARP. May 17, i/»6. Sales of India Goods. ——-— — The Cargo «f the flvp G mges, tapt- Tiegty, from C&l. cutta and^eng^l, con?istii(q ar A Larte and general assortment of Bengal and Madras l\ * COTTON and SILK GOODi. AXSXO WHlall AKE A vanity fine worked and plain Muslins, DoreaSj &c. Also, A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, hi boWS and bags—'and BLACK PEPPER. j For Sale by & Francis, t Ny. a 1 Pern Street. June t S Yazoo Lands. '[ .rr'w he hjtd Oi ihl. Editor's OJJIc: 1.1.9, Clufnat-frtct, A few Coiura of " s.Rrpnrt of tfcjf 'Ittoruey Gcnetai to.Conjirck containing .a. Collcilioji of ClIA*f£RS, TIfB.ATCJS.* ovd o.lbsr tjOCI'MENTS, relative uuuul i'iipla.natory.ot' tlve TitJe to the Lmij fiuiate in Use Koath Wtse'rn pans of the United Slates, land, cl iwtd by cfwain Comjjatiies ui d-er A i>W of Sm|- ps Georgia, paffcj January 7th, J -7i95-. „ _________ RECEIVED, By the Btig Welcome J\eJurn, from. Sai)tna(ib t 27 Sales COTTON. tfy the Sc homier sJi.y.ii/, froth Chnf-!tflon i 100 Casks * And, by the Schooner John, from SE WINf;-SILK'S, various colours, OURHAHS .COSSAHS, and India Batidanno Haadfcchfs. > F«r Sale-fey ; N. & >J. Frazier, ♦To. *>j, Bo*tb Front ftrcet" Wit have alfn on hand,' and for Sale, Prune Boston BEiiF, iti barrels, Si' j WINES, Carolina INDIGO, <cc. &c. May 31 ttiyttyftip . t ' T-r ' * ■ ' ' ~~~ Just imported, And for SALE, sy.OAß*nd COiBFfcB, fti hog Oh ads NEW RICE, in whole andh-xlf ucroas fyjEEN'S WAM, WHITE LEAD, (dry) in oiks COPPER, in flieets J™*®"? . (JMould and Dtfst Candles and , BOSION ifSEF gf tjhe^rlt/jufcljty. Ifeac Harvey, jutt, [6jr*oi. I. Jaw} NO. 5 south Water Street. ROBBERY. QTOIjEM, on the night of the 27th init. from a deflf, in O the Store of tic dtfbfcSibfcrs, No.S 1 IVontltrcet, fuj)- posed to be broken open «Wt-M o'clock at night, the sol- Which fh=<P.uhlit **:J»«tioa«d.-agaiiiSt negotiating; us they cSn be of no.use to any purfen but the fubfcfibers Payment of the N ot{s Debenture, which ve drawn in {av'orol the fubkribers, ai*l not enflorttctf, hvtopjrcd. Fißfl, of a bill, d«cwuiet Kkigften, jtoftffag, hy Wm* fctcpy, infayflrpf.faeMgofiarfjittcSp'.CJo. * 60 days, Ofl p.. p. Br2i)?r. and sqccptpd .poms.j* .Quebec currency, and eadorfed to and by A. Macomb. ' Nicholas Brower's note', .payahje jitay ij $ols. Jao Richard WiHiajnfori's ditto 978.15 Joseph Tihompfon'sJb. r 9J-*7 . Jhe Detenoinss, rii. 9M4 H eJi ) pj:l i s, , .147^8 ' 9?6 iKly.y, SS3 3j, 917 20, tg 7 0 91S Septeniber -30, 499. 9*9 Btsember 14, 2^3-53 -tot Dollars 378 j.jj The 'allowing 3d* and 4tlw if Jiachange, viz. yi and 4th atili a: 96 <Jayi; eiraHtn by Se ton, Maitland oajofenLflske, Lon don, in fayor of oucfelites, for £ 856 0 6 3djqf at 4oiUfy», Co. on Bird, »ad Jirrd,tendon, in fayor<*l Phyji, fllisanijHglH, 3308 I& 6 Jd of a bill flit 6o«Uys, drawn by S. Codjjvipi, of fcetarßjOnjWin Francs Baring V Co. te the x»tle* »i Efcin, Eilite \f i<®<t 3d of a 4441 tdrajpv.it'by Robert Kennedy, 00 Cotiit ty Qs.at 4« days, «ur ojra.iisoar 1000 , £ 6165 Befidei fjw akove number of papers, «fele& «»any lu6 the owncri, a quantity of imoncy, to «Vt)«t !ja dollars, wat taii'-n at tbe fame. time. N. B. ff the peffua or per&Jjf off the «. tovf, will eiiclafe theptt sco ffifter is" Macomb, J<ew Y ofk, no farther notice wjfl.be of the tjrasti^iafui. New-Tork, M^y s *?. PEfISTER MACOMB. June j —Tr: l,l -' —- John Miller, jun At Ca N0.,8 Clielnut Street, Have received by the Sfiip BIRMINGHAM PACKET. From Calcutta, j 60 Bales of Bengal 10,000 Pieces Nankeens, Of a Superior Quality. 350 Bags of SUG4R, Which they will fell on terms ftfrr, 10 -, i- WA N T E D, Several Apprentices to the Printing- Business Apply at the Office of the Gazette of th« United States, No. U9, Chefpot-ftreet. $ China Goods. TH E Ship Atlantic, Silas S-wtine, Commander, from Canton, wiii commence the difcHftrge of htr cargo tormorrow morning at Walnuoftreet wharf Cenftfling of Yellow and white Nankeens *f'excellent quality Persian Taffetas, black Lustrings, do. do. • Satti.m black of various qualities Sewing fitks in aflorled colours Verrnitl on in boxss Caflia in cheits Quicltfilver in jara BOHEA, > SOUCHONG, | HYSON SKIN, ! A T young hyson ( rTeth Teas, BEST HYSON, J IMPERIAL, / CHINA WAKE, ornamental, with Table and Tt* Sets-generally alTorted. WHITE SUGARS, and a quantity of First quality Bengal SALT PETRS, For Sale by Philip Nick/in St C*. April t. c.UiS»
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers