©aseie of tb%ratti) J# fates • 14- : ffyxuut I £75]- PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY EVKtiti-IG, JUNE t. 3796. \Jplvmz IX. For Sdc or Charter, T H E SNOW A' BOSTON, y" 1000 Bbls. of floor—(he may be fcnt jjj® tc fa* at a I'miU expenee, her fails and rigging being in chi( my good order—apply to 1 james Campbell, or »» Gesrgt Latimer. A-tafi. *9- 1 L_ har tdjSjSr" Eor SALE, p- THE SCHOONER. £°j One year old—burthen 94 tons. ba -] For terms apply to 10 J ole ph H. Woodman, the mailer „f , „n toard at Teffe and Robert Wain's wharf, or to ' acc( on board, SAMUEL COA'TES, f OB No. 81 south Front Street, wh: Who bath imported in the said schooner for Sale, 16 Hhds. and 4 tierces wh '• St. Martins Sugar Tune t ■ I For Madeira, I®!1 The Ship In gg FOUR FRIENDS. ILL fail in ten or twelve days 5 having the greatest part of her cargo engaged. For Freight or Pass age apply to JESSE V ROBERT WALK. _P»ne a _ : i— Oi For SALE, Mmjh The brig Mary, Burthen tsi Tons, almolf new, itid com- zi. ' pletely fitted for fea.—Alfe, 43,060 wt. PRIME GREEN QOFFEE, entit led to Drawback. At 4 Hhd». New-England RUM, and A Quantity of TOW LtNEN. For terms apply to the master on board said Brig, lying -4t Clifford's wharf, or to SAMUEL COA'TES. June 8. . . * §.T-°. ■ Snow Hebe. r-FOR SALE, The Snow HEBE, T?i*vWi A faithful Philadelphia built veflel, car ries 1,3000 bulhels of grain or 2600 barrels flour, is rea- _ * fc mSrjs*& ,« Who has for sale, , Sugar, Coffee, Cocoa, and Pimento, fa Also, A Parcel of CHOICE PORT WINE. Tune 6 fr, For Cadiz, t£ To fail on or aboutjthe »jth inft. from L( The fl>ip Hazen, t» F;O:CHlul farPafayr.. F«F only apply to Miller and Hoope, at New-York; or to « the Printer hereof. [June 13. t3 w ] For BOSTON, Neptune, '.£s£, Daniel Rhodes, Master, p J YING at Meflns. Anthony Si CtCs wharf, will pofi t'' tively fail on Sunday next. For freight at passage, Kaving excellent accommodations for palfiengefs, apply to the Captain on b«ard, or to EDWARD STOW, Jun. *3- Tt»nV«, - §- 'J St. Croix Sugar, LANDING on Race-street wharf, from OVI board the brig Pragers, capt. Thorites Watson, and for sale by Pragers & Co. Who have REMOVED tbeir Counting-houje ti the S. Jideof Walnwt-Jlreet wharf. Landing this day, From the Sloop Induflty, Capt. Wharton, 2 2 Puncheons Barbados Rum, For sale by i Kearney Wharton. June 6 t6 Lottery and Broker's Office, JV' 64 South Secondjlreet, r T~'ICKF,TS in the Canal Lottery No. 11, are now rea- L dy for sale, a Check Book kept for the examination of Tickets, and Prizes paid,. without deduction. I The Subscriber solicits the application of, the Public or any ol his friends who wif' l . to or fell Bank Stock, Certificates, Bills of Exchatrgc, or Notesy Houses. Lands, w Lotts or Merchandize of any- ksrid, (Jr to obtifiti Money ui ■on depefit of property. — WILLIAM BLACKBURN, Late Agent for the Canal Lottery Cothpany. Jane " For Sakj A snug tivojiory Frame House, And LOT«f GROUND, in'Psrhs® alley, diftriA of Southwafk. The House has a g®od dry Cellar un der it. The terms will be made easy. Apply at'tlte"Offitt ofthrGiiit& cfF the Uiftted Sht£s. June 1 {. ; L_ Matched Horses. »-po BE SOLD, a p*Jr of welf-Match'4,' foun9, BAY JL/ HORSES ; they are strong, and- tiave been trained to draw ; they «re alio good faddie-horfes, and harebe«n •Mm fuchfor the lail fix months. As the proprietor is going to Car.nja, and wilhes to difpoie of them immedi ately. they will bi fold cheap Enquire of Mr. Weld, at Mr. Mearnes's, L'tfdgi alley. The horses are toTie Veen at the Indian Qjieen, south 4'-b . street; 1..... - .... .0. —.. FOR SALE, A Pair of Young Bay Horses, "Well match'ii, and* finWbtfe'fot i'Tft&tovi l^ply - I at No. 113 south Third-street. U'ju; 13S1 w i ■■■ 1 '■ ■■ ■ K|l Country Seat for sale. a N elegant House, and highly cultivated rarai, on the ead- j- A. ern bank of Hudson's river, bounded 011 the north by Verplauek's Point, and diflant forty-five niiles from New York ; the farm consists of 295 acres, and in one of th? moll no pifturefque and beautiful situations on ibe Continent v i com manding an extensive and variegated profpe#: the foil is rich, chiefly laid ddvn in Ertglifh grass, and is Under cxcelten! ferjr.". The house is » handsome two (lory double building, in the most modern style, finilbed with much ttfte, and poffeiTes e- ; - very requisite for the accommodation of a genteel lihhilv ; there are also on the oremifei a new pverfeer's-houfe, » lie-. A barn, extensive ftablei, cow-lbed, cyder-house, smoke ho' . , poultry ho»fe, &C. There »'C abundance of fruit ttees com / rr-u-,^ f j| f K. thoiKlt kind, couM lf K I" from the rurferies about town, now 111 full bearing, ina a well ftock'd kitchen garden A sloop goes twice a week to the eity, from a landing convenient to the farm, and tbe. Al bany pod road forms the eastern boundary. The house, &c. are kept io neat order, for tbe retry!ion of tbe purcha'er on the (borteft notice, who might also be — accommodated with about tabacrei adjoning the farm On the south, the greatest part of which stretches along Abe riser, whiah abounds with oysters and a variety ot fi!h. Should he be averse to farming, there ire inany neighbours who wduld work it on advantageous terms. Apply to GEORGE & HUGH POLLOCK, Gouverneur'f Lane, New Yotk, or to JOSEPH ANTHOrJY & CO. May 27 $lm Philadelphia. Just Arrived, In the Snow Boston, James Kirkpatrick.ritafter from Li verpOel, (000 Bushels SALT ; joq Crates QUEENS WARE ; and . fn An Affortmentof SHIP CHANDLERY; t0 FOR SALE _ On board, at Pine-street wharf. Apfily to y-atries Campbell, C»r George Latimer. j ..April V). _ _ . . . S Landing, I At. Rulfell!» wharf, the CARGO of the Ship Lrrfy ta Louisa, James Cooper, master, from China, and the Cape of Good Hope, CONSISTING OF SUGAR, inChests and Bags; WINES, in Butts and half Butts of superior qua lity; U A small quantity of BRANDY; And a few Red HANDKERCHIEFS. FOR SALE BY Parker & Wharton, No. 109, south Water-street. April li. . ... - %§ ■■ TO BE SOLD, ill. \ Three "ft® ry brick House, No 80, N. Seconrl jf\ street. The lot is about il feet front, and 153 feet deep, to Brcad-ftreet, or Moravian Alley. It haK long been pne of the belWlands for business.; 2d A frame Dwelling-House, No. 460, South Front ftre-t, with a Bakc-ftoufe, the Let is about 17 fee' frout, by 130 feet in depth. id. A handlome Lot of 1$ feet by 200 feet deep, ej-, tending from Third street to George-street ; it is the ' . Lot below South-street: on Gcotgc-ft.-e v t there .s » tvo • . ftofy brick tenement, a frame ditto adjoining, with ago>d , 3 LARGE MEADOW FARM, situate »n ! . -the River Delaware, a,t a convenient distance from Phia- f ) is ofrhe best Quality, I in good bank. There are commodious buildings, with a ~ood proportion <ff attfble and woodland, and Cedar ,r- Swamp. For terms apply to ]OHM LITLE, No. 40 North Sixth-street. | v March lift, d,f | h 'ai family wi(h to rerit a COUNTY SEAT, j\ in an agreeable situation, within a few miles of f { Philadelphia. If furxiiihed, it would be more agreea- t< ble . » 'la 3 Apply perfpnally or by letter to Mr. Taylor, at Dr. e'i Yeatman's, No. 125, South second street, corner of 1) Second street- June 6. $ -j Just Imported, In the Ship Ganges, from Calcutta and Madras, and ' f6r sale by , , SAMUEL & MIERS FISHER, Twenty-two packages «f Goods : coUfAtifititi, . " GURRAHS t( Tickerys Punjem Cloths Hurrial Humhums Baftaes, , Roffcrah CoffekS ' BiKaV Hindkefchiife Taffaties Pullicat Silk Handkerchiefs Patna Chintz coarse and fine PeWfitfcoii,' &c. tTc. &c. 6mo: 6. , , jiedtw George Dobson, 1 TJEGS leave to inform the Store-Keepers in Town and I £) Cduntrv. that he has removed from Market-Street to I r N°* 25, foutb Third-street, 1, whWfhe is opening a Lirge arid Elegant of the j y under mentioned dtticles —viz. SuperSne L6nd6n Cloths and Kerfeynieres, Yorkshire second Do. Do. EU'flic do. do. Mi'x'd and B'ue Coatingk ; Elannells, &c. Manchester Printed Callicoes, j London Chintz ditto, Blifcand ditto FurnliUtes, = India ditto, ' >f Long Cloths, ColTaes, Baftas, Battillas& Corjevrems, 1- 4-4 q-8 5-4 & 6-4 Superfine India Bpok Muslins, 4:4 and q-8 India Book Handkerchiefs, 5- 4 4 arid q-8 Scotch ditto, 4-4 St 6-4 plain do. Mufflrts", 4-4 ■& 6-4 Britilh Jaconets, 6.4 Britilh Checks and Stripes, 4-4 India'do. do, do. l. 4-1 dit'o Ch'Utocs, HaWdH^irfs,' ,i A large afToitment of figur'd and plain Muflixicts, Quillings, Dimities, and Striped Nadkdens, ! s fubjeft to Drawfeac'k, l " Irtdi'a Vahke<?ns, . Men's White and coloweil Silk stockings. - • TO BE LET. . LARGE Commodious, dwelling Houfe,No. 124, i\ Spruce street, with a convenient stable and Coach fy' Hi'jfc,—3'ifs fir sale a Chariot bit l'ittft tMe warfe for u s e • June s. eosw Fcr Sale, A White {fary BRICK HOUSE, and Lot, in Chffnut flrefit, fieiween Front and Second ftr«ets, in whirh. Meifn. jam<i Caihriith & Co. hive for many year* (and A now do; carried on Hiifinefs. PoffelTion Will be given in one month, or sooner. £ For terms apply to -WILLIAM BELL, or r HECTOR CALBRAIT H April xi. . §. " , T Landing, u r ' * He Sr&fcfibetV whsrf, from on board the (hip Au- f m Xr fdra, Suter, 15c Hogsheads v Prime JarrrahrarSfHgars, For sale by Witlings and Francis, May 17 § John Miller, jun. & Go. JVo. 8 Chefnutflreet, Have imported in the late veflels from Europe., A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF SPRING GOODS, Amnngft which are Striped and clouded NANKEENS, Dimities and Mullinets, HATS, Neatly aflorfed "ui packages, IRISH LINENS. ditto, All which they will fell on the most reasonable terms, for Cafll or the usual credit. May 11. § Table Cloths, See. MAURICE MOYNIHAN, /in.. 81, North Secend, a fetu doors above Arch St j INFORMS his Friends and the Public, that he has for file on reasonable terms, Damalk Table Cloths, ol dif fered G*ei, with Napkins to match thc-figure of the cioth, Diapers, Ir lh Linens, Sarfnets, Sheetings, PerfUns, Checks, Englilh.patent SilkHafe, Coarse Muslins, &c&c. Also, en ajfortment of China, Glass, and Queen's Ware: Amortyfl -which are Blue&enamelled Break- China Jars and Bickers, ( fact Cups & Saucers, Decanters, k Do. Gallon T W Wine Glalfes, &c. p Half-Gallon J Crates will lie put up at the [, ■pj Ihorteft notice, and the ufiial n Pint & O credit f iven " ' Half-Pint jaa May ij § . I - a For sale by the fubferibers, IN PfcNN-STREET, 130 quarter Cliefts frelh Hyson Tea; 100 ditto do. frelh Souchong Tea; 300 Boxes China, containing small tea setts of 42 i pieces; Aoo iiiii.es Bandanoes. Willing Iff Francis. . i January 30 3 taw - Hot Pressed Bible. rhe Sc-cond number of 'this Splendid National Work, _ » Will be delivered in a few days, and proceed regularly withoiit interruption. 1. npHe proprietors We great fatisfaiSion in faying, that JL it has been examined with much attention by many hundreds' of gentlemen, and that not in a single instance has the xvafmeft approbation been withheld from it. They already boast df as refpeflable a lift of fubferibers as ever supported any work, in so (horta time as this has been be fore the public. Such friends of elegant printing as mean to become fubfcriljers. are to do it without de lay, as the number detfrmine4 upon to be printed i> limit ed, and there is every prorpe6t of the whole being raort ly difpoleS of. Subscriptions will be received by the proprietors, No. 3*4 Carter's alley, and at the Book-stores in general. Philadelphia, June 7*^, r , .... , ... . - t02 .. < Teneriffe Wine. TENERIFFE WINE, in piges, hogsheads, and ] quarter calks, and 170 Filtering Stones, just ar- 1 rived per the lchooner Polly & Sally from 1 enerifFe,and for Sale by John Craig, ' No. 12 Dock street. WHO HAS ALSO FOR SALE, Bfeft Soft-lhell'cf ALMONDS, RAISINS in Frails. SHERRY WINE, in Qirarter Galks, Irish CANVAS, Bristol and Irish WINDOW GLASS. May 30 „ , , f co ALEXANDER POWER, HAVING business in the conntry, and expeding to be ahf iit for lome tuue, requests his employers in tl|e 1 Brokering iine, 10 apply to Mr. Thomas Nobli, at No. 147 in Chefnut Street, next door to his fioUl'e, between 4fh and sth Streets, Who will pay every attention to those who may have any tranfaaions in tales or purchases in Land, Stock, Difcounti, iifc. June 8 J The Partnership of George Kenriard $£ Co. OF Duck Creek, b«jqg this,day dilifllycd by mntual confeat, those haviug claims igainft/aid partnership are requeft'ed to call on the fiibfcriber, and l'uch as are in debted, Wft plcafe make payment to GEORGI KENNARD. May *7i 1796- (a3§in») — .1 . ■ — Sales of India Goods. *PHe Car£6 if Gariges, cant. Tingsy, from Cal cutta and Bengal, I consiflrin'o or 1 \ Large and general assortment of Bengal and Madras £X COTTON and SILK GpODS. . AU6NG WHICH ARE 'A vttr fat j fine ißorke'd arid plain Mujlins, Dorcas, IS"c. Also, A Quantity of Excellent. Sugar, in boxes and! bags—and BLACK. PEPPER. F.or Sale by Willirigs tff Francis, t ■ No. »i Penn Street- . Jane * 5 Yazoo Lands. t-~• ' • . i May he had at ibe Editor'j QJfice 1 19, Chffnut'jireH, A few Copifs of " a Report of the Attorney Genetal to Congi-efs containing- a GoHedfion of Charters, Treaties aud otp*r DocuMeNTs, relative to dm! explanatory of the Title «■> the I.aud situate in the South Western parti of the ITirttad States, and rl .imed hy certain C<wnpanie» under a law of the State of G«orgia, parted Jsuuary 71)1, '795- ¥ ~ r¥ciUVEJJ, } By the Brig Welcome Rgturn, from Savannah, 17 Bales COTTON. By the Schooner frdm ChnrkJlto,< 100 Casks Prime RICE. v tAnd, by the Schoorier John, from Boflm, SEWING-SILKS', various colours, I GURRAHS COSSAHS, snd India Bandanno Handbehfs. I For Sile by I 4 N. & J. Frazier, No. 95, South Front street* Whc have also on hand, and for Sale, Prime Boston BEEF, in barrels, ® herr y.t nd I wineS, I enerine ) , I Carolina INDIGO, &c. &c. j May 31 imx &fim. Just imported, And for S ALE, I SUGAR and COFFEE, in hogthcads NEW R(CE, in whole and half tierces QUEEN*? in hogsheads r l WHITE LEAD, (diy) incaiks F - I COPPER, in flieets i,| „* ••• => CaAife and Wfiire-Soap ». } *7" ■American Mon|tt ard Dipt Car: J c , BOSTON BEEF of the firfl. quality. Ilaac Harvey, jun. I [6 mo. I. §3w] No. 5 south Water Street. : ROBBERY. ' I QTOLEN, onthe night of the 17th inll. from a delk, in I O the Store of the Siibfcribers, No. Si Front (Ireet, sup- I posed to be broken open about 11 o'clock at' nigfit, thffol- I lowing Notes, &c. which the Public are cautioned againfl d I negofistiog; they can be of 110;ufe to any prrfon but J the fubferibers Paymeut of the Note i aid C uftortirhoufe | Debentures, which are drawn irf favor of the fubferibers, " I and not etidorfed, is flopped. Firfl, of a bill, drawn at Kiri£!l6n, April 23, by Wm. I Berczy, in favor of George Foriythe ts" Co. it 60 days, I on D. C. Bis,Ucr, apd accepted 13d May, fhr 63 pouudj I Quebec curfeney, aud tudorf-d to and by A. Macomb. I Nicholas Brower's note, payable May I, dols. 509 f Richard Wiliiamfon's ditto 978.25 I Joseph Thompfon'sdo. | The following Guftom-houfe Debentures, viz. I Debenture No, 925 due June 15, r 4 :.c(8 9 1 . 6 Jm!X.WI 533 so -I Augufl 20, 68.7 06 September 30, 49!/ 09 f ' 929 December 14, 233.93 K » I -- - '>' . ppllars 3785.53 1 The following 3dsand 4ths of Exchange, viz. Ac I 3d and 4th of a bill a: 90 days; drawg by Se •y. I ton, Maitland{s"Co. on John Locke, Lon cc I don, in favor ps ourselves, for £' 856 8 6 -J I 3d of- a bill at 6oii(i.yß, <lrawn bylftac Clafon cr I Co, on Bird, Savage and.Bird,London, e " I in favor of Phyn, : Ellis and Ingji*, jjoß 16 & " I 3d of a hill at 60 day.,, divwr. by.S. C'edtpan, f" I of Boflon.od Jofin Fralic's Baring Co. [t * J to the order of Phin, Fd:ire IT' fr<■ 1,, ICOO t_ I 3d of a hill draws by Robert Kennedy, on I Codlt 2? Co. at 40' days, oil! uwnfavoir 1060 o. I I £ 41 .<1 Sefldes the above number of jajper.s, ufeltfs to any but "" j the owners, a quantity of money, a-.nvunting to about 150 I dolbrs, was taken at the fame tine. I N. 8,.1f the perfoo or per&ns who carried off the a ld' love, will enclose fsf Macifmb,.New York, ir- no farther notice will D ( e taken aT the tranf.dlion. id Nev.'-York, May »8. ts* MACOMB. Junfe 1 John M'ififer, jun & Co. No. 8 Chefnut Street, |- HaVe received by the Ship [BIRMINGHAM PACKET, r From Calcutta, 160 Bales of Bengal Goods, - 10,000 Pieces Nankeens, [ Of a Superior Quality. 35-o Bags of SUGsIR, he | Which they will fell oti advantageous terms ,0 - I May .10. (S . jfe ' . WA N T E D, in Several Apprentices to the Printing- I Business Apply at the Office of the Gazette of tn« I United States, No. 119, Cbefnut-ftreet. G China Goods. 'iI TH F Shlp Atlantic > $$*. Commander, 1 from Canton, will commence the discharge of her cargo to-mofroW mbrnitigat Wklnut-ftreet wharf I Cnnfi/lir,v of I Yellow and whitt Nankfcens of excellent j Persian Taffetics, blaqk and ccioured > I Luftringa, do. de. I Sattins black of various qualities I Sewing silks in alToited colours I Vermillion in bdxes .. j Cassia in cherts a * j QyickfilTtr.in jars BOIJEA, a. S'Ol/CHONG, | FrefiTeas. I BEST HYSON, J W »1 IMPERIAL, J CHINA WARE, ornamental, with Table and Ti» I Sets generally aflorted. WHITE SUGARS, and aqtaantify of First quality Bangal SALT PETRE. I For Sale by ** -1 Philip Nick/in & Co. April 8. t.ih&s
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers