of ffjr ChiitfD J#> Cases Numn 1174-] fHILJDELPHId, MONDAY F.rENINC,, JOKE .j, . V9 S. : . fFoil(Afi (I . F/M* Qtlo r\ t- PUn»frt,. /~*f <t /* /-• • . «. ■ ■ " 1 " . • — For Sale or Charter, ' THE SNOW j|j)jr BOSTON, BUR.I HuN about, aooo B')ls. of ftour—fl(e may t > V;i it a •Ow&U iSpincc, her Pails and riggmjf freiag In vay gooJ order—apply- to ' t . " ""James Campbell, or George Latimer. April, 20- Eof SALE, THE SCHOONER One jear old—burthen 94 tons. For terms apply to to Joseph H. Woodman, the master on board, at Jeffe and Robert VTain't wharf, or to SAMUEL COA-TES, No. 84 south Front Street, Who hath imported in. the /aid schooner for Sale, 16 Hhds. and 4 tierces St. Martins Sugar Tune 8 *§7 CjfcL For Madeira, feJ l FOUR FRIENDS. TT TILL, fail in ten or twelve days; having the greatest VV part of her cargo engaged. For Freight orPalT age apply to JESSE Isf ROBERT WALN. June % 5 y-fcT For SAL E, The brig Mary, «§£J2s~3^ Burthen IJi Tons, almost new, and cora •■Si-—* pletely fitted foi; sea Also, 42,000 wt. PRIME GREEN COFFEE, entit led to Drawback. '4 Hhds. New-England RUM, and A Quantity of TOW LINEN. For terms apply to the mailer on board said Brig, lying it Clifford's wharf, or to SAMUEL COATES. June 8. *§10 Snow Hebe. r->, for"* sale, The Snow HEBE, A faithful Philadelphia built veflel, car ries 1,3000 bushels of grain or 1600 barrels flour, is rea dy to take in a cargo. She is about four years old. ' Apply to PETER BLIGHT: Who has for sale, Sugar, Coffee, Cocoa, and Pimento, t Also, ' A Parcel of CHOICE PORT WINE. ( June 6 £0 - TTF7X - t RAN away from the fubferiber living near Church [ Hill,Qu»en Anns County in the State of Maryland, f about the firft of January last, a black negro man, named f i>»ni, about thirty years of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, has a crooked finger on one hand, and one leg and foot 5 fmailer than the other, somewhat round-shouldered, his j cloathing unknown. Any person who wilt secure or bring said fellow home,fo that 1 may get him again (hall g have the above reward with reasonable charges. g WILLIAM JACOBS. June 4. "iawim. St. Croix Sugar, LANDING on Race-street wharf, from on board the J brig Pragers, eapt. Thomas Watson, and for (ale by p Pragers & Co. b Who have REMOVED their Counling-hau/e to the S. fide of Walnut-flreetivharf. * June 10 , Jaw s Landing this day, From the Sloop Indujlry, Capt. Wharton, '' 22 Puncheons Barbados Rum, Pqi sale by Kearney Wharton. June 6 +6 No. 133, South Second Street. DIS EASES of the EY ES, J. E. Harrison, Accoucheur, M. D. and Member of the London Medi cal Society, &c. INFORMS his Fellow Citizens, that he has studied Physic under the most eminent British ProfefTors, and has been upwards of seven years a constant Pupil at St. Oeorge's' and St. Bartholomew's Hospitals, under John Hpnter, Pott, Bromfield, and William Sharp. He per fofhis all the Operations for Relief of Diseased Eyes, par ticularly Extraifling the Chryftaline Humour, called *- Cowching ; and he has reflated to fight two out of five, £ who were blind. law 3t* IVay 24, 1796. w , F 0 R S A L E, un A Valuable Farm, CONtaining 450 acres of Land, in the town of Cler mont, county of Columbia, slate of New- York— formerly the property of col.Ten Broeck—about fix miles eafl from the North River—fufficiently accommodated with wood, meadow jnd plow-land, and well watered— a genteel dwelling-house, a lsrge Barn, and a thriving Or chard, &c. &c. Very suitable soy a gentleman or an a&- ive farmer. Price 10,000 Collars. Apply to gen H?nry Livingfton, at Ancram; or at Clermont to William Wilson. May 25 J4 \ Lottery and Broker's Office, N Q ' 64 South Second fireet, ( TCKFTS in the Can>tl Lottery No. 11, are now rca- j dy for fele, a Check Book kept for the examination { Tickets, and Prizes paid, without dedu&ion. ] The Subscriber solicits the application of the Public or j any ©t his friends who wish to purchnfe or fell Bank Stock, Certificates, Bills of Exchange, or Nbtes, Houles, Lands, — Lotts or Merchandize of any kind, or to obtain Money <*n deposit of property. WILLIAM BLACKBURN, /J Late Agent for the Canal Lottery Company. Hs June 6, w&» us? Country Seat for sale. A n elegant Hcmfe, and highly cuhivated Farm, on thceaffc. e 'n bank of Hudson's river, bound-d on-the north by Verplinck s Point, and dillairt forty-five miics froln New \ork ; che farm of 295 acres, asd is one at the mod sent :,n<l beautiful situations on the Continent; com. mandmg an #t>a£ve and variegated profpea : the foil is rich, chiefly laic* down in Engl i(hgr*is,,i«>d is under exselletttfencc. — The houleis a handfametvuo aory double buildifig, in the most giod«i> -oad ftiffWies c. very requiftte for the accommodatiixi of a genteel family ; there are ajfoofithe premifcs a new overfeer's-houfe, a new* I* barn, ex'enfive stables, cow-(hed, cyder-house, fmokr-houfe, poultry house, St.c. There are abundance of fruit trees com prehending all the choicelt kinds which oouid be procured from the riur'enes about town, now in full bearing, and a well flock'd kitcheu garden A sloop goes twice a week to the city, from a landing convenient to the farm, and the Al bany port road forms the eastern boundary. fter Tlic !,oufc i l &c ' ar e keptin neat order, for the reception of the purchaser on the shortest notice, who might also b"e accommodated with about 120 acres adjoning the farm on the I »i south, the greatest part of which ftrrtches along ' the river, j which abounds with ovfters and a variety 0+ fifh- Should he I be averse to farming, there are many refpeftable neighbours j who would work it on advantageous terms. Apply to GEORGE & HUGH POLt-OCK, Gouverrieur's Lane, Mew Yotk, orto 7 JOSFPH ANTHONY & CO. — May 27 jlm Philadelphia. Jufl Arrived, In the Snow Boston, James Kirkpatrick, master from Li- J verpool, ~a S°°° BufheU SALT ; "g 100 Crates QUEENS WARE; and An Afiortment of SHIP CHANDLERY; f • F O R S A — On board, at Pine-street wharf.- Apy>ly to Campbell, -or j George ttmmtr. — j m- A P ril "9- SL it- Landing, At Rudell'j wharf, the CARGO of the Ship Lady j ft Louisa, James Cooper, master, from China, and the } Cape of Good Hope, ng CONSISTING OF SUGAR, in Chests and Bags ; WINES, in Butts and half Butts of fuperiorqua- } — lity; j C A small quantity of BRANDY ; And a few Red HANDKERCHIEFS. * FOR SALE BY Parker iff Wharton, No. 109, south Water-street. I , a _ April i 6. §_ I TOBESOLD, ift. A Three-story brick House, Ko 80, N. Second I f\. ftrect. The lot is about ax feet front, and 388 I D. feet deep, to Bread-street, or Moravian Alley. It has I long been one of the beiWtands for business. ad. A frame DwellingrHoufe, No. 260, South Front- I street, with a Bake-House, the Lot is about 17 sett I — frout, by 130 feet in depth. jd. t\ handsome Lot of 15 feet by 200 feet deep, ex- | tendingTfom~ 1 lUiu lu , it Lot below South-flreet: on Gcorgc-ftreet there is a two I story brick tenement, a frame ditto adjoining, with a good I Ec * bake oven. h, Likewise a LARGE MEADOW FARM, situate on j ot River Delaware, at a convenient diflance from Phila- I ; ' 5 dclphia Market—the Meadow is of the best quality, and I p or in good bank. There are commodious buildings, with a 1 - l 'l good proportion of arable and woodland. :nd Cedar I Swamp. For terms apply to JOHN LITLE, Iyj No. 40 North Sixth-street. I March irft, 1796. ' dtf A Genteel family wish to rent a COUNTY SEAT, J in an agreeable fituatlon, within a few miles of J * '¥ Philadelphia. If furnilhed, it would be more agreea- I ble. Apply perfonallv or by letter to Mr. Taylor, at Dr. I Yeatman's, No. 115, South jVcond street, corner of J Second street - t June 6. J I Just Imported, In the Ship JGanges, from Calcutta and Madras, and I ' for sale by I — i, SAMUEL MIERS FISHER, Twenty-two packages of Goods: I r ~F containing, I 4 GURRAHS j rly Tickerys j f or Punjem Cloths Hurrial Humhums Baftaes, Rofferah CofTeas Bahar Handkerchiefs Guzzinahs T affaties Fullicat Silk Handkerchiefs Patna Chintz coarse and fine Peniafcoes, 53*j. &c. {$c. J 6mo: 6. Jleoiw I• — n I George Dobson, jj T> EGS leave to inform the Store-Keepers in Toum and I J3 Country* that he has removed from Maiket-Street to j ™ N°* 25, south Third-street, t 4 h ' _ where he is opening a Large and Elegant Assortment of the J w hi undermentioned articles—viz. j'Lat Superfine London Cloths and Kerseymeres, Yorkshire second Do. Do. j —— Elallic do. do. Mix'd and Biue Coatings Flannells, See. I s Manchester Printed Callicoes, I London Chintz ditto, I Blue and ditto I arc India ditto, I Long Cloths, CofTaes, Baftas, Battillas& Conjevrems> 4-4 9"® 5"4 Superfine India Book Muflias, I . 4-4 and 9-8 India Book Handkerchiefs, 4-4 and 9-8 Scotch ditto, I —— 4-4 & 6-4 plain do. Muslins, 4-4 &'6-4 Britifti Jaconets, 6-4 Britiih Checks and Stripes, IT, India do. do, do. 4-4 ditto Chilloes, Madras Handkerchiefs, &c. A large afToftmentof figur'd and plain Muflinets, Quiltings, Dimities, and Striped Nankeens, 1 \ Fancy \Vaiftcoatings, I Ginghams of the firft Quality, fubjea to Drawback, India Nankeens, \A * Men's White and cploured SUk ftock'ings. May 9 j TO BE LET. A LARGE Commodious dwelling House, No. 114, j Spruce ftrect, with a convenient liable and Coach I H«ufe,—Alfo for lale a Chwiot but little the worse for I use, June». eo»w j Ju ' 1 * — . ~ F s For Sale, (MJfc. A Three-ftorv BRiCK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut -by j between Front .rnd Greets, ia lyhich Vrw iH-iTrs. JciniOs Calbraith & Go. have for many year# (and Tiotl now do) carried on business. t :orn- will be given is due month,, or Sooner. rich, apply t» WILLIAM BELL, or WZrm<iAk»WTf Y: -• —-- ■«* fending, --- 001- A t ' ie SaWcribws' wharf, from on board the Slip Au- XI rora, capc. Suter, ijo Hogiheads . d » Prime Jamaica Sugars, y® For sale by Willings a?id Francis, ion May X 7 § % John Miller, jun. & Co. No. 8 Chefnut-Jlreet, urs Have imported in the late veffeh from Europ*; A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF ' ' SPRING GOODS, I Amongst which are — Striped and cl-audqd NANKEENS, Dimities and Mnflinets, Li- HATS, Neatly aflorted in packages, IRISH LINENS, ditto, I All which they will fell on the most reafonaWe terms, I for Cash or the usual credit. I May jr. 4 J ( * Table Cloths, &c. - | M AUftik-MOY isIIHAM, *- | No. 81, North Seem J, a few doors above Arch St. J TNFORMS his Friends and the Public, that lie has for | A sale oil reasonable terms, Damalk Table Cloths, of,dif- Jy j ferentfizcs, with Napkins to match the figure of the cloth, he j Diapers, Irilh Linens, Sarfnets, Sheetings, Persians, Checks, j Englifo.patent Si&Hofe, Coarse Muslins, Sccicc. I Also, gn ajfortmcnt of China, Glass, and Queen's Ware: Amongfl ivbteb are Blue&enamelled Break- China Jars and Bickers, ( fail Cups & Saucers, Decajitcrs k. Do. Gallon " tn Wiae Glasses, &c„ p j Half-Gallon J Crates will be put up at the k Quart fhortefl notice, and the uiuai nj — j Pint & q credit giver.. tl I Half-Pint 33 May 25 § D d For larfe by the fubicribers, ai IN PENN-STRF.ET, g ls I 130 quarter Chests freih Hyson Tea;/ 0I I 100 ditto do. frelh Souchong Tea; q 300 Boxes China, containing fnull teaTettsJof 4a I pieces; I 400 pieces Bandanaes. •i Willing & Francis. 0 1 January. 30 3t.iw- Just IMPORTED in the Ship " GANGES, 3 From CALCUTTA, and for Sale at r J No. 149, South Front Street, I A few Packages of the' following GOODS, "viz. pJNGEVI Cloths, X Hernial Humhums, Gurrahs, ' I Guzzcna^w, ' [ ' Bahar Hiwlkerchiefs, Tickerys, lliabad Baftas, jf • I Rofua C«ffaes, f I Patna Chintz, I T affaties, . j Bandannocs, Choppa Romah, Pulicat Gftf. t j, t 1 June 4. *eo4t do; TenerifFe Wine. bo HPENERIFFE WINE, .in pipes, hoglheads, and n° J 4. quarter calks, and 170 Filtering Stones, jnft ar- I rived per the schooner Polly & Sally from TenerifFe,and I for Sale by John Craig, No. iz. Dock street. WHO HAS ALSO FOR SALE, Best Soft-fhell'd ALMONDS, B RAISINS in Frails SHERRY WINE, in Quarter Calks, Irilh CANVAS, I I Briltol and Irilh WINDOW GLASS. t s I May 30 eo Ai ALEXANDER POWER, I TTAVING business in the conntry, and expe&ing to be IX JL absent for some time, requests his employers in the , Brokering line, to apply to Mr. Thoiias Noble, at No. ; I T47 in Chefnut Street, next door to his house, between I 4th and sth Streets, who will pay every attention to tliofe o j who may have any tranfailions in sales or pnrchafes in Land, Stock, Discounts, tfc. Bui I June 8§ Un The Partnerlhip of George Kennard & Co. r-r I Duck Creek, biing this day dissolved by mutual J- I consent, those having claims against said partnerlhip cart I arc requested to call on the fubferiber, and such as are in- I deb ted, willplcafe make payment to Yel] GEORGE KENNARD. . Per I May X 7, 1796, • (»3§ini) Luf I —-— ——— Satt Sales of India Goods. • Ver The Cargo »f thelhipGanges, capt. Tingey, from Cal cqtta and Bengal, Qli l CONSISTING or B A Large and general assortment of Bengal and Madras ® CO 1 TON and SILK GOODS. AMONG WHICH ARE V A variety fine worked and plain Muslins, ® Doreas, tffc. Also, A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, Itt boxes and baga—and BLACK PEPPER. \ For Sale by P Willings & Francis, No. 11 Pecn Street. June 3 S A Yazoo Lands. nn ui 'hich : ~ " (and May is had at the Edit«i J f Ctjftce Itg, Chefnut-flr ut, A few Copscj of " a Report of rhe Attorney General to CjwgaeJsy .coniaining -a CjJtecWon of C.tiARTFRS, T REATIES aud other MF.N TSj 5. j relative to ami «xgJa'-.^torythe Title tu the Land ■ — I fouaxc .1, i. 'A ci'ern parts of liii i T n:;e<l by certain C.irr.prn ies 4: d4r a j law or the btate of O- January U " 1 195- RECEIVED, ~~ I By f&e Brig Welcome Return, from Savannah* § 27 Bales COTTON, — j &y the Schooner Abigail, from Charljlon, 100 Cafke Prime RICE. And, by the Schooner "fohn, fr'-m Sajlon* SEW ING-SILKS, various colours, I GURRAHS COSSAMS, and India Bandanno Handkchfs, For Saje by N. & j. Frazier, No, 95, South Front ftrgct' I IVhe have a/so on hand, and for Sale, I Prime Boston BEEF, 111 barrels, i wIN E5, as, Carolina fNDJGO, Sue. &c, M »y 31 cnw&fiw Just imported, | And for SALE, ' | SUO Aft and COFFEE, in hoj/head* 1 ttttw m whole anrt hats riercsK I QUEEN S WARE, in hogfliesds tor j WHITE LEAD, (dry)incaflcs if- J COPPER, in fheete th > American I and , White Soap j Mould and D:pt Candles and BOSTON BEEF of the firft quality. tc. I Baac Harvey, jun. [6 mo. 1. §.jw] No. 5 south Water Street. : robbery" " 1, QTOLEN, on the night of the 27th inft. fromadelk, ia kj the Store of the Subscribers, No.Si From street, sup posed to be broken open about 11 o'clock at night the sol , low,n £ N< *«> &c - which the Public are cautWsd against ivgofiatmg ;as they can be of no use to any person but I the fubfenbers Payment of .the Notes and Cuftoirijioufe I Debentures, which are drawn in favor of the fubferibers, I and not endorsed, ia flopped. I Fir*, of a bill, drawn at Kingston, April 23, by Wm. I Bsrczy, in favor of George jgorlythe W Co. at 60 days j on D. C. Brauer, and acceded 23d May, for 63 poundj I Quebec currency, and endorsed to and by A. Macomb. 2 I Nicholas grower's note, payable May 1, dols. 500 I Richard Willjamfon's ditto 978.2? I Joseph Thompfon'sdo. 195.2 V I The following Custom-house Debentures, viz.* - 14 -. 08 9 16 Ja'yaj, Sf3 30 J 9*7 Auguftao, 687.96 928 September 3», 499.69 929 Deeember 14, 233.93 L, , Dollars 3785.53 I The ollewiQg 3ds and 4ths of Exchange, viz. l j 3d and 4th of a bill a: 90 days; drawn by Se ten, Maitland ts 3 Co. on John Locke,Lon don, in favor of ourfelven, for f gj 5 g £ 3d of a bill at 6oda?s, drawn by Isaac Clafon (S 1 Co. on Bird, Savage a/id.Bird,London, I >n favor°f Phyn, EUisand Inglis, 3-08 16 6 I 3d ot a bill at 60 days, drawn byS. Codman, of Bofton,on John E3" Franc s Baring U? Co. j to the order of'Phin, Ellice & Inglis 100 c j 3d of a bill drawn by Robert Kennedy, on I CouJt o Co. at 40 days, our own favour 1000 I Besides the above number of papers, ufeleft tJanr but the owner.,a qulYltity of money, amounting to about i<© . dollars, was taker, it the fame time. N. B. If the person or persons who carried off the a bove, will enclose them to Pfifter ts* Macomb, New York J no farther notic* will be taken of the tranfadtion New-York, May 28. PEFISTER (jf MACOMB 1 J une 1 ■ John Miller, jun & Co. No. 8 Chefnut Street, Have received by the Ship \B 1 R M I N G H A M PACKET m From Calcutta, 160 Bales of Bengal Goods, 10,000 Pieces Nankeens, Of a Superior Quality. 35 o Bags of SUG4R, Which they will fell on advantageous term* May 10. WA N T E D, Several Apprentices to the Printing- Bufmefs Apply at the Office of the Gazette of th» United States, No. 119, Chefnut-ftreet. j China * I' I 1 E Atla ,V t ' c ' S!,as Swtine, Commander, X from Canton, Will commence discharge of her cargo to-morrow morning at Walnut-street wharf CoAftfiing ef Yellow and white Nankeens of excellent qunlitr Perlun Tafletics, black apd ccloured LuftringSj do. do. I Sattins black of various qualities j Sewing silks in assorted colours I Vermillion in boxes j Caflia in ehefls I Quicklilver in jars BOHEA, , SOUCHONG, 1 HYSON SKIN, _ „ m young hyson Frelh Teas. BEST HYSON, IMPERIAL, CHINA WARE, ornamental, with Table and Tea Sets'generally assorted. Will 1 £ SUGARS, and a quantity of First quality Bengal SALT PETR£. For Sale by Philip Nicklin k Co? A H *• , i^&s
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers