■ Sjl&jtHe oftfoHmtcfc fates • Kr.,*rn*x *7A. 1 PHILADELPHIA, SATURL 'T EVENING, JUNE n, 1795. JTowwre IX. ~ r" T r> c 1 /*_ 1 _ I Fnr "V « TV 1 - i» w » - - / %y -* Fo7Sale or Charter, -*■ n*. THE SNOW S N, 1 „ ; 'Say be sent i' c u l> O < I i iSS&K- A - I", . One jeir old—burthen 94 tons. For terms apply to f0 J°<eph H. Woodman, the Viaftef ( on board, at Jeffe and Robert VTalii's wharf, or to , SAMUEL COATES, ( No. 8» 10nth Front Street, , Who hath imported in the fnid Jchooner for Sale, 1 16 Hhds. and 4 tierces * St. Martins Sugar June 8 __ *$7 W||| For Madeira, f|lgi FOUR FRIENDS. ""ill fail in ten or twelve days; having the greatest part of her cargo engaged. For Freight or Pafl agaapplyto JESSE If ROBERT WALN. fline z . §__ For Sale by Public lliiElion, At-the Cc.ffce.Houfr, in Second ftre-t. Ob Saturday'evening next, the nth inft. at 8 o'clock, r—%« The Copper-Bottomed (hip - J Lady Louisa, WITH her tackle, apparel and farniture, (Veil; ifidSs- as P er inventory to be seen at Parker & wharton's counting-house, No. 109, S. Water Street. Footman iS° Co. Außioneers. June 6 § For SAL E, SSSSI ie k r 'S AR Y » Burthen 154 Tons, almost new, and com 'pie tely fitted for sea.— A!ft>, 42,000 wt. PRIME GREEN COFFEE, entit led to Drawback. 4 Hhds. New-England RUM, and A Quantity of TOW LINEN. 11 For terms apply tofche master on board said Brig, lying f ei at Clifford's whatf, or to SAMUEL jCOATEK. j O . June 8. *§10 Lottery and Broker's Office, _ _ N Q 64 SfUt/) Srcond street, r nrCKtrrS in the tJly-arp anw res- el I dy for sale, a Check Book kept for the eximination Of Tickets, and Prizes paid, without dedu&ion. , c The Subfenber solicits the application of the Public or a any oi his friends who wish to,purch fe or fell Bank Stock, Certificates, Bills of or Notes, Houses, Lands, ® 1 Lotts or Merchandize of any kind, or to obtain Money . on deposit of property. » * in WILLIAM BLACKBURN, g Late Agent for the Canal Lottery Company. J"ne 6. w&s Snow Hebe. / -iT2"V. FOR SALE, Ph The Snow HEBE, (,1c fiithul Philadelphia built vefTcl, car. y e ries i,*'ooobu{helsof grain or 2600 barrels flour, is rea- jj e( dy to take in a cargo. She is about four years old. Apply to PETER BLIGHT. Who has for sale, Sugar, Coffee, Cocoa, and Pimento. In Also, A Parcel of CHOICE PORT WINE. f"ne 6 eo FOR SALE, A Valuable Farm, CONtaining 450 acres of I «ind, in the town of Cler mont, county of Columbia, (late of New York— formerly thr property of col.Ten Broeck—about fix miles call from the North River—Xufficiently accommodated with wood, meadow and plow-land, and well watered— a genteel a large Barn, and a thriving Or chard, &c. &c. Very suitable for a gentleman or an a6t iVa farmer. Price 10,000 Dollars. Apply to gen Henry Livingfton, at Ancram; or at Clermon* to William Wilson. . * ~~~ M *y *5 JUST IMPORTED, g AND FOR SALE BY w. p 0 r N T E L L, wh( A r o. 70, in Chefnutflreet, between Second and und Third flreets, Si A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Stationary Articles; I AMONGST WHICH ARE, F Writing Papers ef every Ofltcs wafers, N size from quarto post up to Best black lead pencils, l.irphant size, Ledgers B writ- Journals 1 jf various Czes,, Wafte,letter,invoice,fales, *" , '"K-ftafds W every de- aiemmts currpnt, bill, and 4 ' • lcr 'P rion , , receipt books, 4 ' Pent mv-s and erasers, Red 4 (Quills of every <jaality, Ivory folding knives,~" 1] Ri flUiuchfcalhigwaxand Redandblack inkpowder, si. Iri/h wafers, r ALSO, Portable writing defies, backgammon tables, Reeves's A water colours, cases of mathematical inftrnmenfs, 3,9 Q and 12 inch globes, thermometers, barometers and ther- mometers, pentagraphs, protradors, scales and feAors, G pocket compasses, scales, dividers and bow pens, tele- 1,1 fropes, .rom iS/; to £24, guitars, music tutors and mu- M nc hooks,, laHiCh' and gentlemen's morocco pocket book a, maps ot Europe, Asia, Africa, America, and the World, cn i ioth and rollers, maps of France with the departments at 3-4 ot a dollar, morocco travelling cafe?, sportsmen's 4 gunning knives from "jfo to kydroQatic balances and /V mtcrolcopcs, chefs and cribbagc boards, tnoncy scales, &c. Hou ■ Ju " ! mtvfi j ufc . Country Seat for sale. An elegant House. and biehly cvl'ivjted on the eal ernbankof Hiidron'n river, b.iund'd on the north bv Vprplanck'g Point, arid diftar.t foriy-iive ru. ;S from New York ; the farm Consist* of 20.5 JCrcs, and i«. one of 1.,e moll pi£lurefque and beautiful fit-pan o,lls on the. Conf.mnt ;co - ? m-'nd ; .n£jip and variegated proftfcft ; .the fail is neb, Ihe noofeis a hahdfo Tie,two story building> in the m- ft >ri' :- ■ dc • ; fh : ;i< ft-. If e.r-. aii ► ».r ,r> .ivi» .hi .c# ovr.\r i'i .01.'':, a 1 *\4 I Jbahi, extensive stables, cow-died, cyder-house, finoke-bnufi, poultry house, Sec, There arc abundance of fruit ueel eoni prehending all the kinHs could be ptocurei from the nurleries about town, now iu ffoll bearing, and a ftock'd kitchen garden A sloop goes twice a «v*eek to the city, from a landi, v i£ convenient to the farpi, and the Al bany post road forms.the eaflern boundary. — TJie house, <Scc. are kept in neat order, for the reception cr of the purcha'er on the shortest notice, who mighl alio be accommodated with about 120 acres adjoning the tVm on the » south, the greater part c»f which ftrelches along the river, which abounds wi»h ovfters and a varirtv of .fifh- Should he be aver fe to farming, there are many icfpeftable neighbours; who would \tOrkit on advantageous terms. QF.ORGF & HUGH POLLOCK, Gouvemeur's La^e,->few Yoik or ro JOSFPH ANTHONY & CO. — May 27 V m P/uladelphia. Just Arrived,, In the Snow Boston, James Kirkpatrick, master from Li verpool, n 5000 Bulheli SALT ; ff 100 Crates QUEENS WARE ; and An Aflortrnent of SHIP CHANDLEKY; FOR SALE — On board, at Pine-street wharf. Apply to James Campbell, or George Latimer. April 7,9. Landing, e ' At RufTell's wharf, the CARGO of the Ship Ladv , Louisa, Jasies Cooper, master, from China, and the s ' Cape of Oood Hope, CONSISTING OF SUGAR, in Cherts and : >ags ; WINKS, in Butts and half Butts of superior qua — lity; A (mail quantity of BRANDY ; And a few Red HANDKERCHIEFS. FO& sale ny Parker 'bf Wharton, No. JO9, south Water-street. t- April lb. ' § TO BE SOLD, tft. \ Three-story brick House, No 80, N. Second l\. ftrect. The lot' is about 21 feet front, and 288 £ feet deep, to Bread-street, .or Moravian Alley. It long been one of the r or bufinef^ 2d. A frame DweHine-Houfe, No. Front ftreet, with a Bakc-H6uf<;, the Lot is about 17 sett front, by 130 feet in depth. 3d A, handlome Lot of 25 feet by 200 feet deep, ex u tending from Third flreet to George-street \ it is the ;d r " Lot be)ONV^Soath=ftteet: on Qeorge-flrect tb "re is a two story brick tenement, a frame ditto adjoining, with a good bake oven. Likewise a LARGE MEADOW FARM, situate on '' the River Delaware, at a convenient distance from Phila delphia Market—the Meadow |s of the best cjuality, and in good bank There are commodious buildings, with . J good proportion of arable and Woodland, and Cedar Swamp. For terms apply to JOHNLJTLE, 40 North Sixth-ftrctft. - March 1796, dtf A Genteel family wish to rent a COUNTY SEAT, in nn rgreeable situation, within a few miles of Philadelphia. It furnifhed, it would be more agreea ble. Apply pcrfonally or by letter to Mr. Taylor, at Dr. " Yeatman's, No. 225, South second street, corner of " Second street- 6. v § Just Imported, In the Ship {Ganges, from Calcutta and Madras, and . for lale by SAMUEL & MIERS FISHER, Twenty-two packages of Goods : containing, GURRAHS Tickerys r ' Punjem Cloths fc Hurrial Humhums Baftaes, 1 Rofferah Coffeas Bahar H2ndkcrchiefs Guzzinahs Taffaties Pullicat SiHc Handkerchiefs P tna Chintz coarfc and fine Peniafcoes, life. &c. &<,. 6 mo : 6. Jleo2W George Dobson, , BEGS leave to inform the Store-Keepers in Town and _I Country, that he has removed from Market-Street to B N O, 25, south Third-street, i where he is opening a Large and Elegant AfTortment of the undermentionedarticles—viz. w Superfine London Cloths and Kerfeymereff, L Yorkshire second Do. Do. Elastic do. do. Mix'd and Biue Coatings Flannells, Bcc. Manchester Printed Callicoes, LoiKlon Chintz ditto, f Blue and ditto Furnitures, V India ditto, ar Long Cloths, CofTaes, Baftas, Battil!as<sc Coojevrfms, de 4-4 g-8 5-4 & 6-4 Superfine India Book Muflios, 4-4 and g-8 India Book Handkerchiefs, 4-4 and g-8 Scotch ditro, _ 4-4 & 6-4 plain do. Muslins, 6t O-tj B« Jaconets, 6-4 British Checks and Stripes, 4-4 India do. do. do. TI 4-4 ditto Chilloes, Madras Handkerchiefs, &c. A large afTortment of figured and plain Muflinets, Quihin<rs, Dimities, and Striped Nankeens, / Fancv Waiflcoatings, r Ginohams of the firft Quality, fubjed to Drawback^ India Nankeens, » Men's White and coloured Si!k stockings. ' vfa V 9 '^weotf TO BE LET. A LARGE Commodious dwelJmg House, No. 114, L i. Spruce street. with a convenient tlaafc and Co_ Heufe,—Alfo for sale a Choriot tur little the worie for 1 u '-'- J">ie 2. eojw For Sale, Three story BRiCft HOUSE and Lot, in Cfrefiut ® h ~, . V ftr. ;t, between Front and Seccid ftrgSts, in which New 'fflis. James Co. have lor man) year# (and m „;( i.-o'.v lb) carried on hufiuefi. ;r> Poll Sian will ..c given in one month, or l'ooner. nt'h, , '«r terms apply <« WILLIAM BELL, or C f c-. HECTOR GALERAIT ft i ti.? Afil 11. t I.am!in»V 'on A T'the Subrerihers* Whsrf, from on board tlie ftlip Au ures XX rora, capt. Suter, Ijo Hogflieads >d» , Prime Jamaica Sugars, For lale by Witlings and Francis, tion May 17 •§ bie ■ : '»£ t John Miller, jun. & Co. j U ' r j No. 8 Ghejnut-flreet, Have imported in the late vefleh from Europe,. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF K SPRING GOODS, '• Ampngft whith ate Striped and ckuded NANKEENS, Dimities and iViufliriets, Li- HA T S, Neatly afTnrted in package?, HUSH LINENS. ' ditto, All which they will Tell on the moll rrafonable terms, for Calh or the usual credit. May 11. $ Table Cloths, &*c. ; MA U RJCTMOYHf HA N, Jh. 81, North Seccnd, a fe-.u doors above Arch St I-fJFOR VIS his Friends and the Public, that he has for sale on reasonable terms, Damalk 1 able Cloths, of dif- fercnt Gzes, with Napkins to match the figure of the cluth, [ " e Diapers, Irifti Linens, Sarfnets, Sheetings, Pei'fi-us, Checks, EnglMbjuUnt SilkHofe, Coarse Muslins, &c&c, ia- ' Alf", »n jjjortment of China, Glass, and Queen's Wa»re: AmcnrQ ivh'ith are Bluc&enamcllcdßreak- China Tarsand Bickers, £»ft,Ctips & Saucers, Dccanters, Do. Gallon A VvMrie Glafias, &c. Half-Gallon |-J Crates will he pur up at )h«? Quart £ Ihortcft notice, and the usual Pint & o creil ' t g> v <-' n * Half-Pint J a May 7-5 §_ For sale by the fubferibers, la . IN PhNN STREET, 130 quarter Chests frefh Hyson Tea;j it- 100 ditto do. frefh Souchong Tea ; :et 302 Boxes China, containing small tea fettsjof 42 pieces; x- 400 pieces Bandanoes. Willinz £9° Francis. vo . Q(i January 30 3*aw. 3n Just IMPORTED in the Ship £ GANG E S, 1 From CALCUTTA, and for Sale at No. 149, South Front Street, !t, A few Packages of the following GOODS, viz. PJNGFM Cloths, Hamial Humhuuis, r, Gurrahs, of Guzzenahs, a- Bahar Handkerchiefs* , Tickeryst r _ lliabad Kjaftas, Rofua Colfaes, Fatna Chintz, Taffaties, BindaOnoe9, Choppa Romals, t (J Pulicat Ha .dkerckiefs.Ss'c. ts"c. ( June 4 * f °4t TenerifFe Wine. I TENERIFFE WINE, in pipes, hogsheads, and quarter calks, and 170 Filtering Stones, just ar rived per the & Sally from Ttneriffe,an(i for .Sale by John Craig, No. 12 Dock street. WHO HAS ALSO FOR SALE, i Bed Soft-fheU'd ALMONDS, RAISINS in Frails SHERRY WINE, in Quarter Calks, Irilh CANVAS, , Bristol and Irifli WINDOW GLASS. 1 May 30 so ALEXANDER POWER, HAVING bufineft in the conntry, and expeiSting to be aMent for some time, requests hi» employers in the o Brokering line, to apply to Mr. Tuohas Noble, at No. — 147 in Chcfnut Street, next door to his houl'e, between e 4th and sth Streets, who will pay every attention to those £ who may have any tranfaelions in sales or purchases in Land, Stock, Difcount9, 63V. .■ Jure 8 5 The Partnerlhip of George Kennard & Co. OF Duck Creek, being this day difiolved by mutual consent, those having claims against said partnerlhip C 1 arc requeued to call on the fubferiber, and such as ate in de&ced, willplcafe makf payment to "Y GEORGE KENNARD. ~V May 17, 1796 (zi§im) L g of India Goods. The Cargo of the Ihip Ganges, capt. Tingey, from Cal- cutta and Bengal, C co.vsistinc. or A Large and general assortment of Bengal and Madras n. CO TTON and SILK GOODS. AMONG WHICH AHE A variety fine worked and plain Muslins, Doreae, Wc. Also, ■A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, In boxes and bags—and BLACK PEPPER. For Sale by Willings fcf Francis, No. %\ Penn Street. June S s Lands. >« , . ch iid M*y he had rrt the Fff/tor 9 j Office 119, A few Cojifi of " a Report of tin- A Gen«\l to Conjfiirfs ctm'aining a Co]',\' ~r. <.? CHAsmrs, Trkatikj *nJ oil r Doc 1# relative to Httil cxpfctisfetv of tie Title to jfte L.m-1 fiuiatt ifi'tl>e Sotttjj psrts of <}ic Sl-ate*, 0} ntii>-d Kv .cc.iMo jQeiiipsiuie'; (J<t v a f™ J# •* **> " . ~resTl ¥'Fi, ■ ibt Brig- iVekime Rrturx, frpm ?en*umai, 27 Bales COTTON. Jby the Schooner Abirai!, fon\ Chnrleflon, 100 Casks Prime RICE. And, by the Schooner John, from Bolton, SE WINTG-STLKS, colours, GUKRAHS COSSAHS, and India 8.-ndatr.o Handkchfsi for Sale by N. & J. Frazier, No. 9:, South Front ftreef J! he h'lire a)fa «n hut ft, and for Sule, Prime Br.fton 15EEF, in barrels, KSk* | WINES, S) Carolina INDIGO, &c. &c. May 3 1 , mvuScfim Just imported, And for SALE, SUG AR and COi'FEE, in hogsheads NEW U.JCE, in whole and half ticrccs QWEWS WARE, iltJtoglWs Vi'Hirr LEAD, fdry) in c&fics' ' , COPPER, in sheets ~ American "? £j fti !f lo, i h!te S<,: T 3 Mould and Dipt Candies and N BOSTON JB£££ of the firfl. quality. IfaacKarvey, jjuo. [6 mo, i. § 3 w] No, t {outh Water sWeef. ROBBERYT OTOLEN, on the night of the 27th inft. from a difr, m kj the Store of the Subfcribcrs, No. 81 From ilteet tl j. posed to be broken open about 12 o'clock at night, the !oi p lowing Motes, &c. which the Public ate cautioned itrvijjfc ; as they can be of no us, ; to at-.j p„r 0 a b the iubfertbers Payment a: the Note* and Ouaora-liom , Debenture*, which are drawn in favor of .he fuMcriberv and not endorsed. isfropped. ! Firfl, of a bill, drawn at Kington, April St. bv Wm. Bsrczy, in favor ot Geor-a Koriythe & Co. at 60 days" >n D. C. Brauei, and acccpted 23dMay, for 63 pound' Quebec currency, r.nd endorsed to and by A. Macorib i Nirhoias Brower's note, payable May X, dols. 5 00 Richard VTlßatiiftm s ditto 07 <> Jol'eph Thorrpfon'sdo. ioc 27 1 he fodowing Custom-house Debentures, viz Debenture No. 9*5 due June ij, j . Q g 9*6 </. 9J« S pt.-mbcr 30, 490.6 a 9*9 December 14, I™%* r Dollars 378; ri The ollpwing 3ds and 4tbs of Exchange, viz. 3d and 4th of a hill a: 90 days; drawn by Se ton, Maitland Co. on John Locke,Lon don, in favor oi ourselves, for r 8 5 fi g 5 3d of a bill at 60 .lays, drawn by Isaac Clafon ss* Co. on Bird, Savage and Bird, London, in favor of Phyn, Ellis and lngli«, ,' 2o o rl r K 3d of a bill at 6odays, drawn byS. Codmar,' of Bofton,on John Francis Bari.ig t?"Co' to the order of Pbin, Elluc Is 1 Inglis 1000 3d of a bill drawn by Robert Kennedy, on Couit 53" Co. at 40 days, our own favour isoo Besides the above number of papers, sfele£ tta'nv bnt the owners, a quantity of money, amounting to about 1 t'L dollars, was taken at the fame time. N. B. If the person or perfous who carried off the a tove, will enclose them to Pftfter tj* Macomb, New York no farther notice will be taken of the tranf.iAion ' New-York, May iS. PEFISTER MACOMB J"'" ' John Miller, jun & Co. No. 8 Chefnut Street, Have received by the 9hip BIRMINGHAM P A C K F 7* From Calcutta, 160 Bales of Bengal Goods 10,000 Pieces Nankeens * Of a Superior Quality, 350 Bags of SVG4R, Which they will fell on advantageous term« iviay 10. * WA NTS D, Several Apprentices to the Printint?- Business Apply at the Office of the Gazette of United States, No. 119, Chefnut-fireet. j China Goods. T" E ?. h! P Atl^ tic . Su-aine, Commander. X from Canton, will commence the difcharuu G f Kfr cargo to-morrow morning at WUnut-ftreet wharf Conjijiing of Yellow and white Nankeens of excellent nu*litv T?erfian TafTetlcs, black and coloured Luflringj, do. do. Sattins black of vjrious qualities Sewing silks in aflocted colours Vermillion in boxes Cassia in chests Quickltlver in jars BpHEA, I SOUCHONG, I HYSON SKIN, : _ „ young hyson Frefii Teas. BEST HYSON, 1 IMPERIAL, j CHINA WARE, ornamental, with Table an,! T + Sets generally aflVted. C and Te4 WUI I E SUGARS, and a quantity of Firll quality Bengal SALT PETRE. ■For Sn/e ly Apr* PU "f Nkkli " & C..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers