Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, June 10, 1796, Image 2

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JUNE 10.
Colls. Cto. OolU. Cto.
AtfCUOßS, IO OU, linseed, fergaii. llj
Allum, £nglijb,pr rait 7 o'ive,
Vitto, Roth, pr 11. XI per cafe,
AJhe,, tot, fer ten, Siveet bejt ,n
Pearl, JUJks, per bate, IO 5
Arraci, fiergalbn, *"> set,,
Baton, Shoulder,pr. lb. IO bottoes,
Fhiches, IO Spermaceti {r gall 90
Brandy, common, I 5° Train, I
—C«#MC, 2 10 ——Whale,
Brazi'etto, per ion, 31 34 Ptrier per cajh, 73°
Bride., per M. 7 London,per
Bread, /hip, per cut. 650 ——American do. bott.
Ditto, pilot 11 1 ■
, £!,tto, small -water Pitch, per bbl. 3 S°
----- . Fori, Burlingtei^fcr
B?er, American, in bot- barrel, *9
ties p. fer dozen, hot- —~*-Loiuer county,
ties included, - I 40 —~~Cprr,lina %
Ditto, per barrel, 6 Peas, Albany, pr bufb. 93
' Jsoirds,Ccdar,perMfeet 30 Pepper, per lb*
■1 New England, Pimento, 14
Oak, Raifms, befi per keg 9
Merchantable pine, 1% Ditto per jar, 5
• Sap, dc. 15 - Ditto per box 5
■ ■ ■ )■! \lpJjcgany,pr.f at Rice, per civt. 6 $0
Tbe above are thefballop Rosin per barrel 5 JO
prices, for tbe yard Rum, Jamaica, pr gal. I 75
price price, add I dot- Antigua I 54.
cents,-pr AT. - —*-lVind-w*rd A4O
JBrimJhnc in rolls, per Barbados I 33
c-wt. 6l ■ * i- Country, N. E. I
Beef, Ho ft on, per bll. II Saltpetre, per c-wt.
Country, ditto IO Sajfafras, per ton
—• Prefb, cwt. Shot, ditto j
Butter per lb. 15 Steel, German, per lb. 11
in kegt 4 . 11 —F.nglijh, c-wt. 12 24
— Candles Sperm, per lb. 60 —American, per ton 133 33
Wax -*-Groivley's, pr faggot
/ .1 pup My tile Wax 20 Snake root, per lb. .35
y Mould tallow 25 Soap, brown per lb. 14
Dipped If — White 16
Chiefe, Englifb, per lb, 28 —Cafiile 22
— ■ «■» Country 13 Starch
Chocolate 25 S >iu jfy P r doz kittle
Cinnamon 6(r Spermaceti refined pr fb.
Cloves I- 50 Sail cletb, Ify-
Cocoa, per c-wt. 22 I, per yard,
Coffee y per lb. 28 ■ m*Bofloti, No. I, do.
Coal, per bttfbel, 40 —No. 2, do.
Copperas, per ewt. t 3 Sugar, lump, per lb. '2$
Cordage, American,per Loaf fiaglf rof. .27
cwt. l 8 . ■ ■ &itto double ditto
Cotton, per .lb. 37 Havannab, white
Currants 10 Ditto brown -IJ
Duck, Rujfia,perpiete, 17 —w^-Mufcovadoprcwt If
— Ravens 11 Eafi India, pr.
Dutch Sail Duck 24 $wt. >J4
feathers, per lb. 60 Sp. Turpentine pr galL 66 ,
Flax, ditto Salt, cdlum } pr bufiscll 6(1 ,
Plaxfeed, per bufbcl —Liverpool i
flour, Sup per barrel 12 50 -»—• Cadiz t
■ Common, II -r~Lifkon
Bur middlings» befl, 950 Ship building W. 0.
■» 1 j Meal, Indian 5 frames per ton
* ditto Rye, 650 Ditto Live Oat,
■ ■ 'Ship fiujf per cwt. 4 Do. Red Cedar pr foot
Pufiicper ton, 2$ Shingles l 8 inches, pr
Gin, Holland per cafe, 75c M- ,4
Dc. per gall. A 66 Ditto 2 feet 7
Glue, per ewt. Ditto $ feet dressed -l 6
Ginger,white race,per lb. Staves, pipe pr 1000, 65
Ditto, common — white-oak hogshead 45 33
JZitto, ground 30 ■■ Red oak ditto 25 5O
Ginseng, 24 ■ ■■■Leogan .26 33
Gvnpo-wdsr, cannon,per Barrel 29 46
* jr. eafi, 30 «—Heading 44
Ditto, fine glazed, Sir.*: Otter t befl pr piece 3 33
Grain, V/qcat pr bufb. 220 Minks 26
Rye, I I —Pox, grey .20 to 54
, 1 Oaty, r—Ditto red 1 10 o
-*rw*—mlndian Corn, 90 Martins f 50
»■ Barley, ;I 20 —Fifbers 57
w< ■ ■ befiJbelled pr. tb. —rßears 3
Buckwheat per Racoons 6p
bifjbel, 75 37
Hams, pr. lb. Ii —Beaver, per lb. I 62
Hjcmp, Sported, per -~—Deer, in hair 3°
ton, 2©o Tar, iV. 7erf. 24 gall.
perlb• per bbl,
iTerriujfc per bbl. -■—Carolina, 32 gall. %
Hidet, raw pr. lb. 5 Turpentine, per bbl. 3 20
Hops, 9 Tobacco, J. .River befi
Jjjgfbcttd hoops per M. 32 100/^.
Indigo, French per lb. 167 ■■• ■ 1 —inferior
—'' *•>Carolina, I > ■ ■■■ »■ ■ old
Irons,, fad p. r ton 433 33 ——Rappahannock
Iron, cafiiregs per cwt. 4 Colored Maryland 450
—Bar, pertfin 97 Dark, 3 33
■ ■■■ . Pig 52 ■«» -Long-leaf
■ Sbejt, 224 3J Eafiern Shore
■. .i Nail rods, 12p Carolina new 5 33
Junk per cwt. 1 old
Lard, hogs per lb 14 Tea Hyson, perlb. I to 2
Lead in pigs s per uiut. -*—Hyfbn 67
——in bars'', *} —Souchong, .1 5P
■white, —fCongo,
1 ■ red, .—Boh fa, 33
lieather y foal per lb. 22 'Tallow, refined, per lb. 14
Lignum vite per ton, 24 Tin, per box j6 50
Lfigwood, Verdigreafe, per lb. 89
Mace, per lb. II Vermillion 3 do.
JMackarel, pefl per bbl. 12 Varnish, per gallon,
fecgnd quality, Wax, Bees, per lb.
MacLhr, befi per tb. 20 Whale-bone, long, pr tb, 13
Marble wroughtpr-foot / Wine, Madeira pr p. 226
Mast [pars ditto -Lisbon, 126
Molajfes, per gall. 60 Tenerijfe,prgal. 63
Mustard, per lb. Payal, 5 2
fiour, in bottles. —~—P Ml per pipe J33 33
per dozen, 120 . Do. in doz
Wails, Bd, 10d, I id, —. Claret,
and 20 d, per lb, 13 Skerry, tier gallon X JO
Nutmegs, per lb- 12 ■ ■ Malaga, 80
On London, at 30 days, per 100 fieri.
' - at 60 days, x6o
— —— at go- days,
AmfUrdsm, 6s sliyn, per guilder, 44
— at 90 days, 40
NO. 136. ' ~~
Di/lrift of Pennsylvania, to wit.
BE it rancmhtred; that on the fifteenth day of May, i„ the
twentieth year of the independence of the United States of
America, Samuel Harr jon $wtfhy ]f the said Difiri&, hath dc
posited in tbis office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims,
at proprietor, in the -wirds following .* to wit ;
" fHifiory of tbe Infurreilion in the four Wefiern - counties
M of *Pennsylvania, in the year MDCCXCIV, with a re
" eital of the drcumfiances Jpecially connciied therewith, and
"an hiflorical revieiu of the previous filuation of the country,
41 By WiUiim Find fry 1 Member of the House cf Reprefcnia
-44 tives of it a United States.**
in conformity to the aft of the Congress of the United States,' entit
led " An Aft for tfj» encouragement of learning, by fccuring the
topics of Maps, Charts and B-foks, ip tie A -tbors ct d Proprie
tors of fucb topier, during tbe time* tbereiu mentioned
Clerk gf tbe Dijtrifl of Pennsylvania.
June IO l»'4m
By the Mayor, Aldermen and Citizens of,
To prevent the erection of Woods* Bcimhsgs
within certain limits in the C:ty of Philsdt'phiJ.
WHERE AS the f «« numbtr tfiasMjta iuiMnp "> M " J>;
of Philadelphia, render theptrfi* md efatel .f the •«-
' habitants mfecure, and greatly expofid to mala*' from fre, an
unless eff-M<mlmcif,re, are taken to prevent thru- being m. *-
future -within the mo H populous parts thereof, tbsre is reafoh-toap j
r prebend that dangerous fatal ennfejuenees may enfae Iberejr'
S And Kerens the Legiflaiure of. the fate of tennfyhan.a, by an
.ait palled We eighteenth day of April, in the year of . ot
3 one tboifand fipen hundred arJ ninety-five, nave mthrKud ""
i empowered tbe Mayor, Alderman and citizens of Philad. -n
5 common eouncil afftmbled, to f aft ordinances te prevent the en itfen I
3 ,f fachbuiljing.ythin urtainfarts of tht f"td eity therein part,-
cuiarly mentioned. % ,t i \T
$efl. I. /; is therefore hereby ordaind a-id wafted by We may
or aid Aldermen, and citizens of Philadelphia, in ea:n&on cOf/Ui
, affemliled, find by tbe autlxrity of the fame, "7hat f,om and
the pajjinr of this ordinate, no wooden mavfiou-boi(fe,
boife, Jtore, carriage-hoife, or fiahle, jhall be treSlid or ui t
TV it bin that part of tbe city of Philadelphia -which u ctmfrKed
-within the limits hereinafter mentioned ; teat is t&fay, fr*P*tbe
; river Delaware to tbe tall fide of fi*tb onilofepartsoftie
\ j city included bct-weui thrfoutb fids of Pine fireet, *ir,d the rryvt
\ j fide of SaJJafras or Race Greet, and between the fo'atb fiie of
j Walnut fireet, the north fde of South or Cesar fireet, and from
| the river Vela-ware to the eajl fide of Tenth fireet, in that part of
I the city includedbetween the south fida of Rue or Sajfafras fireet,
and tbe north fide of Walnut fireet.
Sefl. 2. And it fs further ordained and enaSled by tbe autlxrity
aforefaid, that if after tbe pajfing of this ordinance, any person or
persons fball erect and build, or cause to be ereftci and built, any
•wooden mansion-house, fbop, ware-house, fiore, carriage-house, or J
fiable, upon any lot or piece of ground within those parts of the city,
herein above fpccified, and /hall be duly conviSkd upon :n -
diclment found againfi him, her or them in the Mayor s court of
tbe city of Philadelphia, every such person er persons so off* "ding
and conviSled, Jhall forfeit and be sentenced and adjudged io pay a
fine of fi-ve hundred dollars,
Sedl. 3. And it is further ordained and enafled by tbe authority
aforefaid, that if the person or persons so convifled, fball not after
such t tnviciion pull dawn and remove or cause to he pulled down and
removed, such -wooden _ mansion-house or other ivo ad en building as is
before dtferibed, he, fbe or tbry fball forfeit and be adjudged to pay
a fine of one hundred dollars for every three months after such
con vision during -which the fame Jball remain and continue ereSied
aud built, being firfi duly conviSled of fucb negleSl or omi/Jion u Pon
indiSlment found againfi him, her or them in the mayor s court for
the city of Philadelphia, and every such -wooden building if hereby
declared t*-U jpuhlic and cofhfftcn nwfance.
Sect. 4. And it is further ordained and enatied hy the authori
ty aforefaid t that caeh and every person andperfons rwio Jball be em
ployed in the building or ere Sling any fucb -wooden mansion-bouse or
other buildings as is before described, being duly cbnviStcd thereof in
tbe manner abovementioned, fball forfeit and be fentenccd and ad
judged by the mayor s court, to pay a fine at the discretion of tbe
fa'kl court j not exceeding one hundred dollars.
SeS. 5. And it is further orda 'vud and enaSied by the authority
aforefaid, that it Jhall be tbe duty of the city commiffiotiers, the high
flonfiables and ibe confiabfcs of the refpeSiive -wards of the eity, of
Philadelphia, and they are hereby firiSly enjoined aud required to
give immediate information to tbe Mayor or one of the Aldermen of
ibe said city, of all offences -which Jhall be committed in violation of
this ordinance, in order that mtafures may be taken for tbe prof ecu
tion of offenders according to the direction hereof. i
By order of the Board,
into an Ordinance, at
Philadelphia, the 6th day ©f
June, anno Domini, one
thousand seven hundred and
»L ' *J Clerk to the Corporation.
St. Croix Sugar,
LANDING on Race-street wharf, from on boirrl the
brig Pragers, capt. Thomas Watiim— e " r
Pragers Cff Co.
Who have RE MO TED their Count ing-hcuft to tht S.
ftde of Walnut-flreet wharf.
Jnrie 10 saw
Landing this day,
From the Sloop InJuJiry, Capt. Wharton,
22 Puncheons Barbados Riinw
For sale by
Kearney Wharton.
June 6 +<
-A Country Seat to be Let,
BETWEEN the ift and id milcftone from the Court
house, on the highest elevation of any at the fame
distance from the City, the mansion-house has a cellar,
with a conduit to supply water for a shower or plunging
bath. A kitchen adjoining the fame, two parlours on the
firfl floor, three bed chambers on the feconi floor with a
flnilhed garret over the fame. Also, ftablesand a carriage
houfs, a pump of excellent water before the door The
whole situate in the midst of an extensive garden from
which a constant supply of vegetables may be procured.— :
Apply at No. $%, South Second Street.
June 9. 3 t.
J . _ .i . in
Monf. LEGE and Sig. DOCTOR'sNight.
New Theatre.
Will be prefcKted.a cemedy written by Shakespeare,
(not acted this season,) called
Duke, Mr. Morris. Tubal, Mr. Morgan.
Anthonio, Mr. Whitlock. Launcelot, Mr. Bates.
Baffanio, Mr. Moreton. Old Gebbo, Mr. Francis.
Gratiano, Mr. Green. Leonardo, Mr. Bliflett.
Lorenzo, (with fungi) Balthazar, Mr. Darley, jun.
Mr. Marlball. Portia, Mrs. Whitlock.
Solarino, Mr. Warrell. Jeflica, (tviiha fingj
Salanio, Mr. Mrs.Warrell.
Shylock, Mr. Chalmers. NerilTa, Mrs.Francis.
End of the Play, will be performed, Ground and Lor
ty Tumbling, with many new Pofures and Equilibrium,
never exhibited here before, by Signior Jof ph Dcctor, from
Sadler's Wells, London,whe will exert bimfe'if particular
ly 011 this night. In the course of his performance he. will
throw a Somcrfet through a hoop covered with paper and
fireworks, which as he is going through will change to a
Grand Transparency. Likcwife, he will perform the I
talian Serpentine, on a Ladder to feet high, -and many o
ther pleasing feats not exprefled.
Vaulting on the Slack Rope. On which he will perform
fevcral postures, and in particular he will exhibit Tbe Mer
maid and 7he Italian Strapade. After which, a new
Pantomime Baliet, composed by Monf. Len, called
Or, The Dupes.
To which will be added, nev.r performed here, the Pan
tomime of
Or, The Rescue of Columbine.
On Monday, a comedy, not atfU-tl shjs feafos, rail
ed Three weeks after Marriage, or. What we must all
eoine to,—<i romic opera, sailed, The Children in the
Wood, and the comedy of the Spoil'd Child, for the
benefit of Mrs. and Miss Solomon.
Mr. BliiTett, Mrs. Demarque and Mrs. Bates's night
will be 011 Wedncf<^y.
1 to
. Philadelphia^
Extract of a letter from Gibraltar, dated the 14th
of April
" On the 29th of March, at 2 o'clock, two'
strange armed vessels were discovered from this
place, and about an hour, two lofty (nips appeared
10 thefoutliword, two frigates and two cutler bngs
immediately went out in pursuit, and about 7 we
heard a very (harp cannonading, which continued
till 8> but as neither of the (hips have returned, we
are ignorant of the event On the 4th inltanta
French fquadrorr of seven men of war and two fri
gates came-out of Cadix, wheie they pafled the
winter. The fame day, Admiral Man Tailed with
6 seventy fours and 3 frigates, having his flap on
board the Windsor Caftl<;, of #8 gwis : Latt -Sun
day, about 3 p. m. we heard a heavy hn.ig, whr.-h
continued till 2 a. m. but the consequence is not
known here. The Moorilh eruifers have brought
in feyeral Danish, Swedifn and Poruiguefe prizes,
and we are apprehenfiv of the Algertnes being a
again at war with us."
Capt. Sutfen, of the fcho'oner Difpateh, informs
that a (loop from Surinam brought certain accounts
of the arrival there of a Dutch fleet of fix men of
war ; and that upon the artivaloftwo more, which
had been separated from the reft, an attack was to
be made on the English at Deroatara, who had
there a sixty font andrwo frigstes, and were repair
wig the works when Capt. Stutfon failed, in cpnfe
qaence of the above mentioned intelligence.
By the (hip Alliance arrived at New-York, from
.Liverpool, a letter of April 25th mentions that the
Lovina failed for Philadelphia the .23d and that
Capt. Crawford died on the 22d.
armsed. days.
Brig Ann, Jones Curracoa 18
Tryal, Knox Lisbon 42
Schr. Mellona, Williamfon St. Thomas 12
Betsy, Mitchel i>i®ar?r» JS
Difpaick, Stutfon do- '7
Brig Nancv, Farmer New-York
Schooner Betly, Lawfon • St. Thomas
Virginia, Lee 'Fort Danpljin
Sloop Betsy, M'Cleve Nantucket
By the brig Rose, Capt. Meaney, arrived at this
port on Wednesday last from the Isle of France,
we have the Gazette of that place of the 2d Ger
minal (March 2id,) from which is translated the
following very lingular account of a naval a&ion
between the Triton, one of theEnglifh East-In
dia Company's (hips, carrying twenty twelve
pounders on her deck, fix four pounders on her
forecaftle, and 136 men, and a French schooner,
with a few small cannon and .17 men. .//. D. A.
Capt. Surcouf, commander of the corsair I'Emi
lie, perceiviug that his veflel had loft her fuperion
ty of failing, resolved to quit her and 10 arm the
schooner le Kartier, which he had taken on the
arms of Bengal, being a remarkable good sailer.—-
: He fitted out this schooner .with some small cannon,
and nnt nn of His. cicut-iJeaxiniJ-- L' Rmilie,
on the 23d of January, under the command of Ci
tizen Croizet, to make his way for the Isle 01
On the 28th iii the evening he perceived a ship
for which he immediately made fail and boarded her
daring the night ; this was the Diana, Captain
Thompson, coining from Bengal. The next day,
the 22th, in the morning, le Kartier 'perceived to
the windward another (hip, to which he gave chace,
and come up with her about 8 o'clock. This (hip
feeing a schooner approach her, took it te be a pi
lot boat, from the Ganges, lay to, hoilled her co
lours and fired a gun. 'Surcouf got to the wind
ward, and notwithstanding the superiority of the
enemy wiiich he had before him, after having been
aflured of the good difpofitiou and courage of his
crew, he refolved'to take pofleffion of her or peri(h
in the attempt. Arrived within piltol (hot he fired
three rounds with his camion, and caused all his
mufquetry to fire upon the vefiel, and without wai
ting longer, boarded the Englifhmin with 17 of his
crew, and after a combat of an hour and a half on
board the veflel, Capt. Surcouf became mailer of
his prize. T
This veflel is the Triton, belonging to the Eti
glifti East India Company ; (he had touched at
Madras, where (he left a part of her cargo, and was
on her rout for Bengal.
The French had one man killed and arjother
wounded, but the latter is out of danger. The
Triton had 8 men killed, among whom was Capt.
Burnyhcat, the commandant of the artillery, and
many wounded. All the prisoners were put, for
the moment, on board the Kartier, under the guard
of three men only, until the Diana came up, which
Surcouf had ransomed for 30,000 rupees, and on
board of which he put all his prisoners, after hav
ing drawn up an engagement that they (hould not
serve against France or her allies, until they had
been legally exchanged.
Translated for the Gazette of the United States, from
Hamburgh papers, to the lsth April,
PARTS.. April 4.
Five line of battle (hips and two frigates are to
fail from Toulon in a few days.
The citizens of Nantes caused at their expence
a superb frigate of 36 guns to be built, which wa?
launched lately by the name of La Loire,
The frigate la Volage, belonging to a convoy
from Brest, has foundered at Pont Chateau.
1 he Eankers of this city have again been sum
moned to advance considerable sums to government
on certain conditions, which to do, th«y repeatedly
refufed. Several ©f these gentlemen now pay 40
and 50 thousand livrea in cash, as an'addition to
the forced loan.
Monuments are to be erected in the Botanic gar
den, to those renowned men, in natural h-'ftory,
Count of Buffon, Linne, Tournefort and Jnffieo.
Linne's Bull formerly placed in the Botanic gar
den was destroyed uuder P.obefpierre'g rei^n.
March 2<i.
y an exprcfs from Savana, t \ , -
French army of 17,000 men poltcd there was '
forced by 4060, and are to march immed n-' ' * »
the environs of Genoa. General Scherer i~ - '
at Nijiza with farther reinforcements. T.
pea a body of cavalry, when their army
put in motion in all quarters. Ourgovernm •
tent ammunition and troops-for QUrfortrefsci : '
March 3 [.
Our city labours at prefer, t under the mo!'
cat circumstances j. 16 to 20,000 Frtnch arc ■ t,
arrived in our neighbourhood. Their
continue to increase, arid the General of Hi,-.:/ • '
Harps, is otdered by the commander in chief',' :V
naponte, lately arrived at to
his .corps by tbe pass of Boceh'eua. Our ,
mem has rn our fitt,..- adapted ail «*»(-„£
tfcribed by pr _^^|l.
foreign- nptitwvv are }»<*. --
foreigners, who did icfule here 111 1792,
dfepayt .within three days, and' all the Nobles have'
obtained pcrmiffiai> to quit Genoa. The I,'
living in the luburbs, to liva»in the city. In f.
tlreets no aflemblag-r of ptrlons fuffered above t•
All inhabitants are ordered to take to aript, ?; ( ! t
■body of j 2,-Oco armed Peasants is raiting to pan
;foa this place and,oth«rs. For the defence
two important posts, la Lanterns, and de S IV .
nignt;, two ihoufand men are deitined., and
ComoiiflioncfS appointed. Some days ago ttie &i.
.{ilh man of war Agamemnon, with a frigate, Hl .
tcred this harbour. At present they are hoaii-
Cgnak for s fleet.
The new French 'Miriiller,-Citizen Faypoiilt, is
lariived hpre with his Lady.
firum hah;, /Ifrtl 4.
Gteat apprebediotn aie entertained for the L
of Genoa. The ver.y i;v mcnt, when it was be!..-. ,
<ed, the French atßvy was weakened for want nf j .
vilions, we are informed that they are about to t:-.!
that city-in pofleffion, in which-it is allowe nI n .
part of the.inhabitants will fide wiih the Freiic;..
Should the FieOcb succeed, they will ' y it»nr,; v ,.
zines aisd tile great -sums of monej dcpplitatii) ...e
St. Genre's Bank, be -enabled to qualify tUir
.finances for the continuation of the war.
ITALY, March 31.
The Neapolitan troops on their way to I.omha--
dy, are obliged to make a ciicuituous tour hv R ~
magna, the Grand Duke of Tufcany hating rehsi,
fed to.let them pass through his ovuudommioiis.
At Naples, three (hips of the.line, Sanita, G"'f*
card and Partenope, are fitting out. in order to juia.
the English fqu.idron. •
VEZEL, Aprfl to.
Letters from Cologne mention the probability
of the removal of the French hear'qua iters to ,
Liege, a number of artificers filing off through tha.
city for the banks.of :he Meuie.
The sum lately required of the city of Colour,
amounts to t8 millions of livres. IJpt the Caunii
of 44, has consented to nothing, whereupon a re
port .was dispatched to Paris.
LONDON, April 5.
The King has hre.n plafed to confer on Admiral
Howe, the fijjual hgnsui:, tajioift ih'e AtgjtLjL.
It cqnfills of a yellcw anchor and cable in a blue
Admiral Colpoys is ordered to fad for fbrient
with 4 (hips of the line, four fngstcs and some
boats. *
Admiral Harvey is appointed commander in chief
in the Weft-Indies, vice Admiral Cofnvftllis. Ad
miral Chtiftian to command at the Jamaica ilatiofi. .
The French fsigate le Tribunal, has tun afhorr
on the eoaft of Portugal.
Spain is ftiil aiming by f a and land.
MILAN; March 3 i.
We are in daily expectation of a renewal pfhof.
tilities. Since the 28'.h, the impstial head-quar
ters are at Alexandria. Genetal Beaulitu no sco; .
er was informed of the French advancing to tal.i
pofltflion of the Genoese nariovv pats, at Buccheu.,
when he broke up to occupy the lame l eTore t!;i
enemy. The whole of the allied armies now cos
fift of 116,000 men, wit, 50,000
50,000 Sardinians, and to,ooo Neapolitans. Tbe
Sardinian army of Gen. Colli near Ccva has alia
been put in motion.
LONDON, April 18.
Exchequer >Bills to the amount of half a million
have been issued within these few days, for the fcr.
vice of the Ordnance department.
Extract of a letter from Alderney, April 11.
•« Yesterday we discovered a large can.p formirf
near Biville Church, just opposite to us on the coali
of France, nearly where there was one last year.
Whether the fans culottes intended merely t»
guard their coast, or to form' an embarkation it
Vauvillc Bay for this iflanr 1 , in boats, time mu'fc
(hew. At any rate, we mull tedouble ourdiligenee
for fear of a fuiptife,or nigiit attack. If this
come by daylight, I think we shall do our pail. —
she royalist General Fiotte keeps up a regular cot*
refpondence with Sir Sidney Smyth, at St. Mas
ceau. Caen is declared in a Hate of liege by 'be
Confeil de Guerre de la Vaille ; but I do not
that the royitlifts are fufficiently (Irong in those pan*
to appear by day light. Frottf, notwithdanding,
was in high spirits by hisla'.t letters."
The following it an exa£t lift of the number 1;
officer* in the B'ritilh. a*vv, otutty f!""d on ih
iirll of Jan. 1796 : ons hundred flag ofifi''ers, ttifl
is to fay, Adminds, Vice Admirals, and Rear Ad
mirals; four hun'red and sixty Captains; l\V.
hundred and fo r ty four Comn:ande.s; and o'
thotifard nine hundred and sixty one Lieutenant:
making in the whole 2491 Kognjtiflioned ofiicei.
The navy of this country, exclusive ot the h'.rti
eelTels forprotefling the Coalt trade, confiftec! <
the 31ft of Mu-eb last, of one hundred and fevrnt;
(hips of the line, twenty nine fifties, cue bundi.
"nd eighty eight frigates, two hundred and eic'
ftoo'ps, making in the whole a navy of 59S ft'p £•