Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, June 08, 1796, Image 1

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I v w / _J
FOR sale,
Til? CARGO of Brig Fly, captain Hubber, arrived
this day, from Jeremie,
" ! B hd 5 3 \ Prime Green Coffee, 1170.000 wt.
1 COC OA. 6 4>°f» wt '
6 Biles COTTON-.
The Cargo has been prat onboard with-in intention
♦n proceed to {Jdrope, and is reported at Cuftora House
+ - That purpo/e. The quality is prime. Samples can
Is an almost new veffe1 ' and will be
y߻Ji%ar. Told with or without, the cargo. Can
proceed immediately.
A liberal Credit will he given. Apply to
Peter Blight.
May 28 t TO
For Sale or Charter,
BURTHEN about 3000 Bbls. of flour—fhe may be sent
to sea at a lm.ill expence, her fails and rigging being in
very good order—appjy to
James Campbell, or
George Latimer.
April, 19. §
irOR Hamburgh,
The Danish Brigantine
| Den Nye Prove, 1
Jgggli!, PETER HANSEN, Mafler;
A fins ftetft vessel. Will be ready to take i» her cargo
on thi firfiwf May. ' For freight or passage apply to
RoTs & Sim son,
April 45. v (^f-
For Madeira,
[I.L fail in ten or twelve days; having the greatest
part of her cargo engaged. For Freight or Pair
age apply to JESSE (g ROBERT WALN.
June 1 §
On IVedmfday, the 8(b inflant,
ATS o'clock'in the evening, at the City Tavern,
will be fold by Au&ion, for Approved indorsed
Notes, a :'6O, 90, and uo days,
With all her materials, &c.
A S (he came from sea, Laying at Latimer's wharf, si
x\ byrthen per register 316 3-95 tons, about 19 i<
months old,built at Pertfmouth, New England, is well
found, and fit to receive a cargo, having'been'graved ft
at Liverpool; Inventory to be feeii at the City Tavern, f'
FOOTMAN & CO. AiuSiooeers.
June 6. $ "
' ' — 111'' "1 ' ■ -1 1 ' ■ 1 — I-
For Sale by Public Au£liqo,
At the Coffee.Hqufe, in Second street,
Qb Saturday evening next, the 8 o'clock, 11
a-i The Copper-Bottomed Ihip d
Lady Louisa, £
WITH her tackle, apparel aiid furniture, S
SKiS®- as per inventory to befecn at Barker &
Wharton's counting-houft:, No. 109, S.
iv-ater Street. * ■
Footman & Co. Auctioneers. ±
June 6 § p
? bl
Lottery and Broker's Office,
N" 64 South Secondftreet, Y
1 I 'ICKI'.TS in the Canal Lottery No. 11, are now rea-
A dy for sale, a Check Book kept for the examination
of Tickets, and Prizes paid, without deduction.
The Subscriber solicits the application of the Public or If
any ot his friends who wilh to purchase or fell Bank Stock, J
Certificates, Bills of Exchange, or Notes, Houses, Lands,
Lotts or Merchandize 6f any kind, «r to obtain Money
on deposit of property.
Late Agent for the Canal Lottery Company.
June 6. w&s
Snow Hepe.
The Show H E B E,
faithful Philadelphia built vessel, car
ries. 1,3000 bolhels of. grain or 2606 barrels flour, is rea
dy'to take in a cargo. She is about four years old-
Apply to PETER BLIGHT. , -
Who has for sale,
Sugar, Coffee, Cocoa, and Pimento. r
Also, Jt
June (> eo w f
Landing this day.,
From the Qloop Indujiry, Wharton,
2 2 Puncheons Barbados Rum )
For sale by
Kearney W'bartori,
June 6 f6
On Friday,' the ioth instant,"
sit 10 o'clock,
AT No. 11», in Spru;§, between 3d and 4th streets,
oppofire to Mr. Bingham's garden,
IVtll be Sold ly Publit Auclion, 1
Household and Kitchen Furniture,
almost new —conGfling of
.Excellent Be(i«, bedding and blanket* <
Chintz bed and window curtains
Counterpanes, new carpeting 1
A quantity of linen
Mahogany dining tables, card awd Pembroke tables
Looking glades, china and glass _
A Piano forte ; and all kinds of kitchen furniture
A neVr roasting jad', handsome handirons, Ihovel &
t«nps, &c. Alfoy A
footman 6c Co. Au&'rs.
I 7 f
d Country Seat for sale.
An elegant House, and Mehly cultivated Farm, on thr eafl
ern bank of Hudson's river, bounded on the nortri by
VerplancH's Point, and distant forty-five miles from New
York ; the farm consists of 2Q5 acres, and is ®oeof the moflj
Wt* pi&urefqae and. beautiful fltuations on the Continent ; com
manding an extensive and variegated profpeft : the foil is rich, \
ion chiefly laid down in Engiifh grass, and is under excellent fence.
The house it a handsome two ftary double building, in the
ail molt modem style, finiffeed wirh much taste, and poffef£-rs e
vciy requisite for the accommodation of a gemeeJ family :
there arc alfoon the prrmife?» a new overfcerVhoufe, a
barn, extentiWltablei, cdwrfitW, cytJer-houfe, fjnoTte-fmoft,
poultry house, Ac, There arc ahnndattce of froit €fee» com
ibe prehendiag ali the choicest kindi whiph «ould be procured
2an trom the nurseries about town, now iri fuil bearing, and a
well ftock'd kitchen garden- A (loop goes twice a week ta
the city, from a landing convenient and the Al
bany pod road forms the eastern boundary.
The house, &c. are kfpt in neat oxder Tor the reception
> of the purchaser on the (horteft notice, who might also be
accommodated with about 120 acres adjoning the farnron the
south, the greatest part of which stretches along the nver,
which abounds with oysters and avarictvof fifty- Should he
, be .averse to (arming, there are many refpft&able neighbours
who would work it on advantageous terms.
Gouverneur'a Larje. New York, or to I
in Irn Philadelphia. I
Just Arrived,
Ih the Snow Boston, James Kirkpatrick, master from Li- I
5000 Bulhels SALT ;
100 Crates QUEENS WARE ; and
An Aflortment of SHIP CHANDLERY j
On board, at Pine-street wharf. Apply to
James Campbell, or
go George Latimer.
April 19. 5
At RufTell's wharf, the CARGO of the Ship Lady I
Louisa, James Cooper, master, frsm China, and the I
Cape of Good Hope,
SUGAR, in Chests and Bags ;
WINES, in Butts and half Butts of superior qua- I
(T- lity;
A, small quantity of BRANDY ;
n, Parker & Wharton,
-'J No. 109, south Water-street.
April 16. § I
I ft. A Three-llory brick House, No 80, N. Second I
11 street. The lot is about 21 feet front, and 288 I
f, feet d?ep, to Bread-llreet, or Moravian Alley. It has!
[9 iong been one of the befSftands for bjifinefs.
HI id. A frame Dwelling-House, No. 160, South Front- I
rd street, with a Bake-House, the Lot is about 17 fe« I
n, front, by 130 feet in depth.
3d. A handsome Lot of i; feet by aoo feet deep, ex- I
from Third tq Geoirge-llreet ; it is the 3d I
„ Lot below South-flreet: on Georgc-liteet there is a two I
•story brick tenement, a frame ilitfo with a good I ,
bake oven.
Likewise a LAR.OK M£AnOW! F ARM, situate on I
c, the River Delaware, at a convenient distance from Phila- |
M^rjtet—the Meadow is of the best qualjty , and I
in good bank. There are commodious buildings, with a
good proportion of arable and woodland, and Cedar I
e, Swamp. For terms apply to JOHN LITLE!,
Sc No. 46 North Sixth-street. I 1
j. MardfcartW i 796» dtt
A Genteel family wish to rent a COUNTY SEAT, j '
in an agreeable situation, within a few miles of I
Philadelphia. If furniihed, it would be more agreea- |
Apply personally or by letter to Mr. Taylor, at Dr. I
Yeatman-'sj No: aaf , South frcond street, corner of .
Second street- June 6. $ I '
Just Inxp.or.te4,
ir In th.e Ship (Ganges, from Calcutta and Madras, and
; > for sale by
T,wertty-tw.o packages of Goods:
Gurrahs " J.
PunjemCloths I 1
Hwrrial Uumhums
Baftaes, J \
RolTc'rah Coffeas J v
fiahar Handkerchiefs II C
T aflaties
Fullicat SiJk Handkerchiefs
P ; :tna Chintz coarse and fipe
Peniafcoes, life. is'c. &c.
6mo ; 6'. eoiw I .
George Dobson,
• TX EGS leave to inform the Store-Keepers in Town and I
JLA Gbuntry, that he has removed from Market-Street to j j.
25, south Third-street, *
where he ic opening a Large and Elegant Assortment of the I
undermentioned articles—viz, I S.
Superfine London Cloths and. Kerfevmcres,
Yorkshire second Do. ito. i
Elastic do. do. !
and Bhie Coatings
Flannclls, <Scc. t
Manchester Printed. Callicoes,
London Chintz ditto,
Blue and"-dittd furnitures,
India ditto,
Long Cloths, CofTaes, E-athllas& Conjevrems,
4-4 9-8 5-4 & 6-4 Superfine India Book Muflias,
4-4 and g-8 India Book H^ndkerchief^
4-4 and 3-8 Scotch dittb,
9 4-4 & 6-4 plain do. Nfiifltns, j
4-4 & 6-4 British Jaconeta,
6-4 British flecks and Stripes, I "
4-4 India do. do. do.
4-4 ditto Chi 1 locs, Madras Handkerchiefs, &c. I
A la^ ? e aflbttment of figdr'd and piairl-MuHinets,
Quilttngs, Dimities*, and Striped Nankeenß, I .
F«ncy Waiftcoatings, * ■ J H 1
Cringhami of the ffrft Quality, fubjeft to Drawback, ] so
India Narrfceens, ' |
Men's White and coloured Silk (lockings.
9 'j2vscoxt I
\ LARGE Commodious dwelling House, No. 114, j
L i. Spruce street, with a convenient ftaWe and Coach |
Heufe, —-Alfa for file a Chariot iwt little, the worse for i
"fc June a. eoiw I
June 4. eo 4
? j „ •/•J'-
For Sale, -
eafl- /\ rc ' ftdry PRICK.HOLTSE artd Lot, in Chsfnut
by /*- street, between Front 4iid S-eoni streets, in which
*ew James Calbraith «c Co. have for many year, (and
now do) carried on hufinefs.
om- Poffeffmn will be given in one month, or sooner.
rich; For terms apply t# WILLIAM BELL, or
the April 4i. ?• I
I'vjk Notice is hereby Given,
'afef ' I'H'A.T in fur&iancc of an adt f thf General \flera^
om- -*• bly of Penirfy'.vaniij, entitled "an to enable the
ired " GOvernoV ofthisC<unmonwealth,to incorporate a (jom
<i a " pany for making an artificial Road from an interfeftiqn
c ta "of the and Lancaster Turnpike rr>ad near
Al- " the Gap Tavern, si I.ancafter county, to Newp&rt and
" Wilmington in the State of Delaware the commif
ion fioriers in said ad appointed will procure five books and
be attend at the refpeiSive places directed therein to receive
the lubfer-ptioßs for in the company, via. One book
"er, will be opened' in the city of Philadelphia. One in the
Borough of Lancaster, one at Strafburgh, in the county
''" S of Lancaft.r, one in the Borough of Wilmington, arid
one at the house of Samuel Cochran in the county of Chef
-0 ttr
,j The Sahfrribeis, agreeably to their appointment ih and
|t by said a<», will attend at the City Tavefn in Philadelphia,
with onuof said Bosks, on Monday, ihe 6th day of June
next, at to o'clock in the forenoon, until 4 in the after
noon, and for the two days following, if neceflary, for
Li- the purpose aforefaid ; 011 the firft of the said days, any
jjerfon of the age of ai years lhall be at liberty to fublpribe
in his own or any other name or names by whom he lhall be'
ar.thsrifed fir orttJhare,on the second day ior we ort-wojhtrcs,
and on the third o«, ?wo, or t/jpec Jharei, and in any
succeeding day, (if the said books lhall continue longer
opeH) for any number «f {hares in the said Stock.
Every pcrfon previously tb fubferiblng is said books
must pay to the attending commilTioners twenty five dol
lars for every (hare to be fubferibed.
gy May 7 §tjun. f.
he —
AT the Subscribers' wharf, from on board the Ihip Au
fori, capt, Suter, 150 HogDieads
Prime Jamaica Sugars,
For faje by
Willings and. Francis-,
May I s } !_ i
John Miller, jun. 6c Co.
No. 8 Chefnut-Jlreeli
Have imported in the lste veflels-from Europe,
Amongll which are <
:t " Striped and,clouded NANKEENS,
*' Outvies and Muflinets, ' -
• HAT S,
, Neatly aflorted in packages,
\ d o IRISH LINENS. ditto, 1
)( i All winch tJrey will ftll on the moQxeafonabie terms,
For G*(h op ihe ujgyofe. '
in Ma y "• " ■ ■"" s_
Table Cloths, 6cc.
:t. North Secend, a few doors above Arch St. I
INFORMS his Friends and the Public, that he, hp for
sale on terms, Damalk Table Cloths, of dif
p) ferentfizes, with Napkins to match the,figure of the cloth,
3 f Diapers, * Ifilh Linens,
a _ Sarfn'at9, Sheetings,
Perfiajps, Checks,
r £nglilk,patent SilkHafe, Coarse MtffliifS, &e^cc.
Also, ajfortment of
China, Gla.fs, and Queen's Ware :
Amangfl which, are
Bloe&enamelled Break- China Jars and Pickers,
j fact Cops & Saucers, Decanters, 1 ti
L)o. Gallon "j in" Wine Glasses, &c. d
Half-Gallon J Crates Will be put up at the
Quart • shortest notice, and the usual *-
?int & q credit given. n
Half-Pint J May 2j §
WE the fubferibers, Commissioners appointed by law
to take fubferiptions for the Gap, Newport, and
Wilpiingtjn Turnpike Road, do hereby give notice, that
we will attend for that purpose at the house of Samuel '
Cochran, on the 6t;h day of June next;.
Chester County, 15th Aprji, 1 ;j6. [May 7.
just Imported in
From CALCUTTA, and fpr 3al.e at
t No. 149, South Front Street, g
A few Pfelt ages of the following GOOD.S, »«. R
PJNGEM Cloths, L r
Haipial Humhums,,
Ba'rkar Handkerchiefs, r_
Tickerys, J
lliabad Baftas, ,' ca
Rofua Ccflaes, [
Patna Chinti, iy. (
TaiSaties, ;p (
Choppa Romals, o
! X
' June 4. *eo4t y'
Teneriffe Wine. g
' I 'ENERIfEE WINE, in pipes, hogfhrads, and
JL quarter calks, and 170 Filtering Stories, just ar
-1 rived per the febooner Polly & Sally from Teneri?Te,and
for Sale by
Johp Craig,
No. ii Dock, facet.
Beft-Soft-lhell'd ALMONDS,
HAISINS in Frails.
SHERRY WIN£, in Quarter G?fks,
Irilh CANVAS, .
Buftol and Irifli WINDOW-GLASS.
; May 36 eo J
Yazoo Lands.
nut _________
in J May be had at the Editor's OJjiee 119, Ckefrrvt-jlriet,
A few Copies of " a Report of the A,t!ort!Pj'
General to Cnngrefs containing a Collection ot
, Charters, Treaties dud oilier DocvMENts,
relative to and explanatory of the Title to the Lai.d
"* situate in the South Western parts of the United
States, and claimed by crriain Companies under a
rtU law OT the State of puffed Jar.uary '7th,
■ ke 1 795- ,
m- ■ - - ;
nd By the Brig Welcome Rtfufn, from Savannah,
27 Bales COTTON.
ve I A)' rf )e Schooner Abigail, from GL-nlcJbti,
ok I 100 Casks Prime RICE.
lle And, by the Svhortner John, from Boflon,
II ' SEWING-SILKS, various colours,
COSSAHS, an! India Bandinno Hatidkchfs.
, ld For Sale by
N. & J. Frazier,
ne No. 95, South Frontftreet*
r " Jf aVe a V° on hand, and for Sale,
°y Prime Boston BEEF, in barrels,
I TS j <v ,NE s.
Carolina INDIGO, &c. &e.
iy Ma 7 3 1 mw&fim
er — ■ —
ks Jufl imported,
.1- . And for SALE,
SUG AR and COFFEE, in flpglheads
NEW RIOE, in whole ancttsif tierces
. V/AKE, . * ■
WHITE LEAD. (dry)'in cases
COPPER, in Iheets
American X £«% and J White Soap
) Mould and I)ipt Cao die's and
BOSTON BEEF of the firfl quality.
u v Isaac jun.
[6 mo. I. §3w] No. 5 louth Water Street,
STOLEN, on the night of the 2>th inft. from a deffc, in
the Store of the SuLfcriuirs, No. Si Front ftreef, fov
pofed to be broken open about 12 o'clock at flight, fh- fal
lowing Notes, &c. which the Public are c.iut.oAed against
negofiatiag; as,they can be rto use to any pcrfon'but
the fubferibsrs Payment of the Notes aiyiCultom-hbufr
Debentures, which are drawn in favurot the fabfcribers,
and not endorsed, is flopped,
/ Firfl, of a bill, drawn at Kingdoh, April z;,, by Wm.
Berczy, in favor of George Foriythe Co. at 60 days,
on D. C. Brauer, and accepted 23 J Kay, for 63 pounds
Quebec currency, and cndorfsdto and by A. Macomb.
Nicholas Brpwer'snote, payable May I, doll. 500
Richard Williamfon's ditto
Joseph T'nompfon'sdo. 1 95-ZJ
The following Cuftorh-houfe Debentures, viz.
Debenture No. 925 due June Ij, I4;.o8
i» 9* 6 I*)y'*s, SSi.4
9*7 Aueuit 10, 687.96
9 tS September JO, 499.6 a
929' £>erember 14, 233-9$
Dollars 3785.53
The allowing 3ds of Exchange, viz.
3d and 4th of a bill a: 90 days; drawft by Se
ton, MaitlandiS" Co. oa John Locke,l.on
r doii, in favor of onrfclvcs, for ,£ 856 8 6
_ 3d of a bill at 60 days, dr»wn by Isaac Clafen
j C0.,0n Bird, Savage.and Bird* London,
in favor of Phyn, Eihsaad Ifiglis, 3308 16 6
jd of a bill at 69 dfys, drawn hyS. Codflian,
of Boston, on Joh Baring Iff Co.
to the oroer of Efcjn, EJlice ts" Inglis icoo
3d of a bill drawn by Robert Kennedy, on
Coult Qr Co. at 40 days, our cwn favcur 1000
Besides the above number of papers, afelcft te'atfy but
v tl >e owners, a quantity of money, amounting to about 150
dollars, was taken at the fame tiftie. ■*
e N. B. If the person cr perfo.ns who carried off the a-
J bove, will enclose them to Pfifttr & Macomb, New York
no farther notice will be taken of the tranfa<9ion. *
New-York, May 28. PEFISTER Ms MACOMB
" J"" C ' f,2W
j.ohn Miller, jun & Go.
I No. 8 Chefnnt Street,
Have received by the Ship
From Calcutta,
160 Bales of Bengal Goods,
10,000 Pieces Nankeens,
Of a Superior Quality.
350 Bags of StJGAR,
Which they will fell »n advantageous terms
May 10. j
Several Apprentices to the Printine-
Bufineft Apply at the Office of the Gazette of th#
United States, No. 119, 6
China Goods.
TH E Ship Atlantic, Silas Sweine, Commander,
from. Canton, will commence the difchargd Q f her
cargo to-morrow morning at Walnut-street wharf
Confifiing of
Yellow and white Nankeens of excellent quality
Persian Taffetics, black, and coloured
.Lufbiogs, do. de.
Sattins black of various qualities
Sewing fllks in aflorted colours
Vermillion in boxe9
Caflia in cbefts
Quicksilver in jars
young hyson Frelh Teas.
CHINA WARE, ornamental, with Table and Tea
Sets generally afTorted.
WHITE SUGARS, and a quantity of
First quality Beiigal SALT PETRE.
ftfr Safe by
Phifip Nicktin Sc Co.
. . «4w
•* .