N 4 For Sale, ° r o That Valuable Estate known by the name of ;j a Mount Hope Iron-Wo nits, j™ r»lTuatc inthcocunty of Morrig, and ftateof New j*r- O fey ; twelve mile* from IVlorri--town and thirty from Elizabeth Towu or Ntwark Landings; confiding of a w j, furnace in £ood repair, with the bell wooden be.- q j c lows, drove by aB orer&ot wheel of forty feet diameter, 9 bellow vlionfe, cafting*houfe, bridge*houfc, and a large moulding-house, all in good o.'der, together variety of the m«ik approved patterns of pots, kettle£, nQ tea-kettlea, &c. &.C. with a fulhciency of flafes therefor, and aifo a great variety of all kindsof stove patterns,and a complete set of pattern sand apparatus for pot aih kettles. Near the furnace ui large new magazine for on hollow ware, bar iron, &c. See. a large convenient car -penter's and vpheelwrigLt Ibop, a blackfrnithS shop with twoiire-i, a nailor's faop,*aud a ilamping mill, a coal- w j lionfe that will hold fix hundred loads of coal, a large, convenient ilore, confiding of several rooms, two excel- Qr lent barns.and ilables, a slaughter-house near the ftorc, together with a great variety ot hcufes for. the workmen very convenient to the furnace. The furnace is supplied with water from a number of fpririgs, whidh render a supply certain: the pond ccnfids of about thirty acres : the manfiop-hcufe isbuilt-of stone, — two ftcrics high, with four rooms with fire-places on the £rft floor, and a large,handfome hall, and-five rooms with fowr fire-places en the second floor, with a very fine high garret, in which there are two fire-places, with a bfcnd fome piazza in front, the whole length of the house : at each end of the houfo is a handsome wing; one Vised for a kitchen, with servants rooms above; the other for a \ • counting-house; and a cellar under the whole house. a well of the bed water at smoke and other convenient » e out*houies, with two excellent gardens, in one of which ' c< is a large asparagus bed, several orchards of the best graft- co ed fruit, and one hundred-and fifty acres of upland, which an jnay be tilled to advantage. In front of the mansion-house w and io full view, is a most beautiful meadow of two hun- ne and fifty acres, in which may now be cut one hundred and fifty tons of the b«ft Hay, besides affording a fufficien- t j"' cy of pasture for the teams, and as much more meadow may be easily put in, besides raising a large quantity of corn, potatoeo and ti}mips. The lands belonging ta this estate consist of about ten thousand acres; on which are in the Mines for the vorks, two of of die best au quality, one so near that a single horse and cart will bring ! P a ten tons per day. the other, a team of four horses may **• tons. Besides the above there are several other mines of inferior quality very convenient, the iron of or which is good for nails, and when mixed makes excellent j raftings. The mines are in good order, with proper lev- °* els for draWing off the water, and lhafts at proper dist ances. Neat the Works have been discovered several beds ' )c of Bog Ore, and there is no doubt, with a little attention, £° a fufficient supply thereof may be procured. All the * e mines are supplied with proper houses for the miners. P* Within a mile and a half of the furnace there is an intx- °' hauftable vein of limestone ; from whence not only a sup- m fly for the furnace may be had, but also any quantity for cs uilding or manure. Within Jess than a mile of the fur- co nace is about twenty acre* of the best double spruce for beer; and near it is a celebrated mineral spring; and two - aud a half miles froiA the furnace, within the tradl, are J* 1 two valuable sites for Forges and Saw-Mills, on an excel . lentftream of water; and twojarge ponds may be made, ri and a permanent supply may be had, by a small cxpenee, from a Lake of four miles iti length and one mile wide, and adjacent a fufficiency of wood may be had; near to .one of the sites is a good farm-houfe, and about eighty a cres of arable land, a valuable orchard, and meadow to " cut thirty tons of Hay ; and in the swamp that will form 01 the pond there may now be cut sixty tons of hay. 11 Belonging to the fame Estate, and * within three miles thereof, nearer the Landing, is a good FORGE, with two fires, in complete order and re- f c pair, Situate on Rockaway river, which furn fees a con- ltant supply of water ; adjoining which is a good conve- c , uient dwelling-houie, with three rooms and a good kit- t j chen on the firft floor, and a good barn and stable; also a p iarge, conyeni-nt Store, which is nowfcept for the fupp(y t , ps the iron-wo>rks'and the country ; and this situation is c very convenient for the works, myen more so than to hare t ] the dry-good 3 store kept at the furnace. c Adjoining to the foregoing Estate, t and within four miles thereof, may be had if wanted, a 1 trad of fix thousand .acres of Wcfodland, and a site for a 0 Forge, on a stream of water very fufficient in every re- r Xpe& .; together with several houses new built, andatra# e of three hund/ed and fifty acres of fine .low land f a great * part of which will make, with a little expeofe, mead«w ® Sufficient to cut one hundred and fifty tons of hay ; and 0 now affords a great supply of pafture-Hthe reiidue is arable 1 and woodland. AND ALSO TO JE SOLD, All that VJL UABLIL ESTATE, called 1 a Booneton Iron-Works, Situate in the county of Morris, within miles £ ®f Newark Jbandingi and eight miles ci Morris-Town : f containing about three thqufand live hundreJ acres of land, t lying on ■both (ides of Rockaway river, for near four miles. . 1 On the premises is a FORGE with four fires and two ( haiauieri, in complete repair, which embraces the whole . jiver, aSIiIT.TING MILL, built i* .the most approved j manner, with two furnaces for UeatUjj iron, with rali., pillars, cuttersi andevery other apparatus in «lietnoft com- j plete ori/r, with a blackfmith'sfhop, coal-h.-jfe, Su.Sc.ic. j On the r?me da.n ia a very comp'cat SAWMILL; so j that the ilittir.g-mill hat the full csmmani of the whole , river, with 3 head of twelve feet. 1 Immediately on another dam, is an excel- , lent new OHIS"r~M ILJL, with two run of ftunes, and tfmltr'id-d fpr a third. The mill is lar;e, and conveni caL for a merchant-mill, and Htuate in a country which will afford a constant supply of grain. . Ajl tbp woriy are in conspleat vic« of the manfien-houfe, , and within half aciilcof ;t, wl.ich is a handsome, build- j ing, siva fooms on tbe-firft floor with, filu places, and j four room? up stairs, all in excetliot repair, with a large , kit:hen andcellars, anda vi-illW otellcnt water at the . door. In front cf the house is a piazza, sixty 'feet long, ] an etcellent garden, of the best kiad of Jf'ruit: the out-houfes are convenient and good ; j consisting of a largefpring nnlk-houfc, ice- house, fm.ke houfe, fowUhoufe, corn-oib, raot-houfe, good barns and stables, &c. #tc. Aifo, within view of the manGon honfd, are twelve dw«U;ng-ho\j(es, a counting-house, a ftonehoufe, occupiedas a.store for the country and works, a large, tpnveaient house, with fix rooms, four with fire places, occupied by the, clerks.; the refidae of the houses 3re £cr foremen, ruillcrji, &c. There is, adjoining the store, a POT-ASH WORX.'I, in coaspleat artier, a. black- i fmith'sfliop, aud wheelwright's shop, and other conveni ent appendages. As Rockaway river runs through this estate about four miles, !a which distance near twenty niiS-fites may be made, so as'.o oec*py the whole of this very valuable a»d cenftant supply of wafer, it may be justly ecofidered as a vrry vsma?nc perion or petfons desirous 06 oing into the manufacturing line., | On the prcmifes, fgnd adjoining the manficn-houfe, are about one nundjed acres of arable land; whereoa are two •rshar os ®f three hundred trees, «f the boft grafted frui".: and within two miles and a balf of the forge ia a very fine Farm of two hundred and fifty acres of land, in the best and most comp'.eat order, with one hundred atrcsof mcaj dow, twghotifes, a g'.od barn, and otl;;r aeccft-ry IIH . provemects —the refidus is woqdland, on which are a number of houses for the colliers, &c. &c. &c. AND Alio, Near three th»ufai-d»crc«of Land; iituateiu the valley - f of Newfoundland, about fixt?er -nUr* no:th w . !'• noni an Booneton, in tbe counties of Morris and SuGox. a crcon for is a v*ry good Forge of two fires, and a nunkj*. oi other Cor building? aiijoini. jg thereto, for the acwmfr.odarjo'i o" the the workn.oo, Mthaa excellent vein of Iron Ore, f.tuatc a- tion bout on** mile weft from the trait. bun The above Estate* will i>e fold on easy temv, together the with all the horses, oxen, waggons, tools, aii.l every tm- f plem ntnecelTury to carry on the vicrks. There i-. now cite provided wood end art for eight months blalt; so that the 01 Furnace will be put in blalt the beginning of Jun*. Any HA person wilking to purchafc, may have the whole as they thit nowarc: there is also wood, kc. &C. provided at Boone- as commonwealth, and every per- at _ ' son that lha Ibe accessary thereto, before or after the fad, (bull, for every such offence, forfeitand pay a sum not less w , than five hundred, nor more than one thousand dollars, one half to the use of the eounty, and the other half to at ' the ufo of the informer ; and (hall al.'o be fubjeA to such £" mprifonment at hard labour, not exceeding eighteen tcl months, as the court in their discretion may direit. ' Sec. 3. And be it further enadled by the authority a " forefaid, That the court Wherein any such conviction lhall ' ' have been had, (hall issue their writ to the (beriff of the '- 1 ' county wherein the said off_nce has been committed, or " the said conviction had, or if the said court shall be of o -1 pinion that the (heriff or coroner are not' impartial, then 7 to any other person or persons they may think proper, — s commanding him or them, together with the power of : the eounty, if he or they (hould judge their afliftance ne- N ceffary, to proceed to the lands ; n qucftion, and therelrom dt , to expel and eject all and every the person and persons B . thereon intruded as aforefaid; and if the said (heriff, or j other person or persons appointed asaforefajd,(h.uld make . return to the said writ that he or they have been unable to execute the fame, by reason of the forcible refinance of J the parties or any other perfoas, 6r ffcm a just apprehen v, lion of (uch refinance as would render the execution there-' (ji of by himfclf or themselves, and the power oi the coun e ty, imprad.may be lawful for the governor of thiscommonweaith 11 . to iffoe his proclamation, enjoining and requiring all per sons having intruded as aforefaid, to withdraw peaceably t from the lands whereon such inttufions have. Seen mide ; a " r and further enjoin.ng irtnl requiring the several officers ol government, and the goodcitizens of this ftate,to prevent' f B J or proftcute by all legal mean,, luch iotrubam and intru s * ders, and to afford their molt prompt and effectual aid in a °' their several and respective capacitics, to catry into lull 1 execution the laws erf this commonwealth lelative thereto; 1 lre provided always, that nothing in this ait contained (hall . ; vo extend to the claims of persons claiming lands under and 1 by virtue of an ad entitled *' an ad for afcercai>iing and t me confirming to certain persons called CoHneaicut claimants, 1 , the lands claimed by them within the county of Luzerne, ca 3 and for other purposes therein mentioned", palled the 1 ns " tw cnty—eighth day of March; one thouiand seven hundred 1 a bjk! eighty seven : And provided further, that th s ad, or I any thing therein exprcfled, shall not be confidcrcd as in- I tended to affed any claims under the said law nor as a | i Legislative conltruclion or opinion respecting said ad, or j an aA "an aSt to z;f*sl sr. _A rrtfekd, " for afcertaiping and cocSi.rung to wr:am W*<>?\ c.jei Conncsticut claimants, ihc lands by tn-in -claim? wi the cou:itv of Luzerne, and for other jn-rpoics there .n men tion«J", v-afTed the firft «ay of Apj-2. cne tho-.-.an. fe*.n | hundred and niaet), or the validity or cfie.3: ps either fli the fai S\moel Richardet will be happy to receiye, and he execute the commands of his Friends, and the Public at ed large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges or himfeir tnat nothing on his part (hall be wanting to pre in- j serve that patronage with which he has been So diftinguifk a j ingly iionorecL or | Pniladelphia, April g m JOSEPH COOKE. GOLf>SMlTta SB" JEWELLER, fhc corner of Market and TJiird-ftreets, Philadelphia- MOST refpedfufly informs his friends atid she public, that he ha? received, per the last arrivals, a catn pleteAnd general ailbrtr&cnl of almoin Every Article in his Line; Immediately from the piarmfacturn of L««doa, Bir mingham, and Sheffield, all of whicK are of the newest iathion, and will be fold, wholcfalc and retail, e!t terms, and the Notes of Mr. Robert Morris, and Mr. JohnNiciiotfon received id payment at thei. current value. N. B. The upper part of theHoufe in which he now lives to be let, furnilhed or unfur.ifhed. lawj. Washington Canal Lottery, N0 . I. I WHERF.AS the Statr nf Maryland has au*honf«>] the underwritten, ro raffe' rwenty-ux thousand, fifty_doiiars, for the purpofe.of cutting a Canal through the City of Washington, from the Po tomac to the Eiftern Branch Harbour. * The following is the SCHEME of No. I. Viz 1 Prizeof 30,000 dollars, io,oco ' t ditto 10,000 13,00* ■ 7 last drawn 7 Ticket*, each | - s ' ooo 3S' C3 ° 6 ditto i,ooe 6,000 10 ditto 400 4,0c0 <2rO ditto 100 2,0010 55 ditto 50 2,750 5750 ditto ii 69,008 To be railed for the Canal, 16,150 " £%so Prizes, ' 175,CC0 11650 Blanks, not two to a p.ize. 17500 Ticket', at Ten Dollar*, - 175,000 f*f The Commiltcncri have taken the Securities re-, quired by the aforefaid afi tqr the punctual payment of the prizes. The drawing of this Lottery will commence, without delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely notice will be given. Such prizes as arc not dema»ded in fix months after the drawing is finilhed, Quit be considered as rclinquillied for the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly. (Signed) MOTLEY YOUNG, PANIFL CARROLL, oTD. LEWIS DEHLOIS, GEORGE WALKSK, Wm. M. DtJNC ANSON, THOMAS LA.W, JAMES BARRY. City of Wa!hifi?tOß, Fell. 11. § ut> cf Wathington. •- SCHEME of the LOTTERY, Mo. 11, FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE j FEDERAL CITY. A magnificent ) 10,000 dollars, & > » dwelling-house, ) ca *h 30 000, are ) ■ s °> ooo I ditto 15,000 & cast 15,000 40,000 e' I ditto 15,000 & rath 15,000 30,000 ', 11 ditto ic,ooo & cafn 10,000 10,000 1 ditto 5,00 c & ccfh 5,c0? ic,oco 1 ditto 5,000 & calk 5,000 1 o.c-oo I cash prize of 10, coo a do. 5,0q0 each, - ic,om 10 do. 1,000 - - 10,000 r 40 do. ' 500 - « lo^ooo 00 do. ico - - 10,000 aoo do. 50 10,000 4co do. >5 - 10, coo 1,600 do. io - 10,000 15,000 do. 10 jjojpoa 16,739 Prises. _ J3»161 Blanks. ( 50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollars, 40,c0c0 li; N. B. To favour those who may take a quantity of Tickets,the prize of 40,000 dollars jvill be the t