, / fijl&Jtro of tfjclliHife) jSpfatf® $ vmbe r ii 69.] PHILADELPHIA, TUESDsir EVENING, 7IM 7, 5796. [Vetcm IX* FOR A L E, The CARGO ef Brig Fly, captain H xober, arrived this day, from Jeremie, / 'Sfia 1 P" me Green Coffee, 270,000 wt. 'rco Bags COCOA, 64,000 wf p 6 Baits COTTON. " The Cargo lias been put on boanl with an intention c to proceed to Europe, and is reported it Cuft™ House fnr f»mtr purpose- The quality is prime. Saitiples can ( be seen. t The Fly ) Ts an almoll new veflel, and will be p fold with or without the cargo. Can f proceed immediately. A liberal Credit will be given. Apply to Peter Blight. May 28 t lO J For Sale or Charter, BOSTON, BURTHEN about 2000 Bbjs. of flour—flie may be sent to sea at a i'mall expence, her fails «nd rigging bfiing in very good order—apply to 'James Campbell, or George Latimer. A pril, 29. § _ For Hamburgh, The Danish Brigantine •Jj&pV Den Nye Prove, < PETER HANSEN, Majln; veffid. Will be ready to t«ke in her cargo " on the firfl of May. For freight or passage apply to Rofs & Simfon. April 45. dlf ' For KINGSTON, (Jam.) The COPPER-BOTTOMED «%BRIG LAV IN lA, • gjjgjgg JOHN CHARNOCK, Matter. SHE will fail in eight days—For freight or pafTage apply to the m&fter on beard, at Cuthbert's wharf, PHILIPS, CRAMOND Co. June 4, 3 f - FOR SALE, the brig Neptune, A appurtenances as {he came from sea j jW' S'jßl A burthen «ne hundred and twelve tons j at Jefle and Robert Walni wharf— For terms apply to j EDWARD STOW, Jun. , No. 4, South Water-street. Phliadelphia, June a. edtnt 1 For Madeira, The Ship gg [FOUR FRIENDS. LL fail in t«ri or twelve days ; having the gre.ateff 1 part of her cargo engaged. For Freight or PafT age apply to JESSE W ROBERT WALN. ] June 2 § On IVednefday, the Bth injiant, AT 8 o'dock in the evening, at the City Tavern, wi-'l be fold by AudVicH, for approved indorsed Notes, a 60, 90, and 120 days, J oh' p N, With all her materials, &c. AS she came from sea. Laying at Latimer's wharf, burthen per register 316 3-95 tons, about 19 months old.huilt at Pertfmouth, New England, is well fbund, and fit to receive a cargo, having been graved as Liverpool. Inventory to be seen at the City Tavern. FOOTMAN & CO. AufHoneers. June 6; ( $ For S-aie by Public Außion, At the Coffee-Houfe, in Second street. On Saturday evening next, the nth inft.at 8 o'clock, The Copper-Bottomed ship- Lady Louisa, F' / ".' WTTH her tackle, apparel and furniture, as P er inventory to be seen at Parker & i--v»_«_:iJi=si JW h art o B ' IC oun t ing-h OU fe, No. 109, S. W.ater Street, Footman & Co. Auctioneers. June 6 § **y.U-. .' t ■"■•t .L'Ut'U' U' "'"*' l - 1 New Ha? and Hosiery Store, Whdlfsale and Retail, Bv WJI.LIAM M'DOUGALL, Nvi 134 Market-flreet, 3d door/ rem the corner of Fourth* South-/ids, MEUJS'Black Araericanand lored ditto English Hats, of various Children's fancy ditt T ro 4 June 4. For Sale, \ Three story BRICK. HO r JSI*. and Ijat, in ChcfiM \ street, betv.-cen Front and Seco-.d ftraets, ia which MfcSVs. James Calhraith & Co. haire for many years (ana j / now 6 J bares, and on the third day for one^ivo, or three fiatcs, and in any succeeding day. (if the laid books shall continue longer for any nnmber «r Chares in the said Stock. £vcry petfon previciifiy to subs. rlbing in said must.pay to the atteudr.ijf cominiliioners twenty five dol lar* for every feareco be fubferibed. — - GEOfiGE LAUMERy KOB£RT IVALA NATHI. LEWIS, . ABIJAH DAWES. Philadelphia, May 7 §cjun. 7. Landing, AT the Subscribers* wharf, from on board the Ihip Au rora, capt. Suter, 150 Flogfheads __ Prime Jamaica Sugars, For iale by tytilings and Francis, C May 17 ; §_ p John Miller, jun. 6c Co. No. 8 Chtfnut-Jlreet, jj Have imported in the late veflel from Europe; a , A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF SPRING GOODS, ® Amongst which are Q Striped arid clouded NANKEENS, Dimities and Muilinets, HATS, Neatly aflbrted in packages, IRISH, LINENS. ditto, E All which they will fell on the most reasonable terms, for Ca(h or the usual credit. May 11. § Table Cloths, See. M A U RI"C'E~M O YrTi HAN, Ifo. 81, North Secend, a few doors above Arch St. INFORMShis Friends and the Public, that he has for Tale'on reaf6n»ble terms, Damaik Table Cloths, of dif ferent flies, with Napkins to match the figure of the cloth, Diapers, Irish I.inens, Sarfnets, Sheetings, Periians, Checks, . Eiigiilh.pateht SiikHofe, Coarl'd Muslins, &c&c. At/v, ti ajjortment of China, Glaft, and Queen's Ware : Afnongfi ivhieh are Break- China Jars arid Bickers, fitft Cupj Si Saucers, Decanters, tl Do. Gallon . "1 Wine Olaffes, &c. d H?lf-Gallon Crates will be put up at the Quart j> shortest notice, and the usual t Pint & O credit given. n Half-Pint J « May 25 S Advertifemcnt. WE the ftibfcribers, Commiflioners appointed by law to.take for the Gap, Newport, and ,Wilmington Turppike Road, do hereby give notice, that we will attend for that purpose at tKc house of Samuel Cochratl, oil the 6th day of June next. JOSHtJA PUSEY, JOHN M'DOWSLL, JAMES. BOYD. JACOB LINDLEY, I Chester County, 25th Aprii, 1796. [May 7. § rm] " Just IMPORTED in the Ship GANGES, From CALCUTTA, and for Sale at No. 149, South Front Street, ' A few Package: of the following GOODS, viz. "PJNGEM Cloth', jL Hamial Humhuths, GUrrahs, Guzzenahs, Barkar Handkerchiefs, Tickerys, Iliabad B:\ftas, c Rofua Colfues, Patn? Chiritz, Taffaties, Bindannocs, I Choppa RAtails, < Pulicat Handkerchiefs, ts"c. t June 4 " * co4t 1 Teneriffe Wine. < TIENERIFFE VTINE, in pipes, hoglheads, and quarter calks, and 170 Filtering Stones, just ar rived per the fchoomr Polly & Sally from Teneriffe,and for Sale by _ . John Craig, No. 12 Dock street. WHO HAS ALSO FOR SALE, Best Soft-Ihell'd ALMONDS, RAISINS in Frails. SHERRY WINE, in Quarter Calks, I Irish CANVAS, Bristol and Itifl'. WINDOW CLASS. May 3 C eo Yazoo Lands. t i j j May be had att!)t Ector's Office I f9, Chefnrtt-J}> erf, $ A few Copies of " a Rtport of the Attorney Genera! to Conjrrefs a of Charter's, Treaties r I ! situate in ti>e South Yv'eftern parts of the I n.rod St»tfß. an.i c'aimed l>v cert»i«. Cm»panies ut.der 2 . law of the Stats of patted January 7th, ; '795- ! RECEIVED, 1 By the Brig Ji'ehome Return, from Savannah, - 27 talc's COTTON. Jby the Schooler /lig/u], from Chnrhjlon, 100 Calks Prime RICE, : r /In(l, by the Schooner John, from Bojlon, SEWING-SILKS, various colours, 1 . GURRAHS COSSAHS, an.l Ir.dia Bandanna H&ndkchfs. , forSalebjr N. &: J. Erazier, No. 9™ South Front street' Wt* have olfo on hand, and for Sale, Prime Bolton BEEF, iu bane!#, rSSS i WINES, Carotin* INDIGO, &t, &c. ' May 31 mw&fr ui r ' " " 1 "" """ Jufl: imported, And for SALE, sue AS. W COFFEE, in hog«wa