gXiKiir of the B nitrfc 0> fa&s ' v ro _ PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY EVENING, 6, S 7 Q6. : rVr '" vv - _ J&WAM 1168.J , uIL Y, 7f >r, I .finds. 4 - _j ■ f OR SALE, The CARGO of Brig Ely, captain Hubber, arrived Fro this day, from Jeremie, £ I43 Hhd».) Prime' Green Coffee, \ wt - A "ScOCOA, 54 ' 0a0Wt " put on board with an intention _jw topped to Europe, a'nd is reported at Custom Houfc for Vhat purpole. The quality is prime. ' At R beften- ' Lot e '" Y Ci * Is an almost new veflel, and will be fold with or without the fcargo. Can - proceed immediitely. A liberal Credit will be given. Apply to , Peter Blight. ) May 28 -— T ' 0 - For Tale or charter, The (loop Betsey, Jit John Dawkins, Matter, v. . , . , In the T>URTHEN about 800 barrels, now laying at tfie fiib- O briber's wharf, and ready to active a cargo iiwmedi ately. For terms apply to the capttm on board, ; WHO HAS 'FOR BAT.E, And now landing from said Hoop', _ b Port-au-Prince Molafles and Coff«e, ado, Pale, Quilled, Yellow, and Red Bark, / Malaga Wine, . , . Imperial and Hyson Teas el the First Qua Iy, c. .May 23 2— For Sale or Charter, 1 THE SNOW N e »oo° Bbls - Of a^ur— flic may be sent to feaat a small expence, her fails %Bd rigging being 1 very good order—apply to Tt James Campbell, or molt George Latimer. ££ 19. L_ ba,n < •— * For Hamburgh, The Danilh Brigantine I,om Den Nye Prove, «f c peter HANSEN, Mapr s b»«y Will be ready to take in her cargo T iZ firft of May. For Ireight or paffag* apply to of t, Rols & oimion. (aali w>s- ——£; For KINGSTON, (Jam.) €jkri. The COPPER-BOTTOMED JSSbRIG l, AVIN IA, 2 JOHN CHARNOCK, Master. SHE will fail in eight days—For freight or passage apply to the matter en board, at Cuthbert. wharf, PHILIPS, CRAMOND & Co. W7K-— fc-S For BR/S7 O Z>, «p« J— "a. THE NEW SHIP PHILADELPHIA, am Theodore Bliss, Master, V"ILL take Goods on Ff eight, and be ready to receive them in a few days. For freight or parage apply to Thomas CSj John Cliyord. Who have ferSale,befides their usual aCTortment of ift Ironmongery, Cutlery, Hadlery, c ' Crates of Glass and Earthen Wire; Crates of Vials boxes of long and short Pipes; Bristol crown Glass abort ed, from 18 fey I* inches, to 9 inches by 7 ; Copper Sheets and Bottom s; Boxes of Tin Plate.; London and B fto ft. Pewter in Calks assorted; Bristol Grindftsnes; Garnet & Go's, patent Sheaves for Blocks. £f'< 1 b »' c ot BRO -iDCLOTHS and CASSI MERES ; tti And a few Pipes of OLD MADEIRA Lc -April n. — ha FOR SALE, {h the brig Neptune, & A ND appurtenances as she caroe from fe? M|®| t\ burthen ore hundred and twelve tons pp flying »t Jeffe and Robert WalOs wharf—For terms apply ts r EDWARD STOW, Jum. No. 4,South Water-street. , Kiliadelphia, June Z. §\r For Madeira, Ifi The Ship W m . FOUR FRIENDS. LL fail in ten or twelve days; having the D part of her cargo engaged. For "Freight or Pafl lire apply to JESSE W JtOSEST WALN. L June 2 • Taiceii up, J YESte-fday, fix Milch Cows. Wbopver has loft said Cows, may have them apin. with paying damages, "by appiying at the iign of the Brover, ■, op Sonth-ftrect. r J« F ej _i A Great Variety of Ekgant Globe and Vaje LAMPS, FOR halls and entries, of the best London glass, with puliies, ballincc weights, and every neccffary appen- j liege, of fizss fuitabk to accommodate buildings ot all <11- an a£T»rtment of Lam", adapted f«r the use of ( parlours, chambers counting hoiilesand patent burnurs, wick, glalfes, fcrV. •'full ImportiA and for Snle by W. p o Y N T E L L, No. 70, Chefnut, between Seeond and I'hird l^ets. Also, a handsome afTortmcnt of mahogany knife caies for fide boards. Tune 4- — - ——Tcrot: PART of a genteel Hoiiie in an airy centrical part of the citj, with every iieceflary conveniency.^ Enquire of the Printer. ' *° folic Z. Landing, r From on board the Brig Abigail, from Liverpool, /\ EARTHEN WAKE, in Ciates ; and Meffvs. A quantity of COAL; now do EORSALE, BY p O sT, Thomas iff John Ketland. Fc April so. Landing, —P_ At Ru(Teir« whirs, the CARGO of th« Ship Lady Louisa, J a Mies Cooper, master, from China, aad-t lic "T"H, Cipe of Good Hope, (t ~ consisting of t,ovt SUGAR, in Chelis and Hags ; (( sneot tiic m piaurefque and beautiful fiiuations cm the Continent ; com ■ mandino an ixtenfive and variegated profpeft: thefoil i» rich, Pk chiefly laid down in Eugiifti urals, and lsunder excellent icnee.- __— The houfcii- a handsome two llory double building, in ihe most modern style, finilhtd with much ufie, and BotWtes e lery requift e for the accommodation of a genteel tamilv ; * • there are alio on the prcmifes a new overfeer's-houle, a new £\ barn, extensive stables, cow-lbed, cyder-houfc, fmoke-houle, "" poultry bou'e, &c. Th. re are abundance «f fruit "«' s com prehending all the choicest kinds whi h could be piocure JACOB SHOEMAKER, sor * HAVING Ven feversl of his f riends, iy to Undertake the Bufinefsof an h'b'lAM't B*OKl-R, — tn-ftrrwrr-ja A ppi -hj.. this D«y opened an Office at bis Dwelling, No. 29, North Water-Street; [V Where he will be glad to executf Orders. 111 that Line, Jf o , , and hopes by Vis Attention and Pumftiali-v, to ;nve fall Satisfaflion to all those who may be pltaled to X favour him with their B ilinefs. j :ive May , 6 . d 3QthJn. to bIToTd, f ill- A Three-Oery brick House, No. So, N. Sccond J\ flrect. The lot is about 21 feet front, and 288 als; feet deep, to Bread-street, or Moravian Alley. It has U ort- lonir been one of the belVftands for bufinefS. eets 2d. A frame Dwelling-Houfc, No. 260, S«J»h Fropt iftol street, with a Bake-House, the Lot is about 17 - jfis&lWw <•« or«»<■« -«p. «• tending from Third street to Gcorge-ftreet ( it is the ;d Lot blow South-Hreet: on Gcorge-ft, eet there., a two v. vlory brick tenement, a frame ditto adjoining, with ago 1 ~~ bi Liklw n ife a LARGE MEADQW F-XRM, situate on 6he River Delaware, at a convenient distance from Vhila , dclphia Market—the Meadow is of the best quality, and \ in good "bank. There are commodious buildings, with a j good proportion of arable and woo.llanri. and Led.r w£ ° t oTs dWamP " f ° r " WS^ll,tP No. 40 Norrffsixth-ftre'ct. !Co -For March 2*l 179&- —. dtf ■ fun. New Hat and Hosiert Stoke, WholvsalE and Retail, C ■ nt BY WI'LLIAM M'DOUGALL, No. 134 Market-street, 3 d door from the corner of Fourth) South ftde- n MENS'Black Americanan4 lored ditto , Englilh Hats, of various Chjhlrensfancyduo £ quaiitie, and orice. All kinds fated Ditto Drabs and Greenun- cotion, cotton, & thread p rr 1 Hole N. ' Ladle's ditto, black Kn" colored Panialoons S And a large alfortroent of puto Drawers „ _i!_ r , j;.,.' Ditt,o Breeches Patterns O cot- » Wth A qLtity of mending cot- f •over, Youth's black and drab co- V B The«ats finifhed in the newest falhion. - o im § May 7. . , ! 1 Vase The Partnerlhip of ft George Kennard & Co. - With y-\F Duck Creek, Uing this day di&lved by mutual f.?!?' O c«f«t, .thofekvm! clautis atd par W erJhtf a requeued to caU on the and such as are in- o ife of debtcd, will plcafe make RENNARD> f, i,atant May 17, 1796- (l3§! "fSKilrs™;: part of ments bounded hy gro J f faU . tilU will ht t CadwaUder and««»" , » clc ' , tie and . cod. giyen. place of faU. A t" l *' For Sale, i A Three (lory BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut | street, between Front and Second streets, in which Mefft-s. Jimes Calbraith & Co. hive for many year* (and May 1 now do) carried on bufincl's. A PofTclTioii will be given in one month, or fooncr. Gcne« For urmsapply t® WILLIAM BELL, or Char HECrOR CAILBRAITH /; relati\ —— —— (ituati Notice is hereby Given, State! THAT in purxuance of an a,ft of the Qener.l Alfem- law o bly'of Pennfylyania, entitled "anA& to enable the X 795' " Governor of this Common wealth, to incorporate a Com- - " pa'.iy for .naking an artuicial Road from uji interlevlioii " of the Philadelphia and Latter Turfite vol*A i**r " the Gap n, in Lancaster county ,tc N T ewx>ort and VJ u Wilaiingtou in the of Delaware; the lipners in said ail appointed will procure five books ami attend at the refpedive pi&ccs dire&ed therein to receive fubfor'ptions for in tho company, viz. One book will be opened in the city oi Philadelphia. One in tae r . Borough Of Lancaster, one at Strafburgh, in the county c of Lancaft r, one in the Borough of IVibriingtoo? and ( one at the house of Samuel Cochran iu the county ©f Chef- < • ter. . The Subscribers, agreeably to their appointment ;n r.na by CaidaA, will attend at the City Tavern in Philadelphia, with one of f.vid Bosks, on Monday, the 6th day of June next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, until 4 in the after noon. and for the two days following, if necelTary, for the purpose aforefaid ; on the firft of the said days, any person of the age of 21 years lhall be at liberty to fii.ifcnbe in his own or any other name or pamcs'by whom he ihall be , authorised for wjtan.oa the fccocd day for apt qrtiuoj&m, M and on the third day for cne,t-tvo, or three Jhjre!. and in any fuccee!.''Jj' day (if the said books fhail continue longer open) for any number •!' iliares in the said Stock. Every person previously to lubfcr.bing is laid books must pay to the attending commiflioners twenty five ool larj for every lhv e to he subscribed- GF,GR(yti LATIMER, 1 ROBERT IV A LIS \ NAT HI. LEWIS, ABIJAH DAWES. Philadelphia, May 7 §tjun. 1-^ Landing, AT the Subscribers' wharf, from on board the (hip Au- J rora, capt. Suter, JSO Hogflieads : Prime Jamaica Sugars, For sale by I Willingf and Francis, | g" 1 May 17 I pofc — j ~ " I low John Miller, jun. 6c Go. e No. 8 ChejnutJlreet, J Dct r ' Have imported in the late vclTel from | c 4 GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF E SPRING GOODS, Amnn;,'!! which are J Qui Striped and cloudetl NANKEENS, Dimities and Mufimets, 1 HATS, J Nea'ly aflforted in packages, 1 I!>.ISH LINENS. diuo, UcM All which they will fell on the most rcafonable terms, I '"or Cash or the usual credit. 1 s i Mav it. * j ft, t t —: — ——' I 1 Table Cloths, See. M A U RIG-EM OYNIHAN, \ C, Ufa. 81, North Secend, a few doors aho-ui Arch St. | ve YNFORMS his Friends and the Public, that lie ila. for to 1 sale on reaf"n»l-ie terms, Daniaik Table Cloths, of dif- 1 fereut izfi, wixh Napkins to match the figure of the cloth, piaperj, Irish- Ivinens, — Sarniets, Sheetings, Perlians, Cliecks, j t English.patent SilkHofe, Coarie Muilins, &c&c. J go A//o y en ajforipient of China, Glass, and Queen s Ware : j Atnotigfl ivbioh are nt- Blue & enamelled Break- China Jars and Bickers, I eet Cups & Saucers, Decanters, th Do. Qalloo "j m Wine Olaifes, &c. dc :x- Half-Gallon j J Crates will be put up at the ,;d Quart i '■> (horteft notice, and the usual I tc wo p iut & I o credit given. nc 'od Half-firt J w MfY 15 on A,dvertifement. ila " TTTJ the fubferibers, Commifiiopers appointed by law * 'W to take fubferiptions for the Gap, Newport, and , ! Wilmington Turnpike Road, du hereby give notice, that j we will attend lor that purpose at the house of Spaniel I ' Cochran, an die 6.th day at June next. ] JOSHUA PUSEY, JOHN M'DOWELL, JAMES BOYD. ] JACOB LINDLEY, . Chester County, »Jth AprJ, 1796. [May 7. §iml N — ii — f For Sale, THE time of a French Mulatto Boy, who has about J Twelve years to serve ; he speaks pretty good | and Englifli, »nd is a good waiter. Squire of the.Prmter. _ read June !■ | s WA N T E D, Several Apprentices to the Printing- Bnfinefs Apply at the Office of the Gazette of the cot " United States, No. 119, Chelnut-ftreet. —|( co " ' General Pojl Ojficc, Philadelphia, March 16, 1796. I WHEREAS sundry Lettess, tranfmiMed in the Mails 1 of the, United States, te and from Norfolk, in the state of Virginia, were opened, and Bank Notes o! 'eve ral denominations fraudulently taken from them at York, I , in the state aforefaid, in the monthsof Otftober, Novem ltual ber and December last : and whereas a part of said notes rfl W and some cash have been recovered and are now 111 poffcih e ir> " on of the Post Mailer Gene:al. In order therefore that such Bank Notes as shall be identified may be restored to D - the owners thereof, and that the re-, tinmg notes and cash be equitably distributed among thol I /ho are entitled to -hem. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN toall persons who have fuffeied l>y such fraudulent pra&ices, within the pe- | Phi- nod, and on the route aforementioned to exhibit their claims without ' SEWING-SILKS, various colours, i OiJRRAHS „ „ ~ COSSAHS, and India Bacdanno Handfcflus. for S lie by f N. & J. Frazier, e No. 9?, South Front ftree.f I'/bc have also on band, and for Sale, Prime Boston iiEEF, in barrels, y Sherry and > WINES, Tensriffe ) ie Carolina INDIGO, &c. £c. ;■ May 31 just imported, I ' And for SALE, SUGAR aiyl COFFEE, in hogiheads NEW RICE, ill whole and half tierces I QUEEN'S WARE, inhogiheads I Wli.'l v LEAD, (dry) in talks COt i-£R, in fhefts ") Caiiile and White Soap 1 American o U I d and Dipt. Candles and BOSTON B£EF of the firll quality. - ' Ifaae Harvey, juru u " j [6 mo. 1. §3w] N0.5 Tout!'. a;er Street. ~~ ROBBERY. I OTOLEN, on the night of the 27th infl.. from a deft, In 0 the Store of the SUl.fcrih. rs, No. Si front ftieet, fupr posed to he broken open at.opt is o'clock at night, the tol ~ lowing Notes, &c. Which the Public are ca»t«)Ocd negotiating ;as they can he of no life to any p.r.o» btt the ftiWcribers payment o! tnc NotantU aliaiioufc Debentures, which are drawn in favors! the fubfenbers, I and not endorsed, is flopped. • , ~, Eirfl, of a bill, drawn at April 2.3, by Win* Berczy, in uvor of Geprgt> i'or'iyflie & Co. at 60 day?, on D. C. rirnucr, and accepted I 3 4M»JT. - or 6 ' I Quebec currency, and endorsed to and i Yj A. Ivlacomb. I Nicholas Ei-ower'snote, payable Ivlay I, dols. jco Richard Wiliiamfon's ditto 9/3-15 I Tofeph Thompson's do. y 2 7 I The fallowing Custom house Debentures, viz. DeheßtinreNo. 925 -due Tune 15, 926 July 15, 553 30 'I 927 AiigUtl 20, 68796 918 gept-wher 30, 499-60 I 929 December 14, Dollars 37 Sj .53 i xhe "ellpjvaig jdsan;l 4'"' f-' Exchange, viz. sj 3d and 4th or a bill a: 90 days; drawn by Se- c t t ton, Maitland on John Locke,Loll - I don, jq favor of oorf.lvys, for £ 856 8 6 , r 3d of a bill at 60 days, drawn by.lfaac Clafon Vf 1 is 1 Co. on Bird, Savage and Bird, London, . in favor of Phyn, Elhs and Ingli?, *6 6 1 3d of abillaf 6odays drawn byS. Cod man, of pdfton, on John franc s Bi.rjng & Co. . ] to the order of Plain, Ellice \? Ing.is 100.0 j 3d of a bill drawn by Robert Kennedy, 011 Coult & Co. at 40 days, our own favour ioo® *e: £ 5 A' crs, Besides the above number of papers, Kfelefs to arty but I the owners, a quantity of n.xiney. amounting to about 1,50 dollars, Vis at the fame time - tthe N. B. If the per/on or jWio car-.ed oft the a ifuai hove, will endofe them to PfiCer & Macomb, New York, no fariher notice will be taken of the trrafaaion. S New-York, May 28. pEFISTER tfJ* MACOMB -1_ June 1 ' I ■ " riaw Tohn Miller, jun & Co. nti J No. S Chefnut Street, tna ' I Have received by the Ship W S I R M I N G H 4 M PACKET, From CakuttqL, 160 Bales of Bengal Goods, >«,] lOjQOO Pieces Nankeens, Of a Superior Quality. 350 Bags of SUGdRy ibout Which they will fi.ll on advantageous terras e° od Mav ,f. i inter. ■ — — w - This Lk>y publijhecl, > 1 Price 31 i-i Cents, Mr. AMES's SPEECH £ OH THE BRITISH TREATY. J Sold by William Yo jng, rornerof Second and Chefnut llveets, and by the Booksellers generally. } May i<). § Will be landed, in the r- pO-MORROW MORNING, at South street feve- X wharf, the Cargo of Brig Poggy, capt. Kilby, York, from Anatto Bay, Jamaica, ovem- ! 00 Hhds. Sugar, 7X 76 Hhds. Coffee, red th to 3 00 Ba § s Ginger. id cash For Salt by led t0 PETER BLIGHT. is who Mav 30 eoiw their For i'ale by the fubferibers, proofs in pinn-street, otes as ,J 0 quarter Chests frelh Hyson Tea ; to the 100 ditto do. frelh Souchong Tea; >f July 300 Boxes China, containing small tea letts'of 41 ;hen be pieces ; refpecj . Q0 pieces Bandanaes. SSS Willin S V Francis. AM. January 30. 3taw.