1 'hilade lp hi a, SATURDAY EVFNING, June 4, *796. BY THIS DAY'S MAIL. GEORGE TOWN, May 31- On Saturday, the 2%th injl. entered Jhip Britannia, Pear [on, from Port Glafgow—/he faded April 18. We have obtained the Glasgow Cov RIER of April I 2thy from which •we have extracted the following European News. It is of a later date than any that has yet comc to band. "GLASGOW, April tt. RETROSPECT. The intelligence received from Germany and France, during the pad week, evinces that both parties are determined, if the negoctations said to be in a train for peace, fail, to profectite rile ensu ing campaign with redoubled vigour, while it is e videntfrom the contending armies retiring more and more to their own cocnrry, that they fhrint fiotti the idea of putting* terminatfon to the armiltice.- Both are convinced of the propriety of making peace; but each seems suspicious and jealous of the other. General reports are rather in favor ofpeace. 1 It is strongly asserted that attempts hare adtually been made to negociatc. Of this tnuch we ire con fident, that peace is earneftjiy desired by every friend to Great Britain, but only such a peace as We arejullly entitled to, from our not being the ag gressor* in the war, from our being dragged into it, and from the unparalleled fatcefs which has attend ed his majefly's arms. The great fall which has taken place in the price of grain in England, will soon, we doubt hot, be ' general over the kingdom. Within these ten days only, nearly 50 veflels have arrived at Lcith and 1 Grangemoiith, with grain, flour and meal. ' The sentence pasTed on admiral Cornwallis, while it juftifies $he conduct of the admiralty in bringing him to trial, fliews that no man, whateverTiis rank and abilities may be, can, with impunity, depart from his inftruftions, while there remains a hope of his being able to execute them. With iatisfafHon we record every aft of benevo lence, and with pleafurewe now mention, that Mr. 1 Wm. Gillefpie, of Anderfon, has, for this month ' jjaft, been supplying the poor and labouring people 1 of'that village, with oatmeal, barley, meal, and pease-meal, at three pence a peek, below the mar» ket price. Proceedings in Parliament. HOUSE OF PEERS, Thursday April % Lord Lauderdale gave notice that the Marqois Lanfdowne would postpone his intended as certain papers which lie had rr oved were not rea dy to be produted. His lordffiip moved for the ' accounts of tlie exports and imports for 179* —3— 4 and J. He also moved that a copy of the con* tract entered into for trairfport v«(Tsls to convey troops to the Weft-Indies, be lard before the hdufe. He complained of the impVovidsnee of this con tradt, exceeding any which had taken place daring the American war, and wished it* produ&ion, as material in the intended motion of Marquis Lanf l dowtie refprfling the ftatc offinanee and the War. Lord Grenville wished the noble Earl had previ ously communicated to hire his intended motion j he should then have informed himfetf whether of not it would be prudent to comply with it, previ ous to the full uccomplifhffient of the objects for which the cofttrafh were made. Without this in formation lie could only fay, the tendency of the motion might or might not be innocent. When this motion was brought forward he would be con tented with advancing argument agairtft argument. Lord Lauderdale, after ridiculing the ide'a of secrecy in tha contradb of thebo'ard of transports, agreed to withdraw his motion until the Seeretary of State had made the neceffafy inquiries-. HOUSE OP COMMONS Wednesday, April 6. No business- done there being only 34- members present. April 7. Lord Stafford (Lord in Wafting) pre sented his Majesty's answer to the address of the Commons praying that copies of the papers 011 the trial of Col. Cawthorne be laid before tne house— Ordered to lay on the table. Mr. Pybus, one of the Lords of the admiralty presented at the bar a copy of the warrant iflued by the admiralty for taking admiral Cornwallis into custody for difofeedience of orders—ordered to lie on the table. The committee on tfie ffave carrying titl W»s put off till this day fen'night. April 8. The eo?n bounty bill was read a third time and pafTed. On motion of Mr. Ryder, leave was gitfen so bring in a bill for indemnifying the persons who aited under the otdersofthe privy council on the the 2KI ot November lafty in remitting the dutiei on neutral property. Sir Charles Morgan I'jfodght op the proceedings of the court martial held on John F. Cawthorne, Esq. wbii.li were received and laid on the table. On motion of Gen. Smith, amended by Lord Tyrconnel a'l? the proceedings were ordered t - 0' be printed. The report of the csmmittee on the deg tax was received and read in the following terms : ** Resolved that- it is the opinion of thii committee that a duty not <*ieediiig three fhSlirtgs a'yearbe irapofed on all dogs withbur exception.After iome obfervatious by Mr.- Dent, a bill Was ordered Wise brought in, and Mr. Pitt, Mi. Dent and some. others were appointed to bring iii the feme. Gen. Smith introduced fiis long proMikd mo tioH "refpi ifing tTte ban acks, ind" concluded' a' long speech by « It is the optnon of this house that' it ftiall be referred to a committee to confidft of the cXpeuJiturc ofpublic money in the conilruc -1 tion and building ofbatVicki fiace the year~f79 0 ' to investigate by *hat authority the expence "" been incurred, and to report upon the faweto the | house." At too cloclc the house divided. Fot Gen. Smith's motion 24. Aeainft it 9*- PORTSMOUTH, April 8. / This morning, at nine o'clock, the Court a ga' n j aflembled, on board the Orion, in PortfmoutM>ar bour, and remained deliberatingftom that time mi ' til one, when the Court was opened, and (trangers , were admitted. The Judge Advoca'e then called over the names 1 of the members { and» having noticed, in the ulual <■ ■ forms, the occgfion sot- which the Court had been aflembled, the time it haJ fat, and■ rea».£ver the charges, proceeded to deliver THE SENTENCE :; «' That the Court having heard the iMdknee in sup port of the Charges exhibited agalnft the Hon. William Cornwallis, Vice admiral of the Red ; f and having heat-d his defend, and the evidence J in his behalf ; and having maturely Weighed and considered the fame, are of opinion, u That, with refpeft to the two firft charges, or his returning Without leave, after having been ordered to proceed to Barbadoes, and of his dif obeying the orders he received, Misconduct ivas imputable to him for not having fbifted His flag on board the Mars or MinotaUr, and proceeded in either of them to the Weft Indies. But, in con sideration of other dircumftances, the Coiirt ac quit him of any disobedience io his cOrtduft cJti that occaflon. , " With refpeiS to the third chirg#, of his havings after his return, disobeyed tht orders of lhe Board of admiralty, in not going obi to the Weft In dies in the Aftrea the Court wete of o piriion that the charge was not proved, and there fore acquit adiiiir;d Ctrnwillis ujiOo that Charge." Adrtiiral CofnWallis, U-ho, during the ttial, con duced himfelf with great firmnefs and icompbfurt'j heard the sentence read without any etftotioiT; and then making a flight bow to the Cotirt, retired a long with Mr. Erfkine and foffte other friends. The Court conduced itfelf with that grave and suitable decorum which has ever the Naval Courts-Martial of Great-si: itain. The Court was remarkably Crowded. So many fiag'oflkeM never fat on any CoUrt-Mar t!al befofe. As soon as the sentence was Communicated to the people on board the Royal Sovereign, whicfl lay at a short distance from the Otion, ttiey all got upon deck and gave three cheets. GEORGE-TOWN, June t, A Gentleman procured for us federal numteri of the Glojgow Ccuriet trought by the Britannia• T und other tabinet mmifteri. J An arrival at Dover, in ten days from Cadizlj informs the trews of the (hips of Richery's fsua dron in that hatbour, had mutinied to a mo ft alar ming degree. It is said to be in Consequence of their (hare of the prize money, arising from the fait of the captures made from our Straights iect, being withheld. It is added that Richery was as faflinated. The London Editor adds, " Silch are the ion tents of the letters. We have heard fomany falfe reports about Richery's fquadrony that weihall be flow to believe the present intelligence. April 11. Late last night We received the following very ' important papers, which were yesterday communi- 1 cated by Lord Greenvile to all the foreign ministers resident at this court. They are the contents of 1 the dispatch received on Friday last from Mr. Wick- JJaM, his majesty's Envoy to the Swift Cantons ; > and appear to be the result 0/ the measures Mr. Pitt some Weeks fmce announced so be jh train for ■ ascertaining the real difpofit'ion of the French Di : redtory on the question of p leave no other alternative with bis majesty and his '■ ifiinilters, tfean of continuing the war with Unaba ted vigour i in which determination they muff, rrnd - no doubt, willy fee supported by e»ery good fobjedt in the kingdom. % f We fHnffld have been happy to have given the original French,- at well as the translation, but as > the tranflatioh is an official one, it will be almofl > requally fatisfadory to the public. : , In consequence of Mr. Wickham's dispatch, a 1, meflagefrom his majesty is expefled to be delivered ithis day bj Mr. Pitt to thrhoule of Commons, 3 i U'OTE. j , Transmitted to M. Barthel other guides than openftefs and good faith, will followiu its explanat'ons a c which (hail be wholly conformable to them. Yiel- P ding to the ardent desire by which it is animated to ® ' procure peace for the French Republic and for all __ (iaiions.it will not fear to declare itfelf openly— J Charged by the Constitution with the Exr:ut on of r f the laws ; it cannot make or [iileri to any propoial a that wotild be contraiy td them. The Conititu tiotial «a does not permit it toeonfent to any alie- r ■ nation of that which, according to the extfttng L ■ laws, Constitutes the teriitory of the Republic. c lefpea to the Countries Occupied by tin? French armies, and which have hot been united to •France, they, as well as other Interests, political p and Commercial, may beeofni the fubjea of a ne- 2 , gociation, which will present id the Direflory the means of proving how much it desires to attain fpee , dily to a happy * The Direaory is ready to receive, in tflis r£fp'e£t any overtures that (hall be just, reafonible,and com patible With the dignity of the Republic. (Signed) BARTHELEMI.- \ ! Basle, the 6th Germinal the 4-th year of the French Republic (26th Nlar. 1796.) ' r KOTE. The Court of London has received from its Mi nister in Switzerland, the answer made to the qtief tions which he had been charged to address to mon sieur Barthelemi, in refpea to the opening of a negociation for the reeftablHhraent of general tran. 1 quiliiy. ' This Court has" seen, with regret, how far the | tone and spirit of that answer, the nature and -ex- 1 tent of the demands which it contains, and the man j ner of announcing them, are remote from any dtf- j pdfii ion for peace. The inadmifiible pretsnfion is there avowed of ■ appropriating to France all fliat the laws actually 1 exiftjng there may have cotnprifed under the defio- 1 mi nation of a French territory. To a demand fucii 1 as fhis is added an express declaration that no pro- ] . pofal contrary to it will be made, or even liftrned to : and this, Under the pretence of an internal re if gulatioffy the provisions of which aVe wholly foreign 1 to all other nations While tfeefe dispositions (hall be pcrfiftc'd in, no thing is left for the King h,ut to piofesute a wai 1 d , qnally just and necefiafy. ; ( Whenever liis enemies shall manifeff rjiore pacific sentiments, his' Maj;ftj> will at till times be eager i to concur in tberti, by attending hinifelf, in conceit I with his allies, to all such measures as fha'll 1 be best ; calculated to re-eftsblifh general tianquHity 011 con ditions just, honorable, and permanent ; either by . the eftablilhnient of a Congress, which has feeen , so often srtd so happily the mians of restoring peace ( t to Europe 5 or by a preliminary difcuflion of the , principles which may be proposed, on cither fide,- . as a foumiation of a general pacification j or,- laltly | by an impartial examination of any other way which . may be pointed oat to hirti for arriving at the fame . falntary end. Downing-Street, April *o, The Countries which, by the ex-iftrrig raW'j fn r France, constitute the French territory, are, 1 1. Fraßce, as it flood at the commtncement of ! the War, ■ 2. The French'colonies in the' Weft Indies, still » ftccupied by France. S s*' The iflandsof France and Mauritius, r 4. Ma'rtinico and Tobag6. J 5. The whole island of Hifpaniola. 6. Pondicherry, Chandernagore, Ca(*ibaf, Mah6, 1 and the other French eftabhfhments ifl liidia. : 7. Avignon, and the county Vena'tffin. 1 8. Principality of Monttnelian aii'd' bifhoni ick of - Parent 1 ui. 1 9. Savoy, Nice, and Monaco. ICS. Austrian Flanders'*i:d Biabjnt. and gr?.~r ally, whatever belongs to the Emperor on this f,j s the Rhine. 11. Maeftricht, Venlo, ;nd Dutch Flanders. 12. The Bifhoprick of Liege. On the fubjeiSt of ail or any of these, the Direc. Tory refufes to make, or even to receive any propu* * sal, and infills that the negociatiori {hall be pieced d by an admission of this claim on our part. So that, after agreeing as a preliminary hei'.ie negociation to rellore to France all we have con ' queried from her t and to leave hei in p^flj, MI (| f all Ihe has conquered from Aullria and and all that has been ceded to -her by Spain „ r Holland, belides other frnaller acquisitions, * c n av . then expeit to leain from Iwiywllat other tonrliii. ons (he niiy chuf; to require or gtatu, a* !bj telins of Peace. April 11. A message from the ho life Q f p ei lg to the Commons lUted r their Lordlkipj had agreed to the bill for making the port of iicarba. rough, in the island of Tobago a trei poit. T| e American intercourse bill—The rock Salt i;;J tl /,_ nity bill and fcveral private bills. 1 April ij. For several days there have been afloat very CON . tradi£tory accounts refpedting the Dutch fleet. The letters of this morning positively (late that Lieut louder arrived at Hull fiom a ctuife, s aw , ietv diysfince, fix fail of the line and 3 e». ter the Texel—One (hip of the line, trith her top. mall (truck. In the army of the Prince of Conde an officer Aas lately beheaded, and Si fddler hanged, by ordc,r of the Prince—Both >vere convi&ed of being em . ployed by the Fiench government to caufc defini tions in hie army. The celebrated character, Barrere, is now at Paris, befriended by Carnot, one of ihe leading members of the Direftoiy. tt is a.so aiferted that he has lately beeti in o\Veden, in in ofliaal capaci ty, where he fully accompli flisd the object of his minion. , * The Spanish fleet it Cadiz ready for sea, consists of 25 fail of the line, besides frigates and (loops. A court banker at Berlin rhade a conn ad to supply the French government jfith horses for iltefr armies. He ftlriiilhed to tile amount of 2,500,000 dollais, aud received bills of e&cliange. Everyone has been firotelled, and the banker fteppeCl pay. ment for that sum—The hiiVvae paid for the horses, and those persons are involved in the diftrefa \Srhich that want i>f integrity in the French govern, ment has occsfioned. Yelterday v>ai the fettling day 3h the flock ex change for the April accounts in consols The great fpe'culations efigaged public attention and madt' opinions various. T!;e account however was fettled with left; cmbarraflment than was expcftcQ. The consols were done for the May aecouut moning at 67 5 8 Z-2 but at theciofe many felic f » • at $1' It is said that a plan for the relief of commercial men, l.as been ftrggefled, that it coniiits of d'afti of jl. iol. 501. and so on to large amounts. We only speak frwm ritmour. A forgery to the amount of if thle pcculium, and even the Spartans', vt'uofe tieat merft of their flalies w<& the n>oft bafbarous aoJ treacherous, yet gave their Helots property : almuft the whole land of thfi (tale was hel.d upon tenure)' the (lave paying the mailer a fixed invariable tri bute.- He then argued that to give the slaves the hope of property would be beneficial to the mailer. Property is a nlotive sot labour. Montelquieti said,' the labout of rhe mines was maintained by the temptation cf pVofit,' and advantages given to the staves- to be accumulated at their pleasure. Ciceto had said, give (laves proptrty and they wili labouY. these were the principles'of his'plan —to give the flavesa legal'ajlotmcnt of land, with necessary implements, according to.age and cireum flatices, ailowing an incieafe in ihe cafe of inarti age f to give the land for We, to be neverthelefs-li abl'e to forfeiture'in'the fame cases as" freemen ; ne ver to fcjbarate the father frorft his' family, without his ejeprefs consent ; to ena6t penalties for the fe du£tion of female fla'ves; and heavier penalties in cases of force being used ; no man to be an overseer who is not married i- and his wife to have the care' of the female (laves ; the (laves to have jurifdiftion c/er each other by a jury choten among them ; the overseer having the right of challenging and prelid irig on the trial of a negro ; negroes to execute fen .tence-j- and, to secure the execution of the plan, magilliates to be appointed, who (ball be well paid, independent, and without any 1-onimunity of inter " efts wnh rhe planters. Asa collateral part of the plan, it Would be necessary to eftabiilh magillrates i on the coast of Africa, to regulate purchases, in ;Ordtr to prevent hu(bands being torn from thtit' families and children from t u eir parents. Mr. Francis concluded by moving, " that leave be given to bring in a bill for the better regulation ( and improvement of the (late aud condition of (laves in the Weft India idands, and other dates ia ; his majelty's dominions." f — EDfNBURGH, April 15. Th-'re we t j'}6 balls of oatmeal in iuarket en Turf* t ay, and the file (low. Tlie-nftail prjes ftdl fwo-pencff tifrjSeck. *