Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, June 04, 1796, Image 1

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    Humn* 1167.] PHILADELPHIA, SAIUROAT WE&fXG, JUNE 4, 170$. - '
The Copper Bottomed Ship
"l T7TTH all her materials, as (he catne fromfea. Like-
VV wife to be difp»fed of
A number of CANNON and SMALL ARMS, ■_
en board said vtfet- For terms apply to A
-Parker foffi'bartorL, .' ; 1
May£ , : —i_
"— ¥ OR A irEr^
The CARGO nf Brig Fly, captain Hunber, arrived
this day, from Jeremie,
1 P r ' me Green.Coffee, 270,00 c wt.
coo Bags COCOA, 64,000 wf
6 Bales COTTON.
The Cargo has been put on board with an intention
to proceed to Europe, and is reported at Cuftorn House
for that purpoie. The quality is prime. Samples can
be ften. '
Is an almost new vefFel, and will be
■nrrk&sffL- fold with or without the cargo. Can
proceed immediately.
A liberal Credit will be given. Apply .to
Peter Blight. c
May z8 TO
For sale or charter,
The sloop Betsey,
John Dawk ins, Matter,
B UP-THEN nbout 800 barrels, bow laying at the fiib-
fcriber's wharf, and ready to receive a cargo immedi
atcly. For terms a#ply to the captain on board, or v
And now landing from said sloop,
Port*au-Prince Molafles and CofFte, also, r
Pale, Quilled, Yellow, and Red Bark, v
Malaga V/ine, [
Imperial and Hyson Tea» ef theFirft Quality, &c.
May 23 *
For Sale or Charter, t
t 2000 Bbls. of flour—fhe nuy be sent <
to sea at a small exjpeuce, her and rigging being in
very good order—apply to I
James Campbell, or
Geerge Latimer,
April, 29. §
For Hamburgh,
The Danish Brigantine
Wlralmt Ztew Nye Prove,
A fine itour vessel. Will be ready to in her cargo
onibe firii of May. For freight or apply to
Rofs & Simfon.
April %$. d:f.
Wanted to Purchase,
A good, well fittel, fact failiug
about J 200 Barrels burthen*
WtMzWeis. Peter kuhn.
May a? § 6
LYING at Joseph Anthony's wharf. WHlpofitive
lr fail next. For freight or passage ap
ply to ' EDWARD STOW, Jun.
Thine ittsl No. 4 fot'th Water street.
feTiJ IS 10 L,
Tbledoor« Buss, Mailer,
WILL take Goods on Freight, and be ready to receive
them in a ,f«w days. F«r freight or passage apply to
Thomas & John Clifford.
Who have for Sale,befides their usual affortmentof
Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sadlery, fjfe.
Grate, of Glafc and Eanken Wirt; Crates of Vials;
koxc,x.f long and {hurt Pipes; Bristol crown QUh aflort
<d, from 18 by I a 9 inches by 7 ; Copper Sneets
and Bottoas; Box« of Tin Plates; Londpn andßnftol
Pewter in Calks assorted; Bristol Grmdftoncs; Garnet
U Go's, patent Sheaves for Blocks. Also, a bale of
And a few Pipes of OJJ? MADEIRA Wl^'E.
/pril r«. I laW
the brig Neptune,
A KD appurttnances as (be came from ft a
ir,f^l J\ butthefl e»e hundred and twelve tons
at Jeffe and Robert Wains wharf—tfor j
terras apply to ,
Na. 4,6outh Water-street.
Phliadelphia, June a. * dtnt
For Madeira,
y The Ship
ILL fail in tin or twelve days; having the grcateft
part of her carg(»> <s>r
age 4p|ily to j?v£'S&s ROBBRT iVAL* •
2 -•
Taken up,
YESterday, fix Milch Cows. Whoever
has lo'A said Cows, may have them again, with
paying damages, by appiying at th-fign of the Drover,
lip bor-fh street.
June 3
From on Twain! the Bi;>» Abigail, from Liverp&ol,
EARTHEN WARE, in Crates; and
A quantity of COAT.;
F 0 R S A L. S," Y '
Thomas izf John Ketland, e
April, to. ' ' . ■ ' §_ c
Landing [
At UuJTeB 1 ! wharf, the C ARGO of the Shife tarty
ji - s Coojwr, Trn-araft') fw« <
Cape of Good Hope,
SUGAR, in Chests and Bags;
WINES, in Buttfcand half Butts of superior qjra-
A small quantity of BRANDY ;
And a few Red HANDKERCHIEFS. 4 ,
for sale By
Parker Iff Whartm,
No. 109, south Water-street.
April 26. §
Just Arrived,
In the Snow Baft on, Jaines Kirkpatrick, master from Li
verpool, r
5000 Bushels SALT ;
100 Crates QyEENS WARE ; and
An Aflortment of SHIP CHANDLERY; ,
FOR S A- L E '
On board, at Pine ilreet wharf. t! > '
James Campbell, or
George Latimer.
29. 4- 1
Country Seat for sale.
An elegant Hpufe, and highly cultivated Farm, on the east
ern bank of Hud ton's river, .bnuuded oil the north by j '
Verplanck's Point, and diflant foriy-fioe mihs. from Ni w
York ; the f,arm consists of 295 aero, and 1« one. of ,
piclurefque and beautiful (ituations ofi thf! Cqpunmt ; com*
rounding an exienfive and variegated profpeft; the foil is rich,
chitfly laid dpwri in English graTs, and is under cxccHentfence.
The hnufeis a bandfome two Hory doubk building, in the
molt modem style, Ivuftud a ith much t. fte, and poJltflfcse
very nquifite ior the accommodation of a genteel family ;
there are alfp on the premifcs a new ovei feer's-houfe, a new
barn, exienfive stables, cow-(bed» cvdei-houle».lmoke-houle,
poultry house, &c. Thtie are abundance »f com
prehe»siing a4l the ehoice/t kiiid* whi: h i.ould be procured about town, now in fu-JI bearing, and a
well llock'd kitchen garden A $ >op goes twice a week to
the city, from a landing convenient to fiie farm, and the Al
bany post road forms the eafleiit boundary®
The house, &c. are kept m neat oijder for the reception
of the purchaser on the Qiurtr&vioticc, who might al(o b?
accommodated with about laoapes adjoning the iarm on tht
fouih, the greatest part of which ftre-ches along the river,
which abounds vvifh ovfters. and av„riejv of 60* 'Shc.uld.hf
be avcrle to faifliitfg, there are many itfpettable neighbours
who wouid on advantageous terms
Applylo 6fcORGE &c HIKvH POLLOCK, V
Gouvcrr"f:vir'B La e, Nev" York, or to
May 27 $Jm* P iladeJphia.
IJAVINO been epcoarayeil by several of his friends,
to U:>dertake the Bufjnelsof an Insurance BrOK> *>
to'which he Prrved an Appienv refhip, has this Day
opened jin Office at h'is Dwelling,
No. 29, North IVqUr-fStreet;
Where lie will be gW to execute Orders i» that Line,
and hopas bv his Attention and Punctuality, to give
full SatisfieVion to all those who way be pieced to
favour him with their B'jfinefs.
May 26. . djothjn.
A NEAT three story Brick House, almost new,
fttuate oa the south fide of Filbert, midu, a>i
between Nin'h and Tenth-Streets. For terms a s »^ly
* at No. 71, North Water Street.
May T4.
ift. A Three-flory brick House, No. 80, N. Second !
l\. street. The lot is about 21 feet front, and iB3 j
feet deep, to Bread.street, or Moravian Alley. It has
long been one of the belMlands for bufmefs.
ad. A frame Dwelling-Houfc, No. 260, South Front- :
street, with a Bake-Houfc, the Lot is about 17 fe«r
front, by 130 feet in depth.
3d. A handsome Lot of 15 fcet by aOO feet deep, ex
tending from Third street to George-ftnjct •, it is the 3d
Lot below South-street: 00 George-ilreet there is a two
(lory brick tenement, a frame ditto adjoining, withagood
bake oven.
. Like Wife a LARGE MEADOW FARM, situate on
the River Delaware, at a convenient distance from Phila
delphia Market—the Meadow is of the heft quality, and
in good bank. There s»e commodious buildings, with a
good proportion of arable and WQodlajid. and Cedai
Swamp. For terms apply to JOHN LH LE,
; No. 40 North Sixth-street.
March a ift, 1796. I'l
, N Loan, for two or three years —pooo Dollars for
(Jwhich a mortgage on Land will bq giv«n itlccunty
The land is clear of ev»y in^wlbrance.
of tne Pxiiiter. t
J an - 9- --
New Hat and Hosiery Store,
Whulfsale and Retail,
No. 134 Market street, 3d door from the comer of
j Fofirtb, South fide
s MtNS'Black Anner®^ and loud nit to
r English Hals, of various Childien $ fancy ditto
oualme, and o.icc All kinds of fllk, and
Diito Drabs »nd Greenun- «otton v cotton, & thread
• 1 j. r , Hose
I adie's ditto, black K",t colored ftnialOon.
Dit'» ttrecches Patterns
c)e- K^onetcoloredditto, cot
gant and falhionable trim- ton
mings, Sec. A qjant.fy of mendmg cot-
Yo'ith s black and drab 00- to.», sorted colors.
T vi B The Hats finifhed in the oewelt talhion,
t * ' dim
"- M,v 7 ' —' ' - 1 ——
The Paxtnerlhip of
George Kennard & Co.
OF Duck Creek, bainj this day diilolved by mutual
consent, those having claims agamft said partnerlhip
h are requeued to call on the and fcch ai are m~
r, debted, will plcafc »ake KENNARD.
May 17 , 1796*
. A OKfiii/, on the uigbt >f Tbwf.u-j la/1, tlx
i\. q mfl. Boston Murray, a hlack
-■•cat Ut l 3 tr 19yearf of qgc, and about $ feet Bor J
9 inch'* 'igh ! ame of his eyes 'li dtfe&vue in the corner
tower* Iks His apparel cohjijled of a fmtjf color- (
ed rr/t/K. jxtcket, with*'a Manebefter ixfl under it ; a pair (
iff'jTinntzovrlers, end under them a light mixed cloth
pair of brtHkti- fflimrr apfirebentfc ijvfairtfervent,
*fd r.-ta'\sfr,!!-iarf9itftits him many jail in Pennfyt- 1
vttnia oh : V •7* 'I recrver hhn fiall reitine the
■vifv. " with 'eh z(g< - I
No. 109, SpriKe-flreei.
April it'. r df
For Sab,
A Three story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnvt
street, betweeto Front an J Second (Insets, is
Messrs. James C'albraith & Co. have for man) years'(and
now do) carried on business.
PofielTion .viil bc gjvcniu one mr\t)rh, ir foonfr.
For tcrnu apgly WILLIAM BpLL, or
. upril a,I. __ '
Notic? is hereby Given,
THAT in furfuanie of an ait' f the General \ffeni
bly of Penufylvanja, entitled " to enable the
" Oovernor ps this Commoa wealth, to incorporate » Com
" pany for making an -artificial Road from an intfrfeftion
" qf the.Philadelphia and Lancaftcr Turnpike road near
" the Gap Tavern, ia Lancaster county, to Newport and
" Wilmington in the State of Delawarethe coratnif-
Coners in laid aA apppinted will procure five book?, and
attend at the rcfpcCtiyc places directed therein to receive .
fubfer ; ptions for Stock in the company, viz. One book |
will be opeped in the city of Philadelphia. One in the
Borough of Lancaster, one at Strafburgh, in the county
of Lancaft r, one in the Borough of Wilmington, apd
que at the house of Sajnuel Cochran in the county of Chef
! ter.
- —Tke SWbfcrfbers, agreeably t6 tbsir appointraent n and
by said ad, will attend at the City Tavern in Philadelphia,
with on* of said Bo<ks, on Monday, the 6th day of June
next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, until 4 in the aftdr
noon, and fpr the twp days following, it ncccfljiry, for
the purpose atorefaid ; 011 the firi't of the said days, any
peribn of the ag« of 21 fhail be as liberty to fuV*cribe
in his own or v..iy other name or names by whom he shall be
authorised fur onefbare,on the second day lor oni or tiuofoara,
and on the third day fr one, t-wo, or three Jearcs,da4 in any
fuLtceding day, (if the said books shall cantinrte longer
open) for any number »f (hares jn the said Stock.
Every p.erfon previously to subs. r.biiig ia said books
.must pay to she attending commifnofteritv/cnty fi*c dol
lars for cwery ihare to be fubl'cribed.
1 Pbifailtlpbm, May 7 §tjutl. 7*
T the Subscribers* wharf, from on boar<4 tlie ft\ip Au
£\ rpra, cap.t. Sutvr, JSO Horeads
Prime Jamaica Sugars,
For sale by
i Willings and Francis,
. _—— ——-
J ohn Miller, just. & Co.
Na. 8 Clxiiiut jlrent,
Have imported in tbe late vfffitj from _Enrope ;
) , Amongst which are
, Striped and clouded NANKEENS,
Dimities and Mufliitets,
H A T $,
Neatly »<Tcrted in pickaxes,
IRISH UNEK'S, ditto,
' All whi<;h Aev will fell on the ljiofl reafbnable terras,
-foi 'Cavh ortht-ui . :l credit.
May II- | , ). . . ?
Table Cloths, Sic.
3 I No. 81, North Secertd, a few doors above Arch St.
% TNFORNiS his Briepds and the Public, that he Jl»s
| A f*le on reasonable terms, Datnafk Ta'ole Cloths, of dif
- /erentfiecs, with Napkinsto match the figure el'the sloth,
r Diapers, Irish I .inens,
Sarfiiets, Sheetings,
Perfiams, Checks,
J Eiig)i!h,patent SilkHofe, Co.irl'e Muslins, jtc&c.
0 Alfoy op ajfoft/ncnt of
d China, Glafe, and Queen's Ware:
Amorrajl which are
Blue&enamclled Break- China Jars and Bickers,
fail Cups & Saucers, Decanters,
Do. Gallon w" Wine Glaifes, lie.
Haif-Gajlon | J Crates will be put up at'tlie
Quart Ihorteft notice, ar<d tfec uJfuaJ
, Pint & | 3 credit given.
Half-Pint j a May 35 .1
r TTTE the fybferibers, Cpn\mi(Coiiers appointed by l#iw
y W to take fubferiptions for the Gap, Newport, and
Wilmingt mTurnpikc Road, do hereby give notice, that
we will attend for that purpose at the house of Samual
Cochran, on the 6th day of June next.
Chester County, ajth Aprjl, 1796. [May 7. §im]
I HAVE a quantity »f Maps which I w ll dispose of
en very advantageous terms to any person inclining I
id to paddhafe—and will also fell th- plates and copy right.
The Mao is laid down from a&unl measurement of all the
-vjiters and public road> in the (late —was exe
catcJ am.'erihc patronage of the Legiflaturc thereof, and
approved by it at their ftffion.—Apply at No. 59, north
fccond street. v
PbiWiipbi* May aB, *6.t.d.
For Sale,
THE time of a French Mulatto Boy, who about
Twelve years to fervc ; he speaks pretty good
English, and is a. good waiter. F.mquire of the.Printer.
June 1. diw.
?p WA N T E D,
"" Several Apprentices to the Printing-
BuGnefs Apply at the Office ef the Gazette of the
United States, No. 119, Chefnut-£re«t. i
Yazoo Lands. >
Mijy he had at lit Editor's o£ie; I IQ, Cie/uit-j!) ei\
A few Copies of " a Report nf the Attorni-v
Genetal to Conprrefs containing a Co!!eftion of
GhA^TE*B, puj other Doci'MfNTS,
relative to anil explanatory of the T itleto the 1
filtrate in the .Scuth Western parts Of the On;tc<l
Sts.Cr*, st>4 cH>iniclJ' , 'y.« > rrt»tn'Ccmpaivies tltdtr i
Jawt oi UicjSwtc yl G'OrtfM, psficj JaflOnry 7th.
'79?- _ ""
By the' Brig IVdcune Return, from Savannah,
27 Bales CO1"TON.
t>y the Schooner Abigail, from Chtrkflon,
ico Capis Prime RICE.
And, by th* jTJjii, fnm Befiun., ]
SEWING-SfLKS, various colours,
COSSAHS, and India Bandmntf Hanclkchfs..
For Site ly
N. Sc J. Frazier,
No. 9f. South Froptftree.f
IVhe bait a'fo on hand, and for Sale,
Prune Boston BEEF, jn barrels,
Carolina INDIUO, &c. 4cc.
May jt &f»o
A LARGE Commodious dwelling No. 114,
Bproce llreet, witli a convenient liable arid Coach
tfoufc,—Alfo fqr lale a Chariot hut little tlie worffe ftr
use. "e,o,d t.w.
June a.
Just imported,
And for SALE,
STJG AR and COFFEE, in hogibeadj
NEW RICE, in whole and half nereis N '
QDEEN'S WARE, inhrg<be*ds
WHITpLEAD, (drj.) lp .
COPPER, in Ihects
■ 7 Cafti!e and White 3oa|t
menc,.ll > on hi and Dipt Candlej and
BOSTON BEEF of the firft quality.
Il'aac Harvey, jun.
[6 mo, I. §3w] No. 5 fr>4th. Water Street.
STOLEN, on the night of the 27th inil fro;o a defle, .in
the Store of thcSaSfcribcrr, No. 81 Front ftreeV, sup
posed to be broken o[ enabout u-o'docU at night, the f< 1-
lowirig Notts', &c. v.hich die"Pubi c are cautioned againlt
negotiating ;as they c;'ri bt of- jx> use ti» any p'a-r&i but
the l'uburit>c'rs Payipcntof the
Debenture's,' which art drawn in tivcr it 'l&e fabferiber ,
and not endorfsd, is flopped.
Birfl, of * J>iU, drawn at JCingjlon, April 23, by Wni.
iisQTZ/} i r is* Co. at 6? daj;s,
on D. C. Bruuei', and acccptcd 13d Mjy, for 63 pound.!
Quebec -currency, and etidorfed to aiid by A. Macofci'*.
ivlicholas Blower's note, p-iyable'Miiy I, dafc.
Richard Xfcifliamfca's ditto • 978.15
Joseph Tljompfou'&do. 195-lf
The following Cuilofla-boufe Dibcnturss, viz.
ijr, 14* $S
9 if, Jtsiy 2J, SS3 i=>
927 August 20, 6579S
92J Sejt.mbe'r 30, '4VjIX I
jii D»e«ihber 14, 133:9 s
The •llowing 'jf viz.
3d and 4th of a bill a: JiS days; <Wawh t by Sc
ton, 'Jt Co. oil Johf>Lo<!ke,Lon
' d»p, in Urof of ourfclve», for £ ij& 8 S
3d o( a bila at 60 lUac Olafpfl
t3"Co. 011 Bird, S.vape and Bird,Lo.n4<Mi,,
jn favor of Phyn, Idis and tr.gli ~ 16 6
jd of a bill at 60 day-, drawil by S. Codrtia.ri,'
df Bafton,o« John W Franc » BatHJg W Co.
to order of Fhin, $llice is? ingiia *' icao'
3d ?f a bill dravfß by Robert Jtennudy, on
. Coult iff Co, at 40 dajf, our t,wn favour iooo.
. £ 6f6s v
Besides the *bove Dumber/>/ pa pets, afelrfs tr> any bue \
the owners, a quantity of money, amounting to about ijct
dollars, was at tfie fame tiirte. _
N., B. it the p«rfon v or pfrfor.s who carried off the a
tove, will enclose thefn to PSiler tif New York,
no fartHer notice will be taken of the rtahladtion.
• New-York, May 28. PEFISTER W MACOMB.
June l' '
Jphn Milter, jun &t Co.
e No. & Civeinfut Street,
1 Have received by file Shin
Frairt Calcutta,
, 160 Bales of Bengal Goods,
I 10,000 Pieces Nankeens,
il Of a Superior Quality.
350 Bags of SUGdR,
Which they will fell on advantageous terms
May to. J
This Day publijhed,
Price 31 1-2 Cents,
" Sold by William Young, corner of Second and
e Cbefnut llieets, and by the Booksellers generally.
- May 1-9. §
h TererlfFe Wine.
TEKEIiIFI'E WINE, in pipes, hoglheads, and
quarter calks, and jjo Filt ring Stones, just. ar
rived per the fchoo'ner Polly & Sally from I
for Sale by
d John Craig, ,
r - No. 12 Dock iVect.
— Best Soft lhell'd ALMONDS,
RAISiNS in Frails.
' SHERRY WINE, in Quarter Calks.
Jirilh CANVAS.
if Bristol and Iriiit WINDOW GLASS.
May 30 e9