#asp« of tbt Unite® otate& Num»b* 1165.] PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY EVENING, jCTI a, 1796. IX. 4|c;\ -3s, The Copper Bottomed Ship LJDT LOUIS J, WITH all her materials, as file came from sea. Like wise to be difpwfed of A number of CANNON and SMALL ARMS, „„ i Jo ard said re£fc 1. for terms apply to Parkgr & Wnarton*- \f»? * I—FOR1 —FOR SALE, The CARGO of Brig F!y, captain Hubber, arrived this day, from Jeremie, 'f*'Bags' 5 ' 1 Prime Green Coffee, 1270,000 wt. r o o Bags COCOA, 64,000 wf 6 Bales COTTON. » The Cargo has been put on board with an intention to proceed to Europe, and is reported »t Custom House for that purpose. The quality is prime. Samples can be feeu. - Is an almost new vefTel, and will be 'In- 1 fo'd with or without the cargo. Can proceed immediately. A liberal Credit will be given. Apply to Peter Blight. May 8 j'o For Sale, The SHIP COLUMBIA, WILL carry about 4400 barrels, is sixteen month old, well found, aad may be fitted for sea at a small expense. For terms apply to Benjamin Greenleaf, the Matter, onboard, at Vine flreet wharf, or to SAMUEL COATES, No. 8» South Ftont street. Mav is *$7 For sale or charter, ir. The sloop Betsey, John Dawkins, Matter, BURTHEN about 800 barrels, now laying at the fub fflriber's wharf, and ready to receive a cargo immedi ately. For terms apply to the captain on board, or JOSEPH SIMS. WHO HAS FOR SALE, I i And now landing from said sloop, Port-au-Prince Molafies and Coff«e, alio, Pale, Quilled, Yellow, and Red Bark, Malaga Wine, Imperial and Hyson Teas of the First Quality, &?. May § For SALE, or CHARTER, ®URTH£N about 2000 Bbls. of flour—fbe may be sent sea at a small expence, her fails and rigging being in appjy' to JOHNHTfcE, No. 40 North Sixth-street. 1106 4tf " < Landing, From on board the Brig Abigail, from Liverpool, EARTHEN WARE, in Crates; and A quantity of COAL; FOR SALI, If , Thomas Ssf John Ketland. April bo. § « Landing, { At Ruflell't whirs, the CARGO of the Sfiip Lady 1 .. . 1 Jame* Csoper, mailer, ictm Ckiaa, and the 4 Cape of Good Hope, CONSISTING OF SUGAR, in Cbefts and Bags ; ¥ WINES, in Butts and half Butts of ftiperior qua lity ; A small quantity of BRANDY; And a few Red HANDKERCHIEFS. FOR SALE BY r Parker & Wharton, No. 109, south Water*ftreet. April 16. § just Arrived, - In the Show Boston, James Kirkpatrick, master from Li verpool, 1 5000 Bufheli SALT ; 1 roo Crates QUEENS WARE; and " An Afibrtment of SHIP CHANDLERY; F O R S A L E On board, at Pine-llreet wharf. Apply to " James Campbell, or * George Latimer. 19. * > Country Seat for sale. . | Ait elegant Houte, and highly cultivated Farm, on the tact- ( ern bank of Hi>dfoo's river, bounded ©n the north by VerplancK'i Point, and distant forty-fiyq miifs from New 1 York ; the farm conftfts of 295 nati, and is oneof theraoft j pifturefque and beautiful firuaiions on the Continent ; com ) inandi»g an exienfive and variegated profpeft : the foil is rich, chiefly laid down in Engiifh grals, and is unaer cXcellcnt fence. 1 Th« house is a handsome two story double building, in the 1 molt modem style, finifhed with much t?fte, and poffefles c- 1 very rcquifne ior the accommodation ol a gcmecl family ; j there are alfoori the premises a new overfeer's-houfc, a new 5 barn, exrenfive stables, cow-(bcd, cyder-houle, Imoke-houfe, poultry houie, &c. There are abundance of fiuit com- ; prehending all ihe kinds whuh could be piocured j from the nurseries about town, now in full bearing, and a < well ftock'd kitchen garden A sloop goes twice a week to ihe cuy, trpm a landing convenient to the farm, and the Al- } bany poll road forms Lt.e raflern boundary, ] "the house, &c. are kept in neat ovscr for the TeCcpUon of the purchaier on the shortest notice, who might alio be accommodated with about i "zo acres adjoning the farm on the south, the j/reatel* part of # \fcbicfl along the river, which abounds with oysters and filb- Shr>uldhe aver(e to fanning, there are many rpfpe&able neighbours who would work it on advantageous terms Apply to & HUGH POLLOCK, GoiiVerneur's Lane, New or to JObtFPH ANTHONY & CO. May 27 §:m P:aladelph>a. INSUKANCE OFFICE. JACOB SHOEMAKER, HAVING been encouraged by several of his friends, t to Undertake (he Bufinefsof an Insurance Broker,. i to Which he fervtd an Apprentirefhip, has this Day. opened an Office at his Dwelling, Mb. 29, North Water-Street; Where he will be glad to execute Orders in that Line, and hopes bv kis Atientlon and Punctuality, to give fall SatisfadljQn to all those who may be pleased to favour hi'ni with their Business. May 16. d 3 cfh f T| - TO $E SOLD, A NEAT three story Brick House, almost new, situate on the south fide of Filbert, midway between Ninth and Tenth-Streets. For terms apply at No. 71, North Water Street. May M. r^- Sfop Thief! RAN away from the Subfcrjber.a black apprentice boy, about 18 years of age, smooth face, and remarkably well built. He took with him several suits of cloaths— one of'liviry, blue, turned with yellow—a pair of dowe coloured pluih brown fchonfloper faced with black plulh. Broke open the day he went away a trunk and stole therefrom nine pieces of gold—the property of Sir. Oilbert, asd picked the pocket of Gen. Crabb of 1$ ~ dollars. Any perfdn who Will secure fa.id thief stall be well rewarded by W.COOPER. May 13. [dtf] .Arch Street. This Day published, Price 31 l-J Cents, Ms. AMES's SPEECH , ON THE BRITISH TREATY. Sold by William Yoang, corner of Second and Chefnut tlreets, and b.y the Booksellers generally. May i.g. WAN T E D, ON Loan, for two or three years —2000 Dollars for which a mortgage on Lapd will be given asfecwrity " The land is clear of ev«ry ineumbrance. Enquire,pf tne Prjnter. J'P- 9 ■ d — New Hat and Hosiery StOxe, Wholesale and Retail, By WILLIAM M'DOUG ALL, No> 134 Marhet-Jfreet, 3 d door from the comer of Fourth, South fide. MJiNy ai»k Atnericanand loted ditto _ Enelilh Hats, of various Children's fancy ditto qualities a»d prices All kinds of silk, fiik and Ditto Urabs and Greenun- cotton, cotton, & thread d ders Hose 8 i Ladie's dittO,-bkck Knit colored fanialoons is And a large altortment of Ditto Drawers lancy ditto Ditto Breeches Fatterns Colored Beavers Silk Gloves st Wiih.a great variety of «Ie- Knotted, colored ditto, o, or three Jlaiex, and in any day, (if the said books shall continue longer open) for any ntiinber cf (hares in the said Stock. Every person previously to fubferihing ia said books mull pay to the attending commiflioners twenty five dol lars for every lharetb be fubferibed. GEOSGE LATIMER, ROBERT IVAL?. NATHL. LEWIS, ABIfAH LJIVES. £ Philadelphia, May 7 §tjun. 7. ■■ Landing, «• AT thc Su^f4:ribers. , wharf, from on board the (hip Au- rora, capt. Suter, 150 Hoglheads » Prime Jamaica Sugars, For faia by B Willihgs and Francis, T?- . § John Miller, jun. 6c Co. No. 8 Ql/efaUjireet, Have imported in the late veffi-f from Fnrope ; A GENERAL JSSORTMEN7 CP SPRING G O O D 5, Amongst which are Strippd and clsuded NANKEENS, Dimities and Muflinets, T H A T S, Neatly afTorted in packages, IRISH LINENS. ditto, All whith they will fell on the most reasonable terms, for Caih.or the usual credit. May ii. § Table Cloths, &c. , MAURICE MOYNIHAN, Ifo. 81, North Sectnd, a few doors above Arch St. INFORMS his Friends artd the Public, that he has for sale on reasonable terms, Damaik Table Cloths, of dif ferent fixes, with Napkins te match the figufe of the clotfy, Diapers, Jr fli Linens, , Sarfnets, Sheetings, Periisns, Checks, EngliOi.patent SilkHofe, CoaHe Muslins, scc&c. Also, tn ajfurtment of China, Glass, and Queen's Ware : Amonofl 7ibi:b are Blue & enamelled Break- China Jars and Bickers, fa-ft Cups & Saucers, Decanters, Do. Gallon w Wine Glasses, &c. Half-Gallon J Crates will be put up at the | Quart • J Ihortfft notice, and the usual Pint & § credit given. Half-Pint J w May 15 S Advertisement. WE the fubferibers, Commiflioners appointed by law to take fubferiptions for the Gap, Newport, and Wilmington Turnpike Road, dc hereby give notice, that we will attend for that purpose at the house of Samuel Cochran, on the 6th day of June next; JOSHUA PUSEY, JOHN M'DOWELLn : JAMES BOYD. JACOB LINDLEY, Chester County, ajth Aprj, 1796. [May 7, §Un] J MAPS OF 'MARYLAND. I HAVE a quantity of wiiieh 1 will dispose of •n very advantageous terms to any person inclining J to purchase—and will also fell the plates and copy.right. i The Map'is laid dovt'n from aiSlual measurement oi all the principal waters and public roads in the. ftatte—was exe cuted under the patron age if che Legislature thereof, and • approved byitat#heir feftion: —Apply at Jto- 5), north fecoad street. D. GRIFfITH. -Philddetpbia May 28, *6.t.d. For Sale, THE time <*f a French Mulatto Boy, vrho has about Twelve years tir sri *e ; he speaks pretty gotd Engltfli, and is a good waiter. Enquire of the Printer. June.l. di*. I, IvA N T si D, " Several Appreuti-ces to the Printing • Business Apply at ihe Office of the Gazette of the InkfdSw'fSi eh«fout-ft.v«t. 4 Yazoo Lands. May he bad at tbi Editor's Office I 19, Cbe/nut-Jirert, A few Cojtira of " a Report of the Attorney Oeneral to Congrefa containing a Coiletlion of Charters, Treaties aHi! other Doci'mknts, relative to and explanatory of the Title to the Laud situate in the South Wcftern parts of the l?nitcd S;atcs, and chimed by certain Companies order a law of the State of Georgia, passed January "thj '795> - ■ - China Goods. TH E Ship Atlak'tlc, S/tjt Stvai»t, ComMan;lfcr ( from Canton, will commence thu rfiieharge of lit t cargo to-morrow mofningac Wilaut.Ureet wharf Confuting 'of Yellow and white Naufceens of excellent qusjjcy PerQan Taffetics, black and coloured Lustrings, do. do> Sattir ( s bUck of various qualities Sewing silks in allotted ctnouro Vermillion in boxes Cadi a in chests Quirklilver in jars BOHEA, I SOUCHONG, | HY.SON SKIN, | f n, f YOUNG HYSON f * relh i eas » BEST HYSON, I IMPERIAL, J CHINA WARE, ornariiental, with Table and Te» Sets generally aborted. WHITE SUGARS, aud a quantity of Firll quality Bengal SALT PETRE. Sor Salt by Philip Nifklin h Co. April 8. i t.thiScs ■' ■» ' • ; * V ■j'V 1 'i' 'k, • jutt imported, And for SALE, SUG AR and CO F FEE, in hog {heads NEW RICE, in whole and half tierccs QUEEN'S WARE, in hoglheads WHITE LEAD, (dry) in cases COPPER, in fluets . v ") Callile a.id White Soap merican j> an( ( Candies and BQSTON BEEF of the Srll quality. li'aac Harvey, jun. . [6 mo, r. No. 5 loi\th Water Street. ~ RQiSBEKY~ ' STOLEN, on the night of the 27th kitt- frcrm a dclk, ill the Store of the iubferibers, No. Si Fr&nt j'tieu, sup» posed to he broken opeil about r1 i 'cjock at r.'eht. the sol* lowinglNotes, &C. wKicn title Publ'ie Ale cautioned againli negociatiug; they can be,of no use to any person fcjt the fubferibers Paymcrt of the Nates and Cullom liouftf Debenture?, which are diawii in favor of the lubfcribers, and not endorsed, is Hopped. firA, of a bill, draw n at Kingflon, April 13, by Wuw Berczy, in favor of Georgi Funythe S£f Co. at 60 days, on D. C. JJrauer, ar.d accepted ajdMay, si>r 63 pout,*i* Quebec currency, andcttdorfed to aud by A. Macomb, Nicholas Brower's note, iiajable May i, dolt. 500 Richard Williamfon's ditto 978.if Joseph Thompfon'sdo. The following Cuftom-honfe Debenrure<, via. Debenture No. 91.5 due June 15, I4"-o8 916 July 25, 30 917 AugultlO, 68796 918 September 30, 499 69 919 December 14, >33-93 Dollars ■ The '♦llswing 3ds and 4th! of Exchange, vi 2. 3d and 4th of a bill 3:90 days; drawn by Se ton, Maitland b"-Co. ou John Locke, Lon don, in favor of ourfdves, for £ Bj6 8 6 3d of a bill at 60 days, drawn by Isaac Clafon 53* Co. on Bird, Savage and Bird, London, in favor of Phyn, Ellis and Inglis, 3308 l 6 6 3d ps a bill at 60days, drawn byS. Codnian, of Bolton, on John Franc s Baring Is? Co. to the order of Phin, Ellice & Ingiis 1000 3d of a bill drawn by Robert Kennedy, on Coult & Co.at 40 days, our own favotir ;000 £ 6165 4/ Besides the above number of papefs, ufelels to any but ' the ownei'i, a quantity of money, amounting to about J3O dollars, was taken at the fame time. N. B. If the person or persons who carried off the a* hove, will enclose them to Pfifler W Macomb, New York, np farther notice will be taken of the tranfaftion. New-York, May 28. PEFISTER & MACOMB. June 1 W LANDING, This Day, at IVuln's wharf, J rem the schooner Pol* ■ ly & Sally, capt. Dove, from Teneriffe, Teneiiiffe Wine, In Pipes, Hogsheads, 3nd Quarter Calks. For Sale by Philips, Cramond Sff Co. juste 1 ' PRINTS. Publijhed by E. .Savage, And for Sale, at the COLUMBIAN , Chefnut, 3d door weft of Tenth street. A PORTRAIT OF GENERAL WAYNE, From the Original Picture, la the Columbian Gal s Price 1 t)ollar aud i$ Cents. I MUSCtPULA.—A MEZZOTINTO PRINT, ■ After a.celebrated piflure, painted by Sir J. Reynolds, : Price 1 Dollar and 7? Cents. j A PORTRAIT of WILLIAM SMITH, Of South Carolina, Price I Dollar and 15 Cents. The Little Favourite, price 75 Cents. The Barber's Shop, 37. June 1 $.1 t The Political Censor ; 1 Of, ■ monthly review Of POLITICAL OCCURRI NCF.3, For M AT, By peJer porcupine, Is this day publilhed at BEN r MIN DAVIES's t Bi ok ftofe, No. -68, Kit j jt - ■ fnW j